Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 16, 1853, Image 4
SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. TflE IVZZLEa'3 CORNER. fLce" tMT W"u FlneU Light To th Sonbaiy American. MISCFLLAMCOLS CMIOMA. Jam tompesti of SO Uittrt My I 1 3 V grown In out oountry. (tfiUITIliiinulilmd. Kr ! !! ? 1 U " "wn In Puint Ivsiiis. My 4 11 1 1 5 is s f.n..n. town. Mr 5 14 1 14 is tiver in tht sustetii states. My 9 tun an. My T S 4 10 it name of male. My 1 1 14 3 n a cat ilal of rm of Baibary atalca. My 1 11 4 14 4 9 f ia a tribe of Imtiai.da. K" If I? S ? 4 111 3 " whrt -'""a e tarn. My u u I ia a e niiinciion. My IS 14 R 19 II lllieaaate My 13 3 8 ia a river in the U B. My 14 S 4 11 17 ia a diviaion nf My 15 19 is In county In Penieylvania My 10 It M 13 3 14 , , ,.,, , frhu, JJT 18 19 S1 ia n town in rnni Ivania Jlr I? ?.U 14 8 80 3 lh touthmi states. M y ii m v u e la triha ol Indians. My wh le ia of great iuterest lo tliu I'niteJ. Slates. Answer next week. 8ubury, July 16, 1653. N. 6. E. P o c t r ij . (From the Boston P.wt.) MariieJ, on the 10th till., in Kimnebnnk. port, Me), by Rev. C. V. Heywoo!, Alius Amanda Mann lo Mr. A R. Knott, nil of Kennebunkpoil. The following poetical cor. reaponrlenr if aKt to have actually passed between tho above named conpln and to have been the bona fide-' propmal" and ''re p'y." The fact thut they were known to be InTt-mte punster innktfs the atateniPnt more pobibify. Tue lust lar,2a, we priutne, w added by our correspondent : KOTT TO AMANDA "Oh, that I cou il prevai , my fair, we) unite unr lol ! Oh. tukwa man, Amnndi Man, And be a duuble -kuu .' Your coldness diivp mo to despair vh:it Khali I tloj ah what! Fur you I'm growing thm ami upare For ynu I'm a 'pine Knott.'" If I hrnM h-ar that you had died, TwouM kill trie on the spat Yet only eater-Jay I cried Ah ! would trial she ere Knott !' The Vhsriin' and tendrils of my heart Armuid theetondly 'twine' Am-inilrt, heal thin m-hini rmarl! Amanda, oh be mine! Thi'ae very termn, a I opine S iL'rsi united Iota Let ' tie, then,, these 'corda' and 'l wiii' I.i hymeneal tni'i," MISS AMANDA MANN'S KEPLV. "Ttiia life, we know, ir. but a span, Hence I have been hfraid Thai I should mill remain A. Maun. And die al last a maid. And often lo mysolf I nay, O.i looking round, I find There's Noll, a man in every way Just suited to my mind. I fain would whiper him, apart, He'd miike m bent for lile If he would lake me tn his heart And make A. Mann bis wile. L ive not, my mother often says, And so, too, says the song I'll heed the hint in futiiie days, And love Nott well ami long. Then oh Mel Hymen on the spot, His chain around me throw. And bind me in a laahins; knot Tied with a single beau. And now I give myself to you, And thus unite our lots Then tie those 'cords and twine' into A dozen little Notts. A STRING OF IT..-' MS A serious drought is prevailing all through jNorlb Carolina. 9 1 - a , . nam tew ai Augusta, ua., o,i .Monday Ur the first timo sinco early in April. "About Half Right." Sam Lathrop says he goes for abolishing flogging in the Navy, nd introducing it into Congress ! Hate you much fish in your bag? asked a person of a fisherman. "Yes, there's a good til in it," was the rather slippery reply. How Stranoe it is that no poultice has ever been discovered to draw out a man's virtues so fully as the sod that covers his grave. Tut citizens of Harrisburg, Pa , are about to erect a monument over the grave of John Harris, the first settler on the batiks of the Susquehanna river. So necessary is fun to tbe mind, that a late philosopher says if you should build school-houses without playgrounds, nobody would get beyond short divitsion in a life lime. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. The proposals for constructing Ihe extension of this road from Scianton to the Water Gap were opened on Tuesday, and the work allutted. Opeiations on Ihe line of the work will be begun immediately by tbe contractors. T.coky and Mac The trolling match cn the Jnoiii C urse, L. J., h-tween these lo horses, nn Thursday the 30 h nil., has estab lished th superiority nf Tacnny. The match was mile heals, Ihe bfi-l I lure m five. Mao won the first by Iwn Unjihts, in S S . and the second by a leng'h, in 8 29: the third was won by Tarouy by a half lengili, in 2.28, this being the fim lime on record where thiee consecutive heals were trotted under 2 80. Tacnny unu Ihe olhrr lno heats in 2 31 and 5 3SJ, beuling Mac in bolli by wbuut six liiiigths. Large Mii.k Deuer It is slated that Mr. Joseph n, of Couenrd, in this eour.. ly, who run a daily car over the FiU hbuig load, for the purpose of uppl)ii a laige number of dealers in B islou arries down in a year about 318,000 gallons of m.I;, and that which is sent in tiher ways must swell the amount to 250,000 gallons. He also carries large quantities fiom oiher towns, his con. neotions extending as far as Harvard, in Worcester county. He pays a pout 10, cents per gallon, and sells it lo Ihe Koslon dealers ai 14 ceuia, who retail it al five and six cents per quart. Hi entire sales, including wbs, ht take from Harvard, Grolon, Littleton and Lincoln, cannot be much short ef 8S0, ' gallons, worth some 149,000, of which 'M 130,000 get t0 Cwwri.-Xs;i LAlE ARRIVAL CF CHEAP Spring nnd Summer Goods. FRILINCr 8c GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their euatomers ami llie public, tlint they have Just rcceiv sd and opened the best and cheapest stock of Bpi ing and Stunmer Goods, at their stor in Msilct square, Sunbury." Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Castimerts, Sattinttt, Ftjfirigi, Flannels, tf'oUtns, (ft., And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LA DIRS DRliSS & FANCY GOODS, Cnlicon, Ginghams, Chintus, De Lainct, Btragn, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also nn extensive assortment of Hats and Caps for Mcic and Boy. Also a large oasortmenl of GUOCEUIES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molawes, Spices of all kinds. Alw a large assortment of HARDWARE and ftUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also tverh supply of TrtL'G3 AND MEDICINES. the largest and most general assort ineiit of all kiuds of goods to be bad in this place. EV" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the tncr'.iest market price. Sunburv, April 30. 1S53. j. r. COULD, (Succeasor to A. FIO J'.) AV 164 Ckes nut Street, Swaim't Building rillLADELPHIA. TXTEXSIVE MUSIC PUBLI3HER. snd D?aicr in Musical Instruiucuts of every tie senntion. Exclusive Ajcnt for the sale of Ha'.lft, Davis & Cos (liostor.) I atkvt Scsrsnsioa li HI 30 11 xbaltan anJ other PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir rianos, Melodeons, Martin'i Guitars, Harp, Vioiins, Siiekt Mvsic, Mcsic AldOKS, Ac, &c. Kcsidoiits of the country will be supplied by mull or otherwise with any music Ihey may wih, at ns low rates ns if purchased in per-on. Having one of tha largPKt stocks in the United (Mates, I fret confident or satisfying all who may ftvor me with a call or order. Dealers in Mmic supplied cn the most liberal terms. I ianosto let rcroml-hand 1'ianosforsala rhilaJelphia, April 14, 1S53. ly. NORTHUMBERLAND Select School for Girls. Under tto Care of Miss E. Calvia. INSTRUCTION will be fjiven in tho ordinary Eni;lihh Branches, Pliysical, Sciences, Alge bra, ucometry and LancuaRps. A Pessiim will consint of twenty two vrc eks, Second quarter to commence on the 13th of June Terms. Orthography, Reading. Writing Com. position, Geography, English Grammar and Arithmetic per quarter. S3.00 With any additional English study, $4.00 Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, $5,C0 Music, Pointing, and Drawing, each seperatc ana at mo customary rates. Reference. Dr. R. D. MCay, Northumberland. V. Tag?art, Esq., " lion.. Joseph Cascv, Xew Berlin. Rev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. Pres. Banner Fhila. H. G. M'Guire, A, M., Principal of Central institute, rmiaileiphia. Northumberland, May 21, 1833. Jm. WILLIAM PERKINS1 Genilemtns Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE, .Vo. 231 Cacsnut, Third door below Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on hand a full stock of French and English Piece Goods, which will he made to order at tho Miortost Notice, in the Latent Style, (OK CASH. rhila., April 9, 1853. Cm. Important to Coal Dealers. npHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of ICase. Keed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at ounoury, or at any other point along the Sus quchanna. 1 hey will be ready to deliver coal, welt nrvrjs red. on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the .honest notice, and on tho most reasonable terms Orders received at Shamokin by KASF., KEED & CO. .Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND TIIE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, BLAYLCSE'S Model Spring Style Hats, TTTNEQUALLEP by any ethers in all thi BJ can render sctisfaction to the Wearer. (ne them a trial. The Very Finest Mult-ski Hits f.r 3.S0 ; Second Qmlity, very fine. 3 00 Third Quality, a capital article 2,50. All these are tv arm me J. Model Hat Store. 46 North 6th Street f Iiihnlelphia, I'hila., April 9. 1853 6m. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For tha Manufacture and sale of Patent l,etU-r 4 opylns 1'i rsses, Fstent METALLIC DAMPENER Brushes, Oil Papers, Clotlin? Boards, Copying Ink, &c. Patent Parrhineiit Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all otlicr. and eaih page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER. A mo.t valuable invention for keeping in a book-lite foiai, Letters receivtd, Original Jmoi cci. cVe. I'hila., April 0, 1S.3. ly. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case ' Enulioh Silver 'utdics, for sale ut very low P"- by H. B. MASSFR. riunliury, April IS. IRSl IJLANK Parchment Pajier Deeds and bla ik MortKascs, Uoilds. Executions. Snimnn. &e.. for sale by II. B. MASSER. Kuuhurv Airj 12 ft. 1851. BLANKS. KLAXKS of every description can be had by epi K in at the office of th American. SS'o B "5B OF JAMAICA GIN. otK, a fre.U supply just received, and fog "J h . U. B. MASSER. Banbury. Jau. 10. 1ISS. B i IIPTE8' wsivin, the .xsmption . MO.IbgaaJsiVy, ttn. at. masscr. CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Care nf COUGHS, OOX.DS, noAnsEijjBss, brow. OHXTZS, GROUP, ASTct ZVTA, WHOOPIIMO-CCTJOH AND ooxrsuxirTZo:v. Of sit ths immrims inedmincs e::tcnt. (aid Sims of inein vniuabie) for Ihe curs l pulmonary conipiuinia, 110 tlutig has ever been found whii'li enula oinpLre ia ita ef fects with UY- l'reperntion. Cithers cure a inh-liuivs, but at ail tiniea and in till Uiaenaca t.f the lunys and throut Where medicine cn give rehei, this wilt d it. it I. pleantnt to t:iVe, and wrfuctly efe in aoenrdance with the directiune. We tl'i not ad'ertiae for the infrinatioti of thnae who have tried it but thuee who have u t. Kainilics that have known ita value will itut he with 'Ut it and by its timely u.e, tliev are secure lY'-m the danreroua onec- quencpa of Cough, and Cold, which neglected, ripen into lumi e niiimpr.i' m. The Ucpl in.i of llie M:iaiirhnaetttlnstilate wna award. sit to tli ie prerairation by the D rd ut Judge, tn flepteinher IHI7 ; als i, the Mnlala of the three great iiiatitiup. ,r Art, in thia countr.