-I t t-. i " , ' .t- -J . THE AIERICAXT. SSBURY. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEIl SM, ISM. II. B. MASSEIl, Kdltor and Proprl-tea-. To ADvmTUESs.- -The circiilntla of the Sniiliury Amerienil m.'liK Hie different towns on the 9onuehniMi U not excenlrd if equalled bjr my pnprt published ill North cm l'snnaylviini. Democratic State Nomination. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COUUT: JOHN C. KNOX, OJ Tioga County. FOR CAN At. COMMISSIONER: THOMAS FOESYTH, Of Philadelphia County. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL: EPHItAIM BANKS, Of Mifflin County. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: J. POUTER BPvAWLEY. Of Crawford Comity. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY NOMINATIONS. For Assembly. DAVID B. MONTGOMERY, of Delaware. Commissioner. SIMON SNYDER, of Upper Attgusla. Treasurer. FRANCIo BUCIIER, of Sunbury. District Attorney. WlLMAM M. ROCKEFELLER, ofSunbury. Deputy Surveyor. SAMUEL YOUNG, of Lower Mahutioy. Auditor. JOSEPH HOOVER, of Upper Augusta. tDITOK'S TABLE. - Business Notices. Oonr.i s Lint's Book for October has already reached our table. The cngravinirs represent, "The mourners," "Sabbath in the Country," Fashion Plates, various patterns for Lnce, Man tles and Mantillas, Landscape, gardening, &c, &c, Of the contents we may note with special favor, Artesian Veils, V.'oman's social position, A dollar on the conscience, The wonderful gift, &c. Liwisauao. Our enterprising young friends, Messrs. Beaver, Kremer Ac Moore, of Lcnislntrir advertise, in our columns, this week, a splendid j assortment of new goods. Lewisburg merchants are wide awake. Lamps, Lintebss & Chandeliers, Davis t Culin, manufacturers of these articles, adver tise a large assortment for sale at their manufac tory, N. E. corner of 4th and Cherry streets, Philadelphia. Paper HiTtni.xos.- W. Wilson, No. 0 south fourth street, below market, Philadelphia, adver tises a variety of articles in his line. Sec bis advertisement. Millikert. Julius Stem, No. 1)1, north 2d street, Philadelphia, advertises an assortment of Millinery articles, such as silks, ribbons, luces ,Vc- episcopal si:nvn i: Service will be held, by Divine Permission in St. Matthew's Church, to morrow (Sun Hay) morning at lOlo'clock, and in St. Maiks Church, Northumberland, at 4 P. M. " At H'lCTIKO BEREAVEMENT. We observe in one of our exchanges a statement that "Mr. Eisely, editor of the Concordia, La. Intelligencer, had lost hit wife and four children" bj that terrible scourge of the south yellow fever, ' Mr. Eisely was connected with us in the publi cation of this paper from its commence ment until 1S4-8, ft period of seven and a half years. ' He removed south with his family the year following. This will be sad intelligence for the friends of his family in this neighborhood. . E7 Interesting to Coal Dealers. The exhibition committee of the Maryland Institute have given notice that they will, at the approaching Fair, appoint a compe tent committee to examine and accurately test the various coals on exhibition, and de. termine their relative value. All persons interested in coal mines are therefore re quested to furnish specimens for the pur pose, in addition to those for exhibition. (XT Oi'ENixo of the North Branch Ca nal. The Canal Commissioners have di rected the water to be let into the whole line of the North Branch canal on the 15th day of October next. This is the last link necessary to connect the waters of Chesa peak Bay with the waters of the Northern lakes. This canal traverses one of the richest mineral regions of Pennsylvania. ID" The Jlilfoniun is in error in regard to the locomotive and cars being smashed on the Philadelphia and Sunbury .Railroad- The locomotive did not leave the track, and sustained no injury whatever, and the , body of the passenger car, with the excep ! tion of some damage to the roof, is as firm ' and substantial as ever. The car was j brought to town, on trucks, lor repair. j Such an accident cannot well occur again, i i as the Company have placed a powerful reflector on the Engine, that will enable the engineer to see any obstruction within stopping distance. The locomotive threw off the track two of the cows over the abutment, and would have cleared the track of the third, had the space between track and the side of the bridge been wi der. -The management of the road is in good hands. The Superiiitentant, Mr. Fiske, of Providence, R. I., who was kept at home by illness, has returned. He is a gentleman of experience and business ca pacity, and unaer his management the operations of the road will be most carelul ly and efficiently conducted. THRILLING BCRNR AT THE FALL Of NIAOAftA. RkMAHKARLS EfCArB fR0M DKATII.