MP SUN B U It Y A M K HI CAN AND SHAMOICIN JOURNAL KS5H THE lUZZLER'S CORNER. Aajswm T.I !.? RBI EHMH4. Tas Wotld's T ltw Yor. r lbs Sunbury American, rUZZLK. N E V V R E P S u R E R A E O T II T 0 F " 1 . F C E L Y L U An answer is requested. Sunbury, July S3, 1853. O N I W O rr IWsccilaucotic, iiiattc i Singular Coincidenck. A correspondent of the Placer Herald is responsible for iho following : "A marriage took place oti the night of the 15th ult., At the Nevada Hotel a lady, no, unknown to the California public, to a gen tleman from Kentucky, now a citizen of this State, he being the fifth upon whom she hail conferred IIymer.ini honors, and tho third whose head are yet above the rod. By n strange concatenation of cixumstanco, her two last husbands, between whom and her self all marital duties had ceased to exist b) the operation of the divorce law, had put up al the Nevada House on the same evening, ignorant of the fact that their former earv sposa had rested under the same roof with themselves, and also that they had both ii. former yean been wedded to l he same lady Next morning-, they occupied seats at th breakfast table opposite the bridal parly Their eyes met with mute, but expressivt astonishment. . The lady bride did not faint but bravely informed her newly-acquirec lord of her singular situation, and who thei Kiiesis were. Influenced by the nobleness o1 hi nature and the happy impulses of hi h"arl, he summoned his predecessors to his bridal chamber, and the warmest greeting and cni'gradiilations were interchanged be tween the four in the most unreserved and friendly manner. The two ex-lords frankh deflated that they ever found in the lady an excellent arid faiihful companion, and thn' thjiy were the authors of ihe difficulty which produced their seperalion, Ihe t-anse being t'aceaMe lo a loo free indulgence in intoxi cation Ijqunia. The lej;al lord and master declared (hat his affection for his bride was strengthened by the coincidence, and that his happiness was increased, if possible, by w hat had oc cur red. After a few presents or specimens from their well-filled purses, the parties sep arated the two ex-husbands for Ihe Atlantic States, with Iho kindest regards of the lady Emporium of Fashion And Gentlemen'! rurMng Qooi- JOHN V. 3IA1111N, n'A9 RECEIVED t l"''"'!;: Deer street, one door north of C. J. Uruner Uw-ollice. in Sunbury, the most 6plendid nd Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wr. that has ever been offered in tliis place. His stock consists in a great variety of CLOTHS, Among which art superior Black, Brown, Green, Olive Claret, netgium utotv?, French Cloths, Russian black, he. BLACK AND CROWN CASHMERETS, Mark plain doe-skm Cassimtret, Summer ana II inter Lassimeres, jc. VESTINOS, Black Satins, (a rich article,) excellent Mnrseile liulT, While, (Figured snd Plain.) Figured Grenadine, superb atercd Silks, und SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Tweeds, Linens, Cravats, Hoseiry, Plain and Fancv Trimmings, ricnllemeu's Collars, ftuspcudors, &c, &., Ac. Call and see his assortment of goods. He challenges inspection, and politely invites the public In test their quality by procuring tlic best and neatest coats, pants, vests, Vc, in the coun try. LV A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate situations atttlis establishment. Sunbury, May SI, 1853. 3m. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the Dry Goods Business. J. P. fit X. I KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and ti e public in general, that they have taken the Old .Stand, in Upper Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just returned' from Philadelphia, and opened A Sew and Splendid Jlssortmcut of Spring and Simmer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sat- tinetls, Linens, Lhecks, and all hitiu ol Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lnwns, Berage do Laines, Alpacas and rihawl. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all .inds, Hardware and Cjuemsware, Drugs and Medicines. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Panama, -Straw, Palm-leaf and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, fic. Call aod rice. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex- hangc for country produce, at the highest market ince. Upper Augusta, April 30, 1853. tXSSCLkTTIOlT. THE partnership heretofore existing under tho linn of James Toggart & Son, w as, on the 1 3th day of June, 1853, dissolved by mutual consent. 1 he business ol the lirm will he settled !v James Taggart, who holds the books. 1 hose, indebted to the firm are requested to 'all and make settlement of their accounts also ill persons having claims against the. firm are requested to send in their bills for payment. JAMES TAtiUAH T, GRANTH AM I. TAGGART. North'd., June 18, 1K.3. tf. