S U NB0TI Y AMKltlC AN AND SIlAMOKlN JOURNAL. . LATEST 'NEW FROM LONDON. Reported Entry of Russian Troops tnlo Tur- Jy y :, . , . . Nsw York, July 17. A foreign letter i Tecelred this morning which hd been ties, patched pet the Arabia from LiTerpool, by the correspondent of theassorinted Pre, but ho reception of which has been delayed by being aent to Rnsion. ' II ia dated Liverpool, July 2d, and state that just ns tho Arabia was about leaving Tier berth a despatch was received from London, slating that twelvo thousand Rus sian troops had entcted tho tow n of Jessy, itualod on the bank of iho river Prulh, and Vilhin the boundary of Tmkey. The intelligence is most important, if true, As it is an agcrrssion on the part oftlussia, sufTieient to causa immediate hostilities. The next steamer from Europe will be anxiously looked for to ascertain the trulh. The steamship Franklin, from Havre, may be expected here to morrow, wi'h dales to the Clh t list LATEtl nioM MF.XK'O. The Mesilla Question Tehuantepec Declared a Sepcrate Territory. New Orleans, July 13. Later advices from Mexico have bren received, whieh Mate lliat S.ilnzar maintains the iuconteslible right of Mexico to the Mesilla Valley, anil threatens to resign upon the lenst concession being made to the demands of Gen Lane. The dishonoring of tho Sloo drafts, has created great distrust. The Isthmus of Tihnantcpoc has been de clared a superior territory, with the city o( JMurttiiilun us its Capital. STEAMBOAT DIStSTER. Fivt Persons Killed, Ten or Twelve Scalded. Pougiikkltsib, July 16. Tho steamboat Empire an old and favorite bout on the New Yotk nnd Tiny line exploded a boiler a bunt 2 o'clock this morning, whon oil Clinton Point, which is about seven miles below this city. The accident in at; i ibuloil to v.itious cau ses. One account says that a sloop run into the Empiie on the l.irdboard side, forward of thu boiler, causing a breach in the guards, nnd the boilet having nothing to support it, fell overhead. Many of tho passengers, Low ever, cnntiadicl this and say they saw no sloop that could have run into the steamboat. It is their belief that the explosion was can ted by a defect in the boiler. CATTAWISSA EXTESiSIOX. The following is the allotment of the noik on the Cattawissa, Williamsport and Erie Railioad Extension : Sec. 1, 2, and 3, A Malcolm & Co ii 4, and 5. J Savidge & Co. G, 7, and 8, Fisher & Flannagnn. 9, Walter Scott. 10, William Colt & Co. 11, and 12, Mc.Cium & Orchard. 13, and 14, Francis Gibson. ii " 15. M'Williams & Caldwell. " 16, and 17, Bradford, Blair & Geise. ' 18J 19, and 20, James Mai -me & W. B, Kipp. " 21, J..siah Morgan & Co. " 22, 33, and 24, David Marr & Co. The wink was left at fair prices, uud the grading is to be finished by the 1st of March. The road is expected o be completed lo.nly foi the cars on tho 1st of June next. Henry Ward Beecher sweeps up a poe'.i. cal flower, occasionally, with his broad scythe swath. Ho said, the other day, (in the Independent) that '-'(it siceetbrier was the country cousin of the rose.1' Hew Advertisements. 3I.iulinlnirx Acsidemv. ItlKUInliitrg, t"itl(!i County, I'cntiu. A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOi:Gllr Principal of Female Department. The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti tute will commence on Momut, Ji lv "5, I8SH. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mathematics and the Ancient Lan guages, as well as other branches, will he taught, ns tar as practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will be made of the blackboard. Orthography, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full share ol attention. Draughting. Construction of Mans, Yse of Compass, will be taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Enginceiing. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, &e., Ornamental iSeedle Work, French and liotany will he givun by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Cubtlclon Female Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as '"a young lady of agreeable manners and high literury ut sinmcuU." Young ladies and gentlemen who design to lecome teachers, will find this Institution an effl uent school for preparation, since there will bo .onnected with it, during the great part of the ear, a Ts ictims' Ivstitcte, the members of vhich will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Couif of Lectures on School leaching ,nd acquiring a practical knowledge of the urt, inder the supervision of the Principals. The government of tho school is based upon he law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that thers shoutd do to them, llcnce tlie rules will e mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents nd guardians may rest assured, taut the morals, abits of study, and general deportment of the tudents will be carefully attended to. The building is now undergoing a complete novation. It will be painted, furnished with ew desks, a 111, convenient recitation rooms. c Mifllinbuig ia a thriving and healthy borough. m inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter- rising. Its rtreets have been recently graded nd paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant :id desirable retreat for students. Wo, therefore, ust that the friends of education will deem the cademy worthy of their liberal support W The price of board, in the best of private mines, noes not exceed l,ot) per week. X. U. Students may enter the Academy at ly time during the term ; yet it is desirable at they be present, if possible, on the first day, nuiiiinuurg, July ID, ittaa. lim. NOTICE. pHE books for subscription to the slock of tne Biiamomn Bteain Ferry and Tow Boat ompany, will he opened at the house of James jvert in the Borough of Sunhury, Norihum rland county, Pa., on Saturday, the 30th day July inst. t 9 o'clock, A. M. ntflKY DUNNEL And others, Commissioners. Sunhury, July 16, 1853 VL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Trunks, Velises end Carpet Dags, just received and r sale by l. w. I t,it,R ot OU unl-urj". April 30, l:3 To the Voten