Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 16, 1853, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Store Sew Goods 1 1
n ESPECTFULLY informs his friend. and
the public generally, that ha ha just received
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at hii Store in Lower Auguata towaship. His
lock consist of every variety of
T)vy Goods, viz:
Cloths, Cassimers, Snttinetts, Vesting), Flan
nets, Muslin, tft.
A splendid atock of
Such as Silks, Berates, De Laincs, Mtrinots,
L turns, Ginghams, Calicoen, tec.
A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children.
A large assortment of GKOCEK1ES,
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &.c.
Hardware and Queensware.
Fish, Salt anil Liquors.
fl'CH A9
Gin, Brandy, Bum and AViiiskry,
Besides the Urgent and most general assort
incut of all kind of Goods to be had in the country.
All the above mentioned goods will be sold st
such reduced prices as they can not be got for
Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange
at the highest market prices.
Augusta twsp.. July S, 1853. Cm.
Just Published and for Sale
by WM. McCAKTY, Bookseller,
Sunbury, Pa.
The American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writa,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United States.
By Collinson Rem, Eq.,
Ipsae iegis viva vox
With notes and additions, together with a short
svslem ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres
ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of
Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Shindcl, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the book, the following
letter has lieen received from Judge Pearson ol
Hanisburg :
IlinnisBuun, June 30, 1853.
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval .f tho selection and
composition of the precedents thus oll'arcd to the
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct svslem of pleading,, settled bv bis Ex tors i adapted to our nauus oi iiusiim, anu me pniiu...-
.i i; si.,.1,1-, oft he courts, -our lorms ol oeciorauons ueing,
Solomon Heckert, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'rs to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly.
-Abatement on State Tax.
JOTICE is hereby given to the Taxpayers of
NorthuroDei land county that an abatement
or five per cent, will be allowed on the State Tax
assessed for 1853, if paid on or before the day
previous the time fixed for the Collectors of the
eeyeral townships to pay over the amount collec
ted to the County Treasurer.
The Collectors of Sunbury, Cameron, Little
Mahanoy, Upper Mahanoy, Rush and Upper
Augusta will pay over to the Treasurer on the
SOth instant. ,
Those of Lewis, Milton, Turbut, Northumber
land and Point, on tho Stst instant.
Those of Lower Mahanoy, Jackson, Jordan,
Zerbe and Coal, on the 8 2d instant.
Thoae of Delaware, Shamokin and Lowor Au
gusta an the 23d instant.
Bunbuty, July 9, 185J.
JOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
Creditors and other persons interested in the
Estates of tho following named persons, that the
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of
aid Estatea have filed their accounts with the
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
ofssid County, on Tuesday, the SJ day of August,
A. 1853, in the forenoon, for confirmation and
Charles II. Kay, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rix
Jane E. Krty.
Elizabeth Dentlcr, dee'd., settled by her Ex'rs
John Young and Geo. F. Miller.
Simon I. enter, dee'd., settled by his Executors
Jonathan and Isaac Lenkcr.
Jacob Horlocker, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor
Masit-k Horlocker.
Joseph Milliard, dee'd., Final account settled
bv his Ex'r Epbriam Hilliard.
William ShelTcr, dee'd.. tctllcd bv his Ex'tors
Wm. and Jacob Shelter.
Thomas H. Kerr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
William Lcvan.
Isnic Stadler, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
Peter Strains.
Antvr Maria Hunsicker, dee'd., settled by her
Ex'tor David Taggart, Esq.
James Price, dee'd.. Final account settled by
his Adm'r David Marlz.
Michael Rockefeller dee'd., Final account set
tled by his Adm'r Isaac Eckmnn.
Andrew Tinbrook, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
Andrew Tinbrook.
Gideon Marklc, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rix
Mary Morkle.
George Dcibler, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
Jonathan Dcibler
Thomas Vastinc, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors
Wm. and Ames Vastinc.
John Arter, dee'd., settled by las Adm'r Wm.
H. Persing.
Elizabeth Friek, dee'd., Finol account settled
by her Ex'r U. P. Ft irk.
Jacob Sechlcr,
Peter Stnhl
John and Jacob HecUcrt.
Samuel Culp, dee'd.. Final account settled by
his Adm'r John Haughawout.
Absalom Adam, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
Gideon Adam.
Alexander Strickland, d-e'd., settled by his
Ex'rs Wm.Gass and Win. Miller.
John Hursh, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs John
and Stephen Hursh.
Elizabeth Dieirenbacher, dee'd., settled by her
Adm'r Peter Kuns.
George Hilo, dee'd., settlee by his Adm'tor
Fiederick Haas.
Christopher Goodlander, dcc'J., settled by his
Adm'r John V. Goodlander.
John Hendershot, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
A bin.
John Snyder, dee'd., Tinal account settled by
his Ex'tors Thoinns and Adam Snyder.
Henry Rockefeller, dee'd., settled by one of
his Adm'rs John Rockefeller.
Jesse and Elizalictli Tharp, minor children of
Alexander Tharp, dee'd., selllcJ by their
Guardian Jesse Campbell.
William Tharp, minor child of AlexanJer
Tharp, dee'd., by his Guardian Jesse Camp
bell. Elizabeth Leader, settled by her Guardian John
Mary Herb, settled by her Guardian Daniel
Hannah Dressier, settled by her Guardian Sol
omon TSiilman.
fiopbia, Emilinc and Anthony Fox, scttlad by
their Guardian Peter Strauss.
8 iii.i n. Henry, Samuel, David, Richard and
Alfred Culp, minor children of Peter Culp,
dee'd., settled bv their Guardians Samuel
Lautz and and Win. Deppin.
Peter F. Culp, minor child of Teter Culp,
dee'd., settled by his Guardian Philip Renu.
JOHN P. PURSEL, Register.
Register's Ollice, )
Sunbury, July 8, 1853. $
Two Strsiy Cows.
CJTHAYED away from the subscriber, about
two weeks since, S stray cows, both white
and red; one moro white than tho others one
cows' horns turns a little backwards. Both give
milk- Whoever informs the subscriber where
they are, will be liberally rewarded.
Shamokin township, Bear Gap P. O.
July 2, 1853 3t.
will be a savins of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hands of every practising
lawyer in our stale.
Yours, with great respoct,
Htm. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. Shindcl, Esquires.
