Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 15, 1853, Image 1

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    RIG AN
a jrnmUu ltto5p."iicv-Dcbou to Jjoutfrs, SLttcrntitrr, iWornifty, irovttflit tutO Domcstfc ileitis, scfcncc ana the arts, siflvfcultttrc, ,HTrtuts, amusements, c
'NIK AMF.RICAX II published every ftiturilay at
TWO DDI, LANS per annum to he paid lmlf yearly in
sdvauco. No paper discontinued until all orruurag.s are
. All rninrrmnienttoii or letters on business rclnting to
tlic office, to insure attention, must lie TOST 1'AID.
Tare copies to one address, MOO
Reveii , L. Do I"""'
r'iiteen Do Do ""J
Five dollar! In advance will pny for three yenr'e sub
Striptiou to the American.
One Snunie of 16 lines. 3 limes,
Kveiy subsequent insertion,
One Square, 3 mouths!
Six months,
One year, .
liusiness Cards of Five lines, per mini'- I
Merchants and others, ailverliainz I')...
year, with tho privilege of ir 1ng
ilifrerenlmlvertisnnents weekly.
ty Ijirset Advertisements, ns per ngrceinent.
l 110
S. 3. MASSE?.,
Business attended loin Iho Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lycoming mid Columbia.
Kefcr lot
r. & a. itovotnii, i
Lower & Barron,
Somcrs & Snodgrass, S Tliiatl,
Reynolds, Mcf'arland & Co., J
Spcring, Good & Co., J
Ojfice opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa.
Prompt attention to business in adjoining
Nee. 13. 1851 tf.
December 4, lSoi. if.
FFICK on way, near
Church, Sunbury.
the Episcopal
Smtliurv, May 14, 1S53. If.
rilHK subscriber respectfully informs his friends,
-- anil tlie public generally, that lie has opened
the "Lawrence House" anil will do liU bent en
deavor to please the public.
samcf.l Thompson.
Kunbury Feb. 20, 1853. if.
Coin ml)(a 7b o u a r ,
till-! II lit Street below llli,
TJiinrtl $l,.r)0 per day.
r'uil... May SS. 1833.
Diluortli, Branson Co.
Foreign a"il Uosncsilic
A'u. 5'J Martd St., 1 thmr hrloie 2d St,
Wliero tliry always iee- on hand a larecator of
rcry vaiicty of llardwuie, Cutlery, lie.
Win. Dilworth, Henry 1). I.andis,
aniurl Craiiw'ti, James M. Vance.
October 10, lS.VJ.-ly.
Old StiiiWj I'Miiig out of her sleep of many
The Iron hor't snorting and blowing li.m arous
ed lirr l'iiii3 cnorgii'a and infuwd new vior
into her ii.-ostrule sviitein. One of its first cH'ecl
is srr;t in tlie vaat autouut of new and fashiona
ble kihmIk, just now arrived at
'J'beir stock is elegant and varied and well worth
feeing: aye, and buying loo at tlie prices they
olli r them ; all are respectively iuviiej to inspect
and purchase.
Suubury, Sept. Ill, Ho3.
books . 1. 1. 1: it ,
Market Street,
TL'ST received and fur sale, a fresh supply of
r.V.iXGCLICil. niisic
or Singing Schools, lie is also opening at
time, a large assortment of Hooks, in every
ranch of Literature, consisting of
Poetry, History, Novels, Humances, Scientific
Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children'
Hooks, Bibles j School, Pocket and Family, lurth
with d without Engravings, and every of vari
ety of Binding. Prayer Hooks, of all kinds.
Also just received and for sale, Purdoiu Di
gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851,
price only $6,00.
Judge Heads edition of Blackstoues Commen
taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at (10,00,
and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low
price of i0,00.
A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re
specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F.
Gordon, price only 9 1,00.
Travel, Voyage and Adventures, all ot
which wilt be oUl low, either for cash, or couu
try produce.
February, SI, 1852. tt.
Bask or Nuhthi-uhkuhsii, )
ISorlhumberland, June 'J5, 1853. J
The Director of ihe Bank of Northumberland
give notice that they intend to apply to the next
Legislature ol tins uommonweaitn, tor a renew
al of it charter with the came capital, and with
it present title, location and privileges. By
order of Ihe Board.
June 25, 1853. lim.
llrittania Ware
PT1HE subscriber with lo cull the attention of
- dealer to meir auperior quuniy oi uriiiauia
Lamp, Tea Setts, Candle Moulds, of Ihe finest
finish. All good warranted.
109 Race street, Philadelphia.
Phil., August 6, 1853 2t.
THRESH Vanilla Bean of a auperior quality
3. just received and tor sale by
June, 185 J H.B.MASSER.
VVRI'PLN0 FLUID and self sealing Euva-
w T opes, lust received and lor sale by
ArU 1 185L . . B, MAbSER.
"Eureka, Eureka."
