Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 03, 1853, Image 4
4' SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. win Ekmha. Uinral Gideon 1. Amirn to lut Tillow. poetry. THE FROG. Of H ill f"nT "i'8 lhM '' in wotfilland, marsh, 01 bop, Thai creep the ground, or fly ihe air. Tha funnieet istHe frog- The frog Ihe scientificest Of Nature's handyvrork Tim frog that neither walki nor run( That got it with a jeik. With pants and coat of bollle-green, And yellow ftinoy vest, lie plunges into mud and mire All in bj Sunday best ; Whon lie siis Unvn lie's atnnding up, An Paddy O'Uuinn once said ; And for convenience ake lie wears Hi eyes on the top ef his head . You see him sittinj on a log, Above the "vasty deep," You feel inclined to say, old chnp 'Just look before you leap!" You raise your cane la hit him on His ugly-looking mug ; But ere jon get it half-way tip, Adown he goes kerchug. A STRING OF ITEMS. Money is easier. Congress meets on the 3lh nf December There are 2781 children in Sandusky, Ohio, between the ages of 5 and 21. Deer are abundant this season throughout Pennsylvania. Marnase is a feast where the crnce is sometimes batter than Ihe dinner. Cofon Twelve thousand men are now at vrotk upon the Illinois Central Railroad. Got. Ramsey, late of Minnesota, has arri ved at Harrisburg, Pa. The sum expended in search of Sir John Franklin, amounts to ever five millions o dollars. Eggs are selling In the West Chester mar. . kels for 2d cts. per do2en j butter brings 28 and 31 cts. per pound. It is calculated the use and mannfuclure of every thousand tons of white lead, causes, on an average, 125 patients and five deaths. Thk Odd Fellows and Masons of New Al bany, Ind., are about to erect a grand union hall, to cost $30,000. The game of Fox and Geese has been played by the Fox girls, who have rapped a fortune out of their geese believers. Some wives would make excellent com positors on the morning newspapers, as they are in the habit of sitting up late for steamers The last of the mackerel fishermen arrived at Gloucester, Mass., on the 2 1st. The sea son has been the most unprofitable fur many years. The Rev. Darius Stokes, colored, formerly of Baltimore, but now of San Francisco, has accumulated over one hundred crates of rags, for shipment to the Atlantic States. A German Bible, printed in 1380, and con equently 273 years old, was sold last week at the sale of Henry Shenk's property, in Ma nor township, Lancaster county. In a livery stable at Sacramento there are five hostlers, three of whom were formerly Broadway dry goods cleiks, and the othe two Baptist preachers. tut Schuylkill Canal is to be kept open fill first of January, if possible. Their ton nage thus far has been good the dtmand for beats exceeding the supply. Sale or NECHots.-'At Capeis' and Hey. ward's sale on Thursday mourning were sold four mechanics (bricklayers). The first sold for SI, 905, and each of the rest averaging over $1000. Charleston Met. The New Bedford Mercury slates that at the recent term of the Supreme Judicial Court in that county, thore were no less than twenty six applications for divorce, of which nine were granted, three dismissed, several partially granted, and the rest continued. Governor or Chinqui an American. Senor Santiago Agnew, formerly of Philadel phia, has been elected Governor of Chinqui, a F rovince of Columbia, South Ameiica The Americans are spreading not only over the Isthmus, but into the regions of South Ameiica. THE Iowa Reporter says the immigration into that State this year is imnieuce. The Prairies of Illinois are linod with cattle and wagons, pushing on for that prosperous Slate. The addition to the to ihe population from Sept. 1st to Dec. 1st, from immigration alonei is computed it 50,000. A Painter's Garden is California. Mr Eugene A. Upton, a Printei, late of Boston, near Ihe Mission Dolores, has a very exten sive garden, in which are 5000 heads of cab bsge, l'JOO plants of asparagus, 15,000 cauli flowers, 10,000 strawberry plants, and a large quantity of pear, marrow fat squashes, celo" ry radishes, rutubaga turnips and rhubarb. Arrest or a Covnterfeiter. The Polls villa Emporium states thai Dr. Spare, of that place, convicted some five year ago for pas sing counterfeit money, and sentenced to eighteen months in the Eastern Penitentiary, which time be served out, has been again arrested under a similar charge, and commit ed for trial. The Prejs in Danger. Garrison, the Abolitionist, ha just returned from a visit to Ihe West, and appears to be particularly in censed against the newspaper press. He ays : We have been in the editorial harness foi more than a quarter ef a century, and during that period have bad every facility lo ascer tain the character ol the American press, in regard te every reform that has struggled for tha ascendency during that period; and we soberly aver as our conviction, that a majority ef Ihe proprietors and editors oi publio Journals more justly deserve a pine iu the penitentiaries of the land, lhau Ihu inmates of thoe places generally. No felons are mere last to shame: no liars are so unscrupulous; no calumniator are so malig nant and satanio. "liuiekn, Eureka" WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. VOW for the little our. Why will parents ' waste hours and days In fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after all get nothing but a poor, fhiscrablo caricature 1 We would any, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY snd we will guarantee te mnke you a perfect picture, by our Elkctro Chkhical process, that works in from J to S seconds. We defy any Daguerrean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to coiniete with us, as we are the invpntois, mid Ihe process is used only In our dif ferent establishments in New England and the Middle. States. For pictures of adults, tha silver medals we have received from the American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they ars the Ae Plus Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention to our Talbotypes Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. 