i A VALUABLE HOUSE And Tlirco Acres of (2 round FOR. SALE. THE subscriber offers al private sale, hishntife and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits uf the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Shisslcr and orig inally owned hy Ciia. Guiwlor while cngag'd in boat building. Tho Improvements aio a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of pood Water, ami a (rood fi amo stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premise. The prop, erly is handsomely located and will be sold nt a reasonable price and possession given in April next. Apply to Ceo' ('. Welkcr, Esq., of Stui liurv, or to the subscriber at Hclinsgrnve. PETER KERI.IX. July 2:?, 18.".1 tf. NI3V STORE. 15 EX.1 A 31 IX 11 Kl FN Kll TJEspEClTlLLY informs the citizens of - Sunbury and vicinity, that lie ha opened a fiew store in the room lately occupied by (ieorge Bright, opposite Uoltnn'a Hotel, lie lias just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer (Joods consisting in part of Cloths, Cas3imers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Cullrocs, lni;tiams, i.huiih, IrlOilPNCllllC Ie l.'tliic tind all kinds of J.ndics Dress d'oods. (JKOCEKIES of every variety, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron unit Steel, Naib, &c. Also an excellent nssortment of aUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS Si MIOIiS. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ie. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Liir Country produce taken in exchange at mu mgiicsi prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. NOTICE. ATOTICE is hereby Riven by the undersigned x' citizens of the Commonwealth of Peniisvl. vania, that application will be made to the next legislature ot said Commonwealth for the erec tion ot a body corporate to be styled "The rVsni-HT Savings' Institi th." to be located in the boroughof Sunbury, Northumberland eonntv. w ith discounting privileges, and with a capital of vjnc iiimiireii tiinusami dollars. Robert II. Awl, Ceo. Bright, Jolm Young, Adam Shissler, Thomas Robins, Daniel Druckc roiller, Frcdk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Youngman, Pe ter 1J. .MaRser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement, uenj. Hendricks, lieo. C. Welkcr, J. W . Peal. Sunbury, June 25, 1953 dm. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of titcnt Letter Cop) Ins Presses, Potent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c. l'utent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each pngo printed PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a nnok-iike loim, letters received, Uriginul Invoi ces, Ac. Phila., April 9, 1S53. ly. Important to Coal Dealers. T1IIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of mining, snipping and selling coal, delivered ut isunbury, or at any other point along the Sus- quehan im. They will be ready to deliver eoal, well prepa red. on coi .tract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms, Orders received at Shamokin by KASE, REED & CO. iPunbury, June 4, 1S53. ly. GREAT NEWS I A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNBURY. rj. ELSBERG & CO., respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county ... 1 i- ; ....... J anu me puunc in general, lliul tliey nave coin nienccd a new Clothing Storo in Sunbury Pu. opposite the Post Oilier, adjoining Mr. Stroh'i saddler stiop in Market Street. They arc just opening a spicmnu assortment ol laslnonalilo Spring- and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Snlinctt, Linens, Checked ana fancy L loth rants and Coats ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other i csia. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Cops, Shirts and Collars and (cnllemcn's furnishing Uoods in general. All of which will be' sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash pi ices. The public may rest assurej that all Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm is a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made n ,y ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New yur an(i Philadelphia Importers of Clutli enables us to sell very cheap. Cull and Sec ; N charge fiir looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is ulwavs kept up as we arc constantly ge tting fresh supplies. Sunbury. May 7, 1S.13 1 in p r ovemcuts A li ca ! ELIAS BROCIOUS 1BEREBY informs his friends and the public , , B'-nerally. that he has just received at his hotil"'U"d' Mrket ,lrcet" I'i' Weaver's -rln excellent assortment of lCP.CCJCO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, Trench Lasting, Ami all hinds of linings and Shoe findings, which be offer, to the trade ut reasonable prices. lie also informs bis customers sue others, that lie still continue, the Shocmsking business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in . good and l.isluun.ible style, and on reasonable terms. Sunbury, June II, 1853 ly. MACKEREL, CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS PORK, HAMS t SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE. Aug. 87. 18533111. Cnni'antly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER i-t-n f Maiket-Stieet Wharf Philadelphia. J BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank M nrtirncres. Hiimls. Kvenifmna NiinmAn. &c., for sale by H. B. MASSE R. Sunbury ,Airt 28. 18.M. XV-M. books, ink, and all complete, just n eeived, uml lor sale by II. U. MASSE R Suni'ury, Jane 4, 1823. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. Tho American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns ami proceedings in the several actions now In use in the United States. By Coi.mnson Reed, Esq., Ipsae irgis viva vox ith notes and additions, together with a short system rA ronvevanciug. Bv A. Jordan. Pres ident Judge of tho Eighth Judicial district of J'., and m. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Sbindel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication oft' o book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Iliirrisburg : H wtnismnn, June 30, 1853. Gkstlkvikji : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and com position of the precedents thus offered to the politic. 