MJiNliUJlY AMKJUCAJN AIND S11AMOK1N JOUKINAL THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. t Alw Til lT tnu fcmeau. The llmlroiirl to the Paeilrc Ocean. For llie runlnirv American. MIS(:H.IAlIKOI KMIlNA. am composed of 20 letters. My I II llM j ins nninn of a male. My t 17 10 II " """ '""'"of a I.'" y. My 3 H 5 is nil silvern. My 4 8 5 it nnrl Hie liiimnn Isnly. Mr fl IW H " I I II "1 1 '" i ciiy in Soulli Ainciica. My HI 3 IB 17 HI "" tinilor. My Jul II i" 'i aniiiinl. My J II ! is a color. My 9 14 K " ,n' ' fl-Hea. My III 0 S Id 4 ? Die name m a mule. My II is vowel. Mr I S I 1 1 ta river In Africa. Mv 1.1 d 4 5 i a river in Africa. My 110 1.1 II ia the nsineol" n Ictnalc. Fy l" 7 18 t is uscil l.jc thrillers My IB 3 I" U I' 11 i" "r "fill" '; My I 12 3 "I I" '3 is city I" lairoic. My 1 in 3 ll title "I " ''- My 111 7 H 13 10 iaan ia'aml in llio lltillic rn. My SO 8 II 3in amiill hint. My whole wosnn American nfliror ill Ihc Mexican nr. A war Vf(k. Smihury, Nov. , 18S3. J. I.e. A STRING OF 1TKMS. A bail man's dislike i.i nn lionor. Whal Relation is the dour mat to tliu scta perl A stcp-fatHur. Thu capital invested in California water coinp nie amounts to $2,74GC()U. The Bible is'a window in this prison of hope, through which wo look into eternity. An Imposing S'mht Tho siulil of your bill at nino tenths ut least of our "iirst into" hotels. Tub Surcics of thn Cincinnati stonm firo engine has induced the city ol Louisville, to order a simikir machine. The N. V. Hay Rook is now piinted entire ly by piiU. Thirty have been instructed in that establishment, in tho art of printing. J. A. IVvsn, of TCurlinutnn, N. J., has in vented a seeding hoe, which drops the corn into the furrow made by tho hoe at every sttoke. The new American Iwenly-five cent pie ces have been extensively counterfeited nud large numbers of tho counterfeits are in cir culation. Barntim denies a report that ho has lost forty thousand dollars by tho "Illustrated News," and says he was a special partner in tho concern for only 520,000. K.vctxy So. A young man without mon ey is like a steamboat without fuel he can't go ahead. Among the ladies he is liko the moon on a cloudy night he cant shine. The following is a copy of a sign upon an academy in one of the Western Slates, Freeman & Hi'r.r.s School Teachers. Freeman teaches the boys and llitsgs the girls The Sandwich Islands twelve in num ber embrace a supeificial area of about six thousand and ono hundred square miles. Four of tho island are rocky and uninhabita ble. Prohibition in New York. The Tribune thinks thnt not less than 20 of the 32 Sena tors, with 80 of the 12S Assemblymen-elect; are in favor of the speedy enactment of the Maine law. WOMAX. Hub ne'er with treacherous kiss her Savior stung Nor e'er teni1 him with inilioly t'mgiir ; She when A poslles shrank, i rniM danger brave : Last at Ilia cross, ami earliest nt Ilia grove KmVARD SlANNAim 11a I. RETT. TnaTiack-Iayors of the Williamspnrt and Klrnira Railroad, are busy at work pulling down the rails on the Elmii section of the road. We learn that about a mile of it is al ready put down from Elmirn. Renunciation of Romanism. The Chris Han IVilncss says Mr. G. W. Beck, ofSomrr ville, Mass., has publicly renounced Roman ism and conveyed to the P. E. Church the establishment long known as Iho Rnmnn Catholic Orphan Asylum, prospect Hill, Sorr erville, valued at a sum between S5990 and 56000. A country clergyman, being opposed to the ruo'ol the bass. viol in church service, was everhauled by the congregation. The first Sunday after it was biought into iisp, ho an nounced the psalm as follows: "To praise God, we will now fiddle nnd sing the 4G psalm, second part, short metre !" The present cheap postage system of the United States, it is alleged, has not come up to general expectation, and there is a pioba bilily that some amendments will be pi oil u ced at the next session of Congiess, increas ing the pi ice so that the department will not be a charge upon the treasury. It is, how ever, very doubtful if any increase will bo made by Congress at this late day. Great Tbottiko Match. An exciting trotting match, in harness, for ten ihiuisiind dollars, came oil between two horses, called Prince and Hero, over tho Centrevillo Course, lSev? lork. on tho 21 ins:. J tie distance was ten miles and the winning horse aceom plished the last mile in two minutes ami thiity-nirie seconds a feat unparulleled in the annals of trotting. The following graphic nnalis was piMeri on the Coiirt-ilouso door of a neighboiins county, a few years since, and a friend who preserved a ropy, thinks it loo good to be lost : Fairmoiiiil Republican. KOAT1S. Vill ba soli next Montay vas a veek, von silver sphoon, von puler busin, vou im.s'cal insical, and von sow mil pig by me. John Siiriveh, Cuuutlubler. Anti Peace Argument. How any one ran look at the human fool, composed of 144 bones, any quantity of cartillage, a gill and a half of hibiieaiing nil, and ten thousand other arguments for first class kicking, and still believe it his duty ! receive an insult without making a man to smell of leal her is one of those excentricities connected with the human mind which we could never fa thom. Terrible Ravage ok Cholera A letter dated Remedois, Cuba, October 11th, says that ia the limited and sparsely peopled dis trict between Matanzas and a point below Sagnalo Grande, 20 leagues in extent, U 000 laves have been carried olT by the Cholera, according to the official accouuls, which aio knowu to be under the maik. The attack wtr very short, some. of them only Instil g in hour. ' "Kuivkii, KurcKii." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. VOW for the little ones. Why will pnrenti ' waste hours ami dnye in fniilleiia endenvnrs to get perfect pictures of their children and after all gel nothing; but a poor, miserable caricature 1 We would say, rnino to our fcXCELSOltt GALLERY ami we will Rimrnntec t nmko you a perfect picture, liy our Hlkctro C'iiimical protest, Hint works in from J to 2 seconds. We defy nny Uiiijucirrnii in rhiliuleliiliitt or rlsewhere, to compete with us, as wo are the invrutois, nnd llie process is urd only in our dif ferent rtiipihnieiiis in New LiiK'niid and the ' Middle fSlntrs. Tor pictures of adults, the silver medals wo lime received fiom Hie Anierirnn Institute, New Vork nnd Franklin, Philadelphia, lojetlier with tho numerous premiums from County Fairs, is sullirient proof Hint they are the A Vint Ultra of perfection. Wo would cnll particular nttentmn to our Tnlbotv pea Daguerreotypes in Oil. II. ('. Ciillixs iV Uo., 1U0 i;iiestnnt Mreet t ' 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 it i i ii . Muin street, opposite site llnmp ili'll 1 Itiu -, Sirini;lirlil nud Collins' liuildiug, Wcstfield, Muss. N. I!. t!ur cstnMislitnciil is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, nnd by 1'iuf tutor Jlur( 'vnl'i Hotty Lampt ly Kiteit "Come, nud see.' Phila., May 28, 1853. ly. I i IIH 1 1 ! ) 1 1 A en (1 v ni y . illilttiiiliMic, S iiliiit'unj , I'cima. IIKV. J. G. ANSPACH, r , REV. E. KEIF FEU, Clirillors' A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS EI.IZ.M1ETI1 K. HOUGH, JViiiciywiJ of Female Department. i:i)U lS FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. CIIESSFA.DFX FISHER. M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry I'hysiutogy, tfc. The Summer Term of this nourishing Insli- lute will commence on Mosuav, Jilt S.'i, 1 S?;:i. The course of insti uclion will he lliornu'l ;ilul practical. Mathematics nnd tho Ancient I.nn- c;uiires, as well as oilier lirnuehes, will lc taught, as far as prai'ticahlc, on the nnuHtic method. Daily use will lie in uln ol the blacKiioard. tlrthnriiphv, Heading, Kuulish Composition and Declamation will receive their full share of attention. Draughting, Construction of Maps, 'kd of Compass, e., will he taught to students in Sur veying nnu Civil Liidinecrnifr. Lessons iii Music, Drawing, Oil Puiminrr Water Colors, eve, Ornamental Needle Work. French nnd llotany will bo Riven by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Castlc'uit Female Seminary, Vermont, and conies recommended by the I'riiuipal of that Institution, as "ayoiiii:; lady of agreeable manners and high literary ut tainnicuU." oung Indies and gentlemen who design to become teachers, will lind this Institution no cfii cient school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, dining Hie. great part of the veur, a '1 eachkus Ixstitcte, Ihc niemlnrs of which will have the opportunity of attending an hvening Cnuisc of Lectures on School leaching and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principals. 'J lie government of the school is based upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right tlmt others should do to them. 11 once the rules will be mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that the morals, habits of study, and general deportment of tho students will be carefully attended to. The building is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, -e. Millliuhurg is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants aic moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets have been recently graded unit paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for students. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. l's Tho price of board, in the best of private families, does not exceed $1,50 per week. u. Students may enter the Academy nt any tunc during the term ; yet it is desirable that they bo present, if possible, on the first day, Millliuhurg, July l(i, 185:1. Urn. STOVES, STOVI3S. "117E, the undersigned would respectfully call Hie attention of purchasers lo our superior stock of Stoves, C'auldions, fcc. The superiority of our Stoves above all others is so well known that we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of them. We would invite your attention lo our Mne- grrsror lleatiup Worr. As the pi ice of coal is j on the rise, this is the most economical stove the i public can use. These stoves are of si.cs suitable ! for beating the smallest room J and those capable of containing from '10,0(10 to KO.IMIO cubic feet. Our Conk Stoves consist of the lilobe Cook, for coal Modern Troy , for ood--H uck's celebrated wood stove Complete Cook Voeom Cook Ilngar Cook, A.C.. S,e. Our assortment of Cook and Parlor stoves is the best in the market, and 'persons desiring to purchase will do well bv fa voring us with a call bcloro purchasing elsewlivre. NEMAN & WAI5NICK. Successors to Putts tSr Yoeom, N. E. Corner '2nd and Kacc Streets, rilll.AIIKI.I'IHA. Phila., A eg. !i7, ltf. ':). am. Just l'ulili.sheil null for Sale by WM. McCAHTV, Uookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American I'LliADKHS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in Ube iii the Culled Slates. Iy Coi.i.ixsox Kked, Ejij., Ipsae ieis viva ro.r With notes and additions, together with a short system ol conveyancing, lly A. Jordan, Pros i. lent Judge of ihc Eighth judicial district of Pa., anil ',. M. :, lt 1W1.r ..,,,1 M. I Slnuilel, of the. bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following lellcr has been received from JuJo Pearson of HarrUhurg : lIiiuusKi no, June 30, 1853. Glxtiamkx : After n careful examination of your 'Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of Hie selection and composition of the precedents thus offered lo the public. The legal profusion ill Pennsylvania stands in need of a cancel svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practice of the courts. Your formi of declarations being, lo a great extent, founded on the acts of asicmhly, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, und con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It should le in tho hands of every practUing lawyer ill our slate. Yours, with great respect, J NO. j. PE XUSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. liockcfullcr and M. I,. Shindcl, Esquires. Sunbury, July a 185.1 Stono Cutters nnd Laborers WANTED ! CTOjXjE cultom and laborer can have KtoaJy ' t'nlty and a winters ju'j, (uiut not work iu the wait r,) ut the I'nion unJ 8ux(uehannii bridge ut Chupmun, Union county, IV., midway be tween Liverpool and Aorlhuiiilu'r land. To la borer $ 1,35 cr thiv will be (riven. LEIstiXtiLXO & FISHER. Chapman, Sept. 17, 1853. tf. (J f'OKTMMEN. A lot of double ond iinS!e harrvllptl gun, shot bell, powder fl..ki, gun cnpi, tb i it , nowdur, -hot and l-ud for sale by fcept. ivaa. 1. W.TENEK iV CO 2,5U0 'Acres Timlicp Lund FOE. GALE. SJKVKRAI. VAI.UA 111.13 TltACTS OF TIM Hi: It LAN II. fnititirialiiir nltnfit Q MIO Seres, part of which is situated on Tnbyhnnna Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, williin three miles of l.elugh Kiver, in l'enn forest township, Cnrhon County, one of the Brct Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, can he had at a bargain, if ap plication be made soon. These lands are thickly covered with the best timber of that region. Whih) it is believed that 75,000 feet of lumber to the acre, can he cut from a large portion of lh land, the balance will aver age not much, less than this figure. The kinds of timber found on the hind are Hemlock, Spruce or Whilo Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pino and Hemlock. 