SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SilAMOKlN JOUKNAL. CELEBRATED Family Medicine. with .' ' 'v",W lo oiler ",e Medical f.colty, !'" , "."' ,.,rity, Miw re public, fw PrP.r,.tl.H.. most - l' psral wi.h th. It rl f?i !h nuimirn"' worthies- nr principle. i.s sills........ f' ' " " . , .,.;, tides nr. H.idiint the '""''" ml iirf -n-su ... .lis. ptrrl by i'; fur none. ty persons, intended l cure d"0" Rend and Reflect. Tl.t ll Mcrtiel... Msnafartnrfri by W. M. tarsiay, InrkHliN tn. Hose Pectoral for Coughs. mm ..7 CninnlKir. f. r II he.irruilism. Worm vrup fur Wnrmi. Tooth Wash, for rtrenvcil teeth, il. sensed (5nm. Fsmilr Pitts,' r ! I'.iril vcr, have Is-eti mere extensive- lv ased nml rmvo Riven m r satisfaction, tlmn nny other Mciiir..ic Hurt Hi. public, heins: prepared will. lo Iheir usefulness nie fully woilhy ll. trinl of ihc alllirl- 1,1. (live llic.n n trinl. ... ..... s few pnweiful reasons why the nl'V Mcit.f.m-s nro rlrmrvimr. "f universal pnli. (hi In. first place, they are prepared l.v n regular Physician, who ni.ilrrKtti.Hltt th. npplllTN.'in "I .tinunnn.. inrni-". .,., m.i-iui , nr. perfectly site lo Ink.. (Secondly.) they hnve been used with universal sneers, nnrl hnve (riven more sutistuc tio.l than nny other Medicines oft'ered before the public. (Tliinlly ) they nr. Ihc only incl.cuies Unit l.nvo pniu.-tl the i-.tniii:ae of Phvsicians, where they have hi... used ; mid (Kontlblv.) Ih.y nr. put up in li.rp.rr ipmitiiies f.-t the same pricp, tlnin nny oilier oir,-rc.l to th. public of the khiic kind. A. the rul.rrilH:r has n iiiuuhiT of cerlif.c-.tes in hi p-w.itsion of the tiiehrst anlli.irity, whrre lliry h ive hern iis-mI with Ih. satisfnrtorv re sults. II." will publish n few of them, feetinjr satisfied thtd n trinl will insure Iheir reronitniniluti'ii. Try them ot.d satisfy of their superiority over nil other.. Read and be Convinced. We Ih. undersigned having been Mimle acquainted with Ih. ingredient, rnlrriiur into the Coii.poi.irls known n. lliekley't Kiltnily Medieiuts idea limine prencrilHil n.ld k.H.wn Ilium to Ik1 u.rd. tlh m .t pitihfiM -tiry; tnke il. .i ini; Ihnt we h-lieve the) iuily meet the denign for whieh lliry nr. ri-e .ni!i"iided. .IAS. STI!AWni!!l);r.. m. r. r II, FRICK. M I) AVM. MeM AIK.N. M. T.;v ii i:i:Amir.irr, m. D. W.vr. II .M (ill,l M. I), n H. OKAIMIKAKT. M. D. 6 of puiu in the ni'tr and rox,r from prvtcstul jyirer C oiittrint. Mrs. Robert Adiiiii", .riirn under chrnnic T.iver ro.n pli.iiit, necoinpnuied wiihn rl.-irt dry e;ei:h jMiiu in the Hide nml bred!, (f.-ie-rnl debility, loss ..V ni-e?i1e. nfler try ing nil the nsunl reinedieB ree nnni-ndt'ii f.n e-mjrli. mid n.Re.'iKi'R ol ine elifFI, who Willi notienrlit. .tie W'.l. rceoin inende.1 to liy the K .e I'eelonil. from vvliu-li, she not only derived nnnii'ditile hut n'ninii'l.l relief. John Adu.ns. .1. of Mil. Itolierl Adnms, w:l. nfllicted With a very .evele rn;:li, pnui in 111'1 .ide. mid . reiie."R prmhieiHl l.y ii.ce.Mnl i.l.mir; he wt.B induced to try the Hose I'ectMinl. To use his own IntiL'u.-iect hn lirsl dose einblcd him to enjoy n ro;d ntghl's rust. In ll.e lil'iruiug ho expeeforuled nhout htdf lout of i.i:dter. lie continued to improve until his rnuh entirely left him, it nlso hnd th. euVct of strenhening his hienst. w hirl, wns l.nturulty wenk . He nl.s.iys Hint h. hn. n-coui.uende'l It to a number of hi. fiiends for similar, and in every case it hns given sntisOletion. The iilifive per. ins residents of the town of Pnnville, feeling they hnve derived Rrent benefits from the use oftheltose Pectorut ; nuthori'e the nit .vc .Iriten.enl, for the benefit of those who.nnv be nfrlieted ill n siinilm nmii lier. URKAi' CUHH. Jjjs.'of Voice restored teith one bottle nf Rote Pre lornl. Miss Susan "Whitlock, of Rush township, Northumber land co., for u number of years mi ii valid, in the full of 1S.VI, lost the use of hef voice from a seve.e cold she con tracted ; nfler trying n number of remedies, with no bene fit, .he was entirely restored by taking one holtle of Hose J'ectornl, lifter which, she lout her voiee ngain, from u fresh cold she contracted, mid was n:rain renlored by the use of nunther boltle ; she then tonk four Iwittles n.oi. to .trengthen her breant, from whieh she de.ived the most Hwided beiicht. nnd h:.s been in the enjoyment of excellent health from that time to the present. The nb Mi! statement is obtained from Dr. Pitrst-M, the Physician who attended her; nlso her ii.'ther who thinks that she would n d be living at this time if it had i.'it been for the H"se Perioral. Danville, Jan. as, lfj'J Still another TiXiiried Cure lijj'ertrtl. Mis tStimnel Seehler, being of n nutiind weak and deli cate constitution, very piisie(itlbe to c ilds, was hlllieted with n very severe e i.ih. pain and soreneRs of the breiht, l'ss of appetite ; niter using n number of the usual reme dies from which, she derived no benefit, she was cum! by taking one bottle of Hse Pectoral und is in the euj lyillent of belter henlth limn f'T ycurf previous. Danville. Dec. 1 IMO. 1H. IllCKt.RY : Permit me to inform yon that my wife, who is a delicate mid weakly woman, laboring under u very severe OouLri with und 8 iieurF of b.east. was more quickie nml eib-etuailv relieve wilhone batlc of vonr Kose Pectoral than niiv other medicine she hnd ever taken. AliNKK .M'llHIDK. Jan. leo'J. Suniiel R.AVooils' Fuiiinc. Keii Puitd. Si Rosa EVIDENCE IX FAVoK OF THE UosE Pl:cToKAL AND I' A Mtl.Y FlM.V John Fnlner ttikeu between t.'hii.imas nnd New Ycnr with a very Irad cold, whieh eniled in u dry hard iueerviit lloiik'h, caiiniiic n ereat deal of pain whenever in- eouirhed. wns relieved veiy inueh ; by Ih. time he had token one third of a bottle, iiud by the lime it was tiulelied, was en tirely cured. lie ills,, siys that he has taken s('ver:il d ':-es of the 1 1 .