Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 12, 1853, Image 3

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Arrival of lh Daniel tFtbsttr.
tS,330,O00 in Oold on the way. Destructive
Fire at Sonorn. Arrival of Mitchell in
Nw York, Nov. 6. The stPfimship Den
ial Vebslr, of the Nicaragua line, arrived
here to day, with California dates, totne 18:h
She bring 200 passenger, who have made
lha trip from San Francisco te this part in
t0 days. The Webster brings (50,000 in
The Sierra Nevada sailed from San Fran
cisco on the 16th, with SI, 200,000 in gold,
end the Golden Gatp, which sailed the same
lay, was laden with $1,130,000 in gold.
The Uncle Sam also sailed on the ih fur
John Mitchell, the liish patriot, whose
escape from the penal colony at Van Die
man's Land, has ntready bpen reported, ar
lived at San Francisco on the 12lh ult.
A deslinctive tire had occurred at Sonora,
destroying about one-third of that city, and
involving a loss of one million and a half.
The news from the mines show thai the
digging are prosperous.
The Eastern question is unchanged. Omar
Pasha's summons to the Russian has been
published It is temperate and manly.
GorlschakofPs reply is short and boorish.
Hostilities wpre expected to commence on
the 25th. Pub armips continued to make
active preparations Abdcl Ka.ler is offered
the command of the Turkish forces, but he
awaits permission from the French Govern
ment. The Turks are vohinlaiily pouring
immtMise treasures into the Treasury. The
combined fleet of England and France have
been ordered to the Dardanelles, but are not
to enter the Black Sea, except on the hostile
advance of the Russians.
Tho Sultan has granted a firman to on
English company to construct a ship canal
from Rossova to the Black Sea, thus super
seding the mouths of the Danube.
S.nurday morning's mail to Liverpool
brings nothing additional in legard to the
Turkish difficulty.
The Tiiikish Ambassador at Paris denies,
i! U sid, that tho Czar threatens the exler.
initiation of the Turks. On the contrary, it
was reported that the Czar would soon issue
a peace manifesto
The Sultan has demanded that not only
shall the fleets of France and England pass
the Dardanelles, but in addition, shall cruise
in the Blak Sea. in order to prevent the Rus
sians drawing their piovisiona from Sebaslo
pol. It is stated, that this demand has been
necessitated by the reduction of the Tuil;i.-h
Heel in the Bjsphorus, many of which are
employed in transporting the reinforcement
to the army of Ali Pach in Asia.
A letter fiom Constantinople, states thai a
contract hat been made for the purchase of
6,000 horse in the smith of Persia, for the
TuikUh army, with the consent of the Shah
of Persia.
Skduction Cask in Kextuckv.'-LhsI week,
say the Louisville Courier, there was tried
in the Hardin Circuit Couit, the case of Tho
mas Kelley vs. Dr. Thomas B. Greenly, for
ih. spitiii'iiiiii of Miss Malvina Kelly. This
case excited a great degree of interest, from
Ihe fact that the damages were laid at S5,000,
ami also fiom Ihe allegation that the seduc
tion was accomplished by administering
dings to Miss Kelley. When she entered
the court house, the Eliabelhlown Register
report quite an affecting scene having en
sued. Overcome by the novelty of her post
tion, and the terrible trial fhe was about to
undergo, she sank down, and in an audible
voice offered up a fervent petition to the
Thione of Grace, to stand by her in that hour
of tii.-il and difficulty, unnng wie prayer, a
perfect silence pervaded the house, and many
an eye "unused to Ihe melting mood," shed
copious tears. She then told her tale of wo,,
in a simple and unadorned manner. The
administering of canlhaiides was abundantly
proved, yet great coutrarily of opinion exist
ed as to whether it would produce the effect
as charged. The trial continued fiom Tues
day until Saturday, when the jury returned
a verdict of S5.000 damage for the plaintiff
There is another case pending in court, be
tween Mis Kelley vs. Dr. Gioenly an nc
tion for slander.
Boring or Coal in Schuylkill Coi-sty.
The Noiih American Coal Company, in
Schuylkill county, have struck the vein of
coal called the Seven Foot Vein, at a dis
tance of 384 feet and eight inche from the
surface. At a distance from the surface of
32 feet they struck upon the Holmes vein, a
gray ash, 4, feet in thickness; and al the
depth of 381 feet from the surface they
reached the seven foo: vein. This is a white
,h, and al this point is eight feet in thick
net. Since then, up lo Wednesday last,
Ihey had descended six feet in lale inter
spersed with iron nodules, and it is estimated
that tbero are yet some ten or twelve feet of
slate to be passed before reaching the Mam
moth vein. This vein ranges in different
localities at from 20 to 50 feet, and is esti
mated al 30 feel in thickness. Beneath t be
Mammoth vein there is another deposit,
called the Eight Foot Vein. The tesult of
this experiment al boring has shown that ih
Mill Creek tract, of 460 acres, and the Cen
treville tract of 360 :', both owned by
the North American Coal Company, aie
among the richest land or the region-there
being 734 feet of coal bed, red, gray and
white ash on this property.
To Extract PearuM or Flowirs. Pro
urea quantity of the petals of any flower
which ha an agreeable flavor, card thin lay
ir. ot cotton wool, which dip into Ihe Flor
anee oil; prii.kl mall quantity of fine
MU on the flower., and place layer of cetlon
and flowers alternately, ontil an earthen or
wide-mouthed gla. veel is quite full. Tie
the top clow with a bladded, and lay the tree
! in aootb apect, exposed to the beat cf
the un, and in fifteen days, when opened, a
fragrant oil wtj be squeezed away from the
whole mass, little inferior (if rose are made
use of) to the der mJ higblyvalued otto, or
odor of ioic.
The message of the new Democratic Gov
ernor of Vermont, John S. Robinson, was de
livered to the Legislature at Montpelier en
the 2d. It is a brief, sententious document.
