Stljc 4ttavkct0, Philadelphia Market. Deo. 14, I8S3. Floor and Mti,-Floor it in fair d. rnand, at S8 506 62, a 6 73 par bbl. There it a Heady demand for city consumptioa within the range of 8 60a7 50 for common and extra brands. Rye Flour it inactive, and it held at S3 12a5 25 per bbl., and Corn Meal S3 37 per bbl. fer Pennsylvania. ' Grain. There it a fair demand for Wheat. Rt steady prices. Salet of 6,500 bushels of prime red at SI 451 46, and White at SI 60. Salts ol Rye at 96 eta. Corn it rather dull. Salet of yellow at 64a70ct for new, according to qaulity, and 75e. for old. Oats Sales view Southern at 4 24 3c, and 46a47o. fer Pennsylvania. Whisht. Suits of bbls at 27c. nnd hhds at 26o. Baltimore Market Deo. 13 1853. GRAIN The nevrt by the Arctic hat ten eJ further to depress the market, and we tiote a decline in the priocs for both Wheat dCrn since our last report. Aboutjie,000 fcirshols ef Wheat were at market this morn- ing. Prime parcels sold readily, but far Wheat of not tlrtclly prims) quality the de mand was dull. We note sales of fair to prime whlitM at 152al5 cents. The offer ings of Cum this morning were again large, amounting to about 25,000 bushels. The de. menu nowever was not active, and pi ices en on d 10 o cenit per Dtisiiel. sales ot new uhile were made at 51a56 cents, and of new yellow at 5Pa62 cent. There was no old Corn of consequence at market. There were sales this morning of Maryland Rye at77a80 cenit, ami we quote l'riinsyivania do. at 92a H J cents. Ualt were in lair demand, but prices are somewhat lower than at the dale oi our last repoit. We note sales ot prime Pennsylvania at 45 cents, and of prime Ma li land rid. at 4)0.i4 1 tig. WHISKEY. The market for this article seems id be a little firmer, but we have as yet no change to note in prices. We con tinue lo'rpiote bbls. at 27ia28 cents, and hhdt at 26a27 cents, cash and lime. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT Wiisit. ' 140 Rtk. , 4 87 Cork. -62 Oats. - 40 Potatoes, i- 50 Bcttks. -20 Eacs. - - - 12 Pork. - - - 6 FllIJERD, 125 TltlDT. . -10 Btuwit -25 Hsckled Flax. 12 K." '" . -- . --'"-B-J New Advertisements. ORPHANS COURT SALE. N pursuance of an orJer of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public ssle, on MONDAY, the 2d day of JANUARY, next, at tha court house in the borough of Sunbury, the following real estate, to will A Certain tract of Land, situate in Zerbe township, sbout 1 J miles below Trevorton, the' Trcvorton Railroad passing through the land, containing two hundred and twenty one acres and allowance. ALSO: ANOTHER TRACT OF LAND, situate in Upper Augusta township, and county aforesaid, containing one hundred and seventy four acres, and a half, adjoining lands of A. Jor dan, J. W, Smi'.h, George Conrad and others. To be sulci as the property of Sarah A. Shaffer snd Isaac Shaffer, minor children of Jacob Shaf fer, dee'd., (each of said minors owning one fourth part.) The remaining one half part of the above tracts will also be sold at the above time and place. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A . M. of said dsy, when the tortus of sale will be made known. BENJAMIN HENDRICK8, Guardian. By order of the Court, f J. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1853. ) FOB. CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. RfsHE subscriber respectfully informs the public X that he has on hsnd, a Isrge supply of all kinds of WATCHES & JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, At his Store, No. 12 South Second Street, Phila delphia, which be will acll at ths lowest prices. JAMES B. FIDLER. Phila. Dec. 10, 1BS3. Laborers "Wanted. 0 0 Laborers wanted in &uubuy, constant J work all whiter, wages 1,121 per dsy. BOWES &. MA3.SKR. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1653 tf. TRUNKS, Carpet Bags and Valiccs; abo a lot of good Clocks tor sale cheap by Dec. 10, 1853. I. W. TENER 6c CO. List of Causes, HAD ft.lal in l.- f?n.,r nf r! nf Northumberland Countv. at January 'i A. D., 1S54. TLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. ... , , . r Jacob Zartman's Henry Klsze & Eve In. wife v. aulmilistrator J B Masser Daniel B. Caofield John Hunter John L'V eager vs vt VI vt Reuben Fagsly Cornelias McUinley John Hasg Geerge Bright S Jenks with notice D Hoata for M Sweny vt to terretensnt Christ cV McFadden Wendel L Keller J dr. A bhisiler vt vs Susanna Reid va John F Wolfiager Daniel Ulenn Rauben Faselv A- Co vt John Rosser lr Co Daniel Gibson vt Jacob Kennert Sc Wm Fabler J Otl Rockefeller vs Jesse l; nor ton vs Reuben Troxel vt Harrison Heiin vt R D Cummings vt Same vt Same Hugh Martin George Parfot Samuel Ewing David McMickea John Si Good Morris L Hallowell vt James Reed Garnishee Scull eV Thompson vt Same Buruett Saxton tf co vt Same Richard B Britten A co vt Same Smmm vs Same Ahrahiin Kissineer ex're vt John W Btamm Jesse Hensyl vt George W Slartrel It Mssaer vt John H Purdy Jacob Klin . s Joseph Kline adm r Wm F Waganejller s Kipp Adauis Herlraeii Frick Sc Vamlliug vt h andling 4 Vandliug Jeremiah Wetzel ve 1 ueorge uaroian ei ai Peter Sheddy vt Wm August & H Kriner ElijuU Crawford Peter Bilmyre H V Simpson Wm D Cook Coramonwealib John V Meley Henry Wilhehn Samuel Neidig AleuElderd t-leulisn Ellie adm'r