i AUDITOirSREPOltT. tUcronf or thc Auditors or NORTHUMBER LAND CoNTT FOR THR YEAR 1952. Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of North umberland County, in account with the tame. Dr. To amount of County tax recei ved from collected for the year. 1846, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, on un 1850, ii $40 S06 333 88 4,290 2,438 128 293 97 120 265 226 624 k i ii ii ii Amount of County tax, ' seated landa tur Road, School, County, 1851, Hoail, " School, " Amount arising from sale of Nor thumberland Bridge tock, Amount of dividend of raid Block Itent for Public Building, Court Fines and Jury Funds, J. B. Manser's note taken by County Commissioners as part of bridge stock, dated, Februa ry 25, 1852. Interest on same to Deo 31, 1852. Amount of J. B Master's bund for unsealed lands, 40 00 9 00 69 00 140 00 7 34 130 00 9,865 per $10,520 300 58 Cr. By amo-.int of Cash paid as Commissioner's orders, Tsid Northumberland Bank, Paid Eastern Penilentiarj, Kpensps in giiing 'o Northum berland 4 times to pay money and receive biidge slock, . Depreciated money, Tieastirers commission on $10, 879 331 at 24 per ct. 6 30 9 00 271 93 $11,166 9,865 Balance due County Tieasurer, $1,300 751 Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account with the same respecting State Funds. Dr. To amount of Slate lax received fium colleolnis for the year, 1849, ii ii 1850, ii ii ii 1851, ii ii ii 1852, Siale tax on unseated land 1850, ii ii 1851, Aggregate amount of Taverr Ii rensa granted, by the Court o( Uuarter Sessions 1852, Asregata amount of Retailers "license as per list furnished Treamrer by meicantile ap praiser, Aggregate amount of Patent Me "clieiiie as per list furnished by mercantile appiaiser, Auan'gate iimmint of Beer and Oyster shop licenses as per list furnished by mercantile ap praiser, Ajmregalo amount of Distillers and Biewers license as per list furnished by mercantile ap nruiser. 332 41 527 05 8 343 00 8414 10 191 43 191 51 480 00 820 25 15 00 22 00 21 00 Amount of militia" tax received from cnllleciors for 1818, 28 35 ii I. 1849, 67 55 ii ii 1850, 107 70 ii ii 1851, 221 28 ii ii 1852, 1 15 50 $14,598 16 9,611 82 Balance due from Treasurer, Cr. By cash paid State Treasurer as pet hu receipt dated July 20, $4,986 34 1852. $9,114 32 Cash paid assessors for assessing 1777 delinquent miiliia men, Aggregate amount paid vulunloer Companies as per orders, Uiigade Inspector's salary, Cash paii! Brigade Inspector, for collecting and transporting arms hs pei his receipts, Cash paid John G. Vonngman & sou for publishing list ol Retail ers licenses (or 1852, Paid H. B Masier for publishing list ot Retailers licenses in English and German papers, Mileage paid R. W- Zarlman, Mercantile appraiser 207 miles at 3 cis per mile, Cash paid It. W. Zarlman, mer cantile appraiser, for unending appeal one day, Evu.eiutiuiis R. laileis license Treanipr's per cenlage on S9, 1 1 1 32, at one per ct. Treasurer's per ceutnge on 338 27, paid Volunteer companies and Brigade Inspectors, at one pur cent. 17 77 250 00 50 00 20 50 9 00 24 00 6 21 1 0.) 4 50 91 14 3 3S $9,611 82 Expenditures of the County of Northnmher land, as per orders issued by the Cotnmis signers of said County To aggregate amount of Com monwealth costs, Stationary, Commissioner Wilson's wages for 1851, Charles Weaver, 1851, Christian Albert, 1850 & '51, Chailes Weaver. 1852, $.251 314 100 3 189 270 175 232 20 168 50 Wm. Wilson, Christian Albert, Joseph Nicely, County Auditors, Special Auditors, G. M. Yorlcs, auditing public ut iles accounts, III. Bucber serving subpamas for Special Auditors, Afgrejala amount paid for build ins and repairing bridges, ProthonOtary's tees, Viewing rosds it sites for bridges Constables Fees for attending Court, Printing by contiatit, Commissioner's Clerk's wages for 1851, Aggregate amount of Commis- ianAra' wafTPB for 1852. 25 8 1,605 142 253 279 422 ? 19 sioners' wanes lor ibo 316 709 2,882 245 888 52 149 35 78 123 41 12 9 32 28 64 405 131 Assessors wages, 1852, Jurors wages, Publio Bujldings, Election Expenses, Premiums on Fox scalps, Court Criers wages, Attorney for County Agricultural Society, Coroners Inquests, Refunding Prison Evpenses, School lax on unseated lands, District Attorney Fees, Damages for Roads, Fuel. Sheriff's Fees, Contingencies, Totaf, 810,860 mount's due from Collectors of County State Tax. Samuel Awl. Anctjsla, 1840, $27 Thomas Barfj Lewis, 1849, 1850. ii 107 18 32 13 108 41 133 05 ii ii 1851, ii ii ii ii . ii ii ii i ii ii ii 119 361 104 16 51 38 29 13 86 601 12 87 159 67 272 30 95 33 93 18 79 53 05 211 18 83 83 701 00 139 891 96 211 79 70 29 65 S47 62 207 30 738 54 368 94 152 10 89 69 393 83 455 84 311 52 654 65 418 90 353 99 400 141 670 63 622 95 98 10 493 63 344 03 88.883 97 J. R. Clark, L. Augusta, 1852, Wm. Kerghnuse, Ud. Mah'y " J. Kline, Chilisquaque, Andrew Runyau, Rush, K. Eisenhart, Coal, D. S. Drumheller, L. Mah'y John Wetzel, Jackson, J. Bingeman, Low. Mah'y S. Hales, Shamokin, Jacob flunsicker, Lewis, Reler Ruch, North'd, VVm. Reed, Up. Augusta, Peter Pnrsel, Sunbury, Abm. Kissinger. Turbut, Daniel Cares, Delaware, John Heim, Cameron, Joseph Vankirk, Point, James Buoy, Milton, Total, State. J Leiseniing, North'd, Thomas Barr, Lewis, John Leibig, Coal. 85J 581 00 75 Dennis Buoy, Chilisq. Charles Fox, Delaware, James Vandyke, North'd H. R. Johnson, Rush, Solomon Marl?!, Coal, Jacob Kline, Chilisq. John lleim, Cameron, M. Drumheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, J. Binpreman, Low. Mah'y, Peter Rnch, North'd, Joseph Vaukirk, Point, H. U Johnson, Rush, Peter Pnrsel, Sunbury, George Kunlz, Turbut, VVm. Reed, Up. Augusta. 