Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 02, 1853, Image 3
com kh,el',"Sie, ,T l w. "would e. omm.n4 th. p,p,ety of first purchasing a suit RoAhil & Wilson'. Clothina; Store, No. Ill phitT"1 oornoT f Franklin Place, Philadcl- Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1855 ly. , Kew Advertisements. -' 1 SHERIFF'S SALES. BY Virtue of certiin writ of Vtn. Exp. to ma n auiu oy puDiio vendue, or outcry upon the premiaes, at 10 o'clock. A. M on the 18th day of July, next, the following real estate to wttt , . . . ,v . . . . ' Jl Certain Steam Grist Mill, together with the engine and fixtures annexed, mi also the lot of ground whereon "aid Mill ia erected situate in the borough of Milton, in that part called Upper Milton, bounded north by Lo curt atrect, east by the canal, south by lot of White and Mervine and west by Front stract, containing one fourth of an acre moro or less, whereon are erected a tenant house, cooper shop, stabling, &c - Seized, taken in execution and to lie sold as property of M. A. Sweeny. tT AhiO: Upon the premises, at 8 o'clock, P, M. of said any, the interest of John Vincent in ' "A Certain Lot of Ground, situate in McEwensville, bounded north bv Ap rje alley, east by a public road, south by lot of William Waves and west by Pine alley, contain ing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a brick dwelling house and stables, being marked in the general plan of said town as lot No. 8. ALSO : The interest of said defendent in a Certain other Lot of ground, situate in said town, bounded north by lot of E. V. Dcrrickson, cast by public road, south by Ap ple alloy and Wost by Pine alley, containing one lourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erect ed a two story log ware house and a frame shop, . ALSO : The interest of said defendent in a CERTAIN OTHER LOT OF GROUND, situato in said town, bounded north by lot of R. H. Watson, east by an alley, south by lot of H. J. Render and west by public road, containing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a two atory frame dwelling house, a stable and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Vincent. T) V Virtue of certain writs of 7t. Fa. issuing JJ out of the Court of Common Pleas of North umberland county, and to me directed I will expose to sale by public outcry at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury, in said county on Wednesday, the twentieth day of July next at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following Tracts of Land, situated in Coal township in said county, to wit; 1st. The 2-3ds of a tract of hind surveyed on a warrant to John Hagcland, containing 402 J acres more or less. 2nd. The 8-3ds of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant to Luke Hogclin, containing 4U6J acres more or less. - 3d. The 2-3ds of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant to Luke File, containing 336 acres more or less. (The aliove tracts ate all unimproved but are known to contain extensive mines of coal of the best quality and the Philadelphia and Sunbury railroad, or some of ils branches runs through or very near each of snid tracts. ' 4th. The 8 3ds of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant to Luko Fiddler, containing 450 acres more or less. (This tract contains very valuable mines of the finest coal. It is extensively im proved, having an iron track leading into the mines an J connecting with the said Kuilroud and extensive coal breakers and good miners houses on the premises. To be sold as the property of Bertram H. Howell, mortgagor, with notice toBurd Patterson, Benjamin Patton, Charles W. Hegins, Sheppard ' Knapp, Geo. Brooks, Geo. C. Coe and Win. L. Helfenstcin, Terra Tenants. Tonus, cash for the sales to be on the 20th July. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Slierii! 's Office Sunbury, June 25, 1853. GRAND CELEBRATION OF THE FOURTH OF JULY, AT THE ASSEMBLY BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA By the Distribution of 10,000 GIFTS. JOSIAH PERHAM ANNOUNCES A Second Grand Gift DUtrluutlou, On the same plan of his former one, which gave such universal satis faction. ( TICKETS 50 CENTS, ' ' Admitting two persons to any Exhibition of . HOWARTH'S Great National Panorama of the Mammoth Cave, -'' Crystal Palace, Niagara Fall.', &c, &x. which will commence its Exhibitions at the As sembly Building, Philadelphia, on Monday Evening, 27th of June. These tickets also entitle the holder to receive an order for one of the ' 10,000 GIFT8 ENUMERATED BELOW. 1 Splendid Hone, Carriage and Harness, $500 1 " Piano, , 40U I - 1 do. 850 . , 5 " Gold Watches, at 50 ea. ' iloll fl " Bilvnr do. Si 75 85 Ookl Fnis and Cases, at 65 ea. 152 10 Heua Sliver Spoons, at 85 ea. 05 aK) Oold Pencils, at 83, 600 . SOU " " 1 0 ' 300 4oa ' Pens, at IS ets. 300 1 000 Silver Thunbk, at 50 eis. .500 8154 Uaautifal Ungiavingi, 150 10,0110 Gifts, worth $5,000' ftT Ticket for sale at the Assembly Bulidingi, where all orders for tickets should sent, addressed te J. Psaai. 5" Exhibitions every Evening at 8 o'clock, nd Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon, at 3 o'clock. try On the Fourth of July there will be 4 or S Exhibitions, so arranged as to suit the conve nience of every one. ' ADDITIONAL ATTRACTIONS will be obtained for that day, making Grand National Jubilee on the occasion of the Distribution. ' Jane 85, 1853. NOTICE. j 1aT0TICE is hereby given by the undersigned citixen of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, that application will be made to the next ; Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be styled "Tut fimicii Sivimss' I.HTITCTI," to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland coUHty, . with discounting privileges, and with capital of One hundred thousand dollars Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Voung, Adam Shissler, Thomas Robins, Daniel Drucke miller, Fredk. Laxarua, Geo. B. Youngman, Pe ter B. Masser, J. W, Friling, Ira T. Clement, Benj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal, fiunbury, June 25, 1853. 