vt VI vt vt VI vt vt vt M it P Bilmyre Abraham Marshall Beui Bullington Samuel Johnson George Eckert adm'r . John WeddecomD Frederick Wilbelm George Conrad Wm H Cuamberlio vt EL Piper Thomas M'Williame George Kckeru adm'r John W Peal Thomas U WtU vt W'ilsen Hutchinson ts Henry Reader Tf Peter Kerlin vt Jacob Roub Jacob Stiiaet ve ' yavui uouiu JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. Prothew teiry'e Office. ' i Funbury, December 10, 1853. SHERIFF SALE. 11 Y Virtue of a certain writ of Ltv. Fa. to me - directed, will be sold bv pulilio vendue or outcry, on Monday, the 2d day of January next, at the Court House, In the borough of Sunbury, Rt I o'clock, P. M, a certain equal undivided seventh part or A Tract ol Land, situate in Little Mehanov township, Northum berland county, surveyed in the name of Ma.hias Ziramermsn, adjoining lands of John Boyd, Mi chael Croll and Peter Mowrer, containing in the whole four hundred and seventeen seres more or less. - Seised, taken in execution and to be sold M the property of Williem Ayere. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office . . Sunburv. Dee. 10, 1853 J The News of how the War Between the Turks and Russians GOES on is not of to much interest to the inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity as the fact that I. W. TENEll k CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a large, beautiful and varied stock of goods, which they will sell cheap as heretofore. They respect fully request their friends snd the public to csll and see them. 8unbury, Pa., Dec. 3, 1853. A. Stray Sow. A Stray Sow came to the premises of the sub scriber, in Shamokin to wnship, Northum berland county, about last harvost time. She is of white color with black spots, ber right ear partly cut off, and since on this premises, has got five pigs. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pny charges and take her away, otherwise she will be dispssed of ac cording to law. JOHN HOOVER. Sliamokin (p., Dec. 3, 1353. 3U PARTNERHSIP. Y1K. JOHN CLARK respectfully informsliis friends and customers that he hss taken into partnership, Mr. Henry Parton, and that the business of lilnt-ksmithing will, hereafter, be conducted un der the firm of Clark & Parton, at the old stand, west of Ira T. Clement's Store, in Market street, Sunbury. JOHN CLARK, HENRY PARTON. N. B. Persons indebted to the subscriber are informed that his books sre in the hands of G. M. Yorks, Esq., for settlement. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1853. If. AUDITORS' NOTICE. 14jOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ' Auditor, appointed by the Orphans Court of ISortliumborland county, to make distribution of the assets of the estate of A. C. Barrett, dee'd., to and among the creditors of said dee'd., will attend to the duliea of his appointment on Fri day, the V3J of December, inst., at his office in Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. H. J. WOLVERTON, Auditor. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1853. 3t &3HAWLS Broche, Thibet and Woolen in great variety Black and Fancy Dress Silk, bilk lace, velvet and othor 1 rimming.. Worked collars, under-slecves, shlmazette, ruffs, just re ceived and for sale by I. W. TENER &. CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 18S3. CRANBERRIES, Ground Nuts, Almonds, Pecsn Nuts, Wall Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Rsisins, Figs, Citron, Lemons, Candies and Toys, just received and for ssle by uec 10. S3. I. W. I EN E It ft CO, BURNING FLUID, Camphene, Sperm and Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur pontine, Candles and Soup, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1S53. TJARDWARE Table Cutlery, flozora, Ai Pocket Knives, Hund Saws, Wood Saws in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Lcoks and Hinges Hsnd Bells, W alters. Arc. just received snd for sale by . 1. W. TENER & CO Sunbury, Dee. 18, 1853. TV" ALL PAPER. A large and splendid as ' sortment of Wall Paiier, Window Paper, and Oil Shades, just received and for aale by Dec. 10, 1853. 1. W. TEN En & CU. List of Jurors, F Northumberland County, for January xeim, a. u., inai. (ai-and Juror. Sunburt.-E. Y. Bright, Jacob Youiigman Northumberland. George Apsley. Milton. Wm. Stiiue. Jesse Deirickton. John Miller. Ti'RBUT. Jacob Hoffa. Wm. R. Kiamer. Delaware. Wot. Kiik, James Oaks. Henry Culp. I hilimii;ao.ui. John Caul. Upper Augusta. Wm Reed Shamokin George Fox, Martin Cart. Coal Joint L. Gilger. Rush. Christopher C. Ryan. Lower MaiianoV. John Bingeman, Philip Mestuer, Peter Borrel. Upper Msiianov. Wm. Bur k home. Jackson. Daniel Kemple. Jordan. Jacob Hoffman. Zerbe. Anthony Gillaspie. TRAVERSE JURORS. Sun burt. John Young-, Pelor W. Gray. C. O. Buchman. Agustus Clement, Washing- ion omitn, wm. AicLariv, t-ti Kenlcr. Northumberland. Wm. Sueeter. Milton. Samuel KU. Tur but.--Nathaniel Brillain. Lewis. Geo. P. Camp, Peter Strauss, Comly Vincent, James 1) Barr, John Tweed. Delaware Henry J. Header, James Beard, John Bryson, Charles Haeeubacb, John M'Kinney. Chilisquaoue. Alichael 61 Gee, Abraham Troxel. Point. John lleckert. Geo. Leaner, sen. Lower Augusta. Solomon Weiser, Jo seph Gats, S. H. Zimmerman, Jos. Weilzel. Shamoein. Wm. H. Muenrh, Conrad Yost, Charlea Martz, Samuel A. Bergalresser, John Ripley. hush. Wm. Clark, Isaac Woodruff, Abnar Pilner, Joseph Sharpless, Philip Huff. Bon- ham R Kase, Garret Vauzant, John Colcoll. Coal. Herman Snyder. Lower MaiiaroT John Soatz. Georse Broriout. Jacrsor. John Bohnar, Samuel Malic b. Upper Mahanot. Feliz Mowrer. Zerre. Benjamin Palton. relit Jurora. Sukburt.