He argues strongly fur ihe modification of
he Maine Law. Ho says:
"The truth cannot be dissembled that the
present law has proved ineffectual and inad
equate to restrain the use of and truiTio in
intoxicating liquors, and the fact that the
Legislature in one part of the law divest it of
Ihe character of property, and, in another,
recognize it a such, and tolerate its snla in
one place in each (own for medicinal and
mechanical purposes, should inspire u with
distrust of any enduring reformation fuunded
olely upon municipal law. If, however,
such laws should eventually accomplish Ihe
objects expected from them they will afford
n most reedy way lo extirpate the evils
which afflict the community; but religion
has been generally understood to inculcate
a different theory for Ihe reformation of thu
race, and intemperance and other like vices
have been denounced by a higher and more
omnipotent tribunal than that of any Slate
"Whatever may be the opinion of the
Supreme Court upon the constitutionality of
Ihe several provisions of the law, whelher
favorable or otherwise, slill the law is sub
ject to be modified, repealed or made more
stringent, according to the varying opinion
of succeeding legislatures ; and the question
of temperance ceases to be one of moral
reform and becomes mergeil in the party
and political conflicts of the day. A very
respectable portion, perhaps a majority, of
the citizens of Ihe State regard the existing
law as intolerant in priucip oppressive in
its enactments, if not objectionable in the
manner of its e.vecuiion. I, therefore, re
spectfully recommend such a modification of
the law which, while it shall preserve t lie
Siale from Ihe vice of intemperance, will
also maintain Ihe rights of our citizens
against infringements, and their dwellings
from wanton and malicious intrusion."
The Official Vote of Beaver county pre
sents Ihe singular spectacle of a tie vote on
two offices Fur Survejor, the Whig and
Democratic candidates have each 13SS votes,
and for Auditor the candidates of the same
parties have each 1399 votes.
Maine Liquor. Law in Maryland The
Press of Baltimore are compliineutii g the
voters of thai city for having elected the
Maine Liquor Law Ticket, and it is confi
dently asserted that such a law will receive
the sanction of tho Maryland Legislature at
its next session.
Removal of thf. Florida Indians Kl a
meeting of the leading citizens of Strut h Flor
ida, held at Da Sola, on the 18th ultimo, res
olutions were adopted deprecating Ihe hasty
or forcible removal of lite Indians, as uncal
led for at the present time, and as likely lo
expose the inhabitants of the bordering coun
ties to all ihe horrors of Indian watfare. '
How to Cook Sweet Potatoes. Biil two
large sweet po'atoes, rub them through a
sieve, then add a piece of butter the sizo of
an egg', a little salt, one pint of buttermilk, a
tea cup of sugar, a tablespoonfull of saleratus,
dissolved in warm water. Buil in an earthen
dish. Serve up cold, with cream.
Ttiorsmns of railroad hands have been
discharged at the West, in consequence of
ihe stringency in the money maiket; and
the Cincinnati Commercial appends that
there may be suffering among them, unless
the present state of things is relieved.
The Gas Pipes are neatly all laid through
ihe streets in the borough of Bethlehem, and
it is expected thai by ChrUmas Ihe citizens
will be furnished with gas.
Tub cholera had swept away nearly one-
third of the bauds on the sugar estates in Ihe
neiyhboi hood of Cardenas, Cuba, and labor
was very high.
Ir is estimated there are abeut 80,0U0
Jews in New York, where they have thirteen
Ice nearly an inch in thickness, was found
in the vicinity of Philadelphia on Sunday
II)C ittavlttt
Philadelphia Market.
Nov. 9, 1S53.
Flour am Meal. The only sales report,
ed are 1500 bariuls. Shipping branils al $71
per bbl. There is a steady demand for city
consumption within ihe ranoa of S7ia8 for
common ami extra brands. Rye Flour is
inactive ; last sales at 5, a 5ta5i per bbl ,
ami of old stock Corn Meul at S3 87 & per
bbl. for Pennsylvania.
Ghain. There is little Wheat offering,
anil receipts are quite limited for the season.
Sales of new red at I50al51o per bush., ami
while at 161il61c. Sales ol Rye at 90c.
dun is dull, at 76 cents, for yellow 75 cts. for
white. Oats Sales new Southern at 40 a
44 cents.
WHISKEY. Sales of Ibis, at 29c, small
loll at 30 cents.
Baltimore Market.
Nov. 8 1853.
GRAIN. -Thore was a very active de
mand for Wheat litis morninc at the Corn
and Flour Exchange, mostly for foreign ex
port. The high prices of Saturday were
fully sustained, and for some very prime
parcels an advance was realized. The quan
tity ut market was about 18,000 bushels.
We quote fair lo prime red al 143 al47 cis.
There were very few sales ef ted wheat this
morning, ihe offering being principally in
white. Sales of fair to prime whites weie
made at 150a 155 cents, and some very line
parcels sold at 156 cents. There was a bet
ter feeling in Corn, and a brisk demand ex
isted. About 15 000 bushels were offared
for sale this morning. We note vales ol old
while at 65a68 cents, and of new do. at 68a
61 cents. Some very dry samples of new
while sold as high as 63a65 cenia. We
heard of ne sales of yellow. Rye is without
change in price sinee Saturday. We note
saias of Maryland Oats at 42a44 cents, and
of Virginia do. at 38a4J cenls.
WHISKEY. Tke roaiket continue de
pressed, with still adownward tendency.
We note sales lo day of 100 bbls. at 30 cts.
Some parties quote at a higher figure, but
we hear of no sales above thi prict. Hhds
ate held at 29.30 cents.
Wiisat. '140
Rtk. . .87
Cos. - . f,2
Oats. 40
BoTTKH. -20
Eons. ... 12
Pork. ...
Flushed. .... 145
Tallow. 10
Bkkswax 25 Flax. 14
New Advertisements.
Fall and Winter Goods.
J. F. & X. F. XCLXNX3,
RESPECTFULLY announce lo their friends
and ti e public in general, that they have
rersived at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland county, Pn., their
Fall an J Winter Ooods, and opened to the public
a full assortment of
Consisting in pnit of Cloths, Mark nnd fancy
Cassiincrs, Snttinctts, Flannels, Checks, and
nil kinds of Winter Wear.
