Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 05, 1853, Image 3
New Advertisements. EXECUTORS SALE. ITTILL be exposed to pul.Iic sale on Monday and Tuesday, ilia 7tli and 8th day of No embcr hex, at the lata residence of Henry Mas r, Esq., dee'd., in Sunburv, tho personal ef ecls of laid deceased, consisting in part of a lot STORE GOODS, VIZ: Cloths, Cassinelts, Cassimers, Vesting!, Shoea, Hale, Cipa, Mualina, Calicoea, Cotton Yarn, Buttons, Combe, School Books, Writing paper. a lot of sa dlery. Paints, Rpices, Tobacco. A Lot of Queeusware. Nails, Brans .-enlcs. A LOT OF SUPERIOR LIQirOKS, VIZ: Brandy, Gin and Wine. Coal Stoves, Coooking Stoves, Barrels, a Fan- nng Mill, Plows, I Sulkey, 1 Giif, 1 Cart, wo norse WRgons, 2 one horse wagons, ono iorse, a lot of Tinners Tools Tubs, and a va iety of other articles. Tcrma and conditiona will be made known on Ut! day of sale by II. B. MASSER, JOHN MASSER, P. B. MASSER, xecutors. F. BUCHER. J Sunbury. Oct. 29, 1S.VJ. ""TAK IT O T I C E . All persona indebted to the estate of Henry dasscr, dec' J., are notified that tho books, iVc, isve been placed in the bauds of U. M. York, Jsq. for collection. Those indebted are refines ed to make settlement within thirty days, as uits will be entered against all delinquents alter hat date. II. B. MASSER, "I JOHN MASSER, p P. B. MASSER, f Ex'lors. F. BUCHER, J Simbury, Oct. V9, 1853 41 LAWRENCE HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. 1MIE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, dee'e., late of the Lawrence House." in Sunbury, respectfully inforina the friend of Iter ate husband, ar.d the public generally, that she 'ontiuuea to keep the uboie Hotel, and ia well irovided with ull things nccessnry to acenmmo '.ate all wbu uiny favor her with their custom, .lid therefore aolicita their patronage. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury Oct. 59. 1853. 4m. ZJ- REIVZOVAL. -0 VOXKW ft CO. htive removed lt-Oto liXi Chemiut ! Btuei, I'tiiliitlrlplilJ, where ihey rrupy u new ami j eniitil'iil Siure, with mi vlcuit um) vll iirlccUil t nk ,' i 'ull imI Winter 1)HY WOODS, uiiMiig which lire 00 piece! of Lupin's French Meriu-M! nnd Ci'-dimeics nil etl.tin, from SI ! et,S per ynrd. ! t) ' T.i i t;m Pluuls for J it tics ttud etiil.lfens wear, W prmtuit U'J Iain- ana Ciinlimei en jti Hrocmle nnd plain JnIab (-1 u;rcrir quality. 1 i to " VI lid Silki, of atl the t-hoice pattern. I (f0 (JuZen CotiVi'lstier' hvl. l'aii Kid il"V. ( IN Oi; SHAWL IIOOM AUK 0) ?:leiiJiJ UriK-lie und Chum I same Isfi.R S!nw! of. -h- t putterii. r0 Plinvrta of the wry latest fal.ric nu-l iKi)ji'i. 1K llr icIik ftjmire ilu'wli of ex qui site style uiiil Uiitign j 00 10-1 l'laid lonir vlmwla from !?" lo 5? 10. IN OL'll CM AK HOO.M AUK i 10 Frrncli cloth Cl inks, Tallinn, mill Mttnliilax of new .ri patlcruti. loo Lynns rill, velvet ClonkH of Uin lit j 1 ike style unit ninth. Aim 6" pieces 11 .'cut l.yii m!k j dveis, varying in price from J.' M Sill per ynr.l. ami of j 'ti' color und ulitvle, for Uuliep, Cl vk f the uiott (i-ine Sh:.i-' of Blue, Hrown. HI ck. Ur;il, Olive, Upmi- i .r. from ?-i,.iO i il.Oil per yuM. Al , a fine tek of tiltxnn, KtiiliroiileiieM, in Cape", ClinnizeMeff, Coluirf. reveS,aAc.f A. Tlie whole of tin iiUove c vkIj nrc oir:n-1 inul will he , M ill extremely 1 w prin-a for easli. We arc also re rivinff by the week I v Ftcamcri. fiesh fii;phf3 of novetlie! rout I'arii ui ill loiuiii, whieli cnauleH in roufltunlly to li e fresh new styles ui tho in ut laliionab',e g'HKla t ff.T to our cut mer. AfJXr.W A C ., In HjO rhen'iut ut., one J Ktr bclnv Kiyhtli, I'hilndcli-hiu. Oct. 23, lb."3 tst II Ilil.I. TK.IC'V. Wholes le Deal- cr in ('onlectionarv. Fruits und (Groceries, la. i!U4 MAKKF.T Street, alio1. e sixth, south idc. next door to Hod Lion Hotel, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 29, IS53. 3in. List of Jurors, F Noilhuniliri land Cuutilv, fur Norctn- bu Tfim, A. I) , 1S53. (s ran (I Juror. PuNBUnr. Juliu V. Martin, Win. Martin. Northumberland.- Win Fine) ih. Mll.TiiN. John Klapp, oluinou lli'uach. D.i AViiiK Uci.j Kuch, Jacob Seutci.,l onus Fox. C'liiLtsQttAQi'E. Tunis Fisher. I'ol.NT. Charlea Paiks. Stt amokin George Keller, Juliu Huiikt'l. Ui'i'KB AucusTi. Jonaa Fry. I.'iwr.n Ai'BWT. IVter Kci'Z. Jackson. Daniel Hil;bih, I'.;., R-'tiben V. Zaitnian. Luvvkk MAHASnv. Genrjje Emciick. j;iu.. Samuel Youuu, Michael Billing. lTrrcR Maiianoy. Jacob K iiifinan. Jordan. Henry Darter. TRAVERSE JURORS. Sunbi'rv. ChaileiGobin, Henry V. Simp ion, II. D Whatlon. NiiicriiuMnt:ru.Ar. John Wlicullcy, M I D. Wiihiiij-ton, Jutncs Cask ins, Samuel G. Mau. Mil. ton Bertram Gaibrailh, Clonics Djlts, Isreul Kepler, Joeph IlogHudubli-r. DkI.ANTARK 11. C. Ilalliunlt, S.UTlllfl l.ourie, Jaine Kveritl, Geoige Piper, J. C. Ileiuey, Aaron llilliaid, Win. I win, Jacob Slitzel. Lewis. Robert Gaskin, John Hammond, Jonas Tweed, Jacob Mciii:hs. Cltll.lsQUAUv E George Frederick, Djntiis Buny Point. A. Gibbons, Gilbert Vandliuu. Uppkr Al'cviTa.' Samuel Reiluud, Uaacs Eckman, Simon Snjcler. Lnwr.n Augusta. Jonathan Harmon, Col. Thomas Snyder. Rush Jeremiah Basset, Chailes Gearliart, son., J W. Hodman. Shamoein. John Vanzant, Samuel Kelli. mu5ur. jatuu ueui icier, relist Maurer. Lower Mahanov- David Iliin, John A. Snyder, John Dockey, sen., Abraham llo tharmcl. Jackson. Jacob Hilbish, Wm. D. Huff man, Adam Kemble. Jordan. David Nace, Daniel Brucious. Petit Jurors. SuNBVRT.