-J. W. Frilinn, Charles Beck. Nuuthumberland. Wm. Van Lear. Milton. K.I ward Crispins, Wm. Nagle, J. B Reed, Jesepb Bound. - Turbut. Wm. Fiaukenfield. Deia ware. D. H. Watson, Cyrennies Bomboy, John M. Smith, John C. Hodman. Lewis. J . Roan Barr. Chil!so.oa.ue. John Simpson. Point Henry Watts, Edward Grady. Upper Augusta Jamet Forrester, Reu ben Garringer, John Kieffer. Imiri Aitoiuta Wm. Mallich. Shamoein. -Asa John, Leonhaid Roibarmel Tiak VI Dm.. John Fiher. Toax. Michael Kersieller, Richard Wol- .non Hni. Marlz. Joseph Walvarlon. Rush Peier Campbell, Abraham Moore, Ira Hi ley Albin Hughes, 1 nomas vatinie, IT.ra Miumov. Jacob H. Kauflnsaii. I.ittlr Mahanot. Wm. Rsker, lirtel Dunkelberjer. SUNBlIM' AMERICAN AND SfiAMOlUN JOURNAL. PROCLAMATION. TOTICE is hereby given that the several ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence Rt the Court House, In the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the Snd day of January next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices apbertaining to be done. 'And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proner persons to prosecute against him, as shall be Just and not to deport without leave at their peril. Juror.' are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tta time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 3d day of jLrccemoer, in uieycaroi our j.oru uu-iuuuBunu eight hundred and fifty-three -snd the In dependence of the United States of Americs the 77th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Bheriff. God save the Commonwealth. REGISTERS' NOTICE. jMOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, ' Creditors and oUier persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphsus' Court of ssid County, on Tuccday, the 3d day of January, A. D., 1854, in the forenoon, for confir mation nnd a.lowance. Jacob Gesrhsrt, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs., M. W. Jackson and Wm. B. Kivp. Peter Swank, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, Daniel Swank. George Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, John N. Oyster. Michael Kebok, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors, Godfrey Rcbock and Peter Fersler William Berkheimer, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs, Allen Shoemaker and Samuel Berkheimer. David Faux, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, William H. Kase. v Petcr Brosious. dee'd., supplementary aect. settled by his Ex'rs, Peter Brosious and Godfrey Rabock. 8amuel 13. Irwin, dee'd., settled by I). W. Ir- land, one of the Adm'rs of W. W. Lland, dee'd. Edward Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor John Young. George Haupt, sr., dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs tieorge Haupt & Sebastian Haupt. John Wert, sr., dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, John Wert. Lvilia Herb and Judith Herb, settled by their Guardian, Felix Maurer. Solomon Malick, settled by his Guardian, John Wolf. John C. Snyder, settled by his Guardian, George Snyder. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's Office, Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1853 J ORPHANS COURT SALE. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court - of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on MONDAY, the 26th of DECEMBER, next, . at ihe public house of James Covert, in the Bor ough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said dsy, to wit : A Certain tract of Land, situate in Lower Augusta township, in said county, adjoining lands of John Hart, John Hen derrhot's heirs, David Shipman, Peter Berlew and others, and mountain land containing about fifty acres more or less. ALSO: at 1 o'clock, P. M. of ssid day, at the above named place, A Certain Lot of Ground, situate in the southern part of said Borough of Sunbury, bounded and descnlied as follows, to wit: on the east by landa of George Veiser, (tanner,) on the aout!i by lands of the heirs of Ueorge Harrison, dec d., on the west by tlio Sus quehanna river or Broadway, and on the north by out lot of John G. Youngnian, containing one and three quarter acrea more or less. Late the estate of William K. Brown, dee'd. Terms made known on day of sale by GEORGE WEISER, Guardian of the minor children of said doceasrd. By order of the Court, J. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, Dec. 3 1853 I ORPHANS1 COURT SALE. YN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court R- of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises oil SATURDAY, the 31st of DECEMBER, 1853, the following described real estate, to wit ; The Eastern half of Lot number 178 in the Borough of Sunbury, bounded by Jilackbeny street on the south, Lot No. 177 on the east, Unrlerry allry on the north, and wes tern half of lot No. 173 on ths west, containing 30 feet more or less on blackberry street, and 230 feet moie or less to Barberry alley. On this lot there is a large two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, about 30 feet front by 38 feet deep, with a one story log kitchen back. There are aundry out-bmldings un the premues, and a large num bei of fruit treca of choice kinds. In connection with, the said premises passes the right to all alley three feel and eleven inches wide, along the western wsll of the dwelling house, extend ing the depth ot the house, and 3 feet 11 niches beyond. At the same time and place will be sold with the above premises, all that part of the adjoining Lot No. 177, bounded by Burberry alley on the north, River street on the cast. Part of same lot No. 177 belonging to the German Reformed Church on the south, and lot No. 178 on the west, containing 160 feet more or less in lencth from north to south, and 0 feet more or less in width Irom esst to west. Kale to commence at 10 o clock. A. M. of aaid day, when Ihe terms will be msde known by JOHN H. PURDY, .'U.IU1H11 V. Court, ) ;ik. o. c. S 3, 1853. is. ) Uuardiau of Oakley Purdy Jiy order of the Court, J. r. rUKSr. L, Clk Sunbury, Dec. 3, ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed lo public Hle, on SATURDAY, the 24th of DECEMBER next. on the premises, the following described Real Estate, to wit: Thirty acres off of the North Eaat corner of A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND,, situate in Sliamokin township, county aforesaid. bounded on Hie north by land of Daniel Miller, on the esst by land of Nancy Wolverton, on the seutn, by lands or said Nancy and Michael Ziro merman, and on the west by landa of aaid Mi' chael and Philip Persing, containing about two nunursu ami loriy arm in the whole. Late the estate of William Persing, dec d. Sale to com snence at 10 o clock, A. M. of said day, when the lerma oi aaie win be made known by . PETER PERSING, one ef the Ex're. By order nf the Court, ) JNO. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. V Sunbury, Nov. X6, 1853.-U. ) . aUEENSWAREBeeutiral sets of Tea ware, in China, Stone China and Delf. Dinner and Supper Dishes of all kinds, Toilet Sets, covered Disbea, China Fruit Baskets and Ornaments, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware in variety, and I umblera from cents upwards, tost receiveo ana lor esis oj Pe. 10, 18J. . W. TENER CO, In the matter of the Estate of B ALTZER , B0RDNER, deo'd. The Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania to Jonathan, Philip, Peter. Joseph, Isaae and George Bordner, Maria intermarried to Paul Lahr, Elizabeth married to John Dockey, Catharine married to Elijah Anderson, Louisa Ann married to Daniel Michael. Also to the following Grand children of Ualtter Bordner, who ere the children of hit eldest ten Ed ward, now deo'd., to wit: George, Augustut, Hotiry, William, Benjamin, Satan an I Mar garet. The said Henry, William and Benja min are minors and havo for their Guardian Ad. litem George Brosious, and Sarah married to Arthur Hill, lineal descendants end heirs of Balizer Bordner, deo'd., and all others inter ested. Grei-.tino. Northumberland County, a. You tie hereby cited to be and appear before I lie Judges of our Orphans' Court In be held at Silt bury, on Ihe fust Monday of Jnuuary next, then nnd there to accept or refuse lo tnke ihe real estate of said Baltzer Bordner, deo'd , tiluate in Lower Mahaney township, county aforesaid, at the valuation made by an innuisiiion held on said real estate October 3d, A D. 1853, and returned November 7 ill, A. D. 1853, or show cause why the tame should not bo sold according to l:w, and hereof fail not. Certified from the records of our said Orphans' Couit of said Counlv al Sunbury, this 7th day of November, A. D. 1853. JNO. V. PURSEL, Register. December 3, 1853. Estate of J. P. SHINDEL, deo'd. 1aTOTIC is hereby given, that letters testa ' mcntary have been granted to the subscribers on Ihe estate of J. P. Shindcl, late of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All those knowing themselves nucbted lo or having claims against said estate, are requested to make settlement without delay. J. G. L. SHINDEL, Selinsgrovo, M. L. SHINDEL' Sunbury, Executors. Sunbury, Nov. 86, 1853. 0U Estate of SAMUEL THOMPSON, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to Ihe un dersigned upon the estate of Samuel Thompson, late of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All per sons having claims ago inst said estate are request ed to present them, duly authenticated, for settlemeut ; and those knowing themselves in debted to make pavment without delav. MARIA THOMPSON, Adm'rix. Sunbury, Nov. 19, 1853. CU Estate of PETER 0BERD0RF, deo'd, NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on Ihe estate of Peter Oberdorf, late of Upper Augusta, Northumberland county, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present tliem lor settlement. All persons indebted to the estate on vendue notes are re quested to call for settlement. PETER OBERDORF, ) r , GEO. OBERDORF, S Upper Augusta twep., Nov. 19, 1S53 Ct. Estate of CHRISTOPHER WOODS, dee'd. late of trie Borough of Northumberland. ETTERS of Administration on the above I named estate having been granted to me. ebtora and creditors of the .same are requested to call at my olTice in Northumberland, to settle or inske known their claims. DAVID TAGGART. North'd, Nov. 19, 1853. Ct. ATS AND CAPS A splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats, Iso Cloth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sale low by ti. E1.SBERG 4- CO. Market street, opposite the Post Ofttce. