T f i&rujENMtoF RAiLnoAnn rron the VALUE OF rROPKHTY. We copy from the Cleveland Herald the following, In re.r! lo the influence of rail roadi in increasing the value of property : It in Mloninhing the chance that railroads hate made in our city. There are loin in Cleveland valued by the Assessor in 1846. tor less than 8100, (and it wus Ihoupht thnt they were valued loo high,) that can not now be bought for $1,000. There are two or three ten acre lota in the vicinity. of the Depot of the machine shops of the Cleveland and Pittsburg rnilroml that were offered at some $5,000 within the last cix years that can not now be bout-lit for lew than $1,000 per acre. Since Alfred Kelley took out the first whnelbnrrowful of earth from the track of the Cleveland and Columbus railroad in 1M7, the value of the real eslate has been ilnnMeil, and I am decidedly of the opinion that if the entire real properly of the not city wn to be sold at public auction, it would eell for more than treble the amount it would have old for in 1847, and yet we have only just begun lo feel the benefits of our railroads. Cleveland started late in the railrond enter prise, but that start was a stronaone. Our cily lias $400,000 invested in railroads, and in railroads and plunk roads our citizens have at least $600,0110 moie, making a total of $1,000,000. Leonard Case, Esq, has some $60,000 of railroad stock, and with all his far liyhted'sajjaeity, he lias never made an investment that will pay him better. Let mo illuslinte. IT id leu-acre lots on the north easterly purl uf the cily, numbering 300 ncresor more, wete assessed, I think in 1546, nt some $10,000, and he ofTeied lo sell ti e lots for 20 per cent, less than Assessor's val tie. Some $7,000 or 58. 000 were deducted from the assessment. ( presume that the teti-acie lots could not be bought at an aver age of less than $500 per acre. On Euclid street, lots that weie worth from $100 to 4250, MX or seven yeais nyo, are now held ut fiyuies varying fiom $1,000 to $1,600 per aeie. Cattawissa and Erie Railiioad. Sev eral of the contiactois have commenced op Illations on their sections on this road. Shauiips are going up in the vieiniiy of Danville, grading is under nay, and exten sive arrangements making fur preparing the ground for llio iron track. Thk Scientific American slates on reliable authoiity, thai "if at two feet above -the throat of your chimney you enlarge ihe opening lo double size, for I he space of two feet, then carry up llie rest as at first, your chimney will never smoke." Wood Gas. The City of Wilminuton North Carolina, is now for its size, the cheap est lighted city in the United States. The whole apparatus, includim; mains, casome ter, fee, cost but 18,900. This includes their transportation from Philadelphia, with also, the pay nud passage of wmkiiieu. Common Small Biceix. Take a linnlful of hops to a pailful of water; a pint of bran, and half a pint of molasses, a cup of yeast und a spoonful of ginger. Never Use Ley to clean tin; it will spoil it soon J nuke it clean wilh suds, and rub with whiting, and it will look well, and lasl longer. i 'At Jj MAY A large number of our "first families" that is tlic first to leavo town-are already t Capo Island, enjoying the sea breezes und the bulldog. The ladies arc charming; and tho gentlemen arc rcmarkahle for their handsome appearance and tasteful dressing. The secret of this matter is that they get all their clothing at Kockhill & Wilson's Clothing Store, No. Ill Chesuut street, coiner of Franklin Place, Philadel phia. Philadelphia, Nov. 6. IH52. ly. cw. Ky-POISONlNG.Cfl Thousands of parent who use Vermifuge composed ol Castor oil. Calomel, &c. aie not awaie, thai while they appear to heiiflil the patient, I hey aie actually hiying the luinuhi lions lor a series ol diseases, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, w eakness of limbs. rVi". In another column will be found the adver tisement of UobiMisack's Medicines, lo which we ask the attention uf till directly iuieiesled in l heir own as well us their Child, en's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make use. of llie only genuine medicine, Iloben sack's l.iver Pills. C7" lie not deceived," but ask for lloben sack's Worm Syrup ami Liver Pills, ami ob serve Ihat each has the signature of the Pioprielor, J. N. 1IOBENSACK, as none eUv are genuine. m a n it i En, III Ibis place, on the 24ll int , by llie Rev. P Horn. Mr. Samuki. Rgksf.k, ki'.Mih. Christians Zimmerman, both of Lower Augu-ta. Hv the Rev. John P. Hudson, on Thnisdny the 14lh inst , Mr. Hekrv K Cvi.v, in Miss Margaret Rkadfr daughier of Henry Reader, both ol McEwensville, Pa. In Milion, 6 h inst., by ihe Rev. Dr. Long mere, Ciias A Garrison, of Tioy, N. Y-, lo Mis Mabv E. Wilson, of Milion. In Milion, on the 7ih int.. by llie Rev. D. Longmore, D. D , Mr. J. Abner McUhide, of Chulaskv, Northuinberlaml county, to Mis Maiiv Hays, of Perry county. In Chilisqnaqiie, on the 20 h ull , by Thomas Pardoe, Kq., Major James Shear er, to Mis. Ei.iZABKTil Snydkr, both of that township. i i i: i. in this place, on 20ih insl , CATHARINE, wife of Heuiy Barlbher, aged about 60 years. At the resilience of Hugh Wilson, Jr. in Buffalo, Montour county, 2 11 ull., CHARLES WILSON, uyed 68 yea'i. In Lewistown, at the residence of her son-in-law, Hon Abiaham S. Wilson, Mr. NANCY NOUUIS, relict of the lute John Nor ris, of Brown's Mills, in her 77ill year. At Northmoreland, in Wyoming county, the2Sili oil, Ihe Rev. JOHN RHODES, in Ihe 821 year of bis upe. In Bloomsburp, on Thntsday Ihe 7th Julv, of cancer in the throat, Mr. ANDREW FALLS, aged about 47 years. l)e ill ctiiicts. PUladelpbia Market. July 27, 1853. FLOira and Meal. The lust newt from Europe has rather depressed prices; wa oooi s I cnod oU slock at 5 ; Iresh around is held it $51. Sales for city consumption at J5 37 1 a S 75. Kve Flour andCuiH Meal r dull j the former is held at $3,75; last sales nt' fresh eround Pennsylvania Coin Meal at $3. and Brandywina at $3 374. GftAm. There is a moderate demand for Wheat, but h lower prices. Sales of South ern new red at $t 10 a $1 124, and new white at $1 23. Old red is worth $116. Rye is steady at 83o. Corn is dull, add of (red at 70u for yellow. Oals Some South ern are reported at 36a. VViiiskby Sales of bblsat 25o, and rinds, at the same prioe, and scarce. Baltimore Market July 23, 1833. GRAIN. The quantity of Wheat r.t mar kel, ihis morning, was very large, some 21 000 bushels boiinr offered ut the Corn and Flour Exchange, the greater part ol which was lakeu by shippers and millers. There i- a decided lulliiiii off in piiees since Satur day, mid we nole sales of goo. lo prime reds al 'llOallO ets., i leliiding family flour par eels. About 15 000 bushels Coin were also offered The demand, which has been ac ite for some da s past, was much less so his rtioinintf ami decided ful inj ofT in price is vis, bio. Sales of while were made at 65 els., and mellow ut 66 .67 els. D.ilesol Ala rylainl Rvp were made nt 72 73 els. Penn sylvania Rye is quoted at 82.88 o s. We nole sales of new mid old Virginia a id Marv- and Oa's at 37,i40 els; Pennsylvania Oals are quoled as before at 43.44 its. Since eailv (,hane there was a fui- iher decline in Wheat. Sales of good to piime whiles have been made dining the dav "1. 106 1 114 cts , mid good to prime reds al 108i 1 1 1 cis. WHISKEY This article slill continues scarce end in active demand, and a further imptovement in puce is visible. We quoin sales of (ibis, ut 354 cts. No sales of hhds. reported. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT WllKAT. - 100 Rr.. . . .75 Cult. . . -64 Oats. 44 Potatoes, 55 BcTl'I'll. . -14- Eons. ... jo PlIHK. ... 8 funtiii. .... 125 Talluw. I -10 Beeswax . Sft Hkcklkii Flat, . 12 Ditn.n Appi.i.s. ... H0 l-i.i. rAi:iu.s. . 100 Flax - 17 TJ aA'TI '" ' " ' ' 1 New Advertisements. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of (j round FOR SALES. TpHE subscriber offers at private sale, his house J- and three acres of ground, on the river Rank within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Shisslcr und orig inally owned by C.ias. (iussler while engaged in boat building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of good Water, and a good frame stable, i here are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The. prop erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a reasonable piicc and possession given in April next. Apply to Geo' (.'. Welkcr, Esq., uf Sun burv, or to the cubscriher at Sclinsgrove. PETE 11 RERUN. July Co, is. tC Mifilinliuric Aeuderuv. KliininiMiri;, I'uloti C'uinity. Prntiii. A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH, Principal of Female Department. The Summer Term ef this flourishing Insti tute will commence on Musnir, July "5, 1853. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mathematics nud the Ancient Lan guages, as well as other branches, will be taught, as fur as practicable, on the analytic, method. Unity use will he made ol the hliickliourd. Uilhography, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full sharo ol attention. Draughting, Construction of Maps, I'se of Compass, .Vc, will lie taught to students in !Sur veying und Civil Engiueciing. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, See, Ornamental Needle Work, Pieiall auJ Botany will be given by the Precep-tre-(, who is a graduate of Castletou Telltale J-'eoiinary, Vermont, and conies recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lath of lureeable manners und high literary at tainments." Young ladies and gentlemen who design to bee. me teachers, will liud this Institution un elu-.-if ut school for pieparalion, since there will lie connected wilh it. during the great part of llie jc.ir u Tto'inin' lsriTtTK, llie ineiubcrs of which will huc the opportuiiily of utiemlmg un Evening (.'ouiM of Lei lures on aichnui I eu, long, and aciiuiiing a practical kuoivlidge ol llie art, uiuler the supcrNiriou of the Principals. '1 he governinenl of the school is bused upon the law ol- universal love, which enjoins upon all lo ilo to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rules will be mildly, though strictly enforced; anil parents and guardians may rest assured, thai loe morals, habits of study, and general deportment of Ihe leih l.ts will be carefully attended to. The bidding is now undergoing a complete ren, cation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms. iVc. Mitibnliurg is a thiiving and healthy boroie.;li. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent nud enlcr. prising, lis streets have lieen recently graded and p;ived. It is, in everv respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for students. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. t V The price of board, in the best of private families dors not exceed $1,5(1 per week, N. U. Students may enter the Academy at any time doling the term ; yet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, oil the firnt day, MllHiuburg, July 10, 1SS3. Gin. To tLe Voters of Eorlhumterland County. The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow citizens, that he is a candidate for the ollice of CO U1T V THE AS UKEll, and promises, if elected, to discharge the duties o' the office faithfully and impartially. FRANCIS MUCH ER Suubury, July 16, 18oo. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I announce myself to your consideration as a candidute for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the uproaching election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the ollice faithfully and to the best interests of the county. SIMON SNYDER. Upper Augusta, July 16, 1853. KOT1CK. fTMIE books for subscription to the stock of -a- the nliamokin steam r erry ana j ovv uoat Company, will be opened at the bouse ut James Covert in the Uorough of Sunbury, Northum berland county, Pa., on Saturday, the 30th day of July inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M. HENRY DON N EL And others, Commissioners. Sunbury, July 16, 1853 w-vENTISTUY. Dr. Vallerchsmp announ I f) ces to the citixens of Kelinsgrove and vi rliiitv. that he will remain at that place for s hort lime. Ollice, Msiu street, next door to Dr, Bunnell's office. irlin$roie, July S3, 1853. 