NOW for tho little ones. Why will parents
waste hours and day in fruit lea endeavor
to gel perfect picture of their children and after
all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
We would say, conic to our
and wo will guarantee te make you a perfect
picture, by our Ei.kctiio Cmkmical process,
that works in from J to 3 seconds.
We defy any Daguerrenn in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, as wo are lite
inventois, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishments in IS'cw England and the
Middle State. For pictures of adults, the silvor
medals wo have received from the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with tho numerous premium from
County Fairs, is sufficient proof thai lliey arc
the Plus Ultra of perfection.
We would call particular attention to our
Tnlbotypes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. C. Coli.ixs fc Co.,' 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den H'liise. Springfield and Collins' Uuilding,
Westficld, Mass.
N. B. Our establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by
Vio'rssor llnrxrfbrtf s UnJ'i'ty Jxtmjts ly Xigltt,
"Come and sec."
Phila., May 28, 1S.V). ly.
Lumber Yard.
THK subscriber would respectfully inform the
citi.ens of Sunhury, anil ISorthuinl erlaud
and uiljoining counties, that ho has opened a
Lumber Yaawl
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis
tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has
now a large amount of Prawncl I'amiel l'luni,
also I'lintrl lSotinl, and oil other Hoards and
llrii.iHNci MiTKitiAi., such ns will he wanted for
building purposes. Also a largo amount of
Shingles un hand, which r. ili be sold from fO up
to !?ti, according to quality anil size. Please give
us a call and examine our price." and quality.
N. 11. Farmers who nre in want of Shingles
will please call as wo will sell In vou low.
.!. V.. LF.i'lt, Sup.
Sunhury, May SS, 1S.V.!. ly.
1' ! ( ) ( .' i i A . 5 A Y I O X .
""OTICE is liiTt-by !'ivnii that n Special
' Com I "if C'niniTinn Pleas, in ami lor I he
County of Northumberland, to eoinmeuc.e tit
tin; Court llnttse, in tint bmotiyli of Snnbury,
at 10 u'flofk, A. M , on Monday the 31st
ilav of Ol'U.Ik-i next, and will continue ONE
Jurors nro requested to bo punctual in
their attendance, at tho liuio appointed
agreeable to their notices.
Given under my hand sit Suiibtiiy, the 27lli
day of August, in tho year of our Lord
one eiht hundred and fifl ythree,
and llio Independence of tlu Uniled Slate
of Atneiiua ih 78:h.
List of Causes.
FOH Special Court of Common Pleas of
Norlhumlieiland County lo commence on
Motidav, the 31st dav of October next, A. D.,
1853. '
.lames Graham vs Hugh Hellas et al
Com'lh for Wni I. Hetnenian sT A Hillinglon
Com'wealth for S. D. vs T, A. Billiirjloii &
Jordan hail
Mahouoy and N.amokta A,,rillmm pulll
Iuipruvemeiit en
, . 0 ,, , . A. ('. ft T. G.
Keiulcrtoii Siuilli s e rs. vs Morris
same vs same
Jauo'Bogar vs George P Buyers et al
Henry Donnel et al vs Hugh Bellas
Uo'.icit Philips vs Zcrby Hun and Shuinokiii
Iniproieiiicnt l.'otnpany
Prothonotary's Oirtce,
Sunbury. Aug. 27, 1853. S
Soap Candle Manuracturers
AM) nrs!.ERS IN
Sol:, Starcli, ;istllc .oap, &c.
IAVINtS increased facilities for manufactu
ring, thev are now prepared lo oiler induce.
ments to purchasers and dealers in tl.c above
uieil articles. Purchasers will Imu all excel
lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex-
lusively on the cash principle, and at tho lowest
holesale price. Call anil satisty yourselves
Our motto is
'quick Sates and Small Profits."
No. 41 Filbert street, above Uth, Philadelphia.
August 13, 1853 3m.
rpiIE subscriber respectfully informs the cili
zens of Sunbury, and the public generally,
that he ha on hand fur sale, a large lot of yellow
rL.UUlil.U UU.lIilJO.
He has also on hand quantity of excellent broad
chestnut rails and posts. He is also prepared to
get out tiinlK-r to order, wilh promptness and
despatch. Fanners an J others, in Union county
can be supplied with any of tlie above articles on
the shortest notice, either on the river bank at
Sunbury, or a mile below. For further paiticu
lara odditis the subscriber or Samuel Gosalcr,
Lower Augusta. Auvust 0. 1853. If.
Depot and Manufactory
C-. L. MILLER It, CO.,
S. W . curucr Anil uud Si-cunrt KtrrrU,
sale and Retail, such as Scroll. Flower.
Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, arc
to be had at Ihe lowest price foi quality of work.
uruers lor uitt, nam store, Lettered and other
Shade executed al short notice.
Merchants and others are invited to uive us
trial. We icitt ttu la uleai.
Brasses, Trimmings, &c., ulways on hand.
