Jor cig'tt Nctus. ARRIVAL OF THE 13 A LTC. LATER FROM EUROPE. U Turki have trossed tk$ Danubt without opposition. An armistice reported. Money looking up. Cotton and Breadsluffs unal tcred. THE EASTERN QUESTION. The first note of war,, that fell so omnious- on the ears of Europe, has been as rapidly changed for a note of peace. The three ys, since last advices, brought reports from i Danube, announcing successively an en zement and an armistice the commenue- nt of hostilities, and the conclusion of ce. We are without detailed particulars either of these occurrences, but the Lor. i press bolieve that the pacific intelli- ice will be found the more substantial, I that the movements in the direction of ice, have been more important than in the action of war. Thete are those, notwithstanding, who see his unlooked-for armistice, an instance of isiu's skill, in obtaining what she most at sent wants delay. The information on which these hopes and rises are based, is as meagre and unsal Cory as all that has been dolled out to the iopean public during the progress of this traded difficulty, f lere it is verbatim : Vienna, Friday evening, 28 There is nn to believe that an armistice has been eluded between the Tuikish mid Russian lies. The intelligence of Rust-ian hostile rations on the lower Danube, on the 23J, jutradicled by the OuKterreii'iiifche Cor. lotidenz." eueial opinion regarded this new as cx tely doubtful. Our coiretpondeiit inform' hat it emanated in the fust instance, fiom iris bureau of very doubtful icliabilily ; it received with incredulity in Pari, and only acted upon on the Bourse, when it found In have raised the price of Cou at London. The Palrie was careful to ,:Ve mention (his report, subject to y reservation." alegraphic to the London Morning Chron. puts the despatch in this yet more im tut shade : Constantinople, October 51st The e having heard of a new piojecl of com lise being negotiated, has suspended the rnencement of hostilities for the present." this' is added, under date Vienna, Sun" 20:h : Testerday the new project arrived hero . London, and was sent to Constantinople, insists of the V note, deprived ol objectionable passage, . hicli. remodel render the Turkish modifications super" is, and being agreeable to the Oininlz essions, will satisfy Russia. The present islice has been obtained in connection ewilh. Tuikey is expected to accept i terms, and if so, Russia." e London Daily Newt, is possibly near truth in saying : "In till probability, ad of any formal armistice, a few days ! were, at the instance of the Sultan ed to 1'iince Goitschakoir to receive s from St Peteisburg before Omer Pacha finally advised to begin offensive opera' on a large scale. That is our inteipre i of the armistice story." is view of the case is strongly corrobora y the following telegraphic despatch, importance of which appears to have overlooked, but which is impuitant and HE TURKS HAVE CROSSED THE DANUBE, is highly important information is tele led, circumstantially, to an extra of the on Morning Chronicle of the 1st instant rty thousand infantry and four hundred iiy, under the orders of Omer Pacha, d the Danube at Kalafat on the 2th )cr, A great number more weie in the I dossing, nom unova anotner acs- i mentions that the Danube had been cd. And from other sources we leant Iho Russians had evacuated, tit ly with the intention of drawing the sfiom theii strong position, and bringing to battle in the open plain, with the be in the rear. It is iiiconeciveuble a General so expeiieuced as Omer would no so perceptible a trap, and if he has ed the river, he must have done so (on t in his resources, and with the detertui- n to meet the enemy in a pitched baltle. next reliable news from the seat of war therefore, be of intense interest. K Boston Bee stales that Gleason, of the orial Companion," has purchased Bar k Co'e ' New Yoik Illuslialed News,'' hat subscriptions of the latter will be furred to the Companion. c have been informed that a mine of re was discovered lately in Cleai field IV. The country seems to ba one con- d bed ef rich and valuable deposits. IE TURKS are in arms, and thero will be a bloody w ar between them and Iho Itussians. ell'ects of such a war will be very terrible, re have the best reasons for knowing that ng could happen in it thsl would have the . of raising the price ot me doming at hill & Wilson's Clothing Store, No. 1 1 1 nut street, corner of Franklin J'lace, Fluladel- ilsdelphia, Nov. 6. 1652. ly. cw. the 13 h instl, by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Maktin Rkbock, of Mahauoy, to Miss y Miller, ol Augusta. Thursday the 10th inst., by Charles , Esq , Mr. Castes Tharf, ol Shamokin ., to Miss Elizabeth uass, ot coal iwsp Philadelphia Market Nov. 16, 1853, .ova and Met. There is some demand E-lnur. hut the marked is Quiet, with I ! at 87 Si per bbl. There is a ly demand for city consumption within r 17 E5a7 75 for common and i bunds. Bye Flour is inactive ; last i at 15 25 ber bbl , and Com Meal at Giuih. Thera it little Wheat offerinR, and receipts are quite limited for the season. Small safes of while at 167o. Sales of Rye at B3o. Cora it in good demand, with con siderable sales at 80o. Oalt Sales new Southern at 40a42o. WHISKEY. Salet or bblt. at 29c, and hhds. at 28 centa. Baltimore Market Nor. 15 1853. GRAIN. The quantity of both