TOtMO AMERICA. Mr. Charles Edwards Lester ha had tho tnisfortune lo Iread on tha toes of T. Devin Keilly, Esq., in the oolums of ihe New York answers him in a letter to the editorof that sheet which concludes with the following paragraph, Reilly is a them gsnuine brick. "Von and your squibs, and your New York quabbles, may go to Jericho, with your con garnul Loudon Times cot respondent. 1 go for Capl. Ingraham 1 go fur Cuba, for the "hull of Mexico," for as far down South as we can get with tha heal, and us far North as it will not freeze a hot-blooded Yankee. I believe in our Common Father in Heaven, and in our common Uncle on tha earth, and that is my religion. If Sum wants a hnciemlo in Brazil, and a pagoda in India' and a bathing bo.v, with real black fin oysters, and Irish girls to rub down Ihe dear old soul's cheeks, at any spot of Irish soil, from Coinmeraralo Poldooda 1 1 jht, and a snobby enlingo by the Uhine, and seraglio in Turkey, all at ihe same lime, I no in for every bit of it, for I know nobody de serves it better, or abuses anything he get less. If he wants to lick the Chinese Taitars, or Ihe Spaniards, or Ihe Mexicans, I go in foi that, too. If he wants a general fight all round "withlhem darned old monarchy varmints," 1 will help him with all my soul and body. And if he goes in to whip the Rrili-di govern merit, tha oxrncrs of your correspondent of to London 7 inyit. nt all times, or at any tim-, at m itin, ma i', mm, or respor time, or flight tin , o l any subj !(, I want to be ''put in tliar." In short, if ho likes lo stretch hi nsclf out on ilia world, stink his feit upon Vdsjvins, lij'il his cinr at Munoloinbn, and thn .v his ar.n, at the same time, about the bitnutltta of CaslittiRre, an. I the vestals of Cir ctsia, I will help him to stretch himself out, and do "as ho damn pleases." And though j' may bo a century before tho creature fnl y unfolds himself, I will give heart nml hand lo whomsoever tries lo beirin. And I believe Gen. Tierce has begun, and 1 wool. I advise you not lo try and slop him. He is a roarer. With Ihis publication, I forgive you for your "very creditable" attack ; and, as "Cleik in the Inleiior," will be inol delighted lo crack a literary j"ke, or a literary flngon, with happy outsiders like you, Faithfully, whe'her my head stick on or not, vour friend ami servant, T. DKLVIN RKU.LY, A :Cleik in the Intenoi.' ' Tnr. Indians in Mkxico. The late advi cos state that the ravages of the Indians in l lie frontier States of Mexico are more horri ble than ever. In Zacalecas and Purango, these wretches toiluro their victims with nn infernal ingenuity of malice. On one occa sion, they scalped a female, sixty years Id, and then abandoned her, leaving her to per ish by protracted agonies. The incursions and ciuellies of Ihe Indians nie committed with impunity. Now and then u few men of courage and energy baud together, pursue Ihe baibarians, and iccover their strieu p o perty or lake a bloody revenge ; but, for the most part, the wretched inhabitants are pi.n iu stricken at the mure sight of an Indian, and never dream of any other resource than immediate flight. Oar fiies teem wilh do tails of Indian atrocities, but they are only repitition of horrible narratives such as have been already published. SOS MET TO A II ALGII IV IJL.U'TV. BY JOHN C. SAK. You're very elegant, my lofty lady, And have indeed a most bewitching face, Which only want a Imle modest giace To make yon beautiful as Byron's ' Haidee!" A d-cent pride there's ceituinly no harm in; The very besl of us must still be lumu'n ; But Ih'juuh fine features charm us in a wo man, Beauty with modesty is twice as charming! I knew a lady, fairer, colder, puier, Than any ico on Nova Zembla's side, Who grew so ugly with o'erweeninu pride, It look a regular small pox lo cure her! I'roud, she was spumed, but nature thus out witted, The girl was loved the moment she was pitted ! ii Y I'mtorai.. We have depa rted (roin our usua! rule in legard to Ihe advertis ing of Medicines, in admitting ihe notice of the Cherry Pectoral to oorcoliims. It is uol a patent medicine, but one, the contents of which, are well known to the medical proles sion, and which has pioved highly beneficial in the case of a number of our acquaintances who were seriously alllicled with pulmonary complaints. Some of our most rkillul and eminent physicians recommend it lo their patients in their regular practice, and we feel that we are con fe i ring a favor upon the publio by making knowu its riilucs. Lou. itrille Ch. Advocate. n a n u i e i. On tha 1st of November, by Ihe Rev. Wm. Roth. Mr. George snydeii to Miss Martha M., fourth daughter of Rev. J. Shiudel, all of South Whitenan, benign to. I I K D. In Little Rlahanoy township, on ihe 18th inst., Mr. WILLIAM KOTHEUMEL, aged 46 years, 3 mourns ami 4 aays. Suddenly, in this place on Wednesday morning, Mrs. MAKY LAZARUS, wife of Fiederio Lazarus Esq., in the 64 year of her age. ljc iNavkctsj. Philadelphia Market. Nov. 23, 1853. Flour. Is firmly held with a moJurate inquiry for export, and further sales of about 12,000 barrels have been made at 86,75 for traighl biands, and S7,25atf750, par barrel for extra. Corn Meal and Rye Flour remain inactive, and prices about the same. Wheat is in re quest, and about 14.000 bushels have been sold at SI. 46 a $1,50 for Pennsylvania and Delaware Reds, and $1,60 for piime Penn sylvania While. Corn is plenty and dull at previous quoted rates, and most holders are storing. Oals 1000 bushels piime Suulhren biougbt 