'.foreign News. ARRIVAL OF THE AKCTIC. CUT BR FROil EUROPE. 0 Mrs. Stoue-Turkish Affairs Un -DceW in Flour and Wheat. AreiOf0RKi J 18. The steamship mornitiTei1 Ytk. Sunday Mm. Slow.r vPengeri, including " The Africa jn4t ',f'liloii Sun Jay, the 4lh Turkish affairs ince la.t advicei?J,"l,;rone no chanSB. with regard 10 .he U 'e' k',own .... 1 ' intentions of ac- ile. Turkey hud jent an explanatory mi. sto to the Euro pean Piitipera llnnn tvliir. hat France had notified b'n wns rc?ored ... taken must be at his o?' an' f,,rlher Since it has been known i7.eri," , , ..... . . lcland that the Austrian Government is air tiale a new loan, many orders lia, ceived from English house to 8b. cent. Stock. The news that the exportation o from Wallachia was prohibited, is cont?r" led. : Information from Hamburg is that AsiaJ cholera, w hich for several w eeks lias appear d there in single or isolated instances only, forming w hat is technically called "spoiadic', cases, is now assuming an epidemic form. There appears to hare been in all from 160 to 180 cases of the disease, about two-thirds of w hich have been fatal, a circumstance which proves the extreme virulence of ils character. The last accounts from Copenha gen give for that city attacks 7,237, and deaths 3,946, out of a population of about 200,000. At the same rate of mortality the leaths in Loudon would amount lo 40,030. The news which has reached l lie rapitul from the provinces is satisfactory. There have been large arrivals of English ur.d American breadsliifTs at Havre, and prices hare consequently declined hy 2f. per cask. At Marseilles, where the prices of grain had gone dow n in consequence of the increased supply, quotations are again looking up. A Vienna correspondent, wiiliugon the 1st inst., says : It is no longer doubted here that the Porte has appliqdjo the Four Powers to guarantee the evacuation of the Principalities. Red aehid Pasha's object evidently is lo make the occupation of Moldavia and Wallachia a European instead of a mere Turkish ques lion. The Prcsse contains a Bucharest letter of Aug. 22d, which came by way of Herr-manst.-ult, in Transylvania. The following passago exactly corresponds with information contained in a private letter from another city, which must be nameless. "Russia can hardly quit the Principalities now, nnd the inclemency of the autumnal weather will soon render 1 heir complete eradiation per fectly impossible." The Hamburger .Voct richtcn tells almost the same story. Floi-b Owing to the fine weather, there has been a decline equal to Is. per bbl. A decline has also ocnirree in France, and pur chases made for the French market, have been resold. Pi ices are irregular. Western Canal is quoted at 29s. The French Government having fixed a low price for bread, is using every means in its power lo keep down the pi ices. The grain markets on the Continent are all report led lo be lower. The Piussian Government has declined interfering in the prices of grain in that country. Whkat There has been a decline of 4d. tipon wheat. Thk Cause ok Vibh-k. We find the fol lowing advertisement in the Evening Argust with a request that "papers fiiendiy to the cause o( virtue will please copy." Wanted Immediately By one who is constitutionally opposed to stealing, and too much of an American to bea either of the following situations : E litor, Reporter, Steam boat Ca plain, Conductor, "Pica Setter" Clerk ship, Salesman or Travelling Agency rather than be idle, would have no conscientious scruples of taking charge of a small congre gation, upon Ameiican piineiplcg. Apply lo Cap'.. F. D. May, Evening Argus Oliice. Washington Items. The Russian Miui er, it is said, spent some time in the Slate Vpartment, yesterday, communicating lo ecretary Marcy the fact, ihut Russia ap roves the course of Austria, in the Kusta Hair. , The Tieasury Department has received om Simeon Draper, a full return for the onies placed in his hands by Secretary jrwin, for lha purchase of Government ock. Mr. Diaper, originally held 81,700, 10 ; he has relurned SI, 400,000 in Stocks, d the balance in money. The proceedings of lha Democracy at Sy nise, have shocked political calculations at ashington. Senator Dickinson's letter, s, also, produced a sensation in high politi 1 quartets. The Washington gossip nf the Tribune is ponsibla for lhe following court rumor: 'Still doubl Dix's gelling the Ftench mis 1. It still adheres to the opinion that hing will get it. It only depends upon question, and that is to be solved by a r in Baltimore a descendant of Charles ill of Carolllon. Should she decide that inter in Paris would be ugieeable lo her he wife of the American Minister, then b dishing will ba appointed forthwith, otialiom ara going on, and w ill be con ed ibis month, when Caleb will know lestination. Thore is only one obstacle, that can be lemoved at any lime, by j's becoming a Catholic, taking up the and saluting the virgin. It is said the ady has "lands, and beeves," but that ishop wishes her to make them over lo er church, before committing herself, uijpiness, and fortune lo a Vankee poll, i. pc Cmple or oca SAviota." The de Bruxellet says that the Pope has ha Duke of Brabant a fiagment of the of lhe manger which forme! the eratfe r Saviour. When this precious relic resented lo hi Royal Highness, he is 1 have been much affected. The Puke i 18 yean. CHANGE IJt CANAL APPOINTMENTS. . As a matter of general information we pub lish the subjoined resolution, recently adop ted by the Board of Cannl Commissioners. The reason for making this change in I lie time of making appointments to oliice on the public ivorks is, we understand, founded on the obvious necessity of making the term of service of receiving and disbursing officers correspond with the fiscal year: Philadelphia, Sept 14, 18f3. Resolved, That in pursuance of resolution passed on the 16th day of December, 1852, the Board will, on Tuesday, the fust day of November next, proceed to consider applica tions for, and to make appointments to, th various offices on the canals and railroads of the Commonwealth for the fiscal year endinc November 30, 1854. Extract of the Journal of the Board of Canal Commissioners-, THOMAS L. WILSON, Secretary. Fishy. It is said that the bell of the en gine Mississippi, which exploded on a Geor gia road, a few weeks ago, came down and lodged in the steeple of a church, several miles from tho accident. Al'any rate, it was found there, hung ready for ringing. ' D I 11 I). In this place, on Sunday last, Mrs. JANE, wife of John Co I slier, Esq., aged about 90 years. In Taylorsville, Schuylkill county, on the ih inst , SAKAH ELLEN, daughter of Pe ,K. anil Margaret Fisher, aged tf mould, 'eks mid 5 days. l)c ilkvlicts. Philadelphia Market. Sept. 22. 