-; alao the Leplitraa nt tlie Ohio Institute ut Cincinnaii, h i. been givn lo the CiimsT Ptcrpa.L, ly their Government in consideration f ita extriitirdinaiv flcellfiice and usefulness iu cur mi .flection, ut tlie Lung. ana i nrocc. Kind the Ml wing opinion f timled nn the I me experi ence of the eminent I'hyaiciun of the I'ort ami City "f Dr. J. C. Aver. ST. JtitlNf , Mav 8. 1851. Klve year, trial of yont CIIKHH V I'KC I'oKAl, in my practice, hua proven vhit 1 for.-aaw fr tn ii. composition, mult bt true, that it eradicates and cures the eolda and cougha to which we. in thi. aection, are peculiarly luble. I think iti equal hr.a not yet been diK vered, nr di 1 Know how ft Imlter rt-meuy can be made tor tha divtenv pcra uf the Threat anil l.nni . J. J faunTON. M. V.. F.R 9. rV- what it hi. done nn a w i.ted ennatituti in, uot only in the loliowmg caaes, but a th t vtua more FcsscsT. Jan. 21th. IBM Dr Avert In the mmth of July Insi t wn. attacked by i vi 'lent diarrhoea in inioea if Ctdii'oruin. I returned to jan Fratiaisc in hope of receiving b.ntfit fr m a eliange f climate and diet. My diurrhcei cexsed, bat wua f I lowed by a aevere cough and much a reue.s. 1 finntly started for b me, but received no benefit from the voyage. My emeh c ntinuetl to crow w -r.e, and whan 1 arnv'ed in New York. 1 wna at once marked by my ncquniniaures a. . victim of e maiimotion. 1 niu.t e .nleaa thnl 1 aiiw no .urh-ieiit reia 'n to d uiht what my friend, all believed .Ii;" ...T.i. ,. " " " .Ji..V"J. .. ! from Ita use. Y n w uld not receive theK iiks did I not regara it mr nutvt state to the oiiucted. through yn, mat my neunn. in tne apace "i eigui monin., isiul y re- Hored. lattritaisitto theii.e.vonr CHERRY PEC TOHAL, Yo'iratrnlv, WIIXtAM W. SMITH. VT.MlnriTnM. Pn . Artril IQ. 1.11ft. Pefir .ir Vi.11im 11.1 I hni -. MinJ fr m - .m- I mature grnve, ihrongh vnur inVnimeutnli'.y bv the pr.n i- i deuce of O Hi, I will take i h libeity to expieat to yoa my ; 'a' Cough and tha alarming arrnrtnma nf Conmmptinn I hnrt reduced me ton low lo leave ma nnythiug like hope, I when my physician bronght n.e a Mile of vour "Pxcio- lit." It aeemed ti affird immeilints tellef, and n .w in I a few weeka time hue n etored me tn sonnd henlth. Ifltj will do rr others s-h;tt It has dine f or me, you sr cer- mmiy one oi ine neiieiectera oi mniKinn. B.ii.-st.i, Mia.iiiix ifnj iiiecpii':, i nin Verv respeetfnlly ynnrs, JOttM J. Ct.ATIKE, Itector.if St. Peter's Chiirrh. With such oaturanre and fr-m snrh men, in stronger proof can be adduced unless n be from us effect upon trial. Prepared and snIJ by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell. Mass. Sold In Rtmlmry by II MASSER, and by Prucsi.itB generally throughout the Plats. Mnnh 19. !.!?. renrtr lv. Nov. 13. '52. Drugs, Taints, Oil, Window Glass, 'cc 6 Toss Frcnc't xine wl its. 10 tons Pure White Lead. 6000 Bones Window ttla.s.all sixer, S hi erior Pot ish.C opn1,Coac't J.eatli er 4- Iron varnish, white Demur varnish for China Gloss, with a general stiortment of fresh and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A's i all tho Patent Medicines in general use, warranted cenuine. ColoreJ aud Ensmled Glasi, &c, See., forsalc very low at ALFRED WILTBERPER'S unt-j and Paint Stoie, No. 109 K. Snd Street. PHILADELPHIA. Physician and Storekeepers supplied Good sent to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge, J'hna ,I.Iav 28, 1833 ly. MACKEKEL, CODFISH, SALMON, PORK, HAMS & SIDES, SHOULDERS. LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand ami for shIh bv V J. Palmm 5t Co MniKet Street Whaif Philadelphia. Phil-, A pi il S3 1853. 3m Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c Manufactured wholesale and retail bv B-JOKlTEr-L & TTJLLj No. 64 DUCK Street, Philadelphia. Order through the mail promptly executed i una., April v. it). i.i. lv. NOTICE To Kerch ants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexander L. Hickey j Co., te great . 'oruvs fair rnizF. mf.dal TRUNK MANUFACTORY, A'o. 143 Chesnut Street, Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. 4 RE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchant x ami travellers one of the larcest and moa' improved solid Solo Leather Spring Trunks ever oflerej for sale in this ritv. together with a cen- erai assortmeni ot every kind .if Trunk which can pnssiMy be imsgineJ. ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Alio, a splendid assoit- menl of Lsdies' Dress Trunks. Bonnet Boxes. Travelling, Satchels. Valise Trunka. Camel am! Leather Bana. Hand Coachca. Giirs. tc. it. all of which w are prepared to sell al redut ed prices. We resje.ctfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment befjrs purchasing elsewhere. ALtJi. I.. HICKEV & CO., No. 148 Chesnut Street rhila., April 0, 18S3.Gm. IMutfonii Scales, Long liemtSfvtrly Untd Aitujyt right Tk Acimwltd- .JiijSSrfrfl Katlroad, Hay, Coal, and Fur. mers' SCALES, set in any part of the country, st short notice. AGEXTS i;EO. W. COLBY, 240 Market st. Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbury. .rhila., pril S3, 1853. Laborers Wanted. rpHE subscribers want immediately on lb Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union county, seven mile below Pelin.grove, from Oil I U 100 LADUBtKU, to whjrn on dollar tier day will p paid, 6AVIDGE. W JI.VEATOX A CO, Chapman, Union County, Teh. 19.1858. tf. JUSTICES' rEB BILLt tor Mu, u, H. B MAS8EB. Sunbwrjr, 1ISI NEW STORE. BENJAMIN I1EFFNER OE9PECFFULLY inform the 'citixens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new stor in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. II has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of U kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Cnllroc, ftiughnniR, I,niTii, nioiiHNrlino De l.nlncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of (tTTEENSWARE, of various styles arid patterns. Also an assortment of HOOT? tt SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ttc And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to tbe trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. W Country pro Jure token in exchonge at the highest prros. Bunliury, May I, 185S. ly. CAKR, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Comminion IMcrclmnts, S3 and 8S Spear'$ Wharf, BALTIMOKE- REFERrNcns. John Clnrk, Esq., I'lcsitlent Citizens' Dank, Call A. r. (tiles, I.sq., Cuahier Franklin Baiik. i John Herlx'.er, Jr., Esq.. Philadelphia. ' Koanrs, Siumckaon ci Co. : J Tome, Esq., l'resideiit Cecil Bank, Tort Dc- : posite, i aviu-- Jt. c. ir:.t... i J' )V allower& Son Ilarrisliurg, Col. II. C. Ever, Selinsgrovc. J. II. App Si Co., Nsgle, W jugate & Co., Milton. . W. ('ooke, Esq., Mlincy, Simon Schuyler, tq., " 'orfe Bodine, Hughavitle. W. Weaver & Co., Moutnursville, Gen. M'illiam F. Parker. V illiamaport rr tr t t . i p - f i ' J'"' n, bsq., Lsahier, Jamc 11. Muling, I Lewis O. rluliucT, M'Hcnry & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling, Esq.. Lock Haven. EF Carr, Gieae & Co. have the largest wharf. room of any commisinn bouse in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargncs. March 12, lSC3.Cm. KRUPFS Premium Essence of Coffee mi sisryi we'll jieo-i: ...... ........ rirupps I'Y'iiY will man uelhul tihn ii is injurious to bis health, wi cn be la willing to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lot T ftrince ! that at lead two thirds of the human family will use ordinary COITEE knowing it to be injuri ous lo their health. Kriilip' rssi iiccof Coflcc is, beyond doubt tbe best and moat wholesome preparation of Coffee in the world. Every house keeper should hove it. Try it and be convinced it will save about GO pet cent, hciilesyour ncalth. Warranted to render entire satisfaction. Mauufactutcd and for sale bv "ELI KRITP, C39 North 3d street riiila-ldphia. N. B. All tbe principal Grocers and DrusgiMs have it for sale throughout the United states. For salehy tho Agent, H. B. Masser, Sunbury. January 1, 1853. Cm. i,000 Men Wanted. kN the li"e of the SUS QVEIIANNA RAIL ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har ris'.iurg) and Sunbury, iu the State of Pennsylva nia. This road isfilty four miles in length' runs through a highly improved country, and will furni.h employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that nre familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and lilieral wages. DOUGHERTY. LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 1?53 LEATHER. Fritz, Williams 5? Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., riui.ADri.iMHA. f& TOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import. xf-"- cts. Coir. mission and Oencral Leather Bus ineas. Wholesale and Retail. Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street Aug. 86, 1852. ly. FEUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, Pis. 113 North Third SI. below Race PHILADELPHIA. rTMIE attention of Dealers is requested to an examination of their stork, which will Is found to be at iit equal to any in this city. FOREIGN FRUITS of all kinds in season. N. B. Oiders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, 1653. Cm. CHEAP WATCHES. JEWELRY AND SILVER WaHE, Wholesale aud Retail at No. ?-J N. SF.CUND Bit , onnoaite ilia Mt. Veni.ui Hon.. o .lit I .aver Watches, full jewelrd, 18 k. caaes, J-io.OU; Silver Levers, full Jowclcd. : Silver Ltniue.. tewelel. K).. 00 all warranted lo keen food time. G ld I'eiia and Sil ver v .m. oi.uu; u 'mi rendu, ei. uo; ij.iki rmoiia aud 1'en Cuaca with g l Gold Pcusns I w as 81,25, Ac. Als. alwnva oil hands eukl nU'irlmeiil ci tin. mnA Jewelry, (iolil Curti, Gusid and Fob Chnii.a, Guid VaW (.ha n:a, Ladiea' bold r oh Chaina and Belt Pma. Milver Tahle Snooiia frm Uli to alia. Deruwrt. o tn 821, and Tea, 91,71 to 6S.SO per !. warrunlixl eqml to nn. xii gorvi. warranieii to i wtiet they are a u lor. t V M'au-hea aiiJ Jewelry repaired and warranied. I'aV All nrd. r. auit bv mail or otherwise, will be nunc. tufclly stteuded t . M. AVISE. Aa-ent, No. T2 'orth 8ECOXD Strati. nnnotte the Ut. V !lsllWt( PliiU., April 3, JS53 Ir- C. S. WEISER, Ivl. D. HAVING located himself permanently in Sunbury, offers bis professional services to th Town and Country, ofiire, comer of Deer and Market streets (formerly teleRreph cilice,) where he may be found unlos professionally engaged. Sunbury, April SO, 185X 6tn. ABKOI.D'8 WRITINO FH1D and Adha :v and legal cuvclope. far sals by H. 11. MA66ER. Sunbury. Jan 10. 