Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 05, 1853, Image 4

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P o c t v u .
She pave a wotd of Rood advice,
She Impoil lo profit by ; i
Anil t pliuuliln'l wonder i( thought
1 came uwny lo cry.
She thinkx t slaiu.1 in fear of he i
t teally think i don't ; .
She's sure my .will will ielJ to lici's-
I'm pretty sure it wont.
I know my dear old maiden mint
U prudent, jsood, and wi.p
Hut, Harry, don't you think with me
Shu' rather too precise 1
Slip said I rrniM not Ml in lovi;
"Piopriely forbid!"
And I tuld her I (honld never
(.ove you better thnn i did.
She raid you must not fondle me
She did not think yon would
1 told her I'd be op in arm?
Against yon if joo should.
Shfl anid yon must not kiss rue
The first lime, should you lr :
And t told her that yon nlniiildu I
Gut I did not tell her win .
She said that (nitor never yet
Had even piesseil her hand ;
1 did not think the reaoti
Very haul lo under.-l.nnl.
And as fof manyiiip, i-he knew
She'd die before she'd wed -
And i told her Unit I did not dmibl
The truth of what the t-ui.1.
There are 3!) ehurehesiii INtulwrir, and 15
in Allegheny city.
Lucy Sroxn, nt last dates, was leulni iu lo 1
''young men" on intemperaiiLi! nnd the nso of
The Tennessee Senate has passed
lut ion prohibiting smokiu; in the;
a ieo.
chamber during business bonis.
Li'cv S tone mentions, as one of llie si.v
objestions lo a woman's being married, thai
elm losses the control ol her children.
Charles Dickens computes, that one-sixth
of Ihe English people gain their livelihood
from the trado with Ihe United Slates.
Nieiio'.AS Freas, Esq , (a brother to our
friend, the Major,) has been appointed I'ost
inusler at Barren Hill, Montgomoiy counly.
Major Moiidie, First Assistant Postmaster
General, is lying seriously ill at Washington
Hii recovery is thought lo be doubtful.
John Dltfy, of New Yoik, has been ap
pointed consul lo GaKvay, Ireland, and Mois I
D. Gall, of Indiana, consul to Antwerp. j
The Hon. Roberl XV. Johnson has been ap- ;
pointed by the Governor of Aiknnsas, United
Slates Senator from that State, to fill the va- j
caney that existed. '
A man recently, whilo in liquor, crawled ,
in on lh: top of the boiler, in a machine shop i
i Detroit, and dropping to sleep, was lit-!
erally baked when ho was discover.!. )
The Receipts of Ihe U. S. Treasury for the i
quarter ending 30;h Sept , were $21,338,776
of which nearly twenty millions were from
customs. The expenditures were S13 0S1,-.-!
383., why d kIh t yon oblong your stay j
at the Springs 1"
"Kase, Mr. Snow, dey charge too much." j
"How so, Julius V '
"Why, de landlord charge i!is colored in- !
(Iiwidual wid stealiu' tie spoons, and so 1 i
"If you wish lo know whether a clergyman
is really good, don'l consult his congreoa-!
tion, but his servant girl. If a man has the
devil in him, there is nothing that will so
promptly bring it out as a badly cooked snr
loin It is not the pulpit that dies a man's
piety, but his kitchen range. ;'
Wmks Crockett came to New Yoik in
1826 ha went one night to tho I'aik Theatre.
"How did you enjoy yourself?'1 akcd bis
friend. "0," said he, "it'll do? but yet at
our country frolics there's more ei'joynieut
to be seen. It would do you good lo see oui
boys and girls None of your slra.lling, miu- j
cing,- and standing on tip-toe : but a regular ;
ifler-cut-the buckle, chiehen-fluller-set-lo. !
r .... u.. i.:. ,
ivneu uuu ui uiu uu)s puis ui urtu ruutiu
his partner, it is a genuine hug, and no harm
in it'. Sometimes Ihey go out in tho woods
and scrape away the leaves for a da:iee.
Then they go it, 1 tell you. Why, l,ve been
out there often when the dance was over,
and scraped up a double handful uf toe
nails P
CiUnge o- Fortune. Mr. Samuel ftian.
nan, of an Francisco, ha an annual income
of $250,000, in New Yoik, and woikod in
fae Democratic office, for Messrs. li.ilton fc
Livingston About nine years ago ho an ived
at New Yoik fioin tho West. A ciowiilcs
fiat, with coat and unmentionables lo nialcli,
were not very prepossessing iccomendotiun
lor ihe adventure. He succeeded, however,
in joining fhe New 1ork division of the Mor
mons, and for more lhan a year was editor
ol their paper. Braiiuan, with three or font
bundled of iho persecuted suinls, became at
tracted by Ihe glowing description given by
Fremont and' olheis, of California. They
chartered the chip Bio.klyn, in: iinuiediulel y
tailed Tot the futuie El Dorado, wheie Mr.
B. has amassed ail iimtience fortune.
IltVERSE OF FuKTL'N E. A lady, Well
known and long respected as an cinincn:
teacher in New Yoik, died at Iho advanced
age of 80, a few days since, in tho Cily Alius
House. She was formerly Iho DireclifBS uf
a fashionable Boarding School, For twenty
five years the was- very successful, and bud
accumulated $00,000, which the invested in
Fire lnnusmee Stock, in 1835. Her loss s
by ihe great fire, ruined bar foitunt a id jiros
ptct, and loo preud to apply to f fiends he
went lo Ihe Cily Alms House, w here she has
lived some years, and died as staled. This
lady was highly educated, possessed polished
manners, led an exemplary 1 fe, was a moM
nseful member of society, had educated hun
dreds of yeung ladies, and j et doomed to die
in an Alms Houses
"IVTK, tho undersigned would respectfully rail
the nttcntina of purchasers to our superior
stock of 8tovc, Cauldrons, Ac. The superiority
of our Stoves above all others is so well known
that we deem it unnecessary to enter Into detail
of them.
We would invite your attention to our JT,ic
girgor Heating Ftoie. As the price of coal is
on the rise, line is the most economical stove the
public can use. These stoves arc of sizes suitable
for heatinsr the smallest room ; and those capable
of containing from 10,00l to RO.nOO cubic, fcrt.
Our Conk Sloven consist of the Globe Cook, for
coal Modern Troy , fur ivood--Buck's celebrated
wood clove Complete Cook Vocom Cook
Ifasar Cook, Ac. eve. Our assortment of Cook
and I'arlor stoves in the best in the market, and
persons denning lo purchase will do well by fa
voring ua Willi a coll befoic purchasing clseivhue.
Successors to Pott" & Yocom,
N. E. Corner 2nd and Race Streets,
rhila,, Are- SV, 1953. 3m.
Just Published mul
WJI. McC'AUTV, Bookseller,
Sunhurv, Fa.
Tie American
Ecing a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United States.
Ev Coi.msson firm, 1'mj.;
Iprac trgis viva vox
With notes and additions, together with a short
svstem oi conveyancing. l)y A. Jordan. Eies
idenl .IuiIrc of the Eighth Judicial district of
I'a., and Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Shiudol, of llie bar of Northnnibeiland county.
Since Ihe publication of the bonk, the following 1
L.II..I. hue he..o veeeund trnin .lilden lYarKOil 01
Harnsburg : ;
11 ,i, mani-nn. .tone HI). ll?o3. '
Or.XTtr.Mrx: ;
Al'ler a careful examination of your "A inn- ;
ican tilcaders assiHtiuit," I take pleasure in ex-I
pressing my ctilire approval of the selection and
compopition of the-precedents thus offered lo the
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct svslesn of pleading,
adapted lo our hnbils of busincs, nnd the practice
of the courts. Your forms of dcelarations being,
to n great extent, founded on the acts of astcnibly,
v. ill bo a saving of labor to the pleader, nn con
duce, to safely und brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hands of every piactising
lawyer in out stale.
Yours, wilh great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. Miindel, Esquire.
Sunbury, July !l 1S5.1.
1 ii ihe Dry Goods llusiuess.
