Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 13, 1853, Image 3
SUNlitf JtY AMEiUGAN AND SHAMOK1JN JOURNAL. New Advertisement. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION. N pursuance of a resolution of Iho last Demo. cralio Convention, the democratic doctors of this county are respectfully requested tn meet at ho uiual time and place of holding their primary lection, on Saturday, the 27tli day of August nctt, to vote for ono person to bo nominated for Assembly, ono person tor Commissioner, one person for Prosecuting Attorney, one person for County Treasurer and one person for County Auditor, am the judges of tho election in the tliil'orent boroughs and townships are requested to meet at the court houso, in Sunbury, on Monday, th 89th day of August, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to count the votes cast for tho different candidates for the above named offices and to declare the candidate having the highest number of votes, tho nominee to bo supported hy the party at tho next election, and at the sumo time and place, elect two persons to represent this county in tho 4lh of .March Convention. VM. 11. KIPP, Chairman. J. ROKSH. J. K ALT. WAX. MICHAEL TKEOX, D. 1. CAL L, J. O. FRIC-K, J. 8. 11 A AS, VALA.NTIXE KLASE, JAS. ECKMAX, ' Standing Committee. July S3, 1853. Teachers Wanted. APPLICATIONS will ho received by the Secretary of the Hoard of Kchool Directors, Sunbury District, for two Male and two Female teachers, until Thursday, tho 1st of September, 1853, at 1 o'cluch, P. M, at which time an ex amination of the applicants will lake place, and the schools allolteJ as follows: In rooui Mo. 4, one mule, teacher at $3r 00 per mouth, Xo 3, " " " at $5 00 " Xo a, one female " at $14 00 " Xo 1, " " " ut $12 00 D' W. SHIDEL, .Secy. Sunbury, August 0, 1853 It. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber oilers himself to the electors of suit! couutv, as a candidate for the nfuce of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, at the ensuing election. Should he. he elected, lie promises to discharge the duties of the oliiuc with fidelity. II. .1. V.'OI.VEHTOX. Sunbury, August C, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby oilers himself to the vo ters of Xorthumberlaud county, as a candidate at the next election for the ollico of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the other faithfully and with impartiiilitv. VM. M. ROCKEFELLER. NOTICE. rTMiE stockholders of the Shamokin Steam per - ry and Tow Uoat Company, will meet at the office of the Philadelphia and Siinbury Railroad Company, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, on Friday the iiUth day of August, for the purpose of orga nizing said Company. IKA T." CLE ME .NT, ) J. 11. MASSE R, CWcrs. UEMtV DOXXEL, ) fiunbury, Aug. 0, 1S53 Ut. Notice TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, T HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Sunburv, and the public generally, that he has on hand for sale, a lurge lot of fellow pine FLOORING BOARDS. He has a'so on band a quantity of excellent broad chestnut rails and posts. He is also prepared ts get out timber to order, with promptness and despatch. Farmers an J othrrs, in I'nion county can he supplied with any of the above articles on the shortest notice, cither on the river bank at Sunbury, or a mile below. For further pai titu lars address tho subscrilicr or Samuel Uossler, Sunbury. CHARLES OOSSLEU. Lower Augusta, August 6, 1853. If. Bi-ittunia Ware AND CANDLE MOULDS. THE subscribers wish to call the attention of J- dealers to their superior quality of llrittania Lamps, Tea Setts, Caudle Moulds, of the finest finish. All goods warranted. CALVERLEY &. HOLMES, 109 Race street, Philadelphia. Phila., August G, 1853. 2t. 2,5U0 Acres Timber Iand FOP SALE. SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF 3 TIMBER LAND, comprising about 2,.r)llU ucres, part of which is situated on Tnbyhumia Creek, and rart on Muddy Creek, within three miles of Lehigh River, in Peim forest township. Carbon County, one of the great Counties of Peinisjlvaiiia, can be had ut a bargain, if ap plication be made soon. Thcso lands arc thickly covered with the best timber of that region. While it is believed Hint 75.000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from a large portion of the land, the balance will aver age not much less !.hmi this future. The kinds of timber found on he land arc Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. Thn Tobvhanua and Muddy Creeks arc large ..,,1 rai.i,l streams, vicldins a vast amount of water power, and arc capable of driving a large IiumlK-r of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with the Lehiah Canal afToids an outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia which runs within one mile an J thrre quartan of the land. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in either of the cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to derive greiter profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spar of vessels a sort of timber that ship builders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or at other distant points. Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there has as yet, been no culling of the timlwr on this i.roMrty. It stands undisturbed by the wood man's axe. It is, therefore, tho more valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried on to such an extent for years past, lhata scarcity be"iiiniii2 to be felt. Every season necessarily increase this dilhculty. J he must be an enchancement of the -.!., .f timber Unas. Those un-culled tracts ...:.u .i k.0i.., at avenues to market, such Will) W ' " ' - . r , - .!, I,l. offered for sale, possess, cannot fall lo I the sources of supply hereafter. But the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contain. It i of good quality for farming. i -.erv acre being usceptible of a high livmt'j j a I. til late oi cui'i"" . Capitalist desiring to make i.ive.tments would j 'n i, their attention lo these lauds, tat UU Willi - furtbsr information apply to nir. i ..Miiiins Register" building, Potts- illo, Pa. August 6, 185.5. tf. E N T 1ST It Y. Dr. Vallerchamp annouii- D rrs to the citiiens ol r-enn-giu... . . . ...:u .i that i.lace for a n,.y, tlui ' - " " , ,oor tj n. burl lime, uuice, .ui" tillweirefl'"- eS-iu,.-o. July . ISGJ.