1 V Crt t 8. of Dmrltl, sett . K. I of ftorAombvUtd, hare awrat ) guts of tb (eta mil, orrclly. trO ! WiuhsB slad,lo r tagae I aneriaoitatiaist JitTsiil ti Ibitofic KMI b pr-pid. Amwaa to Lut wits rLS A paxil to j n!i fta taadcrs of tb Ammtetn. Abmm M CtitMt-Slriat. ' ; ;' , pat titaaboij Amrlca., ,' ., ' , CltUtllUlCAL EMG.MA. , Jam toirtjtfj! 0 19 rfftn. Mr I hitr nf Island in th Atlantic. Mr IS S It It IS l wwii in tin U 8. NTl4MltlUiaiinUmii. Mjr 4 14 W H t ep i fcurort. My S H 4 1 la n Empire. My f IT R 4 14 7 is out of rh U. S. My 7 ?l I I kk In Ui U. 8. . My ft 3 7 IS 18 eewntv in reenylvania. Mv IS 4 S 4 It clutter nf Isle in the Mediteranoan - Sea My 14 18 ! 1 ii It eoontry In Eurcp. Mr II 3 7 m S town in Arabia. My I t m 4 16 U 4 it Ilia Copiial of ona of tht I. S. Mv 13 l i a cure in Hia 0. 8. My M 10 13 4 1a in Ilia weatern part nf lha V 9. My 1.1 4 IS 3 8 14 it a Ut in North America, My 16 1 1' III HI it a c ounty in Kentucky. Mv 17 II 3 4 10 15 it a country in Africa. Mv IS 7 1 ia a cape in Alia. My ina 7 19 IS 4 is town in Pnniylvani. My wh le was one of tha itinera uf lha Uerlaraticm uf Independence. Answer next week. . . - Sunbury, July 9, IS53. J. V"). THE EXECUTION OF MAJOR ANDRE. The piir.cipul guard-officer, who was con sttinily in the) rotim with ihe ptiwner, relates (hat when lha hour of his execution was an nounced to him in the morning, lie received it without emotion, and while all piesenl were affected with silent gloom, he relnined a (inn countenance, wilh calmness nnd composure of mind. Observing bis servant enter the room in tears, he exclaimed, ' Leave me, till you can show yourself more manly." His break fast bains; sent to him from the table ofjGcn eral Washington, which had been donetrery day of his confinement, he partook, of it ns tisrial and, having, shaved and dressed him self, he placed his hat on the table, and cheer fully said lo the guard-officer, "I am ready at any moment, genllemon, to wait on you.'i "The fatal hour having arrived," large detuch ment of troops were paraded, and an immense concourse of people assembled ; almost all our general and field officers, excepting his excel lency and his staff, were present on horseback; melancholy and gloom prevaded nil ranks the scene was affecting and awful. I was so near during the solemn march to Ihe fatal spot, as (0 observe every movement and participate in every emoiion which the melancholy scene was caclulated to produce. Major Andre walked from the slone-house in which he had been confined) between two of our subaltern officers, arm in arm ; the eyes of the immence multitude were fixed on him, who rising superior to the fear of death, ap peared as if conscious of the dignified deport ment which he displayed. He betrayed no want of fottitude ; but retained a complacent smile on his countenance, and politely bow: fed to several gentlemen whom he knew, which was respectfully returned, it was his earnest desire to be aho!, as being the mode of death most comfortable to his feelings of a military man, and he had indulged the hope that his request would be granted. At the moment, therefore, when he came suddenly in view of the gallows, he involuntary star, ted back, and made a pause. "Why this emotion, sir V said an officer by his side. Instantly recovering his composure, he said, "I am reconciled to my death ; but I detest the mode." While wailing and standing near the gal. tows, I observed some degree of trepidation plftrinfi his foot on a stone, and rolling it over( and chokeing In hisMhroat, as if attempting to swallow. So soon, however, a hepreceived that thine were in readiness, he stepped 'quickly into the wagon ; and at jh'u moment he np pea red to tin ink ; but instantly elevating hi head with firmness, he said, "It will be but a momentary pang f and, taking from his pocket two white handkerchief, the pro-rot-mar.hal wilh One loosely pinioned his nrmt, and with the other the victim, after Nkintr off hi hat and Blocks, bandaged his own t'ves with perfect firmness, which '..':e I th hearts and moistened the cheekes, 1,01 only of his servant, but of the throng of h-T'ittors. The rope being appended to the (."tlloivn, ht (.lipped the noose over his head, mid adjusted it to his neck wilhout the assis tance uf ihe executioner. Colonel Scammel now informed him that he had an opportunity to speak, if he desired it. He raiied the bandkercheif from his eyes and said, "I praj you to bear me witness that I meet my fate like a brave man !" The wagon being now removed fiom under him, he was suspended, and instantly expired Chambers' Reposi tory. . Geoscb Bancroft, in a lecture before the New Yoik Historical Society, pays an elo quent tribute to Ihe philosopher "Not half of Franklin's merits bave becu told. He was the true father of Ihe American Union. It was he who went forth to lay the foundation of that great design at Albany, and in New York he lifted op bis voice. Here among us he appeared aa the apostle of the Union. It was Franklin who suggested the Congress of 1774; and but for his wisdom, and the con fidence that wisdom inspired, it it a matter of doubt whether that Congress would have taken effect. It was Frankliti who sugges. led the bond of the Union which binds these atates, from Florida to Maine. Franklin was the greatest diplomatist of the eighteenth ceniury. He never spoke a word loo soon J he never spoke a word too much; he never failed to speak the right word at the right season." Tn Tba Cvltusc The Rochester Ame. tican says that a gentleman who has carried on both Ihe cultivation of ihe tree and the manufacture of tea from their leaves