of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby announces td Mis fellow citiiene, thai he is a candidate for the office ol COUNTY TREASURER, and promises, if elected, to discharge tlie duties of tho office faithfully and impartially. FRANCIS BUCIIER- ' Sunhury, July 18, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I announce myself to your consideration as a candidate fur the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the uproaching election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the oll'uc faithfully and to the best interests of the cniiuly. SIMON SNYDER.' Upper" Augusta, July 1G, 1853. List of Letters RKMA1MKO ISt THE POST OFFICK" at Northumberland, June 30, 1853. A Allen Win B Bradford A O Brail ford II B Uarnhait .M.iitiu Bul'U) James Baliias Johnson Briiiht Dr Win Barry Mit-heal c Case Mr. Clark Samuel D Dun mure L E Eekert Albeit Evelaud Marg't A Kw ins James M F Fisher Eiiubelh 0 Giant Qcoiiie H H ia-Mty P D 2 lliilcltiusnii Maig't ILillue John J J Jones Thus T K Knuple Curiilino Knkbiiiie E L Lyons Thomas M McG lock lea Michael Martin Samuel Muiiisiiu Deburnli Muikle Win Moycr John N Narson-Mr P Pearson John E Iteilly John Huutian Catherine Hay B S S Stevens Jacob M Shoemaker Matilda Stevens Lucinda blalloid Jos II Sietiler Samuel Shiudel M L V aslino Elizabeth w Wortall Matilda 2 Y Ymini! L W Knickeiboi ker A MAKOARET W ELMER, T. M. ist of cttcv5 Itr.M.tlMXR IX THE POST Ot'l'lfr. AT si . EJJ.lt , .lime so, l-r:i. A Armstrong Geo Adams llouh B Baitlett Joseph S Bickliait Tillman Bacon C Beilleton David Barre.'l Thus Low cr Tilcliinvu M Mnoie Rebecca Miller Hemy My tn ger II "E Man, Solomon or J Sliist-ler McCarty Goo. Mincai Julm I c 0 Chamberlain Lemuel Overseers ol Poor Siiii- D bury Borough Ditcher Bntten P Dever John I. Petliboue Oeoige Dickson Jos.-ph It E Kenn Henry Eister Nathan S noun Susan G Rvaii Jesse II Gass Jacob Raker Dr J Gaul John G Reed John Gazelle John S H Shaeffer Josiah Mill Martini Shatter Jesse Hales Saml Schiiiinek Audiew K Snyder & Zimmerman Kesl-r Ehas W Kimball John C Wiicnner IVtui Koble lsU!iu Weaver Geo L Wcndl John eaibJonaili.nl Z Zimmerman E'izubeth 11. B PACKER. P. M. REGISTERS' NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, j Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that the xccutors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Iicgistcr of Northumberland County, end that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Couit ' of said County, on Tuesday, the 2d day of August, . I)., lB.'iS, in the lorcnoon, tor continuation and lowaucc. ! Charles II. Kay, dec'd., skilled by his Adm'rix 1 Jane E. Kay. ' Elizabeth Dentler, dee'd., settled l.y her Ex'rs ' John Young and Ceo. P. Miller. 1 Simon Lenker, dec'd., settled by his Executors Jonathan and Isaac Lcuker. i Jacob Ilorlockcr, dec'd., settled by his E't.ir ' Masick llorlocker.. JoM-ph Milliard, dec'd., Pinal account settled hv his I'x'r l'j hri.un Milliard. William Kin-tier, dec'd., letllcd by his Ex'tors Win. and Jacob Shcfl'i r. j Thomas M. Kerr, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r William Levan. Isaac Stadler, dec'd., settled by his Adm'tor Peter Strauts. j Anna Maria Munsic'.ier, dec'd., settled by her Ex'lor David Taggart, Esq. James Price, dec'd., Pinal account settled by j his Adm'r Uavid Mail. Michael l!ocl:efellir dec'd., Pinal account set tled by his Adm'r Isnae Eckman. i Andiew Tiiil rook. dec'd., settled by his Adm'r Andrew Tinbronk. Cideoii Markle, dec'd., settled by his Adm'rix Mary Markle. George Dcibler. dec'd., settled by his Adm'tor Jonathan Dcibler Thomas Vastine, dec'd., settled by his Ex'tors Win. and Amas Vastine. John Arler, dec'd., settled by his Adin'r Win. M. Persing. K'istbeth Prick, dec'd., Pinal account settled by her Ex'r 13. P. Prick. Jacob Sechler, dec'd., settled by his Ex'tors Peter Staid and Michael Se hler. Solomon llcel.crt. i'ec'd , settled by his Adin'rs Join; and Jacob lle. kcrt. Samuel Culp, dec'd., Pinal account settled by his Adm'r John Maughawout. Absalom Adam, dec'd., settled by his Adm'tor Gideon Adam. Alexander Strickland, dec'd., settled by hia Ex'rs Win. Gass and Wm. Miller. John Mursh, dec'd., settled by his Adiu'rs John and Stephen Mursh. Elizabeth DicH'enbachcr, dec'd., settled by her Adm'r Peter Kuus. George Mile, dec'd., settlee by his Adm'tor Fiederick Maas. Christopher Goodlaudcr, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r John V. Goodlander. ' John Mendershot, dec'd., scttlcj by his Adm'r A bin. Shipman. John Snyder, dec'd.. Final account settled by bis Ex'tors Thomas and Adam Snyder. Henry Rockefeller, dec'd., settled by one of his Adm'rs John Rockefeller. Jesse and Elizabeth Tharp, minor children of Alexander Tharp, dec'd., settled by their Guardian Jesse Cumpbell. William Tharp, minor child of Alexander Tharp, dec'd., by his Guardian Jesse Carnp . bell. Elizabeth Lesher, settled by her Guardian John Troutman. Mary Herb, settled by her Guardian Daniel Herb. 1 Hannah Dressier, settled by her Guardian Sol omon Billman. Sophia, Emiline and Anthony Fox, settled by their Guardian Peter Strauss. 8usan. Henry, Samuel, David, Richard and Alfred Culp, minor children of Peter Culp, dec'd., settled by their Guardians Samuel Lsntz and and Wm. Deppin. Peter F. Culp, minor child of Peter Culp, dec'd., settled by his Guardian Philip Renn. -JOHN P. PUR8EL, Repster. Register's Office, Sunhury, July 8, 1853 J ' SHERIFF'S SALES. TtY lrtne of t rcrtilrt erit of Yen. Kxpoa " to me directed, will be sold by public solo, on Momlaj, the first of August, next, st 1 o'rlork. P. M.,at the Court House, in bu'nbury, the fol lowing property, viz : A Certain Lot of Ground, sutuste In tits borongh of Milton, on thnt pert of snid liorrlliidl, called upper Milton, bounded north by Motes Tailor, east by Second street, south by Mulberry alley slid west by lot of Win. Me decry, contninhm one eighth of sti sere, more or les, whereon is erected a tw. story house, cVc. Weired, taken in execution and In be sold as the property of Jeremiah Yargy. Al.feOt BY an order of sale, at the name time and place. A CERTAIN" Til ACT OF LAND, situate in