IMPOETANT TO PHYSICIANS AND ., . ,,;: lADIES. CONFIDKNCR ten b pl-ptl, to the fullest eatcnl, in the Lm of tin 8vpurmii of Mia. Bktt of l'hlla . j-rf IS- . ' jB ' V" ln""' easel are known of entire of Ladies from tlio most Intense pain of body and anxiety of mind, (nun from bin use nf ullif-r appllraiUone or no npntaticsi whatever. Beware uTimtol, glare serines or all kinds, end elastic prerations, tin-tendency of which to injure the patient, it but too well known to many euf. .lerera andphiriicieiia. To avoid all Coonterfiete, apply reonalhror h letter lo Mra. B , No. 3UI Walnut Street : .xaaaine net 6ie;natnre on eat-k Supporter, and her United Blaise Conyrithl bbele on each bos. Her SunnoHrre are amUuned by a atandint of ) years and aleo by the Facul V, enemting oa the highest names in the United States.-. vs aan bt Mail raas. Pmca Monraim. Address, iii "',,or,t,',.0",e1" 'AS. BUTTS, Agent, No Ml Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pailn., October l, 18X1 u'. INASMUCH a there has been at sundry times, obstructions placed nntl confined upon the track of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, i do hereby offer the above reward for the detec and conviction of ony person or persons fcuilty of such offence. DVID LONGENECKER, President. S'ttnlury, Sept. 84, 1053. 3m. Cheap Watches 5 Jewelry, "IXTHOLESALE ""J Retail, nt the "Philndel- T phia Watch and Jewelry Hlorc," No. 66 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, . PHILADELPHIA. OoM 1. ever Watches, full jeweled, ttl earnt cnara, f 2? (XI OnldiVplne tvk. S'.M.isi'.Kine Silver Siieitnclea. 1.50 Oliver i-p. lull ,ewlleo, 99. Until ItraecliH. Silver lupine, jewels, 10.H allies' Oi.ld Pencils, Siiemior (jimrtirn, 7. Silver Tai so-mns, set, 3.00 1.IK) S.00 w..iu .-penmen, ".Ptlj OoM "m, will) Pencil ami Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37 J cents to $90 ; Watch Glasses, pluin, 12J cents; Patent, 1SJ; Lur.rt, C5j other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be whnt they tire cold for. STAUFFER & HART.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. s On hand, some Gold nnd Silver J,e vers and Lrpinrs, still lower than the above prices, r'ept. 10, 1853. ly. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON fit X. AMINO-, MANtTACTUBKHS &. l.MrortTliltS, So. 124 Arch Street, second door ahov: Si.clh, JHILADSLPHIA. TlXTH EKE may be found the largest and hand- soinest assortment in the City. Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, where they will be suited with a superior article, at the low rat prices. BURTON & LANING. No. 124 Arch Street, above Sixth. Phila., Sept. 17, 1853 3tn. PAPER EA1TGI1T33. W. WILSON, No. 0 Sotili Fourth Street, fire daors below Market st. Eust .tide, PHILADELPHIA. HAS for sale every variety of WALL PATERS, from 6 vents per piece, upward, in hiding Fine Satins, Gold iitul Velvets, imitation Woods, Marbles, Ac. Also a great variety of new style of Curtain Pspers, Fine Board Prints, Borders, Ac. Dealer supplied nt the lowest rate. Phila., Sept. 84, 1853 3m. Estate of ARTHUR HIBLER, dee'd. "JrVJOTICE is hereby given that letters of .VI JJ ministration have been 51111, toil to the un dersigned upon the estate of Arthur l'iblcr. lute if Cinciniiutti, Ohio, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are reiiiested to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement ; nnd those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment without de'.sv. SAMUEL 1IIDLEH. Adni'tor, Uanville, Pa Danville, Sept. 24, IS53. Ct. AGRICULTURAL J AIR. TI10 Kvecinive Corn ill it ' of Nnillnimbt'r laml County Aoiic.ulluril Sorii-ty, met at Mid house nf Win Slreeter, in Not ! Iiiunbi'i lainl, on Thursday, July 14, toHpp'iini .Imlyi-s, and tlutortninti u list nf prt' lor I lie Fair. Tun PifnidiMit in iheCliair. - It nua resolved to hot. I the Annual F.xlii bitiuu nt MILTON, on Tuesday and Wednes. dnv, Oolidier I81I1 stid 19. Ii. The folltiwiuu aentlenien were appointed Cotninittee of Airaiisetnenl. to prepare lim grounds, and do all things iincesrary for the success of I he undertaking : Samuel Hepburn, ClminiKiii '. JuIim II Kek, John Miller, J. 11. Kekbeit, John M. HnH, UdoiL'8 Biker, Win - Heinen, Wm. C. Law snn, fi W.Chapin. Win. H Fivn.ii', Satnitel T.'Biuwii, Robi. M. Friek and Tin, LIST JF PREMIUMS. HORSES. Best Slnlliou, over 4 years old, feeond do do Best Stallion under 4 years ul I, Sec Mid do ll'l Res' mare, wish colt ai Iter sid-', S"t'.illlil (III do B at Saddle Horse, CATTLE. Dl'BIIAMS ok Siiiikt Hurt Best Bull over 2 jenrsold, Second dn lo Best Bull 1111 Jei S jtnia old, Second do Uu B.'St Cow, Sil me. 3 00 3 0(1 4 00 2 00 3 00 3 01) 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 ) 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 Seeouil d", Bj1 Heifer, Seiiiul tin. The Mime premium will b iiurded lo Devons, Hereford, Alderneys, and Aebires. NATIVES. Beat Bull over 2 year, old, 2 Second do 2 00 Best Cow, 2 "0 Best Heifer, 00 Brat Calf, under 6 months old, 2 00 FAT CATTLE AND WORKING OXEN. Best Yoke of Oxen, Second do Best fat animal, Second do SWINE. Best Boar, Second do Best Sow, Second do Best pair of Shouts, Second do Best litter of pigs under 3 months, Best fat Hog, SHEEP. 