6m. NOTICE, , , , , Bask ar NoaTucusEaiiau, . ) , MorUiumbarland, Jun. SS, 1853. J Tha Directors of the Bank of Korthumbarland gi notice that they intend to apply to the next Legislature of this Commonwealth, for a renew, ai of its charier with the same capital, and with i.iu present title, location anil privilrgea. ; By torder of the Board. JNO. TAf;lAHT- Pr-i. iw9 85, io33. t. : ; . . 't ORPHANS' , COURT SALE. ; VN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sate, the following real estate, to wit; A Certain out Lot of Ground, in the southern part of the borough of Sunbury, bounded on the east by land of George Weiser, (Tanner ;) on the south by the heirs of Edward Harrison, dee'd., on the west by the Susquehan na river, and on the north by out lot of J. G. Youngman, containing ONE ACRE AND THREE-FOURTHS, more or less. The above will be sold at the public house of James Covert, in the borough of Sunbury, on Saturday, the 23d Jay nf July next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. ALSO: A Tract of Land, in Lower Augusta township, county . aforesaid, adjoining lamia of John Hart, John Hendcrsbotr. heirs, David Shipman, Peter Bcrlicu and others, and mountain land, containing nbout FIFTY" ACRES moro or less. To be sold at the public house of William K. Jones, tn l,owcr Augusta township, in said county, on Saturday, the 23d day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., nf said day. Late the es tate of William K. Brown, dee'd. Torms of sale will be made known on day of sale by GEORGE WEISER, Guardian of the minor children of Wm. K. Brown, dee'd. By Order of the Court, ) J. P. PURSEL, Clk, O. C. ' June 25 1853. ts ) List of Jurors, OF Northumberland Count), for August T., 1853. (ai-aiiri Jurors. Milton F. W. Pollock, Joseph Egbert. Lewis Samuel Shannon. Turbut John M'Cormick, William P. Hull. Delaware James H. Callicart. Chii.isuuaq.ue William Durham, John Bfst, Jacob Kramer. George Fredrick, Sam'! M'Ninch. Shamokin Henry Leiseniing, Frederick Mutchler, Solomon Fegely. Rush Henry Weaver. Lower Auuusta William Conrnd, Martin Ramlels, Daniel Zarlmnn, Peter Snyder Uppkt Mahanoy William Heim, Jona than Ressler, Isreal Fenstermacher. '. Lower Mahanoy John Hensyl. ' Cameron Solomon Dunkelbeiger. TRAVERSE JURORS. SuNmrRT G. B. Voungman, George Deihl, Benjamen Hendricks, Gorge Lyon, George Young, George Renn. Northumberland David Hilkert. Milton James Montgomery, H. D. Barr, Henry Esjbert, Robert Shaddon, Moses Cham, berlain, Frederick Filler. John Miller. Allen Schroyer. Delaware Christian Hilyard, Wilson Hutchison, John H. Grier. Lewis John Shell, Milton Troxel, Jacob Giltuer, R. C. Buckman. Chilisquaque Adam Conrad, John Shell. Point John W. Stamm, John Dale. Lower Augusta. W, U. Jones, Jeremiah Renn, Casper St. Clair, Peter Reitst, George Snyder, James Shipmnn. Shamokin Comad Yeager, Wm. Ammei man, Elkla John. Rush Joseph Fisher. Coal Stillmnn Eaton, Stephen Eisenheart, Jordan William Staler. Cameron Gideon Kramer, Daniel Sleich. Lower Mahanoy Joseph Fanelerrnncher, Michael Readel, Jacob Bingeman, Adam Lonker, . " Little Mahanoy Isaac D. Raker. Jackson Jacob Shappel. John Creasingcr. TV OT1CE is hereby (riven that the several 1- ' Courts of Common Pleas, General (Quarter Sessions of tho peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 1st day of August next, and will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, witn incir rous, records, inquisitions, ana other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to hepunctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 25th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three and the In dependence of the United States of America the 77th. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. DENTISTRY. A. VALLEKCIUMP, Dentist, would DR M-r rr restiectfully announce to the inhabitants of Sunbury and the surrounding country, that he has taken rooms at the Red Lion Hotel, kept by Mrs Catharine Boulton, where he will be hap py to attend to all calls irf the line of his profes sion. AW operations or Mechanical work war rusted to answer all the useful and ornamental purposes of the art. Hunbury, June 85, 1 853 To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fxllow CiTizEJts. At the solicitations of many of my friends, I again announce myself to your consideration as a candidate for the oflice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuing election. Should I he so fortu nate ai to be e lee tod, I will endeavor to discharge the duties thereof with impartiality. CHRISTIAN BAUSCHLAU. Shamokin, June 25, 1853. NOTICE. TYTOTICE ia hereby given, that application xl will Is made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a company, wilh discounting privileges, to be located in trie borough of eunbury, in the county of IS ortlium berland, with capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to be called the "Susquehanna Savings' Institute. Sunbury, June 85, 153. Cm. ATTENTION, FARMERS' iND MECUiSlCS' ARTILERISTS ! ! VTOU are hereby commaniled to meet in Market Siiuarc, Sunbu ry, on MONDAY, the 4th of July next, at 0 o'clock, A. MH fully equipped tor drill. Each member to be prepared with 10 rounds of blank cartridges., fly order of the Captain, ' SOLOMON 8TROH, O. 8. An election will be held for a Lieutenant, Colonel and Major. Sunbury, June 35, 1853--- ... , - TR. II. H. IIIGBEE'8 remedy for cough '-'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of Ibis valuable medicine just received and for sale ly . H. B. MASStli bunbmy, June 4, 18i3, . ..,,. SUNBU11Y7AMK1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ; i List of Causes. 