THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. Kat to fcAUT mi Pckii.i Yoo will observe the nine dinmnn It take the. eentre letter of the top diamond, then the upper, left, right ami bottom letter. This rule to I observed ilironahout. Reed from left to right. For the Banbury American. OtCOOHAPHICAt. ENIGMA. Jaw composed of 23 letters Mr t 99 S T S3 It an latawt in the Arctic Ocean. My 1 13 40 IS m a town in New York. My 3 II II w It an Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Me 4 9 a;i it iiHlt.peotthle t'i man. My s 14 7 13 is a inmily Orfmn. My 8 yfl IB 3 it a rivet ill Austria. My 7 S3 73 ia a river in Centtal Europe. My 8 24 1.1 14 it a town in Canada. My 9 9 n P it n take in the II. S. My in m 7 1 1 ia a enpe In Bmeil Mv II 17 10 21 it a Hulf in Alia My n 7 91 9 it a rufductl n of South Carolina. My 13 ih 1 it a numeral. My l sin ii munlHkein Ihe U.S. My 15 aa 1 11 it a cape in Africa. My 1(1 3 in it a town in Eur ire. My 17 4,1 It one nf the Rritlih Isles. My 18 6 SO 15 it a town in Pennsvlrania MX 10 7 5 14 9 I It frreatly taught fur. My SO 5 9 ia quite a luxury. My SI 8-1 13 it an leland In the Wcat Indict. My Sfi .1 03 is a ran. in thn II. S. My S3 11 C 13 14 it a cape in South America. My whole ia what you thouW do, If you have not done an already. Answer next week. Banbury, July 30, 1853. CONVXDRl'M. WhT is while oak rheesB better for bruise abutmenls than stonfl 1 Bueatisu the older il get tha stronger it becomes. ASTOING OF ifl'lAIS Thc elective Judiciary woiks badly in Louisiana. The Crystal Palace Polioo. in Now York, numbers 143 persons. Emii.e Girabdin hassold a one thonsandih pari of his journal, La fwii, for one thou and dollars. Tm epidemic in Williamspott, Maryland, carried off 39 persons, 32 of whom died of cholera. There are thirty one establishments for the building of locomotives in the United State. Not Alone in our Misert. Beef and mutton are 30 per cent, higher in London than they were the last year. At a competition of piping bullfinches, in Belgium, the solo prize was gained by a biid that repeated his song 705 limes. Marriage is the bet for a man in general, and every man is a worse manjn proportion as he is unfit lor the married state. Johnson Go is, Pennies. The pen ia mightier than the aword, When wielded by the great ; But the penniet are greater ttill, Owing to their weight. Hay is sixty dollars per ton in ihe town of Columbia, Tuolumne county, California; and boards, by competition among the saw-mills, are reduced to S50 per thousand. The quadroons of Cuba wear nothing for petticoat, and cabbage leaves for hats. A cool dress, but not calculated, we should think, for a mixed audience. I've J'ined the Church. This ii what an old toper said, the other night, as he "brought up" against Decon Jackson's meet ing house. "Mike, and is it yourself that can be afier telling me how they make icecream?" "In truth 1 can do they not bake them in covrld ovens, to be sure. Punished A man in Chmnng county, N. Y., was hired to bury the clothes of a small pox pitient. Instead cf doing so he put them upon his back, and is now sick with the disease. It is Halleck who thus happily hits Ihe titiliiniinn, money-loving nobility. It ia not !ea nitric. than it is true: These are nit thc romantic timet, Sobei'ihful in Spencer's rhymes: Ird SucTrd minct for coal and tail ; The Ou' of Norfolk dealt with matt ; Tie D mglasi in led hciringa; And it'iiile name and cultured laud, Talano nud pork, and vatsal liand, Are powerlcit to the nntet of hand Of R ithcliild or the Oaringa. A New temperance drink is desctibed by the San Francisco Herald, composed of "ihree parts of root beer 'and two of water gruel, thickened with a little soft squash, and strain ed through a cane bottom chair' Rapid Increase. The population of San Francisco, is now 50,000. Six years ago, the California Siar announced its population a being 231 males anJ 138 females. This increase ia unprecedented. A Rich Shovel The silver shovel recent ly used in the ceremony of breaking ground for the Mountain Lake Water Company, at Ran Francisco, was banded with gold, and cost a thousand dollars. Sal," cried a giil looking out of ihe up per story of a small grocery, ajid addressing another gitl who was trying to enter the from door: "We've all been to camp meeting and been converted J so hen you want to ge' :ti. e i.. . ia. uu ouiiuuv, jou win nave to come in ibe back way." Ihe Height or his Ambition. One of our exchanges tells of a laxy genius up his way, who being asked, as he lav snniiine himself on the grass, what was the height of his ambition, replied, "To marry a rich wi- cow Jftcu s got a cougfc .'" Cute chap, that. ..... .v.--. v . i iace a Dasiri or ..I i... ..... 1 com wuier oy ine sue ol your bed, when you ntst awam m iue morning, dip your hand in the basin and wet your brow and l :n . . . ' iep win not again seal you in its treacher ous embrace. Thia ia Km n,U;,.o :.... 