L-!JLiliLlVJV I .y-,,, ; v , -. ICI' JISUXIXG .CO 1h saiid i p.,t.t wliiMMf Veeinifiiir. t'.r. r, 0 CU.roil. Calomel, aie ... ,,ul Willi,, Ihy apprnr lu tie,,, -1,1 llli itiiei,i. n,ey Hl Hltlll, , j( ,h(. ,,,. Mm !, . Heri. .leases, .,,,1, rt.v. ij., low ol muht, ukn.-wol ,, Kv. In -n ollit-r i-,,,1M, Mill ,e found the ndvir tlReili.l.lUl IWllswrk' Mh,,.,., lo whird Hk lh aileiUtiMi il all dirr-eily mleierleil 1" ,l"r " n well an their Chil.l.rti'H hnalih. in Liv;tr Conoplninl iiikI all disorder arisiuu Ironi lln.se of a billons type, ,,u( make J uf the only genuine medicine, Uobuii. Buck' Liver Pill. V" 'x!e not dcceit:cl" "! ack fr Hubert Mc k Worm Srup uml Liver Pill., and ob "erve l!.t each hri 1 1 sitrititiurd of I he 'oprirtor, J. N. IIOBENSACK, as none e 'lie utftiuiim. M A n It I E I. Ai It oiirnsluiro, Col co., mi Tuesdiiy morn I lie 23,1 oil . t,v K-v. J. l.l,lerovv. K,-. Wm Wkaveii, I,i Su.,an C. dill-tlnei ol 1 tlJifl .8 Painter, Esq. In .vltltnn, on Thursday nmriiine, thu I8;h n.l., hy Rev. J,.hii Slim-, Mr. M. C. Hirr, to Aliis Sarah Ilvrr, both or Moresbura, Alou lour county. D 1 ii It. In Milton, at tho resilience or U K. H.iaji. on i lie 2 lot nil., of piilninioiry consumption, Mis MARY ANN SHUCK, in thu 29th yeur j. hci hub. In Lv j ttnvnofiip, on tlm 22 I till , Mm NANCY, itifeol Mr. David Montyuineiy, -'!''! "l out 78 yeur. In Lewiatp, on iIik 12 li nil , THOMAS DAMKL, ou.v ou ol Wm. Mriigan, aad 2 va.a 8 muutlis and 15 duj Iii Dl.iwareip. on the I3 h nil , Mr. DAM EL NICKALF.S, aaed 54 yeais. Cii Lewishi,,,;, on Hih 13'ltiill, MARY CArilAIU.NE. ditutiirr ol Isaac Uuwer. I i L iubmi!, on llm 15th nil, MARY JANE, ilduguit-r of U Ang-slad!, aod 14 J ears. At the. residence of hi unci.- Jirob Gioh- Divoii, Lett (,'n , III is, mm Tuesday, Au-m-l llth, WILLIAM S. HOFFMAN. son of'ja cob Hutltnati, PeiiiiK) Ivuniii, Hied 23 jems- Mr. Hoffman came from Northniiilierhiiul C . I';... about two weeks rr,-vinn.s in his death, nt whirh place lie leaven his Parents ' ami m.iter. nml many relatives mi l friends lu Linieiil his e.u ly death, Ilu left Ilia nutive bills jut t a ,-tioit tinio since, with heart as liln, and pnprolsa fair lu enjoy the Hi s sings of life and lieu It h ns any of ns, and in lhn brief p.u, uf a few ilats, lias )aed be yond thai b nitn from w hu h no ttavel'er n lu ii Dixon III.) Tel. vtljc ilhukcts. Philadelphia Market. Au-iiM 31. IS53 Flour and Mm.,-Tin ih is a tinui' e. live demand to, Fl"Ut lot h.p'tt'iu S I. s d Irish ! . cii.in. ('loin at 5J : old ek 5? Tiiere is i Mealy .I-iu hI 'u- en, ,m. .,,u,.. turn hi S5i i Saj l!.f F uim C. i . ,, aie ilul' ; sales i in - !o . ., ' a S3 l8 -..! Ol l hi S (II k Ci'lll Ale, I H ijt.'J GiiAtN Red Wh Ht is in I'm re piest. Sales ol new S iiiih Til n (I I $1,10 n SI 17 and i ii i- ri,.r M ir liml V li,le .,. $ 1 12. K, e is Willi 74 a 7 tie. d u I- .n stood d- inai ,1 ai 7L- lor CO lot white, Oa Sal" ol umi I Pel ware m 39c. Wiiisukv. -S.ilesol bbl-an l hil ls at 27e. Baltimore H'aiket. August 30. IS53. GRAIN. We note an a t ve den an I. h- d an iiiiprnveirieni in lm pnees I n .ill r p lions ill ii .ii this 'ti n 11 1 i j . Alt nil 2'1,'M l btislieU ul Wlie.ii ,ve e ai maii et, md us 'i b'-eu the ease lor s niie tin" I a , ly a few parcels were I i pi iui-n i . I - r h i. I e.ni ip e . ly only a few lols sold at lop fijnies I lie rior w heais landed a' G lo L renis I el cur quotations. We (pioie lair In piiirc lei a a IDS a 1 1 "2 i re it, and fair to p inie wli.t -, 114 a US cants. Very elen. e par rels lor Family Flour bumalil 1'20 , 121 cts The s.i'es of Ciru were iiIhmii 800(1 bnstn Is at 62 61 els Inr while, and 69i70 lor vellnw M.irl,.ie! a d Vnuinia Rye is quota I hi f5i CS els. Sales of jjon.l Inpii iie M h land am! Virginia Oats weie made al 3S..40 cents, and infetior do. at 32;3Gt'fs. WHISKEY We noie sales to-day of 200 bids ai 2i rts ; smaller lots am si'IIihl' at 26 els. Our (piolalions lo da v aru for bbls. 25 i a 26 cis., and for hhds, 25 eta SLTXI!L"liY I'JIK'E cnillK.NT WllIAT. 100 Iick. 75 Ciiiis. ... Ci CUrs. . 41 Potatoes, - . 25 HcTTliS, . 6 Eli us. ... in I'llKK. ... 8 Klaxseeii. .... is 5 TalIiiw. l(i B:kswax . S3 fill KI-EII Fnx. IV Dill Ell AlM'LEH. ... fit' I in. PErut.s. (!(' Flax 17 New Advertisements. X. .M. Xewnam's Bfa.7j'i ffoir, Nortvegian street, Pottsidle. PeiH.a. EMiiiiiItiiig; Klto, HAS COXSTAN'TLY ON HAND A SUP p'.v of all sizes of Lead Pie. bhrat Lead, Block Tin. Bath 1'ubs, Shower Baths. Hydrants, J lose, Double and Single Acting Pumps and Wa ter Closets; also, all kinds of Brass Cocks for wat- r and steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and Plumbinf dnnt in thu neatest manner at the shortest notice. V. B. Cash paid for old Brass am Lead. Potlsville. Aua;. 27. If 53. ly STOVJCS, STOVJQS. "Tf7E, the undersigned would resjieclfully call ' the attention of purchasers to our superior stock of Stoves, Cauldrons, tie. The superiority vfour Stoves above all othrrs is so well known that we decui it unnecessary to enter into detail of them. We would invile your attention to our Mao grtgor Healing Fter: As the p'ice of coal is on ibe rise, this is the most economical stove the pub'ic can use. '1'hese stoves are of siies suitable or besting the smallest room and those eapsble of c aitsiniiiK from 40,000 to HO, 000 cubic feet. Out Conk Moves consist of the lilobe Cook, for coal Modoru Troy , fur wood-Buck's celebrated sroud atove Complete t'oik Yoeoin Conk Ilsgar Cok, Ac oVe. Our asao'tment of Cook ud Parlor stoves is Ihe best in the niasket. and persons desiring to purcbsse will do well hy fa voiing us with a rail before nurrbasinf elsewhere, NEMAN & WARMCK. Successors to Potts & Yoeom, -IV. E. Corner 4 nd and Race Streets, ! - ! . PIIII.AURI.PltU. Tbila., Afg. S7. I3 3"- ' HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kind oa superior paper, iuiibun', FtS- li, 1 853- SHERIFF SALE. n V Virtue of a certain writ of . Fa. to me lirciled, w, I i sold bvpuiilo venJiis or outc , upon t lie premises, at one oVIock, P. M.. on M inJ.iy, tlia lili ol iScplrniber, n 't, a cer mi two story FK AM K KIIOI. nituats in Tur uiville Lewis townsl i,. N rthntn ir!a id c iun y. u mil arertiiu lot of ground belonying to '. n lirw 'l ernil i sr. . neiied, taken in s tition and to ba sold as die property of .ne a I S. IJ:o'it. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. SliHrifTra OHi. e ) Sntihury Ana 57, 1853. J 0 liEAVAKD- 'HlIE atiovo reward will be paid for informs ft thin thai will lead to the dincovery and eoiiv.clion ol the iersou or persons who were guilty id liliina Hie i xol boxc ol the puKscngur and coal ins of the I'miiidelphu and Suiibnry liut.road, villi nuni! a id dirt. I'. LONfiCxECKEH, Prcst. vu 'n--, An-. 27. Is.'.3 iNUTlUH JjS hen by g'nen that the pnrtnertihio heretofore riting between John I! ivnuin l and t-ainuel Shnllir, roiitraolors, (insertion No. 41 of the Susquehanna ltailrond, under the firm of John lianiond & Co., has been dissolved, and tlicliu siness will hereafter be comluoted ly the subscri ber. JOHN RAYMO.XU. August 7, 1853. Dt. jVTOTICE is hereby given to nil persons, not to to Imrlior or trust my wife and children on my aei ount, as I will not hold myself responsible for their acts, unless compelled bv Inw. JOHN KK.N.X. Augusta twsp., AuR'Rt 27, 1?53. 3t Teachers Wanted. jVTOTICK is hereby given that proposals for Twelve Teachers will be received by the Board of School Directors of .Vhainolun township, at tlie house ufCiiailrs Lcincnriii, on SATLK DAY, the 1 7th day of Scpleinl er next, at which time and place examinations and allotments wii. be nude. Lv order of the Bimril, BENJAMIN WULV LUTON, Sec. Shainokin tp., Auj. :'0. lSj3. St. NOTICE. SEALED proposals will lie received nt the of- lice of the Supervisor in Shicksldnuy, until Saturday, the 1 7 ' li day of September next, for the lease of the surplus-water at Lodges K'ni Aqueduct for n term not evreeding ten vears. GEO. W. SEAKCil, efuiiervifor N. U. Canal. Shiclisliinny, Aug. 20, T S.r3. d t. 2jD ftTHER. F II I T Z k U E X I) 11 Y , Store, 20 N. 3d ttrtet. puiu .'.nci-uiA M. r rco Maiiiil.u tun rs. t 'uiii, rs. Importers. Comm sion and (ieueral Lrailter Businrbs. WHOLES ALE & RETAIL. fjT Miitiiituitim 15 Mar-iarctla Kucet. l'liila., August CO, lsSL ly. AUDITOUd' NOTICE. ftiflTI'E is hereby (;ien tlint lltr imdersieeed. p.oiutcd I'V the Orphans' Court of Nor thumb, I mil eniii tv. in t! c mutter of the excep tion to the account nf Wiiliam ti ns ct A illiam M. Milier. E ecntois nf .Wexnuder Slricklaiid, r'ee'il , will attend to the dnt'es .if his nppointmeiit at his nliicc. in Minbnry. on Suturdny. the 31 day of Srp!rndir, at 10 o'clock. A. M , where all interested mnv cull if tliev think proper. M. L. S1IIMIEL, Auditor. Suiiburv, Aiiff. 20. 1S53. td. Y a r mors, Attention!! j T.'iis is Hit proper seison lo use 1 Leinau's American Fertilizer I ON your farms. This truly valuab'a Ma. lime ran be hail at 25 ner ton. or $3 ill per I am I. nt the prnprieloi I y it. Aim Gna'in mid PouJrtltr Ahn. Super I'horphaie if Lime and Aqua Amnvmta Kiini.ers mal-im; . ink Iti.ls. wi I liml a few barrels iiivab able Kor I IM II' TREES, which it wi I greatly benefit by being scattered iireiitid of'cr tliey have been dug ubout a light coulin;. Kor Kale only bv tiKO. A. LEIXAL", Prop'r. No. 10 S nith I'r.nt St. 1'hiUdclpbia. Aiimmt K7. IK.VI. 3t. AtKEUKL, 1 Cons'i-nlly on hand Hid fur sale by i ii r it e i! '. r,. ALMOX, II Ell KINGS, PoilK, I 41. I .1U.IIU.I Maiket-S.ieel Whaif II MS & SIDES, SIIOl'LLENS. J ALltD & CHEESE J ur. 27. 185S 3m. Philadelphia. T't. II. H. llKiBEE'.S remedy lor coughs. -':ii!ds, und puhuoiiarv diseases. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and fnr sale ly H. B. MASSEIL Sunhurv, June 4. I.'i3 lOK KENT, a small office or shop near Truer - ct Engle's store, Market tStrrct, tSunbtirv. Apply to II- B. MASsEIL Suiilnirv, Ju 1v 9, 153. iTOXE W.4UE Milk pans. Butter crocks, Butter jars, Juijs, I'rcte.ve jars, Vc., fl-c. jubt rrn ived and for sale by Sunbury, June IH, 1853. TENEK&CO. RUMMER Shawls, Beady made Mantillas, Black Silk and Silk Lace, just received and for sale by I. W. TEN Eli & CO. Sunbury, May 11, 1853. Oi'KNIXG Fluid, Cainphine, Sierm and l Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and far sale by Kaiibuiy, May 14, '53. TENEK & CO. AGEICULTUKAjFAIE. The Executive Cnmmitiuo of Nmthiimber laud County Ayiteuliural Soeielv, met ul ihe house of Wm Sireetrr, in Noi'hiiintierlaud, hi Thursday, July 14, to appoint Judyes, and determine a list of premiums fur Ihe Fair. The President lu Ihe Chair. Il wmb resolved lo hold ihe Annual Exhi. bition al MILTON', on Tuesday und Wednes day, October 18ih ami I'Jih. The folluwiinj Keiitleiiieii were appointed a Coinmillee ol Arratineinent, lo prepare ihe .rounds, and do all Ihinj-i necessary lor Ihe success of Ihe underlukinp. ; Samuel Hepburn, Chaiiniaii , John U. F.ck. J.'hn Miller, J. II Eekbeii, J..hn M. IL IT. Geor-je B iker, Win 11,'iuen. Vm. C. Law. son, K W.Chapin. Wm H. Fi ym'ne, Samuel T. Bro.ui, Hobt. M Friek and Thos. Sirine. LIST OF PREMIUMS. HORSES. Best Stallion, over 4 yeaia old, 15 00 Sernud (In do 3 00 Best Stallion under 4 years old, 4 00 Second tin (Id 2 00 West mare, wiib, coll al her aide, 5 00 S 'rum! ilu do 3 00 B t Saddle Horse, 4 00 CATTLE. Durham or hort Hoin. Beat Bull over 2 years old, , 3 00 Second do do 3 00 Be Bull under 3 year old, 3 00 Seoond do do 2 00 Beat Oiw, 4 00 Seooml do, S 00 Beat Heifer, ' 00 Seoond do, " J 00 Tho same premium w ill be awarded to Davon-, Hertford, Alderney, and Aveshiref. NATIVES. B -at Bull over 2 yeats old, 5) eoinl do B ! Cow, B si Jl-ifer, B -at CK, under 6 month old, 3 00 3 00 S 00 8 00 t 00 FAT CATTLE AND WORKINO 0Xt".N. Best Yoke of Oxen, 4 00 Second do Heal tat animal, Second do SWINE. Best Bnar, Second do Best Sow, Second do Best pair nf Shoals, Second do H-'sl litter of pi under 3 mouths, Best fat lloii. SHEEP. B-st Run, B.