Wheat and Corn at market this morning; was much larger Ihau for several days past, the offerings of Wheat amounting to 22,000 bushels, and of Com to 20,000 bushels. Sales or Wheat were made at 148152 cents fur fair to prime reds; 154alS8 cents for lair to prime whites, Hnd 160 cents for very prime whites for fam ily flour; but as these prices the maiket was not aciive, not more than one half ol the par cels off red being sold. The steumer not having arrived, both buyers and sellers felt little disposition to operate before hearing the new s. Corn was in jiietty active demand. w nne soiu at voaVocis lor old, unit ou 164 cts for new. Sales of yellow at P8a72 cts. for old, and 62a64 cts. for new. Wo note sales of Maryland Rye at 78 cts. and of prime Mar yland anil Virginia Uata at 40a4S cl. Into lior lots do. sold at 37a39 cts. WHISKEY. We note sales, to day of bid.-. at 29 cts Hhds. are held at 28 cents. The maikel however is still raiher inactive at these prices. SUiNBUHY THICK Was at. firs. Coax. Oats. Potatoks, HCTTCIt. Eros. - 1'nnK. Plaxsceii. Tallow. j Bkkswax -Hecklkii Flax. CUIlItlSNT 140 87 r2 40 50 20 12 8 125 - 10 25 12 New Advertisements Administrators Sale. VyiLL he, sold at public sale, at the lute rcsi- dence of George Armstrong, dec'd., in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty, on SATURDAY, the 2Cth of NOVEMBER, inst., the following personal property of the said de ceased, to wit : FOUR HEAD OF HOUSES, Two fresh Milch Cows, two HeifFers, and other young Cattle. HOGS &. Ml OATS, SHEET, iV Thrashing 3Iachine, A two-horse Wagon and body, a truck Wagon and body, a Buiriy, Sleds, Plows & Harrows, Uorsc-gcars, a Silver Watch, a Tonkins Stove, a Fanning Mill, Chains, Scythes, Cradles, Forks, in short a large and extensive variety of fanning utensils, too numerous to enumerate. ALSO; A lot of Hay by the Ion, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Clover seed by the bushel. ALSO Wheat and Jye in the ground. Sale to commence at fl clock, of said day, when the terms will be made kdown by JAMKS SMITH, Ad'tor. Sunbury, Nov. 12, 3t. Stray Cow. A Stray Cow came to the premises of William Batz, in Lower Mahanoy tso., .Soitliuinhcrlaud county, on I tie 10th of October, last. Said cow is of middle size, about 10 years old. Color, brown on the sides, and white Irom head to tail. The left horn lost. The owner is requested to conic forward, prove luoiwilv and take her away. JOHN IIII.rlt'EIi, Nov. 12, 1853. 3t Town.Clk. A Stray Cow Came to tho premises of the subscriber, inShamokin township, Northumberland: county, about three weeks since, of a brown brin. die color, rather old, weighing 300 or 400 pounds and dry. She has a star on the forehead, and had on a brass bell. J lie owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take her away. SAMUEL BROSIOL'S, Nov. 12, 1853. 3t Innkeeper. This Way ! This Way ! ! This Way ! ! ! Fiill and Winter Goods. FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers ntul ttij nnlilie. flint tliAV ..:.- ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varic'y of Drv Goods, viz : Cloths, Cn.tfimercs. Sntlinets, Vesting, Flannels, U'ulltna, t)c., And all kinds of Fall &. Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Giihums, Chintzes, l)c Laincs, litrages, And every variety of uoods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and dUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats a no Caps ton Mkn anu Boys. Also a large assortment of GUOlXltll-S. Sl'CH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a tresh supply of Dltl US AND Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of yoods to be had in this place. I V Country produce of all kinds taken in ex. change at the highest market price. ouniiury,;ov. is, i03. Consumers, look here I ! DENJAM1N IlEFFNElt IlESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has just re ceived and opened at his new store, in Msrket street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment of Fall find Winter Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Casaimers, CassixieU. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and wornted. ALSO: Calicoes, Giugliams, Lawn), MouMselliie Io lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCEUIBS of every variety. Also an assortment of IlurdvVUIC, If Oil and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterns. Also sn assortment of HOOTS & S HO l!S HATS & CAP8, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ise. And a ereat variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at tha lowest prices. X3T Country produce taken in exchange at the t:ght prices. Furifury, Nov. li, 1653. ly. SUNOTHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. EXECtJTOE'3 SALE. lTJILL be exposed to tale on Monday, the 88th inst, at the lata residence of Petat Oberdorf, dec'd., in Upper Augusta, twap, North umberland county, y virtue of authority con tained in the will of said deceased. A VALUABLE FARM, eontaiting SS8 acres more or less, situated on the Cattawissa road, in said township, about 8 miles from Sunbury. adjoining lands of Peter Oberdorf, jr., Isaac Campbell and other. The improvements are a two story log weatherboardad house, an out house a large bank barn, wagon house, corn crib and spring house. About 180 acres of ssid land are cleared, and there is an orchard of good fruit on the promises. AL80: A Tract of Land, containing 46 acres in said township, adjoining lands of Henry Kline, Henry Gulick and others, about thirty acres of which are cleared, and the remainder is good timber land. There is a good spring of water on the premises. The above tracts are ill good slate of cultivation. Terms and conditions will oe made know n on tlio day of salo hv PETER OBERDORF, ) P . CEO. OBERDORF, ljX r ' Upper Augnsta, Nov. 18, 1 853. 