for years, aud some of the time employed 200 men at the work, has left that place afiei an siensive examination of the soil and cli mate of the South, for China and the Cast Indies, expressly lo import stoek of young JilsoU superior in every respect to those cul tivated by 0;. Smith, at Greenville, South wruuua. . " ' CaimcT Mshho, to. his estimated ihst there ar jn Netf York city 8000 cabinet ma kers, 00 earvers, 400 upholatererg. and 300 hair tnaket. The higbeat rate of wagaa paid to carvers U said to be $23 per week, and to the other meebaBio mentioned, Ira ay week. Important to Cool Dealers. THE wslbet htrtVf Inform tha pnblir), that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, Reed & Cos for the purpos of mining, (hipping and selling coil! delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along tha Sue- quehtnnt. " .. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on contract or otherwise, at all timet, OS the shortest notice, and on the moat reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin by . ,., KAKK.r.EEDicCO. Sunbury, June 4, 1S5J. ly..' . .... THE CIIRAPCSTjnE NEATEST 1SD THE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, BLAYLOCZ'S , Model Spring1 Style Hals, UNEQUALLED by sny others in all that can rentier satisfaction to the Wearer. fine them a trial. The Very Fincat Moictmsr H iTa for 3. SO ; Second Quality, tot fine, 3,00 Third Quality, a capital article, 2,60. All theae aro warranted. Model Hat Store, Nj. 46 North 8th Street Philadelphia, Phila., April l. 1853.0m. Estate of ADAM RENN, dee'd. "VfOTICE is hereby given, that loiters tcsla- mcntary on the ettata of Adam Rcnn, late of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty, dee'd., have been granted by tho Register of the above named County, to the undersigned. All persons bavins; claims against to id estate, are requested to preacnt them, duly authenticated fr settlement ; and thoto knowing tnemaclves mucut ed to make payment, without delay to SIMON SNYDER, Ex'lor. Lower Auguata twsp., May 28, 1853. 6t. Drugs, Taints, Oil, Window Glass, 50. 5 Tox Fronch zinc white. to tons Pure White Lead. S000 Boxes Window Class, all sizes. Superior Polntli, Copal, Coach, Leath er 6 Iron varnish, white Demar varnish for China Gloss, wilh a gcnoral assortment of freth and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Alto all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enainlcd Glass, ice, dec, for sale very low at : ALFRED WILTBERGER'S Drug and Paint Store, No. 169 N. Snd Street. PHILADELPHIA. Physicians and Storckcepere supplied Goods sent to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge. Phila.,Mav 28, 1853. ly. Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by . BtfSHlTELL & TULL, A'o. 61 DOCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders through tha mail promptly executed Phila., April 9, 1853. ly. Gas Fixtures Lamps. HENDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 22 1 ATortA 2nd sf . above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. AVI.NG had many years practical zxrtm ixce in the business and as all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate super vision we are enabled to offer to purchasers superi or articles in every branch of our trado upon the most favorable terms. At our store may be found in every variety and style of finish Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brackets for Halle, Churches, &c. Tax LuraovED i'lxs On, I.AJir, Also, Fluid, Lsrd snd Oil Lamps, Scriandoles, Boquer holders, Parlor, Night and Reading Lamps on hand. Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wick Shades, &c. AU wort warranttd or no sal. Factory No. 66 Nobis street nesr 4th. Remember Store 221st Snd street, neit door to J. 8tewart Depuy's Carpet store. Phila., April 2, 1R53 3m. NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexander L. Hickey 5 Co., THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE MEDAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, xVo. 148 CAcsnuf Street, ( Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchant and Travellers one of the largost and tnoa1 improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever offered for ssle in thia city, together with a gen eral assortment ofevcry kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Alto, a splendid assort ment of Ladira' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags, Haud Coaches, Gigs, etc., dec, all of which we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. HICKEY & CO., No, 148 Chesnut Street, rhila., April 9, 1803 6m. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sifth Street, Philadelphia. For the Msnufacture and sale of I'ateul .Letter Copying Presses, Patent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boardt, Copying Ink, ckc. ratenl rarchnient Taper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, . Superior to all. others, and each page printed, PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a oooK-ime ioiiii, Letters received, ungtnal Invo cet, tec. Phila., April 9, 1853. ly. OM E person has got a third volume, ths whole consisting of eight of the works of William Bhakspeare, sruull 84 mo. two front- plates, publitlicd in 1830 by McCarly Sc Davis bourui in red cloth. The person having it is requested to return it, or and get tha other sevsn volumes. . WM. McCARTY, Bookseller. Sunbury May 28, 1853 tJILVER WATCHE8. A tew doubl. case Engliiih bilver Watches, for sals at vary low pitcM by H.B. MAej&ER. Hunbury, April It, Hhl T)LANK Prchmut Paper Deedand blank Mortgases. Bonds, Executions, Hummons etc., for auletiy H. B. MA68ER. bunbury ,Awi . 