'.SvV IMPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS AND ' LADIES. extent, In the use of the upp,.ktr of Mil. Hrtti of l'hila r r v"?' ,"many thousand cases are known of entire isnel ot 1 Allien irom the nnwt inlriiM pnin of btxly and anxiety ot Hund, arising from tno n of oilier appllcutitms of no reputation whatever. Hewnre of mewl, (Inn. springs ot all kuHtn, and ebiatic prerairntioua, Hie tendency of whii-h to injure the patient, it hut too well known to many auf. lerera and pliyiiciniia To avoid all Connli-rfieta, apply persta-ally or by letter to Mia. H , No. Ml Walnut Street ; examine her Signature on each Supporter, ami her Iniled Hlatca Copyright laMs on each box. Her Suppoitera are sanclioneil by a stnmling..f 20 yenra and nlaohy the Fnenl ty, eonaisting oa the higheat nnmea in the United Slntce. . M I USD BY Mail tn ill. I'mcss Montri-ATS. Address, vrbeileaoie or retail onlera, to JAS. UKTTS, Agent, No 9lll WnhiiilSlre- Philadelphia. Pliila., October I, leia. tl. $500 REWARD!! INASMUCH as there has been at mtrulry times obstructions plnret) nnil confined upon the track of the Philadelphia and Suuhury Railroad, I Jo hereby ofTer tlio above reward for the detec tion and conviction of nny person or peraons guilty of audi oironce. 1)A'1) LONGENECKER, President Sunbury, Sept. 34, 1853. 3m. PAMPHLET LAWS. TV'OTICE ia hereby Riven thnt tlie Pamphlet ' Laws have lieen received and are ready Tor Distribution to those legally authorized to receive them. .TAME!? HEARD, Frothy Sunbury, Sept. 24, 1853 PAPER EXlTC-inGsT W . W ILSOS, No. 9 South Fourth Street, five daors below Market st. East fide, PBIX.ADBX.FHIi.. HAS for iialo every variety of WALLPAPERS, from (! renta per piece upwards, including Fine Satins, Gold and A'elvels, imitation Woods, Marhlea, &e. Also a great variety of new style of Curtain Tapers, Fine Hoard Prints, Borders, &c. Dealers supplied nt the lowest rate. Phiia., Sept. 24, 1853 in. Cheap Wiilclies Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Retail, nt the "Philadel phia Watch nnd Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, comer of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Oold I .ever Watches, full jeweled. If carat caaes, S2--0 i ld lupine ;-k. Sv!1 .(!' , Kiite silver Spc-.taclcs. I.r0 Silver lli. lull jcwlled, SH. old llruc.-l.-ls. 3.HI Silver lupine, jewels, 1 I! niliea' liolil Pencils. I.IKI Sure-tinr tiuanicrs, 7. (Silver Tcu spoons, act, S.ou Oold Spectacles. T.tm Oold Pena. with Pencil und Silver Holder, 1.C0 Gold Finger Kings, 37J cents to $80 ; Wntch Glasses, plain, 13J ccnls; Patent, 1 tSj ; Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be w hat thev arc aold for. STACFFER & HARLEY, Successors to O. 'onrud. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and l.epines, still lower than the above price. Sept. 10, 1853. ly. New "Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING, MANl'FACTI'ltEHS & lMl'OliTKIIS, No. 124 Arch Street, second dour above Si.ith, PHILADELPHIA. WHERE may be found the largest and hand somest assortment in the City. Purchasers front the country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, -where they will be suited with a suuerior article, at the low est prices. UirilTOX & LAMM!. No. 124 Arch Street, above Sixth. Thila., Sept. 17, 1853 3m. l'orte Mommies, j POCKET BOOKS, AM) FANCY GOODS. PIMIE attention of the Trade, and others, in JL want f Porto Mounaics, Pocket Hooks, Hankers' Cases, Dressinjr Cuscs, Portable W'ri ting Desks, Uacktjammoii and Chess Hoards, Chessmen, Pearl, Midi, and Silver Cord Cases, Work lioxes, Cabas, Needle Dunks, Money Dulls, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Flicks, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Fixer Goons, which will be sold at the lowest rales. F. H. SMITH, Porte Moimaie and Pocket Hook Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1853 tf. Stone Cutters ami Laborers WANTED ! STONE cutters and laborers can have steady employ and a winters job, (and not work in the water.) at the I'nion und Su4iiuhanna Uriilue at Chapman, Union county, Pa., midway be tween Liverpool and .Northumberland. To la borers $1,25 per dav will lie given. LElsEXRI.NO & FISUER. Chapman, Sept. 17, 1S53 tf. Come and I'av l p ! Vl.l. persons indebted to the firm of Friliui; & Grant arc respectfully requested to come and pay up their accounts between now and the 15th of Octolier, as they wish to t;o to Philadel phia to buy their fall supplies Sunbury, fept. 14, lS.Vl 4t. WH. M'CAETY, Bookseller, RESPECTFl'l.LV informs the inhabitants ol town and country, that he has lately recei ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his stock of books, in every branch of Literature, and in a great variety of 11 hiding. Plca.ie call and see them. Sunbury, Bept. 17, 1853. AUDiTonnKPoiri; IUport or the Auditous of Northumber land Count for the Year 1852. Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of North' umberland County, in account with same. Dn. To amount of County tax recei ved from coilecluis for the Tear: 1846, $40 95 306 33 333 93 88 18 4,290 79 2,438 53 128 05 " I It . o o i J OHO, II II II li 1849, 1850, 1831, 1852, Amount of County lax, on tin- seated lands for 1850, " Road, ii ' School, . " County, 293 97 18 12. 83 1851, ii " Road, " ii School, " Amount arising from sale of No'r- Ihumberland Bridge slock, Amount of dividend of said slock Kern for Publio Building, Court Fines and Jury Funds, J. B. Masser'f note taken by CoO'nly Commissioners as part of bridge stock, dated, Februa ry 85, 1852 Interest on same to Dee 31, 1852. Amount of J. B. Masser' bond for unseated lands, 265 226 624 00 40 00 9 00 69 00 140 00 7 34 130 00 $9,865 Cn. By tmoant of Cash paid as per $10,520 VUUIIIIiVBiwiiui "J Paid Northumberland Bank, 30U 58 Paid Eastern Penitential), Expenses in going lo Norlhnm beiland 4 times lu pay money ad itcfiv biidge stock, 6 30 Depreciated money, " ' 9 00 Treasurers commission on f 10, 879 331 at 81 per ct. 271 98 $11,166 61 i 9,865 851 Balance due County Treasurer, 1 1,300 75, Jaeob Younft, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland Lounty, in account with the tame respecting State Funds. Da. To amount of State lax received from