J. T. 8l I. F. KLINE,
rUKSPECTKl'LLY announce to their fiiends
' and tie public in general, that they have
taken the Old Stand, in Upper Augusta town
ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc
cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just from Philadelphia, and opened
.7 .Yew nnd Sitle.ndiJ .Ixsarlmettt of
' J
ttlllUVr AVIV ft I X! MT 1 fillMflL:
. ... . .. . r, - ... .. .
"-" i i
tinelts, Linens, Cheeks, nnd all kinds of
Summer Wear.
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladic3 Drcs.3 Goods,
Calicoes, (iinghams. Lawns, Rerago do I.aines.
Alpacas and Skswls.
Abo a fresh supply of (sl-OCOl iOA of nil
Hardware and Quernsware, Dings and
a Inrjre assortment of Roots and
"hoes, suitable for Men, Women nnd
Children. Hats and Caps, such
as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf
and oilier Hats. Sail,
Cheese, &c. Call
and See.
(.'hen per than the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex
chango for country produce, at the highest market
I'pper Augusta, April 30, IS33
Spring and Summer Goods.
RESrECTFL'LLY inform their customers
and the public, that ihey have just receiv
ed and opened the best and cheapest stock uf
Spring and Slimmer Goods,
at their store in Market sipiare, Sunbtuy.
Their stock consists of every vnric'y of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimercs, Sallincts, Vestiiigs,
Flannels, ll'ollens, fre.,
And all kinds of Sprins & Summer Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Ginghams, Cliiiilzcs, Di Luincs,
And every variety
of goods suitable- for La-
dies wear
Also an extensive assortment of
Hats and Cai's ton Mkn ami Iios.
Also a large assortment of CiKOt-Xtdr.S,
srcil AS
Sugar, Teas, Ciifl'oe, Mulasses, fijiiccs
of all kinds.
Alao a large assortment of
Pish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a tieh supply of
Besides the largest ami most General assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be hud in this
Ijs?" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest maiket price.
Smibury, April 30, IS53.
VM. H'CAKTY, Bookseller,
1J KSPECTKL'LLY informs iho inhabitants ol
town and country, that ho has lately recei
v. d from Philadelphia, a lare aiblition to his
slock of IiooUk, in every branch of Literature, and
in a great variety of Binding. PIcsjc tall und
seo them.
Suubury, P-ept. 17, lPj3.
15I-ANKS ;-
of every dcfioription can be ha-Vy
allying at llifdllicfl of the American.
1 "Jit. II. II. HUiBEE'S remedy for coughs,
-"-'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of
this valuable medicine just .received and for sale
by II. U. MASSEIt.
Sunhury, June 4. 8,j3
1 LOTUS, C'wwiincres, Vcstings, Sailinetts.
cVc, of various styles and colors, jusl recei
ved und for sale hy
Sept. 10. '53. I. W. TEN E It & CO.
I I AN D lilLL-S neatly printed un new type
- promptly executed at this office. Also
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
Kiinburv, Feb. 14, 1852.
sive and legal envelopes, for sale by
fcoiiburv, Jan 10. I8.VS.-
TT'OU sale at this office, Superior Black Ink,
c ttle Medicine at 25 els, Pure Essence of
(uijcr. 115 cruk
2.5U0 Acres Timber Lund
TIMDEH LAND, comprising about 2.BC0
acres, part of which in siluoted on Tohybanna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, wiihiii three
miles of Lehigh River, in'Penn forest township,
Carbon County, one of the ureal Coal Counties
of Pennsylvania, can bo had at a bargain, if P
plication be made soon.
These lands are covered with the benl
timber of that rcrtinn. Yhilo it is believed (bat
75.000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from
lorgo portion of the land, the balance will aver
aBe not much less .,, this tiKure. The k.ndsol ,
limber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or I
While Cedar, While Oak, While Enie ami
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Tine and Hemlock.
The Tobyhanna nnd Muddy Crerl.s aie large
and rapid Kt reams, yielding u vast nnr'Uiit of
water power, and are capable of driving a largo
number of Haw milla. They empty into the Lehigh,
which filreom, wiib the Cniuil nlioids an
outlet lo the most desirable lumber markrls.
There is. loo, under coiitcinpl.ilion. a railway
leadinir tothc cities of New Yoik nnd riula.lclpma
winch rims willun one mtr nntl liner " ;
the hind. Throu"h lhce avenues lumber can be wi,we mev have been ns"d wiih ihe in-wt satisfneiorv re
delivered in cither of Ike cities i,mcd, for about s.ilts.-Hvyill publisl, n lew ol ibem, iVelnissatiMied thnl
01 live in cuiier in ',. . n tiinl will insme their ree .iinmendalion. Try Ihein uml
i l per lliotlsallil li'CI inns ena. .."' I- -
gaged ill Ihe trade lo derive gre iter proms man j
attend investments generally. j
lit addition lollie timber, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there is tim.-li that will an
swer for spurs of vessel for' of limber Unit
ship -builder.! have been oblitred to purchase in
Maine, or nt other distant points.
Lnii'ue molt of the lauds on the Lehigh there
has, as yet, been no cut ling of the timber on Una
propcrlv. It slaiuls undisturbed by Ihe wood
man's 'live. Il is, therefore, Ihe more valuable.
The lumber Hade of the Lehigh has been carried
on to such an extent for years pa:;t. llmta scarcity
uf rrood limber is be rum nig to be leii. lar )
on necessarily inevc-i-e:
i tins diiiiciiiiy. i ue
ciicbau. eiui'til of the
consciinenee inu-t be no
value of timber
I'lioe iiu-.'iiile.l tracts
...:,l. ,l, ,l.,,,i ,,f uveooes lo n.arkel, sil.'ll
as the lauds olV-red for sale, po--ie.-s, cuniiul fail
t0 lP B,,urces uf supplv hereafter.
llot ,c land is not alone valuable lor llie Inn
her it eonlains. I; is o! good cjti iltty lor inrnung,
near!) every acre being susceptible of a high
stale ol cultivation.
Cn nil alislsilesii ini- to make iu cslinentf
. would
dn well to him their aHcnli.ui to these.
.lauds. Kor
further information apply to
Ofiice. in "Mitiiiij Register" building, Eotls
ville, l'a.
August ft, IS.V1. tr.
Far liir Citre of
i TO Crlti: A Cfll.l). m-.tii llKAOienit
xl) sotin'ns
. of the body, l:il-e Ihe I'llKRS V I'M loR i. ol. it-
,.i wrar) ' .,.. ,,. ,wmt ,illri2 iirM.
S lo he,',
I l-'oa a Cot.n .wit Coii. n. int...- it m nnin.:, n 'on mul
on a Gnu ai ( oii.ii, liik'.- a u, hium-:, n 'on mul vo-
! liiiHT, ncc r(!l!lLr t i tlitecti iik on tile l 'ttii tun) Ihe tlilii-Mi
ty fnitm hi; roiH'ivci. N'iie hri! aultVr fr tin lliis
; In uhlt when tin y ti i t it r:m Ucko remhly cuicd. VrHm
' tiltlicted wilh n Msilt'd c iii-jii. wlii'-li lut-ilve tJu-in t( Un-ir
rcht mi nitflit, wu lin.l, 1-y !Uii);4 thf C'lieny I'ei-lnral rn
I g'UUtf t hfd, they nny W suic ti' i-niiid, Uiituol.eii Hl.-ejt,
I uml f!.nsiqiiiMi!iy t-f i -th intr nHf. Gn-ii teiici from PuUVr-
I117. nn.-l nn utliuuite ivirr, it oil' Jtli d t ' 1 h-luaumlx ut in ts
( llius iiitiirffd, hy liiid hiv.iliifihlt: rouLtlv .
I'ri pi its .'( e il'it fllVctn in wo r;iscp. many Fnul
, tli-'iiiseti'i a iinwilliii t I ifg ilia iifJL uniJii tlie nn vv.y
for it Ikih coas-'il,
j l'rom twti ctnnifiil IMi Ricirpf in
Favkt Vi:v!M s, 'IVnn , Apiil Ifl. V-'A.