1KI- . , BLANKS. BLANKS of every deacrrptiim east be bid I7 applying at ths tnc of tk AsasrieaJt. '1"," SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. animal "Jfflii L CHERRY: PECTORAL: Far the Cur mf COUGHS, COLDS, HOAHSEMES3, BROW- '"' OHXTIS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOFINO.OOUQH, AND CONSUMPTION. Of all tha nnmcrinta maJicinea extent, and a ine of them valuable) tor the euro of pulmonary complaint', n, thin hB mvt hn ftm.iii whi. h fMiuld f&imnare in ita tf. feel, win, tl.i lr.nt,ri,ni,. (Mhuia aura trnetiine', but at ail timea and in til diteatra f thu Inngs and thrtwt where medicine can giva reliif, thia will dt it., It plmtant to ttike, and pm'ertly tufa in tcciirdtinee with the direction.. Wo il.t iut ndverlite lor Uia infurinatioti if th:a ! . hove tritd it b'lt thost trtrn ln'e out. I- aniinca trial hve xmnrn a vnuo win nm - ita ttraoly ute, they are secure from the dmiReroue e.wse qnencet of Coitghi and Culdt wtiich ne;ccl, r'f,e" 1,W ti,. n.ni,n. m- n, M, iiniMtt Inatitute Hat uwnrd' ed to tint prn otion liv the lt.wrd of Jtutcet 10 fieilcinber 1H17 : alto, Die Meilalt'of the three ifreal inttmitel .f Art, :.. ki. Mim, . , u ,i i,r,Limi ,,i the utiin Institute at Cincinnati, hat been gtvin to the CnKttT Piciohal, by their Government In coniideralion "I ita oxtrtordinaiy excellence and usefiilncsa in curin" itftccllont ot the Ltniga end Throat. . , , Read the follnvlnir opinion f. iinrlcil on the png experi ence of the eminent I'nyaician 01 me i on aim i.n n. j o. Aver tT. JOI1X. May 8, IS..I Five yeart trial pf ynm CIIEUll V ri-CTORAI, in my h... n,.,un urli. t I'tirMilW I'nMIl lit eOimVf.ltll'tl. niuti bn'tiue. that it eradicitea and cttrrt the colda tnd conitht to which wa, in lliii tcction, are peeuhaily hnlile. t ihink iu enual hat not vet been diic n'ered, nor do I know how a better remedy can be made for the dittcm pcra of the Throat and Linitrt. 1 J J. TlL'nTON. M. D . F. R 8. See what it hoa done on a wnated cntittitnti'm, not only in the following catet, but a thocaanfl more : Ilr Aver, Tit the month of J 11 1 v but 1 waa attacked by prniDRT. 1111. xiiu. loo. violent diarrhoea in nllnea of Ciiliforiilo. I returned to San Frantiaco in ta"pe of receiving benctit from a change ot elimnte ana diet, jhv aiarrnafa ceaaeo, uiu wni ir lowed by a severe conch and much aoreneta. 1 nnnlly rtnrtrd for home, but received no bueht from the. voyage. Mv eoiiffh continued to arow worte. and when I arrived in New York. I waa at once marked by my acquninlanoea at a victim of comramption. I mutt oiifeat that I taw 110 tuineient rnaaon to doubt wlmt mv friends all believed At thia time 1 cominehced taking your truly mvaluabla medicine with litte eipectation of deriving any benefit from its uaa. You would not receive these llnea did 1 not retard it mv dutv to Mate to the afflicted, tbrongh vot that my health, in the apace of eight month, it fully re stored. I attribute it to the ure of your Cll LRKY I h.C TORAU . ourt truly, - WII.UA.M W.PMITH WnisoTo. t'a . April I. 1MB. Dear tir t Keeling taut 1 have been tpared from a pre mature grnve, through your inttrumentnlitr by tne provi dence of Uou, 1 will taka the libel ty to expieta to you my gratitude. A Cough and Ihe alarming symptoms of Connimptlon hod reduced me Uo low to leave me anything like hope, when my physician brought me a bottle of your " Pw:to kal." It aeemeil to alTord immediate reliel, and now in a few weeks time hat restored me to sound health. If it will do for others ivlint it hat done for me, you are cer tainty one of the benetnetere of mankind. Sincerely withiug you every bhrtttug, I am Very respectfully yours. JOHN' J. CLARK K. Rector of 8t. Peter's Church. With such assurance and frm such men, no stronger proof can be adduced unlett it be from ita effect upon U JVcnnrcJ nnd sold h, JAMEf C. A YER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Stnibury by II MASKER, and by Druggists generally throughout the State. March 19, 1853.-ceow ly. Nov. 13, 'S.. A CARD. A VING embarked in the Mcrcantilo busi ness on mv own account, I take this op portunity to thank llir friends of the late firm, and Ihe public in general fur the liberal patronage extended to me heretofore, and would be most happy to are them at my new business stand, in the house formerly occupied by John Lciscnring, opposite the Bank. MARKS B. PRIESTLEY. Northumberland, March 26, 1853. 3m JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, So. 47 South Water Street, hclou) Clustnut, PHILADELPHIA . IMPORERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, &.C., keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nut, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, 1'ort Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1853 ly. HAVING located himself pcrmar.antly in Sunbury, oilers his professional services to the Town and Country, office, corner of Deer and Market street (formerly telegraph office,) where he may be found unlet professionally engaged. Sunbury, April 30, 1653. 