'J'lio Tobvhaiiiia and Muddy Creeks aro lnrgn nnd rapid streams, yielding a vnst ninnint of water power, nnd are capable of driving a large number of saw mills. They empty into the l.ehigh, which stream, with the l.ehigh Canal nlliiuls an outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway lending to the cities of New York and Philadelphia which runs within one mile ami three qmirter.1 of the land. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in either of the cities named, for about $7 per llnuis. mil feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to derive gre iter profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the limber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spurs of vessels a sort of limber that ship builders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or at other distant points. L'niil.e most of the lands on the l.ehigh there has, ns yet, Iwen no culling of the t'unlier on this properly. It stands undisturbed by the wood man's ii e. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of the l.ehigh has been carried on to such an extent fur years past, thai a scarcity of good timber is begiiinin to lie felt. Every season necessarily increases this dilileulty. Tho consequence mu.-t be an enchain emeiit of the value of timber lands. Those uu-culled tracts with the advantage of avenues to ".aiket, such as the lauds offered for sale, possess, cannot fail to be the sources of supply hereafter. lint the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of go.nl quality for farming, nearly every acre being susceptible of a high stale of cultivation. ( 'upita lists desiring to make investments, would do welh.i turn their alleiiliou to these lands. For furth 'rTtiformation apply to CIIAS. M. HALT,. Oll'iec iii "Mining Kegister" building, Putts vide, Pa. August B, ISM. If. CHERRY PECTORAL: for l he Cure or COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTli. HXA, VHOOriUG-COUOH AND CONSUMPTION. TOCntKA COI.I), WiTIl If KVOATHK A M II AOHKKS if llic l.nly, I lit LIIKKI1Y I'm fdltAL nil guilty tO Itcil, -mhI i wr.qi u;t v:irui, tii 8vt-:it tluniiij the nklit. I'nR A (inl.u ami t'nn.M. ;i'sc It liHtrtlili;;, ll'ionJtnil cVf- iiiuir. netMr.tuiji t.i ilin-(;ti i:n on tin-1 tlif,"mul lite ihtliiriit ty will s Hin i,r v inirtl. N"iir wili I 'Mg iiH. r fr 'in (Ins t r. il when tli'-yii.ul i! c:ui ! no tv:itUv nireil. Pem ius alilN'trd with :i Ko;itl c nj;h, whii-li lir:iks litem f llicir ret nt itiutit, will iiml, hy tiikiiij; tin t'heny Pci-tnnil on tf tins I ) ln., tiify intiy In? miro nl s unit), iinlitnkeii slf'p, ami fiiiiKc'itiruiiy r- fier.tiintf rrt. (fn;! reli:t"friiiimuitr intr. nn:l :ui iiltiticiic cni i', m ;,fl 'filrd 1 1 i1mu;iikIh ure tlmn nlHiclt'd. l.y llnf tuMlnnlile rriitrtty. I' run ii nree;il)lt? i;tlfts in ilnt ritwn, mniiy fniil llnMiarlvw) iinwiil.ua lu I'oreg i in use when tho iieceuity fiif l hiift ce:iM-i tp in two eminent riiyniemm, in r.tVRi TKvn.i.K, Temi , Apitl IB. I-jI. Pir We liiire g'tvvn y-mr t.'h'-t ry IVrt riil tin extensive t r in I in our pineliT, uml iiii'l it t i mirjuis every ntliei re medy We have for cuius Mirtr-ii,.Mn of ill' reKMmtorv or tIIS i KM Kit IIAMITI. T()S!Nr;i:iiSAM) JM;MC SPKAUKItS thi lem-dy is iiivrihiiihlc, nn l.y im itrti.inoii tin-tlir.at and lime, win n tuki-n in Miii'i!) ijiirin'it u-i, it Teinovi snlt n:ii84ii(M( in Yw hi'iir, ami w niileri ully ijieiea-M a llie p,wcr atul lie il.li:y nl the v-'iee. AS'ni.M A in rt'niTa'K' ni::i'h n-lieved, nn.l often wholly eitred l-y t'iieirv I -! nd. lint iin-rc are 8 'iilr r;.!"! ob ahnnt' iik to yii ld cut in -ly t ii i ine lir-me. Cherry IVclo inl will fiu tln-ni, if ilit-y c:ni lie pim-il. IJItONl'IMTiS, rr irrniiti n ol the thr nt nnd upper port ion of the luttir.-, may he rurl Uv takinfj; I'li'-rrv I t" ral in B.tiiill and ireiptent il The unc niiuirtnMe op pression im hooii ri-hfved. K'v. 1) K.t. L..SN;. of nnklyn,w York, mates: "I hive eii the t'ln-rry I'eeinral run; une'i rimra of AKthtua and Uroiu'ltitis an leiula ine to believe il ean rarely fill to C'ire lit.- (liaf;iif.l." 0!i t'llOI'l. tiive nn etnHie of nntimony to lie (.U iwi hv i r 'h und fre-i'ient d-'Ht-l "f the t'hTrv IVrto- ml. until i'V.ili.i; thc dtit-aso. II l iken in sons u, il will ll t tail to rare. WIHM Ml Ml rnrr.II may Ik- brokeu up and mui eu red I iv the iikc of i.'herrv Peet' rat. Till-; IM'hl KSA is npeed:ly rem ved hy this reme dy. N'timerouH instaiu'tf have, been noticed where wh le fmiilii-a wei prot'cled fr nn any noui ronsetptrnees, while their neihb us, wiilnuit ttio Cherry Pertorul, wt ro sull'eriiitf from the diAie. Dr. .1. C. Aver: Sai.km. Ohh. I lib June, 151. 1 wci''- t i iiiiorin V"ii of tlif tni'.v rcm ukalil? edi-etti of y-.nr riiKKIiV PKiVT Mt A I. in this plae?, mid in my own famiiy. I n nf my d in-rhtcrs wan eomplftt-ly cuied in thn-r 'lav l a dnadlnl nooriNo 'ofill, by t iik in-: it Dr. MeiiiiH, one of our v:ry best ph tsietaua iccelv iai thnt he eoiisid.-i it the Ijcdt rem-dy we hav' piihiionarv dist'itKetr. and that be halt caved in ire ol" I'kolt with i than a. tv oilier nu-Ji -iin- in- evi-r a'biiiai.sltred. Oui e!i rj iiiru of tli" ll-iiiiist ri.urch sivsitiat ihirin;? the run ol li i,i'KA here tfiis He-m n. be has veeil enrra li'itn your iiiedii iiic be eould vearcely Ituve believed K'ilb on: K.'uiiiL". YouraVeFpectfiillv, J. 1 SIXPI-AIU, itepi.ty oNt ma tdcr. Vom the tUttiuirn'shrl Pro feasor ttf Chemis try ami Mrtcria Mxl.fc. Hoiriluiu Colteue. I have found tho C'iu:tii-v pKeuiiiM nn it k ingredient show, a imweit'il lumcdy f-T oldii, nnd eauyhn, und pul monary (lineaMR. Pnt;KR Clkvelaxu, M U. IJltCNs-WU li. Me., Velv fi, r-17. Vll. VAl.KN 1'IM". MO IT. The iriJflit CtlifnalLil I'mfmsor of Surgery Vi the Mtdkui Collcae, AVjr York City, mil: 1 1 s;i'rt ni'' pt'i'ire I.i rt;rtn"y llie value and -liirHcy of 'Aiu'i. ('iiictm PwriniAi..' whieh 1 eonci ler peeali m ly ailaptdl to cure dimas u tht M'liroal and Dine'.1' Miieii of deveie iliipefim upon the l.iniifd have been ef ftftid by fiiKKUv l'K( roi; u, in aik-Ii extreme eafin wanaut lh: l-h-f that a remedy has at length been found that ran be d- wiilcd on t-ii-i.iv lite rm-li, ( Vldfl and (.'oiisui'iption wloeli eyrrv iVoni our midst thoumnii!a every veir. It ix indet-d a im-lu'iiie to wIih h I he alliivled ran ...k vnli r Miii bnee for Miei, und fiey ia mid not fait to uvinl tbi ineU e of it. Ptcjutred (fi.J sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chnnift, LowclU Musi Hold in Sunbury by II MASSKK, und by Dru''ists ueiuTiilly tbrntilbiut the Slate. July ao, Irtoa. crow lv. Nov. 13. '52. J. r. GOULD, (Suci-euior to A. I'lO'l'.) . 