Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 05, 1853, Image 1

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nil? AMHRICAX In piililialml every ftilnrdny nl
AO DOI.l.AltSt per annum In lie punUinll yeiirlv ill
.-mice. No paper Uisuiuitiiiucd until all urrtainjfc' ure
Ml emnniuaicntii'lis or letters on business relating t'
i u.licc, to inture attention, inu't l POST 1'AIU.
to ci.ri.
im. oopiet to nne aitilres,
,v, 1). IV
........ ii,. ii.i
SO 11(1
'ivij dollars in advance will y for Dure ye:n's uli
ipilun tu Uie American.
Stiitmo of 10 line., 3 times,
erv sulrtninent insertion,
e fctjllrirc, a lll'illtl).,
t month,
re yir,
siiies. Ouuli of rive lines, P" itn:inm,
Helmut, ninl others, iidverlisin by tlie
.car, with the privilege 'f ni'erlulg
:tr....,,tii weelilv.
1 I "I
V l.r(tei Advertisements, ns prr ogrRCimoel.
ISiisincssntteiidcd In ill the Counties of Nor
ambcrl.m 1, 1'iiion, Lycoming and Columbia.
IlelYi lot .
P. A A. Kovoutlt, "1
Lower it Barron,
Snmer & Similar,!. I'iiifint.
UryiinUI, Mcl arlaiul & ('o.,
lX'rin, GooJ iV Co.,
Ujjice opposite the Court Jlousr,
Sunb'ary, Northumberland County, Pa.
l'ro:nit. allfiiiion lo business in nitjnitiing
11 nties.
lTTORNEY at law
Dev. 13. 1851 tf.
IVceml'iT , ISoi. If.
IOOTO r W. I W (ill KS.
on lSromlway, noar tlie I'pisccial
' I'liurrh, Sutiliiiry.
SimlnKV, May 14, 18.11. tf.
I tt m 1) C a ft) o a c ,
lirtill!t Shirt bi l.iw ?th,
iiai i S 1.50 pr.r day.
1'iitla., Mov 28. IS33.
Dilworth, 15r;inson t;
Co. or & Okai.i-us i.v
S'orciii ami Enn1ic
An. 59 Market St., I door beloa- id St,
hrT.i llit'V nl'.viiy. oc-) on limit a large utoof uf
eu ry varioty of Ildrdwuir, Cutlery, iVc.
in. lli-lwoii'i, ilrnry 1). Liimlii,
iiim-l Urans. , Jjiius M. Vance.
(.Motor 10, 1855. ly.
1 S inbiiri) rising ot of h;r stern of inmuj
Tlie Iron liorsc snorting am! lii.iivin; lias arom
lirr sleeping energies ami ini'uml nvwtigiir
0 lur nroistrate nystein. One of itts first cllei'ts
seea in toe vast amount of new am! f jnliioiia-
gooiU, just now arriveJ lit
J. V.r. TEN Ell k GO'S tiTOEE.
ieir litotk in eleaiit and varied anJ well wnrlii
inn : avc, and liuvins too ut tlie priers lliev
1 r tliem ; ail ure resjifelivrly invited to itisju'.-l
.1 jiurcliue.
Suidntry, rejit. 10, 1S53.
" AVM.'M'CAltTV,
iitniKi k 1. 1. 1: i: ,
.Unkd Sired,
HVr nveived and f ir sale, a lUsli fnij-nly of
ct txj;;.M4 t 3t;
siimiifi Srli'w's. He in nl'O ouiiiii nt
;h ti'ne, a larjre ok oitinent of Uool.s, in cery
mi ll of Literaturi', consistiin; of
Poetry, History, Novell, Koimn-e!', S-.-ientifir
'orkcLaw, Mediiine, Silmol ami (".lililren's
liil'les; fSeliool, Pocket and Family, belli
th and without Kif;raiiii;n, and every of vari
t of limiting. Praer liooks. of ail l.iuda.
Also just received and fir sale, 1'iuilotn Hi
st of tlie laws of Pennsylvania, edition of Idol,
ice only ? 6,00.
Judge Heads edition of Tilaekstones Coinmrn
ric, in 3 vols. 8 vo. fmnierly sold nt S 10,00,
id now offered (in fresh binding) at tiio low
ice of 30,00.
A Treatise on flic laws of Pennsylvania re
ceting the estates of liccedcnU, by Thomas F.
ordon, price only 81,00.
Travels, Voyage uud Adventures, all ol
iiith will be old low, cither for cash, or couu
y produce.
February, 21, 1855. tl.
Bank or XonTiiiMiinunn,
Northumberland, Junn 53, 18.33.
Tim Directors of the Hank of Northumberland
v nr.ic8 thaC they intend to pply tho next
cijislaturc of this Commonwealth, fr a rencw-
of its charter wkh the same capital, and with
present title, location and privileges, liy
cfer of the Hoard.
JNO. TAG G AKT, Prest.
June S5, 1833 6ro.
