Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 08, 1853, Image 2

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foreign c to s
Eastern Affairs unchangcd-Anticipated colli
ion between Turkirh and Russian troops.
The Eastern question is unchanged.
The Vionira Conference was in session, nt.
templing lo smooth the difficuliies, "J
ai reported that it new modification, con
ciliatory bolU lo Russia and Turkey, would
bo made; but fears were entertained that,
in the meantime, the hostile armies ou the
Danube might comJ in collision.
The cholera is spreading in lh various
English seaports. t
PEDITION. The overland mail brings intelligent-! of
,n iuleiesling tI.ara.Mor from tin. I'n.led
Slates Expedition lo Japan. The vessel
comprising theeqniidiou-Sitsquehanua, O'J
mouth, Saratoga, ka., Sailed on July 3d from
Shanghai, for J.ipan, followed by two Rus
sian frigates. The Susquehanna and Saia
toga had touched at several islands, and
distributed live stock ; also at the Wand ol
Bouran, w here ihe Commodore found Euro
peau settlers, and purchased ten acres of
land, on a fine harbor, for a coal depot.
The Paris Pays snys that tho French Gov
ernment enleitains confident hopes that the
Turkish difficulty will yet be settled without
an appeal lo arms.
The Falric add?, that the Emperor of Rus
sia will not under any circumstances corn,
mence hostilities, but Ihe definite decision
of Tuikey cannot be known in England until
Ihe first or seco:id week in October.
A" letter from Rome, daled Aug. 31, in the
Augsburg Gazelle, says: "It is officially
confirmed that tho Governor of Ternl has
been made the victim of popular fury. The
increasing deamess of bread had produced
great uneasiness in the town. Four persons
seized upon the Governor and threw him
fiom the window into the streets, where the
people maltreated him by stuffing his mouth
wi'.h straw. He died in consequdnce f the
ill-treatment which he" received. Eight car
bineers who hastened to his assistance were
oMiged tc fly from the crowd. A company
and a half of infantry have been sent from
Kome to Terni to re-establish tranquility
The King of Prussia has concluded not to
go to the meeting of the Emperors at Olmulz,
for the purpose of consultation on the Last
em question.
Loiters from Madrid say that another
Minisierial crisis is coming in Spain. In
private political circles the propriety of de
posing the Queen was freely discussed.
Constastinoplk, Sept. 7. The Egyptian
troops have been shipped ofl" to Varna and
Correspondence from Constantinople, dated
Sept. 5ih, stales that the Ministry, after a
conference held at the house of the Grand
Vi.ier, resolved to maintain their lust note
at the hazard of war. The popular cxcile
iii e 11 1 had increased.
The exasperation of the conntry agninst
Russia shows itself in every way, without
there appearing any means of appeasing it,
except by war. The Ministers themselves
are convinced of it ; and although well aware
of Ihe weakness of Turkey, which would not
allow her lo carry on successfully a struggle
with Russia for any length of lime, have now
decided on incurring the chances of it, ho
ping thai Europe, which has encouraged
them in their resistance, will not abandon
them iu the struggle.
Guns have been stationed ul various points
on fort Jestow.
D. MASSER, Edlur ' ProarleUr.
To ADVWiTtK.-.Th circulation of the Suiibury
American smoii; th different towns on the Surqiiehaiui
i nt executed ifeqnnlled by any pap published in North
em reimsylntiii.
Democratic State Nominations.
Of Tioga County.
Of Philadelphia County.
Of Mifflin County.
Of Crawford County.
For Assembly.
DAVID 13. MONTGOMERY, of Delaware.
SIMON SNYDER, of Upper Augusta.
FRANCIS BUC11ER, of Sunbury.
District Attorney.
Deputy Surveyor.
SAMUEL YOUNG, of Lower Mahaooy.
JOSEPH HOOVER, of Upper Augnsta.
(ft ThB election it now close at hand,
and although not to important ai some of
our previous elections, it ii still enough to
to claim our attention. It it a duty that
every freeman should exercise. With the
exception of the State offices, the candidate
for Assembly it, perhaps the most imporl-
ant officer to be voted for thit Tall. Our
interests are more directly dependent upon
our member at assembly, than any officer
w elect. He holds in hit hands a vast
discretionary power, which he may exer
cise for weal or woe, for good or for evil.
The next in importance is, perhaps, th
County Treasurer. None but responsible
men should be elected to thit office. The
difficulties we have already had, and the
expenses ol special auditors, costing the
people $150, should be a warning not to
elect, in future, every man who hat the
presumption lo offer himself for Ihe pur
pose of making a little money off the pub
lie. County Commissioner is also an office
directly aflecting the interest! of the peo
ple. Mr. Snyder, our candidate is, like
Mr. Bucher the candidate for Treaturor
unexceptionable in every respect. The
same may be said ol Mr. Rockefeller, the
candidate for District Attorney, o( Mr,
Young for County Surveyor, and Mr. Hoov
er the candidate for Auditor.
(C7 The Lutheran Synod at its late ses
sion in Philadelphia, unanimously adopted
a vo'e in favor of a prohibitory liquor law
A writer in the Reading Gazette, who signs
himself a Lutheran, is down upon the Sy
nod, and quotes the following couplet from
Luther himself:
Wer niclilliebt Wein, Weibiind Getting,
Der blcibt ein Nnrr leiu lelwn Iniig.