1CI Clictuint Street, Swaim's Building., No, PHILADELPHIA. IXTEXSIVK Mi;slU lM.Ul.ISHER, ond UiuIit in Musiial Iii!.truiieiiU oi every dc. scriilion. Kxcluxivo Agrnt far the sale of Hallct, Davis & Cu' (Unalon) 1'atkst Biai'tKiio iluiuui Euliuit auj ullicr PIANOS, I.. Gilbert's Uouiloir 1'innoa, MeloJeoiu, Martin' (iuil.ira, llarpa, Violina, SSimtT Misic, Music UuiiKa, Ac, Jke. Kesidi'iiU uf the country will lie aupplied by tuiut or olhorwiae witli any muic tlit-y may wiah, at aa low raU-s aa if purrliaacil in person. Having one of Ilia largest storks in the I'uiicd tStatra, I feel ronliJvnt of satisfy ins; all who may fuvor me with a rail or order. Dralrra in Musiu aupplird on the moat liberal terms, l'iunoa to let. Si'ronJ Iiaiid I'iauta fjraale. l'lliladclphia, April 14, I8.i3.-ly. AIAKKIAGE CETIKICATE8 handsomely rieiHitcd for sale al this ollire, siigU el by Ilia 1 a a ' CEI.EBRATKD Family Medicines. IN offering tn thn pnhMo Ihn ultoto inmlnRbln prnpnrn. tbmN. the till men ber would stHtn Mmt. m poinmltnt.oti with hia ftirnda nnd nte nf the mont re.cctnl.lr ol the Medical fnculty, it wnii dpcmH mlvmnble to olli r to lli pubbe, lew prepnrntiona of known ceh brlty, In-ina pro pn red with tha Krwtf"t nro, nnd on thn moat veientihe prtnnplra, nn tmlistitiHri for thr numeroin worihlewi nr tielci that nr t)obnK ihe eonntry in the form of patmrra ml riite alln, prepared by the moat ipnorntil and mrrcr-nn-ry porauiiB, inlended to curs all dim-nM and good for none, Read and Reflect. That the Mnrtiefiie, Timufnelurrd br W. M. DRritt.KT. Inetmluifr hin It 00 IVclornl for t 'oniths. Cream Cmnnhor. f.r UlinilimtiPiii. Wonn Pynip for Avorms. Tooth Wh. for dernveil tw'tti, r1irnter1 (rums. Family Till, or blood i'urilyer, Imve b-en more exlensivo- ly used, nnd hnve piven 111 re mtisfuetion, thnn any olh-! MedtfMnra before the publir, N?inn prinred with rjriiril to their iisefuhieM nie fully wmthy tho triul of Ihe ailliet- ed. Oive them n trial. A few poweifut rea?ons whv the nbove Mrdieinei are denrrvimr of nuiversnl tnhoanB. (hi the Iirst place, they are prepnred by n renulnr Fhvmriiiu, who ituilerhtiuids the application of Medi.-im, to diseJiSfS. nnl eoiirteijuenUy are perfectly anfe to tnke. (Seromlly.) they have been used with universal snrt-ests, and have pivrn more aatiruc lion thnn nny ofhrr jMfdi iurs oil. 'ml before Ihe publirv (Thirdly) they are the only fncd.rntc that hnve (rained the pntionaire of rhvsirinus, where they have been imed ; Oiul (Koiiflhly.) they are put up In Inftrer tpinntities lot the anino priee, than nny olher Medicines tilfered to Ihe public of the same kind. ' As the nbsenber ha u niunber uf certifietites in his possession of tlie hivlnut nuihoriiy. where they have been used with the most salisfm-lory re sults. He will publish a lewol tlu-m, feelin: satisfied that a tf ml will insure their Tecominetidntinn. Try them and Kitisfy yourself of their superiority over nil oihers. Rend und be Convinced, We Ihe Oiiderairni'd Imviiiff Ix-eii in;nle neiinninteil wit Ii Ihe iiifrredit'iils rnteitnir into the romponmls kiniwii ns llii'kley'a Kntnilv Medicine ulso ha intr prcscribcil nnd Known inemtotw useii, wttli m st satiKiaclorv resells take pleasure in saving that we believe 1 hey fully meet me uemgii tor which inev nre ree niiioemtrit. JAI. S'ritAWMUIIM.I' AI.1. r II. VKIOK, M. I) WM. MeMAI.OS. NF. T). WCSI.KY II (il'.AIUII'AltT, M. D. W,M. II MAdlM.. M, T). II It. (jKAIIUMAKT, M. D. Cure of pain in the svlr aurf ranch from profrtttl htvrr Cotnplfti nt . Mrs. Itntwrt Ad imi, lab rinii under Chronic. Liver Citn plaint. aecHitpauieit Willi n l rt dry eon ih pain in llie side ami brea-l. ct-neral debility, loss of iiniirlile. tiller ti v- in all the usual remedies rce tnnnendcil foi Jonahs nnd diseases of the cht, wiio wilh no benefit, she was recom mended to It y Hie It tFe IVeiornl. from which, she n-1 only derived uuntnliate hal tenn'iueiit relief. John Adams, n ol Mrs. Robert Adams, was nfllicted with a Very severe catrjh. pain iu the sale, nnd a rcings proibiced by incefisnul ruhunr; he was imluced to My the Rose Pectoral. T use his own lancinye, the firnt dose enabled him tn pn.ioy a ciwd nijiln's reft. In ihe ni'irniug he ex eci oraled about half pint of matter, lie continued b improve until Ins eouirh entirely U ft him, .t also bad (he el feet of strenheuintT his bieasi. which was naturally weak. Henlsonivs (but he h:ts leeoinmendcfl it ton mimlii-r of his I i icitdit for simil:ir r:iiitnt:oni. nml I in every case it hastiivm saiiiitaetion. The above persons residents of the town of Danville, feel i up tlmt they have derived prejit benefits fr.nu the use of the JtoBrt I'eetoRd : Hiithorie the nb ive slntriiicnt, for Ihe benefit uf those who may ! Mltlicted in u siinilnt man-u-r. UUKAt t:rK. 1ossof Vuice restored with one bottle of 12 oe Pec toral MissS'isnn AVli'ittoek, of Hush township, Northumber land e iM for n number of ears mi ii valid, m the fall of l".Vi, lost the use of her voice from 11 severe cold she con tracted ; after Irving a number of reinedn . with 110 bene- J fit, she was entirely restored by takimr one b .title of Kose ! Pectoral, after which, she lout her voice tuain, from n j fresh cold she Coutraeleit, an I was' again rcnior! by the use ni tin ither uoitie ; she iiien lo k lour boll Icr tiiou; to sircngihen her breast, from winch she dehved the m nl decided bent-lit, and has been in the enjoyment of excellent hea 1 1I1 from that time to the present. Thenbotc statement is obtained from pr PuiseJI, the Phyiiciau who ntteuded lur: nisi her 111 t lit r who ilnuks that she wiild not be living at this time if it had n"i b.-eu : for the U"ri Peeloml. Dmiville. .Ian. J.. I'-.'