--i tl Ii Rest Tative or Fau.Uv Pills, and tint lliry nr. the mildest and most cfleclnal pn.atives he has ever tnken. Diuiviile, .Ian 1. lr-.. Da Hicklev : During n vii-it to inv broiia-r. m Pnn ville, I took u veiy severe Cold, which elided inn te.'Iil hard Cough, with t iretlfss nnd pain of the breast, for which I used your Rose Pectoral, mid Family Ptils. and take pleasure in ree imiii ending llieui, as Ihe luildeM and m st effectual remedy I have Yours, repoetfuitv. JAM V. .MliHfiAN, .Tan. 2d. lrji. Whit-- lljveu. I.nzeroe co. Icar Sir : p a recomm-'iidation for your Rote Peel o rtd, pennit me to say. that I wns cn'eetuidly cnrprl rl a very sevete cough with pain in the breast, wilh less lhaii hah a bottle, mid tint 1 consiilei it invuhuhle. You uiu nl liberty to nnke thin public if yon ph-ise. JnilX SI'I'.RRIMS, ((ir.ieer.) Dmville, Pa. My son Wiliinni laboring under it severe eouh and pain in his side, ftom ail lujurv rtteeived by a fall, was eatuely relieved by a hottla of Rose Pectoral ."c rream of Catu ph .1.1 h'lve nlso used your Family Pills, and nlt-gellier 1 c.iusider thctn the Iwst niedceines I have ever used. JUAN OVF.IlliOUF, Jan. 1"j'J. Hush. Tp., .V.irlh d en. Dr. Jiiekley Sir : As my wife who was inn. bled Will, dry, haid Cough, nisi sour Stomach, dependent upon debility, similar to DispcpMu. wns entirely relieved bv tittng two hollies of your Rose Pectoral, pern,:! me lo say that i consider it un excellent remeily. Youis, respectfully, H. v Mr. M'lr.I.AliD. I'ast r Lutheran Church, Danville. Pa. Having been cured of a pain in my urm (similar to Rheu matism) which tleprived irte of the free iistf of il for about lour m otiths. lly uHug oneb ittleof Creuiu of ('amph or 1 would state that I c uistder it Ihu best remeily oi the kind I have ever used in my family, mid I would freely recommend it to others with similar affections. Vuur, respectfully, JON AS WOLF. Rush tp., North'd co. My wife lieimr .fflict-'d with a very sevele pniu in her arm und sh mlder (Lie rll'cets of cold) which disabled hi r from uing it. was cured with rubbing of Cream of Cam phor. Mrs. Kf!in, my sister-in-law, was nlso cured of a severe pain in Ihe head and face by using the Cream of Camphor THOMAS C. F.I.US, Danville. Jan. Sil, My wife having R heitni'il ism of the arm for a iiuimIht of years, whieh prcveuted her from using it in doing her woi k ; uflcr having sX'..t a gieat dud ol money in tr nig remeilies wilh ir benetit, was etilirely cure! by using only one b tt It- of your t'rei.m ol" Cniuphor. Wlld.l M i; i:S, M r, foi s. H, wwi, R. Poiul. Dr. H.rkl : !Tf ing received a very severe m.iury in trty side bv falling otl a I iad of huy. fiYWll which I Was 11. ta ble to follov mv wo.', was reroliillien led to t r " n bottle id Crejiu of C nn.ilior. v. liirli atl'or . 1 m, mediate relief. I HRIFFPni CAHH. Rush tp ., Norlh'd co. My, suil'erins from m r exerueiaiiug pain, J tliroi.gli ,:it h.-i g,..,., n,.,.iu. wh.rh iiri vinlet iier iroui fieer.11,3 ( ,,. , .;. .. ll ,,.. ,,,) r, .,.,( p,,; seiHon. 1 inert u 1111, ,,u-, ... r.,.,,,,., wills .... p. rnu.nn.t l.e,.el,l, until I B.,..0 u ,, ,ul. ,, v,,,r u J.,iec lime It h-is I I v!l. ..nit ..4 iM.ile ! slu -- 1 a n have re.- in...., inled il lo ai, r iv (Yu'. udiu rveljr eM! It hi.smvi-.i salisaielum. I. 'I.KYI ' Al Louis linn;.' t Jitc1i-iih .1 l):,nv'lll, ' I Lave used yonr YYrn. ryr.. n my (,.,,K. .l eo. sider It not only r lltctuul. I.ut Ihe n...i ,.1,,111 i.rli. k- I m aeqn ....led with. J ATOH l.SIIK ,s. l),.vi.l,- lli.viuc ued vonr Win m fc.iu.i 1.1 r :. l my chiMiei. more Ihnn anv l.ii'.miatio.i .il ll.e ki.'i.l n ,.. . more pleus-ii.t to lake. DAN MOllli.w Mont..,., H,.w, lianv.lle. I have had oce.isioii t.i --w 1 j -miiii: 1 iiav t limn, x .'HKH. Hill. Krosly alley, Monmnreo. lit. H.ekley:lluvniK used your win ill Sy.l.n d C.reain ol I .'aniphor and Fnunly IMIs in niy finally, ll.ev IIHVB c.wkI .tuiueti.ji, und I ll.em ll.e n,,,si r(. lectual v.Kni we hur I ill our fa.nilv. I. II I V II l-l I . V- II II i. 1 . iieor pir :y e n,e undert.pued be.n? in Ihe oV 1,1 Messrs. (.roves ft C.u.ilv, ul whose store, you have a.i Aeney f r the. s.le uf your 1- .M.ilieines, slate llmt we have had an -ipirt.iu.i y .f knowing ll.e opinio,,, m namerous uidn idu ils who have used then., und llmt ihry k.vo Bi-nerid suliKiiietiim ii:lve ,.,14 gr,.al ln,1lv (J your Pill., whieh am universally liked, heinj very mild in toeir operation. V. I.KISKNHl vt.. Uauville, Attest, W M. KKl'l.l'.l:. Iluy.nir S.-arvy i-f my mouth vei v l.d, I wu. mdueed to try a hrillei.l yo..r l, Wash, whieh actfsl like a elmrin aardenuig my guiM, ami ri-umviiifr ull d.sni.B. ' Tl, n, k. .JONATHAN II. HIS1IKI., Danville I)( n.ekley: Having what was called lll.-erated wire month, f,,r whieh. I tried a of remedies will. 11.) Tmw, ',.,.'-urMl ''y i"g one hotlle of your , T.i .th wn.h. My wile also dun.iu ,er eonlineinenl, was ' .71 I""' " ,;'-1B"?'. '""'I ''''K !rd lru,.-d. (r wh.eU.lie iiMd Ihe c.ea f, whi-l. w-utler- ! thwn, thereliy urvventiiig lire.,.,, !, nati.t-ruiu v , ., WA A. HIIOWX, l u ,I,,,,"''rn" I'h ireh, tlanrille. Pa. A":s,"!rl,uM);.'T'.'i!'';-u',, "",p'.rlu''y f your -s of J',""' , ' "h VN " ".. very seve.e eu. J s ot survey 1 Ihe pains, I consider it an excellent r.-me, J.. ours, re.uectf.illv. I.KIl II li.tiiiv-v. .i,,i,.i. n.,, imi.v.le.r AIwP.,, J. .. ,.V,K-,M D ' l'"'pr.elo., l.,,v,l land county. li'.UJ ' -'i "Vln Acenta i Norlhuniher. ."ins, BuuU.rvi W A. Kuol.l,. -o-ii'k , . i-tttrow. "..y.lcrlown 1 Tiitan.t. Furuiuu A fvwioi,, i-ailii.4, j j.; & ritronse. Puxiiun: J, A... vinsant, rax rWuef TT. VrJlts J,.K",",i AU,U"" 1 Selinwoye; J.l, hk,r lwiM.ura ; j, u i' (slowand Joualuau ictw,t ,l,u,, . ' JU on Uhj AKenU, m.hI el .,OTlar eonUiuina a fuH description uf the nw.ncruu. inits .of,.,...i i. .1 . tail Medicines. Ii, ltj ly. ni iKsn-ns;) lor wlnr-li she nvlu i. r.mli.s ! J'""' '.' w.llioul iK-n.-lit, wj n.iiri-l lelievi'ill.y llic l.r) .." Cicaiil tllC M.dutil Culcgf, Acu' lulkCtll), SUIJS : i-IL .inpl.or. )5mL'.v,nV)''.lis'' Uni 'm.- V. ' 'vcs luc plcusur., u. crlny I,P value and etlioaey ChiW curcl of H.,w-I C...,,li ,,,, i A,:.'