1818, $48 07 1819, 11 48 65 021 , " 70 63 1850, 7 73 " 20 17 1851, 103 45 256 04 " 23 59 358 90 ' 91 81 179 73 84 74 ii 4 26 " 51 22 " 21 61 'V, " 7 30 1852, 45 02 i' 840 87 31 92 ii 365 33 " 175 47 y 'I 84 69 'i 47 97 'i 378 78 ii 54 71 324 54 ii 331 38 'i 4S6 13 ii 2f)2 43 ii 319 33 ii 415 02 ii 71 65 ii 521 18 ii 70 00 D. Sinhhiecker, Delaware, C hersner, CHinbury, George Kuiitz, Turbut, I Solomon Martx. Coal. Jacob Kline, Chilisq. John Heim, Cameron, David Wilson. Lewis, J. Bingeinnn, Low Mah'y Peler Ruch, North'd, H. U Johnson, Rnsh, Poter Pnrsel, Sunbury, George Kunlz, Turbut, Wm Reed, Up. Augusta, D. S. Dnimheller, L. Mali J. ft. Clark, L. Augusta, Jacob Kline. Chilisq. W. Berghonse, Up. Mah'y Andrew Rnnyan, Rush, E. Eisenhart, Coal, D. S. Duimheller, L. Mali' John Wentzel, Jackson, J. Biiiiienian, Low. Mah'y. Sam' I Hales, Shamokin. Jacob Hnnsicker, Lew is, Peter Ruch, Noith'd, Wrn. Reed, Up. Augusta, Peter Pnrsel, Sniibiiry, Abm. Kissinger, Turbut, D.miel Cares, Delnwaie, 611 85i John lleim, Cameron, Joseph Vankirk, Point, James Buoy, M ilton, $6, 318 871 yiiitrmiiis due from Collectors of Militia Fines Michael Evert. Angns'.n, IS-lfi, John Leibig, Coal, 1S48, 1 Stiihlueckrr. Delaware " John Leibig, Coal, 1849, D. Slalilnecker, Delaware, ' John Leiseniing, North'd, " S34 00 16 00 I 95 21 50 13 50 24 50 31 43 29 00 45 00 15 00 28 00 44 50 36 00 42 00 59 50 25 50 4 09 21 00 44 00 16 50 38 'JO 82 50 46 50 78 50 32 00 20 50 41 00 32 40 43 00 13 00 15 50 II 00 11 50 34 00 26 50 26 00 53 00 16 50 35 50 51 00 70 5(1 73 00 59 50 59 50 17 50 S3 00 27 00 45 00 48 00 21 50 34 00 Juliub beck, Sunbury, John Leibig, Coal, 1850, u I! II Dennis Buoy Chilisq. Chailes Fox, Delaware, M. Drumhrller, Jackson, J. R. Clark, Low, Augusta, James Vandyke, Noith'd, H R. Johnson, Rush, Cojirad Kersner, Sunbury George Kunlz, Tin but, J Eckman, Up. Augusta, II II II II II II 1851, Solomon Martz, Coal, J. Kline, Chilisqaaqtie, Joen lleim, Cameron, Daniel Cares, Delaware, M. Drumhcllet, Jackson, John Clapp, Lewis, J. R. Clark, Low. Augusta, J. Bingeman, Low. Mah'y, D- S. Drumheller, Lit. Mali Peter Rnch, Noith'd, Joseph Vankirk, Point, H. K. Johnson, Rush, Peter Pnrsel, Sunbujy, George. Kunlz, Turbut, Wm Reed, Up. Augusta, W. Berghonse, Up. Mah'v ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii J. Bingeman, Low. Mali, 185 Andrew Rnnyan, Rush, E. Eisenhail, Coal, John Wentzel, Jackson, John Heim, Cameron, W Berglinuse, Up. Mah'y, J. Kline, Chilisquaqup, .1. 11. Clark. Low. Augusta, Daniel Cares Delaware, Jacob Hnnsicker, Lewis, James flnov, Milton, D. S. Drumheller, Lit. Mah Peter Rnch, North'd. Joseph Vankiik, Point, Peter Pnrsel, Snnbuiy, Samuel Hales, Shamokin. Abm Kissinger' Turbut, Wm. Reed, Up Augusta, ii ii it it ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii $1,759 47 County, State and Militia lures levied for 1S52 County. 153 on Pt;ite. 77 73 Sit S3 6I3 llj MKI an 6117 4:1 1,13101 7 III l,li6.5 4S 1,1 Ml M 414 5!l l-'J H'l Ml l!) wi? ai 711) 48 Olii 117 6H7 48 l.tlM 77 m 7t Militia. 670 .00 .11 no a so 41 00 45 Ml 50 50 5U SO at :o 51 IHJ 51 on 17 511 10 50 67 IK) 87 00 6!) (HI a. ) 00 h no 77 (JO J.mver Augusta, t'pper Aumisni, Upper Maitunoy, Itush, Sunbury, Lewi, Milton, Tuibut, Chitttiquaque. Coal, l.itlle Mulmuoy, Cunieron. Lower Muhanoy, Point, Juckkoll, Northumberland,, 4.T7 M CW 01 A'i'i flj ?)4 SS 5M frJ Ml 0:1 M) WI ipflG'.l (19 10 CtO 50 4W1 61 m-i ki films) - 70 B3oU7 72 90 00 00 75 44 50 50 00 00 00 Delaware, bliuinokui, 0,070 97J 19,710 44 656 50 To amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds paid James Baud, Esq., Prothonotary of Northumberland co , for which he account 00 174 07 nC 37 27 00 60 ed to Ihe Commissioners in the settlement of his account with tha County. do do Wm B. Kipp, Esq , Sheriffof North'd counly, and accounted for in the same manner, do do Court Fines and Jury funds due the county, Forfeited recognizances, 564 12 168 800 $1044 Jacoi Young, Esq , Treasurer of Northumber 821 04 C8i 17 40 73 00 00 50 01 26 00 89 50 08 25 00 121 land Lounty tn account trtA rfte Common wealth. Da. Tax on Real and Personal Estate. To aggregate amount of said lax outstanding for 1851 and previ ous years as per last annual re port of Auditors. $5,940 781 Aggregate amount of said tax av sessed for Iho use of the Com monwealth for 1852, as per statement of County Commis sioners filed with said Treasurer, 13,7 10 54 Amount of said tax received on unseated lands for 1852 and previoos years. 382 97 $20,034 17,072 04 and 96 Balance due Commonwealth, $2,962 C. By Cash paid State Treasurer on account ol stid U 'oi 1662 m 4 02 SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHiOoURN per his receipt dated July 20, 1852, $9,114 82 Amount of taxes remaining uncol lected for 1852 and previous years. 6,730 671 Exonerations allowed collector for years previous to 1852 ss per certificate of County Com missioners, 64 42 Commissioners allowed Collectors fat 1852 and previous years on $12,316 56 at 5 per cent. 615 82 Abatement allowed county on $9,- 114 32, 455 71 Treasurer's Commission on the above, 91 14 $17,072 081 Retailer's License, Dr. To aggregate amount Retailers' license for the year 1852 as per list furnished to the County Trensuier by Mercantile Ap praiser, $820 25 57 50 Ballancedue Commonwealth, $762 75 -Cr. By exonerations of snid license, Amount paid printers for publish ing Mercantile Appraiser's list, as per receipt. $24 50 33 00 $57 50 Dr. To aggregate amount of Tavern license granted by the Court of Quarter Sessions for Ihe year 1852. as per return of Cletk of said Court Piled with County Treasurer, $480 00 To aiigregiite amount of Patent Medicine license for the yar 1852. as per list furnished to Iho County Trensuier by Mercan tile Appraiser, 15 00 To aggregaie amount ol Di'tillery and Brewery license for Ihe year 1852, ns per lis! furnished to the Conniy Tieasurer by the Meicantile Appiaiser, 21 00 To aggregate amount of license on Beer Houses and Oyster Shops for Ihe year 1852, as per list fnrnihed County Treasurer by Mercantile Appraiser, 22 00 Militia Fines. Dr. To aggregate of said fines out standing fur 1851, and previous years, as per last repoit of coun ty Auditors, S 1 .569 54 To nggtegule amount of Militia, lines assessed for the year 1852 as pur book in which said lines are entered by County Com missioners, 856 50 $2,426 04 2.352 45 Balance due Commonwealth, f 73 59 Cn. By amount of sai l lines remain ing uncollected (or 1852 uud pievions yeiirs, $1,885 66 Evoneiaiioiis allowed collectors for 1852 ami previous years, 98 50 Five per cent, commission allow ed collectors fm 1852 anil pre vious years, 26 64 Amount paid Assessors for asses sing and furnishing listsof 1777 delinquent nnl.lia men, at 1 per cent, each, " 17 77 Amount paid Riigade Inspector for inspecting 5 companies fur 1852, 50 00 Amount paid Biignde Inspector for collecting millluty propeily, and transportation of aims lor 1852, f 20 50 Amount paid Treasurer of Wash ington Guards ns per oidcr of Capt Jacob Holla. 