18S8. HAAU JUlLLa -neatly printed on new typs promptly axaevtod at thi elflc. AIM blanks, of all kind on superior paps. Hunburr, Tab. 14, IISI. i illli'liHIIIIili CJ-S500 CHALLENGE. WIIATEVEIt eoneerns tli heallti and lisppinesa of a people ia at all limes ol the roost valuuhle import ance. 1 mke tt for iranied thnt every pers n will do all in their power, to save the live, of their children, and that every pera-m will endeavor Ui prom te their own health at all aneriurea. I feel it to be mr duty to aoleninly a.aur yon thnt WOR.Mrl, acciirdmg to ths opinion uf tha moat icieiiraien rnyaicians, are the prnniry caujea oi mrvm anioriiynf diaenaea to which children and wlulta are lia ble ;if you have an sppetits continually changeable from -Hie kind of food lo another, Bad Uraath, l'ain in theft". mnch, Picking at the Noae, llardnepa and Pullneaa in ihe Bellv, Dry Caifh, Slow Kever, Pulaelrresular remember that all theae denote WUR.Md, Snd you alioakiat one ap ply uie remedy HOBENSACK'S WORM SVUUP. An Article f nindrd unnn Scientific Principle, cimnoainl et with purely vcffpuilile ullflitc, being nertectly mfe when u.kt-ii, onrl ctin be frivrn tn the mtt tender inlruit with ti-cided henefieiiil rllrcl. whrre Hitvel C imrliiintt and Dinrrhfro hiive mmle thcin wenfc and debilitaU-d the T.ttiie pmpertiri of mv Worm lynip are neli, llint it tnmlii with mt nn equnl In the rntulgne vf ineilicim-a, in f( Vinjr t ine nnrl ilmiglh to the i"tniich. which nutkcd it in iiiiiiiniiift rcmeny tor thuee nnitfini miiii uyHcpriiB, ti ntt niishinif cure nertorinnl hv Ihin Svrun tiller riici ciiint have tniU'rt, is tne best nvitteiicc of iti mpcriur effi cacy uvu all ollicrs. THE TAPE WORM! Thi! la the moat difli nit Worm to dettrnv of nil thnt in fest the luumn n'tttcni, it gnws tn on ahnnst liuU-finita leinrth bee tuiniT so coiled mid fnsleiird in the Iiitestint-B and it intich efl'eeliiifr the henlih so i.idly ns to cause St. Vitus unnre. l iw, Ac , Hut lliose nillicien sohi m u ever suspect that it is Tte Wurm h-iftrtintg tliem to un enrly jrrnve. in tinier tt destroy this Worm, a very energetic i refitment must be pursncff, it would therefore be proper 1 1 tnkc 0 to 8 f my l.iver Pil's ns to remove nil obstruc tions, thnl the Wormyrupnwyiiri direct upon the Wot in, which must be tnken in d srf of 9 TnblfSiViufiills 3 linns i day theie dirceti 'us Toll wnd hnve never been known lo tail ut curing the most oiniiii'iie ense ot lupe onn. fCT- HOBENSACK'S UVF.R HLt.S. No pirt of the system ts more linble tn disense thnn the JVKU, tt icr villi tin u flllerrr to iiurhv the Id . or civ- ing the pro.icr sitreti rii 1 1 the bile ; so th:it imy vr iijj nc ti nt of tho l.iver effects tint other iinportnut iwirisot the rystem, nnd n-stii'S Vari uslv. in l.iver C 'iiii Liint. Jiiun- dice, DysiM'psi:!, Ac. We sit uild, thercf re, wntch every svm,t in that iniuht indicate a wr nip net inn of the l.iver. l ttrs.! fills hem c 'tnp sl o KOU It? At TLA NTS fur nished by nnture t t hcnl the sick : Numelv, 1st, An KX- rr.t rUItAN 1 , which nupincnts the seiTetion fr m the Pubn mnrv mucus me:nbr;me, or pr-in-'trs the dowharpe of secretfd mnttt-r. 2nd. An AI.TKH ATIVF-. which ch.inci-s in s nne iuexplitiible and insenwhle mntmer tlie i-cimiiii m mm nt lion m me sys'em. ;jrn, a IU.Mv which ?ies t me mi I strength t the nervous system, re nwiup hfrtlih nnd vie r to nil p:ins f the bod v. 4th A CATHARTIC, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, nnd npernttngon the B wcts, nnd expel ling the wh le muss of r irrupt nnd vi l in ted matter, nnd pu rifying tlui lilx'J, which destroys disease und restores heaUti. TO FEMALES. Yoti will find these Pills an invaluable mcdietne in many c-rninhmta M wliieh vou are auhjevt. Iu nliatruct a ei ther total hi pariinl, they hnve hecn found of inesitimiiMe liencfil, reatorine their ruiictionul lrrnmrcnienla to a heal thy ncti mi, purifying the bl md nnd oilier Hniila ao elTectu ally to p'tt to fliehl all eoinp'oinia whieh mny nriee from female irreenlnritie. as hondache, giddiness', dimncia of tight, pnm in the i'le. bick, &c. 1C7" I'lii'i. 25 fe'iila eiirti. None cenuine unless signed 1. X. Ilobenaack, all others bcioc Utae Imitnil n. liP Aireula wiabiut: new atlpplie., nnl Ptnre Keeper, ttea'tona nf liar miiii?r Acen. mn.t nil iress the Proprietor, S V. ItotiCisae1i, 1'hilndelrhia. Tn. S.ld by .1 V. Frilintr. Pnnbnrvi Mary Mi-Cov, Nor Ihumberlfind: Beiael. Turbmville:' Ilnier. Milton j Tliity LenVer, Oe-reetowii Leisenrlng k W.ilverton. Tnici-n-.i Wien. Hickory; all dealcis iu Medicine iu the Cniinlv and Stale. Anc'utt 14, 1P52 ly. Tremendous ExctTCairNT ! ! Cash, Steam, Electricity!! The Aerial and all other Jincj out done by the LI xli ii I it or. line of TTJA T. CI.EMENT. I "ITHO. hnvine creat f;tilh in rapid sales and ' small profits, liasjust rcteivcJ ano opened a U"7e n.snrtmrnt nf SPRING A D SUMMER GOODS. At hl S:orc ill Mnr.tct Slrcrt, Sunbury, which he nffcr t.i the public nt the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o )ry Goods, viz : Cloths. Carsim'rs, Cassinrls, Jeans. Drillings, M"tlins. Linens. Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Laien. Gindiams, Berages. Silk Hats. A large nssortmrMit of Boots nnd Shoes, for Men, Women an.! CUilJrcu. (IracvvlcH, Sugar, Tra, CofT.