.J I ' vears ; "'.'A V" ' K' 1 l'"l'- . My e'.iH .iHoc.,-,1 fo, iv j,,'., vr,r, wiil. ' - ''" ifve.e diseases npon the Iimss have been cf " .vH l'inn:.l:i,M. 1111H -.,... 1.. ni ; ,. . . . .'. ... . . ' '"'I' d oy 1'tt ioi.Ai. in sui-li rilrcne eases as 2..r)U0 Acres 'J'iniber Land ;' - FOR SALE. CJKVERAI, VAI.UAULB TltACTS OF TIMBER I, AND, cotnpriainir khnut 5,ft00 ttcrra, part of wliiili is siliinleil on Tobyhnnna ('reck, anil port on Muildy Crcrk, nitliin three inii' of I.rl.iph llivrr, in Perm fiirert townsliip, C'nrl.on County, one of tlie rjreut Coal Coimtici of l'ciin8 Ivnnia, cnii he hnd at t bargain, if ap plication lie made noon. Tlirso Intnl. nre thickly covered with tho best timber of that region. While it is believed that 75.000 feet of lumber to the acre, can lie cut from a large portion of the bind, the balance will aver age not niticli less limn this figure. The kinds of timber found on the l.iud arc Hemlock, SpTUca or White Ccdnr, White Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. The Tobvhatmn and Muddy Creeks are large and nil nil streams, Yielding a vast amount of w ater power, nnd arc capable of driving a largo number of taw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, wilh the I.ehigh Cnnnl all'oids an outlet tn the most desirable lumber markets. Them is, too, under contemplation, a railway lending to Hie cities oliNew i otk and Philadelphia which runs, within one mile ami three qttartrrt of the Intnl. 1 hrnugh these avenues lumber can be delivered in cither of Ihc cities named, for about 7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to derive greitcr profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sorf of timber that ship-builders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or nt other distant points. I'lilike most of the binds on the Lehigh there has, ns yet, been no culling of Ihe limber on this properly. It stands undiittirbed by the wood man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of Ihc Lehigh has been curried on to such an extent for years past, that a scarcity of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every season necessarily ittcrenfcs this difficulty. The conseiinetue must be an cnchnnicment of the value of timber lands. Those un-cuticii tracts with the advantage of avenues to rnarket, such as the lauds oftcrrvl for sale, possess, cannot fail to be the sources of supply herealler. 1'ut the land is not ulone valuable lor tlie um ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearly every acre being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. Canilalists desiring to make investments, would do well to turn their attention to these lands. For furlhor information apply to CHAS. M.HALL. Office ill "Mining Register" building, Potts ville, Pa. A ugust fi, 1 85d. If. CHERRY PECTORAL: rr ihe Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BIIOTJ OHXTXS, CROUP, AST.fcC XVI A, VXXOOFXtfO-COUOH AMD COUSUIVTPTIOU. TO CriiK A COl.), WITH HKAPACHB AND IORKVKf' of the Ik mI jr. take tlie Ciikkbv Pectoral mi troing lo hnd and wrap up warm, lo twent during the nigl t. For a (ihI.d and Coigh, Uikeil morning, noon nnrl eve ninir, nccuwliuir In ditectioii on the 1 title, niut the ililiiciil 1 will wwirt or. renv-ved. Ncue will lung biiIT'T frm thii li"til.te wtn'ii they Kml it win be !o remlily curnl. l'emi.ii tilHifinl wish ti scvm-iioiiijii, whirh lirenki tiieni uf tln.-ir n5l at niL'iit, will firtl. hy inking Ihc Chertv lVt-lnral oil jr-iiny t i lu-tl, tlrey nny le pure ot' pound, unlotkeii !rrp, ami c nin.'tnjpiillv r.frf8hinff rpt. (iruit reln-t fritnipull inc. mi l nn nltiiiiiitf! run-, in nit' nltil t tlnmii nidft wliu are tl.iiB iiitiiotrd. hv thin inviiltmliti- rt-inetlv. I Krtin iiB n'r'cMlf i-iicctn in tlufe cnst, urnnv find t tht'm.,i lv' unwilling la t't rcg i its uw when the necesMty ' I'll It tl.lF fOlM'i1 I l"i--ni (wj ciimiPiit riivici:'.ii in rAveriKviM.c, Twin , April 1ft. 1c'l F;r e In vp riven yir nin v Po-toral an e.xfeiihive trial in inr pfnerirc. niiil fun! it t-i tirpr,s t-vorv "thei rr nifrly we have ir cnrine ni('-t i--im of the rrfpirntnrv or tf"". jjiis ij!j;w:h A- HAMPTON. TOSINOnriS AD ITHMC SPKAKKHS tliix remedy is invnln:iiilc. nt hy itf nrtiiinii thcihr-'nt and lurnrn, whiti t.ivli in fc:iu!l(i an'itiee. itruiilovn:ul lirtaim in a few h mrs, nnd w 'luleifnllv inciL-:iKi:a tin ttuwcr and llt-xibilii v of th Voire. AiSTU.M A if pner.dly iniirli rclirvc-.l, and often wholly c-ired l.y t li. rry Pcct'.rol. Hut thurr are iiir cubcpso ob titvitt' a t' yield ontirHy to no medicine. Cheny recto rnl will rnre thrm. if they ran lie cured. Jtltt ).('iirns. ir irriiutcn ol the throat and tipper prtiin of ihc lunrs, may ln cured hv taking Cherry IV to. in Binall and lre iin'iL d ina. The unc niilurtable op presinii in fooii relieved. Itev. iJ-K-I. I.AXSlXti, c.f llr-mklyn, New York, ttotri: tll hive bci-ii the Ciifrrv Peci iral cure inch ease of I Asilimn and Bronchilis as IcJidg me to believe it can rarely fail lo cure thine ditumscg." 1 KOIt CHOI p. fiivo nn emetic of ontimnny, to be I f.illtoved by Inrpe und frequent dosi;3 of the Cherry Pceto I ml, until r subdues the disease. If taken inscasjn, it will not fail to cure. W ilOOPlXQ CfMJfill may le broken up and soon cu red bv the ine of Cherry leclMra. Tin: INFJ.I'FAZA is speedily removM by this reme dy. .Numerous inttt;inees have bjen nntired where whole famiUe wis protected from any serious consequences, w! il thir neililtfirs, without the Cherry Pectoral, wre siifterini; frnm the diheuse. l)T. J. C. Aver: Palkw.OIi.o, lltli June, 1851. 