-Pt. . . AGRICULTURAL FAIR. The Executive Committee of Northumber land County Agricultural Society, met at the house of Win Slreeter, in Northumberland, on Thursday, July 11, to appoint Judpes, ami determine a list of premiuma for the Fair. The President in the Chair. It was resolved to hold the Annual Exhi bition at MILTON, on Tuesday and Wednea dav, Oetober 18lh and 19th. The following p;enllemn wore appeinlod a Committee of Arrangement, to prepare the grounds, and do all things necessary for the success of the undertaking. : Samuel Hepburn, Chairman ; JohnR., John Miller, J. II. Eckbert, John M. Huff, Gonrtre Baker, Wm. Heinen, Wm. C. Law son, E VV.Chapin, Wm. ll.Fiymire, Samuel T. Brown, Robl. M. Frick and Thus. Slrino. LIST OF PREMIUA1S. HORSES. BjsI Slallion, ovor 4 years old, $5 00 Second do tlo 3 00 Best Slallion under 4 years oM, 4 00 Second do do 2 00 Bust mnre, w ith coll at her side, 5 00 Second do do 3 00 Best Si-idle Horse, 4 00 CATTLE. Dc mi a ms on Short Horns. Bcsl Bull over 2 years old, 5 00 Secoinl do do 3 00 Best Bull under 2 years old, 3 00 Second do do 2 00 Best Cow, 4 00 Si'coml do, 2 00 B.-sl Heifer, 3 00 Seeot.d do. 2 00 The Mime premiums will be awarded in IVvons. Hereford, Aldeiuejs, and Aveslnres. NATIVES. Best Bull over 2 years old, 3 00 Second du 2 00 Best Cow, 2 00 Best llt-iter, 2 00 Best Calf, under 6 months old, 2 00 FAT CATTLE AND WORKING OXEN. Best Vote of Oxen, 4 00 Second do Best fat animal, Second do SWINE. Best B.iar, Second do Best Sow, Second do Best pair of Shoals, Second do Best litter of pij;s under 3 mouths, Best fat Hog, SHEEP. B -st Ram, Best Ewe, Best Lamb, Best fat Sheep. POULTRY. Best pair of Turkevs, Second do Best pair of Geeso, Second do Beat pair of Musk Ducks, 2 00 3 00 2 00 300 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 S 00 2 00 1 50 75 1 50 75 1 50 75 1 50 75 1 50 75 1 50 75 rveotul do Best pair of puddle Ducks, Second do Best pair Shanghai or Cochin China low Is, Second do BeM pair Chiltngongs. Second do The same premiums for Brahma, Puotors. Black Javas, Games, Hamburg!), Polish Cre oles, Udiitams, or any oilier unaamicra:ea breed. Best and largest collection of fowls, 3 00 1 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 econd do Best show of pigeons, Second do GRAIN AND POTATOES. Best bushel of wheat, Olid do Best bushel of corn, Second do Best do rye, Best do oatf, best do potatoes, Second do Best i do of sweet potatoes, VEGETABLES. Best beets, not less than 12, Do canots. " 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 Do parsnips, Do turnips, I it Do salsify or oyster plant, no unions, Do cabbage, Do eauliHower, D.i squash, Dj pumpkins, Do eiig-plaiils, Do tomatoes, 12 Iw celeiy, 12 sialks, Best ussuilment of garden vegetables, FRUIT. Best 4 bushels of apples, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 A 00 3 no 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 IJj 4 do quinces, Do i pears. Do 4 peaches, .').) li tuiuch" of c' apes, Do u atei i t'loii Do mur-li-mei, " or citron, IMPLEMENTS. li ! thri t-hiiig machine, D.i leaper, D.J seed-drill, D i wiiuiowins-mill, IJ.i emu liellei. Do plow, Do cultivator, Do roller, Do corn-plow, Do straw-cutter, Do farm-wagon, D.i sell of harness, D.i Hoise rake, Do grain ciadle, DAIRY, &C. f!et butter, not less than five lbs., Ho lionev, Do loaf of bread, 4 lbs., Do harn cuied by exhibitor, Do 6 lbs, of home-made soap, Do iipple-bulter, 6 quarts, Do pieseives, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Best Quill, Do counterpane, Do hearth-rug, Dj pair of blankets, Do 20 yards ol carpet, Dj clot u. (home-made,) 10 yards, Do II innel, Do pair knit woolen stockings, or socks, Do ploves or milieus, Do home-made thread, 1 lb., MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. For mechanical inventions, tools, furniture, and nlher articles not coming under any oi the above heads, prizes will be decreed, ac cording to the means of the society, and the meats ol Ilia articles e.MiiDiteil. PLOWING MATCH. Best Plow man, Second, 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 Thiid, Fourth, JUDGES. Homes. A. E. Kapp, Wm. B. Kipp, John R, Eck, Bonj. Gearharl, Henry Reader. Csttlb J. C. Ilorton, John Montgomery, John Duukel, Wm. II. Kase, Jacob Liesen riui', IShamokiti.J Hoes. John Porter, S. A. Berpstresser, Wm. Polluter, Johu B. Packer, David li. Montgomery. Siir.i-.p. Thomas Johnson, Andrew Arm strong, Peter lluuRliawouta lcnni Wolverton, Wm. V t.i'uilwil- Poultrt. Joseph Priesilev, Elisha C. Barton. S. It. Wood, Wm. M'Cloery, Wm. T. Forsyth. . . , . , , Grain, &o. Samuel John, Chns. Riddoll, Jamea Beard, Sen., Jamos Eckmnn, Coinly Vinoent. . Veoktsblm. Alex. Jordan, James I ol look, Alex. Colt, Horatio G. Taggart, Ellda John. Fruit. David Tuscan, Wm. I. Gien noiimh, II. B. Alasscr, G. B. Youngmnn, John WoKinger. Implements Wm. II. Mnench, J. H. Zimmerman, Wm. Hood, O. P. Palton, T. Mervine. Misckm.ankoi'R. John Tag?arl, D. C. Watson, Joseph Nicely, Wm. Beard, Win. Forsyth. Damr, &c. 'Thos Swenk, J.icob G. Frick, W. T. Grant, Adam Keller, John Obvrdnrf. Domestic Mancfactri'ks. John F. Dent ler, Jacob Seashnllz, Isaac Vincent, N. B. Thompson, Wm. Marsh Plowinii Match. Elijah Crawford, Wil son Hutchinson. J. Weimer Leiyhow. Hen j. Hendricks. John S nilh (Upper Auunstn.) None but members ol the Sor.ieiy will be permitled lo enmpele lor prt'titiiitiiS Persons from any county. State or country, may become membeis by paying SO cents lo tho Treasurer, or any township Committee man. Competition Is earnestly itivilid fiom llie neighboring enmities. Judges will llieir duties at 3 o'clock, P. M. of the lirst day Their awards will be published t:l 3'clork, P. M. the nexl day, afler which the addiess will be riu'lif ered. The Plowing Mulch will take place ut 1 o'clock, P. M. (second dav.) JAS. CAMERON, Prcst- II . 1. urtrnnueh, David Taccari, J I Secretin ir. Estate of HENRY 1IASSER, dee'd. TVTOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa mcntary have been granted tn the subscribe) on the estate of Henry Masscr, Esq., late of llie Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, iluU autlienliialcil, for settlement; and those knowing liicuisclvc indebted to make pay ment without ilcl:i v . 11. U.'MASSER, John mapsek, 1 Ex'tors. 1'. 