rrT;.-"-T- ...r 'r- -w w 7 " rr'-is.V- r ft - ,4 SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N JOURNAL. ..." . ; ri . ' ' -it ' THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. - Pot Ui untsiir Ameriomi. Amrm to Fjimim or tin IOtii init. A BCDEF tl II I J K I. M N O T ( K S T l V W X V Z. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of (round FOR SALE. rTMlG subscriber oilers nt private sale, his house A ami three acres of ground, on the river Dunk within the limits f the Borough of Sunburv, now in the occupancy of John Shisslrr and orig inally owned !y Ciia. Uussler while engaged in boat building. The improvements aio a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, ll'ilh a Well of gaml Water, and a good friime stnblc. There ore a number of encellcnt fruit tree on the premises. The proji erty in handsomely located and will bo sold at a reasonable p:ice and possession given in April next. Apply to (ieo1 C. Wclkcr, Esq., of Stin luiry, or to the subscriber nt Sclinsgrnve. PE TE It KEKLIN. July 23, 18311 tf. NEW STORE. 11 EN J A M IN 11 KFFN K It TlESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he litis opened a new store in the, room lately occupied by Oeorge llright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. Ho lias just rc reived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer (Joods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassincts. of all kinds, of linen, entton and worsted. ALSO: C'allrooN, GlnglinniR, Lawns, ItlOIINNClillC I0 I.itiltCH nnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. CiROCEUIES of every variiMy. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of aUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Alsonn assortment of ISfi.lTS JL SBim'K. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, oc. And a great variety of other articles such as nre suitable to the trade, u!l of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. I Country produce taken in exchange nt (he highest prircs. Sunbury, May 1, 18.12. ly. NOTICE. VTtTICE is hereby Riven by the undersigned ' citizens of the (,'onimonwcaltli of Pennsyl vania, that application will be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be styled "Tun f ckbcbt Savings' Isstititk," to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, with discounting privileges, and with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars. Robert If. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Voung, Adam Shisslor. Thomas Robins, Daniel Drucke miller, Frcdk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Voungman, Pe ter B. Masser, J. VV. Friling, Ira T. (.'lenient, Bcnj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welkcr, J. W. Peal. Sunbury, June 25, 1853. dm. Mann's Establishment 25 Soulk Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of Talent Letter Copying' rrcssos, Talent METALLIC DAM PEN EH, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING HOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A moi-t valuable invention for keeping in a hook-like foim, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, &c, Phila., April 0, 1853. ly. Important to Coal Dealers. TIIIIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, Rued & Co., fur the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at uny other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on cm tract or otherwise, at all times, no the shortest notice, nnd on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shnmokin by KASK, KEED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1S5J. ly. GREAT NEWS I A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNBURY. ELSBERG & CO., respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa., opposite tho Post Office, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street. They ore just opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring; and Summer Clothing1. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Satinelt, Linens, Checked and fancy Cloth Pants uml Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Vesta. ALSO A LAKOE ASSORTMENT Of nil Kinds of Hats nnd Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public may rest assured that all Clothing fhey buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm is a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made up l y ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up us wo arc constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury. Mjy 7, 183:1. I in i r o v c in cats.lhciiil!! ELIAS BROCIOUS 1 EREBV informs his friends and the public generally, that lie has just received at his old stand, in Mattel street, opposite Weaver's liuti I, -In excellent assortment cf lr0?kCC!CO, P HEX OH CALF SKINS, French Eastings, And all timls uf linings and Shoe findings, which be oilers to the trade at reasonable prices. He also informs his customers ne others, that be still continues the Shoeinukiug busiuass, and is prepared to do all kinds uf work, in a good and fashionable style, and on reasonable terms. Sunburj, Juno 1 1, 1853. ly. "IJLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons Ac., for wile by II. U. MASSE It. Sunbury Airi 2(i, 18.11. USTICE8' FEE BILLS For sale by II. B MAS8EI1. Sunbunr. 1H.M ' "INDIAN CHOLAGOGUE An excellent re. medy for the cure of Fever and Ague, Billioua Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, jimt re ceived and for sale by 1. W. TEN EH &. CO. Sunbury, Kept. 10, 1853. Just Published, ami for Sale by VVM. McCARTV, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American rLEADUHS' ASSISTANT s Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns nnd proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United Stutcs. By Cot.t.tNsofi Rr.r.n, Esq., Ipsae itgis viva vox With notes and additions, together with short system ol conveyancing. By A, Jordan, Pres ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller nnd M. L. Sliiudel, of the bur of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the hook, the following letter has been received from Judgo Pearson of Harrisburg I IlAnnisntttn, June 30, 1853. Grstleuks: After a careful examination of vour "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I tako pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedent thus oflercd to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstcm of pleading, adapted to our habits of busincw, and the practice of the courts. Vour forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of astcmbly, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety nnd brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO..I. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Sliiudel, Esquires. Sunbury. July 1 853. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the Dry Goods Business. J. T.'Sc I. F. KLINE, I J ESPECTFl'LLV nnnounce to their friends and ti e. public in general, that they have taken the Old Stand, in Cppcr Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, nnd opened .' A'ew and Splendid Assortment of . Spiunc ami Simmer (loons, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sat tinctts, Linens, Checks, nnd all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Drcs3 Good3, Culieoes, Ginghams, Lawno Beragc do Laines, Alpacas and Shawls, Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds, Hardware and Queenswarr, Drugs and Medicines. AUo a large assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, suitable for Men, Women nnd Children. Hats nnd Caps, such ns Pnnamn, Straw, Palm-leaf and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call nnd See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, April 00, 1S53. ly LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer (loods. FRILING & GRANT. OESPECTFULLY inform their customers nnd the public, thnt they have just receiv ed and opened the best nnd cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varic'y of Dry (Joods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sattincts, Vesting, Flannels, ll'ullcns, fyc.., And all kinds of Sprinjr & Summer Wear. Also n spliMidiil variety of LADIES DKKSS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Iterates, And every variety of goods snilablo for La dies wear. Also an extrusive a.ortinnul of Hats and Caps vim Mkn ami Hovs. Also a largo assortment of (liOClOlt IKS, PITH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tiesh supply of I)Ht:;f AND MKD1CINKB. Besides, the largest mid most ceneral assort ment ol all kinds of goods to bo had in this place. VlT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change nt the hiirbest market price. Sunbury, April 30, 1853. J. E. C OULD, (Succc-sor to A. KIOT.) So. 164 Chestnut Street, Swaini's Building. PHILADELPHIA. INTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, and Dculer in Musical Instruments 4if every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Ilallet, Davis &. Co's (Boston) I'iTtST SCSl'tSSlO.M BltlllUK .lCulian ami other PIANOS, L. Gilliert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodenns, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Siu.tT Mi sit , Ml sic Books, Ac, &c. Residents of tho country will bo supplied by mail or otherwise with any music, thi-y may Uh, at as low rates us if purchased in person. Having one of tha largest stocks in the United Slates, I feel confident of satisfy ing all who may fevor mo with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal terms. Pianos to let Second-hand Pianos for sule. Philadelphia, April 1 4, lK.iJ. ly. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low pri.-c. by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12. 1851 HNOLITm" WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive and legal cintlopes, for sule by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury. Jan 10. 18.S2 DR. H. II. HIGH EE'S remedy for coughs, colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and for sale l,y II. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Juno 4. 1851 C1H, MX PUMPS A small number of these J excellent pumps have been received and are ollered for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunburv. June 4, ll.iS. HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. AUo blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Sunburv, Feb. 14. 1853. EE 1)111.8 Justices and Cun.U'ilrs Fm Bills handsomely printed on raiif uapef lor sale at thisull'ua. "2,5U0 Acres Timber Land ' ' " P o?;' SALE. SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF O TIMBER LAND, comprising about 2,S0(1 acres, part of which is rituatcd on Tnbyhnnnn Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three miles of Lehigh River, in Penn forest township. Carbon County, one of the great Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, can be had at a bargain, if ap plication be made soon. These lands nre thickly covered with the lies! timber of that region. While it is believed that 75,000 feet of lumber to the acre, can lie cut from a large portion of the land, the balance will aver age not much less l.hnn this figure. The kinds o( timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, White Oak, White Pine nnd Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. The Tobyhanna nnd Muddy Creeks are large and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount of water power, and nre capable of driving a large number of saw mills. Thev empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with tho Lehigh Canal a (folds nn outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, tinder coutemplntinn, a railway leading tothe cities of New Vork and Philadelphia which runs within one mite ami three quarter of the land. I hrougli these nvennes lumber can be delivered in either of the cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in tho trade to derive greater profits than attend investments generally. In addition tothe timber, convertible into eve ry shnpc of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that ship builders' have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or nt other distnut points. Unlike most of the lands on