SUNBUltY T AMERICAN AjN1 SllAMOKlN JOUJUSfAL'. 500 Agents Wanted. mnr Your. WANTKD in every county of tin United ... . i . .;..:., mm. to Ml- gage in the sale of iom of the best Book., pub P. P . . hi f ....I .tltlress. hsued in the country. J o mH "",- .,. possessing a small capital of from 2 10 0. such Inducement, will be offered B,bto thr-m to make from $3 to $10 dny P' f , IV- Tli. Book, by "u". In their character, extremely pipuUr .ml com n,.nd brg. ..Jr. wherever h U) Jor further particulars, fife-fa ' No. 138 North Second Vtrcet, Philadelphia, rublish.ra of subscription Hook. Phila.. Aug. 80 1853. 5m " A VALUABLE HOUSE And Throe Acres of (.round FOR SAIiE. rilHE subscriber oilers at private silc, hi" house JL .ml three acre, of ground, on the river Uunk within Iho limit. ..f the llorouKh.r Sutibury, now in the oecupnncy of John Shisslcr and nru? inally owned hy t'iias. dossier w'mlo ell-aged in boKt huiMinir. The improvement. no R TWO ST0HY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of good Water, did . good frame stable, 'l'liere are n number of excellent fruit tree, on the premises. The prop erty U handsomely located and will I c ld nt n reasonable pice and possession given in April next. Apply to Ceo C. Welker, Kw,., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at 8eIiii;rove. PETEK KEKI.IX. July 23, 1853. tf. NEW STORE. BEXJ A 31 IN 1 IKFFX Kli RESPECFFLLLY inform, the of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new .tore in the room lately occupied by (!eorre Bright, opposito Bolton'. Hotel, lie ha. just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring nnd Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, Gingtiaim, I. awns, ItloiiMSCliiic Be I. aincs and all kind, of Ladies Dies. Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEUSWARE, of various styles ami patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS &. CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, tc. And a great variety of other articles such a. are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Vt? Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ly. NOTICE. "JV'OTICE is hereby given by tho undersigned of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, that application will bo made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth fur the erec tion of a body corporate to lie Btylcd "The 8u5Btnr Savings' Institute," to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, with discounting privileges, and with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Voting, Adam Shisslcr, Thomn. Robins, Daniel Druekc miller, Frcdk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Young-nan, Te ter B. Masser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement, Bcnj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Wclkcr, J. W. Peal. Sunbury, June 25, 1853. Cm. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of I'ateiit Inciter Copying Presses, Patent METALLIC DAMrENERS, Brushes, Oil Paper., Blotting Board?, Copying Ink, &c. Potent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING HOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A mott valuable invention for keeping in a nook-like foim, Lctlrr received, Original Invoi ces, &c. Thilu., April 0, 1633. 1y. Important to Coal Dealers. THE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping aud selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin by KASli, REED it CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1S53. ly. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTniffG STORE IN SUNBURY. ft ELSBERG & CO., respectfully announce V)T to the inhuhitanU of Northumberland county and the public in general, thut they have com menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa., opposite tile Post Otiice, adjoining Mr. Stroll', saddler shop in Market Street. They arcjiit-l opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing;. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Salinelt, Linens, Checked mid Fancy Cloth l'ants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Vests. ALSO A LAKGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hals and Cup, Shirt, and Collars and (ieullemeu's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be sold clieier t'.iun cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public may rest assured that ull Clothing they buy of our .Store is made up well, as one of the firm is a practical tailor aud our whole Stock of Clothing is made up t v ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash piinciple and our extended ac quaintance union.' New Voik and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly getting frcsli supplies. Sunbury. .May 7, 15:J. 1 in t rove in c u 1 A h c mill ELIAS BROCIOUS HEREBY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just received at his old stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver's boUd, An excellent assortment cf F HE X C II CALF SKINS, French Lasting:", And all kinds of linings and Shoe findings, which he offers to the trade at reasonable prices. Ha also informs his customers ano others, that he still continues the Shoemakinir business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable style, anJ on reasonable terms. Sunbury, June h, jm i3. ly. j Just Published nnd for Sale ,, wm. Mccarty, Boovtiev . l'f Sunbury, Pa. Th American t,t v a r toils' ASSISTANT : Being a neemoved fJ returns ano nw....-,- - now in use in the Lmted Slates. . Bv Cou.iNsow Rkkd, Ksq., Ipsat irgis 'viva vox With note, and additions, together with short system rf conveyancing. Uy A. Joronn, I res ident Judi-e of Iho Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller nnd M. L. Hhiudel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, tho following letter has been received from J?c Pearson ol Harrisburg l IlAnnisBvnn, June 30, 1853. Okxtleme : Afler a careful examination of vout "Amer ican pleader, assistant," I take pleasure ill ex pressing my entire approval of (lie selection aud composition of the precedents thus oll'ered to the public. 