17 OR trial in the Court of Common Tleas ' of Northumberland County, at August T., A. D., 1853. plaintiffs. defendants. George Shiley ts Ab'm Dunkellicrger's admr'x Abijah Bowen vs Wm II Thompson r in i v- , -r Jacob Zartman's Henry A Eve Ins wife vs ,dmim!rtralor J B Masser vs Barbara Shaffer's ex'rs William McCarty ts Samuel Hunter Daniel Rhodes vs Jacob Wertman Isaac Hoffa & Wife vs Henrv Latsha Simon Snyder vs Georfr Snyder Moycr Mojer's Gar ' nishce llitz for Reiner Washington Mutual In surance Company State Mutual Fire Insu ranee Company ' v E Kaufman et al " va Same Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rascr ,. , , ,, S Jenks with notice D Hoats for M Sweny vs Jo tnrrc,cnant Oliver B Hilliard vs John Hartman Jr John W Peal vs Joseph Diinmick, ct. a I. Christ & McFoddcn vs Susanna Rcid , . , , , A. C. & T. O. Kcnderton Smith s ex'rs. vs Morris same vs same Wendcl I. Keffcr vs John F Wolfinger William Forsman ct al vs John Parks JAMES BEARD, Prpth'y. Trothonotary's Office, ) Sunbury, June 25, 1853. J A Farm for Sale. 4 Valuable Farm situotcd in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, laying along the Shamokin creek, about four miles and a half from the borough of Sunbury, CONTAINING 110 ACRES, will be sold on the 23d day of August, by the heirs of Samuel Colp, sen., deceased, at private sale. About 120 acres of this land are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the whole having been limed onee over. Tho improvements arc a two story Jr DWELLING HOUSE, a barn, a waggon house, and two orchards of choice fruit. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad pusses directly through the centre of it, likewise the public roud leading from Sunbury to Petersburg. Any persons desiring to purchase a good Farm, void of hills and stone, with goowater, and well in with clover, will And this to comport with their wishes. For full particulars, apply either personally or by letter to the sul'K.ilier at the farm. JEREMIAH COLP. Upper Augusta twsp., June 18, 1853. ts. NEW STORE. THE undersigned takes this method cf thank ing his friends for their liberal patronage, and informs them he has taken the old stand lately occupied by Junics Taggart fc !Son, where he will be prepared at all times with a large sup ply ol goods, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSDIERS, VESTINGS, &o. LADIES DEESS AND FANCY GOODS, of every description. Csioccrics, Queciisvtarc, Hardware, Ccdarware, Salt, Fish, o., iVc- Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, and hopes by e strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their patronage. G.I. TAGGART. North'd., June 18, 1853 tf. COUNTY CONVENTION ! A T.inn.r.nMi Hnnvunlmn Will hn llllil at l. TV.... ....l.l.l Ma,I. if,. LlU ,t.,Aj'Kh, causitig a great deal of noinwheiiever he coughed, imi iiu.ii. """ , , ... . n. I.. I., no v . nl 111 n'li.L' A. ft! .n InUfl 1111. consideration the propriety of nominating a tcm prancc candidate for the Legislature at the next Election, a gooJ attendance is requested. JOHN MURRAY, A. KOSS. JAS. G. CRAIGHEAD W. G. KASE, SAMI,. McMAIIAN, Standing Coinmittco. Caution, Caution. TAKE NOTICE, The public in peuernl, but especially llitisc win. suffered by the swiii'tling tipenitioui ofu Hot of itiimpt who, during the ttprintz and Summer of lS'tf were iii'iuHiiousljr engaged in putting up sj culled LIGHTNING RODS. A imw plutse or mode of swind ling h:is leii adopted by the same gang of operator!. It is this. Tlieyure Unveiling about Hie City us well as Ihe Country, selliiifiT wbnt tliey represent to be my magnetic ftniuts, or smit(liing still letter. In some instances tliey mvf siictvwlcd ill gulling tlte unsuspecting by taking off the IVwtT Point and p luring one of llietr vuluuble and lnirhlv imnrovd points in its nliice. 11 ui sltunga to suy, on exaniumtii'ii the new point provtit to be siuulurto those tnkeii down. J hey are in:nt oi rewier, 'L-enu, uopper, Cust uud Wrouuht lion. 8me of Itrnes with zinc Ikiiis. Thert! nmv bo tiiiuiy mire kinds 'fie red to the public, but the above 1 huve been called mi to examine, and l pro nounce them worthlriw. nml worse none at all. There u something strungenhout these fellows: they know noth ne of the former company, ind yet the points they carry lit the tops of the rods exactly, and even the thread of the lie nt rv witliin u few days, and I know I hem to be the same men t int nut un t ie same kiiiq oi rous umt seoiion. ouiv different section, and under dinurent names. Home of these gen I lei nen carry rrxls with them, aiwt will sell either rod, not nt s or lnth. To prevent further fraud. I GIVE NOT1CK to all whom it nmv concern, that U my anents carry with them regular printed forms of agency, duly siaiieu by me, ana cktnowieigeu "y nioennsu rimpwu ui this citv. All orders wholesuleor retail seat to his factory will lie uttenrted to nt tne snoriesr nonce, ana ni rue lowesi cash prices. Weiithervanes. Balls, Senilis, Hpirerods, Vc, Ac. constantly on lumn and muue to ortier. FACTOR Y. Viae St., ulwve V2ih I'liii.ADF.I.tMIlA THUS. ARM1TACE. rhila , June IS, 1?.p3. 3t. I iii i r o e hi c ii t s A h e a d ! ! ELIAS BROCIOUS HEREBY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just received at his old stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver's bowl, An excellent assortment of lCPkOCCO, FRENCH CALF SKINS French Lasting:, And all kinds of linings and Shoe findings, which he offers to tho trade at reasonable prices, He also informs his customers ane others, that he atill continues the Shoemaking business, and ia prepsred to do all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable style, and on renaouablc terms. Sunbury, June 11, 1853. ly. DIS30LTJTI01T. THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of James Taggart & Soa, was, on the 13th day of Jane, 1853, dissolved by mutual consent The business of the firm will be settled by James Taggart, w ho holds the books. Those indebted to the firm are requested to rail and make settlement of their accounts also all persons having claims against the firm are requested to send in their bills for payment. JAMES TAGGART, GRANTHAM I. TAGGART, North'd., June 18, 1HS3 tf. CHAIN rUMI'8. A small number of these excellent pumps have beca received and art ollered for salo by II. B. MASSER. Sunburv. June 4. 