3t. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods. J. F. 8c I. T. KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and tl c public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Fall nn I Winter lioods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, Mack and fancy Cassiiners, Sattinetts, Flannels, Checks, and all kinds of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do l.aines, I'lsid Cashmeres, Do beges, Merinos, Bav state Long Shawls, Ac. Also a fresh supply of lirocerlCA of all kinds, Hardware and Queensware, a fresh supply of Drills and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Jtoots and Klines, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Huts and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats. Suit, Cheese, &c. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, AH of which will be sold fur cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, Nov. 5, 1S53. ly A! 30. Estate of GEORGE ARMSTRONG, dec'd. "jVO'l'ICE i hereby given that letters of Ad " ministration have been granted to the under signed upon the estate of lieorgc Armstrong, late of Upper Augusta tnwuship, dec'd. Tlnso knowing themselves indebted to said estate urc requested to make payment immediately, and those having claims to present them to JAMES SMITH, Adm'r. Sunbury, Nov. 5 1853. GU WJM, W. HAMER, No. 99 North '2ml Street, tiro doors above :he Mt. Verncn House, Philadelphia, Manufacturer of l'ine Oil or CuinjiAsri?, Fluid. Lard, nnd Oil LAMPS Chandileirs and Candclabras, for Church es, Stores, Parlors, Ifc fi1H13 subscriber would most respectfully invite the attention of storekeepers and the public in general, to his large stock of (joods, consisting of the above named articles, which will be disposed of at the lowest manufacturer's prices Whole sale and Retail. Also, best quality of Burning Fluid, Pine Oil or Camphine, Globes, Shades, Wicks, &c. N. II. Newell's patent safely Lamps, a new article for sale. Phil., Nov. 5, 1853. 3m. An Elegant and Durable Hat FOR $3.00, Equal, if not superior to .ny now offered. a FOSTER & GL SHARD, 7'Aird St., belovt Chestnut, PHILADB FHIA. OFFER at very reduced prices the following; LADIES' Hiding Hats and Bonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of all colors. Cloth, Plush, and Glazed Caps, of every varie tv of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and Travelling Caps. Soft Hats of crery st Ic ond finish, at prices to suit all Hals. Also, Vouug Cents j ITS?- A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Pliila., Nov. 5, 1651. 3m, LAAVIIKNCK HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. IlIE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, ! -"- ilcc'e., late of the 'Lawrence House," in Sunbury, respectfully informs the friends of her j lute husband, ai'.d the public generally, that she continue lo keep llie above Hotel, and is well provided with all things necessary lo accommo- : ate all who may i.ivor tier Willi tlietr custom, 1 and therefore solicits their patronage. i MAItIA 'lHO.Ml'SO.. Sunbury Oct. 29. 185U. 4 in. KP- REMOVAL. -fl VGXKW CO hnve rensived from lbOto 109 Chewiut surei. I'hiluUt-Kirnu. wticrii they ikh'uov d new mid lie.iutllni Slor, Willi hii rlruul sad welt selected st'ick of Kail unit Wmitr iillY (jOODH, among wliK-a am SuO pieces of Lupin's Fimch Meriinics and Caslimerrs ail corns, inirn ei v aru. 100 " Tuitaii Tlaids fur Ladies and chitdrens wear , KHJ ' Fans priiiltHl Ie Lames aua Casltmeiea KUO ' Hrocude aud plain Bilks m superior quality. InO 14 fluid bilks, i u!l the choice patterns. 'J00 dozea C'Hivmsier's Imb. Puna Kid Olcvea. I OUt SHAWL nOOM ARE 300 Splendid Unclie and Chain latins lsuig shawls nf an AliBwIs of the verv lalest fabric arid riesisns. 0U UriK-he aqunre anuwls ol' exuniiile style aiid Uesiga- 100 10 4 k'luid ninir khawii inmi so to eio IN Ol K CLOAK ROOM ARE 3H0 French cloth Clks, Talinus and Muiitillasnf risw I'aris patterns, too Lynns silk velvet Cknks of the beat make style and finish. Also AO pieces 4-4 heat Lyon'a ailk velveu, vnrying in price I'roin to (f 10 per yard, sad ol eveiv and simile, Itir Luditai. Chalks of the most Choi- Shades of IiliMi, Brown, Bl'ick, Lrub, Oliva, Bron zes, iron U'J.w t'i tsi,ui per yarn. Ais i, ana sines in Kibtyini, Lmtiri'idci lea, in Capes, Chimizeltes, Collars, Sleeves, Ac, A. Tha whole of the atiove evioris are nflerfwi and will ba an Id at estremely l-iw prices for citah We are also r- ceivinK by the weekly stuuinera, fresh supplies of novelties iroiu I'sria ana l'noop, whicli enablta ua itu:ujiliy to have fresh newika ul' the muat lusliiuuable gxxls to ofl'nr to oar cualomtu , Ali.MiW a CO, No 100 Cbcanul at , ouedcji below lijtitu, I'hiUdelphia. uci. VJ, ijj ot Kill II, lit ICY, Wholesale Deal er in Confcetionurv. Fruits and Groceries. No. .04 MARKET Utreet, abota sixth, south side, next door to lied Lion Hotel, Philadelphia