August 3, 1853.- 6m
Store, 29 N. 3d street
Morocco Manufacturers, Currier, Importers,
Coinmision and General Leather Business.
fty Manufactory 15 MargaretU Street.
Phila., August 80, 1853. ly.
FOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink,
C atlle Medicine at 'ib els, Pure Essence of
Gilmer, 'ii vein,
,p t n rirt. n-'rf-r.y to o
In reluming from a trip to tlie Likes, a
few daynngo, 1 wilnesseda litltte afliiirthat
makes quite an item in my note-Look, and
may amuse 3-our readers. After a weary
drive, in a procession ol twelve carriages,
that moved solemnly lor twelve houri over
as many miles of beautiful country, we
pulled up in front of the "National," in
Springfield, at about 9 P. M. The Circus
and County Court kept that beautiful little
town in a densely populated slate, so much
so, that the sixty or seventy passengers that
1 counted as travelling companions, could
not find beds to rest their weary limbs up
on, but were forced to take to carpet bags,
trunks, julep?, until the cars for Cincinnati!
would give us more comfortable quarters.
Among the rest, a lillleFrenchman, whose
baggage consisted of a queerly shaped hat
box and a faded silk umbrella, moved rest
lessly about with the box in one hand and
Hie iimhrplln in thn rvlinr. nnnrmrr O.rih o !
uninterrupted stream of incomprehensible , sl."rt co,lar antl (iraw " copious flood of
English, in a wav sufficiently ludicrous to . ret ,rom h,s nosp B' ,i,lt of Pi'rs,,a
ainiis.. two crowds. Suddenly the little aml force combined, however, he was
garlic worshipper discovered.'to his ulter j ""ally seated in front ol the car, surrounded
dismav, that he had lost his ticket, pur- j b-v 0 n,,mU(''- of peacemakers, who, alter
chased at Buffalo, and wananted to carry ! m.ucn ""'A'culty, succeeded in convincing
him throujrh to the Henrie House in Cin- j ,1,m U,at ,ne w!,ole a"ilir originated in a
cinnatli. Here was a predicament! and ' ln,s,ake- He then begged to be conducted
in the consternation of the moment he ! ,J L , who was busily engaged in satu-
dropped boih h.t-box and umbrella, aj "'"'S Hie third handkerchief, in a vain at
vocif'erated lomllv, and in razor-'midiiiT ;prnpt to stop the red current that slill per
tones for the stage agent. j sls,e,i ,n oozing from his nose.
"Vere is de stage agent ? V'ere I shall j ' Sjr''' 1 hsve 1 ,,av? make von ee
find de a'-enl ? Oil mon Uieti mv mrl , ia,le s11. great big mistake. I am vare
have p:iv one two four se rral great .
many lor von teeitets vich I have
no rnt. Who have peek tin mv teekets
Who have peek up my teekets- j
ve find him-vere is de asent ?
U'hn hnv
It so happened that Mr. L , the gen- ;
tleinanly s!a-e mana-.-r, and out-door busi- I
nnss man f.f lh,. ("i neiniint i Ihen'r
one of nor passengers, and nt '.he lime of
Monsieur La Troi's deepest distress was
standing in the moonlight in front of the
Circus, talking lo a number of friends, when
some mischievous wag pointed him out to
Ihe lillle Frenchman, as the stage agent.
In a moment he was by Ihe side ol L ,
and breaking in upon the conversation
without any ceremony, exclaimed, "Sare,
I have loose my pa-sport I have loose mv
vat you call him? eh! ah, yes I have
got him. No, no, I no m- an I have got
deling I mean I have got de name of de
tinjr, 1 have lost my teekets."
L , who knew nothing nf the cir
cumstances, supposing he meant a circus
ticket, quietly said I
"1 am not connected with the circus,
' Sare-cus ? vat do I care about the sare
cus I no varit de sare-cus; 1 vant my
teeket vich I have lose."
"1 am very orry for your loss, sir, but I
am not the person to apply to for a reme
dy." "Yon are not ze pair.stine to make de
remedie ? Sare ! are you not connect wiz
de stage?"
"Yps, sir, Iain connected with the stage,
and if I was in Cincinnalti, would with
pleasure replace your lost ticket, but I have
not the power to do so here."
"Vat do I do viz de teekets in Cincenatl
I-vatil de teekets here in dees place
vere I have loose him if I no get de
teeket here 1 shall uevaiie get lo Cincenatt
I shall bring nine, four several gentle
men, vich will prove zat I have pay for
my teeket vich I no got, but vich have
zhnmp out of my pocketis."
"Never mind, sir," kindly responded
L , glad lo get rid of his tormentor on
any terms; "I will replace your ticket."
So saying, lie slopped up to one of the
alt tehes of the circus, procured a ticket,
and handed it to the excited Frenchman.
Poor Frenchy took the square pasteboard,
marked "Box," and supposing all tight, put
it carefully in his pocket-book gathered
up his hat box and umbrefla, and reaching
the hotel, was fortunate enough to find six
feet of the parlor floor unoccupied.