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. Estate of GEORGE ARMSTRONG, deo'd. jVOTICE i hereby given that lettera of Ad- ' ministration have been granted to Ihe under- igned upon the estate of Ueorge Armstrong, late of Uppor Augusta township, dee'd. Those knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately, and those having claims to present them to JAMES SMITH, Adm'r. 8unbury, Nov. i 1853. Cl Important to Coal Dealers. THE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under tha firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping snd selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. 1 hey will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on eni'lract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Sliamokin hv KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. Sliamokin Town Lots. THF subscriber is now prepared to exhibit and dispose of Lots in Ihe new Town-Plat of Shamokin. Persons desirous of purchasing can ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by calling on the subscriber, at Mi-umokm. WM. ATWATER, Agent Shamokin, Oct. 15, 1653. tf. m. m. SAarHounv. o. iivvast, la I. a. niiiiii Burtholow, Tifiaiiy 5 Co. IMPORTlins AND Dl'.AI.r.ltS IN Foreign and Domestic DR1T GOODS, AND AGENTS FOH Til K SALE OT AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 268 Haltimort Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap aa they can be bought in any other market they may lie returned forthwith at our expense. Baltimore, Nov. 26, 18o3. ly. AUDITORS' NOTICE. In the matter of the partition of the estate of James LemoiT. dec d. In the Court of Common pleas of Northumber- Isnd rounty. Thomas Lemon et al. ) No. SI January Term vs. 1045 Order of sale, Jesse C. II or ton &. wife. No. 0 AueustT 1833, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, auditor appointed by the aaid Court to distribute the moneys raised by sale in the above case, lo and among the persons entitled to the ssme ac cording to law, will attend to the duties of bis said appointment on Saturday, the I7lh day of Decern I r next, at 10 o clock, A. M. of said day, at the house of Mrs. Maria Thompson in the Borough of Sunbury, at which lime and place all persons interested are notihcd to attend. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. 86, 1663. 3t AUDITORS' NOTICE. in the mater of the partition of the Heal estate or J nomas urata, uec u. In the Court of Common pleas of Northumber land county, No. 42, April lerm, A. I). 1SJ Kenderton Smith, et aL ) The underaigned vt t Auditor appointed by George Giant, et at. J the aaid Court to make distribution of th's moneys in Court oa said pro ceeding, in partition among the persona entitled to the tame, hereby gives notice that be will at tend to the duties of bia appointment on Friday the 16th day or December next at 10 o'clock of aaid day, at the House of Mrs. Maria 1 hompson in the borough of Sunbury, at which time and place all persons interested mty be present if they tee proper. WM. M. ROCKELELLER, Auditor, luntury, Nov. IU5S It. ,' ' New and Fashionable Goods 1 J JOHN V. MARTIN, Fashionable Tailor, beer Strut, on door north of C. J. Bruntr't Lmo Offict, Sunbury. HAS just received from Philadelphia, the beet and most desirable stock of Goods that bat ever been brought to Sunbury, such as CLOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, green, olive and blue. A splendid assortment of such at tstin, velvet, Grenadine silks, plush vel vets, cashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article of white Grenadino for wedding vests. Also- all descriptions of cloth for OVERCOATS. An extensive variety of plain and fsnry cassi mcrs for pantalrons. Common goods for coata, pants and vests, coat bindings and cordings ; a superior article of NECK TlKS AND STOCKS, of the latest style, plain and fancy black cravats, hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk undershitts, drawers, men's drab buck-lined chumois and other gloves, and trimmings of every description. Also on hsnd a few articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to bo equal to his customer work and aunerior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buying ready made clothing of mo cun have them re a paired gratis in case of ripping or giving out. aa I warrant all my articles I return my thanks to the public for their pre vious patronage and respectfully solicit a contin uance of Ihe same. Aa I am determined not to be undersold, my goods will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms for cash. Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1803. . An Elegant and Durable Hat FOR $3.00, Equal, if not svperior to ny now offtred. a FOSTER & GLBHARD.fb-, Third St., Itlov Chestnut, t-SS-PHILADB PHIA. OFFER at very reduced prices the following; LADIES' Riding Hats and Bonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of all colors. Cloth. Plush, and Glnzed Caps, of every vario. tv of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and Travelling Caps. Soft Huts of every style and finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Gents lists. tiT A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Phila., Nov. 5, 1 853. 