6m. CHEAPWATCliTs (II.VICK WaRE, Wholesale aud Retail at No. 73 N. O SF.COXD t., opposite the Mt. Vernon House, G ild Lever Watchee. full jeweled, 18 k. eatea, f2tS,J0 ; Silver Levers, full jeweled, 812.00; Silver Lepiuca, jeweled, e9, 00 all warranted to keep good time. Gold Pen and Sli ver Cute, feti.OO; Gold Pencils, 8l,00i Hold Pencil aud Pen Casta with good Gold Pent at l-iw at 61, Jo, c. Alt , alwayt on hand a good assortment of tine gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Gin id and Fob Chauia, Gold Vest Chain, Ladira' Gold Fob Chains and Belt I' ma. Silver Table Srs-ona from 814 to 19. Deaaert, SO to 821, and Tea, SI,?' to Sfl.51) per act, warranted equal u coin. All good warranted to ba what they are aold for. ly Wutchea ami Jewelry repaired and warranted. t7 All ordera Bent by nuil or otherwise, will be nunc tuaily attended to. M. AVISE, Agent, No. 72 North SECOND Street, opposite the Ml Vernon Houae, Phil., April 23, IMS ty MACKEREL, CODFISH, SALMON, PORK, HAMS & SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for sale by J, Palmer. & Co., Maiket Street Wharf Philadelphia. Phila-, April S3. 1853. 3m. Wood t$ Willow Ware. 30,000 Fancy Corn Brooms, 1,500 Dor. Buckets, Assorted Colors, 600 Nests Cedar Wash Tubs, 800 Cedar Churns. . 500 Doi. Willow Baskets, 300 Dot. Wall and Scrub Brushes, Ac, etc The largest Stock ever offered in Philadel phia, and the cheapest in tha world. Orders promptly filled. M. cV i. M. ROWE, No. 1 1 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 13, 1853. 3m. .j?- Platform Scales, Long hckoi 5i rr7y tested f CJ.-..J J i Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Far . V .-' vr- r r." t" . - :.. u,.w n.,t of the country, at short notice. .tGENi''. uEO. W. COLBY, .'40 Market at., Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbury. .Phila., -4pril S3, 1853. Laborers Wanted. "IHE aubseribcr want immediately on the -- luilroad and Uaain, at Chapman, Lmon county, seven mile below eciiiiagrove, from 50 TO 100 LAUOKKBS, to whjm one dollar per day will pe paid. HA VI DOE. W JLVEJTON cV CO, Chapioan, Union County, Feb 19,1853. tf. CMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GEK, a freth supply Just received, and for sate ny - as. O. M AsaiiK. Sunbury, Jau. 10, 1853. . P this tkjvasrriaeiuent buld taeat tit. T -of ilia A gaotlamsn, (a ju.tie of tha Peace, I UUiv.) who baauoka l twpy -or nuin'i Justm, and Magistraus Doekt--h ia tniovmad that tha Books ka baan obtaiitM and are ready for V Uvary ai uta 000a bum 01 vv m. net, ill 1 lunbury, May Si. 18.''3 tf. NDW -STORE..' BENJA31IN HEFNER ; RE8PECFFULLY tnformt the citizens of 8unburv and vicinity, that he his opened a hew store In the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of , . ' , '. ' " : Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of . .. ,, . ' Cloths, Cassimers, CassinoU.' of all kinds, of linen, cotton and Worsted. ALSO: ( nllrocs, Oliipbamsj, Lawns, . hlounHcllne Ie Lttlnt-e and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware, iron and Steel, Hails, &c. Aleo an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterns. Alio an ataortinent of BOOTS U SlIOfc-5. H ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic. And a oreat variety of other articles auch as ore suitable to tho trade, all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. Country protluce tai.en in excuange at the highest pri-et. Sunbury, May I, 185.. ly. CHEAP j WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactnry or G. L. lLILLEP. & CO., S. W, corner Arch and Second Streets PHILADELPHIA. fr VERY VARIETY OF 8HADE0, Whole IH it snle and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices for qualitv of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and othcra are invited to give os a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Brasses, Trimmintrs, &e., always on band. Remember P. W. corner SECOND and ARCH Streets Philadelphia. February 12, 1853. Otn. Vr-' CARR. GIESE & C0-, Flour, Grain and Lumber Comniision Merchants, 23 and 23 Spear's Wharf, DALTIMOEE- REFErtEN'CES. John Clark, Esq., Pieaident Citizen' Bank, Bait A. P. Ciilea, Eon., Cashier rranklm Dank, ' John Hcrt7.!cr, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Siunickson fc Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port Dc- podite. J. Wullower Sc Son Harrifcburg. Col. II. C. Ever, Selinsgrovc. J. H. App&'Co., Naglc, Wingate ct Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " George Bodine, Hughtvillc. W Weaver & Co., Montoursville. Gen. William F. Packer, Vt illiamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Etq., Cashier, ' James H. 11 tiling, " Lewis G. Hulittp. " M'Henry & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, Esq.,. Lock Havcu. CF" Carr, Gicsc & Co. have the lurgest wharf rooui of any comniision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quirk despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 13, 1853. Cm. KRUPP'S Premium Kssence of CtilTce. Mary! well pro-ii WHY will man use that which it injurious to his health, wl en he Is willing to give all his wealth la restore it when it is lost? .Strange! that at least two thirda of the human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Krupp'a Essence or Coficc is, beyond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of Coffee in the world. Every house keeper should hsve it. Try it and be convinced it will save about 60 pet rent, besidesyour health. W arranted to render entire satisfaction. . Manufactured and for tale bv ELI KRUPP, C39 North 3d street Philadelphia. N. B. AU the principal drocers snd Druggists have it for sale throughout the United States. For sale by the Agent, H. B. Masser, Sunbury. January 1, 1853. 