Stretching himself out at lull length, he
was soon in the land of dreams, where no
doubt his soul revelled and floundered in
whole seas of frog soup.
In the morning, soon after breakfast, we
were all comfortably seated in Ihe cars, and
tearing along at a break-neck speed
Frenchy sat close to me, and jabbered inces
santly. Shortly alter, the conductor en
tered, with the usual salutation of "Tickets,
gentlemen." Our little friend opened his
pocket-book, took out the ticket he had re
ceived ;h.e liighl before, and presented it
to the conductor.
"This is not the light ticket, sir."
"Ho res no de light teeket 1 yes saire,
he isde right teeket ; I have get him from
Ihe stage agent, myself."
"That don't alter Ihe matter, sir. 1 tell
yon that ain't Ihe proper ticket. It don't
belong here it belongs to the circus."
"Ha! dere ees dat sare-cus come once
more. Now vat have I got to do wiz de
sare-cus '!"'
"I know no'hing about your connections,
sir; 1 oulv know that that ain't Iho riobl
document before we reach town, you'll
have to pay your fare."
lie was just about to assassinate English
in reply, when a benevolent individual,
who sat next to him, explained, as well as
he could, the true nature of the case. This
only had the effect of changing the current
of his rage and he chaled up and down
me lioor, showering invectives upon the
him the ticket the night before.
"Ah yes by gar, I have now te. I
have been sheat 1 have been swindaile-.
. i.a.o uern vi you Call 08 humbu" but
nevaire mind, 1 nil return yesWrdsy lo.
morrow -sometime, tind shnslisf de rascal
era much, great deal, several time."
While laying this flattering consolation
to his wounded soul, his eye happened to
rest upon poor L , who sat quietly at
the. tar end of the car and recognizing
him as the stage agent of the night before,
ho at once "opened on him-"
"S.ire, you are vera great scoundrel, and
I sail give you five cent to black my boot."
'Whatd that, sir V
"I fay you are von rascal von leetalle
puppydog viz out de tail you have peek
ed my pockette you have sheat a me
you have no geeve me ze teeket vich i
have pay for you have no geeve me ze
leeketg I have loose but you have geeve
me von teeket to de Opera la Cieval vat
you call de horse opera de sare-ens."
"Sir," said L , rising from his seat
in evident indignation ; "what do you
mean 1 How dare you apply ihe word
pickpocket to me ?"
"Sare, I sail soon show you vat I have
mean I mean to flog a you I mean to
shaslise a you, vera much," and suiting the
action to the word, he pitched into his an
tagonist, and before bystanders could senar
ate- tnem, had badly dislocated poor L 8
, V u" J nonaire, saire, it i ;
"""" ,"" " 1 !"" "ul ""'c i
""' I ? "l" ) uul ,rJ".y lu
'eep your nose ; but I am ready to make
m,le '.0nd f"r ,'Vl'r-V droP ol cJarel V,c1' i
1 ,Mave ,lraw lrom -vo,,r. "0!i,' 1 sa" w,-
P,a'S!"W l one bott.v ,n your Deiiie. '
HeretllH IOUU mirin Ol tlie uV-stanuers
i ioT L o C'od humor, and
:J"ln,n" 111 Ihe laughter, he shook hands
' U'ith hid ol .I'.rkii ! of n.,.1 iti.n, t,Ar.. ff..nt.j, un'i III. , Hi ir llli nu;.
Cincinnalti Signal.
Atmospheric The success of ,
the experiment iii liuustiiitling packnges from I
'. '
one point to another by means of Hieliaid- i
"""""' ' J "" "" I
son's atmospheric telegraph, as exhibited at
.,,,.'..-'' , ,,,
tlie Mechanics ran, is nnile complete. We
' . 1 . ' . . . i
fiiliitiil ifi-i. I... . .. .....I il- '
cannot discover, after having examined its
operation carefully, uny reason w hy packugi s
may not be eventually, and before long, trans-
t .
Milt Oil III I II ifi ni:i II nit I fr.i.n m... ..lit' In niw.ll.
o', nun mi inc leiiauiiy wi;n w iiteii iney
are now canied by railtoad, and at a rate al
most equal to that of Ihe magnetic I e leg t agio
or as Mr. Richardson slates, 1000 miles per
hour. In all atmospheric telegraphs heirlo
fore proposed, the million of a long column
of air behind the plunger or ball has preseu
ted an iiisnnprahltt nhlnc.ln to it nmr:iii,inr
effectively. To obviale this dilm.ul.v. new
.r .C ;it. i ..i,.,.., ti i:.. i ; i 1 1
oil tJ tmilllUv-i UIOll li.U 1IIIU ITillllU IIIU
plui.ger.and ihiisa new isadded. Tho
feasibility of the plan seems to bo established.