-Snmuel Fetter, Gideon Landau. Nouthumbirland. John Gcist, Jamei Schreiner, Joseph Wallace. Milton. T. S. Mackey, George Strine Turbut. John Dunkel. Lewis. Michael Reader, Samuel Lerch, Thomas M. Ruaael Deiau arc Andrew Gufly. Ciiilimuaoue. Wm. Blair, Jamea Pardoe Lower Aucuita Andrew Gonaerl, Peler roldrnn. EUaa Emerich. Solomon leaaer Upper Augusta Isaao Cumpbell, G. W, Brewer. COAt. Philip Kimbauh. Rush. Lambeil F.ckman. Jordan MoseaTraulman, Oenrge Slokes. Jackson. Daniel Billman, Peter Keihl, Jgoob Weiaer, John Faely. Upper Mahanot. Jonas Eiaenhart. Ijivh Mahanot. Michael Rtnerich. Snwoni. -Samuel Adams. Jacob Muench, Charles Leisenring, Emanuel Zimmerman, Georae Penoil. Little Mahanot. Wm. Hoffman. NOTICE. a T.L persons indebted te the late firm of A- Houpt 6c SJchmick, are hereby notified thai .l.:. kk. hsva been placed in the hands of M. L Chindel. Esq., fop collection, and if they io not atienil to tbi notice without delay, suits will v. kreuERl wunom rp. '""" Buatury. Oct. e,18S3.-4, Estate of GEORGE WIALL, Deo'd. YYTHEREAS Ictteraof administration on the w T estate of GEOKGE WIALL. dee'd.. late of the borough of Sunhu.y, Northumberland county, Pa., have been granted to the subscriber. Notice ia hereby gircn to all persons indeted to said estate, to make payment, and those having cluima will present them for settlement lo the anbscriber, who will attend at the public house of Charles Weaver, in Ounbuiy, on the ISth day of December next, or in my absence Mr. David Haupt will act for me. JAMES Y. TURNER. Sur.bury. Oct. S9, 185a. 6t. fXirbXitks'' riiitlorni Scales, hong InownStvrtly UsttH Ahrayi right Tht Aflnou-Zeit-gfd Ftandaril, Railroad, liny, Coal, nnd Far mcra' SCaLKS, set in any part of the country, at short notice. 4GEN TS. (iEO. W. COLWY, 5-10 Market st., Juliiladelphia, E. i . Hright, iuiibury. October 23, 1?53 3m LOOK HERE Yr r"rMIE subscriber rcipectfully informs bis fiiend and tho public, tlut he has just received in addition to his stock of Harness and udlery, a supply of TRUNKS, VALISES, SPANISH SADDLES, lil'FFABLO KOBES And Horse Mankcts, all of which be will dispose of on the moat rea sonably terms at bis cnlalilinhmciit in Suulitiiy. UEDKCiE V. Sj'J'KOH. Sunbury Oct. 2C, 185a. It. IMPORTANT NEWS ! CsOodN ilicajirr thsin tterl! AT THE NEW CLOTHING ST0EE. Market Street, opposite the Post Office. EI.SHEHH A: CO. arc receiving a splendid VH avsortment of Fall and Winter Cloods, the chenest, best and prettiest ever brought into fciunliuiy. We have on hand and arc udJin; constantly a One assortment of FALL & WLNTEU CLOTHING, comprising; partly a lot of Overcoats, double coals, business coats, black and fjucy cloth, ruti nett, and other coals, too numerous to mention. Also, 13 lack and Fancy Cns.-inicrs, C'lisaimtl and Satiuett l'unts. Abo, silk, latin, cloth, salinctt, velvet and other Vests ; also a line supply of ull kinds of I'lnli'rclutlimc. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Silk Wool and Fur Hats und Caps, T.oots nnd tshocs, ull kinds of Jewelry, Kev. lviu;i anil other Pistols, travelling baa", trunks. Shirts and Col lars, and (ieii'leinau's furnirliin iromls in gen eral. All of which wc oiler ut the lowest cash prices. 1'lease call and look at onr goods ; jieraotia in need of Cloud in our line, will, wc are confident, find it to their advantage to piirrhase l'roin us. Wc lire bound to uphold our rapidly spread ing reputation of being tho cheapest Store in Sunbury. Conic and i-nlisty yourselves of the truth of onr motto; cheap for cash. Sunbury, Oi t. !', 1S51- tf. NEW Clock Vntciimakcrs. HIRSCK & GO. HAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in tho building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Tcncr & Co's Store, in Muriel Slicet, Sunbury, Pa., Where they l:ac opened, nnd will keep constantly on band, Silver & Gold Watches, etc. Also, Jcwclrv. ConsUtiiu; Cold llreast-pins. Ear and Finiter I Kingi, Medallions, Cuir-mns. Ladies &. Gentle- j mans' gold and silver pens and pene L-ncils. Also, ! Silver and plated Tea and Tahle spooiw, salt spoons, butter knives, &c, Of iwl i.vJ i Nl j Of all sizes, suitin every age. Spy Classes, rocket Books, of all sizce. Ilazors, Hair "il, lie- volvers, and other pistols, Brushes, Combi, Soap, See., &. Also, a large stock of Musical Ziisti'iittir:!! ! amongst which ure Accordeous, Ybdilis, Flulins, Files, Flutes. CAKTET BAGS, Trunks umbrellus, Ruspcndcrs. All sizeiof rea dy made blurts and Collars ; all of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunbury. Li" Clocks, Watches. Ear and Finger Kings repaired in the best manner und at the shortest notice. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1SS3. oin. DAVIS & CULIN, Dealers in i.uir.1, i,ANTi:itxs i t n.tM)ti.u:n, j V. E. Corner Fourth and Chrrry Stretln, i PZXXZ.A3SZ.rZiV. j M A VINO enlarged and improved their Store. and having tho largest assortment of Lamps in 1'hiludelpliia city, lliev are now prepared lo furiiUh I'l.NE OIL CAMI'llENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phospbene Gas and Lard ' Oil, Lamps, Lnnterjiscf all patcrns. Fancy Hotel : and Hall Laiuis, Chundelicrs, (liiundolcs and Caudclcabias, and lliiltaniiia Lamps, ut the i Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction j prices. Bring larpe M A M"FA CTCKEKS uf j l'iue Oil, Buiuiug Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, ; und (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur- I nish these articles at such prices that Merchants i will find il to their advantage to buy. Cull before : going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, ' tlin Safety Lamp for sale. j Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly. I Pi-PEP.IIAITGIITGS. "j W . WILSON, So. 9 Seeifc Fourth Street, five doors below 1 Market si. Last side, TTA3 for sale every variety of 11 WALL PArEKS. from 6 cents per piece upwards, including Fine Satins, Uold and elets, imitation Woods, Marbles, Ac. Also a great variety of new style of Curtain Papers, Fine Board Prints, U orders, &c. Dealers supplied at the lowest rate. Phiia., Sept. 24, 185J 3m. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON &. LAN INC, MANITACTLKUUS A. IMfOUTUKft, So. 124 Arch Street, second door aliove Sixth rinLADELrnu, ' WHF.RE may l e found the largest Und liand aomesl assortment in the City. Purchasers from the country will find il to their advantago to call at our store, where they will be auitod with a suuerior article, at the low eat prices. BL RTOX &. LANING. No. Vii Arch Street, above Sixth. Phila, Sept. 17, 1853 3m. ATS AND CAPS K splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Wool and nr Hats also Cleth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps fnr sale low by r O. ELSBERG 4 CO. Market street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 1U8TICE8' FEE BILLS For sale by H. B MASEEK. Sunbury, itSI "SUNBtTkY AMERICAN ANj)jiJlAMUja NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. SUNBURY & MILTON STAGE LINE, Rt'NNINO JN CONNECTION WITH THE Philadelphia & Sunbury Rail Road. STAGES will leave Weaver's hotel, 8unbory, on the arrival of the evening cars from She mokin, for Northumberland, l-ewisliurff. and Milton, arriving at Milton, at about 10 o'clock, 1'- M. . , Ileturnina;, Starrer will le veaMilton at HJo clock, A. M-. arriving at I.cwisburg. at 4 J o'clock. Northumlierlund at 5 o'clock and arrive at Run Imrv in time to llrcakfast, and take; passage in the 7 o'clock rare for Miamokin, where stages will be in leadinefs to lake poengera to Toils- villo. arrivini in lime lo dine and take passage in the Reading railroad tare for Philadelphia, ai ri ving; tl Philadelphia at 7 o'clock, same evening. rjilagcs both ways will atop at Iiurr,a hotel, Northumberland, Wridensuul'a hotel, Lcwisburg, and Egbert'a lintel, Milton. Fasscngers will liiid this too cnr.APKsT. most Kxpstnriors, and most to.MPotrrAtiLK line to, and from Philadelphia. 11. MISHI.Eli. Sunburv, Oct. 15, 18S3. If. AUW C'LTUI' STWIL1:. A nitA.NCII OF TIIK Clothing Manuliu'toi'v, Or S. SHNURIJ Alif & CO., Eanvillo, Pa. VVE .respectfully announce to the citizens of ' " Sunbury und vicinity, that we have a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING of every atjle and quality, to which we invite tho attention of purchasers. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy oer-coat. Plain over- ! coots. Dress coats, I'rock and Sin k coats. Mon key Jackets, l'unts and Vrsts, plain and fancy ! I.iucn and Muslin fclurls, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Cloves, Stockings, Neck ond Pocket Handkerchiefs, Woolen and .Silk Hals, Cloth and Oilcloth Cups, Shoes, Hoots. (Jailers, Slippers nnd Carpet Hags and Trunks, l.'inbic las and everything ueuerail kept in a well aupplied clothing hiuI gcntlcnians' furnishing store. We keep also a good assortment of Accordeous and Jewelry. We sell at the lowest cah prices; for our motto :s, "Sm.ill Profits anil Quick Sales." Wc have but uitr ju ice iii.d no abatement, so that a person is sine to get the worth of his money, whether he is a jud-K or the goods or not. If unv article does not uive salisfai tion as to , wc will take back the goods and refund the money, provided they are returned on the same day they were purchased, w hen the purchaser resides in town, nnd in ono week, when be resides in tho country. Price the same us at the Danville Manufactory I s' Call ai:d secure the Ilaigains. Sunbury, Oct. 8, IS.VJ If AUDITORS' NOTICE. TOTICK is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor appointed ly tiie Orpiians' Court id .Mini. iirnlir rl;i ml County, to distrioutr the us ; sets in the hando of l).ii I Tiiggart, Esq., Ad ministratiir of Win. I". McCay, dec.'d., will attend I at his udicn in Sunliury, on Saturday the Sth November next, where all interested can attend. H. 11. MASSEK. f'uiibtiry, OA. 15, lS."o. td. Estate of ARTHUR III2LER, dee'd. OTK 'E is hereby Riven that letters of Ad niiiiiiitration have been rianted to the im- derwigncd upon the estate of Arthur Hihlcr, lato of (. incinnatti, Ohio, dec d. All persons having claims airaiust said estate a;e vcr;uested to present Iheio, did Hiithcnticntcd, for wttlcincut ; and tho..K knouiu llieinehcs ii.di.bted to make pay ment without ilclav. .SAMUEL HIBLEK. Adm'tor. Danville, Fa Danville, Sept. 21, 1S5X Ct. Iiii)()i'taut to Coal Dealers. "I'lIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that -"- tuey have entered into partnersliip under Iho firm of Kasc, Keed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping nnd selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the bus qiichauiiu. 'l'hev will be ready to deliver coal, wcl' prepa red, on contract or oUikiwLc, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the mo.:t reasonable terms. Orders received at bh nnokiii by K.tK, KEED & CO. .Sunbury, June 1, 1S53. lv. j Estate of JOHN DIEHL, dee'd, ! TVTOT1CE is hereby given that letters of Ad ; ' miiiislratiou on thu estate of John Dichl, late of Point township, Northumberland county, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. j 'I'hercforo all persons indcl.led to said estate will ; discbarge the same, und llmsc having demands , will present them for settlement. The Adi;is. I trntors will meet for the nhove purpose at the 1 bouse, uf William Dichl, in said township, on i Tuesday, No ember 8. IHoS. ! ' WILLIAM DilHIL, ) . , ., SAM I T.L DIEHL. AJ:'"01 j rnint twsp., Oct. 1, 1853. Ct. ORPHASV COURT HALE. l7ILL be sold ut puMie sale, on tho premises on Monday, the ot!i of .November nciit, at I o'clock, P. M., the undivided four sevenths ol outlot No. fi. in the Borough of Sunburv, as the estate of Elizabeth, Mary, Marg nvt und Frances M. F. Donne), bv order of said Court. AMELIA DON N EL, Guardian. Sunburv, Oct. 13, 1851. U. Shainokiii Town Lots. THE subscriber is now prepared to exhibit and dispose uf Lots in the new Tnwn-Plut tf Slumokin. Persona desirous of purchasing can ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by calling on the subscriber, at Shamukiii. WM. ATWATEK, Agent, fhamokin, Oct. 15, 1853. tf. Clieaji Watches 5 Jewelry, YVHOLESAI.E nnd Retail, at the "I'biladel- rdiia Watch und Jewelry Store." No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, I TTTTT. A TITT.PHT A Culil lver Watrlirs, lull jewrletl, IN carat cases, SJ,00 Onld I.ins lsH. SJt .lKI Fine Silver Ifrsxlacks. 