Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 06, 1853, Image 3

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tat th Sunbory American.
Ma, KdITOb.
Xl f k. i .
, ,. " , nun in pleasure or noiicina
in Wo column of your valuable paper in
-m of Wm. M. lUcirL, . .
..of .Northumberland countr. Ka hiuhlt
do ' '"em thn character of my young
lrinai Mr. Rockefeller, that I derm it my
duiy , to make known to lha volera of our
o"'"j -what manner of man he is."
A a lawyer he occupies an honorable mi'
"ion at our bar. His industry, energy, ami
"enlion to business hai won for him a
growing practice, and the confidence of the
ui poNlioian. hp is, and always hit bren,
Jeffomonian, Jacksuninii Democrat." and
nd has done as much, if not more than anv
young man in onr county, for Ihe cause of
"emooracy. Mis act are before the people ;
fcealous supporter of our present slate ex
cuiive, during ihe campaign of I MO, boldly
"'Wiling the principles of the democratic
Pl'Ti '.ii Schuylkill county, the presiding
Officer of Ihe ' Fierce and Kin Club" of
'(....iiimberlaud county in 1852, adding
Rreatly to ihrKveai of his party by his
efforts. deem him a most fit
person for lJ,ificr) of Piosecuting Attorney
nd confiJeiyTally offer him as a candidate.
funbury, August C, 1823.
Dividends. The Philadelphia and Keati
ng Railroad Company have declared a semi
nnual dividend of 3i per cent on the pre
ferred stock, and 3 per cent, on the common
'olc, payable on the 3d of August.
A Msm died of apoplexy the other day, in
Michigan. The next day the coroner held
inquest, wlen ,ho fallowing verdict was
T " v2' from a visitation of
!rom a visitation ot one
uwri mean, tw
tit cold potatoes, and a fried
CAPE MAY. A large number of our "first
families" that is the first to leave town-are
already st Cape Island, enjoying the sea breezes
tnd tli" bathing. The ladies are charming and
the gentlemen are remarkable for their handsome
tpprarsnce and tasteful dressing. The secret of
this nutter is that they get all their clothing at
Kockbill & Wilson's Clothing Store, No. Ill
Ctwnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadcl-
Piilsdelphia, Nov. 6, 1852. ly. cw.
Tjtfisands of parents who use Vermifuge
of Castor oil, Calomel, kc. are not
while they apnea r lo benefit Ihe
ey are actually laying Ihe founda
t series of deseases, such as saliva
tion, loss of sight, weakness pf limbs, kc.
In another column will be found the adver
tisement of Hnbensack's Medicines, lo which
we ask the attention of all directly interested
in .'heir own as well as their Children's health.
In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising
from those of n bilious type, should make
use of the only genuine medicine, Iloben
sa k'a Liver Pills.
"flenof deceived," but ask for Hoben
sack's Worm Syrup und Liver Pills, and ob
serve Ihal each has the siunnture of Ihe
Proprietor, J. N. IIOBENSACK, as none
else are centime. (
a . - ..I.
On the 21l inst. by Rev. S R Buyer, M
hn Barns, to Mis Margaret Seiler, both
Hslawarn 'nwnship.
' aasasaasasBsaaBiaasBHaasisasaaaBBBMSiaam
d v. n.
In Philadelphia, on the 2 1st nil., nf pnlmn.
tiary disease, Mr. JOHN H ALL. proprietor
of 'Hull's Hutc I, Second Street, in the 41st
)sr ol his age.
Iil Little Mahanoy township, on the 29 h
' MARY JANE, dauchler of John and
tit., . ' iced 3. years and 26 days.
Sussn flensv, g
' rluJulelp Karket.
August 3. 1853
Flour and Meal. The market is rather
quiet; oU rtwk Flour is held nt S5S5,.
s .l.t for citv consumption al 5 25 a 8 87.
Rye Flour and Corn Meal are dull; sales of
t it-former at held at S3,62t; last sales ol
fr..h oround Pennsylvania Com .Meal at 53
C.nkiH There is a moderate demand for
Wheat, but Rt steady prices. Sales of South
ern new red at $1 12 and new prime white
at SI 23. Supplies of new Rye are coming
in hut as vet no sates are reported.
nl. i of old were at 83e. Corn is offered a
70o for yelw, and 65 for white. Oats
Some Southern. are reported at 37 lc, and old at 42to.
Whiskey. Sules of bbls at 26c, and hhds.
at 25.
Whxat. 16
Rt. .75
Cos. .62
Oats. . . 44
Potatois, - 25
BrJTTKa. - 14
Er.os. ... 10
Poaa. ... 8
Flaxsxed. .... 125
TstLow. 10
IIkkswax 5
Hxcklid Flax. 12
DaixnArrLts. ... 80
Do. PtAcats. - 100
Flax 17
New Advertisements.
N pursuance of a resolution of the last Demo
- cratic Convention, the democratic electors of
is county are respectlully requested to meet at
s usual time and place of holding their primary
etion, on cSaturday, the 27th day of Auguat
ct, to vote for one person to be nominated for
sembly, one person tor Commissioner, one
rson fur Prosecuting Attorney, one person for
unty Treasurer and one person for County
uditor, and the judges of the election in the
JTerent boroughs and townships are requested to
leetat the courthouse, in Sunbury, on Monday,
M 29th dsy of Auguat, st 11 o'clock, A. M.,
i count the votes raat for the different candidates
ir the above named offices and to declare the
andidale having the highrat number of votes,
.ie nominee to be supported by the party at the
iext election, and at the sains time and place,
elect wn persons to repreaeat this county in the
tth of March Convention.
WM. B. KIPP, Chairman.
J. R0U8H,
. J. 8. HAA8,
-Standing Committee.
July 23, 1853.
WVENTI3TRY. Dr. Vellercbamp announ
I ... i th. riiiuna of Helinsgrove and vi
iT. .k.i h. remain at that place for a
.hort time. Office, Msin street, next door to Dr,
Stillweli's office. . ,
gslinsgrove, July 53. 1853.-61.
The Executive Committee of Northumber
land County Apriouliural Sorimv, met at Ihe
house of Wm Siree ler, in Norlhumberland,
on Thursday, July 14, lo appoint JiulRet, and
determine a list of premiums for the Fair.
The President in ihe Chair.
It was resolved lo hold the Annual Eru
bi'iori at MILTON, on Tuesday and Wednei
day, Ootober 18ih and 19th.