3m, Cheap Watches 5 Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel. nhia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 86 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Gold licrar Vtchrs, full jeweled, 1M earnt cases, ti9,P0 lld Lepius tak. QUMO Fine Silver Spectacles. 1,50 liver l,f.p. full jewtlnd, SO.tOnlcl Hraceleta, 3.(H liver Lever, full jewl'J 11 ! adirs' Gold IVncill, 1.IHI upeilor Qunrliers, 7. ISilver Tea spoons, set, 6,00 i"ld fiiecuulet. 7,Ua Gold Tens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37 cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, IS; Lunet, 25 ; other articles in pro'wrtion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. 8TAUFFER & II ARLE Y, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levera and epines, still lower than the above prices. Sept 10, 1853. ly. DAVIS & CULIN, Dealers in LAMPS, LANTERNS 1c CII.4NDKI.IERS, N. E. Comer Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA, TTJA VING enlarged and improved their Store, and having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared lo furnish 1'IAE Oil. CAM FH EINE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphcne Gas nnd Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all pa terns, runcv Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Candeleabras, and Brittannia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices. Being largo MANUFACTURERS of me Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tha Safety Fl id Lamp for ssle. Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly. Platform Scales, Long l-novnStverely tetttd Alwuyt right The Aeinonled- gut Standard. Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Far- 5ri!ijdK? mere? SCALES, set ill any part of the country, at short notice. AGEXTS UEU. W. t'OLUY, 340 Market at., .Philadelphia, E. Y. liright, Sunbury. October S3, 1853. 3m New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & IsANING, MANUFACTURERS fc l.MI'ORTURS, No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. WHERE may be found the largest and liand somest assortment in the City. Purchasers from Ihe country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, where they will be suited with a suuerior article, at the low est prices. . llUltiUA oi LiAINlAti. No. 124 Arch SStrcct, above tilth. Phila., Sept. 17, 1S53 3m. PAPEB. EA1TGI1TGS. W. WILSON, Kb. 9 South Fourth Street, five daors beluw Market sc. hast side, PHILADELPHIA. HAS for sale every variety of WALL PAPERS. from 6 cents par piece upwards, including Fine Satins, fjeld and V elvets, imitation Woods, Marhlea, &c. Also a great variety of new style of Curtain rapers, flue Hoard Inula, Borders, Stc. 1-lealcrs supplied at the lowest rate. Phils., Sept. 24, 1853. 3m. WM, W. HAIVIER, No. 99 North 2nd Street, tua doors above ihe Jilt, ternrn House, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Pine Camnheue, Fluid, Lard, and Oil Oil or LAMPS Chandclcirs and Caudelabras, fur Church es, mores, farlors, Ifc rTMlE subscriber would moat respectfully invite. -- the attention of storekeepers and the public ill general, to his large slock of goods, consisting of the above named articles, which will be disposed of at the lowest manufacturer1! prices W bole sale and Retail. Also, beat quality of Burning Fluid, Piae C or Camphine, Globes, Shades, Wicks, oio. N Newell's patent safety Lamps, a article for aale. Phila-, Nov. S, 18533. . WnUTlNO FLUID and self aealiug Eave- y y lorjaa. Inat meeivad and for sale bv AwU 19. ISM II. U. MA88EK. JUICES' FEE DILL uubuty, 11 Look to your Interests I W will try to please I f S. N. THOMPSON RESPECTFULLY informt hit friends and the public generally, that he hat just re ceived at hit store, in Market ttreet, Sunbury, eeiow weaver' t Motel' an extensive ttock or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of - Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cnssimert. Cassrnttr, Jeans, Drillingf, Aiuxnns, restings, Linens, Cfc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin 4e Lnivs, Lawns, Ginghams, Brragcs, Rvks, . H'otlens, Ftannels, tfc. GROCERIES, Sugar. Tena, Cofl'ce, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c, Slc, cVc. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, 8uwa, Knives A Forks, dec. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. SOOTS AND (HOBS. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women end children. Hats Caps, &c, of various sizes and styles. Beaidca a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. 7" Country produce ot all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 11 mo. 26 185.1. 