0. Colli.ns & Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite silo Hamp den House, Springfield and Collins' Building, cslflcld, Mass. N. I). Cur establishment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by I rofrssnr lord Sajely Lamps by Isight L nine and sec. Phila., May 28, 1853. ly. Mifllinluirg Academy. AIIllliiiltii'5, til Ion County, l'cnna REV. J. G. ANSPACH, ) REV. E. KEIFFER. C Curators. A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH, Principal of Female Department EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Musk CHESSELDEN FISHER, M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, tfc. The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti tute will commence on Moxujit, July 2ft, 1853. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mathematics and the Ancient Lan guages, as well as other branches, will he taught, as fur as practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will be made of the blackboard. Orthography, Kcuding, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full share of attention. Draughting, Construction of Maps, Use of Compass, Ac, will be taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, Ac, Ornamental Needle Work, French and Botany will lie given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate, of Castleton Female Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agreeable manners and high literary ut tainmenU." Young ladies and gentlemen who design to become teachers, will find this Institution an effi cient school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, during the great part of the year, a Tf.ciibiis' Institute, the members of which will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Couise of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principals. The government of the school is based upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rules will be mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that the morals, habits of study, and general deportment of the students will be carefully attended to. The building is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, ipc. Milltiuburg is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets have been recently graded and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for students. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. 11" The price of board, in the best of private fumilies, does not exceed $1,50 per week. X. B. Students may cuter the Academy at any time during the term ; yet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, on the first day, Milllinburg, July 16, 1853. 6m. STOVE?, STOVES. VV'E, the undersigned would respectfully call ' the attention of purchasers to our superior stock of Stoves, Cauldrons, &c. The superiority of our Stoves ubove all others is so well known that we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of them. We would invite your attention to our Mae grtgor Heating Store. As Ihe price of coal is on the rise, litis is the most economical stove Ihe public can use. These stoves are of sizes suitatde for heating the smallest room ; and those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000 cubic feet. Our Cook Stoves consist of the Cilole Cook, for coal Modern Troy, fur wood-Duck's celebrated wood stove -IJoinplcto Cook Yocom Cook Hagar Cook, fire. &c Our assortment of Cook and Parlor stoves is the best in the market, and persons desiring to purchsse will do well by fa voring us with a call before purchasing elsewhere. NEMAN & WARNICK." Successors to Potts & Yocom, N. E. Corner 2nd and Race Streets, I'llll.ADKI.l'HIA Tliila., Aeg. S7, 1853 3m. Just Published find for Sale by WM. McCARTV, Bookseller, Suubury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Deing a collection of approved declarations, writs, return and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the I'uited States. By Coi.mnson Reed, Esq.., Ipsae irgis viva vox Willi notes and additions, together with a short system tW conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the hook, the following letter bus been received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg : II iMiisuLitfi, June 30, 1853. CrKN TLSMF.X : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of Ihe precedents thus oH'cred to the public. I lie legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstern of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practice oi me courts. our lornu ol declaration being, to a great extent, founded on the act of aatemhly, ...til I . " mil us a aving oi moor 10 ine pleader, and coil duce to safoty and brevity in our pleading. i siioum ue ut me hands or every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO. J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wat. M. Rockefeller and M. L- fctiindel, Esquire. Sunbury, July 8 1833. Stone Cutter s and laborers WANTED! CTONE cutters snd laborer can have steady employ and winter job, (and not work in the water,) at the Union and Hutquehanna Uridne st Chapman, Union county, Fa., midway be tween Liverpool and INorlliumuerliinil. To la borer $ t,S5 per dy will be given. LEISE.MU.NG ii FISHER. Chapman, Sept. 17, 1853 tf. CF'ORTSMEN A lot of doubts and single barrelled guns, suol belts, powder llaaks, gun cspi, mnn, powder, snot and lad lor sals by Sept. U.S2. 