-Vlr. E. V. Wilson, of this oily, of lightning tod notoriety, went to the Fall with a part, and among the number was Mrs. N. L, Piper. The lady, at the lime, was laboring ilijjhlly tinder a species of insanity, It was thought by hor husband that travelling and aehanire of air and scenery would lo her grind, but iiniortnnatBly, mich wi not the rase. Im mediately upon her arrival, she wa desirous to so thd Kails, ami while standing upon the Canada aide, at about twenty feet from the falling sheet of water, aha dipped Iter arm from Mr. Wilsnn, ami made a rush to wards the pieclplep, ll.t tushed after he, and juat as aim was Ruing over, he caught hold of her dress, ami by it held hrr dangling in the air. The die gave w ay, and sh fell on the ledge uf a lock at a distance of twenty feet. As she tint lay, Wilson, our natra live says, "whit great presence of mind, looked for a aufl place," and, discovering that a quantity of loose ratlh wa lying the rocks, hi inimedinlelv Jumped dow n on it. He was just in limi In aavi hot from going over I lut main pieclplon lly lit aid of a pair of lono; lines brl inulnu In a team lose by, they were bo'h drawn up together. Both aulfered from aintm contusions, but nei ther was seriously hint. 7'nrinin Colonist. Russia and China. The sudden appear ance of a Kiibsian squadron in the China seas, has civen rise to much speculation. It was conjectured by some that tho vessels were sent as a sort of flotilla of observation, com missioned to watch and report upon the con nection of foreign powers wilh the revolu tionists; others, that tho Emperor of the Notth was nbuut to assist his Eastern brother in quieting his now troublesome subjects ; but the weight of popular opinion inclined to the belief that the Miips would set oil for Japan, and pet haps anticip te the Aineiieutig at Jeddo. Como and Pay Up ! ALL persons Indebted to the firm of Friling it Grant are respectfully requested to eomt and pit up their accounts between now and the I Bth or Uctoder, a tliey wish to go to fhilauel phia to buy their full supplies. Wunbury, Sept. J4, 18S3 4t. CP" Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ot them for cash, by applying at this office. The Borough Councils at a meeting on Monday evening last, mad.' a subscrip tion of ono thousand dollars to the con struction of the embankment above town, at the Grant farm. The work will cost 4000 when completed, and will, with the other embankments, render every portion of the town secure from all future freshets. ZJ" The steamboat now building at this place is nearly ready for her machinery. Tne boiler has arrived, but the engine is not yet finished, and will not be ready for several weeks. After her machinery is put on board, it will require some four weeks to rig the boat, and put her into complete running order. It will therefore be about the middle of November before we can expect to see the placid bosom of the Susquehanna disturbed by the prow of steamer. $y Larue Peach. The editor of the Lycoming Gazette received a peach mea suring 10 inches in circumference and wei"Iiinz nine ounces and a half, and asks who can beat it. Sunbury, we think, can bert it without much trouble. I .MUX f'Ol'XTV. Politics in Union county is strangely mixed up with local matters, and is now in such a medley, that it is hard to U II which patty will be uppermost. The first issue was in relation to the county subscrip tion. There was a regular fight between Ihe subscription and anti-subscription par ties. That brought about, as these things generally do, other issu'. Interested in dividuals started the proj.-ct of dividing the county, and now they have dropped nearly every other issue, and are battling for and aguinst a diusion of the county, and there is now a fair prospect of Union county be ing divided. 13oth Whigs and Demo crats opposed to dividing the county, have resolved to oppose every man who is in favor of division, or who is even suspected of such a design. BC7-H. C. Hickoc k, Esq., of Lewisburg, lias been appointed Notary Public for Union county. We congratulate our edi torial friend, and hope he may continue in the line of promotion. KF The first meeling of the New York, Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, was held on Wednesday, the 14th instant, at New York. The Commissioners present proceeded to business and opened the books of subscription. The capital of the Com pany is one hundred millions. The amount subscribed was 12,800,000, of which ten millions were taken by Robert J. Walker. The Company then adjourned for a fort night. New Ohlkans. Sept. 