tho Lehigh there hns, as yet, been no culling of the timber on Ibis property. It stands undisturbed tv the wood. ninn's nxe. It is, therefore, the more vnluable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh hnslieen carried on to such nn extent for years past, that a scarcity of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every season necessarily increases, this difficulty. The consequence must be an enchain cmcnl ot tlie value of timber lands. Those un-eulled tracts with the advantage of avenues to r,nrket, such as the lands nllered for sale, possess, cannot fail to be the sources of supply hereafter. But the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearly every ncrc being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, would do well to turn their atu'ntion to these lands. For further information apply to ( HAS. M. HALL. Oflieo ill "Milling Register" buildiHg, Potts ville. Pa. August 0, 185.1. tf. Fr the Cure of COUGHS, COI-DS, HOARSEUE3S, BRON CHITIS, CIIOUF, A3TH ZK.A, VIIOOPIITG. COUGH XIUD COig-SUJMPTIOW. TO crilK A COM), with iibapachk ami noitEm: i if the ! hIv, tuke tlie Ciikrht IVctoral fj"ng to lied, ami wr;ip up warm, tn sweat during ihc nizlit. For a Uoi.u amj Cough, lake it uuiriiiiig, ii'wmnml cv iiiii;, according t diiceiinnR on tin li 1 1 le, ami tho dniiful ty will n lt Trnvtvrd. NMif will luip mflVf ffm this trmililf wln-n they hud it ran Im-ho rvjidily nueil, permais iiiltirit-d Willi a ttrtiU! cnuph, winch breaks tlicin ( if' their r-ft ut nitrht, wilt find, by taking the Clteny J Vet oral on p'-inp t licfl, they tuny bp mire nf so'ind, mibinkrii U-rp, ujiI coimMjtM-ntly rcfrenliinp rout. irnt rbri froinmiilVr injr. ant I nn nltiia:itu run, in nit tn hi 1 1 tli iiiKiiiiMfl who arc Hum alllirti il. by lliis invulnablt rfnt!y. I'niin Its nri'fnl!i! rltV'fis in thcue rnscK, many find tltrm.-K'lvei unwillinp to tvreg-i its use when the ntx-i'Mity f"i It has n:tWfta l'mm two unnnMit I'tiysicinns in KAVK'rrKiM.n, Tcim , April 10, Pir Wv 1kiv L'h'rn your ('h'Try lV-ttral nn ext native trial in our ptociirL', and find it t.i snrj-vin rvrrv nthn n lanly wu have f-T ctn it! ritfi -li -iik "t' tin- rrRpinifOrv nr iKS DIKMKIC A TIAMI'TON. TOSlM;i;nSAn V J:MCMM:aK1US thittrcinrdy is iiivahiaUn, tit. bv its tftion tt thflhr-nt mid hiiari. wh.' I t'ikei) in Mimll iii:initu-ft it iiiii'vt-all li'KifHOiitss in n f- j h airx, antl w aiderf ullv iiaTra.cn tlit- iowlt and tk-xibiliiy o: Ih' v 'tri, ASTHMA i Timht.'iIIv nim-li rHifved, nnd oftrn wholly t ivirtd by Clr-rry Feet irn! lint llierr nre s-nif raws so iih j stirinte ;ik to yR-j, n;jr-l t ifdit-ine. Cherry Feeto- rd will r-iirt- theoi. it" ih-v r-ui b- rnrt-d. ll(0(HI'i'IS, or irriintimi ! lln llirwt nnd upper . portion ul the liin.t, may Ik' enretl hv hiking Clmrry Fe t nn in s nun and iri- jtirnt thtw.N. 1 lie unc aniortuUIe op- prui iii in so-ai rrbrvdl. Ilrv. Doct. I.ANSINC, nt llnxiklvii, Ww York, slates: ''I hnvu seen the (.'hurry IVeioral fine snrh rases AKihnia and lipuM-hiti as !fn!i me to b' lievc it can rarelv , fail to run- Hi tt tUsvm" j Foil CHOFF. (iive an rmeiirtir nntiinony, tn le I f dl-twi-d by i.tre um ;re iu-nt d 'Ri'H U the Cherry Feeto ; lal, until i- Kill, due the tltscin'. ll l.iketi in nea n, it will ll'il fat I l nirc. I Wilt KMi; COFCir may be br len tip and s m cn- rei hv tut- ne.i I hTry iVft'-nit. Till'. I1'M'F V is speedily renvwed by this reme dy. N'imieniHB iniaii"-ji h u e h-'eil ii"tieel v It ttr(. wliolt; full! 'ir" wein prnreeleit tV-mi any s-thhi eniisetpienees, w it thfir neiirhbcrs, without the Cherry Fci-toral, wne snli'ei intf fr.im the diaeiuw. IT. J. O. Ayt-r: Sat.km,OIm(1, 11th June, IFOI. I witle to inftirm V't 'f tb,! tia!y reiil;irkable ell'rets ol ynir CIIKIiKV Fl'CTIt T. in this place, nnd in my own family. One of mv thn-'Mer was romplcttdv rimsl in three days of a dreadful W noon no Corn it, by taMnii it. Dr. Memis, tm!n'o'tr very bent plixsieiaus tieelv states that he rouiib rs it the best remedy we hive ptilin ti'iry dteas't. and that lie h.-n cared m re rets-s of Croup with it th-ia any other me lieine he ever admiaisleril. Our cliTpymeii if lh baptist Claireh savs that during tin ran of In.m- bwe this e-ts ai. he has seen eures fr iin your iiiutlii inr l.c could seareely have believed fc i th ou t pet-iin;. Yours respeeti'uMy, J. P SIXCfsAin, lept;(y F l ni:ister. From the distiunHisht't Pm fevor of Chcmis tr and Me(tri' M-thrrr, liawthiu Cultcce. I hnve foiird (lie Cukihiv Fkttorat.. mh its inmlients sliow. ii powerful remedy f . r cultl?, imd euuj;ln, iiihI put ni'inary dfeaif. I r k kr Cleveland, M D. ni:t xwt it, Me., Feb. ., In7. 1)11. YA M'.NTI.NF. MOTT, The iriilcli, cih'brulrd Pruf,ssnr ' Surgery til the Medical Collect, Xcw York City, sis; 44 It Hives me plras'irc to eertify tin value nnd elfieney of Avkk; CiiKlihv F:TOKArM whirii I roiishU-r erali oi ly uilnpt'sl to cure d, tf Uio Thnsii and I.uns." Chu m of si-vtMe disiass upnn the l.mmM have been tf fueled by Ciikrhv Frrroi:i. in sueh extreme caws as wanunt Ihe bfln f that a retmvlv has at lemMh been found that cm be depn inl nn in rare th" ciejhs, C"lds and C msumption which earrv fnin our mid ihousriuds every viuir. It is inderd a luelieme to winch the nlllieted ran Ittok W"lh eiinlnleiiei; f i relief, Uild lliey shtaild not fail to avail theiiiFeli'es of it. Prepared and snld hu JA VKS C AYER, Practical Chemist, Loirell. Muss. Sold in Sunburv by II MASSE 11, nnd by PrussUU cencrallv thrmmhinit the Slate. July 30, 1S.V1 ceow v.Xov. 13. "52. Itoro Xcw Giiudit!! WILLI am: a. Kxonn, JESPECTFCLLV informs his friends and ' tha iiublic Ri neiully, that he has just received and opened a laivso and splendid stock of Sl'KING AND SUiM.MER GOODS, at his ttoro in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists of every variety of Dry (loods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vtstinss, Flan nels, Muslin, ie. A splendid slock of LADIES DilKSS AND FANCY GOODS, Such as Silks, ricrapes, De Laines, Merinoes, Lawns, (Jiuphams, Calicoc, cfc, BOOTS AND SHOES, . A fine assortment