-i. Mo!av., Chpost', Spi-ct-s, Fish Salt, Plnstt-r. HARDWARE, Vir : Iron an l Steel, Xnila, Fi'ea. Saws, &c. QUECNSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates. Dishrs. Cups, Saucers, be LIQUORS, Whir. Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wliisliry, Se. l.if Country produeo of all kinds taken in ex change at the hittlieat maikct prices. Jan. 15, 1853 ly. ncciion YorRSKLr: THE T0CKET AESCULAPIUS : Or., EVERY ONF. HIS OWN rilYSlCIAN. rpiiE Eon riETii kji- tio on, with One Humlrcd r i iiima vli.tu'to.. Ilia. 'Wl r:,st'' a,u' al'iif'Tliinlions of r-j tuc Human System in every ' Kiiape unu lorm. J o wnieli I a' 'I''C11 Treatise on the i.:-t.ti;t & j '!y 11 11 iin;iivni I in ooi iu lire lo ... t ... n- conteinplaiiiin mnrriagc. Let no father be ashamed tn present a copy of llie XWL LA TILS In Ins fluid. It may save him from an early urove. Let nn young man or woman enter into the secret nbliintiotia nf mar ried life without reading the POCKET ESCU LAI'II.'S. Let no one aiiU'criiii; from haekniep Couh, P.iiu in the Side, resile-, uiolils, nervous fei'liiis, and llie whole train of Dvapi plic senna tiona, and civen up by llieir, lie another moment without consullin llie .KSI 'l.'LA I'lUS. Have llie married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, a it bus been the menus of saving thousands nf un fortunate creatines from the very jaws of death. IV Any person sending TVVEN TY-KI VE CE.NTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy nf this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. " Address. l)n. V. YOLWU, No. 132 8PKUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post psid. June 18, 16)3. I y. Vau Loan DagneiTenn Gallery, 159 Chestnut Street, VT this celebrated establishment you can always pro care tne newest snd most improved style, of DAGUERREOTVPE ft TaLBOTVFE PORTRAITS al frm 30 to ltd per ct. icaa cos I than auch pictuie. csa be hdt for eLewliere. Now that Vou ran aeeuta each nerfect nnrtrnir. or wr I ved one. st a mers minimal cost, don't delay lest you Iomi them. Kverv vai ietv of faucv uiul framea. fte . on hmid nr furiiithed to nnler, and every picture made sanatory and wni ranted to be in tlie beat atvle of the ait or so cuasgb Call and see usai 1J9 Chestnut St. L. II. PI RNELL- riiiloddlpliia. Julv 17, ItW ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED Idth 4 Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form PainTsas generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Print' ine Jui formerly csrried on by hi. grand Father, and f ather, ana oners ins arucic io m. umt, without any Pi'rsa, but with the simple reliance the lonir e.lalili.hed ehaiacter it has horna. feelini confident of ita ("ivina entire satisfaction lo all who mav favor hira with a call. Trans Cash. CHARLES ENELT JOHNSTON. April 10. 1852. if. IT-IEE BILL8.-Justicea and Consu'xle Fe "I Bills handsomely prmtd on cars' paper for sal al tJiisoflio. Af ABRIAGE CETIflCATES handsomely i'-- iecjtd for sal at this office, sinjl or by the dcusn. iNlC Boureau' celebrated ink, and also Con are ink for sale, whobsal and retail by lWember tl. lt0. H B MASTER. .:je-- XvV BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. riTT or rniLnnsLrnia. V. 8. Bank notes lfi dia All solvent banks pai CODNTSV. MAMACAtBETTS. AH solvent lnk. dia HHOUK, ll-I.AN'l). All aolvent banka dia CONNKU't'lCUT. Ad solvent tainka dia NEW YORK. riTV. Rank of Chamber.burg 1 ttia mhiik oi meeier vn. pur Bank nf Del. Co. Chester par uaiisot iiermiiiitnwn Bank of Oettyebnrg Bank of Lewistown MnAii an vent tauisa i .... .... a 1 dn tT"Uk note, under fd di. COVKTSV. All solvent! bnnks 1 d NEW JV.HSEY. Hank nf M iddletnw a 1 J Montgomery ;o Dank pnr unnk of inorthumberrnn nni Belvidere Bank Poinmereial Hank 1 dlS Haiikof Pitttbnra; 1 dia Bank of Danville , Pnr. Hank Mont IlollV par Carlisle Flank I dia F. AM.,MiollctownPl.par Columbia H'k ft B'ge Co par.Meehann a' Ilk, Newark pa' Doyelstnwn Bank wr Meeh. Bk nf Biirlmcton ar Knaton Bank pnrjMecli. ft Man. Bk 1 rent par Erie Brink 9 dia.Moiria Co Bank F.xchanse B'kPittahurpt I dia Newark Bk ft Ina.Co I dia Kxehnnse H'k, llmnch 1 dia Orniire Bunk 1 a Farmera' B'k, HuekaCo pnr People'a Hk Pntteraon j dia Fnrmcra' Ilk, lainen.ter pnrlPrineeton Hank l""r Farmera' Bk, Rending pnriSiilcm HniikniR Lo, par Fnrm. Bk rVnnvlkitl Co rmr Semerret Co Bunk dis F ft D. Bk Wnvne.b'g tldi. Stnle Hunk nt Camden p!' Franklin Hk. Waali'n lldia Slat' "k F.limbelhton I ilia Ilnrriabnrg Bnnk I dia SMnle Bank Newark J tha H. mrerlnle Hnnk 1 di. ftnte Ilk. N. Btunawiek par Iincnater rmr fiiaaex linnk. Newton dia I. elainon Hank pnr Trenton Bunking Co pn' Mereh. Mnn. rtnnV 1 dia I'nion Bank. Ilover J dia Mines' B'k, Potlaville per Yarlieyv'leftl)ell)r Co l.xlii Monoiienheln Hnnk 1 di. OTBk nolea under M dn Tnvlorav'e Pel H'g Co IS dial pFXAWARh. Weal Braneh Bank tier HanK ol llcaiware ri Wyoming Hk, Wilkeab'e pir York Hnnk. dia WRelicf notes 1 dia MAINR. Bank of Whetloek Silis Mercantile Ilk. Hnn'for India Bnuk of Smyrna pni Delaware CUV Hnnk !" Hk Wilmtr'nft Hraudyw. par Farmera' Hk Si lielnwnre par Vnlon Bank, Wilmington par IT Under 'Vs 1 dia All solvent bank. jm OHIO. V. I A II aolvenl lmnke 8 dis NKW HAMl'SIIIR All solvent loinka dis LVHk notes innier n a s ins VKRMONT. KOIt lll tAUi'iii.vv nnnk nf t Allmna All solvent bnnka 8 itiilAII 'Ivent Inuka dia.liT lIiiderS'a, 8 dia 2) dis "AID