I Sir We lnvr (fiven votir Clifiry p. i-i -nil :in eiensi u
: Irinl in our piaciici;. itntl flti t n to arja: i-vi-ry othn rc-
lriodv we have for c.u in uti'tv t i of ilit rcPt'1,f,!"rv
; yiiim". j Jif ? nTT;n:u & hamttux.
j TOSINOnnS AND ri HIJC rl'i:AKi:iiS thisrc ;.-
; i- inv-i!iia!)lt', in- ly i:k a'-ti m on tin Uiroat anil lnni:-, win a
' taken it) nmnll ipittntilicp, it renin t'fril! Ijonis-'n-s." in a fi-w
' li'tnis, ninl WT-k-irully ii.ui ra&...-i t::o power mul tU-xilnIi!)'
: of tin- v 'ice.
j AS'I'llM it ?-!srr;.llv iii'l-Ii ivlicv.-'l. v.u ..fien xh .l!y
I'lreit 1'V 'horrv I'cct in I. Hul llirre nre fc-ime cwr o o!-
! s: iii'itt; us ! yit-Iil tri it irt y t n i m; C !u-rry lV-ciu-
. lal will en re thm, if they e:m he eurt-d.
( lltlONt lll'I'iS, or in'imtion H'lhe thrn! mal npn-r
portion ii the In nc iii'ty I": en re-1 Uv itu Clterrv IV t i.
: r:il in 8:nall mul irefpcrn: tt s.-s. 'i'iie line tinf 'iliiuie op
press! in i.-s nm r hevrtl.
j It.-v. Out LAN SIN it. of nroofclyn.New Vorl. . Mnte? :
1 4 I li;:ve re:1 lln' (?(ny I'eei-irnI etire hc'i cine ('
Asihinn mul I.mcliiiis n vmU inc t htiieve il e:m r.irely
fall to en re ih 'Sv .lisr-v;!..'1
) I'Oll CIUH V. iive nn rmeli-! of eioim my. to
i f'll iivil hy I if :r un I fre-pii nt il '?e:i of the rlieny IV"l:
! ml, until i- ;i!il'i"B t lie t!ifie:n':. ii t ic:i in scis m, il will
: ii .1 t" t H t en.'".
! WllOCiIMNO COrCill in-iy he hr .U'li up 3 t si c:i-
rett !v li:e 'n,, ( heilV I'ecl-T'l.
i Till: JNKLrr.NZA i;ee.i'y rniv.vf.1 hy 1lu n
: ily. N'lnirroi'M iiicfi-in'-e:' tnc hceu n-'iiceif where wli'-l
j ffimilien wcie pril'i'te.l ft.nn nny noiis e-nisetpieneef ,
I while tlieir nei-.'lihors, wi'h uit tae Cneuy 1'ccto.ui, w ie
i:ii'eriin: t'r mh the ilisras;!.
: Dr. J". ('. Aver: F ilt.m. f !il;., IMh Juno. Ir',l.
! 1 Wftte to inform V 'u ofthe ti'e!' reitvu !ri!tlf etle.'tw of
y-tnr ClIl'.KIIV I'KUT Hi L in lln piace, nail in my
' own Uitnily. One "f i;ie ! nni!,te-(.- v ;-s e tn.p'i tely eiue-l
t in three thy n n ilreariinl Wnot.rtNi; ("oi'i'.n, hy tnliinw it.
: Dr. iMcain, one oi nnr very l-e.t plo .iicirtus licelv h'nter
; lint hi eimshlers lithe he'st reme.iy we Ii ive puim.n.'iy
1 ilii itFt'S, nnd iliat he h m car'-'! in n e uf Ohiil'I' with
; it than nny '"her ini- !i"iae he ever :i,hninif-tTel.
Oiu clergymen of the Ilaptist rhiireh sri that thiriiiT
the ran of Imxi'KNZ here tln ce;:s n. lie hi seen eitn h your ine.jiu.uc he e uUl m'-.T'V.y linve helii veil h iih-
; fiii Foein?.
I Yours reKprutfn'.ly, J. D SINTT.A.I.
I De;,Lty PMf;:ni!er.
From the ilistin wished Pfnf'cs-or of Chemis
try M"t':t iii M'd.tCy ISoicduin College.
i have fom.d the Cueimv rwiui:!., nn its incretlientf
j f'iw. n p iweifnl re.iuily f l e .hi., mul ennh, nntl pn!-
ni'tnary Iit cas-. s.
! 1 ' A 1 K I" 11 f 'l.KVKL. IND) M D.
i Di:t N-wifif , V.v.. li h. .", It".
The widely cflihratvd I'rofi'sxor of Surgery ui
the M'hc(d Cetlcce, New York ' Cihj sous:
'D piven me pletiMire t eertify the iu;rt rtlh;iey
of AvU'..' Chi:ui:v lFtTfiK kl. whieli 1 c.iii1er pec-ili
arly H.inpterl to eur:' tlisjean-n of the Throni umi Lua:;s."
f'liico uf di-vete ilifeRBes upon the Luiic hive hcen f i
.,,., "nil lid .. ..t llvif n r.'n.iU- !.. .1 l',.imrl
Ihnr c:u ! di-p.'ii.ll m I i v.iro ' t'h- C i" hi. CMnuiM
C:i!i.nnn:i..u whi.-Iu-yrrv fvom ,.ur umM tl,oui.'ncl.i every
yrrv frnm mir uiit!t iIkiuh ukIs every i ii ib uintM-ii u nifMieUH i w hich llie iiiiiit'if-n run
( I.i. k wuli r mfi ionr-t: i'.r I'-lif!', and tla-v eh mid ti i f;til I
: uvi.'l tiii nt h'ck (' it.
Prepared and sold In JAMS C. AVER,
Practical Ch'misl, Lowell, Miss.
Sold in Sunhury by H MASSE ft, and by
DniL'eists Reneially throughout tho State.
July 'JO, 1S.":J. ci'ow lv, .ov. 13. '2.
ft-. V ' V,
(Successor lo A. l'lO T.) .
A'o. 101 Clrs ii'il Street, Swaim's Building.
Dealer in .Musical Instiuiueuts of every de
sjriptiou. Exclusive Avent for (he rale of Ui.llrt, I'avis
& (.'o'e (, boston) P.i-ri.M- iji sri.ssio.1 llinnot
Aeolian ami other
I., (iilberl's Uoudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's
(iiiitars, Harps, Violins, tSnt. t r Music, Mi sic
llooKS, &c, Ac.
Kesidenls of the country will he supplied hy
mxil or otherwise with any music they may
wih, at as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of tha largest stocks in the L'uiled
States, I feel conlident of satisfying all who may
fisvor nie with a vail or order.
Dealers in Music supplied cu llie most liberal
terms. Pianos to let Second-hand Pian ts for sate.
Philadelphia, April 14, IS53 ly.
executed for sale at this office, sinjls or
by the in
F a in i I y Medici u es.l
IN offering to Hie pablic Hi above' invitliuiMe "reimr'T
lions, the aubserilier wonlil stale that In cotumllntion
wlttl Ins fnenils ami some ol Ilia most teflpeclal.le hi Mm
Medical faculty, It was lccnn.'il to olli-r to llio
public, a lew preparations ol known celeWitv, Mae pra
pared with llie pretest care, nntl on the mint acjcxt.lic
principles, ns Bulisiltiiies lor tlie iiitini'rmis worililers ar
licles thai nra ll'ioiJuip llie eoantry in the t'i'riii of rmnnccus
mid cure alls, prepared by the most ignorant nntl nicrcciia
ry persjiis, inl'.-nned to cure nil discuses nntl j-hh! for mine,
Rend and Reflect.
Tlmt die Mcjiciiie. Manafin-Iurcd Uv XV. M,
lacklitll.r liis llosn I'eelortil lor ToiigliS.
rraam ft l.'amprmr, tor Hlieamaliani.
r..nn ili-int, fi.r Worms.
T,,o,h u si., for vc. . .''
ly ued, and linve civeu m m. pj.t.Ffiirtiiin. thnu tiny ol!i"T
Sfetlieines In fore the pul'lic, twins; prepared with rreard
lo lin-ir iispniiiies me inliy woittiy re trial uf t lie ntilict.
ed. Give lli?m n triul.