1853 quiet and pi VM eal.-TI.o flour market in gionnd sold a!!ra,,Jr-1 . A lo1.0' lr"h .ly demand lo? 'l'T lhl J.,,eie T raii"e of $5 !' eousiinipti.d within lhe brands. Rye Flo.fr ton"""" amJ a 4 per bbl. Ci? ??re? ' I'"' ealor.l fi-4 g.ound Penna. S3i , Meal-sales - Gbain. Wheal . .. , Sales of new South.,,,111", bushel, afloat, and 1500 n,1 V20 UUr !nt 120e. Sale of Rye at-"'" DU"mB " ""c ! Vullmv ia I,, ,Lm I ... 1U ' j of new Southern al 40 a 4 lo' O11" S',lp I vania .,.,. iew lVuii-yl j Whiskey is scarce, and ho , 2Ho for both hhda and bbls. rs now ask Baltimore Market. Sept. 21M53 GRAIN The supply of Wheat at ., .'. . was smaller this irum iiig than for some, past. A belter feeling was apparent. iiih5 advance of 2 to 3 cents per bushel transpif" About 10,000 bushels were offered hi in Corn exchange, rind most of the parcels weie piompuy taken al our quotations, which are as follows, viz : fair to piime leds at 1 li.t 118 cents; fait to piime whiles 120.il 2") els. No family Hour parcels offered. Corn con tinues in steady demand The sales to-day were about 000 bushels nt 70a73 els for while, and 74 75ct. for yellow. Sales of Maryland and Viiginia Rye at 74 i"fi cents, and of fair to piimu Maryland and Virginia Oats at 3Sa 42 cis. WHISKEY. The market is quiet, to-day, and prices have receded slightly. Bids, nro quoted to-day at 2!l,i30 cents, and hhds. ut 2S.i29 cts. i SUXBUKY I'UICE CUIlltUiNT Wheat. - 112 RtE. - - . 0( Conx. . . " . 02 Oats. - . 40 j Potatoes, - - SO ' lilTTEll. . ;0 Knns. - . j 0 Pork. ... 8 Flaxseed. i-jj Tallow. ; - l) Beeswax . 55 IIeckleii Flax. 1 2 DniF.ll Ari'LES. ... so Do. Peaches. 'Jf)0 Flax - 17 New Advertisements WM M'CARTY, Bookseller, O ESPECTFL'LLV informs lhe iuhubitants ol town and country, tlmt he has lately recei ved from Philadelphia, a largo addition to his stock of books, in every brunch of Literature, nud in a great variety of Binding. PIcujc cull and see them. Sunbury, Kept. .17, 1H53. Stono Cnttcrs and Laborers WANTED! tTONE cutters and laborers can have steady employ and a wiuteis job, (uud not work 111 the water,) at the l.'nioii uud Susquehanna Bridge at Chapman, Union county, Pa., iniUwuy be tween Liverpool auj Northumberland. To la borers $1,83 per dav will he given. LEISENKIMJ & FISHER. Chapman, Sept. 17, 1853 tf. Porte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. rixHE attention of the Trade, and others, in JL want if Porte Mommies, Pocket Books, Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Peurl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a largo variety of Fasci Uoous, which will be sold at the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnuic and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. bclmo Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1853 tf. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & IiANING, MAXLTACTI UF.US It I.MI'OltTWtS, So. 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. liniERE may be found tbelurpest and hand ' somest assortment in the City. Purchasers from the country will mid it to their advuntage to call at our store, where they will bo suited with a suuerior article, at the low est prices. B LUTON & LANING. No. 124 Arch Street, aliove tsixth. Phila., Sept. 17, 1853. 3m. FALL. MII,LIEKir UOOUS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 45 South Seiond Street, PHILADELPHIA.. ARC now opening for the Fall Trade, a Urge and well selected assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Millinery Goods in geneial. Confining themselves exclusively to ih is branch of the trade, and mroanso the larger part of their stock, enables them to offer an assortment unsurpassed in ei lent or variety, which will be sold on Iho most favorable terms. 1'hiU., Sept. 17, ISJJ. -Sui. SUNimUY AMK1UCAN AJil'MiJ9V3. i:o. w. coiili: ri ESPFCTFL'LLY announces to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a Dagucrrean Koom. The most artistical at tention will be given to position I also In equallt zing the light and shade on the face, so a to give every lire-like expression, and entirely obviate the flat cadaverous appeaiancc so common to Da guerreotypes. Persons having unsatisfactory pictures taken tiy incompetent operators, or those wishing lo obtain good miniatures, of themselves and friends aro invited to embrace this opportu nity , as he Will positively remain but a few days lomier. Call immediately and get a GOOD da guerreotype. His room is at the old place, in the Grand Jury Hoom, (County Buildings.) Operating hours from 8 A. M., until 5 1. M., without regard to the stale of the weather. Sunbury, Sop. 10, 1853. tf. A Farm for Sale. rl"MIE suhscrilicr ofTcrs for sale his farm, A CONTAINING 284 ACRES and allowances. It is situated about three miles from Sunbury along the Shamokin creek, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. It will be offered in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can he divided to make throe small farms. The building are a FARM HOUSE, a good Bank Barn, and two tpnant houses. JOHN FAUN'S WORTH. I'pper Augusta. Sept. 10, 1853. tf. "Estate of ISH A DRESSLER dee'd flMIE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' 1. Court of Northumberland Conntv, to make distribation of lhe money in the hands of David Zartman, Administrator of Julia Dressier, dee'd., to and among those entitled to the snmc, will sit, lor that purpose, at his oflire in Munliury, on Sntiirduy, the 1st diry of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY DONNEL, Auditor. Sunburr, Hrl. 10, 1853. td. Cheap Watches Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadcl- phia Watih and Jewelry Store," No. 90 North Second Street, corner of CJuarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold 1-vor AVnlrlii s, full Jeweled. IH carnl eases, tiP.OO (""Id l.piine l"k. P-JI (KI'i'iiir Silver Si.tncle. l.WI filler lp. lull jrwllnl, fl . I'n.ld Hm,-cln. 3,(KI Silver U-pinr, )i vii, III ! adieu' Gold Pencils. I.W . Snjvii'tr Utianiers, T.pdver Tea ijiooos, set, 5,00 Gold SpeeUu les, T.ISM Oohl I'ein, Willi Pencil nisi Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Kings, 37J cents to S0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Putcnt. 