Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 19, 1853, Image 4

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, Ror the Sunbair Atnerrea j
I am composed of f8 Istttrt.
J J l Itfiin 41 town in Mi Ksstsnt States.
? ' 7 . ,n i.,,hann
M, 411 is ! '" VnHrt .
... 1 7 in M II U nil island m the AtlseMf.
, ,:
Mt Kin i is " "-"iir-'I - ' ' '
ill ?,NniVTrtrSWJ.U r: :' t
Mi lBl7 19T"--"",,,!r,'A,r,M' ? , , -
Mr 14 16.1 'y,n ?"',",', . ;
My l to 1 1 1 i " e"'Vli,,, - - "
vv i ("e-'! 'B1" tn N-An'OT ;
Mr IS 1 1 If ' ' c.wilty ' Mississippi.
Mr 1 IH 4 13 Is enmity 1" Pennsylvania.
Mr 11 ' 'uv ,''"rr.'!- - .,
mv w 1 1 ''' " "m,,y 111 P'"""-
Mv 1 I 4 7 7 ' " Minty tn G"rK.
My 81 It 8 10 as I'J tnian trii in I'.urope
Si v s f"y i'i,c,!'
Mv H 4 i 8 1 town In I'ennn.
Wilil- nf .; talAlf l, .nu, I.
Answer sell iwi.
M.ul.uiy, Nov. 10, IB"3.
Tiolecsor Hunry Si. (Jeorpe TuckiT, or i!i
University, is iil'"ut to iiitili"li a H.Mi.iy uf
tho United Suti-n.
As ticre in Iowa jioKlml two linmlinl ami j
ninety bnsliela
rhnnock varieties.
AT the Virginia State Fdii, S3!,000 has
been subscribed lor the benelit lliu Slate
Agricultural Society.
There is lint one iinide loanl in tho wholo
State of Rhode Islmnl, and that pui'i's lh
wrong way.
It innaiJ that a silver mine lias bfen (lis.
covered in Stanly county, Noith Caiolina,
which i immensely rich.
Acroiding lo the Tiieste Zfifttnf, Ameri
can cotlon goods have beaten Bmili matin, j
facturet completely out of the field. j
Gen. Duff Green U out in a card iif reply
to Col. Benton's reasons w hy Gen. Jackson
established lite Globe newspaper.
According to the annual ciilalopne of Yale
College. 594 students are enjoying tho privi
lege of that institution.
The Pottsvilleans are very much concern
ed how to obtain a puie supply of water for
their town. The pit-sent supply is entirely
Tiik cars commenced running hut Mun lay
fioni Cleveland to Sandusky on the corlhern
tlivision of the Cleveland and Toledo Rail
road. The citizens of Milwaukie, on Monday of
last week, voted in favor of loaning 'he city
credit fur 5200,000 lo the Watertown Rail
road. Counterfeit coppers are in circulation. A
man who will manufacture bogus coppeis in
this age of the world, ought to be sent lo tho
A lover, writing to his sweetheart, says:
Delectable tlenr you arc so sweet that hon
ey would blush in your presence, and molas
ses stand appalled.
A rattlesnake, with eleven rattles, just
shedding its skin ten cents a sight is the
only natural curiosity on exhibition, just novfi
in Washington city.
A nrgro female servant of Secretary Gu.
thri.-, w hile in Cincinnati on the w ay lo Wash;
itit.m, in i-tmge of a clerk of the Secretary's'
absconded, and lias not since been heaul of
Two Young Men waited upon the lale
1'eicr S. Duponccan, Esq., to ask his profes
sional tistislance. One of them commenced-
"Air. Dnponct-au, our father died and
made a will."
'Is it possible 1 1 never heard of such a
tiling," answered Mi. Dnponcean
"I thought it happened every day," .said
tho young man.
"It's the first case of tho kind," replied
Mr. Dupnncenn.
"Well," said tho young man, "if there is
tj be any difficulty about it, had better
give you a fee to attend to ihe business."
The fee was given and then Mr. Pupo'.irvau
l:Oh! 1 think I know what you mean.
Yon mean that your father made a will and
died- Yes. ye0 ! that must be it!"
In the reports of tho speeches at llie recent
exhibition of horses in f-pi ingliel.l, we have
not seen that any one of ihe speakers ullmlrj
to historical matters respecting lhat nolle and
useful animal or gave any slaljbtics in repaid
to horses in this country.
Tha iisl horses brought into any part of
the territory at piesenl embraced in the I'ui
leJ Stales, were lauded in FIoihU by Cabet-a
de Veca, in 1527, 42 in number, all of w hich
perished or were otherwise killed. Tlmnext
importation wasalsa biouht to Florida, by
Da Soto, in 1539. In 1609 Ihe F.ngli.-ti Ian
tied at Jamestown, in Viiginin, having seven
horses with ihem. In 1629, Fiaucis Uigiu
sou imported tiorsri and olhrr domrslic ai.l
inals in ihe Colony of Massachuset s Bay. In
1C25 the Dutch Company inipoitnl horses
into New YoiU. In 1750, Ihe French of Illi
nois were in possession of coiirideiuble num.
ben of horses.
Acjor.liu. to the census returns for 1350,
thare wore 4,33335S hirsus ii the Unite J
iiiates, exclusive of ihose in cities whii h uere
not returned. The four and a half millions
o lui ri; animals in Itu United Slates, consii
lole a propoition of one to five of the inhab.
itants. New Yoik, has ouu horse to seven
pi rsniis. rciiusylvania, one to six nnd sp
lenitis ; Ohio, one lo Tour; Kentucky, nno
la three free Inhabitants. In Ohio ami the
new Stales of the Noilh-wet!, tho increase of
horses has kept pace with of the popula.
The number of horses in the United States,
is more than Ibreo limes as large as lhat in
Giest Britain. A recent report in France
h iwi lhat there are in that country 3 200,
000 horses. This number constantly aug
ments in tbe same proportion as tha human
race, arid maintains itself uniformly at the
iti'.io of eight pr cent. 'Bojfon rrnnscri f.
r Mifflinliurg Academy. 7j
JtlinihilMii K, I'liltm Conns y I'cnnn.
if ; REV. J. (J. ANSPACH, ) Curalori j
" ' HE?. E. KEIFFER, Cura,ofi'
" "". A. & FISHER, PrinoipaL
. ; i ry femnif Department, ' '
EDWtS flSHER, Tiachcr of Mathematict
'''.' nn Foff Muiie.
"''Jon Cll"'l',rll Fhyiologt), ?c.
Thfl Summer Term of Ihi (luur'wliing Intli
lulo will rotiimrnccon Mofcmr, Ji-li S5, ISM.
The couroe of iimtruclion will l lliorounli miJ
practical. Miitlicmaticn mid llie Ancient I.nn
giiaRea, n well bs oilier lirnnclien, will lie tnulit,
lar as prnrticolile, on llie annlylic mclliod.
Daily line will be maile of llie liliickltoiud.
(Irlhoiirapliv, licadinir, F.njilisli Composition,
anil Declamation will receive tlieir full share of
Dnniffliliiisr. (Jonslruclion of Mana, Vrc of
Coinpasc, Ac, will I laiiRlit to Uulcntsin tur-
vpyititr and I'ivil Mnijineriins.