A rtiisons why llie utiovc Mnbe.iies aro
ileBiTvillff of nniversnl ptilHMiMRP. (In I he place,
lliey nre prep.'ireil ! u reijuliir Plivfieiun. -Ii nmlcTi-tuiida
the npiilicslicn of Medicines, to disenwe.. Sufi eonwinenll,
nrn nerfeetly s'c to t ike. (Seenuilly.) thry have been
used will! universal stiecrH. nnd huve jlllfn more sitilue
tion thnn nny nlher .ledielnes oll'ered lief.. re the public . .
f Thirdly ) they nre the on:y li.ed.eines llut h.'ive jjninril
the pntiomre of Plnifitins' wle-re they irive l..-oir.o-t-d ;
o...i , l-'i nillilv.) Ih'V aie mil nn in hiruet .pinnl.lies fin
thn mine priee, Ihiin nny other Medicines ollred lo llie
l, llie wiiiMeni'ei u:i I. unniiicr
, .,,,,lr., ,is no.'S!ioii of the lo-jheyt inuhoritc
K,isf;. yourself of Mieir over nil others.
yfjrf mill Op. i onrinecd.
the underaipued hsvinfr been made nc.pninted with
the inirreilients rntemi? imo the t?fmpniiint Known nn
Ihekley's rmnily Mrihenio nlp.i lnvinft presenhed run I
knnwii them to he uned. with tnni ml isfm-t'iry remits;
tiiUe plennnre in rt'i irty that w hnVve they fully nieol
the th'siu which 1hev nre r-e ittn.ieinh'tl,
JAt. STKAU HliMK.i;. M I).
V II. I'llli'K. M. !.'
WM. MeMAlloS, Nr. n.
" WM. H MAOILL. M. 1.
Citre uf jhtitt ii thf Sidf mid cough fiom ptot'tcf
hirer Cui.iplaiitt,
Mrs. It I'.irrt A'hiniK, lilnrinj. mnler t.'lirtmie Livrr Com
plaint, nee.niipfuiieil wuh :t f-!i- ft tlry eouuli pain in the
Hide nnil hrea-it, ijeiierut rlelnliiy, loss of nppetite. nfier tiy
In till the tiMial remeihrs ree iiniitenihal foi e. ii).'hs nnd
(livif.its of ihe rh.-rt, who wilh no heiieht. she wa n'ii;
iiient'eil t: try the Hose I'nioral. from w lii' ti, she n 1 only
(lerivcil inini'-diate hut p'Tiivmeul relief.
John AnVunc a m of .Mm. Robert Attnir.p. nfilielo-1
with n very seveie e n;'h. pain in llie i.h mill N-ireui n
pruil'ieed hv inecssnt' c ii'jliunr: lie v,-as ui.lueetl to try
, the Flojte l'eetortil. To UK'' own l.iii,.t'l'.;rtt the tiivt
' thise inIth-d him to enj-.y n o il nl;jlii'n vert. In I'm1
1 in 'minii Itn t-.tpeelomtt il nlMitt hall pint ef malliT. Ife
; e.mtiniiett it) improve until hi. eoiie.h entirely h f( him. It
i n!s hail the f liVri-t of h!u iij;ht!iiiny liis I . which was
natlUfllly wetik , lieiita.M that he h ir ue"ni;nemle(l
it. ton tininhrr t hi fi ietvW for similir enniphinits, mul
in every e:ii il has ifiven ist'.ictii n.
The nh ive residents of the town of Pnnvi'I
feeliap thai tliey haeilenvnl j.-reat heuchtfl from the ue
of llie Hose IN'elofal ; nillhu t.'-. Ihe .-.It we for
i t'ie henelit nl til ise vli i fnav he u(l:ieti-tl in n himilai iiian-
inr. fiitl'.AT el UK.
i Jsoss of Yuit'f rrstontl with nitr hut 1 1 v of Jiusf Vcc-
MiPsSii:m Whitloek. df U ns!i lownship. X-'itinmiher-lainl
et..f.'i- n nn-nher uf ve.'irfinu h valid, in llie fall if
I-), I".h tin' use i if he. v. 'lee (nun n se eie eold bhe eull
: traeied; utier lriiitrn iiiunher of remedies, with no Iteiie-
tit: she wni entirely restored hy lakiie one h title of Kofe
I'eet. ial. nfier wiiicii. 8he. I ,? lier v 'ice njrain. from n
) fresh e"M she eoniraeiet, nn I waH ii'i iin restored hy the
i use uf an ither holth I he Iheil lo tk four h'ltlh'R nwh; to
mtreiiL'iheii her hrenyt, lrn:i wlneh (the (!Ml'e(f Mm in nl
deeitled hc:u lit, nnd hav heen in tlie enj:iyji:ent of excellent
heahh fi 'iu (hat time to ihe prcst nt.
Til ah ne vmteu.rut i ol taitied fr. in Dv Vuife!, the
I'hviti-'ian who ntleiided h.-r ; uls her m 'thcr who thinks
tint tn won I I ii 1 I f In it t; at ihiv tliii" if it had n '1 l een
I'm llie R.-bo IVetoral Danville. .1 in 'Jo. K'J
j Ft, another jr.r.rrf Crr I'.jfrcfr,!.
I N x. S iniiu'l Seehler. I. -in-r of a nvtnr-i v.a :ik n i.' C li
' v lie eotiK' ii U'.inu vry p:iM'e,td.le lo e 'Id.. wm "-dieted
; with a vciy PeVi re e.mch. pain und Forenet1!' of the l re".st,
j I s i f fippclite. ; :il tor usinc a mmiher uf Ihe iifinl reme-
ili' S J'r mi whir-h. she derived n t heneiir, fdie wm enred hv
takintr oii'i h 'ttle of Jtfte 't '-loral and is in I lie e.ij ) i:ient
ol'he'.ter heihh than f 'r veac." previous,
r Dauvii:e. Dee. 1 IS',0."
Dn. I'k'KI.f.y : IVnuit iretn mfurtn you thai my wife,
who is a ileheate and weakly w anan, luh -rmff under n
! VL.rv severe l'orh willi p un and u-emf uf l.reasr. v.
ni ne tpiieklv mid eilietually n Ih ved M'lt! e h it if
v nr Rose IV-ct oral than nuv other medieme phe IkmI ever 1
taken. AHMiU M'llIJIDi:.
Jan. l-'.V S-uiine! XI. Wo,V Knvuaee. Red p.-int.
; Srii -i tvimtMU in r von v.v thk Husk ri:c roii.L ami
j Ka'-M.V 1'il.LV
I John Tn'm r piken he! wen 'lniim nvl New Vc: r
' with il veiy had C ild. whieli ended hi II dry hard inceej-.:iit
; Courrh. erniKt'ii: n itreat deal i f pun whenever I ' ci'itilit d.
t v:i,i ichev.d veiymueh; hv (he time he had taken one
third of n h itilr', n-nl hv the time it wan fmish'-d. was en
, tirely fiut-.l Hen! mv licit he har- h'k-n n Tal (l.cs
of the lle-dtli Rest, rative or I'amil', Dil'.". nnd that they
are tho rrtiMext nn i in viTee tin I puTiraiive: lie ha ever
taken. Danvihe, Jan 1, Ir-.VJ.
Dr. IIk-kt i:y Dar'n: a lo my hr ! in P:m-
' ville. I to-ilt u veiy s. vere C ld. which eiidfd in a tiyiit
hud C-ntidi. witti nvti'-sr nil pain t-f the tireas', f. r
wliieh I use I y tnr Rose I'ct Tid. nml I'mndy 1'iils, and
take pleasure in ree aimietidiu.r them, n th'i mildol nud
: u ;rt t:i. etu .1 ic.i.dv i ...:-. d. !, eeii'u'.-v.
J.MI- ."ut-I'.iJA.X,
Jaa. 1 -: !. '1iit"' Haven. Luzerne eo.