ITOTIHE is licrcbv civen. that application
will re made lo the next Legislature of
'ennsylvania. for the incorporation of a company,
rith discounting rrivilee"' t0 1,8 lo(,,t,J t,,e
..,,.li nf Suoburv. in the county of Northum-
erlaiid. with a capital of One hundred thousand
ollars, to lie called tho 'Susquehanna .Sarins''
nslMidr. ,
Hunbirry, June S5, 153. Cm.
Y l 1 1 'l ' & II E N D R Y ,
Store, 29 N. 3d atreei
Moiore Jlanufacturera, Curriers, Importen,
JommWon and General l.eainer nusiness.
fTF Manufactoiy IS Margaretta Btreet.
Phil'., August SO, 1833. ly.
f EWELKV. A nice assortment of Gold and
bilver Pencils and rens, ior saie cne.p oy
G, EL8UEKG it CO., i
Market atrcet, opposite the Post Oflic
tuub'uiy, Oct. , Hod ..
1 'Hamlin iicmspflprr-Drbotcii to UoKtfcs, Jiftcinturr, iiiornifty, jrovtffln ann Domestic Sinus,
I"rom N. Y. Ln lies' Paper.
By Pho-.cce Caiii v.
Well, If I liirn !, iitid Ifl him slaj
1 tin not mean 'n (li' ;
I piicM hu"ll litul llntl I fan live
Wiihoul ti i mi , if 1 liy.
Hi ibniiuht lo liinliii'ii'nie willi frotvtn
So teriibl.' iind blaek
He'll Rlayawiiy a thousand yettis
lloloitf 1 llk him buck 1
Hi? pai'l that 1 had acted wron?,
Ami fonli-hly, lnjsi lo ;
I won't fnrsivi! hiin, lifter ll'itl
I vvotililu't il 1 diud :
II IVns witu what lilit bad ho
To bt so cio-." ilh tin-1
1 know I'm not an anut'l, (juitc
1 ilou't jiietri.d lo In.
lie hid niKilher nvcelhearl once ;
An I now. when ui: fall mil.
Jl," l way :i)s'ic was mil c ..,
And Hint she didn't ponl.
1; i i-iioiili to vo; a c.iinl
liV mure lluiii I can hour :
I isli that o'Ii.h- iil of hi
Was well, I don't eaie wheie!
Ho 1 i i. k h that --hi! was pii'tly. loo
Was tx'aut I In) as "oinl ;
I wmali.T il slit'M uel him hick
Aiiahi. now, il she eouid ?
I know Mm would, ami iheiutdit! i--
Slii; lives almost in si::hl ;,
And now, il'. alter niut' o'eioek
Pel haps he'. there lo-niiit.
I'd almost wiile lo him to conic
liol, then, I've; sai.l I won't;
I do mil care so much but she
Shan'! have him, if I ihiii't.
B, 'sides, 1 knoiv llial I was whiul',
And ho va i:i the I ih,
1 i:uhs I'll tell him so ami then
1 wish hu'il coino lo-ni"lit !
ins cxcrsK l or. a dauuulor.
"The only object ien ever made to me
in this ere country, as a lepislator, was
made by the wimmitt, cause I war a bache
lor, and I never told yon afore why I re
mained in tlie state ol number one. ,No
fellow Slavs siople premeditated, and, in
course, a hansom fellow like me, who all
lh,i pals tieclar to be as en'.icin as a jay
bird, wasn't poing to stay alone il he could l
help it. 1 dm see a erector once, natrcd
Sofy Mason, up the Cumberland nih into
Nashville, Tennessee, and I tuk an orl'ul
hankerin r.iler, and I so' into looking anx
ious for matrimony, an.1 I gin to go regu
lar lo meetin', and lid to tiressin treinen
doiv fiiiifn d, just to see if I could win her
g0 I opinion. She did pet to leiokin at me,
and one dav coininj; liom meeting she was
takin a look at me kind of shy, just as a i
horse does al pumthm he's start at, when
aiter ehampin at a distance for a w hile I
sidied up lo her and blated out a few words
about the sarmin she tavs yes, but cuss
me el I know whether that were the right
answer or not, and I'm thinkin she didn't
kmw then, ntilher. Well we larled and
talked a let tie all the way to her daddy's,
and lhar I give hi-r the bit betid I had in
me, and raised my hat as peer! and perlite
as a minister, looking all Ihe lime so enti
cin that I sot the ga! ticiiiblin. II. t old
daddv bad a tviweilul iiuirerotis lot of
healthy nigi is, and living light adjoining j
my place, while on t'otht r side, Jack Si-
mon a sueakin cute varmint, who was
wussar than a miaur for stinginess, and no
sooner did this cuss.d sarpinl re m-;m.!Iiii
unto Silv, than he went to slickine up
. ' , " . , ,r. . . o'i .
too, and sot lumsell lo cut me out. I bat
are wur a Ktruggle akin lo the baltlo of
Orleans. me new f,S up of Jake's j
would her eve, and then I'd sport t
somethin (hat would outshine him, until I
at last Jake gi.i in trving to otddress me,
and sot lo thinkin of something else.