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Cress Goods,
Calicoes, Oiiighains, Muslin do Laines. Flaid
Cashmeres, Dc lieges. Merinos, Bav state
Long Shawls, Ac.
Also a fresh supply of (al'OCCrlCS of all
Hardware and Quopnswnrp, a fresh supply
of Drills and Medicines.
Wooden Ware.
Also a large assortment of Hoots and
Shops, suitulilo for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Cnps, such
as Silk, l'unnnia, and other
Hals. Salt, Cheese, &c.
Call and See.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
All of which will lie sold for rash, or in ex
change for country produce, at the highest market
Upper Augusta, Nov. 5, 1SS3. ly Al 30.
Estate of GEORGE ARMSTRONG, dee'd-
jVOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad-
ministration h ive hern granted to the under
signed upon the estate of George Armstronn, bile
of Upper Augusta township, dee'd. Those j,' themselves indebted to said estate arc
requested lo make payment immediately, and
those having claims to present them to
Sunburv, Nov. 5 1S53. (.!.
No. 09 North 2.1,-f Hi net, 1v-o doors above :
Mt. IVnirn House,
Manufacturer of Pine Oil or
Camptmt!, Fluid, Lard, and Oil LAMPS
Chandclcirs and Candelabra, for Church
rs, Stores, 1'arlors, i'f
rjtHE subscriber would most respectfully invite
-- the attention of storekeeper s ami the public
in Genera!, to bis large slock of goods, consisting
of Ihe above named articles, which will be disposed
of at the lowest manufacturer's piices Whole
sale and Retail.
Also, brst quality of Burning Fluid, Tino Oil
or Camphinc, Globes, .Shades, Wicks, &.C.
N. U. Newell's patent safety Lamps, a new
article for sale.
Phila., Nov. 5, 1853. 3m.
An Elegant and Durable Hat
FOR $3.00,
Equal, if not super-tor to any now offered.
"is Third St., below Chestnut, "sf
OFFER at very reduced prices Ihe following;
LADIES' Riding Hats and Uonnets,
CHILDREN' fancy hats, of all colors,
Cloth, Plush, ond Glazed Cnps, of every varie
ty of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and
Travelling Caps. Soft Hats of every style and
finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Gents
jf A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy
Phils., Nov. 5, 1S53. 3m,
All persons indebted to the estate of Henry
Manser, dee'd., are notified that Ihe books, iVc
have been placed in the hands of G. M. Yorks,
Esq. for collection. Those indebted are reques-
ted to make settlement within thirty days, aa i
suits will be entered against all delinquents after j
that date.
H. B. MASSEIt. 1
john it, I
P. . MASEK. (
F. m ciiEit, J
Punbury, Oct. .'!), 1853 41.
r'lIIE subscriber, w idow of Samuel Thompson,
-- dee'e., laic of ihe Lawrence House," in
Sunburv, respectfully informs the friends cf her
late husband, and the public generally, that she
continues to keep the above Hotel, and is well
provided with all things necessary to accommo
date all who may favor her with their custom,
and therefore solicits llieir patronann.
Sunbury Oct. 29. 1853. lm.
VCXKW .V CO. i:ivf mnove.l fmm loOu 100 Cheuiut
I reet. .'Uibikt.ihrj, where they triiiy m new urnl
l.cuutlltll Sit ire, with uu elegant mul well nelci'teti Mock o(
I'll 1 1 uuU Winter IjUY UOWLt, among wl.ich tire
300 nieces of Lupin French Munii'ic awl Cuihineres nil J
ct'i' it Bi ironi tji m per yarn.
100 11 Taituu Pluiili I'jr L'ldiea und clitldreni weur,
1UO l'uni prin'rtl De tstiines una Cuitliiiieie
H " JrK:u!e und pluiu bilks oi miiwriur quality.
HO u l'luiil Silks, ff u:l llie c-holer MiUcms.
tO dozen Ciiuv'iisici 's hrs. i'uris Kul i l vt-.
IS OL'H hll.WVU 1UU.U AKfcl
300 Puleudtd Kruclie und Clium IsUine U-ng Shawls of
cli nee put terns.
100 Shawls of the very latest fuLric anrl tlc&ins.
tftio Ur K-lie w)uuie sluwis n exquisite stle MUil design
100 I'la" hint; "luwli (V-iti n, NJO
IN (il'il Cl.ltAK Itou.M AUK
3))0 French cl 'tli t'l w'-is. 'i'jlnius and Mam i lias of new
1'aris patterns. KKJ Lynns tnlk velvet t:ii.iks -f the best
muke style and finiah. Als 50 pieces 4-4 lM's silk
velveu, vuryinr in price from ti 10 per yard, and of
eveiv r il'ir und shJe, for Isinliea. Ci 'uks of the niol
clioi-e S hides of liliie, llrown, HI ck, lirul, (Hive, Hmn
fi. from t'J.SO ti &J.O0 per vurd. Als, u fine stock itf
Kihhoua, KinhnndcTics, in Capes, Chiuiizettes, Cullurs,
Sleeves, Ac, A.
The whole of the ahove ir vxls are nfTcrrrt nm will be
S'tU) al eitremely !w prices ir cnslt. We are also re
ruivinx hy the weekly steamers, fresh supplies of novelties
from Parts and loiirtm, which enable us eousinntly tu
hve fresh new si v lea af ihu uoat labhioimble gtiuds lo
offer to our customers,
No 190 Chesnut st., one d wr below Eighiii, Diilwlelphia
Oct. Ka
11 11 II I, I It ii , Wholesale Heat
er in Confectionary. Fruits and Groceries,
So, :iu4 MAUKUT Htrect, above ixtli. south
siJe, next door to Hod Lion Hotel, Philudulphia
rbila.,Oct. 29, 1833. 8m.
$500 REWARD!!
INASMUCH ssthershss been st sundry times,
-S obstructions placed and confined upon tlx
track of the Philadelphia and Suubury Hailroad,
I do hereby oiler the above reward for the detec
tion and conviction of any person or persons
cuilty of such of&nce.
Sunbury, Sept 14, 1893 3m.
SHOES. AU kindi of Boots fruoee and slip,
pers for sale by
Market street, opponite the Post 0 flics.