.'J j lil another Marled Cttre Jff'rctrd. Mis. Samuel Scchler, beinp nf 11 iutur::l weak iril ib ti ear caisti:ution. very susceptible to e lds, was ieietl with n veiy severe cough, pain and soreness ol tiie 1 re iel, 1 loss of nppi-tile ; utter using n miuih-r of the usaal r'iiu-' di"S from which, site ilerivcd 11 Iwuelit. nhc was cure! -v ; Ink in 1 one b title of R.ise Pectoral and is in the enj") meat 1 of barter h- dih th nt f -r years previous. : Jtaiiville. Dec. 1 -.'.l. Dit. liicKi.ev : permit tee to inform yon that my w fe, ! who is a delicate nut weakly w man, lab 'ring under u ; very severe Cough wilh pain and soreness i.f breast, was : m re (piicklv nnd efb cf uaiiy reb yetl with one btile i'fs your Hose Pectoral than nny other medicine s n had ever taken. AltKK .M lliillH:. j Jan. 1P.V, Samuel R.'Wtmils' i'utuace, Med I, int. ! Pitt Xtt LMPKNCK IN PVOR OK 1MB HoK. pKCTolt AL AND Family Pills. i John rubier taken Itetweeil Christmas nnd New Year wilh a very bid cold, which ended in a dry hard incessant ! Cough, causing a great deal of pain whenever he coughed, ! was relieved very ituielt ; by the lime In had taken one third of a b ittle. and by ihe'tiine it w.is iiuithed, was en- tirely cured, lie a!s says that he has taken several do a-s 1 of the Health Restorative or Family, PdU. nnd that they j are the mildest und most eUectnal ptngativca he lias ever 1 taken. Danville, J;in 1. 1nV. I Dr RieRi.Ev Diirina: u viait to my hr lihcr, iu Dan- j ville, I to k a very severe Cold, which ended in a tijjht ; hard Cough, with s (rcne. nnd pain of the breast, f r which 1 usetl your Rose Pcet tral. nud Family Pills, und take pleasure in rec nnmeiidiug them, us the iniidei-t nud j in 't eifeeluul remedy 1 have ufed. Yours. reKpectfur.y. JA.MK! .MUil, , Jan. 'id. 1R.VJ. Vhito Haven. I.u.eine co. Dear Sir : As a recommendation f-r ynr Rose peel ral. peimiluielo sfjy, that I was i tlcctually cured of a very severe cough with pain iu Ihe breast, wilh less I ban ball n bottle, mid Ih it I ("insider it invaluable. You ore at liberty to make this public if von please. J MIX Sl'FUKlXt;'. (tin-err.) Danville. Pa. My sn William lalioriiig under n severe con ah nnd pain in his side, fioin an injury received by a fall, was entiit-ly relieved by a boMle of R ise pectoral ,V I'ream of Cuiu ph'i. I have uUo useil yitnr Familv 1'ill.s, und altogether I c uisidor them the best inedecuies l" have c-er usetl. JOAN UVKRDORF. Jan. 1QV2. Rush Tp., Nortirdm. j Dr. Riekley : Sir: As my w.fe win was troubled with ttry, hard Uoncli. nls 1 s air M anach, dependent upon debility, similar to Dispepnia. was entirely relieved by isuig iw 1 Ixitlles of your Rose Pectoral, permit me ti Siiy I hat 1 coiiniitrr it an exce lent reim-ttv. Youis, respectlully, MeV Mr. WII.T.Ani). iasl t l.utheian Church Danville. I'm. Having lieen cured of a t.iiu in my aim (similar t R heu m it ism) which deprived me of the free utte of it f r alt. "it four mouths, lly u-ing oueb'ttlcof Cream -f ( aiiijili r I w uld state that I c uisider it Ihe hot remedy of H e kmd I liave ever usetl iu iny family, mid I w iuU freely reomimeud it to others with similar ntfcciionts. Yours, respectfully, JONAS WOLF. Utmli ip., North il co. My wife being efllicte;! with a wi y seveic n iiu in h r j nnu Hiil sh mlde.r (ihe effects ofc 'klj wUieli disabled lur li nn nsiiia 11, was cured vi:n rniiiang ol Team o i aui phr. Mra. I'ltlin. my sister-in-law, was a If 1 cured of a severe pa 111 in the In td anil f ice i using the Cic:on -l Camphor THOMAS c. I.fd.is. D.mvillc. J tu. ,!!, V. My wife having JUiriim it;jni of '.. -. inn for 11 numb r nf years, which prevented her froin iiMnn it in d dug b 1 woik ; after baviag spent a gieat deal of money iu tr mg diltereut remedies with no b. uriit, was entirely cured by using only one bottle of your i rci:n of Canadior. V, JAM KVCNS, Minor, f,M S. R. Ao..d, R. point Xlr. Riekley : Having received ft very seveie injury in my tiile hv falling oil'n I rjd of hay, from which i was una ble to follow my work, w is rec aimn-iided lo try a b -itle of Cream of Camphor, which tuf ird.-d immediate, rein l". (iRlFFITtl CAIilt. Kiih tp , oril.i e.i. My wile, suffering fn m nrst excruciating pa in, throughout hei general systctu, which prevenit.l tier loan fcieepnn (lH.'inj; ocMioncd byul-.ug ami prolrnctrd speli ol sickms;) for which he li.-t'il u number of remedies Without benefit, was entirely relieved bv the use of I 'train of Camphor. ;r.O." II. RiloW . Singe ai Den'inl. Danville, Pn. Child cured of H wel Comr.iaiiit. nud Ague (of two years standing.) by Whiih Sjrup. My child being ntliicted f l Ihe tiM two years, with B iwe Coiiiplaiut an I Agnu mini ii was reduced to u mere skeleton, 1 ttied u uiimlter of reincthcs wnh 11 permanriii Ifilelit, until I gave it a b Ule of your W'Uin Svrup, since which lime it lias b-eil well, and g t quite tb'-hy. 1 also bay recoRmcntel it to 11 mimU-r oi my fi.e'nds, und 111 every cuse it has given s;itisfaciiuii. L. 1,1'A'i. Al Louis l-an-.-' (Merchant. Danville. I Icive used y air Worm Svrup hi my family, und con sider tt not only eileelual, but the mot,' ple.iwmt ariicle I 11m act j a ai uteri with. jAi'tiR I.tSHKI.S, Danville. Having used ytair Woim Syrup in my familv, it hetiB my children more than any pieparaiion of the kmd. and is more pleus-mt to lake, DAN MORGAN. Montoni R'-w. Danville. I have had occasion to use yonr Worm Syrup in mv family, and prefer it to anv Vennifiige I haw used. FRi;i). lit' 11, Frosty alley, M -ittour co. Pr. Riekley Having usis) your wnni Svrup, und Cream of Cuiupher und Familv pills in my family, they gave fr 0 n! satisfaeti.m, and I consider them the most ef fectual, out pleasant remedies, we have had in our family. .lOUMITUAN R. RISHKL, Danville. Pe nr Sir : YVe tho untleiigued leing in the employ of Messrs. ( roves A Coiuty, at who e store, you h ive an Agency for the s tie of your Family Medicines, state that we have had an opportunity of knowing the opinions of numerous individuals who have usetl them, und that they give general satisfaction. We have id a great many of your Pills, which me uuiyersally liked, being very mild in their operutiou. W. LKISK Itl Danville, Attest, V M. KKPLKIt, Having Scurvy of my mouth very bud, 1 was iiHlucml to try a b ittle of your Tooth Wnsh. waieh acted like a cliurm, liardening my gums, nnd removing all ditiKe. JONATHAN R. RISHKU Duuvilla Dr. Riekley: Having what was called ulcerated sore, mouth, for which, I tried a number of retnedns with no licneht : J was at last cured by usius; one Itottle uf your Ti t Ii wash. My wile aU t during her coiilinemeut, was threatened wilh s ire. Ri easts, limi) having alrcudv