The rolhiwinv (fentlemeii were appomled
CnmmiiiMa nf Arrangement, to prepare the
grounds, and do all Ihinps noessary for the
success ot the unaeriirif. ;
Samuel Henbiirn, Chairman ; John R F.rk,
John Miller, J. H Ei-kberl, John M. Hoff,
Georee Baker, Wm Heinen, Wm. C. Law
son, E W. Chapin, Wm. H. Frymire, Samuel
T. Brown. Robl. M r ncK anu inos. omiie.
Bist Stallion, over 4 years old, S3 00
Second do do 3 00
Best Stallion under 4 years old, 4 00
Second do do 3 00
Best mare, with colt at her tide, 6 00
Second do do 3 00
Best Saddle Horse, 4 00
Durham oh Short Horns.
Best Bull over 3 years old. S 00
Second do do 3 00
Best Bull under 3 years old. 3 Ot)
Second do do 3 00
Belt Cow, 4 00
Second do, 3 00
Best Heifer. 3 00
Second do. S 00
The same premiums will be awarded
to Devons, Hereford, Alderneys, and
Best Dull over 3 years old,
3 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
Second do
Best Cow,
HesI Heifer,
Best Calf, under 6 months old,
Best Yoke of Oxen,
4 00
Second do
2 00
3 00
2 00
Best fat animal,
tiucoiiu Co
Best Boar,
3 00
3 00
1 50
2 00
1 50
2 00
3 00
2 00
Second do
Best Sow,
Second do
Best pair of Shoats,
Second do
Best litter of pigs under 3 months,
Best fat Hog,
Best Ram,
Best Ewe,
Best Lamb,
Best fat Sheep.
3 00
2 00
2 00
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
Best pair of Turkeys.
Second do
Best pair of Geese,
BeM pair of Miifk Ducks,
Second do
Best pair of puddle Ducks,
Second do
Best pair Shanghai or Cochin
China fowls,
Second do
Best pair Chittogoncs,
Second do
The same premiums for Brahma, Pootors,
Black J.tvas Games, Hambures, Polioh Cie.
ides, Bantams, or any other unadulterated
breed. '
BeM und largest collection of fowls,
3 00
1 50
2 00
1 00
2 00
1 OJ
2 Ull
1 00
1 00
1 0(1
1 50
1 00
1 00
Second do
U-st how of pigeons,
fecund do
B 'St luisliel nf u heal,
S'-eond do
B 'si Ihi'IikI nf corn,
Second do
Bel do typ,
Bi's' d ) oat,
B -l do jxiiatoes,
Second do
Bert 4 do of sweet mtnlo'S,
B.'i beeis, not less than 12,
Do cauuis, "
Do paisuips, "
Do turnip, '
Do saUity or oyster plant, "
Do onions, "
1 00
1 00 ;
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
i oo
1 00
1 00
I 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
4 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 CO
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
Do cabbie,
Do i-iiulillower,
l) i sqmish,
Do pumpkins,
Do eug-planis,
Do tomatoes,
Uo celeiy,
12 sialks,
Best ussoitment of cardeu vegetables,
Best I bushels of apples,
Do 4 do quinces,
Do 4 pears,
Du i peaches,
Do 6 bunches of grapes,
Do uateriiflon
Do musk-melon, or citron,
Best threshing machine,
Do tea per,
Do seed-drill,
Do winnnwins-mill,
Do corn-sheller,
Do plow,
Do cultivator.
Do roller,
Do corn-plow,
Do straw-cutter,
Do farm-wagon,
Do sett of harness,
Do Horse rake,
Du gram ciadle,
DA IKY, be.
Best butter, not less than five lbs., 1 00
Do honey, " 1 00
Do loaf of bread, 4 lbs., I 00
Do ham cured by exhibitor, 1 00
Do 6 lbs, of home-made soap, 1 00
Do apple-butter, 6 quarts, 1 00
Do preserves, 1 00
Best Quilt, 1 00
Do counterpane, J 00
Do hearth-rug, 00
Do pair of blankets, 1 00
Du 20 yards ol carpet, 1 00
Do cloth, (home-made,) 10 yards, 1 00
Du flannel, 1 00
Do pair knit woolen stockings, or
socks, 1 00
Do c'ovet or mittens, 1 00
Do home-made thread, 1 lb., 1 00
For mechanical inventions, tools, furniture.
and other articles nol coming under any of
.L L I , -I.. . .
me amirs iipscis, prizes win ue uerreed, ac
cording lo ihe means of thn society, and Ihe
moms ui me aruries enipited.
B-st Plowman. k nn
C . 1 "
oeonu, 4 0Q
In"u 3 00
rounn, . 00
n pV'b k E K'PP' Wm- B KW. ,,,hn
R. Ei-k. Ben Giaiharl. Hnrv RcadHr.
Cattl J C. H'irion, John Montgomery.
IaI... rv...t...l tkr tr ... ' '
u.... u.i.i.n, , in. ii . iwase, jhcoo L.iean
riii'J, (Shamnkin I
H n John Porter, S. A. Bergstrosaer.
til - 17. II I l r. n V . . '
r.'iimcr, wunu o. racxer, iiavid o
Hi niTcomerr
Shucp. Thomas Johnson. Andrew Arm
strong. Peter Houghtwout, Denuis Wolvsrton
wm. v. ucaroeM.
PoOLTRT J-iseph Priestlev, Elisha C.
Bari6n S. R. Wood, Win. M'Cleery, Wm.
T. Forsjlh.
Graip, kc Samnel John, Chss. Riddell,
James Beard, Sen., James Eckmsn, Comlj
Veoetablcs Ale. Jordan, James Pol
lock, Alex. Colt, Horatio O. Tsggsrt, Elida
FroiT David TagBrt, Wm. I. Greo
nnugh, H. B. Masser, G. S. Youngman, Jubn
Wotfinger. ents . Wm. H. Mueneh, J. H.
Zimmerman, 'Win. Hood, 0. P. Pattern, T
Miscellaneous John Tagesrt, D. C.
Watson, Joseph Nicely, Wm. Beard, Wm.
Dairt, &c. Thos Swenk, Jacob G. Frick,
W. T. Gram. Adam Keller, John Oberdorf.
Domestic Manvfactri'es. John F. Dent
ler, Jacob Seashnltz, Isaao Vincent, N. B.
Thompson, Wm. Marsh
Plowino Match. Elijah CrawforJ, Wil
son Hutchinson, J. Weimer Leighow, Benj.
Hendricks. John S nith (Upper Augusta.)