collectors for the year, 1849, 32 4l ii ii i 1850, 527 05 1851, 8,343 00 1852, 8414 10 Slate tax on unseated land 1850, 191 43 " - " 1851, 191 54 Aggrpgnle amount of Taverr, li- reuse granted, by the Court of Quarter Sessions 1852, Aggregate amount of Ue'ailers license us pur list furnished Treasurer by tnercanlile ap praiser, Age-regale amount of Patent Me dicitte as per list furnished by meiranlile appraiser, Aim rebate amount of Beer and Oyster shop licenses as per list furnished by mercantile ap praiser, Aggregate amount of Distillers and Brewers license as per list furnished by mercanlile ap praiser, Amount of iniliiia lax received 480 00 820 25 15 00 22 00 21 00 28 35 67 55 107 70 221 28 115 50 from colllec.lors for 1848, ii i. 1849, 1830, 1851, 1852, $14,508 1 9,611 82 24,986 34 Balance due from Treasurer, Cr. By casli paid State Treasurer as pet his receipt dated July 20, 1S52, 39,114 32 Cash paid nssesfnrs for assessing 1777 ilelliupient tntlilm men, AiorcyalH iwiimiiit paid volunteer Companies us per orders, Biiiiade Inspector's salary, Cash paid Brigade Inspector, for collecting and transporting arms its pet Ins receipts, Cash paid John G. Yonngman li sun for publishing list of Retail ers licenses for 1852, Paid 11. B. M.isscr fur publishing lint of Retailers licenses in K iulih and German papers, Mileage paid U. W- Zarlinan, .Mercantile appraiser 207 miles nt 3 els per mile. Cash paid H. W. Z.irlmnn, mer cantile appittiser, fur attending nppeitl one day, Kuneratious Relailets license Tiea-iirer's per cenliige on $9, 1 14 32, sit one per cl. Treasurer's per cenlago on S338 27, paid Volunteer companies and Brigade Inspectors, at one put cent. 17 77 250 00 50 00 20 50 9 00 24 00 6 21 1 0-1 24 50 91 14 3 38 $9 61182 Expenditures of the County of Northnmber land, as per orders issued by the Commit sioiiers of said County To aggregate amount of Com- mnnweiilili costs, Stationary, Commissioner Wilson's wages for 1851, Charles Weaver, 1851. Clnisiiaii Albeit, 1850 & '51 Chailes Weaver. 1S52, Win. Wilson, ' " Christian Albert, " . Joseph Nicely, t.'ouniy Auditors, " Special Audilors, " G. M. Yorks, auditing public of fice accounts, M. Burner serving subpirnas for Special Auditors, j Aggregate am'iu'i! paid for build j i ii 2 and repairing bihiges, S-251 72 314 90 100 00 3 00 189 75 270 44 175 50 232 50 20 00 168 00 50 00 25 00 3 171 1,605 07 142 no 253 37 Piothnnolary's tees, Viewing rojdi & sites for bridges Constables Fees for ullending Court, 279 27 422 00 119 60 346 82 709 04 2,882 684 245 17 888 40 ' 52 73 149 00 35 00 78 50 123 01 41 26 12 00 9 89 32 50 28 08 64 25 405 00 131 121 Printing by rnntiart, Commissioner's Clerk's wages for 1851, ggregato amount of Commis sioners' wages for 1852, Assessors wages, 1852 Jurors r?i", iiblic Buildings, Kleclinn Kxpeuses, 1'ieminitis on Fox scalps. Court Ctiers wages, Attorney forCou-itv, Agricnlliiral oriety, Coiiuiers Inquest. Refunding P.is'iu Kvnenses, School lax on unsealed lands, 0. strict Attorney rees. O.images for Roads, Fuel, Shei ifl's Fees, Ciintiugencies, Tolal, $10,860 04 Imouiifs due from Collectors of County and State Tax. Samuel Awl. Augusta, 1840, 1849, 1850, ii ii $27 90 4 02 107 10 32 13 108 41 133 05 119 36 j, 104 16 51 28 29 13 86 GO!, 12 87 159 67 272 30 139 89& 96 214 79 70 29 65 547 62 207 30 738 54 368 94 152 10 89 69 393 83 453 84 311 32 654 68 418 90 353 99 1 homas Karr, Lewis, IK'iinis buoy, t hiliKi. Chailes Fox, Delaware, James Valid) ke, Norlh'd II. R. Johnson, Rush, Solomon Mai'., Coal, Jacob Kline, Chilisq. 1851, ii John Heim, Cameron, ii ii ii ii i. ii ii ii ii ii the M. Drurnheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, J. Uinoeman, Low. Mah'y Peter Ruch, Norlh'd, Joseph Vaukiik, Point, H. it Jubnson, Rush, titer Pursel, Sunbury, George Kuiilz, Tuibut, Wm. Reed, Up. Aususta. J. 11 Clark, L. Aususta, 1852. Wm. Heriihotise, Up. Mah'y " J . Mine, UliilisiinaniiH, Andrew Ruuyati, Rush, E. Eisenharl, Coal, D. S. Drurnheller, I.. Mah'y 2 1 1 John Wetel, Jackson, J. Hin?emnti, Low. Mah'y S. Hales, Shamokin, 83"1 70, Jacob Hunsieker, Lewis, Reler Ruch, Norlh'd, Wm. Keed, Up. Augusta, Peler Pursel, Sunbury, Abm. Kissinger, Turbut, Daniel Cares, Delaware, John Heim, Cameron, Joseph Vankirk, Point', James Buoy, Milton, 400 670 63 622 95 98 10 493 63 344 03 Tolal, State. J. Leisenrjng, Norlh'd, Thomas Barr, Lewis, John Leibijz, Coal. D. Stahlnecker, Delaware, C. Kersner, Sunbury, George Kuntz, Turbut, Solomon Marlz, Coal, Jacob Kline, Chilisq. John Heim, Cameron, Divid Wiitoo, Lewis, $8,883 97 1848, 1849, $48 07 11 48 851 65 70 53 7 73 20 17 103 43 256 04 23 59 358 90 581 1850, ii 1851, i. ii uu 75 SUiNBCHY AMERICAN AND SIlAMOKlN JOUliNAL. J. Binceman, Low Muh'y Peler Ruc.h, North'd, II. K Johnson, Rush, ' Peler Pursel, Sunbury, Oeorge Kuril x, Ttirbul, Wm. Reed, Cp. Augusta, D S. Drtimheller, L. Mah'yt J. R. Clark, L. Augusta, It Jacob Kline. Chilisq. W. Berghotiae, Up. Msh'y, . Andrew Rnnyan, Rush, E. Eisenliart', Coal, D S. n.nmheller, L. Mah'y John Wettlxel, Jackson, J. Binuemnii, Low. Mnh'y, Sam'l Hales, Shamokin, Jacob Hunsieker, Lewis, Peter Ruch, Nnith'd, Wm. Reed, Cp. Augusta, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, Abm. Kissinger, Turbnt, Daniel Cares, Delawaie, John Heim, Cameron, Joseph Vankirk, Point, James Buoy, Milton, 91 8! " 179 73 ' 84 74 4 20 - 61 22 " 21 61 7 30 52, 43 02 840 87 it 3 92 865 33 . 