1 . . VJ n aged, man Mho baa been in the habit of ruins eailv l ring a long life. By attending to this advice you may team to rise every morning at five A oacred Thorn. The followinir deenlv interesting intelligence ha very recently re.cneu us iiom maple ; "Th city of Baij possesses one of Ihe sacred thorn that wounuea the most divin head of the Re m i 0 WM deP'tl in the j empi oy the piety of Charle. of An Ju. hi most preciou relio on Holy Frl UaV. as alan t,. .u . . uu mo- aitns aay in u,..jjp,a oiooa 10 the pieseuc of most numerous population, at the head 0f wnom were ibe gr.ud Prior of Bri. t0 Tbia il iu tha 19it. Mutury. wiib ilt boasts iDUUigM... GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNBURY. ip ELSBERO & CO., respectfully announer " to the iiihuhitants of Northumberland county snd the public in general, that they have com menred a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Fa., opposite the Post Office, adjoining Mr. Stroll s saddler shop ill Market Street, They arejuat opening splendid assortment of fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Satinett, Linens, Checked and Fancy Cloth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Veal. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kind of Hats snd Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will bs sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The nuhlic ninv rest assured that all Clothing thev buv of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm ia a uractical tnilor and our whole Stock of Clothing i made up hy ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importers of (."loth rnaMea ua to sell very cheap. Call and Sec ; No charge for looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury. May 7, 1K3X Just Published and for Sale hy WM. McCARTV, Bookseller, Sunburv, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in thc United States. Bv Com.inson Rr.en, Lso.., Iiisac tVgt's t'ira ror With notes and additions, together with a ahort system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Tics ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Ilarrisburg : HiBiusDf no, June 30, 1853. Gr.XTLF.ME.1 : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedents thus offered to tlio public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practico of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on tho acts of astcmhly, will he a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and .M. L. Shindel, Eequh'es. Sunbury, July 9 1853. Emporium of Fashion And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods- JOHN V. MAltTiN, TJAS RECEIVED at his establishment, on Deer street, one door north of C. J. Bruner's law-office, in Sunbury, the most Splendid and Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been offered in this place. His stock consists in great variety of CLOTHS, Imong which are superior Black, Brown Green, Olive Claret, Belgium Cloth, French Clotis, Russian black, &c. BLACK AND BROWN CASHMERETS, ISlack plain ane-sk'n Lassimtres, bummer and Winter Cassimerrs, 'c. VESTTNGS, Black Satins, (a rich article.) excellent Marsciles Dull, White, (r igured and J lain,) rigurcd Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Tweeds, Linens, Cravats. Ilosciry, Pluin and r ancy I rnnuungs, Gentlemen s Collurs, Suspenders, &c, &., &c. Call and see his assortment of goods. He challenges inspection, and politely invite the puMic to test their quality by procuring the best and nculcst coats, pants, vests, Ac, in the coun- try. I if A few journeymen tailors can und im mediate situations at this establishment. Sunbury, .May 21, 1653. 3m. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the Dry Goods Business. J. F. 8c Z. P. KLINE, I RESPECTFULLY announce to tlieir fvictiils a nil tl e pulilic in general, that they have taken the Old Stand, in Upper Austista town ship, Northumberland county, l'a., formerly oc cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened A Jew and Sple ndid .'lssoiimcut of Spuing and Summeu Goods, Consisting in part nf Cloths, Cassimers, Sat tinetts, Linens, Cheeks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Uerage de Laines, Alpacas and Shawls. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of nil kinds, Hardware ami Queensware, Drugs and Medicines. Alho a lap;e assortment of Boots and felioes, kuilahle for Men, Women and Children. Hals and Caps, such as Panama, Straw, Puliu-leaf and oilier Iluta. Salt, Cheese, & e. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for rash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, April 30, 1853. aCISSCLTTTIOlT. rflllE partnership heretofore existing under the -- firm of James Taggart &. Son, was, on the 13th day of June, 1853, dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the linn will be settled bv James Taggart, who hold the books. Those indebted to the firm are requested to call and make settlement of their accounts also all persons having claims against the firm are requested to tend in their bill for paymeuL JAMES TAGGAHT, GUANTHAM I. TAGGART. North'd., June 18, 1HS3 tf. 85 HEWAIil) ! riHE above reward will be paid for the diteov A cry and convicUou of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad Company. II V ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, 1853 tf. JVL II. II. HIG BEE'S remedy for coughs, "-'cold, anil aiil.nn., ' . . ', i ' bl" Talul'u "'. just ,eia lld f! ,uU 1 8nbury, ,un.4,l86S,HB-MA8ER. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of Iatent Letter Copying Preisc-, Patent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c. l atent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most vnlunhle invention for keeping in a hook-like foim, Letters received, Oiiginal Invoi ces, Ac. Phila., April 0, 1853. ly. WE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, BLAYLCSK'O Model Spring; Style Hats, XEQUALLED hy any others in all that can render satisfaction to the Wearer. Give them a trial. The Very Finest Molkski Hats for 3.S0 ; Second Quality, very fine, 3.00 Third Quality, a capital article, 2,50. Alt these arc warranted. Model Hat Store, No. 40 North 8th Street Philadelphia, Phila., April 'J, 1S.13. Cm. NEW STORE. THE undersigned takes this method tf thank ing his friends lor their liberal patronage, end informs them lie has taken the old stand lately occupied by James Tnegart te Son, where he will be prepared at all times with a large sup ply ot goods, consisting of CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, VESTING?, &o. LADIES CHESS AND FANCY GOODS, of every description. Krorrrlr-N, iiet'iiNvnrc, Hardware. Ccdarware, Salt, Fish, C, c., Ac. Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, and hopes by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their potronago. G. I. TAGGART. North'd., June 13, 1853 tf. Hope Manufactory. rWlIIE subscriber respectfully informs thc propla A of Northumberland and Stiiihury, and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand and manufactures to orJer, all kindsof Una. ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine nnd lines of all kinds, at his establishment in Northum berland. RICHARD MARSHALL. North'J., June II, l-f53.-3m. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. PRILING & GRANT. IJ ESPEC rri.M.LY inform their customers - and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every vario'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casfimrrcs, Sattinets, Vesting!, Flannels, li'vllens, "c, And all kinds of Spring &. Summur Wear. Also n splendid variety uf LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dc Laines, Iterates, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an rxtensive assortment of Hats and Cats for Mkn and Roys. Also a large assortment of GltOCtCltltS, srcii as Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a nosh supply of DRfGS AND MKPIC1XKS. Besides the largest und most uenetal assort ment of all kinds of yucnls to bu had in this place. tV" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 30, IS53. J. B. GOULD, (Successor to A. I'lO'J'.) Xo. 164 Ches nut Street, Stcaim's Building. PHILADELPHIA. 1 EXTENSIVE MUSIC PUIILISIIER. and -1 Dealer in Musical Instrument of every de scription. Exclusive Audit for the sale of Ilallet, Davis it Co' (Huston) Patknt SisrtNtiox DHiniit Vuliiia and other PIANOS, L, Cilherl's Doiuloir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violin, Siiklt Mt sie, Misic liollKS, cVc, &e. Resident of the country will Is? supplied by mail or otherwise with any music, they may Hih, at as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of tlia largest btoik in the United States, I feel confident of satif ing all who may fevor ine with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 1S53. ly. N0HTI1UM3EIILAND Select Sehool for Girls. Under the Care of Miss E. Calvin- INSTKUCTION will lie given in the ordinary Enalish Uraiiehes, Physical, Sciences, Alge bra, Geometry and Lanuuases. A Session will consist of twenty two weeks. Second quarter to commence on the 13th of June. 'J'tllMS. Orthography, Reading, Writing Com position, Geography, English Grammar and Arithmetic ' per quarter. $1.00 With any additional English study, $ 1.00 Algebra, Geometry, or Language, f 5,110 Music, Puiutiug, and Druwing, each seperate and at the customary rates. References. Dr. R. U. MCay, Norlbumberland. 1. Tapuart, F..., " Hon.. Joseph Casey. New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. Pres. Uunner Phila. H. G. M'Guire, A, M., Principal of Central Institute, Philadelphia. Northumberland. May 21, 1853 3m. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. B. MASSt'R, Sunbury, April 12. IftSl TJLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank --' Mortgages, Roods, Executions, Summons die., for sale by II. li. MASSER. Sunbury Airi 36. 18.M HLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be bad by applying at the office of the American. SMITH'S ESSENCE'oFYAMAICA GIN. GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by Id. D. MASSE R. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S53. NEW STOIIE. BENJAMIN 11EFFNK11 UESPECFFULLY Informs the eitliens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he hns opened a new store In the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Dolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Good9 consisting In part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Cnllroesj, Gingham, I.anni, MoinNCllne I)c l.aliics and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Naib, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOTS. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, i-c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. tV Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ty. Drugs, Paints, Oil, (.lass, fjc. Window fi Tons French line white. 10 tons l'urc While Lead. 5000 llosrs Window Glass.all sizes. Superior Potash, ('opal, Coach (Leath er o iron varnish, white Demur varnish for China, Gloss, with a general assortment ot lrcsli ami pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enatnlcd Glass, &c, &c, for sale very low ut ALFRED WILTBEKGER'S Dru.? and Paint Stoic, No. 1CJ N. Slid Street, PHILADELPHIA. Physicians ami Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to any of Ihe Hotels or Depots free of charge. Phila., M.iv 48, 1853. ly. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SI I.V l-:it W.vKH, Wholi'Kilo nnd Ketail at No. "v! N. Si:i:lU .si.. ono..Kiu. ih,. Mt. Vvriion II , Ii 'hi ,,!VUr WlltcllcS. hill J:W: il. 18 k. eases, fc-J.",!) j Mlver I ilvvr l.ei'inc. jfvvulvd.;!!.. ooil lime, tiohl lVns inul Sil ieili.HI.llll: .."!'! 1'elieila and Levers, mil jrwi-l'il. rI J.o (,0 all W'trrnntnl lo l.rep vcr Can-, ff.W, li 'hi 1"' I'.n Cn., Willi u ioiI U - !. 1 Pens us 1 'W lis :1.2", 4 c. Als, always on hand a e nKsortment of line gold Jewrlry. lioh'l Cnrh, linitil ami l'oh Cham., Gold Veil Ch lint, Lndles' Oold l'"ti Chains and H-'lt-Pins. Silver Tihle S,-.ons UI SIS. Di'mtI. S! to Sit, an.l Tea, l.7"t to ?fi,.,U pi-r .!. wirrnnti'il einal lo c'ill Alt It 'o,ls w irranlril t i he what tliey are s 'hi lor Wateties and Jewelry repaired and warrant, d, tT All ordTs sent by mail or otherwise, will be punc tually atteuded to. ' M. A Vise. Agent. No 72 North ST'.COND ?:rcet. opiio8.te ihe Mt. erinu llo.i.e. I'hiln., April St, ly. r JMiitforin Fc.ilos. Irrt - . . . . : Always ri'zhl Thr Acl.itou-lcil-.'til Ifltiiiilartl. t-jSaj'i-.) Kmlroail. It ay, .HmI, ami rar. n7V?ir.' mers' SCA LHS, set in any part of the countrv, at sliort noiiee. AuV.XTS. li:0. W. COLBY, SI0 Market St., i'liila.lelpliin, K. Y. llright, .Suuliurv. rU., AyxW 23, 1S5J. :sv. Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by 3TJSE1TSLL TTJLLj So. 64 DOCK Street, I'hiladelphia. Orders through the mail promptly executed Phila., April U. lt53. lv. KOT1C K To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexander Ii. llickey 05 Ct)., THF.ORF.AT Wom.D'S FAIR l'HI.K MKUAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, So. HSCIusnut Street, (Frnt of Jones' Hold) Philadelphia. VKE now prepared to to thc Mercliaul Hiid Travellers one of the largest and inoa' improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever offered for sale in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. AIo, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, lion net Uoxcs, Travelling, Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet nnd Leather Hags, Hand t.oaches, lug, Vc, oic, all of whieh we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. W e n sj ectlully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. HICKEV & CO., No. 148 Chcsnut Street. Phila., April 9, 1833. fim. wITl I A ' M P E R K INS' Genlhmens Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSU, .Vo. 231 Chcsnut, Third door btloio Eighth st Philadelphia. T"JAS on band a full slock of French and iiJ English Piece Goods, which will be made lo order at the Shortc.t Notice, in the Latest Style. FOR CASH. Phila., April 9, 1S53 Gin. Important to Coal Dealers. TH E subscriber hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Knse, Reed & Co., for Ihe purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered ut Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, wcl' prepa red, on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shninokiu by KsK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. Laborers Wanted. fTMIE subscriber want immediately on the -- Railroad and Uasin, at Chapman, Lmon county, seven miles below Selinsgrove, front 60 TO 100 LABORERS, to wluin one dollar per day will pe paid. BAVIDGE. WJLVEKTON & CO, Cbsnman, Union County, Feh. 19,1853 tf. HAOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe- siva and legal envelopes, for aale by . B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan 10. 1863 fLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption if 1$ mm law of $300, for sale by CprU.te, UM H. B. MiSSER. (tT 8500 CHALLENGE. WI! ATRVF.R tnnrernt ine hmllh and rmpplnww nf t people i at nil limninf tlM mot valutihlv impnrfe auce. I iuke It l'r ftntitttl that every pom -it will di nil in their power, to mve the Uvea of their rbililrtn. Hurl ihtit every pereon will endeavor to prom He their own henllh at all ancrifirm. I I eel it to he my duty to aolemnlr nature yon that WOHMrt. according l the opinion of the moat oelehrated Phyairtnna, are the priinnry CHtiara nf a In rife mnjorityof dincntira to which children and ndulta nre lin hie ( if you hnvonn appetite ciMHimiiilly chnngenlile from one kind of food to ntvither, Hd Hrnnih, I'am in the Wo mnch, l'irktiiBT t the Nose, llnrdnrra nnd