6t. SITNHlJkY AMEKlCAN AN 1) SifAMOKIN "jOUBN AL. REGISTERS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legates, Creditor and other person interested in the Estate of the following named person, that the Enecutor. Administrators, and Ouardisns ol said Estate hsve filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland County, and that the sni will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 2d day of August. A. V., 1853, in tho forenoon, for confirmation and a.lowanre. Charles H. Kay, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rix Jane K. Kay. Elizabeth Dcntler, dee'd., settled by her Ex'r John Vounj and Geo. F. Miller. Simon Lenker, dee'd , settled by his Executors Jonathan and Isaac Lenker. Jacob Horloekcr, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor Masi. k Horlocker. Joseph Hilliard. dee'd., Final account settled bv his Ex'r Lphriam Hilliard. William Shelter, dee'd., lettlcd bv his Ex'tors Wm. and Jacob ishefl'er. Thomas II. Kerr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r William Levnn. Isaac Stadler, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor Peter Mrams. Anna Maria Huiisicker, dee'd., settled by tier Ex'tor David Taggurt, Esq. James Price, dee'd., Pinal account settled by his Adm'r David Malta. Miolmrd Rockefeller dee'd., Final account set tled by his Adm'r Isaac Eclun in. Andrew Tiubrook, dee'd., scUlcd by his Adm'r Andrew Tiubrook. Oideoii Markle, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rix Mary Markle. George Deibler. dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor Jonathan Deibler Thomas Vastinc, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors Wm. and Anins Vastine. John Arler, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r Wm. H. Pcrsing. Elizabeth Fiick, dee'd., Final account settled by her Ex'r B. P. Fiick. Jacob Sechlcr, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors Peter Mahl and Michael decider. Solomon llecl.rrt. t'ee'd., settled by Ida Adm'rs John and Jacob IIcrer'. bamuel Culp, dee'd , Finul account settled bv his Adm'r John llaughawout Absalom Adam, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor Gideon Adam. Alexander tiieklanil, dee'd., settled by his Ex'rs Win. Cass and Win. Miller. John llur.-li. dee'd., settled by bis Adm'rs John and IStepheii Hur-h. Elixdbeth Dieireuha.her, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r Peter Kims. George Ilile, dee'd., scttlec by his Adm'tor r leJeriek Haas. ChrUtophor Go"daudert dec.'.!., settled bv hi" Adm'r John V. Goodiaiidcr. John Hendcrshot, dee'd., settled by his AJm'r Abm. riliipmr.ii. John Snyder, dee'd., Final account settled by his Kx't'irs Thomas and Adam Snyder. Henry Rockefeller, dee'd., settled by one of bis Adin'rs John Rockefeller. Jesse and Elizabeth Tharp, minor children of Alexander '1 harp, dee'd., settUJ by their Guardian Jesse Campbell. William Tharp, minor child of Alexander Tharp, dee'd., bv his Guardian Jesse Camp bell. Elizabeth I.csher, settled by her Guardian John Troutman. Mury Herb, settled by her Guardian Daniel Herb. Hannah Dressier, settled l y her Guardian Sol omon llillinali. 8ophia, Euiiliue and Anthony Fox, eettlaj by their Guardian Peter Slrau-s Susan. Henry, Samuel, David, Richard and Alfred Culp, minor children of Peter Culp, dee'd., settled by their Guardians Samuel I.anlz nud and Win. Dcppin. Peter I". Culp, minor child of Peter Culp, dee'd., sealed by his Guardian Philip Henu. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's Oli'ue, ) Sunbury, July 2, 1853. J To the Votei'3 cf ITorthxvmberland County. Fi:i.i.ow Citizcns: Having been induced to ofl'er myself to you as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the coining election, should I be so fortunate as to receive a nomin ition and obtain an elec tion, my undivided and constant endeavor won!.! be to perform the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. MARTIN GAS3. ?haniokin, July 0, 153, To the Voters of NorthmrJacrland County. Fellow Citizens. At the solicitations of many of my friends, I again announce nn sell to your consideration as a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuing election. Should I be so fortu nate as lo be elected, I will endeavor to discharge the duties thereof with impartiality. ClIinsTUN 13 AU.SC II LAG. Shaniokin, June '-5, 1853. - - NOTICE. VTOTK'E is hereby given that an application will I'c made, at the next regular session of (he Legislature, to charier a company for bank ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred luousaiiil dollars, with the inlvi- ;o of extending it to four hundred thousand lollars, to be located in the borough of Suumirv, Northumberland couiitv, Pa., nud to le culled I'm: Miku' Hank ur Si:ii'i:i." July 1 S.,3. Cm. NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given thnt books will be onrned to reeeic subscriptions lo the Capi tal Stock ol t':e Selun-grove Uridfe t omnanv, on Wciluesiluy, tiie Villi of Julv next, at tlio follow- iug uiiiued places : At the house of Mrs. Davis in Scliugt'uve, Jacob Fryer, Mi. Idleburg. Charles 1). Kline, I.ewisbuig and Isaac D. Hover 111 Fieeburu. Union countv, also ut the house of iiiiucl Thompson in Sonlnirv. Petor Snvdor in Lower Auuusta to .vnshlp. mid J. Herb in Upper MaliMiioy township in Noithiiniherlaiid counlv and at the house of Michael eaver ill Miners ville, Si bin li.ill countv. at which lime and places one or more of the undersigned will attend for tiie purpose uf receiving such subscriptions. COMMISSIONERS. Ner Middleswarth, Peter Snyder, II- W tMiyuer, (i. Lei icering, James K. Davis, Henry C. Ever, John Guiidv. John Lt. Packer, W. F. Wnu'enscller, Charles A. Mover, G. P. Miller, Juo. Walls, Jacob Seatho tz, William Cameron, Edward Y. liright, Ira 1 . Clement, Selinsgrove, July 'i, 1853. FLUD Lamps, Choice flaskets, Flower Va ses and Ornaments; Queensware and Glass ware, just received and for sale by Sunbury, May 14, '53. TK.NER & CO. Vl'ONE W.4RR Milk nans. Butter crocks L Uutter jars, Jugs, I 'reserve jars, fl-c, 4-c. just . ... received and lor sale bv Sunbury, June i, 1853. TENER 5c CO. RUMMER Shawls, Ready made Mantillas y black Silk and Silk