Sunbury. July 1853.
K OTIC 12.
NOTICE is hereby given that books will be
J-' opened to receive subscription to the Capi
tal Slock of theSoliusirove Bridge Company, on
Wednesday, tiie V7th of July next, at the follow
ing named places: At tlic House oi nirs. uait
in SeliiiHgrovc, Jacob Fryer, Middleburp, Charles
I). Kline. Lcwisbuia und Isaac D. Dover in
l'rccbuin, Union county, also nl the house of
Samuel Thompson in Sunbury, lvtcr Snyder in
Lower Aususta township, and J. Herb in Upper
Mahunov towtn-hin in Northumberland county
and at tlic house of Michael Weaver in Miners
ville, Schuylkill county, at which time and places
one or more of tho undersigned will attend lor
the purpose of receiving such subscriptions.
Ner Middlcswarth, Peter Snyder,
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public sale, the following real estate, to wit (
A Certain out Lot of Ground,
in the eouthern part of the borough of Sunbury,
bounded on the east by land of George Weiser,
(Tanner;) on the south by the heirs of Edward
Harrison, dee'd., on the west by the Susquehan
na river, and on the north by out lot of J. G.
Youngman, containing
more or less. The above will be sold at the
public house of James Covert, in the borough of
Sunbury, on
Saturday, the 23i day of July next,
at 2 o'clock, P. M.
A Tract of Land,
in Lower Augusta township, county aforesaid,
adjoining lands of John Hart, John Ucndershstz
heirs, David Shiptnan, Peter Bcrlieu and others,
and mountain land, containing about
moro or less. To be sold at the public house of
v illiam K. Jones, in Lower Auguata township,
in said county, on
Saturday, the 23d day of July next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day. Late the es
tate of William K. Brown, dee'd. Term of
sale will be mode known on day of sale by
of the minor children of Wm. K. Brown, dee'd.
By Order of the Court
J. P. rUnsEL
June 85
r of tho Court, )
SEL, Clk, O. C.J
85 1853. 1 )
TU. A. VALLERCIMMP, Dentist, would
respectfully announce to the inhabitants of
Sunbury and the surrounding country, that he
has taken rooms nt the Red Lion Hotel, kept
by Mr Catharine Boulton, where he will be hap
py to attend to all call in the line of hi profes
sion. AW operations or Mechanical work war
ranted to answer all the useful and ornamental
purposes of the art.
Sunbury, June 25, 1853.
Bakk ii r NnnTiiuMOEBLANn,
Northumberland, June S5, 1853.
The Directors of the Bank of Northumberland
give notice that they intend to apply to the nnxt
Legislature of this Commonwealth, for a renew
al of its charter with tnesnmo capital, and with
its present title, location and privileges. By
order of the Board.
JNO. TAG G ART, Prcst.
June 25, 1S33 Cm.
H- W. Snyder,
G. Leisenring,
James K. Davis,
Henry C. Ever,
John Gundy,
John B. Packer,
Edward Y. Bright,
W. F. Waiieiiscller,
Charles A. Mover,
G. F.Miller,
J no. Walls,
William Cameron,
Ira T. Clement,
Selinsgrove, July 2, 1853.
Dorougli Ordinance.
TVTOTICE is hereby given by the authorities of
the Borough of Sunbury, that all persons are
cautioned against going into the river to bathe
within the limits of the Borough, until half past
eight o'clock in the evening. All persons violating
this ordinance will be dealt with according to law.
By order of the Chief Burgess.
P. M. SHINDEL, Clerk.
Sunbury, July 2, 1853. 3t.
List of Jurors,
OF Northtiinbctluiul Comilx, for August T.,
'rniil .furors.
Milton F. W. Pollock, Joseph Egbert.
Lewis Samuel Shannon
Turbut John M'Cormick. William P.
Dki.aware James H. Callicait
Chimsquaqi'e William Derham, John
nVst, Jacob Kiamer, George Fredrick, Sacn'l
Shamokin --Honry Leisenring, Fiederick
Mutuliler, Suloinnn Fegely.
Rush Honry Weaver.
Lower Ai'ui'sta. William Conrad, Martin
riiimk'l, Dunied ZurlniRn, Peter Snyder
Ui'i'ET Mahanoy William Heim, Jona
than Ressler, Isreal Fenstermucher.
Lower Mahanoy John Hensyl.
Cameron Solomon Dunkulbeiger.
Susiiury G. B. Youncman, Georye Deihl,
Benjanimi Hendricks, Gorge Lyon, (Jeoi;e
Young, Geciij" Renn.
NuK i iii'MBKiii.Asn Drfvid Ililkeil.
Milton J. tines Monlcmnery, II. D. Burr.
Henry Hubert, Robetl Shaddon, Moses Cham,
berlain, Fiederick Fitlor, John Miller, Allen
Sch rover.
Delaware Christian Hilyard, Wilson
Hutchison. John H. Giirr.
Lewis John Shell, Milton Tro.vel, Jacob
GiUner. It. C. Uuckman.
Ciiii.iscjL'AQUK Adam Conrnd, John Shell.
Point John W. Stainm, John Dale.
Lower Augusta. W, II. Jones, Jeremiah
Renn, Cispur St. Ctair, Peter Reitz, George
SMiyiler, James Mnpinan.
Shamokin Cuiuad Yeager, Wm. Ammer
man, C;iila John.
Rush J.isenh Fisher.
Coal Still'iinn Eaton. Stephen Eisenheart,
Jordan William Minler.
Cameron Gideon Kramer. Daniel Sleich
Lower Mahanoy Joseph Fonstermacher,
Michael Readel. Jacob Bingemun, Adam
Litti k Mahanoy Isaac D. Raker.
Jaeksun Jacob Shnppel. John Creasinger
BY virtue of a certain writ of Yin. Exponas
to me directed, will be sold by public sale, on
Monday, the first of August, next, at 1 o'clock,
J M., at the Court House, in Sunbury, the fol
lowing property, viz :
A Certain Lot of Ground,
utuate ill the borough of Milton, on that part of
said borough, called upper Miltun, bounded north
by Moses Tailor, east by Second street, south by
Mulberry alley and west by bt of Wm. Mc
Clcery, containing one eighth of an acre, more
or lesa. whereon i erected a two atory house, c.
Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Jeremiah Yargy.
