SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N JOURNAL. THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. For ths taubuty American. Anvil t Lit warns Ekiom. tJiiele Tom's Cabin. " A STRING OF IT1 MS- Onc Mother in worth a thousand friends. Thr typhus fever U prevalent 11111 fatal in Trumbull county, Ohio. I'noMitsof marringo is like precious China, in no hat so much to pay for in breakage. A rowdy put a man's eye out ittt an ".ra trella, in Boston, 01, Satuiduy last. It i now sswrted that Mr. Dl wit! not be appointed Minister to France. hotel, Gold beatiuf quart his been discovered in Blair county, Pa. It has been proposed in erect n monument in New York in honor of John C. Calhoun. There rue now 5,134 inmnlee in the pri una an J Hospitals uf New York city. The society of ladi-.-s ia a school for po litenes. Very few people are truly wis, but a great many, nn immense majority are othtru-ist. John B. Gnuch i lecttlrinit on temperance at Exeter Hall and the Wiiittingion Club, in London. , Memphis, Teim., ha given n large majori- ty of its popular rote against any further aale uf liquors. A despatch Ironi Washington reports that the Mexican Commission succeeded in Cud ing Doctor Gardiner's mines. .Barren county, Ky., has voted in fator of subscribing $300,000 to the Cincinnati and NashvilU road. The Texas papera report that Gen. Samuel Houston is making tempeiance speeches in different parts of the Stale. A aon of Patrick Gray, aged 13 years, was killed in Mmersvilld, Pa , on Friday last, by a coa! train of cais. A you:h named B ist, 10 years of nge, was Accidentally killed in a coal mine, near PottS' villo, o;i Monday night, 15;b inst. Th wife of Hugh Dooley died under aus piriuus circumMances, in Coal Castle, Suhuyl kill county, on Thursday of laat week. The Baltimore Argus says that the nomi nations of the recent Democratic Convention of Maryland, are received with general favor and enthusiasm. Authut Spring, son of Spring who was re cently executed, has been appointed messen ger in the Register's office of the Treasury at Washington. The man who undertook to wrestle with a gallon of rum, met a most signal defeat. He waa grassed in less time than you oould throw a somerset. Four Editors in New Orleans have died, victims of the yellow fever two of the Pi- cayuue, one of the Delta, and one of the ' ' ' Crescent. A son of Mr. Lutz, aged 10 years, was drowned at Chicago, laat week, by some tuf- fians, because he resolutely retused to steal fruit for them. Col. Reyes, Lieut Governor of Clenfuegos, has been dismissed his employment, for re ceiving bribes from Julien Zuluetta, in the case of the Lady Suffolk. A Peach, thirteen inches in ciicumfcrence and weighing one pound, was presented lo the editor of the Puttsmoulh (Va.) Transcript a few days since, Two negroes, charged with murdering a woman named Fish, her child, and burning her dwelling, were burned at the stake, by an infurated mob, near Carthage, 111, lust week. At the Red Lion Camp Meeting held in Delaware lust week, there were 456 tents erected, and en Thursday over 10,000 per sons were on the ground.' Fifty ministers were present. A paper mill, in which was manufactured paper used by Benjamin Franklin in his of fice, is still in operation in Delaware county. It is named "Ivy Mill." and wis erected in 1713. It is reported that Lord Elgin, the popular Governor General of the Canadas, has been recalled by Her Majesty's government, and will snil for England in the Sarah Sands from Quebec Makriaoc The first law of nalu.e is marriage, and yet man is the only creature that leaata it. Whoever saw an old bache lor robin, or a female blue-bitd with thoughts of dying an old maid 1 No one. Every created thing becomes a parent, and this is just what the Lord intended they should be come. People who sleep on single bedsteads as much war against the Commandments as if they lived on the nrcjucts of murder. Pause and fi fit o t . Go to Church. I; is a duty of parents to sea that their children utlemi the public wor ship of Almighty Cod on the Sabbath. Noth ing acta more unfavorably on the moral hab its and rhaructei of an individual, than ha biltidl abstinence from the House of God. W do not act the part of good parents while we leave our families unprovided in this re speet. No neighborhood or community can long have a healthy state of morals unless it hit an altar erected to the worship of the liuicr uf the Universe. A good anecdote is related of John Piice Wetherill, Ihe popular merchant, who lately died ia Philadelphia, leaving an estate of nearly $1,000,000. On one occasion two city-bucks dniv out lo his country seat to visit his daughter. Seeing Mr. Wetherill at the gate, diessed very shabbily, Ihey mistook him fur a servant, and oidered bim lo open the pale. "Of routse," said be, 'l will do that," and suiting the am ion to the word, he opened Ihe gate, and the young dandies drove in, throwing bint a quarter as they pasted. He quickly picked op the quarter and pock, (tied it, and a short time afterwards appealed in the par lot, and was introduced to the young men, by Ibe daughter, as her father) The readers can imagine how thty felt. I in proTenienfaAh end!! ELIAS BXIOCXOUS nEREBY informs hla frienila and the public generally, that he haa juat received at his t i . . . . 