KuIIiicm of the Hcllv, Dry Couli, Sl.iw Fever. Pulnelrroeiilur reinetr.her Hint nil theae denote WOKM, and you should at once ap ply the remedy : HOBENSACK'S WORM SVRUP. An nrttvfe f u tided 110011 Scientific Priiicintea. coinnoond ed with purely viptah1e millniM'cr, perfectly wife wnen in Ken, nnd e;in lie given to t tie mom icimer imihih with ilerided Iicik ficinl edlvt, where Howcl Comphiinta and Uuinlicpii hnve made thein wenk ond debilitated the T 'liic properties of my Worm Syrup nre such, thnt It stnndft with ut nn etpml in Ihe ntaliiie of medicines, in vinjt t"ne nud strength (o the St'.miich, wlitch innkrs it an Inhitlihle remedy for thoe ufilictinl with Dypcpniti, th nMoninhitis: cures itei formed hy this Syrup nfter I'hysi cians have fuilefl, is the beat evidence uf its superior effi cacy ovet all ollicrs. THE TAPR WORM! This in the most diiriL-u!t Worm to destroy of all Hint in fest the hummi i"yptrm, it prow to nti nhnost Indefinite leiiffth ht'Ciiiinit soc-ih d nnd lurtcned in the IntcHtinei and St Mimcli t lleelinff the henllh so ftidly n to en 11 mi St. Vitus Ounce, Fits. kc.t that those n .Hided acid m if ever sinrect th.U it is Tape Worm h;iteiiiiiK them to 1111 enrly gruve. In order to destrny tins Worm, a very encrpctie Ireatmeiit must he pursued, it would therefore he proper to take 6 to 8 ot my Liver l'ilts sons to remove nil ohsi ruc tions, tlmt the Worm Syrup niity net direct upon thc Wot in, which mnt he tnkeu in d ises of M Tulilesp-v-nfuli 3 limes n day thene di recti ns toll ved have it'ver ln-en known lo fail 111 curing the moot oluttinate ciae of Tape Worm. (D HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No pirt of the system is more liable to disease than the 1,1 Yldt, it servinir as a liiierer t purify the LI Hid. or piv inp the pro( r secretion t . the bile ; so ihal :uiv wronp nc lion of the I.n'er clfeets lh other nn(ortiint purls ol tlio fystein, 11 1 11I ri'Siilis vari-msly, in Liver C unpliitnt, Jaun dicc. Uysjpfia, Arc. We should, therefore, wjiieh every svtnpt 111 that iniifhl imlicnte n wrnncr nctitin if the Liver. Thrst! Pills uyz c mp 'Fed of KOi 1 TS V. PLANTS I ur uiHliH by 11:011 re. to heal Ibe sick : Namelv, 1st, An I'.X- Pt'tl'TOJIAVr, wliicli iiuumcMts the nicrcti'Mi fr -m the Pnlm narv mueii iitembniiie, or promote the disclmrce nf seereti d iimtter. 2nd, Ail A I I'KIt ATI V K. which chunon in a me iuexilie:ihlc ami iiisensihle manner ihe certain m 'iliitl netion of the svstem. IJnl, A TONIC whieh iriven. t me nu l streimih t 1lie ictvoiis system, re iifwi'iT tie t'tli nnd vij r I all parts of the ludy. llh, A CATMAliTK. which acts in perfect htrinony with the other inatiibeii. mid opt-ratitic; on tb' H we!, roid cxp'-I lirnr 'he wli -1' 111 m' e -rrnpi and vstiatcd matter, mid pu rtfvtnn the ULmd, which destrow diHUiise and icstorcs licdlh. TO F KM A LI'S. Yon will fiml 1he Pills an invnluabte inetfieme in ninny eom;laii:ls t t which v u nre snb:ecl. In obstructi.'ns ei- S ther tola! ot p-irti;i!, t'liey have been found of inejtiiti dilc benefit, renfornic f Iti-ir fundi inal 'irrantrenu'iits to a heal- thv a "ti 'ii, purii iii ihe b n and o! her tbiuls so fTt is tiity to put t rli''H coiii':iin:s whieh may nrise iVnin fetn'ile irre?ij'aritiei, ns head tehc. fjKldiue, diuutcsa of ; silit. t'Ttn hi the Sid-', be !, (TI?" I'l 2.1 t'l'tiU f'Jlt'll. i Ntitu cc'rihi' iiii!i s signed J. N. lloheitsck, nil othets I beinc base 1 niilal i ai. ! It?" Audi's wioliiii? new supplies, mil Store Keept-rs dfjtipi'ts of ln-e 'tiin'.T A leu' nint nt luss ihe Proprietor, J V. II d-Msaek. phi'-.ilcl bin. Pa. fld'by .1 W rntiM.r. t-nrbtify: Man MePny. T tbnml'Tland : TurbntviSle :' It-ivr, Mdton ; t'ittv A- I.enV-r. (:- -r"e' 'rn ; I ,etjeari"ff A Uer!"ii. l'axi n s; Wii-sr. Hi-Uory; oil dealers in Medicine in thc County S'.itf. August 11, l.-.V-i ly. C A II II , GIESE & CO., Hour, Grain and Lumber Coin in isiou Mor'liants, 23 a i l Sp ur's ll'luu f, UAltTIKOX;- nnT.r.r.Ncns. John Clark. Esq., Pirsident Citizens' Dank, Bait. A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Dank, " John llert.!er. Jr., Esq.. Philadelphia. 1 Iiojcrs, Siunirkioii cV Co.. ' J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Dank, Port De- ' piisite. ! .1. Wnllower c Son Ilarrtahtirg. I Col. IL C. Ever, S'clinsgrove. .1. II. App cV'Co., ' Noile, Wiugate oV Co., Milton, i . W. Cooke, Esq., Money. I Simon Schuyler, Esq., " j Geonrc Rodine, Hugbsvillp. j W. Weaver A Co., Montotirsv il!e. , Gen. William F. Packer. M iliiamport. j T. W. Lloyd, l'-q., Cashier, " James 11. Muling, " Lewis G. Hilling, " M' Henry & linbli, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling. Esq.. Lock Haven. lis Carr, Giese - Co. have the laraest wharf room of any i-ommisioii house in lialtimore, al wavsgiving quick desp ilcli to boats in discharging their cargoes. March I'i, lS.'o. Om. IHsMilttt Ion of l;u t JH'rlii,. riHE Copartnership heretofore existing under I the name of Jumps H. cV Win. I!. Hart, is this day dissolved by the witbdrawel of William R. Hart. The business of the late firm will be Fettled by either of the undersigned, at No. North 3d street. JAMES H. II ART, WILLIAM 