Dear Sir : Ann ree Minnu-I it iuu f t yuur R I'eet
rat. penuilmet t say, wa effectually cnitd i f a
verv Kvivc e Mtirli wi'h pain i:i lie- hit at. v ii U h'r-s than
hill a Iviitie. tul that 1 c-m.-iJei it invaluahlo. Yiui arc
lit liucrtv to 10 dv lh. I'l-he if mii ple:se.
JOHN Si'IlKI'iXu'. (tir -err.) IVmv ill -. Ia.
M"v son William lahurin-.' under a fr-'Vi re'e aej't ami pain
in hi side, fioin an injury received hy a i dl. w.i. entiit I
r!ieved hy hi'ile ol l s I'c.-r mil .V fremu of Cam
pll il. 1 have rd i v,v i ynr Tamdy 1'ilN, rt::d u!t- i ilit T
. I u 'tisidcr ;l:o;u tl.c uf deemes I Inv0 e-'et ueil.
I JO n i.iiDour,
! J in. 1-"-. Rn-li T,., Xorih'd m.
Dr. Dick!' y :- Sir s mv w.f-; who wr.s tronhh d
with dry. hard C hil'Ii. a!.; s nr St 'luaeli. dependent uj on
ih-hility. fiminr t Dipcpuri. w.s entirely rehea d hy
iis!.i?. J w ' h i! i h-s f yar R IVc! ';;d, i.iu.i: t i !:iy
th.vt I "e. insider it an exee lent rt'im-dv.
V,nirs, reMieetfuily, I'ev Mr. WILLAIU).
i '..?; a' l.u:!ier:m I'lmreh, Danvolv.-. l'a.
Ifarin.: If-eu cured of a pain in mv as ill (Miliar to Rhea
tiiitism) wilted ih'inved in- of the ftee nfe uf it f r ;:h "it
fo'ir in niuis. Ily UMU.r oae h n lie uf Cream of anij.h'T
I w nil I Hiatc tkal I e'iuiler ii lite, let mik'Jy i.( the
km I I have ever us, .1 i i my fmul,, itr.TI w ui i lVeely
! ree mrreiid it to - therp witii himilai nfiVetioes.
j Vou,-. ve-cctud;;-, JONAS WOl.l-'.
Ru.di ip., N-'itli ti co.
! Jy wife ho'iip- rftlieted wi'h 't vry sieve, e pain in her
niMl ail I tll adder (lim I ;;'i-e'f . i- l.lj which iln.iuhli her
fr. mi u.'-itii; it, was cured uuh rubhrtji of Cream uf Caiu
: pli-T. Mrs. !h!lin, my Hsier-in-l.-.w, wns ids ured uf a
' Beveie pain in the Ir-j 1 and l ee hv usin.r the Ci'e; in "t"
! Cnm;.h. r TilOMAS C l-d.IdS.' D..nvd!e. J .u. CP, V.O.
j My wife hnviinr l.hem.i u i.siu u me ami IT a laiiiiher
I of ye.ll'H. whieii i v filled he fiMUl lliiui it in d line; het
w ; alter havi is pent a fieat deal ol m l,ey in T r Hii;
ihlferent jeincdiesi with u b-i "-id. was entirely eui'til l-y
liiUM' only one hottle of l reaai of fairph if.
WILL'! AM KVKNS. Mm -r. f -u S. R. Wo k!, K. V .ii.i.
Dr. Rieklev : Having rreeia-d a vei y se i re injury in
in v inde h f-dlin'.r utfii I iad of ha . from which I una-
j hie to f d! nv my work, w in r.-e tmnn nded to try a h -itie
, ui Cu-aill of ('arnpli .r. whcdi aifir.led immediate relief.
o::iirr:u caur. Rutii tp . Nuilum eo.
! My wife, puller: nj; I'rom mv r r xeruei'U ii.t? .aiu,
j thr 'it.dKtat ini m-uetal nvwieai, whie'i preveuled lier iruin
! -''cpi:;u (hein' :pini med a I ny nnd proiraeletl cpdl
i ot iekue.v ;) for which r'w n-i-il a mmiher of it i.ici'h h
1 without !;'"'t; id. With c.dire! iclleVed h the in? ot t'leum
j of Camphor. ' C.Ko.'R. MliOWX.
! P. us n iieniiit, Danville, Pa.
i Chil l niril of limve! Cnnu 1 dm. nud Aiiii- ( -f iwo j ears
i M indi'i;:.) hv W-'rm Svrai).
lie latt two ye.'irs, with
il wan reduced to a mere
! I 'Wl'l 1 '111 I'l. Mill illl 1 A'JIU! 1111. 1 1
!iH,,i', 1 V1" "V,r,!.4,;B with ir !;t
i .im'11 1 '""' 11 . ' ,,i'.rl '',ur W rm hyrup,
since wliicli linic il Irm l.i-i-ii wvll, uml s -l quite lb-shy
1 aU liave rceonain-tnle.l it t . t. intin'nt-r ol my fii.-mls,
and ia eciy c;aic il haa -.: i'ca jaii a.-;i -a. I.. l.l'.VI.
At l..-uis l.'ia.ih' .M'.-n-liiin;. Diuivillc.
I liave n?.;.i y ntr Worm r, i aii ia lay roiul .-, nml cop.
sitlev it ii-M only eltcctnnl, lint tin nion pl.-itsiiit arli.-le 1
am aciiaainlcil Willi. JAlOI! 1. ISlllil.t, Uuavilts.
Ilavtia; used your W.n in S rna ia niy family, it lu-Ips
mv ellilitieil more lima nny picji-irnti al ol llie kin. I. mul is
mare pleasant to tul.e. ' DAN MnllllAX.
"II uit ait i.iv. lliaivitle.
1 h ivo had oi-eatiioa to list' yoar W'o.'iu Syrap in my
I'anliK-, anil prclcr it to any Vfiinil'ii'.'e 1 have mi-tl.
l'KKl). Illll, fr .sty Vnllcv, M mlour Co.
Ir. IJiekl.-y :ll .vo.: iiKt-d yoar si. rup, and
Crca.u oi' Caaipti.-r nml l-'anel. Pi -Is in my I'liiuily, llicy
Itave K'tl s'ltlsrnctl -Ji, ini'l 1 e. .in-i.l-.-r Iheia llie most t t'
ieciual, ad pleasant rcninlifs. we Inivr Iral ill our raiaiU'.
JnllMI I'llA.N li. HIMICI.. lMnville.'
llcar ?ir : IVe lli aadoicncil licinj; in llu emiiloy of
Mcmih. l.rovca C 'inly, ul vhoc st -re, you have an
Aiit acy I" a Ihe -ile ol' your Ftenily .Mi-di.-iai-s, t:itc that
we hve h.-td an "iiiNirtunay ot' knowing the npinioeii f
iiiuntM'o'j iirlividaali, win luive usisi llcin. and lhat they
lt:ve (rcacral atia"iH-ll -n. We lia e s 'Id u itrcul many ol'
vonr Vills, which aie univfryallv liked, hcin v,-rv mild in
ihrir operation. ' W. l.r.lSKMil.VU,
Di.nvilk., Altest.W ,M. Kl'.Pl.l-'.lt.
lluviiifr Scurvy of my n. ait1, veiy U.d, 1 was indneed lo
try a h ittla ot' your T-wiili Wash, wliieh in-led like u cliurni,
hardening niy aunts, lied tcui vin nil diri8r.
P.. Ili'-klcy: tluvnac what w;t culled tilcruteil ore,
moaih, lo. vIik'1, I trii'da nunil.i-i ot' reinedirt with no
lienelil : 1 ivas nl bi.t eure.l hy luin-T one h -tile ol' your wash. My wii'o nisi dumnr her e inriaeint-tii, 'w n
Ihreati-ncl wilh s ae. Hrc-isia. luiaiiii hucitii already Tonncd,
for whieli iilie ued the Cresrn o f'titnoh .r, vvhi'-h s-iillcr-e
I tin-in, tiicreliy preventing her hrenitis i'rom riillierin
ni;o a mtow.N,
Near I utlieraii C'li Jieh, Puuviilu, l'a.