15. MASTER. FRANCIS IILCIIER, Sunbury, July 30, ISSS. Ct. CHERRY PECTORAL: Tor Hi Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROIX OHITI3, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIUG-COUOH AND CONSUMPTION. TO CCUK A COM), with iikapachi: and goRcxnM of (he b'Kly, mke ilir Oimuiy IYcthbal h p.ung lo hat, unri wntp uj wtiriu, li awenl timinji ilu niui.t. 1'uK a (i old am) i'oit.ii, take it umnniu', n-tnuaml pvp lliiig, ticcuiitinn tu tlucct ij.s fin tlie b tt!e. uittl Ihc diliii'ti! ty will tum rrin tvt1. A'-ua- w ill I "Hy ! in llii lionble when limy tiii'l it v;n Ik-en ie:uiih rnrt'il. I'eia -lit iiiilicttJ with u saicJ c Hijfh, which tri'nkt tht-ni vt Iheir rest ut nielli, wnl liii'l, by t;ikiug ihc y I'l--toral mi p'iiii! It ivd. tlicv in:iv Hire tt" unl. uiil'i'-k-- 8ltn, mid ii 'iiin'outNillv fvlVt.-shini; rrst. iirvu u-lu l iVmi Ktitier- ! iii)-, ami tm ultinmlc curt, in utt 'rtl' d t th.HirjnJa who ure lliu uliiit'lctl. by lliia m.ilu:ibk' rt I'ri'iii iiH iiLrr't-;ibli cilVcis in t!i(.-hi! obit's, many find tltcinsclvra unwilling to lvivgo its uu when Uio necessity it hits ct;;tfct'd. I'r-ini two ciiinx ut I'liysiciitns in Ka ETIIiVlLI.E, T.-MIl , Apif! 1" l'l. hip ;Ve )vj'v (ii veil y-mr Clicrry IVebTiil an r.tfiuivf tnitl in Diir piacticn, inxl lind it M H ill :jm t:v--rv -tiiei n:-nit-ily we have 1 t cuiinii n.1ccti us t the ruut-'ry ir- ganf. ji:s. im:mki: a iimpt. TOS!X(ir.nrt AM) IM'MMC S1I;AM:HS fhiureimMy is iiivtiluablc. an by its an inn-. it ti;c ilu.-ut and lung'", win u tikin in miihII tjaait'itifR, it rt.-u)'vc.Ha!l h.jaiSJiifs m n l'v h mr. mid wjudcri'ally increases tlie power aiul ikiibiiUy ut tlt v ice. ASriJ.MA is r"ti'ral!y iii'.D-li icliivt'l, unci tften win illy cured by Cherry Peil'Tal. ilnt there me snue i-um f i rinali! as to yield cii'inly to n itntlieiite. Cbcny Teeto tal ill run theiii, il tliey can K cured. HUO.XCIIITIS, or iii itati-'ii "i" the thnwit nnd upper jviriioii of the hi ni: s, may be cured bv btking Ctmri y Pe t" ral in ainull and troquent doses. The line inturtablc np-prt-KRion in rim in relieved. H';v. Doct. IsANl.NQ, of nnx!ilyntHV York, alulee: "I have seen the Cherry lVcioial run; gne'i cases of Asthma mid Hmncliitis us teitdsj me tu believe il can rarely fail to cure (hone disuses." !'(. It CKOl'l. (iive an emetic of antimony, to be followed by tnrfje und frpienl U.e:i f the Cherry Peeto nil. until i fcubJaes the diseuk-e. li talvui in seuti'.m. it will ct fml to pure. W lHiOPLNG COt'Cill may hts broken up and shmi cu red by the use of Chm v lVetr.'d. Till- INFlsl.'KN.ViM prcdily removed by this reme dy. Numerous luslanet a have been ii"lieed w here wtmle fiitnibes weie prolected fr in tiny utioih e.'iisejtieiices, ! while their uifjitb Tn, wii hout tlic Cherry I'eeloral, wtie siiiTeiin from the di'.ine. I J)r. J. C. Ayrr: SALi M.'hi . Ilth June. 1hS. ! 1 write to intMiin v U ff lh iriiiv reuiai 0 ie ellri-u of your CIIKIIKV PKCTOKAL in ttoK taee. mid tn my ' own fauiilv. One ! mv d'UiL'hterH wns completely i-iin il ' 1 in three days ( a ilremhul W'ijuoi ini, Coi tin, by takim: it. I Dr. MeaiiF, one ol our v iy best phHiei.ini iieely suites ; that he considers it tin bent, rviunly we irtve plllui "ii'try 1 dUeescs, and that lie h:ot cured more ens-s i Cuoui with . it thmi uuy otlu r meiii.'ine lie cvi-r ;i.lniiui!t-i d j Our clergymen of the lhiptist Church nt!t:il dtiriiiff I the run of i.n VBZ lier tins seas. n. be has n cun-s . 1 from your medicine he could scarcely have believed Mili um seeing. Yours resjveet fully, J P. SINTI.MH, iUe;n.ty l'o5!m.ifitcr. From the difliuzuishtti Prof s-or of' Chemis try ami Mtlfi'ia JlL, Huiritoin Cuilme I have font d die I'm hHV PwhiUjii., as its iiieredietits show, n n eiful runedy f r c -.-Ida, and caul.a, und pub uiouury Uieaeis. 'Ai:Ki:U I tEVELASlt, M JJ. ItlU'NywitK, Me., 1'eb. 5. lr-17. Pit. V AIiI'M'! V, MOTT. The wi'h iu at vd Profrswr of Su rami tn the Medical Volte e New York Cihjy says 'It pives nit; pleasure to certify the value nnd eftVacy f 'Ay eii' CiiBKiiy l't:t roKAi..' whieh 1 con :er peculi arly iiilapted to en re diseases of llie Throat and lain:;." Cuie3 ot seven' uis-nhe upon me lames have neeii ei Med hv CllKKHY I'r.rToKAl. in sueh ejitretiie ciiseS as wariuiit the belief that rcuudv bus at length b eii found that can be depended on lo cure the Cousin, Colds and Consumption which currv from mir iniiM thousrmds every year. It is indeed u inedieuie towlnehlhe wtlltcted can 1 x.k with c 'uti.leiiee for relief, and they sliould not fail tu avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold In JAMES C. AYLlii Practical Chmiat, Lowell, Mass, Sola in Sunburv lv H M ASS Kit, nnd ly Drupuibts Cfiicrally throughout the Sinte. July 3l, 1833. ceow ly. Nov. 13. '5i. ANOTHER li EVOLUTION Iii the J)rv tlooils Ihisincss. J. F. & I. P. KLINE, RESrECTKl.'I.IA aniiouni-e tu their fricmU ami ti e imMic in grurrul, tliat tlit'y have lukfii tho OIJ itaiul. in l'iii-r Auirustn town- hit), NortliumlirrlaiKl cnuiitv, l a., inrnirrly nc- cuiiid I'V Uauc ('iimiiU'II, iV Co., anil have just rolurncil trom l'liiluilr!iu, anil ojiencU .1 A cw and Splendid .'Jason mail oj Sl'lUNG AM) Hi" .MM Ell fioons. CuimUtint; in lxut of Clotlm, Casainirrs, Sat tim Us, l.inrim, t'lii'rkrf. mid all kiinl of Ouinnii'r Wear. Alio a sjilt'iiiU.I assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calit'ors, CiingluniH, l.auns, Il.'r.igo Jo I.aincs, Aljiaca ami M-.uwl. Also a fresh surlily of (,ro(C 1 lo of all kill'la, Hardware ami (iuei'iiswarc, Drugs and Medicini-H. Also a largA sssnrtiu'iit of Boots and Kliors, suilalilri fur Men, Women and Children. Hat and Cup, sui'h a runuuia, (Straw, Vulm-lraf anil other Hula. Kult, Cheese, Ac. Cull and ISee. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will In sold for rash, or in ex. change for country produce, at tho highest market pnee. Vpper Aug'iil;i. Apiil 3i, 18.'3 1 ill hmWmMi GEOKGK Y. ZIMERM AN. VEN1TIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 01 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLENDS, Which for style of finish and workmanship cannot l surd. Wholrsnls nad Kstsil al the lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND UEF.D BLINDS WIIOI.EHALK, A'f MAMIFACTUItEnr PRICE!. UT MERCHANTS and others ar invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August 81, 18SJ. ly. Improved Lightning Itods. rilltE suhscriher has constructed a Lightning Rod on true Philosophical principles, hy which buildings supplied w ith them arorendernd perfectly sccuro ngainst destruction hy Light line,'. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well as tho preparation of the ground rod. is on nn eiiti.cly new plan, making a more perfect con ductor than any heretofore in use. PcrsoiiB desirous of securing their lives and properly from destruction hy Inrlitniug, can have conductors put up to their InnMing in the m ist substantia! manner by applying either personally or by letter to tho undersigned, at the follow nig prices : For 40 feet J inch Copper rods, Gold pla ted points, with solid Platina tip, $22 00 Forty cents will be charged for every ad diiional foot over forty. For 40 feet 4 inch Tubular roils, Gold plated points, with solid Platina tip, $13 50 For 40 feet J inch solid rod, Gold plated point, with solid Platina tip, SI 2 50 For 40 feet Silver plated point, ' 00 And 20 cents for each additional foot over 40, of the three last named. All at six month's credit, or 10 per cent oil' for cash. CHEAP LIGHTNING PiODS. Tho suhscriher will also put up Lightning Rods similar in every respect for they shall he exactly the same as those erected last summer by tho Lewistown or Lewisburg company, in siie, point, glass, connection, etc., at 12J cents per foot, on six months credit, or 6 per cent, oil' for cash. N. B.-No warrantee given for this description of rods. T.8. MACKEV. Milton, July 30, 1853. 2m. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOR SALE. riMIE subscriber offers at private sulc, liishousn -- and three ucres of ground, on the river Bunk, within the limits of the lSorouxh of Kunbury, nmv in the. occupancy of John Shisslt r and orig inally owned by C.raa. Ciiissler while engaged in j Loit building. The improvements aie ;i J TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a V'M of good U'atrr, -.. ii1 s gnod frame stable. Tbcre ore a number of excellent fruit trees on tho premises. The prop crty is handsomely located and will be sold ut reasonable p:ice and possession given in April next. Apply to (ieo- C. We.lker. Esq.. of Sun burv, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove. 1'ETEU KEKLIX. July 2n, isr;). tf. To the Voters of lloitliumfcerland County. The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow citizens, that he ia a candidate fir the ollice of COUNTY TKEASL'KEK, and promises, if elected, to discharge the duties of the ollice faithfully and impartially. FRANCIS EleilEU-. Nunbtiry, July 10, lbot). To tho Voters of NorthuEiberlantl Coiuity. I announce myself to your considerati.jn as a eauilidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONEIJ, ut the nproachinR election. Should I be elected, i I promise to dischuarc tho duties of the olli.e faithfully and to the best interests of the. county. SIMON SKVDEU. I'pper Augusta, July IG, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fkli.ow Citi.kns: Having; been induced to oiler mvself to you as a candidate fur COUNTY ' COMMISSIONER at the coming election, should I he so fortunate an to receive a nomination and obtain an elec tion, my undivided and constant endeavor would be lo perforin the duties of the ollice with fidelity and impartiality. MARTIN GA.Srt. fhamokiu, July 9, 1853, To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fi;luiw At tho solicitations of many of my friends, 1 ap;aiu announce mvself to your consideration as a candidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuiui; election. Humid I be so f.irtu nale as to be elected, I will endeavor to discharge the duties thereof w ith impartiality. CHRISTIAN HAl'iSCIILAG. Shamokin, Juno "5, 15:5. - NOTICE. TVJOTK'E is liori'liy given tluit tin application will le tiiiide, at tlie next ri'gulur svssion of the I.e;;!uri tu churtcr a conipuny fur hank iiii; nnd iliiicoiintini; purposes, with n capital of two htuulrcd tlioiiaiuid dollars, with tho privi lege of extendinK it to four hundred thousand dollars, to he located in the borough of Simliury, IVorthunilierlund couutv, I'a., and to he railed "The Mixkms' Uaxk or SussriiT." July S, 1H!)3 Gin. NOTICE "IVJ'OT'IL'E is licrehy Riven, that application will le made lo the next Legislature of IViinsylvania. for the incorporation of a company, with discounting privileges, to lie located in toe borough of iSuuhory, in the county of Northum berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to lie called the "Susqitrhanna Savings' Institute." Sunbury, June 25, 153 6111. 11. I'll) Lamps, Choice lliukets, Flow scs and Ornaments ; QucciiKWaro and wer a- and (Jlass- wnrc, rcceied and for sale bv Sunbury. May 11, '03. TEN Eft & CO. STONE W.-IUE Milk pans, Butter crocks, llutter jars, Jut;, 1'reserve jars, c, tie just received and for ..ale by fcuubury.Junc 18,1803. TENEK&CO. SUMMER Shawl, Keady made Mantillas, Black Silk and Silk I.ace, just received and for sale by I. V. TEN EU i. CO. Sunbury, May 11, 1853. 1l RNI.Ntr I'hiiil, Cainphine, Sperm and Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and for sale by Sunbury, May 11, '53. TENEK tV CO. HANI) HILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kinds on suierior paper. Kiitiburv. I'b. U. 1852. IL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Trunks, Valises and Carpet llai, just received and for sale by I. W. TEN Ell dc CO. Sunburv. April 30, 1653 1 QUENCH Cloth, Fancy Vestings. and Cashi inerus just received and l'r sale bv rnmbmv, May 14, '3. TENI-R A Q Live and Help Lc L Ofit Mono. S. N. THOMPSON p ESPECTFELI.Y informs his friends and 4 tho public generally, that he ha iusl re- recil at hi store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, hondiomc and cheap assortment SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consbtinj in pari of Dry Goods, iz : Clolht, Cc.ssimcr Cussincls, Jeans, DrilUnct, Muslins, Vesting. Linens, A'c. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslm de L-mu, Lnwns, Ginghams, Viragcs, R,Us, $c Sugar. Teas, ColVue, Eice. Molasse., Cheese, .Spuc-s, Fish, bait, &c.f Ac, Ae. Ilardtv.'it't. Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A Folks, Ac. Queensware, of various styles nnd patterns, BOOT3 AND EIIDHS, A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. H its Caps, Ae., of various sizes and styles. Besides a large nnd general assortment of fashionable goods. Call nnd cxvnine lor your selves. W Country produce ol nil Kind tahen in chmige at thr highest market pT-e. Sunbury, 4 mo. y0, 1S53. A Fii nn for Sale. 4 Valuable Farm silunted in Upper Anjusta township, Northumberland county, laying nlonir the fSliamokiii creek, about four miles and a hull from the borough of .Sunbury, CONTAINING 110 ACRES, will be sold on the 23d i!uy of August, bv tho heirs of .Samuel C'olp, sen., deceased, at private sulc. About ISO a rf of tlii.- laiiil ore cleared mid in a pood uttitc uf culiivatiuii, the whole having been limed oiwe over. The iinjtrovctiicnU are a two story 0 ' DVELLIJTG HOUSE, Viiiii n bom, a waggon Iiuukb, and two orchards of choice fruit. The l'l liladclphia and Sunbury Kailroad passes directly through the centre of "it. likewise the public road leading from Sunbury to 1'etcrsburg. Any persons desiring to purchase a good Farm, void uf hills and stnnc, with i-ood water, and well in with clover, will liud this to eoimioit with I their wishes. For full particulars, apply either personally or by letter to the subscriber at the farm. JKUEMIAII COI.P. Upper Augusta Iwsp., Juno t, 1 M';1. ts. NOTiCK. "VTICK isheivbv iriveu h.iolt. v i n i. is iteic.'y given in.'ii n.iott. vi ill b( -LN opi ncil to receive subscriptions to the Capi tal Ptoek of tho eliiis;;nive Uridire Companv, on Wednesday, tile V7lh of July next, at the follow in? Iiamrd places: At the house of .Mrs. Davis ill Selinsgrove, J.rcob Fryer, Mi Id'cbur?, Charles 1. Kline, l.ewishur:; nnd Isaac D. Hover in , Freeburc. Union county, also tit the ho:ne of Samuel in Sunbury, l'eter SnyJer in j Lower Ausuala township, and J. Herb in" Upper j Mahanoy township in Nnrlhuniherl.iud county j ami hi me nouse oi .Micnaei yy caver ill ntiners ville, Schuylkill county, nt which time nnd places one or more of the undersigned will attend for the purpose of receiving such subscriptions. COMMISSIONERS. Ner Middleswarth, Feter Snvder, H- Snvder, AV. F. Wsftenscller, Charles A. Mover, CJ. F. Miller, ' (i. I.ei 'erring, James K. lais, Henry C. Ever, Johu Gundy, John Packer, Kdward Y. BriL'ht, Kelinsgrovc, July Jno. Walls, Jacob Seasho tz, William Cameron, Ira T. Clement, 1 853. 3Hlil inhiirj A cade in y . IMiniliibiirg, 1 uion C'o.Htiy, I"cuna. A. C. FISHEH, PrincinaL MISS ELIZABK1 U K. IKH'GIl, Principal cf Female Department. The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti tute will eoiiimence on Momiav, Jut lift, 1S53. 1 lie couren ol nistiuctioii will be thorough und practical. Matliem.ilics and ihe Ancient Lan guages, as well ns other branches, will bo tiu.rht, as far as pracliejl'le, on the nii.ih tie method. Daily use will he made ol the blackboaul. Oithora.hv, Keadini;, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full hare of attention. Dr.ui:;hfni, Construction of Maps, I "so of Coinpar.14, cc., will be taii.Tiit to students in Sur veyimr and Civil Eniriiieriiii'j. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, Ac, Ornamental Needle Work, French and IJotsuy will be given by the l'recep trevs, who is a graduate of Castleton Female Seminary, Verinont, and conies recommended by the Principal of that lostilulion, as "a young lady of agr. cable niauners a;M high literary ut tain nients." Voting ladies and (rentleineii who design to brconio teachers, will tind this Institution an elli cicnt school for prepariitiou, since there will be connected with it, during the great part of the year, a Tuciikiis' Ixstiti i k, the members of which w ill have the opportunity of attending an Evening (.'ouisc of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principal. 'i ho government of the school is based upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rule will be mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that the morals, habit of study, nnd general deportment of tho students will be carefully attended to. Tho building H now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished wilh new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, Ac. Millliuhuig is a tliiiviug and healthy boroucji. It inhabitant are moral, intelligent and filler priing. It lreet have tccn recently graded and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat lor students. We, therefore, trust that the friends uf education will deem the Academy worthy uf Iheir liberal support. IT? The price of Wnl, in tho best of private, families, does not exceed $ 1,50 per week. X. B. Students may enter the Academy at any timo during the term i jet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, on the first duy, Millliuburg, July 10, 1653 (im. iOK RENT, mall ollice or simp near Tcner - & Englo's store, Market Street, Sunbury. Apply to i. a. MASsEH. Sunbury, July 9, 1853. ANN'S LETTER TRESSE-f. with books. Ink, sn I all complete, itut treeived. nd lor mIc bv II. U. M ASTER, t-utibuiv, June 4, 1 ? 3. - C F, I, E R R A T K I) F a m i 1 y Medicines. IN ofTflriMR t tlie tutlio Hie nlsvo imvaImsMa prep'im tions, iiiL. suhncrilirl would slat tlist Irt Misillt-aion with Ins lnutids null s imp of tin inuMI reMji.i'ViH.iu 'l tliti Mii'lical I'oealty, Il was rirt tilH udvisul'le t f.lirr l.i lh puhli, s few prep.-irntinns ol' kii'nvn crl.'tiritv, Ikiiik rtre parcu u-uli K groalent e4re, and mi ttao iik.sI scitm.tlio principles, as sul,Hti.utvs I' ir tl;v w .rtlilfss sr ticl.-a ttiuf sru IIifMlnir tlm cxnu'.iy ni.tliu I' tin . i ..tiHn:fs suit care aiu., prtlmid ,f Oie in tut iiru irsttl hi I nmrecii:.. ry ptirs.'iis, luiu.ulcit to curs sil Uioiis..s uiul ..) (. uuv. JUuJ and ll'jUJ. That the Medicine. Mtumfa'' tared hy V M. lii.craET, Inrlnding hit UitMt IVclitrul tor Cuughs. Cmatn (! Uunijihor, f"r lUicunat:mj. Wtirin fvni x Wnnnft. uflli. i-.r rit"fivcJ t-oi, di'i-nttcl p-ir l umily NH, orblHl 1'uiifyor, imve ln m ft; witmrirv- ly used, nut, t.-ivo given in ro nti-sincti -n, tlum tiny mher .Mc1iciiifm bt't'ire ihe pntiiip, Lcittff pr.rvl witb rrnrd to their iiKiulucffl aic fully wuitliy t)io irml of llie ufluut ed. (Jive then i o iriul. A few p.t:itnl rt'tiniiiK why the ii!kivp McJicii:ta are dcurrrviiiHT of uiiivcrsiil pfitifntr. (In ill firtl plrte. tfir;y are ptep:ircH hv n rptfular rnysifmn, wh. imJerttaiKi Ihe applicatuju uf Almliciuus, t- lt8o,ic, Hitt i:..m;icimnriv nrc tt;iicetly wM'n l-t take. (Sccou.Hy,) th.y liavc lit:" tifietl willi uuivurt-al F'ifce;.