4 m. 30, 'S3. IIYIPORTANT NEWS ! Goods C'lieana- titan Evert I AT THE NEW CLOTHING ST0EE. Market Street, opposite the Fo&t Office. fi ELSBERG & CO. are receiving a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Uoods, the cheapest, best and prettiest ever brought into Sunbury. We have on hand and arc adding constantly a fine assortment of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, comprising partly a great lot of Overcoats, double coata, business coata, black and fancy cloth, Sati nett, and other coats, too numerous to mention. Also, Black and Fancy Cassimers, Cassinett and Satinett Pants. Also, silk, tatin, cloth, tatinett, velvet and other Vests; also a fiuo supply of all kinds of Underclothing. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Silk Wool and Fur Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, all kinda of Jewelry, Revolving and other Pistols, travelling bags, trunks. Shirts and Col lars, and Gen'leman't furnirhing goods in gen eral. All of which we ofl'ur at the lowest cash prices. Please csll and look at our goods ; persons in need of Goods in our line, will, we are confident, find it to their great advantage to purchase from us. Wo are bound to uphold our rapidly spread ing reputation of being the cheapest Store in Sunbury, Come and satisfy yourselves of the truth of our motto ; cheap for cash. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1853 tf. IT;V CLOTfllRC. STOKE. A BRANCH OF TUB Clothing Manufactory, OF S. SHNURMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. WE Jcspeclfully announce to the citizens of nlihiirv vwiiiiti.' that ua K t-m complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which we invite the attention of purchasers. - Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, 1'Iain over coats, Dress coats, Frock and Sack coats, Mon key Jackets, Pants and Vests, plain and fancy i Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Gloves, Stockings, Keck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Woolen and Silk llats, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, Gaiters, Slippers and Carpet Dags and Trunks, Umbre.las and everything generally kept in a well aupplied clothing and gcnllcmans' furnishing store. We keep also a good assortment of WATCHES, Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to be good. AVe sell at the lowest cash prices for our motto is, "Small Profits and Quitk Sales." We have but owe priet and no abatement, to that a person is sure to get the worth of bis money, whether he is a judge or the goods or aok If any article doea not give satisfaction aa to Jit, we will take back tho goods and refund the money, proviucu llie.v ore returned on the aame day they were purchased, when the purchaser resides in town, and in ono week, when he residea in the country. Price the aame aa at tha Danville Manufactory IjT Call and aecure the Bargains. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 -tf PROCLAMATION. JMOTICE is hereby given that a Special Court of Com mnii Pleas, in and for the r... r k .i 1 i i .tuuij ui iiui i iiuuiucritinuj in commence at llin Court House, in the borough of Sunburv at 10 o'clock, A. ai., on Monday Ihe 16ih day of Juuuuiy next, and will continue ONE Jurora are requested to bo punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed ugrceauiu 10 uieir nonces. Given under my hand al Snubiiry, ths 26lh .j r ' i i . . uuy oi i-ovcinuer, in ine year ol onr Lord one thousand eiuht hundred and fifty-three and the Independence of the United Stalet ot America the 78ih. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. List of Causes. OU Special Court of Common Pleas of iNortliuuiberland Countv to commence on nionuay, the I bin day ot January next, A. V 1854. Edmund Winchester vs Psvid Watson. George Shilcy va Ab'ra Hunkellierger's admr'x Ahnah Cowen vs in II Thomnson Com'lh for Wnt L llciuenian vsT A llilliugloii win;. r.r- ... U ........ i. ...vai.jr oainiici J 1 Ullicr Daniel Khmles vs Jsc.di Wc.rtman Isaac HoHa & Wife va Henrv Latsha Simon Snyder va George Snyder Hita for ftB!r Moyer Mojer't Gar liishee ashington Mutual In turance Company va E Kaufman et al State Mutual Fiie Insu- . ranee Company P,D" Albia Newberry va Thomaa Raser Mahunoy and Shamokiu Improvement co Abraham Paul Oliver li Hiltiard vs John Hartinau Jr John W Peal va Joseph Dioiinick, eu al. William Foreman et al vt John Parks Jane llogar va George P. Uuyera et al John liush it Wife rt Nathaniel Sastona adm'r Jacob K Rhuada vs J Fay dc -J Herman Jordan Walker for Lodge No 8 va William Fagely Jacob Hilbish vt Abraham Reuhendahl Daniel P H iibish oa Ueorge A paley Kobest FhUipe vs Zerby Ruu and f-hsmokiu Improvasnent Company ftry Vickery ve Daniel Lauha'a beirt Henry A Lechner ve Joseph Bound -Win M. Rockefeller ve Csrba Kua Imp Co JAMES BEARD, Pr.ih'y. Prolhenotary'a Office, Sunbury. Nov. S6, ISM. I , I'll 4CL. TRACY, Wholesale Deal er in Confectionary, Fruits and Groceries, No. 80 SG4t MARKET Bireet, above aistb, soutb tide, nest door to Red Lion Uetel, Pbilsdelphia Phila., Oct. xa, lean em. This Way I This Way f This Way lit Fall and Winter Goods. FRILINa & GRANT. ' IJESPECTFULLT Inform their cottomere' and the public that they hive lust receiv ed and opened the beat and cheapest ftock of Fall and Winter Goods, at their store m Market square, 8pnbtrrv Their ttock cdnsistt of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassitntres, Sattintts, Vesting. , Flannels, WoUen,te.t And all kinda f Fall Si Wmfer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS St FANCY C00DS, Cnlrcofs, Gi'ngArrmi, Chintxes, De