for Men, Women cV Children. A Urge assortment of G HOC nil I KS, SUCH AS Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &.C. Hardware and Queensware. Fifth, Salt and Liquors. SI CU AS CiD, Brandy, Bum and WliUktr, Ilesidesthe largest and most general assorW mi nt of all kindof lioodsto be hid in the country. All the sIkivo mentioned gowls will he sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got fur elsewhere. Country produce of alt kinds taken io txchaug at the highest market prices. AusuoU Iwsp., July 3, IS.VI. bin. CHERRY PECTORAL: CELEBRATED' F a m i 1 y M e d i e i n c s . IN ofTermff to the public the alswe tnmlunbte prepnm tions, the aultsrritirr would state that in mnsuHntmn with his fi lends nnd some ol' the most respectable ol the Medical tnctilly, ll was ilerim-d advisable to offer to the public, a few pre rat ions of known relebrily, leinv pre pared with Ihe (rreatcst eare, and on the niosl scientific principles, at substitutes for the numerous worthless ar tides thnt are flooding the country In the form of panncem nnd cure alls, prepared by the most ipnorant and mercena ry persons, intended to cure all di senses and good for none, Rend and Reflect. T.iat tire Medicine. Manufactured by V. M. Bkckut, Includiufr his Krwe Fectoral for C'oughs. l!ream m Camphor, for Kheumalism. Worm Svmp for Worms. Tooth Wash, for decayed leeth, diseased Rtims. Family Pills, or blood Furifyer, hveleen more extensive ly used, nnd hnve given more satisfaction, than any other Mcdicinea before the public, beiinz prcparctl with reirnrd to their usefulness nre fully woithy the trial of the nllliet ed. Hive them a trial. A few poweiful reasons why the nliove Medicines nre rieeervinir of nuiversnl pntionntte. (In tin first place, they are prepnrel hv a regular Fhysa:itm, who understands tho application of Medicines, to diseases, nud coacrquently are Perfectly safe to lake, (Secondly.) they have been used with universal success, nod have jriven more sat i sine t inn than any other Medicines offered beftre the public. (Thirdly) they nre the only medicines that have gained the patronage of Fhvsicinus, where they have been used ; and (Fomthly,) they nre put tip In larger quantities foi the snme price, than nay other Medicines ottered to the public of the same kind. ' As the suliscrihcr has n number of ccrlifientes hi his possession of the highest nuttmritv, where they hnve been used With the most satisfactory re mits. He will publish a few of them, feclimr satisfied that a trinl will insum their recommendntifai. Try thein and satisfy yourself of their superiority over nil oihers. Rend and be Convinced. We tae undersipicd having been made ncrjitnintcil with the ingredients eateriuir into the Coinpoioids known ns llickley's Family Medicines also having preScriMl mid known them to I'm used, with most nitiitlartory results f take pleasure in saying that we believe they fully meet the design ftr which tln-v arc rec mtiiendel. .IAS. HTItAWURIlUiK. M.D. C II. PRICK. M. 1) W M . MiMAIION. M. n. WKSLKY 11 liFAHIIKAllT, M. D. W.M. II. .M filLL. M. I). n it. oi;aimm:aut, m. d. Cure of jhit'u in the tvfv and rottgh from protested Urrr Campfnint. Mrs. Robert Ailmis, hi luring under Chronic Liver Com plaint, accompanied wilha short dry cough wiiu in the siile ami breast, general debility, loss o'f appetile.tniter try ing all the uu:d remedies reisanmciideil f t coughs nud diseases of the chest, who with uobenelit. she was reeom m ended to try the Ruse FectonH, from which, she ii't only derived unni'-diatc but pennnunt relief. John Adams, sou of Mrs. Robert Adams, was afflicted with a very severe c uih, pain in the side, nud soreness pr-Kbieed by ineeswuit. cmghmg; he was induced to Irv the Rose Fee tornl. Jo use his own language, the first dote enabled htm to enjoy a good night's ret-t. In tin morning he expectorated nlnut half pint of matter. He continued to improve until bis cough entirely left him. it nlso hud the ell -el of strenghening his bieast. r loeli was naturally weak . lie als says tlmt he Ins iecommeiidri it ton number of hisfiieii'ls for similar complaints, und in every case it has given sntilneti"ii. The nldivc prs ins residents of the town of Danville, feeling that they have derived great benefits from the use of Ihe Rose Fectoral; autli a i.e the .ilrtvc statement, f.r the benefit of those who mav be atltieied in a similm man ner. (iliKAT CFUK. Imss of Voice restored with one battle of Hose Pec toral, MissS'.mu Whitloek, of Rush township, Xorihumbcr land coM for n iiuhiIht of eaisau ll ealld, in the lall of I.VI, lst liie use of her voice from a seveio cnld she con traded ; after trying a number of remedies, with in bene fit, she was entirely restored by raking one It-i tic of Rt-se Fectoral, niter which, she lout her Voir e again, from n fresh old she contracted, and was again resturcd by the ue d" niiiilhiT Ihtttle ; she then took' tour b 'ttles more to strengthen her brcusl, fr.an whirii she deiived the most decided benefit, and has been in Hie enjoyment td excellent health fiom that time to ihe present. The nb He statement is obtained frcm Pr Pur sell, Ihc Physician who nltended her; nl hi-r mother who thinks that she would ieL be living at tins time if it li;til not been foi the H.ne Fecb.ral. D mville, ,1 in. 2.,. ISVJ Sf another IWurlrtt Cure liffrctfii, Mrs. Sruu'jel Sceliler, being of a nuturd weak nml deli caie couKtitution. verv suseepiible to c ilds, was ntHiett-it with a very severe c tneh. pain and soreness of the bremt, of appetite; niter inrinfr u iiumln'r of the urn ml rMite- iIk'P Iritm which, she tlerivtil n. iM'tietit. shn wtis rnrwl hv ttikiiiffone h nr tit i fn Peetnrnl und is in lhe enjoyment of (teller heilih Lli.tn fur yenrt previous. Dnnville, li-e. 1 K50. Dlt. Uicm.KV : lVrmit nie to mfonn you 1h.it my wife, who is n duiieale and wcikty w 'in mi, ),il ritm imilt-r a very si-vere Conh wilh p:iu an.l s irenes if hieiist, was more quick !v mid elleetuallv n-lii vi'd wilh one hniile ol' y Mir Itnw I'eetoral limn onv other innliriiie she li.nl ever lak.