Business Notices.
Onc Day's ExrtRir.Nct m Main. The
morning I left Waterville, a hotel keeper
fiom a town in Mainc,lepped up lo a law
yer fiom Bangor, who wat standing near me,
and took him aside, and wiih a woeful face
told him lhat he had just come from Boston
with a bill of liquors to the amount of JMOOi
directed to one of the town agents near his
place of business; that Ihe folks from Rock
land had telegraphed to Waterville lhat the
liquor should be delivered lo no one but that
$aid town agent ; lhat he tried to get il( and
coiikl not. He asked the lawyer what he
should do. The professional centlemati told
him that he had better get the town agent lo
claim it for him. The rumseller said it
would cost more to bribe Ihe agent than the
liquor was worth. The lawyer told him
there was no help for him, and he went his
way sorrowing. I that day passed through
Ihe beautiful country which lies between the
rivers Kennebec and Penobscot. We dined
at a village not more .than 17 milet from
Bangor, t asked I he larilord if he had any.
thing lo lake, (as last year when he dined
ihere he had) He said ''No; it is no use to
try to keep it. The last four gallons I had I
war, two months selling, and I hey prosecuted
me five limes." Massachusetts Life Boat.
Lewisbcru Savings Institution. -This
Institution is now open, and transacting bus
iness. Wednesday is the regular discount
Directors William Cameron, Esq., Mr.
Johnson Walls, Mr Byers Amnions, Mr.
James M'Creiyht, Mr. Thomas Hayes, Mr.
William Frick, George F. Miller, Esq.
Officers WILLIAM CAMERON, Pics'f.
11. P. Shei.lkr, Treasurer.
The Treasurer gives notice lhat lour per
cent will be allowed on all deposits over six
mom lis; and three per cent for less than six
and over three month.
fair to prime reds, 143al45 for fair lo prime
Whiles, and 147a) 48 eentt lor lamily Hour
whiles. In some cases sales were made at 2
to 3 cents below these prices. The demand
for Com wat fair, and sales were made of
white at 71a72 con!, and of yellow at 75a76
cents. We quote Pennsylvania Rye at 90
cents, and Maryland and irginia (to at 7aa
77 cents. We note sales of 2000 bushels
Maryland Oalt at 40 cents. Some parcels
very prime sold at -12 els. We qnole fair to
prime Virginia do. at 38a40 cis., and inferior
parcel do. at 33n37 cts.
WHISK EY. We note tales to-day of 100
bbls. at 31 clt. Minis, are selling at 30 cts.
Whsat. ... 112
Rtx. . . .79
Cons. .62
Oats. 40
Potato, 60
UuTTF.n. .20
Eons. . . 13
New Advertisements.
jCiot of betters
hemaisig is the post on h e at
M Nltl ltY, September 30, IMS.
Kkw CtoTniso Stork.- Ve call tlio atten
tion cf our readers to Ihe advertisement of 8.
Shnurman A. Co., who have opened a new clo
thing store nearly opposite Weavers Hotel.
ExEri-Tons Saik. John Wolf, Executor of
Nicholas Wolf, dee'd., advertise; for sale a small
farm of about 40 acres.
Niw Arrival or C'LOTniso. G. Elsberg &
Co., have just received a new assortment in ad
dition lo llieir former slock. Their advertisement
was unavoidably crowded out this week.
Glkasoxs Pictorial continues lo maintain
its excellent character as ao illustrated periodical,
which is highly creditable to the country, and
deserving of its oxtenstvo patronage.
Kxickrrshckkr. The October number of
this excellent and rary periodical has been re
ceived. There is always something good in old
Knick strange as it may seem.
C7" Harpers Magazine. -The last
number ol thit excellent periodical has
been received. Advance sheets of the last
work of Miss Bremer on the United States,
have been secured fur Harper. Abbott
memoriet of Napoleon ore continued.
There is also an article, or rather a letter,
descriptive of Ihe valley of the Susquehan
na, its recources, coal mines, and its scen
ery, which if we had time, we should like
to notice, more for its sins of omission than
commission. The writer traveiled by
Packet, and says there is but little to be
seen between Nanticoke and Liverpool,
most of which he traversed during the
night, and did not, of course, find much lo
admire while lying in his bunk on board
the boat. He describes nothing between
Cuttawissa and Liverpool, a distance of i
over 40 miles.
The Dixon Telegraph (Mo.) gives nn ac
count of a knave who, a week or two ago,
broke into a room iu which two ladies and
a child were sleeping in one bed. Afler col
lecting what valuables he could find, con
sisting principally of their watches and jew
elry, begot ready to leave; but before doing
so, leaned over and imprinted a warm kiss
on the lady sleeping at tl. back ot the bed.
This roused the IhiIv, and resulted in the
capture of Ihe thief. He was confined in
the jail of Dixon umil one night last week,
w hen he crept through Ihe stove-pipe hole
leading from his cell loan upper room, made
a leap of some twenty feel, uud escaped.