Lainer Berages, r And every variety of goodt tuilaUe for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of nARLWAEE and QT7EENSWABJL Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps ron Men and Bovt. Also a large assortment of CiKOCEUIES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teat, Coffee , Molassea, Spice of all kindi. Also a tresh supply of DtlUCS AND MEDTCTfE Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of gootla lo be had in this- place. IS Country produce of all kinds l.k.n I- change at the highest market price. I 1. . ounuury, nov. ix, IH03, NEW Clock 6; Watchmakers. KIRSOH Sc CO. ATE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker' " ahop in the building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Tener de Co'a Store, in Market Street, Sunbury, Fa., Whero they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, flC2 "ELs ffB BC3 SSL 9 Silver & Gold Watches, eto. Also, Jewelry, Consisting of Gold Bresst-pins, Ear and Fmgef Rings, Medallions, Cuff-pins, Ladies tc Gentle mans' gold and til ver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plaied Tea and Table spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, dec, SPECTACLES, Of all aizes, suiting every age. Ppy Glasses, Pocket Books, of all sizes. Razors, Hair Oil, Re volvera, and other pistols. Brushes, Combs, 8oap, Slc, &.c. Also, a large stock of Musical instruments t amongst which aro Accordeons, Violins, Flulins, Fifes, Flutes. CARPET BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. Alt sizes of rea dy made Shirts and Collars ; all of which will he sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore told in Sunbury, VW Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Rings repaired in (he best manner and at the shortest notice. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1S53 3. Consumers, look here I ! BENJAMIN IIEFFNER 1"ESPECFFULtV informs the citizens of Sunburv and vicinity, that he baa just re ceived and opened at his new store, in Market street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment of Fall and Winter Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cawimers, Cassineta. f all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CallcoCs, Ginghams, Lawns, niotisncllne l)e lvalues end all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardwar e. Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also tn excellent assortment of (itJEENSWARE, of raiiout styles anJ patterns. Also an amoitment of tlOOTS & SHOES HATS k CAPSj a goed selection. Salt, Fish, iNc. And a great variety of other articles such as are editable to the trads, all of which will be told at the lowest prices. 13 Country produce taken in sicnangs at the highest prices. Sunbury, ISov. 12, 1853. ly. IT?" REMOVAL. Q AGNEW 4 CO. have rnsvel from tbto IW Cheinut street, PhilaiMpaia, s liere llwy oecupr anewaad Iwnutiiul Siore, wiih an clcunt and well sctecied uoek of Kail and Winter DKV UUUUS, anionf which ara S00 nieces of Loimi't Fiench M cringes snd Cuihmeres sif cil.s, from I U SI .50 r yard, ion ' Taitaa Plaids for Ladieaand chiWrens woarj IU0 ' Hans printed De Uunes sna Caslnneies too Unhide and plulu Silks ol superior quality, lis) " I'Und Milks, nf all the choice pallerus. guO dozen Couvoiiier's bes. I'sris Kid Gloves, INOUKHUWLROUJURb 300 Bulendid Brocbs sad Chaia Leuie Lonf Shawls nf ehoice patterns. I no Shawls of the verv latest fabric and designs. . if) rlr.K-he square alia aIs ol exquisite style slid dciiga 109 IIM fluid hme ihnwin fr-m Si to 810. I.N Ol'R CLt-'AK ROOM ARE Sin French cloth CI W, Tulmns snd MantiUss rf aeW Furis nutirrua. IU0 Lynns tilk velvet Ckaks of tha b make sivie snd fiui.h. Alsn SO pieces 4-4 beat l-you s silk velvets,' varring in price from J to l P' yard, snd or fvmv A snd aha.le, f.r Indies. Ciualta ol the moat euoi- S:.a.lra of Ulna, Bn.wu. Ul-ck( Drab, plrve, Broo ace, from fi,V) t,0n per ycr.l. Ala., a 6ns ol Hil.lxmi, Einhroideiics, in Cspes, Chiuiueltes, Collara, ' Tue"i hol (' the alwve exd. srs t$"?m 'U ..(I aleureniely low prats for ewh. eelvint by the w-klr sloamers, freeh of wweltissj from Fan. and L"d n, wh.rt enable, u. con.Uy U have frcih new el vies af the moat laaUionabls .H)ds M oAV r In our customers, QST . w fc co Na M Clirtnut it., rue to below bijhUi, ranaoen. Clcl. !), IS' 81 LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods. j. r. & i. r. klinb, RKSPECTFL'I.I.Y announce to their friend and tie public in general, that they have reesived at their Old Stand in Unner Aueusta townahip. Norlhurnberland coun ly. Pa.. Fall euJ Winter Goods, and opeucd lo the puDUO a full assoTtmenl of MERCHANDIZE. &e., all kinda of Winter V-eat. Alao I aplcnJid assortment of Ladies Drew Goods, Calicoea. Gu.ghama. Muslin de Lainee, PlaiJ Long Bhawla. Ac. Ai.o a fresh supply of Groceries aH Hardware and Queentware, a fresh auppfy of Drugs and Medtcinsa. Wooden Wsra. Also a Urge assortment of Boots aad aiboea. suitable for Idea, Woese 4 - Children. HaU and Caps, saic ' aa fJilk, Panama, and other Hats. Bait. Chosee, e. Call end See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be told tar cash, or la a. change for country produce, at she bigluMtsnarkel pripe. ... t'ppcr Augusts, Kov. 3, ISM. ly Al V0.