lormctl, for whica she used the Cream of Canmhor, which sen tier ed them, tii ere hy prevenliug her breasts from vatlieriug. i;o A. tUU)V., Near Lutheran ttrirch, Duuville, Pa. Dr. Hirkley. Having an ipprtunity of teeing y.iur Anti-Scorbutic T itb Wash useol in some very severe ca ses of scurvcy of the gums, I consul ex it an excellent retue-u'- ours, respectfully, CiKO. 11. DROWN. The aWa niedicitiea are for side Wholesale and Re tail by W M. HICKLKY, M. I) , Proprietor, Danville Also Fm tale by the following Ageuis iu Norlhumlier land county. KriliuK a: Orunt, Sunbury- W A. Knobb, Augusta; W. Furrow, nydertowu ; Taganrt, FurnimiA Hiirt-ai, PBxinoe; KiiMtinr 4c Htrmsa, Pasiu; J Jm aiixant, l'axm.ts; Hugh Yustma, Paxinosi Ainmeimuu, ltUHHi Jc Cu(Sham.kiut Mr. Jas Thomas, Sluim .kmi " iu. rarely, Hham .ktn; Cumpbeli A Kline, Augusta rtunuel A. Hefftstrtsser, PetemhtirM' : Jacob I.eii. nrinr, Hear Gap ; Conrad Wenek, Nor thumberland ; Jereuiiali i I rouse. SeJinssTfoVa. J.i. Baker, Lswuburii : Joliu F. Ca.low and Joi.ailutn Zellefa. Miltun. 1 Call 011 the Aaenla. . f . ..Ir,..tu.w ..tal.,;... f.oi deseript iim f the iwioenms jures iwr formed by the duTer em Metbemes. June 11, teo3 wly. "AID AND COMPORT," ,fIo lour Own Mechanic. GEOlKiK in:NN. manufacturer op FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most fashionable Style. 'THE miWrilipr respectfully rail tlie. attention S- .if lltM niiltli 4rt 1.. . 1 1 1:1 . of llie ptililintn liia larsre and Rulciulii aaaort- nieut of every qnnlitv and price of which eannot fail to rei.onimciul itaelf tocvery on who will cxninine it, on account of iln duinlile workimiriKliip nnd aplendid linixh, niiido up of the hest Mock to lie hud in the city. No efliirt ia xpRrcd in tho nmnuliicturc of hia ware, and tlit suhsrrilier ia determined tu keep up with tho runny improvement!) which nrn constantly hcing mule. Ilia stock com;ints of Mahogany Sofa, IHvnns ml I.ontiarox, Eureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AM) DINING TABLES, nnd also VKNKTIA.X IH.INDs, ctiil to 1'hilu- lcphi:i manufacture. UEDSTEADS, of every ptitlcrn and price, CUIMIOAKDS. WOKIC AMI ("ANDI.E STANDS, Ttill.KT TAIH.KS AND KXTKNSIOX TAIH.KS, In Rhort. every nrlicle in tltin line of hi hnliu . lie al.so inniiuf.u turi s all kinds and ijunlilics of cimus, itn-ltxliiip; v.irietiea never heforo. to he had ir w I t. . , ... -uniHiiy, kui 11 lis .11 iiinii ( r. lii.K K ALM T f . ... u 11 111. r.ll ..IM'l.h 111:1.1 ian ; AMI Ulvi snli (MIAIUS, ami mi v 1'i ivo Srimu, which nre of the lutcst Klvlcs, nnd w.iriiinU il to lie ecillcil hy none innmiliu-liiri d in Ihe I'ilicsnr clxcivhrrr. 'J'he Fulwrihi r is di tenniiied thnt there ahull he no excuse for pcifon" to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every conllili lire c;in l.e entcrliiined nhmit the i,u;iHiy und lini.h of liU wuro and C'hnir. His nrticles will he disposed cf on ns Rood terms ns they e.in he purcluised clscwhero. Coun try Produce t;iki n in p;i mi ni fir work. "t1 l.Mjr.KI'AKI.Vt;. ll.nii1? provided himself with a hnnd. omo IIaiisk, he is now pir :iril for rmlcrt:ihinir, uml ntteiulin funer nls, in this vicinity, or lit r.ny convi nicut din t;ince IVoni this place. lXf' The Ware K.vim is in Market itreei, hilovv 'I'hompaon'a !l irc and A e.ier' TnvciujA Sunhury, Jan. 10, ls.'r: if. $1000 a Year. .TI:'D in fiery county of the: I'nitid Mates, active and enterprising men, to en- w ftao in the sale of some nf tlie best Hooks, pub lished iu the country. To men of irood address, possessing a small capital of from !;ir to IH, such iudtuemciitu will be nlVcrcd as to enable them lo make from to 'Jl a day profit. It' The Hoo'rS piilili-hcd by us are nil useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand lare sales wherever thev aic ol'l rcd. for Imlhcr partii niars, address, (posinn1 )aid.) i.i:.i:v a ci: r., No. l:5- North eVcnd Mreel, l'hila.ic'pliia. l'ublisbers of suIiM'i i lion li niks. I'hila., Au j;. iit) I -.'):!. oin Drug, Paints, Class, Oil, int'iow .rl Tons Ii-eni h y.iuc while. 1(1 tons l'uie While I.ea.l. Stllttl I.'ovi s Window ili,s.iill si.cs. Superior I'ot.ish.t !opal,( 'oach , I. ea til er if Iron vai ui-h, while I lemur varnish for ( 'lima (iliiss, with n general ;iSMiiiiucut of I'rc h nnd pure UllfiSS AM) MI-:iiCL' KS. Also nil tlie Patent .Medicinea in Rcneral use, warranted i;i'nuiiie. ('olorcd and I'liasuhd (ilass, Ac, cc., forsale very low at Ai.ri.i;!) wiii incut-Kirs lint," and Taii l Stoic, No. lti'J N. -Jud Street, PIlll.ADU.riU A. l'livsicians and Storekeepers MipplitJ Cloods sent to nnv of the li.iti is or l!c:nls Irce of charge. I'hila., .Slav ys, ISo.'t. lv. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWEL11Y AKD vjii. i:it w ai;i:. vi l.-K-ite nml iielnil Tit No. 11 S. Sill lll) St.. oini !"i'e llie Ml. V eluon House, ln.l liver W'nielivS. Iilll icwe.'vil. I k.c.ises, i-..t.o ; f-nver l.CVerS, lull J-Wel-il. to.wO j SilVi r l.e1.lue.. jei-ee.l, r-!l.- IMI nil warr. inted lo keep ooil t ti.'lil I'ens nnil Sil ver t'iise. fr..IHI; Ii 'hi Pei.et:.. sl.lHl; Ij.lil Pencils and Pen Cayta Willi : iotl ii..i I'ensn. I w as s:.o5. Ac. Al, nUviosnn ti-tn I a e mkI nss.Ttinent of tine ir 'lit .tewelry. liol.l ("nili, tinml nnil !'.,!. ( 'luiiiis. (iolU Vol Chains, 1i.b-s' (b.ld Silver Tabl-S(.o:i I I' oh l imns ami II. Il I'nis. ir-iu 11 lo Wi-. Di-m-rt, 8! to 'Jl.anil 'I'ea. silo'i l i s.,.-,n ,,er s.-t. wirrm.ted eqiml to coin All (jooils v:n lanteit to In; wlint tin y are .H .lil lor. If Wall In s aa'l Jewelry repniieil an-l :n oinli .1. Ail orders sent hy mail or oiIiitwim., will lie punc tually nltviuliil t i. M. AVISi:. Asent, No. X .rlli Sl'.l'ON II :reel, iy;i site llic.Mt. Vvrn. n il I'liila Aiiril 01, I- i Iv. A VALUABLE HOUSE And 'J'Iiitc At-its ii' (irouial FOR SALS. '"jHK subscriber oli'crs nt private sale, hid house - nod ihicc acics of ui'ouu.l, on the ricr Hank within Iho liinlis of l!-,e l'oioindi of Sunbury, now in tie occupancy of John Mossier and orig inal'.y owned by t.'.i.n. dossier while engaged in boat bail.Iin. The impruyc.ucu'is me a . TWO STOItY EEAI'lE HOUSE, With a Well of pan.b, ll'ulcr, and a good frame stable. .There area number ol I excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop. I erty is handsomely loeati d und will be sold nl a reasonable ptice nud possi'ssioti gien in April ' ne.t. Apply to d o- C. i ikcr, F.sii., of Sun- I burv, or to the taibscribrr nt Seliusgrove. p::tjjk kfkun. Julv S.I, l."'l! tf. WM. M'CAHTY, Booksbller, KSPFCTF1'I.I,V informs tlie inhabitants ol town nnd eountry, that lie has lately recei ved from Pliiladelphia, a large nddition to his stock of books, in every branch of Literature, und in a, ureal vaiicty of Uimliiij. Plc.uc call and see them. Sunbury, i'ept. 17, 1S53. TiAiMS. WLANK.S of eycry description can he Inn.' Vy M J1 applying at the ollice ol I lie Ainencaii. j II. 11. UIUUFF.'