Lace, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, May 1 1, 1853. BURNING Fluid, Camphine, Sperm and Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and far sala by Buiibury. May U, '53. TENER & CO. TYAND BILLS neatly printed 6n new type promptly executed at this oflict. Alsa blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Sunhurv. Feb. 14, 185. fU. WINDOW SHADES, Leuther Trunks. Valises and Carpet Bugs, just received and for sale by . W. TENER & CO. illibuiv, April 30, 1853 CELEBRATED Family Medicines 11V offer i tiff to tli public (ho almve invaluable prpnra tit his, the luhicribcr would state thut in c ustiiUtiu : with his fiieudi and im ul the most rcsprctRl.lu ui the Medical (acuity, it wm deemed advinublu t nffer Ut lh I public, fw prttparutiiita of known culciirity, being; p't- pured with the greiitcet cure, nnd on the mst cictiliHt j principle, as aubsiiiutei lor the iiumenus wriliUNi ar- ; licki thut nre flMHling the country in the f rm of panaceas hi id curt alls, prepared by tin mut ipuoMtit and mercuna- i ry persons, intended lo curtt all diteusc and g Ad for mourn. Read and Reflect, Thit the Medicine. Manufactured by W. M. BshtUsKV, Including his Koso Pectoral f-r Ctughs. (Jruriin t Cumph'ir. f t Hheuitiutism. VWm Svrup t v Worms. To ith Wusti, for decuvetl teeth, diemcd Ritrn. ! amily 1'Kls, or hlnod Puriiyer, li ve been in -re extensive ly used, and hive Riven rn re rttisfuetion, thiu any other Mnlicn.es bet ire the public, heinir preimred with regard to their useiulnecs :ne fully woitliy tho tdul tba aiilici- 1 cd. Give tJicni a trial. A fr-w poweiful ransons why tho alwvft Medicims Bra deserving of um vereul pntn'tuigf. (In ihe fiiat pluec, thoy nre prcptirtMl by n regular 1'ityaiciuu, wlh uiKler 'tu'-'ls the application of Medicines, t diaonaeh. ami coimfipiiuly nre tierfecliy s;ite to tuUe. (Sceoiuily.) tluy h'nt bem used wilh tiiiiversal aticcean, ami Imvf given more antufwc ti'n thim any ntlier Medieinrs ofl'cred beinre tho public. (Tiiirdly ) they are the only med-cmes lh;it huve pained tle ntronFiifc of lM)Vsiciiini, where they have been used; ond (Fouithiy.) they am put up In lnrtrer (pinniilies i i the s.unf! price, thim any other Medicinea ntlercd t-i the public oi the same kind. Am the subscriber hrtit a numhrr of certificates in his ponseapion of the lii jrhHt itnlhnrity, where thy have been us-.-d wilh (he numt aitiBftifiory re sults. He will publish a few of them, fecliiura.it iafced that atiial will insure their rccouinieu'iathm. Try I hem and satisfy youraelf uf their autierini ify over id! others. Rend end Le Convinced. We tho undersigned hnvitisf been mndc ncuninlert with the Inprtjilieiiis cntnrhiir int j the Cmip''inils Known tis HieUh-y's b'atnily iMedicinrt aliiti havinfr prfScrilti' and kimwn thein to be us-'d. wilh iti'"l Mitn-iat-tory resulio; tuke pl-.-iiniT-o in s-iyiiiii th'H we believe they fully meet the design for wlii'-h llfy nre rc 'mtneiidpd. jas. sTUAwmiun-i-;. m. d. C Tl. 1KICK. M. ) vm. MfMAHi. . n WKrfMCV 11 OKAliUF.AKT. M. I. W.M. II m vmu., M. 1. B U. (j MAltHKAKT, M. D. Curt of pain in the suit and cough J'ro.n rotcltd Liver Conj luiut. Mrs. Robert Arhuns, i d) riti:; under (Mir in'e Liver C'.-tm plaint, aecunipnitii'd wi'h u tsiwrt dry coujjh pain in the side und brea t. gt-nend di-b.iity, . B'i of apeutc, alter try inif ull ihe Ufeiul reuictties r.e iniu.'ii'h'd f'i c mrrlits and disi'uses i'f the chrnt. who with li 'benefit, she w:ie rccim iiHMiued to try the Unite I'ectnnd, fr'Ui which, she touly dt-rived iniineiliiiie but penivinrut roJiet J-din Atl tmi, u u til Mrs. K'.U'N Adunic, was nfTlicted with a very severe c ngh, ptitu in the side, find s tremss pr Hhieed by inei-'snant r aihuitf ; he whs induced to try thd Ri'se IVet-iral. To am hi.i own Ihi v.; n. jo, the fust d )e umhled liiin to eiij"V n k' d night's rt. In the m -mfn? he exi)eH'itutid about h:df pint of matter. lie continued t improve until hii coush entirely ln"t him, it als had the tfuvt nf s:ieugiicitii;g Jus hi east which Wu naturully wc.ik . lie tdj eays that he h is te.'i'iiiiiieiKled it t. a number of hisfiieuds f-T similar C'-mlainti, and in every case it has given smist'jeti"ii. The ab ive peis tiB rcfliileiits f th town of pQiiville, frelinjir that they have deiivt-d prenl benefits fr.'in the use of the U"e I'eetral ; uuihuiiz the fth vc stiiteincnt, ('T the benefit ol lh;fie wIim niav be nfi'i'jted ia u itniiiar man ner. t:iiKAT ;uiiE. Loss cf YoUt restored with ons lottlt of Rczs Pee toral. Miss Susan Whitlnck, of Hush township, Northumber land co.t for n number of years an ii valid, in the lull of li50. lust tiie use uf her voice fnun a seveie cold nhe cou trncied ; ufter iry ii'jc a number of remedies, wilh n bene fit. ihe w:is entui ly rc!rt"rud by tnkiujj cue b iitlts of Uhbu IV-t't irnl. ulier ' which. hm her vmcu acuin. frmn a freish ctld s!u ctmiraeitd, and was again renioied by the use of another bottle; she then took four bottles more to strengthen herbicnst, fr uu whii-h she dciived tho m -st decitlrd Uciiclir, und has been in the enjoyment ul excellent herilih from that time to the prctt nt. T.'ie ;tb lie fctaU'iiici.t is obtmned fr m Tr Pursi M. the Physician wh-i ii;ifudvd tier; ul her ui"lher who thinks that she w ul ! li it be living at tins time if it had iwt been for llie It no IVct Tid. Dun die, Jan. S3, tti! another Jtfarlcl Cur Ejfsrtrd, Mis Samuel Scchler, bcini; of a nutnr:-! weal; and dtlt cuiti e Hidti uii.Jii. very susceptible t c Ids', w'S f.if! id with a vei y severe c -tiurli. iiu uirl S'ireiieas uf the l-ieib't, 1 sa of fl;pstitc ; niter usinr u iiU'Ubrr i f ihe usu'tl rciuc tiics iroin vvhieli, s' e derii:J n ' benefif, fhe w:'g cured by tHninir ne b 'tile '-fit- I'eetorul and is in the enjoyment uf be ter he ill h tlian f r years pre. i . us. l):illVi!:o, 1'ee. 1 lfc.:t). Dii. ii:t.!ir.KV : I'ttiiiiit ire mf"im yon tint my wife, who is a delicate nnd weakly w 'linn, tab riiiii under a I very kvvere LV-ueh wilh pain and hii ik'fj bie.ist. was j j in ire guirkly and i Ifcetuaiiy relieved with one hMtle of j I v-'ur U'jse Pect ral than any other medicine n'te hud ever , taken. AHMill M'UlilJiI-;. I J-.n. 1KW. Sani'i.d P. W.io,:- I'uinace. lie. I P -i,.t. ! I &rit evidkn'ci; is rwuii of thk liust: pj.croii.L am 1'AMiI.V PlM.. , .Thn l'uhier tik-n bet wtnai t'hiislmy mil New Ve:ir j with a V;ry had u 'M, wbi.'h en b:J in u dry iiaid ineeKwnil j C"u:.'h, causing u rreat ( I a I "I pmu whenrvt r be duhetl j was ri'lievftl vrr imu-h : by the time he letd tul:;:i t'ns j third of a b tile, tmd by tin; time it w.is timslnj, vus en- tirely on led II- u;:M tavs that he has t.t'-ien fi' t:ral th'ivs of i;e Il.