-n. Ai(i:u .rui:ii)i;. Jan. 1R.V3. funnel IT. WivkIs' I'untnep, Ited I'int. StBoKO KV1MCNCK IN FaVOO Of THK ItoaK TeC'ToE L AMI Family I'im.-. John Fnhier taken h-1 ween Chrii!iiiaw and New Venr wilh n verv bid rolfl. whieh en-led in n tlrv hard ineetv-.Mit I'Otili, eau."inir a great deal ol" pnm whenever he roughed, was relieved very iiimh ; by lhe tun he had ittkcn one I tiiinl ftf tt li ittht and hy Ilit timr il wum linishnl, wn en tirrlv enri' l Hi alsi nvs thai he has t-iken si-vrnd d ises ' of tin; ilnotth Hcstitrttive or Fannlv IMls, nnd that they nre the mil. lent uu I m nt rireeinal pmg-itives he tins ever taken, Uativilte, Jan I, 1.V. Ir IhicrKY Dnrin-4 n vivil to mv br other, in Dan ville, I took h vet y sevi'ie C-tiil, which ended ni a tight hrinl C'tiigh, wilh k iren'xs nnd pain 01 ine hrt-at, ti r whieh I umtl your Kosr Pert. ral. and Family 1'ills, nnd tuke pl.-tisnre in rtviniC'iiiiiiiir Ilicin, as tho inildevt and most cin-cliial reined) h i e mail. Vmirs, ret.M-eiiiiily. i J.M(i.OIUiA, Jan. 'ifl, t-J . M'h.le II ivni, l.rierne Drnx Sir : As a rrhtntnend:ilhni f.-r yonr Ki-iee pe-t , nil, permit me t thaf I was elleeinnlly enr n very seveit u n',h tli pain in the bream, wv 'ban , hall n Imtib-, nn.l Vil I e. minder it niahi;'.,a'. Von me ' nt lilwrty to m iUtlan piil.li" if vn pi' ?. Sl'KKHIVC. (I.KH-. i ) Oiiivil!.-, P.i. Mv n Wiltaiu lal iring nn h r h m-vuro e-inh and jmiii ; in bin ni.1 fpm an ininrv reeeiv-d hy a fall, was e'lhn ly j relievil bynlwt'lle of H-ve peeloral Ac Cream of Cam- ! phot. 1 Jive ii M' i tisvd your -'iiiiiiI I'lIK ami uliogeilicr ! I cJasidrrlheui the lel iiu'dcemi-s I Inve eer uncil. I jo.w ovi:i:iiHM Jan. IP.VJ. KhsIi Tp., Norih'd eo. Dr. Hiekiev : Sir J As my wife who was troubled! wilh dry, haul OmiIi, :iU ar St anii'-li. drpeiulenl iiwn debility, similar to tJtsppMii was entirely relieved by , niiig two Uttiles of yonr !(' Peeloral. pennit inu to say Ihal J eoiieblrr it hm txeelleut ninetly. ( Yiiuis.reHpeetiuily, Kv Mr. AVII.T,.RO. lmt ir l.ntlieian Chitreh, Danville. Pa. tin in? been i-ured of ti itin li mv mm (similar to licit- 1 IU'IUfiu) wineh depiivetl me ol'thefiee use of it f.iraltit i four in Nitlm. Hv icing one b ltle nf Cream cf Camph r j I w 'alii mate tkat I e intider the be.-t remedy of Ihe ! kind 1 have ever used in my family, and I would freely rec mimeud it toiht-rt with sinnUu ulTeeii m. Vuurs.rvajK.i'ti'ullv, JONAS WOI.F. Huh tp., North d eo. My wife beinir eUlietnl with n veiy levfie pMiu in her nnu and sli mlder eiHyis ( e l ij whieh itis-ibli'il her from uKing it, waseured with tubbing ol Cremn ol Cntn phor. Air's. Killiu, my Huier. in-law, was eared f a xevern pant in the head und face by using the Cremn oi C niiphor 'J'litXM AS C. KM .IS, DuiivilK Jan. J:i, .VJ. My wife having HheuuriTumi of the arm for u number of year, whieh prevented her (rout imine it in tl ieg her woik ; after Iuivims spent u pteni deal ! ni'-ney in truig tbiferent remedies wilh nobenrUi, was entirely cured by usitirf only one b it tie if your Cre: :n of Catnph'T. WIM.IA.M l;Vi;.S, Minor, foi S. 11. AVckhI, It. Vobil. Of. liieklev : Il-i ing ree.-ive.l a very severe injury III my si In by falling (1 a I tut of hay. from which I Wan una ble tn fnli.nv my w r:(, was ree anmen ted to try a IfUlo of CiCJiil uf Can'i;ih r, whieh ml -r led untnetiiato reiu f. t.Kll'Fl I'll CAUK. liusli t, , V.rth'd c . My wife, snti'erins l'riu in ft cxerueiai intj jviin, throiigliout Iim general sysifin, whieh prevnteil her irom sleepiu-j (being cee oi"iied by ii loiijf imtl pro n etetl spell oi vickus;) fur whieh she iim- I a number of ruinilu s wiihout brnr lit, was entirely rebev rl hv the ne of Cieum of Camphor. ;'. I MltoWN. Suue ai Dentist, Danville, Pa. Child cured of ISnwl Comtdnim. and Aue ("f two yejrs st -Hiding.) by W.iim Synii. My e-iil l lieiug i.ihi. le.1 f lhe lust two years, with H iw'el (J iniplaint and Ague until il wa reduee.l t ti mere skeleton, I tiieil n number of reniflifS wiih n permanent Ix in tii, unlit I gave it a b -Itle i jortr Worm Syrup, since which I line it haj Im-tii welt, imd tr't quite lsby. t iiImo hav'u reeiamiiendeil it to u iiuuiIhT ot my f lends, and in eveiy ease it hasttiveu saiis'aetion. 1,. l.K.'l. At lt'iiH Ijiiiuh1 .Merehunl. l)anville. f have listed ymir Worm Syrup in my family, nud con sider it n-t only etieeluul, but the most pleaKint urlielc 1 am ne-jii'iinieil with. JAI'OH I.ASIII'.I.S, DanMllr. tlfivnn; used your Woiin Syrup in my family, it helps my children more than uny pieparation oi the km-t. ami is m re pleasant to tuke. DAN MOlUi . Montour How, Danville. I have had occasion fi use your Worm Syrup in my family, and prefer it to any Vermifuge I have used. FHi:i. Dl'li, Frosty Valley, Monu.ur c. Dr. Hiektey: Having mad your woim Sviup, and Croum of Ciimphi r uml Fuindy Pills in my family, they gavi) g'Knl satistiictiiyi, inul 1 consider them the inont ef fect mil, Nut plaimut reinr-dies. we have had ill our family. JOIIM1TI1 AN H.rtlSHKIs. Dnnviile. Dear ?ir : We the uiuh-rmgned la-ing iu the employ ol Mesirs. t roves A Comly, at whose store, you have mi Agency for the sale u( your Family Medicines, stale that we have had tm opiwirtunitv of knowing the opinions of numerous in.liv alanis wliu have usl them, nnd that they give general satoiacuou. We have s 'Id a great many of your Pills, whieh are universally liknl. brine very mild in their operatiiai, W. M'lSKNlUMi, Danville. Attest. W M. KKt'M'.H. Having SiMirvy of my rmnith very bad, I was indueed to j tryatntilo ol your Tootii asu. wmeiiacieu like u eiuirm, hardening my gums, nnd removinii hII disease. JONATHAN ii. lilSHIlU Danville Dr. Ilickley: Having what was catted ulerrutel sore, mouth, for which, 1 Hied a numtier of remedies with no lieuefit : I was at itmt cured by using one htile of your Tooih wash. My wit'e mIs i during her cmUueitient, win threatened wilh Wire.liieiisU, lumps having already tornied, lor whiek she use) the Ciiami ' k amniior, wineii scalier e( them, thereby preventing her breasts fnnn sathenug. (iKO A. ItltOWN, Near Imhernn Ch irch, Danville. Ph. Dr. Hn