By an order of ale, at the same time and
: Pnint township, in the county of Nor-
.w..i..ln,l. bounded and described as follows,
to wit I Begiuing at stones thence by lands of
Lenard Pfoutz, dee'd-, outn eimy ...u
n.,.rter desrees. cast one bundled and eighteen
.1.. tenths nerche to a fallen hickory
thnc by land of Win. Lemon, Deed., and
Win. L. Dewart, north J degree, east 122.3
. i... in atone, thence by land aaid to belong
r. w, t.. Dewart. oulh 811 degree, west
t95 8 perches to stones, thence by lands of
' giuth 3UJ degrees, east 119 perches to tho
. , . M,rr roiitaiiiiiia- 101 acre and 46
L.-u .i .ll,,w.,ire with the appurtenance,
Late tho estate of James Lemon, dec u.
WM. B. KIPP. Sheriff.
Bherifl' Office,
Funbury. July 9, 1853
TVTOTICE i hereby given that an application
will be made, at the next regular session of
the Legislature, to charter a company for bank
inir mwl iliaeniintinrr nurooses. with a capital of
two hundred thousand dollars, with tho privi
lege uf extendinc it to four hundred thousand
,lnlUr. i.i lie located in the boroush of Sunbury,
Niiriluinibnrland county. Pa., and to be called
Tuk Mixkiik' Bask of SuNaciir.
July 2, I8b3. Cm.
V OT1CE is hereby give
Courts of Common PU
TVOTICE is hereby civen bv the undersignod
' citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
uma. lliat applicution will be made to t lie next
Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec
tion of a body corporate to be styled "J ex
ScicacBT Savinss' Iutititx," to be located in
the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county
with discounting privileges, and with a capital of
Une Hundred Uiousand dollar.
Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young,
Adam Mii.slcr, Thomas Robin, Daniel Drucke-
miller, Fredk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Youngman, Pe.
ter B. Alasscr, J. W, fnling, Ira T. Clement.
Ueni. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J, W. Peal.
Sunbury, June 25, 1853. 6m.
en Hint ilia several
'leas. General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and 1 vrminer and General Jail Unlivery
in and lor the county or INortliumlierliinil,
commence ot the Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M. on Monday, the
1st day of August next, and will continue
The coroner, Justice of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
reuuesled to be then and thoro in their proper per
inns, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
nilipr remembrances, to do those tilings to tlicir
,-vrraI office aniiertuining to lie done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common'
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper person to prosecute against him, as shall
be just onu not to ucpan wiiuoui icuu .ukii
peril. Jurors are requesieu iu uc'uuituu, ,cii
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
ilmiv stntirpfl.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 25th day
of June, in the year ot our J.oru one mousanu
irrbt hundred and fifty-three and the In-
liMwmlence of the United State of America
the 77tu. .
WILLIAM 1). JUrr, ouenn.
God save I ha Coinmonweallh.
Family Medicines.
IN offering to th public the above mvalaabln prepara
tions, the subscriber would stste that In eonmiltstioa
with his fiiends aud some of the must respeeisbhi ol the
Medical faculty, il was deemed advisable to offer 10 th
pubtio, a fw preparations in" known celebrity, bcttiv pre
pared with Ui graatsst rare, and on the nvttt seientiflo
principles, as substitutes fur the numeruus wurihlc-M sr
ticies that sre fluuding the eountry in ths form uf pansceas
and cure alls, prepared by the must ignarant and meicetia
tf persons, intended to cure ftil dtseeees and gwd for ntrno.
Read and Rejled.
That the Medicine. Manufactured by V. M. CxcxLST,
Including his Knee Pecoiral fur Coughs.
Cream ui Ceinphor, for Itlieuinatisni.
Worm ffyrup inr vorms.
Tooth Waeh, for decnyed teeth, diesaed gum.
Family Pills, or blood Hurifyer, have been mre extwulve-
ly used, and have given nrre satisi'action, limn any other
Medicines before the public, being prepared with rornrd
to their uscrulnesa are fully worthy ths trial f the
ed. Give them s trial.
A ftw powciful reasons why the slnve Medicines sre
deserving I'f universal pstlonnge. (In Iha first plnee,
they are prepared bv a regular Physician, who underrtundi
the application of Medicines, to diseases, end dtiacqiU'iitlv
sr oerfeotly safe to take. (Secondly,) Ibty have been
ui ed with universal euecess, and have given more kuiiisc
ti"n then any other Medicines oKered Tiefore the public
(Thirdly ) thoy are the only nied.cines that have guined
the patrimairc of Phvsicisne, where they have been med j
and (Pouitiily,) they are put up in larger quantities toi
the same price, thou any other Medicines cfTi-red to the
public of the same kind. As ths lubecribcr han s number
of certiflcates In his poueaaiun of the higlicet outhonty,
where they have been used with the imtt anisfnetnry re
sultsHe will publish a few of them, feeling sntislied that
a trial will insure their recommendation. Try them and
satisfy yourself of their superiority over sll others.
Read and be Convinced.
We the undersigned having been made acquainted with
the ingredients entering into the Compounds known as
Bickley's Tamily Medicines also having prescribed end
known them to be used, with most satisfactory results ;
take plensure in saying that we believe they lully meet
the design for which thuy arc recimniended.
WM. II M40IM.. M I).
B 11. UCARUKAHT, M. D. of pain in the side and tough from protested
Liver Complaint.
Mrs. Robert Adams, laboring under Cbroniu Liver Com
plaint, nccuinpauied with n short dry cough pniu in the
side and brca.'t, gcnenil debility, loss o'f appttite, fliter try
ing all the tisuul remedies recomnietuled for cough and
diseases uf the chest, who with no benefit, she was reo m
inendcd to try the Kose Pecturul,from which, she u it only
derived immediate but permanent relief.
John Adams, s in or Mrs. Robert Adorns, wns afflicted
with a very severe cough, pain In the side(i and soreness
produced by incessant coughing; he was induced to try
the Rose Pectoral. To use his own language, the first
dose enabled him to enjoy a go d night's rest. In I he
m-irning he expectorated about half pint nf matter. He
continued to improve until his cough entirely left him, it
also hod the efTcct of strengheiiing his bicast, which was
naturally weak. He also says that ho has leeominended
it ton number of hisfiicnds for siniilur complaints, and
in every case it hns given satisfaction.