.S remedy -"eolds, and puhnouaiy iliscases. for coughs, ; A supply of: this valuable mcdiiiue just received nud lor sale : by 11. II. .MASSE li. ; Sunbury, June 4. 1H.":). JLO'J'HS, Caoimercs, Vcstim-a, Sallinetts. j V;e., of various sK lea and colors, rust recei- ' vea ana lor i i. lo by Sept. 10. 'S3. I. W. TEN KIJ & CO. ANU HILLS neatly printed on nevr I vie promptly executed at this ollice. Alsu blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Suuburv, Feb. 14, 1S52. 4 UXOLU'S MTU'l INli FLl'lU and Adhe". aivo und legal envelopes, for sale by il. U. MASSE If. Sunbury. Jan 10. 1S.V2 IOK sale at this olueo, Superior ltluck Ink, V little Medicine at VIS els, 1' ure Ebeiice of Ginger. 25 cent CILVEIl WATCHES. A few double ease English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by 11. II. MASSEli. Sunbury, April 12, 151 P EE GILLS. Justices and ConitaMra Fe Hills handsomely printed onraiJ nanur f.. Kale at this ollice. a I NK Boureau'a celebrated ink. and ataA Pam. gres ink for aule, whol;sale and retail hy Dttembcr 38, UiO. H. U MASTER. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tlio ( ttbliirt irni' lloom or SEU'N IIOUPT k CO. Market Scruaro, Also at the corner of Fawn street $ the Railroad SUN13UIIY, l'A. Jhonkfnl for the patronise ol Ins frienda nnj enstomera during the 17 yenra he hna heen in huai neaa in this place, he solicits from the public a con. lumnnco of their favors, lhirimr this period ha has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, nud has itccorilinry extended his husi. ness iu every branch and variety. The p,ic re therefore invited to the attention or the present stock of CABLNKT AVAKK AM) CHAlilS. .MAN r AC'Tt' II 1". I T Y 5EEASTIA2J II0UPT & CO. At the Old KhuvJ, Where in nddition to their former stock of the estahliHliment they now ninnulaciuin Mahogany, Walnut & Canc-Scat Clir.irs. Jjiri't. rintiy bml Hocking Cli: Dressing Jiirm:m, Centre Table .Marble Top Wash Stands, and it ntneh nf ,th r vew style and Fa I. i o nv.h t c V 1 1 ; c t ? urv. Ilavinrt secured n Hearse nud nuule th neces sary nrrnmicmcnts for Ihe purpose, thev me now prepnred for L'nderlnkinir in nil its lin'uii in this vicinity or nt any convenient dUtiiucp. Ye mniils wnl initnws, n:nt Ii hfI ni, :i too, Itcri-'s furniture of rvt-ry ii!f nml Inn tr-nn si.le I. i:niU il ;-ii t. i kit t il.'. 1" r on rocking t'lriirs to i . n-U In jr ,.r:int- Plionlil you ii. . 1, u-e the P-mly ,I,mi to pnv, XXV'M v:iit swliile fnr ii I. ri'iler lirtter ilny, (Ir tiilie pol.-itorn. outs, e tii. wheal nnil rye; Dark, h inp poles, ilnri-s, or liitiuVr w.-t anil ilry, Or nny llunir I nl yokes nml tlirufliins H ols, I-'ioin piKs nml liukii-s ilown to liule iiuniij, C'oine on Oien frii uiU. come one :nnl all, Keep tr.ule n ninvini;, km '-g 'i-s on ilm l,ai." I i? Orders from a distance promptly attended nud work of u'.l kimls ilclivrvc 1 with dispatch. .Suuhurv, March 9, 1 r,"i(). tf WATCHES, JLV.'F.LKY, ice. ,i a y i:s j). fid , Kij, No. li Soul h See and Slrcc', Z lUI.ADILriilA. Hold I. ever Wutclics full jewelled Silver I. ever do Sih cr l.epiun do " (jiinrtier do (old pens nud pencil nud silver haldcra Silver Tea nnd Tabic Spoons llnicelcts, llrcast pins liar riiins Ovc. All warranted uhd sold at prices a low as any in llie city. November 27. IS .12. tf. i.000 .Men M auled. tlie li"c nf the S! '.- Ol KII .N. KAIi.- OA I) betwi en liii.'ciport fnppositc llnr- ri .bur") and Suiibir , i-i liic iac ol i'ciin.- Iva nia. This road i li;tv lour mi!.'.; in IcuMi' nn:a Ihroiuh a bil.lv iiiipf..-,.. I country, nud will furnish ciii !o on lit for .stone masons, carj enters and labours for tho nct tM'!ve mouths. A lame poitiou of llie hue is heavy rod; eM-avalion, laborers that are familiar will I lien fore find cer lain employment and liltonl wacs. liOL'liilllHTV. I. U .MAN A- CO., Contractors. February in, leo:t loseinlakr II draulic Ccnient. N excellent aitiele for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses nnd Cellars, and for keeping dampness fiom wet and r posed walls. For sale !iv CH AIII.KS Slli:PAli) S.MITir, of, and successor to, the Lite linn of Kyi Smith A Son. N. V.. Corner of Front nnd Willow atreet Kailro.ul. J I.llaileiplila, I cli. ia w ACKi-:uI:ir ilia cooi-uMi, SAI.MHN, UKKK1NGS, I'OKK, II A.MS S: SI0KS, sUiHI.DI'.US. ir, ik.i.x i v. Ciiiis'nnilv nn hiiml and (or sale bv .1. PALM Eli & Co. Maikt'l-Siieft Whatf I'hilailulphia. I.AKD Aug. Jy: CHKESK, '7. lfifrJ Uin. Hobby Horses, Clltlrcn's Fropellors, Gifjs. Coache:;, Earcuclies, &o. .Manufactured wholesale und retail by L & TTJLL, Ao. H4 l'llt'K Street, Pliiladelphia. Order through the mad promptly cxeculcd Phila., Apiil St. lis.'ill. lv. NOTICE. VJOTICE is hereby given that nil application will be made, at the next regular session of the Legislature, to charter n company for hank ing und discounting purposes, with u capital of two hundred thousand dollars, with the privi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county. Pa., and to be culled "Tiie Mixkhs' Hank or Sisiihv." July 2, 1.':1. fun. Laborers Wanted. 'IlIF. subscribers waul immediately on the -- Kailruad and Ilnsiu, nt Chapman, I'nion county, seven miles Udow Seliusgrove, from 50 TO 100 LAIIOKF.ltS, to whom one dollar per day will pe paid. SAWlKii:. Wji.VEATON & CO, Chapman, I'nion County, Fib. 19,1853 tf. S3 UKWAit!) ! t IHE above reward will be paid for the discov. I cry nnd conviction of ev ery individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring- any (,f the property of 1'kiludcLpliiu und Sunbury "Railroad Company. BV OPiDF.U OF TIIE riJEsiDEXT. June, 4, 1 tS5;l. if. 11LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, llonds, Executions, Summons Ac., for sale by J. U. MAbSEK. Sunbury Airi 2fi. 1S51 ANN'S LF.TTKIl l'i:E'ssEsTTitTi It Q hooks, ink, and ull complete, just received, and for sal hy 1. JJ. MASSE It. Sunbury, June 4, 1953 IIAIN ri:MP.S.. K small number of these escelldiit pumps have bcea received and are ollcred for sale by IL D. MASSEli. Runburv, June 4, 1H51. GMrrHEtEcij'oK JAMAICA UlN. (iEIi, s IrciU supply just received, and for sale l.y 11. U. MASSE K. Sunbury, Jan. 10. 