1 wrile to iril'itrm von of the tiulv remarkable etlects of CIKKRY PKCTCHt U in this pluee, and in my own family. One f my dmizhters was completely cured in three days of a drendiul WiiooriNa Cocgh, by taking it. Or. Menus, one of our vury best plisicians freely stales that he considers it the Iki4 rmedy we have puluniuirv diseasrs. mid Ihut he his CMred nvre cases of Crovp witd it than uny other hifjlicuie he ever administered. Our c.'ernymen of the Jiaptikt ChnrcJi says that during Ihe run of Infu rnza her thin w-is'in. he has serti rures from yur medicine he could scarcely have believed K'ith piti sreinp. Youis respectfully, J. 1). PIXCI.AIR, Peptly Postmaster. From the iliatinzuishcd Pmf'cswr of Chcmis try and Mclcria Medicc, Uowdoin CoHepe. I have found the Cherrt Victtorai., as its iiurredicnts show, a powerful remedy for colds, and eaughn, und pul monary'.s. rFKi:tt Cleveland, M D. llrrsswicir. Me., Feb. !i, Ih?. 1H. VAbi:. ri.K MOTT. w-i.n.i.t tlie li-iii 1 thrit a r.-iiu-i'.v has at let.i:ll. b--.l lound t'.al i-.-il. le drp.-irlyd 011 tin- Conl... C .l-'.s and t oitfuiiip!..... i l.iea earn- f 10.11 our midst thousands eve.y year. 1. is ln.lei.-d a lut-tiu-iue to whieh the i.lhi.-u-d (-1..1 look wuh eoii.i.l.-uee lor relief, und they should not fail to uv;..l ll.e... s.-h ts of it. Prepared and td by JAMES C. AVER, P ract iral Chemist. Lowelt, Mass. WolJ in Sunhury l.y H MAKSEK, and hy Drncuista ptonciully throughout the State. July Ui), Itjja. ccow 1. .Nov. 13. '53. More Vt Goods 1 1 WILLIAM A. KN01MJ, Ti:si'ECTFi:i.LY informa Lis friends and - the ptil.hc Kenerally, that he has just received and opened a lutge and splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at his Store in Lower AuijitsU township. Hi stock consists ofeerv variety of Dry Hoods, viz; Cloths, Ctusimcrs, Snttinetts, Vcatines, Flan uel$, AiWiii, ift. A splendid stock of LAWKS IMKSS AND FANCY GOODS. Such i. S,lts, Reraset, De Lninet, Mcrinoet, Lairns, Ginghams, Culicots, lsc. ECCTS AND SHOES, A assortment for Mon, Womru it Children. A large assoitmeiil of tiltOC'UKlES, SUCH AS Sugar, CofTee, Tta, Molasses, Spices, ftc. Hardware and Queemware. I'iali, Salt and Liiiiorc - al'CH At Cin, Brandy, Bom and AVhiskfj, llcsijcs the laruest and most general assort nieiit of all kind of floods to ! hsdin the country. .All the above incutioucd goods will he sold at such ruiu e.1 p(uc as tltry cuu not be gut for elsewhere.. , . , , llouiilry produce of all kinds tuLB insxcUajiye al the Ugliest Bia.ket prices. ,-;. , . AuiritsU Iwsp., July a, Ib.Vl 1id. the rrUI,r.,l,,l '.......- ft,, , Just Published' find for Sale ly VM. McCARTV, Dookseller, Sunbnry, Pa. The American TLEADEIIS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United States. B? Collikson Rp.f.d, Esq., Ipsae tfgis viva vox With notca and additions, together with a short system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of I'a., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. 1 Shiudnl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has lecn received from Judge Pearson of llarrisburg t Harrisbviio, June SO, 18S3. GaSTTtEMItXi After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of tho selection and composition of the precedents thus oll'ered to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of busincs, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on tho acts of assembly, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, wilh great respect, J NO. J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. fbiudcl, Esquires. Sunbury. July 1853. ANOTHER It EVOLUTION In the )rv Gootus Ilusinss. J. F. 8c I. F. KLINE, lESriiCTFl 1,1,1 ntinounre to tln-ir liionils and tie public in general, that they have taken the Old Stand, in Tpper Aucnsin town- -W.n rn.intv. ln.. fonnerlv nc cupied hy Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just j returned' from Philadelphia, and opened & New and Splendid Assortment of Spiunc. and Summer Goons, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Rut tinctts, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Iler.igo dc I.aines, Alpacas and .Mia wis. Also a fresh supply of Cil'Ol'erlCA of ull kinds, Hardware and Quernswarp, Drugs and Medicines. Also a large assortment of Boots and. Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and f.'nps, such as Panama, Straw. Palni-lcuf and other lints. Stilt, Cln-csc, &c. Call und Sec. Cheaper tliun the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, al the highcM market price. Upper Augusta, April 00, ly LATE ARRIVAL OF CI1F.AP Spring and SummiT Goods. FRILINCt &. GRANT, j RESPECTFULLY inform llieir customers 1 noil tl.A tu-.ldiiv ttitit tl,..v Iiuvj. inut rei.iv. ' ed and opened the beat nml cheapest slock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Mnrket square, Suiibuiv. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cnssimeres, Snltinels, Vesting, Flannels, Wultnis, (fc, And ull kiitils of Sprint; Summer Wtar. Also a splendid Vitiioty of LADIES DlfFSS & FANCY" COODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, lferasrs, And every variety of goods snilnble for La dit'i wear. Also nn exlPtisive nsorlinenl of Hats and Cats run Men and Hovs. Also a large assortment of (stlOCXKICS, srcn as Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices of oil kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE ani QTJEENSWARE, Pish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of Dltt'Gf AXU Ml'.UICIM'.S. Besides Ihe lariest and most yeiiprnl itssoil meut of all kind a of goods lo bo hud in Ihii place. CV Country produce of oil kinds taken in ex change ut the holiest market price. Sunbury, April SO, 1S53. 5' jmsukkuw J. E. GOULD, (.Successor to A. FIOT.) 1C1 Chestnut Street, Sieaiin's liuilding. No. PHILADELPHIA. lXTF.NsIVi; MI -NIC Pl.'lii.IslIEIU and lleulcr in Muhicnl Iitslrunients of t-ery de scription. Excltihive Agent for the sale of Halh-t, Daws & (,'o's (Boston) PiTt.v r Sin t.f.ioN Biui.i.t -Eolian and other PIANOS, L. (iillKTt's lloudoir Pianos, Melmleons, Martin's (itiitars, Hurj.s, Violins, .SiitkT Mi sic, Mtsic Books, Ac, &e. KesideuUof the country will I supplied l.y mail or otherwise wilh any music they may wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of tint largest slocks in Ihe United Stales, I feel ronlident of satisfying all who may fuvor ine with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal terms. Pianos to let Second hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 18o3. ly. CJILVER WATCHES A few double esse English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. Ii. M AKSh'lu Bunbury, April 12, 1SI ARNOLD'S WRITING FLl'II) and Adhe sive and I egal ciivclnies, for sale l.y H. 11. MAtEI?. Sunl.ury, Jan 10. 