150 hllver Ixp. full jrwllcil, :l.lJ..UI ltraeclcts, 3.00 Silver l.ever, full jcwi'il li ! nditV (inld I'enrils, I .OH Snpeiior tjunrtieis, 7 tS.lvcr Tia scions, si t, 5,uo tiolil Sectiielrs, 7,0li Uokl 1'uns, witli Pencil ui.d Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37 conta to !iS0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 1SJ cents; Patent. 1 r j j Lunet, 25 ; oilier articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what thev arc sold for. BTAUFFEK & 11 All LEY, Successors to U. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers ami Lepinea, atill lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, ISjJ. ly. IMPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS AND LADIES. CONFIDENT!-: cm he lncol, lo (he fnllvsl extrnl. ia tlie iim) . K fcrroui-aas ul .Mis Hi.i is ..I' Plnlo nrlphia. fi t inaur tlinuiund cuses sre known of cnlire lellef ul ladies liiaii the most iiiipn.i ivim .it' ,i anxicly nt miud, ausinj lr.nn uk use is ulher aripllcjitifuis OI id reriuuilim wliatever. lli-iv-r.. .j ..! .,... .......... J" kiuds, and clnsur preruli.uis, the tendcucy of wlneU f.r... TV ' ' l" we" simwn In many sul Mr.Jth ,y"r'"" K' CnunterBets. apply cxinn.n. her bigiumra on ee. h s.mnnr... ...a i... i:..! iii WalumBi,, Philadilphi, ,B' 8,,u Phila., October , 16i3. tf. SHOES. All kinds of Boots t-hoes and slip, per for sals by G. ELSBERO & CO, Market street, op-posits the Post OfEc. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. l"CoP"6ll.belao. eaehbox. Hef etuppTntcr, , il 2.Hm'- ' Hie Villus! Ex ocu tor 8 Sale. THE subscriber, Executor of the estsle of Nicholas Wolf, dee'd., will expose to Public Sale, on Friday, the llift of Sovemlrr next, on the premises, the following real estate, to w it : A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, containing about 40 acres, situated in Lower Augusta township, on the Sunburv road, leading to Plum Creek, adjoining lands of Ji el Wolf. Abraham Wolf, Richard Buhner and others, on which is erected a new two story loj house a bank burn and other good out-buildings. There is also a good spring on the premises. About 30 acres ia cleared, and the whole is in good order and repair. Possession will be gien immediate ly if required Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. when the terms will be made known. JOHN WOLF. Es'lor. Lower Augusta, Oct. 8, 1853. Is. kotick" JO PICE is hereby given by the undersigned citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, that application will be mmle to the nest Legislature of said Commonwealth lor the erec tion of a body corporate to le stylrd "Tmi: Sun nun t Savi mis' Imstituti;," lo be h atcd in tho borough of Sunbury, Northumlierlaud county, with discounting privileges, hi u with a capital uf One hunched thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Hright, John Young, Adam Shissler. Thomas Robins, Daniel DrucLe miller, Fredk. Lazarus, Geo. H. Yonngman, IV ter U Masscr, J. W. Friling. Ira T. Clement, Beiij. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal. Sunburv, Juno S5, 1S53. Cm. Book Aleuts Wauled. AGENTS WANTED in every town and county in the l.'nited States, to sell tho most popular and saleable books published, many of them beiutil'ully illustrated with colored engra vincs: also the most popular works of T. S. A K 'i'llt.'R, including "Arthur Cottage Library." Intelligent and enterprising nu n wi.l find this a pleasant and prufitable business. For particulars address (post paid.) J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher. No. 4S North Fourth street. Philadelphia, Pa. October I, IS53 7m. SoOO REWARD!!" NASML'CII as there has been ut sundry times, obstructions placed und confined upon the track of the Philadelphia and Suubury Railroad, I do hereby oiler the abme reward for the detec tion and conviction of any person or persons guilty of such ollenee. D.I V I D LON G EN E OK E K, President. Suubuvy, Sept. SI, 1853. 3m. Estate of WILLIAM FARROW, dee'd. 'V'OTICE is hereby giun, that letters testa- mcntarv have been granted lo the suliscrilieis on the estate of Wm. Furrow, lute of Shaniokin township, dec d. All those knew itstr lheinsecs indebted lo or h.n ing ciaiutsjigaiiist said estate, ' are requested to nmke settlement without delay. The Extvut.Ts will meet for that purpose tit the late residence ot the deceased, in Suy dertown, 1 on Saturday. Nocrnher 12. 1853. j WILLIAM FARROW, ) r ., j SILAS FA 11 ROW. j ''"" j . Shamokin twsp., Oct. 8, 1853. 6t. Mann's Establishment 25 SotiZi Sixth Strut, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of I'atctit Letter t'opj lutj 'iCMSi1, Pnlent METALLIC DAMl'ENERS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting barjs, Copying Ink, &c. Patent Paicbnicnt Paper, LETTER COPYING P.OOKS, Superior to all otliers, and cm.h page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A mott valuable invention for keeping in a unok-like foim, Letters received, Oiiginal invoi ces, Ac. Phila., April 0, 153. ly. 1'iLiL. .IJia.3.11 iiy t.oom. JOHN STOE i SONS, -Yo. 45 South Seiond Street, PHILADELPHIA. 