I.rswiis ill Music, Drawing, Oil Painfull!,
! Water (.'oor. Vc, ( Itnnmciitiil Needle Work,
I Kicncli ami Uotiiny will Ik- given hy the Precep-
(rem, who in a irruilunlc of C nslletun 1 rinulii
Seminary. V ermont, and cornea lccoinmrndrd
by the Prin. ipal of that Inslitiition. aa "nyouiij;
huly of ncrocahlc muiinors and high literary at
Vuiiiiir Indies and ecntlcmen who design to
1 teachers, will find this Institution an efli
' cinut sehnul fur preparation, since there will he
connected with it. durin? the Rreat part of the
rear, a
I which will have the opportunity of attendinir an
: Kvcliing (.'oiiisc of Lectures on School Teaching, :
' and acciuiriiig a practical knowledge of the arl, ;
' miller the supervision of the Principals. j
! The government of the school is based upon
i the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all
! to do to others as they would think it right that
! others should do to them. Hence the rules w ill
j he mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents
and guardians may rest assured, that the morals,
! huhits of study, and general deportment of the
; students will be carefully attended to.
! The building is now undergoing a complete
i renovation. It will be painted, furnished with
i new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, c.
1 Milllinhurg is a thriving and healthy borough.
' Its inhabitants arc moral, intelligent and enter
j prising. Its streets have been recently graded
I and paved. It is, in cverv respect, a pleasant
! and desirable, retreat for students. We, therefore,
trust that the friends of education will deem tho
; Academy worthy of their liberal support,
i t ? The price of board, in the best of piivatn
families, does not exceed $1,51) per week.
11. Students may enter the Academy at
any time during the term i yet it is desirable
that they be present, if possible, on the first day,
Milllinhurg, July 1C, 185:1. fim.
Live sind Help Iiie ! ! ! j
j Oi'R Motto.
33 ESPECTFCLLY informs his friends and
the public generally, that he has just re
ceived at his store, in Sunbury, l.elow Weaver's
Hotel, a large, hindsomc and cheap assortment
consisting in part of
Dry floods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimtrs Catsinets, Jeans, Drilling,
Muslins, Vesting, Linens, o'c.
Culicocs, Mnslhi He Lrtins, Lawns,
G'ingtnm, Jlerages, Uubes, iVc-
aiot icuiKs,
Sugar, Teas, CVlU-e, Itice, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, Fish, Salt, &c, &.C., Aic.
II n rI ii are,
Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives cV Forks, &c.
of various styles and patterns,
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
men, women and children.
Hats Caps, etc., of various sizes and styles.
Besides a large Hiid general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. I Country produce of all Kinds taken in
exhange at the highest market prices.
Sunhury,4 mo. 3d, 1S53.
"t7E, the undersigned would respectfully call
' the attention of purchasers to our suiierior
st.H-k of Stoves, Cauldrons, &c. The superiority
of our Stoves above all others is so well known ;
that wo deem it unnecessary to enter into detail
of them.
Wo would invite vour attention to our jlf.rc'
7r.,'.,,r S,.. I. lt,n v.rlA nf .,nl ia
1 , .i .1 . i . .1
on tho rise, this is the most economical etme tho
public can use. '1'hese stoves are of sizes suitable
for healing the smallest room ; and those capable
. . V ... . , f .
' ol containing trom 40,lj(l0 to K0.0II0 cubic led.
I Our Cook Stoves consist of the Cilobe Cook, for
' ,.m..1 Xln.lnn, 'l'mv l'..r vvnn,t It iiel; ' -elebrn t.',l
wood stove Complete Cook Yocoin Cook
linear Conk, &e.. Ac. Our assortment uf Cook
and Parlor stoves in the best in the market, and
per .ons desiring to purchase will do well bv fa
voring us w ith a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Successors to l'otts &. Vocom,
N. E. Corner 2nd and ISacc Streets,
Fhila., Ai'3. 7, 1 Sol). 3m.
Just Published nml for Sale
by WM. McCAKTV, llookseller,
Sunbury, Pa.
The American
lleing a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in tho United States.
B V Colmnson Reed, Esq.,
lsuc irgis viva vox
With notes and additions, together with short
system ol conveyancing. 13y A. Jordan. 1'ies
idctit Judge of tbe F.ighlh judicial district of
l'a., and Win. M. ItiK-ktfeler and M. L.
Sliindcl, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since Ihe publication of the book, the following
letter has been received from Judge 1'e arson of
Hurrisburg :
II AiinisDir.b, June 30, 1853.
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex-pres.-ing
ii ly entire approval of the selection and
composition of the pieccdcnts thus offered to Ihe
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
standi in need of a correct system of pleading,
adapted to our habits of bur-inew, and the practice
of the courts. Your forms of decoration being,
lo a great extent, founded on the acts ,,f asieiubly,
will lie a saving of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. '
It should be in the hands of every practising
lawyer iu our slate.
Yours, with great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
I.. Sliindcl, Km) ii ires.
Sunbury, July 1333.
Stone Cutters and Laborers
INTONE cutters and laborers can have steady
k-' employ and a winters job, (and not work in
the water,) at the I'niun and Susquehanna Bridge
at Chapman, Union county, Pa., midway be
tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la
borer $l,S5 per ds will be given.
Chapman, Sept. M, I8S3 tf.
2,500 Acres Tin. tier Land
TIMBER LAND, comprising sbout 8.RO0
seres, part of which is situated on Tobyhanna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, w'lhin thrcs
miles of Lehigh River, in Penn forest township,
Carbon County, one of the great Coal Counties
of Pennsylvania, can be had at a bargain, if ap
plication lie mads soon.
'J'hrse lands are thickly covered with the bsst
timber of that region. Whilo it is believed that
75,000 feet of lumlicr to the acre, can lie cut from
a largo portion of tin land, the balance will aver
age not much less Lhan this figure. The kinds of
limber found ontlin land are Hemlock, Hpruce or
White Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Pine and Hemlock.
The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks arc large
and rapid streams, yielding a vast ammint of
water power, olid are capable of driving a largo
number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh,
which stream, with the Lehigh Camil fluids an
outlet lo tho most desirable lumber markets.
There is, too, under contemplation, a railway
lending to the cities of New York aftd Philadelphia
which runs within our milr ami lln re quartern o
i the land. Through these avenues lumber call be
. delivered in cither of the cities named, for about
$7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en
I gaged in the trade lo derive greiter profits than
attend investments generally.
I In addition to the timber, convertible into evc
' ry shape of luinlxr, there is much that will an
' swer for spars of vessels a sort of limlicr that
; ship builders have been nblioed to purchase in
, Maine, or at other distant points,
i Unlike most of the binds on Ihe Lehigh there
' has, as j et, been no culling of the timber on this
' property. It stands undisturbed by the wood
- man's axe. It is, therefore, the more vtilunb'e.
j The lumber trade of the Lehigh lias been carried
' on to such an extent fur years past, that a scarcity
1 nf good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases this difficulty. The
'consequence must be an enchnm einent of the
; value of timber lands. Those tin-culled tracts
; with the advnntase of avenues to .arket, such
; as the lands offered for sale, possess, cannot fail
I to be the sources of supply hereafter.
But the bind is not alone valuable tor the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for firming,
nearly every acre being susceptible of a high
state of cultivation.
Capitalistsdesiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to these lands. For
furtlur information apple t
Office in "Mining Register" building, Putts
ville. Pa.