AND COMFORT," ! o Your Own .Tlt'tii.iiiics. GEOlvGE liENN. MANUFACTVP.F.R OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPIIE subserllier ref)ectfully calls the attention of the public to his larjrc and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of tllIXFsT-WAIir.. which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmnnahip and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which are constantly being made His stock consist of Mahogany Siifaa, IMvhiin ami I.omiffcs, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DiMC TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOAUDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In abort, every article iu this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds .md qualities of ClIAUiS, nclndinK varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as M txr, Bi ai k Walnut Mi Ct nLKii M tpi.K (ini:cn5 ; ami Winiishii CHAIRS, ami rANcr Pumi Stools, which are of the latest stvles. and warranted to be excelled bv none niaunfiictiircd in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchaee furniture in the cities, as evert confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and lliairs. His articles will be disposed of nn as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try l'roduce taken tn pavmcnt for work. FS UNDERTAKING. Having prnvided himself with n hamUome Ilr.'.nsr, he is now prepared fir Undcrtakm;, and attending funer als, in this vicinitv, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. Li The Wnro Room is in Market Street., below Thumps Jii's Store and Weaver's Tavern, fiEOrif'E r.ENN. Sunbun, Jan. 10, 1P52 tf. Clicnp Watches 05 Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Betnil, at the "Philadel. r 1 phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North second Street, corner of Quarry, rinladcl phia. Cold Lever atrhea, full jeweled, 18 carnt eaaea, t .00 Silver do. full jeweleil, fl2 lold Ppeetaclea, 7.l bilver Lepine, jewel., 10 I b me llver do. I.Sn do d 1 do. 9 lioM Ilneelela. 3(KI Snoeiior Qunniei., 7.1! mtiea' Gold Pencil., I.OI) Imitation do fl Silver Te l arvxiul, t. 5.110 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder 1,(0 Gold Finger Bins, 371 cenla to St'"! ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent. 13; Lunet, So; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STACFFER ct HARLEV, Successor to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepiues, still lower than the above prices. August 23, IB53. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAM ES 15. F IDLER, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Wutches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine tin " Qiuirlier do Gold pens and pencil and silver halders Silver Tea nnd Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast piua Ear rings cVc All warranted and sold at prices as low as acy in the city. November 57. 1852 tf. CUE A P WINDOW SHADE Depot aud Manufactury OF G. L. 1CILLEB. & CO., S. H'. comer Arch and Second Streets PHILADELPHIA. VERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole 1j sale and Retail, such as Scroll. Flower. Gotliic, Viguelle.Oil aud Dry Landseaiies. are lo be bad at the loue.t prices for quality of work. Orders for Gill, Plain Slore. Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and ethers are invited to giva as a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Brasses, rrimmines, &c, alwavs on band. Remember 0. W. corner SECOND and ARCH Sireela Philadelphia. February 13, 1S53. 6m. SUNBURY FERRY. flENRY W. Bl'CHER inform Hi public thai he has taken the Sunbury rerTy and a he ia now well prepared with good and sulli cieut crafts lis will be enabled lo accommodate Ihe public with promtness aud despatch. April 10. 1852 If. Roscntlalo Iljilnuilic Cement. 4 N etcellent article for lir.inj Cisterns, Vaults, Sprinu bouses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by EVI 6MITH & 80N, N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia. Feb. 1, 1853. y. IJATENT BRITTAMA STOPPERS fo, bar bottle for sale by H. B MASSER. 8unbtiry, April. It. 1851 t4lLEy'SC0L'Gif CNDY. An .id- lout remody lot eoucha, eold. For sale X thi olfice, Eecember 4, 1853 ; A CALL TO H0TJSEKEETEj13 At llie Cnblnet War) ltooni r ! SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, lo of tht corner of Fawn street & tht Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for th patronatra of lii. rrl. a. i customer during the IT years he ha been in busi. 'S ness In this place, he solicits from th public a eon. tinuanc of their favors. During this period h has endeavored to keep up with ihe improvement of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi. ness in every branch and variety. Th public aray therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CADINKT WARE AND CIIAia8, MANUfACTUrtBO BT SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former lock of th establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairt, Vressing liureavn, Centre Tablet, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und Fashionable Fiirnilare. Having secured a Hearse and made the tiece. sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared fur Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mislreaaes, and huabanda too, Here', furniture of every style and hue, From side boards down to kitchen tablea, From rocking cliaira to locking eradlea