John Anspnch
Jon Beer
Christian Bower 2
Jane Coldren
Edward Calwell
John Clark
Charily Cnso
Jacob Deiterick
Chas P Fiher
David Fi.her
Thus Fields
John Gazelle
John Gilgan 2
j Michael Uiill'man
Dr. Mieheal F
J hagen
I Chas A Jackson
! K
; Jacob Kern
! Peler Kniss
Jonathan Lodge
Garret Leary
Ann Logan
Richard Malone
Russia Miller
Miss Matilda Means
John O'Neill
Elizabeth Prats
Patrick Quinn
Jonathan Tieiu
Surah J Slow
Thus Smiih
Peter Shafer
Jacob Slough
Caroline Stewart
Himes-Sainl Tavler
V Daul Vail
Rfiiben W ynn
Clminbers Wynn
Mntiiih Williams
John Walsh
Estate cf WILIIAU FARROW, deo'i
NOTICE Is hereby given, that letters le.ta
mcnlary have been granted to the subscriber
on the estate of Wm. Parrow, late of Bhamokin
township, dee'd. All thoso knowing themielres
indebted to or having claims against said eatste,
are requested to make settlement without delay.
Tho Executors will meet for that purpose at
the late residence ol Ihe deceased, in Snydertown,
on Baturday, Novemlier 12, 1853.
Hhnmokin twsp., Oct. 8, 1853.-61.
of Sunbury,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that
khc has just received and opened a new
tuck of
suc-h as bonnets, silks, ribbons, Ac, of the latest
style and pntti-rn, and every variety of article he
loncing to her branch of business, all of which
will be sold at Ihe lowest prices, at her Store in
Fawn street, below John Young's store.
fcuiibury, Oct. 1, 1803. tf.
OTICE is hereby given lo all I.eijatees,
' Creditors and other persons Interested in the
Estates of the following named persons, that the
Executors, Administrators, and liuardinns of
said Estates have filed their accounts with the
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the sama will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said County, on Tuesday, the 8th day of No
vember, A. D 1883, in the forenoon, for confir
mation and a.lowancc.
Wm. Kane, sen., dee'd., Final account settled
by one of his En' John Kae.
Maitin Drumhcller, dee'd., settled by his
Adm'r, Ivi T. Drumhcller.
Catharine Latsha, dee'd., settled by her Ex'r,
Frederick Latsha.
Jacob Ureiner, dee'd., Final account settled by
his Adm'r dc bonis non, Geo. C. Welker.
Geo. Philips, dee'd., nettled by his Ex'rs Peter
Wilmer and Jocob Philips.
Peter Hums, dee'd., settled by his Executor
Henry Hums.
Joseph Leib, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
Samuel Logan.
Roliert K. Itcarmnnd, dee'd., settled by one of
his Ex'rs John Watson.
Sntmirl Hunter, dee'd.' settled by one of his
Ex'rs Wm. L. Dewart.
llrnjninin Lose, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'tor
Win. Scott.
Caroline reifer, settled by her Guardian Elias
William Civile Colt and Sarah X. Colt, minor
children of Thomas Colt, dee'd., settled by
their Guardian William A. Petriken.
John Leib, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel
JOHN P. PCRSF.L, Register.
Register's Ollice,
Sunbury, Oct. 8, lt)53. J
IV OTICE is hereby gnen that the several
Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
7ih duv of November next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in und fortlie county of Norlhuinlierlaud, ure
requested to be then and tin-re in their proper icr-
sims, with their rolls, records, iiiuisiIioiik, and late oi i onu towiisMip, IN orthuinlierliind county,
other remembrances, lo do those things to their ' dee'd, have Wen granted to the undersigned.
several olliccs nplH-rtaiuing to be done. And all I Therefore all persons imlcMcd In said estate will
wit i ics-sea prosecuting in lirhalf of the Common- j discharge the name, und those having demands
wealth against onv prisoner are also requested nnd I will present llii-ui for settlement. The Adminis-
commanded to lie then and there attending in their tratora will meet for Ihe above purpose at Ihe
A Hplcnditl Uuggy! !
JERSf)XS in want of a well made buggy, on
- reasonable terms, can find ono by calling on
the subscriber, in Sunbury,
Sunbury, Oct. 1, 1853 lm.
Anti-Subscription Candidate for County
Fkliipw Crri7.r:s. I offer myself to you as
a volunteer candidate for the office of
at the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I
will perform tho duties of said ollice, faithfully
nud puiictuallv.
t'pper Augusta, Oct. 1, 1853.
Estate of JOHN LIEHL, dee'd,
"OTICE is hereby given lhat letters of Ad-
" ministration on the estate of John Diehl,
Henry W Znrlman
List of Letters
at Northumberland, September 30, 1853.
: Backer Geo
' Barret Caleb
; B.irtlet M W
i Kuiuh Lewis
! . c
I Case Mer
n . ... hi -i .
isii.m. r on i lit .MiM.ii i i;f ir r iiieni, , ('y,Iier evj j,
of Lancaster city, whoso wife was killed on ' Cline P
Ihe New ll.ivuii Iv.tihoail. at Norwalk, lust . Clemson L W
Spring, and himself much injured, has been ' D
pid S 10,000 by tho Company, .he "Inland j "
Daily" say?, us a leutuneruiiun fur (ho j De Muiui J'.scnti
t mill imtirv h nmniiiMil Th jLin:Kas ul. ) 1l
And yet about midway,; . . . . ... (. HI1V ,lir .., .'.llri. j Engel John
. . .