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring nnd Summer Goods. rniLING 8c GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they hsva Just receiv d and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their itock consists of every vario'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres. Snttincts, Vestings, Flannels, Wollens, 4-c, And all kinds of Ppiintr St Summer Wear. Also a-splendid vaiiely of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, 1 craves, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Cam roa Men anh Roy. Also a large assortment of UltOCl-llIIuS; MX" 1 1 A Sugar, Teas, Codec, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and Q.UEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Hasten Also a tresh supply of DltlT.S AND MF.DlCINI'.e. Besides the largest mid tnosl uenernl assort ment of all kinds of goods lo ha had in this place. IV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at Ihe highest market price. Sunburv, April 30, Ifl53. for the future, welfare of her bands." former hue- S5 HEWA1M) ! HT'HE above reward will be paid for the discov- erv and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and .Sunbury Railroad Company. BY ORDER OF THE J'KEWJJEM. June, 4, 1S53. tf. Hope Manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully informs the peopl of Northumberland and Sunburv. and thn J. E?. COULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) No. 161 Chcs n'it Street, Sieaim's Building. FHH.ABEZ.rHIA. "EXTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, snd Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive Agent fur the sale of Hallet, Davis ct Co's (Boston) Pitkmt SiseessioN BuiiMm .K.jlinn and other PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Iioudoir Pianos, Mclodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harp., Violins, Suket Mrsic, Music Books. &.c, &e. Residents of the country will be supplied by nutil or otherwise with anv music thev may w ish, at as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of lha largest Blurts in Ihe United Slates. I feel cnnlident of satisfying all who may fevor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied en the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 11, lSf3. ly. 4JI A CHERRY PECTORAL: Far Ihe Cur mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, AST. XVXA, WHOOPINTO. COUGH - AND CONSUMPTION. Of nil ihn immer ui inciiifiueii extent, (mid -me of Uirin vitlmilile) ar the cure i l puliTn-uiiry fninpi inns, n IhiiiR hn t;vcr Itren fnund whit h r. -uitl c-nfipurr in its ef feet with t,nt l'rcpcrnhnii. Utliers cum inietinun, but nt ml time itud in nil dmcBW n I llie Iiimn und llm-nt wlierc iiieiliriiio enn give relief, tttis Will d it. It i nlcnitntit totnkr. nnd nertVrtlv tf"e in nwnrdance with the dirociiuni. We iK iiiil advurtim for th iufurmution f thote whiihave tnt:d it hut thfuvhi have n t. I'timiiici thiit liitve known it vulue will nut be wilh uit ft and by ita timrly imp, thry arc nerurc fr.-m the d'nigerous cmwe qiwiict i of Coughs and C'.'ldi whieli neglt-cud, ripen into t'uin! c Mismiipti-'n. The Dejd. una (if Hie Mnmnchimelta Inmilute was nward fd t' thiJi prt'ptirntitm hy th; It nnd of Jndirn in 6eptL'inhr 1H7 ; aln i, the Medula "f the three ret Inatitiitea i-f Art, in thti c-mntrv ; almi the bcploiim "I the Ohio lnMiitite at Cincinnati, has been guvii to the Cherry Perroiur., by their Oncrnnipnt in rciiMilerntion ( ito vxtraordinniy pxcfllnirc nnd nstfulucws in cut lug uilcctluni ul the Lungs unci I hrnnt. Item! ihe full .wii-ff nplnbm f.'Unded on the lm(r exwri. nice f the eminent I'liyaicinn "( thn Port mid City l Dr. J. O. Aver, ST. JOHNS, May H. ISM. Five years tml of your CUKHHY I'KL'I OKAI. in my pmciire, hm proven I f-Ti-wiw fr 'in itwmp 'itin. mint iw iriic. that it ermltwnea ni.u curea me chhib hhu ! CMichs to which we. in this sccticit, are pectihnrly linble. 1 Ihnik its tipinl hns not yet been aw tverni. nor a i J know how a lti'it r remedy con be made for the distcm j pern of the I'hi wut und l.unri. J. J liCIlTON, M. D , F.T? S. j Pre what it liat done on a wnateJ L-onslitnti 'ii, n l only ' in the following ctwvn. but n I h i s:nid more : PCIUIURY, J in- aitll, IH',1. ) Pr. Aver: In the ni 'nth of July hxi I wan fitincked by j a violent rimrrlirra in mine nf, CulH'nrnh. I rel-iruod to i Sun rmnsiic in hop of n-eeivhife bnn-Ht from a elmnge of ftunate and diet. Mv diairhipn reaseil, but f -I- j litwrd bv a severe c nieh nnd much n-M,M. I finally j start--d fir h inr, hm received no benefit lioin the vonir. j My comrh contmuod to grow w Tue. and when I nriivetl I in New York. I wan nt once markitl by my acquaintance ; n r victim of c tufiuinp'ion. I mutt e nuess tbnt I iw no ( mi:H''ient rent n todiniUt what my friends nil belirvrd. Ai tiiiR ihiis I f ttmiiHhiM (I ink inn vonr trnlv invaluable inclicine with litie expretafion of d-rivmc any benefit j from its n. You w u!d n 't receive ihrne limn did 1 n t regard it mv tlutv to ftale to the atRictcd. Ibrnigh y.i, ' thai my heu'tth. in the spare of eiirhl ni'n'by. iafnllv re Kt'T-d. I attribute it to the nee of your CUF.HKY Vl'.C- TOKAL, oniP truly, YVII.UAM W. SMITH. "Waiiinotot, Va , April lJ, IhIH. Pear sir : IVf linc that I have h"cn spared fr in a prr mnlure prnvr, thnm-jli vonr inntriirniitalii v bv the provi dence o (.d, 1 will lake the libeity to expiew to you my grahlude. A Couph and the ahrminp symptoms of Coimimpti'-'U hnd redncefl me ti low to leave me anythinff like h -pe, when mv physician broucht nen b ttle of v ur "I'ecto ttAi.." It scemeil to nffird imuiediale relief, and u v u a few we-ks time has restored me to sound health,, ll" it will do for others shat it has d me for me, you are cer tainly one of the henei'nctcri of mankind. Sincerely wishing yoji evry blessinjr, I nm Verv respei-tfubv vonrs. JOIIX J. rl.nivi:. Ile.'tirofst IVter'i Church. With snh nsuniine and frm such men, n stronger pr-vif can be udduced nniuss it lie from Us ciV.:ct upon 1 1 inl I Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, i Practical