Dr. Hii-kley. IJuvinc an opportunity of seeing your
Auti-SeorhutiR To ,lh W'ufch uissl in sonis very seveie ea
ses uf seurvev ol' the gums. 1 consider il an excellent reme
dy Yours, respectfully, UKlt. II. IIIIOW.N.
The stave medicines are I'm stile Wlmltxila and lie
tail by XV M. UlC'sil.RV, M.I), Proprietor, Dimville
AU I'oi sale l,y the follou ins Agents in Ndrlhnnilr.
laud county. I'rilmg A Grunt, Hunburv W A.,
Aaitaata; W. Karrow, Snydertown j Tageart, Furnuoi It
Harui.t, Puxiniw ; K.nstine & tmuie, 1'oxinos; John
Vunzuul. ruMin ; lluaih Vastine, Paniuns j Amnierinau,
Rossei A: t'o , 6liainkiu ; Mrs. Jus. Thomns, Shamokin;
Wm. Kseely. fhamokin; f'ampU-11 h Kline, Auuusia;
filuiuuel A. beritatteSNer, Pelerslsii s: ; Jaeoh Leiseurinfr,
Bear Gup; Conrad Wemk, Nortliuuihcrlund j Jeremiah
Crouse. 8eluiirr,iv j Josiali linker, Lewishurgj Jolni K.
Caalow sad Jonatliaii 'oilers, Milton. - .
Call nn the Aftuits, snd fd s circular eontsliiiug s full
des. of ths numerous tuiea peif nined bj the diffei
sul Medicines. - -
Juus It, ls53-lv. .
lo Your Own Mechanics.
MANi;rAcTi-ni:n op
Of tho most Fashionable Stylo.
rrHR liCri,er respectfully mils tho attention
ot the pul.licto liiu lnrrrp Bm Fcplc-nil UI B5.irt
ment of every qunlily nml pi'u-c uf
which eannnt fail to reiommeriJ itself loevery one
who will CMimino il, on nrcovmt of its ilurnlil
woiUiiiaiiblii) nnd splendid lininh, mndo up of the
licit Block In l,e lid in the rilv. No effort in
pnri-d ;n tlie manufacture of his' ware, and Hit
subscriber is ilelerniine.l to keep up with Iho
ninny iinpiovenieiilH wliieh nro conslantly being His slm-k conaisU of Mahoyuny
Sil"ts, Olvntii ami I.oteiirroq,
Eitrcaus, Secretaries, Sulctoards,
and nlro YHNETIAN r.UNDS, equal to Phila
delphia mauul'ucliiie.
UlZDrSTiJADS, of every pallevn nnd price.
cui'iioAnns, wouk and candlf.. 1
In !ioit, every ai tide in tl,i line of hi, lim-iiioi". '
He also nianufactuves all hinds and .pialHics of i
including varieties never to be hud ir '
iSunlmry, such asMu i-v, IIi.a. k Wai.m.t I
.. Ci-iiM.n Maim.i: Cum ias ; ami Wixusnn !
eilAIUtS, am, l ANer I'i ami Si-nnu. which nro j
of the latest elvlcx, and warianled to be excelled '
by none lnaniilactun d in the l.'iiies or elsewhere. ;
i lie sulisi-nlier is determined that- there shall
be nn evcuse fur personH lo purchase furnilure in i
Ihe cities, ns every confidence can be entertained
iiboui the (jualily and finish of his ware and j
His nrticks will be disposed of on n. pocd
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce- taken in pavmrut fur work.
IV I Nl'HK'i'AKIMi. llaviici provided
himself with a haiab.nme Hi'vhsk. he is now
prepared for I 'ndcrtn.iii;r, and ntteiulini; funer
als, in this vicinity, or tit nny convenient dis
tance from thU place,
n?" 'I'he Wine Knnm is in Market fireet.
below Thompson's' and Wnnrt'i 'i'mrrii.
(;i:oi:(;i-: kknn.
Hunhurv, 10, lSoS. tf.
j usrr.crni.i.v
Suiihiirv nnd vicii
informs Ihe cilizens of
inilv, that he h is opened a
new nloic in the room lately occupied by (Jeorgo
liriijht, opposite Uoitnn's Hotel, lie has jusl re
ceived n handsome assortment of
Spring and Summer (Joods
consisting in part of
Clotln, Cassimcrs, Cassinots.
of all hinds, of linen, and worsted.
A I, SO :
t'SlUCOCH, (;jMV5e.!5S. H.nnii.s,
Riciissclijtc lia l.a!c:i
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Hoods.
GUOCEIIIKS of every vaiioly.
Also an assortment of Hardware. Iross
nml Steel, Kaih, &c.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEEHSWARE, .r various styles mul
Also an n.oi-tinent of I55OT.l &, Sllfjr.S.
HATS & ('APS, a good selection.
Suit. Fish, iy.
And n great variety of oilier articles such as nre
suitable to the trade, nil of which will be sold nl
the lowest prices.
t i Country produce taken in exchange nt
the highest pri -es.
Puubiuy, May 1, 1S50. ly.
500 !.'iMits M'nnn'd.
TrANTi;!) i:i e-rry county
' 1 ates. act i i-e .i!,il ntci-ii,i!
of tlie I'nited
eg men, lo en-
fTa Hi tne sale ol some ol the best Books, pub
lished in the country. To men of uood address,
pos-cssins a small capital of from -r'o to
such inducements will be oll'ered as lo enable
lli.-m to make from to $10 a day profit.
The Bo'As published by us are all useful
in their chnraeter. extiemely popular and com
mand larze sales w herever they a'e oilcred.
i'or further particulars, address, (poiliife paid,)
1.1'AUY A- (iK'I'Z,
"o. l:is North Pee.nul, l'liilauclpliia.
rul'lisliers of subscription lioolis.
l'iiila.. An,', il) 1;SjJ. Sin
Oil. Vill(luw
1t,,, c.
fi Toxs French zine while. ,
H t.ois Pure White Lead.
o(lCl) Poxes Window lilies. all
t-unerior Potash.t.-onal.t.'oach , Leath
er .V Iron vurnish, w hite I'einar varnish for t 'hina
l.iio.-.s, w ith a general assortment ol fich and pure :
Also all the Patent Me.licinns in general use,
warranted genuine.
t.'oloved and liiuimled filass. .';., it., f.irs.ile
verv I nv at
Urn.- and Taint r-toie, No. lli'J N. 2 ml Street,'
Physicians and Storelicrpere supplic.l floods
sent lo tmv of llie Hotels or UenoU lice of chartre.
Phiia., Mav is.":l. ly.'
Sll.VLlt WAlill, Wil.ibsale nnd Itetail at .No. TJ . .
O MK.'l lDM.. o,.j).ii;e tl-.e .Mt. Yeruoii ll-'lle. ti 'Ul
l.evcr WulrhcH. lull jrw.-K-d. Is k. c:ihcp, a.OO ; Silver
I.cvi-is, l ull jeweicd. bi' ; Silver l.c;nai-.. jt-wulcit, -!,-IK'
lill wanantcd to krep l'o. d time, (i h I'im mat Sil
ver Case, S-I.IU); (i-kl Pencils: t-l III I i -Id l'enei.s and
Pen (.'uses with t; iinl ti-'l.l I'l-iiaaa I 'W as ls:!.'Ja, Ac
AIM nlwavhi'ii hand a sut n.-iMilna nl ol tii:tr f.old
J.-Weliy. li.dd Ttirh, audl'ol. t.'l,.ni:s, (iotd est
Chains. I.ridit-fc1 liotd l-'oti t'hains and Itcii l'a:f.
Silver Ta'ale SjvioLa trom si t-, ijs. la-sscit, SO lo
t'-Jl, und Tea, (l.7o to il.'sl per sck, w arrantt-d cniuil to
coin. All g hkIb warranted to lie what tlicy lire a -ld lor.
( Watches and Jcwt-lrc reaniri-d and wai ranlcd.
t All tnd.-ra sen t hv mail or otherwise, wilt he punc- j
luaily alien. led ta.