43 cents Rye No sales. . Whskey is held at 27 cents for hhds., and 28 cents for barrels, with a limited demand al the advanoe. Baltimore Market. Not. 22 1853. GRAIN The Graia maiket was brisk this morning, Wheat especially being in very active demand. Moil of the parcels ofleieJ at tha Corn Exchange were promptly taken Kiuier ov ina millers or shippers at an ad Vance of 2 lo 3 alt per bushel on Saturday's prices. The offerings of Wheat to-day were abont 18,000 bushels, arid we note salesof fair to prime reds Ht $138al42 cents, and of fair lo prims whites al$ 149,1 154 els. T here were sales also of considerable parcels of inferior Wheats at from 3 to 10 els. below these quo- t itious About 1 1 000 bushels ol Corn were at market this morninjz. l'rioes continue at Saturday's figures wilh no particular activity. We note sales of old white at 70a72 cents, and of new do. at 60.i65 cts. We heard of no sales, of old yellow. New j do. sidd at 62a67 els. Wo quote Pennsylvania Ilyn at 92a93 cents, anil Maryland and V irnitim do. al 75a78 els. Sales Ihis morning of several hundred bushels of Pennsylvania Oats lit 46 cts , and of some parcels of inlertoi Virginia do. at 38j40 cts. Noothei descriptions of u.ns ai market. WHIMVUY. 1 here is a better reeling in ihe market In-day, and wo note sales ol sev end hundred bbls at 28 cts. Hhds. are still Held at 27ia28 cts. SUiNBUKY riUCE CURRENT W'llKAT. 140 Rvs. . . 87 Coax. .02 Oats. 40 Potatoes, 50 Bt'TTEH. - 20 Ehos. - - - 12 Pimit. ... 8 Flaxskeo. - 125 Tallow. J - 10 Ukkswax - .'25 Hkckleii Flax. '2 ii in m New Advertisements. Estate of SAMUEL THOMPSON, dee'd. NOTICE ia hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been grunted to the un dersigned upon tlic estate of Snmuel Thompson, lato of Ihe llorough of Sunbury, dee'd. All per sons having claims senilis! said estatenre request ed to present them, dul aulhenlicated, for settlement ; and those knowing themselves in debted to make payment without dels v. Al A HI A THO M PSON , A dm'rix. Sunhiiry, Nov. 19, 1S5.1. (it. Estate of PETfcR OBERDOItF, dee'd, mrrvi'tcp. i- lu.,i... ni...n i.n..r ministration on the estate of Peter Ohcrdorf, late of I'pper Aiurusta, Northumberland county. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will Iischaryc the same, and those having demands will present them for settlement. All persons indebted to the estate on vendue notes arc re quested to cull for settlement. PETER OBEKPORF, ) GEO. OUEliDO RF, ( Ex'rs. I'pper Augusta twsp., Nov. 19, l?.r3 Ct Estate of CHRISTOPHER WOODS, dee'd. late of the Borough of .Vorliumberland. ETTERS of Administration on the above named estate having been emoted to lint, debtors and creditors of the same are requested lo call at my olhee in JNorlliunil erland, to settle or make known their claims. DAVID TAG G ART. Xorth'd, Nov. 19, 1853. Ct. PUBLIC SALE! On SATURDAY, the 3d of DECEMBER, next at tile public house of the subscriber, in Sliamo- km township, iNorthumhcrluud county, the fullotviiig properly, lo wit: A VALUABLE FARM, situate in said township and county, adjoining lands of Leonard Rothmund, Hugh Teats and others, containing about 42 acres, more or less. J he improvements consist of ii two story frame TAVERN STAND, ii framu karn, outbuildings, and also a tenant house. There ore two pumps of never failing water nt the laern stand. There ore on the premises, two apple orchards, one of these thriving and young. 1 he tavern stand is situated 111 Siiiifflown, with 2$ acres of land attached thereto, the resi due, 3'J or 40 acres, arc almost adjoining the tavern stand. The above property will be sold together or seperate, to anil purchasers. 1 erms made known on day of sale bv MICHAEL BOBB. Snutllov.n, Nov. 19, 1853. 31. AUDITORS' NOTICE. JOTICE is hereby given that Ihe undersigned IV Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, in the matter of the exceptions to the account of Geo. C. Wclker, Administrator ol Jacob ureiuer, dee d., will meet at his nllice on Saturday, the .'Id dav of December IS.iJ, when all interested may attend if thev deem it proper. M. L. SHIN DEL, Auditor. Sunhury, Nov. 19, 1853'- 3t. This Way ! This Way ! ! This Way ! ! ! Fall and Winter (Joods. FRILING 8c GRANT. n I'Sl'ECTKl'LLY inform their customers ' and tho public, that they have iust receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, at their store in Market square, Suuluiy. Their stock consists of ctery variety of Dry (ioods, viz : Cttf'imercs, Sattincts, Vestings, flannels, U'otlens, be, And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear'. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calkocs, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, lhrwiis, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps or Men and Boys. Also a large assortment of CiltiX i:itIi:S, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices ol all kinds. Also a fresh supply of DIIL'GS AM) Mwiiifi via Besides the laroest and inosl ivenernl nssnrl. menl of all kinds of goods to be bad in this place. VtT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex. change at the highest market price. Bunhury, Nov. 12, 1853. Stray Cow. A Stray Cow came to Ihe premises of William BaW, in Lower Mahanov tsu.. .Soilliumberlutld county, on the 10th of October. lust. Said cow is of middle size, about 10 years old. Color, brown on the sides, and white lrom head to tail. The left horn lost. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and lake her away. JOH.N HILFIOER, Nov. 12, 1853 3t 4'own.Clk. A Stray Cow Came to the premises of the subscriber, in Sbamokin township, Northumberland:! county, about three weeks since, of a brown bun die color, rather old, weighing 300 or 400 pound and dry. She has a star on the forehead, and bad on a brass bell. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take her away SA.Ml'EL BliOSIOL'S, Nov. 17, 1853 3t Innkrrper. Consumers, look here 1 1 BENJAMIN IlEFFNKtt IJESPECFFULLY informs tho citizens of Punitory and vicinity, that he has just re ceived nnd opened at bis new store, in Market street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment of Fall and Winter Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassincts. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO t t'nllcwcN, (sliifttiuiiiN, I.nxvns, RlntiNNdliic le lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, or various styles and patterns. Also on assortment of HOOTS &. SHOES. HATS & OA PS, a good selection. Halt, Fish, i'c And a great variety of other articles such as sre suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold st the lowest prices. fV Country produce taken in exchonge at the highest pris. Sunhury, Nov. 12, 18.')3 ly. Administrators Salo. "."triLL be sold at public sale, at the late resi- denec of Ocorire Armstrong, dee'd., in I'pper Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty, on SATl'KDAY. the Sfith of NOVEMBER, inst., the following personal property of the said de ceased, to wil : FOUR II MAD OF HOICKS, Two fresh Milch Cows, two HeifFers, and other youni? Cattle. HOUS & SS1I OATS, SHEEP, X Thrashing Machine, A two-horse Wagon and body, a truck Wngon and body, a IIiiil'V, Sleds, Plows iSc II anou, llorse-ucars, a Silver Watch, a Cooking Stove, a Kanniiii; Mill, Chains. Scthcs, Cradles, Porks, in short a lurcc ami extensive variety of farming 4Pcnsils, loo numerous to enumerate. ALSO; A lot of Hay by the Inn, Whe it, Rye, Corn and Clover seed by the bushel. ALSO Wheat und live in the ground. Sale to commence at 0 clock, of said day, when the terms will he made kdown by JAMES SMITH, Ad'tor. Sunhury, Nov. 13, 1S33 3t. EXECUTOR'S SALE. V17I1.L be exposed to sale on Monday, tho "sth inst., at the late residence of Peter Ohcrdorf, dee'd., in I pper Augusta, twsp., Norlh uinlierlaiul county, by virtue of authority con tained in the will of said deceased. A VALUABLE FA KM, conlaiaini; 220 acres more or less, situated on the Caltawissa road, in said township, about 5 miles from Sunhury. adjoining lands of Peter Oberdorf, jr., Isaac Campbell and others. The improvements are a two story loi wealherbnardcd house, an out house a large bank bam, waou house, coin eri'.i and spring house. About l!0 acres of said land are cleared, and there is all orchard ol good fruit on the premises, ALSO : A Tract of Land, contaiiitm; 4(i acres in said township, adjoining lands of Henry Kline, Henry Uuluk and olhers, about thirty acres of which arc cleared, and the remainder is good timber land. There is a good spring of water on the premises. Tho above tracts are in good state of cultivation. Terms ami conditions will be made known on the dav of sate bv PETE It OnEKDORF, ? . oko. oi!Ei;i)oi:p, J x I'pper Augnsta. Nov. 12, I tiS3. 31. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter tiotid. J. F. 8c I. F. KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and li e public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, ill l'cr Augusta township. Northumberland county. Pa., their Fall unl Winter (ioods, and opened lo the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c., Consisting in p:ut of Cloths, black and fancy Cassimers, Sattiiiclls, Flannels, Checks, and all kinds of Winter Weal. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do Laines, Plaid Cashmeres, !c beges, Merinos, Iiav state Long Shawls, & c. Also a fresh supply of Gl'OCt'rll'll of all kinds, Hardware and Qiieensunre, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medii'iiics. Wooden Ware, lame assortment of lloots Also a large assortment of lloots and fchocs, suitable for Men, omen and Children. Hats and Caps, such us Silk, Panama, and other Hats., Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call ond See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. I pper Augusta, ."Nov. o, ihjj. ly .111. Estate of GEORGE ARMSTRONG, dee'd. 'V'OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- ministration have been granted lo the under signed upon the estate ol'Oeorgc Armstrong, lute ol Ipper Augusta totvustiip, dec u. 1 luse knowing themselves indebted lo suid estate are requested to miiko payment immediately, and those having claims to present them to JAMES MM ITU, Adm'r. Sunhury, Nov. 5 1S53. Ct. WM, W. XIAIvZER, Vu. 99 North 2nd Street, two dons above 'he Mt. Yemen House, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Pine Oil or Campheue, FluiJ, Lard, and Oil LAMPS Chandeleirs and Candelabras, for Church es, Stores, Parlors, Ifc fTMIE subscriber would most respectfully invite A the attention of storekeepers and the public in general, to his large stock of goods, consisting of the above named articles, which will lie disposed of at the lowest manufacturer's prices Whole sule and Itetuil. Alan, best quality of Burning Fluid, Pine Oil or Camphiue, Globes, Shades, Wicks, Ac. N. 11 Ncwcll's patent safety Lamps, a ucw article for sale. Phila., Nov. 5, 1853. 