At the last hour of the lato session of Con
gress a clause was put in the general Appro
priation Bill, requiring the Postmaster Gen
eral lo ascertain and report whether the
mails now carried under contracts, with Ihe
various lines of ocean mail steamers, can be
conveyed at a lower rale; and also lo report
upon the expediency of termination existing
contracts, upon the terms of the said con
tracts by the purchase of the ahips a! an ap
praised value. The Postmaster General Itv
hi compliance with this erder, aJvertised forJ
proposals for the ocean mail service, and we
learn tbat be has received some proposi
tions, and will receive others, at rales lower
than those now paid. The contraelors, gen
erally, will be quite willing to sell their ships
at a fair valuation. Wilh the same moi.ey
they can now probably build better and fas
ter sbipf.
Mr. Whitworth, who was one ol the Bii
tih Cumrnissioueit to our crystal Palace, sta
ted, when he was here, that steamship
would soon be buill Hi England that would
erom lh Atlantic in- six days, and lhat it
would be done now, but for the reason lhat it
would prejudice the iuleiest of existing lines
But, if our Government shall lake the shipsof
our ocean mail coiiliactors ofT the h hands at
cost, we will probably take the lead of John
Bull in improved steam navigation. In fact,
it is stated that an cspei imeulal ship isabout
be bi-.ill here by Mr. Noriis, which 'h in
tended and expected lo cioss the Atlantic
from Nuw VoiW to Liverpool in about six iu
eteu Jay,.Ar. y, jour Com
Tub London News thinks M. Everett's
letter on the Cuban question, the fust which
I., wrote- i..i principal and lone to shame
tea. and compUeni i iu disjwcf , as to be
almost beyond lite power of due rebuke."
Ltd Johu IWtt, ,tia New, .ay,, in aniWer.
tog it, excel, himsell f0, .pre..iIlf llgh.
teous Kiihjsntiion on point of troad wditi.
ea.1 morality." When Ihe N,ws reads Mr.
Everett's late scathing rejoinder in l.i"
Juhu'i despatch, it will be si ill moreamazsd
thai such "righteous indignation" bad so lit.
tie etlect. from the complacency with
which Ihe Eaglish press talk of political
inofulity, one would scarcely suppose that
the English Govenrmenl is at this lime en
gained in one of the grandest schemes of tor
ritorial plunder in India tbat the most profti
f ... gvv ariimmi sr conceivrj.
Land Warrants. Persons having
Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ol
them lor cash, by applying at this office.
ID" The new locomotive, the "Lancas
ter," built by Norris Si Co., Philadelphia,
arrived here on Saturday evening last, and
is now running on the road. The "Lancas.
ter," is a first class Engine, and will enable
our operators to extend their business, which
has been much cramped for want of motive
C7 David Tacgart, Esq., of Northum
berland has been trppointed to deliver the
address, at the County Agricultural Fair to
be held at Milton on the lSlli and 19th of
October inst. Mr. Taggart is well qtiuli.
fn-d for the purpose and will no doubt, do
the subject full justice.
The election which comes off on
Tuesday next, is now close at hand. As
this will be the last Gre editors will have,
before the election, we will only mention
that every man having a vote should come
to the polls. The right of suffrage is not
only a priviledge, but a duty that should be
. . n . t Ik.
between Ihose points, ai Minuury ana ior- illllic,0l b.. ,ie N,t wulk i-aiastmnhe, would
thumberland, no finer or nobler scenery mora ,ia maintain a proper and efficient
can be found, either on the Susquehanna j superintendent over the whole roule, where
or any other stream in the Union. Our by such accidents would be prevented.
USI CUUI regllHI, IIIC lliusi I'airiiBi.c in iiic
state, is not even alluded Jlo. One who
attempts to describe the Susquehanna val
ley, its
scenery, &.C., should be wide
E7" We noticed last week Ihe death by
yellow ever, of the wife and four children
of Joseph Eisely, of the Concordia (La.)
Intelligencer, who was formerly connected
wilh us in the publication of the American,
We have since received the Concordia
Intelligencer, Mr. Eisely's own paper, of
the 24-th ult., from which we extract the
following mournful facts :
It has pleased an inscrutable Piovidence
lo visit our Mr. Eisei.v wiih one of those
muiul tempests, which iu an instant, pros
trates man in his might, and shrouds his
haltered Irniik in darkness and oloom. His
-. . ... -,-- - r . ...
is one of those ilrcadlul exumplesone cauuot homas ?ri;r bnson, lo Aim iuciir.l.
contemplate without lhat oppressive sense i astink, itau-titer ol bev. is Vastine, J
ol solemnity unit awe which seems to smp
the blood and nelrrfy Ihe heart. In less than
ZT The stockholders of the Sunbury
Canal Company, at a meeting held at the
office of the company, elected the following
officers : President, C. Hagar, Esq. ; Uirec
tors, John Tucker, Chas. W Hegins, Hen
ry Longeneckef, Francis N. Buck, J. P
Steiner Secretary and Treasurer, William
SJ" The Shamokin Furnace and tract
of land on which it is erected, was sold in
Philadelphia a few days since, at public
sale, to Charles Atkins for $39,000.