Chemist, Lowell, il.s. S.,M in Sunbury by II MASSEN, end by llruacists p;ener:i!lv throughout the Stnl-. Mnr.h I!), 1S:3. eenw lv. Nov. 13. TiS. (CTS500 CHALLENGE. "tXf IIATEVr.R concerns the htlth end happlnese of Y p le is at all times of the inoal Talus Me import ance. 1 taVe it for granted that every person will do all in their power, to save the lives of their children, and that every person will endeavor to prom Uatheir own health at all sacrifiees. I Veel it to he my duty to solemnly assure you that WORMS, according to the opinion of the most uelclirmted Physicians, are ihe primary onuses of !are majority nf diseases to which children and adults are lia ble j if yon hnve an appetite continually changeable from one kind of fiwd to an ther, Had Hreath, Pain in the Sto mnch, IMckint: at the Nose, Hardness and Kullness f the Bfcllv, Dry Coiirti, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular remember that'sll these deiatte WORMS, and you slionkl once ap ply the remedy : I10BENSACK S WORM SYttUP. An article f utnded upon Scientific Principles, compound ed with purely vegetahlc sulistaiM-cs. Mug perfectly safe wlieu laken, "and can be given to the most tender infant with decided N-nrHcial eireet, where li 'Wei Complaints and Diarrlnra hnve made the.m weak and tlebitilated the T 'Tiic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stands with ut an cqntil in the catnlogue of medicines, in g ving tone nnd slri'iigth hi the Stomach, wliicb makes it nti Infallible remedy for those ntllicted with Dyfpcpsni, the nsioiiishiim cures performed bv this Syrup alter Physi cians have failed, is the best evidence id' its superior etli cacy ovei all others. THE TAPR WOHM! This is the most diffi -nit Worm M destroy nf all that in fest ihe human system, it grows to nu almost Indefinite hni!th bceoiiiinff so coiled und Insiened in the InfeHtim s anil St nnacli cflectlng the health so nadly ns to cause St. Vitus Dance. Fiis. Ac , ihnt those oMlicted sel.l in if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm haptenitig them o tin early grave. In order in destroy this Worm, a Vfiy energetic treatment must lie pursued, it would therefore be proper ht lake 0 to 8 of my Liver Pills sons to remove nil olmtrue- , tions, that the WormSyrupmaynct direct upon Ihe Wmm, : which mast be taken iii t:s "'f a Tablesp "'iifullH ,1 tiun s a day these directions foil wed have never been kn wn to fail m curing the must obstinate case of Tape Worm. K7" IIOBENSACK'S LIVKR PILLS. No part of the svs'em Is more liable to diffuse than the LI VKU, it serving ns a iiitervr t purity the 1.1 n.1, ur giv ing the proper secretion to the bile ; so that any wrong ac tion of the Liver efle..-ts the other important parts of the svstfin, and results van nslv, in Liver t.'oiuplaiut. Jaun dice, Dysrpsia. A;e. We should, llieieforc, wuieh evciy svmpt 'in that might indicate n wr ng net ion of thr Liver. These Pills lieing e anp -sed of KOdTSJc PLANTS fur. it i shed by nature to hr;il Ihe nick : Namely, 1M. An l".X PKl'TOll A NT, which augments the secretion from the Pubn 'ntry miifiis metnbnuie, or pr-m ' the diselmie nf ferreted matter. 2. id, An AI.TFHATIVK, which chanV'S in s Hue iuexplii'iiMe nnd in n-uble iu;umer the certain in -llml netioii of the syf-'ein. Mid, A 'IONIC which cives tone and strength to the nervous system, re newi'iu he dth and vigor to alt parts of th,c body. 4 Mi A CATltAllTIC, wliicb acts in perfect barmony with the other ite'iedienfs, and operating on the H wel, nntl expel lintt the wli le miiss of c irrupt and vit :at.-d uvitter, anil pu rilvimr the IIIxkI, which destroys disease and rt-storus health. TO FKMAl.K?. Ynu will find these Pills an invalinhle nn-uieine in ninny CMnpUuits M which y n nrc Rui'itct. In olmtrueii -uh ei- j thcr total oi ptrtial. (hey have been found of inestimable ! benefit, rent oriivj (heir fu nti Mini irr.inifer.icn' s to a heal thy acii in, pnrii'vin the hi w and other Ibiids s i ctK-ctu j nily to put t i thifht ali c itnpiaims wiii'-a ni ty nrise ironi , I e; in it ll ' eK'li:o n if:.1. m to n hi-, y, inmin j sight, pant iii the side, back. Arc. i 7 I'm', 25 chiiK fin li. N 'lie trctinine unless signed J. N. IIobcuFack. all oihevs Iteinff b'te Imitation. txT Anents wishing new supplies, nnd Store Keepers desirous of bee iiiiii;r Atrents inut ad.hess the Proprieior, J N il tbcnfnrk. Philndrlpbin. Pa. Sl.l bv J W. Fribn Sunbury ; Mary MeCay. -r-tluimherland: Reisel, Tuibntville llm-r. Milton; Diify iV I.enker. fie riretown ; Lewnrtrig At W-dvertnn. Pmi nos; Wiift. Hickory; u'.i d't.s in Medicine in the Countv a'i'1 Stale. August 11. ts'J ly. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. FKNN3YI.VANI A. city nr ikii.akilfhu V. 8. Hank imtr 1A dla All aolveut tank, put COfHTPT. Bonk nf ChnmlicmlMirg 1 di Hank of Chester Co. pnr Hunk of Del. Cn. Chciter pnr ifftiiKol utrmantnwil ilatik of Urttvthnrff Hnnk of Lrwutown ma?acai;bett9. All wilvmil bonk, dil IIIIODK IXI.AND. All ilvrnt (Mliks (lit CONNKCTICUT. All Kilvrnt Imikl I dii NLW YOBK. CITT. nnr AH tnlvrnt linhi I ilit I dm 17 ttk liolet under M dit rOO.MTRT Hnnk of Middletown I . All vlvnit, link ldn Moiitcomrry Co Hunk pur NBW JI'.HSKY. Rank nf Norlhuinlierl ml pm rtrlviilere Hnnk I di Ifnnknl I'lttflMirir 1 ilin'oimnririiii itaiiK Bank of Dnntille pari For. Hnnk Mont Holly pnr Cnrlnlr Hnnk 1 din F. M , Midtlklown Ft. pnr Cohinilnn H'k B'geCo r .Mi-clianh-,' Hk, Newark on' Ii,ivhI.ium lln.ik nnr MitIi. Ilk of Hnrliiictoii pnr Kniloii HmmIi mr;Merli. ft Mnn. Ilk Trent pnr Krie Hnnk S duMorri, Co Hank J dit Kxi lmiice n'krilUlinrg I ill, Newark llk'n ic Im.Co lr F.xrhnnin- H'k, llrninli I dii'Oinnce Hank 5 d FnrmrrnMrk, HiirktCn pnr'I'e .ple'li Ilk 3 di Farmem' Hk, lnraaicr pnrl'riiiicl"n Hank par FnrniemMik. Ilenilirip par Salem Hanking Co, .nr, Fnrm. Hk Sehnvlklll Co rcir Semerret Co llmik 3 '" F I). Hi! Wn'vne.irir llTlin State Hank nt Caltalell luir Frnnklin Hk Waih'n ljilin State Hk ICIizal-ethton j i n llnm.iiurp iianK I nti iiinr nun r..u'n ll.mewlale Hank 1 li, Ctnte Ilk, N. Hiniuwlik par UmeaHer Hank par .Sttwx Hnnk. Noavmh 3 dm Trent 'll Hanlil'iC ll ir I'ni al Hank. H "Ver di Vnr.ll.