1852 T)li II. II. HIOBEE'8 remedy for coughs, --'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and for sale hy H. U. MASSE It. Sunl.ury, June 4. 1833. CIIAIN PL' MPS. A small number of these excellent pumps have been received and are -oll'ered for sale by ' H. B. MASSER. Ru'iburv. June 4, 1853. HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed al this ollice. AUe blanks, of all kinds on superior upor. Muuburv. Feb. 14, I86li. fTEE WILLS JusUofS and ConstaUea Kae 11 ills bandsviui'ly pimU d on cats' paper Sot sale at l.jolik. -' ; mm m er. r.n "61 Klssai-- NEW STORE. KENJAM1N 11EFFNEH IJEsPECFFUI.t.Y Informs the fiti7.cns of Sunl.ury nd vicinity, that he hns opened a new store in tho room Inloly occupied by Tieorge Bright, opposite Bolton's 11 old. lie has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CnllcocR, ftlnglianifl, Lawns, , MotiMfticUnc Ie Lnlncn and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every vnrioly. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and-Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of UXTEENSWAItE, of various styles and patlmns. Also an assortment of HOOTS ti, SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, tsc. And a great tarirty of other articles surh as are snital.le to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. VsT Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunl.ury, May 1, 1852. ly. NOTICE. TV'OTK'K is hereby given hy the undersigned -I-' ritizrns of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, that application will be mnde to the next Legislature of snid Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be styled "The Susnrni Switns' Institi tk," to be located in the borough of Sunbnry. Northumberland county, with discounting privileges, ai.d with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars. Hobert H. Awl, Ueo. Uriglit, .fohn Young, Adam Shissler. Thomas Robins, Daniel Urucke miller, Fredk. Lazarus, deo. 1J. Vonngman, Pe ter H Masscr, J. W. r riling, Irn I. Element Benj. Hendricks, (!eo. ('. Wt lker, J. W. lVal, Sunl.ury, June 25, 1.53. 6111. Mann's Establishment 25 SmiA Sixth Sh eet, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of I'alcnt letter Copying Vrenncn, Patent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Hrushes, Oil Papers, Clotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c. Patent Parchment Piiier, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER HINDER, I A most valuable invention for keeping in a ! hook-like lot 111, Letters received, Original lnvoi I ces, S;e. j l'liila., April U, 185X ly. j Important to Coal Dealers. I rinilE subscrilicrs hereby inform the public, that I - thev have entered into pnrtnership under the j firm of Kase, Reed tSr (.'0., for the purpose of mining, shipping sud selling coal, delivered at Sunl.ury, or ot tiny other point along the Sus quehanna. , They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on contract or otherwise, nt all limes, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received ut Slnunokiii bv K ASK, KEED & CO. .Sunl.ury, June 4, 1S53. ly. GREAT NEWS I A Nf.-.v CLOTHING STOUE III SUKEURY, - T ELSI1EKG A CO., resprcirullv announce I 1fi to tlie inhabitants of Northttnibri land county : n...l public 111 general, Unit they nave com menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa., 1 opposite ll.e Post Olli.-e, m;oumi!r Mr. Strolt s saddler shop in Market Hrert. They are just openint; a iuli.l assnrtmt-nt of f.ishioin.ble Spiing; and fjumincr Clothing. j l 'onsistinr; in part of j Cloths, Cassim-rs, Salinett, Linens, Checked i and J'ancy Cloth Penis und Coat. ALSO, A fine supply of (Silk, c'atiii und other : Vests. ' ALSO A LARGE ASSOKTMEXT ! Of all Kinds of Hals and Caps, Shirts and : Collars and (lenllemcn's furnishing ( in general, j All of which wiil be sold cheaper than cheap : at tho lowest cash prices. I The public may rest assured that all Clothing : they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of ' the linn is a practical tailor and our whole iStoi-k j of Clothing is made up l y ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York nnd Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Cull and Sec ; No charge for looking at our floods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury. May 7, isr3 ' NOTICE JOTICE is hereby Riven, that application will 1c made lo the next Legislature of j Pennsylvania, for tho incorporation of a company, I wilh discounting privileges, to be located in ti.e ' borough of Munlniry, ill the county of Ni.rthtnn- berlaii.l, willi a capital of One hundred thousand j dollars, to he callod the "$u iiieluiHiia Sai iiigs' ; liistiti'te." j Sunbury, June C.ri, le-53. (on. j NOTICE. ! 'jVOTK.'E is hereby uiven that ait application 1 will be made, ut the next regular session of the Legislature, to charter 11 company for bank- ing anil discounting .urp...-i-s, with 11 capital of two httuilieil tuousaiiil dollars, wttli tlie privi lege of extending il to four hundred thousand dollars, tn he located in the borough of Sunl.ury, Northumberland county, Pa., and to be called "Tim Minkiis' BsXK OK Sl-.Ml llI." July S, 18.')3. 