175 47 84 69 47 97 378 78 (i 54 71 ii 324 54 n 331 88 I 486 1.1 ii 292 43 ii 319 33 ii 443 02 ii 71 63 it 521 18 li 76 00 $6,318 874 Amounts due from Collectors of Militia Fines, .Michael Evert, Augusta, 1846, 34 00 1848, 16 00 i 95 1849, 21 60 i, 13 50 24 50 31 43 1850, 29 00 45 00 il 15 00 ii 38 00 , " 44 50 ii 36 00 ' 42 00 59 50 25 30 4 09 1851, 21 00 44 00 lfi 50 'i 38 'JO 82 50 " 46 50 , 78 50 , 32 00 I, 20 50 ' 41 00 32 40 ' 43 00 " 13 00 15 50 ' 1 1 00 ' 11 50 1852, 34 00 26 50 ii 26 00 53 00 16 50 a 35 50 ' 51 00 i 70 50 a 73 00 ii 59 50 59 50 ih " 17 50 it 33 00 ii 27 00 45 00 ii 48 00 ii 21 50 ii 34 00 51,759 47 John Leibig, Coal, I) Mnhluecker. Delaware John Leibig, Coal, D. Slnhlnecker, Delaware John Leiseminu, North'd, Jahub Beck, Sunbury, John Leibig, Coal, Dennis Buoy ChiliPO. Charles Fox, Delaware, M. Dmrrhiller, Jackson, R. Clark. Low. Augusta James Vandyke, Noilh'tl, It K. Jotuison, hush, Conrad Kersuer. Sunbury, George Kiinlz, Tmbiil, J Eckman, t'p. Augusln, Solomon Mnrlz, Con I, J. Kline, Chilisiptaqtie, Joeu lleim, Cameion, Daniel Cares, Delaware, M. Drnmhellei, Jackson, John Clapp, Lewis, J It. LI, uk, Low, Augusta Peler Ruch, Noilh'd, Joseph Vankirk. I'nint, II. It. Johnson, Rush, Peler Pursel, Snnhnry, Geortje Kniil. Tuibul, Win Reed, Up. Augusta W. Berahonse. Up. Mah'v J. Bingeman, Low. Mah, Andrew Rnnynii, Rush, K. Eisenharl, Coal, John Wentzel, Jaeksiin, John Heim, Cameron, J. Twline, Chilisrpiaqne, J. R. Clark. Low. Ananstf D.tniel Care Delaware, Jacob Hunsieker. Lewis, James Buov, Milton. D. S. Drurnheller, Lit. Mi Peler Ruch, North'd. Joseph Yank itk, Point, Peter Pursel, Sunbury. Samuel Hales, Shnmokiit. Abm KissiiiL'ei' Tnrluit, Wm. Reed, Up Augusln, County, State and Militia tares levied for 1852. County. srtme. Militia. Irfwer AngMStn, tVi(li S779M 870 50 I'pper Ainrutiii, ,.',3!s.i flltsa III (M) t')ier Aliilmu iy, 4.',: 311 filiate 8.i SO Kuril, M'JOI 811020 II IH) funliury, 4331 6:17 43 45 1"! Is-wia, 7fll W . I3:lll 650 Mlilon, A14 in 7i7lll S1ISII Tnrlint. hit fUl 1,1(15 4 !il 30 Clnliauncile. e-24 Al 1.IMI0W 61 OH i"nni. sauwi 411 ftfl sine I. ill le Malianoy, IjOIIU 1-011!) 17 SO : Cnmcmn, ii) I II III leai'j Lower Mnli.mnr, rnn .W Ml" 33 7 UU j I'oinl, ' 4!VI(n 710 4H 97ISI Jncksiiii, uiii ki t)ta ti7 erioo Niirtlimtitierlniid,, 510 tit) M? 4 03 IKI Delnware, nr.' 70 1.3-S77 ti IX) bhaiiK'kiu, (133 07 b'.U 71 77 0(1 0,t70 1)71; 13,710 54 ti j6 50 l a' AT III To amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds paid James Be ird, Esii , Prolhonolary of Noilhiiinberlaiid co , for hich he account ed lo the Commissioners in the settlement of his account with the County. do do Win B. Kipp, Esq ., Sheriff of KmthM eounly, and accounted for in the same $64 00 manner, do do Court Fines and Jury fun. Is due tin) county, Forfeited recognizances, 12 00 168 00 800 00 $1044-00 Jurob Vuuhj, Esq, Treasurer of Northumlier- Ulna bounty in account trt(A tne Common wealth. Da Tux on Real and Personal Estate. To ai:reoate amount of said tax oulsluridiii"; fir 1851 and previ ous years us per lasl auiiuul re port of Audilors. $5,940 78i Aunreate amount of said tax as sessed for the use of the Com monwealth fur 1832, bs per statement or County Commis sioners filed with said Treasurer, 13.710 54 Amount of said lav received on unseated lands for 1852 and previous years. 382 97 $20,034 29 4 17.072 084 Balance due Commonwealth, $2,962 21 Cb. By Cash paid Slate Treasurer on account nt sml tax lor Ino2 as per his receipt dated July 20, 1852, $9,114 32 Amount nf taxes remaining uncol lected tor 1332 anil pievious years. 6 730 67, Exonerations allowed collectors fur years previous to 1852 aa per certilicalu of County Com missioners, 64 42 615 Si 455 71 91 14 Commissioners allowed Collectors foi 1852 and previous yean on $12 316 56 al 5 per cunt. Abatement allowed cuuuty on $9,. 114 32, Treasurer's Commission on the above, $17,072 084 Retailer's License, Da. To aggregate amount Retailers'' license for ilia year 1852 as per list furnished In the County Tteasmer by Mercantile Ap praiser, $820 25 57 50 14 t Bullance due Commonwealth, $762 75 Cn. By exonerations of said license, $24 50' Amount paid printers for publish ing Mercantile Appraiser's list, as per receipt. 33 00 57 50 Dr. To aggregate amount of Tavirrr license granted by I he Court of Quarter Sessions for Ihe year 1852, as per return of Clerk of said Court filed with County Treasurer, To aggregate amount of Patent Medicine license for the year 1852, as per Ut furnished to Ihe County Tieasuiei by Meictu- 024 430 00 tile Appraiser; 00 To aggregate amount of Distillery nil Brewery license for the year 1852, at ter list furnished to the County tteasurer ry tne Mercanlile Appraiser, To aggregate amount of license on Beer Houses end Oyster Shops for the year 1832, as per list furnished County Treasurer by Mercantile Appraiser, 21 00 22 00 Militia Fines. Dr. To aggregate of said fines out slainiiiig for 1851, and previous yenrs, as per last repot t of coun ty Auditors, 81,569 54 To aggiegale amount of Militia, lines assessed fur the yenr 1832 as pur book in hii h said fines are enleteu ny county com missioners, 856 90 2,42 04 2,352 43 Balancodue Commou wealth, Cr. By amount of said lines remain ing uncollected for 1852 and pievinus years, Evoueiatiotis allowed collectors for 1852 and previous years, Five per cent, commission allow ed collectors for 1852 ami pre vious years, 273 59 $1,885 66 98 50 26 64 17 77 50 00 20 50 25 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 3 38 Amount paiil Assessors for asses sing ami lurnistinig lists ul 1777 delinquent militia men, ul I per cent, each, Amount paid Biigade Inspector for inspecting 5 companies for 1852, Amount paid Biigade Inspector for collecting military properly, and transportation of aims lor 1852, Amount paid Treasurer of Wash ington Guards as per order of Capt Jacob Holla. Amount paid Treasurer of North umberland Tioons as per order nf Capt. James ltrysoii, Amount paid Treasurer of Dew art Guards as per order ol Capt J. H. Zimmeiman, Amount paid 'acksou Rifle Com pany ns per outer of Capt. J.i cob He! rick, Amount paid Treasurer of Dep peuville Cavalry as per order of Capt. Jacob Hilbish, Amount of Treasurer's commis sion on $338 27, at one per cent. $2,352 45 We, the undersigned, Auditors of North umberland county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursuance of the 47th section of the Act entitled, "An net reculatini! Counties nnd Townships, &o ," passed ihe 15lh day of April, 1834, we met at the Commissioners' Olliee, in the borough ofSnubuiy, on the 16'h day of December, 1852, and adjourned from lime lo time, and did audit, aifjust and settle the several ac counts requited of us. ameeably lo the ser eral Acts of Assembly and supplements therelo, according to Ilia best of our judg ment and ability. Witness our hands and seals, at Ihe Office aforesaid, this tweiily-lhird day of July, A. D. 1853. REUBEN W Z ART MAN, (L S ) J H. ZIMMERMAN, (LS) M. I. D. WITHINGTON, (L S ) We, the