1 lie legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct system of pleading, adapted to our habits of businew, and (lie practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations hems. to a great extent, founded on the acts of astembly , will he a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. it should lie in the hands of every Dructising lawyer in our slate. Yours, with great respect, JNO. J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Sbindel, Esipiires. Sunbury, July 9 1853. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the Dry Goods Business. J. F. & I. F. INLINE, TTi ESPECTFCLLY onnounce to their friends and ti e public in general, that thev have taken the Old Stand, in l.'pper Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, Ph., formerly oc copied by Isaac ( ampl?cll, & Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened A A'ctc and Splendid Assorlmeut of Spring and Si'mmeh (loons, Consisting in pait of Cloths, Cassimers. Sat tineUs, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Year. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Press Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Beragc de Laincs Alpacas and Shawls. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds, Hardware and Qneensware, Drugs and Medicines. Alfo a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cups, such as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, " All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. t'pper Augusta, April 30, 185". ly LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer (.loods. FRILING 54 GRANT. OESI'ECTFt'LLY inform their customers HI and the puhlie, thnt they have just rcceiv- ! ed and opened the hest nud cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunhury. Their stock consists of every varic'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cas'imeres, Saltinets, Testings, Flannels, Wollens, fyc, And all kinds of Spiinj & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, IScrugcs, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps kor Mt:.s and Boys. Also a large ussorlmcht of (.UOGXKIUS, 61CII AS Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spices of ail kinds. Also a large nssortment of HARDWARE and dUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of DHUUS AND MKDICINES. Besides Ihe largest and inosl ceneral assott ineiil of all kinds of goods to bo bud in this plaee. Oct" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunhury, April 30, 1S53. J. B. GOULD, (Successor to A. F10T.) No. 161 Chestnut Street, Su-aim's Building. PHILADELPHIA. INTENSIVE MUSIC l'UbLlslIER, and Dealer iu Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive A pent for the sale of Hallet, Davis Cc Cc' (Uoiloil) I'l'I'lNT SlCKM(lUX 1)11U(.K -h'uiuii and other PIANOS, L. (iillert's Boudoir I'iauos, Mclodeons, Martin's (iuilars, Harpb, Violins, Siiket Music, Misic LIooks, Ac., 4e. Kesidents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise wilh any iniibie. they may wi.li, ui as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of tha largest stocks in the United States, I feel coulidcnt of satisfying all who may me wun a en II or on or. Dealers iu Music sunnlied cn the must liberal terms. I'iauos to let. Second-hand l'ianos for sale. 1 hiladelphia, April 14, 1853 ly. gILYEIl VAT( HES.A few double esse Engluh bilver Wnteh.. f.., . .... i I"r'c, y II. B. M ASS ?. ouiiliury, April 12, :, sive and legal envelope,, for sale by Sunbury. Jan 10. ,852.J1, ' ' Vn. II. II. HKJUEE'8 ,...-.i.. e. " . ''eoUl., .nJ piJ di--I... valuable medicine ju, .eeivod ,d 21 J.U ' 11 Sunhury, June 4. 1853. U. MASSE ft. (JHAIN PUMrBA .mull ..u,, excellenl t)Uinn. hav . . o iff red fur ale by .i c. , " Rua va H. B. MASSE R. Runhurv. June 4. 1853. AM) BILLS neatly priuu-a on new type " iiromptly executed at tin. office. Alio blanks, of all kiiula on aiiteriur paper. Hunburv. Feb. 14, 15. ITBE BILLSJuaUcea and CuuvUblea Fee BilU haudouiety printed uocaiV paper fo? ule at tl.Uullue. L. SUN15UHY AMERICAN AJN D SJ 1 AM 6 KIN J OUJINAL 2,5U0 Acres Timber Lnnd ' FOP. SALE. gKVERAJ, VAI.UAUU; TRACTS OF TIMBEK I, AM), comprising n limit 2,fiU0 iicrrii, part of which is rituntrd on Tobyhnnna Crock, nml part on Muddy Crcrk, within throe mill of Lehigh Uivcr. inPonii forot township, Carbon Comity, one of the groat Coal Counties of rcmipylvaiiia, can he had at a bargain, if ap. plication hp inntlo anon. These lauds are thickly covered with tho best timber of that rcpioin While it U believed that 75,000 feet of lumber to tho acre, can he cut from a lurge portion of the Itmd, the balance will aver age not much less Mum this figure. The kinds of timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, White Oak, White Tine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pinn and Hemlock. The Tobyhanna and Muddv Creeks are lame and rapid streams, yielding a vant nnvmut of water power, and are capable of driving a large number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with the Lchitih Canal alloids an outlet to the most desirable lumber market. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway lending to the cities of New York and Philadelphia which runs within one mifo ami three quarter of the hind. Through these avenues lumber can Ihj delivered in either of the cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en paed in the trade to derive greater profits than ntlend investment! generally. In addition to the timlter, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that ship builders have been ohliijcd to purchase in Maine, or nt other distant points. Unlike most of the lands on the Lehi 'h there has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this property It stand undisturbed by the wood man nxe. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried on to such an extent for years past, that a scarcity oT good timber is beginning to be lelt. bvery season necessarily increases this dimVulty. The consequence must be an enchain ement of the value of timber lands. Those un-culled tracts with the advantage of nvemies to K.u.kct, such ns the lands offered for sale, possess; cannot fail tube tho sources of supply hereafter. Put the. land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. Il is of good quality tor fanning, nearly every acre being susceptible of u high state of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, would do well to turn their attention to these lands. For further information applv to CHAS. M. HALL. Office in "Mining Kegister building, Potls ville, Pa. Auiruat C, 185.1. tf. JO CHEEIIY PECTORAL : Fe Ihe Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, noAHSEiTEss, Bnowr. OHITI3, CIIOUP, ASTH rCA, VIIOOPIUG- COUCH AIJD COriSUUffPTIOIJ. TO Cl'IIKA COl.I). with he a o apmk and iiirfik. of the buty, take the t'lirnitv Pk iuKai. on jjoing to bed' uii'l wrap up wiirin, to sweat ilium lite nibt. oa A linLO aM) l ol'i.ii, take it iii'iriiiit'T, li'tonnnn eve- ntntr, nee tuliiiir tii diieeii Tjift nn the b iitle, ami Ihe dtilicut- ty will Hihn be remor-tt. None will I ng sufl r fr an this trouble when thej tind it can be so readily emed. persons nliiieii cl with it Hc,ued 01:1. whi- h breaks tiivin of their re."t nt niirlit, wid bin I. by lakina' the Cheny Pc -t-i;il on IT mi'' t J ttiiv v tw stici fil'rittnd. mil if r ik mi uleen. mid i.in.i(pieniiy i.-fiephn.-r rest, (inat rebel 'fi-'innil'ef- iiiir. rui'1 ; limp iitllictcil. hy Umm iiti-:iltt;tMc n-meily. 1'it. in i! tt ti'.TTi'e.'iWe i-if'-i-ts in 1 h c'ir-, in:inv fm thniRcIvtH unwilling It) l.ifL-g'i its u.j t,iicii llie iierceaity I It riMM tl. rnni tvi ciinnf-ht Pliyiu.-ifMif in Favrttevim.f, T-'mii . April lft, Sir Wt; hnve ffivfii vmr I Iuti y iVctuml an islt'iitiv triiil iti our pi:ic-tirs ninl fm 1 it t p.irjtuMi ii-i-rv tln 1 rt,-im-rlv vc liiivi- fur cm int.' fiiTft-i i-'iirt -t" th Tfci'ininfv f r-K:"'- Jl r. hlKMKU A HAMI't'O-N. TOSIM3KRS AMI 11 lil.lt M'KAKKUS tlitf rtMiut'y ts inviilu iltlf, ;if l.y llf nt titii Kit liirtlir.I mul lunpn, win it tuWt 11 iu m n. ill (iiirm'itirtw .it n'iii''vt'!n,.l In :ir'iiM in n f'v h 'itrs. nnfi u 'ii.lfrt'ully incrusyts tlu- power :i;id ll-.iliiiiy Oi l he V'ifi'. 1 ASTIIM i. jj.'mt:i!Iv iinu-h irli.vl. mul fl'-n wlr-My ' miru'l ly rltorry I't rt -r:it. Utit fifrt rr s-utit vw sn ipim-ilp ;m to yielil ftrin-ly t tri iiieMiruir, Llicriy l'wto r;il will fun- t'i)!!. ii'llict cin lu- runl IlitUNCIH'i'lS, or irriinti. 11 "i thr tat mul upper j p'u tinn ol tlif hin?. may If rurrti lv liikiu? CUft ry P ti- i ml in sirmll nml irt- ptml tlm;. Tlie imc niiftutablf op-pn-Ksi nt it Pt.ii r-!if .-tl. ltv. Dud. LANSINii. of Hr MV!yn,N'W Y-rk. ntnlen: 'I hrivu n'ii thr Chfrrv l'eriMrni cine hm-'i msfi " Aki1iiii:i iiikI liroiit-liitif- us Itr-'i'U nit' t hclu-vr it fnil rnrt lj I'aiil In rmv I'l 'Ki- ilij.!!:.1' I'lll I ( J I " i. Cive nn rim-tie cf :mtiiii"ny. !t In-f.'ll-nvi'd hy hvf un i :V"pi-nt il.r3 ! lhi l'liriy lVftu 11, iimil i r.i!. tiles lite t)ii'afcO. Ji taki ii 111 n. it will Mitt f:i! ti rtin-. V 1J( ( MMN 1 roiTII uitiy hi- hr. Vru uj mid s k n cu- VPt iV tlir- HP i f I'tirriy IVrt' r.i, TIIK l. I I.I' lvA - speedily reniveil hy llim n-inert). Numornim iuiutier liuve Ucvii 11 tieul wli.'ie vli le luinilieji wrie pr(Hi'et--4l iVum ttuv haiiiu rniHNpnneP, while their u-ii:lilKtri. wiilmut the Chtrry pecloriih wtte suiter imr '"r m ttiedisejKe. Dr. J. C. A-r: Pal- m. f lltli June, 1 ?,",!. I wrii- t itil'inu v-ui t" 1 1 1 tmlv renrii ki!ile i:letj nl' ymr I'ff'I'KRV Pili'TOll AI, it 'il.ia pla.-e. a.td in my invn Oumly. (ne t my fi-iugiiter vr;: ennipl. t. ly cued 111 threi- (;ivr i'l" 11 dre.'iillul iuhii-in.; Cni ;n, t-y tuniii1; it. Dr. Meaim, rne i.f mir very lie-t plivsiei:tu t'lndy Bl;ilfK tlril lie etuisidrr it llie IteM r- inedy we hive pulmonary tenrt. ami tlmt he l:n vurul in ne imc-i ol' i'p.nur with il thrill nny nllier niiv'.ii'tlie lie evrr ;i'linini.-lered. Out cirrirviuen t-C ihe Ili;tirt riitirch m stint dnrinj; Ihe run f IsriA here this wms h. he hn iwi n curi-g fr tin your mtiliciiie he c tuid searcoly have Ih1ic ait li mit IM-iill!. Youib respeel fully, ' J. D HIXCr.Ain, Deptly li iM mauler. From ihe dixfiwrttisfied Pmfesior of Chemis try anil Mrtcria M:d.et Ptouuloin College, I linvc hull d the C'tii:iiHV Vvc t (Hi t., uu its intrredielitl ulif'W. a twerTnl renudy ("t e tidt-, mid eai'.hx, mid pul Illotun) dl.-faKKJ. P-iT?KHa Cleveland, M I. 13ut.?wicE, Me., Th. r,, !fl7. Vll VAI,lNTlKMtTT. The u'Mclit ctb'hratcd Prufattor of Surgery i the Mtdical College, New York City, says 'It jrivfii iihi pl.fiMire In rv rtify the value nnd etflf.'iey of A v K k ' Cheuky Pki'Toral,' which I ennsidor ptcih nrly ml ipti-d tit cure din-'aM n" tlt Tlii.wd nnd Lunt.' Cuii j ol" cevcie ilni"tses upn (lie l.iint: have leea ei-fo-Ud hy t'llKUl!V I'KCrnKM. ill auell exireiilf C'iiM' Hi wuriant the l- lul' tli.d u H iil'-dv !i:i nt leii-th heeii 1mid (lint ran he ihp'i'h-d on I i i-nrn tlie ( .nyli. Cnltli mul Coiihuinptiiui whiidi rvrrv tVnni "ur nii Ul llt.ninni e ery yeiir. It is litdt't-d a m itii ina t 1 liirli the iifllielrtl euii jo -k wuh eiitideui-e ji r'Jaf, ami they nlmuld n t tail tn avail thciliRHvits H. Prepared and told by JAMKS C. A YIU Practical Chemist, Lowell, Muss Rol.l in Sunhnry l.y U MASSKII, Hinl by PriipBit ienentllv tlirntij;hnt t!:e Ktnte. July at), 1 riot!. ccow lv. Sow 13. '52. AVI I. LI AM A. KNOIMJ, IUsrECTn.'M.V iufnrms his IrifiiJs nnd tlie (Mililic (.'('lie ally, thai lie liua just iccric anJ opcneJ a Iuiku uiij KleiliJ stoi'k of SI'RING AM) SUMMER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Auunta tuwnsliiji. His stock roiuists ol i erv vurivty ul" Drv (loods, 'c.: Cloth! Cawimcrtj SoUiitetts, Vest in Flan nets, Mustntj ire. A uplemlitl stork uf LAU'.KS l)UKS AND FANCY GOODS, Such as Beraest De Lainet Mcrioesi Lawns Gin;hamxl CViiVot. Sc, BOOTS AND SHOES, A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children. A lnrg auKMtwenl of LIUI.S, SUCH At Sugar, CuflVe, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &x. Hardware and dueensware. I Saltniul Liquor, 81 ( H AS Ctu, Braudy, Hum oud Whlskry, BesiJei tho lurKcat ond p.oat etirtil auorU ment of all kind of Uoods to bo bad in the country. All the above mention-mi good will be told at ucb reduced price they can not be got for eUewhere. . Country produce of all kind taken in exchauge at the bitfUmt maiket prices. AugUHta twip., July S, lb5X tin. CELEBRATED ( : V a iu i 1 y 31 e cl i c i h e s . ' IN offpnng to the ml.lio Hie above mrahislifc prrwm. lions, the muttcnlH would ftnte ttmt