Annus! f,, 1 8S1. tf.
Per Ihe Cure of
Tf) CI'UK A Cfll.ll, WtTII llKAn.VCIIE ND iiltK 'KSS
of t(i(! tily, l.-ike llit? I jlKltltv l-i-critR.t oil oing u licl,
airl writ, up wiinii. In sweat dining Ihe nit;lit.
t'ns A (.Into and rouiill, l;ike a itt triii 11, n Minnitd eve.
I Mini.', uee -ntiiir t. tliiecleuis mi tin I, lliet and llie iliihYu!
i ly will gi'on tie roui'iv.'il. N'-uie wit! I ini sult'. r fr .tti lliis
IriiiiMe when IM'-y llinl II e:in lit.'Si, ri.,u1ily cine,!, rt-rs .Its
lilllirli d Willi :i SiMtttl cnuj!!), wliieh l.rc-iks Ijiclil o! Ilieir
rert at iiihl, will funl, hy inking llie Clieny l-celMrtl im
friini I, butt, tlicy in iy be sure nl' s iuml, tiiilnula'ii sleep,
mitt e.iiisi'qni'iilty r. freshing resl. OrLnl rebel fnini fiiiI'it
mi?, n.i.l nu nltlnrilc enre, m ;.U' itdrri t tlinusnudll wll'.i ute
llius alllieltot. by this invaluable remedy.
l-'rulil i!B agreeable elVrels in lliese enses, mnny find
llii'iiueives iniwitltng to I'-TL-gn us uso w hen The necci'dity
I'm it litis eeuM-,1,
1'rnm Iwo ciniiienl riiyRteitinB in
Fathi rKvitt.?!. Tenn , April Ifi. I.,l.
?ir We have rjivcit vmir Cherry l're(.rnl tin ex'emive
triril in our pirtrlirc. nuil find it t surpass everv ntlu i re
inedv we liave f r cm ii:ir nil", i-ti.nts nl" llie rrsiMiamrv or
gnus'. llll-MKIt A- II OII'ToV.
T ) sii"ir.n A l si'!;.!ir.i:s ti,i.-1, n ly
is invnlieiMi', :it by I'l; n. lion on tbe 1 t,r :it a I'd Inny, tvli.-n
tikeu ill small nuanlilicK, il renli.vesail Uniuiu'iicsK in a tVxv
h nlrs, and MMiideruiliy increases the jKivvt-r and riexitujily
ol'ltlM V'dee.
AS't'll.MA is ffriierallv iiltudi relievnl. anil nfleil wh.illy
cured bv l.'hia rv t-eet'tral. liut there nre s mic eases so nb-
liuale a t'l yield entirely I ' 11 mcliemc. Cheny l'ceto
t rut will cure llietn, il lliev can if cured.
I llllONrlHTI.S, nr intlatintl ni' ihe tliT'tat ami upper
', pnrl inn of the. Innijs. may U cured bv taking 4 'luiri y I'e l-
rat in small and inpieul d.ises. 'J'iie uiie-inrnitable o;j
j prcfbioii i.ssHni relieved.
Itev. U..el. I.A.SlSli, nf llrsli!yn,Ne. York, slates:
'I have seen the Cheny IVeinrnl cine such eases n'
Astlmia mid Itrnnehitis us brads lue to believe 11 c:ul rarely
' fail to cure tic,,),. iliis,'."
) k'rill rttlil l r:i.-.. ,n. .ii.. nf n! iiitnnv. tn l.
J fnll.nved by large ilild iierpienl d uel) i if Ihe Cherry I'eet.i.
! u'1. '' "iUIum the dieao. If u.Ueii in sens m, il will
I le l lull In cure.
I WUOOI'IN'O rot otl may 1" lirnVen u; and n eu-
reit bv llie use nf Cherrv l-eetnral.
Till'. IM'l.ri'.N. A is speedily reuvved by Uns r.-me.
dv. Vniieriins instaneeK have been nnlieiHl where t'h ,le
I families weie pMleeted fmia auv Serinus ennsenneliccs,
I ...i..i ,i. - ...;.i J i -I. l...... r..l .... .A
' Slider illlT I MO t lie dittCIS;
! Dr. J. t". Aver: P.vl.EM, Ohio, lllll June,
, wli. , , vn Iru!v re,nirknble eilr. u m
i vnur CHKItHY riiCTnltAI. in this place, nnd in my
! V'n o.e-nf inv .hniu-iner. was e nnpleiely cured
i I" 1 lie.',, da vs n n dreadl ill llnnn so C ol'; II, tiy tukllip It
1)r M, ,., r physician, fieely .tab.
that ha considers it ihe best rnn.ily wc lin e puhn ui 'ry
1 dieaset. nnd that he bus cured luae eases nf Ckiiu? with
IJIII eieryiileu ,u llie r.apiisi i ntircn siysiuai inirinir
the run nf Infi.cknzi here Ihi seas n. he lias seen cures
fr un ynur medicine lie cuid scarcely huvc believed S'itli
nut Rreinp.
Yours respect fully, J. D SINCLAIR,
Ueprty Pnhtuvtster.
'com the tliflinsnirheil Prnfes-rr of Chemis
try and Mt tcria Mct:ev., limnluin College.
I have f.ttlnd Ihe Chkiihy l'ennn.i., as ils itnrreilieuts
.Imw. u iM.werful remedy f r c :td.. and caliphs, and pill
lllnauiy t!l-e.lli,S.
1-ABKF.B Ci.Fvra..iNi, M 1).
IIUIX'M'ICK. Me.. V'eli. 5. IMT.
LIU . V A l.l'.NTI X K MOTT.
The rchlrU, telehraltd Professor of Surgery in
the Medical College, Sew York City, says:
. civ. g me pleasure In certify the value nud elfieaey
nf Aich' Ciixbhy I-fctokvl,' wliieh 1 ennpiiler peeuli-
i arty adapted In cure diseases n the 1 tirnat nud l.nuns.-'
j Cmes ol Si'veieiliseases up, si Ihe i. unci have been ef
. feeied be CllFlinT I'scroRAL in sneli extreme eiiRtSns
warimil Ihe l lief that a remedv lias al Imglli been found
thai can I depended , hrmo til- Cn-hs. C.,lds and
ve;ir. It in indeed u nnvlicm? t' wlilfli tlie rifllicled enil
lik vu!i e iiifidi-tieH rUet, nnd they leiuld u-U f:iil lo
nvnil tlieirifelvee r-f il.
Prcpantt ami sold inf JAMES C. AYR
Practical Chcviit, Lowell y Muss.
S.M in Sunlmry ly H MASEEH, and by
1")rucatt trniPially tlirouhnut tlir Jtnt.
July til), 183.1. ccow lv. Nov. 1 3. .
J. r. GOULD,
(Successor to A. FIOT.)
A'o. 161 Cltes'ni't Sirfct, Swaim's Building.
- Di ulcr iu .Muiiicul lii .lruiucnts of every de
scriplion. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallet, Davis
cV Co's (lioslon) l'ATtxr Siietxsiux Ulliuuc
AZulian and oilier
L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodcoiis, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Shut Mrsie, Mcsic
lluoks, die, Ac.
Residents of the country will he supplied by
stuiV or otherwise with any music they may
wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of tha largest stocks in the United
Slates, I feel confident of satisfying all wlo may
ft-vor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. Pianos la let Second-hand 1'ian m for sale,
Philadelphia, April 14, 1853 ly.
executed for sale at this office, sivgts or
by the
- C E- L E R H A T K D .