undersigned, Auditors of North- umbei land county, dulv elected and sworn i to adjust the accounts of Ihe officers of said I . - . ft. county, Io cetlily that we nave cateiuity ex amined Ihe vouchers and find that there is due the Commonwealth a per report of special Audilors, the sum of three thousand five hundred and eishly-seven dallars and ninety-two and n half cents, also Stale tax lor 1852, afler ileducliuc lor exoneiations made In collectors, Ihe sum of sixty-four dol lars and forty-two cetils, collectors' commis sion, six hundred am! lifteen and eighty-two rents, abatement allowed the county as per Stale Treasurer's receipt, four hundred and fi(ty-five dollars and seventy-one cents, and County Treasurer, s commission, ninely-one dollars and fourteen cents, Ihe sum of three thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dol lars and Ihiiteen cents, also for Tavern Li censes four hundred and eiyhty dollars, Re tailers Licenses seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and sevenly-five cents, Patent Medi cines fifteen dollars, Dislilleiy, Brewery, Beer Houses and Ojster Shops, lorly-thrce dollars, also fur Militia Fines afler deducliug fur exonerations made lo collectors ninety- eittht dollars and fifty cents, collectors com- missniis lwer,ly-six dollars and sixty-lonr cents, assessots wages lor making nut lists of delinquent militia men seventeen dollars and seventy-seven cents, tnree nntiuieu ami unity-eight dullars and twenty-seven cents pai I to volunteer companies and Brigade Inspec tors, and three dollars anil thirty eight cents Treasureis percentage on the abuve, one thousand nine bundled and forty-one dollars ami forty-eigh! cents, leaving a balance of Stale lax, Licenses and Militia lines due ihe Commonwealth ol ten thousand one hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twenty-eight and a half cents, also the sum of ttuee hundred a:id forty dollars twenty-two and a half cents outbuilding orders, and ihe sum ol one thousand three hundred dollars and seventy- five cents due Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of Noithumberlatid county for money over paid on county orders, making Ihe liability of Ihe county on the thirty-first day of De cember, A, D. 1852 inclusive, eleven, thou sand eight hundred and forty dollais and Iwenly-six cents, while there is due Horn tne Treasurer on Slate funds the sum of four thousand nine hundred ami eighty-six dul lars and ihirlv-fonr cents, from collectors nf connly lax eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-' hi ee dullars and ninety-seven cents. from collectors of State lax six thousand three hundred and eighteen dollars and eighty-seven and a half cents, finm coller of militia fines one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine dollar and foily-seven cents, also fur Jury funds one hundied and eight dollars, for Court Fines sixty dollars, and for recognizances forfeited eight hundred dol lars, which after deducting the liabilities of the comity will leave a balance dne said county, after ihe payment of all debts, of eleven thousand and seventy-six dollars and thirty-tune and a half cents on the thnly first day of December inclusive. In witness wheienf we have hereunto set our hands and seals ihe 23d day July, A I). 1853. REUBEN W. ZARTMAN. (L S T J. H. ZIMMERMAN, L S j M. I. D. WITHINGTON, (LS) FALL, .tllLLIMCHY C.OOD3. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 45 South Second Street, ARE now opening for the Fall Trade, a large and well selected assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, , Flowers, and , Millinery Goods in gSneiat. Confining themselves exclusively lo this branch of the trade, and mroaTise Ihe larger part of their stock, enables them to oiler an assortment unsurpassed ih extent or variety, which will be said on the roost favorable terms. Phila., firl. IT, 153. -Sib. (Jas Fixtures f5 Lamps. . HEIDKICK, HORNING & BB0THER, No. 221 North Second Street, abovt Vine, PHU.ASBI.FBIA. n A VI NO had many years practical experience in the business, and aa all work sold by us is manufactured under our immcdiatesueryision, we are enabled to offer-to purchasers superior ar ticles, in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable term. At our atore may be fouriJ. in every variety and style of finish, Oas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, tsi.tfl Brackets, for Halls, Churches. Ac. the IMPROVED PINE OIL LAMP ( also, Fluid, LnrJ und Oil Lamps, Gir andoles, Doijurto Holders; Parljr, Night and Reading Lamps. On hand, Lamp Glasses, Gloles. Wicks. Shades. Ae. A l.l. WORK WARRANTED, OR NO SALE. Factory No. 80 Noble St., near 4th. Remember store 221 N. 2d St., next door to J. Stewart Depuy's carpet store. September 10, 1833. 3in. . WILLIAM GROVES & CO S Upholstery, Betiding 5 Fea ther Warehouse. S E Corner Second and Arch1 Streets, rmX.ASEX.PHIA. PRINO 13 EDS, Feather Beds. Hair Mats, Husk, nnd Straw Mattresses, Cushions, Cuts, Comfortable Counterpanes, Sackings, blankets, cVv., Ac. Constantly on hand or made to order and sold Whclcsalc and Retail, on the most favor able terms. FEATHERS, ll.MU, HUSKS, ka , by the hale or pound. Orders resjieelively solic ited, promptly executed, and warranted to give satisfaction. N. I). Mattresses re-made and Feathers re renovated. Phila., Sept. 10, 1852. 3m. t,s,itrinmcit;sMiiKn,ic'd. V OTICE is he'eby gicn, that letters of adntiti- " istration have been granted to the subserilavs on the estate of George tii.iker, lute of Lower Augusta township, ilec'd. All perona having claims against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment without delav. JEH. WETZEL, ).,,,, HANNAH S.NIKER, J Lower Augusta twsp., Sept. 3, 1853 6t. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby announces to hii fellow citizens, that he is a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER, and promises, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office faithfully and impartially. FRANCIS ItUCHER Sunbury, July 10, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I announce myself to vour consideration as a candidate for the olliee of county; commissioner, nt the uproachintr election. Should I bo elected, I promise to dischariro the duties of the office faithfully and to the best interests of the county. SIMON SNYDER. Upper Ausrusla, July 16, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby oilers himself to the vo ters of Northumlierlatid county, as a candidate at the next election for the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the olliee faithfully and with impartinlitv. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. X. 31. Xcwnam's Beatty's Uote, Norwegian street, Pottsville, Penna. n Art CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SL'P ply of all sizes of Lead Pipe. Sheet Lead, Block Tin, Bath Tubs. Shower Baths, Hjdronts, Hose, Double and Sinle Acting Pumps and Wa tcr Closets; also, all kinds of Hrass Cocks for water and steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Coptier Work ond Plumbing done in the neatest manner at the shortest notice. N. B. Cash paid for ojd Brass and Lead. Pottsville, Au?. 27, 1853. Iy THE above reward will Le paid for informa tion tlint will lead to the diseovery and conviction of the person or persons who were iiuilty of filling tlie aitel lioxes ol the passenger and coal cars of the l'hiladclphia and Sunbury Railroad, with sand and dirt. V. I.OXGENECKER, Prest. Sunbury, Aug. 27, 18.",3. Live tml Help Live ! ! ! OfB Motto. S. N. THOMPSON TJ) ESPi;CTFi;i.LY informs his friends and fl"n the public generally, that he has just re- reived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, Inndsoine and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of )rv Goon's, viz : Cloths, Cassiniers Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, t tslmgs, l.tntns, &c. LADIES DKESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Liins, Lawns, Ginghams, Ueragcs, Rubes, &c r;uocruii:s, Sugar, Teas, Collee, Iliee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Suit, &c., &c, &c Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &c. Queensware, of various styles and patterns, SOOTS AttO fHOSS A Urge assortment of Coots and Shoes, fur men, women and children, IITt Caps, Ac, of various sixes and styles. Besides a Inrgo and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. 17" Country produce ol all Kinds taken in exhange at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 4 nio. 30, 1853, PORTSMEN. A lot of double and single barrelled guns, shot lietts, powder llasks, gun caps, flints, powder, shot and lead for sale by Sept. 14, '5a. I. W. TENF.lt & CO ADIES DRESS GOODs.Dresi Silk, French Merino, Persian '1 will, De l.uiucs. Do Derage, cashmeres, calico, worked, colars, sbiinezctle, cull's, 4 c just received sml for sale hy Sept. 10, 1853. I. W.TENEK V I O INDIAN CHOLAGOUUE An 'ucellent to- I medy for the cure of Fever and Ague, Dillious Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, just re ceived and for sale by I. W; TENER it CO. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 18S3. MACKEREL, S. ailed Fish, Herrings, Dried llct f, Hams and cheese, just received aiuffur le by I. W. TENEK dc CO. Sunbury, Sept 10, 1853. ' 4 Splendid lot of Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloth, 'fable Oil covers. Carpet chain, door mats and malting, just received and for sale I.y Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TENEK & CO. BOOTS, Shoes, Hats Caps and Gum Shoes, just received and for sryle by Sept 10, 1853. I. W. TUNER i CO. CLOTHS, Cauiuieres, Yeslings, Sallinetts', &c, of various styles and colors just recei ved and for sale fry f ert. I, S3. I. W. TENER & CO. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION 1VnfHMNT tonn art of the wra1 of th Commimwralih of Pmnnjlvttnin, MM "An mni feinting to the elwtion of thli Common WL-iiUrt, 11 approvml the mc hk, rtity of July, Anno lfcmiin tin tJiummml Mlfhl hnmfrtil iiti Unrtvnme. 1. Wll 1st AM . Kllt Ilitrh Wieriff.t'f tlie couuly (it NorthumU-rk.niV, mirnyl vmiia, horvhy mnke kimwn kimI give rH'in-e tn the tk-f. Iimtuh thPiVitmtjr afomn.il, that a vrncrnl elfl-m will lie hphl in mill otuity of N.irihiimlwrlMnil on theK:oM Tl; l-iSOA Y ( llth of OCTOHKK, IK"3T at whirh titue tnte and County Office, ni f.illmvt, are tn lie tjlrrleil : One pei-ami aa Cm nil CmtimiMUHicr of thd Comirvn wmltli. f One nrrn aa Judge of tlie Pnnrrino Court ml Jut Com ireHiWrnlth. ,, . One pemtiH for ffurrryttrfiriieriil of the Cmtnuvuilth. Hue param for Audi lor (Je tttnil of th 'niiniivinvmlth. One per a m ne MVnnVr of thi tlmiw nf Repfcleiitulivfi Hf ri-i-rt-nrni inc ciiiny ii PKirililtmitFriftim. One pera-nt aa CoinuiiMioner hr the county ol Nurth miilerlniHl. One prrftinni Dirtrirt Attorin?y f n thceonnly of Not Unliiiltrilnnd. , One para-m fur Tieaatirer fur Ihe cuuuty of No'ilmm lie 1 1111(1. One per mi fuf Deputy Survey fr the comity ( f N'-ir-tlmnilferlnirit One m; i at mi aa Auditor fur the county of Nortlnimlsur- I til', lifrrhy nt;ike kn-wti nml give not.ee thnt the place if h idliiiir llienffrrtiit! geninl rli!rtin in tin' w irul lF'rughn mid towunliipa wiihin ihecuuuiy uf N'r Lhi.nii:rrlnit(l urc tin foil u ; The I;iiilnrv Uirtrk't. compHMxl of the Inrouirh of Huu!ury, aikj I pprr Au;iiitut nt the CV-nuty Court IIoimhs. The Auguma ViMrirt, c nnp.taeil t:f Urn twnfliip of Isowr Auburn, nt the honte tt F-IIua Kinerirh, in witl toMiialtip. The NorlhnmtM'rluiii District, cumpsMcJ of tlie lorong)i of .NortttutuiM'ihnHl.nt the li'iiiic of Atiguitui IIomU t;f the Iwnmffh of .XiirthnmlieilfiM't. The pjint Dintrict, Ht thr home of llenty IIim. in tit tmMtgh nt NorlinnnlNTliiiifl. Til-: Milton Diftinct, nt tli honwj of F ruler ick Si Inker, hi froil h'Tonuh. ThJ Tnrlmt Distiict. ot the liouae cccnpietl by Ahnhnm Ki winner. Tha "Ih Iitrttire Dintrivl, nt thu bmae i'f Urury J Ri-n-der. in MrKwrtiUville. .. , , i ... . The Chilif4ii:i4t!L' Ditttrict lit ihi n U6 or flciijuniin Firiim:in. . The lcwia District, al tli ho'ise (Kcupio! by Michael Howler. The Sham khi District, at the linis of Chorlca IeiRcn rinc. 