25 00 Amount paid Treasurer of North umberland Troops as per order of Capt. James IJrysou, 75 00 Amount paid Treasurer of Dew- art Gnvrds as per order of Capt J. H. Ziuimeiman, 50 00 Amount paid Jackson Rifle Com pany s per ouler of Capt. Ja cob'Helrick, 50 00 Amount paid Treasuier of Dep penville C'avaliVHs per order of Capt. Jacob HilWh, 50 00 Amount ol Treasurer's commis sion on $338 27, at one per cent. 3 38 $2,352 45 We, the undersigned, Auditors of North umberland conniy, in ihe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursuance of the '47th section of the Act entitled, "An net reuulalii.u Counties and Townships, &c ," passed Ihe 15lh day of A pi it, 1834, we met at the Commissioners" Ollice, in ihu borouuh of Snnbuiy, on Iho Kiih day of December, 1852, an.l adjourned from lime to lime, and did audit, ii.! just and settle the several ac counts requbed of us. aoieeobly to the sev eral Aels of Assembly anil supplements 'hereto, according lu the best of our judg ment and ability. Witness our hands and tea's, al the Office aforesaid, this twenly-lliird day of July, A. D. 1S53. REU B F.N W. ZAUTM AN, (L S ) 3 H. ZIMMERMAN, L S.) M. I. D. WITHINGTON, (L S ) We, the undeistgned, Auditors of North- umbeilund counly, duly elected and sworn to adjust Iho accounts of the olliceis of said counly, ilo ceilily I Hal we nave catelully ex amiued the voucheis and find that there is due the Commonwealth as per report of special Auditors, Ihe, sum of three thousand hve hundred and eiotiiy-seveu ilnilars and ninety-two and a hall cents, also stale lax lor 1852, after dudt'clins for exoneiaiions made lo colleciois, Iho sum of sixly-four dol lars and forty-two cents, collectors' commis sion, six humlred am. Ill teen and eighly-lwo cents, abatement allowed the counly as per Slate Treasurers receipt, four ImnWred and 00 tilty-Iive dollars ami seventy-one cents, and County Treasurer, commission, ninety-one 00 00 00 dollars and lourteen cents, Ihe sum ol three thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dol lars and thirteen cents, alsa for Tavern Li censes four hundred and eighty dollars, Re tailers Licenses seven hundred and sixly iwo dollars ami seventy-five cents, Putent Medi cines fifteen dollars, Distillery, Brewery, Beer Houses and Oyster Shops, forty-three dollars, also for Militia Fines after deducting for exonerations made to collectors ninely eioht dollars and fifty cents, collectors com missi ins twenty-six dollars and sixly-four cents, assessors wages for making out lists of delinquent militia men seventeen dollars and seventy-seven cents, three hundred and thii-ly-eighl dollars and twenty-seven cents paid to volunteer companies and Brigade Inspec tors, and three dollars and thirty eight cents Treasurers percentage on the above, one thousand nine hundred and forly-ose dollars and forty-eight cents, leaving balance of State tax, Licenses and Militia fines due the Commonwealth nf ten thousand one hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twenty-eight and a half cents', also the sum ef three hundred and forty dollars twenty-two and a half cents outstanding orders, and Ihe sum of One thousand three hundred dollars and seventy five cents due Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of Noithumberland county for money over paid on county orders, making the liability ef the counly en the ihiriy firet day ef Da- 00 291 08, 21 cember, A. D. 1852 Inclusive, eleven thou sand eight hundred and forty dollais and twenty-six cents, while there is due from the Treasurer on Slate fundi the sum of Tour thousand nine hundred and eighty-six dol lars and Ihirtv-four cents, from collectors ol connty In eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-three dollars and ninety-seven cents, rrom collectors of State la six thousand three hundred and eighteen dollars and eighty-seVen anil a half cenl, from collec of militia fines one thousand seen hundred and fifty-nine dollars arid foity-seven ceiiis, also for Jury funds one hundred and eight dollars, for Court Fines sixty dollars, and for recognizances forfeited eight hundred dol lars, which after deducting Ihe liabilities or Ihe conniy will leave a balance due said connty, after the payment of rII debts, of eleven thousand and seventy-six dollars and thirty-nine and a half cpnts on the Ihitly first ilay of December inclusive. In witness whereof we hnve hereunto set our hands and seals the 23d day July, A D. '853. REUBEN VV. ZARTMAN, (L S J. H. ZIMMERMAN, L.S ) M. L D. W1TH1NGTON, tS) FALTLi MIXLINKIIY BOOIM. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now opening for the Fall Trade, a large and well selected assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Millinery Goods in gencial. Confining tliemsclves exclusively to this branch of the trade, and impouti.iu Hie larger part of their stock, enables tliem to offer an assortment unsurpassed in extent or variety, which will be sold on the most favorable terms. Phila.. Sept. 17, 185:). 2ui. Gas Fixtures Lumps. HEIDRICK, HORNING &. BROTHER, No. 221 North Second Street, tibove Vine, PHILADELPHIA. Tl A VINO had lnnny years practical experience - in the business, and as all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate supervision, we are enabled to offur tu purchasers superior ar ticles, in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable terms. At our store may be found, in every variety and style of finish. Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, .side lirarkels, for Halls, Churches. &c, the IMPROVED PINE OIL LAMP j also, Fluid, LarJ and Oil Lamps, Gir andoles, lloqucte Holders; Parlor, Night and Heading Lamps. On hand, Lamp (.'lasses, Globes. Wicks, Similes, &c. ALL WORK V. RR ANTED, OH NO SALE. Factory No. 86 Noble St., near 4th. Remember stove 2'.M N. 2d si., next door to J. Stewart Dcpuy's carpet store. September 10, 1853. 3ui. WILLIAM GROVES & CO'S Upliolstcpy, lleddi.njv poa. llicp "Wnpohouso. S. il Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. SPRING BE US, Feather Ueds, Hair Mats, Husk, and Straw Mattresses, Cushions, Cots, Comfortable Counterpanes, Sackings, blankets, &c, &c. Constantly on hand or made to order and sold Whclcsalc and lietuil, on the most favor able terms. FEATHERS, HAIR, HUSKS, &c, by the bale or pound. Orders respectively solic ited, promptly executed, and wurlanted to give satisfaction. N. B Mattresses re-made and Feathers re renovated. Phila., Sept. 10, 1852. 3m. feint ul ol" ii HO It G E S . I Ii liR , tlcc'd. jVOTICE is he'eby gien, that letters of admin islratiun have been grni.tej to the subscrihers on thc cstutc of George Mnikcr, lute of Lower Augusta township, deed. AH pertons having claims against said estate arc requested to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment without delay. JEK. W ETZEL, . , ,, HANNAH SNIKER, Al,,n ton Lower Augusta twsp., Sept. 3, 1853. Ct. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow citizens, that be is a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER, and promises, if elected, to discharge thc duties nf the office faithfully and iinpiirtiallv. FKANCISUUCHEPv Sunbury, July 16, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I announce myself to your consideration as a candidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the uproaching election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge Iho duties of thc ollire faithfully and to thc best interests of the county. SIMON BNVDEK. Upper Augusta, July 16, 1653. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby offers himself to the vo ters of Northumberland counly, as a candidate at the next election for the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to full'd the duties of the ollire fuithlully and with impartiality. WM. M. HOCKE FELLER. N. M. Ncwiiiim's llealty's Row, Norwegian street, Puttsville, . ' Penr.a. IMciitibin Klto'i, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A 8 UP tilv nfnll sirs nf T.onil l'itii. KlifM T.n.l i '.' - - I " - - - t Block Tin, Uath Tubs, Shower Bulbs, Hydrants, Hose, Double and Single Acting Pumps and Wa ter Closets ; also, all kinds of Bruss Cocks for water and steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Copper Wofk and Plumbing done in the neatest manner at the shortest notice. N. B. Cash paid for old BraSs arid l.tiS. Pottsville, Aug. 27, 1853 ly ADIES D It ESS GOODS Dress Silk, French Merino, Persian Twill, Do Luiucs. Da ilerage, cashmeres, calico, worked, colars, shiinezelte, cuffs, ire, just received snd for sale by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W.TENEK &. C O INDIAN CHOLAGOGUE. An excellent re 1 inedy for the cure of Fever and Ague, Ilillious fever, Intermittent or Kemittcnt Fevers, hist re ceived and for sale by I. VV. TENER & Co'. bunbury, Sept. 10, 18o3. TITACKEREL. Stalled FUh, Herrings, Dried I--1 Beef, Hams and cheese, just received and for ale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1853. A Splendid lot of Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloth, 'fable Oil covers, Carpet chain, door mats and matting, just received and for sale by Sept, 10, 1853. I. W. TENER & CO. OOTS, Shoes, Hats Caps and Gum Shoes, " just received and for sale by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TEN Ell & CO. "LOTUS, Csssimeres, Vestings, Sstlinetts, Ac, of various styles and colors, just recei ved end for sale by Sept. 10, '53. I. W. TENER & CO. IOR RENT, a small office or shop near Tener it Englc's store, Market Street, Sunbury. Apply to II. B. MASTER. Sunbury, July 9, 1853.. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public Rale, on Tknrsday tin 6th day of Octoler, next, on the premises; the following Real Estate to wit i A CERTAIN- TRACT OF LAND; situated in Rush township, county aToresaid, all joining lands of Luther Passed and others on the north, Joseph Carrlpbcl land Peter Haughawoul on the east, Jesse Weaver on the South, snd Philip Mettlcr and "tilers on the west. Contain ing ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY TWO ACRES, and cine hundred perches more or less ; Whereon are erected a Two and a half elory Frame House, and basement story, a large frame llarn and CowShcd attached, an orchard, an excellent Spring of water &c, with the appcrtcnancea. To be sdld as the property of Georiro and Jasper Mettler, minor children of Spencer Mettlc'r, ilec'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of snid day, when the terms will Ik mado known by LUTHER UASSETT, Guardian. By Order of the Court, ) J. P. PLRSKL, Clk, O. C. Sept. 3 1853. Is J S20 KlVAUD- HE abovo reward will bo paid for informa tion that will lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or persons who were guilty of filling the axel boxes of the passenger and coal cars of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, with sand and dirt. I). LONGENECKER, Prest. Sunbury, Aug. 27, 1853. SEALED proposals will be received at the of- ficc of the Supervisor ill Shickshinnv, until Saturday, the 17th day of September next, for ihe lease of thc surplus-water at Lodges Roll Aqueduct for a term not exceeding ten years. GEO. VV. SEARCH, Supervisor N. 11. Canal. ShirUshinny, Aug. SO, 1853. 4t. F u r m cps, A 1 1 e n t i-o n ! ! This is the proper scmon to use L e i n a u ' s American Fertilizer PON your farms. This trnly vuluabln Ma nure can be had at 825 per ton, or $3,58 per barrel, of the proprietor. Pry it. Also Guano and Poudrclte Also, Super Phorphate of Lime and Aqua Ammonia. Farmers making Murk Hills, will find a few barrels invaluable For FRUIT TREES, which it wi 1 greHtly benefit by bring scattered aroond after they have been dug about a light coating. For Sale only by (JEO. A. LEINAU, Prop'r. No. 19 South Front St. Philadelphia. Augusts?. 