O0ur friend and fellow townsman,
Major Wm. L. Dewart, accompanied by
his wife, child and nurse, leA in the cars at
this place, Thursday morning last, on trip
lo Europe. They will leave New York
on Saturday, the 15th inst., in one ot the
Collins steamers They design remaining
a short time in England, and go from thence
to the continent, spending most f their
time in Italy and in Paris, and return home
about the middle of March next. We nev
er saw the Major look better, but the health
of h'w estimable lady, Mrs. Dewart, has been
delicate tor tome lime past. We trust tbat
we may be able to greet her on her return,
perfectly restored in health, and tbat al!
may have a happy and prosperous voyage.
IDTePo8T Master at Pleasant Grove
Md., it again advertising bis Port Office
Stamps, and makes most liberal offers to
editors, as he did once before. If any of
our contemporatues should be fortunate
enough lo receive any thing, we should
like to hear ot it, as good news is exceed
ingly irate at present, ' '
Au.F.NTOwji Railroad. -The requisite
number of r-hares two thousand to secure
the charter for this railroad has been subscri
bed. Tht) CommisMonei havo ordered that
competent engineers t-hould be engaged to '
make a survey ol rhu route.
Rkmedv i or Asthma. A correspondent
gives Ihe following as a remedy fur theasth
ma. He has himself tried ii, and wiih eflecl
Iodine Polasxa, nr. Water, (pint.
Puses for an adult, a small wine glassful
thiee limes a day.
IMA Kill Kl.
Ou Thnrsd.iv, September 29lh, at Potts,
ville, bv Ihe lU'.v. Dr. Veomans, of lhat bor
ough, Mr. Thkodork (itKHcrsoN, to Miss
Maiiv Djnai.dson, eldest daughter of Hon.
VVm. Djiialdoon,
On iho 23 I nil., by the Uev. J II. Worrell,
Indrefeiidoii J K 2
L-khofl Baibary Ann
Kennedy John
Kerfhnei Susan
Lodge Joiiulhaii
Lavra:ice A S
Moran Anthony
MeBiide Catharine
Marry O.'iiuis
MC'lure Wm
Mo I ph V Pal i ick
Nogel Owen
Oilman A
Quay John
Sleriick & Lossee
j Gardner Miss CajoliacSi-iipon A C
j Gray N-nvion S hoiiuiriukor Hon Ma-
I Gardner L M rius
! Guudium I) J Sicvensou Jas C
! H V
j Haymakei May Veason (in
llaimii: V. in V
Wilson Geo
proper persona to prosecute against hhn, ns shall
lie just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to hcpunrtual in their
attendance, at the time appointed airrt-calile to
their notices.
i:iven liii.W t,...,.l .., K,,,,t,n. lt,n Cl'i .I-v
of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-three-: and the In
deiendence of the I'ntted states of America
the 77lh.
WILLIAM U. KI1M. Sheriff.
God save the Cuuiinouweulth.
L, ) k ,.
house of William Dichl, in said township, on
i ui-buav, .ovcinncr o. ieo.j.
Toint twsp., Oct. 1, IB53. fit.
Administrators Stile.
WILL 1-e sol
Diehl, de
Flanagan J . I , r i
Flnry G-o W
Frost B D
Fuol Kev Geo
Gallaer D.inl
liist )f ('itttscs,
"IOK trial in the Court of Common Plent
of ISorthuuilierlaiid Cuuiitv, at October T.,
A. D., 1853.
George Shiley a Ali'm Dunkclherer's adinr'x
Kuelion Kngrly iV Co s 1 1 tit; Ii Delias
Aliijah lion rn vs Win II 'I'liompsou
lieorce Voxtheiuier vs Dnniel Kullauer
J It Masser vs Harlnira Shaffer's ex'rs
nt-i .. i ... Jacob Z.irtuian's
enrv Klaze A. Eve his wile vs . . '
William McCurty vs Sntmiel Hunter
Daniel liliodcs vs J, ii oh Wertmuti
Isaac lloffa A. Wife vs Ilenrv Laisba
Sl,,,..ll S,t..lni v, (r...irim Ktivtti.-
Mnv.r .X- i,. i:,.p. i A til' NTS
liitz for Keiuer vs - . '. J i-
WnshiiiKton Mutual In
surance Coinpaiiv
State Mutual 1' ire Insu- 0
., Same
rancc t ompanv
Daniel U. Canlitid vs ( 'omelias MeCinley
Alhiu Newberry v Thom is Itasr
John Hunter s John lluu
hii . r , Jeiiks with notice
II ll.i'ilri I Swkiiv va
to li-rrelcnant
Id at the lnlc residence of John
d., iu I'oint tnwnshin, North-
iimherland eooniv, on SATt KDAV, the 1 5th
day of Oculur iuM, the following property, lo
w it :
2 milch Co-.vs 5 head yoiin Cattle, 7 Sheep, 4
Hoss, 3 sons, riouilK, rullivalor. Harrows, 8
sett wj-jin and I'loujli liarnrss. and numerous
other f.irinin;; utensils, also beils, bedding and
be.lsteails. beaureaus, tali'es. ilniirs, stoves, and a
variety of other houseliold ai:d kitchen furniture,
also Hay by the ton, wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat,
and potatoes.