6ni. 1,000 Men Wanted. ON the li.e of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har- risburg) and Sunbury, in the Stute of Pennsylva nia. This road is fifty four miles in length' runs through a highlv improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborer for the next twelve months. A large portion of tha lino is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal wage. DOUGHERTY. LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 1853. Fritz, Williams cj Hendry, Store, No. 29 lVorfA 3o! Street., PHILADELPHIA. MOROCCO Msnufacturers, Curriers, Import er, Commission and General Leather Bus iness Wholesale and Retail. CF" Manufactory 15 Margaretta 8treet. Aug. 88, 1853. ly. FKUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUB1NCAM AND SELLERS, ir'Aolfjafs Manufacturers and Dealers iu Confectionary of nil kinds, . ft. 113 Krlh Tklrd t tolaw Race, PHILADELPHIA. THE attention of Dealer is requetted to an exaiuiuatiou of their stock, which will be found to be at must equal to any in tbia city. FOREIGN FRUITS or all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by wail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, 1853. 8m. (ATENT BRlTTA$jIA STOPPERS for bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSER. Kunbury, April, 13, l&il ILEY'S VOVUU CANDY. An eseet- lout remedy for soughs, CO,ld. , r or sate at lhioroo. , IWmber 4. 1863. ' - i -. - '. ' ARNOLD'S WRITINO FM'tl) aa Adlx siva aud I egal envelopes, (br sale by , II. B. MAo&l-H-sjunbury, Jan 10, U53 niinmii rF-8500 CHALLENGE. t-rrllATEVF.R eonearna tha health sad happiness of a YY people is at aU timet of tha moat valuable import- ance. I take H for granted that every pereon win do all in their power, 10 asvt the Eve of their ehildran, sits uiai very pereon will endeavor to profit their own hearth at all eacriltcc. 1 teel It to D my amy to wwnmiF yoa that WORMS, acoordnig to tha opinion of tha stoat oelebrates Phyaieiaitt, are tha primary cautea of a rf miijorityof disease to which children ana aduha are lia ble :lf von have an appetite continually changeaWa from or kind of food to another, Bad Breath, Pin in tha Bto msoh, Picking at the Note, Hani nest and T allneaa of th Belly, Dry Cough, Blow Fever, Pulnelrretular remember that all these denote WORMS, and you ahonld at once ap ply the remedy t ' tf " ' ' ' " t HOBENSACK'S WOUM SYRUP, An article founded upon Scientific Principle, compound, ad with purely vegetable aubatancca. being perfectly tnfe when taken, and can be given 10 the moat tender infant With decided boneScial effect, where Bowel Coniplainta and Dia.rrhin have mnite them weak and debilitated the Tonic propertica of my Worm Kyrtip are anch, that it elands without an equal in the estnlogue of medicinca, in g ving tone and etrength to the ttnmai'h, which iiwkca it an iniRiiiMe rcmeuy tor mote atiiictco wnn uyrpi-rn"", tha attonisnmg caret penorinoii ny tnia syrup niu;r rni' ciana nava lanen, ia tti best avuicttcc or ' ite tnperi w etli eacy ovet all otliert THE TAPE WOUM! This it Ihe most difficult Wot in to ilestrny of nit that in feat ihe htiinon trstein, it grows lo an almost Imlcfinilc lentrth becoming socoili-d mid fastened In the Intestines and Stnmnrli ellceting the henlih to fully us to cuuso St. Villi! Dunc e, Fits. Ac , thui those otllicK'il sclil in if ever tuspecttlt.it it i Tup worm hiinienuig them to un enrly grnve. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore lie proper lo take to 8 of my Liver 1 ilia eons to rcmoveal! obstruc tions, tluit the Worinttyriipnniyaet direct uponlhe Worm, which must be tnkt-n in doses of fc I'ablcspoonftitls 3 timet a day these directions followed have never b"-n known to tail in curing the most obstinule ense of Tape Worm. IC7- HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No ntrt oi Llic fyiieni ii more tiiible to dinetiso thnn the MVKK, it serving nn a tiltrrer to purii'y ihr Mood, tir giv ing tlit? proper secretin!! td the bile ; siVthnttHiv wroiiR hc tion uf the Liver cllcett tlio other im)mrUmt imrlicl' ihe pystetn, end results variously, in Liver Ctiiitluliil, Jaun dice, Dyspepsia. Ac. We shoulfl, therefore, wntch every symptom that miuht indicate u wmntr Tictioti f the Liver. rneso rum iicuiR r'imptwrt 01 kuu it I'isAO id hit nirtheil hv nature to hesil tht; sick : Numelv. 1tt, An EX- PKCTOHANT, which aiinmcnts the accretion from the Pulmonary mucus memhnnie, or nromtHcr th discharpe of secreted matter. 2nd. An ALTKH ATI VK, which chanvps in nne inexplicable uud ineitsible nmuncr the certain mfhid actinn nf the system. 3rd, A TONIC which ffives tone nnd strensth to the nervous system. newiti.t henlth nnd vitror to nil r-nrts of 1m body. 4th. A CATHARTIC, which ects iu pvrfect harmony with the other infrrcntenis, ana operating on the isreis, ami expel linff the whole mass of errnpt and vittnted matter, and nil' rifying the Blood, which destroys disease and restores health. TO FKMALES. You will find these Pills an Invaluable medicine in manjr fartmrtMsintsi in which vn.i are anbiet!t. In nlrnt ructions ei ther total of partial, they have leen found of inestimable 1 Irenefit, restoring their functional nrrangemcnts to a heal thy action, purifying the blood and other flniils so efferlu ally to put to flif-ht ull CfMnplnints which inny urine from female imnuiritirs, ns ncaonciie, ginaiiicjis, ennmess oi tip'ti. pain in ine sine, uick, ac. Price, 25 cenln ench. None trenuiue unless signed J. N. Iltdtcnsnck, all others being base Imitation. fy Agents wishing new supplies, nnd Store Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must ndJtess the Proprietor, J. N. HoUnsneW, Philadelphin. Pn. iold by J. W. Friling. Sunbury ; Mtiry McCoy, Nor thnmlicrlsnd ; Bciscl, Turbutville : RHer. Milton ; Diily h, Isenker, Georgetown j Leisenring A Wolverton, Pnxi iu; Wiest. Hickory; ull d oilers iu Medicine iu the Count v end State. August 14, 1SS3. ly. TltKMENHOirs EXCITKHENT ! ! Cash. Steam, KIcetricity ! ! 