A co.nnuuv is now bein- foiuied with a
canital of SiOO.uoo. f... il. nn.nn... ,f .;.
struoling a line of leleuruiili fiotn Dwsloii to
New York, having a cylinder two feet in di-
Hinder, hv men.,. f lii,.h ii i l,..i;.,...i
that packa-e may be transmiiied f,m one
city to the other iii'fifleeii minutes. -Boston
What thk "Skkkteii.' Said to the Slee-
l'V Gentleman. Iltim-m ! hum, shut your
eyes, sir, I hu noise you hear, is nought but
flies, sir; a whim-m w-h-i-m ! don't be
seated, sir; go lo sleep, your sheets aie air-
ed, sir. Ilum-in a-a-h-y-u ii is, I'm sing.
itig, it's music in your ears is tinging;
won't sting you, sling you, s-l i-n-g ! I'd scoin
to do so mean a thing. A ll-u-ni bug it is,
nol me that biles. Take eaie ! don't slap .
1 never tights. Slap ! hang ! lake care! you
neatly hit me. Twus me, my fiiend, that
bit ye. Theie ! iigvin ! it comes to blows;
you fool, I didn't touch your nose. What in
the world's the use of shipping your own
fuce( when you should bo napping your
own face, when you should be napping 1 A
h-e-m-m, dou'i bo alarmed, you really ought
lo be quite charmed. Huiii-in-m, hum !
don't play the boy, I tneiely sung your lul.iby.
A whang, again ! There, there you en. No
use! you can'l hil me, you know. Now go
to sleep. Ala ! yon know. Now go to sleep ry ol the flogging of Ihe woman was enlite
Alas! you're going. Now for a feast, old chap ; I y fal.e-lhat tho husband never lifted a linger
1 go iu. All right ! he's gone ; I d have my
(ill. Say, old sleepy, here, my bill.
The Bepfokd Vallev Snake. --Two of
our citizens have visited the spot w here this
huge seipunt was seen wilh a view of cap
turing the monster. They weie unsuccess
ful; but received abundant success of his
leal existence. They saw and examined the
.km he had shed, ami lound H fully twenty
one leet six inches long. 1 Iiey also saw
and convulsed wtlti JMr Joliu r.Klcr, a most
reliable citizen, who had met Iho animal
face lo face. Mr. I". eiieeunteied luni in a
lane, across which he whs lung, with his
tail in one meadow and his head near the
socond fence. From his dusty brown, Mr-
E. mistook bitn for the lidge pole of ihe
fence, until his hore stalled back with af
fright, when the serpent reared up the full
height of the rider, and daited lira fiom hi
eyes. Mr. E. thinks he is between SO and
30 feet long. Bariium will have him yet.
Cumberland Journal.
The lust of December has been fixed upon
as Ibe period of closing the Crystal Palace
Exhibition, and many depositeis will ibeo
withdraw their good.
These interpreters of Americanism to Eu.
rope, have won immoital renown by their
documents on the rights of citizenship and
tho duties of our government towards her
children. We have not jet found leisure to
give an outline of Mr. Maicy's teller to the
repieseiilulive of Austria on Ihe Koszta case,
but it is ono of the finest Slnte papers ever
issued, ami with the New York True Nation
al Democrat we feel proud of our Secretary
of Slates' r-ply to Chevalier Ilulietnan, and
of Ihe noble stand taken by the administra
tion against the demands of Austria. The
affair seems plain enough. Kos'u was a
llung.'tiiau refugee, who, banished by Aus
tria, came lo this country and declared bin
intentions of becoming a citizen. Visi'iTig
Smyrna on private business, he was seized
on Turkish soil, by Austrian orders, and plu
ced in irons on board an Austrian vessel of
war. Ctipt. lugralianl of Ihe United Slates
sloop-of-war St. Louis, demanded -Koszla's
release, and threatened lo (ire on the Austrian
vessel if hi. demand were not compiled with.
Koszla was then liberated, placed in lite care
of Iho French Consul at Smyrna, and Austria;
through her Minister, usks our government
to disavow Cm pi. Iiigrutmtti' uels", lo apolo
gize for the same, lo surrender Kusztn, nnd
make suituble acknowledgements for having
interfered wilh him. To these modest ro"
quests of Austiia, the President, through
Secretary Marcy, has most elaborately re
plied, taking tip every point, orguing il
closely, intelligibly, feat lesaly and logieully,
completely refining nil of Austria's proposi.
tiuus, and dissipating them like so much
chtilf, before ihe wind.
Our government takes the ground, in sub-
e,MIICP ,iat ns Koszia had "declaieJ his in
tentions" of becomitiL' a citizen, hu hud
lllbli,,leJ ,,is lluliolluljly wilU , am, W1,s
H..ti.l...l m Th,
: I.IMIUVII IU UUI H Mil . I It'll. lllll Ul Illy PCI.LU
; on neutral soil by u foreign power, Captain
! Ingrahain acted wilh propriety in taking
immediate, steps lo rescue Koszla fioni his
1 illegal de lent ion, and that if he threatened
j force, it was on ly because Koszla w as forei-
bly withheld, and because a bteeeh of faith
i was contemplated lo flfett the removal of
Ko9tl elaiidrstinele la Sll Auitrinn nnrl
n i .i .