I'lula., Oct. 2t, H5:l 3ui. 8500 REWARD!! IN AMl'C'H as there has lieen at sundry times, obstructions placed and confined upon Uia track of the Philadelphia and tsuubury ltailroad, I do hereby oAer tha abavs reward for the detec tion aud conviction of any person or persons guilty ol sucu ollence. D.4VID LONGENECKER, President. Sunbury, Bept. S4, 1853 3m. SHOES AU kinds of Boots fehoes and slip oerm for sala bv G. EL8DERG tt CO, ?4arkat street, opposite the Post (' Si.nki.ry, Get. 6, 1653. Estate- of GE0EGE WIALL, Dec'd. WHEREAS letters of administration on the estate of GEORGE WIALL. dec'd.. late of (he "borough of 8unbu,y, Northumberland county, Pa-, hare been granted to the sebscriber. Notice la hereby given to all persons indetcd to said estate, to make payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to the subscriber, who will attend at the public home or Charles Weaver, in Gunbuty on tho 12th dny of December next, or in my absence Mr. David Haunt will act for me. ' ,.. . JAMES Y. TURNER. Sunbury. Oct. S9, 1853. Ot. Platform fecales, Ijang ttioum Ferereli trsteit Atejy right Tf Ac.tioultd frrd Standa-ril. Kuilrond, Hay, Coal, nnd v " niers Jt.1.riO, ei in onj j'u-. of the country, at short notice. ylGEN TS. GEO. W. COLBY, 240 Market St., .Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbury. October 29, 1 853. 3m IMPORTA CJomlM iiraprr than I.ktI! AT THE NEW CLOTHING STORE. Market Street, opposite tho Post Office. GELSBERO At CO. arc receivings splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, the cheapest, best and prettiest ever brought into Sunbury. Wo have on hand and are adding constantly a line assortment of FALL k WINTER CLOTH IXC!, comprising partly a great lot of Overcoats, double coats, business coats, black and fancy cloth, Suij. nctt, and other coats, too numerous to mention. Also, Black and Fancy Cassimcrs, Cassiuctt and Satinett Pants. Also, silk, latin, cloth, salinett. velvet and other Vests ; also a fine supply of all kinds of Underclothing. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Silk Wool and Fur Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, all kinds of Jewelry, Kev.ilviTig and other Pistols, travelling bags, trunks, Shirt" and Col lars, and Gcn'lemun's fuiuirhing goods in gen eral. All of which wc oiler at the lowest cash prices. Please call and look nt our goods ; persons in need of Goods in our line, will, we are confident, find it to their great advantage to purchase from us. We are bound to uphold our rapidly spread ing reputation of being the cheapest Store in Sunbury. Come end satisfy yourselves of the truth of our motto ; cheap for cash. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 185:1 if. NEW Clock Watchmakers. HIRSCII & CO. n'AYE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in the building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Toner oc Co's Store, in Market Street, Siaiburij, Pa., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, Silver & Gold Watches, etc. Also, .1 cm-elry, Consisting "f Gold Breast-pins, Ear and Finger Kiii(is, Medallions, CulV-piua. Ladies it Ucntlo inans' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plaicd Tea and Table spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, ic, SPECTACLES, Of all sizes, suiting every uije. Spy Classes, Pocket Hooks, of all sizes, lisxors, Hair Oil, Ue volvcrs, and other pistols, Brushes, Combs, Soap, &c, Sec. Also, a Urge stock of flluNlcal Instrument!!! smonpst which arc Aecordeons, Violins, Flutius, Fifes, Flutes. CARPET LAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea dy made Shirts and Collars ; all of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunbury. tST Clocks, Wstc.hcs, Ear and Finucr liing repaired in the best manner and at the shortcut notice. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1653. 3m. DAVIS (CULIN, Dealers in LAMFS, LANTERN tc, N. E. Corner Fourth and Chemj Streets, PHILADELPHIA, HAVING enlarged and improved their Store, and having tho largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia eitv, they are now prepared lo furnish PI.NC OIL CAM 111 E.N L', ' BURNING FLUID. etijerk OIL, Phosphene C.'as ami Lard , Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all p.itcms, I'ancy Hotel nnd Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Cirando'cs aud : Caiidcleabras, and Hritlnnnia Lamps, nt the i Mautifactiircrs' lowest prices. Class Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices, lteing laren M A X I'FA CTI'RKUS of l'ine Oil, Duining Fluid, rt'ureal Oil, Alcohol, aud (the only true) Phusecne Cas, tliev can fur ; nish tliese articles at such prices that Merchants will find it lo their advantage to buy. Call l-eforc : going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tha Sufc Iv Fl id Lamp for sale. Phila.,"Scpt. 2-1, 1853. ly. " PAPER E.1TGI1TGS. AY . W ILSUX, No. 0 South Fjurth Street, five daors below Market si. Last side, PHILADELPHIA. HAS for sale every variety of WALL PAPERS, from 6 cents per piece upwards, including Fine Satins, Gold snd Velvets, imitation Woods, Marbles, dec. Also a great variety of new style of Curtain Papers, Fine Doard Prints, Borders, Ac. Dealers supplied at tha lowest rale. Phiia., Sept. 24, 1853 3m. All persons indebted to the estate of Henry Mssser. dec'd., are notified that the books, cc, have been placed in the hands of G. M. Vorks, Esq. for collection. Those indebted are rcques led to make settlement within thirty day suits will be entered against all delinquents alter that date. H. D. MASSE K, 1 JOHN M ABSEIL ( P. II. MASSE If, ( En lots. . 