-vv'k.Vl).-llrC..S(li, l.elail"n Hnnk par Mrreh. .V Man. Hank I ilia1 MMIi aieaheln Hank I di. CT'llll " .li d under M J ill! Tavlnr.v'e Del H'e Co 15 din Ill'.I.AU A HI' Went Hraneli Hank pnr Hank of Delaware nt" Hink ol Sinvrnu par Delaware City Hank par Ilk Wiime ii.V liranitvw. pnl I'nrtneiV Hk St Delaware par Cnlun Hnnk. Wiliiiiimton par Sdi, 4 dii Wyoming Hk, 'ilkesl) par Y"'rk Hank, I dip 15' III lief noted 1 did MAIM. Hank of Whetlnek S did Morenntile ltlr lll.ff..r lllili.'I'T' L'll'ler Allr.lvent tmnlid di. OHIO. NI'.W ll AMI'SIIini'. XII d lvent l ank, in ...I.-..,., i.n..L. 2 .li.1!? Hk ii 'ter. under VPIIMDVT I OKTII CAIIOI.IN'A. Hank of St Alloins 8 did'.MI d dveal Innkl 4 did All ilvent Imiik, 3 dintV Under 5', 1 d" "AID AND COMFORT," i o Your Own TlrtliauiC!. - GEOlvGE liENN. MANLTACTIT.nil OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the" most Fa?hio:irille Stjlo. rP III, miltsrrilicr ri.."retfnlly ra!!. tlif nttention of tlic ini'.'li.- tn hi l;ire anil rtili-iulitl assort- N 0E.THUM E EEL AND Select School for Girls. Under the Care of Miss E- Calvin- INSTRUCTION will he pien in the onlinnry Enlibh llranrlied, Diy ni-al, Sciences, AIk br, tiromctry Bml. Lnniiuacrii. A KfKsion will coniiidt of twenty .two weclss. Second (luarter to coinini'iice on tlic 13th of June. Tl.HMS. Orlliograpliy, Keadine, Writing Com ponition, (ieorajiliv, L'.tiKlisli llrammur anil Arithmetic per quarter. ?3.00 With any oilditional Enlisli itmly, 4.00 Algebra, Geometry, or l.attBiiag $5,(10 Mimic, I'uinting, anil Drawing, each arpcratc anJ at tlic eustoin iry r a '.('. Iveferoneos. llr. K. U. Mt'ay, Noithumherland. 1). Tug-art, F.m'., " Hon., Joseph Casey, New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. Pre. Banner Phila. H. li. M'Unire, A, M., Principal of Central Institute, Pliilndclphia. Northumberland, May 21, 1S.3. Sin. TATLOR't Ice Cream Saloon ik New York Thia new saloon has just been open ed, and la described al length in the papeis public irenerally, that lie has constantly on hand and manufactures to order, all kunlsof lioa, ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and line of all kinds, at his establishment 1:1 Northunv berland. RICHARD M -VRtfllALl.. North'd., June 11, 1S53 3m of New Yo"rk. They etale that the ornamen. tal work of the ceiling of tho main saloon coat, alone, $10,000. It is richly oveilaid with graceful moulded figures and foliage, gold and fresco painting. The gold thus taied, cost $1300; Ihe painting, $3000; thn moulding, plastering, fee, about 4000. The idea of the saloon are covered with large mirrors, arranged in panels, and surrounded with figures and ornamental v, oik of rich design, in the Yanilian style, representing fruits, flower, human figures, heads of ani mals, tie. The entire expenditure for mir rort, in Ihe saloon, is nearly S 10.000 The wat Railroads i.njurc Property. We learn, says the Doylestoicn Democrat, that Edwin Schofield, of Jenkiiitovrn, has old his faim for $250 per acre. A year or two ago,it would not have brought more than one half of that sum. It is uear tho location oi tne rniiaiieipnia, .uion ana water-dap Railroad. Jacob Paxsori, of Abingiou town hip, ha been offered (250 per acre, for his Urm. The Railroad above mentioned, it is believed, will be located through the land ol Mr. P., culling it up into two ill-shaped Iri angles. On this account it has probably been doubled in price. The farm was sold a few years since for about $S0 per acie. Canary Birds and Canary Seeij The Boston Atlas having mentioned lliat during lust year 56 000 bushels of canary seed wpre imported, costing 813,500, a writer in the Journal of Comment adds tho intelligence that 41,000 canaty bird are annually impor ted, cosinm $17,360, making a total of neat Jy 31,000. The Post Omct Envelopes. Mr. George F. Nesbilt, the manufacturer of the new Post Olfice stamp envelope, announces -'i hat lie has written to Wellington for permission" to leave hi seal, or business card off of the envelope. . The Aliimt Knickerbocker lately re ceived a letter, inquiring, among other things whether pig iron was petrified poik. and if it w, wnicn was ino oesi way to cook it to make it juicy. Mr Meagher, wifeof Tho. F. Meagrwr, E(j , is in I. ii.. .Ion, iih hi father, who i a 1. . , I I, . i : . c. minium, ui i .u mint-in. one will toon Ireland, and then come to the United Stales. An Anti-Beef Ealing Association has been formed in rinlailelphia. Ihe members pledge themselves against eating any meat which eusis more than eikjht cents a pound. Rctcrms from 37 couiuies in Kentucky how 123.000 more bog than were returned la! year. NSW STOR3. THE undersigned takes thi method cf thank intr hia friends (or their lilieml rtatriimi(.e. and inform them ho has taken the old stand lately occupied by James Tagart cc Mon, w here no will be prepared at all times with a large sup ply ol goods, rontiiHliiig of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, ko. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, of every description. Groceries, (ueciiKwarc, Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Fish, ire., Ac. Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. and hopes by a strict attention to bushiest to merit a continuance of their patronage. O. I. TAGGART. North'd., June 19, 1853 tf. TIIE CHEAPEST, TflE NEATEST AND THEBEisT. Excellence and Beauty combined, Model Spring Style Hat3, 'NKQUALLED by uny other in all that can render satisfaction to the v carer (Jive them a trial. The Very Finest Moli skin Hit for 3. SO ; Second Quality, very fine, JOli I hud Quality, capital article, 2,50. All these are warranted. Model Hat Store, Nj. 46 North 6th Street Philadelphia, I'liila.. April 9, 1853 Cm. .Mann's Ivstahlislinient 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of I'ulent Letter Copying Prcasci, Patent METALLIC DAMPENER, Brushes, Oil I'apeis, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, 4c l atent l'anhmeiit Taper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed TATE.NT LETTER CINDER, A most valuable invention for kceninsr in a dook-iikb ioiui, metiers received, Uricinal Invoi ccs, Aic. 1'hila., April 9, 1853. ly. ttlLVEK. WATCHES. A few double case - Kiifflitih Kilvtr Wftthna A.r a.U . . . i P'Ke y H. JJ. MAbSER, Hunbnry, April 12, l5l I J LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Kiorisaeea. Bond, "executions. S. ,..,,... c, lur sate ny u. u. MA8SER, feunhnrv Aiiri 20. 18.M. BLANKS. LANKS of every description ran be had bv 1 api-rvint at ttieciiic of the Amerienn. SJMUH'a ESSENCE OF JAMAIf-A mm ..u i ER' fte,h ,UPP1'' jH,t eied, and for b , MA88ER. fcunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. NEW STORE. HEN J A 31 IX 11 EFI N Ell ) ESPECFFl'LLY informs the citizens of Sunliurv and vicinity, that he Ins opened a new store in the r.iom lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer (Jowls consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassmets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and won-iej. ALSO: I'silUor-N. CiiiffliitniN, E.sf.n, HoHKNf line He l.niuci e.nd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of evrry vaiiely. Also an assortment of Hum! wait'. Iron ami Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of OUEENSWAEE. r.f various s;U- ami pailerns. Also an axsortment of HOOT Ai. SHOtS. II ATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, i,e. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. rE Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri ec 8nti!.urv. May 1, 1852 ly. asVAA Hobby Horses, Children's Propeuors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by B'JSHXTELL & TTJLL, So. 61 DUCK Street, Philadelphia. Order throunh the mail promptly executed Phila., April 9. 1853. 1 v. NOTICE To merchants, Travellers and Others 77ii O!.'g'iot( the United Stattr, Vlexiiiuler L. Iliekey Co., THY. GRMAT WORI.p'S FAIR I'lllZK MI1DAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, So. 148 Clusnut Stnet, ( Fn nl of Jones' llotd) 1 Philadelphia. VKE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchant'1 and Traveller one of the largest and ino1 improved solid Sole Lealher Spring Trunks ever CARE, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commision .Merc Iran ts, 23 and 25 Spear's Wharf, 'BALTIM02E- Rr.rERt:(.i:s. John Clark, Esq., Piesidcnt Ciliens Baiik, Bait. A. P. Giles, Esq., "ashicr Franklin "Jaiik, " John Herti!cr. Jr., Esq.. Philadelphia. Holier, ISitmicUsoti & Co., J. Tome, Esip, Prehideiit Cecil Bank, Port De- jiosile. .1. Wiillowcr oc Son llarritilmrg. Col. II. C. Ever, t'eliii!;rove. I. II. App A Co.. Nbi:!p. N incnte AV Co., Milton. V. W.Cooke. Estj., Muiiey. Simon .Schuyler, Esq., " Geori'e Boilii.e, lliijihsriHe. V. Weaver !v Co., Mool.nirsville. Gen. William F. Packer. W iliiair.vjtort. T. W. I.lovil, Eq., Cji-hit r, ,; .lames H. Hilling, " Lewis G. Huling. M'Hcnrv & Bnhb, Jersey Shore. J. P. lliiling. Esq.. Lock Haven. t V Carr, Giese & Co. have the lamest wharf room of any eomtnision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch lo boats in discharging their cargoes. March 13, 1S.13. Gtn. nient of every quality and price of 'A!SIrr-V. 'MIK. which cannot f.iil to rcioninicnd itself lo every one who will examine it, on account of its durable wniknininhi;) and splendid finish, made up of the stock to be bad in the cilv. No ellort is spared in the manufacture of bis ware, and the suhscril'cr is determined to keep up with the many iinproveincnls which are constantly being made. His slock consists of Mahogany if.ti, OivsttiH ntiil I.otiHcrf s, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BKtAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and nl.