"Onr farms wur just the same number
ol acres, and we both owned three tit-ggrrs
apiece. Jake knew tnal Sofy and her dad
pi a sharp eve lor the main chance, so
he thoit he'd clear m out by buying thi-
ither nigger ; but I just followed suit and
hcught one the (kiy after he got his, so he
had no advantage in that ; he then pot a
cow, and so did I, and j 'sl about then both
ot our pusses pin out. This put Jake to his
wits end, ami I war wondcrin, what in the
yearth he would try next. We stood so,
hip and thigh, lor about two weeks both
on us talkin sweet to Sofy, whenever we
could pit her alone. I tliort I seed lhal
Jake, the sneakin cuss, was jiitlin a mite
ahead of me, cause his tongue was so iley ;
however, 1 didn't let on, but kept a top
eye on him One Sunday mornin I war a
little late to meetin and when I got thar,
the fust thing I seed war Jake Simons sitlin
close bang up agin Sify, in the same pew
Willi her daddv : I biletl awhile with
wrath, and then turned saur, I could taste
myself. There Ihev were a sinjin hiins
out of the same book. Je-e-e-miny. fel
lers, I war so enormous mad thst the new
silk handkercher round my neck lost its
color! Arter meetin war out they walked
linked arms a srmlin &nd lookin as pleased
as a young couple at their first christnin,
and Sofy, turned her cold shoulder at me
so orful pinted, that 1 wilted down and
pin in right straight Jake bad her and
there wur no disputin it ! 1 headed toward
home, with my hands as fur in my trow
sers pockets as I could push 'em, swaring
all the way that she was the last one who'd
ever get a chance to rifle up my feelins.
Passing by Jake,s plantation I looked over
the fence, and lhar stood an explanation of
the matter. Right facin the road, whar
every one passing could tee it his con
sarned cow was tied to a stake in the gar
ding, with a most promisin calf along side
of her! The calf jest soured my milk, and
iiarnrmr -srmrrwmiirMi inni'iaan.-i i
tna.le Snly think tbat a fellow who was al
ways a getlin a head like J.iko, wnr a riglil
, sinart chance of a lively husband."
A shoot of liiMjhter here drowned Su
gar's voice. 9 soon us silence wns re
stored, he added i:i a solemn lone, with
one eye thnt, and his forefinger pointing at
his auditory :
Wliat was a ciiisml fibl wnssi-r llian
his giltin Sofv war the Lift, Ilia! he bor
rowed Ihc call the nijht before from Ditk
Harley ! After the. varmint pot S.ity bilch
etl, he told the joke a'l over llie s-tllement,
and (lie hoys never seed me afterwards that
they didirl ball at trie fur lellin a calf cut
me out til a pal's iillecshuiu. I'd sliot Jake,
hut 1 thorl il war a free country, nod the
pal had a rif ht lo her choice without hein
made a widder, si I jest sold out and Irav
tded. I've allots Inert since (hen, boys,
wimin were a irondil al lik" liiker. ef von
love 'cm too hard t!tj.'iv sure
: some wav !"
lo t!.r
row you
! i"i'iii! rAT iHi'r.oviiiir.isr ami ixoso.
i my i J in: mam t'.vt iciti; or i i.ot it.
j A Icceul Kn'jlish p iper cimlains ude'niled
: account of a remuikalde ii;vei,iiini, w hich i.
likely In effect a complete revolmion in Ihc
I maiiiifactnre of iionr. The improvement con.
, si;s in the siilisliiulion of coniiNil for flat
I millstone Il was s'aled, by n commiltee
of the House ol P.u liainent, Ih il by ibis ie
, vent ion 8 I , S . ti 120 ipiaitei n loaves, in addition
j ol ihue which ate now made from the same
; quantity nl whin!, would be pioduceil, giv-
iup n cleat saving of npwanls of .t'2,000 ,000
: per year.
j The "conicar" mill i intended lo obviate
i ( hi; defects of the Mat mill. The beneficial
! changes elfecled may be succinctly eniunei
i nied. Fist, the icdueliou id llie weight of
Ihe itinnin slonc from llcvtt. lo l i cwl.i
by placing il bi'iienih inslead of upon the fix
. ed one ; second, the reduclion of llie. sizo of
i the (trine in llie prop utioo of 3 3 I lo 1 ; ami
thirdly, the eivinj to the slnne a new fotin
j that of 1 lit! frnstom lo a cone. The aver
'. ne ol lessening the diameter and ucibl nl
; a mass, of which the one is 1 cwt , :n:d tbu
! 1 cv! , will be apparent; when it is cotisiiler
, el lhal il c!!ec:ive velocity must be "sustain
! ed against llie enoiinoiis fiielimi of the crind
! ins suilaees. The allele. I position of llin
! t u in i ; lt (tone admil of a inui It morn deli
I cale ailjnstinent lo the npposini; surfaces, and
I j;ive So Ihfl miller an easy and etl'eclive cou-
tm! over the mni nnpoit.iiit tviitmii of his
peialion. The conical form facilitates tho
discbaif!' of the fl-'iir, ami idiviales llie clog
B'lujr and over beatina of llie old juaclice.