13 ; Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what lln-v are sold for. S'J'ACFFER & HARI.KY, " Successors to O. Conr.id. On hand, sonic Gold and Silver Levers and Lopincs, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, I8.VJ. ly. (las Fixtures Lainps. HEIJJRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, iVo. 221 Xorth Second Street, above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. II A VINO had many years pruclic.il experience in the business, uuu as all work sold by us n manufactured underonr iinuicdiatcsupcrviifiuii, . are enabled to oiler to purchasers superior or- ''N, in every branch of our trade, upon the most a0''ile terms. At our store inoy 1 found, in Jfr ,'riely and stvlc of finish, (Jas and Lamp L-haiido., jnj,,;,, ilio irrkHl,t for iaM,( , I'l',,,"' he IMPROVED PINE OIL it ' n'- P1""'1' ljarJ ami Oil Lamps, Gir andoles, lioil. ... ..., .. ... , Reading Lum On hand. Lump Glasses, Globes, Wicks. 'lades, W.MiRANTED.OltNOLErFc.o: 80 Nob'e St., near 4 ill. J Remember store 221 N. 2d slwlcxt tloor t0 j. ntewart Depuy s carpet store. Scptcmlier 10, 1863. 3in. ALL WORK WILLIAM GROVES & C0 ITjiholsterv. lU'ddin X .u. tlier Warehouse. ' S E Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. tPRINU REUS, Pember Ueds, JJuir Mats,! k- Hindi, uud .Straw Mattrcses. Cushions. Cuts. ; Comfortulile Counterpanes, Sinkings, lllaukets. 1 ' &c, &c. Constantly on band or made lo order und sold Whclcsuic and livlail, on the most favor ' able terms. ' FEATHERS, HAIR, lll'SKS, &c, by the bale or pound. Orders respectively solio ited, promptly executed, and warranted to give satisfaction. ! N- II. Mattresses re-made und Feathers re renovated. Phila.. Sept. 10. 1 K.V2. 3m. ; Klale vf.tOltUKSIKlt,dvf-'l. ! j he'eby given, that letters of admin- ; A' istration have been gnu. led to llicsubscriliers on tho eslute of (jeoro Mi.ikcr, hue of Lower j Augusta township, dee'd. All per.ous having claims against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, and those knowing ihcnuclvcs indebted to make pay ment ilhout delav. ! JER. WETZEL. ) . , . j HANNAH SNIKER, A,ln, tor, I Lower Augusta twsp., Sejit. 3, 1853 6U , To the Voters of Northiimlierland County. j The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow citizens, Unit he is a candidate for the office of I COUNTY THEASUJtER, j and promises, if elected, to dischaige the duties of I lhe oliice faithfully and impartially. 1 FBANCIS BL'CHER- ! Sunbury, July 1C, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. 1 announce niysell to your consideration as a candidate for the oliice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, I at the aproaehing election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the office faithfully uud lo the best interests of the enmity. SIMON SNYDER. Ippcr Augusta, July 10, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby offers himself lo the vo ters of Northumlierlund county, as a candidate at tho next election for tho office of DISTINCT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the office faithfully and with impartiality. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. N. M. New nam's Realty's Row, Noruei-ian street, Pottsvtlle. i enna. riiiiistiiiig sioi, II AM CONSTANTLY OX HAND A ftl P. ply of all aizes of Lead Pipe. Sheet Lead, Block Tin, Bath Tubs, Shower Balbs, Hydrants, Hose, Double and Single Acting Pumps and Wa ter Closets also, all kinds of Brass Cocks for water and steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and Plumbing done in the neatest manner at the shortest notice. N. B. Cash paid for old Brass and Lead. PotUvllle, Aug. 27, 1853 ly LADIES DRESS GOODrVressnitlk, French Merino, Persian Twill, De Laines, Da Berage, cashmeres, calico, worked, colars, shimezette, cuffs, ifc, just received and for sale by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W.TKNER & CO INDIAN CHOLAGOGUE An excellent re- medy for the cure of Fever and Ague, Billious Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, just re ceived and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Scj.t. 10, I9''3. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public Sale, on Tkvrsday the 6th day of October, next, on the premises; the following Real Estate lo wit I A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situated In Rush township, county aforesaid, ad joining lands of Lulher Bassctt and others on the north, Joseph Campbel land Peter Haughawoul on the cast, Jesse Weaver on the south, and Philip Mclllcr and others on the west, Contain ing ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY TWO ACRES, and one hundred porches more or loss; Whereon are erected a Two and a half story Frame House, and basement story, a large frame Barn nJ Cow Shed attached, an orchord, an eaccllent Spring of water &c., with the appcrtcnances.- To be sold as tho property of George and Jasper Mettler, minor children of Spencer Mettlcr.dec'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms will be made known by LUTHER BASSKTT, Guardian. By Order of the Court, P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. J. P. Sept 3 1853. ts S20 ltEWAKD- nl will bo uaid fur informa- JL tion that will lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or persons who were guilty of filling the axel boxes of the passenger and coal cars of lhe Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, with sand and dirt. D. LONGENECKER, Presl. Sunbury, Aug. 27. 