16. Ravages of the Yellotc Fever. Tho num ber of interments reported yesterday was 51, of which 37 were by fever. We have friyhtful ncceunts of the ravage of the pestilence along the Lake and Hivet coasts. It is raging terribly nmony; the plantations and in the small villages. The How anl Association of this city aie sending . ..ii .i: .: I Lamleleabras, and Isrittaiinia Lamps, at the New Orleans, Sept. 17 The inleiinenls Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by for Ihe twenty-four hours ending this morn- j the package, at a small advance over Auction 1'AMl'IILET LAWS. NOTICE la hereby given that the Pamphlet Law have been received and are ready for Distribution to those legally authorized to receive them. JAMFf? BEARD, Prothy Hunbury, Kept. 84, 1853 " PAPEP. EAlTGIlTGSr W . WILSON, S'o. B South Fourth Street, five daors below Market at. East side, PHILADELPHIA. HAN for sale every variety of WALL PAPERS, tVolit 0 rent per piece upwards, including Fine hatius, Hold and Velvets, imitation Woods, Marbles, cVc. Also a (treat variety of new style of Curtain Paiier, Kino Hoard Ptinls, 1) orders, Ac. Iii'alers supplied at the lowest mto. Phil., Hepl. SI, HVJ Sin. BEAVER, KREMER & MOORE, HAVE received a very large assortment of KALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of ISO pieces Muslin-dc-Lains at 4 to fi tents, ino ' ' ' 10 IS IS' iV .r0 " " ' S3 to 30 cents. 300 " Calicoes at 5 f. fi 10 and 12J. First rate calico, luaililer color at 8 and 10 cents. 30 pieces Delicto at 12 lfij and 25 ets. 16 pieces 6-4 French Merino at 100 to 137. S50 Iohit nnd square Shawls, at from 1,50 to $S0 30 pieces black, colored, figured and plain Silks, together with every variety of Goods suited to the season, at as low rates as can be had in Phila delphia at retail. A large assortment of Carpets, Stoves of all kinds (or wood or coal. Call and see, as we will sell you goods at such prices as will give satis faction. Lewisburg, Sept. 24, IS!)3. Ot. DAVIS & CULIN, Uealera in l-Attrs, LAM'KRMH A CIIAMUXIKIl, N. F. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHIX.ADEr.PHIA. HAVING enlarged and improved their Store, and having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia citv, tbev are now prepared to furnish PLNE OIL CAM I'll ENE, BURNING FLUID, , ETHEREAL OIL, Thocphcuc Gas nnd Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of nil luitcriis. Fancy Hotel nud Hall Lamps, I'luiulelicrs, Girandoles nod of bridge stock, dated, Februa ry 95, 1882. 0 00 Interest on same to Deo 31, 1853. 7 84 Amount of J. B. Masser's bond . for unseated lands, 130 00 Ca. $9,865 851 By amoynt of Cash paid a per commissioner's orders, iu,i i Paid Northumberland Bank, raid basietn Penitentiary, Expenses in fining to Northum berland 4 limes to pay money nnd receive biidga stock, Depreciated money, Treasurers commission on tlO, 879 33; at 24 per cl. 300 00 58 75 6 30 9 00 271 98 ing, have been 47, including only 26 from fever. The total mortality for the week end ing to day has decreased lo 3 05, including 240 from fever. prices. Uemg larso MA.M l'AtTl.lir,IIS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these articles at such prices (hut Merchants will li tit it to their advantage to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, IlLI'LV OF MR. EVERKTT TO LUItO JOIIKi ' tha Hafi-ty FI )id Lamp for sale. RISSHLI.. Boston, Sept. 21 The Advertiser to-day j contains Mr. Everetrs letter, in reply to Lord John llnssel, on tha p'ishery question, j! dated Septembei 17th, in which he regrets that Lord John's letter was not written be- j , fore his, (Mr. E's) retirement fiom the Slato ' Department, in order that he might have re- S plied officially iuslead of personally ns at j present. He consideis the letter sarcastic in j g tone nud not so conciliatory as might have ; S been expected, and proceeds In answer in It detail in a very masterly maimer. The let- ! ; ter makes two and a half columns. ; Phila., Sept. 2 1, 18i3. ly. Cv" Type Setting Machine. The New Bv Older of the French Minister of Ma- I r i ne, a second assortment of arg:ie seeds has ! inst been brought lo -'ruticu fmm Aloeador. I York Tribune has examined a new machine, Xll0 argnn0) wjlicll u mci wilh ; Ul0 lllte. j invented by Mr. William Mitchell, of riot of Morocco, parlieulaily in the neighbor that city, for the purpose of getting type, hood of Mjzadur, is a tree, tho fruit of I It lias keys like a piano, with a number of endless tapes, kept in motion by machinery, to carry the types to the spot where they w hich, after having furnished an abundant oil, 11 llu r. I s an excellent food for cattle, and serves besides as a strong