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 300 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 Best Ram, Beat Ewe, Best Lamb, Best fat Sheep. . e POULTRY. Best pair ofTurke, Second do Beat pair of CeeB, Second do Best pair of Musk Ducks, Fecond do Best pair of puddle Ducks, .t Second do Best p ir Shanghai or Cochin China fowls, Bee nd dn Best pair Chiitagong, Th same premiums for Bialima, rootors, an i i. limmvi. Hambnrcs. Polish oles, Bnlarna, or any other unadulterated breed. . . . . Best d largest eolleclion or fow ls, Second du Beat show of pigeons, fecund do ; GRAIN AND POTATOES. . ; Best bushel of w heal, 2 00 Second do 00 Heat bushel of com, 2 00 Saoonrl do I 00 Best do rye, 1 00 Best do oat, 1 00 Heat do polatoea, 1 60 Second do 1 00 Best, I do of sw eet potato, 100 VEGETABLES. Beai beets, not losa than 12, 1 00 Do car tots, " 1 00 Do parsnips, I 00 Do turnips, ' 1 00 Do talsily or oyator plitnl, " 1 00 Do onions, " 00 Do cabbnyr, A 1 00 Do caulillower, " I 00 Do sijunsh, 3 1 00 Do pumpkins, 00 Do Fig-plauts, " 1 00 Do tomatoes, 12 I 00 Do celery, 12 aialks, I 00 Best iissoitmenl ofunrdeu veyelables, 2 00 FRUIT. Best i bushels of tipples, 1 00 Do I do quinces, 1 08 Do I pears, 1 00 Do i peaches, 1 00 bo G bunches of grapes, 1 00 Do watermelon, I 00 Do musk-melon, or citron, 1 00 IMPLEMENTS. Best threshing machine, 4 00 Do reaper, 3 00 Da seed-drill, 2 00 D.) winiiowinc-uiill, a 00 Dj rurii-helle, 2 00 Du plow, 2 00 Do cultivator. . 2 00 D ) roller, ' 2 P0 Do com-pltnv, 2 00 D.) slraw-etitlei, 2 00 Do farm-waun, 2 00 Do sell of harness, 2 00 l), Hoise rake, I 00 Dj grain cradle, 1 00 DAIRY, kc. ft.'M IniMer, not less than five lbs , 1 00 D.) h.-inev, 41 1 00 Do loaT of lucad, 4 lbs., 1 00 On ham cnieil by exhibitor, 1 00 Do 6 lbs, ul hiime-madi! snap. 1 00 D- apple-bill ler, 6 (jliails, 1 00 D.i piesei ves, 1 00 DOM ESTIC M ANU FACTURE5. H.-st Quilt, 1 00 D i coonlerpane, 1 00 D.i hvHilh-iui;, 1 00 D.i pair nf bhiiikeis, 1 00 D.i 20 yards til carpel, 1 00 f) elni'h. (home-made,) 10 yards, 1 00 D 1 fl umel, 1 00 Di pair knit woolen stoikings, or socks, t 00 Di aloves or mittens, 1 00 D.) home. made I bread. 1 lb., 1 00 M ISC E LL A N EOUS A RT1CL ES. Fur mechanical iuventieius, tools, furniture, a :d oiher niticlcs nut enminu nmli-r any of tliu abovti heads, prizes will be decreed, nc eoidini; I" the menus of the society, and the miils of the nrlieles exhibited. PLOWING MATCH. B -st Plowman, 5 00 Second, 4 00 Third, 3 00 Foil rill, 2 00 JUDGES. llurtT.s. A E Kapp, Wm. B. Kipp, John R, Eck, Bi!iij (Jeaiharl, Henry Render. Catti.k J. C. Hiirlon, John Moutynmery, John Dutikel, Wm. H. Kase, Jacob Lit sen-rin-j, Shamokin 1 1. Kis. John Purler, S. A. Betiistresser, Wm. Fullmer, John 13. Packer, David B. Mntilunmerv. Shkkp. Thnmas Johnson, Andrew Arm sir uiir. Petei Huuyhaw out. DetiuiK Wolvetlon, Wm. D Genihart. Poi'LTIiV. Jn-e;ih Prieslb'V. Elisha C. li.nlnn. S. R. Wood, Wm. M'Ceery, Win. T. Foisyth. Grain, &e Samuel John. Chas. Riddell, J.unes Beuid, Sen., James Eck man, Comly Vincent. V 1.1 ; kt A n 1. k Ale. Jordan. J.unes Pol lock, Alex. Cult, lluratio G. Taoyait, Elida John. Friit David Taaaarl, Win. I Giee- uoiioli, U B. Masser, (i. B. Vouiigui.iu, Juhu Wolfinaer. Imim.kmknt Win. 11. Mueneh, J. H. Zimmeitnaii, Win. Hood, O. P. P.ittou, T iMervine. Miscki.i.ankois John Taai'.iri, D. C. Watson, J.iiepl) Nieoly, Win. B.-ard, Win. Forsyth. Dairv, bit:. Tlios Swenk. Jacob G. Frick, W. T. Grant. Adam Keller, John Oberdnrf. DilMETIC Mam'kactki'ks. John F. Di'lit ler, Jacob Seashobz. l-iiac Yincout, N B. Thnirips'ui, Win. Maieh Plowim; Match, hlijali l,.-awlt)rd, 1'- so:i Hiilc!iiuon. .1. eimer l.-mtinw, teni. Heudiieks. Juhu S ri:h (Uptvr Anatista.) None but tnembeistif the Society will be permitted 10 compete for premiums Persons from nnv county, Nate or country, may become members by pnyiuafO cents to tlm Treusiner, or any township Cuinmi'tee in 111. Compelilion is earnestly invited from the ueialiboi ina ronnties. Judges will commence their duties at 3 11 clneK, I . 1M. n 1 no lust (lav- 1 rieir nwarus II be published el 3'c!ock, P. M. the next lav, after which the address will be deliv- ered. The Plow ins Match w ill take place at I o'clock, P. M. (s-eo-id day.) JAS. CA.MfcKU., I'resf W. I. Crteuov'h, ) c , n t f J-Seeietanes. iJurnf lagsart, ) AUDITOR'S REPORT. RrpniiT or the Auditors ok Noiitirmolr- LAND CuVNTY FOR THE YEAR 1852. Jucab Younz, l!q., Treasurer of Yurth- um'jerlunU County, in account u'lf 'i tame. Dn. To amount of County lax recei ved fiom coilecluis for the year, 1846, " " 1848, " " 1849, " " 1850, " " 1851, " 1852, 40 306 333 88 4.290 2,438 128 293 97 126 265 Amount ol County lax, on un sealed lands for 1830, ' " Road, " School, " " County, 1851, 11 " Road, 11 School, Amount arisinu from sale of Nor thumberland Biidgo stock, Amount of dividend of laid stock Rent for Public Buildiim, Court Fines and Jury Funds, J. B. Massei's note taken by County Coinmissioneta as pail of bridue stock, dated, Febiua ry 25, 1P52 Interest on same lo Deo 31, 1852. Amount of J B. Masser' bond for unseated lands, 2 00 2 00 2 00 220 624 40 9 69 1 50 75 1 50 75 1 50 75 1 S 75 140 00 7 34 130 00 1 SO 75 1 50 75 $9,865 65 