-, nu t Imvc p i v i m-rn iiiiuc ti'tn th-iii nny utlier MiMtciiit'S offernl Lelftt thi pu(.iir ('I'liiriily ) they ure the only iihiLciurs ll;ut htive pnimd the pfitrn''e of i'livstiri'inn, Wit'f tti-iy hav l"n used ; nnd (Ftimtlily.) they tir put up hi lu'fV'f fitaiiliti-ti f t tho finie price, thnti nny otli'-r Mwliflnn i-tfrred t.i the public nf the bjiiuc kiiul. Ab the mitannlwr hn u numb'T of cerritii'ti!s in his rvisw-Fsi'm r.f the hi-jhest nuMuiity. where th;y linve hrm un ! with thn mst unf infur-tory r'fl snltit. Ho will piih'inh a (Vwol them, fceliup H'ltisfinl vtiinlwill inmire their rt-oitimrii-lali u. Try them and a 1 161 y yourFi ol lh':ir FiipMnonty nvrr nil utheri. Read und bs Convinced, Wn the iin.JeTfiitrnpil haviiijr linen timde ncrii:Ui!ted willi the ingrC'lientii ontaiinff iiitt the Douijiouii'la known im limkley'ii I'auiiiy AIcihriiHTi uImo havlnjr prrmTiheil and known them to be used, wilh in-mt nati'nt t'jry rt;8nlt; tnke pl-nsure in myiiit lint we Iwlirv! lhcyiully Intel the design ir which thiy nre rc jm'nni''!tl JAS. sniAWiirjuia:. M i). C II. I'Hh'K, M. li wm. fM aiio.v, m r WKM:y II CKAKMKART. M D. W'M. H M GIU., M. I. K i(. I.UAUUI.A11T, M. D Curt of piin in the nt and cot rh ftort protested Liver Complaint. Mrs. H b.jrt Adams, blurinir uirl'-r Chr-mir I.ivcr Com plaint, acciniip:inictl with a ,"hrt dry cuh puin in tho side and brca.t, g.-nfrjil debility, h.s of appt-titt, nltei try nig all Uie usiiul irmcdit.- rc'Uini?ndeij l'"t cuijti nnd dntcaaufl of the client, who with 11 1 benefit, she was ien nri luended tit try the it use Pectoral, fr. in hK-h, bI.C n 't only derived iniiiirtiiiitc but pc-miit'iit relief. John Adiinn, m jii 'il .Mis. Jt )!crl Aihur.i:, atTlictc-l wirh a vcrv severe C'u2h, paiii in tho hide, nnd i irenea prnlncvsJ by ihcenhaiit caiKlcuv; Le wm it id need t- try the itose Pectoml. 'i'o .me h.s wil L:"ifiine, the fint dofe ritiSid hi in t- oiimv a gj'd nrjrht's r-t-it. la the in TninfT he expeet'irait.-d uhout half pu.l of utHM'-r. He continued tJ improve unlil hi.-? ciirh en'ir'y ki't i:inf, ;t alsi hnd ihe tfi",ct of RtiOLiuhcninir his Ijfwu.i!. which u niiuruiiy weaJ; . Ilu h'h. wng he it. is iceoifiinujuicd it L a iiuiTihvr f hi fi io.w fr Mni!jr c Jiiii'lujiu. ai.d in every eae it has p :vt-n s:iiiMtjeti"ii. The aiuve per nt r'-idi-nts t tl.M town f( PmivtUc, teinf t!:nt t)iey have d.-rived ifreat hentfitu from tl-e Uj.c of the itoe PeCloru! ; uuiIimmzh th a)mw? ntutt-mcnt. f r tho bencSt of tii .'f?? v!io nnv b-i nili'dul in a sir.iiiui man lier. tiiii'.AT CLitr.. Loss of YUt restored pith c"ff Iviilc of Rose Per- tvrffU MiaflSn.inii WhiUork, of itosh tuhip, t.'huruW' laiil co., for a numtjer of yearn h it n valid, in the t;id of I mi tlm use of hei" voicr. Itmih a m vem coid fhe coix tracteil ; after ir uig n luiinher ol n nii.-Jn'.. wiilt bene fit, she was entin-ly f .streil Ly l.'ikiinf '-ne b title c.f Itsw Hct'Til. iii'ter winch. kIi-I i i.rvi;'C Syiin, from a fnh c.ild sue contracted, mid wm iifitm tev.nrud by the uite of hii jthei b'jltle ; hr then loo-i il(ur b ii.Vn ni,iie to strenirtheil hei brcMKt, fi . .r;i wlif h tin) ih-nvcd tne nr Ht decided bennht. and inn been in the rir-tyiKeul i.f excellent herdlh finin ilia lime lo the prcet-nl. Thcabjie btHtcmrul i iii.::oned fr. in lr PnisH, the 1'hyniciiiji wh'.i attciult d h-r ; uh- her li'ith- r u ho tli.iih.i thai ht won. I ii' -t Im- living uL thi tune if u h u n it bteu foi liie K.r lVctond. U;'iiVil.e, .( n. it'i, -6J '; uJtotfttr Mnieri Cure t 'jftrud. M's Samuel Soehli-r, heinir of u-lnrv w-nk und dtli cute c 'iislilnli :j, vciy U'lKceptibif t c -Mi, w ii ni.i;.tud with a very si;vei'u c.hikIi, pain and Borem-sn oi t!:e hrciht, nf appetite ; mlor uiiiF a niinihcr vf ua ttnuai uiikj dies from which, :n- dtrnviil il" bptletif. nin wt cured by takniK mm h tile tl" l't-et. ral and ia i: the enj u ol heller h'.-ihh than fr years preh u. Danville, Dec i-jp. 1k. Iticiii.Kv : Permit mc to mi Tin yo i ih it my wife, who is a d:'itentn nnd weakly w in in, L,fi jhi. iin.J-.r u very -Vf?re C'oiu!i with p-on and lemv i f hic.i:d. Witt m Te qiiik'v and eiii-etiia:.'v p luii-J with b -ttle m y jur iJijic Peel Tal than anv u'.iier int lii-Miio s'tc lud ,vcr ukr.i. au.m:: m nitiDi;. Jan. KV S. i in ii el R. Woods' l't!i!iu;v. Jrd l. i:,t. Silt .Vj LViUn.M'E I.N FaVOH UK UlII lUK i'tt-IullAL AM) 1'AM.LV 111.1.- J !m I'tihi'-r tak"ii b-i ween t inuiirciR and w Year wilh a Vety bid (;.!, whirdi enlt.-d in a ilt h ml int wmt Com: h. cnusiirj j-rciit. deal l' p ini wiiem v.rr I t- duhcl, W.ih n' w 1 ri ; by ihe inin he !nd n mie third ol a t L!Il-. .iiid hy tlif tiitit: il wxa I'.o.-h-J. wa.- lirdv t-nrt-il. lletilH ) mvsilmr Ik: hat. t -tkcu Heveiul d sea til he lU-.llh iiL.-l,ir-iIiVM or F:i;nilv i'lH., to. I that litre nr. t.:-; !c.l 111 Oi ri ;ii iti hu;VcV tnketi. ::iiiviii. .! m I. l-.VJ 1 a ili'-Kt.HY :- During 0 vi.-it to my brother, iu Di 1 ville, I !."!; a vciy cevci e C 'id, winch fnd.-. ma t! hud "Mt!i, willi 1 'ii'iit 'M aiul ivtin i the 1 rt-ai. whieh t ut-.-ti y nr I i - S. i..i,t!, I'mmlv Pi.ii. mid life la r.4" 'I ti ll tt :iu I !n".i l::! t'n'in. ;trt ;hc unldt'l iiud 1 have u-:,d. V.-i.r... r -Mi,iU-. .1 ti'i'j;AX, Whil" ILtVeS!. I.UX.T1U- CO. io n-r. l iti 'ii f 1 y nr li. ee I'f-et"-, 1:i i! I ih c:'f i!y run-d d' H : t J:i-l ?1. 1 ';. I h-. it t : As a r. a!, p'a mi; nn- I m very a.: . fiiitji i:pn:i iii Ur. 1 n-.ts:, witii lfs: ilrm hail it w fl.;, mi 1 ;h tt 1 i- n.: ' l it im I.; .I.e. a aic ut 1 : ;-; to in k if ,.n p!.- .1011 v si'i;:;iiiNu. ('.; r.-f ) iv,,,-.-;:!.., im. My k mi i!lt mi lahnriiiif imdi-r a u ven- r in,h and pain in hi fi-ini an injurv reerivi-d by 11 rdl. was eMiin ly relieved by a b I'llt; of It use pi-ctorai tf ('riini i.f Cam phoi. 1 hive iiIji-i nrtnl your I' IV!, and rdticelhor I c.'Iisi ler them the bv niedei'int-H I h iv e . r iisnl. J. nvi.liOuitK, .T tii. 1-V. ll.i-h T.., X.-nli'd c. Dr. Hickley : Sir: As iny w!m was tr.ud.hd with dry, haid t'on-li, al a ur St iiia h. ttpendent upin debility, similar to )i?;ie 'ir(. was inloeJv r.'hevd bv Ums two b'ltlh-s l" yiir It-K I'tvt.'lal. j-iijiiil mc tj tit'y that I foiindi'i it nn r-xeeli-nt Vouii., n-fpfifii:!y, Itev Mr WII.I.AIiD. 1'asl 'i l.nthenm Chnreh D inviile. I'ji. Having bcn ciiie.l ni'a ( .tm u: m 'inn i .iiinlar t I! lien Ilia tlMIl) Wllieli de;it iVfd Hit! ti! tin- I iff iim . f it ( ir ab'.Mt lour in tilth. Hv n-iiiL' mi" 1 tt Ir tf Cn-am . f (" I w -iii'l state livil I c 'itHtter it the 1ft i.m.