Point tnwnrhip, in the rounty of Nor thumberland, bounded and described ns follows, to wit : HcRming at stones thenco by lands of licnard Pfoutz, iler'd.. south eighty nine, and a quarter degrees, east one. hunilied and eighteen and three, tenths perches to a fallen hickory, thence by lands of Win. Lemon, Dec'd., and Wm. L, Itewnrt, north J degree, east 122.2 perches to stones, thence by lands said to belong to Wm. I.. Dewart, south 81 J degrees, west 193,5 perches to toncs, thence by lauds of soulli SHJ degree, taft 1 1!) perches to the place of begirding, containing 101 acres and 46 pciches nnd allowance with Ihe appurtenances. Late the estate of James l.einon, dee'd. WM. D. KIPP. Slicrir. herifl s Office, Funhury, July D, I3'i3. To the Voters of Northamterland County. Fellow Citizf.ss: Having; been induced to offer myself to you as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the coming election, should I be so fortunate as to receive a nomiirition and obtain nn elec tion, my undivided and coiiHlnnt endeavor would be to perform the duties of the office with fidelity nnd impartiality. MAUTIX GASS. Phamnliin, Jiilv 0, 1J."I, Trt tli a VMcnnf ?Tr.rf?T"T-iV-lor r1 Pf.nr.tv Fkmow ctrixr.x At the ftoiicittttion of inauy ol my Im-nus, 1 04.1111 announce tnvat.U to your coiiM-iorntiCit as tt cniutiildtp lor the office of j j COUNTY COM.M ISSIONER ! at the etisninj election. Should I be so fortu nate as to be eieelcd, 1 uill endeavor to discharge i the duties thereof with impartiality, ' CHRISTIAN DAUrfCHLAO. Shamnkin, June ';.r), 1 -'5 J - NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby niven that nn application will be made, nt the next regular session of the Legislature, to charier a company for bank ing ami discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, with the privi lege of extending it to lour hundred thousand dollars, to be located in the borough uf Sunhury. ' rs'oi thiimberland county. Pa., and to 1c called j "Tin: MiNr.ns' Dank or Siwiunv." j July. a. lS.sn. Cm. j NOTICE. PICK is hereby given by Ihe undersigned ritizens of the C'oiiimjnweaUh of J'nnsv. ' vania, thnt apjilication will lie nmJe to the next , Lcaishilure of caiJ Cominnnweiillh lor the erco ! tion of a body corporate to be "styled "The Scxntnt Savi gs' Institute," to be located in i the borough of Sunhury, Northumberland countv, j with ilicnn ,k privilrcrs. and with a coinlal of i One hnnilrt'il thonsaml tlollara. j U.Jiirl IT Awl (Ipo. Itriclit. iulin Ynnrvr I Adam Sliisslcr. Thomas Robins, Daniel Drucke- ' . miller, Predk. Lazarus, Geo. 15. Youngman, IV- j iter D Masser, J. W. Priling, Ira T. Clement, j Det.j. Hendricks, C o. C. Welker, J. W. Pcul. I Sunburv. June ?", l"-53. Cm. ; j NOTICE. 1 "OTICE is hereby given that books will be i opened to receive subscriptions to the Capi j tal Slock ol the Selinsgrove Bridge Company, on j ! Wednesday, the "'7th of July nest, at the follow- j ing named places: At the house of Mrs. Davis j fn Selinsgrove, Jacob Fryer, Middleburs, Char'es j l 1). Kline, Lewisburg and Isaac D. Coyer in i Freeburg. I'ninn county, also t the house of J Samuel Thompson in Sunhury. Peter Snyder in I j Lower Aiuusta township, and J. Hi'r'n in l.'ppor Mahunov township in Noi thninhf rhmd contily ', and at the house of Michael e.ivcr in Miners i villi-, Si inn I!. ill county, at which time and places one or nior;' of the undersigned will altcnj lor the purpose of receiving such subscriptions. COMMI.sslONERS. Ner Miihlli iwarta, 11- W Snyder, (!. Li i 'erring, James K , Davif, Henry ('. Ever, John fiiinilv, John 1J. Fucker, Edward Y. Uright, Selinsgrove, July 'i. Pel er Snviter, W. F. V, aentt'llcr, t'hailes A. Mover, G. F. Miller, Jno. Walls, Jacob Seasho tz, William Cameron, It'a 'J'. Clement, ISjJ. I (if' XV (.UOltsII I WILLIAM A. KNOiili, I 1J EsPECTFUI.LY iuforins his friends and: the public gene ally, that he has just received , alio opcucu u large an l spicuuiu mock, oi SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists of every variety of Dry (loods, viz: ClotfiSj Cassimwt) Stittmcit, Ves!ingst Finn' t.es, Musi in t 6c. A opU'tuVul stock of LADIKS DUEMS AND FAN'CY GOODS, Such as Silks, Brra?fst Dc Lninrs, Merinocs) L:iwtm. (iin Calicoes oc. BOOTS iVKZ) SHOES, A fine assortment for ?ion. Women &. Children. A laiyc assortment of f SnOt'Hlt Si:S, SUCH AS Snjrar, ColTi'H, TVa, Mtlusss, Sjiices, cc. Hardware nrd Queensware. allnud Liquors, H C II AS tin. Brnndy, Rum uiid Whisk1 y, Uesidei ihe lurpiit and most general assort ment of till kind oi Unodd to be liad in the euunlrv. All tlie uliovc mentioned u ns will be sold ut nut h red tired jrice ut tlicy can not le got for eUewliere. Country produce of all kinds taken in cxehaiiae at tlie highest market prut-. Augusta twup.. July 2. 1 653. flin. L'.MMEli tShawU. Jieady made Mantillas, 13 lack piilk and Silk l.ee, jtut receiveil and for ale by I. W.TB.NEU & CO, ounbury, May 14, 185J. lK'HMMi Fluid, Cumphine, Sperm and U hale Oil, While Lend, Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and for sale by Kunbury, May 14, '53. TtJSEK & CO. I1AND BILLS neatly printed on new tvpe MM- promptly executed at thin oflire. AUa blanki, of all kinda on superior paper. Miuburv. reb. 14, 185. TkU. H. H. UIUUEk:'8 remedy lor coutflia, -colda, and pulmonary diseases. A aunply of thia valuable medicine just received and for sale by II. B. MA8SJER. bunbury, June 4, 1853. IOU KNT, a small office or shop near Tener -- l En;!e i store, Market Street, fcHunbury, AppIv io H. B. MASSER. bunbury, July 9, 1S5J. CELEBRATED Family M c d i c i n c s . IN offering to the pnblio Ihe aW invnliinbl prfpnni liuim, Hie tulMcritor would itnte Hint in cmmiluti'Mi with hm ftiemli and onm ot the iindt reipectnl-le ol the Medical faculty, It wm deemed mWimhla tn niter to the puMic, few preparntimn nf kimwii celebrity, being pre pared with the grenteat rare, nnd on the in-nt rietilihc principle, aa auhioitiiiea fttr the numenna wrtblcM an tielei tiifit nre ftiKNling the country in the f.rtn f panacea arid cure alia, prffircd br tho m flt (gn irunt and mercena ry pers Hif, hitctulmj to cura nil ditiW-a nnd j m! f r m na. Itend and Reflect Thru tlm MediHne. Monufr-(ned by W. M. Hccklxt, lnchitlin(f hia How IVctorid f r CVi-glm, t'ri'Hin ol Cttinitb ir. ( r lUieunmliciu. Wtirm Syrup f r Wurma. Tooth n',. t'or rtifave1 teeth. rtIfM p-iin. Family tir bl xh! I'uiilyer, have K-frii m ro rx!enivr- ly ti.