f 4 A STRING QF ITEMS- Bi-ooMtmThe lilies of the fiolJ. The printert best letter lot her go. Hb (hat change his opinions corrects hi, errors. , Silent contempt is more galling than open rebuke. For the eridence of truth look at the truth itteir. Gold twenty-five cent piecesare becoming abundant. They are of California coinage. A virtuous yotuh will make a happy old Queen Victoria has prohibited the Polka being danced in her presence. The true cure for one-half the human maladies is employment. I llollidaytburg, on Wednesday, a lioness annulled to, a menagerie, gave birth to three cubs. They are alive and doing well. On Tuesday there was one million tteohun dred thousand dollars in the Sub Treasury at St. Lonis. Captain Ixcraham's conduct in the Costa affair, has the sanction, not only of his own country, but of nearly all Europe. The Lebanon Valley Railroad is about to bo commenced, since the decision in favor of Municipial Corporation subscriptions. Fanny Kkmbi.e says that no man can be a good judge of wine who is addicted to brandy-smash and gin -cocktail. Cannei. Coal, of superior quality, it is said, has been discovered five miles below Fairmont, Va. Wiiehr Do They Come From! Of the twelve hundred prisoners on Blackwell's la" land, only three hundred atid nineteen are Americans. Wm. Price died in Luzerne county, on the 22.1 ult, from mortification in the arm, which w.is causej from a slight scratch of a beef bone upon one of his fingers a few days previous. The dandy who was "struck with an idea" was not seriously injured, as the weapon was a very slirht one. Such au accident is not likely to happen him again. The fever has diminished in the town of Pensacola, Fla , but is raging to such au ex tent in the Navy Yard there, that all com munication with the outside is interdicted. Since 1802, fourteen hundred cadets have graduated from West Point. General Joseph O. Swift, who headed the lis', for 1802, is still alive, and in excellent health. The New York Tribune has formally and final ly taken leave of the Whig party, and declares that henceforth the Tribune shall ' hate no ticket for Slate or other officers un der its head." The leading retail dealers in liquor, in New Vuik, are moving to advanve the price from six to ten cents a glass. If they were to make it twenty-five cunts a glass, the com munity would benefit by it. Death in the Mius.-On Monday, in the mines of Mr. George Repplier, at New Castle, an explosion of fire damp occurred, which burned three of the miners so serious ly as to leave no hope of their recovery.- l'ottsvitle Emporium. The Supreme Court commenced its session on Moi diy, the 5th inst., in the Court House, in Pittsburg. There are 114 causes fmm Alleghany county alone. This term will be the longest ever held in Western Pennsyl vania. The Premiums of the Annual Fair of tho Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, to be held at Pitlsburg, on September 27th, 28th, 29 ill and 30ih, will consist of silver medals and silver plate, and exceed in value $5000. The Hon. Robert J. Vi.kf.r, tho Wash iiigion Star says, will shortly take up his res i lence in Illinois. His now heavy interests, in connection with their Central Railioail, make this chango of his location desirable. Boston, they say, is the richest city in the world in proportion to its population. If its taxable propeity were equally divided, every Bostoman would have fourteen hundred and forty dollars. The price of a passage to California, which a few years ago was $500 in the U. S. mail line of steamships, now cost as follows : Through tickets, first class cabin, S100; sec ond do., 375; steerage with bed and board, $50. Depth or Niaoara River. An English gentleman, who has been endeavoring to as certain the depth of Niagara river at the suspension bridge, has at length succeeded. At one point be finds the depth to be 125 feet. The City of Madison, lud., by recent vote of Council, authorized a subscription of S 200. 000 to the stock of the Madison and Erie Railway Company, in addition to a like sum before made. City Bonds have been directed to be issued for the whole 2100,000. Diamond Necklace. A rich case of jew elry Is on exhibition at the Crystal Palace. Among the articles is a necklace, containing thirty-eight pearls, weighing 85 grains, and one diamond, weighing 42 grains. The dia mond is Valued at $5000! and the whole at Si 5,000. Sickness. The Ilairisburg Telegraph states that the dysentary prevails to an alarming extent in Hummelsiown, and the eastern portion of Dauphin county, on the Swatara; and also, in Lebanou county; that the disease is almost beyond control, and the moitality great, especially among cbildien. BuaNWo FLUinrtAcciDCNTs. During the year ending the 31st til., 10 persons were burned to deatb by camphene in New York, 4 in Brooklyn, and 5 in other places adjacent ; while, by the same cause, 14 were badly injured In New York. 9 in Brooklyn, and S in other places, several oi ine persons re ported injured were ao severely burned that it is probable they died. In several cases tomes were set on fin by the exr'wwu IJOYAL NEEDLEWOMEN. Tho Empress of Russia and the ox-Queen of France are snid to be excellent needlewomen; but it is not stated whether tliey were in the habit of mending their husband's coats, pants, and vests. Speaking of conts, pants, and vests, there is a splcndcd and varied asaortment of all those articles, just suited and intended for the approaching fall season, at Rrckhill fc Wilson'a Clothing Store, No. Ill Chrsnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadel phia. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, 1852. ly. cw. . - . i nunniGD, At Danville, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. R. O. Page, Mr. Isaac Bartow, to Miss Ma tilda Blizzard, both of that borough. In Lewisbnrrr, on the 8ih inst., by the Rev. Dr. Malcom, Daniel S. Kremer, ot the firm of Beaver, Kremer & Moore, to Miss Mary Priscula, eldest daughter of Col. L. B. Christ, all of Lewisburg. n 1 1: i. In this place, on Sunday last, WILLIAM BOULTON, aged about 20 years. In Selinsgrove, on Monday last, Mr. JOHN BRIGHT.formerly of this place, aged about 53 years. At Northumberland, on the 5th inst , MA K i KLLiM AfvkK, daughter ol Michael at and Mary Kapp, aged 15 years. In Delaware township, on the 2d inst., Mr. JAMES MILLER, aged 43 years 4 1 mouth. At Havre de Grace, on the 5th inst , after a short illness, WILLIAM atlLLblt, son ol James Miller, deed, aged 17 years. In Chilisqnaque, on the 1st instant, Mr- ABRAHAM liiUAbL, aged about P3 years. At Boilina Snriiisr. on the 28th ult.. M NANCY FLEMING, daughter ol the lulu Judge Fleming, aged 73 years. In Rush township, on the 2d inst., Miss ELIZABETH, daughter of Samuel and Anna Reader, aged ubout nineteen years In Lewisburg, Sept. 1st, Miss MARY A. HOUGHTON, aged 21 years. In Kelly Tp , 29 nil.. Rachel, aged 5 yeats; 3d inst , James, aged 17 years; nndSlh inst., Isabel, aped 8 years all childien of John and Jane Ciiswell. I)C iHavkcts. Philadelphia Market. Sept. 14. 1853. Flour and Meal. S.iles of 3000 barrels fresh gtoiiud flour at Sb'l aSi per bbl. There is a steady demand for city con sumptinuwithin the range of $5 at 6!j. Rye Flour is srarce; hist sale at $4 a 4i per bbl. Corn Meal sales of fresh ground I'eiina. ut ! S31 per barrel Grain. Whnat is in demand, further sales of pood and prime new red at 125 a 130o per bushel, and while at 134 a 135c. Rye is wanted at 85c. Corn Further sales of yellow at 75c. Oats Sales of new South ern at 33 a 40c. Whiskey is srarce, and holders now ask 30c for both lihd and bbls. Baltimore Market. Sept. 6, 1853. GRAIN The maiket this morning is vet y active, and prices of all descriptions are still advancing. The sales of Wheat at the Corn exchange were about 15,000 bushels nt from 2 to 4 cents advance on Saturday's prices. We quote fair to prime reds at 125a 128 cents ; fair to prime whites, at I33al37 ct ; and ve ry choice whites for family flour at 139.il40 els. About 14,000 bushels of Corn were of fered and sold at 71a72 cts. for white, and 73 for yellow. Sales of Pennsylvania Rye were made at 93 cts., and of Maryland and Virginia Oats ut 38n42 cts. WHISKEY. Whiskey is getting very scarce, and prices continue to advance Sales to-day of bbls. at 30a30i cts. No li litis, yet in market. SUNRUKY PRICE CUKHENT Wit KIT. 100 Krr. - .75 Cimx. . . 112 Oats. - 44 Potatoes, . 25 Bl'TTKR, - Ifi Euan. ... 10 PonK. ... 8 Flaxsklii. - . .125 Tallow. j - .10 Bkeswax - 25 Hecklku Flax. - 2 Dkikii Apples. ... 80 Do. Peaches. 1(10 Flax . - 17 New Advertisements. IDA mmiiimrzn liKO. . COIILU OESPFCTFULLY announces to the citizens of Suiibury and vicinity, that he has opened a Daguerrean Room. The most artiutical at tention will be given to position ; a I wo in equalli zin; the light and shade ou the face, so aa to give every life-like expression, and entirely obviate the flat cadaverous appearance so common to Da guerreotypes. Persons having unsatisfactory pictures taken by incompetent operators, or those cvirihing to obtain good miniaturas, of themselves and friends are invited to embrace this opportu nity, as lie will remain but a few week s His room is at the old place, in the Grand Jury Hooni, (County liuildings.) Operating hours from 8 A. M., until 5 P. M.t without regard to the Btuto of the weather. Sunbury, 8ep. 10, 1R53. tf. A Farm for Sale, rriHE sulcrilr offers for sale bis farm, J- CONTAINING 284 ACHES and allowances. It is situated about three miles from tSunbury along the8hainokin creek, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Kailroad passes through said farm. It will be ollered in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can be divided to make three small irms. Tbe buildings arc a FARM HOUSE, a good Uaiik Durn, and two tenant houses. JOHN FAKNSWOUTH. Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853. tf. Estate of ISHA DRESSIER .dee'd FlHE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' M. (Jourt of Northumberland C'ountv, to make distribution of the money in the hand of David .artinan. Administrator of Isha Drcsnler, dec d.Tl to and among those entitled to the same, will sit, for that purpose, at his office in 8unbury, on Saturday, the 1st day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY DON N EL, Auditor. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1853 H. Cheap Watclies c Jewelry, Af HOLE8ALE and ReUil, at the "Philadel " T phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. GoW 1 sever Watches, lull icwJed. 1M earm mim. S!!P.m OoULepnw m. r OOlKuie Silver KpecUcles. i,M Hi ver lp. Cull jew lied, t0 IfioM Bniceleia. 3,00 HilvsjrLfepiiM, iewek. 10. I sdies' OaW Psiieils, l.tSJ 7- rr vu-r""i 7.muver Ta swiqus. set, I.UU Gold HpecUclei, 7,0 ' 1 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Oold Finger Rings, 37 cents to If 0 ; Watch Glaases, plain, 12J cenUi Patent, 18 j Lunet, S5; other articles in proportion. AH goods war ranted to bs what they ars sold for. STAUFFER cV HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, soma Gold and Silver Levsrs sad Leptnes, still lower then the above prices. Sept. 10, 1133. ly. SUNBUllY AMKiUCAN AND SHAMOklN JOURNAL. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 1)lHSL' ANT to mi not of the General AmemMy of the Onnimmiwralth of Fnmpy.rt.iiHi,. entitled "An-act reiatinc to llie election of tliis Commonwealth," approved tlm (mtoihI dny of July, Anno Domino, one tn'"1 eight hundred and Ihirtv-nine, 1, WILLI AM H. KI1 P, llteh PhehfTof the comity of Northumberland, Fenntyl vanin, no herein; mntce known and give notice to the elec tor of the enmity nforemid. tlmt a ffcnernl election will lit hfld in aniil miiintv nf Mnrlltumherltmd nil the SKCOIN D TUKSDAY llthj'of OCTOHKR, !Ho3, at which time rinie uiri uoumr uincert, aa toiiowa, arc i iw; cn-v.c. . One person aa Canal Commissioner of the Cotninon wenUh. One pernon n judge of the Supreme Court mt Hits Com mnnwnfllth. One per hi for iurveyor General of the Commonwealth. One pnni'in for 'Auditor Gcnrnd of the Common wlih. One perion ns McmSpr of the limine nf representative to represent the county ot NortmimierimMi. One person aa Commissioner for the comity of North uinberlrind. One person as District Attorney fur the county of Nor th u miter bind. Oueperam for Treasurer for the enmity of Nortlium ber Intnl. One person foT Deputy Surveyor for the county of Nor thumberland. One poison aa Auditor for the county of Northumber- Ml I Hi. 1 also hftroliy mnke known mid eWe notice that the itinera of In Mil inn the iiforcariid eenernl election in the rv. er.