In nddilinti to these, advantages, by n jntli.
ciou modlfii'.itiii!! of th" ordinary mode or
di essinL", or rather by a coinbination of the
mill with ihe ilfessicr; mac hint, a peifect
(peia'lio'i of the I'onr fiom Ihe bran is efl'er
led ill I he moment ihe prist escape from I ho
sto ic
The I. mil si ill remains in Ihe mi l
and falls by its own 'ravily. lo a second ptir
of stones in all respects resembling lluisc al
ready drse rihed.
cr.v i ti or D.tviu art akt.
The Delioit pipeis announce the death of
Ibis hardy liaveller. in ihe tj8:h jearof his
n3. lie was cue of Ihe principal nyenls (it
tin; lale John Jacob A-lor. in his celebrated
expedilinu lo llie uiou'.h of Ihe Colunibia
lliver. We icmcmber lo have seen Mr.
S:nnrl in onr bo hood, on many occasion.
ami we have heard from his o.mi lips many
fl,iiics or 'oi.oving accidents by field and
ood,-' to which we inclined as inlentlv a
,!u filir lx.,l.,onr did to the naui-ive o:
$nh 0:,(l.!!(,. Tie r,,ir()ll AJvclixr, in
. . .
a short b'O-'iai hxal notice, savs many anec-
, - ' , ,
du!e" ,,ave f""n '" ",0"l!l
,lm C'"P fi,es of l'PP'r "d
Imnleis i.pon thu western fioniier, of their
hair bicadih scape ami despeiato reconlei
between the defeated and the wild men
mid wild beast of legion. I'pon one
occasion, while encamped upon Ihe Columbia
liver, be awoke dining Ihe idht. and impel
led by curiosity, visited a camp of hostile
Indians, w limn tho party b id st.tig;led nil
day lo escape. Finding them all asleep i 1
a ciicle around I In lire, be sealed himself in
tho centre near the lire, helped himsolf tu a
pipe, and when the. Indian. nwuko was
found quietly regaling himself il h a whiff
uf hostile tobacco. So astonished weie Ihe
wan iois at this display of coolness, (tint they
shook him by tho hand, and made him a
present of Ihe pip and sent him in safely
back to his comrades, among whom was his
nephew, Robert, w !;o by this lime bad be
come alarmed for his safely, and ready to
cover him with rebukes for his rashness.
His reply was, "there is no fear ol an Indian
if you have no fear of him." riiiU Sun.
A New Hampshire K lilor while recently
liavelling, had his wallet abstracted from
hi pocket by an adroit pickpocket, while in
dulging in a short nap. The thief was so
disgusted with tho result of his exploit, Ihnt
bo returned ibe plunder by express, lo lbs
address wiitlen inside the wallet, wiih the
following note :
You miseiabil skun!, hear your pocket
book. 1 deti't keep no sicb. Fur a man
dressed as well as you was lo go round with
a wal'il with nuth'ui in it but a lot of new spa
per scraps, a ivury tootneomb, two newspa
per stamps an' a pjs from a ralerode (iirec
lur, is a coutempterbte impursilion on Ihe
public. As t hear you are a editor, I return
your trash. 1 nerer rob any but gentle.
Miss Pitkin says that (he reason sh never
married is, that sha never yet saw tha man
for whom "she'd be willing to cook three
I rciil of tiiMoals every day of her life."
jinr,r, r.r. - at' -
Meihonght the cloud in Heaven so fair
Were isle with cities filled
'Villi tpires inui turrets fleamiiig there,
Just like the calles in the air.
We often build.
These island in the realms of space,
Sailed on throiiith seas of blue,
Ami Ihete 1 could distinctly lim n
The uziiie wirnj and anyel
Of one 1 knew.
Slip sat upon a radiant throne,
And wore a crown of liyhl ;
More ten ion than llie sun al noon,
A heavenly h ilo round her shone
Her robes were while.
Sh" was a p'easinl angel her,,.
Before wiiii! had ! n iiiveii
To bear her to Idisslnl sphere
lieyond Ihe silver cloul so near
Her native Heaven.
I've seen her nl llie s it k child's bed
Wiileh wiih unsleepii ti ce,
I'nlil its senile! spin! lied.
On rosy pinions limn Ihe dead,
'i'o Go.l on hiuh.
When sunlit clou I ate
I iilten bow to hear
The sweep of win;:, fr 1:11 yondci sky,
Where mtnisrei 111 novels tl y
I' loin spheji: to sphere.
, I'll It k or I LGI tt.
In Ti:tiEfi ino Statistics. We copy from
thu Ilalliuioio Aiueiicaii the following hiithly
interesting table, eivinu a ctuiipaiiiive view
oi tho puce of Flour in lhal cily for Ihe fust
thiee. mouths in each year from 1701) lo I ho
piescut lime. !l possesses peculiar iiileicst
at the piesent inoiiienl, sho,viii, as it does,
Ih.! cieat and i.ipnl ilm luatioiis of tho mar
ket; and staling the lad that at periods w hen
labor did not obtain inoie than hall the pri
ces it now commands, than has so'.il at much
her prices la lil'ti. lur instance, it sold
as higfi as liflefu dollais a barrel, and lit
S14 25 in 1S17.