ktey. Having an opprlmnty of seeing your Anti-Sroflriiue To lh Wash used in fctme very severe ea ses of icurvcy of the gums. 1 consider it nn eicHleut reme dy. Yours, respectfully, GF.o. H. HUOWN. The nl)ve iiuslicmes are fttr sale Wholesale and Re tail by W M JilCKI.F.V, M. D , Proprict.w, Danville Also Foi sale by the following AffeuU in Ntirtlmmbcr. land county, Friliug k Grant, Sunburv ; W A. KiU'bh, AugusUi: W. Farrow, Pnydetown ; Tugpart, Furmun 4 ltart'iu, Pnxiuoi ; F.mstine V Strouse, Puxino; Joint Vanxant, Paxui'4; Hugh Vastine, Pio.s; Ammerman, Ittisset A COfShaimtkui; Mrs. Jas. Tliomns, M.amokm; Wm. Fugelv, Slmmokiu; Caui)bell A Kline, Augusla; Svonuel A, "Hergi4rwwr, Petersburg! Jacob Iseiseiiring, Hear dsn; Conrad Wcnek, Nurthum'ierlund ; Jereiunih Coms-t. tMimvrovet Jiah linker, Lewisburg; John V. Caslowand Joii.itluiii ellers, Mdun. Cullou the Ageuis, ami get eireulnr containing ft full ilrseripiiou of tlie uuuicrous clues perforuicd by the Hi tier cut Mnbi'ines. Juuv II, 1-vJ lV- CARE, OIESE & CO., Flonr, Grain and lumber Coininixion Mere hiints, 23 and 25 Spear' Wharf, DAliTTMOnE- John fHnrk, Ksq., Picsidenl Citirens' Ilnnk, Bait. A. P. Oiles, Esq., ('nshier Frnnklin Bunk, " John Hertr.ler, Jr., Ksq., I'hihidclphin. Rogers, Sinnicksnn cV Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bnnk, Port De- posite. J. Wallower cV Son Ilnrrishurg. Col. If. C. Ever, Sclinsprrovc. J. H. App ot'Co., " Nnirle, VYiiifrnte cV Co., Milton. XV. W. (Jooke, Esq., Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esip, " f!eori;c Bodine, Hughsrille. W. WeiiTcr cV Co., Montnursville. Clen. Willism F. Pucker, illiumsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, " James II. lluing, " Lewis O. 1 1 11 1 in tr. " M'Henry ct Bubli, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling, Esq., Lock I In veil. tV C'arr, (iicsc Co. have the larjest wharf room of any conimision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. 1 March 12, lR.'i.l. fun. OImnoIuIIoii ol liirlii iMii. TIIIIE Copartnership heretofore existinn; under I. tho nnmc of Inmcs H. tc XV m. 11. ilnrt, is this day dissolved by the wifhdravtel of William R. Hart. The business of the lute firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. S!i3, North 3d street. JAMF4S if. HART, VH.UAM 11. ll. 5T, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1833. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership nnd will continue the business under 111 name of Junies H. &. Thomas Hart. Thank ful for pnr.t lavors, they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends and the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, mid which thev will sell ut the lowest market rates. JAMES . HART, THOMAS II ART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, is:,:) J. n. Drugs, Faints, Oil, Window Class. 5 Tons French zinc white. 1(1 tuns Pure White Lend. .10(10 15oes Window (.lass, all sizes. Superior Potash,!.' opal, ('ouch .Leath er iV Iron varnish, while Deinar vaniish for China ( Jloss, w ilh a general assort incut of fresh and pure DJMJO.S AM) MKmCLNES. Also nil the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored und Knnmled Class, &c, &c, for sale very low at ALFRED WIETHE Rf : E R'S Tint? and Paint Stoic, .No. lG'J IS. Slid Street,- , ! PHII.AIJELPHIA Pliyinaiis nnd Stnrckrpnrm Ptipplii d sent to any of Ilm Hotels or Depots tree of ch' JMiiia.. Mav iiH, ly. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELB; A?? SII.V till SKCON WAHK. Wholesale and Ketaii: 1 " .; :0NL W.f mnonile the Alt. Vcrw" '.J Lever v incur, lull jeweled. Ih K. c:t& r , . Lrvem. full ifwelmt. VJt : i'vrr I .i'-1 (Ml all warranted to keep go-W Mine, 4V. 7," "V" t vertW, liokl W'.'s.Ki" '"j1 ll,,JT,ta mut Pen Cai.es with g vhI Gold'V' '"W n" , , Also, nlwmson ha-' Vv "f f mI Chains', l.d.en (i.,V!i t "";;; J -'It 1 S.Iver Table S,v''8 fr-insnto s.. iWrt. W o Ci .,1'r.,. oi a to fifl, ;l! piT S'M. warranted equal to i". i, an i i tn, i . . A II ir wnl C7 Watch ind Jewelrv repaired ami warranted. V All or1""1 8t'"1 "iiul ur otherwise, will be punc- tiinlly attei At I to. M. AVISK. Agent, y- North SKCOXD Street, opp.witc theMt. Vernon Ioitw- Phih., April 1l1y. 's- Hobby Horse?, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Baronches, &c. Manufactured wholesale nnd retuil hv BTSEITEL-L & TTJLL8 iYo. G4 DOCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders llirotjf.li the mail promiilly cxeruted l'liilii., April U. 1SS:I. Iv. Platform Scales, lung I itttti'iib1 rccrlij trslrtl Ali-nyi riL'if The Aet'iouleJ- :s. eil Stniiifrtr'f, -jjjj..v linilroad. llav, ( mil, nnd l''.ir ret ill any part ul' the countrv, at short notice. AliV.Sr.t. (iKO. V. COI.BV, H ilt Marlii-1 t.. 'Iiila.h Ijihia, K. V. Uright, 'unhury. Vhiiii., i..il ::), issa I.ihorers "Wanted. rpilK A lia IHE subscribers want immediately on the I nion tsilrosd and liasin, Hi ( 'liapimm county, seven miles below Sclinsgmve, from SO TO 100 LABOKEKS, to wluin ono dollar per dav w ill pe mid. SAVUKiE. W.)LVE'l(). A CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 1(.1S"):1 tf. Hope Manufactory. flHE suhserilier respectfully informs the people A of Northumberland and Sunbury, nnd the public generally, that lie has constantly on hand and manufactures loonier, nil kiiuUof lioai roes, lied cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and lines of ull kinds, at his establishment in Northum berland. KICI1AKDMMISHAL1.. North'd., June 11, 185:).- :!ui. NOTICE TOTICE is hereby given, that application will le made In the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation nf a company, with discounting privileges, to hu located in tne borough of Sunbury, in the county nf Northum berland, with a capital of duo hundred thousand dollars, to ho called tho "SiisyNehaitua Ifaviiigi' Intliliiu." Sunbury, June 25, 153. Cm. fVTOTICE is hereby given that an application " will be made, at the next regular session of the Legislature, to charter a company for bank' ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, with tlio puvi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to lie located in the borough of Sunbury, Northunila-rhind county, Pa., and to l called "Tnu Mmsiis' Daxk or SusiiBt." July 2. 