-il h irouha and townships within the county of Nor- tlmmiieriniin are o loiinwc : The SunlMiry District, composed of the borough of ruiuun. una i pper Augiism. ut me vouiuy Jonn Home. The Aumistn Distrirt. comooaed of the township of Lower Augusta, nt the house ot Klius Kuterich, in said township. The Nurthumlmrumd District, composed of the ttoroneh of Northnimtliind,nt the house of Augustus Hotrii of the borough of Northumberland. The Point Dtntrict. nl the house of Henry Haas, in the iHimugti nl iNiHiiminlteruiwl. The Milton District, uUhe house of Frederick Sticker, in snid lvrnuuh. The Turliut Distiict, nt Ihc house occupied by Abruham Ktxsinger. Tli Delaware District, nt the Sinking Spring School House The ChiliS'itinque District ut the b 'use of Benjamin Fordmimn. The Lewis District, at the house occupied by Michael Kerifier. The Shnintiklu District, nt the house of Chnrtci Lei sen riiur The Vppcr Mahouoy District, at the house of Daniel Heim. The Little Muhimv District, nt the house of Frederick Rnkcr. The Lower Mali ii n District, nt the house of Miehuel Snnt The Rush District, nt the Lilieriv Pole rVhool I Id use The Jack n District, ;it the house occupied by ticorge Prmlh. The Cnl District, nl the house of William M. Weaver, in the town of Hinninkm The Zerb5 District ut the hrnise of John Weaver in Trevitrttii. The Cnm-M-nii District, nt the house of Gideon Derk. The J trdttn District ut the house of Benjamin Leitzel. The election to npen between the hours of S und 10 oYI H'k in tin; t' ircnxin, uml shall continue without inter ruption or rejournment until 7 uVI ck in the evening, when the polls shtitl he clsvd. The several Inspectors mid Judges elected on the 3d Fridnv of March, If VI. in pursnnucu of the 3d Section of the net of the 2d of .Inly, I Mil, will li"ld the election oil Tuesday the I Ith day oi October next. 'That every pTson except a Jutttireof the Pence, who shall hold any oilice or appointment of profit nnd trust un der the government nf the United Stulca. or of this tutc, or of nuy c ity or iuc rpoiatytl diotriet, whether a waninis sioned officer or neetit, who rhall be employed under the legislative, ex ecu live or judiciary deportment of this Stnte, or the United States, nr of any city or incorporated district nun ais ttiai every inemncr I orgrcss niui oi trie riuie Legislature, nnd tf"thc select nud eomtu on cotmeil of any mlicr CVi'gres mul nf the f ime p'unt rnent ol Jutige. inspertur or LlerK. ot any election ol tins com in mwealth, una that n Inapector. Judge or tiny other oilicer of such election, h:ill be eligible to any otfice to le then voted for. And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "on art relating to the elections of litis C mniniiwimlih," passed July the find, 1H;t-jt further provides nn follows, to wit : Tlmt the limpcetois und Judges chosen us aforesaid, shall meet at the respi-eiive places for holding the election in the district to which they resectfuliy llong liefore nine n'cl'K'k in Ihc in 'ruing the second Tuesday of Oc tober in each und every ) ear. nud each of said inspwtors shall appoint one clerk,' who shall be u cpialitied voter of such d siriet. I also hereby make known and give notice that by an net of AKsemtily panned on the tu.li day of Apiil, IM4W, it shall tte lawful for I lie ipinblied voters of Northumberland county, Irom and alter the (visicige of a:tid net, to vote for nil the candidates f r the vnrious oifices. to lie filled at any elect i on on one slip or ticket : Provided, That officer ftr which every candidate is voted for, shall be designated, aa required by the existing laws of this Common wen Ith. Skctio.n's. That nuy fraud eommilted bv uuypersm voting in tint manner uImvc preNcribcd? rhall le punished ns similar frauds are directed to be punished by the exist ing laws of this Commonwealth. ln ease tlie pers n who sh'tll have received the second highest nitnilier t f votes for Iuspectors'khnll not attend on the day of any election, then the person who shull have received the second highest uuuiher a votes tor jutige ine next pr-eliit rlceikui, skill art us nn iiispertni in his plan-, nnit in ease the iicrs m elcoliil J mhre slmll ins attend Hie ln-ci;.r who received the hiBhesi iiiimler of votes, ahull appoiirt n Juduu in bin pl;iee ; ami il nuy VHeutiry klmll rontniue in llie Ixwinl lor the iture(i li.Mi mi hour ni liT the titim lixeil hy 1 iv ff ill) open in ft nf the cUrtitii, I he quuliliitl vott m of the twuslii, want or int district, Tur wliieli rupIi ojiu-org li:ill Imvt Ih-cii eleclttt, prevent nt the pluce l clecfi'inn, vimll uue of thfir mint her to till such viicanry. ''It iijull m the iluty of s-tiil a5etr rcsprclively to at icml nt the l;tce of ti hlui? rvery frniunil, ietiul, or toviifi)ii, flrctMN, (luiiiif; the nh !? lime Kiiil election is kept open, 'nr the purpose of pivmi? inforiiiiitiiHi ti the liikpertorg nnu Jmltrt1, wlnn nilled im, in relation to the 1 lit nf nay person uxvesscij hy them to vote ut such elec tion, or ntuh other ruuttt-rs in ieliiti-ii to the nvivMiiieiit uf voierv, na Ihe s.iitl iiiftpt-etor or jmlBu ur either ul them. sluill from tunc Uuiu require. l,Ao person vhiill br. prrnnttel t i vote nt nny election ni nforesriid, otlu-r than n white free ntmi il twenty-one or more, who shall h:ive rrsnU-l in the state nt lea tone year, und in the election district where he olferv to vote nt leant ten day immediately preeefvliiifr the eleetKMi, nnd within two vearn inud stale of eoantv lax. which shall have lieen anseiuied at leaMtenda lei ore I he election, Jlut a citizen of the I'nitiil States who hud pre loiotly been a qualified voter ot th! vtate, iiimi removed itieretrom and resumed, and tlmll linvc resided in the election limUict. nnd paid tX as aforewul, vhall he entitled to vote utter residing In this state six inoMthv, lrovided. That the white freemen, citi zens of the Tinted relates, letween the ape nf twenty- me nnd twenty-two yearn, mid in the election