1853. Teachers Wanted. TOTICE is hereby given that proposals fur Twelve Teachers will be received by the Board of School Directors of Shamokiii township, at the house of Charles Lcisenring, on SA'l'UK DAY, the 17th day of September next, at which time ainfplaceexaiiiinations and allotments wil. be made. By order of tho Board, BENJAMIN WuLVEIiTON, Sec. Shamokin tp., Aug. 0, 1833. 5t. NOTICE. SEALED proposals w ill be received at the of. 5 ficc of the Supervisor in Shiokshiiinv, until Saturday,' the 17ih day of September next, for the lease of tho surplus-water at Lodges Ron Aqueduct for term not exceeding ten years. GEO. W. ISEAKCH, Supervisor N. 1). Cuual. Shickshinny, Aug. 20, 18S3. It. F a r iiiers, Attention ! ! This is the proper teuton to use Leinau's American Fertilizer UPON yow farms. This truly valuabla Ma nure can be bud at Siii per ton, or S.1,58 per barrel, of the proprietor. I ly it. Also Guano and Pomlrctte Also, Super i Phorphale of Lime and Aaa Ammonia. Farmers making Muck Hills, wi'.l find a few ; barrels invaluable For FRL'IT TKEES, j which it wi 1 greatly benefit by being scuttered j around after they have been dug about a light 1 coating. ror$ale onlv hv CEO. A. LEINAi;, Prop'r. No. 13 South Front iSI. Philadelphia. August!, lS3 3t. WRIT OF PARTITION. Peter Bordner "1 Notice is hereby giv- vs I en lo the Heirs and The Heirs of ( (iu.irdian of Baltzcr Daltzer Ltordncr, dee'd., J Uordner, itce'd., that by virtue of a certain writ of partition and valua tion to me directed, an Inquisition will be held upon the premises of the real Estate of Ilultzer Uordner, dee'd., situate in Lower Mahanoy town ship, Northumberland county, at II o'clock, A. M., on Monday. Octolicr U', I8S3, at which time and place the aforesaid Heirs, and Guardians are hereby warned to be and appear il by them deemed expedient. ' WILLIAM II. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office j Sunburv. Aug. SO. 1853 .y. Improved Lightning Hods. HpUE subscriber has construitcd a Lightning IVmI on true Philosophic principle, by which buiiil'iiiga supplied with th.ni are rendered perfectly secure ugainst desliuclitn. by Light ning. The connection and insulation of J,o rod, as well as the preparation of the ground rot, , on an entirely new plan, making a more perfect con ductor than any heretofore in uie. Persons desirous of seeuriug their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most sulwlaiiiiul manner by applying cither personally or by letter to the undeisigucd, at the following pricea : For 40 feat J inch Copper rods, Gold pla ted points, with solid Platina tip, $22 00 Forty cents will be charged for every ad ditional foot over forty. For 40 feet J inch Tubular rods, Gold plated points, with solid Platina tip, $13 50 For 40 feet inch solid rod, Gold plated point, with solid Platina tip, $12 50 For 40 feet Silver plated point,. 10 00 Ami 20 ennu f.ir ..!, ,,.!. I ,i I r.j vr set nr the three last named. All at six month's credit, or 10 per cent off for cash. CHEAP LIGHTNING RODS The subscriber will also put up Lightning Rods similar in every respect for they thull be exactly the same as those erected last summer by the Lewistown or Lcwishurg company, in size, point, glass, connection, &c, st 12 cents per foot, on six months credit, or 5 er cent, off for cash. N. B.-No warrantee given for this description of rod. V. S. M AL'KEY. Milton, July 30, 1853. 2in. Live nn'l Help Live!!! Om Motto. S. N. THOMPSON J5 ESPECTFL'LLY informs his friends and the public generally, that lie has just re ceived at his store, in Sunbury, lelow Weaver's Hotel, a large, Inudsome and cheap assortment SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Gooils. viz : Cloths, Cassimers Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, Vestings, Linens, Ife. LADIES DRESS AND KANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnius, Lawns, G'tngioms, Beragcs, Rvbrs, ife.' Ciitoci:itii:s, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &e., &.C., &e. llnrdtvnre, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A Forks, &c. Queensware, of various styles and patterns, Soots and buouj A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hits Cin, &e., of various sixes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment nf fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. I W Country produce ol all Kinds taken in cxhangs at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 4 mo. 30, 1853. IOR RENT, a smalt office or shop near Tener ti Engls's Store, Market Street, Sunbury. Apply to H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 9, 1893. SPORTSMEN A lot of double and single barrelled guns, shot belts, powder flasks, gun caps, flints, powder, shut and lead for ssla by r-epi. 14, '53. I. W. TENER & CO Hr-Mifllinburg Academy. . Itllflllnburg, L it Ion Count?, Penna REV. J. O. ANSPACH, ) , REV. E. KEIFFEU, $ Curators. A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH, Principal of Female Department. EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Mush. CHESSELDEN FISHER, M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, 6fc. The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti tute will commence on Mujnir, Ji-lt to, 1853. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mathematics and the Ancient Lan guages, as well as other brunches, will be taught, as far as practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will bn made of tho blackboard. Orthography, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full share of attention. Draughting, Construction of Maps, 1'se of Compass, Ac, will be taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music, Drawing, "O Painting, Water Colors, cVc, Ornamental Needle Work, French and Botany will be given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Castleton Pcmalo Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lads; of agreeable manners and high literary at tainments." Young ladies and gentlemen who design to become teachers, will find this Institution an effi cient school for preparation, .since there will be connected with it, during the great part of the year, a Tmcukhs' Ixstitcte, lhe nienibf rs of which will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Comae of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of llie-uit, under the supervision of the Principals. '1 he government of the school is bssed upon the luw ofiinivers.il love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do lo Ihcin. Hence the rules will In) mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that tne morals, habits of Mtililv. ami rrpuprnl ilennrlinpnt nf llin j students will he carefully attended lo. Tho building is now undergoing a complete 'enovauon. win oe paime... lurnisneu with new ucsks, a uen, convenient ream i ion rooms, q c. Mifflinbuig is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets have been recently graded and paved: It is, in everv respect, a pleasant and desirable, retreat for aiiuleuls. W'c, therefore, trust that the friends nf education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. IV The price of board, in the best of private families, does not exceed !ji 1 ,50 per week. N. li. Students may enter the Academy at any time during the term ; yet it is desirable that they be prpsent, if possible, on the first dav, Mifllinburg. Julv 16, 1853. 0m. STOVES, STOVES. VATE, the undersigned would rcsiectfully call " the attention of purchasers to our superior stock of Stoves, Cauldrons, Ac. The superiority of our titoves above all others is so well known that we deem it unnecessary to cnler into detail of them. We would invito your attention to our Ano grrgor Ihnliiig floie. As live price of coal is on tho rise, Ibis is the most economical stove the public can use. These stoves are of sizes suitable for heating the smallest room ; and those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000 cubic feet. Our Cook Stoves consist of the Globe Cook, for coal Modern Troy, for wood-Buck's celebrated wood slove Complete Cook Yocom Cook 1 llagur Cook, Ac. &c. Our assortment of Cook and Parlor stoves is the best in the market, and persons desiring to purchase will do well by fa voring us w ith a call liefore purchasing elsewhere. NEMAN &. WARNICK. Successors to Potts & Yocom, N. E. Comer 2nd and Race Streets, I'llll.ADia.I'liu Phila., Acg. E7. 185:1. Sin. jSOO Agents Wanted. $1000 a Year. VirANTED in every county of tho 1'nited ' Stutes, active and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some ef the best Books, pub lished in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small eupilul ol 'from $25 to .$100, such inducements will lie offered as to enable them to make from lj3 to -$1011 day profit. IV The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand lurjje sales wherever they are offered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid,) LEARY St GET,, No. 13S North Second Street, Philadelphia. Piihtishurs of subscription Boa!.s. Phila., Aug. 20 1853. Sin ' CHEAP WINDOW S1IAJ)K Depot and Manufactory G. L. IEILLEE. & CO., ii. VY. earner Arch ami Second Strrrts, PHILADELPHIA. EVERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole ul mi. I If..,.. it oiw.k ... K.....II VI. ...nr ' Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, arc I be Iia.1 at the lowest prices foi quality ofwoik. Orders lor Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed ut short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial, lis will III lo p'.ratf. Brasses. Trimmings, Ac, nlwavs on hand. Remember S. W. corner SKCU.M) & AltCJl Streets, Philadelphia August 13, IN.13.- fini. Notice TO CAEPENTERS & BUILDERS. 'IHE subscrilier respectfully informs lhe cili--- 7.ens of Sunliury, uud the puhlic generally, that he litis on hand fur sale, a large lot of yellow pine FLOORING BOARDS. He has also on hand a iuantity of excellent broad chestnut rails and pjsts. He is also prepared to get out timber to order, with promptness and despatch, fanners an 1 others, in I'liion county eau he supplied with tiny of the nhove articles on the shortcut notice, either on the river hank at Niilibuiy, or a mile below. For further patticu lersadjicss the subscriber or uniurl (iossler, Sunbury. CHARLES GOSSLER. Lower Augusta, August 0, 1S53. tf. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. Soup fj Candle .Manufacturers AMU DCA'.KIIS IN Kola Mart ti, CuHtlle Soap, &c. HAYING increased facilities for manufactu ring, Ihev are now prepared to offer induce ments to purchasers and dealers in the above named articles, Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment of select goods, (iootls sold ex clusively on the cash princ.N J, and at the lowest wholesale price Cull and aslisfy yourselves. Our motto is yuici Suits and Small Profits.' Nn. 4i filbert street, above 9lh, IMiiladclphia. August 13, 18533ni. jlTACKEKEL, Bcalled Pish, Herrings, pried I'ARecf, Hams auj cheese, Just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Hunbury, Sept. 10, 1853. 4 Splendid lot of Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloth, Table Oil covers. Carpet chain, door mats and matting, just received and for sala by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TENER & CO. BOOTS, Shoes, Hats Caps and Gum Shoe, just received aud for sale by StpU 10, 1853. I. W. TENER &. CO. -TMsOTHS, Cauimerei. Vestings. 8ltinetb Ace, of varioui ktylet tnd colon, just rccei- cd inJ lor mIc by rrpt. 0, fiJ. !. W. TfNFfli CO. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. T JtltStJAT to nn sit of the lin,ei:,l tmrmbll of (tie 1 l. "'"""""Wwtlh of I'nnisvtvniiln, .Mllllpil "All net ih. JIl? Xo,lbT ele, l'n of this tioimni.ii .v.