1. W. TENER A CO 2,500 Acres Timber Land I FOB, DALE. SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF TIMBER LAND, comprising shout 8,M)0 seres, part of which is situated on Tohyhnnna Creek, snd part on Muddy Creek, within three miles of Lehigh River, in Penn forest township, Carbon County, one of the great Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, can be had at a bargain, if ap- I plication be made soon. These lands are thickly covered with the best timber of that region. While it is believed that 75,000. feet of lumber to the acre, can be rut from a large portion of the lund, the balance will aver age not much less than this figure. The kinds of timlicr found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, While Oak, While Tine and Chestnut but principally made up of While Pine and Hemlock. The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks are large and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount of water power, and are capable of driving a large numlier of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with tha Lehigh Canal ailoids an outlet to tho most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of New York and l'hilatlolpliia which runs within o mite ami three quarter o( the laud. Through these avenues lumber can bs delivered in either of ll-j cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to derive grcitcr profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the tunlicr, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much tbot will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that ship builders have licen obliged to purchase in Maine, or at other distant points. Unlike most of the binds on the Lehigh there has, as yet, been no culling of the timlier on this property. It stands undisturbed by the wood man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried on to such an extent for years past, that s scarcity of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every season necessarily increases this difficulty. The conseqnenco must be an enchancement of the value of timber lands. I boso un-cullcil tracts with the advantage of avenues to market, sch as the lands offered for sale, possess, cannot fad to be the sources of supply hereafter. But the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearly every acre being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to moke investments, would do well to turn their attention lo these lands. For further information apply to CHAS. M. HALT, Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts ville, Pa. August 6, 185.1 tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: Per ihe Cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR ON1. OHXTIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, wnoopiKro-oouoH AND OOSrSUZttPTXOKT. . TO CtIRK A COLD, with iiradachi and aoREBa of the tcnly, take Ihe Chkrrv 1kctoral on (ruing to lied, ami wmp up warm, Ut sweat during Die night. For a Gold and Couch, take it iimrnmg, ii'Jonand eve ning according to directum! on the ti ittle, and the itiffii-uU ty will S'mmi be removed. Nme will long Buffer from thia tmut'Ie when they find it wm he so rtsidil)- cured. Persona a IH let t d with sented cough, which hrt-nks them of their real ut night, will find, by taking the Cherry Pectoral on going t) hed, they inriy be sure oi" sound, unbroken sleep, and consequently refreshing rent. Urtttt reliei'fromiiitTer ing, and an ultimate cure, is ntTudrd to thousands who are thus afflicted, hy this invaluable remedy. From Its agreeable etTecla in these cases, many find themselves unwilling to forego its use when the necessity for it has ceased From two eminent Physicians in Faykttkvim,k, Tenn , April 16. 1H,U. Sir : We have given your Cherry Pectoral an extensive trial in our piociiee, mid find it tt surpusa every oliier re medy we have fur curing affection nf the repinitorv or gans. DKS. WKMKK & HAMPTOX. TOSIXCF.nSAXD PUBLIC SPKAKKHS this remedy is invaluable, as by lis action on the Ihmtit and lungs, when taken in small quantities, it removes till hntiracuesa iu a few hours, nud w xulerlullr increases the power and flexibility of Ihe voice. ASTHMA is generally much relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pcctond. But there are some cases m ob stinate a to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if they can be cured. HKOXCHITIS, or irritation of the throat and upper portion of the lungs, may Ite cured bv taking Cherry Pe to. ml iu small and treimenl doses. The uncomfortable op pression is anon relieved. Kcv. Doct. I.ANSIli,of nrtoklyn.Xew York, states: ! have seen the Cherry Perioral cuie such cases of Asthma mid Bronchitis as leads me to believe it can rarely full to cure those diseases." FOB CUO LP. tiive an emetic of antimony, to be followed by large and frequent dose3 of the Cherry Peci tal, nut il i subdues the disease. If taken in season, it will not fail to cure. WUOOPINij COVCn may be broken up and toon cu red by the ue of Cherry Pectoral. THK INFLUKVA is speedily removed by this retiie. dy. Numerous instance have been noticed where whole fumilies weie protected from any scrums eoiiseqtiencea, while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectorul, were suffer in v; from the disease. Dr. J. C. Aycr: Ru.Rtf,Oiiio, lttli June, 1 write to inform you of the truly remarkable effects of your CHF.RKV PKCTOKAl iu this place, and in my own fumily. One of my daughter was completely cured in three days of h dreadful Wiiooriso Cocgii, by tukingit Dr. Menus, one of our very best phyaiciana fieely states that he considers it the best remedy we have pulmonary diseases, uud that he has cured more caseaof Croui with it than any other medicine he ever administered. Out clergymen of the Baptist Church aiys thut during the run of Inflvknza. here this sens at. lie has seen cures from your medicine he could scarcely hare believed a 1 th ou t seeing. Your respectfully, J. D SINCLAIR, DcpL ty Postnutstcr. From the distinguished Professor of Chemis try and Mrtcria Medicc Rowdoin College. I have ft mud Ihe Ciikrky Pkctokal, as its ingredients show, a poweiftil remedy for colds, and caughs, and pul monary difuasea. PATIKKR CLKVELAXU, M. 1). BnustWicK, Me., Feb. 5, lMt7. Dlt. VA I. F.N TIN F. MOTT. The iridcl if celebrated Professor of Surgery in the Mtdical College, New York City, says : l It ffivea me pleasure to certify the value and effirury of 'Aykh'i. Ciiekky Pectoral,' which 1 consider peculi arly adapti-d to cure diseases of the Throat and dungs." Cure of seveie diseases upon the Lungs