1!. HART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnerrhip nud will continue the lui-iness under the name of Janu s II. it Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past tavors. they respectfully ask the at tention of their friend and the public lo their "lock of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, and which they will sell ut the lowest market r ites. .1 MES II. II ART, THOMAS II ART, Philadelphia, J in. 1, ISM. J-v. tt. 1,000 Men Wanted. OX the li"c of the sUeifJUEHANNA RAIL RO A I) between Uridueport (opposite Har- isburg) und Sunbuiy. in the State ol Pennsylva nia. J lus roan Isunv lour nines in icug'ir ri.ns through a litghlv improved country, and will turni-Hli rmpluviiioiit l'or kIoiic masn, carptMitira iiml lalionra lor llic nevt twelve utoiiiliii. A larco portitm of the line U heavy rock excavation, lahoierx that arc lanii will tticrel'uro liud cer tain cmplovincnt ami liberal wults. JJOLlUlbUi i , IjALMA-N & t.:tl., Cuiitiaclorn. February 19, 1103. Fritz, A'iHiams tS Hendry, Store, So. 2') North Sd Street., Pilil.Alil'.l.rillA. MOROCCO Miinufiu lurers, Curriers. Import, en. Coir.niissiou and (ieni rttl Leather Bus inen. Wholesale and ltetuil. I'HT Miinufnctorv IS MarjiaretU Street. Aug. 2, 1852. ly. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUB INC AM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, No. in North Third M. below Race, P V IL AD HtFHIA. rIIE attention of Healers ia requested to an - ekainiiiation of their stock, which will 1 found to be at ikut eipial to any in this city. FOlvL'KJN FRUITS of all Kinds' in season. N. U. (li di rt by mail or othr.rwisa proinplly at tendeil to. February 5, 1853. Cm. WAVING located hiiunelf permananlly in Sunbury, offers his professional services to the Town and Uountrv.ollice, corner of Deer and Market streets (formerly telegraph ollice,) where he may lie found unlets professionally engaged. Bunbury, April 30, 18511. Cm. I.OR sale at this office, Superior Blacl - Cattle Medicine al 25 els, hure Eawi Black Ink. iice of Ginger. 8ft cent I L'STICES' FEE HILLS For sale by 11. B MAS6ER. Suiiburjr, lift I 'St 13ANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. C1TT Of I'MILADaLPHIt MAWACAfslETTS. All solvent Isinlit 1 dit 1IHODK ISLAND. V. 8. Bunk iKitra 1.1 di. All solvent banks pai COUSTHT. All lrnit InnVa 1 dit CUNNKUTICUT. All aoivrnt Inn ik. I dit NEW YORK. CITY. Btnk of ChiiiTil.rhiir 1 dl. nniin ni i,nmpr Kin. par Bunk of Del. Co. Chester par MiniKol uermniitown Hnnk of Orttyshurg Hunk of lw'ittown nnr All aolrem lunks I dit 1 dit IT'Hk notrt under M dit roltNTRT. Hnnk ofMHlilletonn Mitntff'tmprv Ci. lli.nlt 1 Jis All solvent. IranKs ldit Hnnk of NortlMimliprl'iid. pnilrtflVKlere Hnnk 1 dit Hnnk of 1'ittthnrc 1 ilii;C'mnirh!reial Hnnk dit Hnnk of Dnnvillo purl Fur. Hunk Mnt llollr "r Carlisle Hnnk 1 ilit F. A M., Middletown I'l. par Coliimhia H'k A D'geCo par Meehunies' Hk, Newark mr Di.yelttowil Dank par Meeh. Hk nf Hnrlinittoil r r.nstnn Il'ink pur.MwIi. A; Mini. Ilk Trent ttr Krie Hank 9 rtis,rorris Co Hnnk ! cln Km lmnpre H'kPittslmra I rtit'Newnrk Hk'g & Int. Co 1 flit Kxclwimr H k, Hrnnrh I ilia'Ornng Hunk j dit Fanners' H'k, UncksO piir'Teopk't Hk Pnttertoli 1 dit Fnrmers1 Hk, Ijuiontter par I'rineeton par Farmers' Hk, Rmdinar par filein Bmikinir Co, pnr Farm. Hk SMiilvlkill Co pariSctnerrct Cn Hnnk dit F I), lik Wnviirid,-! Ilili. St.ile Hnnk nt rninden r'r Franklin Hk Wnsh'ii lldit'Slate Hk Klifalftlitiai I riis nnr fthw jj;nrr.i Itnrri.liiirir Hnnk 1 rtit finte Hnnk ."Sewnrk j nt Iliniesdule Hnnk 1 (lis State Hk, N. Iliunswiek pnr Ijinenttcr Hnnk pariiowx Hnnk, Newton dis l.pluinnii Hnnk nnr Trenton Hanking Co pnr rninn Hnnk. Dover j dit Vnrdlfvv'le A Di-I Dr Co l.'.ilis Mrreh. A Man. Hnnk 1 dis Miners' H'k, I'otttville per: Moiionprnheln Rnnk t dis Tnylorsv'e l)ol H- Co 15 dis IVHk nolc t under ?J dit 111, I .A IV A Kb. West Hrnnrh Hnnk nnr Rnnk of Delaware pnr v ynmnnr hk, w iiiEesti e pnr York Hnnk, t di. Wltelief notes 1 dis! MAIn. Hnnkof Whelliirk Sdis flunk of Smyrna pnr Delaware Citv Hnnk par Ilk Vilmir"n,V llramlyw. pnt I'nrlniTp' Hk Si Delaware par I'nir ll Hnnk. AVilniington pnr Tprrsntili Hk. Hninror in .l,'t"- Under .Vs I uit tdil All nlvent linnlis 1 ,lis OHIO, Nr.w n.MP.innr aii solvent imnka All solvent Imifks VI-HMONT. 1 din nrt'k nolea iiikIit S's 4 diss ' NOItTII CAHOUNA. 5 ii:j'..H nlvent lnka 9 dis Hnnk of St Allwins 5 All solvent b:mkt j di,fV I'llderS's, SJ dit "AID AND COMPORT," 1 o Your Own iiscchnnicM. GEOliGK liEXN. MAN I' FACT!' It F.U OV FURXITURi: AND CHAIRS Cf the most Paslronallc Style. "TMIE snbsi-rilier resieet!'nlly calls the attention of the ptildir to his lar';e and splendid assort ment of every quality nnd price of UACtl.VttT-IYAEC EC. which eatinot fail to recommend it-elf toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nud splendid finish, made up of thc l est stock to be had in thc eitv. .o ell'ort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the sulisi tilier is determined lo keep up with the mnnv improvements which lire constantly being made. His stock consists or Mahogany Si.C'.is, Siitiiii iiiil