in rmiiltJiiH.i with hifl fiiemti nml some ot tlio mmt reaprelnliln ol the .Molirnl fnntlty, il wnn ilt'eim'tl mtviKiblu to nir to the pultlic, s frw prepfiTittioni of known eHrtirily. Inrinf pre pared with the greatest enre, and mi the mtwt wieniihc principled, nn nnlHiiiulet for the Huim-roua wrthluMi nr Holes that nre Hxlmff the country in the form of pnnnerai nmt cure 811b, prepared hy the itkwI ipaorant nint mercena ry persons, intumled to cure all diseuscs and good for Bone, ' Read and Rrjlect Thnt the Medicine, Atannfnrtitrrd by W. M. tisrRLET, lnclndinff his Itoro Pectoml for Couchs. Ciinin fi Cumihor, for Klieurnutisiu. Worm fvmp fr Worms. Tooth W'nHi, for dcrnvftl teeth, dienwd gams. Family Pills, or blood Purhyer, hnvr lnen tnore extensive ly used, and Imi'e pivoi m re stitiainclion, limn nay other MNilie men In-fore the uMie, Iwhig prcpnrrd with tM:rd to their usffiMnrxs me fully worthy the trint of the nlliift- i-u, uiw inuiu u it in i. A frv poweilnl reasons why the nbnve MnHcincs nre descrvint of nnivprsiil pntiormge. (In the hrHt pluoe, they nre prepared hy regular Pliysielmi. who nndersttiudt tho opplieattoii of .leilit inun, to ilifuust-fl, nd romrijueull,' nre nrrnTTiy who io uikv. (rftron(My.) they lme tiera nswl with univrrwd hik-ccm, nml hive given inure salistae tion th;in any othor MfHiiriiim ollVrefl lietore the public. (Thirdly) tlny nre tint only ineil.enies that have gniited Ihe imtinnnire of IMitiicmns, where they have been usrd ; nml (Fomthly,) tlrey nre put np In tarter nu-mlitifit foi the name prim, tlniu nny other Mediemes oHTem! in tho public of the ft-itue kind. Am the mtliicrilHr has n nutnlicr of eertithiileff in bin ptms wir-m.f the )u-j)i.-Mt nntboritv, whern they hnve beeii r.r.vd with the m int itisfiirtiry re sults. lie will puh'ish a lew ol them, fcclinj: mtiMied tlmt t trint will injure their ret'oiiimemtdiion. Try them nnd satisfy yourself of their snperim hy over ell others. Read and be Convinced. We the umlersiffned Imviug been luudc nequniiUed with the ingredients entering iul tin Compi niitls known ns Birk ley's I'nruily Mnli'-ines nls hnvlni? prefcrilH-tl nud known them to be ust'd. with most SMt.nf:i tory remits; tnke pleitfTirr in s-i inn tint we believe I hey fully im:et the il:ign for which thev nre ree 'timieddeil. .1 S. STIiAWHItllM.I". M. D. (' 11. I'ltll K. .M. U V. MeMAIIdN, M. 1). WKS1.KY It ilAl(Ill'.nT, M D. V.I. It. M Uiil.l. M. I. 1J II. OKAUIIKAHT, M.D. Cttre of' prttn in the svh, anti rttagh from protested hirer L oniplttmt, Mrs. Kottert A'l;uns, litlnrin nmli r Chronic Liver Com phuit, nceoiup.iiiicd w itli :i t-li rt dry eouh p:iiu in the side nnd bre:i.t. nenernl tb bilitv, Ium of npjictile. niter try- niij nil the iisuitl remc.liis ntMimii'iided f"i e unihs nnd i diflenncn if the el tent, who with no beintit, the was reman-ini-mb-d t'i tiy the Uppc Peetond, fran which, she ii-Honly ilcrivetl inunediute but pennini'iit relief. J John Adiuns, s:n of Mrs. Robert Ailmns, was afflicted I with a very sevoie e-tuili, p:nn in the side, mnl poreness J prbiecd by inci'int e uv:bitm : ? was induced to try ! the llose Peetmat 'J'o use his own Iniijnnfi', the tirst 1 dn.e uiablcd him to eiij-y a po il nighi's rchi. In the m .Tuinjr lie etpectnrntcd nhom h:di pint of nntier. lie continued to improve until his conch entirely left him, it ' nls.i hud the elb:ct of slrenliemn loshienKt, which wnn nalunilly weak . He nln :tys that In Irm iccoiuuit mled . it tin number of hi ft inn-is f.tr viiui;tr oomph juts, and j in every case it tins jriveii satnliieti in. J Tli4ithvv pert 'tis refutenls of tlte town of Danville, i feelin-j thnt Ihev luive d rivttl crent I.eiief.tK f r tii the use ' of the Hose I'eet rnl ; nntln'rize the r.htve statement, fr the lw ne fit ol tlionc who mitv W ulllictetl in u siuiiini limn- ; iut. OltK VT t.LM:. 1 Loss of Voire restored with one hvttlc of llusc Pec j tnrI. I "T; t U'!,lilU- .,C line. I...v.1,;n V .rtl,, r 1 land ei.. for n number of verirfun ii tili-l, in the lull of '( her vice fr in a Fceie eoUl she eon- i tnioicd; ifler tr inu a number ol reir-edies. wnh n i bene fit, (she wan entiu ly ri pi -rcd by Inkimr taie b ltle r-f R ise I'cct ral. inter winch, sin I. -ft berv-'if o njr.'tjn, Ironi a fresh e-'iid lie ecntr:icicd, and was n'riiu leHtnnil by the Uflt i tin !lu'l b.ilt'e ; h'.yv ll.cii tonk i (;i b Mir in- tf li Mft nythcil tier br-:i.!, fr -lil wtacli ,i!ic (l.-ilv. fl the in ft dci'iile-l bench t, 'niil bnn bu in the e.iij,j mcnt of excellent henbli I n -in th.it t ;ine to I fir pn s. nt . Tiie tiinio ni.iieim'iit t..btuiii.it fmtn l)r Pitt-!!. l!ie TMiy.ician who nlb-iideil hr; nisi her ni'-ther wlioiliiiil.H that tr Willi 1 it t lie l h ji a (tl'S lime if it vni ut been fi'i I he K we Pectoral. I) mvilk. .1 m. I-j'J tS atithrr Murle,! (Jure ICjf'eetcJ. Mis. S.itii'M-1 Setrhler, bein-r of tt ii-jtmrl ve:tk nud iMt (Mie e ins! i"uli nt. cry cnsccjM ible t i e Mn, w;i MliiuMed wiili a ve.i y si-veos C' 'iih. p:im am! i- ircnss 01 the hnvit, I -ss of appctiti-; nl'er lining a number nf Die, itfiial rciur-di-'S 1'r.nii wht.'h, she derived n Ivncftt. he w -iu cured by taking "itcs b aili; of Jt- 'we pejtoitil and is in the enjoyment of belter heiltli ib-in t r vcttif iaevi"ua. Daiicitle. Dee. 1 IS'iO. 1h. Bicki kv : Pciuiit ine tn mf inn you lhi my wifi-, wu is u delicate aid weakly w iiuan, ld iruig muter n very e ere l...Mii;a with p nu niei 'ii uef t t it aKt, was in ire nuiektv nnd WfeetnnMy relieved with one b at!r of y ur I lose Perioral than any other inerlicme she hud ever l iken. .MiM it M "Uli I Dl '.. Jan I.VJ. Snnme? H . Woils' Kurnnee. Iteil p. int. SiK ti iiik.nck i. r.oi:i or iiik lioi: I'lcioKal a.nu I'aMII.V l'lt.t.. j .Tolm Fuhcr taken between t'lirihtiui" nnd ew Year j l-'oni:.!, r;taiti n ri'a' d'.-.i! of (tin wli-.n vei tu n ughed, 1 j was" relieved vn y mini; by the timr- l;e Irtd taken' one 1 01 a -inc. inti! in pie ni'ie 1: wis nniMieo. was rn- uf I I jc alri b:iv thai I c I f-tken se rial il i f Ihe lei!th I ted n:itive III' II! I ir 1 "iimiiIs- Pill., unit tlinl tin v :tre the mil W ;n l Ken. )B lil' KI.KV : Vl'le. I t k tl Vei iTv.i-1.1 d p-ifj ilivi-s lie. I:n evef DiMll ill.', .1 111 I, lH-jt. Diuii) H V:rit U my I r 'tlnT. in l);in v svre I ild, whieh ended in a lifllit h-ird C'inuh, with t irenew und nam nt'the hrenci witieli I utfi-.l Miir lUwe l'e-t -nil. und F:undy 1'iiiff, mid hike p!e.i8irri' in ri i-unineiiihii'i lii :n, ;m 'li-; u:i!dc t nud m st ttr.