11UCHEK, J Sunbury. Oct. 9, 1Sj:1 4t. New Wall Tapor Waithouo. BURTON 6c LANING, MANUFACTUUKtIS ic IMPOliTI'ltS, No. 124 Arch Street, second door ubooi Sixth, PIIILADULPHIA WHERE may be found the largest ami hand somest assortment in the City, ruriliaseia from the country will find it to their advantage to cull at our store, where thry will lie suited with a sufcrior artiilc, lit the low el pricca. BITHTON ot LAM.G. No. 1"4 Arch Street, above Sixth. Phiia., Sept. 17, 18533ui. ATS AND CAPS A splendid lot of faahionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hats, also Clalh, Far, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sala low by G. EL8BERG 4 CO. Market street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct 8, 1853.-. JU8TICE8' FEE BILLS For sale by H. B MA3SEK. Hunhury, 1151 Sf NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. SUKBUEY & MILTON STAGE LINE, RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE Philadelphia & Sunbury Rail Eoad. TAOF.8 will leave Weaver's hotel, 8unbury, on the arrival of the evening csrs from Shs mokin, for Northumberland, Lewishtirg, end Milton, arriving at Milton, at about 10 o'clock, P- M. Returning, Stages will le veaMilton at 3 o'. clock, A. M-, arriving at Lowisburg, at 4 J o'clock, Northumberland at 5J o'clock and arrive at Sun bury in timo to Breakfast, and take passage in the 7 o'clock ears for Shnmokin, where stages will be in readiness to take passengers to Polls villn. arriving in time to dine nnd Inke passage in tho Reading railroad cars for Philadelphia, arri ving at Philadelphia at 7 o'clock, same evening. Stages both ways will stop at Uurras hotel, Northumberland, M'cidensaul's hotel, Lcwisburg, slid Egbert's hotel, Milton. Passengers will find this the ciir.irtsT. most siFkiirriois, and most co.mioiitadlk line to, and from Plrfladclphia. B. MISIILER. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 18.13. tf. iUW t I.O I lll At. VI OHI,. A BRANCH OF THE Clothing 31 aim factory, OF S. SHNUKMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. E jcsiectfully announce to the citizens of " Suiilniry and vicinity, that we have a complete stock of HKADY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and which we invite the attention of purchasers. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, i'lain over coats. Dress coats, Frock and Sack coats, Mon key Jackets, Pants and Vests, plain ami fancy ! Linen aud Muslin Shirts, Cudcr-sliirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Cloves, Stockings, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, M'oolen and .s'ilk Hals, Chilli and Oilcloth Cairn, Shoes, Boots, (iaitcrs. Slippers and Carpet Dags and Trunks, I'mbre las aud everything eenera'ly kept in a well supplied clothing anil gcntlemans' furnishing store. We keep also a good assortment of Aecordeons and Jewelry. We sell at the lowest cah prices; for our motto is, 'NhiuM Profits and Quid Sales." We have but one jiritr mid no abatement, so that a person is sure to gel the worth of his money, whether he is a jmUe or the goods or not. if any article il irs not give satisfaction its to fit, w c will take back the goods and refund the money, provided t'.if v arc returned on the same day they were purchased, when the purchaser resitlcs in town, and in ono wee!;, when he resides in the country. Price the same as at the Danville Manufactory lir" Call and secure the Bargains. Suuhury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf Important to Coal Dealers. THE subscribers hereby irifornt the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, Heed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sua quchauna. They will bj ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on contract or otherwise, ot all times, mi the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shnmokin hv KASK, KilED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. Shamokin Town Lots. 'rMIF subscriber is now prcpaied to exhibit aud A dispose of Lots in the new Town-Plat of Shamokin. Persons desirous of purchasing can j ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by calling on the subscriber, at Shauiokiii. WM. ATWATEK, Agent., Oct. 15, ls.'io. tf. IMPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS AND LADIES. C()FinKN('l". he pliicnt, to llie full.-at rxtrni, in j the use i if the rcpli'HTKKs of Mis. liKTrs of Pinl.i U'lili.i. S ) tiimi) t)ioii.anl eases nre kntiwn entire iclief ul lulles Inmi the most intellne pain of tMlyaiul Hiixiety ol nintd. ;ii miii!; from ne use ol other npilientiins of iii reputation whatever, ttevvare of itietnl, lais. springs of all Kind", and etaslie preiuirati .ns. tlie tenduney of wtiieh to injure t!m 4ltient, 15 hut to.) Well Itisiwn to lliuuy snf ferera mid pliygieiaiis. To avoid nil Coiinlerfiels, nppty personally or Iiy letter to Mis. II . Nu. :1 Walnut Street ; examine tier Smtiuliirc on inch Supporter, ntul tier t'nited Stales l'opyrit;lit fihels on eiteh hox. Iter Suppoitevs are sanctioned tv a Mandiii of 'JO years and a!s i hy tlie Fnctll Iv. c iuintini! os the hlliest naiiiea in llie I'nileil Suites. Wmn:.Mi HV Mail HICK. PltteKs .MonrsT. Address, wholesale or remit orders, l'i JAS. HKT'I'S, Agent, .No Walnut Street, IMiiladelphiu. Pl.ila , (Jeloher I, lfitf II. IMien j atflies Jewelry, lTtrilOLESALE and Retail, nt tho "I'hiladel ' v tibia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. U6 North Second Street, comer of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA . Gold Lever Wutehee, full jeweled, IH turnt ensea, ffi-.Od edit U-ptno It-W. S'il.lsl, r me Silver Ssxlacles. l.SU liver l-ep. full lew'lleil, f!l. Hold Unieelels. 