Our government, under the cnrumtlances,
,. nnl. ,.iInn.,,,tom1a
declines to make any nckm
but hum, on the cnntiarv. in
manner, Ihal our represent
' '
in a very manly
senlulives abroad
would feel justified in repealing the same
, ollenee under similar pmvocalioii.
i Will r v..... V...I,
.,.i.i... i-i. . ifi i l'l(:iJlltl IIMl, Tl U
r ' 1
,,,!,, lliele
is not on Anipiipan bosoin
Ihal should uol beat with double patriotism,
on th perusal of (his truly able and truly
American document. It is just the kind of
State paper that the world has lona waited
for from this country. It is just tho kind of
a Slate paper lo elevate ns in the eyes of all
' respectable nation. For while its tone is
,irm- '"''"P1''"1"'". "-erge.ic "d decided,
MM ..injiunge is clrgant ami fourlcon?. ltd
' ,ernPL'r m,IJ 011,1 '"'beating, its logic calm,
close s,rollT 'ul ovei whelming. The Bti
! 'is'' j'"'ials, we nre confident, will be do
' lighted with Ihe straight forward maiinoi in
! whi, n our government has handled this deli
I CH,a "bj'ct. The British public blamed
'd Aberdeen enough when, in a leeent
i iiin--nliy wilh Austria in regaid to an Eng.
li8l"rli,, imprisoned and insulted in Vienna,
I he basely made a pecuniary compromise,
ond truckled to Austrian bravado and impii
! dettee. The very different manner i;i which
the President and Secretary Marcy have mel
: Ibis subject, the significant cooling down
ihey have jtiven to. ihe bold audacity of
I this model of despotism, and the unmistakc-
' able tenor of ihe polite surest inns addres
sed to the woman-whipping Emperor, will
not readily be forgotleu, nnd w ill find an
enthusiastic response in Ihe heart of every
lover of human freedom, from "Indus to the
' Pule." Tliila. Sun
rim MWfoitr affair.
New York Mirror, gives somewhat of
different story ot the lale seaudaluus ulTair at
Newpml. Tho Mirror says :
"We met on Sat unlay Col
Cranston, editor of Ihu Ncwpott News, mid
one of the counsel in tho Morgan diflieul'y
He iufuimed us that he had just seen Mr.
and Mr MoignuolTiii the "Franklin', for
Paris: ami that Ihey went together liaimoiii
. onsly. Colonel Cranston added that Ihe slo-
against his' wife ; and but for tho uiteifer-
euce of Mr. Hone, the scandal wuuM never
hive been bruited by the newpapet.
"From what we could gather iu a brief
conveisation wilh Colonel Cranston (Moi.
gau's counsel) a contioversy aiose between
the husband and wife in regard lo going lo
an evening parly The wife wished to go
Ihe husband did not ; and instead of submit-
I lllv, lo lne wishes of ber husband like a
saciificing christian, sho mounted Ihe plat
form of "woman's lights," and u very voci-
fmous war of words ensued. In ihe midst of
the stile, Mr. Ilone lUihed in and espoused
the c.i u to of the wife, who in the heal of tlie
moment, uttered bitter complaints against
her husband. .
"If Mr. Morgan had then punished Mr.
Hone, or any other cilizeu for inter foi ing, he
would have been justified ; and no one mote
warmly than by hit own wife, when Ihe
stoim of passion had subsided. . But bis do
libaiale chastisement of Ihe old man, after
Ibe blood had lima to eool. was an art trial
few will attempt to justify."
It is maxim with unprincipled politi
cians, to destroy, wneia they csnoot intimi
date nor petsuads.
" As Mr. Everett will in all probabilily be
Iho Whi j candidate for ihe Piesidency in
If 56, the following sketch ol him by n Bos.
ton correspondent of tho Herald will prove
iiiletesting :
Mr. Everett, whoso scholarship, pniity of
life and consistency of political cliaractei has
never been questioned, stands in an impor
tant position, us the representative of the
opinions of n majority of Northern people.
Mr. Eveiett now resides in summer street,
Boston, wheie he has one of those roomy old
fashioned mansions, whose spacious halls,
wide staircases and extensive npaitineul car
ry the vistor back lo tho days of hoops, far.
Ihingales, high-heeled shoes, powder, square
cut coats, bag wigs, knee breeches and sil
ver buckles. Mr. Everett is essentially a
Irian of method his life is based upon a plan,
and his household follows the example of its
master. He is now fifty-nine years uld,hav.
ing been born in Dorchester, in April, 179-1
In scholastic attainments he has no superior,
nd his learning is not only profound, but
thorough and far-reaching. In his w ritings
he displays more particularly the methodical
habits of life.