4 RE now opening for the Fall Trade, a large and well selected assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Millinery Goods in geneinl. Confuting themselves exclusively to ibis branch of the trade, and i.MroaTiNR tho larger part of their stock, rouble to offer an assortment unsurpassed in extent or variety, which will be j sold on the most favorable terms. Phila.. Sept. 17, 1S5X Cm. C II 13 A r WINDOW SHADE Depot anJ Iltiiiiifaetcry OF U. W. earner Arch nc.-i Sr-eaiid htreets, j?iiir,AD:.rxjjA. fVEBV VAUIEI'V OF MIADES, Whole-"- aa'e and lictail, such as .Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, aro lo be had at the lowest prices foi quality of work. Ordera (or Gilt, Plain Stoic, Lettered and other Shades executed at short nutice. Merchants and others arc invited to give us a trial. IIr will try to filca.'l. Brasses, Trimmings, etc., alwavs on hand. Kemcinlier K. W. corner MZVOXD & AfiCJI Streets, Philadelphia August 13, 1S.S3.- Cm. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. Soap 3 Caudle Manufacturers AND DF.a!.l:itS IN Soriu, Sim cb, t'aslllo Soaps, &c. HAVING increased facilities for manufactu ring, thev are now prepared to offer induce nieuts to purchasers and dealers in the above named articles. Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex clusively on the cash principle, and at the lowest wholesale price Call and satisfy yourselves Our motto is 'Quick Sates und Small Profits." No. ii Filbert street, above Olh, Philadelphia. August El, 1S53 3m. J 111 rove 111 en.!! KLIAS BROCXOU3 HEKEBY informs Lis fiiends and the public generally, that bo has just received at his old stand, ill Ataikc! street, opposite Weaver's hotel, An excellent assortment of t r fT5 ' i"- i.'.WeoiWvyWW) F HE X 0 11 C A Ii V H K 1 N S , French Lasting, And all kindi of Luings and Shoe findings, which he oilers to the trade at reasonable prices. lie also informs his customers ane others, that ho still continues the Shneinaking businvss, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in good and fashionable sty Is, anil on reasonable terms. Sunbury, June 11, 1853. ly. FOB. SALS! A Splendid liuggy 1 TJERSON3 in want of a well mad bupgy, on - reasonable terms, can find 011s by calling on the subscribar, in Bunbury. JAME8 COVERT. Bunbury, Oct 1, 1311 lm- A Farm for Hale. rIHE subscrihor oilers for sale bis farm, A CONTAINING 2S ACRES snd allowances. It is situate! about three miles from Sunbury Hong the Shaiunkih creek, and is in a good state ""cultivation. Tho Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. It w ill be offered ia parts or entire lo suit pur chasers. It can be divided to make thrre small farm. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, o good Bank Barn, and two tenant houses. JOHN EARNS WORTH. Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1S5.1. tf. JULIUS STERN, t - 1 1 "B N. 171 Aorih Cur Slrff. vrvile lite Hntrl, riiiLADrtriiiA. E IT AS opened a lull hi.. I extensive as Borluieitt of nil kinds of Millinery articles, such na Ribbons. Laces, Llou'il Lace, Silks, Florence", Bnni.el-fiHttica, and a largo assortment of i ceJlc winked handkerchiefs, Collars, Capes, Flounces, Li.'ei liens, Lilcinirs, iVc. ; together with a variety cf other I articles loo numctoitH to mention ut V HOLESALK and li'i'AIL. I Persons niaking their I'all purchases i ore invited to give Mm e tail. Phila., Sept. U. ISMl. Sui. KEGISTEAS1 NOTICE. j jV O riCE is hereby given to nil Lefalees, j (Creditors and other ctM!n interested iti the j Estates of the following iinme l persons. Ihot tho j Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have tiled their accounts with the Register of Northumberland Couulv, nnd that the same will be presented to the ( lr 'hum,' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the Slh ri.iy of No vember, A. D., 18.)3, in tlie forenoon, for cotif.i mntinn and tt.lowuni-e. Wm. Kuse, sen., dee'd., Final iiccount settled by one of his Ex'rs John Kase, N! ai tin Druuiheller, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, T. Druuiheller. Catharine Lstsha, dee'd., settled by her LVr, Frederick Latsha. Jacob (ireini-r. dee'd.. Finol account selilcd by his Adm'r de bonis non, Geo. C. Welker. Geo. Philips, dee'd., settled by his Ex'rs Peter Winner and Jacob Philip. Peter Burns, dee'd., settled by his Executor Henry Burns, Joseph l.cib, dee'd., settlej by his Adm'tor i Samuel Logan. j Roliert K. Dearmond, dee'd., settled by one of his Ex'rs John Watson. Samuel Hunter, dee'd.' settled by one of his Ex'rs Wm. L. Dcwart. Benjamin Lose, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor Win. Seolt. Caroline Pcifer, settlej bv her Guardian Eliaa Peii'er. ' j William Civile (Jolt and Sarah N. Colt, minor children of Thulium Colt, dee'd., settled by their Guardian William A. Pelriken. John l.cib, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel Lerch. JOHN P. PLTISEL. R'egistcr. i Register's Ollice, ) Sunburv, Oct. 8, 1SI3. S lT.OCLAIATIOX. I jV U'i'lCE is hereby Courts of Commo giien ibnt tlin several : ommon Pleas, General Quarter : Sessions of the peace, and Oprhuns' Coin t. ("ourt 1 of (.Iyer and Tcnuiner and General Jail Dcliverv, ' in und for tlie county of Northitn.bcrlunil. io ! couiincncc at the Court House, in the borough ol ' Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the ; 7th duv of Noembcr next, and will continue i TWO WEEKS. i The coroner. Justices cf the Peace and const i- ; hies in and for the county of Nv,-t!iuni!.i'v!nnd, are i rctjuvate.l to be then ar.d there in their proper per- ; sons, with their rolls, records, inonisilions, and i other remembrances, to do llic;e fiina ti their i several oliiccs upbcitaitiinj to be done. And oil j witnesses prosecuting in behalf of tho Common wealth Bgu:r:st any prisoner arc alio requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their ! proper persons to prosecutu ocaiiMt