3m. LAAVKKXCK HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA- rjpil E subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, dee'e., lute of the "Lawrence House," in Sunbury, respectfully. informs the friends of her lute husband, and Ihe public generally, that she continues to keep the above Hotel, and is well provided wilh all things necessary to accommo date all who may favor her with their custom, and therefor solicits their patronage. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunhury Oct. 29, 1853 4m. JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For al. by . , . H. 0 MASTER, tunlury, ltS) 'Jr ' IF" REMOVAL. -sfX A OXEW CO hive remove! from '"'.IS A,, where they eeu PV "J hUutUul, Willi ... el-r.Mt l ws !,c.a t"ck v( Fill .u Winter UUY OUUDS, among which 400 ptcccof'e P. Mf:';.tTy.Tj"' Ts.lsn Pl.ii.1. fo. l.diini.d el.. . liens wear, l'sr.s nrinlsU 0 Irfiints nml . sslimcifS HroesK .n.1 plain ' n"'"1'- IHO IOQ rtnin Hilk", "f"11 the i"""-' pH""- i.t-.i. Iris Kilt tlloVf'B. 13 a..,.n Co..voi.lT's I.---S. !'"" Kiit il''v. .. w , v, . .1 ' If bill j Tn oL'II IIAWI,nuClM HK s. MlIul Urncb. nml Chsiu iJime iwf "' '" u. " i CH'te'e piiicriis. mo Slmwls of ihe rsry Inlrst fnl.rle sntl rlesipiw. Z llnX -qnnre shswl. of -Jyl. sua design. m 10.4 'XtcfAKKiSafAitK m French cl.'iti cl'ntks, Tahnus ami Msntillns of new; PHrisnn erns. 100 !.)"" silk velvet Cl.l of the Is.l mke e an.l finl.!.. Al.t 50 pieees 4-4 Lest Lyon lk velvets, varyiMR in price from W lo lil per yarj ami of l,v :l.t si." shiile, for Istdies. 'U "f the Hlost "hoi-e Phn.1.-. of lllnr, llrovvll, Hhck. Unl; Olive, Hron ie,, from a,',(l lo (W.IKI per ynnl. A lso,. line stock of Itilibons, Kinliroiitoiits, 111 Capes, Chlnnzcttes, t.ollrs, Sleeves, tt e., A. , , ., , The whole of the nlvive .xl nre otTrrril nml will lie ,.M nlexlrcmely low prie s f'T cash. We nre ols.t re Cfivinl liy Ihe weekly steuniirs. freuli supplies or novelties from Paris nml l."inlon, which eiial.l. s lis eoii.lunlly lo hive fresh new styles nf the most lii;liionuUo rihsIs to er lo our c........,ers, Af!XnW CO.. No ltirt riiesintt st., one door Klnv liiglnh, I'hilailelphia. OH. , ISM St An Elegant and Durable Hat FOR $3.00, Equal, if not superior to ny now offered. FOSTER & G L B II A It D , Third Si., below Chestnut, FHILADB PIIIA. OFFER at very reduced prices the following; LA DIES' Kidinir Hats and lfolinets, CHILDREN'S fancy hals. of all colors. Cloth, Plush, and filnzed Caps, of evert vuie tv of style. (iENTLF.M E.N'S Drivinn mid Travellinii Cups. Soft Mats of every style and finish, at prices to suit nil. Also, Young Oents Huts. fiT" A general nssorlmeiil of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Philu., Nov..'., 18.13. 3m, NEW Clock C3 Walcliinakcrs. HIRSCH 8c CO. HAVE just opened a Clock nnd Watchmaker shop in the hoiblins lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near 'J'ener & Co's Store, til Market Street, Sunbitry, Pa., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand. Silver & Golil Watches, etc. Alo. Jewolrv, ConsiMiinr. ' f (iold Ureasl-pins. Ear and Finqer Kings, Medallions. CuIT-pms. Ladies cV Cientle mans' gold und silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plaird Tea and Tabic spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, &c., Of ull sizes, suitinn every nje. Siy tilasses, Pocket Hooks, of all sizes. Razors, Huir Oil, Re volvers, and oilier pistols. Brushes, Combs, Soap, Ac, &e. Also, a larc slock of IfliiKical IiislrumcntH ! amongst which arc Accordeona, Violins, Flutins, Files, Flutes. OAltl'ET BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea dy made Shuts and Collars ; all of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold ill Suuburv. t!t7 (Mocks, Watches, Ear and Finder Kings rcpuircd in the best manner und at tho shortcut notice. Sunhury, Oct. 13, 1S53. "in. Estate of GE0HGE WIALL, Dee'd. IS T11EIJE.S httcis of administration on the " estate ol fJEOROE WIAI.L. d.v'd.. late of the boioui;h of Suii'-u.v, .orthiimbeiland county, Pa., have been uian'.ed to the sebseriU r. .N'olice is herehv jiiven to all persons indeted to saiil estate, to make pat uient nnd those having claims will present them for settlement to the subscriber, win will attend at the public house of Charles Weaver, in Suiihuiy, on the l"th day of December next, or ill my absence Mr. David llanpt will act for me. J A MI'S V. TTKNEK. Soribnrv. Oct. 29. 1S.13. 6t. Buunury. V-IBAITZS' ri:tt!oi in Scales, lQg Ittown Scrmy tested At Kraut n'lit Tit Aclnouled l.i v ..... .1 S?t liuilroad, llav, loul, uuu r ,ir- xv& infiV styA ,?'. set in siiv iiurt . . ...... of the counlrv, at short notice. .rlUENVVS. CiEO. W. COLUY, VilU Market st., 7'hiludelphiu, E. Y. llrighl, .Vuiihury. October 23, 18S3. 3ui IMPORT ATM T NEWS ! (iOUllS t lH'ClJtl'l- tllitll l.'l'!l AT THE KEW CLOTHING ST0EE. j Market Street, opposite the Poit Office. GELSiiEKO ti CO. arc receiving a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Ooods, the chenpest, best und predict ever brought into Sunhury. We bate on hand and arc adding constantly ' a fine assortment of I FALL & WINTEK CLOTHING, comprising partly a great lot of Overcoats, double ' coats, business coats, black und fancy cloth, Sati- nett, and oilier coats, too numerous to mention. Also, LSIack and Fancy Cassimers, Cussinelt and Salinett Punts. Also, silk, mini, cloth, satiuett, velvet and other Vests ; ulso a line supply of ull kinds nf L'lidcrclotbiiig. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Silk Wool and Fur Hats and Caps, Knots and j shoes, ull kinds of Jewelry. Hev dving and other Pistols, travelling bags, trunks, tShirts and Col lars, and (ieti'leuiau's l'ui nirhing goods in gen eral. All of which we oiler al the lowest cash prices. Please call and look nt our goods ; persons in need of (ioods in our line, will, tc are conlidcnt, find it to their great udvantage to purchase from us. We are hound to uphold our rapidly spread ing reputation of being the cheapest Store in Suuburv. Come and satisfy yourselves of the truth of our motto; cheap lor cash. Sunhury, Oct. IS, 1853' if. DAVIS 8c CULIN, Dealers in I. Aties, LANTi UN n,tAti:i.ii:u, N. E. Cornt-r Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. U A VINO enlarged and improved their Store, and having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phospkeno Ous and Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns ol all patents. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, (iirandoles and Caudelcabras, and llrittuniiia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest price. Oluss Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices, lleing large MAM FACTl REUS of Pine Oil, Hurtling Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (th only true) Phosgene (ias, thev can fur nish these articles at sucu prices tout .Merchants will find it lo their advantage to buy. Cull before going elsewhere, if you wunt bargains. Also, Ilia Safely Fl id Lamp for aale. Phila., Sept 84, 1853 ly. HATS AND CAPS K splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats, also Clath, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sale low by G. Et.&BERG CO. Market street, oppositt the Pest Oliics. Sunbury, Oct. 9, 18J3. JUV CI.OTIIIIVO MOIIM. A BRANCH OF TUB Clothing Manufactory, OF S. SHNURMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. VlE lespcctfully announce to tha citizens of Sunhury and vicinity, that wo havs complete stock of U E AD Y-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which wc invito the attention of purchasers.' Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, Plnin over coats, Dress coats, Frock nnd Sack coats, Mon key Jackets, Pants ond Vests, plain and fancy! Linen and Muslin Shirts, I inler-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Wovcs, Stockings, Keck and rocket Handkerchiefs. Woolen no, I S'iiL 11.... fi..ii. am Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, llm,i,, (jailers, Slippers and Carpet Unas and Trunks, L'nihre his and etcrythini; uenera ly kept in a well supplied clothing nnd gentleman.' furnishing store. We keep nlso a good assortment of Accordeona and Jewelry. Wc sell nt Ihe lowest cash prices ; for our motto is, 'Small Profits and Quick Sides." Wo have but owe price and no ahiitenieiii, so that a person is sure to get the worth of his money, whether he is a judge or the goods or ot. If any article does not give satisfaction us to fit, wo will take back the goods nnd refund the money, provided they arc returned on the same duy they were purchased, when the purchaser resides in town, nnd in ono week, when he resides in Ihe country. Price the same as ut lb Danville Manufactory tt? Cull nnd secure the Hargains. Sunhuiy, Oct. 8, IP5:J if New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON 6c la AIMING, MANCKACTriMMlS ft IMlMlltTKItS, So. 121 Arch Street, seenud door afwve Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. rilE'iE may he found the largest and hand. " sonicst assortment in the City. Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, where they will he suited with a suocrior article, at the low est prices. UURTOX & I.AMMi. No. 1J4 Arch Sheet, uhotc Sixth. Philu., Sept. 17, I S53. 3m. " Fi.?Z?l :-:.lTGIlTCrS.' W . WILSON, A'o. 0 South Fourth Street, 'lie daors below Market st. F.,ist siile, PHILADELPHIA, HAS for sale every variety nf ' WALL PAPERS, from 6 cents per piece upwards, including Fine Salins, Cold and Velvets, imitation Woods, Marbles, &c. Also a great variety of new style of Curtain Papers, Fine Board Prints, Uordcrs, &c. Dealers supplied at the lowest rate. Pluia., Sept. 21, 1953 3m. T AKETOTIGE All persons indebted to the estate of Henry Masser, dee'd., arc notified that tho hooks, tVc, have been placed in Ihe hands of O. M. Yorks, Esq. for collection. Those indebted are reques ted to make settlement ttiihin thirty days, as suits will be entered against all delinquents after that date. II. U. MASSEK. "I JOHN M AsSEIt, ( Ex'turs. P. . MASS Eli, i J F. UUCHEK, Stinbury, Oct. VU, 1853. -It. Important to Coal Dealers. fflHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they hate entered into partnership under Ihe (inn of Kasc, Peed c Co., for the purposo of mining, shipping nnd selling coal, delivered ut .Suiibury, or nt any other point alonj the Sus quehanna. They ttill be ready lo deliver coal, well prepa red. 011 on iraet ur otherwise, at all limes, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received nt Shamokin by KAsK, KEED & CO. i .Sunhury, June 4, lb'53. ly. I Shamokin Town Lots. J fjMIF subscriber is now prepaied to exhibit and dispose of Lots in the new Town-Plat of Shamokin. Persons desirous of purchasing can ascertain the terms and conditions of sale bv culling on the subscriber, nt Shamokin. WM. ATU ATEK, Agent. Shuuiokin, Oct. 15, 1S53. tf. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. SUNBURY & MILTON STAGE LINE, KL'.NMiNG IX CONXtXTION WITH TIII3 Philadelphia & Sunbury Rail Road. STAOES will leave Weaver's hotel, Sunhury, on the arrival of the evening cars from Sha mokin, for Northumberland, Lutvishurg, and Milton, nrrit intr at Milton, at about 10 o'clock, P-M. lieturuiiig, Stages will 1c veaMilton nt 3J o' clock, A. M", arriving at Lewisbiirg, at 4 J o'clock, Northumberland at 5 o'clock und arrive at Sun bury in time to Urcakfast, and take passage in the 7 o'clock cars for Shamokin, where stages will be in readiness lo lake passengers to PoUa ville, arriving in time lo dine und take passago in the Heading railroad eura for Philadelphia, arri ving al Philadelphia at 7$ o'clock, same evening. Stages both ways will stop nt llnrr s hotel, Northumberland, Weidensaul's hotel, Lcwisburg, and L'gliert's hotel, Milton. Passengers will find this the riturttT, most run , and most com 1011 ri un line to, and from Philadelphia. B. MISHLER. Suuburv, Oct. 15, 1853.- If. IMPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS AND LADIES. CONFIDKXCK ran lie placed, It llie full, si exleul, in tlie us ol' ilic Sutpoi; ikk ol" Mis IlKTrsol' Phila delphia. 8 1 uiuiiy llmiisuiiit cast's are known ot' entire leliel' 01' l-adies Iroin the most Inlcnsr paui o uh1 anxiety ol' inintl, mising lrom lue UHtf ol' oilier uipliciitiais ol 110 repiitutusi tt liati-ver. Itcwurr ol Hiruil, irl.tss splines ol' utl kinds, uthi clastic preparuti na. Itieti'iiiluiicy 01' tvloeh lo iujuru llis isitiunl, is hut well known to uinav sul lercis uiitl physicians. Touvnii! nil I'oniileilii-ts. apply pers.iiuilly or ly M;cr to Mis H . No. :h!l Walnut Sheet ; examine her Signature oil eneh ?-apt.irler, Nml tier I'liilni Slatrs Copyrij;lil liiliels on enell Imx. Iter Supiioi lers are suuelioiml ty u T:itiitni ol '.!0 yumsuiiil sis hy the facul ty', enisisling os tlm Inchest uaiiit'i in the I'ulled Stiiles Vkshu n Mwu ikkb. Phicks M'Oisii.vii;. Adilress, tvh..l, ik or retail "l. lers, lo JAS. HliTTS, Ajjcul, No a-JI Vulnal8:reel, Philadelphia, t'hila , Ueloher I, ISia. If. Cheap AYatihcs fj Jeweliy, VHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadcl- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Oil.! Lever Wali lies, lull jeweled, Is carnl eases, t,W) fi.iM l.epuio . et'JI.OU Fine Silver ryeiuidcs. I.SO Silver l.e. full jetvllnl, iU. Oold Urarelets, 3 UU Silver Lever, lull jewrd 14 it udles' tiold Penells, tfiiurtleis, 7. Silver Teu sms, set, Ii .1.1 SpecUii les, T.ISlI Uokl Pens, Willi Pencil and Silver Holder, .Ml i,00 1,00 ('old Finger Rings, 87 J cents to S0 j Watch (ilnaseu, plain, 1'JJ cents; Putent, 1 S J j l.unrt, 25; oilier articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STACFFEK cV HARLKV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some (iold und Silver Levers sad Lcpines, atill lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, 1853 ly. SHOES All kind, of Boots Mtoes and slip, pert lor sals by G. ELSISEKO&, CO. Market street, oppositt the Post Ollice. Sunhurv, Oct 8. lffta II II il l. I K it Y, Wholesale Heal er in Confectionary, FruiU and Grcceriea. No. U4 MA UK El' Street, aliot aixth, south side, next door to Red Lion Hotel, foils Jelphia riula ,Oet. 13, eS3. 3m. 3Iann's Establishment 25 Sii Siclh StrM Philadelphia. For the Manufacture nnd sale of I'nlMit Letter C opvhi'r. PrcMm, Patent METALLIC DAM Pl'.NERS, llr.ishcs, Oil Papers, Dlotling Hoards, Copying Ink, etc. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING HOOKS, Superior to nil others, and cacli pngo printed PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a oook-likc form. Letters received. Orbiinnl I, ,,,!. ccs, eVc. Phila., April 0, lgoS ly. ll I.E. 31 1 M.B Y iiOO wTs JOHN STONE & RON'S, No. 4 S South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. A HE now opening for the Fall Trade, a large nnd well selected assortnirnt of Silks, Ribbon, Feathers, Flowers, nnd Millinery Goods in geneial. Confining iVrnsclvcs exclusively to this branch of the trade, nud i:coutixr the' larger part of their stock, enables them to offer an assortment unsurpassed in extent or variety, which will be ."in .m me moat lavoranie terms. Phila.. Sept. 17, 1853 2m. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. Soap 5 Candle .Manufacturers AND DF.A'.ERS IN Sorta, Starch, Castile Soajx, Kc. Bff.WINO increased facilities for mnimfii.-tii. " ring, thev are now prepared to offer induce ments to purchasers and dealers in the above named articles. Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex- cltisivcly on the cash principle, and it tho lowest wholesale prices Cull snd satisfy yourselves Our motto is "(intit Scifcs and Small Profits." No. 41 Filbert street, ubovc 9th, Philadelphia. August 13, ISTiS. llui. I in p rove in c 11 i h A ti e a tl ! ! ELIAS BROCIOUS 1 Iblthui nil onus Ins Ii lends and the public ! generally, that he has just received at his old stand, ill Market street, opposite Weaver's 1 hotel, j --111 txecllent assortment of 1 r FREXCII CALF SKINS, French lastings, And all kinds of linings and Shoe findings, which he oilers to the trade at reasonable prices. He also informs his customers ane others, that he still continues the Shnctiiaking business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable style, and on reasonable terms. Sunbury, June II, 1853. ly. CHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory OK C-. L. IrllLLEPs & CO., S. V. cornor Arch nnd Second Streets, PHILADELPHIA. IVERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole salo and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, arc to be had at the lowest prices foi quality of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other .Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and olhers are invited to give us a trial. Il"e wit try to yhase. Brasses, Trimmings, Ac, nltvavs on hand. Remember S. W. corner fliCOXV A- AKC1I Streets, Philadelphia August 13, IS-53.- Cm. (ias Fixtures 65 Lamps. HEIDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North Second Street, above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. II AVIXG had many years practical experience 111 the business, and as all work sold bv us is manufactured under our immediate supervision, wc are enabled lo ofler to purchasers superior ar ticles, in every brunch of our trade, upon the most favoxublc terms. At our store may he found, in every variety and style of finish, Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, (Side Urackets, for Halls, Churches, Ac, the IMPROVED PINE OIL LAMP; nlso. Fluid. Lurd und Oil Lamps, (iir andoles, lioquete Holders; Purlor, Might and Reading Lamps. On hand, Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wicks, Shades, &c. ALL WORK WA R RANTED, Oil JVO SALE. Factory No. 86 Noble St., near 4tli. Remember store 22 1 N. Sd st., next door to J. Stewart Dopuy's carpet store. September 10, 18o3. 3m. WILLIAM GROVES & CO S Upholstery, Bedding 5 Fea ther Warehouse. S. E Coriicr Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. SPRING UEDS, Feather Reds, Hair Mats, Husk, and Straw Mattresses, Cushions, Cots, Comfortable Counterpanes, Sackings, Ulankets, if., &c. Constantly on hand or made to order und sold Whclesale and Retail, on the most favor able terms, FEATHERS, HA R, IIL'SKS, &c , by tho bale or pound. Orders respectively solic ited, promptly executed, and warranted to give satisfaction. N. 11. Mattresses rc-made and Feathers re renovated. Phila.. Sept. 10, 1S53.- 3m. Porte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. fllHE attention of the Trade, and others, in L want f Porte Mommies, Pocket Rooks, Hankers' ('uses, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Rackgaiiimoii and Chess Hoards, Chessmen, Pearl, S'hell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Hoxcs, Cabas, Needle Dunks, Money Ilelts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, liuois and Razor Strops, Travelling Fl:sks, and line Cutlery, to gether wilh a large variety of Fisi r Goons, which will he sold ut the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH. Porte Monuuie and Pocket Hook Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. btiow Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept, 17, 1853 if. A DIES DRESS GOODS. Dress Silk, French Merino, l'cr.ian Twill, De Luiuea, Du Rerage, cashmeres, calico, worked, lulnrs, shimezetle, cuffs, iVc, just received and lor sule by Sept. 10, 1853. I. M' .TEN EH 6l ( i) IN DI A N CHOI. A GO( I UE. An eVliemr7. ' medy for the cure of Fever and Ague, Uillioua Fever. Intermittent or Remittent Fpv.k. tout re ceived and for sale by I. W. TENF.R it CO. Mnulmry, Sept. 10, 18 Ml. I ACKEItEL, Stslled Fish, Herrings, pried Ueef, II anis and cheese, just received and for alsl'y 1. W. TK.NEK i CO. Sunhury, Sept. 10, lei3. 4 Pplendid lot of Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloth, X Talde Oil covers. Carpet chain, door mala and matting, just reccitedand for sole hy Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TEN ER & CO. OOI'd, Shoes, Hat. Caps and Guru Shoes, " just received and for sale by SepUlO, 1833. I. W.TENER & CO. yRITlXG FLUID and self seeing EnaZ T lopss, iust recei-d and for sule by .wU 1, 1S5J, jj u, MASSES. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY I Hollo way's Ointment. A MOPT MinAClLOI S CL'ltE OP BAD LEtfg, AKTHIl 43 YEARS' VFF 1.111 NO. Extratt of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Gatpin, of 0, St. Mary's Street, Weymouth, dated May iSth, 1851. To Professor nnttowsv, a v ..lent ,..,,, W,. , ,MI,., , ,lM ,ld ,v',r lliiil tin.c ihsy linvc lrn mors or lets ntsl rrsatlr tnflniiied. lh rni;..iiie wi ro .lisirti'iine, aiid for months lnir..'li-r slie rvns dfprived miirclv of rest snd slsrn--I-.terv teinnly Hint ineilinil mi-n nitviied tins Hisd, but tvitlionl elleut t tier lienlili n,fr,rel n-verrlv, nnd ths MSM ol her trj( was lerritil, 1 ,n(t fiM r,.', y,,r Advar tlseinenls. nnd lulvi.icd I, i-r i.i irr yoni Pills anil Onitmsnii tin. , on n lust res .urei., nlVr every other remedy lisd prr. ve,l useless, she eoiis. nif , ,, ,o so. M,e comin'ei.ei.l nt weeks n,, ,. ,tl,i;,r t ri-lutp, is nnW in gnnd health . Il'-r Iocs are puinh ss, itnin or se ir, find her slceit Si.ioiiI and niiilinliiiliril. rmild yon hnve WitlirsKsl ll.s o' my wii,. ilm iue ihe last 4!l years, and aoa trast Ihein with hor iin-sunt rn)oj uient of lieullh, von tv..iil,t iml.-ed feel il. tiulilfiil in luivinr .e-n ill means (if s.. gresily nil 'vi;itinp t he sinTerinc "I a rllow rrestura. "';"ed,) ' GAI.n.N. A PKitso.N tn yi:.m; of agi: ci:rkd of a UAU OF :i VliAltf" UTANDINO Copy of a Utter fro.n Mr. Wm. Abbs, Build' er of Cue Orms. of RHshelitfe, near Hud dtrsfuld, dated Mau3st, 1851. To I'r ifessnr Iloi.t.nllMt, t?in. 1 suir.-nd a of lliirlv years front a Url w' '" "' lw" "r,,,ren ilillV r. nt accidents nl Gns nee..iii,.,int.l Ii) s-.rlnilii-si inploins. I ha i eours.! Ion v,ni,ly,,r Bdvi-'e. ttitliout itt.ivhir nay wiefit, unit tvne inn l.. t that ihv'leg in.i.l .c m,,! li.tiil, yt. in .,;....f,ii iM to il,t ,,ii,i,,i,, your fills msl tlmniirnl have cllo-li.d a compile i nrc in to shoil s liait, llinl lew who had nut tyilnetsi-d it wml.l credit lb- lael . (";.'"'''') . WILLIAM AUIM. I lie Iruili .if this itnt-im-nt enn Pe verified l.v Mr W. p, l."