Sunbury, Oct S, 1858
Estate of GEORGE WIALL, Deo'd.
WHEREAS letters of administrstion on the
estate of GEORGE WIALL. dee'd.. late
of the borough of 8imhti,y, Northumberland
county, Pa., have been granted to the subscriber.
Notice is hereby given to all pcrons indcterl
to said estate, to make payment, snd those having
claims will present them for settlement to ihe
subscriber, who will attend at the public house of
Charles Weover, in 8u.nhu.iy, on the ISlh dny
of December next, or in my absence Mr. David
Haunt will act for inc.
Sunbury. Oct. 99, 1853. 6t.
Platform Scales,
Ix'g I Hown Severely tested
Always riftltt The ArOioulrd
fed Standard.
Railroad. Hiiv. Coal, and
JSgjSCr n"r"' 8CALK8, set in any port
of the country, at short notice.
240 Market St.. i'hiluilelpbia,
E. V. Bright, f'unliury.
October 20, 1853. 3m
PTUIE subscriber respectfully informs bis friends
and the public, Hint he has just received in
addition to his stock of Harness and Sadlcry, a
supply of
And Horse Blankets,
all of which he will dispose of on the most rea
sonably terms at his establishment in Snnbnry.
Sunbury Oct. 22, 1853 it.
aOoM (lieu pt-i tlinn l.vrrll
Market Street, opposite the Post Oilics.
fi EL.SU ERG te. CO. arc receiving a splendid
assortment of Full and Winter Goods, the
cheapest, best
nd prcttic.t ever brought into
Wo have on baud and arc addin
a fine assortment of
comprising partly a great lot of Overcoats, double
coats, business coats, black und fancy clolh, tati
nett, and oilier coats, loo numerous to mention.
Also, Li lack and Fancy Ciissimcrs, Cassiuelt and
Satinclt l'ants. Also, silk, luliu, cloth, satinett,
velvet and oilier Vests ; also a line supply of all
kinds of Uirderclothiitr;.
of Silk Wool and Fur Hats nnd Caps, Itoots and
Shoes, all kinds of Jewelry . Itcv.ilv ing and other
Pistol.1, travelling ba;;s, trunks. Shir t, and Col
lars, and Geu'lcmati's i'u:nir!iiu neo.ts ill gen
eral. All of which e ol'ur c.t the lowest cash
Please call end look nt our ?oods ; pers.vns in
need of Goods in our hoe, will, we lire conlldent,
find it to their great udvant.iic to purchase from
us. We are bound to uphold our rapidly spread
ing reputation of being the cheapest Store in
Sunburv. Come ond satisfy yourselves of the
truth of our motto; cheap for cash.
Sunbury, Oct. l.", 1853 if.
Clock Watchmakers.
HAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker
shop in the building lately occupied by J.
M. Simpson, near Toner & Go's Store,
in Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
Where they have opened, and will keep constantly
on hand,
Silver & Goll Watcliis, etc.
Also, Jewelry,
Consisting cf Gold Dieast-pins, Ear and Finger
Kings, Medallions, CulV-pins. Ladies & Grnlle
liiaus' gold ond silver pens and pencils. Also,
Silver and plaicd Tea and Tablo spoons, salt
spoons, butter knives, &c,
hrrw m -sJjinJ)
Of all, suiting every ai;e. Spy Glasses,
Pocket liooKSy of all sizes. Razors, Hair Oil, Ke
volvers, and other pistols, Brushes, Combs, Soap,
ic, &.c. Also, a large stock of
Musical lnsritmcii(s t
amongst which ore Accordeons, Violins, Flutius,
Files, Flutes.
Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea
dy made Shirts and Collars; all of which. will ie
sold chcuper than lias ever been heretofore sold in
W Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Hings
repaired ill the best manner and at the shortest
Sunburv, Oct. 15, lt!..3. Sin.
lV.iU iii i;i
N. E. Ciirm-r Fourth and Cherry Streets,
n. VIXU cnlargcil uiul iinpruvctl their Store.
I ami having llie largest ussorirncnt of Lamps
in PliitsuYlpliia city, llrcv urn nmv prcpureJ lo
furnWi PI.NE Oil. CAMPHUNi;,
: ETHEREAL OIL, Plirsplu-no Un nml Laid
; Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of nil palerna, Kancy Hotel
nnd Hall Lamps C'liainltlicrK, (jiruiulnlcs ami
, ('mule lealira, and lliittaniiia Larnpx, ut the
1 Manufacturers' lowest price, (ilans Lamps y
I the package, at a sn.ull ailvanco over Auction
'prices. Being larSc M A M'KA CTl'UEKS of
' l'ine Oil, llutuinir Fluid, Etlicrcal Oil, Alcohol,
and (Ihe only true) I'lionnenn Ci'as, thev can fur
nish these uiticScs ut such prices that Men haul
will find it to tlieir iuI vuniac lo huv. Call liclorc
puiii!? clseivhere, if you want bargains. Also,
j thn Safety Kl id Lamp for rale.
Pliila-.S-ept. 24, 183:3. ly.
W . W lhSOS,
No. 9 South Fourth Street, five doors below
Market st. Fast side,
rixzx.ASEZ.rxz'1 a .
nAS for sale every variety of
from 0 cents per piece upwards, inclrnlim; Pine
kSatius, Oold uiul Velvets, imitation Woods,
.Ma rides, Ac.
Also great variety of new atyle of Curtain
Papers, l'lue Uunid Prints, liordcrs, ic.
Dealers supplied at the lowest rale,
i'liilu., tjupt. 'ii, 1853. 3m.
New Wall Paper V'arehouse.
No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Si.cth,
STTHERE may be found the largest and band-
' soinest assortment in lire City.
Purchasers from the country will find it lo
their advantage to call at our slore, whero they
will be suited with a suoerior article, at the low
est prices.
No. 124 Arch Street, above Sixth.
Phila, Sept. 17, 1853 3m.
ATS AND CAP8 A splendid lot of
fashionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hats,
also Cletb, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Cape fnr sale low by
Market street, opposite the Post Office.