Should yon not have tha leady John to pay, We'll wait swhile for a brighter better day, Or Like potalnea, onta, corn, wheat and rye ; Dark, hoop poles, stavea, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing 1ml yokea and threahiiig flaila, From piga and turkiea down to little quaila. Come on then friemla, eome one and all, Keep ttnde s moving, so "goes nn ths ball.1 W Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1S50. tf SOW Ell iSj DA11NES, Publishers ami llooksellers, No. 81 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Bibles, Prayera, Hymns, Poetical snd Historical Wotli, Truvela, Kovcla, Ace., Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS Every kind in use from a primer upwarda. BLANK BOOKS. An elefrnnt a.sortment from the paaa Uk upward., mudc of auperii.r paper, and beat of binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Post, nnd Note Papers, elegant styles and quality, and very chtiip. STATIONERY. Fm-cv, Plfiiii iiiM Adhesive Envel.ipfS, Ink, Sun-d, Wa fer, Si eel Pens, Mates. Pencil, P.iri-M"iiaiea, Wrp pint? r .ierB oi nil kihub, curtain rapera, c, c. ()ur itt'ck ii nil ireah, tHnght cheap nnd sold accorrlmrlf , Particular Mtenlini raid to lKmnriieri, oumtry Mm clianti anil Teachers, however mue tiiey may buy. S iwer A Darnus are Pultlithera of l'rXTu.NI? series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Each mP ia nearly PKVEN FEET SQUARE, and shown the ci-mp-irutive vize and relative pokiiion of every country in the : 'Ins. They are n it ended to te suspended in cveiy School K-in, mid iv t my muke a splen lid p pennince, hut nre umversulty arkiiwl-dt;ed to be the liEST .MOPE OF Tl-iACHItVG GKOG1EAPIIY ever hr UL'ht out. They nre kea iiitrndrd t lc usl ly tbe sell 'inr, (ontniiiing ncomplrte r itm-f of Getsgruph) , snd C'lKtiue; lev thnu h.ilf the prire of a Ge -sriiphy and Atlas. The syKUm i in uuiverul uce iu Pruss i nnd Germany, mid li:is already ten inln duifd in Uir.itd College, PhiUi dolphin, the public cho'ilBof IUstoo. New York, Phila delphia, Uiiltim re, Wnnliinfon, and thr tight mt New Ensrlaiui, New Y'rk, Ac, ice. Our denks are lded with ree-tinmendtiti iia fnni the ni"B (nVntfd and scien tific teachers in every quarter, and wlnreveT the system ha I -cen uced purenLs, I cache is aud scholars unite inarais ing it. t. M:tp of the Western Hemisphere. tt. Mnpnf ihe l.nnttrn IIciniBiher. 3. Mnpttf North Aniericu. 4. Map of the I'nited Suitea. 5. Map f Enrop. 6. Mnp of A sin. 7. Mup of S-nirh Amerirt and Africa. Evrv urnp in hriltimttly cilored. varniihed, and mount ed on muslin mid rollers. We ri spec' fully invite the earnest attention of TearhersT Piircnt, and School Directors t-i this fniwiuatinr mods o, teaching Gcgraphy. HOWFIt A H Alt NFS, 4 onh Third Street, riiilndelid ir, Auir.flP, 18-W. tf. I III rillZI, AH- niTI.I ! HICKEV & TULL, No. 148 Chestitux St., above Sixth, Front aj JONES' HOTEL. tVJ) ) AVE just received their Prix JpTlTZl Medal, awarded n them for V. I'll VJ their liest Travelling Trunks ex. hiliitcd at the World's Fair in London, 1S51 being the only exhihitors to whom any sward was made. Their competition was with sll th world, and tliey have taken THE PKIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, 1c. To be found in this City, and at very low prices Cult and see. HICKEY & TILL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10. 1852. tf. STAGE OFFICE. WASHINGTON HOUSE, SUNBURY. PA. JAMES C0VEET, Proprietor, "ITT'Ot.'I.D respectfully announce that he hs " ' taken this well known stand, where h will he gratified to see and entertain his Iriends and the travelling public generally. This home is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, I'leoxautly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every reaped a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in fitting up this house. The chambers are will furnished and the table and bar provided with th best th market cun afford. The stable accommodation sre extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumherlsnd to Pottstille, stop al this house, where through snd w ay tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Suntiur), March SO, 1858. U. niNNolutlon of Parloernblp. riIHE Copartnership heretofore existing under L the nam of James H. Sc Wn. B. Hart, is thia day dissolved by tho wilhdrawel of William It. Hart Th business of th lata firm will b settled by either of tha undersigned, at No. K9, North Sd street. JAMES II. HART, WILLIAM B. HART, THOMA8HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, bav this day for-orr a co partnership and will continue the hu.ineu under the nam of Jaiuea H. & Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past Isvors. they respectfully ask th at' tention of iheir friends and th public to their stock of GROCEHIEM, which will be full and extensive, and which they will sell st th lowest market rate. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia. Jan. !, 1853 BOOKS I BOOKS I! JUST RECEIVED and for sal a new sditioai of PIKES ARITHMETIC. AL80, a larg assortment of Blank Book. WM. MeCARTV, BkIIr. Sunbury, Dec 4, 1853. if GOLD PENS with and without eaasa, ef vary superior quality, just received. Also a ftsb supply ef Writing fluid, for ala by Ji. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Doe. 17, 1851. I30R sal at thi oftso. Superior Black Ink. Caul Madicux at eta, Pur Eaaaaos ef Ginger, 5 cent