-etu;il iciuedy I h; v- n-d. V'-'ifF. ref;)fttullv. ; JA.MKS MOlttiAX, I Jjui.d'i, l.j-i. W'li.U' H ut u. l.v.z-.Tue en. , Urar Sir : As :i rorniumend iti.'ii f -r y-ur !. IN-cin- 1 r.i'. penut me t- fiv, th'it I v:t I'rteciutilly enrnl ..I'm ' very n-'veu v niLh witii p.v.n iu the hrtsl, with l-.fg thiui : h:tir 11 lii!'t find llt it 1 rrtiiairtel it liiv'uhi ihle. vtt m c ' nt liherty In nnkr t'u? imhiic tl v-'ii ph-tce. ItHIN SHi:ii!tl(i'. (liM fir.) IlaiiMil.-, Pa. ; My iii William IntMrintr umler a s-ver e uih tind p;iin '. iu hid side, I'ltim -in injury ri-i-d hy a fall, u.n film ly 1 relieved hy almltlu ul K I'rct'iini A- 4'rrai.i nt" t';im- ph. 1 have liLsn HFtd ynur I'.undy ('ills, nnd rtltp-'lhtT ' I c Uiaidt-r llicin l!if hct (iicLi'ia- s I have "i-r uxi t. I Jd.W U :itlH)IM', Jmi. H.Vi. !l-i:i!i Tp., X.-rlhM eo. i Dr. liicUey : Sir; As iu iv.I'j v.-1 in v;m inn!.led i Willi dry, haul C iii,:U. ttinn ur .-'iniutt'h. d.'pi iithatt tip mi il'!.iiity, Mia.lar to lnp;-f w :f i-ntinly r'li-vi'd l.y ; tisaiur tv hi'MUs nl" your it i-e l'rrtir.tl. periitlt ine I Pay i thai t e insider it an t'xee Kail r-'iurdv. YtHiiK, rtfpe.Miuliy, i:'v Mr. YVIM.AKP. l'at r liiitheiau (Miureh Jamville. Vii. Mavini: been cun-d i ri vi'u in my mm isimilur tti Ithcu- nnti-.no Wine It flepnvcd me . ihe li.e ni; nl it ta auat t iur in -iillm. Ity iiiiijj out: h iih pi' Cn-aiii t( t'iiiiiplt-r I w-aild mate lltat I e Hinder it the Iw-'l remedy m' thu litiiil I liaiu t-k er u d in my iVndy. ami 1 w aUU ireely ree )iiimeud it t i.them itli tiuular tdTerihui. vutr, rifpeelluHy, JON AS WOI.K. Kusa I p., N rth ii en. My wife !i:iiiu efllietH wilh a vvy nvfie pain in iur ar.li uil I fh mlder (llie ell-ei .. -..M) wi,n li vuKthted hr iV-tiil u.-iiiiril. va eurrtl with rtihhiu-; nl" t'ream oi Cam ph r. MfK. KtMin. my Mder-iulaw, was n!i 1 eured ni 11 itevero j nil iu Uie h a I and lace hy numn thu I.' renin t-t Caiuph.tr 'J'IKjMAS (.:. i;i.l.l. Uimvilli'. Jan. '.',. My wife havuij: KheiCiiitiMi: ni' tin: arm I r n iia:ii!ier nl" yearn, whu li prevented her in. 111 isBiiiii tl iu d inp her vik ; nfler haviai-' H-itt 11 jjieai tle:d 1-1 itfim-y in triiur ditlere.it lenuvlit with ut heneiii, was entirely cuml 1 unine only ne h ifth- cf your I'rei.ai nf ( 'nnu lr .'r. WILLI AM i;VKS, M n. r. f e S. it. Wo d, H. Pniul. Ur. IJiekley : II it ini: r eeiyed a very s;yeio injury iu my side hv faltiiiL' cfa 1 ad i.f hay. fmui whteh I W- ima lAi: to lil w m w r. was re'- 111; nen hd I try u I utile oi Cic i:u (.tf (.:.im,ili r, Uieii ml" .r i mtiuedite relief. tilt It Tl 111 CAUU. Kukh l,i . NnrihM n. My wife, mideriu fi'-iii m sr exeiu 1 iiinir paij, thriMiirhnul lri (renfral fyitlein, whieli prevented her 1 nun fleepia-.- ( I H itjf net;.' 1 ft i lined by 11 and pniiiaeled peil (It aickaetjs;) ir wiiu li Nhe lle i w 1 ; 1 1 1 j. r itf reue-die-l withtait heni lit, Was ejuiri.!) i.-Iil-V ''' hv ihe use cf ('iuiui Ml" Ciunph.-r. (illii. B IlKOW.N. Surne at Denial, lJnvilie, I'l. Clii!d cured of IJ.iwel Ccuii iiiint. an 1 Ajjue (i 1 two yeum tt nidia::.) hy Worm Syrup. My e?u!.l heiaj a;:in-ied I a the 1:M tn yeirp, with H vel (J 'uilaiiit and Airim until it w, i t duee.l t- it inei vkelt-icn, 1 itied u numhi-r rcmdi m with n permniriit henelil, until 1 pave n, a It u!t? cf y tur Worm Syrup, luce whieh liiuu it hai hern well, nnd -j"t ipnto lleKhy. 1 u!mi havti rerai:mt-nded it l a iii:ti.! r nl my friends, and tu every cane it hasmiveii mmj arti-ai. !.. l.l'.VI. At l,uuis Lauffft' Merchant. Danville. I Imve used ynur Wnriu Syrup in my family, und em Bider ft li t only i nria.-tuut, hut the iniil pleastnt tirtiele 1 ntn neipi aiated with. JAt'oU KASHULS. Danville. lliivnia ufc-'d ymir Wnim Syrup in my family, it bel ruv ehildteu m -ro t!iaa miv pupar.in.ni nf tin- kind, ami i in re pleas ml to tai.e. DAN MoltGA.V. M ait mf How, Danville. I have hid nerasi m t use weir Worm Syrup in my fuilliJy, und ptefer it ! nny e. liilfuee I have mu-d. Fltt:i). ltt lJ, I'r ..ty alley, M aiL iirc i. Dr. Biekh-y: llavin? m-d y.nr woiui Svnip, in id Cream uf t'ninpher mid Kauuty Pids iu my liumly, they fnivc fiHd nut ikitteti'ot. und 1 consider Ihtan the most n Icdual, u.d pluntant reini dit. wa.- have had lu our lauiilv. JlUlMl I'llAN It. lilsUCI., Dimrtlle.' Dear Ptr We ih unden-iumtKi Iteintr in the employ of Mr Mir (inn-en At Cniniy, ui vtinte nt re, you Imve an Agency 1 r the Kile nf your Family Meda iues. atutti that we have had mi npportuuity "I kn-'winj; thA opinions nf lillinrr.Hjn intiividnal who reive uf-ed ihein, and Ihut they Rive Renernt t. itnaitetion. Wa have u !d rt ifiej! iiumv nl ynur l'li.K, w Inch ut uniiersilly likeil. Itehit very tin Id in tueir up ruLuai. W'. .LlSl-.NHlti( Danville, At'ert.W M Klil'LKlt, lluvuifT S.'nrvv of my in add veiv Md, I w induce I to try m h iti Id tu' ynur T-mi!i Vault, wlmdiaetl like tieluuin, hardeuinx my uuin, and reinovin-f all dircane. JONA THAN It. JtlMllil., Danville Dr. Biekley: llavintf what wan en'ied u'eeratttl fcre, month, for which, 1 tril a uumlx-r l remedies with no l i'tnefit : J wa nl las! euied hy ll:nir one tt llle H y.-ur T'lhwali. My wife uU i timing (icr confinement, was thre.Uened withs re,Hreasts, lnmiit huvin? already formed, for whieS he imetl the Citram nf t'luiiiiln r, whu-h seulter ed ihrui. (herehy pr-jventiug her breasts Ir-xn fftitheiiiig. i.i:o A. HKOWN, ear Lutheran CS treh, Dimville. Pa, Dr. IticMey. Havimr mi tippnrtmiity of aeeiiMr ymt Auti-Kcirhutu To th Wun uswl in an very wvvre ca aea uf scurvey nf the gums, 1 e.uuuder it uu excellent rente, dy Vitura, rospeetfully, UKO. II. HKOWN. The we meiliciue are fm fcilo Wholesalt and Re tail hy W M. JilCKI.KY. M. D , l-nmneMr, Danville AUio Foi Kile by the following Affruts iu Northumla-r-Irnul in unit v. F riling; k Cirnnt, Sunlwiry ; V A. Kuobh, Aiuruvtu; W. Furruw, SnyderlnvvH ; Tag-iiul, Funuun llarlntu Faxiii' ; Fni-rtiint k Stmuse, l'lixnn; Join, Vuniaut, lniii' s; 1 1 Jtf ti Vaatine. l:intii ; Aimneiuuin, Bossui V Co , Shainokin ; Mrs. Ja. Tlminat, Hhamukin; Win. 1'atity, Slmin-ktu; CamplM-ll k