None but members of the Society will be
permitted to compete for premiums
Persons from any county, Stale or country,
may become members by paying 50 cents to
lha Treasurer, or any township Committee
Competition is earnestly invited from the
neighboring counties.
Judges will commence their duties at 3
o'clock, P. M. of the first day Their awards
will be published t 3'clock, P. M. the next
day, after w hich Ihe address will be deliv
ered. The Plouina Match will take place at I
o'clock, P M. (second day )
. i. (rr-penoi'cn, 1 1
n . i rr ;
decretal ies.
Estate of HENRY MASSER, dee'd.
TVOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa
mentsry have been granted to the subscribers
on the estate of Ilctiry Masser, Esq., late of the
Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All persons having
claims against said estate aro requested to present
them, dul authenticated, for settlement; and
those knowing themselves indebted to make pay
ment without delsv.
P. B. MASSER. f Ei tors.
Sunbury, July 30, 1853. 6L
For the Cure
TO Ll ivi, A COM), With hiadachk and omirti
of the b ty, Luke tlie Chikry I'ectoKal on gumg to lcd,
and wrap up wuriu, to sweat during the night.
For a Gold and Cout.ii, take it morning, noon and eve
ning, me tiding to diteciiona on the ti-atle. and the duriout-
ty will aoon W reintved. None will long eufcr frm this
tn.tihlc when tlif find it tun lie no readily eurinl. Fera na
alliicU'U with a aettied cugh, which breaka them of their
re it at nilit, wui find, by tukuig the Cherry Pectoral on
g'ing t betl, they inuy be aure ot'aound, uutnoken sleep,
and c -naeqtieiitly rcfrcahing rrgt. Great relici Truii mflcr
inp, mid un iiltiiiuiif cure, ia uft')idt-d t thouaunda wb.i are
tlm iiiHicted. ly Una uiv:iluub!e remedy.
Frm ita uurt'etihle eirecta in theae cniies, many find
theuiRtfU ca unwilling ly f rego ita uae when the uecciaity
I r it inii ctiuscd.
Fr'ni two ciniufht IMiaiciina in
I ayrttkvili.c, Tcnn , April 10, 1651.
Sir We have given v ur Cherry Pect Tiil an axtenwve
trial in our niurtit r, and find it to auritnu everv othei re
medy w luve f ir cm tiite ttrTfHt ite i f the rcapirat ry or-
gans. .ltS bIKMKU & HAMPTON.
TtS!N-KRf ANU PL" HMO PPKAKKKS thiaremetly
ia iiivuluiililf. ii by in action in theihr at mid luitgawht-ii
tukrn in ina;l(iittiititiei, itiemoveRull h k)ia neah in a ft w j
h ura, mid w nUtrrl'uit ntcreuica the power and Ucxib.liiy
ol'thr v ie.
A STUM A ia gfiiernlly tnifh relieved, and ' flfn wholly
cured hy t-hurry Pectoral. But there are a -ine caaeaao ob
aiinnTL aa to yii-lU eniirt ly t- n i ine-titine. Cheriy Pecto
ral will rnre Ihfin, if ihiy can be cured
BivO.WIMTiS, or irritution of the throat and upper
portion of the luiitra, may he cured bv taking Cherry Pe t--ral
in airwlt and irict doaca. The uucoinloruble op
preii "ii ia aoon r-Iifved.
Kev. l.H.t. LANSING, of Br nklyn, New Yrk, atatea:
! have aeeti the Cherry Pecioral cure anch caaca of
Aathma and Brmchitia aa leadi me to behave il can rarely
fail t cure th'r diaenaea."
KOR ClioL P oive an emetic of antimony, to be
; followed by large and frequent doae3 of the Charry Pecto
irI. until i' aulxlut-a the diacaae. If taken in aeaaon, it will
trt fnil to cure.
WHOOPING COUGH may be broken up and aoon cu
: red by the une of Cherry Pectoral.
TIIK. INFM.'KNZA ia apecdtly removed bythiareme
; dy. Numeroua iiiatancca have leen noticed where whole
fnmilifa weie protected from any aerioua couaequeucea,
i while their ueijrlib ra, without the Cherry Pectoral, wrre
annVrtiiic from thediaeuae.
Dr. J. C. Aver: Sal, Ohio, 11th June, 1851.
I wrtTf t inform yu nf the truly remarkable erlecta of
your CHI'.HRY PKCTOHAl in thia place, and in my
own family. One "f my daughtera wni completely cured
in thrfe du'va of a dreadful Whoopino Coonn, by taking it.
lr. Meaua, one of our very beat phyiicmue freely elates
ttint ne eon tin em it tne neat remeoy we nave pulmonary
caiet, niiu i lint lie liaa cureil more caaea oi laour witn
than any other medicine he ever administered
Our clergymen of the Baptist Church Bays that during
the run of Infli'BNZa here thia season, he has aeen cures
from your medicine be could acarcely have believed nth
out aeeiufi.
Voura reapectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR,
Denttv Postmaster.
From the distinguished Professor of Chemis
try and Mrtena Mcdtcct itowdoiu Cottepe
I have fouid the Cherry Vrctokal, ns ita iuarredients
show, a powerful remedy ftr colds, and caughs, and pul
monary diecast'B.
IJHCNfWica, Me., Feb. 5, IB47.
The widt lu celebrated Professor of Surgery in
the Medical Cvlleee, New York City, says
It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy
! 'ATEU'I t HER ST I ECTOaAL,' Wmn I COUSIOCr nec'iif
rly adnptcd h cure diaensfs of Ihe Throat and Lungs.1
Cuiea of arveie diseases upon the Lunga have been ef
fected bv Chervt Pec r on a l in such extreme esses aa
wnrrant the Iwlief that a remedy has at enath been found
that can te depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and
Consumption which carry from our midst thousands every
yenr. It ia indeed a medicine to which the afflicted can
ok wuh e umrience for rthef, and they should not fail to
vnti themselves of it.
Prepared and oM by JAMES C. AYKK,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass,
Sold in Suuttury by H MASSER, and by
Druggists centrally throughout the State.
July 30. 1853 ceow ly. Nov. 13. 52.
In the Dry Goods Business.
J. F. & Z. F. KLINE,
RESPECTFULLY announce to their frienda
and the public in general, that they have
taken the Old Stand, in I pper Augusta town
ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly nc
cupied by Iaac Campbell, Sc Co., and have juat
returned Irom 1'uilauelpma, and opened
A JVew and Splendid Assort meut of
Spring and Summer Goods,
Consisting in partnf Cloths, Cassimers, 8at
tinetta. Linens, Checks, and all kinds of
Summer Wear.