-itv t.i tht klni! I have ever mr. il lit my tamilv, inul I vv-'uU l.'cvlv recoiinm-ii-l it t i ,.j,',s vv illi siuuhr :; Yours, ret-iu in nit--, .H'NAS VViif.l'". Iiiisli li.. N..riir.l on. My wife twini,' ellli.-ti 'l Willi n verv 8,'.mi piin in ln-r arm au'l sluml lt r (i!,.- i liVets ..i' e. .1 ;) v l.i. li iii...ili!...l lu-r frotn iishiE it. vvjis eaivil wiiti rut.l'tn oi I'rr.iiu ot r'ai.i plii.r. Mis. Ktllin, my siier-iu-tuvv, v:i.:il. i enrt-tl of n severe paiu in tlie h.-ii'l loitl iirr hy iiN.ii-f tl. frt-'Mtl ol l'aiupli..r Till iM Ari c. 1-1. 1. IS, U.oivi li-. Jan. lil, .VJ. My wife tiiivmi. t.h-iou itisiu .a tnt- srui i'..r a uiuhut ol yc.iiH. v.-lneli j.i.-yentt.l le-r irniu nso. il i.i d .i..r ),-r vv.'ik ; after h ivun; .j eiit a .1 m .n.-v in trying diti'.-Tfiit leiiK.lic. Willi il i lit-iirlit, v.-:is ,.m;r.-:v eurul l.y usiii in!y oi.e I..,i: b: ,.f ..tir c'r .en .if i 'im i. It r. V I I.I.I AM i:r..S. Minor, f i S. li. ,,.,.1. It. I,il. iJr. llirkiey : II ivinu. reei-ivt.! a Vt ry R.-vere injury in my si 1c l.y f.iliiui; "it I 1 .li.l t.f i.jy. l'i..iii'u In.-jj 1 yvl.. una to I'olijvv my vv.irk, was lee.i!niii"ii.'e.l t.t try a It ulc of L'rci.ui t.f tVmii.ii r. wlur'ti ; ii .r.U-tl iotu..-.:i itc r.-luf. li'.ilffl'l'll CAlllt. I!n..!i l,i , N.irtliM e). tv wile, s;i;'t-rilli: frnill niost e.1 TtliialiliS -;jill, tlir.tiiv'lionl lu:i t-iicral system, vt.'tieli ut tuiril !ier li'nn sle.'pilij.' (ii.-lnir o(ien.i..nt-.l by u l.Mi in. I pi iraeUtl S;.ell olM.-knr.-s ;) f,,r wlovli sue used a ni..tii.. r tf Liiit-iit s wittnuil ln.;n.lil, was eniiiely reaevi-tl I v 1 l.o a..- ..f t'rtnon of Cum,. I.IIvJ.' H U!;0V.. Snife. a 1). n!i:,t. Danville. la. Cliiltl Clued of Il.iWt-l r.iiiii.lainl. A'i.e (! uw ea.s SI 'in1 1 1 1 1;; , ) l.y 111 Syi tip. My etii!J hiiiu ni.ti.-ttil' fa tin. htt le.v yars, with 11 ivvel C..tli.!.:int nli.l; Uillll it vvi.s rtilu.-e'.! ton Incru, I ti i. il a niini!..r t.f reiiietht-s well 11 t ptrm.nif i.t hem-tit, until I i!ive It II li lt; tit t:tl Wt-nu S'ljp, since w!iit-h liuif it lias l..-.-n w.-U. ami u t nx.r f! ti.y. 1 also have r..e iiitii.-ii it .1 11 I 1 u:iiii'.i r f : i,,y 1, 1. ii,!i anil in entry case 11 liaseivt n Kalistactior.. j. :'i, ' At I. .tu. I.rtiijs' "Vler. IjHlit.l r.tiii.!e. I haw u-toil yr.ur W'.ti.n Hyrap 1,1 t,, iau..iv, ini.l e.'n. sitter il ll'tl only rill-etnal, I'ut tttf ,n 1. I .l,!l aric-le t 0111 uetjirnireil vv itli. J Al l. it 1. S1I .I S. linavillf. llavini: use .1 your V. .tm '...'ni;i in 110 I'.n.til-., il li. ips my elill.lien 111 ire than any pre;ura:i.n ,.f liie km. I. nn. l'is nurc pleatau; to lake. 1A MltlHi.W. M 'tit iii li.'W, I1 uivilir. I tiive n it in (o use V tr 11 S.nip m my family, anil pi. o r 11 tounv Ve'i nnfiliM- 1 have'u-irl. l'l;i:ll. lll'U, I r... Valie,Mom..uren. Dr. Iliel.t. y : t l.ivtntr usirtl v "r w nu S.rnp, itii't Cnimi of v'jiupli. r u.t-i faauly f s 111 1.1 .- f .inilv. t!i. v csvo 5 sl .iii.iarti.,n, uif.l I r.tu.:-!t r llti-ia tlm ih.l e:1 leciaal, ple.ttnl rem -.lies. vi ii.11 e n i l 111 nui faeiiiv lU.INU I'.l It. HISIIiJ.. Damii.e.' Dear Pir: Wu lap un, b- n.a 111 the em; l-,v of Mesrs. lrov-s - C Hilly, utv ll.t.e st .re, y.tu lua'oi Amaiey I t llie sale of I'imiily .M. tlieiii. . si-tie we have hat) uti .tppmtnnitv nf k.-i.tvi in tut) ..pain n. ui niunertt'is lu.livi.l 1 lis who have lluail. enj Ihat iliev IV Hfiiei'.ll sttisli.eli. .11. We have s 'lil a' ereal liianv tif y tur fills, wlneliaic uuiceraallv lisr.-il. is-iiig very im;. in their t.ptiuiu.H. w. i.i:;si..Ni;iii, l'anv iiie, Allcsl, V M. Kl'.I'l.l :lt, llavina Senri y 1 f my moiilli v eiv hail, I was inrinectl In Iry a li .tile of yoai 'l'.i.eli Wasti. whieh a.-letl I, lie a eluriu, nuiiieaiug mv -uiub. nut remti nn; all a 'sense. .Ill A 1 H AN li. UIMIKl., Danvi'lc 1) . r.lektey : tlavini! waat vv.ise i'lfl lllt erao ,1 're, mo'i;li, fttr wliieli, I irifl a luiiiilter of n ttu.-.ii. viat'i let benelil : I was Ht last ent.-.l l.y u: ta tan; It t:;e nl yur T stih w.e-h. t y vvi u!s t .t. nil, ir 1. -r e at iuetai 111, was t with tre lite tsts, hiui liavm-j a r.-a Iv l.trin.xl, lor u hieii sat- uv. ttie I'reani t.f l aait h 'r. vl l.a li sealt.-i. ed lilelll, tilvrihv I'le. v.uiiit; her l'".n i-. tlielin . I.l'.o A. IlitllW.N, Ncfir I uthenit lh inh, lUmv ille, I'a. Dr. Itiekley llavma an opp irim ny of seeim: ytur A'.lll-Sc.rliulie T.t till W'uta usc.l in s tine very seveie fM ses of svuri ev of tiic pilllis. 1 e 'iis.ilei It an t Jtefll.-ut r.-11'.i-ilv Yours. resiettalU, lll'd II. Mil v V Tlie nltive tuttln-mcs hre on stIi- sisl lie tail l.y V M. HU'KI.KY, ,M. II , I'n prtel" t. Panv il!.' Alt Fis rile l.y tli loil iiv 11.11 Aen.its m NorllinniVr UinJ i-ouittv. Krilutc ft tirsi'l, Saiihurv; V A. Kn 'bh. Auiiiisla; V. I'airow, Sey.Url tveii i Tatp ut, I'uiinait .v llarltiu, Fsxiurts ; laiistine & fr.ti ..'is.., PaAi'sts; John Vausiinl, I'uxiu s; Hush Vtm. Im . Aisawihwn, Itiwsel Co , ISti 1111 .km ; Mt. J 'I'" "ii'ts. Siani'siiii Will. KurisIv. hlMin-kiu; I'sn.phsll 4 Kline., Siuiael A. Beicnies-c r. Viei..tirK ; .1. L'is-nimo. Hear Cap; O.ilir.ll Wenek, ..ithunibsrliHt , Je'i llli'.h i rons. sielin:r.ii-ii J mli B-iker. .vwir.hurg ; J .lta t . CusloivsiKi Jonathan Ztileis. Mill ' fall 0,1 Ilia A feats, s i.l ; a 1 iieuiir eiutniui: all desrnetim 01 the numtt 'ia urts t -vil 'inicl tie- 4 &-t-tut MtsJirinl t ine It. I il- Ir THE TiOAD TO HEALTH! liOLLOWAY'rf PILLS. ct'RK or a Lmmrri:i;n iivi.k am Bid Copy of a Letter from M', If. W. Kirlu. Cliemhtt 7, Ptescoi Stmt) Liverpool, tUiUi Iw'A Juuct 130 J. rm. V'our V'iiU ani ohdment lirfe rtt'i ttt fiii.neH ojr Mtle lisl of preprint -ty MHcinea for otna ra A cuUmfii, to whom I cm refer for any nqukRa, diie ukUiH yon know ihe futi;iitart 4 her eta, bhe SmI !:cn trouba-1 tvi yeum v.ith a dioideicJ liver hud but citgMi -il. On ih'j hdt .fmwon. however, the viiuirticer ihe nuu.V: ws t nl itpuiiv, ar.J the mrlpiruti h ot in y s:vr;iy, th a wu e tiiitcrtnimtf if ter n -t lhi( tthii 11 item up toiler it f!luut !y aha v m induced t try onr Fills, und sha itiiornia 111a that alter lh fiiat, OikI out h ij(.'-eed:i jt d ut k'.ic hJ ptretit rtjinf, he 0 n'.jnuM lo take them, tmd MlthoLgh fhe used only three Ho, ah i how in ti.a utij lyineut of porff 1 1 htiullb. 