1 ho legal profesHion in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstoin of pleading, adapted to our habits of biisines, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of astcmhly, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleading.. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state, Yours, with great respect, JNO.J. PEKSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, Esquires. Sunbury, July 9 1 833. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the Dry Goods Unsiness. J. F. & I. T. KLINE, R ESPECI FI I.L announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have taken the Old Stand, in Upper Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, Pn.i formerly oc cupied by Isaac. Campbell, & Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened A JVciv and Splendid Assorlmcut of Spring ami Summer Coons, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sat tiucUa, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ciinghams, Lawns, Berage dc Laincs. Alpacas and Shawls. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds, Hardware and Quecnsware, Drugs and Medicines. Also a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cups, such as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, &c. Call and See. Cheaper than tho Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, April 30, 1853. ly LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and Hie public, that they have just rccciv ed and njiciied tho best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varic'y of Dry (loods, viz : Cloths, Casrimercs, Sultincts, Vesting, Flannels, ll'ollens, fyc , And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, Berates, And every variety of gouda suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps foh Mks and Boys. Also a large assortment of CillOCXICIUS, srcil as Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresli supply of DRUGS AND MKDIC1XES. Besides I ho largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of yoods to bo had in this place. tV Country produce of ull kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 30, 1S53. J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) A'o. 164 Chcs'mtt Street, Swaim's Building. PHILADELPHIA. EXTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISH Kit. aud Deoler in Musical Instrument, of every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallit, Davis oV Co's (Boston) Patent Slsif.nsiux Biiiiiok AZuliun and other PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's Collars, Harps, Violins, Siiket Mimic, Mine Books, Ac, Ac. j;eiilcnts of the country will be supplied by ul or otherwise with any music thry may wUh, at as low rates as if purchuscd in person. Having ono of tha largest stocks in the United States, I feel confident of satisfying all who may fevor me with a call or order. Healers in Music supplied cn the most liberal terms. Piano, to let. Second-hand l'ian s for sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly. MLVEK WATCHES. A few double caw Silvnr A'utf'lii,s. for nt lnu prices bv II. H. MASS I' 11 Suuhurv. April 12. 151 4 KNOLU'S WJilTINU FLUID and Adhe sive und legal envelopes, for sale bv II. U. MASSER. Sunbury. Jan 10. 1H52 Dlf. II. If. HinCEE'S remedy for coughs, colds, and fulmonary diseases. A supply ol this valuuble medicine just received and for sale by H. B. MASSEU. Sunbury, June 4. 1S53. HANI) BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this oflice. Also blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Sunburv, Feb. 14, 1852. 1JLANKS. IS LANKS of every description can be had y applying at the olbce or tue American. I"jlEE and Constables Tea ' Bills handsomely printed oneais1 paper for sale at this oltice. 2,500 Aeres Timber Land J FOP 3AL22. SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF 3 TIMBER LAND, comprising ahnnt 3,500 acres, part of which is rituated on Tohyhnnna Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three miles of Lehigh River, in Pena forest township, Carbon County, one of the great Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, can bo had at barguin, if sp plicstion be made soon. These lands are thickly covered with the best timber of that region. While it is believed that 75,000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from a large portion of the land, tho balance will aver, ago not much less '.ban this figure. The kinds of timlier found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or While Cedar, W hite Oak, While Pino and Chestnut hut principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. Tho Tobyhaniia and Muddy Creeks ore large and rapid streams, yielding a vast sm unt of water power, and are capable of driving a largo number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with the Lehigh Cimal all'oids an outlet to tho most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia which runs within one mile and three- tjiiartert of the laud. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in either of Ike cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to derive gre iter profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the timber, convertible into eve ry slinpc of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that ship builders have been oblicrd to purchase in Maine, or at other distant points. UniiUc most of the lands on the Lehigh there has, as yet, been no culling of the limber on this properly. It stands umlisturlied by the wood man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh lias been carried on to such an extent for years past, lhata scarcity of good timber is beginning to lie felt. Every season necessarily increases this difticully. The consequence must be on enchnni ement of the value of timber lauds. Those nn-culled tracts with the advantace of avenues to o.arket, such as the lands oil'ored for sale, possess, cannot fail to be the sources of supply hereafter. But the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearly every aero being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, weuld do well to turn their attention to these hinds. For further in formation apply to CHAR. M. HALL. OITico in "Mining Register" building, Potts ville. Pa. August fi, 1S5.1. tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: Per llie Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTif. MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. TO ITK1-; A COM;, wtu HK.vnArnic and orer of i he h'Hly. t:ike the I iiei: it y Ii:utorL nit going to IkhI, an I w-Rip U v:inn, to ewmit tlunHy ihr uielit. I'uB a (Joi.u au t.'nu.ii, Uike it iiinmiu ;, it HMiiiml ve llinil. i c udiii'i t ilheeil in on tlte l -Hie, mul Uir itnli. ut ty willwiMii Im: rennvnl. will I-m-j puff, r imm tliil tr'iul.le wlini thny find it n Im'm rtritti I v i-uiH. IVmrtns nlllit'U-d will, h M-:ttl Ciingli, wliit-li lin':tli tlirni cf llieir fett nt nt!it, will find, ly tiikinjr tlie Clirrty IV u-ml oil g 'hi;4 1 1 lurd, tit) timy lit1 . t" nind, tuditi ktH iIip, mid foiiKiuriitly i.fri'-rthiiijr mm. Ortut TcliftTrnniffullir injr, nti'f iih uliitti nr rurt, in ;i(l .ultd t i ilnmamU ho are thiiM ndlictr j. Iiy Uhh rviit-ily. Kristii it 0 uijM'Cfilile irrit(i in ilirin' cntf, tnnny find Hiemadvui unwiliiitg 1 1 t -rrg-t cn n' whrii llt uetcMity U'l It lint ucafiril, rp'tn iwu einiiinit Di licivni in 1 a v ktVfv ti.i.r., T-nti , Airi1 tfl. 1.")!. ir hiive civpn vtnr ("liriy l'fct rul mi ctelIiv tiial in iiur i:iciii-cT tiiui fiul it P'irp.tMi evrrv itlici rc imvly we have l r t-uiiiia irf!i in " the rrnpirwutrv nr DIM DIKMKIt l.IPTtl. TO SIMil'.Rr AN I) PI HUC f-l'liAKI'.Iti tlii remedy II illVUllI ll,!e-, in ,y IIP iiftiolK'M tllCllir iHtNIMj lUMffP, Wllfll fcikm in stiKill f)iuiiiiiii-, it ii'iiiovt-Piill U-Kirw-neim in n iw h 'urp, nnd HMiulrruilIy incrr;is-i tlie prnvcr and Hcxibilily ol ili V'ive. ASTHMA i pvturilly iumHi r H-vcU, nnd of ion wholly iMirwl ly i h-rrv Tret t.iI. Mnt there ntmemenrio oO Btiiuitf lit yirKI niiircly t it itieitifinf . C'lurry Pecto ral will rim ihfin. if tlwy run In rnr- ltKOXt'llITIS, nr irhinti t llir tlir.iit nnd upper portion of llie Innir, mm-If rnnnl lv lakinjr ("lirry ! to tal in auuill niitl (n-tu-iii tl.wiw. The uiic.nulurtubWi op pri'spion is so, in rt'he ti. llfv. l).Ht. L.WSIMi. iimrN.klrn.Ww York, tntca : ! hare pii thr (?herry !irinil vute. wu-h niPrt rf AMthnia nnd Hrnnrltitis up iWnU ine li believe it can rurely full to run tli-. tlijtc;(pii." KOIl CHOI'IV (iive it n rniftir of nntiinony, tot followed by kirtfe und fnvpimt oir:l ot" tlii Cherry IVrlo nil. null! r,-! the dnte:iwi. It ttken mptaiiuii, it will ll' 't lti! lo rnrc. ViMiIX roi OM nuiv Nr broken up and rHm ru n d bv ihr iipis Mf rh.-ny 'ertril. T1IK IN 1'LI' l',Z is ppowli! rem rA by Una ri-nir-d. N-ini'Tnu installer li:ive ImtiI ntiti wlirrr wh"le fiitnihi'P wite proirrd from unv prioua rHipf)!iftMeit while their nei-.!hhorp, wilhoni the Cherry I'wtorul, w re auiVirinvr from thediaenke. Dr.J.C. Aver: Sau:. Ohio, I Itli Jiiti, IfiJJI . 1 writ to ituorin v f the intlr rrnvirkablo etTrrt if your ('lir.lUtV I'lUn'OU , in linn ptnrr, tutd in my own fininly. One of mi 'Ifcni'liWTit warn ioniplt' f y cnrfl in thre tluva 'f n dimdf nt W'unorivo 'oroii. tjr tukinc it. Dr. Mranp, oneoi'oiir vrry Imt plivmoiHiiP fieelv atnuta thai he ttMi!itrTH it the heat n ui.vly w h;iv pulinoiury difRicg. nnd llmt he h:ia cm ml mrr viur of fHnL'P Willi it tli-tn any other iiiliriiir lito ewr tihninipTrrml, Oiu (-k'rpynirn of ihe Itupiirt Chnn-h mvathut ihtritiff the run iH Ixfij l err lliip w ip h. In; hi peeii t-iirri frm your nieiliriiir he e uld acarcrly Imve lielieved py it li on t Pfins. Youra rcppertfully, J.D HXrr.AIR, DepLty PoptinHiter. From h tlisfiumishtfl Professor of Chemis try and Mctcria M-uV.rr ftoirdoin Cottepe. I huvr ft mii d the CtirttHv PurTna!,. p itp ingredients pliow. a noweifut rcinidy ( n c-1i(p, and cm 5 Up, and pu! nioitiiry dituaiv. Pakkko Ci.eCI.and, M D. Hut xwirK, Mr., F,-h. .1. IS17. du. vaij:ntim:mott. The iriilrltf alrhfatetl Professor of Surgery m the Mutual College Sew York City, says: It jrivea me pleaHure to rrrtify the value and eflimrv of A v k h L'liKitUY IV.rroaAi.,1 whirh 1 ronaulrr petfili arly ailapiid lM ure dipe.ia-i of the Throtit nnd l(ungB." Cnirj of prveif dipeitpea iimu tli l.unea Iwve been ef iWtnl by 1'hkhhv i'wroKL in urh rxtrrnw ex pes a wtirrunt the lieljrf thut a remedv Kjip nt liip!h lrn found llmt ca:i be dependrd on tn-uie tin (Toimhp, Colds und Omunp!iin whu li rarrv from our mid thouwitK.P rvery yeir. li ip iiidrt d a mtntiriu to uhicli Ihe ftrftirteil run look with v foi rIiet, and they should nit fail Ui M Villi tlieiliPrlvr of It. Vrtpnred and sold . JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist. Lowell. Mass. Ro!,l in Sunl.ury l.y it MASSER. and by DruguUts (feni-rullv throughout tl:e FlnU: July 30, 18.V). ceow Nov. 13. '52. JMo.e Svw ootlall wiuj.v.u a. Kxonn, R1 EiSPECTKL'LLV ii.r.oms Lis fiiends and the puhlic gene allv. lhat lie lias iu.t roreive.l and opened a luige uml splendid loik of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Aui; township. His stock coiibila of every variety of Dry (loodn, viz Cloths, Cassimers, Saltiiittts, Vesting, Flan nels, Muslin, r)v. A splendid Ki'h-k of LADIKS r)UKS AND FANCY GOODS, S'iuA nt Silts, Jlerairs, l)e l.niues, ."tcrinocs, Lmrns, Ciu'ihanis, Calicut, lec. XJ03TS AND 8H0E3, A fine as.ii.itinent for Men, A"oineii Sc Children. A large assortment of MliOC'KItltS, FLCII AS Sugar, ColTee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &.c. Hardware aud Queensware. Vish, ull nnd Liquors. SI 1 11 AS Gio, Brandy, Hum and WLiskrjr, Ilesiiles the largest snd most general assort ment of all kind of Cioods to be had in the country. All the ahove mentioned goods will be sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kinds tuken in exchange at Ihe highest market prices. August twp., July 2, 13J. 6m. t ; i? CELEBRATED Family 31 c d i c i n e . IK nftftnnt; io tb pnblio the aliota invplruibl frrparn tK-np, the subMritef wuuld Mala thnt in omumliulitai with bis fiiemls and aome ul the iwwt rrapeetnt'la of tha Medical faculty, il wni oremed ndTisnbhs to oiler to tha pnbtic, a few prepanitious of kmnvn crtnbrity, bclnir pre parad with tha ffreotept rare, and on the nawtt apieatine principle, as suhPiitutfa for the numerous worthless ar ticle that are flooding the country in the form of amaceni and cure alls, p