Also splendid assortment of
Ladies Dress Goods,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Bersge da Lainas,
Alnaraaand Shawls.
Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all
Hardware and Qurpntware, Drugs snd
Also a Urge assortment of Boots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women snd
Children. Hats and Caps, such
as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf
and other Hats. Malt,
Cheese, cVc. Call
snd Sea.
Cheaper than tha Cheapest,
All Of which Will he sold far or in .
change for country produce, at tha highest market
Upper Augusts, April SO, UiSl
No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second,
Which for styla f lalah and workmanship
at we lowest prices. Also I KAINsl'ARENT
17 MERCHANTS and others are invited
Philadelphia, August tl, 1S5S. ly.
Improved Lightning Rods.
FTIHE subscriber has constructed a Lightning
A- Rod on true Philosophical principles, by
which buildings supplied with thejn are rendered
perfectly secure against destruction by Light
ning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as
well as the preparation of the ground rod, is on an
entirely new plan, making a more perfect con
ductor than any heretofore in use.
Persons desirous of securing their lives and
property from destruction by lightning, can have
conductors put up to their buildings in the most
substantial manner by applying either personally
or by letter to the undersigned, at the following
prices :
For 40 feet J inch Copper rods, Gold pla
ted points, with solid Platina lip, $22 00
Forty cents will be charged for every ad
ditional loot over forty.
For 40 feet inch Tubular rods, Gold
plated points, with solid Platina tip, $13 30
For 40 feet i inch solid rod, Gold plated
point, with solid Plstina tip, $12 50
For 40 feet Silver plated point, $10 00
And 20 cents for each additional foot over 40, of
the threa Inst nameJ. All at six month's credit,
or 1 0 per cent off fur cash.
The subscriber will also put up Lightning
Roda similsr in every respect for they shall be
exactly the same ss those erected Isst summer by
the Lewistown or Lewislmrg company, in siie,
point, glsas, connection, dec, at 12) cents per
foot, on six months credit or 6 per cent. ofT for
N. B.-No wsrrsntce given for this description
of rods. T. 8. MACKEV.
Milton, July 30. 1853. 2m.
a tr atttatitt? T-rniivi.'
, , , j
AllU lliree Acres Ol ts round
THE tubacriteroiTeri at private sale, hie home
and three acrca of ground, on the river Bank
within the limit of the liorough of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy of John Shiasler and orig
inally owned by C.ias. Gassier while engaged in
boat building. The improvements aie a
With a Well of good Water,
?i.d a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop
erty ia handsomely located and will he sold at a
reasonable pact and possession given in April
next. Apply to Geo C. Welker, Esq., of Sun
bury, or to the subscriber at Seliusgrove.
July 23, 1853. tf.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow
citizens, that he is a candidate for the office of
ami promises, if clocteJ, to dUchmge thedutio of
the olhce faithfully snd imirlu!ly.
StinlMirv. .Ink 16, l.13.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
1 announce mye I to our considcratiati ss a
raudiJiite lor the oflue of
st the uroni'tting rlcction. Should I be elected,
I pfrinise to discharge the duties of the oflii e
Isitlilully snu to the best interests of the county.
I'ppcr Augusts, July 16, 1853.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Ff.Liow Citizess: Having bren induced
to offer myself to you as. a candidate for
t the coming elcrtion, should I he so fortunate
as to receive a nomination and obtain an elec
tion, my undivided and constant endeavor would
be to perform the dutica of the office with fidelity
nd impartiality.
Shamokin, July 9, 1853,
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fsllow Citizsss. At the solicitations of
many of my friends, I again announce mvselfto
our consideration aa a candidate for the office of
at the ensuing election. Should I be so fortu
nate aa to he elected, I will endeavor to discharge
the duties thereof with impartiality.
Shamokin, June 25, 1P53.
JVOTICE ia hereby given that an application
will I made, at the next regular seion of
the Legislature, to charier a company for bank-
ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of
two hundred thousand dollars, with Ihe privi
lege of extending it to four hundred thousand
dollars, to he located in the borough or Sunbury,
Northumberland county, Pa., and to Is called
rHK Miskhs' Bake ur Sunicui.
July 2, 1853. 6m.
1VTOTICE is hereby given, thst application
J will le ma.le to tha next Legialature of
Pennsylx-ania.for the incorporation of a company,
with discounting privileges, to be located in tne
borough uf Sunbury, in Ihe county of Northum
berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand
dollars, to be called tha 'Suituthanua Savingt'
Sunbury, June 25, 153. 6m.
ILL'IL) Lamps, Choice liaskets,
Flower Va-
- ses and Ornaments ; CJueei
ueenswara and Glass
ware, just received and for sale by
Sunbury, May 14, '53. i tiAEn & i;u.
STONE Wi4RE Milk pans. Butter crocks,
Butter jars, Jugs, Preserva jars, 4C, 4C. just
received and for sale by
Sunbury, June It, 1853. TErVEK & CO.
SUMMER Shawls, Ready made Mantillas,
Black Bilk and Silk Lace, just received and
for sale by I. W .Tt.MKiLU,
Bunbury, May It, 1853.
nURNING Fluid, Camphine, Sperm and
Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and
Turpentine just received and for sale by
Sunbury, May 14, 'S3. TENER & CO.
HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type
promptly executed at thia efTice. AUm
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
Riinburv. Feb. 14. 185S.
OIL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Trunks.
Valises and Carpet Bags, just received and
Ibrsalehy I. W. TENER ot CO.
Sunbury. April 0, 1133
FRENCH Cloth, Fancy Tastings, and Caasi
at eras just received and for eel by
unbmry, May 14, 'SJ. TENIR 4 CO
ran not he sarpsssed. War-tent sad Sehiil
to call and lamina.
Live and Help Live ! ! !
Om Motto.
RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and
the public generally, that ha has just re
ceived at his store, in Sunbury, bslow Weaver's
Hotel, a large, hindsome and cheap assortment
onsisting In part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Clotht, Caisimtrt Cattintts, Jtant, Drillings,
Muslins, Vestings, Linens, -e.
Calicoes, Muslin it Lnins, Laiens,
Ginghams, Btrages, Robts, 1ft.'
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molsases, Cheese,
Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac, Ac, dee.
Nsils, Screws, Files, 8aws, Knives & Forks, &c.
of various styles and patterns,
A large assortment of Boots slid Shoes, for
men, women and children.
Hats Cass, dec, of vsrious sixes and styles.
Besides a large and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. 17 Country produce ol all Kinds taken in
exhange at the highest market prices.