have been ef fected by Chkrrv Pectoral in auch extreme cases as warrant the lebef that a remedy lias ut length been found that can le depemled ou to cure the Coughs, Colds and Consumption which carry from our midst thousands every year. It is indeed a medicine to which the afflicted can look with confidence for relief, uud they should not fail to avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunl.ury by H MASSE It, and by Drumiiiits c'lierully throughout the Suite. July 30, 1853. cow lv.Nov. 13. '53. J. 17. GOULD, (Successor to A. KlO'f.) No. 161 Chestnut Streett SwainV$ Building. PHILADELPHIA. INTENSIVE MUtslO PL'UMSHER. ihI Dottier iu Muaicul Iiutrumruta of every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallet, Davii 6c Co'e (Boaion) Patent b'lirtKsiox Dhiock JEulian and oilier PIANOS, L. Gilliert'a Boutloir Pianos, Melotlcona, Martin's Guitars, lUrps, Violins, Hhkkt Music, Mvsio Uuoks, t&C, &c Kesidcuuof the country will be supplied by wti or otherwise with any music ibey may wish, at as tow rates as if purchaaed in person. Having one of tha largest stocks in the United States, I feel confident of satisfying all who may fcvor me with a call or order. Dealers in Movie supplied on tho most liberal terms. Pianos to let Second-hand Piao e for sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly. ATRRIAGE CETIFICATE8 handsomely i' extouud fur U at this office, sisals wr by the CELEBRATED Fa mily Medicines. IN off ring to th ptihlia the altnvn innitnitM prep! tloiia, the iiberrfW would Mute that in c-mmiltntioii with hii ft ind and mimmo( the tmtut rwiprctnttle of the M wheal faculty. It wni deemed adtimtilt) to offer to the public, a few prepnrntioni of known celebrity, being; pre pared with the prratert rare, and on the nMrt teieutifie principle, aa aulatttutea fnr the nnmnroua worth Icae ar ticle! that are flooding the country in the form of patiareaa ind cure alia. Prepared br the moat hrnnrant and mercena ry peraona, intended to oura all diaeaaea and goud fur aon , Read and Reflect That the Merllelne, Manufactured by W. M.Bicbxit, InelMdhis; his Hose Pectoral for Coughs. Cream t CamphoT, for Rheumatism. Worm Syrup fW Worms. Tooth Wash, for dee ved teeth. Hi teased rums. Family Pills, or blood Purit'yer, have been more extensive ly used, and have liven more satisfaction, than any other Medic i uea before tha puWic, beiuff prepared with retrurd to their uactuinera ate lully woitliy the trial ot iheanuui ed. Give them a triul. A fevr poweiful reasons why the above Medicines art deter vins: nf univeranl DHtionnire, tin the first place, they art prepared by n regular Physician, who understands the application of Medicines, to diseases, and consequently are perfectly safe to take. (Secondly,) they have been used with nntveranl suece. and have given more satisfac tion than any other Medicines offered before the public (Thirdly ) they nre the only mrd.cines that hava gained the pntroniure of Physic inn, where they have been used; and fFourthlv.) thev ara nut un in hircer nmmtities foi the snine price, than nny other Medicines offered to the public of the arinie kind. As the subscrilwr has a mimler of certificate! in his poFSfssifTti of Ihe highest authority where they hnve been used with the m-wt antisfnetory re sults. He will publish a few of them, feeling satisfied thnt a trial will insure their recommendation. Try them and sntisfy yourself ot their superiority over nil others. Read and be Convinced. We the undersigned having been mnde acquainted with the ingredients entering into the Compounds known ns iiieKieya r amny ntetiiciues nmt wiving prescniieo mm known t bcin to le used, with moat sutisnir-torv resnils; tnke pleasure in saying that we believe they fully meet tlte uesigii tor winch they nre recunmeiinru. J AT. rrHAJlKl UuJ'i, ni.jv, v. ii. r kk;h, m. i WM. McM AHON, M. T. WKShKY II liKAiMlKAttT, M. D. WM. II. M (tl hi. M. 1). 11 K. CJKAHUKART, M. D. Cure of pain in tha sulf and cough from protested lArer Complaint, Mrs. Tlobert Adams, bli irinti under Chronic Liver Com- ' pluiut, nrcoiiipiinii'd with u frltort drycoimli imht ill the side and, geneml debility, loss of appetite, after try ing mi the n mi; 1 1 remedies recmuieuiifd tor coughs nnti d i sense a of the chest, who with no ln'iiciit, she wus recom mended to try the Hose Pectoral, fmtn which, she not only derived iirmirdinte but permanent relief. John Adams, s.iii of Mrs. Kobert Adnms, wns afflicted with a very severe cough, puiu in the side, and soreness pn Minced by incessant oughiug; he was induced to try the Hose Pectoral. To use his own lunguuge, tho first dose emitted him to enjoy a good night's rest. Iu the m inting ho expectorated nbout half pint of matter. He continued to improve until his ciaigh entirely left htm, it nlso had the eflVct of strcnghetuug his bioast. which was naturally weak. He nlso says thnt he tins leconunended it to a number of his friends for sunilur compliiinis, uud iu every ense it has given sjitiafuctinn. The nlKtve persona residents of the town of Danville, feeling that they have derived great benefits from the use of the Rose Pectorul ; authorize the alxve statement, for the benefit of those who ninv he nfflicted in a similar man ner. UUKAT Ct'KK. Loss of Voice restored with one bottle of Rose Pee toral. Miss Susan Whittoek, of Hush township, Northumber land co., for a ii umber of years an Ii valid, m the fnll of icwjo, lost the use oi ner voice trom a tevete cold site con tracted ; after Irvine a number of remedies, with no bene fit, she was entirety restored by taking one bottle of Rosa recionii, alter watch, she lost her voice ngtnn, trom a fresh cold she contracted, and was utrain restored by the use nf another battle; she then took four I tot ties more to strengthen her breast, from which she detived the most decided benefit, and has Iteen iu the enjoyment of excellent health from that time to the present. The abore statement is obtained from Dr Purse!!, the Physician who attended her; also her