-aiih Ki:rft-ir:itive nr Family P.. I, and that tlu-y are the mildest and mast eftVetuul pmu tlives he has ever lakeu. limville, Jan 1,1.12. lJu KirKLKT : Dmiiitf a visit to my brother, in Dan- I vdle, I tooit u veiy severe Cold, whicli en.ted ma li'ht j haul C'Uth, with sarenesH mid pain of the bret, f r l which I us'-d y ur liuse Pw;t 'nil, nud Family Pd!., and ! take uh'atiuie in rec 'nnncjidiini thein, as the mil lect und i I in 'St tlluctu il remedy 1 have used. Yours, respeetfu!l j j JAMJ;d MtUlUAN, Jan. t3, lj.j'4. White Haven, lazerne e-i. I j JJear Sir : Asa recommendation fir yur H e I'lc. j i rat. petiiiituieti say, that J was elfccUrilly fiiiad ot a very severe e aieh with puiii in Ihe breast, with s than nioi a i ittJe, mtU ttiat 1 cousi'lci it nivaluable. ua are at liberty to in ike this public if von please. JOIJ V tPKKIllMi (Cirorci.) Diiiville, Pa. My s ui William labor 1113 under a severe e uih aiid p;iia in !n- s;de, fiom an injury rectoveij by u full, ws eu'utrly reiicVcJ by abtle of H se Pee'. Tal t CrL-am of C..111 ph 'i. 1 hale ;tU 1 imt'd y-mr Faiiulv Pih, ami alt- xtlht-r I v Mis.der llic.'U tiie beot incdccmcs I Inve e r ust.-t. jo.w tvj:iiDonr( Jan 13VJ. Rush T,i., NortliM 0. Dr. Itn'liley As my wife wiio was troubled with dry, Irod O 'ti;h, ids 1 s ur St iiuach, drpeud-nt np 11 detiility, binular tti Dioepsia. waa entirely rtdo-ved by luiuir iv ' hi titles il y.'iir U hbc Peel' -rul, permit me 1 1 tay thut I v 'lisi.lei it :.u eeelkitt remedy. Yours, rcrpceiiully, liev Mr. WII.I.ARD. I'iiSt-T laitJieran t'hiireli, Danville. Pa. IPivin? been cured of a iiin in my arm (tnniiur to liheu Iivuisii) wiiien deprived me of the free Ute of it l -r about four in Mitha. ily umg tme b 'ttlc of rreuiu of 'amph"r 1 w aiid tate m'at I c .nsitk-r it the beit remedy of the kiu.l I have ever used in my fn.uily, and 1 would freely rrconmiend it ttt uihers with eimd.ir atfeetions. Ykum, rebjnetiuhy, JOXAS V(I.F. Push tp., North'd co. My wife b'tin,' emictcd with a Very seveie pun in her arm and s!i .nl.ier (the effects of e M l) which disabled her from using it, was cured wilh rubbing of (..'ream 01 Cam ph r Mrs. Klituij r.iy Bieter-indaw, was a! cured of a seven) pain in the heat! and f tee by usinf the Cream tt Ca-nph ir TIIO.MAS C. KMJS, Danville. Jan. J'i, VJ. iMv wte having liheunnti.sm 01 the nriu for u number of years, which prevented her from usinu' it in d unu her w ; after havini! spent a tficat deal of in nn'V in trying iliil'iTL-tit leme.liea with 11 benefit, was entirely cured by usin only one b utle i f y.au Crt:i:n of C .m-.l r. II. 1. 1 AM KVi:S, Minor, f-a S. 11. Wo ,d, It. P Int. Ut. i.tciiU'V : Uavoi ree':vel a very sviCif injury in 1 my Mac in I utniijf it a 1 -atl ot hay, iiniii w hlen 1 Wai una- j b!o to foil iv; my w Tk, wa ree amuciided to tl a ttle ui' Cream of Cit:n( it t, whieh nff rded iniuiediate re!n f. (JiilKprj'U i;Alllt. Km.h tp., Norih'd e . My wife, siid'eriiit' from 111 itt exerunatina puiii. throughout hei pr-jir il r; s!em. which prevented l.ertmm sleepitiz (bfintf ct avi aiL-d by a n mi l protracted b;el! of fciekiU'ts ;) i' r whieii tie used u number of remedies wii hi tat bcut.fi:, wiit ejitiie.j I'ciu e,1 bv ihe use f Cieuiu of Camphor. t ; Kt " ii. iH". Surpe at D. n'rst, Danyilb-, Pa. Child cured of Powel Cotnpl 1. and A.'ue ( f two tars htaudmn.) by W.-rm Hyrup. My child beimj iiii!e-Uii f -t the last two years, with II iwel C aiii'htiiil aittt Ajiue until it w.t r hleetl to a mere skeb'tou, I Hied a numi,er of n-uiedics Wuli n . permanrnt benefit, until I j;uvt! it a b lt!e of our Worm hyrup, since whu'h time il has Ihpu well, mul (jot quale tb;fhy. 1 also have rec tjiaiun.ted it to inonbt-r of m fnends, und Ul every euse tt Inyuivcti Kttislaelioii. D. l.P"I. At 1,'rui Lands' Merehant, Danville. I have used y air Worm Svrup in my family, and con sidrr it u "t only t'lfceiual, but ihe most pleasant article am actpi -linted with JAtHU l-ASUPd-S, Danviilc. llavine used your Wm in Syrup in my family, it htlps mv eh ilt! ren more than anv prepuratiiai of the kind, and is in ire pleasant to take. ' DA MOttGAN. M nt' mi How, Danville. I h ive hi I oeensi ui to UKe vo ir Worm ryrap iu iny family, uml juefer it to anv Vermifit?e I hav used. PKKD. UVli, I'rosty Yalh y, Montour co. I)r. Iii.rVlr-y Having used your woim S.inp, and Cream vi I'umpht r and Family Pi!is in my family, they trave ro-hI nil iti'aeiioii, and 1 consider Thein the niott ef fectual, u..d pleawiat reiuedies, we have had in our famiiv. JOIlNUi'llAN It. lUSHI'.h. Danville. Dear Sir e the undersigned lu-iny; iu the employ ol Messrs. Grove St Coiuly, ut wtiose tttore, you have an Agency for the sile of your Family Medielnes, suite that wu huve had an opirtaiitty of kuowiiiK the opiiii-na of iiumertHis individuals who have used thrm, und that they give general Kitisiuelioii. We have sold a great many nt your Pills, which are universally liked, bfint very mild in their operation. W. LF.ISKMMN'G, Danvillo( Attest, W M. KKPI.FK, Having Scurvy of my month veiy tuid, 1 was induced to try a b ttle of your Tooth Wash, whieh acted like a charm, hardening my gums, and removing ull di sea ftp. JONATHAN' it. ItlSUKh, Danville Dr. Bickley; Havinii what w.is called iitcriired s re, mouth, for whicli, I tried a number of rcmcdit with no Ifiieht : I was nt last cured by using one b tilu of your Tooth wash. My wife als i during her c uifuie.neio, was threatened wiihs .re Hiesis, lunij huviug alr a-ly formetl, lor which she used the Cteam of Cumnk-or, which scaltor ed them, thereby preventing her hrun&ts from eathering. (illo A. HRUWN. Near I ntlieran Ch uch, Danville. Pa. Dr. Hickley. llavim