Ca. Cre Bv amount of Cash raid a per Commissioner' orders, $10,520 Paid Northumberland Bank, Paid Eastern Penitentiary, Expenses in going lo Norlhuin bet laud 4 limes lo pay money and leceive budge stock, 300 3 00 68 1 50 2 00 1 00 6 30 SUNBDllY AMERICAN AND SHAMORlN JOURNAL. Depreciated money, . ' Treasurers commission on 1 10, 879 334 at 2 per cl. 9 00 271 98 811,166 611 9,868 851 Balance due County Tieasuret, $1,300 751 uro6 Youne, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account veilh the tame mpecling Statt funds. Dn. ' ' To amount of State la.t received from collectors for the year, 1849, " " 1150, " " " 1851, " " " 1852, Stale lax on unseated lands 1850, " " " 1861, Ajfgieyate amount of Taverr li cense grHiiled, by the Court of Quarter Sessions 1852, Acrerate amount of Retnileta lietmse us per list furnished Treasurer by inoicautilu ap praiser, Aiiitregnle amount nl Patent Me dicine as per list fuiiii.ihed by mercantile appraiser, Aggregate amount of Beer and Oyster shop licenses as per list fin nifhed by mercantile ap praiser, Ajjgrejrate) amount of Distillers and Brewers license as per list furrii.-died by mercantile np- 32 41 627 OA 8 343 00 8.414 10 191 43 191 54 480 00 820 26 13 00 22 00 praiser, Amount of militia lax received 21 00 28 35 67 55 107 70 221 2S 115 50 fiom uolllectors fur 1848, 1819, 1850, 1851, 185:2, 11 if 11 $14,593 1G 9,611 82 Balance due fiom Tieasmer, Cn. By cash paid Suite TieaMirct ns $4,986 34 pei tn.i receipt dated July ilu, 1852, $9,114 32 Lasli paid assessors for assessing 1777 delinquent mililia men, Aggregate auiouui paid volunteer (Jump mire as per ordeis, Briaude luspectoi's salary, Cash paid Brigade Inspector, for collcuiiua; and transporting arms as put Ins leceipts, Cash paid John (i. Youuamnii & sun lot 'publishing list oi Retail- ets licenses for 1852, Paid H. B. Masser for publishing li't ol Relallei licenses in E tylish and Gernvm papers, Mileage paid 1. W- Z-ulmnn, Mercantile appraiser 207 miles at 3 els per mile. Cash paid R. W. Zartman. mer- cantlli! appraiser, for attending appeal one day, Exonotalions Retailets license Tieastnei's per centaao on 89,- 114 32. al one per it. Treasurer's per cenlaoo 011 $338 27, paid Volunteer companies and l!i H ide Inspectors, at one per cent. 17 77 230 00 50 00 20 50 9 00 34 00 6 21 1 00 24 50 91 14 3 38 $9,611 82 Expenditures nf the County of Northumher land, us per orders issued by the Commit sioners of saiil County To iiaari'gate amount of Com monwealth costs, Stationary. $.251 72 314 90 100 00 3 00 189 75 270 44 175 50 232 50 20 00 168 00 50 00 Commissioner Wilson's wages for 1851, Charles Weaver, 1851. Christian Albeit, 1830 & '51 Chailes Weaver. ' 1832. Win. Wilson, ' Christian Albeit, " Joseph Nicely, '' County Auditors, " Special Audiluis, '" G. M. Yolks, auditing public of- 25 00 I 3 III ! 1,605 07 142 116 253 37 279 27 422 00 119 60 346 824 709 04 2 882 68 4 '245 17 888 40 52 73 149 Ot) 35 00 78 50 123 01 41 26 12 00 9 89 32 50 28 08 64 25 405 00 131 124 lice ncnounts. M. Bnclier seiving subptBnas for Special Auditors, Aggregate nmouu! paid fot build ing and repairing biidges, Prollinnolary's Fees, Viewing rojds k sites for bridces Constables Fees lor nlteiiding Coin I, Prinlina Ly enntiaet, Commissiutier's Clerk's wages fur 1851, Ai;reaaie amount of Commis sioner' waoes for 1832, Asscsmiis wages, Jurors w nas, Pub'.iu Buildiuas, Election Evjienses, Pieiniuins on Fox scalps, Colli t Cl it'rs w aaes, Attorney for C ou itv, Aariculininl Society, Cniiiieis liKjuesis, R"fuudi'ia Piison Expenses, School tax 011 unsealed Ian Distiict Attorney Fees. Damages fur Roads, Fuel. SHe. ill's Fees, Contingencies, 1852, 11 .1 11 T11t.1l, $10,860 04 .4notinfs due from Collectors of County and Slate Tax. Samuel Awl. Augus'a, Thomas Barr, Lewis, Dennis Buoy, ChilUq Chailes Fox, Delaware, 18-10, $27 96 1819, 4 02 1850, 107 It) 14 32 13 " 108 41 " 133 05 1851, 119 364 " 104 16 " 51 28 'I 29 13 " 86 60 4 " 12 87 " 159 67 272 30 139 894 11 96 214 79 70 11 29 65 1852, 547 62 'y ' 207 30 738 54 368 94 152 10 y 89 69 393 83 I 455 84 " 311 82 ii 654 68 418 90 11 353 99 400 14 4 1 670 63 i 622 95 i 98 10 11 493 63 11 344 03 James Valid) ke. Noilh'd II. R. JuhiiKiin, hush, Solomon Mar'., Coal, Jacob Kline, Chilisq. John Heim, Cameion, M. Drumheiler, Jackson, David Wilson. Lewis, Biiiiietnan. Low. Mah'y, Peter Ruch, Noilh'd, Joseph Vankiik, Point, 95 33 U3 18 79 53 05 21 i 18 83 83' II. K Johnson, Rush, Peler Pursel, Sunbury, Georop Kuniz, Ttiibut, Win. Reed, Up. Augusta, J. R Clark, L- Aususia, Wm. l'ernhmise, Up. Mali' J. Kline, Chiiisqunqiie, Atulrew Ruiiyan, Rush, E. Eiseuharl, Coal, 0 S. Drumheiler. L. Mali' John Wetel, Jackson, Hiniieinnu, Low. Mali y 704 00 00 00 00 S. Hales, Shamtikin, Jacob Hunsicker, Lewis, Reter Ruch, North M, Win. Reed, Up. Augusta, Pe er Pursel, Siinliury, Abm. Kissinger, luibut, Da del Cares, Delaware, John H.-iiTi, Cameron, Joseph Vaukirk, Point, James Buoy, Milton, Total, $8,883 97 Slate. J. Leisenring, North'd, Thomas Barr, Lewis, John Leibig, Coal. D Stahluecker, Delaware, C Kersner, Sunbury, George Kunlz, Tuibiil, Solomon Marti, Coal, Jacob Kline, Cbilisq. John Heim, Cameron, David Wilson, Lewis, 1818, 1849, 11 1850, 11 1851, (. 