mother who thinks that she would not lie living ut this time if it had not been for the Rose Pec to nil. Dnnvitle, Jan. 25, IS6' Still another Marled Cure EjftcUd. Mrs. Samuel Sechler, leiug of a nuturol weak and deli cate constitution, very susceptible to colds, was articled with a very severe cough, pniu and soreness nf the hmst, loss of appetite ; alter using a number of tha usual reme dies from which, she derived no benefit, she was cured by taking one bottle of Rose Pectoral and it iu the enjoyment uf belter health than for years previous. Danville, Dec. 1 1850. Db. Hicxr.KY .'Permit me to inform you that my wife, who is a delicate and weakly w-inmn, laboring under a very severe Cough with pain and soreness of breast, was more quickly and effectually relieved with one bottle of your Hose Pectorul than nny other medicine she hnd ever taken. AHNKIt M'liltlDK. Jan. 185'2. Samuel R.AYoods' Furnace, lied IViut. Strons evidence im favor of thk Rosk Pectoral and I Family Pills. i John Fulner taken Iwlween Christmas and New Year with a very bad colli, wliicli ended in a dry hard iiicenrjnt i Cough, causing a great deal of pain whenever he coughed, 1 was relieved very much ; by the time lie had taken one third of a bottle, uud by the lime il was fiuinhed, was en tirely cured. Heals says that he has taken several dones : of the Health Restorative or Family Pills, and that they are the mildest and mrst effectual purgatives he has ever taken. Danville, Jan 1, lHO'i. Dr HimLRT : During a vicit to my brother, iu Dan ville, I took a very severe Cold, which ended in a tight hard Cough, with s irenrss and puiu of the breast, for which I used your Hose Perioral, and Family Pills, and take pleasure in recommending them, as the mildest and most effectual remedy 1 have used. Yours, respectfully. J.Mt .MOIUiAIM, Jan. 4Jr?, 18.VJ. White Haven. I.uzerue co. Dear Sir : As a recommendation for your Rose Pecto ral, peimitmeto say, thut I was effectually cured of a very severe couch with pain in the bream, with le5s than half a bottle, and that I consider it invaluable. You art at liberty to make this public if you please. Jt'it. M't.Kivi.Mi, (lirocer.) unnvilie, va. Mv son William bitxirimr uialer a severe couch and rain in his side, from an injury received by a full, was entirely relieved by a bottle of Rose Pectoral V Cream of Cam- hoi, have also used your family Pills, and altogether e msider them the best medecmes I have ecr used. JOAN OVKRDOKF, Jan. tW'i. Rush Tp., Nnrth'd co. Dr. Ilicklev : 8ir: As my wife who was troulttcd with dry. hard Couih. als-t a air St anacli. dependent umm debility, aimilnr to Dispepsia. was entirely relieved by using i wo holt it's oi your Hose I'ectorul, permit me lo tuy that 1 consider it an exce lent remedy. Yours, respecttuiiy, Kev Air. 1I.IAK1J. Pastor liUthernn Church, Danville. Pa. Haviiiff been cured of a istiin iu inv arm fsiniilur to Rheu matism) which deprived me of the free use of it for atiout four months. By using one bottle of Cream of Camphor 1 would state that I consider it the best remedy of the kind 1 have ever used iu my family, snd I would freely recommend it to others witli similar affections. Yours, respectfully, JONAS WOI.F. Hush tp., North'd co. My wife being efflicted with a very severe nain iu her arm and shoulder (the effects of eokl) which disabled her iroin using it, wus cur eu witn miming oi c ream oi cam phor. Mrs. Kftiiu, my sister-in-law, was also cured of a severe puiu in the head and face by using the Cream of Camphor THOM AS C. KI.US, Danville. Jan. lit), 5. My wife having Rheumatism of the arm for n uuiuht-r of years, which prevented her frotit using it iu doing her wotk : after haviiar soeitt a meat deal of m tiu-v in irvintr different remedies with no iK-netit, was entirely cured by using oaiy one oonie u your i renin oi camphor. WII.MAM KVKXS, Minor, for S. R. Woral, R. Point. Dr. Hick ley : Having received a very severe injury in my side by falling "ft a loud of hay, from which I was una ble to follow my work, was recommended to try a bottle of Cream of Camphor, which afforded immediate relief. , UHIKFITH CAHR. flush tp , North'd en. My wife, suffering from in an excruciating pain, tliroutfhout hei general system, which pre veil tetl her from sleeping (Iteing occasioned by a long and protracted spell ol sickness ;) i'a- which she ued u number of remedies without IteiH-ftt, was entire I j relieved by the use of Cream of Cumpiior. t;i;o. ii. imow.v. Suigeoii Dentist, Danville, Pa. Child cured of Rowel Complaint, and Affile (of two years staiidintr,) by Worm Syrup. My child being nlilu-ted f n the lust two years, with II wel Comlaiut inxl A cue until it was reduced to a mere skeleton, I tried a nuiulmr of remedies with no permanent benefit, until 1 gave it a b-lile of your Worm tvrup, since which time it has been well, and gt quite fJhy. 1 also have recommended it to u number ol my friends, uml in every case it hasuiveu aiiiefactna. , l.KVI. At Louis Laii'js' .Merchant. Danville, f have used your Worm Syrup in my family, and con sider it not only effectual, but the most! pleasant article 1 amucquumled with. JA OH LASHKLtt, Diuiville. Ituviue used your or m Syrup in my faintly, it helps iiiy more man any pieparauou oi me kohi. and is more picusanl to tuke. DAN MORGAN. Montour Row, Danville. I have had occasion to use your Worm Syrup iu my family, and prefer it to any Vermifuge I have used. FRKI). UIJU, Frosty Valley, Montour co. Dr. Bickley : Hnviug used your worm Syrup, and Cream of Camphor and Family Pills in tuy family, they gave good satistuctiiui. and I consider them tha most ef fectuul, aul pleusant remedies, we have had in our fumily. JOIINUTHAN H. K1SHKL. Dunvill Da ir Sir : We the undersigned being in the employ of mcMrB. ii roves x uomiy, si wffiuw sbire you have su Agency for the sile of your Family Medicines, state that we have had an opportunity of knowing the opinions of numerous individuals who have used them, and that thev give general satisfaction. We liave