lii.n, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at tlicir peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the Sth djy of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight and fifty-three' and the In dependence of the United States of America the 77th. WILLIAM II. Kin. SheruT. Cod save the Commonwealth. List ol' Causes, TTjOR ttial in the Court of Common PL'as 1? of NortiuunbeilaiiJ Coe.iitv, al November A. D., If 53. fLAtriTirrs. iirri:NiASTS. George Shiley vs Ab'ni Duukcll.eicr's adtiu'x Fagcly &. Co vs IIui;h Bellas Abijah Bowen vs Wm H Thompson George Voxlbeimcr vs Daniel Kullantr J B Masiser vs Barbara Thaller's c'is Henry Klaze i Eve his wife vs ' Jacob Zartinan's chiii. iterator William MeCartv vs Samuel Hunter Dlillirl Kiiodcs Isaac llulTii it Wife Simon Snj dcr llt'.z for Kcii'.er ' vs Jamb Wcrtman vs iieutv Lnlslta vs Geiiri'e Smder Mover i,v M.'ci' Gar- liivtice E Kaufman et al juic Cornelia McGinlcv asliiii'-ton Mutual In si. ranee ( cni) any iStatc Mutual l'iie Insu ranee Company Daniel B. C.iiilield vs Alhiu Newberry John Hunter vs Thomas llas.-r is John llaai; D Hoats for M 5wcny v, J'!,lk ,wil'" ,u,Ucf! ' . to terrctenant Oliver B Ililliard vs John liartman Jr John W Peal vs Joseph Diinmick, et. al Christ & McFaddeu vs Susanna lieil Wendel I. Kclfer vs John V Wolling v William porsuian el al vs John Parks Jane Bogar s Georo P. Buyers et al John Bush Ac Wi,'c v Nathaniel Saxtons adm'r AnBtlira Gehrig vs Georce Eckerls adm'r J ck A tshisslcr vs Daniel Glenn Iicuben Fagelv 4 Co vs John Eoisrr c C'o Jacob K Kluadi vs J Fay A J ll.irman Daniel Gibson vs Jacob Benuert iV Wm I'uhlcr J Ott Bockcfcller vs Hugh Martin v George Paifair v Hobcrt H ulchiilhon vs Samuel Diving vs Joseph Writzcl vs Jcse C Hoi ton L't ubeu Vro'.el Ilaiiisoo ileiui Henry I. aim l'.x'r It D Cumminga Benjamin 11. 'bins Jordan e- Welker for Lodge No !!'! vs William r a (rely David McMieken Dennis C Caul vs II D Cuiuinins vs Jacob Kline Benjamin b'ubius 11 D t'ununinge. Abraham llrubcndahl James lieed Gainirhee rs .11110 Ham, Abraham 'Front vs John S Good vs Jacob llil'.iisli vs Morris I. Hullowell vs Scull it Thompson vs Bun clt S i7'ru t co vs llichard B Biiltcu A ro vs S.111111 .iames in: mid, 1 ProthoiK lary s Olfiee liee. I fi, 185'). Sunbury, October Luiulier Yard, r"llll Bi.hscrilu r would tesK.i'lfullv inform the -- citizens of Sunbury, and Noithuml erhrnd and aitioiuiiij counties, mar lie lias opened a Lumber Ynrl in tbe lot fiontine on Cranbeirv St., a short dis tance East of the Steam .Saw Mill, where lie has now a large amount of StasoneJ runnel I'lnul, aha runnel Boards, and sll other Boards and Bciidiho MATKBtii, such as will be wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount of Shingles on hand, which w ill be sold from 16 up to t6, according to quality and til. Please (jive US a call and exsmino our price snd quality. N. B. Farmers who aro iaj want of Shingles will pleas call ts we will sell lo von low. r J. E.LEIB.Sup. . tSuubury, Mey , !Si3 I Jf - 'Eureka, Eurcl;a." VE IfAVL rOUND IT AT LAST". 7VJ0W for tho little ones. V i,y will parents waste hours and days in I. i,i '.ess endeavors to get perfect pictures uf locir ei.ii.lreil and after sll get nothing but a po-ir, le caricature 1 Wo would say, come lo our EXCKLSOItt CALI.KRY and we will guarantee to mnke you a perfect picture, by 0r E,.,.c Chkm.c.l troceaV that work. i, fro,,, J to S second.. W'n .t.,r.. Tl '. . 1,1.1 1 , ,. " ... . ., ' ; 1 ..'.. '11.1 'hm ui.. ns we are nif " 1'"" ' in' " '""I io our nil- Icre.,1 estiihlishttienui in New Ibig'and and the .ilMiI.e States. J-or pictures oi ml till, tl.f silver medals w tecein-d fiom Ibe A iiieriv.. n Institute, Ncv 'i'oik and i'ian'..l;;!, Pliilndelpliia. togclhrr with the niiiuerutis picniiiiiM lrni,i County Fair-, in sullicient proof tht they urc the XeJ'tns VI: m of perfection. n would cull attention to out ,i'iilbo!ypcr..-D,igiiei,reiti tics in Oil, D. C. I.i.m ivs ,t (:,,.',' luy Cbcsltmt Stic t Philadelphia. M'itu htrci.t, o;ipu;le site ll.nnn. d:-u ibiuso. Sj,viii-fieiJ ar.l Collin' Building, W estiiel.l. .'..'n vi. N. II. t.Jnr cstiTb'i-l.inpftt illiupinatr.l bv the briii otirvv ol cur I tcti.ircs bv :.:f-.t'j Lni D.. bi '.- otWio;- ll.:r.. rf.n i; "i. otnn ami vt." Phila., Muv 2y, Ii".. Iv t. EEAVEI', KUEKIi & HOCKS, HAE received a very anaorttueitl FALL AND WIN'i Cll GOODS, consisting in part of '.() pieces .' ut 4 to C- n:(. I'll) id r-i i-i fi " -S to o.'i cents. ill) " Calicoea at 5 C 1 8 It) and l'-'J.. First rate ealieo, inaildrr color al H and l)'cctits. CO pieces Debegc ut 1- and -Jo etn. K! pieces 0-4 French 1(!0 to lliVL l!'i!) long and souare Sliav. is, it from 1,5,1 In -V.JI) UO pieces black, colored. liurid nnd plain t'ilks, tiKeliur with fiery variety uf Goods suited t, tin; season, at as low lalca a:: can be had in Phila delphia at ret:: il. A lar,;u assortment of Carpets, Stoves of all kinds lor wood or coal. Cull and ace, as He will sell you goods at such prices as will give satis faction. Lcwisbutrr, Sept. SI, 18.1:1. Ct. fJtis I'i In f.u A. 1 .tl 111 lis: HElfolCK, HOUXIIvTO & BE0THE2, - . .... il o. .'l Siurt'i Second Street, Above Vine, ?I -WING bad many years practical experience in the business, und as all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate supervision, we tire enabled to olb'i lo purchasers superior ar ticles, in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable terms. At our More may bo found, in every variety ond style oOinish, (') an, , ,,,, Chandelier,!. Pendant. Wide Brackets, for Halls, Churches. Ac. the I.MPEOVEI) PINE OIL LAMP; also, 1'inid. and Oil La-nps, Gir andoles, B:pc:e Holder-; Parl..r, Nil.t und Heading Lamps. On hand, Glasses. Globes. Wieks. Shades, Ar, ALL WOKK WABI5ANTED.OR NO ."SALE. Factory No. SO Noble St., near 4lh. Kcmembcr store S'.'l N. rd st,, r.c.t door to J. Stewart Depuy'a carpet store. Septemljer 10, IS.;:). Sin. WILLIAM GROVES & CO'S Upholstory, Ik-deling Fcn l!n;p Wiiroiiousi. S. E Corner Second and Arch Streets, rMrivvE'Eir-irrA. GrKir.G BEDS, Fealiier lUds, Hair Mats, ' -J Dusk, und titiuw .M.itirisscs. Cushions, (..'ot, Coinfortable Couut.