district ten days us nloresuid, ithall lie entitled to a vote, nlthough they shall not Jiave paid taxes. No pers m ahull he permitted Ut vote whose name is wl contitiucd in the list of taxable inhaUtanttt furnished hy the comtniwiontT ns uf -resaid, iinleim, First: lie produces a receipt for the payment, within two years, if a slnte r county tax notnscd agreeahly to the c liftitiition, und Kve s.itial'actory eviileuce" either on his own oit!i oi utHiinn tion, or on the outh or allirmati n f another, that he lius paid such tux, or on failure to pr tli.ee u receipt, stuill mnke un out li to (tie iMiyiuciit there if; nr second, it he clniiii a ri'ht to vote hy heiu an elector hetween the nge of twenty-one and twenty-two yeurs. he vhnll depie on onth or uifiriiiation. that lie "has Tesided in the Stale at least one year next liefore his application, und make such prtxf f resilience in the tlirtrirtas is require-1 by this act; and that he does verily believe Iran the account given him that lie is of the afun suid, nntl give such other evi dences us is required hy this net, whereupon the name of the perou s i udiniitrd t vote, shall lie imrrted in nlptia Itetieal list by the inspectors, und a note made opposite thereto by writim; the wrd 'tux," if he ihall lie penult t;d to viito hy reacon nf havinir mid tax, or the word 'age' if he vhall be permitted to vote tm account ef his aire, and in either ease the leas-ai nf vueh voles sludl lie called out to (he clerk, who sludl make uotes in the list of voters kept by ihcin. In ull cams where the name of the person chiirains: to vote is not found on thelisl furnished by the Commission ers nud Assessor, or his rij-ht lo vote whether found there ou nr not, is objected to by any fpuilihed citizen, the In SC4't4r shall examine such peitv -n ou oath us to his qnalifi caiitau, Jiid if he claims to have resided in the state one year or more, his utli hnll lie u proof thereof, but he shall prove hy at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that be leculed within the district ut least teii duvs next immediately preceding the election, and slmll uhk himself swear that his bona tide residence, in pursu ance of tuwful cnlliujr it within the district, nud tltat he did not reuiuve into said district for the purpose of voting therein. i'.veiy peson quulifi'-d ns afurenid, and wlio sltull make proof, if reipiireit, f resident and pay met it of taxes, ns ul or esa id, sliull le admitted Ui vote in the towiwlup, ward or district in which he shall reside. If any person not qualified to vote in ihisCoinmonwealth airreeuhl) to la w, (except the whw i( qunhhed citizens) shall uper at any place of election for the purpose of is suiuir tickets, or iniluem-ius; citizens qualified to vole, he shall, on conviction, forfeit und pay any so in not exceed ing one hundred dollars for every one such offence, und be iiTipnsoned for any term not exceeding three months. It slmll he the duty of every mayor, sheriff, aldcnisMi, justice of the peace, and coiuuable nr deputy constable, of every city, county, township or district within this com monwealth, whenever culled upon by any oiter of an eleetiou, or by auy three quuhbed electors thereof, to clear any window or avenue to unv window, to the place of tfeiteiul election, which shall le obstructed in such a way us lo prevent voters f nun approaching; the an me, and on neyleet or refusal to do so ou such requisimi, said olHcer sluill bo deemed tc'iilted of iiustlrineHnor in office and on c luvietimi shall te liued lu uny sum not leas tlam ut hun dred nor more tiwn rate thousand dolturs : and it shall be the duty of the respective constable of eaiu ward, district or brwusiiip, of this commonweal h to be present in person or by deputy, ut the pluce of holding such elections m said ward, district r lowinJup, for ttia purpose of pteserving the peace as aforesaid. It sliall be the duty of every peace officer, as afoicsaid, who sliall be present at any such disturbances at au elee lion as is described iu this net, to reiorl the same to the next comt of quarter seasi him, and also the tuuuee of the wiUieaaes who can prove the same. And by the 4th section of the set of (flth nf April, HMO, It is enactnl, 'That Uie 16th Section uf the set, as passed July fld IKJV, entitled an act relatins; t the elect ions of this caUiinNiwealth, aliatl not be constructed aa to prevent any militia officer en Itor.iugh otficer, from servma; aa juilsre, uispocter or clerk, at auy general or special eJocUoa in this cjmi nun wealth. The Judges are to make their returns for the enunty of Nofihunilserlaiid, ai the Court House, la Buabury, oa r ri 1 (Uy, the Utb day of October, A. 1. 1&63. L,..c VIUJAM B. KIPP, tWl4. 17. It C OOD UAVK THR COMMONWEALTH I W A DIES DUE St GOODS Dress bilk, Bi French Merino, Persian Twill, De Laines, Da Beraga, ca.hmercs, calico, worked, eolars. shiraexeiuj, curls. oe., just received and (or sale by Stft. 10, 1853. . W.TENER & CO Cas Fixtures 5 Lamps. HEILRICX, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North Second Street, above ins, PHZI.ASBX.rHIA. HAVING had many years practical eipenenrs in the business, and as all work sold by us is msnufactured under our Immediate supervision, we are enabled to oiler to purchase superior ar ticles, in every branch of our trade, uhjii tne mosi favorable terms. At our store may ne lounu. in every variety and style of finish, ties ami Lamp Chsndcliers, Pendants, Hide Brackets, for Halls, Churchca. &c, the IMPROVED PINE OIL LAMP) also, Fluid, Lara and Oil Lamps, Gir andoles, Boquete Holders; Parlor, Night and Reading Lamps. On hand, Lump Glasses, Globes. Wirks. 8hadcs, Ac. ALL WORK WARRANTED, OR NO SALE. Factory No. RR Noble St.. near 4lh. . Remember store 221 N. 2d St., next door to J. Stewart Depuy's carpet store. September 10, 1853. 3m. WILLIAM GROVES & CO S Upholstery, Bedding 5 Fca ther Warehouse. S. E Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. CJPRINO BEDS, Frsther Dcils, Hair Mats, Hunk, sml Straw Mattresaes, Cushions, Cuts, Comfortable Counterpanes, Sacking', Blanket, &c, &.C Constantly on hand or made to order and sold Yi liclcnalo and Ketail, on the iiiont favor aide terms. FEATHERS, HAIR, HUSKS, &c, by the bale or pound. Orders respectively solic ited, promptly executed, and wnrrunlt'd to give satisfaction. IV. li. Mattresses rc-made and feathers ro renovated. l'liils., Sept. 10, 1852. 