153 3t. WEIT OF PARTITION. Peter Bordncr Notice is hereby giv- vs en to thc Heirs and The Heirs of ( Guardians of Dullzer Bultr.cr Uordncr, dee'd., J Uordner, dce'd., that by virtue of a cert ;i in writ of partition and valua tion to nic directed, an Inquisition will be held upon the premises of the real Eatnte of Dullzer Uordner, dee'd., situate in Lower Mahauoy town ship, Northumberland county, st 11 o'clock, A. M., on Monday, October 3.1, 185:), at whii-h time and place the aforesaid Heirs, and Guardians arc hereby warned to be and appear il by them deemed expedient. WILLIAM 13. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office j Suuburv. Aug. 20. 1853 A Farm for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale bis farm, A CONTAINING 2S4 ACRES ond allowances. It is situated about three miles from Sunbury atom; thc Shamokin creek, and is in a Rood state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad pisses through said farm. It will be offered in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can be divided lo make three small farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a good Bank Barn, and two tenant houses. JOHN EARNS WORTH. Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1S53. tf. Improved Lightning Hods. rrMIE subscriber lias constructed a Lightning Rod on true Philosophical principles, by which huildinKS supplied with them arc rendered perfectly secure against destruction oy Light ning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well as the prcpa ration of tin.' ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, mukiug a more perfect con ductor than any heretofore in use. Persons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can have coiuluciors put up to their buildings in the most substantial maimer by applying either nersonally or by letter to the undersigned, ut the following prices: For 40 feet J inch Copper rods. Gold pla ted points, with solid Platina tip, $22 00 Forty cents will be charged for every ad ditional foot o cr forty. For 40 feet J inch Tubular rods, Gold plated points, with solid Plutiua tip, $13 50 For 40 feet j inch solid rod, Gold plated point, with solid 1 latiiia tip, -12 50 For 40 feet Silver plated point, $10 00 And 20 cents for each additional foot over 40, of tlio three last named. All at six month's credit, or 10 per cent off for cash. CHEAP LIGHTNING RODS The subscriber will also put up Lightning Rods similar in every respect for they shull be exactly the same as those erected last summer by the Lewistown or Lcvwshurg company, in st7.c, point, glass, connection, occ, at l'.'J cents per foot, on six months credit or 5 per cent, oil lor cash. N. B.-No warrantee given for this description of rods. T. S. M ACKEV. Milton, July 30, 1853. 2m. Live ii 1 Help Live ! ! ! Orn Motto. S. N. THOMPSON 3 "J) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, lnndsome and cheap assortment SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, co mi sting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeri Cassinets, Jettnit tfriKingt MuslinSy Vesting Linens, tVe. LADIES DllfcSS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoe, Muslin it .'.ins, Latti)t QinhanSt Beraci Hvlest tyc uitot i:nu. Sugar; Tea, Office, Href, Molauea, Chresc, Spices, fish. Suit, Ac., &.C., &c. II n rd ii are, NuiU, ScrtWi,- Files, Suwa, Knives & Forks, &c. Queenffware, of various styles and" patterns, BOOTS AND 0HOE3 A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, Women ami children. Hats Cir. ic, of various sixes am! at) lea. lie si iles a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. Country produce of all Kind taken in exhtinge at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 4 mo. 30, 1853. SPORTSMEN. A lot of double and aingle barrelled Runs, shot belts, powder flasks, gun reps, flints, powder, shot and lead for aale by r-ejit. H3. I W. TENER & CO GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. PURSUANT to nn art of the Oenwul .MVmUj of tlie Coinmoiiwailth of Pennsylvania, enlitlwl "An act relating i,, me elortiim nf this Coimnonwuiil.li," approved the second day ,,f Jlv, Anno Dnmin.i, one thousond J'Slit hiiudrcd nnd thi'rty-nine, I, WII.LlAM B. HIPP, IliBh Sheriff of the rmnity of Niirllnlf1trlmid, Peiuiiyl r.l.V .? hcny am" known and give iioiice to the eler KTk Ii, co,1,u'' """"'id, lhataicncral elerllnh will TinpS?il'l?M """"'yof Northumberland on the SKIXIND 8i!.i... ii m,,) "f CTl)IIKR. 1H50, st which tin,. Plate and Counly Officers, as follow are to lie elected I wenTh.1""" " C""ul Commissioner or the Common mow"h"!'n nt J"d& "f lne "npremo Court .1 tills Com- !',!! i1"""" f"r Pnrv-ymOrnrHl of the Commonwealth. O . J,?,!"" f"' A,"UT lienernl of the l'oniin..iwenllh. to r,!!1. n Mo""'" "f tit" llonse of nirceiitiilivv ,2'" H'c conniy f N.ifllninilierlutHt. innlicrlVind " t'"""ni""i,"'er ' U'" county of North- thnXKr'Di',ricl AUOr",,- f'J' "f liell'iml'.'""" f"r T,m"""(l" lh county of N..rtln,m- One tru m ft it- ttnlt.. a.... ... thntnlierlmnl ' ' ,",,,lr"r ",r " ""'" el lauu"r1C'"'0"A"''''"rlV'' ""' ""'rof Norlliu.nlwr. n? L ""H 1 ',vilr'i'l' within thecotuiiv of .Nor- "-' UlC Ii (ll..)Vy ! The Nmlmrv Dimrict, rmnp'iMHl nf Hnnie"'' U"d l'mT A"Sl,imi tlw Ihe liormijrh Comity I'ourl r Z! A.B?n,:n tti",ri"t' ,1mp(l nf th.