B.oir.tscs, Eureaus, Eecrotaiics, Sideboards, K(!F., BKLAbFANT AND DIM. Mi TABLES, and also VENE TIAN DI.INDS, equal to Phila- drlphia innililaclure. I3EDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TAI5LKS AND HXTKNSION TARLKS, In sho't. evetv article in tt.U line of his business, He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of j CILA.IJJS, lirlnding varieties never before lo'be had ir Sunluiry, such ns MAinoiANt, Di.ack Walntt M Ct llLKII M vi'i.i: (iiii'.ciax ; ami Wimisoii CHAIRS, ami caniy Pi a mi Sroot.s, which are of the latest styles, tin.l warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subset iher is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence call be entertained about thc quality and lini-h of his ware und Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. 11?" UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkmisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or r.t any convenient dis tance from this place. ltS" The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thonips.jii's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S.VJ tf. TnKMi:.NDOlS I'AClTHsirST ! ! Cash. Steam, Klcctricily ! ! 77ic Aerial and U oilier lines out-dime bij the I,l?itttlifr Hue of lliA T. CLEMENT. TT7"HO, having great faith in rapid sales nnd ' ' small profits, bus just received ano. opened a larce assortment of SPRING AD SrMUF.R GOODS. At his Store in Mar;;et Street, Sunbury, which he ofli rs to the public at Ihe lowest prices. His stock consists of a rrcncral assortment o )rv Moods, viz : Clnth. Cassimers. Cassinets. Jeans. Di'ifiiijrs Muslins. Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dc Ltiins, Latrns, Ginshams, Rcrages. Sir.K Hats. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. CrororioN, Sugar, Tea, Coir.'P, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Piles, Saws, Ac. Q II EE NSW A RE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishrs. Cups, Saucers, f)'c LIQUORS, Whir. Krnndy, Gin, limn, Uliiski y, kt- llf Country produeo of nil kinds taken in ev- ' cliane at ibe liii;hsl imiikft prict-s. Jan. 15, 1,V)J. Iv. imcrou voc isiiivi.ri THE rOCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVKIIV OXK HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. rj'HK KORI'IIM II F.di--"- tion, with One Hundred Kngraiiugi, i-bowiiuj l)ia eaws and M ilformations of the Human Ssgtem in every shape and form. To whieh ia added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being ol the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Di- iti. Vomit;- Let no father be ashamed to prccut a copy of the .CCl'LAI'll" to his child. Il may save him from an early Brave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life without reading the J'OCKKT .Efl.'C L Al'll'S. Lei no one euflering from baekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and ihe whole train of l)ysH'plic scuta lions, and given up by their physician, lie another moment without consulting the .I'SI 'L'I. A I'll S. Have Ihe married, or those aluiut to lie married any inieilimeiit, read this truly useful book, st il has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaw of death. IV Any person sending TWKNTY-FIV 12 CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of thia book, by mail, or five copies will be tent for one dollar. Address. Da. W. YOCNC No. 154 81'RLCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1853. ly. FEE BILL8. Justices and ConttaSIes Fee bills handsomely printed oncers' paper for ale at this ollice. ARRIAGE CET1FICATES handsomely executed for sale al this office, single or bv the dosen. .'.K bouresu't celebrated ink, and also Con- 1 gres ink for sale, wbol vtale and retail by December t8, U0. H B MA85ER. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At flie Cabinet Ware II worn or SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street the Railroad SUNBURY, TA. Thankful for the patronage ol his friends and customers during thc 17 years he has been in but), nets in this place, he solicits from the public a eon tinuanee of tlieir favors. During thi period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his buti. ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CABIN KT M ARK AND CIIAlttS, Manufactured by SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of Ut establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair, Iflrrre Sprinn Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und Fnfcliioiinhlc Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made Ihe neces sary arrangements for Ihe purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at nny convenient distance. Ye niaiils and mistresses, anil husbands too, Here's furniture of every ttyle and hue, From tide boards down to kitchen tablet, From rocking ehnirt to forking cradles Should yim not have the ready Johii to py, We'll wait avvliilc for a brighter better day, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wlient and ryt j Iliirlt, hoop poles, itnvet, or lumber wet and dry, Or nny tbing Inn yokel and threshing Mailt, I'lotn pit and tnrkies down to little quails. Come on then frieifts, come one and atl, Keep