3in. THE SEAD BROUGHT TO LIFE ! Old Sunbury rising out of her sleep of vtany years. The Iron horse snorting and blowing has arous ed her sleeping energies and infused new vigor into her prostrute system. One of its first cflectx is seen in the vast umoiiut nf new and fashiona ble goods, just now arrived at I. W. TENEIt k CO S STORE. Their stock is elegant and varied and well worth seeing : aye, and buying too at the prices thry oiler them ; all arc respectively invited to insiect and purchase. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 18.13. Enta(eorGEOnGCSIKi:it,dec'd. IV OTICE is hereby given, that letters ofadniiii- istration have been grar.tcd to tbe subscriliers on the estate of George Mnikcr, late nf Lower Augusta township, dee'd. All pertons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, and mum whiiuui uriay. i.ii. i li i titbit. C A I i HANNAH SNIKER, Lower Augusta twsp., Sept. 3, 1853. fit. STOVES, STOVES, YTE, the undersigned would respectfully call ' the attention of purchasers to our superior stock of Stoves, Cauldrons, iVc. The suieriority of our Stoves above ull others is so well known that we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of them. W's would invite your attention to our Mac gregvr Heating Stove. Aa the price of coal is on tho rise, this is the most economical stove the public can use. These stoves are of sizes suitable for heating the smallest room ; and those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000 cubic feet. Our Cook Stoves consist of the Globe Cook, for coal Modern Troy , fur wood-Buck's celebrated wood stove Complete Cook Vocom Cook tlMJ HTT7ri Hagar Cook, Ac. &c. Our assortment of Cook ani Parlor stoves is the best in the market, and i , .. , .,, , : persons desiring to purchase will do well by fa- voring us with a rail licforo iiurcliaxini' elsru lieie, NEMAN & WAHMCK. Successor lo I'ott ft Vocom, N. E. (Corner 2nJ anj Kacc Streets, riui.AOKi.rniA. riiils., Avg. 27, 1853. 3in. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The suliscriher hereby announces to his fellow I citizens, that he is a candidate for tho olhce of ! COUNTY TREASURER, and promises, if elected, to discharge the duties ofj the office faithfully and impartially. FRANCIS ISUCHKK Sunbury, July 1G, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I announce myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ut the aproaching election. Should I tie elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the office faithfully and to the best interests of the county. SIMON SNYDER. Upper Augusta, July 10, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscrilier hereby offers himself to the vo ters of Northumberland county, as a candidate at the next election for the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the office faithfully and with impartiality. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. LEATHER. FRITZ k HENDRY, Store, 29 N. 3d street PHU.ABBX.PHZ A Morocco Manufacturers, Curriers, Importers, Cominision and General Leather Business. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. OCT" Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Phila., August 20, 1853. ly. N. M. NcwiiHin's Beatty't Row, Norwegian street, Poltsville, Penna. Plumbing Shop, AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A PUP " ply of all sizes of Lead Pie. Sheet Lesd, Block Tin, Bath Tubs, Shower Baths, HjdranU, Hose, Double and Single Acting Pumps and Wa ter Closets; also, all kinds of Brass Cocks for water and steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and Plumbing dono in tho neatest manner at the shortest notice. N. B. Cash paid for old Brass and Lead. Pottavllle, Aug. 27, 1853 ly MACKEREL, CODFISH. SALMON. Cons'antly nn hand and for sale by l u & 1 s. l n . "- HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS It SIDE3, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, Aug. S7. 1853 3m. i 4. i Ai.mr.a u i.u, f Maikal.SlfHat Wha.f Philadelphia. MACKEREL, Scalled Fish, Herrings, Dried Beef, Hams and cheese, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Sept 10, 1853. A Splendid lot of Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloth, Tabls Oil covers, Carpet chain, door rusts and matting, just received and (ut sals by Sept. JO, 1853. L W. TENER & CO. B OOTS, Shosa, Hats Caps and Gum Shoes, just received and for aala by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TENEH UU. CLOTH , Casaimeraa, Vestings, SaUioetts, &c, oi various styles aad colors, just rceei vast and for sale by Sept. 1 0, S3, . W , TENER dv 1 0. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of sn order of the Orphsns' Court of Northumberland counft. will be ex nnseil In public Sale, on - Thursday the 61 h day of October, next, on the premises; the following Real Estate to wit i A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situated in Rush township, county aforesaid, ad joining lands nf Luther Kassett and others on the north, Joseph Uampliel land 1'eter Haughawoul on the east, Jesse Weaver on the south, and 1'hilip Metller and others on the-west, Contain, ing O.NH HUNDRED AND KIGHTY TWO ACKKS, and one hundred perches more or less j Whereon are erected a Two and a half story Frame House, and basement story, large frame Barn and Cow Shed attached, an orchard, an encellent Spring of water tit.., with the apperlenances. To be sold as the properly of George and Jasper Metller, minor children ofSjiencer Metller, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, A. M., til said day, when the terms will bo made known by LUTHER BA8SETT, Guardian. By Order of the Court, 1 . P. PURSE L, Clk, O. C.S Sept. 3 18!3. ts ) 820 11EAVAKD- MM HE above reward will lie paid for informa- 1 tion that will lead to the discovery nnd conviction of the person or persons who were guilty of filling the axel boxes of the passenger and coal cars of the Philadelphia and Sunbury lfailroail with sand and dirt. D. LONGENECKER, Prcst. Sunbury, Aug. 27, 18!3. Teachers Wanted. TVTOTICE is hcrcliy oiven that proposals for Twelve Teachers will be received ly the Boartl of School Directors of Slmmokin township, ot the house of Chailes I.eisenrini;, on SA J I. H DAY, the 1 7th ilay of September next, at which time ami pbicc examinations and allotments wib bo made. Hv order or the llonnl, UEXJAMI.N AVOLVEKTOX, Sec. Shaniokin tp., Aug. V0, 1833. 