- tnwnninnnl t4m M8hipUgUmn' ht ol Wius KmcTtah, in VM ,C1B or,,'u",,,e,r,0d TJiitriet., enmpr1 nf the 1.nr.mKli of Nir(huiiihflilondtnt ll.e Imuw of Auuustua H.imxnf the bnrnugh nf Nnrthniiiheilmid. The Point UistrifM, nt the htmno of Hnny II hub, in thc bnniugh nf N'trthuiTiberhml. The Milton biatrict, et the house of Frederick Sticker, in said 1 irnuuh. ' The Turbut bistrivt, at the house occupied by Abraham KiftRiugcr. Ths Delaware District, nl the hjuse of Henry J Ren- 1 der, in MeKtt-eiisville. . The Chilisquaque District ut the Iduk of Btritjauiiu ' FtTiismnn. The Lewis District, ut the house occupied by Michael Render. I The Shuiiuklu Dittiiet. ut the h mse of Charles Ieiseif ! rin!?. j The t.'ppcr Muh tioy Distiict, af the house of DunicI i lleim. The Kittle Mnhcuiny District, nt thc h'mse of Frederick Raker. j The Lower Mah n iy District, nt the iiuure of Michael Spnfst j The Rush District, nt the Liberty Pole ftch '! II,,ne. The Jac'lvsou District, at the house occupied by George 1 Smith. The Ctiil Dirtrirt. nt thc hotfsc of Willfuin M. Weaver, . in thc twn of Sbnmokiii. i The Zerhe Dictt kt ul the house of John Weaver in ; Trevorton. The CairieroM District, nt the honfle of Gideon Derk. The Jorduii District ut the h ute of Ileujainin Leitzel. I The election to open between the hours of b and 10 j ocl ck hi the foremen, find whall continue without inter- ; mpti u or oiljourniieiit nntM 7 o'cJ jck in the evening, I when the polls nhall be clrnvd. The Several Inspc-tors nnd Jiubrs elected on the 3d Triduv of March, lfiTA in pnrmian of the 31 Section of thc act of the 4 of July. 1(11, will hold thc election oil Tur-tiiy the 1 Uh day of October next. "That every person except n Justice of the Pence, who shall hold any uiiiee or nppoin'.ment of profit nnd trust un der the ft wfiuneut of lhr Uiiitrd Stad-f. or nf thi State,' nr of any city or mr rjw)rntcl district, whetlier u fninmis dioned oliicer or nttent, who Fliall be employed under the leiiinl.iltve, executive or judiciary dfjmrtiiieiit nf this Stilte, nr Ihe l'nitd Stales, nr nl'uny city or inc irp'rafed district and hIs) that every member (Vrgrees and of ihe Stole I.eciMlature, nnd of ihe select and eoniin 'U ('"iineil of uuy city, nr coiumiPsi"iicr ot" any incorporated District, is liy law. incapable of holdim or exiceifinif the nthce i-rnp-p 'iutmiMit of .lu.lire. Inspector nr Clerk, nf any election of this comtn )invi'rdt!i, nnd 1 hot ii ) Inspector, Juiljre oi Huy r'tlier otnerr of such election, shall bo tliyiblc to any otiic-e l be then voted for. And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "on art relatinir to the clecli 'lis of this Coinm niwenlt h,J! passed July the ami, iKt-i, further provides us follows, lo wit : 'That the liipectors uud fudge chosen us aforesaid, shall meet at the respective places for holding the election in the. district lo which they respectfully belong before nine o'clock in the in irninp nf the second Tuesday of Oc tober in each nnd every yur, nod each nf said inspectors hull appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such d strict. Section 3. That any fiaud committed by any person vuli up in the manner nluvc prescrilied, rhnll be punished ns similar frauds nre directed to he punished by the exist ing laws of this Common weulih. ln ca the pers n who nhall have received the second highest number of votes for Inspectors shall not attend on Ihedtiyofnuy election, then the person wtio shall hnve received the second highest number of votes for Judge the next preceding election, shall net ns nn i aspect oi in his place, and in case the persm elected Judie shall not attend lite Inspector who received the highest nurnler of votes, shall np point n Judirc in his place ; and if any vacancy shall continue in the Ixwird for Ihe spneeof half nn hour af ter Ihe time fixed by Unv for the opening of thc election, the qualified voteis nf ihe township, ward or no dislrict, for which such ofliccra shall have been elected, prepent nr thc place of elections, bitull one uf thoir number tu till such vacancy. 'It shall be the dutv of said assesses respectively to at tend ut the place nf holding every geuend, special, nr township election, during the while time snid election is kept open, for the purpose of gl vine; information to the Inspectors nud Judge, vhai called on, in relation to ihe tight of nny person ussessed by them to vote nt such elec tion, or such other matters in t flat ion to the assessment nf voters, nn the said inspect or or judge or either nf them, shall from tune to time require. 'No person shull be permitted to vote at nny election ns aforesaid, olher than a white free man nt twenly-nne or more. wIm shall have resided in the state nt I en tone year, uud in Ihe clef-linn district where he oilers to vote ul least ten tluys immediately proceeding the election, nrtd within two years paid state of connty tux. which shall have lieeu nsKcssett ut least ten days In-fore the election, Hut a citizen of the t iihed States Who had previonsly been n qualified voter of this state, anil removed therefrom uud resumed, nud iui M hifve resided iu the election district, and paid tax ns uforessid, shall be entitled to vote niter, residing in this state six months. Provided. That the white freemen, citi zens of the United Suite. Ix-tween the nge of twenty-one nud twenty-two yeais. and in Ihe election districf ten d.tytf u aforesaid, shall be entitlet! to a vote, uUhough they shal not hare paM taxes. No person shall be permitted to vote whose name tn not contained in the list of taxable mliuhituulK furnished by the commissioners ns ui"ies;ud, niu;ss, 1-iist: lie produces a receipt for the payment, within two years, of a statu or county lax assessed agreeably to the c -tsititulion, nnd gave satisfactory evidence cither on his own oath or alTirma lion, or on the onlh nr utTinn ill n f unother, lhat he has paid such tax, or nn failure tu pr.Ml ticca receipt, shall make i.u (Kith to i no payuuut thereof; or second, if lie claim a right to vote by being an elector between the ages of tweuv-oiie and twcuty-lwo years, tie shull depose on oath or nlUrmati- n. thai he bus remded in the State at least one voar next before his applirjlioii, nud make such proof of residence in the distri'tas is re-pured by this act; and that In; dues verily believe ir.'in the uecuuut. given him that be iaol Iheaue nfureiaid, nnd give sutn other evi dences us is required by this uct. whereupon the iinme if thc person fo ndmiitrd to vole, "nult be inserted in alpha betical list by the inspector, and a note made oppnsite tnereto bv writine the w rd tax," if he iliall be permit ted to vote by reaton of Imviuj paid tax, or the word "uge," if be shall be permitted to vote on account ef his nge. nud in either case (he reas n of such votes shall be culled out to the