6m. 1 111 prove 111 cuts A head!! ELIAS BROCIOUS nEHEBY informa his friends and the public generally, that ho has just received at his old stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver's hotel, An txcellent assortment of ICCP.CCSGIOj F R E N 0 II CALF SKINS, French Lastings, A11J ull kinds of linings and Slioe findings, which he offers to the trade at reasonable prices. He also informs his customers sue others, that he still continues the Shnctuaking business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable stvlo, ami nn reasonable terms. Sunbury, Juno 11, 18i3. ly. ss liiwAin) ! " 7 rglllE above reward will he paid for the discov X ery and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Ruilroad Company. s 11 Y ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, 1853. tf. T1LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgage, bonds, Executions, Summons ice., for sale l.y H. B. MAfceEU. Hunbury ,Apri 86.181. irr.ANiTs BLANKS of avery tiesrripuon can lis. haul by MM apprjun at tbe. cuu ol ibe Ainrru-aa, NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United State, Alexander L. Ilickcy 05 Co., THE GREAT AVOR I J3'3 FAIR ritl'E .MF.DAli TRUNK MANUFACTORY, No. 148 Chcsnut Street, (Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchant" and Travellers one of Ihc largest and most improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever ofl'ercd for sale in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Hags, Hand Coaches. Gigs, etc., &c., all of which wo are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. HICKEV & CO., No. HH Chcsnut Street. Tliila., April 9, 1803. 0m. CAUR, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Comniision Merchants, 23 ami 25 Sprar's Wharf, DAIiTIMOnE- r.nnx.r.Mxs. John Clark, Ks.., Piesideut I'itizetm' llnnk, Rail. A. P. (Jiles, Esip, Cashier Frnnklin Hank, " John llerty.ler, Jr., Es.., Philaik-lphia. KotTi rs, Simiicksoii & Co.. " J. Tome, Esip, President Cecil llnnk, Port De- positr. J. Vnllowcr it Son Ilarrisburi;. Col. II. C. Ever, Selinsgrovo. J. II. App&. Co., Nagle, Viiignte fV Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, l"s.., Mttncy. Pinion Si-ht.vli-r, Esq., " (Icorce Hotline, llitghsvillp. V. Weaver & Co., Moiitnursville. f!en. William F. Packer W illiamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, " James II. Holing, " Lewis fl. Iluling. " M'Henry ct Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Iluling, Esq., Lock Haven. tjf Carr, (iiesc ct Co. have the largest wharf- room of any commiwon house in Baltimore, al wayagiving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 12, 1S53 Dissolution ol I'artiii-i.slili.. THE Coporlnership heretofore existing under the noiuc of Jnmes II. & Win. 15. lTnrt, is this day dissolved by the witlidravrcl of William Ii. Hart. The business of the Into firm will be settled hy cither of the undersigned, ut No. 229, iNurtli Sd street. JAMES IL H AIfT, WILLIAM 11. HAIJT, THOMAS 11AUT. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, lH.'io. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of James H. cc Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past lavors. they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends nnd the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and extrusive, and which they will sell ut the lowest market rates. JAMES II. II A RT, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1 So3. JS, II. Drills , l'iiints, Oil, Window Class, tS'c. .r) '1'i.Ns l'rcnch zinc white. HI tons Pure White Lead. fitlliO lloxi-s M'indow (jlipis.iill s:.cs. Superior I', Copal, Coach , Lea til er iV Iron varnish, white Demar varnish for China (iloss, with a general assortment of l're.-h und pure DRUGS AND MHDICINES. Also all Ihc Patent Medicines in general use, I warranted genuine. j Colored and Eitainled Class, &c, Ac, for sale very low nt j A LP RE I) WILTKEROER'S I Drn and Paint Stoic, No. Hill N. 2nd Street, j PHILADELPHIA. j Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods i sent to anv of the Hotels or Depots free of charge, j Phila., May 88, 1S53. ly. ; CHEAP VATCHES. JEWELRY AND ' CMI.VKK WAltl-:, Wlmli-sale anil Iti-uil nt No. ! O SKCONU St.. oi.p-.situ ti- Jit. Vernon lb -use, (Ji.1.1 ' I.evcr V'ali-lics, lull jt-wrlt-il. If k. cases, tr-J.-,l)0 ; Silver Levers, fall ji-welcil, sil'J.(K) ; Silver 1 pities, jeweled. s.. t (jo all warrant. tl to k. t-p g-.nil tin, p. !i:M and Sil ; vei Case,; Ul.l IVneiis. Sl.Wli '.i"l.l Pencils u.ul j IVll t'lises Will. Ioi(t Onlil Pensns l"W as t.-."., Si e. J Also, alwi.ysii.i .1 k :.ssortn.rn of tine trnlil I Jewelry, tinhl Cart., li.ianf itn.l l-'nb Cduiiis, Ciold Ycsl Ct... ins, I,rilit-s' Oolil l-.t. au.l Il.-lt Tins, j Silver Talile Ss.iis frnm Kll t . r?ls. Dessert, 80 to $-l , uil-l Tea, S?l,T- I" (i.'.0 per set, warranted equal to ci-ia. All ikvIs w.r.iaiti.,1 1 1 lie wl.nt lltey are s !.! f r. J and Jewelry repaired unit warranle.l. 1 t'f All or.l.-is by nmii .-r ut'-ervvioe, will be pane j tually utteiiili'it t-i. M. AYISK. Ap.-i.t, I No. 3 ortli SMCDNU Street, -lpjuitc llic .Ml. Ycrnoa I House. I J'l.ila., April 11, ly. '"'PsT K if. K', W VI A t loe-V'tr ;5.:wi Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coachos, Earouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail hy BTJDEITELL & TULL, No. 64 DUCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders Ihrnugh the mail promptly executed Phila., April 0, 1853. Iv. 3,i.I?.B.iT2S, fT lMatlorm Scales, (jl a Long Iiiowh Severely ttittd I i Alwayt right 'Wis Aiinouled- 3a,.Y Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Fur- (5aTI...,r,.-:A' - m 1 i.w ...... .ISyi'C mer" si., tct in any part of the country, at short notice. AUEXrs GEO. V. COLBY, S10 Mutkct st., .Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, .Sunbury. yhilu., -4pril 93, 1853 Labopcrs Wanted. rflHK subscribers want immediately on the A lUilroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union county, seven miles below Sclinstrrove, from 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wlijlu one dollar per day will pa paid. PAYIDliE, WJLVEATON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1853. tf. Hope Manufactory. r"IMlE aubscriber respectfully informs the people A of Nortliumlierland and (sunl.ury, and the public generally, that he has constantly 011 hand sud manufacture lo order, all kinds of Uoai ropes, tied curds, whIi lines, plow lines, twin and lines of U kinds, at his twtablixhuiant in IS'orthum tssftaiMl. KICHAKU MARSHALL. NortU'd., June Jl, lHAa. 9is. 1 LANK NOTE TABLE. . CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. riTT nr 1-iiu.ADSi.rniA MASPACATJBETT. All solvent Imilks llil It IIDDK ISLAND. All tol. ciil Inuks iti. CONNF.CTICVT. All s .Ivi iit Im.ks 1 (lis NKW VORK. ti. t. Hank nolrs J.) ill' All sulvcut Imnva iuii rol'STBT. Rank of Clinmlwrshurg 1 nis IliinK ol Uhrster CO. par Ufii.k of Del. Co. Chester pnr Hm.k ol urrinnmowii Honk of OtMlysl.iirg lli.nk of T.rwistown nnrl A II solvent Isinks I " 1 Uis tyitk notes umlpr 93 Jon rotrsTHT. All solrents tmoks t (lis Hank of Miit.llctnwn 1 ilis Montgomery Rni'lr PnT NKW JKIIHKV nt iortiim.i.erl ad- imi. Belvnlrre Hunk J b' Cimnwreinl llnnk 1 rl" Ilnnkof I'itlsl.nrg litis' nitns oi imnvillfl pur Fnr. llnnk Mont Hour nor Carlisle Hm.k I ilis'K. M., Mi.Mletown rt. ir Columliia U'k B'ae Co' Hk, INrwnrs pni novelstown Dank imrMeeli. Hk of Hnrlingtml r l-,i..., llnnk nnr Mr-rh. tt Mnii. Hk Trent par Erie Hank 2 ilis Morris Co llnnk ! l Kxi'hnno-r ll'lr Pillsl.nrir I ilis Xeirnrk Hk's & Till. Co I ills Kxelmngn H'k, Hrai.rh 1 ilislOrnnpe llnnk Formers' H'k, Mucks Co purl People's Hk Pattern. Formers' Hk, I,sni-nsiir pnrlPrinceton Hunk Farmers' Hk. Itsniling mr fn!c.n Hnnking Co, Fnrm. Ilk SV-liuvlkill Co pnr'Pemrrrrt Co llnnk F P. Hk Wnvnesh'g Wilis Stnte llnnk nt I'nin.leil Frnnklin Hk. V.'nsirn llrlislntnte Ilk KllsstirtMon dis (lis par tmr ih par I ilis lliirrislmrg llnnk 1 dis.ftnl Hank ".ewnrs lis llot.ri:nnte llnnk ljinrnstnr llnnk 1 ilislWate Hk. N- HrtnisWli-k par par.r'lissrx linns, rsewinn ... lr-ltuo. lluuk nr.r Trenton Co par M.rrh. ,M.m. IlniiV 1 ilis .Miners irk. Pnttsville per .Motioufrnhrln llnnk 1 (lis t'ni.m Hunk. Hover I .lis 'nnlterv'left Del Dr Co llrlit tyUk nous ninler - ilis Tnylorsv'e Del H' Co IS ell: J.I-;i.AVAItC. nf Prlnwnre par lluuk of Smyrna. pnr plawnre I'ilv llnnk par Ilk'u it llrnu.lyw. .i Fnrmers' Ilk f. IVInwnre ir vv est llrnnrli itnulf pnr Wyoinina Hk, Wilkesl.'e par York lluuk, 1 riis ty Relief notes 1 dis MAINF, riauknrWIiPtliH-k I'liinn llnnk. Wiliinngtot. pnr Mereantils lit. Ilnncm-inilis'lT L'mler " . II ...I . . I 1 ilis All solvent lini.ks OHIO. NKW I1AMPSIHRK. All solvent Isinlis S .lis All bunks 1 clis'ST' lilt ant's tli.'lcr S's A ibs Vi:l!MI)T. I NOHTH CAUOI.INA. flni.k of St All-tins 4 ilis! A II solvri.l Innks 4 ilis Allsnlvcnt banks J ttisf?'t;iuler5's, SJ ilis TltliMEN'DOUS ExrlTP.KrNT ! I Cnsli. Steam. Klcctricitv ! ! 27ic Aerial and all other lines out-done bj the I.lKlitr.lns Line of 1HA T. CLlLENT. "I'V'lIO, having great faith in rapid sales and ' small profits, has just rci eivcd and opened a large assortment of SPRING AD SUMMER GOODS. At his Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock cunsisls of a general assortment o Dry Cootls, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinrts. Jeans, Drdlingl Muslins, Linens, Caliroes, Muslin dc Lains, Lawns, Ginhams, Bcragcs. Silk Hats. A large assortment of Roots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, CofFee, Molasspe, Cheesr, Spi ces, I' ish hall, Plaster. HARDWARE, Yin: Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes. Cups, Saticcrs, f;C LIQUORS, Wine Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wliishry, &c tTf' Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Jan. 15, lS.r)3. ly. DOCTOR YOI'KSKI.FI THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : Oil, EVKItY ONE HIS OW.V rtlYSlCIAX. rpilE E EORTIETH Edi- V K Hon, w it 1 a One Hundred itf A Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of IfSI f,'Tir ' ,l the Human Svstem in every ijifl i-TJX h.-' 13! shape and firm. 'J'o which W i:'J !l is added a Treatise on Ihc ':J'i:x ..s ijrij I lisftises of I'l-males, l.eiug -vji V'.-t a l! fyi-l ol the highest importance to port ur.irri.'d pi-ople, or those conteintdaiing tn-.'-rriagc- ' Let no father he ashamed to present a copy of the .SJsCULAPll'S to his child. It may save him from an early crave. Let no voting man or woman enter into the secret obligation of mar ried lite without reading the J'Ul'KET .T.SCC- , LA PR'S. Let no one sutVering from hackniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa- j tions, and given up hy their physician, he another : moment without consulting the .SCl'LAFIL'S. Have the married, or those al.out to he married any impediment, read this truly nselul nook, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the verv jaws of death. TV Any person setulin? T'VENTV-FIY E CENTS, enclosed in a letter will Teceive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will he sent for one dollar. Address. Da. W. YOUNG, No. 15S SPlil'CE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June IS, ie."ifl. ly. DISSOLTTTICIT. rrWE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of .lames Tnscart A: Son, was, on the 13th day of June, 18.VI, dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will he settled by Janu s Tapart, holds the books. Those indebted to the linii ore requested to call and make settlement of their accounts ulso ull persons having claims a-jainst the firm are requested to send in their bills for payment. JAMES TAC.UAKT", UKANTHAM I. TAGGAUT. North'd., June 18, 1SS3. tf. NEV7 STORE. npiIE undersigned takes this method cf thank--- ini? his friends lor their liWral patronage, and informs them he has taken the old stand lately occupied hy James Tass irt cc Son, where he will be prepared at all times with a large sup ply ot poods, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMEliS, VI-.STINCS, ke. LAIIES DIIESS AND FANCY GOOES, uf every description. (roccries, Jueeiis are, Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Fish, iV, c. Which he will dispose of 011 reasonable terms, and hopes by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their patronage. G. I. TAGGART. North'd., Juuo 13, 1853 tf. THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, BLAYLCCZ'S Model Spring Style Hats, TTTNEOUALLED by any others in all that HJ can render satisfaction to the Wearer. (ive them a triul. The Very Finest Molcskix Hats for 3.50 ; Second Quality, very fine, 3,00 Third Quality, a capital article, 2,50. All these are warranted. Mode! Hut Store, No. 46 North 8lh Street Philadelphia, Phila., April !), 1853 Cm. WILLIAM PERKINS Gentleman Fushionuble CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 231 Chesnut, Third door bcloie Eighth st Philadelphia, OAS on hand a full stock of French and English Piece Goods, which will he made to order at tho Shortest Notice, in the Luteal Style, FOR CASH. Phila., April U, 1853. Cm. TII.EY'S COVGH CAXDY. An excel. ' lent remedy fur coughs, colds. For sale at this oll'.e. December 4. 