Kline, Aujiustu; Samuel A. ltTnrtreiw4:rt Petershurjr ; Jacob Leiseurimr, HeaJ Gap; Conrad Wenek, N'orlhuiilhcilitiHl ; Jercimah Cr.iatw. Hrlimwmvs; Jwish Hnker, Lttwiatuurg Jnlui F. Jlnwaitd Jiautthmi VCellcri. Milton Cult nu tltu AiienUt, and yet a circular rnntuininjr a full desi-ripii.m of tUm uuiuciou cures pcrlocured hy the d lifer ent Medientrs. June u, i?sa lv CARE, OIESE & CO., 1 Flour, Grain and Lumber Coiuinision Mercliants, 23 and 23 Spear1 1 Wharf, BALTIMORE : RnprrtENCKs. Jolirt (.'Inrk, F.q., Pipsiiloul Cilizenn' Ilnnk, Onlt. A. 1. Gilen, Kq., Cniiliipr Franklin Batik, " Jolin Herl7.1rr, Jr., Esq., l'liilutlclphiu. RoircM, birmirksnn Co., " J. Tome, Km., 1'rc.idrnt Cecil Bank, l'ort De .1. Wntlower k Son Harrislmrg. t Col. II. C. Kyrr, Seliniigrove. J. 11. App Ar'Co., Nngle, Winirale & Co., Milton. Y . V. Ciioke, Eq., Muncy. Hnnon St-livivlcr, l.q., " (poree Boilino, Hnpliville. W. Weaver & Co., Monlonrville. Gen. William F. l'ackcr, W illianiKport. T. W. I.lovil, Esq., CuhIiut, " Jamea H. Huling, ' Lewis O. II ulincr. " M'llenry A Bnlil), Jersey Shore. J. P. llulini;, lq., Lock Haven. tX' C'nrr, (jieac Sc Co. liuvc (lie luriiest wliarf room of nny rmnniiainii liouse in Baltimore, til wayngivina; quick despatch tobcuils in disclnirgiiig their cargoes. March 12, 18.-)3. 0m. KlMNOlllllUII Of l'itl'lllCI TlllE Coparttiershiji lieretol'mc existing under I. Oie name of Jaimn H. ft Win. B. Hart, is lliis Jay dihsolveil hy the withdravrcl "f Wiltinm l. Mart. J lie linsiness of the late firm will he settled hy either of the undersigned, at i'o. 22!), North rd street. JAMES It. 1IAUT, ' WIM.IAM II. H AHT, THOMAS 1IAUT. I'hiladelphia, Jan. 1, lH.-)3. The undersigned, have this dav formed a co partnership and will continue the Imsiness under the liiiine of James II. A Thomas llart. Thank ful for past tavors, they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends nnd the public to their stock of iK(lCEI!Ii:s, hich will he full nnd extensive, and which they will sell ut the lowest market rates. JAM ES If. II A UT, TIIO.MAH 1IAKT, Philadelphia. Jan. 1, lS.Y.t jH.lt. nni!'s. Paints. Oil. W indow fl Tons French 7ine hi!e. 10 tons 1'uie White Lead. ,rt)0U IIoncs 'ind,,'.v (ilass.nll sizes. Superior Tot ash, t 'opal, Conch . Leath er iY Iron varnish, white Demur varnish lor (. hina (iluss, with u trencri'l assortnn iit of fresh and pure DPvUUS AND .MKDK'INl'S. Also all the l'utent Medicines in genera! use, warranted genuine. Colored and Kimiuod til.iss. OvC, dr., fir sale veiv low ut Al.FKF.D WII.'MH'KCKirs Drtu nnd 1'aint Stoic, No. lti'J .N. Slid Street, I'lSlLADin.l'IHA. lMiysiciaiis and Sturekcejirrs supplied Goods sent to aliv of the Hotels or Depots free of charge. Phila., May 88, Id.-,:!. ly. CHEAP WATCHES. JEVELHT AND i t 'IKVF.lt WaKK. Wliidf-naU' nud Itetail at N.t. 7'J N". I 0 SKfOND S,. uppi)5ite tin: Ml. Vera. at l.-t!te, I. ..Id I Kcver Watelie.i. full ewe!i-il. I k.ea!"en, -j-.lrtl; Silver j 1 .evert-, full j. Wekd. M'J.lKi; Sliver la'pinen. ie"e!i-tl. i.- I OH all wairantt .l lukicpjj'i d time. Cold Pens and Sil ver Cac.. M.I l: f i ld I'er.eils. .l.(ti: t 'M l'.-neilg and j I'eu C;et(i w.lti p .'d tjolil Feus :ii low us Sd.'-Tt, iVf. J AlP). nlwavRon lii'ivl a l' -d MJ-soituicnt nl hue p ld ; Jewelry, ii .. Carl., ii. :ud and F..h l.'hains, C..Ul Vest Chaiua. 1t lie1 ;-..l F,,, hum and Dell I'iiin. J Silver T.iMc Sp iim lrouil-1 to H. Desert, Ss-f to t'JI , aii.l Tea, y.:.') ! S:',.Mij r y.-u wnra.ded t tpt-il It coin, Allj: mils wa--i -luted t h w'iri! they are s 'Id for. j i:el(.- and J.-welrv repaired ami warranted. ' t All onh-18 ecu! hy mail or cthtrwitf-', will he puue- : iiuiiiy mu nueu i". M. "Pi--" AVISi:. Airi-iit. itc tiic .Ml. criion N'. T3 X.irtli IH'liXt) Si.-. lldiise 1'liih.. Arit iX 1 tv. i -w i Hcbby Horses, Children's Propellorfi Gi-js. Coaches, Eiuouclie-', 1'C. MaiiularlurfJ nhulrsulr uml rrtail l.y Nu. Cl DOCK Street, I'liiladelpliia. Onlors tlirntisli lln mail ronijitly rxrcuteJ I'liilii., April U. Is5:i. lv. r- t'hitl'oria Scales, lAi.nr I itovit Severely tested Awill,1 riz'it The Atlnunlrl it l,' f Stttliitarti. Kuilroad. liny, Cout, atiil K.ir- f - nitrs L.ii,i., ct in any jutri ol'tlie t'ountrv, nt lt.irt tiotiro. .ica:NV'.s. ci:o. w. coi.r.v, i40 Alurki t st., i'liiliiilrliliia, V.. Y. llriglit, Sutiliurv. 7'liila., -lpril S:l, leSS Liihorcrs Wanted. ipilK suliscri'ncrs vui.t iintnriliutcly on llie -- Kiiiliui.d unj liaiii, ut Cliuiiniin, I'nion county, seven mill's bcluw St:liuiirove, from 5U 'I'O 100 I.AL'tll'lillS, to wlum one ilollur rr tluv will e miil. SAVliaUJ. WJl'.VKA'TO.N ci CO, Chapnwii, I'liiou County, l'cli. 1!),1S5X tf. Hope Manufactory. ffMir aulisci il'cr respectfully informs tlie people of .N'oilliiiinbcrlaiiil ami Sunhurv, anJ tho pulilic grncrullv, that lie lias ronstantlv on lianj ami manufactures to onlrr, ail kiiulsof Uoa. roes, lieil rorils, ivasll lines, plow Hues, twine, anJ lines nf all Lintls, at Lis estul.liahment in Mortliuiu lierland. KICHARDM MISHAI.K. .NortliM., June 11, 18.r3. 3ui. NOTICE 70'riCE is hereby (riven, that application J- will le tisailo to tlie next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a company, with discouiitinii privileges, to bo located in tne bornugh of Sunbury, in llie county of Northum berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to he called tho "Utixyiuitutu i Savings' liiililiilt." Kunbury, June 55, 103 fim. NOTICR TOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made, at the next regular session of the Legislature, to charter company for bank ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, with tha privi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to tx located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumlierland county, J's, and to b called "The Miatas' Dank or Hiuaiai." July 2, 18.13.-6in. 1ILANKS. I.ANKS of every description can he had y applying at tlieotuce ol me .luirruau. HANK' NOTE TAJJLK. CORRECTED WEEKLY. rnxxsvt.vAMA. riTT or mmimriin M A W A C A f WJTTS. All soIvpiiI liflnks (lis lllHlDf. ISLAM). All Mt'cnt Inuks tin I't'.WKCTICUT. All ilVfnt Imliks (lis KEW VORK. CITT. t . 