-ftl. and have given m t Miisf i-ti it. tlvtn nny MitT ."tlfJirinea bef ire tno pnblr?, ! infr propnntd with remind tn iltttir fu'ncM :iie j'nMy w -illiy thu li(u! uf the amict cd. Give them n trial. A few p'w(!ifnl rttftjsftna why thrnbive MfrbVifJf nfc draerving of 1111 i vortt-.il puli imar. (In ibe fttt p'rter. they nie picparrd lvn regtiliir PnJiciiin, wliti nmit i t;iiit the applit'nti-in ol" Aldiriiie, t ditensep, nnd Ciii fpn-iiU arc nerfeetly pafe to tnk. (Mcrowliy.) th-y have been used with univcrtn! Riirccw, nnd have given m-Tc ant mine ti'Mi Ihnn r.ny other Medicim nflt-rcd belore thn p ibltn (Thirdly ) they nre the oii!y rr.ed.rinra tfiat hive p.-onttJ the. f'ltntnngc of l'livntion, where they hiv.' bcni u' d ; nnd (Knutlhlv,) they oro put up in larger n'.mntiites ft the anme price, than nny other Medicine niTi.rt.il V tin: public f the ainie kind ' Ah 'lie anHeriler hna n inmbcr of cert 1fic.1t el in bin piton t f the liitiiL'fit authititv. where thtty hive Iw?n uk d wi!h the m t tuuiifm-Miy re mills, He will publish a few of them, fuelirc aiirisfir'l th;it n tiinl will insure their rfcouuniiilart 11. Try II. cm and saticfy yourarif of their riru.rionry over &V, others Read and be Convinced. Wo the tinder trued hnvinc been inclc nr.(tl:t!idfd with itie tiifrredienta en'ering into the Cunip-MJiida kntuvu tn Hiclik-y'a Kamily Alettieinca nimt having prc.vril'ed Hid kti'nvn them to be ?eilt with m-'M witiKi'nturv rc.n!u; tnke pl'fiflttre in anyiut; that we believe llicy lully nie"! j the drrign for which lb-, v nre tvc mumi'tH jas. STHAWKitim-i:. m d I C II. I'KIUK. M . !' , WM. McM AHoN. M wksi.i;y 11 uk nni:.w;T. M J). 1 WM. (I. MV1IU,. M IV ; H. (iliAitllMAKT. M. D Cure oT pain in the tvlf. ttnl eottgh from yrotcttfd Liver ComJtiint. Mrs. rtolwrt Adittti, lal)riin under Chronic l.iver C-'ni-pl'tint, nTtitipnii!f d with nil rt drv cmu-H piin in the tde un-l lront. g-nrru dt btlity, I m of nt)n titr. niter try injr all tlie uunl remeliea ne mmeuded fm v tiu'Iia nnd diMufmea "f tlie chest, wh' with 111 benefit, ahe wus nenn m'.iu'ed to try the lo5e IVciirnl. fr tn wlm it. the not only derived inunetlitttc but nerimii'-ut rihet J 'fin Adnm. a u of Mr. H.!terl Adan;a, wna nffiictnl j with a very never c c uch. pniu in the aide, rnd s trenena j pr wbieed by inecamnt c nehme: he w:is imbu-ed ttry the Uoae I'tct iral. T.t ot lua own tantrige, th firl j d tA nviMed hiru t enj y n ir-t d luphi's re)t. In the j in Ttiiim he e.sp'x-t nnted n'mnt hrilt pint of n,ier. H j r"tittii'tc. t- improve until ln cmph entirely left hitn. :t V'1.".5?'..: e vH L11:5.1 h-"" ui every i:me it tna given a:iti.riicti' n. . The b f e pcrs ma rrndenta of the tnvvn of Dnnville, lre.lii,(r tljyt ili.y buve denvtd irreat beuchta from the ose tI the l(mn t'lTtond ; nuiln rtz the. t.U ive :..Wutent, f r the be. 1 left l of th ne win mnv be :ip!i-tt'd in n annilai nmn ner. UKKAT CUKU. Loss of Voice restored with one bottle of Rose Pee tor ah M!i Susan Whitl'tck. of Hush tmihiu. N" "rthumber- land en., for a number of yvuraon u vuhd, in the lull of; I-... i.iNi nte list: "i lief V ner ir Mi t Iraeti'd; uflt-r Iryingn iiani!-.r ol' i J fit. Rlie wan I'lilirrly rest TC'l l-y til j .Pe-t"rul, iill.'r winch, sfio Ii i".jo. intti t ne use .. her v nee ir nn ti n-veie cr !l she con- 1 rm-dieie. with n 1 bene ikuni one h tile 1 f K e 1 her' v. ice uiiinn, from n f Ireah cold the cnf roete.1. and waa ucaiii restored hv the. j use of nn titer buttle ; she itum to tk (miit botdeg mmc to ! 1 rilriiiigtht'it Imh brettHi, fi iu win- Ii ilic tk-med iIk ru Rt j j decided benefit, nnd hns bcin m the enjoyment cf excellent ' 1 hcilili fr.im tint tnn to tlte prcst nt. i j The iib'iie utttfiiicut is olutiimt fr m l"r Pin a !!, tha I Phyiiciau wh uttenileil her; n! h-r iii'ih'.T who Hi ul;., ' tittit ti'iie would n -t le living at thia time if it kid n t hecn ! foi the Hose IVctond. 1) oiviJIc, Jan. "J.j. j Xtiil another Mirle.i Curt lljftrteJ. ! Mia S-minel Srclder, bei'i;r of a nuturvl weu!i and di!i- : j cue c usti:utiim very guncL-ptdMe t c dls, wna slliictttl : with a Very icvere c iu;h, pnn uirl Borenesa of the bicinr. j 1 is of a;tpetite ; ni'ter i:sinn :i number of thrt un,il retn- ; (tiif! Ir.im wineii. :! ilerivt-.! n benefit, sli" v. cured ! t uk in? one b tirlo of It li ctoral and in 111 the eiij'1) mei.t , I of Itfiier heuitli than 1" r years prevu-u. ' Dimvilttf. Dec. I !?.'(. ' bis. Hilkixv Permit tren mf.-rm yw that my wife, : Z." "Z , :??.. " . V ' TV m .j (u,irk:y mil i-nvutusily nluve.1 wulunit L.iile ff ' ;'r I'cct .rul tlmn iuiy oilier m.-riifi i,: siie l.a.l evtr l:ii:cn. Aiir.it .i'niiu'i.. Jim tf.f. Snmnel It. W.hxU' Puinaee. Itwl R It -N' hVIDIiNCK I.V FaVuB (IF THE Ul'.K l'CCrwliL AND I'am lv Pii.h. .., vtlJ. c ,Ui whi.h e!1.,cj in n cr;. hr,r,i ,.,., C 'l'Ii. c:i.irin;j a qrcui. .k-rl 'f !iin wIipmi-v.i im v Urlicil, W:i3 t.iivi-il Vfi v limcti ; hv pie tilill' lii: li.ul laK-.u Olvi tliir l l a h Mile, nml hv 1 tie tiiii" it w;n finiflietl, wus cn ,tirc!y cired If-nla aiysihit h ta ttUtii t vtnl d s-s of V.'u: U-:i!ih RcJi'init'.ve r Fainih l'ilia, urt-t il.at tht-y are the milvl-jst uiU inii cificti'ttl puijr itives he tins ever tiifceii. lMnviii, Jhii I, lr5"J. lit UicKLSV D;irir.sr a vifit t; mv l-r ittier, iti Pa:i viii, 1 t'Mik a vny u-vure C 'M, whicii C!i!c.l in a tipi t huT C mIt, with t.trem-n o.iA r.in ot'tlie lrejiBV, f. r which I useil y-mr litysc I't-ct -ritl, nntt Family I'iiis, nnd titR p!',!r''Ure hi ret itiiint! itltiiir tiifin. ns the niiMesl m:d m at L-ifcoia-il rwiu-!y 1 hive used. Vi'urw, rept;tf tinly. Jam ks mukqan, Jiii. V'lutc U.-ivvn. I.iujr-ie C'i. Je;ir ir : a r-c nuntMfi itum ft y i;r K sc I'ecl- r.d, jiciiint n:t t suy. liiut J w;. til'cctirtity tuitii ' I a very !i?vtrc c 'tieti wtth j.;iiii in i!ic breast, W-'Ai !