Sunbury, Oct 8, 1853.
bunburr, l4l '2
Philadelphia & Sunbury Hail Road.
C1TAGES will leave Weaver's lintel, Sunbury,
7v on the arrival of the evening cars from Sha
mnkin, for Northumberland, Lewisburg. and
Milton, arriving at Milton; at about 10 o'clock,
P- M.
Returning, Stages will lc veaMlllon at 3J o'
clock, A. M-. arriving at Lewisburg. ot 4 J o'clock,
Northumberland at 5 o'clock snd ftrrlva at Sun
bury in lime lo Breakfast, and lake passoga in
tho 7 o'clock cars for Miamokin, vthere
will lie in readiness lo lake passengers lo Po'ts
villc, arriving in time lo dine and take passage III
tho Reading railroad rurs for Philadelphia, arri
ving si Philadelphia at 7) o'clock, same evening.
Stages both wovs w ill stop ot lurr,s hotel,
Northumberland, Weidensaul's hotel, Lewi burg,
and Egbert's hotel. Milton.
Passengers will find lliis the iniurr.sT, most
ktpkiutiihs, mid most com four ulk lino to,
and from I'hiladelphia.
Sunburv, Oct. 15, 18.13. If.
NUW JM TllS.Xtii VI oil i:.
Clothing Manufactory,
OF S. SHNURKAflf & CO., Danville, Pa.
VVE icspeclfully announce to Ihe citizens of
' ' Sunbury and vicinity, that we have a
complete stock of
of every style and quality, to which we invite tun
attention of purchasers. Our assortment con
sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, Plain over-
coais, uress coars, r rocK arm racK coals, Mon
key Jackets, l'auls and Vests, plain and fancy!
Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers,
ami over-wholes.
Also, Gloves, Stockings, Xnk and Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Woolen and .''ilk Hals, Cloth
anil Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, Gaiicrs, Slippers
and Carpet Bas and Trunks, t'nibre.las and
everything generally kept in a well supplied
clothing nnd gentleman' furnishing store. We
keep also a good assortment of Accordeons and
Jewelry. Wc sell at ihe lowest cash prices; for
our inntM is, I
'Smutl Profits and Quid; Sales.'' j
Wc havo but nnr yiier nnd no abatement, so that j
a person is sure to get the woitli of his money,
whether he is a judge or tho goods or not. if ,
any article dors not give satUfa -tion as tc ft, wc 1
will take back the goods am! refund ihe money, ',
provided thev are relumed on tile same day they j
were purchased, when the purchaser resides in
town, and in ono wee!., w hen he resides in the ;
! country. 1'riee the same as at the Danville i
! al auutaeloi v
t V Call and secure the Bargains.
Sunbury, Ucl. 8, 1S.Y1 tf
Important to Coal Dealers.
ffHK subscriber hereby inform the public, that
they have entered into iartnership under the :
firm of Kase, Kced S: Co., for the purpose cf !
ininini;, shipping and sellini; coal, delivered at j
Sunbury, or at any other point along the fjus- '
quehanna. j
They will be ready to deliver coal, writ prepa
red, on cm tract or otherwise, at all times, on tho j
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. ;
Orders received at Shanmkiii bv
Sunbury, June 4, 1S3:). ly.
Shamokiii Town Lots.
rIIF subj-crilier is now prepaied to csliibit and
-"- dispose of Lots in the new Town-Plat of
Khamokiii. Persons desirous of purchasins; can
ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by
cubing on the subscriber, at Shamokiii.
W.M. ATWATKK, Agent.
Shainokin, Oct. 15, lS5y. if.
Cm.,... , , , , , ...
OM IIH.NCI'. lie placed, I the fullest extent, la
ihe use of Hie fcep lirKiuoi .Mrs Hr.rrsof I'lola-
ih Iphia. S tiiiiMv ili.-ii.iuit e:isis are lomivnof eniiie
relief or Iselies the n. ,st imeuse pain of and
unxiete 01 iniiid, Tiiisini; Ironi tne use ol other npplii-iili'ins
ul no rep' whatever. He ware oi iinial. Kt:iM sprines
of all kimli. :iml -lidiie preparmi .ii. tin-teuitruev of wtiieh
to injur,: ill. is.lie.rt, is hat t o well know., to many .,.!-
lerers und iliy4ii'i.iiiM. lonvonl nit . onnlfifn-li. apply
pers .iei:iy i.r liy letter to Mrs. It., u. ;JI Wiilnnl Sirei t i eerv "") aim ie oi iiiiiko, ia ami i.anip
ev am her S:j.ia:iire mi e-n-li SappuitiT, nail her L nited i Chandeliers, Pendants, ISiiie Brackets, fur Halls,
S.a1eC,..y.ihllall,.l.ea,hlM..v tier rh.ppoilera nr. c, luri.hcs. &c ,le I.MPUOVEU PI.NE Oil,
Siiiieti.niil bv h staiiiliiiy ol Jil veam und His 1 bv Ihe l-aeul- , ,,, ., T ,.. ...
iv.e.msis'.inpos the hiilliesl luimes m lha l-inled States. I LAMP; also, l luld, I.arJ and Oil I.nmps, lur
rir M nr. vvkk. l'tirr.i htifkitb. Adiln-.a, : andolcs, Bsnpiete Holders; Parlor, Night and
wnoii-Aiiie or renin i.niera, io ul. 1 l , Agent, .o
ft! I Walnut Pl.recl. I'luklil'.-lpliiu.
1'liilii , llilnlicr I, lei3 tl.
Cheap Watches Jewelry,
VHOLKSALE and Retail, nt tho ''Pliiladel-
r 1
phia W'utch and Jewelry Store,'
No. 0B
North (Second rrtreet, corner of Quarry,
ft. lit licvcr Wiitelies, fill! jewelnl, lJ eiir:i e:ies. ?3i.0fl
li Id l.e.ilin l:'. S'.M.lHI fine Silver S;xtucli-S. ,M
S.lver full jrwIteJ. "l.!li..l.l KmcvlHs. 3.H0
Silver 1.1-v.T, f.i.'i j.'-:-il !: n-;itV ti.ii.l I'du-ils. l.rm
Supi-i ii.r t.uarlifis, 7.;Silcr T-.'a .vioiis, set, 5.WI
(III S;ierl:ii-!.Hi. 7 Imj
Until Pens, Willi Pencil a:.d Silver lI.iUt.-r, 1.00
(iold l'inser Rings, 37 cents to if SO ; Watch
tjlasves, plain, 13 rents; Patent, 1 ; Lunrt,
25; other articles in proportion. A!! goods war
ranted to be what they ure told for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On liauJ, uoiiio Cold nnd Silver Levers and
Lepiiics, slill lower than the above prices.