11 11 48 07 11 48 65 70 63 7 73 20 17 103 45 256 04 23 69 355 90 58J 00 75 11 ti (I 1 .1 11 11 91 81 179 7a 84 74 24 26 51 22 21 61 7 30 .43 02 840 87 31 92 35 33 175 47 84 6!) 47 97 378 78 64 71 324 64 331 38 486 13 292 43 319 33 445 02 71 C5 ,521 18 76 00 D. S. Drumheiler, L. Mnh'y, J. R. Clark, L. Augusts, 1852, W. Berghou'se. Up. Mah'y, Andrew Rnnynn, Rush, E. Eisenhart, Coal, 11 11 11 D 8. D.umheller, L. Mah'y ii John Wentliel, Jackson, J. Binireman, Low. Mah'y, Sam'l Hales, Plismokin, Jacob (lunsieker, Lewis, Peter Ruch, Notlh'd, Wm. ReeJ, Up. Auuustn, Peter Pursel, Suiibiiry, Abm. Kissiii).'pr, Turlnit, Daniel Cates, Delawate, John Heim, Cameron, Joseph Vankiik, Point, James Buoy, Milton, 11 k 11 11 a 11 11 11 0, 318 874 Amounts due from Collectors of Militia Fines. Michael Evert, Augusta, 184H, John Leibig, Coal, 1848, l Slahluecker. Delaware " John Lei bit;, Coal, 1S49, D. Stahlnecker, Delawate, ' John Leisetiiiiig, North'd, " S3 1 00 16 00 1 93 21 50 13 50 24 60 31 43 29 00 45 00 15 00 28 00 44 50 36 00 42 00 59 50 25 50 4 09 21 00 44 00 16 50 38 90 82 50 46 50 78 50 32 00 20 50 41 00 32 40 43 00 13 00 15 50 II 00 11 50 34 00 26 50 26 00 53 00 16 50 35 50 61 00 70 50 73 00 59 50 59 50 17 50 33 00 27 00 45 00 48 00 21 50 34 00 jauoD Beck, Sunbury, John Leibig, Coal, 1850, uennts buoy Cbilisq. Charles Fox, Delaware, M. Drnmhtller, Jackson, J. It. Clark, Low. Auausia, James Vandyke, Notlh'd, II R. Johnson, Rush, Conrad Kersner, Sunbury Genrue Knots', Tin but. 1 J Eckmnn, Up. Augusta, ! 5olllmoll Marlz, Coal, 1 J. Kline, Chilisqiiaqne, 1851, I Joen tleini, Cameton, " I Daniel Cares, Delaware, ! M. Drtimhellet, Jackson, " j John Clapp, Lewis, " 1 J R. Clark, Low. Augnla, " I J. Binceman, Low. Mnh'v, " j D- S. Drumheiler, Lit. M4i " j Peler Ruch, Notlh'd, ' Joseph Vankitk. Point, " I II. R. Johnson, Rush, " 1'eter Pursel, Nintury, " Genrae Kunt. Tin bin, " Win Reed, Up. AtiiustR. " W. Betghonse. Up. Mah'y " J. Bingeman, Low. M.-th, 1852, Andrew Riiiiyau, Rush, E. Eiseuhatt, Coal, John VVenlzel,, John Heim, Cameion, W Berghouse, Up. Mah'y, J. Kline, Chilisipiarpie, J. R. Claik. Low. Ansusta, Daniel Cares Delaware, Jacob Hunsicker, Lewi, James Buoy, Milton. D. S. Drumheiler, Lit. Mall Peter Rneh. North'd. Joseph Vankiik, Point, Peter Pursel, Sunbuiv. Samuel Hales, Shamokin. Abm. Kissinger Turbul, . Wm. Reed, Up Augusta, 11 11 $1.759 47 County, State and Militia luxes levied for 1852. Cnniltv. Liwer Augnitn, $.we 01 t'pper Aitiriiiia, 4 .VJ vJ Upper Mnh.nii.y, 4.-,; 3, Ituatl, &WU4 Punlmry, 4 )3 SI J Istwia, Tin 113 Milton, su M Turlnit, Hi ftt CIllliaqunqiK. KM M final, a XI Little Mulianny, IS(iCt) Camerisi, PS 11) t..ver MiihaiKir, Mn .19 Point, 4?:ifll J11clcs-.11, 011-1 el Northniitticrland,, 6iatK Delnwarc, fHi7 70 aiiamJkiit, 6:il 07 ftnle. 877. 73 Oil M fiia re fun to 6- it in 1,1.11 04 7-J7 01 1,16.1 IS; 1.1KI (HJ 14 M 1t-0 Ad 1:11 tn Hi; -ti 7)S 44 nn 7 017 4N 1.3wi 77 014 71 Militia. 70 Ml at nu 3. '. SO 41 00 4. 'i 00 .'ISO .',!! .Ml at fa Al MI fit u 17 51) 3.1 (Rl 7H 00 77 00 8,970 071 13,710 54 SOU S I To amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds paid James Be.ird, Esq., Prolhonolaiy of Northumberland co , for which he account ed to the Commissioner in the settlement of his account with the County. $64 00 do do Wm B. Kipp, Esq , SherifTof Notlh'd county, and accounted for in the same ntanucr, du do Court Fines and Jury funds due Ihu county, Forfeited recognisances, 12 00 168 00 800 00 $1041 00 uco Young, Esq, Treasurer of Northumber land County in account with the Common wealth. D.i Tux on Real ami Personal Estale. To Booreyntd amount ol sairl lax outstanding fur 1851 ami pievi oos years as per last annual re port of Auditor. $5 940 78 4 Aggregate amount of said tax as. sessed for the use of the Com monwealth fur 1852, as per statement of County Commis sioner filed wilh said Tieasurer, 13,710 51 Amount of said l received 011 unseated lands for 1852 and previous yeai. 382 97 $20,034 29 4 17 072 084 Balance due Commonwealth, 2,962 21 C11. By Cash paid Stale Treasurer on account of said tax 'or 1H52 as per his receipt dated July 20, 1852, $9,114 32 Amount of laxes remaining uncol lected for 1852 and previous years. C 730 674 Exonerations allowed eollectms for yeats previous lo 1852 as per certificate of County Com missioner, 64 42 Commissioners allowed Collectors fni 1852 and previous years 011 $12 316 56 at 5 per cei t. 615 82 455 71 91 14 Abatement allowed county on $9,- 114 32, Treasurer'a Commission on the above, $17,072 084 Retailer's License, Da. To aggregate amount Retailers' license for the year 1852 a per list furnished tn the County Tieasmer by Mercantile Ap praiser, $820 25 57 50 Ballancedue Commonwealth, $762 76 Ca. By exonerations nf said license. Amount paid printers for publish' $24 60 lug Mercantile Appiaiser's list, as per receipt. 