'i ho Upper Mulinimy District, at the liouto of Daniel Ilfim. The Little Muhouny Dutrict, at tlie house of Frederick linker. The Lower Mali tiny District, at tlio vnt of Michael Spnl z The Rittth Dintrift. at the l.ilreriv P.ile S-hoil Ilmiie. The Jackaoti District, ut the hoiiae occtipicU by Uejrge j INllltll. The Cml District, nt the hoime of Willimn M. AVeuvur, in the town ( Shtiinokiu. Tite Ztjrlio Dittrict at the home of John WVuver in Trevorton. The Cameron District, nt the houno of Gideon Derk. The Jonlmi Dmtrict nt the honpc v( ltcujumin l.oitzrl. The eleeti.tii In open between the hour nfb:iull() u'ci ck. m mo loreit .it. uml emu rupti mi or adjournment until 7 When the polls shrill be el.isij. The aevernl lusetora oih! Jtiiliren elerted on the & '.Lives eleetetl nn the 3.1 n,.ee of the 3.1 S.lio of the net of tlie i I ,.f Julv, Isll), will hold the election on Tueail-iy the I llh lnv oi Cleol,er ueat. -Th.il averv e-ra..'n except a Jualieeof Ihe Pence, win r mm n 3i:irrn, ic-, m purnimice o the a I rtctiini o alinll host any ofi'ice or appointment of nn-fll nnd lni!t .Ol der Ihe government of tlie L'nited Stat., or nf this State, ur of any city or ine rpor:ited district, whether a commis aiiMicd oiliccr or ucut, who rhntl ls employed under the legislative, executive or jatliciury department of this State, or tlie l'nited Stales, or of nny city or iueorpom.ed dinrricl anil nls Unit every m.'.nler C'-'pgreae nnil ol the Slntu Legislature, nnd o the w.t..ct and common council of nny eily, or coiimiinaioucr of nny iieirietnitnt Uialrict, ia hy luw. incupnl.le of Ir.ldiinr or exrecisinir Ihe olliee or ap p .iutltient of .ludtre. Iiiafcetor or Clerk, i-f any elation uftliia comm mweslth, und that no liMiiecior. Ja.lge or nny other oilieer of aueli election, shall he eligible lo uny odice to he then voted for. And the snid Act ot' Aasemhly, entitled "an net relating to the elce liona of Ihia l.'ouunoi.welttlli,'' Jiaaseil July the Und. IKt-, fiirthiT provides na follows, lo wit : -Tuat the luapcclors nml Jtnles chosen aa nforeaaid, shall meet nt the reactive places for holtling the election in Iho district to which they respectfully Inilong lieforn nine o'eLick in Ihe in irniinr of Ihe second 'rneaday of Oe tolHr in er.eli nnd every ear, and ieh of aaid inspectors slinll npv.im one clerk, who aliall be a qualified voter of aueli d alrict. Section i. That any fraud eommilted liv any pera.ni v.ning in the maimer nh tve prfweribed. ehall be punished ns similar finu.la are directed to be puuiahetl by the exist hip biwa of this Ctmunonweuhh. "In ease the pera in who ahull have received the second hitfhcsl iiumtier t.f voti. for Inspectors slinll not ntteu.l oil Ihe day of any election, then Ihe percsi who shnll have received the aecond highest nuuiher of volca for Juilire rtie next preceding deetkni, ahull uet ns an inapeeloi in Ins place, and in cnae the pera m ehvled Jutlire ahnll not attend the InSitcctor who received the highest number of votca, aliall ti)poiiit n Jintire in his place ; nnd if any vncnitey shall Continue III the 1. mrd for the apace of half nil htsir nf ter the lime fixed by law fr the opcniii-of the elect h.u, the qualified voleia ttf the township, ward ornt. ctiKlrict. for which such nlueem shall have lleei',. elect ett, preaeiu ut Ihe place of electi na. aitall one of tlieir munlicr to till an. It vaenncy. t 'It ahull is; the duty of aaid nsscss-rs respeelively tn at tend nt tlie place of holding every iriaieml. special, or townshit. clivtiou, .luring the wh thi..tune s-,id eleeli .,. ia kept open, for the puniose of nivlng jtlfoitnntiiHt lo tlie luspect irs anil Judge, whan culled on, in. relation, m the light of any nera.ni usaesrcif by them to vote nt an: It cIm. tion, or aueli otlier tunttera in relution lo the assessment of vntera, aa the said inspector or judge or either of theni, ahnll from tune to lime rcipllre. No pcrssi ahal! be pcrulilted to vote at nny electi. .11 na aforesaid, other tlinu a while free man of twenty-one or more, wlr. ahnll have resided In the State at lea t .uie yciu. and in the election district where he olfcra to vote nt least ten days immediately preceding tlie eleetl n, antl within two yeura Hiid stale of county tax. wliteli shall have liccu aaseaae.1 nt lenst teillluvs lelore the eleliou. Hut a eilieu of tlie l'nited Stales who hud previtinSty Im-cm n c,tta;ihHt voler of this slate, nu.l reur.vul Iherefrom nisi reanrncd, and ahnll Imve resided iu the eleeli m district, nnil paid tax us aforesaid, ahull be entitled lo vote nflcr rcsidini; in this alate aix months, Provided. That tlie white freemen, citi zens of the I'ullod Slutca, between the age of twciity-ou nnd tu'euty-two yenra. and ill Ihe election district ten da a sa nforesai.l, shaft be entilleil to a vote, ultlraigh lliey shall not Imve paid taxea. .No per n ihall be permitted to v.Ae whoae name is not contained in Ihe list ol taxable intiuhi'nnta furnisheil by Ihe eomniifvioners ns ufoies.iid, miless. First: lie pr.Nhiees a rt'eipt for tlie stmenl. wiihin two y.nira. of u stale or e unity tax tlKScascd agreitbSy to the c-lialituti'ii, nnd irax i aalisfaelory evidence either on his own onth o. ad'iruia titni. or on the oath or nlurmul ion of another, llr.t he has (Slid such tnx, or on failure to produce n receipt, shall make i.ll.aithlotlie psynieiil tliereof: or see n.l. if he claim u right . vote l.y- lu-iitg an electt.r t-etween ttte nets of tiveiity ounnnd iwei,ly-iwo ye,.,., he shall .h p ,c 01, .iih or ulliruiali.nl. that lie lias resided 111 ine Mule at least one yeir next licfore his a.-pliejiion, and inakcaueh pr.v.f ..f resateiH-e 111 the iliarrn-l us is re.pnred by this net 1 and tluit he .tiles verity Islieve Irom the account given lum tltat he iat.f ihu nee nfttrewiiil. niuI give ruch other evi- dene.-, ua ia re-mired by this net. wher...-.H. the i.uiie . f the pera, a a udiuilled to Mr, aliull le uuicrlcd in nlpha. lH.-tiel lirt hy the iiiwcfora, nnd n note mnile opp.itc ihcriio bv writing the word '-tax." il he ihall he permit- i-tlto vote by r.-..ro ,a- having , iid uix. or the ..! "oge,o if he ahalt he perinille,! t. Vt.te oil oec.siut ef hts age. nu.l iu either ease ihe leas ul of such voles Bhnll be culled out t.ithe clerk, who sliull luahc notes 111 the hat ol voiiTS -ie(ti hy menu liiallcies where the name of the ners at claiming to vote ia not found 011 the li-tt furnished hy tlie t'oiiuniseiou- ers mid Assessor, rtf hia ngllt to V Ke wllether rotiist then--, on or tn nT. ia ttbjeefed to hy any fUt.litiett cili-ten, the 1)1 apector alinll examuie au.