The above pers mi residents of the tmvn nf Danville,
feeling that they have derived great benefits from the use
of the Rose Pecloral ; authorize the nbove statement, for
the benefit of those who mav be afflicted in a similar man
ner. GRKAt CUKE.
Loss of Voice restored icith one iott'.e of Rose Pec
toral. Miss Susan Whithick, of Rush t iwnsliip, Northumber
land co., for a number of years uu ii valid, in the lull of
150, lost the use of her voice from a scveie cold she con
tracted ; after trying a number of remedies, with no bene
fit, she wns entirely restorud by taking one bottle of Hose
Peetorut, after winch, she Ifisr her voice nguin, from a
fresh c old she contracted, and wus again restored by the
use of another bottle ; she then took four bottles moie to
strengthen her breast, from which she detived the most
decided benefit, aud has lceii in the enjoyment uf excc-Kuit
health frum that tunc to the pres.'iit.
The ab lie statement is obtained fn m Dr Puts,-!!, the
rhvsician who attended her; alsi her mother who thinks
that she would not be living at this lime if it h id n t been
fu the R se Pectoral. Uinville, Jan. 25. lb.' 'J
Still another Marled Cure Effected.
Mrs Samuel feebler, being of a natural wenk and deli-
eaie constitution, very susceptible t i c lils, was artlicted
with a very severe cough, pain and soreness of the bre-tM,
I as of appetite ; ol'ter using a number cf the usual icnie-
dies Iruni whlcli, sne ueriveu no Deueni, sue was eureu oj
taking one b.ittle of Rose Pectoral and is in the ccjoyiueut
of better health than for years prcliuus.
Danville, Llec. 1 INu.
1). BicsLsr : Permit me to inform you that my wife,
who is a delicate and weakly w imau, lab riug under u
very severe Couch with pain and soreness of breast, wss
in ire quickly and effectually relieved with one boitlu of
inr Kusc Pectjral than any otner menicine sne nau ever
taken. ABNKK M'UUIDl'..
Jan. 1S5. Samuel R. Wihws' I urnace, Ked roiut.
raoNo bvidenck in fsvos of the Rosa Pkctobal and
Family Pitts.
John Fulner tnken between Christmas and New Year
Willi a very bad cold, which ended in a dry hard incessant
Cough, causing a great deal of pain whenever he coughed,
was relieved very much j by tlic lime be had taken one
third of a bottle, and hv the lime it was finished, wss en
tirely cured. He also iivs that he has taken several d ises
of the Health Restorative or Family PiH.i, and that they
ure the mildest nnd most eileelnnl purgatives he has ever
aken. IJauviiie, Jan 1, lo'j
Da HicciEY : Purine a visit to my Wuiiier. in win.
ville, I look nveiy severe Cold, which ended ma tight
hdld Cough, i nil soreness mid pain i.fttie l.rei,.,. for
wluen l usea your uoee reciorai, auu mnniy ins, aiu,
take plensure in recommending Ihem, us I lie mildest and
m st elfectual remedy 1 have used. Yours, respectfully.
j.liba iiiuiiu.i.'M,
Jan. i!fl, 1952. White llavsn. I.uzerue eo.
Dctir ssir : As a rceoinmendatinn for your Rose Pecto
ral, permit me to sar. that I wo effectually cured of a
very severe c.iueh with luiln m the breast, Willi less Hum
half a bottle, and that I t-outidcl it invuluable. Yuu ate
at liberty to make this public if you please.
JUHoi St'MUUAU, turocer.j uuminc, i s.
My son William tailoring under a severe cough und puin
in his side, I'lom ail injury received by o fall, wus eutuely
relieved by a bottle of Rose Pectoral A- Cieam of Cam-
hot. 1 have also used your r amity 1'ii.j, anu aiugciner
consider theta the best inedeciues I have e-'cr U!.d.
Jan. 18.-i2 Rush Tp., Norlh'd eo.
lr. Bieklev : Sir: As my wife who was troubled
Willi dry, h ud Cough, also s .ur tt.nwh, dependent iiji.ui
Uelilllty, similar lo llispepsla. wus entirely reueveu ey
using two bottles of your It' se Pertortil, perinil uic tj -sy
that 1 consider it an exeell-mt remedy.
Youis, respeetlully, Hev iiir. ll.l.AliW.
Pastor Lutheran Church. Lhniville. Pa.
llavinit beeneiireit of a iiuiu in my aim (similar lo Rheu
matism) which deprived me of the free use uf it f ir about
lour montiis. uy uuug one u ttle oi icuuioi t anion -r
1 would state that 1 c. insider it the ben remedy ol the
kind I have ever used in mr lii iuly, oui I w-iulj Ireely
recuinmend it to others with similar affections.
Yours, respectfully, JONAS wui.r.
Rush tp , Norlh'd co.
My wifj being efflicted with a very sevuie piin in her
oi in and sh .uUler (I lie effects of cold) which disabled her
from using it, was cured with rubbing of Cruum of Catn
ihr Mis. l'.lllin, my sisier-iii-luw, wasals, cured of a
severe pain in the head ami face by using the Creiun of
Camphor THOM AS KLLIfl, Danville. Jan. l, '52.
My wife having Rlieumatiaili of the arm for a number
of years, which prevented her from using it in doing her
w uk ; after having spent a gienl deal oi money in trying
didurent remedies wilh no hnnerit, wus entirely cured by
using only one buttle o your irciltn Ol lampa-
No. Gl A.rch Street, four doors above Second,
Which for style of finUh and workmanhip cannot be urrasd. Wholesale and Retail
at the lowe.t price. Al.o TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES? ANU KliLU U1.IND-S
CJ" MERCHANTS end other ere invited to call and examine.
Philadelphia, August SI, 1852 ly.
ijir'-'i "' sai sfVJ.lii
and Help Live ! ! !
ESPECTFULLY informi his friendi and
the public generally, that he has just re
ceived it his store, in Sunbury, Lelow .Veaver's
Hotel, a large, handsome and cheap issorttnent
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimtrs Cassinets. Jeans, Drillingr,
Muslins, Vestings, Linens, Ij'c.
Calicoes, Muslin de L'ti'ns, Lawns,
f'tfirictns. Bcrages, llobts, tfc
. (iiinci:itir.s,
Sugar. Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molarse , Checc,
Spice, Fish, Salt, etc., ice, dee.
Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives cV Forks, &c.
of various styles and pattern,
A lurgc assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
men, women and children.
Hits Caps, 4c, of vsrious lite end style.
Beside a large and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. Country produce o! all Kinds taken in
exhange at the highest market prices.
Sunbury, 4 mo. 30, 1853.
'Eureka, Eureka."
"jVTOW for the little one. Why will parent
' waste hour and days in fruitless endeavors
to get perfect pictures of their children and after
all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
U'c would say, come to our
and we will guarantee to make you a perfect
picture, by our Eli.ctuo I'm Midi, process!,
that works in from J to 2 seconds.
Wc defy any Dagucrrean in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, a we are the
inventois, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishment in New England and the
Middle State. I or picture of adults, the silver
medals we have received from the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with the numerous premiums from
County Fiur. is sufficient prool that they are
the A Plus Ultra of perfection.
Wo would rail particular attention to our
Tulbotypcs Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. V. Collins & Co'.,' 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den House, Springfield and Collins' Building,
Weidticld. Msss.
N. B. Our establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by
Professor Iforsrford's Safely Lamps ly Right.
"Come and see."
Phils., May 28, 1853. ly.
THE undersigned takes this method r,f ihttnk
-- ing his friends Inr their liberal patronage,
and ltilurins them lie hits taken the oltl stand
lately uccupied by James Taggart fc Son, where
he will be prepared at all limes with a large sup
ply ol goods, consisting ol
of every description.
GroceiieH, Queens ware,
Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Fish, JJ-e., 4 c.'
Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms,
and hopes by a strict attention to business to
merit a continuance of their
North'd., June 18, 1953 tf.
A Farm for Sale.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Ftttow Uitizxss: Havinu hcen induced
to olfcr myself to you as a candidate, fur
at the coming election, should I be so fortunate
as to receive a uoinmation and obtain an elec
tion, my undivided and constant endeavor would
be lo perform the duties of the office with Cdelity
and Impartiality.
Shamokin, July 0, 1853,
Two Stray Cows.
CME to tU premise of the iiiUcribcr, on
Friday last two week., two itray row.
" . . . . o ...J ,1,. .ih.s 12 or 13.
white and red, one ""-"r--V ";v
The P " reqeieu io s" r
. Sunbury. July . lWtWSU
FOR RENT, email office or .hop near Teuer
ASunbury, July , 1853. . :
O" il WINDOW (SHADES, Leather Trunks
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fallow Citizms. At the solicitation of
manv of niv friends, I again announce myself to
your consideration a a candidute for the office of
at the ensuini election. Should I be so fortu
nate a to be eleeted, I will endeavor to discharge
the duties thereol wittt impartiality.
Bhaaiokin, June 25, 1853.
LEMON 6VRUP, Oranges, Lemon, Raisena,
Nuti, Candiei, &e ire., jut received and
for sale by i. n, it..,m.v.
Bu-'bury, July 8, 1853.
"TMBRELLAS, Parasol and T.ncy Fan,
List of Causes.
ri ;.s il,. Pmirt nf Common Plcti
1 1 VJ ll ll ini
nf Nnrthuinbcrlalld County, at August 1
D., 1653.
Georee Shiley vi Ab'm Dunkelbcrger i admr x
Abnah Uowen WDIIl 1 noinpson
. , :.:c... Jcuo Miuii.
i.eury jviaie . i.v. m. wi.o ,llimilislrator
J B Manser vi Barbara Shaffer! ex'ri
William McCarty vi Samuel Hunter
Daniel Rhodes vi Jacob Wertman
Isaac Holla &. Wif v Henry LaUha
Simon Snyder va George Snyder
Hit. fo, Reiner v. Moycr &. Mo"
aslungton Mutual In
surance Company
State Mutual Fire Iiiau-
tanM fmnnui,u
Albiu Newberry v( Thomai Rassr
li Host fur M Sw.nv v. 8 Je" "'ice
' to terretenanl
Oliver B Hilliard s John Hart man Jr
John W Peal vi Joseph Uiiniuick. et. al.
Christ &, McFadden v Susanna Raid
K.nrlnn Kmilli's x'r. . A. C. 6c T. G.
same va aame
Wendel L Keffer v John F Wolfinger
William Forsman at al va John Park
ti b Kaufman ct al
WII.I.IAM KVKXr. Minor, foi 8. It. W.wsl, It. l'ohil.
IJr. RieWley H iving receiveil a very severe injury in
my side tie falling oil u I ! of lny. frcmi which I wns una
ble to follow niv work, was ree iniineisled to try a l 'ttle
of Cream nf C'iiniili r. which sli inkil iiniiiedinte relief.
CllirPlTil CAItlt. Hush til., North'd cn.
My wife, snlferiug from most enriieiaiiitu in,
tliroii);loit her Keneril system, which prevenlcd her mini
sleeping (lieing occasioned by u long and protruded Shell
of siekiiess ;) for which she used a numlicr i'f remedies
Without liencfit, was entirely relieved liv the use i t I'leam
of C'amplior. Gi;o. B. BKOV..
Suigeon Ueiilist, JJsnville, I'a.
Child cured of Howe! Complaint, mid Ague (of two years
standing,) tiy Worm Hyrup.
My child lieimr ulili.-ted for the lust two vettrs, with
Ilowel Coinpluinl and Amte until it was reduced to a mere
skeleton, I ttiud a iluuilier of remedies wilh ll I perni'iiienl
Denent, until I gnve it a h-ittle of your Woim nyrup,
sines which time it has been well, and got quite nt.iiy.
1 also hav recommended it to a number ul my fi lends,
ana iu vvciy esse n nus given satisiat-uoll. 1.. l.r.l
At Iuib lin-'s' (Alerelmllt. iJunville.
I have used your Worm ttvrun in inv familv. and e.
Bider it not only effectual, but ihe must plensunt urtielu 1
am aequainieit with. J VC tin I.AMll.l.M, lianville
llavnia ased your Worm Syrup in my family, it helps
my children more thau any nreporulion of the kind, and is
mors plcusant to take. DAN MtiUUAN.
M-sitout Row, iMmvilK,.
I hrive hid ocensi in to use yo'ir Worm Syrup iu my
lumily, and preler it to any ermlliMre l liuve usea.
FKKU. HUB, Frosty Valley, Montour co.