33 00 67 60 Dr. To aggregate amoutil of Tavern license granted by the Court uf Quarter Sessions for the year 1852, aa per return of Clerk of aaid Court filed with County Treasurer, To aggregate amount of Patent Medicine license for the year 1852. as ner list furniihed la the 024 1480 00 I County Tieesuttr by Meicau- J. BinReman, Law? Mah'r Peter Ruch, North'd, II K. Johnson, Rnsh, Peter Pursol, Sunbury, George Kuntr, Turbul,' Wm. Reed, Up. Augus'a, lite Appraiser, To aggregate amount of Distillery and Brewery license for the year 1852, as per list furnished tn the County Tteasurer by the Mercantile Appiaisnr, Te aggregate amount of lieenso on Boer Houses and Oyster Shop for I ho year 1832, as per .list furnished County Treasurer by Mercantile Appraiser, , Militia Fines. Da. To aanregate nf said fines out standing fur 1851, und previous years, as per last repott of coun ty Auditors, IS 00 21 00 22 00 $1 5o'J 54 To AKUregnte amount of Militia hue assessed for the year 1852 as per book in which said lines are entered by Comity Com missioners, 856 30 S?,126 04 B 352 45 Balance due Comiiiouweatlli, t73 69 Ck. By amount of said fines remains ing uncollected for 1S52 and pi evious years, $1,885 06 Exoueiaiious allowed collectors for 1852 and previous years, 98 50 Five per cent, commission allow ed collector fot 1852 anil pre vious tears, 20 04 Amount paid Assessois for asses sing and furnishing lis:sol 1777 delinquent militia men, at 1 per cent, each, 17 77 Amount paid Biigade Inspector lor inspecting 5 cumpauies for 1852, 50 00 Amount paid Biiandu Inspector for collecting miinaiy propeity, and transportation of aims lor 1852, 20 50 Amount paid Tieasurer of Wash inaion Guards as per older of Capt Jacob Hufl.i. 25 00 Amount paid Tieasurer of North umbeiiinid Tioons as per order of Capt. James Hi v&oit, 75 00 Amount paid Treasurer of Dew art Gii.-ids as per order of dpt J. 11 Zimmei man, 50 00 Amoutil paid Jackson Rifle Com pany ns per oider ul Capt. J.. cob'Heliick, 50 00 Amount paid Tieasmer of Dep penville Cavaliyas perordet of Cnpl. Jacob Hilbish, 50 00 Amount of Treasurer's commis sion on $338 27, al one per cent. 3 38 $.',352 45 Wr ihi niulerainncil. Auditors of Nutth- lln,).erliwl ..nili.ll- in tliu f 'urn oil, II ivea It h nf Pennsylvania, tlo certify Ihnt in pursuance ' of I be 47th section of the Act entitled, "An net tociilalini Counties and Townships, ice .," passed the 15th day of A pi it, 1834, we met nt the Cornmissiuners' Oliice, 111 the bvrouuh of Sunbuiy, on the 16 h day uf December, 1852, and adjourned from time to lime, and did audit, adjust and settle the sevetal ac counts requited of u. ngieenbly to the sev eral Act of Assembly and supplements thereto, according lo the best of our judg ment and ability. Witness our hands and sea's, at the Oflice aforesaid, this twenly-iliird day of July, A. D. 1853. R EU B EN W 7. A RT MAN, (1. S ) J H ZIMMERMAN. L.S.) M. 1. 1). W ITH1 NGTON, ( L.S'.) We, the undersigned, Auditors of Norlh- umbeiland county, duly elected and sworn ' to adjust the ncaounls of the ollieers of said 97 011! county, do certify that we have cnteftilly ex csuoi nniined the voucheis and liud that there is due the Commonwealth lis per repott of special Auditors, the sum of three thousand five hundred and eighty-seven dollars and ninety-tivo Mid u hall cents. hIsd Stale tax lor IS52, after deduction lor rxoueiatious made to coilecluis, the sum of sixty-four dol lars and forty-two cents, collectors' commie sion, six hundred anil lil'tecu and eighty-two cents, abatement allowed the county as per State Treasuiet's receipt, four hundred and fifty-five dollars and seventy-one cents, and County Treasurer, a commission, ninety-one dollars and fourteen cenis, the stun of three thousand Ihree hundred and sixiv-uiiie dol lars and thirteen cents, also for Tavein Li censes four hundred ami eighty dolUiis, lie tailors Licenses seven bundled nnd sixiv-two dollars and sevutity-five cents, Pale it Medi cines fifteen dollars, Distillery, Brewety, Beer Houses and Ojster Shops, (orly-lhree dollars, also for Mililia Fines alter deducting for exonerations made to cuilectois ninety eight dollars and fifty cents, collectors coin- - - ; i i tnisrUtis twel.ty-six dollars ami sixty-lour cents, Mssessot wages lor inaKing out lists ot delinquent militia men seventeen dollars and seveoly-se veu cents, three bundled and tint ly-eight dollars and twenty-seven cents paid lo volunteer companies and Brigade Inspec tors, and linen Hollars und thirty eight cents Ireasuiets percentage on Hie abuve, 0110 j thousand nine hundred aii.l f-irty-oHo dollars ami forly-eiglr. cents, leaving a balance of State lax. Licenses and Militia tines duo the Coinmouwenll Ii of ten thousand ouu bundled and tiiiiely-iiiini d. dials and Iweuty-eighl and a half cents; aUo the sum of thiue hundred ami forty dolhns twenty-two and a half cents outstanding otdeis, ami the sum uf one thousand ihree hundred dollars and seventy five cent due Jacob V.'iing, Esq., Treasurer of Noithiimbeilaiid county for money over paid on comity ordeis, making the liability of the county 011 the thirty-first day of De cember, A. D. 1852 inclusive, eleven thou sand eight huudied and forty dollais and twenty-six cents, w hile there is due fiom the Tret-surer 011 Stale funds the sum of fiair thousand nine hundred and eighty-six dol lars and thiity-luiir cents, from collectors of comity lax eight ihousai d eight huudied ai d iglity-'hree dollars and ninety-seven cents, from collectors of Slate tux six thousand three bundled and eighteen dollars and eighty-seven and u half cents, from