1853 BLANK NOTES, waiving the ciemption law of $300, for aale by AprU 20. 18M. H. B. MASSER. OIL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, just received and for sale by 1. W. Sunbury, April 30, 1853 TEA'ER it CO. (TMBRELLAS, Parasols and Fancy Fans, J just received -and fcr sale by Sunbury,.May 14, '83. TENER & CO. : STONE RE Milk pans, Butter crocks, BuUar jars. Jugs, Piuaeive jars, i t-, 4c just received and tor sale by Sunbury, June 18, 183. TENER 4, CO. CELEBRATED. Family 31 cdicincs., IN oflTerins to the putilla the above involnsbls prer, lions, the snbscnW would state that la entwi.lw.lion wilh his f.ieiKls and soms of the most '"P"-' f Mmlleal fncultv. it w s doemed advissWs to oor to ins pW ? a faw Separations of known celebrity, belli pre red with the greatest care, and on th. roost Kptes's. sul'stitute. for the numerous worthiest ar Eel", thil'ar. flooding the country in th. form of panacea, and cur. alls, prepared by the met ignorant end mercena ry persons, intended to cure all disease and good for nie. Head and Reflect. That the Medicine, Manufactured by W. M. Bscxtsv, Including hi. Rose Pectoral lor louona. Cream of Camphor, for llhoumanim. Worm Syrup for Syrup for vorm. vrup I '.Ii, loom ,u.ii. niruwiitp.!-, , i Family Pill., or blood I'urifyeT, have been more etenlve- m l il i. .i. luili ffi.nutf1 mim.. in v ty usou. and hu iva given more saiiefoction, than any oilier Medicine, before the public, being prepareit wmi rrpyu to their usefulness are fully woithy tli "'' ol me ainrci' A few poweiful reasons why the above Medicines sr deserving of universal pationnge. (Ill Ihe P1". thev arc prepared by a reaular 1'hy.lclan, who understands the application of Medicines, to diseases, and eonseqii. iill ( ore oerfcetly s-ife to take. (Heeondly,) they have b-en used wilh universal niocess, and have given more snlisfne tion thnn any other Medicines offered before t he public (Thirdly ) they nre the only medeines that have gained the oatronnce of Physicians, where they have been used j and (FouitMv,) they ore put lip In larger qmiiililic. fol the sumo price, than any other Modicums offered to the public nf th. samo kind. As the aulcrihr lias iitimlmr of certificates in his possession of the highest authority, where thoy hnve hrma used with the most sntufnrtorv re sults. Ho will publish o few of them, feeling satisfied vtliat a tiial will insure their recommendation. I'rytliem and satisfy yourself of their superiority over oil others. Read and be Convinced. We the undersigned having Iveen made nequnlnted with the ingredients enteiing into the Compounds known as Hiekley's Family Medicines also having prescribed mid known them to be used, with most satisfactory rcsnlis ; take pleasure in saying that we believe they fully meet the design for which thoy nre recommended. JAS. STRAWBRIDUI-;, M. U. C. H. I'KICK, M. D. WM. McMAHON, M. TV WF.9I.KY H OHAIHIKART, M D. WM. II. MAOII.I.. M. 1). II R. (iEARHKAKT, M. D. Cure of pain in lm side anil cough from protested Livtr Complaint. Mrs. Rolicrt Adams, tailoring under Chronic I.iver Com pltiiut, nccumpnntcd with n short dry cough pain in the side and breast, gencml debility, loss of appetite, nfter try ing all the usuul rcilicdics rccoiiuueiidcil for coughs and diseases of the chest, who with no benefit, she wns recom mended to try tho Rose Pectoral, from which, she not only derived immediate but permanent relief. John Adams, s..nof Mrs. Robert Adams, wns afflicted with n very severe eough, pain in the side, and soreness pnxluced by iis-essalit'coughing; ho was induced to try the Rose Pectoral. To use his own language, the first dose enabled him to enjoy a good night's rest. In the morning he expectorated nbout half pint of matter. He continued to improve until his cough entirely left him, it also had the cll'ecl of strenghening his breast, which whs naturally weak. He also iys that he has lecommended it tna number nf hisfiiemls' for similar complaints, and in everv case it has given satisfaction. The above persona residents of the town of Danville, feeling that they have derived great benefits from the ose of the Rose Pectoral ; authorizu tho above statement, for the benefit of those wlio mnv be nlllicted in a similar man ner. URF.AT CliRK. Loss of Voice restored with one bottle of Rose Pec toral. Mint Susan Whitlnck, of Rush township, Northumber land co., for a nuinb.-r of years an ii valid, in the full of 150, losi the use of her voice from a sevete cold she con tracti'd ; nfler trying a number nf remedies, with no bene fit, she was entirely restored by taking one bottle of Roso Pectoral, after which, she lost her voice ognin, from a fresh cold she contracted, and wue again restored by the use of another bottle ; she then took four bottles more to streiiL'lheu her breast, from which she derived th. most decided benefit, and tins been in the enjoyment of excellent health from tlmt time to the present. The uboic statement is obtuiued from Iir. rurseti, the Phvuieinti vh i utteiidcd h l also licrnther who thinks that she would not be living ut this tune if it hnd not been for the R.isc Pectoral. Manvillc, Jan. 2.5, lbS'J Still anotln'r Marled Cure EJfsctiid. Mrs Samuel Mcchler, being of a natural wenk nud deli cate constitution, very susceptible to colds, was afHieteit with a very severe cough, pain and soreness of the breast, !si of aonetitc ; nfter using a uumlier of the usual reme dies from which, .he derived no benefit, .he was cured by taking one bottle of Rose Pectoral and is in the enjoyment of better health than for years previous. Danville. Dec. t 1M0. Ds. : l'ormit me to inform you that my wife, who is n delicate and weakly woman, kiboring under a very severe Cough with p"in and soreness nf breast, was m ire quieklv and effectually relieved with one bottle of your Rose