-st Ewe, Best Limb, B-81 (at Sh-jrp 2 00 3 00 2 00 300 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 no 1 50 2 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 i'Ut Lltil, Best pair of Turkeys, 1 50 Second do 75 Best pair of Geese, 1 50 Second do 75 Bust pair of Musk Ducks, 1 60 Second do 75 Best pair of puddle Ducks, 1 60 Second do 75 Uest pair Shanghai or Cochin China fowls, 50 Second do 75 Best pair Chittngongs, 1 60 Second do 75 The same premiums for Biahma, Pootors, Black .lavas, Games, Hamburg, Polish Cre oles, Bantams, or any utlier unadullcra'td breed. Best und largest collect ion of fowls, 3 00 Second do I 60 Best show of pigeons, 2 00 Second do 1 00 CHAIN' AND POTATOES. Best bushel uf heal, 2 00 Second do I 00 B 'st bushel of corn, 2 00 Second J, i I 00 Host do rye, 1 00 B -s'. d oat.-, 1 00 B 8! do pnlntoes, 1 50 Seem .1 do 1 00 Best I do ol s eel pntaloes, 1 00 VEGETABLES. Best beets, nut less than 12. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 (1(1 1 00 I 0(1 00 1 0(1 1 Ul) 1 III) 1 00 1 1)0 1 on 2 Oil 1 00 1 ou I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 cai nils, D i paisuips, ' 0 I ItUliips. " Di salsify or oj ster plant, " 0 i unions, ' Do rabbay-, 6 D i eanlillnwer, " D i scpnish, 3 D i pnlnpkl IS, ' I) i en-planis, ' D tinn. lines, 1 2 Do eele j , 12 B.'st assuiltneitl of maiden v FUU1T. B 'st i bushels ol apple?, Do i do (pi in re., D I j pea is. D t peaches, I). i 6 t'linehes uf y rapes, D i alei iiel'iu Do inusk-iiielnti, ur citron, slalks, "'table IM I'LE.M EXTS. Beal tbreshitin machine, 4 00 D i it a per. 3 00 D i seeil-di ill, 2 00 I) i wiuiinwtuu-mill, 2 bO D i riirn. "heller, 2 00 D i pl..w. 2 00 D i cultivator, 2 00 D i roller, 2 00 D i com-plow, 2 00 D i siraw-eu.ler, 2 00 I) i farm w aoii, 2 00 D i s-ll of harness, 2 00 D i Hoise rake, I 00 D i niaiu riadle. 1 00 DAIRY, lie. I! st bolter, nut less than five lbs, 1 CO D i honey, " 1 00 I) i loa I nf bread, 4 lbs., I Oil Di ham riiied by exhibitor, 00 D 6 lbs, of home. made soap, 1 00 Do iipple-billler, 6 quarts. 1 00 Do pieeives, 1 00 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. B st Quilt, 1 00 D i eounlei pane, 1 CO D i h-aith-rua, 1 00 h i pair of blankets, 00 Di 20 yards ol carpet, 1 00 Di clnili. (home-made,) 10 yard, 1 00 I) i II .lintel, 1 UO D.i pair knil wooiL'ii Blockings, or socks, 1 00 Da sslove or mittens, l oo Do home-made threiid, 1 lb., 1 00 M ISC ELLA X EOUS A RTIC'LES. For mechanical inventions, tools, furniture, .r-il other articles mil uotiiiii! under any ol i he above heads, prizes will be decreed, ho coulin to the means of the society, and the ineiils uf the ariielea exhibited. PLOWING MATCH. B -Rt Plowman, 5 00 S 'eon, I, 4 00 Thii l, 3 00 l-nurlh, 2 00 JUDGES. Hdrsf.4. A E K.ipp, Wm. B. Kipp, John R, lick. Benj Geaihiut, Henry Reader. Cattle J C. Hnrtnti, John Mouit'omery, John Dinkel, Win. II. Kase, Jacob Liesen tiiitr, Shamiikin Hous. John Porter, S. A. BeruMrcsser, Wm. Follmer, John B. Packer, David B. Montgomery. Shkkp Thomas Johnann, Andrew Armstrong- Peter Huu;hawout. Dennis Wolverton, Win. D Geaihart. PoiLTHV. Joseph Priejtley, Elisha C. Hanoi, S R. Wood, Win. M Cleery, Win. T. Forsyth. Grain, &o Samuel John, Chas. Riildell, J lines Beard, Sen., James Eckiuan, Cotnly Vineeiil. Vhoetable AleK. Jordan, James Pol huk, Alex. Colt, Horatio G. Tao'-arl, Elnlu Jnllll. FaciT Divid Tasaart, Wm. I Giee- mujh, 11 B. Masser, G. B. Younginan, Jubn Wiiiliiiuer. Implements Wm. II. Mnench, J. H. Zimmeimun, Win. Hood, O. P. Pal ton, T IMervine. MlscEt.l.ANrni' Johti Taeffarl, D. C. Watson, Joseph Ninety, Win. Beard, Wm Fo'sy'h. Dtmv, &c. Tho Swenk. Jaroh G. Friek. W. T. (iranl Adam K-'ler, John Oberdorf. Domestic Manutactrues, John F Dent ler, Jacob Seashnbz. Isaao Vincent, M. B Tho'opsou, Wm. Marsh Plowing Match E'ijsh Crawford, Wil son Holrhinsoii. J. W- imer Leishow, Beuj Hendricks. Jnhu 5 ni'h (Upper Angusia ) None bul member id the Society will be permitted lo compete fnr premium Persona from any comity. State or country, may become member by payins 50 rent lo the Treasurer, or any township Committee man. Competition ia earnestly invited from the neighboring counlie. Judaea i'l rommenoe their dulie at 3 o'clock, P. M. nf the first day. Their awards will be published al 3'clock, P. M the next day, after which ihe addre will be deli. Th plowing Maoh will lake placa at 1 oYlork, P M. (eeonr Hav ) JAS. CAMEROsV, Putt- GKOIIGE W- ZIMERMAN. VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, Xo. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for style ef finish and workmanship cannot be surpsssed. Wholesale sad Retail at the lowest pricos. Also TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND REED BLIND WHOLESALE, AT MANUFACTURKtia1 PRICES. tF MERCHANTS and others ars invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August 21, 1358 ly. PROCLAMATION "OTICE is hereby Riven thai a Special Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, to rommenee al ihe Court House, in the boioueh of Siiutmry, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday the 31st day of October lixt, and will continue OXE WEEK. Juror ar rrTjiicstpJ lo be punctual in their attendance, at tho time appointed atrreeable to their notice. Given under my hand nt Sunluiry, the 27ih day of Aiicust, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiyht hundred and fifty-three, And the Independence of thu United States or America the 78ih. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. List of Causes. no Dn..;.i rn,. .e c . ... pi.fl nf Northumberland Conntv to commence, on Monday, the 31st day of October next, A. D., I Sod. James Graham vs Hur;h Bellas et al Com'tb for Wm L Heineman vs T A Billingtoti Com'wcallh for 8. D. vs T, A. Billingtou & Jordan bail Mahonoy and Shamokin Improvement co v Abraham Paul Krndcrton Smith' ex'rs. vs A. V. & T. G. M orris ssme vs same Jane Bogar x' Georrie P Buyer ct al Henry Donne et at vs Hugh Bellas Robert Philips vs Zcrhy Hun and Shaniokiu Improvrtnent Company JAMES BEARD, Pioih'y Trothon itary's Office, Sunbury. Auj. 27, 1S53. 