Sunbury, 4 mo. 90, 1853.
A Farm for Sale.
A V1U,B' Farm situated in Upper Augusts
township, Northumberland oounty, Isying
along Ihe Shamokin creek, about four miles and a
half from the borough of Sunbury,
will be sold en the 23d day of August, by the
heirs ot Samuel Coin, sen., deceased, at private
About 120 acres of this land are cleared and
in a good state of culiivntion, the whole having
been limed onee over. 1 he improvements are a
two story
a bsrn, a waggon house, and two orchards
of choice fruit.
The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes
directly through the centre ol it, likewise the
public road leading from Sunbury to Petersburg.
Any persons desiring to purchase a good Farm,
void of hills snd stone, with good wster, and well
in with clover, will Cud this to comport with
their wishes.
For full psrticulsrs, apply either personally or
1V letter to the subscriber st the farm.
Upper Augusta twap., June 18, 1853. ts.
jVOTICE is hereby given that books will be
' opened to receive suhxerhilions to the Capi
tal Stock of the Seliusgrove Bridge Company, on
Wednesday, tne V7th of July next, at the tollow-
ing naincil places: At the house of Mrs. Davis
I in Seliusgrove, Jacob Fryer, Middicburff, Charles
U. Kline, l.ewis'.mrg snd Isaac 1). Dover in
Frceburg. Union county, also at the house of
Samuel Thompson in Sunbury, Peter Snyder in
Lower Augusta township, and J. Herb in Lpper
Mahanoy township in Northumberland county
and at the house of Michael Weaver in Miners
ville, Schuylkill county, at which time snd places
one or more of the undersigned will attend for
the purpose of receiving such subscriptions.
Ner Middleswarth, Peter Snyder,
H- W. Snyder, W. F. Wagenseller,
G. Leisenring,
James K. Davis,
Henry C. Ever,
John Gundy,
Charles A. Mover,
U. r. Miller,
Jno. Walls,
Jacob Seasho tx,
William Cameron,
John B. Packer.
Edward Y. Bijght,
Ira T. Clement,
Selinsgrove, July 2, 1853.
Mifflinliurg' Academy.
Miniiiibtirg, I'nioii I'oiiniy. penna
A. C. FISHER, Principal.
of Female Department.
The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti
tute will commence on Mohiist, Jut 25, 1853.
The course of instruction will be thorough and
practical. Mathematics and the Ancient Lan
guages, as well aa other branches, will lie taught,
as far as practicable, on the analytic method.
Daily use will be made ot the blackboard.
Orthography, Heading, fcnglnh Composition,
and Declamation will receive their full share of
Dnn.ghi.mj, Construction of Maps, 1
Co &c.f wiu lie Ullght ,tuJ,nU i
Use of
pass, &c, win ne taiigni to siuuenis in our-
veyinc and Civil Engineering.
Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting,
Water Colors, A.C., Ornamental Needle Work,
French and Botany will be given by the Precep
tress, who ia a graduate of Castleton l einale
Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended
by the Principal of that Institution, aa "a young
lady of agreeable manners and high literary at
Young ladies and gentlemen who design to
become teachers, will Und this Institution an elJi-
i i r .: ...Lll i..
-.e. srauei .or p,.,..,...o, ......
connected with It, during the great part of the
year iTiirKini' I.istitots, the members of
which will have the opportunity ot attending an
Evening Couise of Lectures on School leaching.
and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art,
under the supervision of the frincipsls.
1 he government of the school is based upon
the lew of universal love, which enjoins upon all
-to do to othrra as they would think It right that
others should do to them. Hence tha rules will
be mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents
and guardians may rest assured, that tne morals,
habits of study, and general deportment of tha
students will be carefully attended to.
The building is now undergoing a complete
renovation. It will be painted, furnished witn
new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, 4 c.
MiHlinburg is a thriving and healthy borough
Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter
prising. Its streets have been recently graded
and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant
and desirable retreat for students. We, therefore,
trust that tha friends of education will deem the
Academy worthy of their liberal support,
tW The price of board, in tha best of private
families, does not exceed $ I, SO per week.
N. B. 8tudenta may enter tha Academy at
any time during tha term ; yet it ia desirable
that Ihey be present, if possible, on tha first day,
Minllllburg, July 18, 1833. Dm.
TCOR RENT, a email office or shop near Tener
- dr. Ens la s store. Market Street. Munhury.
Apply lo II. a. MAobCK.
Sunbury, July 9, I8S3.
;T I booki, Ink, and til eompUU, jut reiJ,
nd lor mU by ' H. o. MA98&K.
9uulfury, Jurat 4 1191.
Family Medicinei.
It onnng n ths pnbllo ths ahovs InnluuMs prepara
tion!, Hit sulwsribet would sum th m e'Sinutuiion
with hit fusndt snd some of ths must ol ths
Mtuictl faoaltv, it wtt detrrml adritahlt lo oftnr lo tht
public, a faw praparalionl of known etkbritr, bains prt
partd with tha grnatrM ears, and on ths tw tritiHilte
principlta, ss sulitiituitt for tht numorous worthlust ar
tielrt thai trt fl xidiiig tht eoiiiurv In tht form ofpanacsaa
and curt allt, prtpartii by Ilia mutt ismirant and uiwotna
ry persona, Inttudad to ears sll distinct snd fxid for sunt.
Read and Refect.
Thst ths Msdielns. Msnnfsctnrsd by W. M. Bacsxat,
Including hit Rout ptctoral for Coujhs.
Crtam l Camphor. f.,r Kbtuinalitin.
Worm Hyrnp for Worms
Tooth Wuh, lor riacaysd tssth, dinsitd gnrM.
Family Pills, or blood Purifytr, hart been m rt txtsnsirs-
ly used, and hart liven mort atiiifaetion, than any other
Mtdieinet befort ths pulwto, being prepared with retard
to their titeruliiiti are fully worthy tht trial of Uw antiot-
td. Giyt thtm a trial.
A few pmreiful raatons why tht tbovt Medicines trt
aettTTing oi aniversBi ptuontge. (in mt nrst piste,
they tre prepsrtd br s regular Physician, whnsnderitandt
the application nf Medicines, tn disease, ati't consequentlr
are neriectiy sine to tskt. (eennfliy.j they havt been
used with univerral ineeesi, and hnve siren mors satisi'sc
linn thmi any nthsr Medicines offered befors the public.