-i-par;.., fiackings, Blaiiketn, etc., Ac. Cnnstantly b.i.nd or made to cr.ler and sold Whch.a'e and llctail, on th? most umh aijie tei'iiii!. FE.T!i ilA.l! --s. iitt sj.'C.'t'iNelv by the b.dc or po.if.J. ited, pr.iinpt'y e.ecut suti.-rcciio.i. N. B. Maiti-ciset OrJ SJ.i , atK, v.a. ii'.t-J to five e-mriJc and Feathers rc icuo'. a'o.'J. Phila., Sept. 10. tBf.1.3m. Live and Help Live!! ! OtT. illiTlO. S. IJ. THOMPSON H'J KSPECTFL'I.I.Y informs his friends and 3 ''a the public geiieiaiiy, that hehasju't rc- ceivcd at hie store, in Siiiibury, I clow Weaver's Hotel, a lurjje, handsome and cheap assorttacnt of SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD?, consist in;; in part of Drj Goods, viz : Cloths Cosinters f'assinets. Jeans, DriUi.iz, Muslins, I'cstins, Linens, t'c. LAD1F.S DliF.SS AND FANCY GOODS, tVx.i'.i. Muslin ih Lnins, Luicns, Ctnzhaius, li:.ra$es, RlWs, l;e.- .'ai3i', 'l'eas, Ci'r'ee. Bice, Mola -ses, Cliccse, Wj icca, Fisii, Salt, ie., &c, Ate Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Kuiiesi Fwika, ic. Cucensw&ro, of various sty !cs and patterns, boot3 Airn sszoi:3 A;e as.rtineiit of Duots nnd Slices, for men, women and children. Hits Cirs, & t'., of vuiious sizes and styles. llesi-.lrs a largo and I'ei.einl n-snrl incut ol fashi.iuable OlhI. C'ull and c.ii.ijtic furnui- SlilCS. IV Country produce .1 all Kinds laken iii cxhane at the highest innrkcl pri.-cs. ts'.iiibiiry,4 1110. 3:1, l.Si"l. Porte Jloiiuaies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. fSiHll intention of the Trade, nnd others, in E. want f Pinto M niuaies, Pocket Honks. Bankers' Cases, Dies-iug Cases, Portable Wri- tin Des,;s, Il.ie1.:.'iini'i"ii and Cbc.s )oarl.s. ( 'l.cssincn, Ptiiil, i;cil, and f-i'ver Cord Cases. W'oik lloi-i, Ca'ns, Needle Books, Money Belts, Ciaar Cases, Po'llolios, Haiors and Uaz-ir Stiuis, Tiaiellini; Flasks, and line Cutlery, to trclher with a 1 j variety of I'anci Oootis, which will li- sol. I at the Incest rules. F. II. SKITK, Poite Monnaie and Po.'ket Hook Manufictiin r, i05 .-In 'i St. Khs SiMh, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, l?.'-3 tf. ADIE.S DltKss iUiwD-s Dress S,::., A French Merino, Persian Twill. De Laiues. Do llcrajri", rasluiieres, c ilico, wnilud, cjlms, shiinc.etle, cutis. j c, ju-t rcceiie.l and lor sale by Sept. 10, 1HS3. I. W.Tl'.M'.lt & ( 1 INDIAN CtlOLAGOl.TK An cv.elleni rs- ' inedv for lliu cuie of Fever and Aiiue, Hi lioiiS Feier, liiteruiittcnt or llcmit'.'iit r'eis, just re. cciv. J and for sale by I. W. Til. Ml K A CO. Sunbury, Sopt. Ill, IS'i.1. WACKEKEL. Sralle.l rih, Heriiiiss, Diied i-'Ji Eeef, Hams and cheese. jirt M. civcd and for sale by 1. W. TENKU e CO. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1SC3. fplendid lot of Carpelins, Floor Oil Cloth, il l,lo Oil covert, Carpel chain, door mats snd lliaitinij. just received and for sale by Sept. Ill, 1653. 1. W. TEN ER & CO. UiU fchore. Date Caps and Gum Shoes, u,jt received snd for aile l r Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TUNER & CO. W KITING FLITD and self aesling Ens lust received ale for sabs bv urd d 19. ISM 11 V. MA joe n. ILEUE 13 YOUR RLLILDY! ITol I (iw.ny'j )S i.t me nt. A MCT MlrtAl lri'.'S CI Rt; (IP PAU LttP AITKP. 13 VKAI-S' SLI-ri.I'.INtJ. Extract oi'a Letter from .Vr; IV m. Cilpin, cf TO, St. ilarfs Street, IftymoUh, dated Mcy 15A, l30. . .. rnii-Mnr Mnl l.eVnT. . I'?,'-,Al Vic "l'? "f wil m t) m.b Thai n:.1!' Ztt,:,!?.u T -e bitt,,,,,,!. lKr a,,,i, SZ;;'!;:,1 I 'PltlllT .llS U'M. ll,.n. ...... I . " or un( trsstl .trftetniff. inn r.. . .i.. I nitiri'tv nf r. i,i m- I..MV inniily- tl i wttrniiir wi'l,..,.. it.... . ,. - i .i . ' "'"i"' " was iiifl. lait Z l r l, . . V'lr, Slid It,, stsl. - - a-, I usd vmir Adv. I.T'?''' '."'.r l'' V""r - ait Oiniin.,,! I mi l. tin n li -1 res wf, a:t. r H'r ,,,), K,iy (,,, ' , .. e-t.sci.-c. (,..!., , ,. MlP f,mn,.rrf,', -,l i tr ii 'l I. iii i T' :l, p ...v if, r.iml hM.l.l. III li.-vj . H 1 1 ' t V ""iii it lir lri.' ,.,(l,ri, a , ........ , tvuiiri'.r inw .1 III "i!''-X'Ji't'''i "t":''u- "" I . I. -i.vii.1 us n;e 3i't,.-iit ,,i i-i.,w.rtr.r, ""') WlLl.fAM OAl.t-lN I a i i:itx 7fi vi:ai;i ch-- ack cvi'.r.n of a v : !,!(:, ,r 3o VKAr.f.' standi."-) I C.vy ,4 .1 'j crfiom Mr. Vtn. Albs, Uuild- tr off, ''I (Jffns. cf Uuskelifs, near Hud i.'. t'.jUtl M.m'AUt, ISil. r lT. u... v...v. ,! " '"" ':ii-'v ;e.,r, ff.m , v. . r i: i.r- a. I I V ( .!. r- u. i.:utti,:s i:l 0:.a ii -e iiw.ii.lorn, i t..,j '..i i i.l iid: i,,., n ,iii .nt iluvii.e tM 'i at III!- If. HIl'SI I ..m li. M 'i ' i, i i. in . M' i n tn f' ' ' nil.i l.. v.lir I'll!. ...,.i IJ...-.I1:. I.I. lil.-f- .. ! il V Wl i.- i . i '. I Thf 'ni'.i i i i i I lai.n.nel, I. 'J'Lc I'iils I, ! i:i i-l ' f ti.e i j;. i ' - i n ii'.r-ii-if. cur,. ei,,,r, t,nie( " ' ' r.-i-n I lie li, II.M-'..M AlitH. '-.t-.'inrn! da Ve vr l,...! t y Mr y p I..M, l.'l, .Mi.i!..;t fci i IJuiVtcruield'. I .i used f .- Willi ll.t I tl-' II... I I. :-r, I liin.-if, . nr , I'ai. ; .-I'.K.f, CM-i-'ama. l i 'n,ii.- J t-iajs, . (M,!:) 1'i.m-m l"..ii f i ti.d r ii.l (tiff Join's, Ni;ii.Ii.l, Sciivv, I a-er. Fistulas, (i'Mil. C'taiHtit'sr ii I i'n,ii vij Pit.-s If liiiiriiLtitin f.-il.i., is. r... tin "fits, t .e-b'ftCs, i.Ul.t.-', ..I v.. t.i 1 I ' .r i.i;. i.hM'i.. l-:i-;iln-lti;i!i?, SIiIn-iIi.-.