Sale to commence, at !) clock, of said day, when
the terms will be maile ktlowu by
October 1, 17")1 t.
Uook Agents Wjintotl.
U K.itifman et ul
Uush lowiibhip.
In iilnomshnri;, on Tuesday the 27th
one short week his wife and five of his chil- j h- ihe Hev. Joel Kuddernvr, Mr. Muiiris C
die ii have gone lo Ihe uruve, swiltly cut
down by the prevailing epidemic !
On ruiinlay, tlie -tin lust.. I tie wild anil one
of iho child tt ii- about six years old, were
buried together, without it sinylo relative to
witness their interment the stricken hus
band uud father being compelled lo remain
at home with the survivors. These were,
an infant prematurely launched into the
world as the mother mas lenvm; it, and five
others, three of whom were lyiuu dangerous
ly ill. 1 wo of these could not lie saved. On
Monday evening they died, jnM twenty min
utes apart, and on Tuesday were deposited
by the side ol ineir mother, on 1 liursday
ihe eldest of the suivivors, an iulereslins
little c ii I ot 10 year old, in accordance with
her wish, followed her mother heavenwurd.
The infant having since died, only two little
ones are now left, micoiiKcinusof ihe orphan
age which they will come to feel so deeply
Pelat ox tiik State lbun The passeu.
ger tram which lei l rliilddeiplua al ten
o'clock on Sunday night, and should have
been here al four o'clock yesterday morning,
did not arrive till noon. The delay was on
the State road, and caused by the bursting of
one of the fines of the enciue, when in Iho
neighborhood of I'.ioli. The old engine was
left behind, and a messenger dispatched lo
Parksburg for another. By miming down
grades and pushing ilia rais nn Ihe levels,
he passengers made out to gain about eight
miles before the other engine came up.
They were then conveyed us far as Parks-
burg, where Ihe second engine gave out, and
it was necessary In attach a third one. Tru
ly, this is traveling with great speed on the
State Road, and we think it would bo advisa
ble for Ibe Canal Commissioner to look into
the matter, and see that the engines are kept
in better repair, pr the whole of the Western
travel will be driven from the mad.
Larue Dm dsn id. The Experiment says
that the dividend of the Toledo, Norwalk
and Cleveland Railroad, from the time it was
opened till tbe 1st inst. the period of go
ing into effect of tbe consolidation less than
eight months after deducting forty-five per
cent, for running ex-penses, will be between
19 and 20 per eeni I
We believe this has already been exceed
ed by tbe Cbioago and Galena Road, wbieb
i has divided 32 ft cent I
Sloan, uud Miss Emily 1'i'hsel.
i i i; i.
.i;w c e.o i iji v. oici:.
A llttAXCil OF THE
Clothing Manufactory,
OF S. SHNURMAN & CO., Danville, Pa.
V71". Jcspecll'ully announce lo the citizens of
' ' Sunbury and vicinity, that we have a
' complete stock of
of every style und quality, to which we invite the
: attention of purchasers. Our assortment con-
cists, iu part, of Fancy 0er-coaW, 1'lain over- I
: coats, Dress coals, Frock and Sack coat. Men- !
. key Jackets, Pauls and Vests, pluiu and fancy i ',
l Linen and Muslin Shirts, I'udcr-shirts, Drawers, I
j and over-wholes.
Also, tiloves, Stockings, IVnck and Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Woolen uud Mlk Hals, Cloth
I and Oilcloth Caps, Shoe, liuot, Gaiters, Slipiier
and Carpet Ifus and Trunks, t'uibre las and
-everything nnciuly kept in a well supplied
, clothing und gcutlcmans' furnishing more. We
keep also a good assortment of Accordeous und
Jewelry. We sell at Ihe lowest cash prices; for
our motto is,
j 'Smull Profits and Quiet; Sales."
We hute but one jtriet and no abatement, so that
I a person is sure lo get the worth of his money,
... .1 , i .... i.
w iiuiuer uu i a luogo or mo izoous or r.oi. ii
! Oliver 11 Milliard
vs John H.irtniaii Jr
In Danville, on thu 19th ull , Mrs SAKAI1
ANN LOItMOU, a-od 32 years, 8 monlhsand
29 davit.
In Danville, Sept. 22, MARY KLLEV,
daughter ot J. W. and Am; E. Caiman, aged
ono year, si mouths and thiee days.