3t. - NOTICE. lEAT.ED proposals nil) be received at the of- fii-e !' the Soiivrvisor in Shickxhinny, until Saturday, the 17th day of September next, for the lease ot the surplus-water at Lodges li'in Aqueduct for a term not exceeding ten years. liEO. W. SEARCH, Supervisor N. li. Canal. Rhickshinny, Aug. SO, i8W. 4t. F a rmcrs, Attention! ! This is the proper season to use L e i n a u ' s American Fertilizer ""TTON your furms. This tridy valuabla Ma- J nure can be had nt S"r per ton, or S3, St) per barrel, of the proprietor. 1 ry it. Also Guano and Voudrette Also, Super 1'horphale of Lime and Aqua Ammonia. Farmers making Muck Hill", will find a few barrels invaluable. For FRUIT TREES, which it will greatly benefit by being scattered around nfler they have been dug about light coating. For Sale onlv by CEO. A. I.EIXAU, Prop'r. No. 19 South Front Si Philadelphia. August 27, 1S53 3U WRIT OF PARTITION. Peter Dordncr 1 Notice is hereby giv- vs I en to the Heirs and The Heirs of f Guardians nf Baltzcr Baltzcr Dordncr, dee'd., J Uordner, dee'd., that by virtue of a certain writ of partition and valua tion to me directed, an Inquisition will he held upon the premises of the real Estate of Ualtzcr Dordncr, ilcc'd., situate in Lower Mahunoy town ship, Northumberland county, at II o'clock, A. M., on Monday, October 3d, 1(453, at which time and place the aforesaid Heirs, and Guardians are hereby warned to be and appear il by them deemed expedient. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Sunburv. Au m 20, 1853.- linprovi' d Lirlitni ng Hods. THE subscriber has constructed a Lightning Rod on true Philosophical principles, by which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure agaiiiBt destruction by Light ning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well as the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more perfect con ductor than any heretofore in use. Persons desirous of securing their lives and proH-rty from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most substantial mai.ucr by applying either personally or by letter to tho undesigned, at the following prices: . For 40 feet inch Copper rods, Gold pla ted points, with solid Platina tip, $22 00 Forty cents will lie charged for every ad ditional foot over forty. For 40 feet inch Tubular roils, Gold plated points, with solid Platina tip, $13 50 For 40 feet J inch solid rod, Gold plated point, with solid Platina tip, $12 50 For 40 feet Silver plated point, $ 1 0 (10 And 20 cents for each additional foot over 40, of the three lust named. All at six mouth s credit, or 10 per cent off for cash. CHEAP LIGHTNING RODS. The subscrilier will also put up Lightning Rods similar in every respect for they shall be e artly the same as those erected last summer by the Lewistown or l.cwisburg company, in size, point, glass, connection, if., at 12 cents per foot, on sit uiunths credit, or 6 per cent, off for cash. N. 11 .-No warrantee given for this description of rods. T.S.MAC KEY. Milton, July 30, 1853 2m. Live and leli Live ! ! ! Oi a Motto. S. N. THOMPSON H"J) EsPECTFULLY informs his friends and tlie public generully, that lie lias just re. ccived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, handsome and cheap assortment SPRING AND SUMMER COODS, consisting in part of 1)vy Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers Cussincts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, esitngs, Linens, qc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes. Muslin de Loins, Lawns, (Jinujiams, Derages, Robts, lee eaiocKniKs, Sugar. Tras, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac, &c, Ac Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &.C. ftueensware, of various styles and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and childien. Hts Cps, &c, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. Or" Country produce ol all Kinds taken in cxhanga at tha highest market prices. . Sunbury, 4 mo. 80, 1853. FOR RENT, a assail effica or shop nearTener de Engla's store, Market Street, Sunbury. Apply to H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July t, 1853. SPORTSMENA lot of double and single barrelled guns, shot belts, powder flasks, gun csps, flints, powder, shot and lesd for aala by beet. 1153. I. W. TENER 4 CO Alinitiiliurjr Academy. MiminiMtrir, lu Ion Count'?, Fcnnu. J. O. ANSPACH. I REV. E. KEIFFER, Curators. A. C. PTSWTU .5J.f M ISS ELIZ A B ETH K. HOUU 1 1. JPrrnf innl of Female Drnnrtmrnt EDWIS FISHER, Teacher of Mathematici and Vocal Music. CIIESSELDKN FISHER, M. D., Lecturer on lAcmrsfrv. Phnstolonu. fee. The Rummer Term nt !.( n. t...: lute will commence on M r, Ji lt 25, 18S3. 'f cour" f instruction will be Ihorough and practical. Mathematics and tha Ancient Lan guages, as well as other branches, will he taught as lar as practicable, on the analytic method Daily use will be made of the hlarkt.n.,.1 Orthography, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will receive Iheir full share of attention. Draughting, Construction of Maps, Use of Compass, Ac, will be taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, .Vc., Ornamentnl Needle Work, French anil liotany will be given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Caslleton Female Seminar)', ermoiit, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agreeable maimers and high literary at tainments." Young ladies and gentlemen who design to become teachers, will find this Institution an cfli cicnt school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, during the great part of the year, t Tr.AcHKns' Institctk, the members of which will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Couise of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principals. '1 he government of the school is based upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rules will ba mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that the morals, habits of study, ami general' deportment of the students will be carefully attended to. The building is now undergoing a complete renovalion. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, iVc. Milllinburg is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets have been recently graded and pnved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for si udenls. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. The price of board, in the best of private families, does not exceed $1,50 per week. X. U. Students may enter the Academy at any time during the term ; yet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, on tho first day, Milllinburg, July 1G, 1853. 6m. 500 Agents "Wanted. $1000 a Year. WANTED in everv county of the Ui ited " ' States, active and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of the best Books, pub lished in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to $100, such inducements will be offered as to enable them to make from $3 to $10 a day profit. I tf The Books published hy us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are offered. r or further particulars, address, (postage paid,) LEAKY & GETZ, No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Publishers of subscription Books. Phila., Aug. 20 1853. 5m C II E A P WINDOW SHADE Depot and manufactory G. L. MILLER & CO., S3. W. corner Arch and Second (streets, PHILADELPHIA. pVERY VARIETY OP SHADES, Whole sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, arc to be had at the lowest prices foi quality of work. Orders tor Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed ot short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial. Il'e trill try to jtlra.se. Brasses, Trimmings, &c, always on hand. Remember S. W. comer SUCUXD &. AUCll Streets, Philadelphia August 13, 1t53.- Cm. Notice TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. THE subscrilier respectfully informs the citi zens of Sunbury, and the public generally, that lie has on hand lur sale, a large lot of yellow pine FLOORING BOARDS. He has also on hands quantity of excellent broad chestnut rails and posts. He is also prepared to get out timber to order, with promptness and despatch. Farmers an 1 others, in I'll ion county can be supplied with any of the above articles on the shortest notice, either on the river bank at Sunburv, or a mile below. For further paitiru lars sddrcss the subscriber or Samuel Gosslcr, Sunbury. CHARLES GOSSLER. Lower August!, August G, 1853. If. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. Soup Candle Manufacturers AND DKALERS IN Soda, Starcli, Cimllle Soapti, &.?. HAVING increased facilities for manufactu ring, they are now prepared to oiler induce ments to purchasers and dcalera in the ubnve named articles. Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex clusively on the cash principle, and nl the lowest wholesale prices. Call and satisfy yourselves. Our motto is "Quick Sates and Small Profits." No. 44 Filbert street, aliove Ulh, Philadelphia. August 13, 1853. 3in. Estate of HENRY MASSER, dee'd. TVOTICE is herelry given, that lellcrs testa-i- mciitary have been uranlcd to the subscribes on tho estate of Henry Mnssrr, Esi., late of liie Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All ihtsoiis having claims against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment without delay. II. B. MASSER, 1 JOHN MASSER, P. B. MASSER, FRANCIS B It'll ER, SunWy, July 30, 1853. 6U Ex'lors. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of (J round TOR SALE. riMlE subscriber offers at private sale, his house a- and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within tha limits uf Ihe Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Shissler and orig inally owned hy t'jss. Uisslcr white engaged in boat building. The improvements aia TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of gooj Wuter, and a good frame stable. 'There are a number of eirellcnt fruit trees on the premises. The prop, erty is handsomely located and will he sold at a reasonable plica and possession given in Apiil next. Apply to Geo- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrnve. PETER KL'RLIN. July :3, 1853 tf. INDIAN CHOLAGOGUE. An excellent re s' mcdy for the cure of Fever and Agar, Billious Fever, Intermittent or F-emittrnt Fevers, just re ceded and for ssls by I. W. TENER A CO Bunbury, fcept. fi, l$33. HEBE 18 YOUR REMEDY! Hollo way's Ointment A MOT MIRACt'l.Ot'9 Ct RK Of fiAD LEG, AFfr.it is vf.A-RB' trrr.RiN. Extract of a Letter from Mr Wm. Gafpin, tf 7(7, St. Mary' Street, Weymouth, dated May iSth, 1M1. To PfMfrWnr Hollow, t,. Iia, At llie sgr ( in my wlfs (who si im 81) eaiis-hl s vk-h-m c"H,' which souM in Inliti, snd nr smrw Innt timy Uiry hirvo hwn mure n tern ir, sml greetl? hiHmnrif lu-r ngi'iik'S Wure distrnrthrc, i1 f. inmitliS bfHher sh" was dpriwd entirely of nirl sSil sli-rp Kvrrv li-iniMly Hist imxlicnl sirs sihriseit was ttirtl, Imt Willi. mt fidnrt I licr hmllh niflVrrd prvtrrlr. nA Ike an,. ol her hgs was t.Ttil.lr. I hml ofH-a .er Adrei tis'rmMifc , sitvisMt hrr to Ity yom l'itls mwl OinttnrnH and, ns a bin rrsisMFe, STtflr every oilier rsmnly Imil pr... ved nsclfsH, slis eoSseiilru to rlo so. HNf rrnnnirnrfl sis weeks off", sml. strangr to relate is now in rol hmltb Hrr n-;s nre fmmless, williont Knm or smr, und her sleerr sonnd snd nmlisiitrlwri'. t'mild yon hsva witnessed llisr suiieriiirs or iffy Tfrl" nnrin tlie Inst 43 yenrs, end con trast llu-m eith her present enjoyin.Mtt nf lienltli, y,nf would itnlee,! feel deiit htfill in hsvitis In-en lh mentis of so grentlv ull..viutin( the surTerows of n M1ow-erentitr (S'lsne.t.) WILLIAM (iAI.I'IN. ' A rr.RrXIN TO YKAPfOF AfK tl Rf.n tiF A 1JA1) I.KO, OF Oil YHAR.l' STANDI NO Copy of a Letter from Mr. ff'm. Abbs, Unit J. er of Gat Oveti, of Knshclijfe, near Hud dtrsfuid, dated Mmi'iXsl, 1851. To Professor ltoi.i-owAV, flB. I suffered for a jeTicut of thirty yssrj from a Nir? les, tlie result ..I two or Hires itinVr.'ni ueeulenti nl Onir VVorks ) aeroniisiiucit