Price of l'lovr for liir fu st i'lrtc mouth of
the year, from ',rM to 1?fi3. hicliisin:
l'c.iis. Jon. 1'iti. Miiuh
17!G S12 00 SIS 30 $13 00
17fl7 10 00 10 00 10 00
17 US R 30 H 50 K 60
1709 'J 30 !) 50 !) 23
1800 11 60 II 23 II 50
1801 11 50 II 25 II 50
1802 7 00 7 Oil 7 00
1803 fi 50 6 50 (i 50
1801 7 60 7 60 7 00
1803 11 00 12 25 13 00
180fi 7 60 7 0 7 00
1507 7 50 7 60 7 50
1508 (eVlib.iisii) "' 110 6 75 5 50
180J do " 5 50 7 00 7 00
1810 (in July .V An- j 7.s )0 83
this )ear t: 1 1 & I -') )
IS 11 II 00 10 30 10 50
1812 (win ) 10 60 10 12 9 75
1S13 do 11 00 10 00 0 50
ISM do 7 23 II 25 8 0.)
1815 do 00 3 00 7 75
IS, 10 '. O I 0 00 8 00
1817 13 50 13 75 11 25
I H IS 10 00 10 75 10 50
13 IH 00 8 75 8 25
1820 ti 00 5 50 5 00
1821 4 00 4 00 3 75
1822 25 (i 25 G 25
1823 7 00 G 75 7 00
1-S24 fi 00 fl 00 G 12
1825 4 87 5 12 5 12
182G 4 75 i 1)2 4 50
1827 73 ti 00 . 4 75 I
1828 5 00 4 87 0 75
182D S 50 R 25 8 00
1830 4 C2 4 50 4 50 !
1831 G 12 G 25 -7 00 i
1832 3 60 a 50 5 50
1333 5 75 5 00 5 50
1834 5 25 5 00 5 87
1835 4 87 5 00 5 00
1836 58 G 02 0 75
1837 1 1 00 1 I 00 10 75
1838 75 8 ('0 8 00
1839 8 00 8 25 7 60
1810 37 5 50 4 87
1841 1 60 .1 50 4 25
1812 5 87 5 5G 5 25
I 1S43 3 87 3 f8 3 75
1S44 4 25 4 50 4 02
1845 4 00 4 25 4 23
184C 5 25 4 87 4 63
1S17 4 75 5 87 6 12
1848 C 00 5 50 5 91
1849 ft 00 4 87 4 81
I860 4 75 4 75 4 6?
1851 4 515 4 50 5 37
1852 4 00 4 18 4 12
1S53 5 23 5 25 5 00
We have chosen the first tliiee months in
the year, January, Febnary, oud March, for
the fsroaoing statement, for the reason that
flour has generally reached it highest point
during those months. In 1847, the Irish fa
mine year, durins the month of Juno llour
advanced lo 9 75; iilthouyh mica were
made in November at 5"C 12: from w hich
time il commenced lo advance.
Cost of LocoMOTivr. Onr fnsi class
narrow gunge engines, Weight empty, 44,000
lbs., and aie worth 1G cen's per pound
They w ill consume one coid ol wood and
1200 gallons of water per hour, and will gen
erate 234,000 cubic feel of atcatn per hour,
of a pressure equal lo that of the atmosphere
The beating surface i of the avtont of llie
bottom of a boiler, 24 feet in diameter. 1 he
train upon Ihe iron of the shell of i boiler,
is from 6500 to 11.000 lbs per square inch
under ordinary pressure. Theie is also an
aldi tonal strain of nbonl 4,000 lb, per
square inch exerted lengthwise of the boiler
to pull in apart crosswue. The whole pres.
sure exerted against all the internal surfaces
of the boiler amount to 20 millions of pounds,
nr 10,000 tons! Tbe usual distance travelled
by the locomotive, being in motion but one
eighth of the lime, is eqnul tu once around
ihe globe every year. In going 60 mile an
hour, 88 feet are traversed per second, 5 rev
olutions of the driving w heels are made, re.
quiring strokes of the piston, and 0 interme
diate periods of action in tho valve, equal to
Ihe division of a second in 40 pnri.
Science ana the Slits, stflilculturc, Jttartuts, amusements, arc
WJ. - aya
Awarded nl Ihe Third Animal Fair of the
Norlliumberlniid Coiinly Aiiricnhnral Society,
ho'd al Milton, Oclobet 18ih and I9;h, 1353.
B.-sl Stallion, over 1 yeais1, John Best,
'P.ize Filthier," 35.00
Second, do do Wm. H., ' Saiif-
paiiell," 3.03
Best do umlei 4 year, Jas. Ryncarson, .
"Young Arabian," 4,00
Second do tlo John Wilson's Black
Slalion, 2,00
Bast Maie wiih coll at her side, An-
lliony Armsticng, 5,00
Second do do John P. Summers, 3,00
Best Saddle Hnise, J. ,M & W. H.