-h insai on .ilh t-s I hia ipiatili. i callous, 41st il lie claims lo Imve tesitletl iu the statu one year or imire, his 411)1 ahutl l-e a proof thereof, hut he sliuil j prove by nt least one co.li-e!ent witness, who stud) Ite n i (iiiilitie-l eleett-r, Itutl be lesMcd witlilu tlie disliiet ut least i ten .lavs uexl immediately preceding the etc. Lio:i, and slmll ' ubst himaelf aweur thai his ls.ua Me residence, iu pur-.ii- j mice ol lawful culiin-r. iavitl.in the uiilrici, and that he did n .1 remove into said district for the -uirp. ae of voting ' therein. Kveiy p-am qilalifli-d na nforeaai-l, nu.l.who shall i.iake proof, if required, i-t resident uli.l payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall l-e n.tuiiUc.1 10 vole in the township, wnr.l or dirtrirt iu which be aliall reside. If nny uc.Soii not iiuahhetl to vote iittltiar -mm -uwrnlih agreeably to law, (exec's the aona ol nunl'li-il cilireiis) Slialt appear ul any plnce of clccti.ul f.-f the .ttrioae ot la auiag tickets, or ililhieneiug eitixens ip.abtte.1 to vt-le, he shall, on eonvicti si. f sfeit aed pay any mi. 11 11. 4 exceed ing one hundred dollars ft-c every one aueli rfl.-nee. and be imprisiHiea f.-r any term not exceeding three mouths. It a'uill Is- the duly of every nuy r. hrr.if. ulihiuiau, jualice of the s-nee, and euialal.te or dejiuty ,Hiaia!le, f every eitv, comity, towaahip or district wiihin Ihia e-'m-n aiweullh, whenever called usiu by nnv i.lfn-er of s.l ele.-ti-.ih in- by uuy three ipmbfu-d eU-eloia tlieu-ol, to el.-ur any wind iw or uvenus to uae wiud-.w, u. the phtre ol geiieial eh-eli.Ml, which shall lal td-altlieled iu such a way aa to prevent vl.-r from upprtatrhiug Ilia auiie, and si lieglecu refund liulo so oil such niniisi 11, Mid Ihcel ahull ! deiiiuil gndti-.l ol tl.isili-i.ieanor 111 titl e and en esiVH-tioD slsdl Ik- line.1 in nnv stun not k-aa tlinu .Hie hun dred is-r nee tlslti one tlatusnml .1 .ai : aiul it sluill I". Die duty f Ihe respective e siHul le .4 e;tcli ward, -inlncl or l-.wi-ship, of Ihia e .ini.e-.iH enlli l- l-e prceul in rera.11 ,-r hv detail v, at III S.i.-e .4 h d.lmg such ele.-l.iH4i 1.1 aant wiud, dllrM-l or loWnalilp, lor Ihe purp ae t preai-rnug the pence as tu' .resai.1. . , It sltall l-e the li.lv .4 every pence officer, ns nloii-salrt, wh i slii.lt he present ul any such dirturtain. es ut an eh e. lion as d. sciiIh-J ii. Ihia act, to rep rl the a-ili-e lo l ie licit eoBit t4'iurtcr at s-lous, and ulao Ihe uainca .4 the wili.ewa who i-rol pito e loe same. Ait.1 by lite 4ih S.1-U.SI .4 Hie uet ( Khn "4 April. SH. it laen .eleil, Thai lha l.'ltl si elien ol Ilia act. ua puM-eil Julv 4.1 IH-W, eulllt-il an net relating ! the rh-eluaia 01 lla ciHiiin siwealth. aluill 11 4 Ih. a . eottatrucleil its It. prevent any miiiliu ..tneer 01 b-rtsigh odit-er, from serving aa indue. inaiHi'ler or cterk, al ally gcuerul or ai-e.-iul eicclion in this eHiusiia.Wi-nilh. . i he Juttgea aia to nstke titeir refurna f.sr lha e-.iu.tv es N'oi-thuiult. rianil, ul Ihe 1'iairt Ifoilht-, in r-uuhury, oil t'ri dav, the llll. day of Uet.4-er. A. 1). IK-,1 WILLIAM U. KII'H, SUeritT. Biierill'a fillies. Slunhur)'. I eepl. 17. tsw ( . fjOU KAVK 'PI IK t)MoH")NWItAI.Tir I A Farm for Sale. THE subscriber oners fiir sule his farm. CONTAIN INU S84 ACRES and allowances. It is situated alaaut three miles from Sunbury along the Shamokin creek, and is in a good stale of cultivation The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through ssid farm. It will be oll'ered ia parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can be divided lo make three sumll farms. The buildings sre a FARM HOl'&E, a good Bank Baru, and two tenant houses, JOHN KAUNSWORTH. t'fpsi Augusta, fer. IP, 1 555. tf. HEBE 18 Y0UH BEMEDYt llollowiiy's Oiiitinint. A MOST MIRACtl.ot'B CI.HIJ Of BAt) LKOS, AFTER 43 YKAItS- PLFFKHIM). Ertraet of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Galpin, t$ 70, St. Mary's Street, If'eymoutA,' ifufI May I5(A, I'fsL' To rmremmr l!ni.i.owv, f ia. At the nee .if le my wife (who ta now SI) eanahi. a violent e..l.l, wl,ieh settled in her In... and ever ainea lliet tune lliev have liee., more er lena ...re. ,,d (reatlf, lillamed. Her goiiin were rfialraeliiv, ami f. m.iiUi Usretlier she wua depnveil entirrlv .,1 r. t end aleen. hyerv temeity tliui nieiliml 1.1.11 ii.lv i.-,l wna tried, but wilhnnt elFeet her health aullered severely, and the atnta ... ..... eriiuie. nlleil relll Vnnr Altver. liKjinente. nnd n.tvis,-,! her ,j m- v..m. Pills met tJiiinrKni:' anil, aa a Inat j'ra rr !., n.. . vel lieleaa, h. e-maenlol Ir, ,l ,.,,e onnm nre.! a.a w.H-ks nr., aiKl. atrai.te M r-late. is n in he,,nh. Her lei. nre ri;nless. wiil-nt m or r.oil her ateen mml niul nn-liwurle-ii. I ,,,,1,1 ,., )mve wiinnmH th. anfTerii.pa .. mv wile ilu.inr the l,,t ye,ira. and e., tmal then, w.lh her ,,r,.,,.t ,.;, .f healih. yeu wniM i,..lee. il .lelietilful in huvinc Seen tl.s mernii f s.gT.:iil, iill.iming il.e naleiinr .n a rtl.nv-erenttirs ' !'l'l.) Wlt.t.lAAl (iAI.riN. ' a rintwiN 7n Yt:.iior Aoi-.ct itf.t) of a HAD l.lltl, OF w VKAKM' STAN'piNU Copy of a Letter from Mr. Win. Ailn, Build er of Gas Urcns, of Rns!tcliff; r.edr Hud' dersfvld, dutid Mnn'ist, i i-roieasnr IIi. i... a. Mn I anir.Teil ..r a .r i . f iliirly vera fnsn a Imd v . . , . ,,M '" "it'ina at oas W orka ; te e .i,.,..,,,,,,! I.y . .r. ,..,. , lln4 m,;'.'7.1'.'," ""' "f "le'lienl ndvire, without d.,riv,g in lenetil. awl :,. even ,., llml ,,r ,..y ., n.e.1. ,,, .VP ei-l I nt .,ir Pin, ami ! ' l've ribs eoinplrte. iire in so ahort n lim.. thut lew wli had not m;w,l ,t would eri'tlit Die Inol Tl , ( S!T WILLIAM AIIMS. ' I lie Uii'luif t'drV'temant enn he veritieit .y Mr V l l-:i.;tli.uil, the'.iist, 1.1. Mnrket Mieet lluililerarietd. Tl Pitta ah. iil.t he ns.il eoiij. intl) with Ihe Oiiitrntul lK, tlie reHl 1 '.I I ,,'f . ..r ....... ... , in ne wn.r enpcN Htiil leF, t;li:i ir ..I'ool, B-mI llrc:ia!fl, rhi:l.:iii.a. Burns. ' I 'happed hnn.ls, Hum .ns. i:,.rns' (Sofi) llile nf Morel e- Cnm ets Fistnha, tfoilt. tilnmlulir Swelling,' I inuhngo t'H'S A Kinil. Flics, Coi.nn te.l nnil l'lli-s