Sejit. 10, 1S53. ly.
Estate of "iVILLIAU rARE07, dee'd.
JOTICE u hereby given, that letters trata
' nrentary have liceu granted to the auliseriticrs
on the estato of Win. Furrow, late of Miainoiiin
Ion nship, dee'd. All thute kirowini; iheiiiKelves
im'c htcd to or having claims a;:iiiiFt said estate,
are rcijucntcd to make seltlement without delay.
'l ire KxecutoM will meet for that purport at
the late residence ol the dcccimcd, ill Snydertown,
on Puturdav. Nnxeniher 12, ltiftS.
fell.AS FARIIOW, )' "
fhiiinol.iu twsp., Oct. f-, 1853. Gt.
3 tii nn's Establishment
25 Suuth Sixth Street,
For the Manufacture anj s.;!e of
i'atiit I.oJif r o lnpr I'roNNO:,
Patent METALLIC DAMl'ENERS, Brushes,
Oil Papeia, Blottin; Boards, (.'npyiiig Ink, &c.
Paicnl Pnrchiucnt Paper,
Superior to all others, and each payo printed.
A rnnrt valuable iuvciilioii for keeping in a
noo!;-li'.;e form, Letters received, Oriyinal Invoi
ces. Ck'C.
Phila., April !, 1?53. ly.
r.41.1. ..HLMM IIV tTiToiiZ
No. 45 i'unt Second Street,
4 RE now opening for the Fall Trade, a large
and well selected assortment of
Flowers, snj
Mitliyery Goods in geneial.
Confininy tlirmselves eiclusively lo this branch
of the trade, and imfohtixs the larger part of
their slock, enables them to olfer an assortment
unsurpassed in extent or variety, which will be
sold on the most favorable terms.
Phila., Sept. 17. 1853 2m.
ltRESH Yaiiilla Bean of a supcriur quality
- just leccived and for sale by
Jun4, 195J II.B.MASSER.
V"OTICE is hereby given by '.be undersigned
' citizens of the Commonwi s'lh of Pennsyl
vania, that application will be l.i ile to the next
Legislature of said Commnnwrni'h for the erec
tion of a body corporate In ne styled "The
Suffnrut Savixgs' I.htiti Tt," to be located in
the boroughof Sunbury, Northumberland county,
with discounting privileges, r!i:d '.villi a capital of
One hundred thousand dollars.
Robert H. Awl, Geo. Uright, John Young,
Adam rihissler. Thomas Robins, Daniel Druckc
miller, Fredk. Lnrarm, Gen. U. Yonngman, Pe
ter 13 Masser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement,
Bonj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Tro!.
Sunburv. June 2S, 1853. 6m.,
Hook Agents .Wanted.
4 GENTS WANTED in every town and
ootiniv in the United Stales, losell the most
popular and saleable books published, many of
them beiulifully illustrated with colored eiigra
vincs : also the most popular works of T. S. A K
TH Ul?, including "Arthur Cottage Lihraty."
Intelligent and enterprising men wi.l find this
a pleasant and profitable business.
For particulars address (post-paid,')
J. W. II II A DEE V, Publisher,
No. 18 North Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Ortolier 1, 1853. 7m.
t? c.n li.. l ... .
nusiji o, v..itiic jimi.iiui-iuri-i 3 ;
and dra'.kus i.t j
Soda, Stnrcil, Caslllc SoapM, &c.
TAVINO increased facilities for manufactu-
ring, thev are now prepared to olfer induce-
tnents to purchasers and dealers in ti e above 1 p,,t n,;, tiplniiins in Ihestnnuieh which was also oeena
named articles. Purchasers will find an excel- I psnied hyn shonness of hreath Hint prrvenied me from
lent assortment of select Koods. lioods sold ex- !
clusivcly on the cash principle, and at the lowest ,-,,. i ,rMrniis tnul m.'iers should he nuute neUniaLr
wholesale prices Call and salisfv yourselves. : iih their iriio s. I am now rendered, by means.
Our motto is " ' j eoinivimtively active, and cinMnke exrreise without niton-'
'('tick Sates and Small Profits."
No. 41 Filbert slreel, above 0th, Philadelphia.
August 13, lS.'i.l am.
I sii p i o v c 111 cuts A li e mill
nEHEBV informs his friends and the public ;
ir,ner:ille. bit Imu tl rAf.Aii-.l nt lit. ,
old stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver's I
I . , 1 1
I Uotol j
-'ii e.rc.ciieni assortment cf i
. a m . i
fciw.wwwj i
v T I
l renca LaSwlllga, I
And all kinds of lining and Shoe fading, '
J - J ' j
wnien lie oilers io me uanc ai reasonable prices.
He also informs his customers one others, that
i he still continues the tSliocmakiiig businoss, and
' is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good ond
i fashionable stvle, and on reasonable terms.
Sunbury, June 11, 1853. ly.
C II E A r
Depot and Manufactory
G. L. MILLS?. & CO.,
Si. V, comer Arch and Second Streets,
! ?ii:t.Azzx.PHiA.
I sale and Retail, sr.rh as Scroll, Flower,
I Oothic, Viirnette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are
to lie had at the lowest prices loi quality of work.
Orders (or Gilt, Plain Sluic, Lettered and other
Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants and o'hers are invited to give us a
trial. ITc will try to y'rase.
Itrasses, Trimmings, Ac, always on hand.
Remember S. W. comer SECOXI) & ARCH
Streets, Philadelphia
August 13, lSoo.- Cm.
(ias Fixtures 5 Lamps.