reared by the tnoat ignorant ami mercena ry persons. Intended to cure all diswaes and good for none, ; ' f Rend and Reflect. . That ttie Medii ino. Muntifarlurrtl by W. M. Urt rlcy, I nctutliitar his Kmc Pectoral f .r Doiinhs. Craam l CHinph'ir, for Itlmuinultsiu. Worm Syrup for Worms. Tooth W'hpIi, for deciiyed trvlh, dipenprd Rums. Family Pillt. or IhinnI i'urityer, Imve been mure extrtiiivr ly usetl, and huvu given tnue siiiitfiirtioii, than any oilier Medicines Ix-fnre the publie, being prepitrnd with retrard to their usciuhiepfltiie fully woilhy Hhj trUil of the ulllict- ed. (ive them n trtitl. A few powetful refisons why the iilmre ATcdirincs are diserviiiir of untverpul mtioaintr. (In the flrat pluce, they are prrparnl by n regular Physicinn, win iitHlerstnnds the application of Medinm'ft, to ditensep, uml rftnuripirutly are berfrctly mile lo take. (Seeondly.) they Imve been used with uuivcranl micn-sp. and Imve given nVre nitimic tion limn any other Mrdirinra oilrrnl beiore Ihe puhlic (Thirdly) Ihcy nre Iho only mrtt.riurs that lmv gnineil the .ntronmre of Plivsicliiup, where they h:ive born upid ; and (fourthly,) ihey are put up in fctrgrr qinnlities foi the ftime price, limn any other Medicine oilcrtil to the pnblic of the smite kind. An the snbaerihrr Imp n mumVr of certiftciiies in bis poppfimioiKif the lnln-nt authority, where they have Im;ii iip d with the in st sitisfiu'tory re suits. He. will publish n few of them, fceliupsntipfind that a trial will insure their reeoumieniluti'ii. Try thcin and satisfy yourpelf of their superioiity over nit others. Read and be Convinced We the midersitriied hnving been miulc ncrpmintcd with Ihe ingredients euteiing into the Coiiioii,kIs known ns Hicktey1! Knmily Methcines nlan having prcwTiltetl mid known them to be used, with mpi Kilikfu torv resnlts; bike plenpttro in saying lluit we believe thry fully meet the design for which Ihey nrr rer mmeudrd. J AH. HTH AWHKtlHiK, .M. D. C II. KUICK. M. U WM. MrMAIKl.N, Mi T. WKSKKY H IslCAlMlKAUT, M. D. WM. II. M A'ilM, M. U. H K. CKAIUII.AHT, M. D. Cure of pain in tho ante and rough from protested j MAver L vtniainl, Mrs. Robert Adams, lalrtriug umW Chronic l.lvrr Com pltniit, iicromptiiiiitl with ii eh -rt dry rotii pain in the side and hreri.t, general debility, bp of appetite, alter try ing nil the iipual TrtnetlirP rx' 'inmeiiilrd foi noukha nnd Uipctipes of (he rhept, vlu with it i bt-nrtit. pbc win rtfioin- intiull to try the Kose rretonil, from whirh, the u t only derived imimihnte but rrinaueiit relief. Joint Adams, I m ul Mrs, lloberl AdairP, wns nffliclrd with n very severe cough, pain in the salt, mid aorriiras pripbiced by incesiciNt c-uuhmg: he was induced to try the Rose Prctonil. T une hm own lamtuage, the lit ft dose enabled him to enjoy a g(d n'ghtp reft. In the morning be rspeetorated nhoiit Jiulf pint of itmttrr. He continued to improve until Imp roorh entirely left nisi hail the t-fiect of strt-nphentn? hip hie-ipt. whirh was iKihimlly weak. Ilenls-taays that hi hiis lerotnmeiidnt it ton iiuiuIkt of hip fi inula firuuilar coinpUonts, uml I in every rare it has given PiiiiMaH itti. I The ab.ive persons r,pideuts of the town of Pnttvillr, ! frrling that they have derived great benefits from the itue of the lloso Per torn I : mith.ui.: the ah ve statement, for the iK'iietit of th su whomav be ntMietcd in n similar maii iiht. OIIKAT rl ltK. Ioss of Voice restored with one boitU of Rote Vcc torn f MissS'iaii Whitlvk.of Hush t-nvnship, Nortlmmlter luial ci., for n muinVr of yeais nil ii valid, in the fall of tSVt, lost the ue of her voire frmi a seveie rnld she rtm- j trncied ; nl'lcr in in u number of remedies, with ii' liene- fit, slie was entirely restonnl by Inking iitu b-ttlu cf Rose Pertond, ni ter whirh. she loM her vice - nsaiu. from a , fresh rohl she rontracUl, and was again r est ore t by the J UHe of mi 'liter holfle ; she Iheu took four Utth'S mote to ! Ptremrthcii herhreast, fn-m whirh she tintvrd llie m Pt ; derided benefit, and has been in the rnj n riient of exiellcnt lienh h from that tiint to the present. The iii jl Ptateinent i, ola:m il ff ni Dr Pmfc II. tbr ! Physician who ntemiiM her: ii!m her uvtlirr whotliinks i thut she would not be hvii g nt ibis time if it bad not In'eil ; f l the It-.' PectORil. Univille, Jan. H5. IreVi itift another TLrlel Cure l.fjrcted. ' Mis. S.mniel Srchler, t -iui of n mturnl we.ik and dr'i- C tie eonsiiiiiiinn, very suf"eptil-le to r lls. whp rtJlietnl i with a very severe r'umh. pain and soreness or the brc irl, I ss of npprtite ; ni'ter iifing a munber i f the usual rrme 1 ilie from whieh. pin derive. u . benefit, p!o was rure-l by ! taking one U ntle of It 'Se I'eeitinil and is in the enj lyim nl of belter he alt It than f-r years previous. . Onuvillr. )er. I 1K.1I. ' Hn. Hicki.kv : Permit mctn iiifinn yon thai my wife, j wh is n delicate; nnd weakly w an tn, lab aaug under u Very severe ('oiipli with jvtin and soiencM -f hrrast. was Ul re quickly und rlferlimlly relue.l Willi oite b ntlo of v Mir Ruse Pectoml limn any oilier mrdieote she ever taken. AH.NKIt M'imilH.. Jan. IftVJ. Samuel M. Woods' rmuaee. Ked p. int. ?TB'iX.. KVIDrXCKIX F.MOB OV TUB llosit Pt'tVoUAL .VXD i Pamilt Pill. John rubier taen between riiristmis nnd e Vcar with a very had coM, which ended in a dry h ml incespvnt Cough. rnuitur a great deal of kiiu wiirurver he roughed, wns telle veil very much ; by Ihe lime lie had taken him; third of a bntle, nnd by thu'time il was ftnishrd, was en tirely cured lfjtt t riyp that he has taken several dene ; of i he Health Hoptoralivt or Ktiuulv PnU. und iliat they i nr the initdest uitd mst eflVetual puigativrs he has ever taken, Hauville, Jan 1, l.Vi Da i-rl:y : During n visit lo mv brother, in Pa- Vi'h I look a veiy seveie i:.ild. which ended in a tigl t h ud Oou-rh, with p treurys and pain I'lltr bre.