3.00 Silver Lever, full jewl'il i ! imIhV (l ilil l'eileils, I .INI upeiior tuartieia, Y.ISilver 1 ea spHius, set, a.oo Ui'ld SiMVtaeh-s, 7.lm Gold Tens, with Pencil unit Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger liins, 3 J cents to $S0 ; Watch Classes, plain, 124 cents; Patent, IsJ ; l.unet, S5; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to bo wllnt tliev arc Mild for. S'J'A l.'FFEU & 1IARLEV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers snd i.epines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, 1853. ly. LOOK HERE!! rHE suWril'cr respectfully informs bis friends -- and the public, that he has just received in iddilion to his slock of Harness and Sadlcry, a upply of TRUNKS, VALISES, SPANISH SADDLKS, I't'FFABLO ROBES And Horse blankets, all of w hich ho will dispose of on the niot rea sonably teiiiis at his esiahliliinenl in Soiiliury. lit-.llliGE W. S J iiUll. Sunbury Oct. !!2, 1853. 4t. limit's lstaljlUlnneiit 25 South Sixth Stmt, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of fats-lit I. 1IT Cwpyiiiv l'l'i'MHfsj, Patent METALLIC UAMPENERS, Uiushes, Oil 1'npeis, 1 J 1 1' 1 1 i 1 1 -i Hoards, Coiying Ink, &c. Puteul 1'ali hiiient Puper, LETTEU l.'OPYlN 100 ICS, r npeiinr to all ollicrs, snd each pni;n piiuled PATENT LETTER EI.NDER, A mort v.iluulilo intention for kiefin-T in a oooi.-li'. c i'oiin, Lciti is iccetvcd, Oii'injl Invoi ces, Ac. I'lula., Ajiril J, IS53 ly. 1'll.L. .llll.MM.ItY t.tmllv JOIIX RT0NE 4: SONS, No. 45 South Second Street, PHIX.ADS2X.rHXA. 4 RE now opening for the Fall Trade, a laige I- and well selected assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Millinery Goods in ceneial. Confining themselves exclusively to this branch of tha trade, and ixrosTise the larger put of uietr aioca, enautes itiem to otter an asaoiiment unsurpassed in extent or variety, which will be soiu on tne most lavorabls terms. Phiia.. Kept. IT, 18S3 Sin. FRESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality just received and for e!o hy j.ns , is.vj li. v. MASSE K. . NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given by t: undersigned cltliens of the Commonwea'tb of Pennsyl vania, that application will be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to he styled "Tat Sea-auai Savings' I-stitct," to be located In the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland coanty, with discounting privileges, and with capital of One hundred thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Voong, Adam Shisslcr. Thomas Robins, Daniel Drucke millor, Fredk. Lstarus, Geo. B. Younginan, Pe ter B. Masser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement, Benj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal. Sunburv, June 85, 18.r3. Cm. Book Agents Wanted. 4 GENTS M'ANTF.D in every town and county in Iho United States, to sell the most popular and saleable bonks published, many of them betutifully illustrated with colored engra vings : also the most popular works of T. S. A R TH L'U, including "Arthur's Cottage Liiraip." Intelligent and enterprising men wi.l find this a pleasant and profitable business. For particulars address (post-paid,) J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher. No. 48 North Fourth Ktiret, Philadelphia, Pa. October 1. 1853. 7m. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. " Soap Candle 3anufactiircrs AND DKAM'.RS IK Soda, Slarrh, C'tislllc Soaps, &r. HAVING increased facilities for maiiufactii - - ring, thev ore now prepared to oiler induce ments to purchasers and dealers in the above named articles. Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex clusively on the cash principle, and ul the lowest wholesale prices. Call and satisfy yourselves. Our motto is 'Quitk Sales and Small Profits.'1 No. 44 Filliert street, above 9th, Philadelphia. August 13, 1 3m. I iii i i o v e iii c ii 1 8 Ahead!! ELIAS BROCIOUS I EUEIJV informs his friends and the public ' generally, that he has just received ot his old stand, in Market street, opposite M'eaver's hotel, An excellent assortment of lC?aOCCO, F 11 E X 0 II C A L F SKINS, French Lastings, .IiiJ all kinds of linings and Shoe findings, which be oilers to the trade at reasonable prices. He also informs his customers anc others, that he still continues the Shocniaking business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good aud fashionable style, and on reasonable terms. Sunbury, June II, 1853. ly. CHEAT WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory OK G. L. MILLS?. & CO., S. W. corner Arch liud Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. IVEKV VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole salo and Retail, such ns Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices foi quality of wmk. Orders tor Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others arc invited to give us a trial. Wen-ill try to jiliae. Brasses. Trimmings, iVc, nlwavs on hand. Remember S. W. corner SKCOX) it. ARCH Streets, Philadelphia August 13, 1853.