co!cc of militia fines one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine dollars and foily-seven cents, also fur Jury fumU one huudied ami eight dollars, for Court Fines sixty dollais, and lot recognizances forfeited eight hundred dol lars, which after deducting the liabilities of the county will leave a balance due said county, after the payment of all debts, of eleven thousand and seventy six dollars nnd thirly-niun and h half cent on the thiitv first day of December inclusive. In witness wheieof we hive hmeunln se our hand and seals 'ho 23d day July, A D. 1853. R EUR F.N W. ZARTMAN, LS) J. H. ZIMMERMAN, LS) M. I. D. Wl THINGTON, LS ) 3III.I.IKnY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 43 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now opening for the Fall Trade, a Urge and well selected assortment of Silka, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Millinery Goods in geneial. Confining themselves exclusively to this branch of the trade, and taroaTisa the larger part tin tr atocK, enables mem to oner an saaurtinent Uiiiurpasaed in extent or variety, which will be sold on tue most favorable terms, rhlla.. Btpt. 17, l8o3.-5m. Gas Fixtures Lamps. HEIDRICK, HORNING ft 3R0THER, No. 221 A'oilA Second Stit-t iow Fnt, rmLADziLTiv; . U A VINO had uiwiy years experience in the business, ami ns all work sold by u is manufactured underotir imniO'li.iteuprvision, we are enabled to oiler lo purchasers superior ar ticles, in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable terms. At our rtnre may be found, in every variety and style of finish. Gas and Lamp Chandeliers. Pendants. Side Brackets. f-r Ilslls, Churcdies. Ac, the IMPROVED PINK OIL LAMP; ano, Fluid, Lar.l nnd Oil Lamps, Gir andoles, Boqueto Holders 1, Nitl and Rending Lamps. On hand, Lamp Glasses, Globes. W'iiki, Shades, Ac. ALL WORK WARRANTED, OR NO .SALE. Factory Nu. 86 Noble St., tatar 4th. Remember 821 N. 2d st., licit doer lo J. Stewart Dtpuy 'a carpet store. September 10, 1853. 3m. WILLI AH GROVES " & CG'3 l"lli)!sU'rv. lt'ldin; Vv. llii'P nrehois-i' ii F. Currier i"tfjiif i.'i.if .i. ch tJPRING V.VAhi, Festher 11.1 MuK, Husk, and Straw Maltn-si s, Cu!ii in. t.'i-.t. Comfortable Counterpanes, KacKius, Ul-nil.f ts, Ac., Ae. C'oiistiiulli' en hnnd or mai'.c to i-riicr and sold Vl.dcsale and la'lall.on the loi-l luv. r able terms. FEATHERS, IlAUl. IIUSSCS. . by the bale or pound. Orders respecliM'Iy 1 '. itcd, promptly e.-.ecute'l, and wiiiriiniu.t to pive atislactioii. N. 11. Mattrc.ucs rc-uiaue rcnovHlcd. Phila., Sept. 10. 155 Hei id Fc i:s,isiico 4KO!tt:svr;iJ.a. iief.!. jV OTK'l" is hereby gi 11. tlml letters of mb.iiii- ' islr.ition h ive been tfrat.t-.'d to the f.ilis.'iilicrs on the estate of icor;c .'.i,i!;er, Utc of Lower Augusta township, dte'd. All persons luring claims egaiust said estate are rrmiestrtl to picscnt j them, duly 'authenticated, lor settlement , und j llioso knowing themselves indebted to niaUc pay- , incut without dclav, JKR.WKTZEL. ) . . .. HANNAH HMKKR, A,,m tJr''' , Lower Augusta twsp., HryU 3, 1S33. Gt. N. 31. Xowiiam'fi Scully's Rtiu; Norirrsian street, Pvtlsvillc, renna. l.(ll!ll)itl Mhop, r"I AS CONSTANTLY ON II A.N 1) A PUP- K I e 11 c T 1 ti- . . , . , , ply of nil of Lead Pine. Sheet Lead, Block Tin, littth Tubs, Shower llulhs, II drn.-its, Hose, Double and Kinirle Acting Pumps and Wa- jler Closets; also, nil kinds of Brass Cocks for,' 1 wai-r ami steam, urass I'll v ; 11 is, anil iioncs t for hngines. All kinds of t opper ork nnd j Pltimbiiirr done in the neatest manner at the 1 I shortest notice, N. 11. Cash paid for old Rrass and Lend. Pottsville, Aug. 27, 1R53. ly S'20 UEAVAltl)-. rHTTHE above reward will bo paid for informa- tiou that will lend lo the discovery nnd conviction of the person or persons who were trinity of I'llline, the nxel boxes of the passenger nnd coal enrs of the Philadelphia arid Sunbury Ruilroad, wilh sand and dirt. 1). LONOENECKER, Prest. Sunburv, Aug. 27, 1853. Live sin'l Help Live!!! OfR Motto. S. N. THOMPSON fVJ) ESPECTFULl.Y infonus his friends and n the public generally, that he has just re. ceived at his store, in Sunbury, l.elow Weaver's Hotel, a large, h-iudumc and chrnp assortment of SPRING AXi) SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Drv Clomi-i, viz : Cloths, Cassimtrs Cassinrts, .hans, Drilling, Muslins, Veslinas, Limns, iVr. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslia dc Luins, Laiens, G'liiciflinj, licrages, Holes, efcr ;itoii:itii:s( Sosar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ilnrilnnre, Nails, Screw k, Files, Saws, Knives A Folks, Ac, Queensware, of various sly lus and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES A Urge assortment uf Hoots und Shoes, for men, women and children. Hsts Cats, Are., ol'vniious sizes and styles. Beside a larc nnd general assortment of fashionable guoJs. Call and examine for our- i nelxe. Country produce ot nil run.: ! exh ume ut the highest prices. tjl,cn in - Sunbury, 4 mo. 30, is.iti. li rt e .Mommies. POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. rgxliE attention of the Trade, and others, in I want f Porte Mommies, Pocket Books. 