manure. Tho trunk of the argaue does not exceed fifteen .... ... u,,. v.iry iiuw mnui worn II IS f . h-,h, alu .,., .,: fHL ; . . --. -o-- I - - - capable of performing, the Tribune has no j means of judging, as the arrangements are not yet complete enough to subject it to a regular test. fJT" Europe. The news by the Arctic from all parts ol Europe seems to favor the impression that the Eastern war question may yet reach open war. Trade in the manufacturing distjicts had declined, as had also the prices of Flour and Grain. YELLOW FEVER AT PHILADELPHIA. The Koaid of Health this week report two fatal cases of Yellow Fever in our city. That it s'.ill exists in the ueighboi hood of South and Swnnson streets, 10 which locality it was brought by Ihe ba k Mandarin, there can be no doubt, but it is of mild type, and in moM instances jields to medical treat ment. From personal observation we know that many houses in the vicinity are desert ed ; that factories have been closed; that the disease has manifested itself almost ex clusively in baJly ventilated localities, and that the public authorities have performed everything in their power to cleanse and pu lify the infected dintrict. There is no occa sion for any alarm, but a proper sense of our duty compels us to tay that yellow- fever does exist, nnd cases will continue to occur until a few heavy fiosts have visited us. .Suit, Monday. Baltimore, Sept. 18th. The Southern Mail. The Mail of this evening, brings no papers beyond Mobile. The fever continues ils ravages among the population of Mobile. Nearly all the slotes are closed, and busines is completely pros trated. The proprietors of the Battle House has lost so many cleiks and servents, that they were compelled to close the Hotel dur ing the epidemic. The damages caused by freshets to the Southern railroads, have been repaired, and the trains have commenced their regular trips. A PtNNbVLVAKiA Wild Cat. A tremen dous Wild Cat, 24 inches long and weighing 75 pounds, was shot and killed by Col Joseph Haughawout, a few miles above Tamaqua, a weeks since. Da. Toor, of Winbaden, confirms the statement of several other German practition ers, that warts are rapidly cured by the in ternal ue of caibonate of magnesia. cunifereucR. The acclimation of this tree has been already successfully commenced in the sandy uud stony ground of thu south of Fiance. Mad D o Considerable excitement is now prevailing among our citizens upon ao-: j count ol seveial dogs reported lo nave Ueeit id, havinz passed through our town and neiijhboi hood, within a few days. A doc belonging to Mr. Win. MuMiehael near this Boiuimh, was bitten some time since, by a Btrange dog, passing by, and last week be came mad, biting several lmss belonging to Mr M , and also passing through Ihe nor thern part of our Borough in tho direction of Pennsville, bit quite a number of does. Ho was killed at Pennsville Muncy Luminary. An Immf.nm: Pkacii Oiicmaru. A gentle man named Davis, from Philadelphia, resi ding in Clermont Comity, Ohio, has a peach orchard of 100 acres, containing 17,000 trees. His neil profits this season are estimated at $25,000. IH macks ion Bhkacii ok Promisk. Miss Kline has reeoveied S500 of Mr Stiydiiro, a widower of New Jersey, for a breach of mar riage promise, fhe proved her case by a female friend, who overheard the contract, through a hole in the Hour. ROYAL NEEDLEWOMEN. The Empress of Rustia and the ex-Queen of France are said to lie excellent needlewomen 1 but it is not stated whether they were in the habit of mending their husband's coals, pauls, and vests. rieaking of coals, pants, and vests, there is a splended and varied assortment of all those articles, just suited and intended for the approaching fall season, at Rockhill & Wilson's Clothing; More, No. Ill Cbesnut street, corner ofFrankliu Place, Philadel phia. Philadelphia, Nov. 6, I85i. ly. cw. New Advertisements. "500 RE WARD ! ! INASMUCH as there has lceii at sundry timei, obstructions placed and ronllned upon the track of Ihe Philadelphia and Suubury Railroad, 1 do hereby oiler the above reward for the detec tion and conviction of any person or persons guilty of such offence. 1MVID LONGENEC'KER, Presidcut, eiunbury, Sept. 24, 1853. 