- Cm. (Jus Fixtures Lains. HEIDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North Second Street, above Vine, PHILADELPHIA, "ff I A VINO had many years practical experience in the business, and ns all work sold hy us is manufactured uudcrotir immediate supervision, we arc enabled to oiler to purchasers sutiertor ar ticles, in every branch of wur trade, upon the most favorable terms. At our store may be found, in every variety aud style of finish. Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Side brackets, for Halls, Churches, &c., the IMPROVED PINE OIL LAMP; also, Fluid, LarJ.and Oil Lamps, Gir andoles, Iloquetc Holders; Parlor, Night and Reading Lamps. On hand, Lamp Glasses, Globes. Wicks, Shades, ic. ALL WORK W. RRANTEU, OR NO SALE. Factory No. SG Noble St., near !th. . Remember store Ti N. Sd St., next door to J. Stewart Depuy's carpet store. September 10, 1853. 3m. WILLIAM GROVES & CO'S Upholstery, Uedding Fea ther AVarehouse. S. E Corner Second and Arch Streets, PIiII.ADEZ.PHIA. SPRING UEOS, Feather Beds, Hair Mats, Husk, and Straw .Mattresses, Cushions, Cots, .'oiufortablo Counterpanes, Sackings, Dlankels, Ac, &c. Constantly on hand or made tn order and sold Vhclcsalc and Retail, on the most favor able terms. FEATHERS, HA .11, HUSKS, &e , by the bale or pound. Orders respectively solic ited, promptly executed, and warranted lo give satisfaction. N. U. Mattresses rc-niade and Feathers re rciio uicd. I'lula., Sept. 10, 1S.'i3. Porte Moimaios, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. riXHC attention of tha Trade, snd others, in L want if Puite Mounaics, Pocket Books. Bankers' Cases, Dressing Gu&ca, Portable Wri ting Desks, Backgaiiimon and Chc.s Boards, I'.rssmeii, Pearl, Miell, and Silver t.ord t ases. Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money Bells, Ci);ar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling 1'lisks, and fine Cullery, to gether with a large variety of fun Goons, which will be sold at llie lowest rales. F. II. SMITH, Forte Mnnuaic snd Pocket Book Manufacturer, 20ft rt St. biloic Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. IV, lS5' A DIES DRESS GOODS Dress Silk, French Merino, lYiaidn Tw ill, Do Laincs, l'e Idciugii, cashmeres, calico, worked, colais. shiiiicclle, culls, i c, joel received and fir sale by Sept. IU, lS.ij. I. V .1 tALU iS; 1 1 1 INDIAN CUOI.AGOGl'E.-An excellent re- mcdy lor iho euro of Fever and Ague, Dillious Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, i.ii.t re. ceived and for sale by I. W. TUNER A CO. Sunbury, Sept. 10, IfCJ. 1 TACK ERE L, Scalled Fish, Herrings, Piied A-scle f, Hams and cheese, just received ami for sale by I. W. TENEKiV CO. Suuhury, Sept. 10, 1HS3. 4 Splendid lot of Carpeting, Floor Oil Chilli, Table Oil covers. Carpet chain, door nuts and mailing. juM icccivedaud for sale hy Sept. 10, 18S3. I. W. TEN Ei & CO. OOTS, Shoes, Hats Caps and Gum Shoe., just received and for sal by Sept. 10, lbJ3. I. W.TENER & CO. YVK1TING FLITD aud self scaling Euve " ' lopes, iust roceived aud for sate by Annl l. IS61, II. B. MASSF.n.- CPORTSME.N A lot of double and single barrelled guns, abut U Us, powder flasks, t;in c( s, Suits, powder, slost ji.J 1..J f , , ala ly cpt. l, 'S3. I. V. TENEK 4 CO HERE 13 YOtTJi REMEDY II olio way's Ointment. A MOST MlftACBLOUfl CCRE OF BAD LE6 AFTI U TEARS' SUFFERING. ' ' Eztritt ot a Lttttrfrom Mr. Wm. Galpin, of 10, St. Afary's Street, Weymouth, Amtei 3oy 15ffc, 1851. T Frofaaaof R.tewT, rkl.ES !? vwh"? mnM n ha tof, svsr sine F:rrTren,riw,irv" 22$: wtthoat , her hmltk trerl ssverelvTaaJ Vs. 'stau tlsements. ana advised hr to try yoai Pit s and Oiiiimam; snd, aa a last rasoarcc, aftar avary other rsrnady had ,! vd nwlets, sha eoasentad tn do sa. 8h rammeanri sis weka an, and, Strang to rohnt, Is sow ia rncid ktalth . Her legs are pa nleaa, withnat seam or sear, anil har si... Ksind and nndiatarbad. CimU n k... - .Jl I siiiTariiMjs .hT sir wifo darinf tha last 4S years, and aua- .j , . - Pr"""1 anjoymeni health, yo would hi.lee.1 reel deltt ntfol in having Seen tha means nf i gnailv i,ILTmtin(t the soffcriiura of a r.ilow-ereatnra (fimicl,) WILUAM OALPIN. ' A PKRSON 70 VKARSOF ABE CURED OF A BAD LEO, OF 30 YEARS' STANDING Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Build. er ef Gnt Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Hud dcrsfiild. dated ilatSlii, 1851. Tii Prifrssnr IIiinnwAT, Sir -1 s,T,Twt 1 .r a perind of thirty years from t had Ire. the remit nf tw- or ihrre different arctdems at Ok iirl.i j tir (.,.ip;P1 ,y . .,ia, ,viBi.t,int. had re. c .t.rsii t,i u vioii ti of iin-ilienl attviee, without denviua onv km tit. nnd -:is even tolil Hint the leg must Ik amtiu lalnl, y-l. in ...,v,nti..ii to tliut opinion, ou, p,, an(( "mtiiieiil h ive eli'.