1 WRIT OP PARTITION. Fetcr Bordncr T Notice is hereby giv. vs 1 en to the Heirs and The Iluirs of f Guardians of Baltzcr Balter Bordncr, dee'd., J Uordner, dee'd., that by virtue uf a certain writ of partition and valua tion to me dim ted, an Inquisition will be held upon the premises of the real Bstulo of Baltzcr Uordner, dee'd., situiite in Lower Mabanoy town ship, Northumberland county, at II o'clock, A. .M.. uii Monday. October :i , 1853, at which time and place the aforesaid Heirs, and (iuiirdians arc hereby warned to be and appear il by them dieiurd expedient. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. fclicria" Ollko Suuburv. Aug. "0, 1653. WRIT OF PARTITION. Elizabeth Thompson "1 Notice is hereby v 1 given to the Heirs The Collatarcl Heirs of and Guardians of David Thompson. dee'd., J David T h o mpson, dee'd., that by viitueof a coitaiu writ of partition and valuation to me directed, an Inquisition will be held u,ion the premises of the real Estate of David Thompson, dee'd., situate in Coal town ship, Nortliunilicrland county, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, Meptemla-r 5th, 1853, at which time and place the aforesaid Heirs and Guardians are heieby warned to be and appear if by them deemed expedient. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff. i!lierin' Office, ) Puuhury. Aug. SO, lSf3. 3t 500 Agents Wanted. $1000 a Year. VirANTED in every county of the United ' ' Slates, active and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of the best Books, pub lished in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from V-5 to $100, such inducement will be utlered as to enable them to make from $3 to $ 10 a day prtit. I f The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are offered. For farther particulars, address, (postage paid,) LEAKY & GK'J Z, No. 1.1 North Pcrond Street, Philadelphia. Publishers of subscription Books. Pbila., Aug. SO 1053 4m WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory or G. L.MILLEEi&CO., a. V. earner Arch and aeeanil aireeu, PHILADELPHIA. IVERY VARIETY OK SHADES, Whole. sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Guthir, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices foi quality of wmk. Orders lor Gilt, Plain store. Lcttcird aud other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial. H' u-ill trti lo jileai. Brasses. Trimmings, io., always on hand. iirmember t. W. corner SJiCUXIt & AKCJI Streets, Philadelibia August 13, 1853.- 6m. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. Soap fj Candle Manulucturvrs ANU DKA'KK IN Soda, Stai cli, Cualile roapa, &c. TTAVIXG increased facilities for manufurtu ring, thev are now prepared to offer induce ments to purchasers and dealers in ti e above named article, l'urcharera will find an excel lent assortment of select goods. Goods old ex clusively on the cash principle, and at the lowest wholesale prices Call and satisfy yourselves. Out motto is Quit Safr and Small Profits." No. 44 Filbert street, above U th, Philadelphia. August 13, 1853 3in. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby oilers himself to the vo ters of Northumberland county, as a candidate at the next election for the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the dutie of the office faithfully and with iiiipariiulilv. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. Notice TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the cili- tens of Sunhurv, and the public generally, that he ha on hand for sale, a large lot of yellow pin FLOORING BOARDS. He ha also on band quantity of excellent hroad chestnut rail and posts. He is also prepared to set out limber to order, with promptness and despatch. Farmer as J other, in Union county can be (upplied with any of tb above article on the shortest notice, either on the river bank al Xunbury, or a mile below. For further paiticu Ur addies the ubscriber or Samuel Gassier, Sunbury. CHARLES GOSSLER. Lowe Augusts, August , 1853. If. JUST RECEIVED a Splendid assertment of Ladie1 Dress Goods, eonsi.lin of Silk Mus lin i Berage. Canton Crape, Bilk Poplio, Dol led Swiss Law a Robe, 4c, snd for eal by PltuUry, Msy 14, '8. TENER CO Miflliiiburg Academy. Itlinilnbiirg, I'nlu i County, I'euua REV. J. U ANSPACH, . REV. K. KEIKFER, Curaloia. A. C. FISHER, Principal MISS ELIZABEI 11 K. HOUGH, Principal of Femnte Department. CDIV1N FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal AVtuic. CIIESSELDEX FISHER, M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, fyc. The Summer Term of this fluurishing Insti tute will commence on Man hat, Jclt v:5, 1853. Thecourso of instruction will be ihorough and practical. Mathematics and die Ancient Lan guages, aa well as other brunches, will be tuught, as far as practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will be made of the blackboard. OithographVi Reading. English Composition, and Declamation vvill receive their full share of attention. Draughting, Construction of Maps, I'se of Compass, &c, will lie taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, &c., Ornamental Needle Work, French and Botany will be given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Castletun Female Seminary. Vermont, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agreeable manners and high literary at tainments." Young ladies and gentlemen who design to become teachers, will find this Institution an effi cient school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, duriuz the great part of the year a Tkachkiis' Ivsrrrurr,, tlio members of which will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Couise of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art. under the supervision of the Principals. '1 he government of the school is bssed upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rules will be mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that Ine morals, habits of study, and general deportment of the student will Iw carefully uttended to. The bui'ding is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, 4 c. Millliiihurg is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants are morul, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets havo been recently graded and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat forsiudcnt. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. (7 The price of board, in the best of private families, does not exceed $1,50 per week. N. B. Students may enter the Academy at any time during the term ; yet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, on the Orst day, Mifflinburg, July 16, 1853. Cm. Estate of HENRY MASSER, deo'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa--' mentary have been granted to the subscribers on the estate of Henry Msaser, Esq., late of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, duU authenticated, lor settlement; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment without dclav. H. B.'MASSER. I JOHN MASSER, U.w P. B. MASSER, ftxior. FRANCIS UL'CHER, J Sunbury, July 30, ie53. Ct. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres ol Ground FOR SALE. fpiIE snbsciilier oilers at private sale, his house -"- and three acics of ground, on the river Bank within Ihe limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Slussler and orig inally owned by Cms. Gussler while engagod in boat building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of pood Wuter, mi a good frame stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop, erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a reasonable p ice and possession given in April next. Apply to Geo- C. Welker. Esq., of Sun bury, or to tho subscriber at Sclinsgrove. TETER KERLIN. July S3, 1853 tf. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby announces to hit fellow citizens, that he is a candidate for the office of COUNTY TUEASUKER, and promises, if elected, to dischmge the duties of the office faithlully and impsriially. FRANCIS BUCHER Sunbury, July 10, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I announce myiVf to your consideration a a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the aproaching election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the r.lue faithfully and to the best interests of the county, SIMON SNYDER. Upper Augusta. July 16, 1853. Urittania Ware AND CANDLE MOULDS. TH E subscriber wish to call the attention of dealers to their superior quality of Britiani Lamps, Tea Setts, Caudle Moulds, of the finest finish. All goods warranted. CALVERLEY &. HOLMES. 109 Race street, Philadelphia, riiila., August 8, 1853 St. SUNBURY AND PHILADELPHIA Telegraph. PROPOSALS will lie received t the Ame rican" office for the delivery of 400 chestnut or white oak Telegraph posts, at some point along the HunLury and Philadelphia Railroad between Sunbury and Shainokin. eid post to be S5 fret high and five inches thick at the small tnJ, ond to be delivered as loon possible. WOODS, MASSER & BALDWIN. Sunbury, Auk. 6. 1853 tf. INDIAN CHOLAGOGUE An excellent re ' mrdy for the cure of Fever and Ague, just re ceived and for aale by I. W, TENEB it CO. Sunbury, May 14, I8 3. CHAIN PUMPS. A email number of thee excellent pump have been received and are offered for sale by 11. B. MASSER. Runhurr. June 4. 18SI- ILIUD Lsmps, Choice Basket, riowar V. ' e and Ornament ; Quaeoiwar and Ola wire, just received and for aula by Bunbury, M7 14, '63. Tt'ER 4 CO. , CELESTA TED . Family Medicines. IN offornti lilhs public Ih sW itmtaaMe frcpnrt tians, tin subscriber would stale iksl ia eaaluUsi with his filsnds suit soma ol' the mat nucrsll ul the Medieal IsouUv, it wss dnemsd advissbls torOur lo Uf public, a law prepsrstiis m A sown celabritv, (must, pre pared wild tits griutrsl rsra, Slid um (he neat sruuiliin principles, ss sutaiuiies for tlx uannnsis worthies ar Uslcs thst srs flooding the country in Ihs f sin is" psnstiess ' snd cm slls, prsratcd by Um miat iieinuit and Uierosna ry psramai, m touted to curs ail discuses and (owl fur aunt. lltad and Rejltcl. Thst His Medicine. Mniinfnctnrod by V. M. Bscutr, laclmlinit Ins It mo Pvcbirai Int Oougbs. Creeia hi CHirijilnir. I'.r KbvuuliMn. Worm Svrup fur Wnrms. Toiali Vnsli, f,,r dscnval teelfc, disensed frttms. , r'smiiy Pills, nrblmd I'uriiyer, biivben m re eateosivs 'y umTd 'id hvs given m v sntisrsctn-u, tbnn say nlher Mnliriuea M r the publin, beinn u-nSird with n-ssBi lo their lilHutiiess aie lully WJllli) tile ll ml uf Um sliuct si. Give llirin a trial. A fVw pnweil'ul rensnns w hy His sImvs .Mrrticine nr deserving ih' nuiverial tnuiiijt. (In tht flist fji. they sre pippured br n regular Pi,) nciau, wh uislrr. l-.i.d. Ihs upptic.il em of iModiuinas, to discuses, and cviis-tia' n'ly sre oerfwlly sins to ..ie. (Seeondly,) Ihcy have Iwai usl with univerail sneers, end huve stiveii mnrr sniisi'sr tlon llinii any i.ther Medrcinrs ufl'ered is-mrnhs public ( rinrdly ) ihcv sr tlie only med. rinse ihst l-ave snined Hi pi'i.eiire nf Phvein,n, where they hav been u-d : nml (P.mithiy.) they srs put op in lurier qnsmiiiia fnr the S illie price, than snv other Nedirinrs ntferol tn Ihe public ih" the siine kind As the snhsoritier hn a number ol cernncMUrs in his p swrsunn nf the biphest snthiTitv, where thuy hive been us d with i ho in anisf ,et"ry re sitlls. He will rob ish a few of them, leeiitiffsitlsfie,!' lint strml will insure iheir rscoinrrmidnil m. Trv llieia snd satisfy yuuri.ilf of their superiority over all others. Rent and b Convinced. We the Ondereiriiel having been rasile acquainted with the ingredieiits entering intj the Cunpnu.sts kisnvn aa Bickley's Pnmily Mnbciirea elan h.ivii ; prescribed and kimwii them to be used, with tnnai eitisfsthin- rasslts; Iske pbvimrs in anvin Ihut we brlieve tlH-yuMy meet tlie design t'jr wliifb ',,v rv rw! rar,lt.,ic, JAS. ! ..VWDHiUl li, AID. C II. KHK R. M. I) WM. Me.M .MION. M.t JVKSI.KY II iikahukart.M I). WM. II M r,ll,l,. M U. B It. tiKAlMIKAIlT, M. D. Chi f pain in Ihi suit and rough from protttltd Liver Contj'luitU. Mrs. R