-tsl, f. r whirh I itse-l your Hose Peel aid. and Family Pills, nnd takn pleapure in rf-roiimie:iliiuf them, ns the inildot uml m -St eif-ctud remedy t have used. Yours, repeetf'ully. , JA.MKf Mili(A, j J:m. '0, iS"S. White Haven. Lucerne in. Iejr Hir : As a reeommeudatjou f-r ymir Rose Pecto ral, peiiuit me t i sir, that wns elitctnally cured of U very severe romth with pain in tin; tifeasl, with less Hum , hah a bottle, fowl that 1 confide! ' it invaluable. You uie lit liberty to nt-ike till puhlic if von phsise, JOHN' SPKKKIXt;". (Nr-H-er.) Danville. pn. My s-mi Willi am Laboring under u severe rt'iigh ami pain in his side, lioni mi injur v received by a u II. was rutin lj' relievcl by a bo'lle ot" l sv .V rcuiu of Cam. Idi-H. I have atrMised your Kaiady Pills, and tiitogether c itidider them Ihe ist iiietUcn-s I Irtve rer iisd. j JUAN OVr.ItlHJKK, i J in. I Mi. Itnsh Tp., Nortb'd ci. ; Dr. liickicv : Sir: As mr wife who was tnaibhil With dry, haid C ughf also s air Si aiutch. dependent up n itchilily, similar to iJMj-epM.i. was -ntircly relieved bv using two U it tits of your IIom- peciorut, me to uv tliut 1 e-aiKidct it an l.-ul reniedv. Yours, rritjtwi fully, Itrv .Mr. WILLARI). i'astor ltilhtTau Cbtiich. Iuuvitlu. Ph. H iving lieeit riiretl oi u (on in mvunn (similar lo Kheu matipm) whirh dejtrivnl me m" the free use of it for aboul lour months. Hy ning our b i:le of Cnum of t iniiph 'r I w add state trial I r iikidcr it tlte btvt iciuedv of ihe kind I have ever used in my faai!v. uml I would freely recommen.1 it ti others with Mimlar I'fT.-eiioi p. Yours, resptx-t fully, JONAS WOLF. Itush lp., N'iriii ii i:o. My wife Isehrr eJHictl wiMi a viv s.-veie pain in ht r ami tin I sh adder (Pin nicer of e ,t) which ilimiltlett In r from usiiiK it. wan cured wiih rubbing ot Cream of Cam phor Mra. Iv'fliu, my, wtisn!st rrrtdi f a at' vera puiu m the head nod irtceln thr Crrmn H" Cnmplior THOMAS C. KLI. IS, Danville. Juii. JH, Wi j .My wife having K)ieiiiu itiin of the arm for a nuailH-r ; of ye .rs, which prevented her from using il in d ing hei I wak ; afler havmg sp4ut u gieat dm I ci'money in trving 1 diirerent remedies wiih uot)eiirlii, vas entirely cuitd by ! usiiei onlv one Isottle rf voir Cream ot Camphi r. j WILLIAM LVKNS, Minor. fo IS. IE. Ymal, R. Point. t)r. liickley Having rtMViveil a vety severe injury in , my side liv falling otf a loud "f hay, from which I was una ble to follow my w irli. was rec imneuilcd l try a Is ttlc of Crenm of Camphor, which nil' Tded inuuediattf relief. , Gil IP PITH CAliU.ltush lp.,.ortird eo. j My wife, snlb-ring from musi excruciating pain, t thriHii:liout h:i general sysu-m, which prevruteil tier irom I sleeting (tieing (H'casioiKd by n luig and proiriiuitil spell fa eociuicpjj i or wiucti she nctl u iiuiiiiht t remedies without tmut lit, wus entiielv icheved by llie use of C-reuui of Cainpluir. ol'.O. H. liltOWN'. Snigts -n Dentist, Dmiv iiie, p. Child cured if Howrl Pouudaint. mi I Ague (of two years standi im'.) iV W-rm Srnp. My rhilil Iw-mg atllieted f I the laal iwo yars, wiih H twel CoinpLoiit und Aguu until il was reduced to ii mere skeleton, hied a nutulier of remedies wi'h u pcrmmieiit benefit, nnlil I gav it n b iltle of your Worm Srup, since which time il has (teen welt, uim! got tpute Ib-sliy. I als bava rer a amended it to a iiumlxr ot my friends, und in every cute it hn tm n satiimiciioti. L. LKVL At louis lmus1 ( Mett hiiiit.l Danville. I have useil y-uir Worm Syrup in my family, and c in sider it li't Hity clleclUid. but Ihe niiwi pleasnut iirlicle 1 urn ncijuaiiited with. JA oil I.ISHLI. lUmville. Havnitf used your Wtaiii Srnp in my family, it helps my eh il lieu more limn any pieparati n of ihe kind, und u unre pleas ml lu uke. DAN AM IIGA. M ad an How, Dauvilie. i b-ive had (tccasitui to use your Worm Syrup lu my fumil), and prefer it to any Ynmifugc I hnve used. KRKD. ID II. Prosty Valby, M-miour cti. Dr. Biektey : Huvmg used ymr womi Syiup, aud Creuiutii CumplH r mid Piimdy I'uls in my fumily, lliey gave good ssilistactiitil. and 1 coupler them ihe uwist ef feeiuai, ad phiiKint remedies, wo have had in our fmnily. JOHNHTil.W R. KIMIKL, Duuvdle. Dair Sir : We the undersigned being in the employ of Messrs. i roves Ar Cauly. nt wIumn store? you Imve un Agency for the rile of your family Metbciiics, state that we li.ive bad mi opfioituuitv of knowing Ihe opinions of iitunertms individuals who Imve used them, and lhat they save gcuerul ttiloiiHaiiu. W'h hae s ld a greiii many of ytur Pills, which me uuivrrsatL' tiked. Iieinir verv mild in their ope.utiou. ' W. LUSKMUMi. Danville, Attest. W M. K KIM. Kit, iiaving S.urvy of my month verv Istd, I wus tisluced lo try a b Kile of your IViolh VYash. vhichiu,ul like a etatrm, barileiiiug my eums, rial removing all disease. JON ATHAN II. UISHKL. Danvi'le Di. tii'-klry II i in wlwi was called ulcerated srr. mmith, 4-trAvinrli, I iila niitidser of itinrtlnn with no leuefit : I was ul bint euunl hy using iue b .title o y,t T'Ptlh wrish. My Wile ills dating her fuil'metnenl, "wns thrratejiml with s ie. Hi mats, Itimpa having all end v formed, fttr wine' slie used llie Cieon r Cnuinli'ir, whicfi scalier n them, thereby preventing her brcniits i n 'in e;itlicrinir. t;i;o a. iikuw.v, Nenr I iithcmn CU in h, lhmviile, Pa. Dr. liiekley. Ilavin? an opportunity of seeing your Auti-Prhutu! To iih Wasli used in some Very seveie ea scs of sour vev of the gums. I c-aisulrrit an excellent reme dy Yours, respectfully, UVO. II. JIKOIVX. The nhove niediemes nre foi s.iIh Wholesidti and He Ulil by W M. HICKI.KV. f. I) , Proprietor. Danville At i Foi ssile by ihe follovviiar Agents in Norilaimlr la ltd couuiv. Pniing k (imnt, Sunburv; W A. Kuobh, Augustu; W. Furrow, Snyilc, town ; Tnggirt, PunnniiA; Hurton, Paxiuos ; Knistme i: Siom,-, Puxin s; John Vuuzuut, Pa&iii"s; Hugh Vnstme, Piuos ; Ammrruuin, Roewei Ac Co , Hlaunokio; Mrs. Jas. Thomas, Htuimokin j Win. Kugely, Sbain-sktu) Campbell h khue, Augusta; Hum u el A. HergstresHer, Pctersljurg ; Jacob Ieisenriug, 1 Bear Gap ; Conrad Wenck, Nisrlhumlserland ; Jeremiah C rouse, ftdnuvrove ; Josiuh Raker, Lewuiburs;i Jobs F. 1 Caslowaud Joiwltum JCdiers. Mdtnu. Call on th Agents, niwt f-t a eirmhr rontnining a full deacrititinu u the uumerous cures performed by the differ- wot Medicines. Jun II, CARR, OIESE & CO., ; ;, Flour, Grain and Lumber . Cotmnision Merchants, 23 mut 25 Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE- BEFEUBNCES. Joint Clnrk, Ksq., Picsidcnt Citiwns' Bank, Bait. A. 1. (Jilos, Ksc., (.'iifhirr Franklin Bank, ' Julin llrrt'.lcr, Jr., Ksq., Pliilailclpliia. Koircrs, Kinnirkxrm tt. Co., " J. Tome, Usq., President Cecil Bank, l'ert Do pnsite. J. Wnllower ti Pun ITarrislmrg. Col. H. C. Ever, 8clingrove. J. H. App ti'Co., ' Nnple, insole & Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Mimcy. 