-rs hn I:' ii l ntlt, mul tint 1. -"tit i !ci it mv.iluublc. Vuu mu Ht IibvitV It"' iil tkf th'n riil.lir it' vti nlu-is'. .hHIN Sl'LliKlMi. ((jnw.) Dm-.vi;;!?, r.i. j My i lit Wtt.i;fiii liin wider a st-wre c nii-h uud pain in tu.s fciile, iiiiii iin injjrv ruot .V't.d by u .'nil. Wat fi'iieiy iflitvt'il by ab'ila .t' II se l't-cM. .mi i. (..'icum i" l'him j ph i. I hne n!r i vwA v nr Faindy Cil'o, mid nit ge'.licr ' 1 c 'imi I.r thf.n ;i;c bt.; nutic-iiiL-s 1 luve e ?r t'fcl. ; Ji . o; i;iiihh;f, i J.m 1I. Il'inh T i., " r'l."d c". ' I ir. liftv: 5 : .. ni w.ie who wm tr-tii-lrd wn'i tlry. Ii mi -nn i, uli it ur !t iiri-h. t'epcn h-i:t itp-'ii ; d. !-il.ty. sittiiitr t- lMf;n;iii:i. umi iMitirt-ty rtl.uvtd by ' utimf V'i bull if.- ut j-uir li hi- 1'iTti-r.il, I'tniiii u.i t i ty j tlnl I c ttisitlft it ui fXff.b-iit ren.edv. j V uir.s,rt ffttu iy, l Mr WlMsAHD. i' 'I l.tllh' i'r;l CllUldl. liir. I'ri. j II t-i"c Ijfi-n fti:' t n j tin Hi my :;tni (-im-'iir in U lini- I'.i W 'Ul'i i- j'l iV'.'-l lilt? '-I li'f II Ot HSf t'l II f T lib. .'It i"';ir in It v n"!iu 'ic b 'Ac (" Ou-nii l'uiri.lr-r ' I w Mi.d itt.itt t;it I c Mbitb-r it it:- !ti-t n-iiu-ty il' the j kind I have fier nn'-tl nt my nt.uiiy, nnd I w n!d freely wc )tiimt nd it l i'I(hti with iit;il.tr nll -ti iih. ; Vnm, !; . Ttltilly, JoNAS WOI.F. i Huah tp., Nirth'i ro. i My wife litjiit? f:;ln:te.t w'.lh a Very aevi-ic p-tin m lier i nrai mid tli -iil U'i- (Tie .ilet ii' l' v V) wht-h i:i i!,i-d hT j fr iti; ut'':;4 il. w.i curt tl with H!h:.ii' t Crta:ii t I .'pi;- ! ph r Mis. I-lhin, my na!tT.it;.law. wns a'. i curis! fi ' fVviv ('.in, in l'ie h'-ail mul l';;-e ny utir.s trs; i rr iin ! , a.ni'h -r Tlll'MAS C. I.IJdS. UauviiJe. Jan. -.'( V ; My wife Iru'ui Utieui.iuiisiii ot i!ii urm t""r n iri"!(i-1 if yi' MN. which jiiev'tnted tiT iVm'H uahi-? it in d nnu hiT ! v : k ; oftLr b;r, nc n,vnl h rt l dc:d ui immh'V in Irving ; i"'T-:il u'tiiediri! with n be ue.i', f.iiit ' i.'iir'-d l y infj "iilv ouv tct'l 1 ' f Yi'iir Cre i:i) ol C::iij-h T Vj 1,1 ,1 V M I V1.N-. Mii,f.i. f -T S. i:."Vi. d, II. V .in'. Pr lid.'-'v li'Mr; r. v .1 a vtrv ai-.viic injury in 1 Tiiv M if '.'V t illiU,: i ii'ai ad t h ay. man which I una j I l ie I i f--;l w lay w r k . v;n ree tn.:lfiu!ed I t tiy a ! ll.e I ui" Cream if f':mi:i'' whudi Mi "rdvd nn inc.! rite p lief. i iil i K F ITil CAUit.!iih tp., Nt.i :l, d t". I My wif-, miiciu.; fr 'in v.v Mt exeiiieui inn ain, , Ihr.ni'houl hei jieneral hyt ui, wliieli previliled her inmi ( blecpiiu (beitir t-ceui nieti by a I H7 mi' I pr lrarltd .t,ll . l nfknrs;) fir wtaeh flic it ...-(! a nuinlc-r f n-niedn ! willnail IkjikIii, wjs entirely tcUeV-d by the uspt-i l.'it-uin I fiiire"n J)i:iii, lJiniii!, lu. Child cuiuJ of Iti)vil C'iiilaai. mul A;: lie ( 1 two eirs lUniinie.) hy Worm tyrtip My child beiittf itilin-teil f a Ihe laVt two ytart, with U Wrl Oi-nij't out and Aij.iu liniil it was rediire t lt a 1 1 Iff' ikele!ou, 1 lii'd imniher f rt.mcdn'ft wi'h n erni;'ncn ht.-nclit. until I nave it il It of yor ",aiii Sirup, mure willed Uuir- H h.is l-rrn Wrll, nnd pot .-;ai:e ikf-ue I u!t have rt' uani atit d it ta n ntniili t ii nn i'. i tU. umi tu evtiy cjne it b-ii etven s.iuk:h-i t- a. J.. 1.1 .VI. At l.-.ar. l.aa-s' f.M l nli-.n. U.i::ic. I have tihtl v ur V"iin svra;t m mv fuuuU. n:i I p- ti- Bahtr it ll"l flit-C'iril. bit lla li:ol I'lenNit.t lilii h; i j am iietja'iii.l.-d with J A' H I. Si 11 '.IS. I!nvi:'r I Ilaviii'J u.ed your Wniui S nip ia my I'mudy, il 1 p ft i my chiMffii tn tc Hum any prepir.ili n m" ihr kai l. :tnd id nt re pleiifial to f.ke. 1A, .MOHl.A . I M lit rr It W, L!anvt!. I h ive h'H (M-Mi u ta u' yi.tr W r n Syr.ijt m my laamy, anc jaetrr it t any N'eniiiftiL'e I have u-m J. FKi:i liriJ, Kr sty Vhlly, M nt ar c Dr. fliclih-y : Uaviiif,' usd y ur wani Srup, mid fifum oi Cuiiiph' r uud Family li In in my bunny, thev save pti.il .itif(iJicti .ii, nnd 1 r.'nsuhr lin-iu Has m"it t' fectuut, a..d pluitKint r' MH-die. w h;ive hnd tn ur family. JOIIMI 111 AN It. KIMll.l., IianvilLe Dear Sir: We Iht ua lersiued beiia in ih ciupi.iy4' I MrSkm. (ifi)Vi Ac C anly, nt whnm m re, yu h.tve an Akiencv lor ihe tile nf yu' Funiily Me.!iriaiH. ii.iit- that we have hid mi oppurianity nf kn wins the nptniopt i iiuiurroti iadivid iniif u rto irtve u.d tiicai, imd th.tt ihey give pem-rjl B.tlisi.H'ti' it. We have UI a gyrent manv ol air Fills, which are untvtisaMv liktit. b' inc verv iniid in iln iroprrutiou. " V. I J-'.lsF.MM lanvill.-, Attest. Y M KllI'lJlIt. Ilm irg S.'iirvy f my nt -nth vt re ljud. I wim indared to try b itile if ynr Tih Wash, w'tih a.led tike aehniin, hafdeiuiig my gums, nnd rrni"viie h!I difnpf. JONATHAN K K1SIJKU I)nnviirt Pi . Hlfkley Ilav in what w .scailrd uh eriited re, n.nitth, f.r whieli, I tnt 1 a nniiilter tt rmi dn with nn Itt-neht : I wa Rt InM rnretl by usimr one b aMe ti y ur T-Mtth wash. Mv wn'u nU ilnrmjr ht-r c mfiaeuieiii, vvai j threatened with at Hre.:n'. Inni, huvmy alreti l ttrmrl, ior wnica wne t; t i nie i,ii-imii mi HiniMuT, ui'ii irantir- . ........ ....... v , ' " f, GKO A JUtOW.N, Nenr Ijithpmn f'hjnh. Jjuu ille, F". Dr. HieWit-y Ilavint an pr,,r'uutty of einf ymt A nt r hut ir To ih WhbH nw-H tu nne very neveie ro i'i nf icurvi'V itf the pum. I euimhrit mi ( -ireivtit reme dy YtMira. rtnertfi!ly OVM H. KROWN. The n-ve inedieinef am IVI sain Wh ilewle atui Re Uil by W M HICKI.KV. M. V , proprietor, Danville A I) For tu.1 by ihe Mlnwina AMita in Nurihmiiher. land couniv. Frtlmg timnt. hantwirv 1 W A. knitbh, Autiuata; W. Fairow, Siiydertown i TafJi irt, Furmnii A HurKii, Paxinna; F-matme A ttiroaae. Huni'Sj Jny Vatixuut, Pm; Hugh Vasiin. I '" Ammrrnai, Co , Bhanii'kiu ; Mra Xn. Th.! fehamokm ; Wm. Facsly, Pham 'knit Campl'! Klme, Aupuatn : fennuet A. Berir at r eater, Pete-almr j Jan Iiaeiirinc. BtMiT Gap) Cnrnd Wanrk. NnrthumUrlmid ; Jeraiumh CriHiaa. Holing rove j J.tainh Baker, Lawwburg i Juh P. Caalowaiid Jtathan KdJer. MiHn. Call no the Asanta, and fl tircnlar coiiUinnif full deecripiM of ih nuineroua curea parformaU by ihe dilfer nt Madmuee. Jme ii, iv.3 - ly ..GEORGE W- ZIMEUMAN. VENIT1AN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, , PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAN D A G EN EIUL ASSORTM F.NT OF BLINDS, Which for Htvle of finifli nnd workmnmdiip elmrc-t prices. Al.o-TKA NPA RENT at the WHOIXSALK, AT MANVPACTBTtLltS' PHIG&5. l':T MHUCHAM'S nnd others are invited to csil and examine. riiiUdelrl.is, Au-jnst 81, IS.V2. ly. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. &N" itii'iiance of nn o.-Jit of tlir flrplmns Cuutt nt Nortliuinl'srliinrl cminly. w ill Is exposed to p'.-.l.lir s.ile, tlin i'olln ing reul c-iliitc, to wit i A Ct ltaiii out Lol of Giotttid, in tlip soutlicrn jiarl tif the doronuli of bnnlHivy, l'oniided C.ii lh rust by land of Oforfe Wciser, (Tanin'r;) on the sontli ly the I"1'" of Kdward lInrrion, dec'd., on tl.e went by tlie Su'itehan lia liver, and on tho north by out lot of J. t. Vountftnan, conta!ni!;3 ONE ACKK AXt) THREE F0UHTII?, morn or less. Tho ahovo will be sold at tho public bouse of James Cot or!, in the lurougli of Sunhury, on Saturday, the 23d day i f July v.jl, at .,Mook. 1'. M. ALSO: A Tract of Lund, in Lower Aticustu townsliip, countv nforefiiid, ndjoiiiim luiids of John Hart. John Hendershotz heirs, David Sliipmaii, Peter Berlieu and others, and mountain land, continuing about FIFTY ACHES more or less. To he sold nt the public Imitse of Wiliimn 11. Jones, in Lower Augusta township, in slid county, on Saturday, the 23rf day of July TH.rf, nt 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said day. Late l'ie en tile of Will ia in K. llrmvn. dec'd. Terms of Kale will be m:ide known 0:1 day of sale by GEOHGE WF.ISH1?, Cimrdin'ii of the tninor children of Win. K. Uiowii, dec'd. Ily Order of the Court, ; J. p. rciEL. C1U. O. C. J June 25 1 sr.3. ts ) List of Juror. OF Nnr'liiimWrl.'iml Count), for Ati2ti.t T., lSi3. C'rad .Inroi'M. Mil-tun-F. V. Poliocli. Joseph Eglmrl. 1. i:vi S.imilrl S b in 11011 Tu'itci'T John M'Corniick, William P. Hull. Delaware J.irr.ps II Cashrnrt Ciiii.l-fiCAQLK William De-ilmm, John Ijest, J.n.'ub Kiamcr, Uoorae Fredrick, Kun'l M-Nincli. 0 Siiamokis -Henry I.eUeiiring, Fiederick Miiti-bh'r, Solomon Focely. I!lsh Henry Wi-nvci. l.oWKit Alclsta William Conrni!, .M.iitin I'.iindels, Daniel Ztirl iiinei, Pclir Snyder-L'pi-kt MaiiaN'iy William Heiin, Jjna- llrm R.'sslor. Isii'al Fin;oritnictier. I.nwi-u Maiianot J"hn IIimiI. Cam i:h on.--Solomon Dunkcl lifiucr. TRAVEKSE Jf UOKS Sl-M-.fHY- C. B. Yminamun. Gforuf! Deilil, Ijeiijiint'ii lleiidrirLs, Guiye Lyon, Gcoiye Ytnnn;. Cecijje Kt-en. NlUlTII CM U V.W L A S C V id 1 1 1 1 k (' 1 1 . Milton J.irnes Montomei v. II D B.irr, Henry Egbert, llob'-i I Slid,lon, MostrA Cliiini, berl.un, Fiederick Filler, John Miller, Allen Sell 1 oyer. ! Dli.awaki: Chii.-ti.i:: Hi'yaul, Wilson . llii'rliison, John H. (Jiier. Lr.wi- John hc',l. Milton Tro.vel, Jacob i Gi'tncr, It. C. Buekninn. 1 CiiiLlftjUAQUi; Adam Conrad. John Shell. ln.r John W. Siamrn, John Dile. Low cn Ai'clsta. W K Joiihm. Jeremiah Renn, Ca-pcr St. Clair. Pelci Rcit. Ci-ore 1 SnydiT, J. niies Shipni.in. i Siia'tckin Contud Wager, Wm. Annner- tn:tn, E i l't John j lii -li .1 .isi ph Fisher. ', C al S ill-nan Eaton. Stcpbcn Eisciilieait, i Jordan William Slialei. ' Camuion Gi.b'on Kiamcr. Daniel Sieii Ii. ! Low 1:11 MaiianoY Jovph Fensterninchi'i, ' M1. I1. 11 I Readel, Jacob Binueinan, Adam ! Lint 1: M ahasoy Isa:!C D. Raker. ! Jackson Jacob S!ipp I. John Creasi'.'.S'T. ; Just Puhlislied and for Sale i by WM. VcCARl'Y, llook'Uer. i Muiibury, pa. 1 The American j rLKAPLUS' ASSISTANT : U' ing a eulleetion of iipproved declarations, writs, j returns and proceedings in the several actions ; liuii in use in the l uitej States. Ur Cot.i.tNsos Krrn. K- Ipsue ii ts vuu i'ox 1, l.i.t.s cud a.l.lilions. f;etbcr vil fliort iiv tcui ol con in ol convryaneiiifi. liy A. Jordan. Pics- ; Jude oi' the Uiglitli judicial t!itrict of i k ut Pa., nnd Wm. M. line! iel'elcr mid M. L. Miindcl, of Ihe bar of Nuillnmibeiltind county. Since the pul.licaliom f the l ... .k . (he f.'Htiwin.r 1. Iter bus been received from Judge l'eaisuu ol llarrh!ui' : I..niiisiH !io, Jt.nc 30, 15ij3. (.'tNTLi;vtt : Alter a caufu! c;ili;i:i:i:i.ili nf your ''Amer ican pleaders assistant." I la'e i!eaun in c.x-p:esiii-r my i-iit.re appro'-al ,f t.ie ii lection and -otn cfilioo of tbe pn-.e.'ciit.i thus i lie red to the put lie. The. b iidl pr.i:cs.-.in in I cioy li.u:i.i Mai.ds in nied of a coriecl bvtlein i.f plcaiiu1,', ml.tj led to our i . u ": iis uf bi.iue-s. and the pr.u lice ol tlie tnuili.. otir f.n iii.i ul" ilc-.-'araliutii bi-inrr, to a i;re it extent, founded on the acts of a-ieuiliv, uiil be u s .viini ol' labor to the pleader, and con duce tn talrty ui.d brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer ill our lale. Yours, wii'.i great respe.-t, JNO. J. Pii Wi.-ON". Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. KocU-fcller a.id M. L. iliindel, lisijuiies. tSuiil.ury. July H IS.'S. Tt'oilc E is hereby civ-en, that apnlicition vill le innde to the next Li-cisl ituie of I'ennsyl.ania. fol the iucorpurntion of a eompanv, with diiconiitint; prii ilexes, to be locate.) in ti.e borough nf Sm:bury, in the county of Northnni lrlnnd. with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to be catlc-J the ".'j.yrA nna Savi'.vj' In Uil rte." Sunbury, June Co, ls.'.J. fim. ILLTD I.ampi, Choire Uss si's and Ori.anienti ; (jueei .kets. Flower Va- enswaie and Class. ware, just received and for sale hy Sunbury, Miy 14, '13. TEX EH V CO. gjTONE W'RE Milk pans, B n7t Troeks. Butler jars, Jua, Preserve jars, i c., i c., iuht received and for anle t.v Bunbury, June 19, IS.r)3. TENER A CO. IRENCH Cloth, Fancy Vestings, and L'as.i meres just recaived and for sale hjp Sunbury, May U, '53. TENEJt A CO ANN'8 LETTER PRESSES. itU books, ink, and all complete, just rrceived. and for sale hy II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, June i, ISO". - cannot ' c mrpnssnl. Wliulnaln nnd It. inil WIMOW MIADKSAND M'.r.l l,i.. IM)S Live and Help Live!!!, Ova Mottii. S. N. THOMPSON 3 "5 EsPfX'TFrLLY informs bis friends and Q the public generally, that l.e has just re- ceived at hh store, in Punbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, h-ndsoruc and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CC0D3, cor.sistinj in pnrt Of Dry Goods, vi : Cloths. Cnssitncrs Casshiets. Jeans, Di i,7t'ng, Muslins, I i'J.'nis. Linens, 4c. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes. Muslin de L-iius, Lawns, Ginghams, lhraf.es, llobiS, 6f." Sugnr, Tens, Cofl'ce, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, it., etc., Ac. Hardware, A'uils, Pcrcw s, Files, fr'aws, Kni ts A. Forks, &.e. Queensware, cf vious styles and patterns, EOCTS AND SIIOU3, A larjc nssorlmcnt of Uoots and fSbocs, for men, s-uncn and children. Hats Cats, i5.e., of vaiious sires and styles. liesi les a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. Uvf" Country produce of nil Kinds takin in enhance nt Ihe highest market prices. .Sunhury, 4 1110. 30, li.'3. 'Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE F0T7UD IT AT LAST. TVTO' lor the little ones. Why will parcutK waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors to get periect pictures of their children nnd after all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature t We would sny, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee to make you a perfect picture, by our Et.i:cTtio C'iikmical proce, that works in from J to 2 seconds. W.e defy nny Dairuerrcnn in I'hiladi Iphia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as we are the inventois, and the process is used only in our dif ferent estalilialuneu's ill New 1'iiirlaiid nnd the Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver medals we have received fioni the American Institute, New York and Franklin, riiiladelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are the Ns rius Ultm of perfection. Vo would call particular attention to our Talbotypcs Daguerreotypes ill Oil. D. C. Coi.li.ns & Co.',' 100 Chestnut Ptrecl Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp den Hou-e, Springfield and Collins' Iluilding. We.-lficld. Mbs?. N. Ii. Cur establishment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, ond l y Piofea.'pr liursrl'urd't Hafr'.y Ltimf.3 ly SVig-.!. "Come and sec." Phila., May 23, 1S5H. ly. . A Farm for Sale. A Valuable Farm situated in Upper Anmtn Ji- towndiip, Northumberland county, laving alonji the Shaiuokin creek, nbout four ini'es and a halflrjin the borough of Sunhury, CONTAINING 110 ACRES, will be Fold on the 23d day cf Aucutt, by the heirs of C'uttn.cl Colp, kcii., drceaecd, at private sale. About 120 tlrrfs of thU land nre cleared and in a Rood state of culiivntion, the whole bavin- been limed once over. The improvements ere a two ttorv DWELLING IICTJ.SE, a tarn, a waeuii lmurc, and two orchards of choice fruit. The Philadelphia andSinibury Railroad passes directly through the centre ol it, likewise the public road lending from Sunhury to t'etersbuvg. Any iic:oiis di-mini; to purchase a ijocnl Turin, void ol hills and stons, with ijood waler, and well in with clover, will ti.id this to comport wilh their wishes. For full pariici.lsrs, apply either personally or by U tter to the subscriber at the farm. JEUUMJAH COLP. I ppor .itfju.t.i twp., June 19, ISo3. ts. E isj j'rov f sis e ia I s A h c a ti ! ! MLKCLIV iuforins his iVtends and the public er.,.-r.lL' .1. .. I.. I ... : . . ' Id ;- .' m- i.ajosi re.civen at ins in M et street, oppo.-its Werner's j b 't. l, : -l.i CX-c!Lr.t ass;if!m:nt if U-'.WWSWWWV- X O 11 C A L r S K X S . French Lasting,?, And u!i kids of Linnet and Shot tradings, which l.c offers to the tiade at reasonable prices. lleiil.-o informs bis customers ane otlici, that he slid coiiliiiues the hhocmakiiiR busin..as. uud is prepared to d.i all kinds of w ork, in a jroo 1 and tssliionnble stvle. and on reasonable terms. fMioburi, Juno 11, 1--.S3. jv. Lumber Van!. T Mil' sulisi-i ilu r would resneetfullv inform the citiriH of Sunliiuv. and .N'orihtnr.l erl.iinl and uiljohih-. cjonlics, iha; be h.is opened n Si'.iEiihrr V;jsvl in t'jo l..t fio'otini on Cranberry St., n short ilj.. lance Last o! ti e Steam Savt .Miil where be u now- a buy.' am unit of Si: iwwJ J',iintrf 1' in'., cvo J'.iidiiI linrtr.l, nr.d all other Hoards and UL itniii M 4T kki a i., such as will hewnnted for buildiiii :urpss. Also 9 lar;;e ntnoui.t of Shingles on hand, which will be sold from ;'ti r.ji to fs, acCoMinc; t o quality and s'c. Plea-o ;'i.c us a call and examine oin price nnd .pi.iliiv, N. 1). Farmers who sis in want of Slun.jles will please cull as we will .-.e'd lo .m lv. J. E. i.r.n;. si.ji. Sunhury. Mny 2r",, I.-'f.3.- ly. Him: or Notirsi x nci.t .is i. ? Noilhum'ocii.iii.l, Juno I.'.;;. The Directors ul tbo lisuk of Norlhiiinb-i land -?ive nonce that they intend to apply to lb next Legislature of this Common e.ilili. lor a renew al of its churlcr wirh me same laputl. "d wi'h its prenl title, locauon and prmleiris. tlr order cf the Board. JNO. TAOCAKT. Fret. June 3, IS.'..). loo. si"' HA IN fl'MM A small number of ihe. excellent pumi have We .1 ireeived and me offered for sale by II. 1). MA'-. Ei:. Sunburv. June 4. 19..3. ptHOLAGOGFE An excellent ici.iedy for the cure of Fever and Acne. jiit received and for sale by I. W. TKXEK . I IIj- Sui-.burv. M.iv II. H'3. HERE 18 YOUR, REMEDY I Holl own y's Ointment X MOST MiRACULOLB CCRB OF hAD Lto ArTEtl YEARS' SI Fft.Rnrj .tlrM ot a Letter from Mr. Ilm. Gal, in. 70, St. Manft Sh eet, IV,, n.,s, dated Mny :,th, " Vi-Mfiit r ,trt. tj flit, A I , I IS mt r,f. ,.,!,.,..,,, .,.,.1! h "i-tt m h.. ... .a .... V. ' 1 ume h-v n nurd. U, t uf-.r m.' fi I., s"i. sm ". r-nict were ri.t r, , l,. ...j . .. " " in ilriHil visa tried, bn ' I Jiff 1 u... .....1. . . - "'.'.' lit . 1 ""'r. 1 i.mi ,,!,... rM.,i ...... . . ii in., r. - . .;. ' rt l j!fv rt Pirtii,dOmtit.i-r i 1 -nssiio uuiimsR-f other rmf(1y buil pr'. "iiiei ismrnv nun urn. r:lHte, IR now in msuiA h.!,. ' " " 1' Ml' 'Mtia ninl tiii,t,.itfi,1.,i ."' -nr.nii hor lecp '.nl, v',11 ,nv .i!ir,.4 ",l -"': "1 nn ,i,. Mi u.ir i.trr,i u-,1 . l.n. -,',,id ia,. ,h a. ,..m,'': , V-V'"?'1 "rt""'. y-AttovKor- HAD ir,,, of 30 YEAIW BTAXWNo "PJ of a Letter from Mr. irm, Albs, Build. " of Gat Ovens, or Rushclife, pear llui. dcrsMd. dj'cd JjiiSi.i 1st. Ti rr-ifffirer Hoi-.ov.