tinde a moving, so "g on tilt ball." Ii? Orders from a distance promptly attended to and vvoik of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 0, 18.'i0 tf SOWKIl $ 15 A lils'ES, run lislieis and llooktellers, No. 84 North Third Street, rillLADELPIJIA. M ISC ELLA N KOUS ROOKS. Hitilrs, rraviMS, Hymns, Poetical and Historical Workt, Trav els, -Novels, u. SCHOOL BOOKS I'vcry kind iti use hem :i (innicr tinwaidi. blank Bucks. An elcimnt a 'rttiieiit fr tin tlm paR hwk upwardi. nuidc ot supviit r .;i er, :iml tcst f limding. W KITING PATEUS. Cnp, V 'rf, nnd "tc Pjpfjrfi. elegant alyWn and quality, tuul very elicit t. STATIONERY. Fnrcy, Pl:nii and Adhcuive I'lircl-pcB. Ink, Snnd, Wa fern, Steel IVns, l iti-s( l't ik-iIh, r tic-M"iiiiicn, Wrap pinu 1'apcrn ot" till knulu, 'uri:iin r:tiu'in. Vc, Vc. our ni'ifii ih all ii'pkIi, It .tn1n i-lit-np mid iltl arerdintrlr ';"'-'' .0'!"'"'-" elniats ami I i.-i;'!its, ,ui id t H r..ksi Ilcrs. lnntry Mot li.uvcvcr little they nwiy buy. i -r k I1:iuk8 nn: rnhlinhers nf I'KLTON'S sciiot of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS lu-h imp in m-irly SMVIi.N l-T.KT SKt'ARE. and slinwh the i- nip;ir;itic size itml relative p tuti-in ol" every c mniry "ii the ni .he. They urc iutMidcd t he suspended in every Sclvt l Ittmin, ami it -t only make a plcndid up pcnraiict', hut ;trc llin'cr3i!! hi kli wled-.'cd to he the .Moi;t; ok TJiAt.i'iiNri ;i ATii Y cr hr mi'ht rut. They nre keys intfiulfd ( he umnl by thc neii .u c iitniuiri; u rontpif u- i-pit' iue M" Ocoyruphy, and c i:ioiT hf s than h:ilt' the price ni" q (ie-tuniphy nnd Alias. Thc ,h!eiu is in imi versjil use in pruesijt and Uernmuy. mill lin iilrcndy been inir-'duced in (iirnrd College, IMnla dflphia, the pnhlic telr i -lt of llnnt n, ew V-rk, Phi In dc!p!iin, !! '.t iiti- Te, Wafliinylun, tind thr-ifh'ut New Fn-jhuid, New 'tl tVc, Ac. Our desks are l-adrJ Willi rcc tmnieiidations fr ni the m -Rt ttdented nnd sciru I ific teachers in i m y tptarier, nnd vcln-ievcr the iyUera h ;s hecu it pud paienta, tciichem mid scholtim unite inpraia ii g il. !. Mapofihc Western Hcmuiphere. i. Map of the I'nsti rn HeiiiiHphere. 3 Map f North Aiii'-i vu. 4. Map of the I'liiied SjttteS. ft. Map of KiT'ip. 0. M.ip of Acia. 7. Map of S-in Hi Atneriri nnd Afiicn Kvcry map is 1 . i i 1 t i -1 n 1 1 y e- luril, vnmislied, ond mount i;d 011 riiifhn iiinl r. Uer.4.' AV'e r sprctfnlly invite Ihe earner:' attention of Tenrlirtsf Parents, nud S-liiNil pna ct'TS t i t'un faseinut ine mode O. tcachiH-j U .gmphv. SOW KK & llAliKS, -l North Third JHret, Phibdeli liiii, Aug lf-'i. If. C.'lieaj) Watches Jewelry, "ITIIOLI'SALE and Retail, nt the "rhiludcl- phia AVatih unil Jewelry Store," No. 86 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, I'hiladel phia. OoKI l.pvcr AVat,-ln t. full jevvrlpd. IH cnrt e.iirl. $59,00 Pilv.-r ,lo. full jrwrl.-il, I4 lOolil Sprela.-le, 7.00 tilvr 1,,'i'iii'-, j'-vvi 1, lo jl'ine Silvrr do. t.5o ilo .1. il . 9 liol.l Hrai-fpt. 3 00 Surti'ii'-T liunrtiiR, 7.1! ndir!' Kolil Pt-ncilt. 1.00 linit-itioti ,1 v 5. Silver Tki tHllt, tct, S.IKI Colli I'iih. with Ti ni'il mid Silver Holder, 1,00 Cold Kineer HiiiK. 3T.J cenls to $R0 ; Wateh GhiKseA, plain, l-Jo'liU; rateiit, J 8 j ; Lunet, 25 ; other artii les in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arc sold for. BTACFFER ic HARLKV, ISuieessors to O. Conrad. On hand, tome Cold and Silver Levers and Lepiuex, xtill lower than thc ubovs prices. August ','S, 1852. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JAM lis li. F IDLER, No. 12 South Second Stree, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever W atches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lcpine do " Quartier do Cold pens and pencil and silver haldcrs Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, lireast pins Ear rings Ac. All warranted and sold at prices ss low as try in Ihe city. November 27. IS52 if. C II E A V AVIXDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactury or G. L. fe CO., S. IC. corner Arch and Second Streets PHItADELFHI. VFIIY V TJTI'TV DP Kll Whole i sale and Retail, such as Scroll. Flower. Got ,ie, Viauette,Oil and Drr Landscapes, nre to he bad at the lowest prices for quality of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, lettered and other Shades ce-uted at short notice. Merchants and others are iovil.d to give 01 trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. lirasses, J'riniiiiltijs. Ac, alvvavt on ba id. Remember r'. W. corner SKI OND and ARCH Streets. Philadelphia. February 12. 1S53. ti m. Itoscudalc Hydraulic Cement. VN exeellenl article for lining Citterns, Vaults, Spring houses snd Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale hy EVl SMITH cV 80N, N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. CsOLD PENS with and without cases, of H very superior quality, jutt received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by H. B. MASSES. Sunbury, Dec 57, 1851. jATENT BRITTAN1A STOPPERS for B MASSER. j iar Domes lor sate oy H Sunbury, April, U. 1851 HI ILEY'S COLGi CNDY. An eiosl T lent remedy for coughs, colds. For eal at tins otnee. j Deoember 4, 184?