7 . ixr .... eiu sianu, in meraei street, opuusiw. " - An excellent assortment of MOROCCO FRENCH CALF SKINS, French Lastings, And alt kinds of linings and Shoe findings, which he offers to the trade at reasonable prices. lis also informs his cuatomers ana othera, that he atill continue the Shoemaking business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, In a pood and faahional)! style, and on reasonable terms. Suuburj, June II, 1853. ly. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNBURY. C1 EL8DEKQ & CO., respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa., opposite the Post Office, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street They are just opening a splendid assortment or fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloth, Cassimcrs, Salinett, Linens, Checked and fancy Cloth rants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Vesta. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be aold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public mav rest assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm ia a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importers of Ulolh enables us to sell very cneap. Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up aa we are constantly getting fresh supplies. sunbury. may i, inoj, J not Published and for Sale by VM. McCARTY, Bookseller, 8unbury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the united States. Br Colmnso!) Reed, Esq., Ipsae legit viva vox With notes and additions, together with a short system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of Pa., and Wra. M. Rockefeller and M. L Shindcl, of the bar of Northumberland county, Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg : lUaaisBrno, June 30, 1853. Gxktlkmex: After a careful examination of your "Amcr ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedents thua offered to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, I to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly, I t . : e, .1 i 1 I will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M L. Shindcl, Esquires. Sunbury, July 9 1853. Emporium of Fashion And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. JOHN V. MARTIN, TT A3 RECEIVED at his establishment, on 1-1 Deer street, one door north of C. J. Bruucr's law-office, in Sunbury, the most Splendid and Fashionable rt.Di3UIV.LlUJ!.!! J. UE UUUUO for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been offered in this place. His stock consists in a great variety of CLOTHS, Jlmong which art superior Steele, Brown, Green, Ultve Claret, Belgium Cloth, t rench Cloths, Russian black, Sac. fi. k ,,F . ,,n rmwFk, BLACK AND BROWN CASHMERETS, ISlack plain doe-skm Cassimeres, bummer and ll'infer Cassimeres, $c. VESTINGS, Black Satins, (a rich article,) excellent Marseilcs Buff, Whito, (Figured and Plain.) Figured Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, TwvcJs, Li.iens, Cravats. Hoseiry, Plain and Fancy Trimmings, Gentlemen's Collars), Suspenders, &c, &., &r. Call and see his assortment of goods. He challenges inspection, and politely invites the public to test their quality by procuring the best and neatest coats, pants, vests, &c., in the coun try. t7 A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate situations at this establishmenL Sunbury, May 21, 1653. 3m. NOTICE. NOTICE ia hereby given, that application will te made to the next Legislature of Pennsy Ivania. for the incorporation of a com pauy, with discounting privileges, to be located in tne borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to be called the "Suaqutkanna Savings1 Iiutunlt." Sunbury, June 25, U53 6m. NOTICE. jVTOTICE is hereby given that an application will l made, at the next regular session of the Legislature, to charter a company for bank ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, with the privi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., and to be called "Ths Missus' Basra or Susicai." July 3, 1853 6m. COME AND SEE The New and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale by Sunbury Apl 90, '53. L W. TENER & CO DENTISTRY. Dr. Vallerchamp announ ces to the citixens of Selinsgrove and vi cinity, that ha will remain at that place for a short time. Office, Main street, next door to Dr. Stillwell's office. Selinsgrove, July 29. 1853. 6L fcJILVKR WATCHE8. A few double English 8Uvsr Watches, for la at vary low pries by H. Sunbury, April 13, 1M1 B. MASSE R. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for aale by H. B. MA88ER. thsnbary. Jaa 10, IMS. Mann's Establishment . 85 South Sixth Street, ' ' ' . Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and aale of rntcnt tatter Copying rreiici, Patent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes, Oil Pspers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, etc. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a book-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, dec rhila., April 9, 1833. ly. TOE WEArEST, TflE NEVTEST AND TITS BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, BLA7LOCZ:'3 Model Spring Style Hats, IT NEQUALLED by any othera in all that can render satisfaction to the Wearer. Give them a trial. The Very Finest MoLtsKis Hits for 3.50 t Second Quality, very fine, 3,00 Third Quality, a capital article, 3,50. All these ara warranted. Model Hal Store, No. 48 North 8th Street Philadelphia, Phila., April f, 1853. 6m. Important to Coal Dealers. rjMlE subscribers hereby inform the public, that -XL- thev have entered ii.lo nartnershiD under the firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. 1 hev will be ready to deliver coal, wel' prepa red. on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shnmokin by KASF., REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1653. ly. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of ' Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dvy Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Saltinetx, Votings, Flannels, Wollens, tfc, And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt Laines, Berages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive aortment of Hats and Caps for Men and Boys. Also a large assortment ow GKOGrEllIES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices Of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWAEE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and moat general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be bad in this place. QT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 30, 1853. J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) M. 164 Ches'nut Street, Swaim's Building PHILADELPHIA. EXTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, and Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallet, Davis & Co'a (Boston) 1' Si-si'Ensioa Baioos JEoliau and other PIANOS, L. Gilhcrt's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Shut Music, Music Books, 4c, &c Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise with any music they may wiali, st as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of tha largest stocks in the United WWICB, IVVI IUIIIIMVIII IM Will . feVor me with a call or order, States, I feci confident of satisfying all who may Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly. NORTHUMBERLAND Select School for Girls. Under the Care of Miss E. Calvin. INSTRUCTION will he given in the ordinary English Branches, Physical, Sciences, Alge bra, Geometry and Languages, A Session will consist of twenty two weeks, Second quarter to commence on the 13lhof June. Terms. Orthography, Reading, Writing Com position, Geography, English Grammar and Arithmetic per quarter. $3,00 With any additional English study, $4.00 Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, $5,00 M usic, Painting, and Drawing, each generate and at the customary rates. References. Dr. R. B. MCay, Northumberland. D. Taggart, Esq., Hon.. Joseph Casey, New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. Pres. Banner Phila. H. G. M'Guire, A, M., Principal of Central Institute, Philadelphia. Northumberland, May 21, 1853. 3m. 85 UK WARD ! rrHE above reward will be paid for the discov. M. ery and conviction of every individual found guilty uf trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad Company. BV ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, 1853. tf. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, that application will be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be atyled "The Suaai-ar Sivisss' Isstitctb," to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county. with discounting privileges, and with a capital of Une hundred thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young, Adam Shissler, Tbomaa Robins, Daniel Drucke miller, Fredk. Lai r us, Geo. B. Yeungman, Pe ter B. Maaser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement, Benj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Walker, J. W. Pea I. Sunbury, June S3, 18536m. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgagee, Bonds, Executions, Summons &e, for aale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury A uti 86. 1851, . . w ILEY'S COVQU CAHDT. An excel- lent remedy for coughs, colds. Fer eale at this otno. this December 4. IB5J.' NEW STORE. BENJAMIN' I1EFFNER T1E8PECFFULLY Informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, thst he hss opened a new store In the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re- ! ceived a handsome assortment of . Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Callroesj, tilnglinmn, Lawni, RlouKNcilne V Lalnea and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Alsosn assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS b CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, 0?c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ly. Drugs, Paints, Oil, "Window Glass, c. 6 Tons French xinc whits. 10 tons Pure White Lead. 5000 Boxes Window Glaas.all sizes. Superior Potnah, Copal, Conch, Leath er if Iron varnish, white Demar varnish for China Gloss, with a general assortment ot Iresli and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and bnamled Ulass, etc., c, lor sale very low at Al.tKbU rrililULUI'Llta Druj and Paint Stoic, No. 169 N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge, Phila., May 28, 1853 ly. ' CHEAP WATCHES. JEWELEY AND " SILVER WARE, Wholesale snd Retail st No. 7 N. SECOND Sit., opposite the Mt. Vernon House, Gold Lever Watchea, full jeweled. 18 k. ca.ea, '.28,00; Silver lvere, full jeweled, SI 2,00; Silver Lepiues, jeweled, g9,. 00 all warranted lo keen good time. Gold Pen. and Sil ver CaM, 81,011; Gold Pencil.. 1, 00; Uold Pencils and Pen Ctuts with gHd Gold Pen. a. low as 83.2.5, ftc. Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guatd and Fob Chains, Gold Vest ' Aiw), aiwsys on nand a good assortment 01 nue gold Chains, Lsdie.' Uold Fob Chain, and Belt Pins. 1 Silver Tsble PruKiiis from 14 to M8. Dessert, 0 to 31, and Tea, W,7S to 68,5(1 per aet, warranted equal to coin. All giKKie wnrrauted to be what they are sold tor. 17" Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. t7 All order, sent by mail or otherwise, will be punc tually attended to. M. AVISF., Agent, No. 73 North SECOND Street, oppoeite the Mt. Vernon House. Phila., April S3, 1853 ly. NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexander L. Ilickey Co., THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE MEDAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, iVo. 148 Chesnut Street, ( Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchants and Travellers one of the largest and most improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever offered for sale in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price trom two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dresa Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags, Hand Coaches, Gigs, &c, dec, all of which we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We resjiectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. HICKEV & CO., No. 148 Chesnut Street. Thila., April 9, 1853 6m. Hobby Horses, Children' Propellort, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by BTJSH1TET L & TTTLL, A'o. 64 DOCK Street, Philadelphia. OrJera through the mail promptly executed Phila., April 9. 1853. 1 v. BISSOLTJTIOIT. TflilE partnership heretofore existing under the -- firm ot James Tacgart &. Son, was, on the 13th day of June, 1853, dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by James Tairgart, who holds the hooks. Those indebted to the firm are requested to rail and make settlement of their accounts also all persons having claims against the firm are requested to send in their bills for payment JAMES TAGGAKT, GRANTHAM I. TAGGART. Norlh'd., June 18, 18S3. tf. NEW STORE. THE undersigned takes this method of thank ing his friends lor their liberal patronage, and informs them he has taken the old stand lately occupied by James Taggart & Son, where he will be prepared at all timea with a large sup ply ot goods, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, to. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, of every description. sr.rocci leg, Queeusware, Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Fish, 4-e., flrc. Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, and hopes by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their patronage. G. I. TAGGART. North'd., June 18, 1853. tf. Hope Manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully informs the people of Northumberland and Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand and manufactures to order, all kinds of Boa. ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and lines of all kinds, at his establishment in Northum berland. RICHARD MARSHALL. North'd., June II, 1653. 3m. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had by applying at the office of the Americas. FOR aale at this office, Superior Blaok Ink, Cattle Medicine at S3 eta. Pore Essence a Ginger. 35 cent JUSTICES' FEB BILLS For sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, lttl .