J ' C All AM J iT U II 1 V I 11 V Dt )
IV rReriTift to tha public Ihe bIhtto wvalimbtt'i prfparni.
tion, the uhrtcrrirt wmiM tte thut in timnlt-itlin
with hit ftieatli and mitnm et th intt fnpprplnMfliM th
MetlicHl fncully, it wn ticoniMl tvlvitwiMe to oflr lo tti
public, Cvw prepnTiitioiis nf kiimvp crlrbrity, heim pro
par) with the pritrnt rr, mid mi the raft tw-ieittifi
principle, at miMimitri fiir the Mitfnfrniift worthhM r
ticlri ihn t are fliHsdiitR the country In th form of pnnsoCHt
find cure n I In, prcpim-d hy ill? m't ignoruitt mid merceim
ry pfrsVjim, iutentlrdto cur nil dinrntei mid giMid rif Bone,
Read and llijlect.. ' y.: I
Thnt the MmtiHne, Mnnufiirtiireil ly W. M. Ukcju.iy,
Including litu Itiwe iVelnrnt (ft Coiifihi. '
Crram nl I'Hi-nnhnr, (nr Hhruinalim. '
Worm fvrnp ftir vonnt.
Tooth Vnli. for ricrnvnd leeth, dinned nmi. '
Family Pilln,' nr bio l tutitver, havebern inre extenne
ly used, ami hnvo ftiven nnro antisfurlioii, than any otliff
Mwliciiii'H Itrfiire the ptililie, U-iug prcpitred with reiriird
to their um-hilnrfu nir lully worthy tho triul u( the alliicW
td. Give them a trial.
A fw piweifiil Tmnii why thea1nvc Mcdirinea nr
dpnrrvin? nf ninverwil pntinmiire. (In llie firrt plure,
Ihry nre prcpHrwl by n regular IMiyiiciim, whn miileriftiiiKln
tin- Bpplicanun nl .McdlcliirJ, tn (liniiUffl, ant coilirquFmi ,
nre ncrfrrtly unfp to tke. (rcmdly.) Ih-y hnve Iwn
ihtmI with iiitircrwil H'lmw. niid have given timre antiM'ac
linn tlimi nny irther Medicines nllWed before the public.
(Thirdly ) they nre the nuly that hnve (rained
the ititn;itre nf I'hviici;!!! where they hnve bern ned ;
nnd (t ninthly.) thy nre put up in lurpef qumititieii fni
the natne price, thtiti nitv other Mcdiriuri ottered to tho
public nl the antic kind. A the miliscnber h:i o nninl'cr
ttf cerlilifjitrs in hi powMimi of Ihe hifihcwl mithnrity,
where lhf hnve been uatt wilh the in'wt a:ittpfetory re
ultit lie will nnblish few uf them, feelirei mtinfiAl tlmt
tiinl will insure their rix-innnientliiti'in. I rv litem iiuu
atiRfy yoiim-'lf of their miperinnty over nil others.
Rend and be Convinced,
We the iiiiricrftiirned hnvinir been itinde nrquainteil with
the iiu'redieni enleihiir into the roinpoihiili! known it
IJu-kh-y's I'mnily .Mrtbcinrn n!i Imvice; present -d nnd
kimwu tln'iiitobe unil, with m-rt itiHn tory retmiis;
trtke plisure in ntir tli:il we bliev
the dffiiru f-r which thev nre r"(' tnin.'iifl
ihry fully -l j
J Ar. PI'HAW liltlltt.l-,. M. I.
V II. I'ltH K. M . 1
wr. M.-.M AiioN. r. iv
vi:u:y n'Ai.T, M I).
WM. II M .IIsl.. M. I).
Cure of jutit ii tit hh and rough from prottttnl
,lffl LtiW itttttt,
Mrs. UiriVrt Ad:inis, lidx'riiuf miller Chronic Isivcr Coin-
pliinl. nccoiut;inittl wih n fii"rt ilrv eouuh ptm in t lie
side nnd bre:it, scnrrtl ib-t.ility, lns nf nppctitn. niter try-
mu nil the intunl remedies r-: unnit-iiilrtl loi (rmii turn
disf:isi' nf the chest, who with no Itcui-liK she w;t rceom-
in-iu'eil lo tiy the It mm; IVttor;ii. from which, she not only
derived iniui"4hiite but pcrum'tent relif
John Adtnm. s ii nt Aim. Holtcrl A.lninc. vn nOlictrd
with n veiy iteveie erMiyh. p'liii In the mile, nnd Preti M
pr idueiM hy ineeint e nihinir; hu vv.m inilitred tti Iry
the Ittiff Peli tral. Tti nie liif t'Wil Imtciiiie, llie f i ret
doM rtcihled linn to enjoy n go d iiijrht'i rest. In ihe
in Tinng he expeeloniled nhunt hull pint nt imuer. lie
continued to improi'e until hi? ennh entirely It j'l l.ini, :t
n's i hiid llie fH'cet of i rt-nu hrliinc l.if hieiKt. which wnti
n-t tirnlly weiik . lie nl i:iy thnt hf h i ieeiiiniienUtl
it tun 'ii'iinher oi" his ft iemln f r siiinl;ir coiiipliiini, and
in every ense il h;is givn untiffiietii u.
The iiUove per)n9 reiilniti of the town nf T)nnvill',
fpelinjr llmt they hnve derived urt-nt leiirfiti friin the ue
of the i;om Peelorul : HiirliuriZ's the nb-tvc th!einrnt for
the henctit ol those who ninv l ninicted in n vimiltii milli
ner, tilt K AT fl'KK.
Fos.i of Yuif restorrd with one hoftle of Hose Pee
tortd. Mijft?itui Whillnetf. of Kimh townhip. Northumiier
liinl e for a nnnihir of yenr an ii valid, in the lull nf
1jU, loxt ti:i tiw ol hi-.' voice lr -in n seveie cold ane con- i
I meted ; utter tryinp u iinmher of remedies, whli u lttne
fit. Kite wiu entirely restored hy tnUini; one Iv title of Kobc '
Pefi-iml, utter whn h. Bhe loi her voice nnin. from a
fresh n-ld she contracted, nnd wn up; mi reptred hy the
tin: nf an 'ther hottte ; she then to -k four Iwltle lo
Ktreivjiheu herbrefiwt, from whieli she derived the m
decided hetiefit, mid hut Item in the enjoyment of excellent ,
henhli Hum llini time lo the prert-ut.
Tiie titioic Pt.ileuient i nhitniied from Or ruiFe!l, the
Pliyaiciiin who nitemlctl li r; iilm her mother who think
licit site would not he living nt this time if il hml not lieen j
fof the It-ne Pectoris. Iiniville, .l;tn. tf'i. is;i j
Stiff another Murletf Cure EfiWtrrf.
Mis. Samuel Seehler, heinsr of n iiitnri'l wenk n id deli- .
eire eoiutltulion. Very Fiiwi'ptihle to c dd, Wiis nl!'ieted
with :i I'tTV severe r.uic'i. 'iu mid soreness of the l rt-tst, i
) st of uniiHite : otter iisine a iuimler of Ihe usiitil reinr- ;
tli'-s from which, she derived n henefit, hht wits emeil t
tnkituoni' h it i In of Kose Pclond nud is in the enjoj ineiit
of heller lie lit Ii th:in f T yeart; previous.
iJimville, Dec. 1 1MH.