3m. Estate of ARTHUR HIBLEB, dee'd. TOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad 11 ministration have been granted to the un dersigned upon the estate of Arthur llihler, lata of Ciucinnatti, Ohio, dee'd. All persons having claims against aaid estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement; and those knowing themselves indebted lo make pay. merit without delay. tsAMUEL HID LEI?, Adm'tor, Damillc, Pa I JULIUS STERN. I No. 171 orlh 2nd Street, opposite ihe i Camel Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. I I AS opened a full and extensive as- l1 sorluienl of all kinds of .Millinery; ti ; articles, such as Kihhons. L:ices, Uloud ; 5 j Lace, Silks, Florences, Uonuct-friimcs, j hJ I and n Iiitrc assortment of needle- 1 " I worked handkerchiefs Collars, ! ! Capes, Flounces, Insertions, ; S" Edgiugn, &c. ' t ; together with a great variety of other j 5 articles too numerous to mention at , WHOLESALE and RETAIL. s j Persons mskin Iheir Fall purchases' are invited lo give him e call. j Phila., Mept. 11. 1853 Sm. ATTENTION BATTALION ! ! ! fjlMlh First Uattnllion, First a IJriade, Eiglh Division Pennsylvania Volunteers, compo sed of ihe Shamnkin (iuards, Cad wnllader fiuards, Dewnrt Utnijda and Farmers and Mectuiuics Ar tillerists, will meet for parade at the house of Charles Lcisenring, in Shainokiu township, on Satur day, the 1st day nf October nest, at 10 o'clock, A. M each member to bo provided wilh 12 rounds of LLnik cartridge. WM. Ii. Klt'l. Lieut. C'olem l. Sunbury, Sept. 1S.V). ATTENTION, nniVART claims!! OC are hereby commanded lo meet in Market square, Sunbury, on SATCRDAY. EPT. 2 ih.'i.I. at t o clock, P. M., fully cqniped for drill. Each member to be proidcd w ith 10 rounds of blank cartridge. Punctual attendance is required. liv order ol the Captain. 'liEO. Ol.Il'HA.NT, O. 8. Sunbury, Sept. 21, 133 ' ATTENTION, F1EBEBS' 4D 51F.U1AMCS' AltTM.KItlSTS ! ! rOU are hereby commanded to meet in Market Square, Sunbu ry, on SATURDAY, the 1st of September, next, at 0 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped for drill. Each member to be prepared w ilh 10 rounds of blank cailridges. liv outer of the Captain, SOLOMON STROH, O. S. .. U. The Company are sroiui; out by eais, which leave at 7 o'clock, A. M. Sunbury, Sept. 21, lSj;l. 911,166 61) 9,805 85j Balance due County Tieasurer, 91,300 754 Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account with the same respecting State Funds. Da. To amount of State tax received from colleotois for the year, 1849, " " " 1850, " " " 1H51, " " ' 1R52, State tax on unseated lauds 1850, " " 1851, Aggregate amount of Taverr li cense granted, by the Court of Quarter Sessions 1852, Aggregate amount of Retailers license as per list furnished Treasurer by meieantilo ap praiser, Aggregate amount of Patent Me dicine ns per list fnrni.shed by mercantile, appraiser, Acgregate amount of Beer and ' Oyster shop licenses as per list fuiuifhed by mercantile ap praiser, Aggregate amount of Distillers and Hieweis license as per list furnished by meieantile ap praiser, Amount of militia lax received 18-IS, 1810, 1850, (I ti 11 1848, 1849, $32 41 527 05 8,343 00 8,414 10 191 43 191 54 480 00 820 25 15 00 22 00 21 00 John Heim, Cameron, Joseph Vanklrk, I'oint, James Buoy, Milton, Total, Stale I. Leisenring, Norlh'U, Thomas Barr, Lewis, John Leibig, Coal, D. Stahluecker, Delaware, C Kersner, Sunbury, George Knnlz, Turbut, Solomon Mart, Coal, 1851, Jacob Kline, Chilisq. John Heim, Cameron, David Wilson, Lewis, J. Bingnman, Low Mah'y Peter Ruch, North'd, H. R. Johnson, Rnsh, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, Georgo Kiinm, Tnrbut, VVm. Reed, Up. Augusta, D. R. Dnimheller, L". Mah'y, " J. R. Clark, L. Augusta, 1852, Jncnn Mine. Chilisq. W. Rerghouse, Up. Mah'y, Andrew Runyan, Ritjh, E. Eisenhart, Coal, Jwi, D. S. Drumheller, L. Mah'y John Wenlzel, Jackson, J. Bingpman, Low. Mah'y, Sam'l Hales, Shamokin. Jacob Hnnsieker, Lewis, Peter Ruch, Noith'd, Wm. Reed, t'p. Augusta, Peter Purse), Sunbury, Abm. Kissinger, Turbut, Daniel Cares, Delawaie, John Heim, Campron, Joseph Vatikirk, Point, James Buoy, Milton, from colllectors for 11 1. 1851, 1S.V' 28 35 07 55 107 70 221 28 115 50 SI 4.508 10 9,611 82 Balnuco due from Treasurer, Cit. By cash paid Slate Tieasurer as pei liu leceipt dated July 20, 18,,J, Cash paid ncssois for assessing 1777 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.i men, Aggregate amount paid volunteer Lump inics us per orders, Biigade Lispeclor's salary, Cjsil paid Brigade In-peolor, for collecting and transporting arms us put his leceipts, Cash paid John ti. Yonngmaii &. sou tin -publishing list ol Retail ers licenses for 1852, Paid II B. Masser for publishing list ot Kelaileis licenses in Iviglish and German papers, Mileage paid lv. V- Zutinan, Mercantile appraiser 207 miles at 3 els p"r mile, - J Cash paid R. W. Zartman, mer cantile appiai-er. tor attending appeal one day, 1'Aoneiutions lu'l.uii'is license Tieanier's per centage oil jff,- 1 1 4 32, at one per ct. Treasuier's per centage on 038 27, paid Volunteer companies ami