ly se .rliulic svmpn nis. 1 una re enirso ton vmlety of im-dienl mlviee, rllioiit deriving any benefit, nn-t wi.s evini lolil Unit the leg imist W nuipii InlH, T-l. in i..v.nioii to Hint opinion, ynnr Pills nmf I lliitiuenl hnve t tf-ti-il n coiuplete , nre in so short n um tlml lew Who hull not lVltliersi.il it would rre.ln tho fuel (fiK''"1) WILLIAM AUKS, llie truth of llns st.itcinent enn he venlieil hy Mr. W. r. Knrtluiid, ( liennst, 13, Mnrket !liet Huitilrrsfield. The Pills should tie used eoiijointry With the Ointment m"Sl of the follofrtiit enses : . Hud l.eps, t'ltleao'fiMit, Fistllns, ll-i'l Uu nsls, f'liilliliiiiis. flout. Hurns, I'htippri) hHiuls, frlnnduliir Swelling Moiiions, fonts (Son) l.iiiulitigro llite of Mosehe. t'tinerrs Pile tmii A Stuid-l-'lies, t'ontnu-teti ami Itlienmufism Coco-lsiy, Stitr Joints, ?oM". Kleptiiuiliiisis. reire Nipples, Hore-tlinsils, fkin-diseuses, r-nrvy, ft ire-iiends, Tmnouis, lleers, Wontsls, Yaws A VKKADF'UI. BAD TWfcAST CLRfcD IN ONfc MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn' er, of Pcnhurst, Kent, dated December i3th, 1850. To Professor Hom.owat,- 1rs SiaMy wife her! suffered from Had Hrmnti for niore limn sis iiiouths, slid durina llie whole periisl Imt the best ineilicnl nlteiidunce, but ull to no use. Ilnyiiig lie lore henled an awful wound ill my own lepr, by your un rivalled medicine. I determined inrntii to use your Pills ami Omnmeirt, nisi Ihefelore enve tiiem atriiil in her ease, and forluisite it wus I did so, for tn less Hum a inmitli u perfect cure was effected,- nud Hie benefit Hint vnrious oth er brunches of my fnmity liuve derived from Iheir use is renllr nstraiisliing. I not strongly recommend tliein to all uiy friemls. (Sigired) I'UKD'K TI.'RXKll. Sold at the Kstablishment of Professor IloLl.nwT, 9l Slrnnd, (near Temple Bur, lmdon,) und l.y nil respeetulilc Diugitisls and Dcnlers in Medicines thronghout the Ilritisli ! pire. A those of Ihe I'niled Slntes, in Boils at 8"c, ?. . and gl 5lle. each. Wholesale by the pritn ipnl Ikuk I :r.s in the I'uiun, and by .Messrs. A.B. AD. Sands, Nov i oik, i if There is a eousiitcraMc snring by tnking the largef s. N. i! - Ilireetions for the puidauca of p.-rtiens ut etrscf I e.-i(Jet are smxed to eocn box. October , 1453, ly. "Eureka, Eureka' WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST; NOW for the little ones. W hy will parents waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors' to cct nerfect Dtcturcs of their children and after' all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 7 We would say, com to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY j .... - , - - kc. and we will guarantee te mane you a penevi. picture, by ouf Elkctiio Chemical procesfe, that works in from J tn 3 seconds. We defy any Daguerrcan m I liilaoelphia or elsewhere, lo compete with us, as we are tlio invcntois, and the process is ued only In our dif ferent establishments in New England and the Middle States. For pictures of adults, Ihe silver medals we have received fiom the American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia together with the numerous jrrcmiums from County Fairs, is Sufficient proof that they are tho JV Plan Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention to ouf Talbotvpes Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. C. Collins ct Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hnmp-i den House, Springfield and Collins' Building, Westficld, Mass. N. Bi Ottr establishment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by Prnfts.tar Horse ford's Safety Lamps by Kigh.lt "Come and see.'1 Phila., May 2fl, 1853. ly Lumber Yard THE subscrilier would respectfully inform tlte) citizens of Sunbury, and Xorthumlerlaud and adjoining counties, that he has opened a I timber Yard in the lot fronting on Crsnberry St, a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where ho has now a largo amount of Seasniied Panncl Plant, aho Pamiel Boards, and all other Boards and Di-iLuixn MiTi.uiAL, such as will be wanted for building purposes. Also a largo amount of Shingles on hand, which will be sold from 6 up to $8, according to quality and size. Please give us a cull and examine our price' and quality. N. U. Farmers who are in want of Shingles will please cull as we will sell to von low. J. E. LEIU, 8up. Sunbury, Miy 28, 1853. ly. ritOCLAMATION. "VtyriCE is hereby pircn that a Special Court of Common I'leas, -in and for the County of Northumberland, to commence at ihe Court House, in tho borough of Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. t ) on iviouuay tna Jisi day of October next, and will continue UNE WEEK. Jurors are requested to bo punclual in their nltciidttucc. st lha timu apitoinled agreeable lo llicir notices. Givi'n under my haml at Sunbury, Ihe 27lli day ol August, in tho year ol our Lord one thousand ei"hl lititulrt:d and fifty-three, and Ihe Independence of tho United State of Ainciica the 78th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. List of Causes. OR Special Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to commence on Monday, the 31slduy of October next, A. V., 1853. James Oraham vs Hugh Bellas et al Com'ih for Wm L Hcinemaii sT A Billington i-otu weatlli lor . V. s J , A. bilhngtim A. Jordan hail Mahunoy and Shaniokin .. , Improve incut co Keuderton Smith's ei'rs, A. C. & T. U. Morris same vs same Jane Uoeiir vs (ienrsc P Buyers el al Henry Donuel i t ul vs Hugh Bellas KoU'tt Philipn vs Zerby Kim and Hharaokiti Improvement Company JAMES BEARD, 1'u.iU'y. Prothonotan's Office, Sunbury, Aug.'sT, 1853 SUSBU11Y AND rillLADELl'llIA, Telegraph. IJROPOSAI.S' will be received at the "Ame- ricsti" ollica for the delivery of 400 chestnut or white ouk Telegraph posts, at some point along; the Sunbury and Philadelphia Railroad betweeit Suubuiy and Shamokin. ia posts to lie 2A feel high and five inches thick al the ainsjl end. and lo be delivered as soon as possible. WOOD?, MASSEK 6l BALDWIN. Sunbury, Aag. 6, 1853 if. Mrtfo.N?LLEJ",;PK l,RKES. Will, books, ink, and all complete, jual rse!. ...dfoT Mleby 11. B. MASSER. ouubury, June 4, 1S53 Cawla Meduina at SS tt, Tu,t Esteoc i Gib i. st. Sj irtu