!l:nid. Cheinift, 1:1, Market Stleot lluilile ulii-ld. Tlit Pitta should lie used eonj.iiHtly with ihe Cit,nit of ,e li.llutvii.K i-in-s lUd l.-ir, Cloeit i-,1, Fiitulas, liremts, l loil.lnins, i;(,i,t. J;"ri."' flinnped liniuls, (iliindiit ir Swclhiur. ul ., r..rn (Sift) Lnmlsigo III!.. Ill .... . . ........... , Uii,-cin i-nes toes A (Miiid-l lles, loiitnietist and llheiniiHlism f,H-.i-b.iy. SI iff Joints, S.-nldi, hlephaminais, ro NiH,,l, Sre-tl,r..n'A kliMlisensra, SenrrV, S. .re.,.-ul,, 1 union,., Wound,, ' A DrtKAUFCl. DAI) Itni-AST CUlttD IN ONK MON I II. l-rl met of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn H-iU r" Kc"' dahd V'Mmlxr 12th, j To Profess -,t lioLi.oWAV, llLne'thm".'' Wife '"'i V'"'1 C"'m t,!"1 nis ' l a hUi t ,,.,r,M. '.!?,""':. Uml ,',,,m! ,hl "1U" hnd . , , ...ii tin I'lio use. lluvtnirue- lore he , led m, utyful tt nd in mv own lee, l.y v, ur t,S- r.vnW medic,,,. I ,l,..r,i, ' , ',1 ai Olonuient. ,! ll..;r. ( gate iLn atrial in her cVk." . , ,MU w, lir lU ,(,ig month a I peifeci cure wo. elL-cled, nn.l the l,e, l,t thnt various " h , erbrane iesol ,y family huvu ileriyeJ Iron, their uss is ; reiillt ntlonishniir. I ii.,w stroiiL'tv rec nnniend ihein tj . all my (Snrned) ' 1 11 l-:i)-f 'I'l l! vi.-t Sold nt the r.stiil.iishinent of'eMor HoMstwav, 314 Slmn.l. (near Temple llnr, Imdon.) nud t,y ull rreelal,lt JJiuirsists mid l)e:i.-r in Milii inm ihrouyhnut tin- liritisli r. pire, tlnw of Ihu l'niti-,1 SinU-s. in U..Xusnl a?lc, .and SI 50.-. ,-n. h. Wliolesnle l,y ihe prinriisil Drut I '.i .sin the L'lilon, and by .Messrs.' A. tl. t 1). StSDs. wt" t ,,,1 "ll'rc is a considerable saving by taking the largef N. -; - Dlrwlions for tlie pnidanca of pnlicntt in ever ,1 n!.-i nre ullixed to eaeh box. October oa, lS5i,ly. A Farm lor Sale. THU subscriber offers for sale his farm, CONTAINING 2S4 ACRES and allowances. It is shunted about three miles from Sunbury along Ihe Shamokin creek, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia, and Suuburv Railroad passes through said farm. It will he o He red ia parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can he divided to make three small farms. The buildings arc a FARM HOL'SE, a good Bunk Darn, nnd two tenant houses. JOHN FARNSWORTH. Upper Augusta, .Sept. 10, 1S53 tf. JULIUS STERN, No. 171 North 2nd Street, opposite the Camd Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. ; a AO opencu a lull and extensive as : sortmenl of all kinds of Millinery articles, such ns Ribbons, l.nces, lilond ! I.ace, Silks, Florences, lionuet-frames, ! and a largo assortment of needle- worked handkerchiefs, Collars, j Capes, Flounrcs, Insertions, Edgings, Ac. : together with a Brent variety of other i articles too numerous to mention at WHOLESALE mid RETAIL. I Persons making their Fall purchases are invited to give him e call, j Phila., Sept. 14, 1853 2m. D ft e o a. $20 HEWABD. rWlHE above reward will he paid for informs J tion that will lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or persons who were guilty of filling the axel boxes of the passenger and coal cars of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad with sand and dirt. ' V. LONGENECKER, Treat. Sunhury, Aug. 87, 1853 Lumber Yard. npiIE suhscriltcr would respectfully inform tha citizens of Sunbury, and Northumt erland and adjoining counties, that ho has opened a Lumber Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a abort dis tancc East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has now u largo amount of Xtasoued Pan net Pll also l'aimel Boards, and all oilier Hoards and UriuiiNG Matkuial, such us will lie wanted for building purposes. Also a lurge amount of Shingles on hand, which will be sold from JC up to f&, according to quality nnd ai.o. Please give us a call and examine our price and quality. N. II. Farmers who arc in want of Shingles will please call as wc will sell lo vou low . , , J- i.Kin.'sup. Sunbury, May 2H, 1S63, ly. 1 NOTICE. yoriCE is hereby given by ihe undersigned ' ciuzena of the I unimonwealtli of IV 1,, vania. that application will be made to ).e rXt Legislature ol said Commonwealth fr i)e erec tion of a' body corporate to be aiyled Sixaiu, StviWIvsTiTiTS." lo he located in the horonghof Sunhury, Xorll.unioerl.iiid cou'rtv wilh discounting privilege., and will, . ru,,.,i One hundred thousand dollars Robert H. Awl. (;,. light. J(llm y Adam S uss ler 1 ho,,,,,. Kobi,,., ,.llie, tniller. 1 redk. I..r. (.eo. 11. Voungma,,, ,V. ter 11 Masser, J. V. Fr line- Ir. . Ucj. Hendricks, Geo. C. fe' j Sunhury. June lt5:i (;,, Book Ajrents Wanted. 4 ;ENTS WANTED in every town county in the Tniled Slules. owl the must popular and sidenble book, puldishe! I , a" ,y them iK-tuf fully illustrated with colored ein-ra vines: nml L ...n.i , " " Till,,. . t"l,u,J workaot T. S. A II- 1 1111 . including "Arthur; Cottage Uiraru." Intelligent and enterprising men mil find U,,, a pleasant and praliiable business. For particular, address (post-paid N J. W.UIUU1.EV, iMblisher. No. 4S North Fuurlh Street. jOberJ. j853-7m. 1,UJ ' 1NASMIXH a.lUel,a. Urn at sundry limes. obstrueiion. placed and confined upo,, ,,a rack ol Ihu Philadelphia Slid Suul-ury Railroad. I do hereby ufter Die above reward for Ihe delec ton and conviction of any person ot persona guilty of such ollcnce. 1MVID LONGENECKER. President Bunbury, Sept IR53, 3m. TEWELRY. A nice assortment of Gold audi " Silver Psncils and Pens, for sale cheap by G, ELS U tKt; A CO.. Market street, opposite tne Poet Otiic anbury, Oct , ISJJ.-,