221 'or'A Second Street, above Vine,
, ... , , , ...
I JAMAti hud many years practical experience
I A A. j,, il0 hujnes, mjj as all work sold by us
' U manufactured iin.lcrour immediatcsupervtsiati,
I , , . I .'
: wc are enulncd to oiler to purchasers superior ar-
tieles, iuccry brarrch of our trade, upon the most
favortt,c (,.rmK) At our store may be found, in
( . . . . , , '
i-.l;,, I.,. it,. t,a,l !., i!l.....
amps. Un naiul, J.umi)
Olobes, Wiiks. Shades, tec. ALL WORK
86 Noble St., near 4lh.
Remember store 2il N. Id st., next door to J.
Stewart Drpuy's carpet store.
September 10, 1803. 3rn.
UplioIsleiT, liedtli'i 6j Fea
ther Warehouse.
S. E Coruer Second and Arch Streets,
SJPRING REDS, Feather Beds, Hair Mats,
Husk, and Straw .Mattresses, Cushions, Cots,
,l..-...l.l.. I'., AJ K....I. lll....Ln,
Comfortable Counterpanes, backings, ltlaukets,
&.c, Ac. t 'onstaiill.v on hand or made to order
and sold Wlu'lc-iilc unci Retail, oil the In oat favor
able terms.
by the bale or poun l. Orders respectively solic
ited, promptly executed, and warranted to (jive
N. B. Mattresses re-made and Feathers re
Pbib., Sept. 10, 1 8.'3. 3,n.
1'orle Moiinaies,
ri'lIK of the Trade, snd oihers, in
1. want f Porte Moun.tica, Pocket Books,
Rankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wii
11111; Desks, Uackr;aiiiiuou and Chess Boards,
Chessmen, Pearl, i-'lxll, and SiSer Cord Cases
Work Boxes, C. !:, Needle Rooks, Money
Belts, Ci.;ur C cs, Po-rl'.d': s. Razors and R.ryor
Strops, Travelling Flis!s, an ! line Cutlery, to
jellief with a larse varie'v if fivi tioons,
whi. h will te sold ut the 1 iv. -,t r.ili s.
r. k. siiixii,
Porte MnnnAie and Pocl.el Rook Manufacturer,
20, Arch St. h-lom Sijth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17, 1853. 'f.
LADIES Dltllss cuuDs yTrft
French Merino, IVrr.iau Twill. Do Lnines,
Do Brrage, c.islrmeivs, calico, worked, colars,
sbimcctle, cull's, 4c, just rerciu'd and for sale by
Kpt. 10, 1853. I. W.TENEH A. Ill
j NDIAN CHOLAOOOUE. An 7x.7lliiii"rX
medy for the cure of Fever and Ague, llillious
Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Feers, just re
ceived and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO.
Sunbury, Sept. 10, 18"3.
A ACKEREL. Srglled Tish, Herrinjs, Pried
'-"lleef, Hams and cheese, just received and for
ale by 1. W. TENER & CO.
Sunbury, Pcpl. 10, 1853.
A Splendid lot of Cart cling,
Table Oil rovers. Carrot.
Floor Oil Cloth,
rtiet chain, door mats
and matting, just received snd for snla by
Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TENER dc CO.
BOO TS, Shoes, Hals Caps and Gum Shoes,
just received and fdt sale by
Sept. 10, 1S53. I. W. TENER & CO.
WRITING FLUID and selfaUrlg EnTi
lopes, tust received and for asle by
Anril 19. IRM If. B. MASSER.
Ct'ORTSME..A lot of double and tingle
t-5 barrelled gun, tool delta, powder flasks, gun
oept, flint, powder, shot and lead for sale by
Sept. ft, 'S3. L W. TENER & CO
CURB or A DlfOnrjKWF.t) IJVIiR ND 8W
Corp of a letter from M . R IP K, h,$
Chemist, 7, Present Street, L.xtryovl, a nd
6'A June, 1S5I.
Tn Professor llm.i nwAt,
f la. Y,mr Hills anil t,mlmlit hsvs ito.'! Hie hichrst 'if
oiir.le listot I'r .inel ) Meilii ii,M f,T , ,,. a
enstmnct, to lwm I rnft r..iYf fr nnv eejntrie. d-d r mi
nielolet tunkii.iw the pnnli n'Kis of her ensa. Si.s 4
hwn trutlWr-d foi .-niS -rlh S illronlned Itw ri.,1 K,J
(ligusM'in. On Urn isst 'ertisii.n, liow.rer, ilia, viru.rncsr'
Ilia otlsek Wss st nlinniiec, null 1lir oilhniiiiin-'ii tt?l :s s.
severely, thill donlvs were I'ltlerlttntetl if I er U 'i '-elerf
shlc to'beai ap HiuU-r it ; stts" wj . i. '-.-.i .
try yonr Hill., ani sSe tni'mai roe ilmt ni't. ih- !-.'sv nisi
enrb saeerwliii tlos', s!m hrnl ffrmt relief. Vie n m rttut
to hike Ihr-in.uiirl stlli. aivh shs ufeil iii4v tbr I. '.-, slrt
is row is th- enj.iviTi.iit of prtecl Krsllli. I sotilrt lv
seat ym insny etis.s, but lie nliove fnm rite .vehiiv t
Tilt attack, lied ill. srit nr re, t think, speak much ut
favor or vmir nsiaa)iin Hilts.
(SiV'iiwl) R. W. KtrtKl'S.
Copy of a Letter inserted tit fl liubarl J'otr
Courier, of the M March, 1851, by Ma)vf
J Wakh.
Mnrirnct M'Coimir'ii. i'i"'eii y?ar nt age. rs.iilinf at
New J'nwil. Iial Iii-i-ii aollt rmu Ir ma vh'huit lliruliisue
level lor iipwnnls "I avi rnnntiis, whieh hail il
irivel hrr of ihe i""i "t her lout's; iliinrj lies period shs
was tat'tiT the riire 'f Mis inst emnisnt rnrilieal ruefl lit
ll.ilsrrt Town, soil hv Ihein her esse was countered hiiv
l. ss. A Inemi pri vuiled upon In-rto try IMIowoy's ofie
brnled Hills, wlueli she eoosi nt"! lo J.j, anil in aa
l,le short sjsiee ul lime Iht y effected a parfeet Cuia.