8imon Schuyler, Esq., " Oeorijo II oil inn, Hiijrlisville. W. Weaver .V Co., Montoiirsville. CIcn. William F. I'arker, V illianiHport. T. W. I.lnyd, Esq., Cashier, " James H. J filling, " Lewis O. Hiilinif, " M'llenry & Uulili, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling, Esq., Lock Haven. t 3r" Carr, O'icsc iV Co. have the lurRcst wliarf rooin of any romniision house in Baltimore, sl wsysgiving quick ilespatch to Itoats in discliargii'g their enrgors. March 12, 18S3. 6m. I1sno1u1Iou of I'ai lucrMlilp. riTHE Copartnership heretofore existing under 1 Ihe name of liiinea U. fc Wm. I), llart, is Ihis ilny dihsolved by tho uitlulravrcl of Willimn 11. Hart. The miMiicFg nf Iho late firm will be w-ttled ly either of the umhrsigned, at IS'o. 22!l, North 3d street. JAMES H. MAUT, WILLIAM U. 1IAKT, THOMAS IIAUT. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1 851. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue Ihe husinesn under llie name of James 11. eV Thonins Hurt. Thank ful for punt lavors, thry reccl fully ask the at tentioii of Ihrir friends and Ihe puhlic to their stock of CKOCERIEM, which will he full ami extensive, mid which they will sell ul the lowest mnrkct rntcs. JAMES H. II A HT, THOMAfs H AHT, Phihidelphia, Jan. 1, IS53 JS, it. l'aints, Oil, Window (llass, cjc. S Tons I'rcmh white. 10 tons Pure White Lead. 5000 Boxes Window liln-s.all sizes. Huierior Potash, .'op:il,Co:uh , Lentil. er iV Iron aruish, while Demur varnish for China Gloss, with a general assortment i f I'rc.-h and pure D11UGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the. Pstcnt Medicines in gene-nil use, warrnnt'd genuine. Colored und Enainlc.l (Mass, cVc, Ac., fors.ile very luw at ALFItEI) AVILTBEKI'EIPS Vrua nnd Paint stoic, -o. 1GU N. Snd SStreet, PHILADELPHIA. Physicians niul SiorcUeepcrs supplied Goods sent lo any of the Hotels or Depots Irec of charge. Phila., Slav 28, I So:). ly. I CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELHY AND SM.VCIt "AR I-:. Vli,,l.,!e nn.l l!.i:iil:it No. ' ,. MXOND M., .w.ilp ili,; .Ml. Vensiii llonsr. (i.ild l,.vcr Wnielirs. lull jrwcl.-cl. I- h. riKi,, S.'y.CO: Silver Lrvrrs. full j.rwrlnl, SI-.MHI : Silver I.C'iu.-s. iowelnl. !,. M nil vitirotiileil I., keep k-umI little, le.l.l IVha still rll ' ver I'll.', (sum ; CmM l'ei,ei:. tl.lili; ll .M I'. neiH mill ) I'eil Cui with K'KkI r.iil.1 l'einii, i.w us S?.l.i"i, Ac. Als. alnnvsnll ll;tl,.l II i; sit ut irttll.'llt Ml' hllf T''il j Jewelry, (inlit Curli, lininl uml cli.iiiis, liohl Vest ! L'llMilll, Ijldies' liulil l-'.ih Cli:il!l uml I'.elt l'nis. j Silver Tiilile SMitis Irnill 111 1.1 yiH. llessert, ! lo j fll, uml Tea, fl.M l Sll.'.li p.-r . l. warrunteil r pml to : c.mii. All w;,rTiiiilei1 l i is! wlinl liiey nre tl.t fi-r ft" Vmehr mill Jetvelt v r.-1'H.ire.l miri warnnileil. C?" Allnrileis sent l,y mail nr 'l I.erwii' , will lie i-iiiu'. tually altcmled lo. At. AVISf.. Airenl, No. TI N'irili sr.CflM) Siie. t, ,.p; ,ite the Mi. Vernon llnif.rt I'liils., April 91, l".53 ly. o--. ajsf-'j Hobby Horses, Ch'Urtn'i Propellor, Gig-s. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Muiiulacliircd wholesale and retail hv B"J0H1T2SLL TTJLL, iVo. 64 DOCK Street, Philadelphia, Orders throosh Iho mail promjitly executed Phila., A mil 1). lS, IMallorni Scales, nt& llitnrttFfrrrrl'! Ielf4 Altrui.i right The AfltionUd-. (jaCiV'i Pailroud. Hay, Coal, and F.r-fii- SC.lLiiS, set in utiy pari of the counlrr, at short notice. AUVSTS.UVA1. V. COI.IIY, 21'.) Market t., V'liihulclphi-.i, F.. Y. Bright, Suiihury. rii -tprit 51, IS.'ia. Laliopcrs Wanted. 'lHF. 8uhscriliers wur.l iininediately on ihe Kuilroad aud liasin, at Clmpuiaii, L'uiou county, seven miles In-low Selinssrove, from 50 'PO 100 LAHOItF.KN, to wlum one dollar ier dav will pe paid. tiAYIDUE. Y jj.YETO. & CO, Chapman, l'uiou County, Fell. 19,185:). tf. XOTIC1C VO'I'ICK is hereliy friven, that application will le made lo the next Lc-jUluturc of IViinsylvaniu. for the incorporation of a company, with discounting privileges, to he located in ti.e horough uf "Sunliury, in llie county of Nortlnno licrlanJ, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to lie culled tho "Snjnritiuna Sari uses' Institute." Sunhury, June 85, lt-53. Cm. NOTICK. ; VOTICK is herehy kivpi. that an application will I made, at the net regular session of the Legislature, to charter a company for hank ing and iliscounlin:! purposca, with a capital of Iwu hundred thousand dollars, with the privi lege uf extcndii!: it to four hundred thousand dollars, to hn located in the horouuh of I Sunhury, Nortliuriihcrland county, Pa., and to Lo called "Tuk Mi run' Jl ink ur SSis rur." July 1S.')3. (iiu. )LANK Parchment Pupcr Deeds and Llank Mortgages, ltoiids, Executions, Summons Ae., for salohy 11. 11. MAsSER. Sunhury Airi 2C. I SSI. ANN'S LETTEIt PRESSES, willj books, ink. and all complete, itist sua lor sale by Jl. 11. MANSER. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. PJHAIN PUMPSA small number of thwa eieellent pumps have lee a received and are offered fur sale by H. B. .MASSER. Sunburv, June i, 1853. ! I BANK NOTE TABUS. PF.NNSYLVAXMA 'AH Solvent Imuks I dit HIIODK INLAND. All solvent bunks I dis CONNP.CTICL'T. AH solvent Imnks f dis MARK IPAI'SVTTfl ritr or miLAiiRLPuis. V. H. Bank mtes 1A dis ah soi vein unuks i COL'STIIT. Bank of Chunibersburo; 1 dis Bunk of Chester Co. pnr Brmk of Del. Co. Chester liar MCW VOIIK. nmikoruermnutowii iwiri 4ns. if ..r V J (II SI, ,t sr... I-...I 1 I .li. "iiniimtn in Bank of Lewisfown Brink ofAlidilletoun ' 1 .lis Montgomery Co B:mk pnr Bunk of Nortluimberrnd. pm M ink of Pitt-l-nrg 1 dis I dis'lT'Hk ntttrs under f 4 (lis AM m Ivcnts Umks 1 dis NKW JL'USKY. Ih Ivnl. n. I dip 'Coiniufrcinl Brmk I dis is auk oi uuimllu p:u nr. I! ink .Mont Hotly pir Cnrltlfs lldtilr f .i:. I.' .fc Af t;.i,n.. in Columbiii B'k A: B'geCo niir'-Mccliiinics' Ilk. Newark ir i-jrisuMYii iiuiiK pnr .oecii. jik oi imrungron jmr Knston Hunk nnruMech. A Mmi. Bk Trent jur s ii tf ilium x ui ,o.orrin i o itniiK j (lis Kxchmige B'rtPitlsburg I disj.Ncwnrk ISIt'g A lus.Cu j dis s r n. iinnirn i uiso onttge itutiK j ma Farmers' U'k, BurksCo Mir'Peoles Bk Pnlleraon J dis Farmers' Ilk. I -1 Pri..