Dr. liickley: Hiiviug used your woim Syrup, sud
Croam of Camphor and Fumily Tills in my lumily, they
guve .'.Kid sulisl'uetioii, and 1 consider them the most ef.
fuctuul, mji pleusmit remedies, we have had iu our futility.
JlllIMl I IIA.N B. RIHHKI.. Danville.
Dear Sir : We the undersigned being in the employ of
Messrs. Groves Lonily, ul whose si ire, you nave an
Arenev f ir the sole of vour Family Medicines, state, thst
w have hud an opportunity of knowing the opinions of
uunierotls individuals who hnve nsefl tliein. ami trial iney
...nrral . .1 1. fi't i n. s have s ikl ereit n.niiv
vour 1 Ills, wnicn aic uin.eiMii, n.... . ....... ...
their operation. W. 1 .KISKN HINO,
AlTesi. w .l. ir.i i.r.n,
Having Stcnrvv ..f my mmth very lad, 1 wns induced to
Irys bitlle ol your Tooth wasti. wmen seion uss uenuiiu,
haideiiing my gums, nnd removing an msruae.
0 ' " .'1'ii.V 1, Illlll.'l. Tlaiivi td
n. n,n-llMuin whnl wis ca!le.t ulcerated ure,
month, for ivhieh. 1 Hied a number of temodtca with uo
, ...) I mi sis, riiron liv usiiik no v. , My wile uls during her e aihiicnieul, was
threatened with sire Hikisis, itimps navnig s""?
for which she usm me i;renni n i amnaor, win. n'
ed them, thereby prcventiiig her brensts from puihenn;
(ift) A. "ROm
K'.. f il.Mn.H Ch ireh. DanvllUl. Pa.
Dr Hicklcv lluvms an ipportuuity of scaiug your
Anti-8enrhulie To -th Wash useil in unw very aeveio e-
4 Valuable Farm situated in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland county, laying
along the Shamokin creek, about four miles and a
half lrom the borough of Sunbury,
will be sold on the 53d day of August, by the
heirs of Samuel C'olp, sen., deceased, ut piivato
About 120 acre of this land are cleared and
in a good suite of cultivation, the whole having
been limed once over. 1 he improvements are a
two storv
Iia a barn, a waggon house, and two orchards
of choice fruit.
The l'hiludcliihia and Sunbury Railroad passes
directly through the centre of it, likewise the
public road leading from Sunbury to fctersburg.
Any persons desiring lo purensse a good r arm,
void ol lulls and stone, nttli good water, and well
in wilh clover, will find this to comport with
their wishes.
For full particulars, apply either personally or
by letter to the subscriber at the farm.
L'piicr Augusta twsp., June 18, 1S53. ts.
'jV'OTICE is hereby given, that application
will re made to the next Legislature of
I'ennsylvania. for the Incorporation of a company,
with discounting privileges, to be located in the
borough uf Suubiirv, in the county of ISorihum
bcrliind, with a cupital of One hundred thousand
dollars, to be called the ''Susquehanna Savings'
Sunbury, June S5, ls53. 6m.
In the Dry Goods Business.
J. T. & I. F. KLINE.
T ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends
and tie public in general, that they have
taken tho Old Stand, in Upper Augusta town
ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc
cupied by Isaac Campbell, 5c Co., and have just
returned from Philadelphia, and opened
A J'ew and Splendid Assortment of
Spring and Summeii Goods,
Consisting in part nf Cloths, Cassimers, Sat
tinclts, Linens, Check, and all kinds of
Summer Wear.
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Dresi Goods,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Bcrage do Laities,
Alpscas and Shawls.
Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all
Hardware ami Queensware, Drugs and
Also a large assortment nf Boot and
Shoe. uitable for Men, Wornon and
Children. Hat and Caps, such
a Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf
and other lints. Salt,
Cheese, Ac. Call
and See.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex
change for country produce, at the highest market
Upper Augusta, April.30, 1S33.
Emporium of Fashion
And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods
1A9 RECEIVED at his establishment, on
leer atrcct, one door north of C. J. Brunei's
law-office, in Sunbury, the most
Splendid and Tashionallo
for gentlemen's wear, that ha ever been olfercd
in tin place. Hi dock consists in a great
variety of
Among which are superior Black, Brovm,
ween, unve Claret, Belgium Cloth,
French Cloths, Russian black. &e.
viae plain doc-skm Cassimeres, Summer
and ff'inter Cassimeres, c.
Black Satins, (a rich article.) excellent Marscilcs
uuli, White, (figured and Plum,) Figured
Urcnadiiie, superb Watered Silks, and
Tweeds, Liuens, Cravats. Iloseiry, Plain and
i i rimming, Uentlcmen s Collars,
Suspenders, &c., &., eVe.
Call and see his assortment of goods. Ho
challenges inspection, and politely invites the
public to test their quality by procuring the best
anu neatest coats, pants, vests, &c., in the couiv
CTT A few journeymen tailor can find iin
mediate situation at this establishment.
Sunbury, May 21, 1853 3m.
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
S hereby given that the nntiuai Session ol
said Court to commence at Sunbuiy, mi
the second Monday of July nevt, will by
direction of the Court be ihon ntljuurtied to
the third Monday, al which time) it is also
directed by the Court lhat all causes for
argument wi'.l be taken up and disposed of
witliout uciay.
Pruih'y S. C. N. D.
Prothonotary' Ollice, )
Sunbury, June 11, 1833.-
1. Bunnell
2. Colbitt
3. Qiiiytey
tuRK OP A BlS0Rt.FJ.r.aNlJVSR AND fi ll
Copy of 0. Letter from M- R. W. KnL-u,
-rmst, 7-Prcscot Street, Liitrpod, datj
"'I June, lis 1 ,
rmfess-Jt HoitowAl, .