Pectoral than any other medicine she bail ever b.kell. AHNKIt M'DRIDi:. Jan. 1SS4. Samuel R. Woods' Furnace, Red Point. Ptbono evidkxcb is tavok ok Tits Rosa Pkctobai. and Kamilt Pills. John Fulncr token between Christmas and New Year lulh a very bad cold, which ended m n dry hard incessant JfhiTi. rniiMiiif. a irreut deal of nam whenever he coughed. t,4''"s lelieved very much : by the was lelieved very much: ny me lime no nan laseu one I...., - third of a bottle, and by the timo it wns finished, wss etv irelv rnrrl. Ilu ul,i mfti thut he hiis tnkeii arvenil dole. ol' tlm lleultli Keabirativi) nr family 1'ilU, nml tliut they nre tliunulileat uiul most eiroctunl puriiuuvee lie nai ever taken. Dimville, Jan 1, Dr. IlicKLKY : UnriiiR a visit to my unwier, in unn. ville, I took a veiv severe Cold, vTlnch ended in a tight html Couiili, with' .)rcnei siiil puiil ol' the brant, lur which I uaed your Kme Pectoral, and Family .Tills, anil lake pleasure iu rectiiimeii(liiit tliein, os the jnildest uud most effectual remedy 1 liave used. Yours, respectfully. Jan. 12fi. 1953. AVhite Haven, I.uzerne co. Dear Sir : As a recommendation for your Kosc l'ect i- rnl, permit me to suy, thut 1 was ettectuully cured of a very severe cough wilh pain in the breust, with less Ihmi halt a botlle, and that I consider it mvuluable. You are at liberty to make this public if you please. JOHN Si-KIUUNU, (Orocer,) Danville, ra. My son Willimn tauorini uuder a severe cough and pain in his side, fiom an injury reeaived by a fall, wus entuely relieved by abolllo of Itose Feotornl k Cream of Cam- rhoi. 1 have also used your Family Pills, and altogether consider them the best I have e-er used. JOAN OVERDOKF, Jn lds-1 Rush Tn.. North'd oi. Dr. Ilieklev Sir: As mv wife wlw was troubled with dry, hard Cough, also anir Stomach, dependent upon llelllllly. Similar hi Uispepsia. was emireiy rruevcu oy using two bottles of your Itose Pectoral, permit me to say tliut I consider it an excellent remedy. Yours, respectfully, lluv mr. n u.nmi. Lutheran Church, Dunville. l'a. Having been cured of a nuin in myurin (similar to ltheu- inalisin) which deprived me of the free use of it for about four months, lie uHinff one bottle of CrealU of t.uiniihor 1 woulj state that I consider It the best remedy ol the kind I h ive ever used in my family, aiuW would Ircely recollllllelld it to others wilh sililllur llflerlions. Voura, resiicetlullv, JO.N A !.! . Rush to.. Nurlta'd co. Mv wife lieing efflietot wilh n very aeveie pain iu hr arm und sir ailder (Die ell eels ol cold) wlnili uisiiuica nei tnitn us inr it. was eureo w 1 tuoim a oi i.reuni iiiut' phor. Mrs. Ulllin, my sister-in-law, waaaUu cured of a evere luiu iu tlie he-id mid face by using the Cream of Camphor TI1U.M AS V. I-.1.L.1!, uanviiic. jail, mi, My wife having Kheuniatism of the nrui lor a number of years, which prevented tier from using il in doing her woik ; lifter having spent a gieat deal ol money ill Irving diiferent remedies ivull no Oeilrlll, was eunreiy emeu oy using oaly one bottle o ymir Crenni ol t.aiiipnor. WILLIAM KVKNS. Minor, foi W. K. Wood, 11. Point Dr. Hiekley : llnving reeeivml u very severe injury in my side by falling offu li-ail of hay, from which I wus una ble to follow my work, was recommended to try a b"ltlt ol Cream Ol ualil'inor, wnien an.irueu ,uuiKiiu,a .v,... (JKil'FlTII CAKit. Hush In., North'd co. Mv wife, aulleriiur from most excrueialiug imin, throughout hei general system, which prevented ber Iruin leeoinir rbeini! oceaaioned bv a long and protracted spell of sickness ,) for which she used a number ut remedies w inn neneui, wus euiifcit iciec -;vi uj .n ui uuiuuuor. ... Surceon Dentin, Danville, Ps Child cured of Bowel Complaint, mid Ague (of two years standing,) by Worm Syriia. M rhild lieinir Mlllicled for the hist two years, with Ilowel Coiiiplaiiit'und Ague until it was reduced to a mere skeleton, I tried a nuinlier of remedies with no permanent benefit, until I gave it a bottle of your worm syrup, Owa udiieli Lime it. Inui lieen well, and iriit uuite fleshy. I also have recommended it to a number of my friends, and in every case it has given saiisiaciion. i,. woi. At Ixiuis ljmes' r.Mereliant, Dunville. I tinvn twit vniir Wnriii Hvmn lu mv family, and con aider it not only effectual, but the most pleasant article I nm .c,,,,,Mil will, JAt:OB l.AISIlhl.H. Danville. Having used your Worm Syrup in my I'uiuily, il helps my children more Una any preparation of the kind, ami is more pleusant to Uke. ua.i "'""' - Mont nir How, Dunville. 1 have had occasion to use your Worm Syrap ia my laiuily, and nreier it to any veriniiuge i nave useu. l-HKll HUH. Krostv Valley. Moiikiur co. Dr. Bickley : Having used your worm Hyrup, and Cream of Camphor and Family Pills in my family, they gave good satisfaction, and 1 consider them the most ef fectual, ajd pleasant remedies, we Dave nan in our ,aiuu, jiiiimh i iiaN r. RISHBL. Danville. Dear Sir : We the undersigned being iu the employ of Messrs. Uroves Coiuly, at w nose sure, you uayean AffMiinv for the le nf vnur Family Medicines, state Owl w huve had an opportunity of knowing the opinions of numerous individuals who have used them, aim that tney give general sntisiactiou. We luv sold a giiutt umny of your rum, waicn are uiuversHJiy nw, y" r 1,M " tlieir oneratioa. liaiiviiie, Attest, W M.KKl'l.Elt, Iluviiur SpurVv nf mv mouth very tail, I wus induced to try a bottle of your Tooth Wash, wliic!iaculilileacliariU naroemng ray gauia, ana rmiuviim an n.. JONATHAN It. R1SIIKU Danville T)i. niikn-iHuviuir wlul wus called ulcemtwt sire. mouth, for winch, 1 Uiod S number of remedies with uo lieuelit : I was et Inst cured by using mis bolllo of your Tooth wash. Mv wile also Uuriuii her confinement, was threatened williaore Hieusla, lumps Iisviiir alnwly loraied, for wbica she ased the l.ream ol camnsor, wuirn scauer. ad litem, therein; preventing her lirensisfnim wdhurui. Near Ijifheran Ch irch, Danville, l'a. Ir Hii klcy. Havinz an opportunity of seeing your Anti-Scorbutic To ah Wash usl iu some very sevsio aa aea of scurvev of the gurus. 