Pit. Itit'Kt.KY : Permit ire lo inform yon thnt my wife,
who is (i delicute and w'fiikly w mimi, Isib -riiip muler n
very severe Conh with (viin und s iems of ) insist, whs
m-re quieklv mid efteeiunlly relieved with one luttle of
vour Koc Pectorul thiin any other medieme she h:nl ever
taken. ANN Eli M ltltlDi;.
Jan. If-oi. Sniiiuel U. Woihls' ruiniiee. Hed P -int.
ISlRi'X. tVlltKM E IX IVOR or T11R HOhK PECloRAL A Nil
I-'am ly
John putner taken hel ween l.'hiistniai nud N'-w Year
wilh n very hid cold, win -a ended in a dry hard ii.rcw.-iit :
CiuiltIi, eau.iiic li frreat dejtl of pain whenever In- couched, ;
was lelieved vt-rymneh; hy the lime he had taken one
third of u h title, and hv ihe time it was fiint-hed, w;tr en- i
i tirely eired lie als says that he has t:'ken several d -es !
j uf the I i f.'i l!h'itiv'e nr Pauiilv Pills, nnd Irmt they
are the niii-lcrit nut I m mt eilceiuai piiifativus he h. is ever
j taken. lianvilh', J.m 1. I.VJ
j Or IIkklev : Uurins n visit to my hr-dher. in Jnn-
villf, I to .k a veiy severe C -Id, which ended inn I iu lit '
hml with ii'eiie-i mitl pain oftl-f l.rensi, fur
t wliieh I n'-d yuir liose P: ft ifa!. nnd I'atmly PnU-. and
tulve pl.-imirr in r-e iumivi l;n.r Ihem, us ihu uh'.le-l and i
m st effect ml remedy 1 have used. 1 ours, resisffimllv.
Jan. CG. AVhite Haven. Eiizerneeu.
JicarSit Ann reenmmeMdation for your Itnse Pecto
ral, petmit ine t siy. lli-it I wns eiVeetnatly cured of n
very severe cm nil with pain in thu breast, wilh less than
hall a b'llllt', nnd lhat I c-iisi'!ei it invaluable. Vou uiu
nt liberty to nuke this a'-iie if v1" please.
JOHN" KPr.itm.Xti". (lin eer.) Danville, Pn.
My son AVilIimu labor iu under n severe eouffh mid juiin
in his side, fi mi an injury reeeived by n tall, was e-iiuely
relieved by ub i'tle uf Ksc 1'eebiral V Cli'nm of C'mii
ph i. I Imve ahs-.i useJ yonr Family Pills, and hltt'ther
1 c msider them the hefct incdi eiues I have e er used.
Jan. 1. Hnsli Tp., North'U o.
Dr. Htcklcy : Sir: As my wife who warn troubh-d
with dry, hard t"? niuh. uls s mr Stomaeh. depeinlrnt upon
j iicminy, similar to uisptpi:i. was entirely reiievi-d hy j
iuin tw l ittl- s of your lt se Pectoral, permit me to say
thut 1 c tnsidet it nu exec lent reineilv.
Vouis, respecnutly, IteV Mr. YVIEEAllD.
I'iint t Euiliernn rhurch, Dauvilie. Pn.
tlaviu; been cured of u Kiin in my mm (similar to Hheu-
j indium) which deprived me of ihe free use of it fcTn1oit
tour in tiiihs. Hv niiu onehrttleof frenia t I .amihor
1 w add suite that I consider it the bei-t remedy nf the ;
kind 1 have evr ustd iu my fnrnily, nnd I woiiUl freely
reconim' tirl it to others with similiir allet-tions. :
Yours, respeeltully, JONAS Vf-I,r, ,
Hush tn., Norih'd cr.
My wife being efTlictd with tt very seveie pain in Iht i
arm and sluuld'-i (t!ie eitcets of e -Id) wliieh iiisjibled bt-r
from ustnff it. was cured with rulihuij nl ("ream f t'rnn- '
phor. Mrs. EtUiu, my nsti-r-in-l.iw, was al.Mi cured f n ;
Severn piiin iu Ihe ln-ad and face hy iimiir the C'rt ain t' i
Camphor THOM AS C. liEI.IS, Danville. Jan. v'O, Vi2. !
My wife h-ivni'j Klicutirtiism nf the nrm tor o riimher 1
nf years, which prevented her from using il in doim; her
woik ; afirr havi.-i spent a pica I deal uf none) in tr inji
different ii'incdics wilh n benrlit, was entirely cured hy ,
usin nalv nu. h title of vir t're!i:n tit" Camphor.
Wll.l.i .AM i;'E.S Minor, fm S. It. :kI. It P.tint.
J)r. Iliekl-'V : llavinj; receivetl a veiy severe injury in
my iq.hi bv f.tlliiifr "ifa 1 tud of hay, from which I wan una- !
Me to folj-iw my w rk, wis fe nuniendfd l i try n b ill-. 1
oi Cream uf t 'amph t. whidi n't -rd d imnifdi-it relief. t
ciinrrrnj c ai:h. itush ip.. Xonird c ,
Mv wife, suiTeriug fr - in in st cX'Tiiciatinrf pmu, ;
thrniijlioiit liel cnieral tyniciu, which prevented her iioni 1
sleepin? (!tei:ic itcensiomt by a imj; nud protiaeted iit II i
of rlcsaeys ;) lor wlilc'l sile u mil
uimiitr ft ft on iiie :
Wlllauil la-in lil, was vlltlli'l) rdieveu I ,y the lire 01 I'u-uiu
ol" Ciiiiiplnir. IM'.O II lUioU'N.
PaiL-fHi Jliut.t. llaii, ill,', l'a.
Child cured .1" 11 ,wel Connilaai'. :ui I A-ruc ( ls-j years
nan-lint,) l y W01 1,1 Syrii;,.
My c!iikt iitilictetl fa llie lahl Iwo years, witli
!,,,' ' ,
i', ,
11 iwel tjoiiiiilaiitt anil Aeue until it was rriluc-ea ri u iin-ie
nain'icr ol rciu.lius wi! li 11 1 permanent
c-ivc it u I, itile ,4 lour Worm Svrin,.
ami",' winch Him- 11 has rsvn well, siat ff.,1 qnile ll-shy
1 nls'i luce ruconiinciiitcu it to u nuinlicr ol my 1'rindt-,
und 111 el lay case 11 lias liivcrn fcalif-ua-lion. 1,. I.I'.VI.
At l.'uui l.ani:s' Daio'illc.
I have used your Wvirin Syrap 111 my family, suit con
sider it n-it only elfeclutil, hut llie luosl plvas'ml ttrliclu I
uiu ecuuuinteil wilh. JAi'Oll I.ISIIKIX, Danville.
Uuvitie iistd your Y011u byrup 111 my funiily, it helps
my cliilitrun 01 .re lliaasny pitparaliuii ol the kind, tin I 1.
more pUsiuil to take. L. MOliliAX.
M int nu II iw, Uanvillr.
1 lisve hnd occasion -i use yonr Worm ISvrup in my
family, and prefer it 10 liny Vermil'iiee 1 have used.
l ltKD. lll'B, Frosiy Valley, Montour co.