Ffnm Mnm Thew fr So(1) piepritlon
Advertiser, who can vouch for 1h4
fullowins statement. August 3vid, 1351,
To Hiofes -r IIoi.r.owAV,
Kill. I desire to hear testioi my to the gooil effeeta of
ti i i. i.'.... v...... I .nfn.rrd .rveiptv lomr
' ' tu'vnt
II i:rt COK,
North street, Lynn, Norfolk.
That celebrated Pills ore wondei fully tjfica
cruris tn th- Jollowtn complaints.
Anna Dropsy
Aiittiina Dysenlnry
IMi ns Complaiuts Krysipelnt
Hiolehes oil tlia l'emnla Irrega
Liver Coras
Heteutioa ot'
Seorfula. or
King's Kvil
Seei iiulary
'w, Cnmplnints reversofall
rili.-. kinds
c"l,'",ij:"lj'"l "f
tue li.'Wela
Pi aie und Gravel
S rc Throats
I,.rrs Venereal Affections Wormaof ail kuidsr
Weakness, from whatever cause e., &c.
fold al the I'.sliililishment of Hrofenaor Hot-LowAT, t
Slrnnd, (near l emple liar, UhhIuii.) nnd l.y all
U . i and Ueaier. i ti'ji' '' B1'""' l!"Vf,
.. pirt. lli-'se of llie I liltetl Mules, 111 Hoxes ul a.C.
Il Km. -,.. h Whotesole iv the Druieiisii lraa
!is in the U nion, nnd by .Messrs. A. it. it 1). Sa.ius,
! w ) oik,
! . . There is a eonsiderahle suviiig by taking Uio larger
t ...
i . - Iiireetioas for the friiidanca of patients to evary
i ii ii!u are nrTixpd to each box.
i Ostoher l!3, 1t5S, ly.
A Farm for Sale.
npiIE subscriber offers for sale bis fnrrri,
nnd allowances. It is situated about three miles'
from Sunbury nlonjj the Shamokiii creek, and is
in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm.
It will be oilered in. parts or entire to suit pur
chasers. It can be divided to make three small
farms. The buildups are a FARM HOUSE, a
good Bank Bam, nnd two tenant houses.
Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1353. -tf.
"3 No. 171 North 2nd Street, opposite the
j Camel Hotel,
in IT AS opened a full and extensive as-
m i- sortmenl of nil kinds of Millinery
- articles, such ns Ribbons, I.eccs, Blond
M ; Lace, Silks, Florences, Boimel-fraines,
: and a lure aKsoriinciit of needle-
S i worked lianukcicliiels. Lobars, j
" j Capes, Flounces, Insertions, ' "
ft i Edging, ccc: i 2
m j together with a great variety j-f .'..:t j m'
j; ' artirdes too liuinerous to r.-.c:,.
Persons makiiiB their Fa'l .x-Cu.- ?
: are invited lo give him e cnl. 1 "S"
f" j Phila., Sept. 14, 1853. Cm. ; "
'Eureka, Eiiiv
JOW for the little ones. Why w.i, lu.cnts
' waste hours and days in frniiii -i e jv-.ij
to get perfect pictures Of their ctiildur. r:.j alter
all get nothing but a poor, miserable cj::;r 'uic f
We would say, come to our
and we will guarantee to make you a perfect,
picture, by our Elkctho CniMiCii. process
that works in from h I" 2 seconds.
! We defy any Daguerrean in Philadelphia or
! elsewhere, to compete with us, as we are the
inveutois, and tho process is used only in our d if
i ferent establishments in New England and the
Middle Slates. For pictures of adults, the silver
! medals we have received from the American
' Instituto, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
!. ...:.. .1.. : V
I'einer ivun mo nuiiicroiia preniiuma iront
County Fairs, is sullicient proof that they are;
the JVel'lns Ultra of perfection.
Wo would call particular attention to our
Taibotypes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. C. Collins St Co., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den House, Springfield and Collins' Building,'
Wrstlield, Mass.
N. 1). Cur establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and bv
; I'lnryui llorsrford't Suftly Lav: ft ly Xigkt.
j "Come and f4'e."
! Phila., May 23, 1S5.1 ly,
X. M. Xcwnaiu's
Row, Norwegian street, FMsilltt
CTIitnil)iiiS Minp,
ply of all slztis of Lead Pipe. Sheet Iad,
Block Tin, Bath Pubs, Shower Ruths, Ihdrnnt-,
Hose, Double and Single Acting Pumps and Wa
ter Closets also, all kinds of Brass Cocks for
wat-ruml steam. Brass Oil Cups, snd liloliee
for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work ami
Plumbing done in the neatest manner at tho
shorlei.t notice.
N. B. Cash paid for old Brass and Lead.
Pottswlle, Ainr. 27, 1S53. ly
0 ltWAIU).
rWlIE above reward will he. paid for informa
K ti'"' lb-t will lead lo the i!iscrery and
conviriioii ot ihe persji. or persons who were guilty
of fitiiiiK the axel bones ot the pas'engcr and coal
cam of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad,
Willi aauil and d;rt.
Sunbury, Aug. 27, 18,'.a.
Lumher Yard.
r"piIE subscriber would resjjertrnlly inform the)
"- eiliiens of Sunbury, ond Northuml erlaini
and adjoining eouitties, that he has opened a
lii'.mber Yard
iu the lot fronlinj 011 Cranlerrv St., a short dis
tance East of the Mteam Saw Mill, where he ha
now a larije amount of SMttxtJ Jannl HvmJt,
at, PummI Board,, and all other Boards and
Buitumo Mirniu, such as will be wanted for
buil.liiijt purposes. AUa a large amount of
shingles on band, wbwh v.itl be sold from up
to tH, according to quality and siae. Ple4e
us a call and examine our price and quality.
N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shiugl'ee!
will please call aa we will sell to vnu low.
Puubury, Vsy 88, JS53. ly.