-o VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price, C ITROAr.nS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOII.KT T.MJl.KS AND EXTENSION TAI'.I.ES, In short, every article in ll is line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Suiilmrv, Fiich as M.uiot.AM. Black Waimt ANll Cril!.KII M IPLk GllKl I AN AMI Wllisnn CHAIRS, ami riM i Piano Snvin, which tire of the blest styles, and warranted to be excelled !'V none mjimtaciurcJ in me v. nicsor ci-ewo'-tc A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Hiq Cabinet Ware Itoom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at tht -w"gBgj "rut tht Railroad Thankful for the patronage ol his friends anil customers during the 17 year he has been in busi neas in thi place, he aoliciu from the public I con tinuanee of their favors. During this period ha has endeavored to keep up wilh the improvements of the day, and lis accordingly extended hi busi ness in every branch and variety. Tn public ar therefore invited to the attention of the present slock of CABINET M' AUK AND CHAIRS. Manufactured bt SEBASTIAN H0TJPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tht establishment thry now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairf, Ijirirt Spring Scat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und Vn li i o ii n l I c F n r n i t n re. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary nrrannements for the purpose, they are now prepared for L'udertakinir in all it branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistress?, and husbands too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side b'inrds d'lvva to kitchen tables, From rocking chairs to tricking cradles Slinuttl yon not have the ready Jomn to pay, We'll wait awhile f'T a brighter better dsy, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and ry ; Pnrk, hiwp ples, staves, or lumber wet and dry. Or ony thing tml nnd threshing tlnits, " From pigs and turkies down to Utile quails. Ome on then friends, come one and all, K'-rp trade a moving, so :'g es oa the ball." IT"" Orders from a distance promptly attendej to and w ork of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. if KOVKU oj liAHNKS, Publishers and IJooksellcrs, iVo. 81 North Third Street, nilLADULPHIA. MISCELLAN EOUS BOOKS, n.hli-s. Prayeis, Hymns, rortical and Historical Works, l ravel, .Novels, Ac, c. SCHOOL HOOKS Every kiiid tn out' from n primer upwartli. BLANK BOOKS. An rtcpnnt nH'irtiiifnt fr- m th pi trn1t upward, made ol kiiperu r imper, mid hut of hinditig. WUITI.NG PAPERS. Cap, runt, and Xotc I'aj if, ei- gnttt style and quality, nnd vrry clu-un. STATION ERV. I'ltKcy. rinin und A.Hiesive Knvi-I. prt. Ink, Ssnd. Ws frrs. Su-'l l''n, l.l', rtni-ils. l'.ne-.M"uoti-s, Wrap ptti'j l'.c.-irij .'I' nl1 kinil, I'urtnin t'ticers. Ac. ftt. ! Dnr Ht'K-k is all Ircsh, l mtln eln-np nnd Bold accordingly. . lirticnl;ir ottfiii i--u t, MiM.k:ii-l!i.'rs. lmntry Mr- ! rinuitii ami 'i'.:m-ln:r, m.wtvrr little they msy buy. I Sum Hoi., sari! PaUtalier of I'Ll.TO.VS seiiu of I MAGMrlLKNT OUTLINE .MAI'S Ktirli mip is nearly 8KT.X FKIT SQUARF., and sh"W the ciiiivirMlive atid rel.utve p-slo 'll of every e -u in ry oi, the ul he 'I'lu-y are inlfinli'il to he tufpeiideii in every Scli,"l Knoni, nnd iv,t only initke ft ST'h'nC-i''. htit :,re unoTTMi'v :.rkn"wlnieiil to ho tne UKST Molll". OF TLACIHMJ OCOtiKAPH Y evtr l.r.tll"t1 . .lt TV.'V fl'. V.... l..t. K.1...1 Iii It.. ,.,..! I.u The subscriber is dcU-riuiiicd that there shall sch, c -j,t nli ii j,r n e'ni.uie ejiit- me of Geography, and lo purchiie turiiiture in en. e cut be entertained finish of bis ware and s ;;iod Coun- Drugs, f? l'iiinls, Oil, iudow Glass, t-c. 5 Toss French zinc white. 10 tons l'ure White Lead. 5000 Hose Window ('lass. all sizes. Superior Potash,! 'opal, Coach, I, en til er Iron varnish, white Doinar varni-n lor t. luna Gloss, w ith a general assortment of fresh and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicine in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Euaniicd Glass, ic, &c, for sale very low at ALFRED WILTBEnPER'S Drim and Taint Stoic, No. 1C9 N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Phvsiciaus and Storekeepers supplied Good nt to anv of the Hotels or Depot Irce of charge. Phila., Mav i-, !H.3. ly. fl'ered lor alc in this etty, together with a gen ral assortment of every kind of Trunk which an possibly Lo imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Aio, a splemlul assort ment of Ladies' Dress 'J'lunks. Bonnet Boxes, rravellini; Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags. Hand Coaches, dies, 4c, oVc, all of which wo are prepared to sell at reduced price. We respectlully invite a call Irom the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasim; elsewhere. ALEX. L. IIH KEY 6i CU., No. US Chesuut ftireet Phila., April 9, 1S53 Cm. wTll iTMp eeki Wa7" Geiitladcns Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE, Xo. 231 Chcsnvt, Third door below Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on hand a full stock of French and English Piece Goods, which will le made to oider at the Miorlcst Notice, in the Latest Stvle, FOR CASH. 'FhiU.. April 9, IS53. Cm. Impoptnnt to Coal Dealers. THE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into parlneohip under the firm of Kase, Itoed & Co., for the purpose of mining, (hipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on contract or otherwise, at all time, on the horlest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at fcliaiiiokin by KASE, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 183a. ly. IfkLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for le by April SS, 1821. H. B. MASSER. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND MIA'KK WaKIJ, Wlwlrsaltf mul Ketuil nt Nv73 N. O tsiHMJND M., ni(vUt' th Mt. Ytnii'tii II um. O -Id Lever Watrh"'". lull jrwrlrd. 1H k. cad ., t-'nu ; liU tr Lever, lull lew'ul-d, hi 2.00 ; Silver lviu-f. icwcltd. 