Sis. Year I'il'j nnd ointment l.svs st.s d tt . hi,N, M
ur sals list ol Pr ionstor, Medicines f j, . , "X? "?
customer, to whom I can refer for ,r .,, aau'Z
ma W let yon Kh-jmt the J saiuul.ts ol her eusa 'si a I IS
b tu trouUcd I'm years wiu, a liver m,i d
digestion. On ths last occasion, however, ilia virnlmrer'
the sttaek was so ulariiiiinr, and Hie iiiflammsti in set in s
severely, that djutm we ntern.nied if her not l,eiult
able to U;nr up under ll ; Inrtuir.tely she wns indneed I
try your Pill, and sh linorms me that aftpf the Hist aM
seii suececJii g dSe, riio l.-J greoi tel.sf SI.e cnlinuc.!
to tlre them, slid sltliott(h s'.s nsi-j ilea EgSH1 ,j
is now in the ein- nneiit "I perfect l-.e th. I o, d l,ae
sent you innny inses, lm t't-.e nlwve fioin Hie sitvasirt or
mi sttACK. snd the .rrror cure, 1 think, qicuai itiuth i
favor of your nsi.'iiiblnr:g 1'ilis.
(r!i(fiie.l) It. W. KWKUS
Copy of a Letter inserted i.i the liuidrt Town
Courttr, oj tut is; Jiijr:iti 151. b,j A,Wr
J Wakh.
Msrrnret M'CiHimeii. hri.eian vtam ,if fitrc. rfni itt-t
New I 'own, hd been snftering frun a ij;cm rlicuniiino
fever for anwards of two months, wnich Imd enure;,- ,1...
priv-ed her of tho use of her j durii g this p.ti.wi rlu
was aimer me care oi 'nu iiijii eininrtu meoie:il rren h,
lloharl Town, and by them her case wes eonsdered h i,p.
less. A tneiitl prevailed iire;ii her lo try Hotlowriy:s c,
brated Pill, which she coi.sentH to du. i.nd in nn iucredi-
ble short Scs ol lime iney eitoeieu n porleel cure.
From Messrs Thew If Son, Pioprictors of the
Lynn Advertiser, tcno can vouch for the
follou-ini statement. Avptst 2nd, 1851.
To Professor Holloway,
Sir, 1 desire to nenr tcstim ny f the pood tff-ts of
Holloway's Pills. For sme years I suileted sevetely fr. ri,
a pain and tightness in thi'stoiiuch winch wns bIsj Mecnv
paiiiH by a shortness ot breath tht p?v?::trd nm fr m
wslliitir about. I am 61 years of age, and i otu iu..!ui,iln1g
my advanced state i f l.fe, these Pn s have s i lelivved t,
Uiat 1 sin desirous teat others should be niade teTmiuted
wilh their virtues. I am now rendered, by iheir means,
comparatively active, and con take exercise wilh u-. ii.ton
vemence or psin, which 1 exuid do lief re.
(Signed) nttti i:i;k,
North sttcet, Lynn, Norl. Ik.
These celebrated Pdls are uondefnlUi cff,ca-
tiotis in me oiiouving cuniptuintj.
Agrue nrcpsy
Asthma liyrentnry
Bilious Complaiuts
U ocbes on the Ken is Is Irregu-
bkni hiritivs
B wel Complaints Furcraufall
Colics kinds
C instillation of 1 its
the Uowels uout
Cousuintiuoii llead-acli
Debility inditait u
3?re l tiroata
ric Djulouieux
Liver Com
plaints Lumbago
Iteteiuiuli wf
Scorfula. or
Kni s F.vJ
vs Anson, Putter county
va Long &. illisluii, 1 mifa
vs Coiiiiiionwealth,
9. Lyons Heirs va
Beela vs Slilz
McCarty vs Huffman,
Kntijlil vs lit'iohail,
I.nviry v Allison Nuttli'd
Clt'inent vs Weiuior. "
Lackawnnna It. R Co.
North'd co , Norlh'd
lloovey, MoKean
Montijoinery, Luz
Claik. "
Johnston, Tioua
Rupert. Columbia
10. None
12. Same
13. Lonmis
Wlui man
Chad wick
20. Car-on vs
I. Pa rdy
i. Yeomati
24. Smiths ek'is vs Wagot.sollor el al, Union M
C5TRAYUD from the subscrilier, on Priday last,
' a
PiothonoUry' Office, )
A St pay Colt.
two year old mare coll, color, strawberry
roan, with a libt tail, long lore top hanging
down over eyes, steep ruinped, cl bv one of
tho hip is a liyht spot. She is a koocI sized colt.
Any licrson sivinir information lo the subscriber
residing iu Luiver Augusta township, shall ba
liocrally rewanled.
July 2, 1R53. 31.
tstl-M.N run s A small number ot these
excellent pumps have bcea received and are
oueied for sale by
11. U. M AoSER
Runburv, June 4, 1863.
curvey c4 th.Ku,. i remedy for
Th abiva mediei nes are loi sale Wholesala snd Be- 1
the cure of Fever and A true, just receive
and for sale by I. W. TENER &. CO
Sunbury, May 11, 18 3.
i.tik.w u hick l I V M. T) . Pronrielnr. Danville
. i... 17 .u m..u i. h r.,llowiiui AffciiUi in N or lliumbcr.
laud county. Friliuf , lira.a, Hunuury i V A. Kisibb,
Uurton. Wiin. : Knistin Btronaa, Paanssi; JohB l.LUID Lamps, Choice UaskeU, Flower Va
Vsnssni, Paxinos; Hugh Vaatme, P.xirfi Armenian, u(j Ornaments! Queensware and Class-
liai.Off al jn , Dntiuosiii i mis. ,., ui" ,
Wm. Faaslv. Pliam ikm i fmpbell Kline, Augusta;
Kauiua! A. R.r..trMiu-. Ptersliure : Jeeob lisenrlncr.
Buar Cap; Cnsirad Wanek, Nnrthnmberlantl ; Jaranimk
Crociss aWinsirov! Joamb Baksi, Lowuburc ; Jehu F.
Caslowand JouALha.ii 2lUrs. Mdtun.
Call oa th Agents, and get a circular containing a full
deacriniina of th uunsroits cures rrfrmcl by the differ.
ware, iust reeoived and for aale by
Eunbury, May Is, 03, rr.IVCK CU.
CM TONE WjIRE Milk pans. Butter crocks,
Butter jar, Jugs, Preserve jars, 6c, ji'st
received and for aala by
Lumberman Bank.
vs Dclrick, "
v Kfxeford, Tii
v U.'UiiK, Norlh'd and liravel
Venei-snl Affections Wurmsof ai: kind
iVeuknc8s, from whatever cause Ac, Ate.
Sjld at the Establishment of Profess T,iv. Sll.