ibert Adams, Uli iruig under Chronic Liver Com plaint, ncnuipsuii'd wilh u ali rl dry uhisIi ihiiii hi Ibe aide and bren.t, gi'iiend debilltv, loss of npnetite, alter try- lug all the ltsu.il remedies r, inmended fir euighs aud diaeuaca nf the chest, who with n benellt. ahe wna reom inendetl to try tlie Hnae I'eetoml, fr nn whah, alio imtuui)' de.rive,l iinine,liulc but permanent relief John Ailnns, ai ol Mrs. ltols:rl Ailnrrs, was affiirtisl With a very severe ciugb, pam in Ibe ante, and soreness pr slneod by iitceaiuliit C'Uuhiug; he wits induce.! to Iry the Hose Pectorul. To use Ins own ImivuHge, the first dose eiiiililed him to enjoy a ro.sI nichi's lest. In the rn Tiling he expeclnruled ubtiut hull pnjt nf irmtter. lie continued to improve until bia eonuh entirely left him, it ala i bud tlie eneet of streil!beiiiiig Ins hrvnsl. winch wua nnlur illy wciik . He nle e.ia lli.it lie h a lernmuiuuded it to a iiiiuiljcr of tiiefiieuda f ir auiiilur c mptaiuts, and in every cuse it hue given sutiNlucti u. The ah ive pens ma reaiilenta nf the town nf Dmrville, feeling that they have derived greut beuetita fr in the use nf the Koau I'ect iral ; au'.ltnrii the nb ive sii,leiueut, f r tlie benelil of thuae wbo msv be tifllietisl in ii siiuilut uuiti ncr. UUK.VT ccr.r.. Loss of Voice restored i:h c:u lotiL of 2ost Pft toral. Miss "Sushi Whiil-K-k, nf It ush t iwnship, N inliunibor land en., for s number of ye'irssn it vnbil, in (be lull nf C0. hat the uac of her voice from a aevete cold hhe con tracted ; after trying a number of remedies, wilh u i bene lil. she woa entirely reatored by Inkiinr nne litlle cf Itoss I'eetoml, after wiiieh, alie l.ar her Voire agnin. from a fresh cold she e.inmietul, nnd wna rffiin ic-ton-d by the use of an tlier Isittlr ; she thou tn-ik four b lllea mule tn alrciigtbeu her brenst, fr ni wtiieb she rictivtd the m ist derided benefit, and h;ia U'en in the cii;oytriei.t of exeeliclit heiihb IV tbtit time to the present. The nb ire st.'itetnrut is ntiiiiined fr. 'm Hr PnrBetl. tl.e Physii'inti who ntteinled hrr; ula , her mother whn thinks that she would not lie living ul this time if h id not lieeu for the Idas Pectoral. U uiville, Jan. us. Ie61 ftil onother Marltil Curt 1'JJ'tclftl. Mrs Samuel tteehlrr, being vf u luituml weak and ,ti.l. rate coiisti:u!ion, very susretit.lt' In eiMs,,wxs athicteil with s very severe cough, piiiu and soreuesoi the breist, fas of appetite ; after using a number of the usual reme diea from which, alie derived no- uenefir. ahe w,ie cured liy tak itig one bottle nf Rose Pectoral and is in the enjoyuisnt of belter henlth than for years previous. Danville, Dec. 1 1631. Da. Bicm.kt : Permit me to inform yiiu that my wife, wbo is a delicate and weakly woninii, laboring under a very severe Cough wilh puiti snd soreness of bieast. was more quickly and etTectimlly relieved with one bottle uf your Itoss Pectoral than any oilier medicine she hud ever taken. AHN'l'R M'HKIUK. Jan. IMS. Sjemuel R. Wmsls' Furnace, Red Point. STaoNfi aviucNca ia rsvoa or thk Uosk Pcctuk.vl and KiMILT HILLS. John Fulner tnkeu between Chriatmns snd New Yenr with a very bud cold, winch ended lu a dry hard incessant Cough, cuusing o greut deul nf (sun whenever he enuglied, was telieved very tiiueh ; by the time bo had taken nne third nf a bottle, and by the'time it whs fiiiished, was en tirely cured He also aiys thst he haa Uiken aeverul doses uf lite lienllh Restorative or Family' Pills, and that they sre tlie mildest und most effoctied pur-'ntives he bus ever taken. flauvillc, Jim 1, lal Da BicsLrr : During; a visit to my brother, m Dan ville, I took sveiy seveie Cnltl, wiiieh ended ins tight bind Cough, with eoreness ana pitiu of the brciat, it winch I used your Rose Heel irsl. Bud Family Pills, snd take plensurr in recommeiHliug them, aa the mildca ami m at tiTeetu-il reiaeiiy I have used. mirs. respectfully. JAMKd MORGAN', Jan i6, WI. V'hitc Haven. I.uzerne co. Dear Sir :-Aa a recomrneridsti,si f..r your R.ae Pect.v ral, permit me tn say, that I was erlectiially cured nf a very severs couch with puin ill the breast, wilh less than hall a bollle, and lh-it I eonaidel it llivnlu.ible. Yvu are SI liberty to mnke this public if yon please. JOHN' SPURRING, (Crncer.) Danville, Pa. My sin Vtlbatii lalsiriug under a severe eongh sinl pain in his side, fiom an injury received by a full, was entiiely relieved by a bottle uf Rose Peclornl A: Cteuui of Cam- Iihoi. I have ulao used your Family Pills, and alt-srelhcr C insider thera the best lllcdecines I hnve e er used! JIHV () F.RUllltF, Jan. 1RH. Rush Tp., X irlh'd co. lr. I lick ley t Sir: As my wife wiio was troubled with dry, bard C uifih, ala s 'lir St mui -h. dejienileiit up in debility, similar to Dispepvin. wae entirely relieved by iialug iwn botllea uf your K so Pretnnil, permit uid t auy tbut 1 c ousiilel it an excellent reun-dv. Youis, reapeellitlly, Rev Mr. WI1.I.AHD. Pastor Lutheran Church. Dntiville. Pa. Having tiecn cured of u siin in niv unrl viuiiliir to ll'ueu. mitislil) which deprived me of the free uss nt' it foralsiut lour uioiillie. liy u-ing nne liittlenf Ovum i f I ai,i.h .r I w Mild state that I c 'Holder it Ihu licl remedy of the kind I have ever ueed in my fnuiilv, nnd 1 Would freely rec-mimeuit it to ntheis with similar mf-fiiora. Yours, respecifully, JUX AS W'fU.F. Rush ip., Xonb'cl co. My wife being efflicted wilh a verv severe pain in her arm and ah nlder (the ettceis nf clo) which disabled her ironi usiii' it, was cured with rilbhlan ol Cream ol Cmii pti r Mrs. Kttliii, my aislei-imlaw. waas'so cured of a severe pain in the head mid f-we by nam the Creem "f Campli THO.M AS C. KI.I.IS, Danville. Jan. l. 