1 1) an tiers' Cases, Dressing Cisci, Portable Wii- ling IlesUs, Backgammon und Chess Hoards. Chessmen, Pearl, Micl4, and Silwr Cord Cases, Work Jloes, Cabas, JSccJIe Hooks, Money Belts. Cigar Cswes, Portfolio. Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Flttsks, and line Cullcrv. to gether with a largo lurictv of Fasiy (i.ious, which will he sold ut the lowest rates. F. II. SMITH. Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Mannfaetorei, 205 Arch St. bilmv Sixth, Plidad.lphia. Sept. 17, IS53. tf. Mono 1 utters nnd I ;!;;pi rs WANT. 13 ! STONE cutters ami laborers 1.1:1 have steady employ and a wiuteis job, (111, 1 not work in the water.) al the Union ami Sti.-iiieli:iuiia lSii.lte at Chapman, Union county. Pa, midway be tween Liverpool anj Noi'thusnberlaiid. To la- boreis $ 1,55 per dav will be ciicn. l.tlsK.Mil.Mi .V ! IMIMJ. Chapman, Kept. 17. H53 if. SPORTSMEN. A lot of douli'e nod sing's barrelled guns, shot 'n-lts, powiler flasks, gun caps, flints, powder, shot mul lea. I for mile bv Sept. 14, '53. 1. H. 'n:.KI! A CO LADIES DRESS GOOD. Dress S,k, French Merino, Persian Twill. He Luioes. Do ilerage, cashmeres, calico, worked. colar shimezette, cuffs, i c, just receiv ed ami for sale bv sept. 10, isoti. 1. V. TEN Ell M() INDIAN CHOLAUO(!L'K.--A"uVc7lVenr"re'. ' inedy for the cure of Fever and A-mi.. Ili'li., Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers. in.t r. ceived and for silc by I. W. TEN Ell A CO Sunbury, Sept. 10, 18"3. MACKEREL, Ki ailed Fish, Herrings, Dried Beef, 11 anib and clu'c, jiihI rtcrivfil mul for sale by I. W. TENER A CO. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1853. A Pplendid lot of Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloth. Table Oil covera. Carpel rhaiu, door mats and niatling. just received and for sale l.y Sept. 10, 1853. .1. W. TEN ERA CO. IIOO Ts, bhoes, Hat Caps and Gum Shoes, just received and for sale by 8epU 10, 1853. I. W. TENER A CO. of LOTUS, Csasimcre. Vestings, Kattinctts Ac, of various sty lea and colors, just recti styles and colors, just rceci - ved and for sale by Sept. 10, 'S3. l. W. TE.NLR A CO. HERE IS YOUR HEXEDY ! II ol 1 o way's Ointment. A SlOSr MIRACVI.OL'9 Ct-tK OF BAD LT.OS, Al Trvlt 43 YKAflS' ftFFtHIMJ. ' ' EjHiact of a Letter from Mr, (I'm. Ualpin, ej tit, St. Mans Stmt, Wtymcuth, dated May 1 5th, 1851. To Proferanr Hn uiivat, Sis. At tl-eeceof IS my wife (wlioit ie.w!) neesH a vi')h-uf e-'M, which seui'nl in tier lees, aid ever ii a Ihnt time Ih'jr have t een more or ) sure, grwilr intltimed. Iter as- niia wi-re districting, m sitis tn.ll .-r !.e wan deprived enlircly of rest tint aleep. Kveiv imm-t')' tint tneii.e:.! 111.11 -l-.u.l was tried, s. "it will. -ul elTenl lur leelth H'fl'ered seveiely, an t the tui ol her le was leirilil.-, I h'.J riHeli el jenr Adv lisenieiiis. nail 0 liisat ier 1 1 iry yout riK sn ' Oe.tmeni, iinl, un n liml rs tine, alter eeery otl-.-r mr-nty hwt pio veil inetefm, shir c-'Hs.-i-leil t'. do ro. Fhe r-lnn-eeect s-l weeks us nnd. str.o. ire t Mate. Is now is eo 1 luMi . tl.-r t.-c-s nre p-'.i.l.-s, wiit"nt s.nni or sc.-.r. uti.l h.-r site;. ..ilul nntl im.lisf nrle-.'. I'oh'iI y hive wi'l.riscd .'H'"i-i.-y .( hiv " it" tilting ttie lt 43 it-.t c-sm-Ir.ot t'l'-.-l ivi'li t-'.''-'it i iij'.vm.'itt --f'h. viu ...' t-.i.-.-.l l- i l .1. in lineii-c t een liie. ireui-s .-I" n .,i-..-. !; vialii!:- li e ruiiiriini'S ef ( ti 'W-erei.tiii e. (-!:,.,:.) WII.MAM i:..l.fl.. a i t:i:t-(i' -,o N tiAi rmr aoi". rritK.i) VP a i;d 1,1,'i, or i s i-'ai;?' standing ;1 fi l.;ri tr if (!m Or fa .n Mr. li'm. Albs, liuiid. its. hf I'.uzhUffr, near Hui- dal-.d .VtiySUf, 1851. V, Pi t It'ii :. 1 ;;-! l.:t -1 f. , I'lp-I.! -M-.lT, .I . i'i'i'v yr fr-4U 0 rt l:.-i- ..1 nei i.lcnfs lit Ktn i:-r.:;e siii:;-I- n.. J list! le- -. 1; I.:. I t V t'l III,... 11I li.lvt'-e. without dcrivuss 1 ::-,! ivi. ili-n I. il l i! . it liie W i 111. 1st he i.lnjm 1 . 1 ... t.. tin.: i-.iiii..i. Pills mxl r. r . lit-. ;i -! n e. .it pl.-ii- cure 1.1 so slvrt a linief t u -. 11 l witie-'uL-'l it W'.n'it ereilit the tnol. 1 ) WILLIAM AU. f ll."i. -I.-.-.H i-...;!e vi rifn il l.y .Mr. W. P. . ( I -.i-iii-!. 11. y..i'ki-l rlleut llilditfrifield. ) I, 1. -It I 1 'A . 'I.I 1.1 iV l-lll.-i f'.,.ii',l I 1 e-.i j. if.Lt. W illi tlie (Jiiitmcnt .-. o-i ..I li.e 1 t! 11 f. - l-i.t I (.Ir-ir -t --t, t; -.i itr. ii-.ii, I ih.i.liiiiis. tti.r-.s. t'.'i.ippi-il I101J3, tti-.-.i infi (.r:) J r. - 1 .M-t.e- l ;ii-'-.-:s I .. 1 .V T--1 : ..1 - Fii. s. C .i tr;-i-.ft nnd (,y. fi.-J .loliin, I".!- it.illi-.s-.. S .re .lj-ptv8, s.-.iit-ili..-i.sci, Scurvy, 'i t.iu .lifs, I , ei, risitttas, U'ut. lil.' iveellingf .intiSao Piles ItlnMlinatlsm ri nl.ii.,sl rc-a-titl, W.'UIluS, a Piir..iri.'i. ua nnrisT crrrD in ons MuNTll. Fjlntrl of a Lute f from Mr. Frederick Turn' tr. r! i'unhnn:!, Kent, dated Dcceixlcr 12th, 1 ;! 6. T.i lincsS' r Tlr.l.lWAT, Dn fin, My wiie licit sulTiri!.! fnon Em! I!.Br.t f.' rn .1 e lli 111 six 111011I he, mitt itiiiiu llio v In ile eri-l rind liie In-nt ntleiiiliinee. but till t no one. tluvin be r .re lie.-ik-il nu iiwi'ul woiinil iii my own l.-jr, l.y your mi- I meilieine. I ileleinliliMl usrr.lit to inc. your Tilt ' mitt t liiiiinieiit, mnl tin r.