lliigade lnspectuis, at one per cent. srosB 34 59,111 32 17 77 250 00 50 00 20 50 9 00 .'4 00 6 21 1 Od 24 50 91 14 M 38 S9.0I1 82 11 11 1850, 11 1. u (i 11 11 11 11 11 K 11 it 11 it it 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 08 10 493 63 344 03 t8,883 97 48 07 11 48 63 024 70 83 7 73 80 17 103 45 256 04 33 59 358 90 91 81 179 73 84 74 24 26 51 22 21 61 7 30 45 02 840 87 31 92 365 33 175 47 84 69 47 97 378 78 54 71 324 54 331 38 486 13 292 43 319 33 415 02 71 65 521 18 76 00 Ca. By exonerations of said license, Amount paid printers for publish- ... ...,. v.Miie Appraiser's list, as per receipt. ' Da. To aggregate amount of Tavern license granted by the Court of Quarter Sessions for the year 1852, as per return of Clerk of jaid Couri filed with County Treasurer, ' To aggregate: amount of Patent Medicine license for the year 1852, ns per list furnished to the County Treasuter by Mercon tile Appraiser, To aggregate amount of Distill.., n,i n.. , ;j on,, uiinnj license lor the year 1852, as per list furnished lo the County Tieasurer by the Merca' tile Appraiser, To oggregate amount of license on Beer Houses and Oyster Shops for the year 1852, as per list furnished Counly Treasurer by Mercantile Appraiser, ilfifiri'a Fines. Dr. To agcregale of said fines out standing for 1851', and previous jems, as per last repoil ol coun ty Auditors. To aecegale amount of Militia lines assessed for tho yenr 1852 as per book in which said fines are entered by County Commissioners, $24 51 33 0( 57 50 56,318 874 Amounts due from Collectors of Militia Fines. Michael Evert, Augusta, 18-16, John Leibig, Coal, 1848, I) Stahlnecker. Delaware " John Leibie. Coal, . 1849, D. Slahlnecker, Delaware, ' John Leisenring. North'd, " Jabob Bock, Sunbury, " John Leibig, Coal, IS50, Dennis Buoy Chilisq. " Charles Fox, Delaware, " M. IVnmhrller, Jackson, ' J. R. ( lark, Low. Augusta, " James Vandyke, Noith'd, " H. R. Johnson, Riii-h, " Conrad Kersner. Sunbury " George Knnlz, Tin but, " .1 Eckman. t'p. Augusta, " Solomon Martz, Coal, J. Kline, Chilisqaaqtie, joeii Heim, Lanieron, D.iiiii'l Cares, Delawaie, M. Drnmhellei, Jackson, John Clapp, Lewis, J. R. Clark, I.n.v. Ansnsta, J. I'inaeman, Low. Mah'v, l- S. Drumheller, Lit. Mali P.'ter Rneh, Noith'd, Joseph Yaukiik. Point, II. R. Johnson. Rush, IVter Pursel, Sunbiuy, Genrso Kimtz. Tuibiit, Win Reed, Up. Aoirusta, V. Berahonsn. Un. Mah'v i ... J. Dingeman, l.ow. Jlah 1851, Andrew Run van, Rush, r. r.isennarr, Vyiiai, John VVenlzel, Jacks.m, John Heirn, Cameron, W. Berghonse, Up. Mah'y, J. Kline, Chilisquaque, J. R. Clark. Low. Augusta, Daniel Cares Delaware, Jacob Hunsicker, Lewis, James Bnov, Milton. D. S. Drumheller, Lit. Mali Peter Rneh, Nnrlh'd. Joseph Yank irk, Point, Peter Pnrsel, Sunbury, Samuel Hales. Shamnkin. Abm Kissinger' Tmhut, Vm. Reed, Up Augusta, 1852, S34 00 16 00 1 95 21 50 13 50 24 50 31 43 89 00 45 00 15 00 28 00 44 50 36 00 42 00 59 50 25 50 4 09 21 00 44 00 16 50 38 00 82 50 46 50 78 50 32 00 20 50 41 00 32 40 43 00 13 00 15 50 11 00 It 50 34 00 20 50 26 00 53 00 16 50 35 50 51 00 70 50 73 00 59 50 59 50 17 50 33 00 27 00 45 00 48 d0 21 50 34 00 51,759 47 ll AUDITOirS REPORT- Rf.poiit of the Acni rojis or Northcmbck- LAND CotlNTV OR THE YEAR 1852. Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of JS'orth vmberliind Counly, in uccount With the time. Dit. To amount of County lax recei ved lioin collectors lor the year, 1846, $10 95 1848, 306 33 " " 1849, 333 93 " " 1850, 88 18 " 1851, 4.290 79 I' ' 1852, 8;438 53 Amount of County lax, on un sealed lands for 1850, 128 05 Road, " 293 21 i School, 97 18 " " County, 1851, 126 83 " Road, 265 83 " Sohool, 226 704 Amount ariiinc from sale of Nor thumberland Bridge ptock, C24 00 Amount of dividend of said stock 40 00 Rent for Publio Buildings, 9 00 Court Fines and Jury Funds', 69 00 J. B. Massei's note taken by Couiity Commissioners, as pait Expenditures of f'i" ('ounti nf Sorthnmlier- ; dm', us per or l is issued by th" Contmis- ', sioiids of sanl County. To njiuregate amount of Com- monwealih coMs, $251 72 j Stati iv, 314 90 Commissioner Wiisju's wages for 1S51, Charles Weaver, 1851. Christian Albeit, 1850 is: '51 County, State and Militia tares levied for 1852. Chailea Weaver. l-2, Win. Wilson, " Christian Albeit, Joseph Nicely, County Auditor, " Special Auditor, " G. M. Yorks, auditing public of fice account.. M. Bneher serving snbpivnas for Special Auditors, AL'ureiatf aniuU it paid fot bnild iui and repiiriiig biioges, Piothono'aiy's Fees, Viewing nud & sites for bridges Constables Fees for attending Court, Printing by cnntiact, Cimmisio'iiei's Cleik'a wages for 1851, Aareuale amount of Commis sioners' wages for 1852, Assessor wages, 1852, Jurors a je, " Pub:ie Buildings, " Election Expenses, " Piemiums on Fox scalp, " Court Ciiers wages, Attorney for Cou-dv, Agricnlluial Sociel) , Coroners Inquests, Refundi"!! Prison Evpenses, School tax on unseated lands, D strict Attorney Fees, Damages for Ruads, Fuel, ' Sheriffs Fees, Contingencies, 100 00 3 00 189 75 270 4 4 175 50 232 50 20 00 1 63 00 50 00 25 00 3 17 4 1,605 07 112 n0 253 37 279 27 422 00 119 60 346 821 709 01 2 882 68 4 245 17 888 40 52 73 149 00 35 00 78 50 123 01 41 2fi 12 00 9 89 32 50 28 08 64 25 405 00 131 124 I.o er AiiciiKtn, I ipT Annum:!, 1 iicr Mwloiioy, It ui:i, Siini)iiry, I.