1852. ' HUSTU'ES' FEE B1LI.H Por sale by t IL U MASSER. Fuubury, 1851 A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware It 00m of ""set ouare, Also al the corner of Fawn street 4- a. Raitr 1 SUNBURY, PA. "i'ha,'r0ttd Thankful for th. patronaW of hi. friend, customer, during the 17 year, he h., Iw j W? nes. m this place, he sohcit, from the pul.lj. . " tinuanc. of their favors. Vuring t.p eri'od has rn, envored o keep up with ,ie intprovemenu of the day, and has accordingly extended hi Turf nes. in every branch and variety. The nuhlie therefore invited to Ihe attention of th, preset stock of i"-"'nf CAM1VET AVARF, AND CII Is Manoiactibed r ' SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Slant!, Where in addition to their former stock of th, establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Larprt Spmiff Seat Rocking Chain Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tablet, ' Mtrble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und Fashionable Furniture Havinrf secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and htislmnda too, Here's furniture of every style and line, From side Isiards down to tables, Prom rocking chairs to t.K-kinir cradles W1011I1! yoa not l.ave ll.e ready Joitx to pay, AYc'll wait awhile f..r a brighter Iwtter day, Or take potatoes, outs, corn, wheat and rye; Unrk, li.sip pntes, staves, or lumber wet snd dry, Or nny thing I.ut yokes nnd tl.reshintj flails, From pies nnd tarkies down to little quails. Corns 011 then friends, come ouenarl all, Keep trade a moving, so "(toes on the Isill." UT Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of oil kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf "AID AND COMFOET," To Your Own .llcclianics. GEORGE RENX. . MANUFACTlT.Ett OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. '"PHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of C5 A It I . ET-AV A EC U. which cannot fail to retommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to he had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the j many improvements which am constantly being i made. His stock consists of Mahogany I SoTas, IMvaiiN nml I.oiiiictch, ! Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, ! SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, : and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- dclphiu manufacture, j BEDSTEADS, of every pattern ond price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such hj Mui.ic.ih, Black Wjimt , AMI Cl-IILF.II M tl'LK ti.ll.I IAN ; AMI WlM.SOtt CHAINS, ami riser Piaxo Stools, whit-hare of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in Ihe cities, as every conliilence can be entertained about, the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will he disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. I t- L NUKKTAKINU. Havintr provided ,imst. a handsome Hk he prcparc-d for l.'ndcrtaking, and attending funer. ols, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. II?' The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853 tf. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J A3IES . FI I) LEIl, No. 12 South Second Stree', PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do " Quartier do Cold pens 011J pencil and silver halders Silver Tea and Tabic Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings fire. All warranted and sold at prices as low as try in the city. November 27. 1852 tf. 1,000 Men Wan ted. QN the li-e of the srSQl'EH ANNA RAIL- ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite llar risburg) and Sunbury, in the State ol Pennsylva nia. This road is fifty four miles in length' runs through a highly improved country, and will furnish ctnphn ment for stone masons, carpenters and laborer for the next twelve mouths. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that arc familiar will therefore find cer tain cmplpvmetit and liberal wages. DOL'GH EKT Y, LA I'M A N & CO., Contractors. February 10, 1853 Roseiulale Hydraulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CH A RLES SH EPA RD SM ITH. of, and successor to, the late linn of Evi Sunlit 4. Son. N. E. Comer ef Front and Willow strtst Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 18, 1853 ly. 13. VEI3E1R, 1. D. HAVING located himself permanantly in Sunbury, oilers his professional services to the Town and Country, oftice, corner of Deer and Market streets (formerly telegraph office,) where he may be found unless professionally engaged. Sunbury, April 30, 1853 6m. OLD PENS wilh and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal by H. H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851. I" J A TENT BRITTANLlsTOPPERS M bar bottles for sale It H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April. 12. 1851-s tSMlTHESSENCE OF JAMAICA U1N- GEK, a fresh supply jus received, a'nJ for ,tte l.y M. 1). MASSER. Suuhory, Jan. 10, 1853. . SK Boureau's celebrated ink, and alsa Con 1 gres ink for sale, whobsala and retail br llecsmber , I80. H- B- MA85ER. fARRIAGE tETIrlCATES haAdsMMry i-'l esecuted for sal at ibis office, single or l.y the d.ueu.