-eliil a rfilliilelr eiire in so Irart a tim. Hut lew w in. I.u I iul w ilniM-til it Wi'tikl credit the loot ., fii.i-.i Wll.t.lAM AHUS I lie liinli ol tt'ifi sliitetnrnt enn t'C Verified Iiy Mr. V. P Ktc'liiiiil, Ch. mist, 1.1, .Market Stieet lliutilersfield. Tl Pitta should lie nse.1 cot'j iintly w ith the Ointment mosl of the follotviMC mm t : Hnd Irfira, t'liieito-l'iiot, H-hI Ltreunls, Clnllilniiis, t'arns, t'lianned hutlits. Firlttlas, limit. Olnntltitsr Swelling l.llllllKlLiO Piles ItlieninuliMil Nil Ids, Stire-thNsils, Sire-heada, Wuands, IllUli'iiiS. Corns (Soli) Hile ol Mse!a" t'aneeis toes A Siiud-l'lira, C'mitmctiil nnd Cooi-lmv, Slltf Joints, Klephnuliasis, .re Nipples, Si,iu-diseuies, Seurvy, Tunmuis, fleers, Ynwa A DUKADFL'L UAH Hit r A ST CURED IN ONE MUNTII. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, oj Peuhurst, Kent, dated December 13!(t, 185U. ' To I'rufessur JIollowav, Dr Sis, My wife hed suffered from Din Brsusts f J more than six months, and during the whole fieriod hnd the heat medical attendance, hut nil lo no use. Having he fore denied nit awful wound in my own leg, hy your un rivnlled medicine. I determinsd airnui to use your Pills aud Oiminieut. and therefore gave them atrinl in her enic, mid fonnnate it was I dtd so, for ,n less than a month a peileet cure was efTectetl, nnd the lieneht tliut viirioua oth er hmnchcB nf my fnmily have derived from tlieir use is really astonishing. I now atrouglv rec tmuend them tw all inj- friends (Signed) FRDD'K 'IT HM:R. Slid nt the I'stalilishment of Professor Hol.l.owsT, 441 Slnind, (nenr Temple Isnr, lnidon,) nud In- ull resprelnl.le Uiuiists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the llrilish C I'ire, At those of the I'nited States, ni Il oxestit HTJc , .-.niidSM 5te. eaeh. Wholesale tiy the pnueioil llrug I -i . s in the linen, bis by Messrs. A. 13 hi). 8anu, '..ilr, . There is a eonstderahte saving by taking the larger i-'-. I.. .' - Direefiona for the guidance of pslients ia every it n!et nre uluxed lo eaeh tsix. Oelolwr S3, ItS'i, ly. A Farm for Sale. IHK suliscribcr olTcrs for salo his farm. JL CONTAINING 2S4 ACRES and allowances. It is situated about three miles from Sunhi.ry shins the Shamokin creek, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. It will be otl'ered in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can be divided to make three small farms. The buildings ore a FARM HOUSE, a good II. ml; Bant, and two tenant houses. JOHN FA RNS WORTH. Upper Augusla, Sept. 10, 1853. tf. I JULIUS STERN, j No. 171 North 2nd Street, opposite the S Camel Hotel, 2 PHILADELPHIA. i : 1 A3 opened a full and extensive as- i eortmcnt of all kinds of Millinery g : srticles, such as Ribbons, Laces, lllond Lace, Silks, Florences, Donnct-frames, and a largo assortment of needle Winked handkerchiefs. Collars, Cupcs, Flounces, Insertions, Edgings, Ac. together with a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Persons making their Fall purchases are invited to give him e call. Phiia., Sept. 14, 1853. 3m. P r 1 t ft a o Ot "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. NOW for the little ones. Why will parents waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after all get nothing but a poor, tniscrablo caricature t We would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee to make you a perfect picture, by our Electiio Chkmical process, that works in from J to 2 seconds. We defy any Daguerrean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as wa are tha inveutois, and the process is used only in our dif ferent establishments in New England and tha Middle States. For pictures of adults, the sliver medals wo have received fioin the American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together wilh the numerous premiums from t'oottty Fairs, is aullicient proof that they are the A s J'lttt Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention to our Talhotvpcs Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. C. Collivs Ac Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp den II iitsc, Spriiilicld and Collins' Building,, Wei-tfn Id. Ma.-s. N. II. Our establishment is illuminated bv the brilti.un y of our Pictures by Day, and by 'i..iio "Hot sr fold's Safety Lamps by Xighl . "(.'iiinii and sec." Phiia., May US, 1 S5:i ly. X. 31. Xewrmni's Hcatty' Row, Norwegian street, Pottsmlle, ream. V I u ill lit ii ltoi, I As CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUP. ply of all sizes of Lead Pipe. Sheet Lead, Block Tin, Bath l'ubs, Shower Baths, Hvdrants, Hose, Double and Single ActMij Pumps and Wa tei Cloaels; also, all kinds of Brae Cocks for water aud steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globe for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and Plumbing done in tho ticalet manner at the shortest notice. N. B. Cash paid for old Brass sud Lead. PotUivilla, Aug. 27, 1P5X ly ItKWAHl). rniUE above reward will U paid for informa- lion thai will lead to the discovery and convi, linn ol the person or persons who were guilty of fillinn the axel ho.c of th pasi-cug, r and coal csrs of the Philadelphia und Suu'jury Kdiu. ..' with sand and dot. ' 1). LONGENECKEt , K Suiiliiiry, Aug. !i7, lb5U I. mill ier Yard. 'MHE sii!is.-ril'r would rcspectfullv Jr , and adjoinmg counties, that he U 1 I.unibev Var in the lot froi.lin4 6u Ciauharry St.. . .bort di.. Uiu-e Ea,l rf. S.eau, Saw Mill lZ tl tiovv . lurj, autouut otSmM, Ja)tKii j, , , T '!., sucu aawill tie wanted fnr hut dmu iiutiioses. Al... . i ""q Ior to b. aeesirdwn to ouahly and si,e. f u. aea l-and exa,,u uur u J J4ue a as we will a:i to yu iw. Wbur, Msy i3, IS53.-1 7J jbt bU- for Pe.'..-.)lvf.ia.