In Hush township, on Tuesday Ihe 27lh any article doc not give satisfaction as to Jit, we
John W I'eal vs Joseph Diuiinick, el. ul
Christ & MeFadden vs Susanna Keid
Wendi-l L Keller vs John F Wolliugcr
Willium Porsman et al vs John Parks
Jane Uogar vs IJeorRc P. Uuyers et ul
John llusb rV. Wife vs Nathaniel Saxtons adm'r
Angelica Gehrig vs George F.ekerts aihu'r
J & A Sbissh-r vs Daniel Glenn
Ueulieu Kugelv 4- Co v John Roasrr iV Co
Jacob K Hhoads v J Fay & J HaruiHn
Daniel Gibson va Jacob Itenuert & Win Fabler
J Oil Rockefeller vs Jesse C Morton
Hugh Martin v Iteulieu 'i'roxel
George l'arfair vs Harrison Heiin
Robert Hutchinson vs Henry I.antz Ex'r
Samuel Dwing vs IJ D I 'iiiumiiig
Joseph Weit.el vs licujamin Robins
Jordan ,V Welker for Lodge No 'ii vs William
r aL'elv
David McMicken vs
Dennis C (.'.ml x
Abraham Trout v
John S Good vs
Jacob II ilbish v
.Morris L Hallowell
Scull & Thoinpson vs
Hon, clt Sazlrn ,V eo va
Richard U Uritten A ci
WANTRD in evrrv town and
countv iu the I nited State, lose!l the most
j popular and saleable books published, many of
I them be iiitil'iilly i Inslraleil with colored engra-
v'ni-js: also the most popular works of T. S. Alt-
i 'I'll I'll, includinc 'Aiiivr' Collupt l.ihrari."
Intelligent and rnlerprising men wi.l find this
i a pleasant anil pralilabie business.
I For particulars address (post-paid,)
J J. W. II U. DLE V. Publisher,
No. 4S North Fourth street,
! riiiluJelpliia, Pa.
ji-io!er 1, imo:j. 7m.
II D Cuinniings
Jacob Kline
Ilenjuiiiiu Cobins
It D Cuinniings
AhraliHin Kcubendahl
James Reed Garnishee
v Same
No. 171 Xortlt iml Street, opposite the
Camil Hotel,
J AS opened a full and extensive aa-
soriinenl of all kinds of Millinery B
articles, such us Kililoos. Luces, lilond 1 S
, Lace, Silks, Florences, lioiim-t-friimca, I
' and a large assortment ijf needle
worked handkerchiefs, Collars,
Lapcs, Hoiiiiccs, Insertion, S
Edgings, oVc. B
together with a great variety of other '. 3
arlicles too numerous to mention at .
Persons making their Full purchases S
arc invited lo gie him e cull. . 3
Phila., Sept. U, 18AM. Sin.
r 'r-J'T.rr r ei-q-ri-o.n
ull., CAIIIAIU.NL CARIt, aged about 83 ! will take back the good and refund the money,
years. ) provided they are returned on the same day they
In Dry Valley, on tho 20. b nil., CATI1A- I were purchused, when the purchaser reside in
U1NE, daughter of Joh.i Youngman, aged 5 j ,uw". "d in ono week, when ho reside in the
month ami 26 days. country. Price the same as at the Danville
I., IT,,,,-, livm.lii lu-nl,in nn I hfl 5th ' ""' 7
... ri "V 7
inst , Sir. UKOUUK A It .MM ItO.NU, a native
of Northumberland, England, aged about (33
I . I...- Ml I.I .. I.
Il)C illlUliCtD.
W Cull and secure the llurgaina.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf
Philadelphia Market.
Oof 6, 1853.
Fi.oua Asn Mkal. The flour maiket is
firm, al the advance. Sale at $6J, but mnsl
holders demand S7. There is a steady de
mand fur city consumption within tho ranye
of 7.i7 i for common and t-xlia brands. Rye
Float i scarce, small sales al ?ll per bid.
Corn Meal Last sale Peuua at S3 per bbl.
(Juain Wheat is iu limited supply Sales
of piime new red at I40o pur bushel, and
white at 150o. Sale of Rye at 85o a 8tio.
Corn Yellow is iu demand at 80a81c
Oais-Saies new Suutherii al 39a41c; and
Pennvlvania 44 a 4.rie-
WHISKEY. Sales of bbls and hhdsal 31
a 32.
Baltimore Market.
Oct. 6 IR53.
FLOUR. There is no change to notice in
the Flour market since yeslerduy. The feel
it a i hardly a buoyant a was Ihe case
some two oi three days since, but prices aie
without change, and transaction lo aconiid
able amount took place. Tbe sales to-day
re 1500 bbls. Ilowatd Street al S6 621, and
3000 bbls. City Mill, for future delivery, at
o ou.
GRAIN'. The offerings of Grain at the
Corn exchange were preiiy large Ibis morn
ing, mounting lo 20,000 turils of Wheal,
and 13,000 bushwls of Com, bol Ihe market
was without activity; and although we have
no actual change lo note in pnoe, ihe leu
deucv waa deuidodly downward. Theeroat
r pail of the aalee of Wheat was mada el
1 yesterday's prio, vw: 13."i:g cents for
V) xccutors Sale.
riMIE subcriber, Executor of the eatute of
J- Nicholas Wulf, dee'd., will expose to Public
Sale, on
trtday, the IDA of November next,
ou the premise, the following rcul estate, to wit:
containing about 40 acre, (ituated in Lower
Augusta township, on the Sunbury road, leading
to Plum Creek, adjoining land of Joel Wolf,
Abraham Wolf, Kichard Uohner and other, on
which i erected a new two alory log house
bank burn and other good out-building. There
U ulso a good spring on the premises. About 30
acre i cleared, and Hi whole i in good order
and repuir. Possession will he given immediate
ly if required- Sale to commence ut 10 o'clock,
A. M. when the term will lie made known.
JOHN WOLF, F.i'tor,
Lower Augusta, Oct. 8, 1853. ts.