'ft. My wife having libeuiuatisiu ot the arm I'm littiuls'r of years, which prevented her from using it in A ing her w irk ; after having apeul u gieat dent ! in oiey in Irving diircrent remcbes wilh u i ueue'it, whs eieirvlv cured liy usinir only nne bottle f vour Creenl ol I an.nh r. WILLIAM KVI'NS. Minor, f 8 II. Wo il, It. Peint. Dr Uieklev : .Having receive,! a v, rv e-ere hijurv in my side by f dung ifi I ml f b.,v. fr iii'wlo, h I wu una. ble lo I" II w my v -rk. w I. lee litliienCt! I , try a Ii ttle of Cieain of Canioli ,r. which :irTrl.il n.iuictt ,terettf. liKlt'KITII CAKR Itu.li Ip.Xorib'deo. My wile, suffering from in- al ev luei.tuiv pein, llir nilthoot bei general BStein, wfltell pieveiiletl her trolil sleeping (lieng t ceasi ued by 11 1 nig and pr -tractis! t.ell nf sickness;) for wbieh alie us,st u number of rtnicdtea without iKtiunt, wua culiiu!) relieved bv the ute !' I'lcliin of Cumpbor. lilio'll HIKiWX. Surgeon Deiitlat. Danville, Pa. Child cured nf Rowel Coiunu,int. und Ague ( i two yeara atiitidiug.) by WorinSyiuti. My child being Htllicted f 'I die Inst two yers, with II Wei C iiindaint mid Ague until it was niturv-.i to h nieie skeleton, 1 ttied a nuinls-r of reined u a wi'li u i pcrin inrut benetit, until 1 gave it a b IUe of your Worm Svrup, siik.'c which time it hus been Well, suit g t quile Uesiiv. I alS'i have ree-iiiniended il to s uuuiis-r ul my fiieuds, and in vveiy ense il has siven satis netimi. L. I.KVI. At liuis lamua' Mereliant.) Dsnvtlle. f havo used ymir Worm r-yrup in my fannlv. sed e- u aider it li a onlv cflccluul. Isit tlie niit plensuiu nriiele 1 am aetieiinle,l with. JAI llll Lte'HF.I S. Imiivitle ilnvin? used your Wmm Svrun in my fsuiilv, il hi-lj-s my chiMreu in re tbnu any pii',sirati nol lbs km. I. and is mors pleasant Ui tuiitt. DAS MOIU1AN, M sit ui Royv, Duuvilie. I hive hid oeenaloii to use your V"r Syru lu my famiiy, and prefer it to suy Veimifuce I hsve'use,1. FRK.D. BI B, Fnalv Vallev. Mmn ur e,i. Dr. nick ley. Having used y.wr WOliu Svrup, aid Creumol Caiuph r und Family Hi lis in my family, tin y fave s id aatialHCtiou, snd I Consider them the uusn el feotuid, ad pUtasaut remediea, we have bad in nur family. JnltXIlTllAN R. RISHKL. Duimlle. Dear Sir : We the undersigned lietug in the empl iv of Messrs. Groves It C-ruly, at whose it- re, you huve nu Agency for I ho -stile of your Family .Medieinjs, state thai we huve bad su opportunity nf knowing the opinions f numerous individuals who hnve used them, und that they give general antisiartl.n. We lisvr s kl a sreiil maiiv your Pills, n lueli aie uuiversully like,!, being very mini in their operation. W. I.F.ISDN HINU, Danville. Atleat, W M . h KPI .Fit. Having ivnrvy ef my nnsitli verv bud, I whs usiiH-e.1 1,1 try s b HUe ,a' your Tisiili Wusb. wlii,-li seied like- s , lui.-iu, Uardeiuiig niy gums, nnd removing all disease. JONATHAN K. RIKItKU P"nvi le Df. Blekleyt Having what was cullct uUstmIcI ., mouth, !', which, I tried a iiumher ,4 r.sncl,, w-lh no lienrfit i I was at hutt cured by using ens ts-nh, is v-wr T.srtli wnah. My wife ali during ae.r e stltuemeni, w.s thrsaleneii wilh nre.ltie.ists, lumps liavliat siiesslv l.wm,l, lis- whick she used the Cieain iM Osun-s-s. s awler. sd Ihetu, thereby urevsnlluf her Inust H"" tnilHin. tlKtl A lUttlW.N, Near lalhsrsn Ch irrh, lauivi'le, Ps Dr. Bieklay llnvins an oprswiatnlv a spies' VHir aaU-8oorbulia Tn Sk Wah uaed in wie vers seveie ra- i sea of scurvev of the sums. I ossudv it an eseelfc-nl reias ey Yours. raoias Uully, tiKll II. IIHOWN Tha Ws nwlieines ar lot sal Wh-MeawV ami Hs tatl by W M RK KI.F.Y. MP. Hnspris. lssi'vias Abo Km sale by Ihe following As't ' NiUiiimber. sum) snuntv. Frillnf k Oraiil, Sauhurv i W A KistJv Aogustat W. P.m.ve, anvdertowm Taggan, Farnwn Barton, pas inn t r -'' '" Huausa; Jnha Vsnsant. Paaiuat Hugh Vaains, Hssirva; A minor man, Rnsssa Cn,absnikn, Mot Jns. Thomas, Ohsiw.kia; Wra. Fosalr. hamiS! Oainphell Klme, Augiislat Uiauel A. IWrelif". Palirg; Jsenh Lelavirinar. Bast Oapt Owrad Wenrk, N-athambeTlsnd i Jerenti-ih Crisia.. fiellnogr-v Jiatah B .kor. Iwisburgi Joha r: CsoIawssiA Jiwartwn tolioro. Milmn. Call ea ths Agents, snd set a eirsslsi eonuinmg a fhl dooe'irsea nf Ihs aasMruus cures p.f jiius by th ddSaav nt Medisinse i Jims it, IMJ-Jy HEUE IS YOTIS JJiIELY! Ilolloway'a Oiit tmcii't. A MOST MHUCUtvOCS CURE OF BAU Lm AFTER t TEARS' IUPFiUivo ' Extrmct f a Letter frtm Mr. Wm. (rjpin of 70, St. Mary's Sirtet, iTtymouLi ' dated May ISA, 1851. .. To Profeooor Bouowat, Sia, At ths ago nf ia uiv wife (whnia towll) at. s violent C"M, which setlfed in her Iras, sum! Tsr asi that time ihry lisve tsien more or leaa sura, siat great indamed. Hrr agonies were tUsttacting, and ft a: nnaitiit, togeilior sho wns deprived entirely of rust srat sleep. Fvetv lemeity thst medical mew advised wss tried, tart wllh-s.it cfleet ) her ttealtb MifTererl severely, si si the atsta uf her legs was terrible. I had often rearl jtnar Adver tisements, Slid sdviscd her t-itryyisir Pills sinl Ointment; sisl, ss g last rus-sjree, mCter every uther remedy hod priw vert useless, she consented to do so. fthf coniutenfed sia weeks ago, ami, strange to roJnte, is nnw in gocd heehh . Her leers are isnules a, witlmut eoeni or soar, snd rsr slei s-Miti.l si-d inulistiitlFed. Cnahl ynu rsvs siUie.sMl th sutT-riiars t.f mv wifm unring ths bel 43 renrs, svid evs, Irest t;rm svirh fee preso. M,.'ntv.sil nf awl-It. would ido.l f,-l delrslitfnl in Invi-is; t-e the meur of sogroatlv sil.-vistiiis thcavuTerii ga nt a fslVrwer-stars. siiO'ei'.) WITXtAat OALPIN. A PERSON n YKAPSOf A OK CURED CF A BAD LF.0, OF 30 YEARS' STAN DING Copy of a Letter from Mr. It'm. Alls, uild r of Oat Own, of Riuhcliffe, near Hud dersHtld, dated Mai3lst, 1851. T'i Pr fooaor HollowsT, 8ise I sufiureii tor a ,,-iixl of thirty years from a eatt ?' nt V" or Uirca diflerint oeonlenta at Oaa Works j sec -nirtiiiiieJ by siirbutic symptoms, i had e ciurse toe vatlcly ol mislnai sdvice, wlthiail deriving sny benelil, sis) wss even t -kt that ihe leg must be soi.ii tateil, yt in uppsuli-ai to that npintoii, unr pi Ho and Ouilment Inive erfm-tist s c-miplele cure lu aoehnrl atiaie, that lew who had nut wiluessed it w-iikl credit the tort. (Signe.1) WILLIAM Allt'S. ITie truth of this statement eon Is; nuts! I y kr W p. Klirtlaud, thrniisl, 1.1, l uiket '.i.t f .Cvtrrneau Tie! Pills sh'Uld lie nserl e ej t.V. ni al nf Ihe f li. .wn-g ens. o t Had Legs, Chiea i-f it, lisd Breasts, Chilblains. Burns, Clionped hinda, llijiii -iii. C'-rus (Snft) Bile ef Mraehr- Cuneeis tes Stuid-Flief, Coi,tmeed sist C -c-i-lmv. Stiff Join's, KlephHtntHsis, PVire Mjiphs, ;'.!. . rrrt-ii t-'ltt..