-alih," approved eiJl.rL" . uf Jul" A"1"' """ IIk'UW.kI TlfJk m ' thirty-Mine. I. Wll i.l AM B. KMT, v...l JLI'""! "'" eounlyol Norlliiiiiil..rlsinl, Pennsvl- 'Hand, Penii iiee to lhe t lor.i- .1 ' um" """wn ami file maiee to lhe elre Z .lr:,ml' f'"esnid, tll a (cnernl elwli-n wil tlml a aenernl eleelin will Til Mil 1 v-.V'J'.'Vy 'N'.rtlminlierliit on the HKt- ON I) Slate 7frlT .'I' '""I'll. IW.fnl Which lima iSU-naufy Ortn-ers, ns follows, are to Iw etuv'le.1 : wes'lih.'1'"' ' c,,"1"""'oer of tin Common monlv'Shh."1 " '""' "f lhe V"-iM Court ! this Com- WIBl iwriou fiir "I liie n, I'SIWWIlh. I iii 1 i hi iiiiii1 iiinhii ft r 'HZ ' ,"" 'T" ' ll...e ..f llesit.ti, Yl... .. . i INortliuni hertawl. '"Ill'llll, " J - )iteperull Wl. thuiniWSnSlT Ask anas .Is M. nil1 itha siiaiil itrfXur- uf-ji'miini Onepeisonn, Audito, for the eonnty of Northtnnbcr. l2?AZu;' I"!:' ,Un, ivc '"t Die endT.r.,. . f n("":K'"1 " "v- ll,.. ' ""S"- , i .ue v.. rmuly Court 'J'lie AiiffiiiM riiwiri.., .jn , 1...... -..iti.r-.i oi ine town of lhe township o( towimhip. ' " iii -urn -Hto NorthmnliorlutMl DintrU-t, cninp.i,l rrf tho Itnnmvh of NortiHmIml..n), nt the Ivmnv of Auyt.itui Ium u( the Nirntifrh 'f sNnrtlinmlwilnml. The Point Dinrirt, nt fhe iVmnc of Ilrmy Uatkn, in the bor'uigh ol Nortimmlirfhml. Tim Miltuii District, at the Iioiim f Frederick Sticker in mirt NrMiirh. The Tiii-but Litiicl. at lhe home rmijieU by Abrnhom Kimiiifrer. Th J)el:iw.ire Dintrict, at tho Ii.mte nf Henry J Ren der. in Me Kweuxvillt. The Cliilin'jii;niic Dintriot nt the h time of nrnjnniin pimlmntiit. The Lewie District, at the lioneo urctipivd hy Miclincl Hfridt-r. Tim rli;iiu -kin Dinttict. ut the h..iine of Cliarlcn It incn- r-,... .(IKUICII. UL 1IIP HHIH. .d l.'l ... 1.' ' rinir I'l hfl 1'itner Muh'iiiov Dintrict. nt lhe hotine f Diinit'l iieitn. The Little Muliniinv District, at the houw of Fiederick Tlie Ucr M ih m v Dintrict, ut lhe home tf Miclioel The nimh Dtntrict. nt the Lilvrir V tf. -h' Iloiifie. The JficWftiii pimi'irt, at the h.mie ocrupit'tl hv iietirce Smith. , The Ciml Dmlrit-t, nt (he Iijmhb of Willimn . Wcnvcr, in the town of Shmnnkiu. The Zerle District at the lioiidc of Jnhn Weaver in Trevort"!.. The t'nm?rnn Pittrict, nt the houre "f fJidcn Drrk. The Jjrtluti District ut the h su tif Konjuimii l.uitcl. Til clectiitn t tiprn Iwlween the hotirn nf b tmrl 11) ocl Hk in lhe r.imi'fcui, uml slnll rontiune wiih-mt inter nipt I'll or mlj-mrnmeiit unlit 7 o'ct -ck in the evening, when the pulls hu)t he cl (!. The w vera I Iiiff)e;tort and Judges eleotetl mi lhe tU Friil.iy ot Ahirrh, 1V:1. in pursiiunre of the ."H Stion uf lhe net of the I of July. ISM, will Imld the election on Tiuwlity the 11th tby of (Vtohcr iu xt. Tli it every person except n Jnsticeof tin Pciiro, wli shull hold tiny oliice or iiiiniittineiit of pmtit and IniKt un der lhe p ivt-rnnifiit of the t.'ntted Smtcii. or of this State, or f any city or iiuMrponited district, whether it cotninis sioncd oiHccr or neur, who Fhntl he employed muler the ii'ginliilive, cxecutivi; or jndicin'y dfpryiineutof tliis State, or the Tinted Slide, or ol any city or incrp'ruted district nnd nisi tlmt every nieni'ier O'rgress nnd of the State ..cififkiture, nnd l'the select nnd coimivii c"iiiiril uf nny city, or ciiiiniiirtfti er of any incorporated District, is hy law. incuputtle of holilinrr (iT exrerminp the oihee or np p Miitmcnt ul Jutlu'c, lni'ctor or Clerk, uf nny elect i 'it of this counn-iiiwc'iltli, uud that ii Inspector. Judpe of anv other oiKcer of such election, shall be eligible lo any oliice I I thru voted f r. And the Kiid Act uf Assemhlr, enlith d nn art relntmp lo the election ol this Cotninonwellh,v pnFHcd July the 2nd. 1s;j, further provide us follows, to wit : 'Tluit the Inspectors nud Jutli ehom-n us nforcsnid, shnll mcelnt the iespctivc p luces for holding the cleciiou in the district ! which they rcBpirllully helnnp hefore nine 'cltrk in the morning of tlie second Tuesday of Oc toLter in each and every iur, nnd enehf said iiiNpectors Itutl nppoinl one clerk, who shall be u qnuhtied voter of such d strict. Skctios 3. That nny finud connnitted by nny person votiiift in the n in u ner .drove prenrritMil, shall be puuislu-d as similar fiauds nru direcletl to be punished by lhe exist ing laws nf this Common wealth. "In ease the eratn who shall luive received the second highest number of voles fur Inspectors ahull vt attend on the day of any election, then the person who plinll have received the second hiydiest iiundmr of votes fur Jm've lhe next precedinjr election, sliult net ns uu inspoctoi in his place, and ill case the prrs m elcctnl J iicfiru shrill not attend the lnKHror whu received the highest mmilrt?r of votes, shatliipxiiit n Judge in his place; and if any vnenncy shall continue tit tlie lfrd for the space of h-'dl nn hour af ter the lime tixed by I iw f r lhe opening of the election, the qualified voteis uf tho townsliip, wurd or ih district, for which such mfuvm shall have Im cii elecletl. present at va'aT? '"" "" "ll suaii ik I lie tluiv oi hu( :.sess in respcciiveiV t ni tend nt the plce of h"ltiniif every frnieral, spit ml, t-r towushi, t!ec;ioii, dtirinc the wh -le linn; said elecli -n is kept opi'ii, for the purpnn. of pivinif iufortntitiuu to the InMpeclorfj aud Jiulue, wh'-n called on. in relation to tlie nglii of nny perimu iiKsesned by tlieiu to vole nt such elec- , ti in, or sui h other lualiers in icLttion lit the avst-MHim-iit of j voters, aa the said inspector ur jutlye r either of tliem, shall from time o tiutc retjnire. I i per s. m s!iull be pt-riniiied to vote lit any election nn aforesaid, oilier than n white free man o twenty-one ur I more, wh shall have ret-hled in the state nl lea t "iie year, and in liie election di"trift where he otlcr t v Ic al !c!it 1 ten (lay innnediiiU-Iy pnreeetinii the rltvlion, nnd wilhiu two years aid slute oi county lax. which shall have Iicl-ii assesaetl ut least ten dnyt beltre the election, Hut a citizen of lhe Flitted States who had previously Ih.cii a ipmlitiet) voter of this stale, und removed i hen from and resinned, and thai) have refilled iw the election district, nnd paid (ax ih nforessid. shull Iw entitled to vote after rcsiitint: In this slate mix mouths. 1'rovidcd, That the white freemen, citi xenant lhe Fluted Slates, liclweeu the aire of I went y-oue und tweu1y-tw Veins, mid in the eleetioe ilistriet ten d i a uw aforettaidj shall he ml it led I a vote, ulth ugh they shall Hot have paid tass. No pers in shall be penuiiteil to vole nhone name is u t c uttaiiMil in the list of taxaiilc Inliabituuts fnrnishot by lhe comtuisioiterff ns til icKtid, imlijv. Fust : He prtluee a -receipt for the pax uicnt. 