-'VIK, .MiltMl. I'iiiIiiii, Clulii,lii:i."iif. In:, I. Ian ! .M.-ilianiiy, (.'illlliTi'll. I. 'W'ci .Malinuoy, I'.'ini, .l.x-lvK'in, X'irlliiiiiilierbiiit,, I.lavar, Sfillllll.ikill, Ciimilv. Mite. MiiiliH. S'.iii'ni-j t7T--;."l s;ro r,o (. fill Kt :il (i l.'iT ilU fltl.1 OJ 3.1 50 hi sun an 41 mi t '.JMt a7 t:l 4i ll i?" I. Willi Slljll .'lt!h TJ7II1 .VI M Ml Oil I.UIitM 91 50 "i 1,1 -'i ii .ll no :i-.'ii!io .'lino IMHiS lMi'.l 17. 'ill I - III 1,11 PI 16 ill i',::o sn mi7 7 on 4!'3- "10 I S7 IK) Kl Pl-J H7 lill 00 Sill IS) IW7 I MOO 1f7 70 l.:p 77 Ml (tl.i 117 b'.'t 71 77 UO !',!'70 07 j 1.1,710 51 Sill 51) 810,860 04 Total, Amounts due from Collectors of County and State Ta-c. Samuel Awl. Angusla, Thomas H.irr, Lewis, Dennis Buoy, Chilisq. Charles Fox, Delaware, James Vandyke, North'd H. R. Johnson, Rush, Solomon Man., Coal, Jacob Kline, Chilisq. John Heim, Cameron, M. Drumheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, J. slintieman, Low, Mah'y, Peter Rneh, Noith'd, Joseph Yaukiik, Point, II. R Johnson, Rush, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, George Kuntz, Tuibut, Wm. Reed, Up. Augusta, J. U. Clark, L. Augusta, Wm. Rerghouse, Up. Mah J. Kline, Chilisquaque, Andrew Runyan, Rush, E. Eisenhart, Coal, D. S. Drumheller, L. Mah' John Wetzel, Jackson, J. Bingeman, Low, Mah'y S. Hales, Shamokin, Jacob Hunsicker, Lewis, Reter Ruch, North'd, VVm. Reed, Up. Augusta, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, Abm. Kissinger. Turbut, I'aniel Caies, Delawaie. 1840, $27 96 1849, 4 02 1850, 107 10 " 32 13 " 108 41 " 133 05 1851, 119 364 " 104 16 " 51 23 " 29 13 " 86 604 , " 13 87 " 159 67 272 30 " 139 894 9(1214 79 70 29 65 J852, 547 62 'y ' 207 30 ' 738 54 368 94 152 10 y " 89 69 393 83 455 84 31152 " 654 69 " 418 90 " 353 99 400 144 670 63 622 95 To amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds paid James Beard, Esq., Piothouotary of Noilhumberlaiid co , for which he account ed to the Commissioners in the settlement of his account with the County. S64 00 do do Wm B. Kipp, Esq , Shenirof Noith'd county, nnd accounted for in ihe same manner, 12 00 do do Court Fines and Jyry funds due Ihe county, Forfeited recognizances, 168 00 800 00 $1044 00 Jacob Voniig, Esq , Treasurer of Northumher land County tn account with the Common uealth. Dn Tax on Real and Personal Estate. To a!!crea(e amount ot said tax outstanding for 1851 ami pievi ons years as per laal annual re port of Auditors. 65,940 784 Aggregate amount of said lax as sessed for the uso of the Com monwealth for 1352, as per statement of County Commis si mers filoJ with said Tieasurer, 13,7 10 54 Amount of said tax received on unseated lands for 1852 and pievious years, 3S2 97 J20.034 29 4 17,072 084 Balance due Commonwealth, $2,962 21 Cn. By Cash paid Slate Tieasurer on uccount of said tax for 1852 ns per his receipt dated July 20, 1852, S9,IU 32 Amount of taxes remaining uncol lected for 1852 anJ nreviuus yea is. 6,730 674 Exonerations allowed rolteetors for yeais previous to 1852 a per certificate of County Com missoneis, 61 42 Commissioners allowed Collectors fin 1852 and previous yeais on $12,316 56 at 5 per cent. Abatement allowed county on $9, 114 32, Commission on the Treasurer's above, 615 82 455 71 91 14 S480 00- 15 00- 21 00 22 00 SI, 569 54 856 50 2,426 04 2,352 45 $17,072 034 Retailer's License, -Dr. To aggregate amount Retailers' license tor tie year 1852 as per list furnished to the County Tieasuier by Meieantile Ap ptaiser, f 820 25 57 50 Balance due Commouwealth, 173 59 Cr. By amount of said fines remain ing uncollected for 1852 and previous years, 81,835 66 Evoiieialions allowed collectors for 1852 and previoi.s years, 98 50 Five per cent, commission allow ed collectois for 1852 and pre vious years, 26 6 4 Amount paid Assessors for asses sing and furnishing lists of 1777 delinquent militia men, at 1 per cent, each, 17 77 Amount paid Biigade Inspector for inspecting 5 companies for 1852, 50 00 Amount paid Biijjade Inspector for collecting military property, and transposition of aims lor 1S52, 20 50 Amount paid Treasurer of Wash ington Guards as per Older of Capt Jacob Holla. 