A Stray llo.
C1AME to the premise of the subscriber about
five week since, a stray white hog. weigh
ing about 200 pounds. The owner can have ihe
same by proving property, paying chargea and
taking it away.
Upper Augusts, Oct. 6, 1S53. 3U
JEWELRY. A nice assortment of Gold and
Silver Pencil and Pen, fur sale cheap liy
Market street, opposite th Pout Ollice
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853
ATel AND CAPS K splendid lot of
fashionable Bilk. Wool and Fur Hal.
also Cluttr, Far, Oilcloth, N'avjr and Military
Gap for ule low by
Muriel street, oppomte Ilia Fot Oilk-e
A'uubury, Oct. , 1853
ProthoiK larv' Ollice.
Sunbury, October 8, IS53.
List of Jurors,
OF Xorthumbeiland County, for
Court, lo euniiiieneo un the 3
a Special
Court, to commence on the 3 1st of Octo
ber 1853.,
ETNBi-RV. John f. r-chmick,
Nukth?'mbkri.asd Daniel Voihis, Sam
uel Cox, Jacob Paul, Charles Harris,
Mil. ton. l ain JHdSlellcr, Daniel lloatz,
Ge mge Marsh,
Dklkwark- JohnC lltillinan,
Tewis Jacob Dnukle, rrederiek rox.
Ti'RBVT. Phlip Fullmer, Robeit M'Cor-
Chilisquahi'I!. "Hi. K. Hasher, George
Killie, John Foul, John Sinners.
I'utNT. 1 nomas itrftiahan, Jacob tltnten
bach, Win. Leighow, Thnma Johnson,
Cphkr Ai'i;i'sTA John Farnsworih, Mi
chael Kieffer,
Lowkr AucfiTA. Enhraim Leitle, Levi
Thomas, Hermam Shipman,
Coal. llirhnjd Wonlverlon, Jacob Haas,
Ri'stl O. P. Patten, Steven Uuish,
Lower Maiianoy. Hugh Seasholu, Jacob
R.idinaii. Frederick Ireckerd, Jacob Blaier,
Elijah Byerly,
Shamokin. Eli RoeJ
HAVE received a very larjo assortment of
consisting in purl of
l'.I() pieces Muslin-de-Liiiua nt 4 lo 0 cent.
l'!0 ' . 10 12 J 18j 4- 25.
50 " " " 28 to 50 cent.
M0 " Calicoes at 5 Cj R 10 and 12).
"First rate calico, madder color at 8 nud 10 cent.
! 30 piece Debtee ut 1UJ lfj and 25 ct.
Hi piece 0-4 French Merino al 100 to 137 j1.
250 long and square Shaw ls, at from 1,50 to $20
i 30 pieces black, colored, figured and' plain Silk,
together with every variety of Goods suited to the
: season, at as low rule as can be had in Phila
delphia at retail.
, A large assortment of Curpets, Stoves of all
I kinds lor wood or coal. Cull and see, aa we will
sell you good at such prices as will give ati-'
I Lewisburg, Sept. 24, 1853. Ct.
riHE tockliolder of the Zerbe Run and Sha.
A uiokin Improvement Company are hereby
notified that an Electiou for Five Directors
will 1 held at the uflicc of Ihe Compauv, No.
47 Wall treet. New York, on Monday, the 24th
inst., from 12 o'clock, A. M., to 2 P. M,
New York, Oct. 8, 1858. 31.
i- Hi
Derson indebted to the lute firm of
Mount & Schmick, are hereby notified thai
their book hav been placed in the hand of M.
L. Shiudel. Esq., for collection, and if they Co
not attend to this notice without dly, auit will
be brought without reaped lo person. .
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 It,
SHOES. All kind of Boot Khoc and lip
per for aalo by
Market lrel, Post Odic.
Sunbunr, Oct. 8, 1853
Dealer iu
N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
I WAVING enlarged and improved their Store.
- and having the largest assortment of Lamps'
in Philadelphia citv, thev are now prepared try
ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas and Lard
Oil, Lamps, Lantern of all patents, Funry Hoirf
and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and
Cuudcleahra, snd Ilrittaunia Lamps, at th
Munufacturars' lowest prices. Glass Lamp by
the package, at u small advance over Auctioa.
prices. IJeiug large MAN I FACTLRERS of
Pine Oil, Uuruiug Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
und' (die only true) Phosgene Gas, Ibev can fur
nish these article at uch price lhat Merchant'
will find it lo their advantage lo buy. Call before
going elsewhere, if you. want baiguins. Also,'
lha Safety Fl .id Lamp for ule.
Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly.
Estate of ARTHUR HIBLER, dee'd.-
NOTICE i hereby given lhal letter of Ad"
ministrutiou have been granted to th un
dersigned upon lh eatute of Arthur Hibler, late
of ( inciiinsiti, Ohio, dee'd. All person having
claim Koinst said estate a r requested to present
them, dulv authenticated, fur settlement I and
thus knowing Iheniselvo indebted to niak pay
ment without delav.
8 AMCEL HIBLER, Adm'tor, .
Danville, l'
Dnvil!e, Sept. 51, 1853. 6t.