Jtheninnllam nVt Mm jmnts, V.lejitirnitijmia, Ror,. Mpplca, l.iil-.liMetiaca, Scurvv, Tiimoiira, I'teeta, rVnl.la. t'ori-lhrfvls, t .re-hemia, Wotinds, A DUKADt'L'Ii hAI) ItRKAST Cl:H:D l ONB MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, of Pcahurst. Kent, dated December I3(t; 185(1. T Professor ITot.i ovfAT, l)n a a Sir. Mv wife hed snnVreit from It:id rirstiits for more lh:m ..ix moiitlia. nnd during tlie wtiule period hsil I eontinue without' inter- I 'l,c '""beal nieiiihniec, lntt all to nr. use. Ilnving be o'clock in the eveninc, ! '"re an awful woinnl ut my owmi le,r. I.y y.sjr tin-. eT riVHtlt.it tneiltcitie. I diM'Tininl ntfiiin lo nae your Pitta I ni" V""""""-.""'1 ! ' f'''le H was and Oiimmeut. uml therefore gnv'e tliem tl triul in iter case, nud f.irtimule it waa I did ao. for in lews than tl mouth a ! '""V ' er l''iehes ol my Ini r",ll' n)".'sl.ii.5. I pel feet cure waa effect. it, mid the benetit that vnrioua oth- nil Is have derived Irom tlieir uae is now strouclv ree tinmeud them to annu l...-.,,.. ('it.,.., 11 rlll'.ll'K Tl IJM.It. 9-.I.I nt tlie rtabliliinent of" Profess. n- Hi.li.owav, ?H . Strand, (near 'IVinpte liar. l..ldon.) nnd by uit respeetuhle Uiuggists nnd Denlcrs in Medicines itirouhoul the Mrilinh t. ure. A those of Ihe l'nited Siaics, in it xea nt 3?ic.,' s.e . nnd lji 511c. each. Wholesale hy the p.jiieiiial llrilj, I '.i .s in the I'nion, und by lepsrs. A. II. ic D. Sa.nps, .ii" 1 oik, . ., ; v'' There is a considnrabla saving by t..':olig the larger i"". . N. .: - rir.iions for the guiduiice of palicnta in every .1 -.fiei are uirixe.1 lo each box. October 21, le.-. ly. 3JitllinI)urg; Academy. IllitTllnliiircr, I'nion Comiiy, 1'enua, KF.V. j. G. ANSPACH, ) r , . UEV. E. KEIFFEI5, C"lloja- A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH, Principal of Pariah Department. EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. CI1ESSELDEX FISHER. M. D , Iccfurr on Chemistry, Physiology, &c The Summer Term of this (l )urishin(r Insti. tute will commence on Momiat, Ji i.v So, 1853. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mathematics nnd the Ancient I,an-f-uages, ns well as oilier branches, will be taught, ns far as practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will be made oftlie blackboard. ... Oilhographv, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full share of Attention. Draughting, Construction of Maps, 1'se of Compass, &r., will lie taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Puintiug,' Water Colors, &c. Ornamental Needle Work, French and Ilotany will be given by the Precep tress, who is a ', graduate of Castlet. n Female Seminary, Vermont, o ii f ctiines recrtmincnileu' by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agreeable maimers and high literary at tainments." Young Indies and gentlemen who design to heroine, tencjiora, will lind this Institution an effi cient school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, during the great frnrf of the year, a TtAeimis' I n stiti'tk, the members of which will have the opportunity of atlen.lir,e; an Evening Couisc of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring n praclieal knowledge of the art, under tlie superiion of the Principals. , f he government of the school is liased upon I ,l, l.,.., riv.rsnl Inve. which ellioilis 110011 fill ..... ., t -. i.. .1.... 1 1 il.) to outers as iney wouiu linns 11 iig'" um. others snoul'l Uo 10 UlClll. Iience llic rules viii 1k, mi,lv thou 'H strictlv enforced; nnd parents 1 . .. t ,1 , ,hA ,nr,mU n ... Ku.mi..ii- n-ui 1 ltubits of study, and general deportment of the ,,,. wi- it r.,r,.ullv ultended to. " ' ,. , ' I"' building Is now uiulergniti;; a complete renoMition. Il will be t. united, furnished with i , k , convetiieut recitation rooms, Sre. t ' . ... , . , . . 11 1 1 1 Milllinburg is a thriving nnd healthy uorougl). i Iu Inhahllntits are moral, intelligent aiul enter-. prising. Its streets nave ueen recently gra.u-u and p-tvcit. It is, in evcrv respect, a pleasant nr.J desirable retreat lor student. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Aeademv worthy of their liberal support. lxr' The price oi'lm.ir.l, in the l-est of private families, does not exceed $ 1 ,50 per week. .. II. Students may enter the Academy at nnv time diiiiii'j the term; yet it is desirable Ill-it they l-e present, if possible, oil til first' day, Milllinburg, Julv 18, 1853. dm. . .... i.i STOVES, STOVES. WE. Ihe undersigned would resispctfully esl ' the attention of purchasers to our iiorior si.K-k of SMes. I'aulilrous. Ac. The superiority ..four Stores above all others is so well known that we iVi-ni it unnecessary to enter into detail of the in. We would invite votir aUei.tion to our Mat grepnr Uniting Ftwi. As the price of coal js on the rise, this is the most economical stove iho public cull use. These stoves are of sir.es suitable for beating the final lest room and those capable of containing from l(l,IH)(l to M0,D00 cubic feet. Our Cook Stoves consist of the HIi.Imj Cook, for coal M odrru Troy , fur wood-Buck's celebrated wood stove Complete Cook Yoeoni Cook HauarCook, Ac. oc. Our assortment of C'ook and I'arlor sloves is the best in the mnrket,, and persons desiring to purchase will do wi ll by fa', voting us with a call before purchasing elsewheie NEMAN ft WARN ICK. Successors' to Potts -V Yocom, N. E. Corner Un.l and Kuco StVeels',-' I'lULADKI.I'tllA. Phils., Ai. S7, 185:1. 3in. BOO Agents tinted. $1000 a Year. VirANTEl) in every county of the I'niled " Klales, active and entei prising men, to en gage in the sule of some of the best Uooks, puis li.lied in the country. To nu-u uf good address, possessing a' suuul capital of from !jS5 to ij. 100, such inducements will I oftered as to enable Iheiu to make from $.3 to !I0 a day profit. I S The UiMiks published hy us are all useful in their churncter, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are oll'ered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid,) LEAKY cVUETZ. No. 13 North Second Street, Philadelphia.' Publishers of subscription Books. Phila., Aug. SO 1833. 5m JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For sale Icy H. B MASttKV r-unrury, HJl' Mf.