25 00 Amount paid Treasurer of North umberland Troops as per order of Copt. James lJryson, 75 0O Amount paid Treasurer of Dew nrl Go.'ida as per order of Capt. J. 11 Ziinmeiman, 50 00 Amount paid Jackson Rifle Com pany as per Older of Cupt. Ja cob'Hetiick, 50 00 Amount paid Treasmer of Dep- penville Cavalry ns per order ot Capt. Jacob Hilbish. 50 00 Amount of Treasnrei's commis sion on $338 27, at one per cent. 3 38 Balldiitc due Commonwealth, $762 75 Jf 2,352 45 We, tho undersigned, Audilurs of North umberland county, in the Commonwealth of rennsylvaina, do certily that 111 pursuance of the 47l h section of tho Act entitled, "An act resMilutiiiu Couutit s and 1 ow nships, &c ," passed the loth day ol Apul, 1834, we met at the Commissioners' Olliee, in the borough of Suiibuiy, on ihe lfilh day of December, 1852, and adjourned Horn lime to tune, and did audit, adjust and seille the several ac counts reqniied of us, auieeably lo the sev eral Acts of Assembly and supplements ihereto, according lo the best of our judg ment and ability. itness our hand. anil sea's, at Ihe Office aforesaid, this twenty-bird dy of July, A. I). 1S53. REUBEN W ZARTMAN, tL S ) J 11. ZIMMERMAN. (LS.) M. I. 1). W1TI1INGTON, L.S.) We, the undersigned, Auditors of North- umbeiland count v, ilulv 1 lecled and sworn to adjust Ihe accounts of ihe ollicers of said county, do ceilify lhal we have carefully ex amined the voucheis and find that theie i due the Commonwealth as per report of special Auditors, the sum of three thousand five hundred and eiiitity-seveii dnllars and ninety-two tnd a half eenis. also Slate tax lor 1 853, after deduction for rxoneiation made to colleclois, the sum of si.My-four dol lars and forty-two cents, collectors' commis sion, six hundred am1, fifteen and eighty-two cents, abatement allowed the county as per State Treasurer's receipt, four hundred and fifty-live dollars and seveiiiy-oue cents, and County Treasurers commission, niift-ly-one dollars and fourteen cents, the sum of three thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dol lars and thirteen cents, also for Tavern Li censes four hundred and eighty dollars, Re tailers Licenses seven hundred nnd sixty-two dollars and seventy-five cents, Patent Medi cines fifteen dollars, Distillery, Breweiy, Beer Houses and Oys'er Shops, forty-threa dcillais, also for Miliiia Fines after deducting for exonerations made to collectors ninety eiuht dollars and fifty cenis, collectors com missions twenty-six dollars and sixty-tour cents, assessnis wages for making out lists of delinquent militia men seventeen dollars and seventy-seven cents, three hundied and Ihii-ty-eight dollars and twenty-seven cents paid to volunteer companies and Brigade Inspec tors, and three dollars and thirty eight cents Treasurers percentage on the above, one thousand nine hundied and forty-one dollar and forty-eight cents, leaving a balance of State tax, Licenses and Militia fines due the Commonwealth of ten thousand one hundred! and ninety-nine dollars and I wenty-eight and a half cents, also Ihe sum ef thiee hundred and forty dollars twenty-two and a half cents outstanding orders, and the sum of one thousand three hundred dollars and seventy five cents due Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of Noithiimbetlaud county for money over paid un county orders, making the liability of the county on the thirty-first (lay of De cember, A. D. 1852 inclusive, eleven thou sand eight hundred and forty dollars and twenty-six cents, while there is due from the Treasurer on State funds the sum of four thousand nine hundred and eighty-six dol lars and Ihirty-four cents, from collectors ef conniy tax eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-three dollars and ninety-seven cents, from collectors of State tax six thousand three hundred and eighteen dollars and eighty-seven and a half cents, from collec of militia fines one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine dollars and foity-seren cents, also for Jury fu.nls one hundred and eight dollars, for Court Fines sixty dollars, and for recognizances forfeited right hundred dol lars, which after deducting the liabilities of the county will leave balance doe sM county, after the payment of all debt, of eleven thousand and seventy-six dollars and thirty-nine and half tenia oil the thirty first day of December inclusive. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the 23J day July, A D. 1853. REUBEN W. ZARTMAN, (E S J. II. ZIMMERMAN, l.S ) M. I. D. WlltllNGION, (L.S.) 4