(iniraiy; tney art ine only msu.ctnes mat nsvt gained
ths pHtmnneu nf Phviiriant, where they have been utsd j
and (Fourthly.) they art put up in larger qnsntitiet fni
the tame price, than any other Medinnea offered to tht
public of tht tnmt kind. At tht subscriber hat s number
of certiff'iates in his possession of the Ms-hest suthority,
where they hsvs been u?d wuh ths most aatisfsctory ra
lilts. tie will publish s few of them, fseJins aatisfiad thst
a trisl will Insure their recommendation. Try thtm and
satisfy yourself of their superiority over sll otburs.
Read and bt Convinced.
We the undersigned having been mads acquainted with
the ingredients entering into ths Compounds known ss
Bicklev's Familv Medicines also havins ereseribed and
known them to be used, with most sntisfactory retails t
take plenture in saying that we believe they fully meet
ths design for which they sre ree'immenderi.
WM. MeMAllOM, M D.
w.m. ii. magi i, l, M. D.
Curt tf pain in tht tide and cough f rvm protttttd
lAvtr Complain!.
Mrs. Robert Adams. Ishorins under Chrnnie t.iver Com
plaint, sccomotmed with a short dnr eouah otin in tha
sidt snd ureait, centra! debility, loss of appetite, after try
ing; all the usual remedies recommended M miuehs and
diseases of tht chest, who with n i benefit, tht wit recom
mended to try tht Rose Pectoral, from winch, aha not only
derived immediate but permanent relief.
jonn Adams, ton oi Mrs. rtobert Adams, was snicted
with s very severe cough, pain in the aide, and soreness
produced by inceiaaut ooushing; ht wat induotd to try
the Rose Pectoral. To use his own tftnruafft.. the firal
dost enabled him to enjoy a cood nislu's re.-t. In Iht
mornine he expectorated about half mnt of inatier !
continued to improve until bit eouth entirely left him, it
alto had the effect of atrengheuing hit breast, which was
nntiirslly woak . He also snys that he hot lecomroended
it tot number or hit mends rir similar eomplsints, snd
in every case it has given attraction.
The above persona residents of the town of Danville,
feeling that they have derived great benefits from ths uss
of the Rote Pectoral ; authorise the abovt ttntement, for
the benefit of thott who may be afflicted in a similar man
Lots ef Voits rtttortd with one bottlt of Rott Pte
toral. Miss Susan Wbitlock, of Rush township, Northamber
Isnd co., for a number of years an ii valid, m the fall of
IS50, lost the use of her voice from a aevcis cold she con
tracted ; after trying a mtm!er of remedies, with no liens
fit. she was entirely restored by taking one bottlt of Ross
Pert iral. ufter which, she lost her voice seuin. from a
fresh cold the contracted, and wat again restored by tht
uae of sn 'titer bottle ; she then took four bottles more to
strengthen her breast, from which she detived tht mott
decided benefit, and has been in the enjoyment uf excellent
health from thut time to the present.
The ab ne statement is obtained from Dr Purs!l, tht
Physician who attended her; also her mother who thinks
that she would not be living at this time if it ti'S been
for the Rose Pectoral. D inville, J oi !U. l-5'i
Still another Marled Curt Lfftrtcd.
Mra Samuel Sechler, being of a naturtl week and deli
cate constitution, very susceptible to c liia, whs nrilicled
wnn a very severe cougn. pain ami orciirw oi me uve'isi,
l ss of appetite ; after using a number of the usual reine
diea from which, she derived no iieneftt, she wns cured by
taking one bottle of Rose Pectoral and is in the enjoyment
of better health than for years previous.
Danville, Dec. 1 IK0.
Dr. Bicxlit : Permit mt to inform yon that my wife,
who is a delicate and weukly w 'man, lab Ting under a
very severe Couth with pain and soreness of breast, wat
mire quickly and effectually relieved without built of
your Hose Pectoral than auv other mfdteme she had aver
Jan. IS.VJ. Samuel R. W'oonV Furnace, Red pjt.
Strom) bvidencs in rxvoa of ths Uoss Psctosill and
Fsmilt Pills.
John Fulner taken between Christmas and New Year
Willi a very bid cold, which ended in a dry hard incetsiint
Cough, causing a great deal of pain whenever lie coughed,
was' relieved very much : bv tlie time he hud tnken one
third of a bottle, and by the time it was finished, was en
tirely cured He alto suvs that he has token several dosea
of the Health Restorative or Familv Pills, and that they
are the mildest and most effectual purgatives he has ever
tnken. Itanvuu-, Jan l, Yia'l.
Dr Iiicklet t Dunne a visit to my brother, in Dan
ville, I to"k a veiy severe Cold, which ended in a tight
hard Conch, with aorenesa and pain of the brrnst, for
whicti i used ymr nose rectorni, anarninny i'iiis, and
take pleasure in recommendins them, ns the mildeft and
imat elfoctual remedy I have uaed. Yours, respectfully.
JArtit'.T niimiiA.,
Jnn S3, White Hnven, I.uzerne co.
Dear Sir : As a recommendation for your Hose Pecto
ral, permit me to ear. thut I wns effecluallv cured of a
Ty severe couch with pain in the breast, with less than
half a battle, and that I consider it invaluable. You ate
at liberty to make this public if you please.
JiH SI'KniUMi, (urocer.) Danville, ra.
Mr sin William Inhoriua under a severe couch and pain
in his side, from an injury received by a frill, wat entirely
relieved by a bottle of Rose Pectoral A Cream of Cam-
Fhoi. I huve also used your rnmily rills, atid altogether
CJliaider them the best medecinea I hare eer used.
Jan. I'M. Rush Tp., Norrh'd co.
Dr. Bicklev : Sir: At my wife who wat troubled
wilh dry, hard Coneh. also t mr Stomach, dependent upon
debility, aimilnr to Dispepsio. wat entirely relieved by
using two bottles ol your Hose l'ectornl, permit ma to say
that I consider it an excellent remedy.
Yours, respectlully, Hcv sir WH.l.AKD.
Pnstor Lutheran Church, Danville. Pa.
Haviut been cured of a nnin in mv arm (similar to Rheu
matism) which deprived me of the free use of it for atmut
four months. By using one b ttle of Cream of Camphor
1 would atate that I consider it the lie.t remedy of tha
kind I hnve ever used in my family, nml I would freely
recommend it to others with similar affections.
Yours, respeittully, JONAS WOI.F.
Rush tn.. North'd co.
My wife beiiic efflicted with a very eevere nain in her
arm and thoulder (the erTectt of cold) which disabled her
from using it. was cured with rubbing of Cream of Cam
phor. Mrs. Kifiin, my, was also cured of a
severe pain in the head and face hy Siting the Crenrrt of
Camphor THOMAS C. ELLIS, Danville, Jan. !, -52.