M. AVISK, Asian.
No. Ii North SKCOXD Sired, opp- kuc ihe .Mt. cmon
Ilium.. j
I'liila., April 53, i.-:j 1-. i
And Three Acres of (Ji round'
aiihseribcroircrs at private sale, his house i
ami three acres ofgrouud, on the river Dank
within the limits of the Uoiouph of Sunhury, j
now in the occupancy of John Miissler and oriri- ;
iually owned by tolas, (iussler whilo engaged in
Lout iHUldinu;. 1 lie improvements aie u
With a Well of good Water,
and a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop
erty is handsomely located and will be sold ut u
reasonable p:ice and possession given in April
next. Apply to Geo- C Welker, Esq., of Snn
bury, or to the cubscribor at Relinsgrovc.
July S3, 1853 tf.
SILVER WATCHES A few double case
KllnlisU Silvrv Vatihea. ft,r anln mt I.,...
n , " " ' - " . 1 1 1 " V,
prices hy
H. B. MA SSI' R,
Sunhury, April 13. 18.M
EE BILLS. Justices end Constables Fee
Bills handsomely printed oncarii paper for
sale at this office.
INK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and also t'on
dree ink for sale, wholesale and retail hv
llei.eml.ri 2, tsaO. . B .MAS.SEH. -
At flifl C'nlilnet Ware Itoom of
Market Square,
Also al Ihe corner of Fawn street Ihe Railroad
Thankful for ihe pntronofro ol his friends nnd
customers during the 17 years ho ha been in hunU
ness in tliin place, he solicits from the public s con
tinuance of their favors. During this period he
has endeavored to keep up w ith the improvements
of the day, and has arcnrdinply extended hi busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited to the attention of the present
Btock of
MAN'.'FUTt'tirn nv
At the Old Mamt,
Where in addition to their former Flock of tin
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Cent Chairs.
Lnrsre. Spring Scut Rocking Cirtim,
) reusing Jiuremis, Centre 'Mlrs,
.Marble Top Wank Munds,
and a ruricli of other
i new style, nnd
F:3honn!Ec. B'nriiWnrr.
Hiivinct secured a Hearse and made the neces
i snry nrninacments for the purpose, they are now
j prepared for Undertaking; in all its branches, in
! this vicinity or at any convenient distance.,
j Yfl rrnidK and mistrefirs, nail lmlimii!i t-m,
i Here's ruriiilnir nf every Inn-,
! I-'nnii siilo Innirils .l,.-,vii to kilclien a!ilt,
r nan rociiin cli:nr( u, lo.-Iupt era.:!-.
PhiuM yea not linvc llie i enily .Inns lo pny,
We'll wait awliile f -r a l.rig.-r li- tier ,hy,
Or take potatori. orits, e an. wli al mul rv ;
r-nk, hoi.p p-lr,. i!vc, or hmri?r vl mal ilry,
(Ir nay lliini; mul llin-sliln llai'.t,
Fiom riir nml tiir'ic down i. little ipiuili.
C'orae on then frirndp, eonin one nnd nil.
Keep ttttde n rnovic, fo ;it on im l.rill."
t 6 Orders from ii distance promptly attended
to and work of nil kinds delivered w ith dispatc h,
fcuiibury, March U, lH.IO. tf
.1 A 31 KS 11. VI B LVAl,
Ko 12 Smith Second Street,
FHZlAE'SX.i'nii. '
Cohl l.cver Watches full jewelled
Silver I. ever do
r-ilver I.cpine do
" (Juailier do
Cold pens nnd pencil nnd silver hi.l.'.eis
Silver 'J'ea and Table Spoons
Drncelels. Urcast pins liar rinps Ve..
All warranted und sold nt prices ns low as ai y
in the cily.
November 27. lis.'; 2 if.
i 1.000 Men Wanted.
j fkN the line of the I'TSlJI'KilA.WA I5AII..
" " I!t)A1) between UridtcpDi t (opposite ilar
risburo) and ."unbuiy, i.i the Stale of 1'eniisylva
nia. 'I'his road is lil'iy lour miles in lenili' runs
throui;h a highly improved country, and will
- furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters
, and laborers for ti e next twelve months. A
! Iarie portion of Ihe line is heavy rock excavation.
; laborers that are familiar will therefore find err
tain etnplovinent and liberal wattes.
! - Contractors.
! I-VIirnary 10, IS 53.
! Sioseiulale II vdi'imlic Cement.
X excellent article for lininsr ('i-lerim, Vaults,
, - Sprini houses and Cellars, and for keeping
. dampness IVom wet and e'.po .d v.'.di...
! for sale l.v
of, and successor to, the latclinn of Kvi inilh A
i 5-on,
! N. V,. Corner of 1'ront and Willow tivct
; fvailroad.
j Phihideljihia, Feb. ID, lfv-.n.-ly.
! 'Tl-'a ACKKIIKI..
! l E3 CODl-'l.-ll,
' nr.r.iUNcs,
i siiorLDKUs.
- A hit. sr. 1S.-.3 3m.
Cn:s'ant!v on hand
and lor salo hv
.1. PALM Ell 'Ji Co.
.M.nUel-N I
5 -v.V;-r..'.-s
Kcbty Horses, Or'llren Propcliors,
Girrs. Ccachcs, Icrcuclios, &c.
Manufactured wholesale and retail bv
3'vJSHnuL & "DtTLLj
A'o. Ol DOCK Street,
Orders ihronith the mail promptly cceutoJ'
Phila., April U, 1S33. lv.
- - - - - -
( 1'P' I'll' ,
-UJ 5 -:
AVOTH'i; is hercbv uivcil that an application I
will be made, nt the next regular s. ssion of!
the Legislature, lo charier a company for bank
in: and diseouiitin; pir.', with a capital of
Iwo hundred thou.'aud dollars, with the piivi
lette of extending it to four hundred thousand
dollars, to bo located ill the boroii';!i of iSniibury,
.Northumberland county, Pa., and lo 1c called
"Tin: Minkiis' Hank of St .N l av."
July :, I8..3. Cm.
Lrtiiorcrs W'i'.iited.
i rFAH E subscribers want immediately on ihe
! -A- lvaihoud and llasiii, at t.'hanmun.
I nion
! county, seven miles below JSeliustrrovc, from
50 TO 100 LAUOUEKiJ,
to velum one dollar per day will pe paid,
j S A VI DUE. V,'.)i.VE.' TOX & CO,
i I'hapmaii, I' (.'ounty, 1'eb. l'J.lS.",:!. if.
5 IJ I: VV AJil) !
I f M11K above reward will be paid for the diseov
1 cry and conviction of every individual found
' puilly uf trespassing or injuring any of the
properly of Philadelphia, and Sunhury Pnilroad
: Company.
June, 4, 1 S53. tf.
1JLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, Bonds, ExcrutioiiH, Summons
&c, for sale by II. U. MA6SE1!.
Sunhury Airi 2(1. ISM
hooks, ink, and all complete, just received.
and lor sale hy H. D. MASftEK.
bunoury, June 4, 1S53.
flIAIX rt'MPS.- A small nuinberl"ihese
xrcllcnt pumps have been reieived and are
offered for sale by
Runburv. June 4, 1853.
lil, a fresh eupply just received, and for
sale hy U. B. MASSEK.
eiunbury, .Tail. 10. IR.13.
V 'if lent remedy for coughs, io!d. For (ale
tt this niBce . -
Dei tmbei 4, I sol. ' -
uLiiitALitju WEEKLY,
All sulreiil luniks
All olvetit lauiks
citi or rnu.Aur.i.riiu
i. 8. Hnnk iiotei ir, ids
All suivcnt Imnks
Hank nf Outinhvriiliitrg 1 .li
Hi. nk of Chester Co. pnr
I O.M.VKcricUT.
All solvcnl Imnks :
i.ans oi ijri.uo. I lu-Btcr pur
i s n Mprmuniown
Hunk of (jettyshurg
llnnk of I.ewistewn
pun.All SrilVf lit Im,L.
1 dis 17'Uk iiolei uiU,;r j5 '
1 CntrvTw
lln ilk nl Miilillf-town 1 ..