1 consular it an excellent reme dy. Yours, reipec""y. OKO. B. BUOWN. , The above mnticinea are for sale Whole aula and Bo tail by W M. B1CKI.KV, M. D , Proprietor, Uanvule Also Foi anle by the followliii Acenta In Norlhuinber laud county, f riling k Uraut, Eunbury t W A. Knobb, Aiuruau: W. Farrow, Rnyderlown Tagiarl, FurmiinSt Barton, Pari una ; Eiusllne St Btrouae, I'sjciik ; Joha Vauxaut, Faxuioa; Hugh Vaatiuo, Paiiul i Ammermau, ftoasel Js Co , Kluunokiii ; Mrs. Jus. Thomas, Bhajnokiu Wm. Faaely, flmok in ; Campbell Kline, Augusta j 8ainuel A. BerKstreaser, Peteraburf ; Jacob LaUKurina, Bear Gap; Conrnd Wenck, Nurthuinberlaud j Jerwnmb t'.rouse. Belinagrovai Josiaa Bnkor, Lswlsburg ; Joha F. Canlowaud Juuathan Zatlers, Miltua , Call on the Agents, and gel a circular cnnlaiiiing a ful deseriptiM of the numerous cures parfoiuied by the differ ent Medicines. Juus 11, tBiJ-ly - . ' j . GEORGE W- ZIMEItMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHIIiADBliPHIA, -CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Or BLINDS, Which for style of finish and worltmnnship at th. lowest prices. " Also TRANSPARENT WHOLESAl, AT MANt'FAC rtHI'.RS " iT MERCHANTS and others are invited I'hiladelphia, August SI, 1852 ly. Live and Help Live!!! Of it Motto. S. N. THOMPSON JTT) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and Jvrl the public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, hindsome and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, M uslins, Vestings, linens, Ifc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin di Lnins, Lawns, Ginghams, lieragcs, Robus, tjC GROCEfUES, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c, &c, Sec. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Fotks, Ac. ftueensware, of various styles and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men) women and children. Hats Caps, &c, of various sizes and slylos. Besides a large and general assortment of fushionablo goods. Call and examine for your selves. CP Country produce ol all Kinds taken in exhange at the highest market prices. .Sunbury, 4 mo. 30, 1853. "Eureka, Eureka." WE .HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. "flkJOW for the little ones. , Why will parents ' wasto hours and days in fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1 We would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and wo will guarantee to make you a perfect picture, by our Ei.KCTno Chemical process, that, works iu from J tn S seconds. We defy any Dnguerrean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as wo are the inveulois, anil tho process is used only in our dif ferent establishments in Now England and the Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver medals we have received from tho American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County fairs, is sullicieut proot that llicy are the iV Plus Ultra of perfection. Wo would call particular attention to our Talbotypca Daguerreotypes in Oil. V. C. Collixs & Co., 11)0 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp den House, Springfield and Collins' Building, Y estlield, Mass. N. B. Our establishment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by Professor HorseforiVs Safety Lamps by Night. "Come and see." Phila., My 28, 1853. ly. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. NORTHERN DISTRICT. Notice S hereby given that the annua! Session ol said Court to commence at sunuury, on the second Monday of July next, will by direction of the Court be then adjourned lo the Inird Monday, at which lime it is also reeled by the Court that all causes lor argument will be taken up and disposed of without delay. til MILKS I LEAS A IN IS, Proth'y S. C. N. D. Prottionotary's Office, Sunbury, June 11, 1853.- ( LIST OF CAUSES FOR ARGUMENT, 1. Bunnell vs Anson, Poller counly 2. Colbitt vs Long & Williston, Tioga 3. Uuisley vs Commonwealth, Clinton Beele vs vs vs vs vs Stitzel, North'd McCarty Knight Lowry Cloinent Huffman, Reighart, Allison Weinier, Lycoming ii North'd ii Lyons Heirs vs Lackawanna R. U Co Susquehanna Norlh'd co , North 10. Nones vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs Clailc Same Loomis Gardiner Bowman Whitman Chadwiuk lloovev. Mi'Kean Same ' Kellogg, Susqueh Keyiislord. " Flvnn. " Montgomery, Luz Clark. " 19. Bush Johnston. Tioga 19. Robinson 20. Carson vs 21. Pardy 22. Yeoman Kupert, Columbia Lumberman! Bank, vs Delrick, rotter ii vs lisxetonl, TioRa 23. Faiiely v Be l- 1 law, North'd 24. Smiths ex'rs vs Wagenselleret al, Union 2a. hame vs 26. Hnmmell vs 27. Cox vs 28. Lycoming co vs 29. Vagoiieller vs 30. Ewins vs Same, Marsh. " Sarlwell, McKean lluling, Lycoming Smiihs ex'is, Union Spencer et al, Tioga 31. Cabel vs Bauhmait el al, North'd 32. Kerlin vs Missel, ' 33 Stephens vs Dimoslc lp., Susq 31. New York Union vs Chittenden et al. M. Ins Co. Susqueh 35. Good et al vs Schooner, Columbia 36. Stale M. Ins co vs 37. Covenbaven v Updegraff el al, Lyo Hart, Sullivan Hope Manufactory. fTIHE subscrilier respectfully informs the people A of Northumberland and Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand and manufactures to order, all kinds' of Boat ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and lines of all kinds, at his establishment in iNortbum berland. RICHARD MVRSIIALL. North'd., June II, 1853.3m. Important to Coal Dealers. rilllE subscriliers hereby inform the public, tha -JL they huve entered into iartuerihiii under tin firm of Kasc, Heed & Co., for tho purpose of mining, shipping and selling, coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along tha Sua. quebauna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prena red, on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and ou the moss, reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin by i KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. ' - ; 85 REWARD! THE above reward will be paid for the discov cry and conviction of every individual fount guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad totniianv. .. . , B V ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, 1853. tl cannot he surpassed, WINDOW KHAD1 Wholesale amf rTctsil DES AND RKED Bl.lNDH PRICES. to call and examine, ANOTHER .EVOLUTION In the Dry Goods Business. J. F. & I. P. IILINU, RESPECTFULLY announce lo their friends ' and ire public in ircnnral. that thev have taken the Old Stand, in Upper Augusta town ship, Northumberland couutv. Pa., former I v nr. cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have lust 1 t T,l.:i ji. I , . rviumcu ii uni x iiuoocipiiia, anu opencu .a Jvcu) and Splendid rfssortmeut of Spring and Summer Goods. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sat tinctts, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Borage do Lainas, Alpacas and shawls. Also a fresh supply of UrocerlCR of all nils, Hardware and Quernsware, Drugs and Medicines. Also a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hata and Caps, iacli as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf and ether Hats. Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highost market price. Lpper Augusta, April .30, 1853. Emporium of Fashion And Gentlemen's Furnishing; Goods- JO UN V. MARTIN, AS RECEIVED at his stablishmant, on Deer street, one door north of C. I. Bruncr's law-office, in Sunbury, the most Splendid and Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been offered iu this place. His stock consists in a great varioty of ' CLOTES, Among which are superior Black, Brown, ureen, (Hioe Claret, Belgium Cloth, French Cloths, Russian black. &.. BLACK AND BROWN CASH MER ETS, macK plain aoe-skrn L assimeres, Summer and (Vinter Cassimerrs, fyc. VESTINGS, Black Satins, (a rich article,) excellent Marseiles tiull, ,Inle, Qrigurcd and Plain,) Figured Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Twaeds, Linens, Cravats. Hoseiry, Plain and Fancy Trimmings, Gentlemen's Collars, Suspenders, &.C., &., Ac. Call and see his assortment of eoods. Ha challenges inspection, and politely invites the public to test their quality by procuring the best and neatest coats, pants, vests, dtc, in the coun try. Et?" A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate situations at this establishment. Sunbury, May SI, 1853. 3m. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNBURY, ELSBERQ & CO., respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county and the public in general, that thev have com menced a new Ulotlung Store in bunbury Pa., opposite the Post Oliice, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street. They are just oneniug a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Satinrtt, Linens, Checked and fancy Lloth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other ests. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Huts and Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in genrrul. AU of which Will be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. 1 lie public tnav rest assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store ia made up well, as one of tlie firm is a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the casli principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia importers oi Ulotn enables us to sell very cheap. Call and ree ; No charge for looking at our Goods. Uur Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly getting fresn supplies. Bunliury. :lay 7, 1R53. Lumber Yard. rTUlE subscrilier would respectfully inform the -- citizrns of Sunbury, and Northuuiterland and adjoining counties, that he has opened Lumber Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of tho .Steam Saw Mill, where he has now a large amount of Seasotitd Pannel Plant also Paunrl Boards, and all other Boards and Bcimixo MiTKKiii, such as will be wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount of Shingles on hand, which vvill be sold from 6 up to fS, according to quality anil size, flease giv us a call and examine our price' and quality. IN. 11. Farmers who are in want of Shingles will please call as we will sell to vou low. J. U. 1.1S1U, Sup, Sunbury, May 28, 1653. ly. WILLIAM PERKINS' Gentlemens Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE. No. 231 CAcjnuf, rfctrtitfoor belou Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on hand full stock of French at.d English Piece Goods, which will lie i.,ad, to ortier at tho Shortest Notice, in the Latent Style, FOR CASH. Phila., April 9, 1853. Gro. 7- 'comeTnd see Tut Sear and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale by Sunbury Apl 30, 53. I, W. TENER & CO. UST RECEIVED Splendid" asaortrhpiit nf Ladies' Dress Goods, couaistinr of Hilli. Mi.- tin da Beraga. Canton Crapa, Silk Poplio, Dot ted Swtaa Lawn Robes, &c, and for sal by Sunbury, May 14'63 TENER & CO. '. RUMMER Shawls, Ready made lautillaa Black Silk and Silk Lara, just received and for sale by, ' I. W. TENER 4 CO. Sunbury, May U, 1853. .1 mm ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with 1? I books, ink, and aU coplel, just rceivcL nd fur ala by H. B . MASTER. Sunbury, Jun. 4, I US. THE ROAD TO HEALTH! HOLLO WAVB FILLS. CURB OF A MnJ? AND VD Cora of a Letter from M.- R, rr. Kirku,, hemt, 7, Prestot Street. Livtrpoil, dutci 6lfcune, 1851. f ' Tn Profcseia Ilm.Lewxv, ia. Yonr Pills and ointment nave sfoml the hiclicst on our aula list of Ptoprietury Medi. iiira for m yeur. a rusinrn,uiwlioml enn refer for any tiiqnaiet, desires rue to let yoa kia.w the particulars of her case. 5he had been troabled foi years wilh a diaordeied liver and bad ingestion. Oa the last occasion however, the virulence t ' " , ' " . T . Si '" "e innsmmntHin set in sr. siiyerely, that donlile were euterlained if her not bemr able to lient up niKler It ; fortiinalely she was induced ti try your Pills, anil she iiiinrnis me that nfter the Brut, and each succeeding dose, sl.e hd great relief, fllie continued to take Ihein, and although she ami only three Boxes, she is now in tlie enjoyment of perfect health. I eenld have sent you innuy enses, but the nbove from the sivaairr or jus attack, mid the srtKDT cure, 1 think, apenka much in. fuvor of your astonmhing pills. 