'within two years, of a Mate or comity tax assesd ucrecnhlv in the v -tistituli-ni. und uaVe s-itixljeiory evidence cuhcr on Iris owu isith or Hthrmu tio'i, or uu the iKifli or arurmatioii of uuolher, that he luts paid sueh tax. or on failure to pr-nhice a receipt, shall make uu out h to tlie iiuymeiit thereof; or second, he claim n rifiht to Vole ly beinK un elector betxveeu the ues of twenty-one nnd lwcnty-tvo years. v shall dtpom mi oath or mfiiNiution. thai he has resided in the Suite al tenst one year next before his nppliraiiou, uud make such proof of i""smt tl liim resilience in me (iii-mi tus is r'umriii iv iius act that he noes verily believe from the account givui tlml he isoi the nun ulurcfciiil. ami t:ive fueh other cvr deuces us is required by Ibis act, xxhereupim tlie name of tin persun s-i uihnitli d to vote. fhall lie inserted in a'pha lselieal lirt ity itie in.scelnfi4, niiti a note made upptite thereto by writunr tlo Word -inx." if he iludl Ih peiiuii Itd to Vole hy rcnfoii of bavin? puitl tax, or lhe wonl 'afe." if he alinll be itcrmilted tt vole on account ef hi ue, and in either ease (he lens bi of sueh voles shall he enlUnl out to the 'Ierk, who shall make notes in the list .of voters kept by (item. In all crtR'-s where lhe nrwne of the person ctniiuin2 Ui j vote is niit found on (he list furnished by the Commission er and Asscwmr, or his riuhl to vote whether found there on or not. is ol uect Hi to by any qualified citizen, the In spector Sua 1 1 examine such peis-'ii on uutlt a, to his tpialiti caiioiis, and il lie Cbiims to tiaxv leside) in the state one yeut or more, his iath t-liall be a prisif thereof, hut he shall prove by at leust me competeul witness, wIhi ftlutll be a iualified elector, lluit he lesideil x ilhlu the distiicl at IcuSt ten iluvs ui'xt immediatev jireeethue tlie rlet'tion, and sludl also himself sxveur tluit Ins Imuiu tide residence, in pursu ance of lit wfu I calliihr is wilhiu lhe district, and that he did n H remove into uaid district for the pnrpoae of tmg therein. F.veiy pesai (pialifietl nn aforesaid, nud who shall make proof, if reipiirwl, uf resilient uud payment of tuxr, as uforesuid, shall lu admitted io volu ui lha township, wurd ordiitriet in which he shall reside. If any eiioti nut qua lined to vole in thisComut nweu!th Bfrreeably to law, (except the suit of ipuihiled citizen) shall upwitr ut uuy pUee of election foi lhe purpose uf is stliuti tickets, or ililhieneiu( eili'svos ipial.lied t Vole, he sliull. on eimvicti'Hi, forfeit ami pay liny sum not cxcetil in) one hutidretl di'IUrs for every one such uit -iiee, and be imprisoned f.r any lent) not exceediufr Ihree inoulha. It shall he tlie duly ol everv ihiiv-t, iicraf. ulilermau, justice uf the peace, Imd cousliihle ur deputy constable, uf every city, county, township or district wilhiu tins Mill-in-aiweulili, whenever mi by nnv uilicer of an election, or by any three tpiulitied electors thereof, t char any wind xv or uvenun to anv window, to lhe pliti e oi ifcutiiui cleriion, wiiu'ii suaii ic uhstaiciett in stu-ii a w iy us o present voters from apprttaehiut.' iht Kline, nail (Ul iieleci or reiusni hi no mi uu such reiposiou, fhu uiucei si tall 1 deemed uMilled ol luistti uiitiu r in uthee and un o an ict ion shall Ih- lino I in uny sum n t h-ss tlum one him dred nor more tliiin une llioiisaud d l!ars ; aud it t-hall In lhe duty of liie rcpclice const aide ut each x ard. diclrict or township, of this c ititnouweiith to he present iu ern or by deputy, ut llm p'.at of h Miiu; mcU elect i us in said wniil, district r township, for the purpose of presti viuir the peace ns aforesaid. It shnll lie the duty of every pence uhVer. ns nfoiesahh who shall be present at any such disturbances at uu elec. lion as ;s described in this act, lo rep rt the same to I he next couit of quarter sil u, and u!w the uumea of the wiluehsei who can prove llie sumti. And bv lhe 1th cciion of lhe n- of lAth of April, IIH, il isrnaelwl, Tlmt lhe 1'ith scciicn of iheael, ns passed July 'i IkW. entitled un act relulnu lo llie elections of ihis einiilH rtixvmlth. shall twit lie n ruiistrueteit as to prevent anv nuhiia 4ilicr or borough nificer, fr-wn servmn as jutlir, iiisiHVtT or clerk, at any general or speciul election in Ihis eomuionweollh. The Ju Ilc aie In make Ihetr returns f'r lhe roiintv of X.irirtnmrw-rlniMJ, ai the Cairt ll'Sise, in Sunbury, nu Fri iby, the Hi duy ot' OctiUr, A. D. Ik O WILLIAM U.KIPF, Khcriff. Slienfl's Oifice. Buuhury. tuJtitTii IMIT ' II ( UOD feAVK THK COMMONWEALTH I LEATHER. FllITZ & HENDRY, Store, 29 N. 3d street. PHH.ASEI.rHXA. Morocco Manufacturers, Curriers, Importers, Commision and General Leather Business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Msnufaclorv 15 Margareiu btrcet Phils., Atifust 0, J8.S3.-lv. . THE ROAD TO HEALTH ! HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. CUBK OF A DISORDERED LITER AND BW UI(iK8TIU. Copy of A Letter from M:. R. W. Kirln. Chemist, 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, daici 6th June, 1851. To Professor lloixowAT. fia. Vrair 1'itls ami ointment liars stood tfce Inaliest o our sale h of-l'roprieMry Meilirines for sows ars. A ciintoirs, lo whom I can rsfer I'ornny em;imies, rtesrs me to let vsi kisiw the pnrlirtniarl of hef eose. Slie had lieen triaiblnl foi esi wilh a disonleied liver and Imil digestion. On tls lnt m-isiou, hnwnrer, lbs vrralrweer the nltnrk vrns so nlsrriiirf , iiikI Die iulluliifftatioM set ttt s. severely, Hull doulils wer emetlint if her n"t lesmir able to bent up under il I'ortniialety she ws indueed lo try your I'ills, nud she insirnm me Mml slier lhe firm, and erteh d-'Se. she had groitl relief. She (Mlitiinifit to tiiks Ihem, anrt sltliriuirli slie nsrtt nnly Ihree H'ses. she is ihhv ill the euj-iynieiil of pert'net hni'tlh. I eonld lievs sent y,iu iniiuy e.ie.'ii. hut the it,ve fnnn the erissiTT or taa aitack, tnid llis PKrnv sure, I think, fpeuks much m liivur nl your utt.uiishoiv fills, (iltne'l) R. VT. KIRKUS. AN KXTH vottpiXARv rt:RR OF ltHELMATIC rKVKIt, IN VAN Dir.MKN'S LAND. CSpy of a Letter inserted in the Hobart Tov Courier, of the 1st March, 1851, hy Major J tl'ulch. Mnnrmet M'Cniiiilmm t,i..ai.. ... ...;.!... ,ew I own. had tH-eii II .