8. Hank notea ills All suivcai Imiiks MII eol'STRY. Rank of rhmnlifrsliiirg 1 dis Ilnnk of Ili'l.Co. Clinster pari mum oi ,.,rrmniitowa Hunk of (icttyslmrir reirlAM solvent bunks I (lis 1 ills I? lik iHiles umler 95 i dia I1IIIIK Ol lrfWIKtOWII Ilnnk ol MiiUIHown 1 (lis MonlRoiTury Ci, Hunk p,,r Hunk of Norlhiimlicrfml. llnnkof I'iltslinrir litis COIISTnT. All solventp Isiiiks ldit M!W jKitsr.Y. Ilclriilcre Ilnnk i dil CoinnitTciiil Ilnnk J dil ihiiik oi ifnnvillti pa. I nr. Hank Mont Holly par Carlisle Hmik 1 ili F. M.. Miildlctnwn PI. pnr C'oltimhin ll'k ik H'ge Co par .Mw liann s' Ilk. Ncuurk pnr I"i:ltown Hank parjMccli. Ilk of llitrlincton par l jiti.n Hank nr tfTh. Man. Ilk ,lVciit ir Mne Ilnnk S dm .Morris Co Hunk 1 ilis Kxchniiirr H'k PiitslnirR I .lis N'uwurk Hk'g 4. Ins. Co ilis Kxchangc ll'k, Hrnncli 1 di' Hnncc Ilnnk 5 dis Fnrmprs' H'k, Uni ksCn nnrl l'e.ipi.-'s Hk Patterson 1 dis l-nrmers' Hk, Ijincastcr par Priiiivl.ai Hank I'liriuers' Hk. Itra.ling par Siluin Hnnliiii(j Co, Knrin. Hk Schuylkill Co par S. lucrret Co Hank F A n. Hk Wavin sli'g IMis Stale Hnuk st Cinnden Franklin Hk a.'i, Slate Ilk I'.li.ilM-thtoii par ear .l,s pnr 1 dis 1 dis Harrislairir Hank 1 dm Suite Hank Newark Honesrlale Hank 1 dis State Hk, N . Hrniisw ii k par KiMriiiier mum ruir.Siissex liiiim. ,vvtoll i dis licinnoit miiiik par Mereh. Man. Hank 1 dis Miners' H'k. I'ottsvillc prr Mnnonpnhelii Hank I dis Trent' a. Hank ins Co imr t'nion liank. Ilover J rlis Viinllevv'le Del l)r Co I.'mIis ,t?'Uk notes under ?5 j dis I nylorsv e L l ll' Co 15 (lis in.i.rt i auh. Hank of Delaware. pnr Hank of Smyrna par Delawnre City Hank pat Ilk Vilni2n Hrandyw. pat fanners' Hk St Delaware par I'ni.ai Hank. Wilmington jmr tT' Under Vs j dis Y est llraiif h lirnik par , i'imiiih i,k, iikpsii e par York Bank, 1 dis: tV'Hclief notes 1 dis maim:. Hank of Wlmiloek ititis Mercantile Hk. Hanuor Idihs All s ilvtait twinlis ) dis IUIII'. m:v iia.mp-iiihp. All solvent Imnks ' '' "omv! All solvent l,anks J dis Ilk noies mnli VF.RMONT. nank of st Allians All solvent lianl.s NOICIII CAltftl.lNA. S lis! All s ilvent I'lliks 4 dis t J ilis,!"-! inters s, 2J dis TltF.MKNDOVS Exc1TF..i7NT ! ! Csisli. Strum, llcctricitv ! ! The Aerial and all other lints oat-done hj the ; L,l:;1il!)iit&; Mno. of i UA T. CLi:?.IEXT. i "TrHO, havinu prent faith in rapid sales nud i " " small profits, has just received anu opened a larpe assortment of SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS, i At his Store iu Mar;;et Street, Sunhury, which he offi'rs to the puMic nt Ihe lowest prizes. ; i His stock consists of n peneral ussortnieiit o( ! Drv (loods, z: ! i I 1 Cloth. Citssiwrs, Ciwiiir's. Jntns. Drillings 1 j Jltiflins, Linens. Cnlicofs, Mnflin tic : Lnins Lairns. (iinr.hnms. Hemps. Sii.k Hats. A lar.e nssoiiment of Hoots nnd Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Kiwcrit, Sugar, Ten, C'olToe, M.lasse:t Clieese, Spi ces, Fish Sail, Plaster. IIAKDW ARE, Viz: Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws. Ac. Q TT E E N S V A RE, Tea Sitts, J'ii'i's. liitlfs. Crps, Sivccrs. iv'c LTQI'ORS, Wine Briimly, din, limii, Vliis,,y, Sc. II' Country produco of all kinds taken in cx chalii;e at the highest mail.ct prices. Jan. 15, ly. THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : oit, i:vi:r.v uxi: ins nws piivsicia.n. tf,';i?"'?'s r-iii:: Koirrmrii i;ji- tion, uitli One Hutnlicil 1'n t.iv inss slirtwini iJis- r anil M ilforinations of . . s. r,' 1 1 10 mini. in str:n in every y the isi ' ' h. ,JI s!i:ii e and firm. T.i whirl. is aitiKil a 'I'rratise on llie f lYmale, lcii:c tk'cT jiti ol ti e hi-! ;liest importance to niariicil reiiire. or lhoo .fx.-'' coii!':iip.i;in r niririinje. rj'"' : y l;- sn, Voung Let no fallicr !e asli.iisi.-.l to present a copy of llie .I'sCI 'I.Arirs t,i hi cliil.l. It may kivc llim I'rnui an e.irly crave, l.et no youii; man or woman enter into tlie .-c u t oliluatious of mar lieil life itlnutt rcailinj; tie i't iCKliT -l'l-'SL'l" I.Al'li'S. l.et no one ii'.lcrini from haekniep (.'ough, ruin in the, tM.lc, restless nilils. nervous feelings, ami tlie wlinie l ain ol Uysprptie sensa tions, ami iiiven up ly tin ir plivsn iau, le another inoineiit without consult tut; tlie .V.iH ' L 'I. A 111". Have the marricil, or those ahout to be liutrricil any mipcilimcnt, rejil this truly useful book, as it has been the litems ol Viviu tli.ui-an'ls of un fortunate creatures from the very j.ivvs of ilcalh. IV Any person seniiio 'l'W K.TY-K1 l CK'l'S, ciuloscil in a letur will receive one copy of tins book, by mail, or live copies will be sent for one ilillar. Ail.;,. -.s, 1'it. W. YOl'NO, No. M'laci; Mrci;, l'llILADKLl'lUA," l'o-l pai.l. June IS, 1333. lv. NOT sci-: To Ilerchants, Travellers and Othor3 Throughout the United States, Aleitiulcr L. lie key ej Co., Till'. l.lil'AT Wlli'.l.li S l' AIlt VWV.V. MKUAI. TI'U.NK MAMTACTOUV, No. US CUcsnut Street, (Fnnt of Jones' Hotel) Philaciekliia. t liK now prepared to exhibit to the Merchants - and Travellers one ot' the largest nnd mot improved solid Hole Leather Spring Trunks ever offered fur sale in this city, together w ith a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can poi!'lv be imagined, ranging in price honi two to thirty dollars. Al.-o, u splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, llounet Boxes, Travelling SSatelicU, ali.-e Trunks, Carpet and Leather lings, Hand Couches, (iL's, c, &e., all of which we are prepared to sell nt reduced prices. We respectfully imito a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing ch ew here. ALEX. L. llU.'KEY CO., No. 1 IS Chesnut Street. Thilii., April 9, 1S53 (Jm. THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AM) THE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, Mo.iel Spring; Styla IIat3, IfTNElJlTALLKI) by uny others in nil that QJ can render satisfaction to Ihe Wearer (ine them a trial. The Very l'inest Moi.i;si;in 11 its lor 3,.r0 ; S'eeond Qualilv, very fine, 3,00 Thiui Quality, a capital article, i,50. All these arc warranted. .Model Hal ftore, Nj. 40 North 8th Street rhilailelplua, riiila., Apiil !, 1S.')3 Cm. WILLIAM PEEKINS' Gentleman Fas h iuna b I e CLOTIIXNCJ HOUSE, No. 231 Chesnut, Third door below Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on hand a full block of French and English l'ieee (loods, which will be made to order at the (Shortest Notice, in the Latest blvle, YOU CASH. l'hila., April 0, 1853. 