- 038500 CHALLENGE. ritATEVER eoncems the hesllti snd twmilne-s of a V V people la at all limn of tha moM Taliiable import snca. I uika h fur gninted that every pern will on all in their power, to aave the lives of their children, smt that every pernnit will endeavor to protnota their own health at ii awrmoee. i reel it to he my only to smemniy namra yon Hint WORMK, according lo the opinion of tha moat oelehrated rhynciana, are the primary eanaca of s larjra m,rinf ,n ninmiiee 10 wnirn cnnnren ana uuimmwim ble j if you have an appettta continually chnnftenbte from one Kind of fond to another, Bd Hrenth, Pnln in the Sto mach, Pickinr at tha Nuae. Ilariliiem and Knllnna of tha Belly, Dry Cough, Blew Fever, Pul.e Irregular remomber tliat all thnae denote WORMS, and yon ihoald at once ap ply tha remedy : HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An article fnnnded npon Scientific Prlnelplee, enmnoond ed with purely vegetable eulieUncea. being perfectly safe when taken, and can ha given to the moat tender infant with deeided tietiefieinl effect, whera Bowel Complaints mnA llHihkM. huJ. (U..k .... .I-).! 1 1 1 I A thm . rJ TimiH ...-., I nt m Wnrn 13. mrm nrh thai I Stands without an equal In the catalogue iif medicines, in g ving tine and alrength to the Hlermch, which makes it an Infallible remedy for thoee afflicted with Dyancpsn the astonishing einns have fai g cures nenormed ny tme en-rnp alter rnyai- ciana have failed, is the best evidence of its superior erfi- cscy orei all others. THE TAPF, WORM I This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that in fest the humrm system-, it grow, to nil alrnoat Indefinite length becoming so coiled and fa.tened in the Intestines snd Stomnch elfceling the henlth ao andly na lo catue 8t. Vitn. Dance, Kita, Ao.. that those afflicted acldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening tlietn to an early grave. In oriier to destroy tnts worm, a very rueigeus , treatment mint be pursued, it would therefore be proper j to lake S to 8 of my Liver Pills sua. M removenll ulwiruc- j tiona, that the Worm Svrop may act direct upon Ihe Wof in, I which must lie Inken in d .sea if 3 Tahlcp -.nfulla 3 times a day these direoti ma foil .wed have never been kn wil to 1 fail in curing Ihe most obstinate case of Tape Worm. 1 (C7- HOBEN'SACK-ij LIVER PILLS. No part of the srstcm Is more liable to diaenae than the 1,1 VKIi, it aerving aa a filterer to purity the bl or giv ing the proper accretion to Ihe bile ; ao thnt nr.y wrmg ac tion of the Liver effect. Ihe other important imrts !' ths system, aial results vari, in Liver Complaint, Jaun dice, Dysiiepsin. c. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that might indicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pill, being' C'Miip.ed of ROOM'S A PLANTS fur- ni.hed by nature to heal tiic aick 1 Namely, tat, An EX I'l'XTOKANT, which nuimenta the secretion from Ihe Pulmonary mucu. membrane, or promote, the discharge of seciett'd mutter. Snd, An ALTlill ATIVE, which changes in s-mie inexplicable and inseiiftihle manner the certain morbid setion of the ayalem. 3rd, A TONIC which gives tone and slrengl h to the nervon. system, re newing hertlth and vigor to all pnrt. of the body. 4th A CATHARTIC, which Oct. in perfect harmony with the other Ingredients, and operating 011 the Ilnwela, and expel ling the whole innsa of corrupt and vitinted matter, and pu rifying the Wood, which destroys diierue and restores health. TO FEMALES. You will find thee Pill, an invaluable medicine In many complaint, to which vou are suliiect. In olwtrucliona ei her total or pnrtinl. ther total or partial, they have been fonnd-ol ineutimnlile benefit, reatoring their functional lrrangeinenta to a heal thy action, purifying the blood and other thuds an effectn ally to put to flight all complaint, which mny nriae frian fnsl irregulnriiiea, na headache, giddiness, dimneaa of ai rvlit twin Iss t lis. sula ImoIt JL n (TT" Prire, 25 cents each. None genuine unless signed J. N. Ilnbenaack, all others being base Imitatiini. IV Agent, wishing new supplies, ami Store Keepers desirous of bee miing Agents must address the Proprietor, i. N. Hohensack, Philadelphia. Pa. Sold by J. W. Fnling, Sunbury ; Mary McCay, Nor. thumliertnnd ; Beiwl, Turhutville ; Raser. Milton ; Ditty igniter, ueorgerown j lisenring ei ,voivenon, raii- no.) WieM, Hickory; nil dealers in Medicine 111 the County snfl Mtnte Auguat 14, 1H52 ly. CARE, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Comniision Merchants, 23 and 23 Spears Wharf, DALTIMOBE- REFERENCES. John Clark, Esq., Piesidcut Citizens' Bank, Bait. A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Bank, " John Hertzlcr, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnickson & Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De posite. J. Wallowcr & Son Harrisburg. Col. II. C. Ever, Selinsgrove. J. II. App & Co., " Nagle, Wingate & Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " George Bodiue, Hughsville. W. Weaver & Co., Montoursville. Gen. William F. Packer. illiamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, " James H. Hilling, " Lewis G. Huling. " M'Hcnry & Buhb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, E so.. Lock Haven. Cy Carr, Gicse & Co. have the largest wharf- room of any comniision house 111 Baltimore, al waysgiving quick dospatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 18, 1853. 