1ST. 2. 71 LEV'S L'UHiJl CMNUV. An excel- lent remedy for com hs, cold. For sals at this ollice. December 4. 153.-. PC HANK NO TE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. ri'.NNSVl.VANIA. city er pnn.Ainci.PRia M A PS A C A I; 5KTTS. All ftilveitt liaiiki I dis HIIOIJK ISLAND. All lvrnt tmnki I dif COMNKUTICUT. Alt aolvent bank! I diS nkw vonit. CITT. All ,""lllt '"" Willi' "Wint blinks uu , . COUNTRY. Il l "' V'll!"n,""rlf 1 din ..... .i. n,.-T Ii;ir J"h of )e. fn. Chester ir .... .-, iimiiiiiwil nnk of (innvshiirir .ink of l.,.w.wl, nnr :. II solvent bnnka I dit 1 dis,(7-Jk oolea aixler t5 I dia ' ""I AIHll. Jliilllpj,,,,..,;,, !,.,,, ,. "",f ..""'nilH.,l ,. TOirTBT. AM aolvenls hanks 1 dis NKW JKIiSKY. Ttotviilrre Hunk I dit Cuiiiinureial Dank 1 di CnrllnN Itn ni. . ' . ! nr. Hunk Mont llollY par 1 ill. I. Ar l AIl.l.ll.. DI !.. i iillilill 1-2 .1 lir;Meeh. Hk nf liurliiirton Sf Vtw 9. i'WS ".-li..., ti-i . ' ""'urK lK'K IllS. "JO I di "'.""'" 1 iliilOrmiBe ll:nik dia dia . .V"? P"1!'"''-'" Hk P-ttertn l''simer. u' I'i'r.lTiiiirt..,, Hunk ". r nt i i uhne f" Si,ln'n "-"kin)! TO, 'TV) Ilk lv'!lk'' .''n I"' "''"" C llonk par par dia par I .1. Ilnrri.1.,.,. I!., i.- " :." "zalsMliloa ll.nirpilnli. Il-nik l.-iiii-a.-UT Huik l.ftiiinnn llnnk At. rdi. A Mini. Hniik I dis Sum. itmik Nrwoik 1 dia ins ruue iik. N . Iliniiawick nir p:ir.Sns..x l.nnk. Newton I dia p-ir i ri-nt. .n Hiinkiiig Co par I'nioii linnk. Dover I ilia iirilleyv'leAIlrlUrCi.lflriia t dia .iiini'is' irk. potiFville .m ui mil- i in-lit llnnk I .li. Ijiyl'.wvV llr llrKCi, 10 ihs rytik n ti-s innier (s I di DI'.I.awahi.:. tu: nr:iM"li l!:mk tllir ItllllKril lliwnr. TIBS M.-mk of Snivrnn p, Delnwnra (,'ilr linnk nf l ork linnk. ,is u uciici notes I Hi. Ilk iluur'nft Hrnmlvw. r I'nrmers' Ilk St tlelnwnre par I "ni. ai Hunk. Wilmington par IF" L'mlcr ..Vs dis OHIO. RlllkofWlielloik S.lf, M'reiuitilo Ilk. IJnng'ir All .lent !.:..!,, ) ,, M.1V IIA.M 'S I If All solvent Innka 9 dit All XilVeiit Innkn vi:itvt(iT. Hunk of si AUnma All ilvent bunks 1 ilis.l '7 Iik ii.-tes nniler 5's 4 dil NOICI'lt CAHOI.INA. 2 itis All s ilvnil linnkl a dia 1 ilis,t 'I'niler.Va, t dit Ti;r.Mi:Nuof3 ExciTEKrxT ! .' Ciisli, Sknm, KIcctricitv ! ! 'J he .1r,-i,:l and nil olher lines oat-dune by th M'ertifiitaff Mm. of - y Inivnm great faith in rapid sale, ami ' small profits, has just received aim opened . a l.irgp assintmcnt of x j SPRINT. AM) SUMMER GOODS. J At his Store in M ir:;et Street, Sunbury, which j he oilers 1 1 the public ut the lowest prices. I. is Block cui..:LU of a general assortment o ' Dry (ioods, iz : I Chillis. Ca?sinier. Ctt?sii:,-ts. Jeans. Dnllinn. Muslins, Linens. Culieocs, Muslin tie Luins, Lawns, Cinshams, flcragrs. Sii.k Mat. A lurge assortment nf Hoots ami Sbn li"rs, for Mc Women and Children. CifOC PI ICM, Sugar, Tea, CofT'o, Mol Cos, rish ?tl!t, Pbslrr. HARDWARE, Vi. : Iron nnd steel, Nai's, Fi'e. Saws Ac. QTEENSWARE, '''it Set Is, I'ia'es. lUs'us. Cnps, Stxneert, ic LKll'ORS, Wir.r. Iiriimly, din, l!i!i!i. WhisKiy, kt. XV Country prodf.co i.f all kinds taken in ex change nt Ihe highest inuiket prices. Jan. 15, ls,")j. ly, incv i on :;c's!:s.r TIIE FOCKET ArsCoLAPIUS : oi!, i:vi:r. v m: mis owx rnvu iAN. rsiiii: i:ni:nnTir r.i;. lion, with Onn Hundred .gra ings, showing llis. e ;si s ami M il im in j ti.insj f Ihe i I inn. in Sv stem in every -h.ipe and f.nn. 'J'o which is added a Treatise on the llisenses of Females, bring ot the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. ' .V Or Til iti. Yoiing- m.4 r3 I.et no father be ashamed to present a copy of the j:sCL'l,APIi:s to his child. It may .'ave him from nn e.uly trtave. Let nn young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life without reading the POCKET .I'.SCl' LAPII'S. Let no one sulVeriu; from haekniep Cough, Pain iu the Si.le, restless nights, nervous feelings, und the whole train of lHspeplic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, he another moment without consulting the .ESt.'l'LAPIL'S. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. tr Any person sending T W ENTV-FH E CENTS, enclosed in u letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. Dn. W. VOl'XO, No. 152 sPKLCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 185H y. OlNSoiitlioti ol i'nrliici sliipi ' "IIIE Copartnership heretofore existing under L the name of James II. & Win, U. Hart, ia this day dissolved by the withdravvcl of William II. Hart. The business of tho lute firm will lie settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 229, North od street. JAMES IL HART, WILLIAM II. 1IAKT, THOMAS 1IAIIT. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, lM5:i. The undersigned, have Ibis day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of James II. Thoiniis Hart. Thank ful for past lavors. they respectfully nsk the at tention of their friends and the public to their stock of CKOCEKI Hs, wbi. l, w in ,e fui am extensive, nud which they will sell al the lowest market rates. JAMES H. HAIiT, THOMAS HAIIT. Philadelphia, Jan. I, lS.Vt JS, tt. More iy Goods!! WILLIAM A. KNOlJn, ffJEsPECTFLLLY informs kis friends ami the public generally, that he has just received and opened a huge nnd splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Cioods, viz: Cloths, Cassimers, Sallinetts, Vesting, Flan nels, Muslin, t)e. A splendid stock of LAD! KS DKKSS AND FANCY COODS, Such as Silks, Herazes, De Laines, Merinots, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, ffc. BOOTS AND SHOES, A fine assortment for Men, Women & ChilJre. A largo assoitmeut of GKOl'lCRll-S, set ll Al Sugar, CVflee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, kc. Hardware and Queensware. I Salt mid Liquors. SI C'!! AS Gin, Brandy, liinu nnd Whislfy, llesides the largest and most general assort ment of ull kind of (ioods to be had in ihe country. All the above mentioned goods will t-e sold at such reduced prices as they can not bs got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kinds taken ia sxclinige at the highest market prices. Augusta twsp., July ti, 1S53. 6m. OLD PENS with and without ease, of tiH ry superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal by II. B. MASSES. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851. 1 J.VTE.NT B1UTTANIA STOPPERS hi B MASSE. bar Dottles lor saw pj H. -S'-::-. ? Sunbury, April, U, 1831