-iii., 't'.:miu(l, a u:ii:ad: i. i. V"" r;m-.sT clt.f.d in .MClNTtl. L.i 'ror.l o f ,i Later t'r 'i'oki ,ir. I redt'tck Turn- er. !! Pelt,.. is'., Kent, i'mLJ Uxember IZ'.h, I'rufcssi'T lii'l.LOM'AT, Ur.B Si a. .My wi.e he.l ic'lb-nrl fnin tl.t lliwiu fi m-re thi.n six iismths, aiut anuii the ia rr A had the Iwsi mimical atlriiilanci:. but n.i t'.i no nsc. Having be l"io li-.-il'iil mi nwlul wmmil in my nwn leir, bv i-..ur nil rivnlled inetliciiH). I il'ilennin-il aaiu I" i"e y'lur Pills nnJ (Miiiinii'iit. inrl thrr'-lMrii gave thcin a trial in e:ise, nnd f irliinaly it win 1 itid s i. i .r .n less tliaa a in-'iith h pmiccl enre win etIVele.l, inul 1 1,,- Ij -iu 'ir that . rri oth er branches ot' my niieilv tinve ili i ive l In in ll-rir ma renliy n.l'iiiifiiinj. .,w ptiuiu-K- rr e iniii-i d ll.rni t. all my I'rieuils (Sign, il) "l KIiUMi TL'IINKlt. S .lit nl the l--ii! IHiinent f-r' Pr.-f-i? r lIotLi'TTAY, 841 Slrun.l, (near 'IVniple lt:ir, (."wlui'.) or.-l In- ull r-.j wml.v Uincvistn and Ueah-rt in Meth. im-i 1 1 . r nfil 'lit llie ItritlfU c. ne. fi Ih 'r ui ttm I'liitid Slut':?, in li -xe nt aij'"., . and CI SO". e:icll Whiili-fil... Iiy the jnini i, nl ii s in ma Liui'ii, ami by iMi-i,si. A. li. .VI.'., 1 ;"'' . riirre is a rvitciderabla savii-j l.-y Inking the Israel .ci . i : - I -ircf- cftt"in fur the pniiUines of r.aiioi iiintl ui evifry l are iicixe'l tn each b.ot. Det .bfl- il, 1.V, !)-. 3Ii 111 iiibiii Academv, Ziii;iiiI;i! tr, t';iio,i uu.ii.v. I't siti-i. P.F.V. J. G. ANPACII, r , KEV. K. KElFFl-i!, C"''" A. C. FISHER, PiiucipnL MISS ELIZABETH X. U0VUU, Principal of Fonali Department. ED1VIS FISHER, ZYacW of Mathematics and Vocal Music. CIIESSELDES FISHER. M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, i;'C. The Summer Term of this flourishing Ir.sti lute will commence on Mti.Mi.iv, Jci r i:o, ISS3. The course of instruction wili Le ihornur!i and practical. Matlicuuitic and il:c At.cient Lati ruacca, as well ns otiier branches, will be taught, es tar as- practicable, on the analytic method. j Daily une will ba made ol the blackboard. i (lithography, r.eadiiiir, English Cotuposilinn, and Dcclsuiati.'!! wid receive their full share of attention. D'ac!i'.ii.7:, Cfltislru Comp.s i.c., will iio la vcvinj; ai.d Civil Encii.e. ;an of Map"., Use of i'.it la students in Sur- ur.:r. l.c.-Diis iii Music, DiawiuT, Oil rintin Water Color, &c, Oinamental Needle Work, 1cik!i a iij Botany wiil bo given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Castlcton Female Seminar:, Vermont, and comes rccomnicndvd j by the Piiu:tpal of that Institution, as "ayounj lady of agreeable uianners and l:i j'l literary at j tiiii.mcuts." 1 Young ladies ar.d ccntlemen who design to I I ecnitt teachers, will find this Institution ail cfii- cicnt scho.'l for prcparnlicn, sine there will bo connected with it, (jurin; the great part of tho j J'car. a Tki iii.ns' Ins i i i u r:, the members of j whic h will hae tho otitnirtuuitv of atlcndii'.i; an Evening ("ouiie of I. cuius on School Teaching, and ac'.iiiin j a knowledge of the art, under tbe supervision of the Principal. The gjvcrninciit of the school is based upon ' tlie law of universal love, which enjoins upon all ' to do lo others as tiny would think it right that ! others should do to the in. Hence the rules will j be mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents ! a 'id truar.lians may assuicd, that loo morals, j hal-iis of study, and ccncral deportment of tho j students wiil be carefully attiln'trd to. j 'Iho builitin; is now unileroin'j a completn 1 ren.jv .-.ii i.i. It will be p'jil.te.l, I'urnislicil with ' nee. desk j. a le!', co;-.w;,ict.l re. iiati in rooms, te. j Miwliubui is a tini'ini; and hcnllhy boiojr;1!. jits itihal'ilai.ts arc m iul, biteliiei.t and ruler I pii.siiii;. Its street hava tieen rcceully graded and pave.l. It i, in everv respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for s'udeuts. W'r. therefore, I trust t'.ial the f. iends of eduintion will dtciu tho i Acadeinv woithy of their liberal support, j IT- The pii. e of board, in the best of piivato j families, not exceed Cl.oU per week. ; N. li. siu lciiU may enter the Academy at : any llo.e dining the term ; yet it is desirable ; thnt tbev be present, if possible, on ihs first day, Miiili'libtaa. July 16, 1853. 0m. I X. M . Newnatu's Rem, Norwegian street, Pclizvillt, i-u.'f 'J lem.a. t'isiiisl.ii'.S' Miop, ff ,s CONSTANTLY ON HAND A PUP- ply of all sines of Lead Pipe, t'beet Lead, Block Tin. Bath 1'ubs, Shower 15. libs llMlra iti, Il.iac, Douiic and Single Acting Pumps am Wa ter Closets ; also, all kinds of lira Cocks fnit j ' J 'a' 0ii C !'. "d Olol 1 for Ens'tiies. All kind. 01 i opj-er 1 orn ami l.catCil u.ii,..,cr at tho 1 riuiiiiniii; don .' in tile j shortest notice. N. il. Casli paid for old f!rs-:j ".Tr.l Lead. Pottsville, Atia. li. ly SVU I JE W A li D- f51li: rcwirl will le pad for iff.' l lion wiil lead to the I'is'M'-iv. C.Mivirti-Hi !' lbe tiers'Ui O' Kimi'U '. 1 v..-,e of lili'ii:;'. lbe axe,' m.ves ii lbe puf i 1 r' -i ,.iu. I cars of tlie Plii'a.Mpl.ia tan J Si.iibii-.' i I i ilh sand and ) i. i.oNGENr.cT;,:n, I Sunburv, .-'. ti;. "7, ISJ.-- 111 1- Moue C '(it (crs and Lul.CFC'.l'S eiTOXE cutleis snd laborers ca .1 h . 'i "v ' employ and a winleiaj ih. (n- ; .. : the water,) at the I ni.m and u-y ifi. 1 1 !'i.:r.. al Chantual), Liiion eoiintv, Pa, 1:.. j twecn Lnerpool and Norihoiir.M'ibv.iJ. Vj it- boieis 91, "S ler dav will l o ei'cn. Li'inNuiNG & nsnr-K. Chapman, Sept. 17, It-.'3 if. WHESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality - just received and for sal bv June 4, IK.V1 If. B. MASSER; wroin SMLN. A In of double and siiials" I bar. el led sruns. alio! belts, powder fltl a, gulf ps, Cinta, powder, shot snd lead for sale by le;-. I1.13. I. M'. TUNER 4 C