Fullmer, 4,00
The Committee lake Uie liberty of awatd
ins! 'he following special premiums
best Filly under 3 years C Uyncaison 3,00
Second dodo Win. House), 2,00
Best Geldmn, Robert Mad:, S;05
Second doS. T. limwi., 2.00
Other line horses and colls were un exhibi
tion, but llie Cumniillee deem it imprudent
In award any more piics Some ure cer
tainly vi orthy of mention. Aiiiony these, are
V i i a i 1 1 1 1 Hornel, owned by Mr. Davis, ouaof
his line colls. I ho property cf Mr Thus. G.
Hull, Ten A maie and coll of Mr. Heller. A
mare ami colt of Geoii; Watson. A maie
and coll belonging lojohn Nesbit. A marc
and 2 colls entered by Kobt. McCuily. A
beauulul Ihoiouyh-bicd lilly by Gen. D. C
Walson. A lofty saddle horse by Mr. Mil
ton Allen. stallion by The. Huff.
llaiulsonn and seivicable pouey, John Mur
uiy, and a sprightly may maro by Mr. Marsh
Mr. W. Hulchiiisou's blood stallions, and a
Ijtge 3 yeais old, got by Old Hornet. A
pi line mure and colt, by Virginia Clipppr,
were bronchi on llie ground by Major N. N.
Britiain. This is a tine coll, and "before
soon" will throw dnsl in somebody's eyes !
Durhims or short llrnx
Best Bull over 2 years old, A. lleckel S3 00
do Cow, Mis J. M. Anion,
do Heifer, A. Heckel,
Best Bull over 2 years old J. Cameron
5 00
2 00
Sec hi I do do P. llenviler,
Best do under 2 years, S, M'M.ilun
Best Bull ovei 2 years. 1. Vincent,
2d do do Julio B. Heller,
Best Cow, John Poller,
do Heifer, James Dotijial,
7".( Cattle and Oxen.
No woikiiig oxen weie exhibited worthy
of picmiums.
Best fat unimal ( steei.) Snyder &
E. kheit, 3.00 j
2.1 do do J. Miller, 2,00 j
Mi. Mider exhibited a fiuo lot of fat cat
tle. JESSE C. I10RTON,
B 'st Boar. J.dio B. Heller 3,00 (
do Sow, John B. Ibdler, 2.00 ,
2 1 do Jacob ll iilman, 1,50 ,
Bes! pair of Shoals, J. M. ; W. H Full- j
met, 2,00 i
Best litter of I'll, W. M A den, 2.00
do Fat II. ig. J.din Porter, 2,00 1
SHEEP. No Report.
The Committee on Punliry, after making
very eau ltil ami itelidetale exainli alion, lake
llie liDeitv ol ipporliug Itial no department
o! Ihe exhibition was better hlleil than this,
The fowls enteied wpib numerous and most
of them of extraordinary meiit. They at-
traded a I ate stiaie ol attention especially
fiom the laities.
The following lis
of nwatds hi
agiced cpon.
B'! pair of Tuiki'ja, V. M. Auten,
tin do Geese, John Best,
2d do do John B.tst,
A special premium of SI. 50 is .-maided
David T.titgeit lor 3 beautiiul and thoioughly
lomeslicated H'ifJ Grrsf.
Best piir Musk Ducks (Winter variety)
David Taggarl,
i so :
75 ;
1,50 ;
73 j
1,50 I
2 I do do David Taggart,
Best pair Puddle Ducks, D. Taggait,
2d Ho do D. 11. Di ieab.ich,
Best Shaneji-ii or Cochin China fow ls
David Tugjarl,
2 i do John R. Eck,
These birds were all veiy temaikable
The lag bulonging lo Mr, 'P., alihough
hatched on the 30:h of April, weighed 91b.
Mr. Eek's weie uol much behind.
Best Chiltagongs (brown fariely) Da
vid Taggarl,
2J do (giay variety) D Tajjgail,
Best Games, I). Taggarl,
2d do D. Taggsrt,
Best Creoles or Bolton Greys, Q L.
. 73
Best Bantams, David Taggarf,
2d do D. H Driesbach,
Best Brahma Pool ray, D. Taggait,
For best Hamburg, Polish, Black Java, and
Creepers, we award $1,50 each to David
Bet and iaii-e.-t culled ion ul fowl-. D "
2 00
U do John R. Eck, 1 ;,0
ties! fciio-A' of Pi-eons, D. Tasaiil, i 00
This Commi'tee report that A. FolLrer. Si
mon Lam, John M Mahin, Isaac D. Fisher
and Thoma Johnson, all produced mn-t ex
cellent wheal so t-rpiiil in appearance, lhal
it was too much for our optical judgment In
decitle amjng them. We had recourse to
weighing, which resulted as follows.