Everything which bo publishes or pronoun
ces is previously prepared, and every comma
is carefully considered before it appears In
oratory he is graceful, btillient, fervid ami
effective. His voice is not so deep. full.
powerful as Webster's, but ho exceeds Ihe
"Nestor" in grace and gesticulation, in apt
ness of quotation, and in elegance of of dic
tion. Iu person he is not so remarkable.
His height is five feet nine inches, his peison
when in repose, more expressive of hard stu-
ly lhan great renins. His hair is light, his
eyes of a delicate blue, his features regular
ly formed and gracefully chiselled. He now
spends most of his lime in study, and his Ii
btary is considered, both in contents and ar
rangements, to be supetior lo that of any
private gentleman in this country.
In manners, Mr. Everett is refined, amia
ble and courteous. By relusiug to sssnmetho
airs of an aristocrat, ho rather adds lo his
dignity than detracts from it. It is cheerio"
to know that his physical organization is ol
present in a most healthful stale. This brief
review of the man has been given merely lo
gratify the reasonable euiio.ily of a very largo
lass in the community, w ho desire to know
all about a man whoso woiks have attracted
and still do attract so large a share of atten
tion both al homo and abroad. Oxford Uui
veisily, (England,) soino yeai ago, tendered
lo Mr. Kveietl the degree of Ltuctt of Civil
A Now Voik coriespondent of the Nation
al Intelligencer, has Iho follow inr staleiiipiit
relalive lo the enormous amounts paid for
rent in New Yotk :
"1 am peifeclly astonished at ihe rate of
rents iu this city. 1 know a single base me nl
room on Wall Mreut, lo reach which you
must descend five or six steps from ihe foot
way, wilh a low, ten foot ceiling, nnd Ihe
room not more than thiiiy by twenty feet,
which rent for SU00O per annum. A lol,
twenty-five feet by seventy-five, ns high up
on Broadway as the corner of Fulton street,
was reeonlly leased for Iwenly-oue years, nt
514,500 per annum, at the end of which
time, Ihe ground landlord is besides lo have
ihe building, which is now being erected on
it, and will cost $30,000. A building on
Rioadway, immediately adjoining Tiiuity
church yard, forty feet front nnj two hundred
deep, opening on a side alley, and cut up
into coriidorsaml offices, biiugsan aggregate
rent of SGO,000 per annum ; and a gentleman,
who has built himself a splendid dwelling
as high up in Bioadway as iho neighbot hood
oIL uioti bipiare, at least two miles above
Ihe City Hull, say bo plainly sees that he
must bo driven away in a few yeais by the
encroachment of hotels, stores ami shop
and luld me he had ahead y been offetiid a
rent of 10,000 per annum foi ihe houiu."
Tub r ever on the Plantation? A
friend of ours, say the N. O. Picayune, jni
relumed fiom a
s.-.oil visit up the c. a.l,
rl"" " ma i.ivui s in ine lever on veiv
...,. i-j r .1... t .i r
many plantations, a mot leirible. He sa"s
lhat no family uhi'io Iho fiver enlei's
.,1 i... i . . i-
r.-i.ij.i. I'm, in mi-niss suu:e ol lis mem.
bei; and he name aeveial instances uht-ie
almost ihe whole family uas site. I nil I..
ono of lilteeu p,-i,oiis, fouiieeu died; in
another of ci-ltl. seven died; and so on iu
the same piopoitiun in smaller families.
A Singular Incident oeenrud on Ibe occa
sion of the leeent collision belwoeu the pii
ami burdvaux lUilway. Th
e I'liiiilucloii
whose place was la the Iu
Kite Van. on
hearing the noise of ike apptoai hinif iiaiu,
opencu me sidling ,, ad ,,, Ult ij (m
losee what was ihe mailer. Al ihal ,o.
mom the trains came iu i i.liiun, Ihu sliding
door was viulonlly alaniuud to, and decapf
lated him as ueaily a. gu,ilUl,,e. Him
head rolled down ihe embankment, while
body remained in the van.
A Tiubd Set or Teeth. Humphrey
Powell, aged 75, residing in M triuu, S C,
has a new set of fiont Uelh, b..ih in the up
per and lower jaws, in eveiy place wheie
the old teeth had rotled'oul or been extract
ed. Thirty-two years ago, be states, ha lost
some of his teeth, and others nl interval
since that lime. The number of new leeth
which be has cut is seven, being the num
ber of front leeth which he had loi. They
made iheir appeasance only a few weeks
A Chesapeake, mackerel, three feet six in
ches in leni(ih, was cuitgtit at Baltimore ot
There leaves Boston daily, J42 trains of
cars for different pars! ; the same number re
nins daily likewise.
Up to Thursday evening Ihe receipts of
the Agric itlluinl Fair of Pennsylvania, al
Pittsbuigh, were SI 2,001).