4;.!,. 00 nil v;iiiiiilltl to Krcp gruKl time. G K1 I'rii null Si l- ver Cupv, tfl.OO; U -M I'mrtH.; j-'H I'tiiL-ui auu iVn C'u-i witti $ Hd liold lVim;i 1 w m 8 t 'Ji, Ace. Ai, nlwavsoii n tiin a e nhi nisrinit'iii 01 line p"iu Jewelry, tiM Cuid, fiu iid and l""lt t'l.siii, G ld ct Ctriini, Liidifi' tinttl l-'oti Clitinm und Uclt Tint. Silver SipHim (nm VI 1 l i xlt. iirsivri, mho ?21, Hiid Tea, Sfi.'-'i t' S'V-W per tel, wiirmiited ii)n-ji t' C-ilii. AH X'xwill vvirrnuitM it wnai inry urr 'in ii fy Wuu hei and Jeivehy repninut and warroiiieil. E tf Ailnnle-i sunt by iijuiJ ur uthetwine. wilt be nunc- tuuily attended ti. ' a . vicp a ... nsr,l-i Ni. T2 North SECOND Street, npp.witc the Mt. Vermin Hii'lfrt rinla., April U3, ly. riatloriu Scales, L'tng I itourn 'Severely tested Al K ay right Hit AeiiivwltU. , sr'l Stanilanl. -fT.k r, . 1 11 ... f .1 If.. it'.sw jiauroa'i. niiv, ui'iii, anu ,u V mm.' Vl'il f .N wt In biiV nrirl . j.. ...v.- - , v I - of the countrv, at short notice. IGEN TS. ;EO. W. COLBY, S10 Market st., Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, .Sniilwry. rhila., ylpril S3, 1653. MACKEUEL, CODFISH, SALMON, PORK, HAMS S: SIDES, SHOULDERS. LARD & CHEESE, Phila-, Apiil 23. 1S53. Constantly on hand and for ;ile by J. I'almlr & Co., Maikel Mreet Whaif Philadelphia. 3m. Laborers Wanted. ffillE aubscriber want immediately on the A Kailroad and Basin, at Chapman, Lmon county, seven mile below belinsgrove, from 60 TO 100 LABORERS, to whjm one dollar er day will pe paid. BAYIDliE. W JLVEftTON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19.1853 tf. A RNOLD'S WRITING FL11U and Adtie sive and legul envelopes, for aale by H. B. MAKSEK iinbury, Jan 10, 185S Inso!iiI1hi oi liii-ta"i'sliii. fi'tllE Copartnership heretofore existing under I the name of lames H. ct'Win. 13. Hart, ia this day dissolved by the vithdrawol of William It. Hart. The business of the bite firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. Silt, North od street. JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM 11. II VRT, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1Hj3. The undersigned, have this l:iv formed a eo- ; partnership and will continue the bo-iiiess under j ihe name of .lames H. A Thomas Hart. Thank- ful for past lavors, they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends and the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which full and i extensive, and which they will scllal Ihe lowest be no excuse lor person the cilics. a every conf, abou' the ii'ialisv and Chairs. His arltt'li s vi!l be disp.r d cf oil I terms as they c in W i-urchased elsewhere. j trv Vrod'.tce I'll. i'n in pn tuent for vvoik. I 1'NPEKTA KINO. H.nin; provided j himself wilh i linud '.mi! Hi mst;, l.e is now prcpansi for I'lub. rtakin?. am! attending ftincr- als, in this vicinity, or ".I anv convenient dis- lance from ibis til.o e. j t t The Ware Room is in Market f-treer, below 1 honi)sou s !tore anil c:iv,t I avern, (ii'.tliiOE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S52 tf. TuiMr:srot:s E.ciTr..:rT ! ! Cash. Steam. Klectrioit v ! ! The Aerial und ;dl other lilies ont done bij the Miilnliiar I htr of UiA T. CIJ-MENT. W"HO. bavin? failh in rapid sales T V sliitvr U t 1 1 ion li:U the iirii-e nt li Ocfn-utiliv anil Atais. Tlie pvi'lt'ti; i? in uiiiicrwil tise in I'mssia mul Oerinsny, an.l li;is iilr-.-inty lic.-n mtr-!iM-i't in liirard Collepe, I'hilu. ,l,-!lilii.i, IV' i, srh 1. l li iftim, .Nw Ycrk, IMiikk ili"!il.i.i, 11-,'tnn r,'. V:tMiii!2l n, mul threaptv'lit New Kiislaiel, New V"l., 4e.. ,Ve. Dur lv.k are I trd Willi r c iiiiiiifiiiluli'iiis li -tit I i,e liti'sl t:,l:i't il ai,J srien tifu li-:ir!iet in evvry nunrt.T, Miid wl'rever thr system Ins I'lcli ut'.d i':irciitx, l-rrcliei t and S':hol:ire unite in prais ing il. I. M WtM.'rn Tl lu'i-phro. II. "' t!f l'.;l-ui I lcIIiiK;tr.?ra. 3 M i, "f N .nh An-, rtcs I. ,'t' !', I Mit'tl :uus. S. M ip ,'t' r.nri,. ti. Ma;i o:' Asi-i. T. M i;wf S 'Mtti Atitii'i uni Afrtrn. rvcry in.-, p is ,ril:i:inliy cv-1 rtd, variii,!n"c". had niotiat eit 'Mi nnnVin mi'l r..!!.-r. We r sjict hilly inviie tii enrnont nttrnf i,.n of T''arherif P:iri'iitj. mul Sch ool Dirccl-'t. ! tins i':i.cin:ittn!r mode o, reaelilMg"yl:iptiy. Mm I it A Ml,:vi.!, l NoTlli Ttord Streft, PliilMdcl;,l,i:i, Alip. aa, If ;!!. II'. market rales. Philadelphia. Jan JAMES H. HART, THOM AS II ART, 1, Hs53. JS. tt. 1,000 Men Wanted. j ON the li"e of the SfSQEEH A AN A RAIL- I ROAD Unwcen Bridurport (opposite rii.buri;') and Siiubuiy, in the Male ol IVunsy Iva- ; nia. 'J'his road is tit ty four miles in leng'lr rim llirouah a hinhlv improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenter and laborers for the nevt twelve months. A larqe poition of the line is heavy rock cm avation, laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal waies. UOLlillEI" I V, hAUAlA.-N oi IU ConUaclor. February 10, 1853. Fritz, "NVillianis Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., rilU.AUKI.I'HIA. MOROC CO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import er. C'nir.mission and Oeneral Leather Bus iness. v tiotesaic ann uetau. twT Manufaetorv 15 MargaretU fetrecti Auj. 23, Ie52. ly. FRTJIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dialers in Confectionary of all kinds, No. 113 North Third M. below Race, PHILADELPHIA, rpHE attention of Dealer is requested to an A examination of their slock, whirh will ho found to he at t st equal to any in thi city. FOREIG N FBI U S nl all kinds in season. N. B. Order by mail or otherwise promptly at tended tn. February 6, 1853. Cm. c. "sT. "weissr, i:. d. HAVING located himself petmanantly in Suiibmy, offer his professional service to the Town and Countrv, ollice, corner of Deer und Market street (formerly telegruph office,) where he niay be found unless professionally engaged. Sunbury, Apiil U0, 1833. 