'K"D R. W. KIRKUS. AN EXTRaORHINARV Ci:RK OF IlHF.rMATIO FEVKI1, IN VAN DIKMKN'S I.AX1)! Copy of a Letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, of the st March, 18&V,. by Anor J. Welch. Marg-nret M'Connlgnu. nineteen years nf nge, rcsiilinc ta New Town, hiul been sulTerutg frin a violent rheumatic fever for upwards of two mouths, which bed entirely de prived her of the ur-e nf her limbs ; during this period she wns uurler the enre of the most eminent metlicAl men in Jtobart Town, and by I hem her cawe wns considered hope less. A Irienii prevailed upon her to try HoHowir) : cele brated Pills, which she conftcntc! tiv liti) and hi an iucredl ble short ace of time lliey elTccted a perfect cura. CURE OK A PAIN AND TIGHTNESS IN TUB CHliST AM) STOMACH OK A PERSON 84 YEAHSOK ASE, From Mesrrs Thew If Son, Pioprietori of the Lynn Advertiser, who can vouch for the m following statement. August 2nd, 1851, To Piofessor HollowaT, Sir, 1 desrra to bear testiinrory to tha rondj clfecrs of Holloway'e Pills. For some yen re I sollered aeVMtly trom a pain and lightness in the stomach winch wns also accom panied by a shortness of breath that prevented me from walking aboat. 1 am M years of age, and rotwithstanding my advanced state of life, these Pills have so lelieved mc thot 1 am desiroas tnel others should lie made acquaintea with their virtues. 1 am now rendered, by their means. comparotvcly active, ond cnu take exercise without incon venience or pain, winch I aouid nut uo neire.. (Bigncuj iift.Mir -r.. North stieet, Lynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are vondetfulty iffita- cwus in the Jollowmg temptmms. Ague Dropsy Asilma Dyscntnry B lious Cotnplaitits Krysiiielas Inflammatiosj Jnundica Liver Coni- pluiuts Lumbago files Rheumatism Itelention of Urine Scort'ula or Kiiik's Kv.l See.iiT;iiV otches on the Femsle Irregn 8km larities Be we Compluhrts Fevers of all Colics kinds Constipation of Fits the Bowels Gout Consumption Head-ache Debility Indigestion Sore Throats Stone and Gravel Tic Douloureux Tumours tyniI)tonis Icera Venereal Affeetions Wormsof ai! liinda Weakness, from whntever aiuae Arc, Ac. old at the Establishment of Pruiew -r iiot iiwaT, 211, Strand, (near Temple Bur, l."mVm.) ami by all respectaloo Dsuccists and Dealers in Meilieiues thror.ijli:ut llie Itritish inpire, & those of Ihe United Mates, in ii .xes at 3 ",c, ' .ana si auc. each, wnoiesnie ny me jjrmwi :ii inug Tf. a in the Union, and by Messrs A. B. ill. Pands, tt" Yoik, There is a eonsidernble saving by taking the luririr . fiirections for the guidance of patients iu every e'iier are affixed to euch box. October S3, IHS'1, ly. NORTHUMBERLAND Select School foi Girls. Under the Care of Miss E- Calvin. INSTRUCTION will be given in the ordinary English Branches, Physical, Sciences, Alge bra, Geometry and Languages. A Session will consist of twenty two weeks, Second quarter to commence on the 13th of June. Teiims. Orthography, Reading, Writing Com- ' position, Geography, English Grammar and Arithmetic per quarter. . 83,00 With any additional English study, $4.00 Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, $5,C0 Music, Tainting, and Drawing, each sepcrate and at the customary rates. ltefcrcnces. Dr. R. B. MCay, Northumberland. D. Tagtrart, Esq., Hon., Joseph Casey, New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M'Kinncy, Ed. Tres. Banner Phila. H. O. M'Guiro, A, M., Principal of Central Institute, Philadelphia. Northumberland, May 21, 1853. 3m. J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) No. 104 Chesmut Street, Sicaim's Building. PHILADELPHIA. EXTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, and Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale or llallet, Uavis Si Co'a (Boston) lVi t.iT Si'srcssiox Batuos Aeolian and other PIANOS, L, Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Mclodeons, Martin' Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c., &c. ' . Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise, with any music they nay wish, at as low rates as If purchased In person. Having one of tha largest slocks in the United States, I feel conlident of satisfying all who may fevor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied ch the most liberal terms. Pianos to let, Second-hand Piano for sals. Philadelphia, April U, 1853. ly. LATE ARRIVAL OK CHEAP . Spring and Summer Goods. mXLING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customer. - and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened tlie best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consist of every variety of Dry Goods, Viz ; Co(tj, Cassimeres, Satlinets, Vestine. Flannels, H'vllens, $V, And all kind of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, CaJtcofs, Ginghams, Chinttn, Dt La-nes, Berages, ' And every variety 0f gooits anituWe fo- U tlitj wear. Also an extensive aswiMmi'iit u! IUts and Caps yon Men- isd Hnn. ; Al a large assortment of UOl EUltU. BtTH AS bugar.leCottW, I:..!as.s, Sid'cv : vf all !;int!s. Also a large aranttrr.rnt of HARDWARE and GtUIENSWAI?.?!, Fish, Salt Piaster. Also a tresh supply ot DRVOS ANlJ MTI 1CI;.'F3. Uesidea the largest and hiom -t-n.;.i! as,--, ment of all kind of good to te ha.! i-?V.n place-, . ; . IV Country produce of all kinds bWi an ta -changa at the bigheat market psjet, , Sunbury, April 30, 1853. , ' ' - MhaleOil, WUiuLead. LinseidOU aui Turpentine just wis d and fat al by i Sunbury, May '53. TLMiSt CO. y U,.c0a. lV,- arK)AK, Siuibiiry. May H, la. , pilEAtll Cloth. K.acy VeHiusi w.j Ca mt juat leceivtid and fjr w Eunbury, May H, 'J3S fr"