Dr. Hickh-y: llavine itBfd yonr wonii Svrnp, nnd
Creum 01 Cuinplnr und' Ktnnily Pills in my I'smily, Uicy
Save goisl s:itisi'action, snd I consider Ihrin the 11101 rl
I'vclual. n..d picaAint reinedieii, we have had ill our family.
Dear Sir : Ve the undersigned ln-ins ia the employ of
Mesnrs 0 roves it C iinly, al whose .tore, you have an
Aiicney for llie s ,le of your Family Medicine, stale that
we have had mi opportunity of knowing the opinions of
numerous individuals who have used llieia, find that they
Sive eeneml satisfaction. We have ad reut luauy of
your Pills, which ate universally liked, In-ine very mild in
Iheir op-ration. W. I.KISI-.MIIMJ
I'mvilte, Attest, W M. KI',
llsviui; Scurvy , f mv mouth very Ind, I ws induced to
Iry s b ll la ut your Tisitll Wash, which acted likeacharin,
lundeiiliif my gum, nnd removing nil disease.
Df. IJiekley: llnvinit what was calletl ulcerated sore,
nioiith, tor which, I tried s uuiiilier of reumliee with no
lienelit : I was st kist cured dv using one Isiltle of your
Tmith wash. My wile ulo during her etmhnemeiit, wss
threatened with sore, Hrenats, lum hevuiK Hlrerulv foruiml,
for wlilc'l she used the Crennl of Ciiinnhor, whieli Knilter
ed Ihem, thercliy preventing tier lirmat fnnn entheriug.
;ki A. HKOVYX,
Near I.utliersti Ch ireli, lJuuville, Pu.
Dr. Mick lev llnvine nu opportunity of seein-r ynur
Aiiti-ScoriHitfc To itli Wash uaed in uue very aeveie en
ses of scurvey of the earns. I cuuudcr It an exeell. nl reiiw
d). Voura, reainwlfully, liliO. B. UIIOWN.
The sliove medicine are Tor sale Mholeule and He
tail by W M. HICKI.KY. M. D , Proprietor, lluunlle
Alan Fat sale by the followiiut Aeeuta iu Norlliuiuder.
mil CHiiitv. Kriliug Orunt, Sunbury W A. Knobb.
Augusta ; W. Farrow, Snvderu-wn 'I'.KHart, Furiosi! ;
llurkiu, Pnlllio I I'.iiisliiie st tttronae, l'uxinosi John
Vansant, PaiinoSi Hugh Vaaline. Pssinna; Ailim.anion,
Hnuei Co , Shsinokin ; Mrs. J i Thonns, Shamokin;
Win. Fsgelir. Wuiiilukiil i Campbell A Kline, Augusta;
Samuel A. Ilorestresser, Petersburg ; Jacob Leu. in int.
Bir Gap ; Oeurnd Wcnck, Northuinlwrlsnd ; Jeremiah
Cnsiea. rVlingMVi Josi.U Baker, Lawiaburg; Jota F.
Caakiw and Juiiatkan ilUUera. M iltoe
Cull on the Agents, nd get a circular containing a full
description of the uuiusious eiues performed by the differ
ent Medicinee.
Juut 11, 1661 ly. ' "
"aid and coairoaT;'
I o lour 4lu n JtlccliAiilcs.
MNUFCTUREa OF . .. ,., s . .,
n ! i Of the most Fashionable Style.
rPHE suliserlbet respertfully Cnlls the attention
-A 1 oT tbe public to his Inrjre ami splendid assort
ftient of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to rrvommend itself toerery rms
who will examine it, on account of ils dursbls
workmanship and splendid finish, made up nf th
best stock to be had In the city. No e flort is
spared in the manufacture uf his ware, and lbs
subscriber is determined to keep up wilh tbe
mnny improvements which arc constantly being
mnde. His stock consists of Mahogany
Sofa, Dlvittii anil IoiiugcM,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN' I3I.INIJS, equal to 1'hilii-
delphiu manufacture.
l)EDSTE.t)S, of every pattern nnd price,
In short, every article in this line of his business,
lie also manufactures nil kinds nnd qualities of
j,,,.),,,;, varieties never before tube had ir
rsunnury, sucn ns .ii jiioc, am , islack haisit
-in Crn!.i:n .M Ari.K (Iuti ax ; ami Wixnsm
CHAIIxS, jtvn rANrr I'liw Stoiils, which nre
of (be lutest styles, nnd warranted to be excelled
bv none manufactured in tbe Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in I
Ihe cities, ns every confidence can be entertained
nboui the quality and linili of his ware and j
( lw.iro
His articles will be disposed of on ns (rood
terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try l'roduce taken iu pnvment for work.
piT CNDEKTAKINO. Having provided
himself with a hnndsomo Htimr., he is now
prepared for I'ndertukinrr, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or nt any convenient dis
tance from this place.
liT' The Ware Kooin is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18.V2 tf.
Agents suited.
$1000 a Year.
"lfANTED in every county of the United;
' ' States, active and enlei prising men, to en- j
gage in the sale of some of Ihe best 13 00k s, pub-
lislied in the country. To men of good address, j
possessing a small capital of from !j25 to $101), i
such inducements will be tillered as to enable '
them to make from -fi! to $10 a day profit.
IV The. Hooks published by us arc all useful 1
in their charafltrr, extremely popular and com
mand larfje sales wherever they are offered. 1
Kor further particulars, address, (postage paid,)
LEAK Y .V (JET,, j
No. 1 3 North Second Street, Philadelphia.:
I'ulilishers ol subscription Hooks.
Phila., Aug. 20 1S53. 5m j
Drugs, Tiiints, Oil, Window'
(llnss. tS'c.
ggr ) loss French 7.111c white.
10 ions 1 urr ,1 mic. l.eao.
50110 Hexes Window Class, al! sires.
Superior litnsli,( ' opal, Conch .Leath
er Iron varnish, white Denrir varnish for China
(loss, with a general assortment of fresh and pure
Also all the Patent Medicines in general use,
warranted genuine.
Colored und Euainled Glass, &c, &.C.,
very low at
Dni ond Paint Stoic, No. 1CJ N. Snd Street,
Plivsicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods
I sent to any of the. Hotels or Depots lice ol'cburgc.
I Phila., May 2r, 1853. ly.
Cjl.VI'li W.Mli:, Wholesale und Helnil nt No. 7a N.
yj Si:i'll.l) !., opposite llie Mt. Vernon House, Oold
l.ever uienes, uiu jrwrieo, 10 ., c-3,w, ' inn
l.evers, full jeweleil, S"l"i,00 ; Silver Lepines. jeweletl, fe'.l,
IKI nil waimiited to kiep goint time. Uold Pens unit '-'liver
Case, 9I.ISI; Cold Pencils, 81.00; liold I'pueils and
Pen Cases with g.ssl Gold Peusns low as 9l,iD, Sec.
Also, alwajsoii hand ti g mnI ussortmeiit ol hue gout
Jewelry, (iolil Curb, liund end Fob Chains, tiold Vest
Chnins, Lailies' Gold Foti Chains and licit Puis.
Silver Table S.iis from K 1 4 to PI". Ilessert, 9(1 tn
fJI, mi l Tea, Sl,7S to f?8,SII pi-r sel, warrantiil cipuil to ;
eoui. All giHKi w.iriaiited to lie what nicy lire solti lor.