1 eontd ttuv t ht yti m.oiy cnaeii. but the ir,ovnfrorn the Rvairir ua ii:s attack, liuI the r'1l.IT cure, 1 think, i-pcuka muvh II ftivur of vonr auiwi.ihn.c 1 iii. (S's-nwl) n. W. KlRKt:$. AN l:XTR (iU IXATlV CVPF, fF H HEMATIC hKVI.Ii, I.N VAN lU;.iKN'a I.AiNsU. Copy of a Luttvr instrtfd the JI,)Lart 7'ou Courier, of the 1st Ms.rrti. 1S51, 6v Mnjjr J Wakh. .M iiL'Hrtt MToniitj? r. ntne:ii yira (face. rr.Idin$ u New i'awn, had htii anllnti from a vi-h nt rhpim'ii lever fnr upward of two months, whh'h had entirely uV privutl hti t f the ur oi h'-rhnil; dnrin thi period ba waa under tliccjireof t U enunent inedieal hm m Hoi art X own, und bv 1hm hT cie wai eomidtrwl dor lea. A iricii l prtn-Milnl up. her to try 1 JolioivMy'j t m brutrd CilU, which eht cottNcmrd to do, and in mi mcxetU hle short piirfl uf lime th y tdeeteU a pmlnct cine. CU'Un OK A PAIV AND TliilIT.r;ss 1 TIIK CllKiT ANlt S TlKM CU UK A i'UtSO.N H VKAHSOF A15. From M:$?r Titew ic Son, Piovrietors of the L:fin Advertiser, uho van vouch for th folio win -z statement A" gust t2ndl I S3 lf To l'loft'Vr IIcLLOWAT, Sin, I d"ir(f to bear tratitu -ny to the xd cffrxti v Iloll..wuy's KtbH. Fir mnm ymia I rutteiKi sveicty froi it putii und tihtueu in Ihstt aaach which wttl aecuoi pnnied by a fdioiMiees uf broaih that pit vented iik fr nn walking about. 1 aim M yrum of -;e.hmt t4wilhtrtiMlmK niy unvaneed itnteof bfr, ihes Vi!! l.nvc n i uiicvtd mc, liiat I tun de-irou timt utheia shHdd le mxdv iiequyiiiteit with their virtues. 1 urn m.w rendered, by their in cm it. Coinittiutively active, nnd enn take cxcrci? withoUi Uitun venicnee or pain, which I ,uU mt tlo bH'ri. North stKiet, Lymi, Noii iK litest cehbrutcd Pills art uundtnfuUu etfxu nuiij tn me juowmsr tLinj.iv.inis. Ai'iie Droray Asthma JJybenUiry liiinus C-'raphiut? Li vfcipc.aii ll.utchca on U.v I Vin:a Jiicgu- fckni iiririea 11 iwul Cu:i!; bii.'.s fcviMa ut'aj IuHamrnalion J'undi( 1 ivcr Cusa- I.uti.bago Ki;c l:hturrmti.'ra J;.tnition uf Uiii-e Pc-jri'ula. nr Kiii'a Evil SecoiKiury Constipnli. n of 1", tho I we!j Mont Coiixmupiiuu li i.l-Bi he Ueblhry liuil;uKi.. Stc Throat a Stone and Gravel Tic luLur. TiMiu-uri Syinptonii lews Venereal ATi.ithnt AVurn.soi'a:: kudf cokncia, fn.-m whuicvcr cause c, A. Sold at the KfltuMihiucnt vf IVjiVs r IIollotvat, Sll Strand, ( Temple liar, London.) and bv ail retwtubi rujjgiAts nnd VvuUirr in h.-d:cin..-s lhr4'UghoniliiTiy, . . pi.. 4 th 'ae uf the L mted Hlatca, in l,xeT5 . and SI t5f)c. wich. Whoh.-calc by tin- pmicipu'i DnnJ : .i . a in tho L'iih-iif and by Muiii. A. B. Xl. Sam?. v Yoik, . Tbcrc is a oousi'Juiah!: saving by tuU;g the larger . l ira tionn f--r t!i d ,iVi ure aiF.X'l f:i. Ciiii! i i. x. :.iic k-f j'QUcntii nt cvtry "Kuroka, Eureka." v;e have 1-cund it at last. "(IW for the little ones. Why will parent ' vvsoto lioura and d.i s in fruitless endeavor to get perfect pictures ot their children anil aft :i all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature Wc would s.iv, come to our EXCL'I.SOIIJ GALLERY and we wiil guauntce Is make you a i,:'Jr:' I picture, by our Ki.i.ituo CuiKicat t-r.- tliat works in frjm j t seconds. Wc defy anv lta'ttierreau 111 I'l ilac' .l')5:i,i 01 elsewhere, to compete with us, us v. a u;c t.'ic mventois, anil the process is used i.". oe.r d.i ferpnt ealablisliinenis ill New CiUlt.d nui ti.e MiJdio States, l'or pictures of adults, the siivui mediils wo have, received f.oni tin-. rr.orjtM:-. Institute, New!: nnd I'l anklin, rmiacalpaiu, logeliier witn too numerous preunutns trom I'ounty Fails, is sullicieni proof that they are the At ftj L ;!,: ol ierleciiun. o would call licular utientiuii to our Talbotepes IXigiicrieotyneti iu Oil. 1). ( , (.iii.i ins A t'n., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp den House, Sjiriuiii !J and Collins' L'uiUinj, esllleid. Ma.-s. N. H. Cur i"iln!i!i.-.liinc'.it is illuminated by the biilliancj of our l'icturvs by Uay, and by 'iufi'sscir JIui ;.;:. Ti'jt t'iiji-tj Lcihips ly JSig1,t. 'Come, an.1, see." l'hiln., May 28, 1SM.--Iy. Koi't' (jooris!! WILLIAM A. KNOB13, MEt-PECTrULLV informs his friends and llie public senr ally, that he has just received and opened a latgc and splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at his Store i:i Lower Augusta township. His stoek consists ol every variety of Dry (Jowls, 17. : ro.'i.t, Cataimers, Snttinetts, YcstiiiL't, Flan ntts, Muslin, i;c. A Fpletlilid ti'.Ovk of LADJF.S DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Sit;' as Si7., llrrnprs, De Laincs, JUcrinors, Laiaix, (inhaius, Lii!iCici, be. 3O0TS AN3 SHOES, A line assortment for Men, Women iV Children. A lai-c assoitineiit of (sttOC'CUItZS, Mill AS Suar, ColTep, Tea, Molasst's, Spices, Hardware aad Queensware. ntni:d Liquors. ?i t :i as Cia, Bir.i;!y, Rum ni;d Vkhh y, licsidos the larueat and moat general assort ment of all kind of Hoods to be had in the country. All the above mentioned goods will be sold at stun reduced pric as they can not he got for oisevv b.ere. Country produce of all kinds talcu in exchange at the highest market nui.. Augusta twsp.. .lull, Gm. l.uni1:er r"5Ilr' subscriber would Vai(L rsprctl'ul'y inform the citi.el au.l a.lj lining counties, t'.u: hi) ha opened a Lt!i:!:t'f Ynid in the lot froiilinj on Cranberry St., a short ili-s. tauce r.:i!-l of the !;i am avv Mill, where be ha .7.(,'ri J'antitd J'ctnl. ii.tvv a l.iree anioiini oi I'.uui. t It i in.'t, and all oilier li.-ard and Ui iLliisi; MiTt.KUL, Hitch us will hewanlcj tor buil.hiii; puip.we. Also a lare uinuutit of shingle on hand, which .ill be sold iVoin 6 up to fS, according lo quality and sbe. Phase pive us n call and examine our price, and quality. U. Farmer wli" ' '" want of Khiimlcs, will idcase call as we will sell to vou low. J. V. l.CIU, Bup. Sunbury, May 2, 15.1. ly. ' COME AND SEE 77ic AV ir and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale bv Sunbury A pi all, 'M. I. W.TENER & d' Il'ST KFCIZIVLIJ fr'pltiidid assoriiiuni Ladies' Dress Goods, consisting of ilk, M a lin de lleraije. Canton Crape, Si k Poplin. l)it led Puis Lawn Kobe, &c, and for sa'e by Muubury, May H, 'io. 'i'FNKH 4 CO INDIAN CHOI.AGOCt-E.-An excJllent rT ' niedy for Ihe cure of lVver and Arcs. jut r ccivej and fur sale by I. W. 'iF-NLl; i CO tS'tnibury, May 14, li 'J. MI.V1N Pf.Mra.-A sma-.l nomWr of the, excellent pump Lav becu tieivcj au4 arj offered for sale by v.. p uss2:rv. S nil cii. .'nn . UjJ . J