The New York Slulo Fair, held at Paralo
ga on Thiiisday, is pronounced a dead fail
uie the receipts not paying expenses.
Florida is said lo possess the soil and'
climate to make it n great Wine producing:
country. Wheal is a belter product.
Six young ladies of Cincinnalti having de-
termiiit'd lo become M. D.'s, are studying iis
the Eclectic Medical College of Ihal city.
In Madison, la., on Tuesday, a fellow na
med liuyhurn w as fined five dollars and costs,
for cow-hiding his daughter, a gill fuuiteei.
e.irj of age.
Change ov Name. "The Philadelphia,
Easton and Water Gap Railroad Company"
has been changed to the name of "The North
Pennsylvania Railroad Company."
A Virginia farmer has introduced, suc
cessfully, a beautiful variety of w heat, called'
the White Mediterranean, from which he
has obtained the extraordinary yield offoily
two bushels lo the acre.
Plant n treo train a vine foster a shrilly
deposit a flower seed and nurture it
blossom plant Ihe fence -"stick lo Iho
yard" fix the sidewalk in short, give heed
to the little things Ihal constitute the granJ
aggregate of public beauty.
A large number of new buildings are erect
ing in New Orleans, and Ihe desolated city
is now beginning to recover from the effect
of the yellow fever. Business of all kinds,,
according to tho newspapers of the 27tl ult
was lesumutg its wonted activity.
The water from tho Congress Springs ar
Saratogn, has been imported into France.
The question was there, why it was called
Congress water 1 Tho obvious answer, of
couise, did not escape the wils: '-because it
contained so much gas.
Mtt. Evebeti's recent letter to Lord John
Russell, respecting the Tri-Par'.ite Treaty,
was submitted, it is said by the New Yoik
Kxpress, lo Mr. Marcy by Ihe writer before
its publication, uud that the Srcielary o
State recommended ils public appearance.
It is related of the late "Harry Hill," or
New Orleans, lhat "whenever his servant
became ntmiageable or disobedient, ami
showed a rebellious disposition, ho immedi
ately threatened lo set them ftee ! and that
silenced ail murinurings, and was sufficient
Receipts ok aTelkqbapii Co.mpant. Tho
receipts ol the Washington and New Orleans
Telegiaph Company, for the month o'f Au
gust, 1853, amounted to $11,872 06, against
)9,239 97 for the corresponding mouth the
previous year, showing au iucicase nf $2
U32 19.
Col. J. C. Fbemont. The Washington
Star states that information has reached that
city by telegjaph from St. Louis, stating that
colonel Feiimont has been compelled lo
abandon his journey of exploration lo Califor.
iiia nvetland and lo return lo St. Louis,
on account of the condition of his bealih.
Pears. Why don't all the farmers rais
pairs! Good pears bring a higher price in
this market : than any other fruit. Choice)
Bartlell's have been sold here at 124 cent
each and a few of another kind al 18 cents
each. At such prices whoever could raise a
ciopof them, would make his fortune speed
ily. -V. 1'. Jtur. Cum
EnwAiio A. IIaxsaoxn is detetmined lo
recover his past misfortunes, by becoming an
earnest Teiupeiance Uefouner. At a leeent
camp meeting, be declared himsell nady to
vi.lo lor the Maine law in ihe absoioeof any
lluny belter, but expressed his belief that
tmihinii short of a total extirpation of the ar
ticle from the face of the earth would eflect
Ihe desired object.
The Norfolk Argu says lhat a faithless
wife yfiiinL', beautiful and accomplished, who
lately eloped from lhat city with her para
mum, fur Call for u ia, via New Yolk, look pas
sags in the Georgia, u hi.-h was diiven juls)
I lei purl of NoilolU, and ihua the guilty pair
weie brought back in a fuvv weeks, lo eon
lioiil those w hom ihey hail injured, ill Ibe
very place fiom which they had fled.
' Jcc u r.Piiir Tho editor of the Cinein
talli Columbian, dining a visil inrongn in
Hotliciilluial Exhibition, last week, pickeJ
up ihe following lines, which he fouud care
fully resting r"i mammoth beet :
-Ili-rc lu'iop. I"rt '' enrroU grow,
t nil! ihey T-:ich III aaa' Wow i
A,l pars ii, urofh lhr wilh so
rkini thinus;)! I" our amils t
Tlie fkiiivsc nr-i ' si'aaW true.
To r..l our firmer., rsiU tlieni Ihrougu."
Stat House Bell A correspondent ak
whether ibe old Stale House bell, wilh ihe
iiisciiption, "Proclaim liberty throughout ihe
land, and lo all ihe pooa thereof," contain
ed lhat inscriplioo "" w" oa' '
England. Ildilnol. The bell, which or
ginally came fiom England, wa. broken in
1752 and was reeasi, at which lime those
word's were placed upon. il. Tbis was twen.
ty.four years before the Declaration of Iude
jendenee.f Ai'fl. Lcdcer.
. L