sold a great many of your rms, which are uuiversauy uen. oeiug very mild Ui uieir nperauou. w. l.r.l?K til, ti, Danville. Attest. W M. KEPLKH. Having Scurvy of my mouth very Ind, I was induced to try s Untie of your Tooth Wash, which acted like s charm, uuiuctiiiig iiiy guiiia. aiiu rriiiuving un (iiseiise. JONATHAN R. RISHKI DanvilU Br. Bickley: Having what was called ulcerated aora. mouth, for which, I tried a number of remedies with no i sr iien i ; i was at nst cured by using oiva tattlle of your Touth wash. My wife also during her confinement, was threatened with aore.Ureatt, lums hsving already formed, lor wlnca she used the Cream o Cum oh or, which scatter- m hmw, tnorcoy preventing ner ureasts Iroin ga titer tus , KU. A. HROWN, Near Ijitlteran Clrjnh. Danville, Pa. ... Hll HKU m ssmufj very severe ea- M Of KUrveV Ol th. mill I WhmuIm j, u lt rm. i.i Vour. rwpactruliy, OKO. Ii. BHOWN. AblJJir "Jil u l.'.fcX,.M- D ' "., DsnvtU. f Orwrt, etuiiburyi W A. Kuubb Vtiimit. v..,... S"TJ. .iT"., """"" 'iHiiai Jhu J1.?".? ?".'. I Mr.. Ju. Thonina. Hbalu.k.. ,' a r".01?: "' I Cm'leU Kline, Auitu.u Snnuri A. Br,, P.r.b.i,g; Jacob iJ,S,riV C.owand Jmiatlian Kcllera, M1IU.11. . ' Call on Ui Anuiu, aud d a riraular miitaiiiiua a fu" f rlHio of lk uuukiuiu curr imfufuita' bv tu ilidcc Mil Mnlicum. ' Jium II, Wm. "AID AND COMFORT," 1 o Your Own mechanics. GEORGE KENN. MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. HP HE sulncrilier respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid auorU ment of every quality and price of CABINET-WARE. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists or Mahogany Sofaa, nivnnrt and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Tliila. dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUrBOAKDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including vnrirlics never before to be had ir Siinniiry, such ns 1U Aiion.txt, Black Waisct ami CriiLBii Maple Giiki ian ; ami Wisnson CHAIRS, anii rAst'T I'uni Stools, which nre of the latest styles, and warranted lo be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 lie subscriber is determined Hint there sliall be no excuse for persons to pun-banc furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be cntertninod about Ihe quality and finish of his ware and Chnirs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tnken in payment for work. 0? UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkahss, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, iu this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. fV The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENN. 8unbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. 500 Agents "Wanted. $1000 a Tear. "1V"ANTED in every county of the United ' ' States, active and enterprising men, to en gaga in the sale of some of the best Books, pub lished in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to $100, such inducements will be oll'ercd as to enable them to make from $3 to $10 a day profit. ViT The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are ollcred. For further particulars, address, (postage paid,) I.EARY cV GETZ, No. 13S North Second Street, Philadelphia. Publishers of subscription Books. Phila., Aug. 20 1853. 5m Drugs, Paints, Oil, Window Glass, fjc. S Toxs French zinc white. 10 tons l'urc White Lead. 5000 Boxes Window Glass. nil sizes. Superior Potnsh,lJopal,Coach .Leath er 4' Iron varnish, white Demur varnish for Cliinn til oss, with a general assortment of fresh and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all tho Patent Mcdicinns in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Kuaiiiled Glass, &.C., &c, for sale very low at ALFRED W'lLTBEKOEIt'S Drug and Paint Store, No. 169 N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to any of the Hotels or DepoU free of charge. Phila., Muv 28, 1853 ly. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVKIl WARE, Wholesale and Retail nt No. N N. HKCOND St., oppoiits the Mt. Vernon House, Uold ".ever Watches, full jeweled, IS k. cases, 6J-I.UO ; Silver Levers, full jeweled, 8I,00 ; Silver Lepiuei. jeweled, $!!, DO all wiirninted to keen good time. Gold Pens unit Sil ver Cliae, Sl,'l; liold Pencils, SI.UO; Ijold Peneils and Pen Cases with good Gold Peusut low us 9:J,'25, Ac. Alsi, alwiiy on hand a g'iod nsaorlmeut of hue gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Uuuid and Foil Chains, Gold Vest Chains, Indies' Gold Fob Chains and Belt Pins. Silver Table Spooni from If 14 to (flH. IJessert, 9 to 41, and Tea, tfl,7.5 to 80,50 per set, wurrauted eouul to coin. All giMHls wnrrunted to tie what they are sold for. t tr" Watehesand Jewelry repaired and warranted. 17" All orders sent tiy mail or otherwise, will be punc tually attended to. M. AVISE, Agent, No. 7J North SECOND Street, opposite the Ml. Vernon House. Phila., April 23, 1853. ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOR SALE. rrMIE subscriber oilers at private sale, his house and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits of tho Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John ShiK.ler and orig inally owned by Clias. Gusslcr while engaged in boat buiblin-. 'Pile improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of pood Water, and a Rood frame stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. Tho prop erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a reasonable price and possession given in April next. Apply to Geo- C. Welker, Em., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove. PISTE K K EH LIN'. July 23, 1853 tf. WM. M'CARTY, Bookseller, ) ESPECTFl'LLY inform the inhabitant ol ' town and country, that he has lately recei ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his stock of books, in every branch of Literature, and In a great variety of Binding. Pleuje call and see them. Sunbury, Sept. 17, 1853. LANKS of every description can be had ly applying at the office of the American. IU. H. H. HIGBEE'8 remedy for coughs, -'-'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and for sale by H. D. MASSER. Sunbury, June 4. 