Best wheal, A. Fullmer, 2 00
2d do Simon Lantz, .00
Good samples of Corn vee eritere.l by
James fllaiii, C Slirie, Wm. Il.irnor, John
M'Mahan, S.nnn.d M'Mahnn, jr., S. Caldwdl,
John Dunham, Samuel Folltinir an! Ruben
Best Com, S. M'Mahan, jr. 2,00
2.1 do John M'Mahan, 1,00
Best Polatoe?, l. P. Caul, 1,50
2d do John B. Fetter, 1,00
Daniel Noiaconk, .Moses Taylor and Jacob
Crawford exhibited Sweet potatoes that
would do honor to the Philadelphia matkel,
or Grace ihe table and "laden Ihe heart of
an epictir?. The former two weie so neatly
equal in size and rjnality, that we divide Ihe
premium between Daniel Noraconk and Mo
ses Taj lor, each 60 els.
Best nals, (none other exhibited) John
M'Mahan, j 00
The committee on vegetables report lhal
the display was la ice and very fine, exhibit
ing a marked iinptovemenl in quality and
variety, as compared u ilh former years II
is evident, ihe anticipated beneficial result
of the Society uie beyinniriij lo bo realized
! The articles exhibited are of so good a qual
ity, that we find some difficulty in awardins
premium. The following hevvever is the
irsull of our examinations:
' Best beets, not less than 12, David
Taggart 1,00
Best carrots, do James Whim 1.00
Best parsnips, do David T.iggait 1 00
l Best turnips, do D. P. Caul and Jacob
Craw foul, tube divided between
them 1,00
Best oyster plant, do D Taggart 1,00
Best onions, S.iniud Leidy 1,00
Bet cabbuce, Jesse Deiicl.son 1,00
Best cauliflower. David T.igyart 1,00
Best pumpkins and squashes, John B.
Felzer 1.00
Best celery, Joseph Prie.-lley 1 00
B.'st assortment uf garden vegetables,
David TagNiil 2 00
The committee! also lecoinmen 1 the fol
lowing special pieuiium :
I Best sweet pumpkins, ,1. B. (Idler and
I S. Uoodlander, each
i Largest pumpkins, (ono weighing IH6
pounds,) James White 50
Mexican cucumber, (3nr I feci long)
Samuel Oaks 1,00
Fine cabbages wore exhibited by Moses
Taylor fine celery by J. B Fianktwo
sweet potatoes and squashes deposited by
Jos. L. Ireland weie of very superior quality
the Vatpaiaisu and New England Marino
Squashes entered by D. Tjggait, were of
great excellence and no! awarded a pietnium
becanso included in tlt best assjilnient u'
geiden vegetables aiieajy awarded to him.
All ol winch is respectlully shbuiitled.
Fill" IT.
Best Apples, (very lino Ia:ge f.iimcd
apple,) George P.iillo 1,00
Fine specimens of the G i iudstone, Fiench
Pippin, Pound and Beilcfl nver weie s!:.jwn
by Kvliail Dunkul H.iniho and Bel leilow er
,y D. L. Irland, and a (jood lei cf winter
.apples bv J. Hiintei-J. F. U oiiinger a'so
exhibited Put without i
H liCK to n p'
,;,,, n l, ,sket of line and veiv chiiee win-
( ,.r apples, known among pnuiologis's at the
i-Swaar" apple, wor
! lfnl..y.
' Quinces. John M'M.ihar: 1 00
I and l.nye i;i,iiici s eie i led by
D. Kiamin. J. L. I. land, So'.h Cad wallader
mid a;:other person, ni.mrf nnl.nowti,
bd having been torn oil ol to!.
Best Grapes G I. Biown kiid Miss
It Fiher. each
the la-
1 03
R. st Watermdon, D Njn.fimk
Ad-n K special picmiuiil 'to J Maclic
mer for a lot of fine ci.inberi ies
Best Threshing machine, (E:iiery'.)
J L. Meixell 4,00
Best Corn sheller, El, a Walton 2,00
Best Stiaw fuller, (diorse power) Slonj
and Mnlsizer 2,00
Best Farm wagon, Juhn Kester 2,00
Committee award special premiums as
follows : ,
Straw cutter, (hand power) S. Leidy 2,00
Sausage cutter and s'tiflei, Snyder &
Eckbert 2,C0
Machine for leather spliltiug, etc,
Robert Wilson 1,50
This is a very ingenious and useful con
trivance, and Mr. Wilson inform us he is
about to have it patented.
Bee hive, Isaac D. Fisher 1,00
! flAtrtV P.TP
' Best butter. Mrs. Sarah Marsh
1 00
' 't... , i. ... i i. f i .
..v..-. Niiti , JuseiJI! t 11 K 1 1 K
Best loaf of bread, Mrs. VV. F Kagla
B"st oap, Mis. Samuel John
Be' Preserves, (Quinces) Mrs James
1 he Committee
spf cin I hwji.Is :
nljiidite llie follow
BoIiIm of cuima wine, Mrs. E. Uarr.
mom! 1,00'
Dj ton atne cntscp, A. O. Arms'.renj 1,00
Apple Jelly, Julia .1. Pollock 50
Brandy peaches, .Mrs. J. W. Brown 50
' Baehelii's e.ike" Mrs. Dausheily M)
Excelled bread was entered by M'B. John
Diliiham very fine preserved quinces by
M.s. H. D C.irr bian.'y peaches by Mrs. S.