an iipportmnty f scetnc your Auti-A'orbntio To ith Waih used in s-muh very severe ea ses uf iturvev of the gums, I c a under it an cieelleut reme dy Yours, respectfully, GF.O U. lillOWX. The ah we nimlieines are l sule Wlioles.de and lie tuilhyW M HirKI.KY. M I), Proprietor, Danville Also For sale by the following Agents in Northumber land county. Friliiif & Grant, honhurv ; W A. Kuobb, Augusta; W. Farrow, ftnyderiowu ; Taggurt, FumiaiiA; liart ai, Panuos ; Pontine St Stroute. Puamios : Johu Vauzaut, Paxims; Hugh Vatine. Haxmos ; Aniniermau, ni'wei a -o , rnamoKiu ; 11 rs. jis. 1 nmnas, BiiainoKin ; Win. Fatrely, flumokin; Caniphll h Kline, Antrusta; Hainuel A, Heriestresser, Peterslurg Jacob J.eiseuriiir, Uear Gap; Conrad Weuck, Northuuiherlund ; Jeremiah Cronsc, eehnsgrove; JosiuU Hiknr, Lewtsburgi John F. Calow and Jonathan Zellers. Mi lion. Call 00 the AgwiuL, mul get a eireubtr eonUilniitf a full descriruiojj) tf the uuuiefous turea rMTfortaed by the dufur anl Medieiuua. Juiic 11., ly. i GEORGE AY-ZIMEUM AN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Which for styls of Uninh snd workmsnnlilp cannot l snrpsssml. WhcleititU snd KpUil at the lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND HfD BLINDS WHOLESALE, AT MANttFACTIRKRH' fntCES. MERCHANTS snd utliors art invited to call snil csauiino. l'liilaJdljiliia, August SI, lS.it. ly. More Jl'cvr Goods!! WILLI Ail A. KNOI1U, r&ESPECTFULLY iiifurms his fricmls sml the public grnerslly, Hint he lias just received and opencil a lutge and splendid block of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ut liis Store in Lower Augusts towsship. His stork consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz ; Cloths, Cassimcrs, Sattinctts, Vesting, Ftan tiei, Muslin, r.. A splendid stock of I.ADiKS DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Such uf Silks, Berates, Dt Luincs, Merinoes, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, f$c. BOOTS ACT!) SXIOE0, A line assortment for Men, Woman & Children. A largo assortment of CUtOC'CKlES, SUCH A3 Sugar, CcflVe, Ti'a, Molasses, Spices, &c. Ilardvraie ard Guccn3ware. ri.slj, &altai:( Liquors. 51CII AS Gin. Brandy, Euia and Vi'lihkrjr, BesiJes the largest and most general astort rnent of all kind of Goods to be had in the country. All the above mentioned goods will be sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got for eUuwhere. Country produce of all kinds til.cn in exchange at the highest market prices. Augusta twpp.. July 2, 1853. 6m. SHERIFF'S SALES. "BY virtue of a certain writ of Yen. Exponas to me directed, will be sold by public sale, on Monday, the first of August, net, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Court Huse, in Sunbury, tho fol lowing property, vu : A CiTlain Lot of Ground, sutuate in the borough of Milton, on thnt part of sttid borough, called upper Milton, bounded north bv Motes Tailor, east by Second street, south by Mulberry alley nnd west by lot of Win. Mc Clfery, containing one eighth of nn acre, more or less, whereon ia erected a two story liouac, cj-c. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jeremiah Yargy. ALSO: BY an order of sale, at the same time and place. A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in Point township, in the county of Nor tluiiubcrl ind. bounded and described as follows, to wit: Defining at stonrs thence by lands of l.iT.Linl Pl'outz, dee'd., south eighty nine and a quarter degrees, cast uiie hundicd and eighteen and three tenths perches to a fallen hickory, tlivuce by hinds of Win. Lemon, Dee'd., and Win. I., L'ewart, north i degree, cat 122.2 perches to stones, thencs by ljnds said to belong to Win. L. Penult, south KlJ degrees, west 135,2 perches to stones, thence by lunds of south 39 J degrees, eaut 119 perches to the place of begii'.iug, containing 101 acres and 40 peiches and allowance with the appurtenances. Lute the estate ol James Lemon, dec d. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff. iSherill's Office, ) Sunbury, July 0, lsr3. J List of Jurors, .ViriLiimlR'iliind. Count), for August T., (r'r:ttil .Isirnr.n. Milton F. V. Pollock, Juai-ph Egbert. Lewis Samut-1 Sluii.iion Ti'itSL'T John M'Ciiriniik, William P. uml. Delaware James II CHthcart Ciiii.i.-ql'aque William D-ihani, John Rt, Jucob Kiamur, Ucorgo Fredrick, Sam'l M Amen. !?iiamokin I leu i v Leiseiiiinjr, Fiederick Mtltclilcr, Solomon Fegely. Rush Henry Weaver. Lower Aiuusta William Conrnd, Martin Uniiilels, Dainul ZnrliiiHii, lVir Snjiler1 Uprrr Mahanoy William Heim, Joua th in Ressler, Isreal Feiisteiiiiiu her. Lowrn Maiu.nuv JMiu Heusyl. Camcuon Solomon Dunkelbeior. TRAVERSE JL'RORS Si'NHtnv (J. B. Yoimumaii. Gcorye Dt'ihl KsujiiiTieii Ilfinli icks, Ouigu Lyon, Ueoige 1 otint;, UeiiigH lli'iin. Nou riiUMiiKRi.ANn D.ivi.l Hiikml. Milton Jinn's Moutuninerv, II D ILirr, llcury Eyheit, Robert Sli.iililnn, Muses Chum, berl.mi, ticdt'iick tiller, John iJillur, Allen fi'liioycr. I'ei. aware Chris'i.vi Hilyaid, Wilson IIiKt liison, John II. (iiii'r. Lewis John Shell, Milton Tioxel. J;icob ( J i 1 1 . e r , . C. Uiickinnti. (HtLlsQUAQVE Ailam Coiinul, John Shell Point J"hn W. Siamiii, John D,il. Lower Ai'Ot'sTA. W, R Joiick, Jorpitiinh Rciin, Ciisper Si. Clair, I'eloi Rcilz, Cieoi Snviler, J.iiiii s Shiiiivinn. Shamdkin CuniaU Yeagpr, Win. Ammer- man, k.'iil.i Jotiri Itu-ii Jos-ph Fisher. Coal Siill'iiau Eaton, Stephen Eisanlieart Jordan illiam MialiM. Cameron Gideon Krurner. D.iniul Sloirh Lower Mahanov Joseph Fmiftermncher Alnhael Reailel, Jacob Lingoman, Adam Lenker, Little Mahanov Isnae D. Raker. Jjcksuu Jacob Shappi l. John Creasinq;er iNOTICE, "IVTOTICE is hereby fiiven, that application will le made to the next Legislature of If nnsylvania. tor tiie lueorpurntion of a company with discounting privileges, to Le locuted in toe borough of Sunbury, in the county of Nonhuin berlnud, with capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to ho called the "Xusjiiehannu Savitigt iiuiititte. Sunbury, June S5, 153. Sm. NOTICE. VOTICE is hereby given by the undernigned ' citizens of the (Vmnion wealth of J'euuayl vania. that application will be made to the next Legtr.lutuie of said Commonwealth for the erec. tion of a body corporate lo he styled "'J'us Kuk Mr m t SAvmiis' liriTin," to be located in the borough of Sunburv. Northumberland county, with discounting privileges, and wilu a capital o( One hundred thousand dollam. Robert II. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young. Adam Khissler. Thomas Kobins, Daniel Drucke miller, Kredk. Lazarus, Coo. B. Youngma.,. Te ter U.Masser, J. W, Krilmg. Ira I . Clement. Benj. Hendricks. Ceo. C. W.lker, J. W. IV.I. Sunbury, June 25. W3;-6'0- ANN'S LErJ CK mcnacs. books, ink, and all comi'Iete, just Mceived, .nd tor sale by 0. IHAS8LK. Suni'urv, June IPS3. Live and Help Live!!! Ocn Motto. S. N. THOMPSON rrn ERPECTFULLY informs his friends and tho public generally, that he has just r. ceived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, lmulsoino and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting; in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrs Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling!, niusuns, vesungs, Ltncns, etc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lains, Lawns, I r, rt i c. vmgnami, uerages, noons, ft.' gkcckiui.s, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Kice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, alt, &c, &c, &a. Hardware, Naib, Screws, Files, Saws, Kiiivcf.& Forks, &c. Quceiisvrare, of various stylos and patlcniR, BOOTS ARB SHOES, A lurye assortment of Doota and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cats, &c, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for Your selves. EST Country uroducs of all Kinds taken in cxhaii!;o nt the highest market p'.ices. ounoury,4 mo. 3U, 1S53. "Eureka, Eureka." V.rE HAVE 270ILND IT AT LAST. JOW for the little ones. Whv will parents x waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and afier all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1 W e would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will cuarnntco t make von a nprfpet picture, by our Ei.tcTiio Cukhicai procesi, that works in from J t.i 2 seconds. V e ilciy any Duguei iean in rhilsdelnhia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as we are the inventois, nnd the process is used only in our dif ferent establishments iu New Eneland and the Middlo Stales. For pictures of adults, tho silver medals we have received from tho American ustituto, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County Fuirs. is sufficient proof that they are the iVePlus Ultr.i of perfection. Wo would call particular attention to our Tiilbotvpes Daguerreotypes in Oil. u. ly. LoLuiis Sc Lu., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, oimosite silo Uamu. deu House, Springfield and Collins' Uuildinir, N. B. Cur establishment U illuniinatcd bv the brilliancy of our 1'icturcs bv Dav. iiiul l,v Professor Ilorsifvrd't Scfety Lamps ly Aigfit. "Come and see." Plain., May 28, 1853.- -iy- A Farm for Bale. 4 Valuable Farm situated in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, lavinir along the Shaniokin creek, about four miles and a half from the borough of Sunbury, CONTAINING 140 ACRGS, will be sold on the SSd day of August, by the heirs of Suinuel Colp, sen., deceased, at private sale. About l0 acres of this land are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the whole having been limed oueo over. The improvements are a two story DWELLING HOUSE, bain, a waggon houiie, and two orchards f choice fruit. The Philadelphia, end Sunburv Kailrond passes directly through the centre of it, likewise the public road leadiuri from Sunbury to Petersburg. Any persons desiring to purch ise a good Farm, void of hills and stono, with good water, and well in with clover, will find this to comport with their wishes. For full particulars, apply eilher personally or by letter to the subscriber at the farm. JEKE.MIAH COLP. Upper Augusta twsp., June 18, 1S53 ts. I ui i v o v c in c ii 1 8 A It c a d ! ! ELIAS EROCIOUS ffTEREUV informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just ri-ccived at his old stand, iu M.uket street, opposite Weaver's hotel, An excellent assortment of F It E X C II CALF SKINS, French Lasting-3, And all kinds of linings und Shoe findings, which he oilers to the trade at reasonable prices. He also informs his customers ane others, that he still continues the Shot-making business, ond is prepared to do oil kinds of work, in a good and fashionable style, and on reasonable terms. Sunbury, Juno 11, 1853. ly. ORPHANS' COURT JaLE IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court ot Northumberland county, will be exposed to puuuc sale, tno loiiowmg real estate, to wit j A Certain out Lot of Ground, in the southern part of the borough of Sunburv. bounded on the east by laud of George Wciser, (tanner;) on llie south by the heirs of Kdward Harrison, dec U., on the wct by the SusturhaD na river, and on the north by out lot of J. O Youugman, containing ONE ACRE AND TUUEE-FOUHTHS, more or less. The above will be "ld at the public house of James Covert, in tho borough of nunbury, on Saturday, the 23d day of July if it, at S o'clock, P. M. ALSO: A Tract ol' Loiid, iu Lower Augusta township, county aforesaid, adjoining land, of Job.. Hart Johu Jf endershots heirs, David Shipman, Peter llcrlieu and others, and mountain land. coiiUiimwr about FIFTV ACKLb moro or leas. To be sold at the public house of William K. Jones, iu Lower Augusta township, ill said county, on Saturday, the 23d day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M of ssid day. Late tSe es tato of William K. Drown, dee'd. Terms of ale will be made known on dav of sale by GEOROJi; WEISER, Guardian of the minor children of Wm. K. Brown, dre'd. By Order of the Court, ) J. P. PLUSEL, Clk, O. C. June 85 lS53. ts ) ' "IRENCH Cloth, Fancy Vesungs, and Casri-- meres just received and for sale by Sunbury, May 1 1, "fin. TENER A CO THE B.0AD TO HEALTH ! HOLLOWAVS PILLS eam or a ngi amd kV Cop of Letter from M: R. W. Ritht. Tn Tntmnt HotioWAi, bZ-,. i, ,f "Z, I particulars of li tnn. Sh. k.a iry your nils, (nt t!,t iiuonn ins that sfter Hm .j each succeeding , .h. )lud ,:hr u . f , ' ,M1 to tak0 them, and ltl'Kjug, " J f,VrS V""",Tt "1" ' ... . : ' -" Hum llie ttraat tur THK ATTACS, Slid ill- TL'PDT cure 1 ll,i,,l, . i , favor of v..ur ,lst,1,.