1853 flLOTHS, Casaitneres, VeslinRs, Sattinetts, x- &c, of various sta les and colors, just recei- ved and for sale by Sept. 10, '53. I. W. TENER it CO. HAND BILL8 neatly printed on new type promptly eiecuted at this oflice. Alse blank, of all kind on auperior paper. Sunburr, Feb. H, 1852. ARNOLU'8 WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive and legal envelope, for sal by H. B. MASSER. Bonbury, Jan 10. 1862. - IT'OR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink. C attle Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Essence of uuiR-er, Bs cent SILVER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watche, for sale at very low prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 19, 1851 ITEE BILL8.JuUcee and Conrtable Fee Bill handsomely printed oncers' paper for ale at thuoltice. INK Boureau' celebrated ink, and alta Con. gre ink for sale, whobsale aad retail by Pecember M, 180. Ii. B MA4TR. w A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware ltooni of SEIVN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at tht corner of Fawn street i the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thsnkful for the patronage ol his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicit from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended hia busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CA 111 NET WA11R AND CHAIRS, Manufactured tr SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stork of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fnt.iionnblc Fiiriiilurc. Having secured a Hearse and made th neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they nre now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at nny convenient distance. Ye mtiiits am! miRtmsi'S, nnrt fcurtutmlB too, Hi-re's furniture of every style nml hue, From siile honnls down to kitrhi-n tnWe, From riH-kiiig cbaira to loekiinrrntitlri Mi'iitw yon nni nnve the tmdy Jons tn pny, We'll wait nwliile fur n lirijtliter tidier itny, Or tnke potntoes. onts, corn, wheat nnd rye; Hnrk, hoop poles, itnves, or Ititnlter wi-t and dry, Or any thing tint yokes nnd threshing flnilff, Fiom pigs and titrkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trnde a moving, so "gnioii the 111111.0 CtF" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. 1 Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf WATClrJEWELE,y, &c. JAMES 1$. VI I) Ii Kit, No. 12 South Second Strec', PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepiue do " Quartier do Gold pens and pencil and silver hulder Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast pins Ear rings Arc. All warranted and sold at prices as low ss any in the 'city. November 27. 1852. tf. 1,000 Men Wanted. fy the lme of tho SUSQUEHANNA RAIL KOA1) between Br'nliieport (opposite Har risburir) and Sunbury, in the State of Pennsylva nia. This road is titty four miles iu length' runs through a highly improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months. A large portion of the line i heavy rock excavation, laborers thnt nre familiar will therefore find ccr tain employment and liberal wages. UOUillEKTV, LA U.MAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 1F53 iloscndiile Hydraulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CHARLES SHEPARl) SMITH, of, and successor to, the lale firm of Evi Smith & Son. N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853 ly. 31 ACKEIiEL, CODFISH. Cons'nnlly on hand nnd (or sal by 1 PAT M t'l) c. f SALMON. HEIilUNCS, POIIK, HAMS & SIOES, SHOULDERS. LAUD & CHEESE, Aug. 27. 18.r:i 3m. O . I HUlllUll l lU. f Maiket-Siit'el Wlmif Philadelphia. Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Eaiouches, &o. Manufactured wholesale and retail by BTSH1TELL & TTJLL, Mo. 61 DUCK Street, Philadelphia, Orders through the mail promptly executed Phila., April U, ltj53. lv. KOTICK. TV'OTICE is hereby niven that an application ' will be made, at the next regular session of the Legislature, to charter a company for bank ing and discounting purpose, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, wilh the privi lege uf extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., and to be called "Tun Mm mm' Basic ur Sisii-ur." July 2, 1853. 6m. Laborers Wanted. rXIHE aubscrihers want immediately on the Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union county, seven miles below Selinsgrove, from 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wluin one dollar per day will pe paid. 8AVIDUE. W JLVEKTON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19; 185:1 tf. 85 HEWAIll) ! f IIIE above reward will be paid for the discov X ery and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Ruilroad Company. HY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, , 1858 tf. e BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons 4c, for sale by IL B. MASSER. Sunbury Aori 86. 1851 liAN.V8 LETTER PRESSES, with If M books, ink, and all complete, just received, snd lor sale by II.U.MASS&K. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. CHAIN PL MPS.- A small number of these excellent pumps have been received and are offered for aale by H. B. MASSER. Sunburv, June 4. 1853. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GlN. GER, a freah supply just received, and for sale by U. tt. MASSER. Sunbury, Jau. 10. 1853. WILEY'S COVUU CAtiDY. lent remedy tor coughs, cold. An excel. For sal at thia offioe. December 4. 116.' BANKiNOTE TABLE. PENNSYLVANIA. CITT OS PniLADlLrlllA. MAWACAUSF.TT All solvent hanks t M, II. 8. Dank notes Ifldis KHODK ISLAND. All ioIv-miI hnnkn I Am CONNKCTICfT. AllKilvent tnnka I Aim WHV YORK. ' CITT. Alt solvent bnnks pat COTTMTRT. Tlnnk of ChnmtH-rsbnrg 1 Oi. Hunk of Chester Co. pnr Bunk of Del. Co. Chester pnr nuiiKoi iiermnntown Hank of Ueltviliurg Hank of lw'itown noriAII solvent bunk. N:. 