My wife having Rheumatism of the arm for a number
of yeare, which prevented her from using il in doing her
work ; after having spent a crent denl of money in irvins
different remediea with no benefit, was entirely cured by
using only one Imttle of ynur Cream of Camphor.
WILLIAM EVENS, Minor, for S. R. Wood, R. Point.
Dr. Hicklcy : Having received a verv severe lliiurv in
my side hy falling off a load of hay, from which I wns una
ble to follow my work, was recommended to try a bottle
of Cream of Camphor, which afforded immediate relief.
liKll- KITH CAKIt Rush tp , North'd CO.
Mv wife, aiifferinff from most exrrucistint nain.
throughout h general system, which prevented ber from
sleeping flieing occasioned bv a lone and nrnlracted snell
ot sicknesa ;) for which she used a num!r of remedies
without iienerit, waa entirely relieved by the use of Cream
of Camphor. GEO. B. UltoWN.
nutgeon Dentist, Danville, pa.
Child cured of Bowel Complaint, and Ague (of two years
ttandine.l bv Worm Svrun.
My cliild lieing afflicted for tha last two veors. with
Dowel Comiiluinl snd Amie until it was P-duced to a mure
skeleton, I tiied a nunilicr of remediet wuh n permanent
benefit, until I gave it a bottle of ynur Worm Syrup,
aince which time it has been well, and got quite ti-slty
1 also have recommended it to a nuin)er ol my friends,
and iu every case it has given sntisiaction. 1.. l.r.i.
At l.nuia ijmcs' piercmnT.j uanvioe.
I have uaed vour Worm Svrun in mv familv. and eon
aider it m only effectual, but the mort pleusant article 1
am acquainted with. JACOB LAS11KIJ1 Danville.
c .If ihe kind, and ia
naving used your vt oim nyrup in my ininoy, ii nops
moje cleasant to take. 1)AN MdHGAN'.
1 M Mit mt Kiw. Dauvilia.
I hftvt hud ncfvuion to me vour Worm Bvrun in my
family, tnd prefer it tn any vernulime 1 nave uaa.
i-ur.u. if l if, r roaiv .alley. muiiu co.
Dr. Difkler llavmr uiecl v-nir worm Stiio. and
Cream of Camptmr and Family Pitta in my family, thy
rave kki aaiisiactum, ano i cnuuaer uirm ine mitat cl
icciuai, taad plea mi it rpmMfri, we hnve hd in our family
JO. INI, THAN K. KIMICIa. Dimv.lle.
Denr Pir :-We tha underiiancd boma in tha emplny of
Meaara. urovea ft C-'miy, itwitma atnre, you nave an
Auenrv f r the mleof v'ur Family Mrdicim-a, slate that
wa have had an imnnrtunity of kimwnifl tha npinirme 0f
uumertiua iudividuala who have uaed litem, and that they
give general Mliaiacli'm. Wa have kl a f raat mativ nf
ymr Hilla, which tx a uiuveriaUy liltAd, heina very mild in
. u: ...... ivr i rifiOvinvn
tlimi lICIIa)VUa S" ." siii.sw,
uaiivi t. Alien. v m. ivr.ri.r.K.
Ilaviiir Snirvr of my mouth very bad, 1 waa induced to
try a t Ule uf your room an; wincn aotea uae t cntrm.
Darueniisg my gum, nno rrnitivmc an puniH,
jii.iaiiia;i n. ivifiinn, isiuivni'
Tr. Birklev: Haviiic what waa called iitrerBtl r.
mouth, fit which. I trterf a numher tn rrmc1ia wth no
lietipfil: I waa at tail cured hy ueint one httte ( y ur
T.Hith uraah. Mv wiia ata durinc her e mhitement. waa
lKrsstsintH with mtiwn 111 Mala, luilli haVIIIS alfaHv I fined,
fur which ahc usrd the Cream ol Canina"r, wmrn acauw-
ed them, thereby preventing her hrenata fnw eatheriitg
V. T ,itl...ta Cti m-h lnitvilla. Pa.
Dr. Hicktey. Havinir an opportunity of teeing y-ur
a sa...ft.-i..i T. .tk Wah uaed hi amne very aevera ca
et of acurvev of the ( I eaider it ;'!!'"n
"7 . . ,"u,T'tTT ,MiwKnie.1u and Rt-
inm nnnwm nwnnnep miw mm - ...
tail by W M IIICKI.F.Y, M D , Propriety, i'v""'.
. , '.. tr i. i. .u. r..iL. nu in N.icthumheT.
aiiid county, Fnlii Grant, Soi.tMirv ; W A
Ausrusta; w. rarr.iw, riyoeriuwM , .-f. . . - ,-v-HHrtwi.
Paiirmai F-mttine a: Slroiitt. Paiiiioti Joha
v.nnt. Puin a: Iluah Vaatiiie, Piixiu"t j Ammermaa
u.u. a, n, Kham.l.ii. i Mra Jus. Th.'ms, Bliank'Sia
Wm. rslv. aiiam-kiu: Campbell h Kline, Ansutu
a ..i A D.drHwi Pstersiiure : Jaiilb litstUIMI
n . . A . r. ... Nnrthiimt-rluri 1 JertaSHI
Cruase. Belinigr va i Jish Batr, Uatiskuifi Joha F
CaslowSKd Jmislksa issuers, wilioa.
r--n .k. . ...,r- ...I mM m .moiIw 4WtatniMff a n
aeaeririea oT ths aautatout carta ftvmntd by the dirTat'
tut MtdielilM.
Ime ii, tan ly
II ol 1 ora j' Ointment.
Kxtrart of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Galpin,
70, St. Mary's Street, Weymouth,
dated May IStk, 18l.
Tt lYfcSBOf HoLloSTsT, .''
Rib, At ibt agt of IB ht wife (wke it ansa S) asaeSt
a VKltut eokl, which settles) rb ker Isgt, anal tW ewt
that tiine they have beta snore or Ices Sort, in trestle
inflamed. Her sgoniet srert dmrncluur, suS far moais
togtthtr ths wtt deprived entirely of rest sn4 sJs.
Every temedy that oMdlctl mea tdvited was tries, stt
without trTeat j her heallk snBtred tavwely, and Um ttaxe
of bar legt wat terrible, I had often read soar Adrer
lisements, and advised har to try your Pilla and Oiaintasi
and, aa a last resource, after every other remedy had pro
ved useless, tha consented tn do tn. She eommeeesst sis
weeks tgo, tnd, strange to ralate, it aow In geod health .