. All solvent.. Imnks ' 1
Montgomery Co Hunk par
isi;w jeksky.
Ilflvidcre Hunk l
iiiik ,n .loiinniniicrl nil. i,hi
llnnk of I'lttrlmrs 1 (lis
ill 'oniinMrni... I, I
Hank of llanvillu
C'iirlile llnnk
nnilrnr. Hank Mont llnllv 1
1 li I". ft M.MiAlletown Pi.
i.oainiian ii k Ii t o par Mechanics' Ilk, Nrwurk
iniyt iMown llillilt sir Aicen. Ilk of t it rli ii crt n
I', iston Dnnk pari.Meeh. Ac Man. Ilk Trent
I'.rie I'l.ak 5 ilis Morris Co Hnnk j
K.xchnnre B'k Pillluirr t ritslNework llk'g ftliu.Co j
l-'xclimit'c H'k. Ili-iincli 1 ilil(lritnpe llnnk i
Fanners' IS'k, IllicksCi par'l'eoplc's Ilk I'altersoii j
Farmers' Hk, Laiicnpter pnr Princeton llnnk
runners' Hk. Itnuliiti! pt.r Salein ll:itil,ii,(( Co,
Farm. Hk Schuylkill Co par Scmerret Co llnnk 1
V & I). Hk Wnynrsli'g I J.lis Suite Hunk st l.'uinrlrn
Friinklin lik. W'nsli'n I Jilij ltnte Hk l'.liw.lii'thton I
Ilarrirliurir Hunk 1 rtis'Plnte Hnnk Newark J
ll'lfslalc llnnk I (lis Stntc Hk, N. Hinnsnick
IrfincaKt.-r Hank pnr.Sinsex Jittnk. Newton j
i .i-iHiii.'n , :mii, pur
M.rrb. Mini. Hnnk 1 din
Trenton Hunking Co
i nion i,niiK. l.ovrr i
lBTlk ivies nn.h-r 1C J
Mine!' li'k. I'otlHvjJIo per
Moitonc.-ilielH llnnk 1 .lis
Tnvlorv !)'! li'ir Co 15 .lis
V'.-."l llrancli Hank
par llnnk of DHnwnro
' ' voininir Uk, u iikesli e pnr
Hank of rjltnvrns
orlt IJ:mk, i din
tVltt'li.'f nnts 1 (lis
maim:. Cily llnnk
Hk WilniK'nft Ilnnulyw.
I'nrinrrs' Hk St llelnwairc
l'n ion 1 tnnk. Wilmington
Rank of W hntlnrk S ,lis I
Mercantile Hk. n.'iniror lOilis t f lider i
n -o .-in nuns , nisi ,n,. .
M'.W IIAAIIVMIini-i. All solvent banks a
All s ilvrct tanks dis,7"Hk notes nmter 5's 4
Hnnk of si Attain 2 .lis'AII solvent tanks t!
Atlsilveut Imuks I ilis ;i? 'Under 5's, 3
Tn km f.n nor 3 ExriTr.atrNT ! .'
C'usl:. Sleani, Klectricitv ! !
7Vic Aerial end all other lines out-done by I
IJn'Jl'Slnsr Uno of
njA t. cjjij:nt.
StTllO, bavins jrreat faith in rapid sides hi
small profits, has just received auo open
a l.vri'o assortment of
At Ids Store in Market Street, Stinburv, whi.
be oil; rs I.i the public nt the lowest prices.
His slock consists of a general nssortmetit
)rv (loods. xz :
Cloths. Cufsinfvs. Ctissinrfs. Jeans. Drillinji
Mi'sliu, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin tit
Lains, Lawns, Gindtams, Bcragcs.
Sit.i; Hats.
A hiie assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Sp
ces, Fish Salt, Plaster.
.Viz: Iron and Strel, "Vails, l'ile. Saws, Ac.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, t
Wiiir. Braiuly, din, Oiim. WhisUt-y, if.
1? Country jiroduco of all kinds taken in cj
change at the highest market prices.
Jan. 15, 1853. ly.
nnciTon Yos'Ksrrn
oit, r:vi-:RV oxi-: n is ows rnvstciAN.
lion, w ith Duo ilundre
lhuji :n inus, showing
cases and Malformations l
; f.,'. -W. the Iluiuan System in ever
C- .'. ' i. -SI' i , f ... . .
a" l inn. J o wine
U ,-,i . .V
is added
1 iiseasi's
of Ihe hij
a Treatise on lb
of Females, l-ein
!.e.-l iuiportaiii c t
VO'l'le, or thou
eouicic., l itmo mariiacr.
- ;;'-"---"
Let no faiba r !
t'y Ur ';, Vou:m
b; nshame.l to present n copy ,
ICS :.. bis i !,';', !. It may 'a,
v ai;e. Let no ouiu; niati o
the .r.SCUl.A
hi:n from nn c.
, woman enter into the secret eh'ie.atioits of m n
lied life without reading the l'OC'KL'l' .ESl'l..
I.APII'S. I. (I no one solVei hit; fioin haeUnie
j Cou-h, Tain in the Side, icstless nights, ncrvou
I feelings, and ihe whole t'ain of Dyspeptic sens:;
' lions, and given eji by their physician, he ar.oth.
i. lament wilhoiil . uiisullln ihe .;c.Si. 1,'I.A PH.
1 Have the married, or llci-e about to be inarric.
; any impediiiicut. read this 1 1 lily useful book, a
j it has been the means of saving thousands of un
i fortunate creatures IVom the verv jaws of death
j :T- Any person scndiii- TW E.NTV-KI VI
, (.'EVl'S, enclosed in a letter will receive om
cojiv of this book, by mail, or five copies will In
1 sent for one dollar. Address, Hit. V. YOIWC
j No. l.-2 tsl'UL L E Street, PHILADELPHIA.'
. Po.-l paid.
; June ls !S.j'-h ly.
, EN;io!t:tl!):i ol ras Sr.oi J.IjIi).
ryiilli l.'ojeii'tiici'hip heretofore cxi.-linrr undei
S. the name nf James i. W'm. I!. Hart, it
; this day dUsolicd by tlie withdrawel of William
i 1!. Hart. The business of the late linn will be
settled by either of the undctsigncd, at No. 52!l.
' .o.lh i.'.l street.
i .vili.iam u. liAirr,
Piiihalelphia, Jan. I, ls.'ij.
i Tl-.e undersigned, have this day formed a ce
j paitnership and will continue ihe business under
j Ihe nameof James H. V Thomas Hart. Thank-
1 fill for M:;sl tiVina tli.w rp.nn.-l I'oltw otlr 1 1, u
, i-v
tention of their friends and the public to their
stock of ClliODERIEs, which will be full and
extensive, and which they will sell at the lowest
iioiraet rates.
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1S."3 JS, tt.
3iorc: a'cw ;)):!
EPPECTFL"LLY iuforms his friends and
the public generally, that he has jusl received
and opened a luio and splendid stock of,
i at his Store in Lower Auirusta tonnshin. Hia
i stock consists of every variety of
Cloths, Cussimcrs, Satlinctls, VtstingSf Flaim
ncls, Muslin, Ice.
A splendid slock of
.vtrt as Silks, Berapes, De Laincs, Merinoes,
Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, fyc.
A fine assortment for Men, Women At Children.
A large assortment of GROCERIES,
pucrr s
Sugar, CofTee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &.c.
Hardware and Queensware ,
FiEi, allautl Liquors,
Gin. Brandy, ITiim and Whiskey,
Besides tho lartjest and most general assort
ment of all kind of Goods to he had in the country. -
All the above mentioned goods nil) tic sold at
such reduced prices as they can nut be got for
Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange
at the highest market prices.
Augusta tvvsp., July t, 1853. fun.
"1 OLD PEN'S with and without eases, of a
JJaf very superior quality, just received.
Also a frcsb supply of Writinn Fluid, for ssle
6unhnry, Dee. 27. 1851.
JATEXT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fcr tvottles for sale by
It, JJ MA-ocn-
t-uubury, April, IS, IS51
en, i&'J- .