-s 0 nit. tohuHluhr Swelbng, 1 .imihhgO PlU-S Ft hr ntiintient Senkls. eore-'hr a's, S re.iratbi, Wounds, iiii-ni.ensca, rs nrvv, Tum-mis, l.les-ni, Vmvi A DRF.ADFI-L BAD lt"rT C'l'RKD IN ONS MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Fredcick Turn er, of Penhurst, Kent, dated December 13tk, 1850. ' To Professor Holloway, Dan Sis. My wire lied snlTersd from Dad Ttisnnt. f.sr ni re than six months, ami during Iho wlnile peri.sl had the best medical altcnilnttre. but nil to no use. Having be fore heilc-t mi awful wound in my own Ii s". by y-sir nn rilBlled medicine. 1 determiu-d s?niu to use yuur Pills and f iitminetit. ami thTrtnre gave them a trial in Iter esse, nnd fortunate it wss I did so, for .n less than s month a perfect cure was efT-ctrd, ami the benefit thin vnriotisiah ei braurhea nf my fnmily hnve derived from their use is really onnuishing;. I no-iv stronglv rec mmend them ta ail my friends (Signed) rRFJJ'K TL1L.NJKR. 2.5U0 Acres TimLcr Lnnd pep. SEVERAL VALUAULE TKACTS -OF TIM LiER LA.ND, comprising ubout 1,500 acres, patt ot which ii situated on Tulohanna Creek, nnd part on Muddy Creek, withiu three miles of Lehigh Iiivcr, in l'cna forest township, Carhon County, one of the grest Coul Counties of Pennsylvania, can lie -had at a bargain, if aji plication be made soon. 1 liese lands are Hackly covered with the best timber of that region. While it ia believed that 75,000 feet of lumlier to the acre, can be cut from t large portion of the land, the balance will aver age not much less than this figure. The kinds of timber found on the laud are Hemlock, Hpruce or White Cedar, White t)uk, White Tine and Chestnut but principally made up of While Pine and Hemlock. The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creek are large and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount of water power, and are capable of driving a large number of saw mills. They empty into Ihe Lehigh, which itrcora, with the Lehigh Canal siToid oa outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of Kt York and Philadelphia which runs within cm' mill and three quarters of the land. Through these avenue lumber can b delivered in either of the cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en. gaged in the trade to derive greiter profits than attend investments generally. In addition to tho timber, convertible into v. ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that ship builder have been obliged to purchase Jn .Munie, or at other distant points. Unlike most of the lnnd on the Lehigh there has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this property. It stand undisturbed by the wood man's ate. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried on to such an extent for years past, that a scarcity of gnod timber is beginning to lie tc.lt. Every season necessarily increases this difficulty. The consequence must be an enchain ement of the value of timber lands. Those uti-culled tracta with the adviintaue of avenues to n.arkct, such as tha lands nlt'ered for sain, possess, cannot fail to be die sources uf supply hereafter. JJut the laud is not iiloue valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearly every acre bcinj susceptible of a htgh. state of cultivation. Capilalistsdesiringto make investments, wauld do well to turn their attenlien to these lauds. For further information apply l C HAS. M. HALL. Office in Mining Register"' building, Polts ville, Pa. August C, 1S5-1. tf. "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE TOUD IT AT iAST. VOW for Ihe little ones. Wll,' v-i i ,.:'elils A waste hours and d ivs in Lu ' . . . a -. - to gel perii ct picti.res ol their cbinlie,. i. all yet nothing but a pinr, imerul-.e can , We would say, vonic to our EXCELSOIRdALLERY and we will guarantee to nmke you a pi-rfeot picture, by our Ei.'iTtio ChisiUai. pro,', tlint works in Ironi J to 2 sec i. ds We defy any Daguerreaii in I nil idphie or elsewhere, lo eonipi to with us. as e are tha inveiitois. and the prove i ui-ed i i-ly in "lir dil-ni-renl rslablialmieiits in New England nnd the Midd e Slules. Kor pictures of adults, the silver medals we hav received fiom the American Institute, Aew York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the r.unif runs premium Iron. Counte Fuies. is sulficient proof ihut they are the .V Plus Ultra ul -tl'eclioii. We would tall pariiiular ultenlton to our Talliotvpes Uaauerreotvues in Oil. D. C. Coluss .V Co., tt'U Clieatnut Streat PliilAilcliihia. Main street, opposite site Hamp- den House. Wpringtield aud Collin liullding. Weitield. .Muss. N. U. Our estsblishiiient is illuminated by ihe' brilliancy of our Picture by Dy, did by Professor liarst ford's Safety Im; if sViAi, "Come nd see." Plnla.. Mav 29, lS51.ty. Lumber Yard. r"l!E suWriler would respectfully inform thai 1 riliseiis of Sunbury, and Norlhuml erlnnal and adjoining counties, that he has opeued a Lu in he i Yard ia the fot fronting ou Cranberry SL, a short di lance East of llu NUsin 8aw Mill, where he ha now a large amount of Staioutd Pautet Plumi, ulso PaMmtl Doardtx and all other boards aud UitiiuiBO Matkbiai, such as will bewsuted for building purposes. Also a Urge eiaosmt of Khinglc on hand, ahuh wili K wld froua up to ft), according to quality aud auto Pleas giv us a call eud eaaiunie our price and ijualiiy, N. B. I'aruvera who are in want of bhuigWe will please tall a wa will sell la vou low. J. C LUU, Bup. Bunbury, ! SS, 1SJ3 -ly. MANN 8 LETT Hit PREShES. wttk beoks, iuk, and all complete, tost tseeived, sndvoraalahy li. U. MASSER. Suubury, Jane I, ISiS. FOR est at ihi otTioe, Supertot IU ioi Ink. Csttla Medicin al US el. IV r m Gui. Si cent