-ir ' S:n t uTe:l f ,r r....; ,i,fu,: . niv benefit. ,! w, VeiiT. l 11 .1 . I,,,'u' drvii "'"'I. y-t, in I .,-m 1 0 ,1 "l le ,"U!, rai"i- tit tew h-1,0" ..It wh,,. 'A- (flBIIP.') IVIl'fl.., """ The ,U ,4 ,M. .ln,e,,m e. I. - Tb Pills SknuM htBseaei.-.: . " m"t of tl.e f..l,.wi.,s rmn ? ln "Inlnnnl HUH I -lll.'J ,.',;,it Tif!n!ij, tl'.ilt. ('' r lwti,( 1 ..imUi.ro Pllrs Ithenmntitta S-fclt, Sfre-ihr,rt Tr.,enUl, ...... ..ii,r.,D, V I'lll'lllll lltirni., i;!,;,; p'.i iiiwii. oiniinii, like of M'icli.. Orm (s.,fi) (-nt!fis toes Sainl-i'hra. CmOiihi,,! .l Pnco-lriv. lifT J..i,,l, ICIftpitsnil'twiB, Nip-.i;). 1in-liei,es. St-urvv. ramoutll. I.!.'irs, Vmvi A DRKADt'UL BAD M! EAST- Cl Rr.D IN OSB MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn. fr, 0 I'm hurst, Kent, dated December 13 To Profess, r Hl:,,w.t. Dcab Sis Mv wife fc.it ri fr ,.r. tUA n , . iil-rctluin six ier ,., ,lri3ile whole nerid hi'tl I ne brst niuueal ntli'ii.l, nice, tint n .. . , ' ..ra healer) an awful wmiiirl lii mv nwn t,v ynut tin nv.-ill-il inmiicine. 1 il.-liriiniiM ucain I., uie ,,ur vlUl and U.iir.ninit. ami ihcr. t'.ro pu.-e th. 'n atnnl ni her r i ma I'l.iiinute it ws 1 ."j ... tr ,n let.thnn s mouth a perfeet elite wan rflVetr.1. d'ul 11, I.M.nfit Hint ri.i u,. er hranelics of iny intiii'v l:nv ilxrirnl fr.,in thtir n ia really astoniiliiiij. 1 ini uri'iijilv ree,iinniii( ih.in to nil rny filsiitJi (Sipiel) KRMD'K fl'RXVR S-.ld nt th iMiiilisliineiii. . Pr'UVw r llitm. mi rlrnii.. (ne-ir TVinple ll.ir, I, mlnii,) mul by all reineelalile unifKifilfl una Lea:'r m .le.lit'iMKf. thr"iieh"iit the Briliili i ii'C of wi.'s.M.i in i nilril i ll'., iii rl"Zeint 3TAr .aiirlSfl 5"c.ea.:h tvhn!' Kile hy the prinrip.il UnJ " in ll:c L ui"", sad Ly Mtuis. A B 4 U BisiM v Vik, ' - 1 hrc is !l comidersule raving by tslinf Ihe larger riroc'.iona for the fraidance of pitirnti in crerf ii r- iLi'i are nni.v'1 tn rnch box. tlctobcr S3, ItS'J, ly. GIU3AT HEVS! A New CLOTHING ST0HE IN SUNBTJRY. ELSBERG & CO., respectfully announce vJs to the inlinbitauts of Northumberland county and the public In grencrgl, t.ut they hivo com- lucuccd a new Llothim; Store in Sunhury Pa., opposite the Pot Oiiicc, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street. They are just opening a rplcndhl assortment of fashionable Spring and Sunnier Clothing, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cussimers. Satinett. Linens, Checked and Fancy Cloth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A f:i:e supply of Silk, Satin and other Vestc. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats nnd Caps, Shirts and Collars and (Jtuilcnien's l'i.ruUhiob' Goods in general. All cf wl.i.h will be sj'.d cheaper than cheap at the lowot cnih prices. The public may rest as.-tured thnt nil Cbthuii; they buy of our More is made up well, as one of Ihe firm is a pincical t-iilor and our whole Stock of Clothing i made, up I y oursi 've. Our auhe riu;; to the ca di p;iiu -p and our extended a.'-' quuintaiicc amont; New Vo:k and Phila.lelpUia Importers of Cloth enables u to e'd very chMrf. t 'all and See ; No charge for lookim; at our lioods. Dur As'.-ortmi'iil is always kept up we si constantly trcttinrr fr.-h supplies. , Siiiibiiiy. May 7. ls5;t. iAi tit' Cmises. fJOil trial in the (Veil cf Corvmon Plens of Noilhuml ciland t'o.mtv, at Aujust T., A.D., 1853. ri.A!riFrs. V'r.rcNiMST. I f.'corce Khilev vs Ab'm Dunkellerer's adnu X Abijah Uowen vs Wm II Thompson llenrv Kla7e c V , . ... Jacob .jrlitiai. b'.s wi e vs . ... , adiiuiiistrator vs Barbara Shaffer's ex. 'rf vs Si.miiel Hunter vs Jamb Wertman J B Masser William Mcf.'arty Mjnii I liiioiles 1-a.ie IL'IVj t Wife Simon Snyder llitr. for Pch er v ts ilcnrv l.atslis v s Clcorrre Snyder Mover A: Mover's Gar nishee V.'ashin?1cn Mutual In scveuce Coiupanir State .1 utual 1'ire liirne rmce CnmpanV vs E Kaufman ct a! vs Ssmc Albiu Newlie.rv vs Thomas Pasrr S Jcnks w ith Tiotic to Ic.rel.'tiant 1) Mo.its for M S.vcnv vs Oliver fi Milliard vs John llarlman Jr John W I'rnl vs Joseph Hinnnick, et. al. Christ & McFaddcii vs Susanna Keid A. ('. & I t" M tnrris Kenderion Sn.'t' wiiip same Wen.1.1 1, KelTi-r vs John F WoltitiS'-r William Forsinan et al vs John Parks JAM lis UKAllll, Pailli'--Prothouoinrv 's OiTiee, ) Sini!iiie, June s,".-. l.s.VJ.-- riiOCIsAMATION. V OTICF. is l' C'litrts ..f hereby uiveii that the several I Common Picas, ti.ucral yuancr Sessions of the peace, ami Orphans' (Vnrl. (.'unit of liver and Terminer im.l Cencral .fail Jcllfcry, in u.id lor the foods i f .i)itlu:nibiland. to ,'..ri liK'O.e :.t ibe Com! llo"-,.', ill the boiollh ! Sui borv, at 111 o'clock. A- M. on Monday, the l.t l.,'v ..( August nevf. "'id ii" continue O NT. l'l'.K. TI.- cor. r. I..-.I..-I- of Ii" F"" (-,'"",a' ides in i.ii I to. Ihe countv "f .Noilliulii'H-rl ind, are ..- u.-.i- d to be then and iheiv in ihcir j.roper per-s,i',-. with their rolls, record. iiii.isitioiis, ami ! th"r rememl.iances. lo do ttios. tbimrs to their , vvr.al oiii.es nprriainin trt he dor.r. And all witnesses pro.v-cot.iis in Mwlf ot ' I . .,lib ac.iinst nv prisoner are also re.jucstej and I to be then and romin indc nuamst Iiiui, as shall ! r''-iK . 1 lo .l.-i.nrt wiffiout leave at their i.p iiisi i li.. 1K eril. Jurors are reo,u-s.r.i .i'.. . i.. .nn. ui'i.oiiiled airreesole tor ! a'.iontiuncc, w.v ....- - ! tJi'veii' under my hand st Sunburv, the SSfh day 1 of June, in the cur of onr Lord one thousand eiuhl hundied and fifty-three and the in- i .lefK-ndcnce of the I'nitvd State of America the 1 th. ! WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff Hod savo Iho CuuiinouWeallh. COME AND SEE The S'eu' and Splendid ossirtment tf SPIilNfi AND STMMFR GOODS Just reccrsed and fi.r Sab? b Sunbury Apl bi, '5d. 1. W. TENER CO TlsT : ' Ladle Rl'XUiVr.l) a jiplendij si.rt'nent of Iin Bers-'f. Caoi' r. Cr.ipi I o illl, Vvr I f,l Swi.s l.vwii n.''..", Ac, an.l lot ..ie 1 So,.!... v. Mav II, '.v: TF.NFK t'O-