-. Ir.n Fanners' Bk. Hetuliug icir Silcm Bimkinir Co, imr fnrm. Bk Schuylkill Co tviriSennrrel Co Bunk J dis F A J). Bk Wnviirjth'jj Utlip'ltite linnk at Cnmdeii iur Frimklin Bk n,ii Smts. Itli l-li.l..-il.i.. 1 .1.. IT-rf-t.1 II 1. . t'.. ... 1.. .... v' I. i-iMii fi ii.iiisi (UK f-'Iillt; .rKlll noiiejHiaie itunk Ijuicuster Dunk i dis Stole Bk, N. Biuuswick iwir puriSnwicx Bunk. Newton dis i.cKinon Hn ii if ..r Trent"ii Bnnkittjf Co onr Mereh. ft .Mini. Bunk I dis ruioti linnk. Ihiver dis V,.r.M.-vv'tr A I f l I )r fi . I Aimers' B'k, puttsvillo per MiHioiimilifl'i Mi i t .);. llir JJk'n it. s uiMb r ft dn TnvlorsvV Del liv r, in .li. H est Bnmch Ibmk par I?iiiiV of Bclnwiiru IM.liA IV Alt lj, f Bclnwiiru imr " J"imiuk UK, HKCSICe l.ll York Brink. 1 .li iiflnwnie Ciiv Bunk pttr tVKelief notes i dis Hk i ihnir n. llmnityw. wii jFnrmcrs' Bk r1! Belnware pur I'nifn Bnnk. WiJmington pnr 'ty i'nder .Vs J dis IM AIM',. Brink of Mercantile Bk. Bangor li!l! All solvent bunks disj NKW IIAMPSllll:!1 i iim f. All SDlvrul vi:i ....... . . ii in . .. riu i"'i ' in ""i"" it brinks J tlis tf Bk notep tinder .Va 4 dis LBMDXT. NOlCril CAIUILINA. t AlKms ? dip) All p!vhiI bmks flip it bniiks His(t'fc'l' ndcr 5's, SJ dis All solvent Ismks Hank of St A ltK..t. Allt'ilvciit Imiilvs I lii tC t'ltilerVs, TnEMi:NI)Ol'3 ExclTF.rNT ! .' Cash, Steam, Klceli icily ! ! The Aerial and ull oilier lines out done hy the I.liiljlulnir l ino of 111 A T. CJJIMKNT. HO, havinii crcat faith in rapid sales anil small profits, has juat rcccicd ami 01 encil n lnri;e nssortiucnt of SPUING AM) SIJMMKIl GOODS. At his Store in M ir.:ct Sirort, Sunluirv, which he riflcrs to the pnMic nt lite luwest pri.-cs. His stock consists uf a crucial a snrtiueut ( J)ry (loods, a iz : Cloth. Cassimers, Cussinrls. Jeans. l)rdlin"s Muslins, linens. Cntirnrs, Muslin de Loins, Lawns, (li.rjhams, Bcrivies. Sii.k Hats. A large assortment of limits nnd Sh"es, for .Men, Women ami Children. (I rocerivn, Sugnr, Tea. CofT'o, Miihi,, Chc-sc, Sjii-cc.--, Fish S.i'.i, P!n4t r. iiAKinv.Mii:, Viz: Iron nnd Slerl, Nails, l'ilc, Saws, Ac. (1 TT E K X S W . U i: , Tea Sells, l'lutts, Difhrs. Cups, iv( Licjroi-is, Wine. lirnr.ily, (iid, Rji:i, Wliiskr y, Sc. U'' Country produce of .ill kinds taken in ex change nt llie lushest ma.kct prices. Jan. 15, 1S5. I v. St:i (!t YllI'SSKI.F! TEE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : n, i:i:i;y oni: his uv. i'hvsician. sS-CiT 'MIV. KOUTIKTJI Kdi. J. lion, iili One Huinlred v'J, f.nriMiisrs, sliowiuir Dis. T I ,.t.V V. , hhu .trttlLirilMIIOUH I.I ;V, ni 'In Hiiinnn si stem in cerv Inpe niul f'rm. To which atise on the 1 Sjij'U'fS Hi I'iscasesof Pcinalc v!;i 7 'cyl ol tin l.i ;liesl impm licing; re, t ,ci oi i.ic i.i ;iiesi niipoit ince to rs! t.i i ' .. .i "t noise vJJjrrjA roiiteinpliiliiis nu.rriiiL'e. fi7 v if 111. VfMintr Let no father be ashamed to present a cupv of the .r.CL'LAPH's to his t hiLI. It may t'uu him from nil early rrave. Let no "un man er woman enter into the secret oMcjatious of niar ricd li.'e without rending the POCKET .ESCC t.APJI'S. Let no one snll'c! imi fruin haekuiep ('ough, Pain in the Si.le. resiles nighls. nervous feelings, and the whole t,-ain of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and uiven up In llu ir ph sician. lie moment without ciinsi.hin the .ESCl'LAPIl'S. Have the inarricil. or lliosc about to be married soy impeiliinri.t, lead llii i tnilv useful honk, as it has been the means of savii, t'louar.ds of un fortunate creatures tV.mi the verv j.nvs of death. fir Any pnson si-ndini: TU KNTY-F1VK CENTS, encbifcil in a iit'cr will receive one copy of this book, hv mail or li. copies will ho sent fur one dollar. AiMrcss. Iiu. Y. YOI'NO, No. l.VJ SPRUCE Street, PlIILAlJELPIIIA." Po-t paid. June IS, I S.l:; ly. NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the foiled Stales, Alrxiuidt'P Ii. HicLcv tS Co.. Tm:inKp vii:u.iv v mii ritizi: mi-.d ai. TRUNK MAMTAt TORY, A'o. I IS Chesnut Sh eet, ( I'n nt of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. 4 RE now prepared lo to llie Mcrclniills und Travellers one of ihe largest and most improved solid Sole. Leather Spi ing Trunks ever oll'ered for sale in this cily. ti etln r with a gen eral assortnicnt of every kind ..f Trunk which can poesiMy be imagined, ranging in price truni two to thiity dollars. AUo, a .piemlid assort incut of Ladies' Ores. Trunks, Uoniiet iloes. Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Cnrpet nnd Leather PaL'S, Hand toaches, tii'js, Ac, &c, all of which wo are p;epared to sell at reduced prices. M'c respectfully invite a call fiom Ihe Merchant or Traveller to cvniniue our eMensivc assortment before purc'ii.siii! elsew here. ALEX. L. HK KEV & CO.. No. HtS I'lusiiut Street. Phila., April 0, 185a.Bm. THE niEATEST, THE NEATEST AM) THE BEST. Excellence and Bcaitt combined, Model Spring Style Hats, NEIJ.UALI.ED b y uuy others in all lhat ran render satisfaction lo tin Wearer. (iive them atrial. The Very Kiuest Moluski n II its for 3. SO ; Second (junlity, very fine, 3 00 Third Quality, a capital article, ",50. All these are warranted. Model Hat Store, Nj. 10 North 6th Street Philadelphia, Phila., April ll, 18.'i3. fiui. WILLIAM FEE KINS' (lentlemens Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE, So. 231 Chcsnut, Third door below Fightk st Philadelphia. HAS on hand a full slock of French and English Piece Clouds, which will I ni.ulo lu order at llie Shortest Notice, in the Latest Style, KOR tJASH. Phila., April 9, 1S33. Gm. S5 liKVA!il ! FIHE shove reward will lie psid for the discov X try nnd conviction of every individual found guilty uf trespassim; or injuring any nf ihe property of Philadelphia aud Sunbury Kuilroad Company. BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. Juno, 4, 1853. tf. flLEVf COCO CNDY. An excel ' lent renicdy for cotiirhs. cold.. Ear sals at this othce. December I, 13J. ' A CALL TO H0USEKEEPEKS r At tho Cabinet Ware Itooin or SEli'N IIOUPT & COi Market Square, Also ol the corner of Fairn street a, KailraaJ SUNBURY, PA. flntKa,lrold Thankful for the patronaKe ol hi. Uvrnh inJ customer, during the IT years h. ha. been ? ess , tin. p ace, h. Ms from , p,," innnnce of iheu favor,. Ullrillg tIl. Crifo; has en, cavored lo keep up wiih the Improvement. or the clay, and has accordingly extended hi. huri. ness in every branch and variety. Th. publie ,r. it"k of" "Itention of the prcsenl CAniNKT WAKK AND CHAIHS. Man-vpactumed BT ' SEBASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. 