-li.n: r,rive-ltieiii in l i-r c-isc - nua to.t'innte it w-ns 1 uiii s .. ..r .11 t'-i-s tiun n m -uta a i pi'lTi-et cure wns id'eeli-iT, Qiul (tie bent-til vio-i.nis ot ti er l.rrniclics n my tnmity linye ilenveil Iroin iheir uja is rmillv nsl'mi.iiinr 1 n nv stron.rlv ree-iitiiiii-n,! litem to : all niy liicmls (Signed) l'lti'.U'K TL'IINKR. j S .Id at the I-'Mntilislinient of rri.ftES r IIotr.owsY, ?4I ' fail'l. (near Teni.tle linr, L"iuloli,) unit l.y nil respecta!.- . i-'inacisis 111111 lieni.-rs 01 i.ieuit-uiei un-'iiyiriui 1110 itimcii ,. .,..,. ,. r ,,, ..:, s,i, ... in u,,re nt nrie.. it- . niidei .He. eucli. Wh -ilesnlo l- the principal Urns ' " l:"';,n. "k1 b' Mcr. A. B. It V. Saxm, y Tlie!e ia a ejiisidernbte laving liy U.king the lsrger . ' - I'irections fur thn trniilaiice of patients is every . .- oi are niTixeil to each thix. OrlolK-r ), tj-J, ly. M i ftl i nl) u rg A cade my. Mlfali'tbui ir, I nlo:i Cojmiy, I'ciuiu, REV. J. G. ANSPACH, ) r , REV. E. KEIFFER, C"'"10'"- A. C. FISHER, Frincipal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH, iVtiicijwI of Female Department. EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. CIIESSELDEN FISHER, M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, tjc. The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti tute will commence on Mosuav, Jci.r 5, 1853. The course, of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mathematics mul the Ancient Lan guages, as well ns other branches, will ha taught, as far as practicable, on the analytic method.- Daily use w ill be made uf the blackboard. Orthography, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full share of attention. UiMiighlin;r, Construction of Maps, T'so of Compass, Ac, will be taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Enginceiing. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil running. Water Colors, Ac, Ornamental Needle Work, French und Botany will be given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate uf Custleton Fctnalo Seminary. Vermont, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agreeable maimers and high literary at tainments." Young ladies and gentlemen who design t become teachers, will find this Institution an effi cient school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, during the great part of the year, a T: minis' IxanTi'TK, the members of which will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Couibe of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge uf the art, under the supervision of the Principals. '1 he government of the school is based upon the law love, which enjoins upon all ! to do to others as they would think it right that , others should do lo them. Hence the rules will - be inilillv, though strictly enforced; and parents ' 11 -id guardians may rest assured, that the moral. habits of study, uud gcner.d deportment of tho , student wili be carefully attended to. The bui'ding is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with ' new ticks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, dc. Millliiiburg is a thriving and he.ihhy borough. , Its inlialiit uila are moral, intelligent and entcr- prising. Its strei-l have tiecn recently .graded and pned. ll is, in everv' respect, a pleasant 1 und desirable retreat for Hn.lents. We, therefore, ' trust llial the of education will deem Ilia Acidcmv wo.'thy of iheir lil einl fci.ppoit. Ill" 'J'hc piiiv of board, in the Lest of ptivate families, iloes not exceed tjl,oU per Week. N. 1). Stuleut may enter the Academy at , nnv time during the term ; vet it is desirable- that tin j be present, if possible, on ihe Dtst day, Mitlli.iliuig, July Id, 1S53. Utn. ' STOVES, STOVES s7K. the undersigned would re s ectfully rail the attention of purchasers to our suiierior stock of Stoves, Cuut.hi 1.. Vc. 'I'be suuerioiitv of our Stov'rs alsivr all othcis is o well known that we deeiu it unnecessary to cuter into detail ol thcui. We would invite your attention to Our Mae. j,-,nA-' 1f.tiiHjf ,yi.rr. As tho piice of coal i on the rise, this is the most economical stove tlm public i nn use. 'J'l.ce stoves are of si.cs suitable lor beating Ihe smallest loom ; and those capable of containing from Kl.t.t U to sp.tum rul.j,. (i-rt. Our C.n.k Stove eonsM of liie tilohe Cook, for coal Modern Troy, fir w rcd-H u. k's iclel.i atej wood stove Complete Cook- Yoconi Cook Hauar Co.-k, Ac. Ac. Our ussoitniei.t of CooU and I'silor stoves is ibe best in Ihe market, ami persons desiring to purchase w ill da well by fa- vuiiiig us Willi a call Letore t.urcllasin elsewhere. NEMA.N A. WARMl K. Hui erssors to Potts Yoconi, N. E. Corner 2nd and Ruco Stici'ts, PIIII.AIH-.l.l'illA Phila., Aeg. S7, iRj:j 3l ' WM. M'CAEIY, BocfcscUcr. ESPECTFl l.LV informa Ihe inliabiljiiti, town and c.-unt y, lluit be has luu-ly m-e- veil fiom Philadelphia, a Inrue addition lo 1,,! stock of hooks, in every branch of 1 in a great suriely of Biudiii3. Please call and are ihem. Kui bury, f',ept. 17, 1653. VAMl'HI.ET L.UVS7 TOTICE is hereby given that the Pmhlst " Laws have Wn leeeivej and are reody for Distribution to those legally aiithotiact) lo receive then. JAMEs BEARD, Fruit.? Sunbury, Sept. 54, 1853 ,1 U8TICES' FEE BILLS For sal l.v II. B MAj-OtK. tvuidbii, 1851