1 1"' Waiehesnnd Jewelry repuired inul warranleit.
I p" All orders scut by mail or otherwise, will be puuc- ,
tuallv attl'lideii t '. 1
' . M. AVIS1". A'ent. I
No. "2 North SFCONI) Street, opposite the Mt. Vernon :
lloime. j
l'lnla., April S3, ISM ly. 1
And 'J'hrce Acres of (.round i
r'J'HE subscriber oilers at private sale, his house
nud three acres of ground, on the river Hank
wilhin llie limits nf llie lloiouuh of Suiiliurv,
now in the occupancy of John Shis-elf r uti.l orig
inally owned by Coas. Gusslcr while engaged iu
boat building. The improvements 1110 u
IVita a Well of pood Water, I
1 "slid a good frame stable. There are a number of :
1 exccllcnl fruit trees on the premises. Tbe prop l
; erly is handsomely hu nted and will bo sold at a j
reasonable p'lce and porsession given iuApiil
next. Ap'!y to Geo 'elker, Es., of Sun- ;
bury, or to llie stil'scriner at Seliusgrove.
July 23, lfio'l. tf.
TO. irCAETY, BookseUcr,
OESPEC'l'lT.'LI.Y informs the inhabitants ol
town and country, that he lias lately recei
ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his
stock of books, iu every branch of Literature, and
in a great variety of Binding. Plcaic call and
see them.
Sunbury, Sept. 17, 1853.
LANKS of every description can he had ly
applying at the office of the American.
IU. H. II. HKiDEE'S remedy for coughs.
-'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of
this valuable medicine just received and for sule
hy H. U. MASSER.
Sunhary, June 4. IS53
CI.O'l'HS, Cassimercs, Votings, Sattinotts,
ie., of tariuus style and colors, just recei
ved and for sale by
Sept. 10. 'M. I. W. TENER cV CO.
HAND UILLS neatly printed on new type
promptly executed at this oil ice. Also
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
Riinburv, Feb. 14. 1S54.
sive and legal envelopes, for sale bv
Sunbury. Jan 10. 18.-2
TjOR sale at this office, Superior Mlack Ink,
A C attle Medicine at 'ii cU, Pure Essence of
Ginger. 85 rent
mLVER WATCHES. A few double case
English Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prii W H. B. MASSER.
Sunbury, April 12, 1K51
EE BILLS. Justices and Constable Fee
' Bills handsomely uriuted Oil CAlJ Im iir f..w
sale at Uiisutiic.
INK Boureau'a celebrated ink, snd also Con.
gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by
DecemWr :, lasll. II. ti MASSER.
At llie Cabinet Ware ltuom of
' ' v Market Square,
Alto al the corner o f Famt street the Railroad
Thankful for the pntronage ol his friends and
customers durinft Ihe 17 yrsrs he hns liecn in hnsi
nesa In this plsre, he solicits from the public a con
linosnee ef their fetors. During Ibis period he
hs endeavored t keep np wilh the improvemenU
of the day, and hss accordingly ei tended his bush
riess in every branch and varirty. Th publir; sre
therefore invited to the attention of the iiresem
slock of '
M iiurAcTt'SFO ar
At Ihe Old .llnmt,
Mhcre in S.blition to their. former slock of ll,.
iiiiiMisnmcr.i iney now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Canc-Scat Chairs
htrift Spring S"it Ilorkin'r Chair
l)re.umsr Harem, Centre T'lhle, '
M'irhie. Top Wnsth. Slnnih, '
ttntj a Viriffi r,f r,f ',rr
T)t:,l: xftte an, I
I a-bioitaltlc I iirniliirc.
...,,n, scrumi s narsr. a'io made lt,e necrs. 1
snry nrrnimcmeiits f ,r t,r f,r.,OMO, ,nv nrr now
prepared for I 'n.lrriauN in ail its brinches, in'
Ibis M-inilv or at any envcient distance.
Yc liiacl. s, mi.lrr,...,. ln5lnn,i,
"'r'"e furniture ,.f e-.-rv t:. nart h,i-,
I' rum lirl. , ,W, t . li:.-l,-a fal.trs,
l-Van riwkine cl.airs tu i .
Fh.aiM j "ii it..t hav- Tin- Jmiv pi,
AVc'll wait awhile f..r a l,r'iiter!..rr .lay,
Or lake ,.,lat,,rs, r .rn, wlicat nml rye;
Itaik, la.p p-le, slnvrs, ..r lamli.-r w.-t nnd .Iry,
l'r any llllnj 1,111 voto-s na'l llir. slntij fl.n:.,
t'loin pies mat tnrUics tl.,wn to lull,, qnnils.
Cane on then frir-mls. coins latraaH nil,
Krrptin.Jcs movillj.', S.I-R hi, tlielnll "
VW Orders from a distance promptly attended
to and work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch.
Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf
No. 12 South Second Sine',
(Jold Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver I.epine do
Quartier do
Gold pens and pencil nnd silver halders
Silver Tea and Table Spoon
Uracelets, Ureasl pins Ear rings etc..
All warranted and sold at prices ss low as ary
in the city.
November 27. 18.'2. If.
1,000 3Ien Wanted.
N the li"c of the Sl'siil Ell ANNA RAIL
" ' ROAD between liriibjeport (opposite llar
risburg) and Sunbuiv, iu (he Stale ol Pennsylva
nia. This road is filly four miles iu length runs
through a liiuhlv improve. 1 country, and will
furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters
nnd laborers for the licvt twelve months, A
large po.'tion oflbe line is heavy rock excavation,
laborers that are familiar w ill therefore find cer
tain employment und liberal
DUL'till EKT V, LA CM AN v. CO.,
February 10, lfj3
liosendale 11 vdraulie Cement.
. N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults,
Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and exposed wull.
For sale bv
of, and successor to, the Lite linn ul'Evi Smith A
N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly.
Coiis'imtly nn hand
nnd lor sale by
I l il m ft, 'c. r-
t nt'Oll.!-, o. ..J.
f Mmkel-Sllt-et
Aug. 27. 1853 am.
Hobby Horses, Children's Fropollors,
Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Muniifaclurcil wholesale and retail by
So. (il DOCK Street,
Orders through the mail promptly executed-
April U. 1S.")3.-
OTICE is hereby given that on application 1
will be made, nt the next regular session nfj
the l.cuislaturc, to charier a company for bunk- I
ing and discounting purposes, with u capital of
two hundred thousand dollars, with tho privi- i
lege of extending it to four hundred thousand ;
dollars, to be located iu Ihe boroiiiih of Sunbury. !
Northumberland county, Pa., and to le called
"Tiik Mini. us' Bank of St.siitt."
July 2, I8.i3. Gin.
Laliorers Wanted.
rpHE subscribers want immediately on the
Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union
county, seven miles below Selinsgrove, from
to whjin one dollar iier day will pe paid.
Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1853 tf.
TJB5 MWA iff) !
rpiIE above reward will be paid fur the discov
J ery and e.otivie:ion of every individual found
guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the
property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad
June, 4, 1803. If.
liLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons
See., for sule by 1. U. MASSER.
Sunbury Apr! SB. 18.M.
hooks, ink, and all complete, hist rrceived.
and .ureal by II. 11. MASSER.
eJunhury, June 4, 1853,
QUA IN PUMPS.. A small number of these
excellent pumps have beea received and are
offered for sale by
Rutiliurv. June 4. 1R53.