6m. I.'tOR ale at thi office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 55 ct. Pure Essence of Ginirer. 25 cent and small profits, basjust leceived ana opened a larne asstiiiiiier.t ol . SPRING AD SUMMER GOODS. At his iSorc in Mar:;ct Street, 8unburv, which he offers to the public nt the lowest pri 'cs. His stock consists of a general assortment o )rv floods, z : Cloths. Cnsim-r. Ciinsinrts. Jeans. .Drillings, jl.'s'iiu. Linens, Calicoes, M"slin de Lains. Lavns, Ginvhams, licrages. Sii.k Hat. A large assortment of Boots and Phoes, for Men, Women and Children, f.rnrci ir. Sugar, Tt-a. CdfT.-e. Molasses, Cheesf, Spi ces, I ish Salt, I'lasler. IIAROWARE, Viz : Iron snd Steel. Nails, Files. Paw, ic. QUEENS VA RE, Tea Setts, Plates. Wirs. Citns, Saucers, e'e LIQUORS, Winr. Crniitly, Gin, I!nm, Wliislvry, Xc. te Country prodnco of all kinds taken in ex chnnije al the highest maiket price. Jan. 15, 1S53 ly. nncioit Yorusri.rr TKE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : Oil, I'.VIT.Y ONF. 1113 OWN PHYSICIAN'. En?raini;s, showins; Dis eases and Malformation of tlie Human System in every shape and form. To which i.i added o Treatise on the Disease of Females, lieinu ol the hiijhest importance to married people, or those rontomplaliiia; marriage. iy IM" Win. Voinir Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the ."CSC I," LA PICS lo his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obliaations of mar ried life ilhout rcadins; the BUCKET .ESCL' LAPILS. Let no one suffering from haekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, resiles nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the ."ESCU'LAl'Iu'S. Have the married, or those about to bo married any impediment. reaJ this truly useful book, a it ha been the mean of saving thousand of un fortunate creature from the very jaw of death. IV Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of thi book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Addre, Da. W. YOUNG, No. I S3 SPRUCE Slrect, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1S53 ly. Cheap Watches 5 Jewelry, yirilOLESALE and Retail, at the "PhiUdel " " phia Watch ami Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of (Quarry, Philadel phia. Colli I.evrr Wiitches, full jewelid. Ic rural r:nci, SSS.IO Silver do. fall jewetei!, gfj r,.,, Spivta.-lr,, 7,011 Silver l.Cii'nif, jewels, III I'ini-Silvi-r do. l.Sfl do i1 ilo. e r;,,!,t Hnit-Hrts. 3.(10 SatM.'li'iT Qiinrticis, " ! ndies' OnM Pcni-ill, 1.00 linifitinil il. S. Stiver Trs sjsioiis, scl, 5. HO Gnlil Pens. Willi Pencil anil Silver lloliter, 1,1 Hold Finger Rings, 37", cents to $S0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, di cents; Patent. In ; Lunet. So; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what Ihey are sold for. STAL'FFER i HARLEV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Leiines, still lower than the above price. August 2S, tfl.V! lv. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J A 31 ES Ii. FID LEU, No 12 South Second Sli ce; riilLADEJrillA. Gold Lever Watches full jewijled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do " Qttarlier do Gold pen and pencil and silver halder Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast pins Ear rings Ac. All warranted and sold at prices as low a any in the citv. November 27. 1855 tf. ! i TilE EORTIETH Edi will, (1, ,.. ll,,.l..l J U8T1CES' FEE BILLS For sale bv II. B MASbER. Kunbury, 1S5I -S CHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory G. L. lILLE?. & SC., S. IK corner Arch and Second Streets PHILADEtPHIA. f VERY VARIETY OF SHADES, M'hole ij ale anJ Retail, uch as Scroll, Flower Goltiic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscape are to be had at the lowest price for qualitv o work. Order for Gilt, Plain Stare, Lettered am other Shades executed al short notice. Merchants and ethers are invited to give i trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Brasses, Trimmings, &c., always on hand. Remember P. W. ropier SECOND le ARCH Streets. Philade!,,',!... February 12. 1853.-0:11. PEE BILLS. Justice and CoiuU'ile Fee Bill handsomely printed on card paper for sale at thi office. ARRIAGE CETIFICATES han.lson.elv ex ecu led for a!e al thi office, single or r by Ihe doien. gres ink for sale, whobsale and retail by December M. 1940. H B MASSER. lioseiulale Hvilraulic Cement VN excellent article for lining Cistern. Vaulti Spring house and Cellar, and for keepin dampness from wet and exposed wall. For aale by EVI SMITH 4 SON. N. E. Corner of Front and Willow stree Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. GOLD PENS with and without cases, of very superior qualitv. just received. Also fre.b .upplv of Writing Fluid, for ssl by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. S7, 1851. VXTENT BKITTANIA STOPPERS f. . , ... . a 1- I uarooiuesn MASSER- 8unbur-, April. 18. 1851 7 ILEY'S COVCH CilNDY. An exot ' ... L. ..II. liA Ml lent remedy lor cougn, wiu. . at thi office. IVceiutier i. 195S.