1 At tin- Ol.t Where in addition tn their (,...',, L . estalihsliineiit they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair, wire aprntf beat Rocking Chairtt Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tablet, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and rntliionnhlc Furniture. Havilltr cured a Tlrnran nn.l m-.t. II. .....wv . 1 1 III 1 uie snrv nrrnncemenla for iIia nnmnu ti. . . prepared for I'ndertakinpr in all its branches, hi una 'finny or ai any convenient distance. e maul, nurl mislrMscs, ami hiislmnils loo, Here', runiiliire nf every ylo ami hue, From siilc ytnl ilown to kitchen table., From rocking chairs to locking cradle. Slnml.l yen nut have (lie tcaily Jons to pa. We'll wait awhile fur a liriirlitcr lienor ilny, f)r lake pntnlors, out., cum, wheat anil ry j Itatk, h.op, .tave., or haulier wet and tlry, Or liny Ihing l,nl yoke, anil threshing Rail., t'li'lti piesiinil In. t iiu ilnwil to little quail.. Cntnc on I hen fricmls, come oneantl all, Keep trnile a ntovinar, "g sjs on the Ixtll." t I" Orders from n ili.lmiea t,rrvn,i.ll .lie. ..I.. I to and woi k of all kinds delivered with dispatch. rMliiiiury, march B, 18.i0 tr "AuTaND COMFtDj "i o Yotir ; j St'Chniilcs. MAMT.cTt i:i:r. of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most raclr.or.allc St;le. "TMIK suhscrilier respectfully calls tlie nttentioii of Ihe public to his lariie and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of c:.25ei;t-vva ::e:. whi.-h cannot fail to rcnimmeiid it.-rlf toevcry one who will eiiiuine it, on iiccount uf it. diiralile workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the liesl stork to be had in the city. No effort i. spared in the manufacture nf his ware, and Ihe sul.srii'.ier is ilcti rmiiicd to keep up wiih llie many inijuiiveiitcnts which ate constantly being made. lli.i r luck consists uf Mahogany S.f.H, OitaiiM a:stl I.oti!:;?.., Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BBEAKFAST AM) UIX1NG TABLES, and also VENETIAN HI.INIJS, equal to ThiU- delplii:! manufacture. IIEDsTEAUs, of every pattern aud priip, CUI'l?O.MU)S. WORK AND CANDf.K STANOS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTKNMoX TAIILKS, In short, every article in this line of bis business. He also iiuuiufactures all kinds imJ qualities of CHAIRS, im lndiiiir varieties never lie !',. lo be had it Sunbury, such ns Min,nAt, Wusvt MI t.'l'lt!.i:i) M tl-LK Ciiki I tv ; IM, Wlxin.i. CIIAIKS, A xi, i ,M-r Pitro Stools, wiiiiharn of the latest stvles. nnd vvai n,ni. ,l i., lu. r. ..,..i i by none imiiiiil'iti iurcd in tlte Cities or elsevvheis. j The subscriber U di teim'uted llmt there sltull I be uoevcuse fur pi rsons to un ba-e furniture in ! the cities, as evi t v conliil, n- e cm be cntcrtniiicd j about the quality and finish uf his ware and I Chairs. His nrticlca will be disposed of on a Rood terms as Ihey can be puichnsed elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pHvment for work. IV I NL'EKTAKINC limine nrnvi,!..l ; nunscii wnti a luuiilsomc IIkihsi:, he is now : preparnl for I'nilertakinu', nnd atteudini!; fuller. ; als. in ibis vicinity, or at any convenient t!U j tauce from this place. 15" The are Knout is in Market Street, . below Thompson'. Slure nnd Wcavrr'a Tavern. I liEIIKtiE KI'NN. ,. ... ., . . n I Sunbury, Jan. 10, lS.r,2. tf. VfATCHES, JIWELIIY, c. JAM KS 15. FI DLKJi, ....... . . j ij li outhbicmitl Stree', PHILADELPHIA, i (iold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do " luarlicr do ! ('old ens ami pencil and silver halders ! Silver Tea and Table Spool. j Hracelcts. Diensl pins Kar linR Ac.. All vvaiiaiitcd ai:d sold at prices as low as ary : in llie city. j November 27. 18.')' tf. 1,000 Men M auled. QN the li. e of Ihe Sl'SlJl'EH ANNA KAII KlAl) between Eridueport (opposite liar risbtir) and Sunbury, in ihe State of Pcnnsvlvi. nia. This road is tilly four miles in Icng'h runs lliroiitfh a hi-jhlv improved country, and will furuUh employiueiit for .tone masons', carpenter, snd laborer, for ihe next twelve months. A larne portion of the line is heavy rock exeavstion, laborers that are familiar will "ihcrcfora lind eer tain einplcvmeiil aud liU-nil waes. D ( J I .' CJ H E UT V , L A C ,M A N .V CO., Coiiliuttur.. February 10, lt-53 Koseiulule II3 dpaulic Cement. A Nexiellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, m- Spring hoiiM-s and Cellars, and for keepinj dauiiiiess from wet and ex posed walls. For sale by CHAKLE8 SHEPARD SMITH, of, and successor to, the late firm of Evi Smith it. Son. N. E. Comer of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. ACKKIiEL, CODFISH. Cons'nnlly on hand niul (nr sr'h by J. PALMER &Co. Market-Street Whatf Philadelphia. SALMON. HER KIM'S, PORK, HAMS & SIDES. HIOl'LDEKS. LAUD & CHEESE. Aug. 27. 1S.V 3m. OLD PENS with and without eases, of a very superior quality, ju.t rtw-eived. Also a fresh suntdv of Wrilimr Klni.l (nr ..I. 7 H. li. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 87, 1851. J A TENT liKITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles for sale by Ii. B MASSER. Sunbury, April. U, 1851 SMITH'S Ef CiEK, a fn SSENCE OF JAMAICA CIV. fresh SUIiulv iust received, and fuf ul by il. li. MASSER. Snnburj, Jan. 10, 1852. IS iK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Corn, grcs ink for sale, w hob.ule and retail bv llecember 2, 1B0. II. B MAS5ER. "JARKIACE CETIFICATES bandsoire'y execsjtrd for sale at this office, singl f ky the doxen.