Her legs art painless, witliont seem or scar, tnd btr saai
sound and tlndittarned. Could von hnra sellntsMj
tuAeringi of mr wife during tht list U years, snd con
tra st them with her present enjoyment i;f health, yoe
would indeed feel delit ntfnl in having been thf meant at
so grastlv alleviating lbs tufertngs of a f-llow-creatara.
Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abb, Build'
er of Oat Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Hud
dersHtld, dated May tlst, 184 1.
To Professor IIoLlowaT,
Sis, I suffered for a pari 4 of thlrtr years front a lax!
iS' ? ',ult of twa 01 three ei&enul accidents st Oaai
Worka; accompanied by ae irbutic symptoms. I had rt
eourte to a vanatv of Bneriiesl aHvir witK...,,
snybeiient, snd wat evtn told that ihe leg mast he eropa
tated, oppoaitlon to that opinion, vonr Pilla and
Ointment have eiTeulcd a complete cure in so thort s time,
that few who had not witnessed it would credit tha feet
(.OTgnsu; Wl LI JAM ABBS.
Ths truih of this statement can Le verified by Mr. W.
England, Chemist,' 13, Market fttttt H adder tfit at.
The Pillt thould bs used coniointlv iii tha nuiuM
moL oi tot following caeca :
oau legs, Chieso-loot,
Bad Breasts, Chilblnina,
Burns, Chapped handa,
Olandular tweHn
S re It Willis, '
".".IB, Ij'llli &Vtif
Vita of Moschs- Cancers
toes Sand-Flies, Contracted and
Coen-bny. Stiff Joints,
Elephantiatit, Srrt Nipples,
Skin-diaeaaea, Scurvy,
Tumours, Vleera,
Ye we
Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn
tr, of Penhurst, Kent, doled Deetmler litk,
To Professor Hollowa,
Dsai Sis, My wICs hed ttiffered rrnre B id Tlrsrists for
more than aix months, and dm ing the whole period hail
the best medical annul. nice but all to no use. fluviog be
fore healed an awful wound in my own ley, bv your un
rivalled medicine. I determined uiiuin lo lsi: PiUs
and Oinmntnt, sird therefore gave them a triarin her case,
snd fortunate it wns I did to, for ,n lest than a innniu a
perfect cure was elT'Cted, nnd the licnrht thut various oth
er branches of my fnmily hnve derived from their use it
really astonishing. I now strongly rcc mmi-nd thtm t
ill my friends (Signod) FRED'K TURNER.
Sold at the Establishment of Profeaair HoLr.nwsr, 944,
Strand, (near Temple Bar, London.) and hv all respeetitble
Diugciitt and Dealers in Medicines through vat the British
r. pirn, c those of the United Sutes, in Boxes at 37)0 ,
.nu9i oik;, encn. w noiesoie uy ine prmcljal umg
I .1 I in the Union, and by Messrs. A.B. i, D. Sands.
.Scv oik,
( ' There It a considerable saving by taking tha larger
i -Directions for the gnidauce of patienta In every
d f- dri are attixed to each box.
October 33, 1S51I, ly.
"Eureka, Eureka."
VOW for tlie little ones. Wliy will parents
-s want limirs end rlnva in frnitleMB eiiiljsvrira
to get perfect pictures of their children and after
all get nothing out a poor, miserable caricature 1
We would any, come to our
and we will guarantee ta make you a perfect
picture, hy eur Eii.tTito Cukxicat. procesv,
that works in from J to 2 seconds.
We defy any Daguerrean in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, as we are tha
in ven tots, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishment in IS'ew England and ths
Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver
medals we have received from the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with tha numerous premiums from
County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are
tha Kt Plus Ultra of perfection.
Wa would rail particular attention ta our
Talootypes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. C. Collins & Co., 100 Cliostnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den House, Springfield and Collins' Building,
Westfteld, Mass.
N. B. Cur estsbliahment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and ly
Professor Horitford t Safttf Lttmpt ty JVtfAl.
Come and see.
Philo., May 56, 1S5.1. ly.
More cv Goods!!
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the rjublie cenerallv. that he has iuat received
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His.
stock consists of every vsriety of
Drv Good?, viz.
s '
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings, Flan'
nets, Musi in, cfe.
A splendid stock of
Such as Silks, Berapes, De Laines, Merinoes,
Lawns. Ginenams, calicoes, ie.
A fine sssortment for Men, Women & Children.
A lurge assortment of GROCER.1ES,
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molanrt, Spices, &c.
Hardware and Qneensware.
Fish, Salt and Liquors.
Gin, Brandy, Rum and Whisk y,
Besides the Uncut snd most general sedi
ment of sll kind of Goods to be hed in the country
All the above mentioned goods will be coiJ at
such reduced prices as they can not be got fjr
Country produce of all kinds Ukon insxciurjc
at the highest market prices.
Augusta twsp.. July 3. 1851. flm.
Lumlicr Yuri!.
THE tubscrilier would respectfully infirm ti.e
ritilrns of Sunbury, and M j:t!! er'nti.l
and adjoining counties, tha! he his opened a
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis
tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has
now a large amount of Seasontd Panntl Flint,
alto Paimel Boards, and all other Boards snd
Britoiso Matkbiii, such sswill be wanted lor
building purposes. Also a large amount oi
Khinglcson hsnd, which r.ill be sold from f6 up
to 8, according to quality snd sire. Tlesse gie
us a call and examine our price- '
N. 11. Termers who are in wsm oi
will pleas. c..l..w.m. mo you , -.
tj js -
Sunbury, May 8, 1653. ly.
The New and Splendid usortmtnt of
Just received and for sale by
Sunbury A pi 30. '53. I. V. TENER & CO
JUST RECEIVED a SjdeaJia assartaseM
Ladies' Dress Goods, consisting of Bilk., Mu
)in de llersge. Csnlon Craps, PUk Poplia, Di
led Swiss Lawn Robes, &c, and for sale by
Sunbury, May 14. 'S3. TEN E at CO
INDIAN CHQIACOGL'E. Ar aicellent i.
I medy for tha antra of Feer and Ague, just rs
eeivad and for aale by I. W. TENER 4 CO.
Sunbury, May H, 183.
HaTn JTMrS. A small Buniber of the
icellei pumps bavs Iwea received and ars
oflered for sale by , ..
Jf. O. M.VJUv
ItmiHi nr. June i,