1 ditiiyHk notes under 85 di. Hunk ofMidilletown lean Monlgnmery Co Hank par All solvems hanks ' J di NKW JKKSHY. Belvnlere Hunk I dit Cimimrreial Hank di .".ii. m iiiinnninuen nil. lm Hank of rntslmrg 1 ila ..nun in J.nnvilla Carlisle Hank 1 diIF. M., Middletown Pt. par Co,,m h, H k Ar ITge Co par Meohanii t' Hk, N.wark r i.i'iiii imiiy par ; psr i...yriinwn unim pr,n na. "Jn pur Kris Bnnk J ,a Kxi honge H"k I'ittshnrg I riisl Mech. Man. Hk Trent par Morris Co Honk 1 ri.. Newark Hk'g Aim. Co I dn oi iiBiige ii k, llrniH-li I ihtl Orange llauk Farmers' di l' ll'k. ItllrlcMl-ri ruirlPei.i.l'. Itw n.l.. Fanners' Ilk, IjlneilMer mir I'rinretim Hunk di Pr ns rnner' Ilk., liur pnr MHem llanklng Co, mm. Co puriM r I). Hk Wiivne.b'g llilis!f Franklin Ilk. Wnsh'n IJilisjS r-emerrei t;o Jiunk di .Pr tnte Hunk at Camden late Hk Kliznuethton iinrrishnrg Hunk llmiesdiile Hunk Ijiueniler Hunk t i 1 dis State Hunk Newark 1 di 1 disunite Hk, N. Hrnnswick par pnr.Sitiisex Ivauk. Newton dis i.riniiiun nniiK nnr I Teuton Hnnknig Co par Union Hunk. Dover di VimHevv'leADelDrCiil5di Blereh. Mini. Ilnnk (In IMiners' ll'k, Potlsville per! Minioiigaheln Hunk 1 di. Tnykirsv'e Del ll'g Co IS dis West Hnmrli H,,hk pnr Wyoming Uk, Wilkesh'e pari Wk Hunk, i Wllelief notes j (i maim:. Hunk of WhetliM-k Sdis r?'Jik miles under f 5 I die DKI.A WAHK. Itnuk of Uclnwar pa Hunk of riyrna aaf Deluwnre Ciry flank ptrt Hk Wilmg'n ft Hnindyw. par I' nrmers' ilk rl Delaware par t'nioii Hunk, Wilmington nar ftierennlile Hk, Hnugnr lOilis All nK-eni hm,ks I di, NKW ll.VMI'smni! 17 Under .Vi I di OHIO. All solvent Umks e di au siuvenl Imuks VF.IIMONT. tyilk notes under 6's 4 die NORTH CAROLINA. Hunk ( it Alkim 4 din A II solvent Imnkl 9 dit All solvent hunks I dii;t?"l'iiih-rS', i dit ndous Excitement ! ! Cnsli, Steam. Electricity!! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by tht I.iRliliilitK Mne of 1KA T. CLEMENT. "IVTHO, having great fiiilh in rapid ale anil mull profits, has just received eno opened a iiirn assortment oi SPRING AD SUMMER GOODS. At his Store in MarSet Street, Sunbiirv. which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. ins siui-K consists oi a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz: Cloths, Cassiniers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin d Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. Silk Hats. A large assortment of llonts nml Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. GrorrrirN, Sugar, Tea, Coflve, Molassrs, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Sail, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEEN'S WA RE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, lft LIQUORS, Winr. Brnmly, Gin, Rum, Whiskry, it. V0F Country produco of all kinds taken in tx change at the highest maikct prices. Jan. 15, 1853. ly. DOCTOK YoritSKLF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OK, EVEIXY ONU HIS OWN rilYSICIAN. Engravings, shewing Di eases ami Mnlforniations t the Huinati S stem iu ever shape and form. To wluc is added a Treatise on III Diseases of Females, lieiti of the highest importance ' married people, or thoi contemjilating marriage- y Ur Viii. Touni Let no father be ashamed lo present a copv the -ESCULAPIUS lo his child. It may ' him from an early crave. Let no young man woman enter into the secret obligations of m ricd life without reading Ihe POCKET JJ8C: LA PR'S. Let no one suffering from huekui Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervo feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sen) lions, and given up bv their physician, be anotl moment without consulting the -ESC UL A I'll Have the married, or those about to be mirri any impediment, read this truly useful book, it has been the means of saving thousands of i fortunate creatures from the very jaws of dea tW Any person sending TYVENTY-FI CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive c copy of this book, bv mail, or five copies w ill sent for one dollar. Address, Dit. W. YOC No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA Post paid. June 18, 1853 ly. IHmsoIiiUoii of rnrliiei-Nhlp. fllHE Copartnership heretofore existing un 1. Ihe name of James 11. & Wm. B. Hart this day dissolved by tho withdrawel of Willi R. Hart. Tho business of the late firm will settled by either of the undersigned, at No. S North 3d street. JAMES II. HART, WILLIAM B. HART THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have this day formed a partnership and will continue the business ui Ihe name of James IL & Thomas Hart. Thi ful for past favors, they respectfully ask the trillion of their friends and the public to t stock of GROCERIES, which will be full extensive, and which they will cl at the lo' market rates. JAMES H. HART THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, IS 5:1 J8. If. More Xew Goods!! WILLIAM A. KN013B rjESPECTFULLY informs bis friends the public generally, that h has just recc and opened a luige and splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, at his Store ill Lower Augusta township, stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz.' Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings, I nels, Muslin, Ije. A splendid stock of LAD'iKS DRESS AND FANCY GOOD Such as Silks, Berates, De Laines, Merii Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ifc. BOOTS AND SHOES, A fine assortment for Men, Women dt Chil A large assortment of GROCERIES SUCH it Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, . Hardware and aueensware. l'isli, Sail ami Liquor SUCU AS Cin, Brandy, Rum and Whiskt Beside th largest and most general ment of all kind of Good to be had in th coi All the above mentioned good will b such reduced price a Ihey can not be ( Country produce of all kind taken insicl at the highest market price. Augusta twsp., July 3, 1853. 6n. GOLD PENS wilh and witnoui e, very uperior quality, just received. Also a freh supply of Writing Fluid, fe ithout t H. B. MASSl by 8unburyp Dee. S7, 1851. -nATENT BRITTANIA STOPPED I bar bottle for al by H. B mass: Sunbury, April, 19, ltSl