clerk, who shull muke notes in thc list of voters kept by Ihcm. litullcuses where thu name of the pers m claiming to vote is nut found on the list furnished by the Commission ers nnd Assessor, or his right t.) vote whether found there on or not. is objected to by any qualified citizen, the In spector shall examine such'periWi un uath an M his qualifi cations, and if he claims 1 1 hrrve resided in iho slate one year nr more, In s oath sludl lie h proof thereof, but he shall prove by nt leust one eouietciit witness, who shall be u o.i.J.rit ninrhir ilmt h lesnleil within the district nt least r1 : . . i-.i . ,i... !..,;,. u,.,i ti.1,11 ten duva ne.l lilimedialelv preeedme the e.eelion. una Mmll also I1u11s. lt' awenr Hint his l-nia tide renid. nee. iu purau- Bnee of lawful culling is v.'ithm Ihe district, nud Hint he did 11 U remove into said district for the purpose ol voting therein. Eveiy pes m fpuilifieil it. aforemod, and ttlio shall huikd priKif. if reipiiml, of resident nnd iyi it 01 lines, lis aforesaid, slmll lie ndinilli-d to vole iu Iho tow nship, wind or dim iet in which he shull reside. if tin v pel Kill not llUiililnil to vote 111 Ibis Coimn 'liweiillh liereeablv lo law, (except tile SOUS ol ipillillici riniriisj .hall upiutir ut unv place of election f .r the piinmse ol is sniui! lickcls. ..r iiitlueiicing riuxona ipinhliod lo vole, lie shall, on victi lori. it 111 d wy ny Mini n.il exceed- injr one hnnilred d II irs lor every nu.. . .............. Ik- iiuurii. meit f ir any term not cic.-eduig tlrree iiio.illis. It siiail ! the duly 01 eieiy iu:i.-.. ."-. 1 ivers eitv, coiiulv. townhip ordistru i v.-illiiu this com in mweullli, whenever culled upon by nny otheer of . nu nun eonsi 110 ir i-.i. . . - Cl., , 01 l.v a.iy Hirer qiialin. il eleclori inereoi, 1 . e.ci any window or iiveinie to nv winnow, 10 ...c ,..... r ... un, ' , il...n 1 ..l.-t.....t.l III Sllfll W..V eeiienil eieciion. which i" , ' a. to prevent voters from uppr.ichu.g Ihe aiilne, and oil glei'l or relusil lo iv s.i on sum 1 shull he deemed named ill iniii 111c.11. . u. ...... ...... conviction sliull he liuwl ill nny sum 11 a less Hutu one I - dreit Jlor more Hum one thousand d 'llurs ; nnd it shall he the dulv ol Ite respective eonslal.le ol each ward, district or township, of litis e iiniiu'inveiilh to lie present in person l.v 1 .-..II V. HI IHO IIUCC Ul II Munis -..i t. cr. ... -.-. w.nd, district sir touutllip, lor l no purp.se in preening il.e iieuee u alorcsniii. It shall he the duty ol every pence oiiieer, ns iiioicsiiui, who shall be present ul nny sucli iiisiunsiiu-es 111 nn en-c-li.m ua i di si-nlied 111 thisiici. to rep rl Ihe same to the lu st court o ipinrtcr sc.su UIS. unil uiso tue uaiuea tu ill. witnesses wlio cun prove the snuie. And tiv ttie sin neciion 01 iiicu.-, .., moi ..i .i.u., i...... ii i- -..ltd ... . 'That I he loth sii-llcll ol tlieuel. us eussed Jul) Sd llthl. em tiled un act rcluling to the elections 01 ibis eiilmn .iiweinin. snail 1101 oe s 1 eoiisirucicii 11s i. -it-tciu any niiliiia I'lficr or Inrouglj ottu-er, fr hi serving ns jiule,e, inspect er or elerk, ut any general or special election 111 Una commonweuuii. The Judaea ale to make theit returns for ihe eiuiutv of Northiinilrland, at the Court ll-aise, iu f-unliury, on Fri day, the Hlh duy of tlctober. A. D. IKi3. WILLIAM U. Kirr, NieruT. Sheriff'. Office. Sunbury. I Sept. 17. ImSI. 41 S GOD SAVE THE COMMON WEALTH. I Estate of ISHA DRESSLER .dee'd rilHE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' 1. (;otirt of Northumberland Couittv, to tnaka dial filiation of the money in the hand, nf David Zartman, Administrator of Iihs Dressier, dee'd., to and among those entitled to the same, will ait, for that purpose, at his office in Sunbury, on Saturday, the lat day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY DON N EL, Auditor. Sunbury, jt. 10, 159. td'. HERE 18 YOUR REMEDY f Hollo Viij's OKitincnt; A iloit MWAtVLOVi ttRE OF AD LE08, FtEll 43 YEARS' 8LTFERINO. Extract d( it Letter fr'oM Mr: Wrn. Galpin, of 7d, St. Mary's Street, Weymouth, Med My IS h, 1&5I. To j'rofeenot Hoi.townT, . , ,1 F'!, At Ihe nti nf 18 my wife (who i now l) aught violent onW, which mul1 111 hir leu, mid vw iiio. Hint time thpy hnve le(i njiire or leM ,"re, nml frently. InHomed. Ili r HKoiilei were diiiiractinir. ond for iiiwitln I'Heilier he m deprived entirely of rim nnd leep. Fjvery temedy tlmt mwlinl men .dvlanl nl Jried, Imt without effeei ,' lier luiilth 'jfT.fctl t-viiryy, .no Hie Mm. ol her leg. inS tcrrib'e,, .( hud pTtsii rrad yimr Ailvef tipenientw. mid Hilvined hr to tr your Til!, onil Ointment;' nnd. nn . hint ren.nirc-e. ;il'tir evrv nlher rtitiiedv hnd pro J ved iurternt nhe eoiim.-nti.'ii to do n. he rommenw'd ni. ) wei-ki. njro, nnd, Mt ri tier- to ri-liite, in now in pood hfnllli. H -r Uct nre pninlcw, v. iih.int si-n'm or Bfnr. mid her sleep I nmd nnd nndisturlied. fould you hove witneMcd tli. mid'criiifin i.f my vrll'ii tiir!i tlti? Int 49 yenrp. nnd wn'. ttnat then tvith hr;r pnmfnl enjoyuient of hrnlih, yoa j W011M ii.i't-'-rl d-d delichtfnl In hnvinir licen the menu, of un : 1111 iiie llll" H'V Ol n '-ii'MVfmimio. (fl'imil.) -.VII.l.IA.M OAI.riN. A I'K.ltrtoN ri) Yr.AltfiOF A OF, Cl'RF.D OF A HAD I.Kfi, OF DO YUAH?' iTANDINO Copy nf a Lcttet from Mr. If'in. Abbs, Build er of (las Ovens, of llusluliffe; near Had-derifu-hl. dated Jlyt8!f, 1851. T'l Frolefsor tInl,t.ov.'-r, S-lli. 1 MiirMr.-.l i.r ....-l.l ..r .1.: 1 l i i '''' "! i'-"'lt ol two or line., ilin.runl iiceirlent. l U.u I wn ; me 'rnpimu-il by w .rl.uiic nvinnlonm. 1 Inn) re ".n VHiintvof inedi.-nl ndvie., without dorivnut nny benelit. nnd wn even P.ld thut 1 lie leg mwt !,k nm. . tiit.d, y-t. 11, i..v.min to that opinion, vour Pilln and Oinliiienl huve. i-nVtc d n roiiitdeir nire ul m liort a imr tlmt lew who hud not viluennwl it won".! crrdit the (net 1 , (SS"r') . Wil-LIAM AIIU9. I ' n It""! of tin- atnlrinent enh lie verified by Mr W P j Enirliind, rhetuiit, 13, Mnrket Sheet Huddrficld. I The I'illt Mmultl l e used cun jointly with the Ointment i in'--. 