Strnnd, (ueur Temple liur, London.) snd by all rrsjetnbls
uraggisls nnd IJculi rs in teuiein inr-ni'n -ui 1114 iftntst.
..1 pire, & th"u uf the I iiiu-il Mnli-s, 111 ll .xvst.t : ic.,
, and St SOe. euch. Whok-siile l,v the tiriuei;4il inng
"V s in the Union, und by Messrs. A. 11. & I) Samuj,
N-V l'nik,
. ir There is s considerable snving by taking the larjji'r
. s.
. rirections for tin of patients 111 evry
.1 fii.'ri are alfix.d 1 1 eu b -x
Ott2rS3, l;i, 1.
A Ntw
GELSBF.RG & CO., rcpectfully announce.
to the inhaliittiiits of Northumberland county
and the public in general, that they have com
menced a new Clothing t-tore ill Sunbnry Pa-,
opposite tho Pot Office, ailjoininn Mr. Stroll's
saddler shop in Market Street. They are just
opening a splendid assortment of fashionable
Spriivj and Summer Clothing.
Consisting iu part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Satinett, Linens, Checked
and Fancy Clo'Ji Pants aud Coats.
ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and oilier
Of all KintUof Hals and (Japs, Shirts and
Collars and Gentlemen's fumUhinc;
Goods in general.
All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap
at the lowest cah pricea.
The public inuv rem assured lhat all Clothing
they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of
the firm is a practical tailor and our whole Mock
of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe
ring to the cash pruiciple and our extended ac
quaintance among New lorkand rliilailclpliia
Importers of Uloth enables us to sell very cuc.ip.
Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods.
Our Assortment is always kept up as we ure
constantly getting fresh supplies.
Sunbury. .May 7, 1S5J.
Lumfccr Yard.
TIIE subscriber would respectfully inform lhr
citizens of Sunbuiy, and Xorthumt crland
and adjoining counties, t'tui! he has opened a
I,iimlei Yard
in the lot frontimi oil Cranberry St., a short dis
tauce East of tho Mrtnti Saw Mill, (vlicre he has
now a large amount ot Seasoned Panaet I'laul.
o.vo Pannel Hoards, anj all oilier Boards and
lU iLUiMt Matmhal, such as will be w anted for
building purposes. Also lsre amount of
Shingles on hand, which will be sold from ?8 up
to IS, according to quality ntul size. Please gie
us a call and i-xainiim our price' and quality.
N. B. Farmer who are in want of Shingles
will please call as wo will sc'.l to vou low.
' J. E. l.EIU, Sup.
Sunbury, May 23, 1353. ly.
M imuCactopv.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the people
of Northumberland and Sunbury, and tho
public generally, that be has eonxtaiitly on hand
and manufactures to order, all kinds of Boat ropes,
bed cords, w ash lines, plow lines, twine and lines
of ull kinds, ul his establishment iu Northum
North'd., June II, lc53 3iu.
Simo v Same,
Huminelt v Maish, "
7. Cox vs Sailwell, McKean
28. I.ycoitilns co vs Hulmsr, L)ctmin:
WaRotiscIler vs Smiths ex'is, I'nioti
Ewiny; vs Spencer et al, TiniM
Cnlifl v Bicltinnii el al, Noilh'd
Kcrlin vs llisscl. '
Stephons vs Dimo.'k 1p, Snsq
New York Union vs Chitlendeii et al,
" M. Ins Co. Snsqiieh
35. Good f al vs S. honiir'-, Cultiinbia
36. Stale M. Ins co vs Updcgraff fl l, Lyc
37. Ctivenhavcn vs Han, fculltvan
1 111 pi'or e 111 c 11 1 m A h e a (1 ! !
TIEREBV informs his friends and the public
- irenerdlly, that he has just received at bib
old stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver s
-111 excellent assortment oj
French Lasting,
And all kinds of linings and Shoe findings,
which he offers to the trade at reasonable prices.
He also informs his customers ane oilier, that
he itill continue the Shoeinaking business, and
i prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and
fashionable style, and on reskoualile terms.
S111. bury, June 11, 1853. ly.
cry and couvie'.iou of every individual found
uiltv uf tiei-pasxine, or in'tiiriiif anv of the
properly of Philadelphia cud Sunbury Kuilroad
June, 4, 1ho3. tf.
rXIll E partnership heretofore existing under the
firm of James Tiicirart & Sob. was. on tha
13th day of J une, 1H53, dissolved bv mutual
onsenL The business of the firm will be settled
bv Janice Taggart, who holds the books.
Those indebted lo the firm are requested to
call and mako settlement of their accounts also
ull persons having claims against the fnm are
tequcsled to send iu their bills for payment.
JAMtitl 1 AUti.MiT,
Norlh'd., June 18, lrto3. if.
1AR. H. II. H If! 13 EE'S remedy for rough,
J-' col da, and pulmonary disease. A supply of
this valuable tnedicino just received and lor sale
by 11. B. MASSKH
Sunhury, June 4, 1853.
if a books, ink, and all complete, j'Jst rcive
aadforsakby IL D. MA5SSR.
Bunl-ury, June i, 1653..
The Sew and Splendid assortment of
Jut received and for sale bv
Sunbury Apl 30, '53. I. NV.TENER &. CO.
TI ST RECEIVED a Splendid assortment of
Ladie' Dres Good, eonsistintj of Silk, Mus
lin ae werage. l antou Urape, Silk Poplin, Dot
ted gwias Lawn Robes, &.cn and for sale by
Sunbury, May H, '53. TENER & CO.
(RUMMER Shawl, Heady made Mantilla.
' Black Silk and Silk Lace, iust received and
for sale by I. V. TEN EU &. CO.
Buubury, May It, 1853. .
WURNLNG Fluid, Camphine, Sperm and
Whale Oil. White Lead. Linaod nil .nJ '
Turpentine just received and for snle by '
bunbury, May U, '5J. TENER & CO
TKENCH Cloth, Fan,-y Vtviins. and C
meres just received anj for sale bv ,
Banburv-, M.iv 1 -5 j. j jvfi 4 f..
1 iust received and ibr sale t.y
i . w i1 T.
May U, 'S3. TENEB 4 CO. I Funbury, June J853 J
Juris 11. 1663- ly.
Sunbury, June It, 1653.
te::er & co.
Sunbury, April 30, 1S53