77ic Aerial and nil other lines out-done by the I.tiltnllitr I-lllC Of IRA T. CLEMENT, llHO, having great failh in rapid sales nnd v small tirofits. has ittst received ano oneitcd a larce assortment of SPRING A D SUMMER GOODS. At his Sloro in Mar.;et Street, Sunbury, which ho nfl'ers lo the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment c Dry (Jootls, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinrls, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, llcragcs. Silk Hats. A large assortment of Bool ond Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Grorrilc, Sugar, Tea, Cofiee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Sail, Plaster. HARDWARE, Vis : Iron and Steel, Nails, File, Saws, cVc. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tfc LIQUORS, Wlur. Brandy, Gin, Rum, Vhiskry, ac ts'' Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Jan. 15, 1S53 ly. DOCTOR VOI RSIM ! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR,' EVERY ONE HIS OW.S PHYSICIAN. THE EORT1ETII Edi tion, with One Hundred Engraving, showing Di rjtes aud M'llfnrntntiun of W the Human Svstem in every shtipe ond form. 1 j which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being ol the highest importance to married people, or those rontemplalin;; innrriuge. lis- Up Win. Young Let no father be a.linmcd In present a copy of the .-ESCUL API US to his child. It may save him from nn early crave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obliirnlions of mar ried life without reading the POCKET .f-SCU- LAP1US. Let no one sunering from haekmcp Cough, Pain in tho Side, restless nirrhts. nervous feelings, ami tho whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .CSC UL A PIUS. Have the married, or those about lo be married any impediment, read this trulv useful book, as it has been the meant of saving thousunds of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. 1- Any person sending TWbMl-HVli CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOUNG, No. 153 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Pott paid. June 18, 1853 ly. Van Loan Daguerrean Gallery, 159 Chestnut Street, AT this celebrated attablithmenl yoa can alway pro ear lb newest and naoat improved atyla uf DAGUERREOTYPE 5 TALBOT'PE PORTRAITS at from 50 to 100 per cl. uu cost than such pictures can p aaa lor ctsewnef. Now that youcauaeeuie auco perfect portraits of your loved ones at a mare uoiuinal cost, don't delay leal you loae them. Every vai iely of fancy eaaet, frame, Ae , on hand or furnished to order, and every picture made aatiatory and warranted to he in the beat atyla of th ait or no chabgi Call and see us at 159 Chestnut at. L II Pl'RNELL PhiUiddlphia. July 17, 1855. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED I0A $ Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. fl'IlE subscriber beg luuva rcsiwi-lfullv to in - form 1'hinti.ks generally, that he ha tue- recded to the Business of manufacturing J nut ing Iiii formerly carried on by hi grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to the trade, without any Prrrs, but wilh tha simple reliance upon tho lon established cnaiacler it has borne, feeling confident of it, giving entire satisfaction la all who may favor him with a call. Tzana Cttu. . CHAHLESt ENEU JOHNSTON, A pril 1 0, 1 8M. If. j . , : IEE BILLS Juatice auu: ConsUUes Fc ' Bill baiidaouuly piiuUxl aactrV paper for sal at uu-arucc, .- . v . ... MARRJAGB CETIFICATE8- h.ndoroely exauuUMl for sals at tht office, auiitle or by th doaaw. '. .. i.i . C .1 '. .. '.' .1.; h, IpOH aalo at ibit lli-, Superior Black Ink, sC 4'atil. Medicine l V5 cl., Pure Eeic of finigei, "i tent BANK NOTE. TABLE. , CORRECTED. IfAi-Ai-x. PENWflYLVANl A . MABSACAUSBTTrl. .. ctTt or rarunLrSSit. All solvent bank . 1 Oi 0. S. B.nk note 1 dtal "J" a die is 4,mtt hank " eai I All Solvent bana 1 AS solvent banke ' par Bank of Chamberaburf 1 dia AU eoivent bank ... I o'1 Bank of Cheater Co. par Bank of Del. Co. Cheater par WliW runs. , CITT. ' ' '. . It r.1nl link 1 01 Bank of Oermantown pa' ItVUk aote anoer $S 1 Bank of Gettysburg 1 dia Bank of Iewiatown BankofMiudletown .III Montgomery Co Bank pur Bunk nf Northumberl'liu nai COC'TRT. AD Sotvenli bank " 1 I NEW JKIl. Ttclvi.lcre Hnnk '' Coniinercinl Ban - I ' Bonk of Pittsburg 1 dia Far. Bunk Mont im"y P" Carlisle Bank r 1 di. 'F "7M,"'.l1!.rh ml Colnmbia B'k B-geCt. parlMechantca' Ilk. Nwsrk par Doyekrtown Bank , Pr M "h. Bk of ''?r F..i.to Bank . , . , pnr Mnch, ft Man . Uk I rent rs r F.rlelJank ' . - di-Wom. Bnk i Echange B'kPlltsInirg 1 di.jNewark Hk'g A In. Co I J J r.cnnge a, nrinrn ui "-"'" Farim.rs' B'k, HucksCo pur Vooplc'a Ilk l'.ller-.,il Jli FnnniTs' Bk, liicaster par Princeton Bank par Formers' Hk. ltniiliiir nurlNilem Bunkilic Coj . . I'Jr Vorm Kit S..hii llcill Co nnrlSemcrrct Cu llnnk i dia v t. n tiu .n.....i.'rt i t.ii'oisiiiic Uni ittilc llnnk "I Ciiinilcil pnr c..i-ti.. lit, il,;-lt4tfite Ilk l-'dir-nbetht' 9 din I ths HanifclHUff Bank ldis'-t:ito Hank cyrork Himesdnle Hnuk : 1 tlitnte UK N. JInuiswiek par Itiutcaster Hank par iimtex bttHK, A'-'Winii j ui Lcljonon Hunk ntr Trenton Hnukiuff Co pnr Union U ink. Dover i dis llevv'ie AD' IUr Coliilis Merch. A Mnn. Hnnk 1 dial Miners' H'k. Potisville pei Monoiianiheln Hnnk 1 dis 19 Hk it"tea itii.I.t a J dis T.vlnritvV IWII'rrf'n It tiiu J)K.l.A Alt C. West Hrnnrh Hnttk par Hnnk of Helawuie par Wyoming hk, tviiKesti'e par York Bunk 1 din Bank of Smyrna par Delaware uit m:iiik ar Hk Wilnif'n A llmndyw. pnl Farmers' Ilk St llelnwnre par Union Dank. Wilmington par tfiTKclief notes l Uis MAIMS. Bank of AVhetlock dii Mrr-iiit r Hk. Rnntror lnriiti IV L IKlCf S I ui A "ivrnt nanks 4 disi M.W HAMISHIRK. 