01 uiu i.tnowiiif; riiBt-s : 1 Hull l,i's;, Chi-eo-f.Kit, , Hiid Urcuita, rliilbluiim. Hiirm. irlitipped hand.. . Iluni.iin. Coma (Soft) Hile of Mmelie- t'lineeia Fiatulaa, Gout, Glondular Swelling,' Lumljago I toea Saod Kiiea, Conimcted nud 1 oea Rhcnmnliam sun Joint., l.lephniitinaia, S-irc Mpplea, rkin-diaeutti-a, Scurvy, Tumouia, lleera, Yn iv a Kralila, Bore-linonla, R ore-hen :1s, NVuunda, A DREADFUL HAD BREAfT Cl.RED IN ONB MONTH. Extract of a Letter fi 'om Mr. Frederick Turn er, nj Pcnhurst, Kent, dated December 13th, 1850. ' To Froteaaor HoLl.ow.vT, Dhah Sir, My wife heft enirefirT from Bud llimala for more t hun aix montln, nnd dtiring the whole period hit the beat mcdirul altrndnnce, but nil to no uae. Huving lie fore healed nu awful wound iu my own lejr, by vour un rivalled medicTne. I rTeterinrfinil nni'n to uae yi'mr Pilla nnd Oiiiiiment. and therefore gave then) atriul in her enac; and fortunate it wna I did ao, for ,11 leaa than a month a perfect eure wna efTeeted, nnd ihe benefit Hint vnriouaotli. ef r!ft;he!!of my finuily have derived from their uae ii really nvtouiahiug. J now atrouglv reconuncnd them to all my frienda (Signed) FRKD'K TURNER. Sold at the Establishment of Trot'emor Holloway, 244 Plrand, (near Temple Buf, Loii'lon.) nnd by all reapeetulile' Dtugirieta and Deulera in Nledieines throughout the British r. pi.u. it th ee of the United Suites, in' IJoxea ut 3?Jc , r.o.nndl 50e. euch. Wholfunle by the priueipiil Drug 1 'i b iu the Union, and by Mesara. A. 13. Jk D. Saniir,' .til" Vnik. . V There ia Q eonaidcrable Buving by tnking the larger N. .'. - llirectiona for the gtiiilauco of palienti In every ti .iii'1 nre affixed to e;ieh box. October aa, liSS, ly. y i ftiinl)ui'g A cade my. PlllUliiItur;, I iilon Coiuily, 1'cnna; I!EV. J. G. ANPI'ACH. ) r , A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZAWETH K. HOUGH, J'riiitJywl of Female Department. EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. CHESSELDEN FISHER, M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, Ifc. The Summer Tcrn'i of this flourishing Insti tute w ill commence on Momiat, Ji lt "5, 1S53. Tlic course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mntlicmatici biiJ the Ancient Lan guage., as welt a. other branchm, will be tnunht, a. far a. practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will bo made of the blackboard. Orthography, Heading, Engliah Composition, and Declamation will receive their full share of attention1. Draughting, Construction of Maps, 1'se of Compass, Ac, will be taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music,, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, &c, Ornamental Needle Work, French and Dotany will be given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Castlcton Female Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agreeable manners snid high literary at tainments." , , . , Young ladies and gentlemen who design to' become teachors, will find this Institution an effi cient school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, during the greut part of the year, a TeaciikhV Ixstituk, the members of which will have the opportunity of attending an K veiling Couise of Lectures oil School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principals. '1 he government of the school is bused uporf the law uf universal love, which cnioiin upon alt In do to others ns they would thiuti it fight thut ethers r'houtd do lo them. II ence the rules will bo mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents a:ul guardians may rest assured, thut thc morals, habits of study, and general deportment of the students will be carefully ifttemlt-d to. The, building is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a bell, convenient recilutiou rooms, 6c. Mitlliuhurg is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets have hccn recently graded and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for fJluJenls. We, therefore, trust tlmt thc friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. tV The price of board, in the best of private families, docs not excceil, 51 ,S0 per week. X. B. Students may enter the Academy at nny 1 ine noun:: tor vei m , u-i it i uesiruuio , J n . ' tlmt they be prcsf n', rf possible, 6n the tirst day; Milliiuliuig, July iu, isoj. om. STOVES, STOVES. WTB. 'he undersigned would respectfully calf ' the aitention of purchasers to our superior Block of Stoves, Cauldrons, cVc. Thc superiority of our Stoves above all others is so well known that we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of them. We would riVvite year attention to our Mac grrgor Hinting Slave, As the price of coal is on the rise, this is the most economical stove the public can use. These s!ove are of sizes suitable for heatfng the sWallesl room r and tlrose capable of containing from 40,000 to H0,t)f0 cubic feet. Our Cook Stoves consist of the CifoHe Cook, for coal Modern Troy, for wood-Back's celebrated' wood stove CorfYplete Cook Vocom Cook Hagar Cook, Ac. &c. On? assortrVierrt of Cook and Parlor stoves is the best in the mark!, and persons desiring to purchase w ill do well by fa-' or,n'ff g with a cull before titirchasingclscwheie.' .NEMAN A WAR. NICK. Successors to Potts & Yocoiri, N. E. Corner 2nd and Race Streets, I'lHi.njiixruiA. 57. 1833 3m. Phila., Afg. 500 gents AN'anted. $1000 a Year. TVANTED in cery counly of the United (States, active and enletprising men, lo en gage in the sale uf seine of the best Uooks, pub lished in the country. To .Veil of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to Ql 100, such inducements will be orb-red as to enable tlietn to make from $3 to $10 a day profit. I?" The Hooks published by usaie all useful in their character, extremely popular arid com mand large sales wherever they are ottered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid,)' LEARY &. GETZ, No. 13ft North Second Street, Philadelphia-' Publi.hira of subscription Books. rhila., Aug. 20 1853 Sm JUSTICES' FEE BILLS H. Sunbury, l5r ' For sale by B MAS6LF. 4. I , -' "a32 "" ----- ' " ,-' r ww. . I "" , -. ' j