-r, 1 1 a fr..rs a violent thruniutia irier lor npwutos nl two minithn, wlneh hart entirely dv privet! her ,.f the use ol her IiiiiI ; dnnng this period m wus uit'hT the esre of Iho most eminent meilienl men m llolart Tiiwn, and bv tliem her ense wis considered hope less.. A iriend prevailed upon her to try Hnllowny's etle. bmted rill. wIim-Ii she eineitled to do, mid in an iuuredi ble short since Ol lime they elrVcieil a peifeel enie. cub F. or a pain and tioiitnicss in tiii: tllt-ST AND STOMACH OF A P1.K30N (l VKAHSOF AUK. From Mcsrs Thew ef Son, Pioprietors of the Lynn Advertiser, trio can vouch for tht following statement. August ind, 1851, To Piofcmor IbiM.oWAY, ,,1n- ' d'-sire to lwr testitmnv tithe (rood efleets nf llollowey's Pills. For some years I sintered seysiely Irum a pnm ami tiglitnem in llientoiiuicli which wnsalao aeeoia imuinl hy a shorlmvs of breuth that prevented me from wtilkmrubsit. I unit I veurt of nBc. und i otwillntHinlunr my iiovuiicert state of life, these Pilw hove so lelievsd in 'hut I inn desiroua nnl others should he made m iumiiiteii Willi their virtues. I nm How rendered, by their liicum coniirulivel aelive. uud enu Hike exereie wilhoul iin' venleuee or pain, which 1 sould not do before (!ifiil) HF.MIY COF., N'ortli rtreet, l.jnn, Morf.sk. These celebrated Pills are wandci fully ejjica. cious tn me oliotcmg complaints A aiis Jropsv 1llll.11nmnttu Jiitinilire l.iver Coin. pluinls l.uiulvigo Piles ltheunintintn ltetenliou of I'rinc Sc'Ttula. or Kind's Kvil !rcon.larv Asthma Dyf.Mlury lliliouk Complaiuts Frysipelns Hlotelnn on (lie Feiuule Irregu- Willi Inrities H iwel Complaints Fevers ol all Colics kinds Consiipnlion nf Fits the li Wels Ihtut Consumption Ilnid-selie Detnhtv Indigestion Stone ntid (jravel S ire Throots Tie Douloureux J umoiirs M int-lus I leers Venen al AfTeettons Wormsof nil kin!s Weakness, from whatever cause ic, Ac. "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. TVOW for the little ones. Wliy will patents ' waste hours and d.iys iu fruillrss cuuVuvors to gi't prrlrrt iiirtures of their cliilJrcn and alter all get nothing hut a poor, miserable caricature 1 We would say, come to our EXCELS0IR GALLERY and we tvill guarantee to make yon a perfect picture, by our El.tCTiio Chimical proecia, that works in from J to i seconds. V"e defy any Uugucrrcan in l'liiladelphia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as we aro the inventois, and llie process is used only in our dif ferent establishments in IS'cw England and the Middle States. Tor pictures of adults, the silver medals we have received fiom the American Institute, New York and Franklin, l'liiladelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they aro the Ae Pins Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention lo pur Talhotvpes Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. 0. Cullixs & Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp den House, Springfield and Collins' Uuildiug, Wcstficld, Mass. Jf. B. Our establishment is l''jminated ly i the hrillisncy of our Picture .iy l)ny, and hy I Professor lUreftra"t .SaVy Lamp, ly Xight vuiiiu uuu pvt. Phila.. May 28, 1653; lv. Lumber Yiiid. THE subscriber would respectfully inform tli citizens of Sunbury, and Northnmterlnnd I and adjoining counties, that ho has ojicned u ! Luinticr Yard in the lot fronlinr; on Cranberry (St., ft short ilis i tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he hs j now a large amount of firmouril l'uiiinl 1'lnnl, al.ro I'.unirl Board a, and all other Hoards and I UrniiiNG Matkiiial, such nswill bewanted for building purposes. Also a large amount of Shingles en hand, which will be sold from JO up to jf8, according to quality and sin. Please give us a call and examine our price and quality. N, li. Farmers who are in want of Shingles will please call as we w ill sell to vou low. J. E. l.EIU, Sup. Sunbury, May 28, 1S53. ly. FltOCTM7VTK)N. TOTICE is hereby pivon that a Special ' Court of Common Pleas, in nnd fur Iho Conntv nf Northumberland, lo commence at I ,'le r"11 House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A.M., nu Monday the 31st ilav of October next, ana will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors nro requested to be punctual in their attendance, at lhe timu appointed nqreeabln to their notices. Given under my hnml at Sunbury, tho 27th titty uf August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiyht hundred and fifty-three, nnd the Independence of the United Stales of America th 7Sih. WILLIAM D. KirP, feheriflr. List of Causes. FOR Special Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to commence on Monddv, the 31st dav of October next, A. I)., 1833. ' J .inu-8 (irahnm vs Hugh Bellas ct ul Coin'lh for Win I. Ileiuemun vsT A Uillingtou Com'wealth for S. I). Vs T, A. Billingtnii oc Jordan bail Mahonny and Shnnuikin . , , , n i J t, Alirulium I'anl Improvement co ,- , , c ... . . A. C. & T. G. Keiidciton Smith s r n. vs Morris same vs same Jane Uogar Vs Ccorge P Uuvers et al Henry lloiinel M ul vs Hugh Bellas Hubert Philips vs or by Uuu and Shamokin Improvement Company JAMKS BEARD, P.oth'y. Prothonntarv's Olfioe, ) Sunbury, Am. 27, 1S53. S LN 1 T J( V A N 1 l'l 1 ILADELPll IX Tclcgrajili. 1JROPOSAT.S will be received at lhe "A roe- rioan" otl'ice for the delivery of 400 chestnut or white oak Telegraph posts, at some point along the Sunbury and l'liiladelphia Railroad between Sunbury and Shamokin. fa id posts to be IS feet high and live inches thick at the small end, aud to be delivered as soon ss possible. WOODS, MASSEU cV BALDWIN". Sunbury, Aug. 6, IS53. tf. ill' ACKER EL. COD KIM I, Cons'antly nn hand nnd for sale by i i r M i.i; i. r.. SALMON. HERRINGS. PORK, HAMS k SIDES, SHOULDERS, LAUD fc CHEESE, Aug. 57. 18533m. ( Murkel-Stieet Whaif Philadelphia. 11 ANN'S LETTER PRESSE witU If ft books, ink, nd nil comnlne, just n reived, and for sals by H. B. MASSE K- Scnuuty, Juus 4, 1833. I.OR sals at this oiSce. Superior Black Ink. Cattlo McJkims al S& cts, Purs Gincr. V6 iti,