1 n solvent Nink Sins All solvent banks I din lf-lk notes under S't 4 dis V I'.K.YIt r NOHT1I CAltuu.xA. Brink of St All Kin All solvent banks a tlit All Holvnl lsink S dis dii,t?L nilei o s, 2J ais "AID AND COMFORT," 7 o Yotti Ou n Mechanics. GEORGE RENN. MANUFACTt'ftER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'HE sulisoribcr respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CAmiXET-WARK. which cannot fail to rci ommcnd iUelf to every one who will examine it, on account of its tin ruble workmanship and splendid finish, inatlc tip nf the best ttock to bo bad in the city. No effort is spared in tho manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber is determined to keep tip wilh the many improvements which arc constantly being made, His stock consists of .Mahogany Sofas, Divans nnrt Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, rqtiul lo Phila delphia inanuOieturc BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STAN l)S. T( ll LET TAULKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, Bill)rti Cvcry article in this line of his business, I He also manufacture all kinds and qualities of j CHAIRS, ncluiling varieties never before to be had ir ' Sunhurv. such us Maiiooaxv. Black Walnut AMI ('t'll!.KIl M.IPI.F. (inKCIAX t AMI WlMlSMt j CHAIRS, ami j am t Piano Stools, which arc ; of the latest styles, anil warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall ; be no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in j the cilies, ns even- eonliilence can lie entertained jWwn.it the quality and finish of his ware and I (.'hairs, I His articles will be disposed of on as good ! terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun I try Produce taken in payment for work, i CV" UNDERTAKING. Having provided I himself wilh n handsome HiuttSK, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or ct any convenient dis tance from this place. tS" The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. Cheap Watches Jewelry, "IVHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadcl- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. H8 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 15 carat ensea, S25,00 Silver do. full jeweled, 812 llold Speetnelet, .IH) Silver Leoinc, ji'ivels, 10 Kine Silvir do. 1 ., do do do. 0. I.'ild Urne Irta, . 3.00 Siirieiior llunrticra, 7.! allies' Hold Pcncite, J.lkl Intttntioii ,1 v .1. Siller Ti-n spixHis, set, 5.110 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1.00 Gold Finger Rings, 37j cents to S0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 13) cents; Patent, 1SJ ; Lunet, 25 i other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAtTFER & HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad, On hand, tome Gold and Silver Levers and Leptnes, still lower than the above prices. August .'8, 1852. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J AMES 15. FlDLKIt, No. 12 South Setond StYce; PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watche full jewelleJ Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do . " Quartier do Gold pens and pencil and silver halders Silver Tea nnd Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings &c. All warranted and sold at prices as low as try iu Hie city. November 57. 185'.' tf. Dissolution of I'artiicrililp. fllIE Copartnership heretofore existing under JL the name of James H. cV Wip. B. Hart, ia this day dissolved by the withdrawel of Williant- H. Hart. The business of the late firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. .829, North 3d street JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM B. HART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The underaigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue Ihe buaines under Ihe name of James 11. & 1 nomas Hart. Thank fut for past tavors. they respectfully ask Ihe at tention of their friend and the public to their dock of UHUUfcllli;, wnu-h will be full and extensive, and which they will sell at th lowest market rates. JAMES H.HART, TUO.MA8 HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. J8,tt. SUNBURY FERRY. E.NRY W. BUCHER inform the publ Ma- that he hit taken the iMinburv rrrry an as he is now well prepared with good and sulli eient crafts he will be enabled Iu accommodate Ihe public wilh fuoiutiies and despatch. April 10. 185B tf. Uosendale Hydraulic Cement VN excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellar, and for keeping dampne from wet and exposed wall. For sala by ; EVI SMITH 4 HON, 1 -N. E. Corner of front and Willow atraet Railroad. " - ' ' Fhiladelphia, Fh, 10, 1853. ly. T UeiTlCEb' FEE tilLlM tor mi. u, 11. B MAIMER. . fcunburr. t't ' . K Baureail's celebrated ink, aud also Con arc ink for tale, uoljle and retail by Dec.mbei 38, U0. Ii. U MASSER. A CALL TO H0USiantiTrpw. At the CablMt Wr ltooisaVr 'SEB'NnoUPTWcS - Market Squ; T VV ; T io of tht toner of Fawn street i th. tl i' h SUNBURY. PA'?,RnIr.i, , Thsnkful fur the patronage of bis fr! 1 customer, during th. 17 year! ThJ ?h nets in this place, he solicits from the puUie . e tinuance of their favors. Durin uKfT lias endeavored to keep p with the inl "d h of the Hay, d hs, accorlling,; SSSSSZSi hess in every branch and variety. Tho puu,ic itoch of - AHmtion of the prccnt CABINET WAKE AND CU Apta, Manupactvred by- "1 ' SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. 