6m. S5 HKAVAJM) ! ritHE above reward will be paid for the discov 1 ery and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of Ihe properly of I'hiladelphiu and Sunhury Kailroad Company. . Ul' ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, i. 1H53. tf. w flLEY'S COCO CNDY. An excel- lent remedy tor cough, colds, r or Nil at this olliee. December 1, lSii. raw? ' A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS ' At the C abinet Ware Itooni or SEli'N IJOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also al the c on gy' !,tel $ 'he Railroad Thankful for the patronage of his friends in! eustomers during the IT years he has been In husj. ness in this plaee, he solicits from the public eon. tinuancc of their favors. During this period ha has endeavored to keep np with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended hi husi ness in every branch nnd variety. Tint public ir therefore invited to tho attention of the present stock of CAlWXIVr WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured bt SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Win re in addition to their former stock of th establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair. Larsre. Spring Sent Rocking Chain, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirhle Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fnliioiial)Ic Furniture. Havimr secured a Hearse and made the neces sary nrraneements for the nurnnse. tl iev am nnw pfTafeJ for Undertaking in all its branrhca, in lll,s vii'inity or al any convenient distnnee. Ve maids ami mi.strenscs, and liusluinrts too, Here's furniture of every style u net hue, From side lioiirili down to kitclien tallies, From roekinr; chairs to locking cradles BhoiiM yi, n,. i,nve 10 Im,iy j(,a;f Ut p(1y) We'll wait awhile f..r a lirigliter lietter duy, Or lake poiaiocs, oats, Cora, wheat and rye j Hark, lamp poles, staves, or lumber wet ami dry, Or any thin; tail ykes and threshing flails, Flora pies nmf tnrkies down to little qnnils. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade n moving, so "go, on the lull!.' t"?" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf "AID AND COUFORT," ! o Yotir J n T2ct haiiici. GEOllGK KENX. MANfFACTHr.EU OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. ' ""PHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention I A of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every miality and price of ! tizn.Vr!'-vA nr.. which cannot fail to rei ommend itself toeverv on j who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best Ktock to be bad in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the I many improvements which nre constantly being , made. His stock consists of Mahogany I Seta, IHviiiiN mill I.omiicn, j Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, ! SOFA, HKEARFAST AMI DINING TABLES, and also L.M.TIAN 151.1 NUtS, eipiul to I'hila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUP 110 All DS, W0K1C AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TA ISLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business, lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CI! A IKS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, uch n. Moimuxt, IImik Waiki'T ami Crit'.Kii Ma Chi.i us ; ami Wii nn CIIA1KS, ash i am v Pi . mi Siooi.s, which are of the latest style aod warranted to be excelled by none mamifacli i. il in the Cities ur elsewhere. The subscriber is ,leti nuini d lb.:l their shall be no excuse for per.- . ns to nurcliase furniture in I the cities, its everv confidence can be ci.teitaincil about the ipiality end linish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on ns good terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvnient for work. J i?" I NDEKTAKINO. Havii,. provided himself with a handsome Hkahsk, he is now prepa nd lor I'lidertaking, and attending funer ills, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance fnon this plaee. IV" The Ware Koom is in Market Street, below Th niipsjn's tjtote and Wemer's '1'avern. tiEOKCiE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S52 tf. WATCHES, JEVELIIY, cie. J AMS 15. FIDLKlt, No. 12 SuiithSccihid Street, FIlILADELrniA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepinc do " (juurticr do Cold pens and pencil and silver halders Sil ver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, 1) least pins Ear rings &c. All warranted and sold al prices as low as art in the city. November 27. 18o2 tf. 1.000 Men Wan Veil. fy the !i"c of the Sl'syt EHANNA RAIL v' KOAD between liridgeport (ojiposite Har lisburg) and Sunbury, iu the Stale of Pennsylva nia. This road isiilty four miles iu length-"runs through a highly improved country, and WilV furnish employment for stone masons", carpenter and laborers for the next twelve months. A largo portion of the line isheavvrock excavation, lab, rem that ure familiar will therefore find ccr tain employment and liliernl wages. DOl (JHEKTV. LA V.MAN & CO., Contractor. February 19, 1P53 IJosciuliile Hydraulic Cement Cicrvni '"''iclc for lining Cisterns, Vaults, -- Spring houses and Cidlars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CH AKLES SHEPARD SMITH, of, and successor to, the late firm of Evi Smith & bun. N. E. Corner of Front anJ Willow street Railroad. l'l.iladeliliia, Feb. 19, 1853 ty. C. 13. WE I SEP., HE. 3D. H.1.NG located himself permanently inf Sunbury, oilers his professional service to; Ihe 'I'own and Country, office, corner of Deer and Market streets (formerly telegraph ofiice,) where he may be found unless professionally engaged Sunbury, April 30, 180X Cm. OLD PENS with and without cases, of B very sutwrior quulity, just received. Also a fresh simply of Writing Fluid, for sals l.y 11. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. S7, 1831. J A TENT IIKITTANIA STOPPERS tot oar Domes lor saiu vy 11. o MASSE R. Sunbury, April, 13, 1851 mTi'H'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN UER, a fresh supply just received, and fof sale ny II. 1). MASSE R. Sunbury, Jau. 10, 1852. INK Bouieau's celebrated ink, and als Con rres ink for sale, wholesale liecouiber 29, U.0. H 0. MASJER. ARK1AGE CETIFICATES handsomely rieeuted for sal. at this office, nutria or by tho domeii. 4- -