6m. DImsoIuUoii of I'artncrNlilp. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the name of James H. & Wm. B. Hart, is this day dissolved by the withdrawel of William R. Hart. The business of the late firm will lie settled by cither of the undersigned, at No. SSH, North 3d street JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM 1). HART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have tins day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of James H. & 1 nomas Hart. J hank ful for past favors, they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends and the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which will he full and extensive, and which they will sell at the lowest market rates. JAMES II . HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1653. IS, tt. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, X: US North Third St. below Race, PHILADELPHIA. THE attention of Dealers is requested lo an examination of their stock, which will be found to be at le ast equal to any in this city. FOREIGN FRUITS ot all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, 1853. Cm. WILLIAM PERKINS' Gentlement Fushionable CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 231 CArsnuf, Third door below Eighth st Philadelphia. J1AS on hand a full stock of French snd O English P icce Goods, which will he made to order at the Shortest Notice, in the Latest Style, FOR CASH. Phila., April 9, 1853. 6m. FAIRBANKS' Platform Scales, long ImoumSrvtrep tetted Alway rightThe Acliteulcd- gut Standard, Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Far mers' SCALES, aet in any part of the country, at short notice. AGENTS GEO. W. COLBY, 340 Market at, Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbury. Phila., i4pril S3, 1853 Laborers Wanted. THE subscribers want immediately on the Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union county, seven milea below Selinsgrove, from 60 TO 100 LABORERS, to whjm one dollar per day will pe paid. 8AVIDGE. WJLVEilTON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 18.1853 tf. DR. H. H. HIG BEE'S remedy for coughs, colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and for aale by . Jl. B. MASSER. Suubary, June 4, U53. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLl. PKMNSYMTANIA. citt or rmt.ADai.rHi. MASSAC AfSETTS. All solvenl banks l UIS U. 8. Bank notes IS die UHUUH isbsnu. All nlvent hnnka 1 Alt solvent banks pa roDNTav. Bank of Chamlierahurg 1 di All solvent hnnks I &' miB 01 uncaier uo. PHr Bank of Del. Co. Cheater pnr new r. nr. llnnk of Germnntown pnr Bank of Gettysburg 1 dia . II hIwm.1 tmnka I nl triik notes under W j (lis Hank of COtTHTT. All solvent brinks 1 Oil Bunk ofMidriletnwn 1 Jl"1 Montgomery Co Bank par NKW JriKSk. Detvidrre Bank I J Oommereinl Bnnk I 'S tsnna 01 runriimmbermn. pai Bank of Pittehnrg 1 die Hans 01 Itaiivilla par! Far. Bank Mont llouy p' Csrli.le Bank 1 di. F. ft M.. Middlelown ri. par Columbia H'k A tlv. Ho rj.r 'Mechanic.' Bk. Newark pat Dnyelatown Bank pnriMcch. Ilk of Burlington I"' rjstnn im par Mecn. it num. us ieiii. F'ti Hailk S die Morris Co Bank 1 me Exchange B'kPittaburg I di. Newark Bk'g Jr. Ins. Co oi. di. dis par r.xcnange n's, urancn 1 (lis'ureuge nana Farmer.' B'k. BuckaCn narlpennie'e Uk Patterson Farmers' Bk, !.nncn.ler pnr Prinreton Bank Farmera' Bk, Reading par Snlem Banking Co, pn' Farm. Bk Schnylkill Co pnr'Semerret Co Bnnk dis F ft D. Bk Wnyncsb'g lldia Stnte llnnk at Cumdcll pn' Franklin Bk. Wnah'u IJdie'Stnte Bk F.lirinbetliton 1 (bs Itarrielairg Bank 1 di. State Bank Newark J (h. Iloneadale Bonk 1 dis Stnte Ilk, N. Ilrnnswirk pnr Ijincnster Bnnk Bnnk. .'Newton J 111s lnanon rsnnK par Trenton Banking Co rmr niercn. ft man. linns 1 dn t'nion Bank. Dover J Ynrdley v'le ft Del l)r O 15dii miners' il k, rnttaville per MonnngMieln Hank I di IT Uk notes iniiter 5 I di. Tnylnrsv'e DclB'gCo IS dis' uki,hiin veat llrnnen llfink pnr nans 01 nemwnre r Wyoming Uk, Wilkesh'e imr llnnk of Snivina pnt Delriwnre I'iiv Hunk ft Uk Wilmg'n Brandy w. pnt Y"rk Bnnk. 1 dial IVRelief notea 1 ,i.i MA INF. Fnrniere Ilk ft Ilelnwnre iar Bank of Whetlock S 'tis l"nl. n Bank. Wilinnigt iiini Mercantile Bk. HnnB"r tndi. IV t inier 5'a III. All lvent hnnka F1IIIO. NKW IIAMISHinK AH . Iven' Liiiiks 3 Alt All solvent Ininlcs I ill. IT V n nnitcr r 4 d- VPnvnVT I NOKTII I'ANOUNA Rank of St A loans 3 His1 All s .Iveni links Sitis All solvent hanks I dis rfVinlerS's, 3j dn "AID AND COMPORT," i o Yuen (Mr 11 .TZ hitiiic. GEOHOK I.KNN. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. TMIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of tiAni NET-WAR 13. which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best slock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscrilier is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists ot .Mahogany Sofas, DivniiN and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS. including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Maiiooakt, Black Walm'T Ann CuRLEn Maple Cjiikciax X and Wikiisoh CHAIRS, akd faxct Pn no Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he subscrilier is determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. EST UNDERTAKING Having provided himself with a handsome HsAnsr., he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. tv 1 he VV are Room is in Market Street, lielow T'llomnaon'a Store anil Vevera Tavern. ' GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. Tremi:ndous Excitertnt ! ! Cash, Steam, Klectricity ! ! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by the I.lhtnliit; Line of IPvA T. CLEMENT. TTTHO, having great faith in rapid sales and v small profits, has just received 0110 opened a large assortment of SPRING A D SUMMER GOODS. At his Store in Mar.;et Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public st the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry (loods, viz : Cloths Cassimers, Cassinrts. Jeans. Drillings, Muslins. Linens. Culicors, Muslin de Lnins Latrnr. Clunrhanis. Beraaes. Sii.k Hats. A liirie assortment of lioois and Shoes, for I Men, Women ami ('hilJreu. Grorffif'ti, Sugar, Tea, CoflVe, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz: Iron and Steel. Nai's. f iles. Saws, Ac. QTTEEXSWARE, Tea Setts, I'lalcs. Dishrs. Cups, Saucers, tyc LIQUORS, Whir. Brandy, Gin, Ruin, Whiskey, &. Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Jan. 15, lh53 ly. DOC TOR YOi nsnLFI THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OB, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHVSlCIAX. rpHE EORTIETH Edi--- lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis cuses and M'llformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which ia added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. liy Or Wm. Young Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the .ESCULAPIUSlo but child. It may aave him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligation, of mar ried life without reading the POCKET -ESCU-LA PI US. Let no one suffering from haekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train ot Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, he another moment without consulting the A2SCULA PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creaturea from the very jaws of death. r" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by moil, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. YOUNG, No. 153 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1853 ly. PEE BILLK Justices and Constables Tee Bills handsomely printed 00 cars' paper for eale at this office. ARRIAGE CETIFICATE8 haudsoraely executed tor aale at ibis office, single or by the dozen. TNK Boureau's celebrated Ink, and also Con 1 area ink for aale, wholaaale and retail by December tt). l0. II- B MASTER. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llie Cabinet Ware lloom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street ir the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. nmlroai Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in bust, ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he ha. endeavored to keep up with the improvement of the day, and haa accordingly extended his busi r ... ..r,T .no variety. The public are therefore Invited to the attention of the present stock of r CAM NET MARK AND CIIA11S Manufactured mt f SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tU establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Larqe Spring Sent Rocking Chairt Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, ' Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fnl.!mnM Furniture Having secured a Hearse and made the neres Hry Hrrnneements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, m tins vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye rmi.i and mistre.ea, and hnsbnmt. ton, Here's furniture of every atyle nnd hue, From airte tuards down to kitchen tallies, From rockins: chairs to mckiiis; cradles Should yen not have the ready Join to pay. We'll wuit awhile for a tirihter tietier diiy, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and rye; Dnrk, hoop poles, .tnves. or lumber wet snd dry, Or any thing tun yokce and thrcshhif flails, t mm pura and tnrkiea down to little quails. Come on then friend., come one and all, Keep tiade a moving, so "g.ies 011 ths hall." tV Orders from a distance oroniDtlv attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. ounuury, march u, 1K50. tf SOWER $ BAllKKS, Publishers and Uookr-eMers, A'o. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. tlihles, Pruyws, Hymns, Poetical aud Historical Works, Travel., Novel., ftc., ftc. SCHOOL BOOKS Every kind in use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An elegant n.sortinent from the pas. Iiook upward., nude ul .uperuir pnper, and best of binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Post, nnd Note Papers, elegant styles snd quality, nnd very ehcup. STATIONERY. Fancy, Plain and Adhesive Knvelopcs, Ink, Sand, Wa fers, Steel Pens, Slates, Pencils, Porte-Monoiea, Wrap ping Papers of nil kind., Curtain Papera. ftc., Ac. Our Mock is nil fresh, lionirlit eheap aud sold accordingly. Particulnr nttention nnid 10 Bookseller., Oonntry M.r- chnntaand Teachers, however little Ihey may buy. Sower ft Bnmea are Puhlishers of PELTON'S series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Each map is nearly "EVEN FEET SQUARE, snd shows the comparative size and rclntive position of every country on the ftlobe. They are intended to lie .iirpended in every School Room, ami not only make a splendid ap nenrnnce, hut are universally ncknowltfleed to be ths BEST MODE OF TEACHING GEOGRAPHY ever brought out. They are key. intended to tie used by the seholura, containing a complete epitome of Geography, and curt nig lea. than half the price of a Geography and Atlas. The aystem i. in univeraul use in l'ruuia and Germany, nnd hua already lieen introduced in Girard College, Phila delphia, Ihe public schools of Boston, New York, Phila delphia, Baltimore, Washington, and throughout New England, New York, ftc., ftc. Our doka'are loaded with recommendation, from Ihe must tnlentcd and scien tific teachera in every quarter, nnd wherever the .y.l.m hn. been used parent., teachers and scholar, unite in prais ing il. 1. Mnp of the Wealern Hemisphere. 5. M.'ip of the Eastern Heminphcie. 3. Map of North America. 4. Map of Ihe United Slates. fl. Mnp of Europe. 6. Map of Asia. 1. Map of South America and Africa. Every map is hrilliuntly colored, varnished, snd monnt ed on muslin and rollers. We ropcetfully invite the earnest attention of Teacher., Parenta. and School Director, to thi. fascinating mode of leachiag Geography. SOWER ft BARNES, M North Third Slreet, Philadelphia, Aug. V, 1832. If. Cheap Watches 5j Jewelry, VrHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold 1-ever Watches, full jeweled, IS carat ca.ea, S26,00 Silver do. full jeweled, jtl'J. Silver ljcnine, jewels, in do do do. 0 Supeiior (Junrlieis, 7 Gold Spectacles, Pine Silver do. 7,0 ISA Gold Brncelets, 3.00 tidies' Gold I'eneila, 1.00 luiitiitinn do. Jl. Silver Ten .peons, set, Gold Peiw. with Pencil und Silver Holder, S.OS 1,00 Gold Finger Rincs. 37J cents to $80 : Watch Glasses, plain, 1"J cents; Patent, IRj; Lunet, 15; other articles in proportion. All goods war. rantcj to be what thev nre sold for. STAUFFER & HARI.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepiues. still lower than the above prices. August 2S, 1852. ly. WATCHEJELRY,&o! J A 31 KS Ii. FIDLKR, A'o 12 South Srcnml Sired, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled (Silver Lever do eiiler l.ppine do " Qiurtier do Gold ) ens and pencil and silver halders Silver Tea and Table Siooiis Brncelets. llrcust pins Ear rings cVc. All warranted and sold at prices as low asacy in the city. November 27. 1852 tf. 1,000 Men Wanted. rN the li-e of the SUHQUEHANNA RAIL. " ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har risburg) and Sunbury. in Ihe State of Pennsylva nia. This mad is fifty four miles in length' runs through a highlv improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are familiar wilt therefore mid cer tain employment and lilieral waives, DOUGHERTY, LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, IP53. ltoseiulale Hydraulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For aale by EVI SMITH A rN. ?. E. Corner of Front and ilin. strcst Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. HAVING located himself permanently in Sunbury, offera his professional services to the Town and Countrv, office, comer of Deer and Market streets (formerly telegraph office,) where he may be found unless professionally engaged Sunbury, April 30, 1853. 6m. G' OLD PENS with and without eases, of i ery superior quality, just received. a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aale Also 1 by H. B. MABOLM. Sunbury, Dec tl, 185L . PATENT BRITTAKIA STOPPERS M bar bottles for sals by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, IS, 1851 SMITH'S ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GIN GER, a fresh supply just received, snd tot s.le by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853.