1 At the Old Stand, - - ' ' . Where in adtlition to their former stock of tl t establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs, Lartre Spring Seat Rocking Chairs Dressing Bureaus, Cenlre Tables ' r 1 n vsr . r.. . ' .'uu7-tHB a up rrasn stands, and a variety of other new style nnd Fashionable Furniture. Having securod a Hearse and made the 11 ere.. sary arrangement for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in tins vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and hiiahands ton, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side boards down to kitchen tablet, From rocking chair to rocking cradles Should yoa not have the ready Johs lo pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter better day, Or taka potato, oats, corn, wheat and ry Brk, hop pole, stave, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yoke nd threshing flails, Fiom pigs and turkiea down to little quail. Come on then friend, com one and all, ' Keep trade a moving, so "goe on tht bal." l ' Orders from a distance promptly attended to ond work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf SOWKlt $ llAllNEsj Publishers and Bookseller?, No. 84 North Third Street, . PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Mililea, Prayer, Hymns, Poetical and Historical Works. Travels, Novell, Ac, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An elegant assortment from Ihe pnts book upwards, mu'Jc of superior paper, and best of binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Pott, and Note Papers, cli-gnnt stvles and qualiiy, nml very cheap. STATIONERY. Fancy, rkiin and Adhesive Envelope, Ink, Sand, W fers, Steel Pens. Mulus, Pencil.?, Porle-Mouaics, Wrap pint; Papers of nil kinds, Curtain 1'iipers. Ac., Ac. tliir stock is all fresh, bought cheup and told aeoordni-lv Particular attention paid to Hooktellnrt, Country Mr chauta and Teochera, however little Ihev inuv buv. S 'ivcr A names ore l'ul'lialicra of PULTON'S set us of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS. Knch inup ia ncurly SEVEN FEET Sqj'ARE, and shows Ihe ci'inpnmtive size and relative position of every country on the tjlobe. They arc intended to lie suspended iu every School Koom, and not onlv make a .pleiKtid ap pear nice, but nre uiitveranlly oi kuowlrdsed to be the HKST MODE OF TEACHING GEOUIIAI'H Y ever bronchi out. They ure kevt intended to be used l,v Ihe holai t. eontainiinr n comnlete enitoine of titsutrnnhv. n,ut costius; less than half the priie of a Ueotraphy and Atlas. The system is in universal use in Prussia nnd Germany, and has already been introduced in Girard College, Phihi. delphia, the public tchooltof Boston, New York, Phila delphia, Haltimore, AVaahingtnn, und thmnvhout New nitluiiu, INew ork, Ac., Jtc. Our disks are loaded sill recouiuieudatioua from the naitt lulented bim! vim. fic teachers in every uuarter. and wsnswr ik has been used parents, tcacbera and K-hoira unite in 'praia- ' V . . ... 1. Mop oi tie western Hemisphere. S. Map of the F-usiern Hcmisphera. 3. Map of North America. 4. Map of th United State. 5. Map of Europe. 6. Map of Aaia. 7. Map of South America and Africa. Every man ia hrillinntlv colored. vnri.i.l.ed .,ut ed on mualin and rollera. W e reancctfullv invite the earnest ntt-itliim nf T.;.,,! Parents, and School Directors to this faseinatiu- mode o. teaching Geography. SOWF.U A IIAHNE8, -orth Third Street, Philadelphia, Aug. 2?, 1852. tf. EYRE & LANDELL, 4th and Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. UAVE established a Store where th best trail lioiv recrt C Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, Dress ilks and Shawls, Hosiery, Glovrs and Mitts, Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting, Muslins and Linens by the piece, Dumark Tublc Linens and Napkins, Patent Black Silks for Dresses, Full SUoek of Mourning Goods. E. V L. ure constantly receiving Bargains from Iho New York and Pl.ilaJclphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nell c asti. Edward E. Evre, Washington I. Linckll, I'lillailelplua, July 3, 1852 ly. the (.hlt inizr. med.1L t li lt iv i: i ! HICKEY &. TULL, A'o. 1 18 Chestuul St., above Siith, Front of JONES' HOTEL. fJy'frj AVE just received their True feri.1 1 . t.x AJ. Medal, swarded In them for --XlXJJ their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all tha world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, ke. To be found in this Cilv, and at very Vw prices CsUandsee. HICKEY TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chrslaul St. April 10, 185-. tt ' STAC, E OFFICE. WASHINGTON HOUSE, ' SUNBURY, PA JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, "I'lT'OULD respectfully announce that hs has taken thia well known tttnd, where h will be gralitied to see and entertain his Iriend and Ihe travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantry located, Imidsomely furnisboJ. well ventilated, rendering it in every ipel desirable stopping place. '3 No expense has been spared i firtln tvai tnw houe. The chambers well fuii.aJwd snd the table and bar provided with lbs bU the market can afford. ' Th stable as-eommodstions are sxteniivs ssttl well calculated ft traveler. STAGE OFFICE. The tge running from Northumberland to Poltsville, atop at tin house, where through and way ticket to Philadelphia ca be obtalsswL Sunbury, March 80, 185. tf. BMKS. BOOKS ! ! JUST RECEIVED and Tor aaks a iwW dilicsi of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a large ataortiasnil of Bktnk Book. WM. McCARTY, Jlkellr. Sunhurv. Dee. 4. 185-tf ' ' M ULU PENS with snd without caa, rf R very .uperior quality, just raivsJ. ' Also a fra supply of Writing Fluid, for sals hj H. - MAsot. ... Sunbury, Doe. 7. 1851- i HAND BILLS neatly prinUsd on aw yp promptly execuUd at tbia office. A!) blank, of sll kinds on wiperior PPr. Sunbury, Tcb. M, I Sol.