GER, a frcali supply just received, and for
sale by U. B. MASSER.
Sunbury, Jan. 16. 1852.
7ILEV'-S C'OtGV VAXUY: An excel-
lent remedy tor coughs, colds. For sale
at this orlica.
Decsailetr 4.
....Bri.vANIA. 1 MAWImwm,
, riTT. or '"".saaxeais
All solrrnl Iniiks
All solvent Isinki
All solvent mn,,
.,'. ', """" 15 ill.
w,ivcni rmnks ,ni
jlnnk of IJIiainlwrsi.urg I ili.l
11. w .f iV: ..7V.7- . C"
... -....nmmnwn
Hank of UrTlyslHir
Hunk of l'wislewn
llsnli of MuLlktown
Mnmitorneryi;,, ii,,,,
tsirlAII solvent I .l!
t ilis;t7Bk notes ander tl
1 Jis All solvents lianks
Hank of .,,,lh.; "7-...I Jf'lt"KY
?r.r id;rii?.ffi5b
f olorn ns h-k n-geCornrlMhmnW' Ilk H
Kne Hank , Si.jM.iiri, cA tank
l"" 2iPJ,,,'",r 1 li X-wsrk llk'g , c,
Ksrhmws H'k. Ursnel, rli.lorr,,e Kanlf
i- nrmers lllr, l.n,irntr par 1 rmeeton ll.,,,c
P I. Hv''"1"11 f'" P"' "-ncrret Co f,,,,,,'
Z J ; "1 ."J"'"' 'I'1" "",k f '"""ten
11 1 "koV ;, l, Mlale Ilk Kliznlu,,,,,,
,,m.l,nr Rank ', X-ni- llank .ewnrk
l.sieN,,e Rink , ft,,,. ,,, Hinnswl,
,,eaer flank p,, llank. ,.!,,,
If ;"."k par Trenl-m Haakin. Co
ii" . r;'",,t 1 nisU'ni..n tank. Hover
'"' r.-k. Potisville per VarrtTr'lel)rl)rc.
Voii.,neai.. nimlt I .h.'tyiJk'nol,., ,,nVr 95
u'y ','i,V ' C" T)l'.f.AUftK,
... ' " " '"'I par Hank of ll-lnwurc
v mine lik, V,ke,'e ,si
llank nl Smyrna
( WHelief notes 1 ,;,
. - ...IMH. I
Hk Wiline'n Hrnmlv
Farmers" Ilk SI llelawn
I'm. hi Itnnk. tVilmingt
Ff I mler O'l's
li-niKot !ifll,.,
Mereiimil. III,. Haeor
AM h-.-nt l.n .k-. 1 .11.
AH S.,vet ,,,
All solvent l,,,ks
rF"Rk note under IS'f
Noii rit CAi!ji.t:
rim r-:
Hank of si Allsina
AH S'.l.e,,, ,k,
All solvent Innks
i ilis.l I.isler5 s,
Tr.r.MnMiors '. '.
Casli. .Sleain, Electricity
The Atrial and nil oilier lines out-done I
I-Iulil til iicr I. Inn or
t. cli:mknt
T V1IO. havinn great faith in rapid sales
small profits, has just received anu 0
a larce sssortincnt of
At his Store in Mnrsct Street, Sunbury, v
he oilers l,i the public nt the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortine
Dry (loods, viz :
Chilis. Carsimrrs. Cnssiiirts. Jeans. Drill
Muslins, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin d
Loins, Lawns. (Unuhams, Rerages.
Sii.k Hat--.
A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes,
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, Cofive, Moldisps, Cheese, '
cc, Fish Salt, Piaster.
Viz : Iron nnd Steel. Nails. Files. Saws,
7'tn Sells, Plutcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucer
Whir. Brnmly, Gin, limn. Whiskey, &(
IV Country produco of all Kinds taken ii
: change at tbe highest maiket piices.
Jan. 13, IS53. Iv.
i ... . . "
1 D(!C I Oil Vtil KSCLP!
I on, nvcr.v his own physician
-- lion, wilh Dim Ilm
Engrax ings, shmving
cases tin, I M ilfonnaii,
the llitinan System iin
shape and form. To
is added a Treatise o
mvnsesoi reniaics.
f 'ft"tV -w 01 llu I'iglient importai
rfctSsZO' ni;,rrlt'J people, or
.' 1 Y7,.',Z . onion,,, I Ml ,, ; .
Ify Win. Voi
Let no father be -hamed to present a ci
the .ESCiri.APil.'S-o hi. child. It may
him from nil early crave. Let no voting m
woman enter into the secret obligations of
ricd life without rending the POCKET .F:
I.APH S. Let nn one siill'rring from hae
I Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nc
; feelings, nnd Ihe whole train of Dyspeptic t
j tions. and civen up by their physician, he ai
; moment without consulting llic.ESl TLA1
1 Have Ihe married, or lliosc about to be m
i nny impediment, lead this truly useful boi
i it has been the means of saving thousands i
j fortunate creatures from the very jaws of i
IV Any person sending TWL'NTV-I
i CENTS, enclosed iu a letter will rcrch
copy of this book, hy mail, or live copies n
sent for one dollar. Address. Dn. W. YOI
j No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILA DEI.I'l
I Post pnid.
June IS, 1S:.3. ly.
i nixxoldUoii uf E';i die lhil
j ri'slIE (.'opartnership heretofore cxislinu
' 1 Ihe name of James II. .V Win. li. H
i Ibis day dissolved by the withdravncl of W
R. Hart. The business of the late firm :
; settled by cither of the undersigned, nt No.
j North lid street.
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1M.V1.
The undersigned, have this day formed
i partnership and will continue the business
Ihe name of James II. & Thomas Hart. T
ful for past lavors, they respectfully s-k tl
tciiliou of their friends and the public to
slock of GROCERIES, which will be ful
i extensive, and which they will sell at the 1
I market rates.
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1Co3. JS. tt.
More GtiotUII
Wl 1 JilA.U A. KXOU1
RESPECTFULLY informs his friend.
Ihe public generally, that he has just rcc
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at his Store in Lower Augusta township,
stock consists of every variety of
Dry (.nod's, viz:
CldZij, CVusjnifM, Snltiuctls, Vesting, .
rj, Muslin, tyc.
A splendid stock of
Such as Silks, Rcrcges, De Laincs, Men
Laiens, (iinghams, Calicoes, rVf.
A fine assortment for Men, Women & Chil
A largo asso'.lment of GROC'F-HIE
sirii ss
Stigar, CoiTee, Tea, Molasses, Spices,
Hardware acd Queensware.
l'isli, Kail ami Liquor-
H ill as
Cin, Brandy, Rum nnd Wbiskty,
Besides tlie lamest and most general
ment of all kind of tioods to lie hsd in thecoo
All Ihe above mentioned goods will be s
such reduced price as they can not be g
elsewhere. , ,
Country produce of all kinds taken in txca
at the highest market prices.
Augusta twsp.. July 2, 1853. 6m.
OLD PENS wilh and withoul esses,
H a. . dru .,,,,-rior noalitv. iust received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, foj
Sunbury, Dec. 87, 1851.
bar bottles for sale by mas
Sunbury, April. 14, 11