18S3 Cm. 1JLANKS. It T.AXK.S of every ilcscriptinn can 1 had 1' liB o' tlM'olhev ol lUc Auicticiu m if s Aii '.a BANK NOTE TABLE, CORRECTED WEEKLY. r-KNNSYI.VANIA. citt or rniLADiariiit M A S A C A r fUTTS. AM St)lveut Imirks 1 dis HIKiDK INLAND. Ail solvent tmnks I Ois CONM'.CTICLT. All S'tlvrnt tmnks I ilit NKYV VOIt It. CITT. V. n. Hunt notm 1.1 li All solvent brink. Bnnk of Chainlieralnirg 1 ilia imiii. n. . nrp?er tn. mu Ilnnk of Uel. Co. Chester pur iiiimk oi ncrmnmnwii Bnnk of Oettrshnrs; Bnnk of Iw'isicwn nnrlAII solvent luniks 1 ilis 1 'tis fyilk lile omler f J j All Hank or.MiiMletuwn 1 di Montgomery Co Hank pnr Hunk of Nxrtlittmlierl'ml. pin Ilnnkof l'ill.l,nr dis Bank of Danville nni ro IISTRT. AH solvenlR linnks ldil MOW Jf.ltMKY. Itrlvnkre llnnk "lis ('olninerrin! Brink 1 ills Knr. It ink Mom llollv nnr C'nrlisle llnnk 1 ilis'F. A M., MnMlrtou-ii PI. psir Colnmliin B'k tt rfge Co pnr Doyelstown Bank p.ir Knntotl Bnnk pir F.rie Bnnk 8 ilia Mpclinnic' Hk, Ni'wnrk inr Mrrh. Ilk of llurlinffton pnr .Mceh. A Mmi. ilk Trrnl isir Morris Co llnnk 1 ilis r.xchnne irkrittslmrg I ilis Kxehnnrc B'k. Bninrh I Hi. I NVwnrk IlkV tt Ins. Co I ilis Onnifre lt:nik i (lis J dis par pnr ill! nnr farmers' B k, Burks Co pnrll'eoiile's Bk I'ntlersoll rormers' Bk. Idinrnnter nnr PriiifS-lon Honk Fnrinrrn' Bk. Rpn.ling pnr Snlein lltinking Co, Fnnn. Bk fVhuvlkill Co pnrieiniTrnt Co Umik F I). Ilk W'n'vni nh'g 1 J ilm Suite Hunk nt Cnmilcn Frnnklin Ilk Wnnli'ii IJrln Stntc Bk F.lixnlwlliton llurrinlmrr llnnk I ilis ft:ile Bank N'rwnrk di. 3I'S Himesflnle Bunk 1 ill. Ptntc Hk. N. Mriinswiek pnr Ijinraster Tlnnk pnr.Snwcx Hunk. Newton i ilis l-IKinoii nrlllK ivir I Tent"il nankins Co pnr Mrreh. A .Mnn. Pnnk 1 di. Miners' B'k. Potisville prr t'nion Finnk. IlirVfr J ilis Vnnllevv'le A Del l)r Co l.'xlis Monoinrriln- n Brink 1 din IVIik nod s nitiliT .i I dlt Tnylorsv'e J)H HV Co 1,5 dm i mm, ah a nr.. " est llrnnrli llnnk piir'Unik of Dclnwnro pnr y"iniiir K, V llkesli'e pnr Vork Brink. 1 Hi. llnnk of Smyrna nnr Dclnwnre Cilv Brink pnr IVIteliernntr-n ,,n Ilk Wilme'n A Bmnilyw. pnr I'-nrniiTS' Ilk S l)i-l:iwnrr mr I'n ion Bnnk. AVilininuton prir MA INK. Bnnkof MiHI.H-k Silin Merenntilr Bk. Bnnjror 10. In. TS" fuller RVs 1 dis All solvent luniks 1 dis OHIO M:VIIAMPSIIini:. All solvent Innks a .li. All solvent Ivink. 1 disit?' Bk iv.ter, nn.lrr It's 4 ilia VF.HWONT. NOItTII I'AIIOI.INA Bnnk of st Alhnns 3 ilis All solvent Imnka All solvent bnnki j di1l'7l'niler rVs, TtinMnNnovs ExciTF.strNT ! Cash, Steam, llectricit 77tc Aerial and all oilier lines ont-doi. I.lRlitnlns l ine or TBA T. CElnnnil -ly HO. having great faith in rn" '' ' ' small profits, lias just recci a large assortment of rnnns SPRING AM) SUMM7 uuuu' . ..... unlmrv, which At Ins Stove in Market Stree . . ; he oflcrs to the public nt Ihe i .' , , . . , 1 . . tuI assortment o His stock consists of a Dry Co' v,z: Clol'is. Cnssiinrrs, Cat rfs. Jfiiiis. Drillings, ,,uhrnes, Muslin de Muslins, J.ineii! ie.-.,, i, L""Law;kuxT. . , At of Boots and Shoes, for A large assort' , , , " omen and C hildrcn. Men,' Grocrrlt'M, cllrnl. T. ofT.-P, Molasses, CliresP, Spi ' ".es.Fish Salt, Dasler. HARDWARK, on nnd Strel, Na'tU, Files, Suws, eVc. QUEENSWARE, Tea cttSj PlaUfy Pishes, C nps SouccrS) tfc LTQUOKS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rntn, Whiskey, if- tl? Country produeo of all kimU taken in c- ;mi;c nt the Itiyhrst niiuket iru-cn. Jan. 15, 1S53. ly. icc:ron yocrsklfi THE T0CKET AESCULAPIUS : on, Evnnv o.nk his ovi nivsiciAX. .-4. rpilK EOHTIETIt Kdi- JL tion, wilh One Hundred Jy-CN Ml eases and M'lirormationa of I the 1 1 ill 1 1 :i 1 1 System in every fv." " 3S;Hilaie anu imin. t a miivu iW. '. ..-'?fi a) i milled a Treatise 'vlVii-J M l,i-i"'!,R "f 1'i'iniiliv f I? ol'llic liichcst iinjhirl ilise on the being irtanrc to married people, or tliose contemplalins; marriage. --j- i:j r lint, vtriiii- I.et no father he ashamed to present a copy of the .T:C1." LATH'S In hi child. It may save him from nn r,irly crave. Let no yonn? man or woman enter into the secret nhliuatioim of mar ried lire without reading the I'OCKKT .llSCi;. IiAPII'S. Let no one siill'ci ini; from hackniep ('nngli, rain in the Side, rcstle.-s nihln. nervous feelings, nnd the whole train of Ityspeplic sensa tions, and given up hy their physician, he another moment without consilium; tlie .l.M . I I, A 1 11 . Have the married, or those ahout to he married any impediment, read lliis truly useful honk, na it has been the means of saving lliousands of un fortunate creatures from the verv jaws of death. it?" Any person sending T KNT-F1K C.'KNTW, enclosed in n Idler will reeenc one eopv of this hook, hv mail, or live copies will he sent for one dollar. Address. l)u. W. YOI'.NU, No. I.v: sPKUt'E Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 185:!. ly. IN OTIC K To Kerchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexander L. Uickev tS' Co., TiiKtirtr. vr woi'.i.ii s fa i it piiizi: mi.o.u. TRUNK MAM' FA CTO K Y, So. 1 IS Chcsnut Street, ( Fmnt nf Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. 4 I5E now prepared to exhibit to the Merchants and Travellers one of the largest nnd most improved Miid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever ollered for sale iu this city, togi icr Willi n gen- eral assortment of everv kind Trunk which au nossiblv be imagined, ranging in price Irom 1 . .-. ... . , . ir , . Iwo to thirty dollars. Also, a sihcikIuI assort uient of Ladies' Dress Trunks, limine! boxes. Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet nud Leather lings, Hand Coaches, (!i''s, Ac., A.C., all of which we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite u call from lhe Merchant or I raveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. I1ICKE iV CO., No. MS Chcsnut Street. Phila., April 9, 1853. Cm. THE niliAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE BEST. Excellence und Invwty combined, Model Spring; Style Hats, UNEQUALLED by any others in all thnt can render satisfaction to tho Wearer. ine them atrial. The Very r inest Moi.i.skix 11 ts for 3,50 ; Second Quality, very fine, H, 00 Third Qualilv, a capital article, 2,50. All these are warranted. Model Hat Store, No. 46 North 8lh Street Philadelphia, Phila., April 0, 1853 Cm. WILLIAM PERKINS Gen tl emens Fash ionabl e CLOTHING HOUSE, So. 231 Chesnitt, ThtrJ door lilow Eighth st Philadelphia. OAS on hand a full stock of French and English Piece (ioods, which will bo made to order at the Shortest Notice, in the Latest Style, FOIt CASH. Phila., A pril , 1353 Om. 85 n k WAiiTTi rilHE ahove reward will he pnid for the discov X cry and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury lluilroad Company. UV OKDEll OF THE PKUslDENT. June, , 1853. tf. WILEY'S COUllr C1NDY. An excel lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For salt at this olliee. December 1. 1852. ' 2 iy 7 X, I i.nc A CAIL TO H0TJSEKE1Cpt?t,s, 7 At the Cabinet War nooni r SE1VN IIOUPT& W.J L n Also ot the corner o f Fam strer't & ike Jin. Thankful for the patro of his fr jhi customers during the 17 Tiirs heaiu ()''""" ness in this place, he solic'iJfroi the pubWun" linuance of their favors. iMnir tl1iVF''0, h" has endeavored to keep nivth UieXT,0m,en of the day, and ha. .cccJhly -fei in in m i iii mien nil if,. .r i . therefore invited to ," f lhe ... I K i..iil4 stock of I CA1UVF.T WAH1 in ciiaiss, SEBASTll0171,1 & C0' SEBASTIAW 3lm( u-i i v.-A thcir fo"nef lck of til VI here in nddituU. ,nr estalilisliinent 11 . . ,7 JSitrcaiis, ventre Tablet, Dl'Jbh Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and thiofliahlc riu'nifnrc. rig Boruroil a IlrrHc and mntlo the nere- rniiirrpinpiitR for the purpose, tlicv ore now rrl for rmlortaUinff in nil its liranrhcs. in k ' ssnj iviiiiiiilih uiniuiur;, Ve mnidd nnd mistresws, mirl hnslmntli too, Vli'lllltv nr nt nnu pnnvniiinnl .l.t.n Here's furniture of every itylennri hue, From side lmnnlft down to kitehen tnlilea, Frmn ruekintt rlmirt to inching rrinllfs Shonli! yon not hnve the Tendy .Tnir to pny, Well wait nwliilc fr s brighter better tiny. Or tnkc jKitntors, outs, corn, wheut ami rye ; Biirk, h.top p'.ler, Btnves, or lumher wet nnd dry, Or nny thing hnt yokes nnd threshing flnihr, From pics and tnrkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and nil, Keep 1 1 mle a moving, so "gop on the Itnll." t Orders from a tlUtanre promptly attended to nnd work of alt kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunhury, March 9. ISiiO. tf "AID AND COMFORT," o Your On ii iTIcclinnics. GEOltGE KENN. MANt:FACTi:ilER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'lIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CtlllVliT-IVAKFs. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of the best slock to he had in the city. No effort is spared iu Ihe manufacture of his ware, and tha subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sol'.in, IMvmiM nml I.oungcK, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN M.INDS, equal to Phila- dctphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures nil kinds and qualities of CIIATUS, including varieties never before to he had ir Sunburv, such ns M iuoiiatut, Black Walm t AMI Ct'ltLKII Maplk (Iiikci av ; ami Wimisiik CIIAIKS, ami fasct Pi.ivo Stools, whieh nre of the latest styles, and warranted to he excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about ihe quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles w ill he disposed of on ns good terms ns they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun trv Produce taken in pnvnient for work. "l"v" UNDEKTAKl.NU. Having provided himself with a handsome Huaiisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and nttending funer als, in this vicinity, or nt any convenient dis tance from this place, C V The Ware Kooin is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. C.EOKUE KENN. Sunburv, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c! JAMES 1$. F IDLE It. So. 12 South Second St ree'. rniLADELniiA. Cold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lcpinc do " tjuartier do Oold pens and pencil and silver lialdrrs Silver Tea and Table Spoons Ilracelels, Dreast pins Eur rings Ar.. All warranted and sold at prices as low as try in the city. November 27. 1852 tf. 1.000 .Men Wanted. 0' (he li"c of the SUSQUEHANNA RAH- OA l between llridgepurt (opposite Har- rishurg) and Sunbury, in the State of Pennsvlv 'I'l 1 c... :t ; . ma. I lus road is lilty tour miles in length' runa through a highlv improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenter, and laborers for the next twelve months. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal wages. DOI OHEKTV, LALMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 1853 Ikosendulc Hydraulic Cement N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vault! Spring houses and Cellars, and for kecpin dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CHARLES SHEPAltD SMITH, of, and successor to, the late firm of Evi Siuilh i Son. N. E. Corner of Front and Willow aire Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. c s. V-EX5E?., izTxi'. 1IAV1NG located himself perntanaiitly ' Sunbury, oilers hi professional services the Town and Countrv, olliee, comer of Deer i Market afreet! (formerly telegraph oflicc,) whi he may he found unless professionally cngag Sunbury, April 30, 1853. tim. GOLD PENS with and without cases, o very suierior quality, just received. Also a fiesh supply of Writing Fluid, for t hy II. 11. MASSE It Sunl.ury, Pec. 27, 1851. J A TENT UK1TTAN1A STOPPEKS . Dur bottles lor sal by 11. U MA""1 Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 SM ITllEssENCE OK J A MA 1C A O GElv, tt fresh lupiJy just received, and sale hy U. B. MASLI Sunbury, Jan. 10. 1352. I N K -Boureau's celebrated ink, wl 1 1 gre! ink for lale, wholosalo ami : fij. DecemUr . 1S0. H B MAS1 MABRIACE" CEtIfICATES hsrul i'l executed for sale a! this oD". hy the doreu.