-l,i,i pili. ' ""' '""k n""1' ' a n.n, Ai t. I IIM'KIIINAKY Ct RE OF nsi'l umir. FKVf.lt, I.N VAN DiKMKN'S l,A..ii. Copy of a Letter inserted in the lluhart Town Courier, of the st March, 1851, bit Aaior J. Walch. Msrmret M'Conulgan, nineteen years cf tKe rei,llne st New Town, hsd been nltrrnif from s vl.ilont rhcuioJili. fever for uiwnnls of two mouths, whicli had eniirelr de prived her uf Iho use uf her limbs during this periort sh was undrr the enre of the most eunucut medicnl men in Ilohort Town, and by thein hi r ca wns coimdcrat hiit e less. A irienil nrevslled uioii her lo try llollowsy's oe braird Pills, which she consuutcd to do, und in sn meredt bio short space of time th?y effected a perfect cure. CUKE OF A PAIN AND TlftHT.NKSS IN THK CH1S3T AND STu.UACII OF A PEKSON 81 YliAKSOt' AGF.. From Messrs Thew If Son, Fioprietors cf the Lynn Advertiser, who can vouch for tht following statement. August 2nd, 1851, To Piofcssnr Hollowat, fits, 1 desire to lienr testimony t the good efltts of Hulloway's Pills. For s,ine ycnis I sullercd sereielr fnw s poin and tightness lit tho stcumch which was slso sccoih panied by a ahurtueis of breith that pievented me fr.iin walking about. I am 61 yenrs of age, and c.o'.witlistsitdlng my advanced slate i.f life, ihcsa Pius liuve s. teiievwd me, that I am deeinnti tnnt tit)ie:s should be muJu a.rquainud with their virtues. I am uow rendered, by their mesne, coiii)aratively active, and cm take exercise without ineuii rtnlence or pain, which X tould not do lfre. (Signed) HF.NRY COE. North stictt, Lynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are uondeifully effxa cious in the following complaints. Afue Dropsy A hmo DystiitLry Bilious Complaiuts Erysipelas iilolches on the Female Irregn. blrin larilits rt iwel Complaints Fevers of all Colics kinds Constipation of Fits the ojwela Oout InS.immstion Jaundice Liver Cnra- pjaiuts I.iuubogo Piles nheumstisn Ketenlion of L'rina ftcorl'ula. or King's Evil Secondary Consumption Itead-ochs Uebilily IuJigestion &toiiu and Uravol Sore Throats Tic Douloureux Tumours Pymptoins Ulcers Venereul Affections Worms of all kiurts Weakness, from whatever causu e., &c. Bold at the F.siaMishment of Professor HoLl,nwT, Strand, (neur Temple Bur, London.) and by all respeoUbla liuggnls and Dealers in Medicine throughout the British .'. pire, & th'-se of the I'nited Slntcs, iu U.uesat 3?Ic, ti. , and $1 50e. each. Wbiiiesale by the priuci.nil Drug i sin llie Union, and by Meuus. A. B. & D. Sa.mis, .ev i oik, There is s sonsideraMe saving by taking the Inrgcr N. . - Ijirections for the guidance of patients iu every ii t- i del nre uffixed to euch lii. October Ii3, IsSi, ly. List of Causes. OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at AugHst T., A. D., 1853. rr.AiNTirrs. defendants. George Shiley vs Ab'm Uunkelberger's admr'x Abijah Gowen vs Wm H Thompson Henry Klazc & Eve his wife v. Jac.ob. Z"" ' administrator J B Masser vs Barbara Shalicr's ex'rs William McCsrty ts Samuel Hunter Daniel Rhodes vs Jacob Wertman Isaac Holla & Wife vs Hcnrv Latsha .Simon Snyder Hiti for Reiner vs GooriTe Snyder Mover & Mojer's Gar nishee Washington Mutual In surancc Company vs E Kaufman et su State Mutual Fiie Insu rance Company vs Same Albin Newberry vs Thomai lisssr 1) Uoats for M Sweny vs S Jcnks with notice to terrctcnant Oliver B Hilliard vs John Hartman Jr John W Peal v Joseph Dimmick, et. al. ChrUt & McFaddcu vs Susanna Rcid Kcuderton Smith's e't. A. C. &. T. G. M orris same vs same Wcndel L Ketfer vs John F Wolfntger William Forsmau et al vs John Parks JAMES BEARD, ProtU'y. Prothonotary's Office, i Sunbury, June SO, 1S5J. J rKOGLAMATION. IV OTICE is hereby giicn that tho several ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the pcare, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for tho county of Northumlierland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ot Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 1st day of August next, and will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to he done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against turn, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to, their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the S3th day ot June, in me year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three and the In dependence of the United States of America the '37th. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. God suvo I ho Commonwealth. Lumber Yard. riHE subscrilier would respectfully inform lhe - citizens of Sunbury, and Northutnteiiaud and adjoining counties, that he has opened a Tiiunber Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of tho Steam Saw Mill, where he has now a largo amount of SrasoeJ Panutl I'.'nnt, itlso 1'auntl Hoards, aud all oilier Boards and II i ii-ui. m. MiTKiuu, such aswill be wanted for building purposes. Also a larpo amount of Nhinglea on hand, which r.ill lie sold from 8 up to fS, according to quality and sire. Please give UE a call and examine our price and quality. N. H. Farmers who art in want of Shingles will ideas call as we will sell to vou low. ' J. E. LEIU, Sup. Sunbury, May 8, 1SS3. ly. IrtOK RENT, a small ofli.-o or shop near Tener & Engle's stoie. Market Street, ssuiibnry. Apply to IL B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 9, f-S3. 1H W. l'LMP5.A small number of these, excellent pumps have ticca received and arsi offered lor sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunburv. June i, 18."3. COME AND SEE The New and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and fur aala by Suubury Apl 30, 'S3. I. W. TENER & CO "1UST RECEIVED a Splendid assertmeiH ' Ladiea' Dress Goods, confuting of Silk, Mi Mu Un de iJcisge. t. anion Crapo, ii Pop! led Swiss Lawn Robes, Ac , snd for sle in, i-'it bv Sunbury, May 14, '158. TEN Ell C8 fJIIOLAGOGCE. An excellent remedy for the cure of Fever and Ae.uo, in.t receive.! and for sale by - I. W. TENER & CO. Fjuiibury, Ms? U, 13'3.