T. Biovvi, ami Mis. S. DiefTenderfer, and a
iticat vaiit'y of pickles by A. Armsltot
Best quilt, Mi. John Nonis 1,P0
Best blanket, D Sleningrr 1,00
Best caip.'t, Miss M. Lawson 1 00
Best horni'-inaile cloth, D Sieningcr 1,00
Best slocking, Mrs. Sally Marth 1,00
The regular list beini now exhausied we
decree, these additional prices. The duty of
the Comrniliee on Miscellaneous Article"
having devolved upon US,
Table cover, fancy needle work, sit-
pcrioi taste and execution, Mrs
Mary Dinner 2,00
Case of bonnets, MU M. J. Tageit 2,00
Pair of undeislf eves, Miss L. Donga! 1,00
Ottoman cover, Mrs. J. H. Brown 1,00
do Mrs, J. L. Auten 1 00
Tuolidic, Miss Jane Wilier 1,00.
Lamp mat, Miss Mary Pollock 1,00
Wreath of flowers (needle work) Miss
Jane Hepburn 1,00
Bead satchel, Mr. Samuel John 1 0O
Stand cover, Mis M. Danghefly t 00
Flower Bo.i, Mis Jane Miller 50
Ffowcr basket, Mis Helen Shnmitn 50
Basket of artificial roses, Miss Sarah
Marsh 50"
Lamp mat, Miss Claia Wilson 50
Ladies' collar, Miss Mary Pollock 50'
Lady's handkerchief, Mrs. H D. Bair 50
Mahogouy bedstead, (plendid) Geo.
Rcun 3,00
Piano forte, Allen Scherjer 3 00
Double bandied rifle, W. Fillman 1,00
Pair of boise shoes, C. E. Horn 60
The duties of this Cumniillee have been
loo aiduotis lo enable them lo mention every
thing that dime timler their observation, yet
they would uulicn with pleasure the veiy
handsome assortment of bioaddoih blankets
and worsted yarn of extra quality exhibited
by Siatton, Marr & Co., at their While Deer
Factory also splendid lots of fancy and1
fashionable, goods by ihc nieichant of
Best plowman, Geo. rphler 5,00'
2J plowman, E. D. Snyder 4,00
3d plowman, John B. Heller 3,00
The above premiums will be said by J'
Miller, Esq., Tieasurer, Pro tern, as soon as
tho money uppropiiated by Act of Asspmbly
shall be added lo thu fund aheady on hand.
y.I.Gar.i:Nici., K. fj
David fxcoART,
i TlIU AKISTOlllAt Y Of MO.VE?, AXD frtE
NoiiiLirv of Lctiono,
' The follouing just rellectiona occur in an
addies teccntlv delivered by Hiiam Ketch
i run. E-q ; on tha occasion of ihe death of
; Chid Justice Jones:
j Sir, there ate t:ow living in Europe, two
i veiy dis'.inghishei! men, barons, both very
. eminei.f in their line, both known to the
civili.ted w oibi; one is Baron Rothschild, and
ihe o'.het is Baron Huniboldt; one distin
: guished for ihe ncciiniiilalion i f wealth, Ihe
i other f il the, accumalalioii of knowledge.
What are the possessions of ihe philosopher ?
: Why, sir, I heaid a gentleman whom I have
: seen h.'io this iifiemoun, a distineuishcd
: member of this community, aav that, on a
r:eot.t visit I o Europe, he paij his respects
lo.lhat distinguished philosopher, and ll
imi'i"'! 'o an uojieiice. lie lound hitn, al
"f eighly-fonr years, fresh and tig.
', r0"S ' ma!l room, nicely sanded, wiih a
' U'ge it; nl Uifoveie.t in the midst cf
lint room, containing his books and willing
! apparatus Adjoining this was a finall bed.
I io en, in which he slept. Here this eminent
' philosopher icceived a visitor from the Uni
' ted Suites. He cntirersed with him; he
; spoke of his wmk. My work," said he,
! "you will find in Ihe adjoning library, but I
am loo p mr to own n copy of lhem. ( have
nut the means to buy a full copy cf my ewn
w ot I;."
Now, sir. i. hu h of lliese Larout do yo-.i
think, even in this age nf gold, receives the
greatest amount of th homage of the human
ricel I speak not of the homage of intelli
gent men. Lot them both pome her and
pass through our sheets, tnd ee to which of
lhem the hat of the muttiinde will be dofTed
with the most cheerfulness and alacrity.
How to tttf Smocf.d Hams. A writer in'
ihe Fafrner's Comprniion, pobli(hd al De
troit, slates that he has for many year pie.
served bis hams, through Ihe stimmer, in tha
most perfect conditio, by packing them in
barrels, with layers of corneerba between
lhem, so that the hams would net eome itv
contact with each other. They should be
taken out and dry rubbed onee durinei; 1be
summer. Tbe cask should be placed tn
bs'icb r trussel, in a cool, dry rePe.