Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 25, 1853, Image 3

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THE Fourth of luly U fast approaching arid
t will it th idatlt of all y eunf gejlsnt to
"please their ladies. To nil tack we woulJ r
commend the proptlety of first purchasing a auit
ef fsshioaahle clothing such as can ba got at
RockhiU fc Wilson's Clothine- Store. No. Ill
Chaanut street, corner 6f Franklin Place, PhiledeU
' Phlladelpnla, Not- .' 185$ Aly. CW. ", ,
4 tJOtT,
nr. Philadelphia Market '
""' " June 22, 1853,
Flock and Msm.. The Flour market is
uiet ; the export ile.naml is limited nt $4 621
tor Western; and for fresh ground 84 73.
Kale for city ntw within 4 he above range of
price. Hye Hour and Lorn Aieai are uuti,
(ha former is he!d at $3 75; ales of the lat
ter at $2 62i.,, '.'''
GiuiN.-Thcre is a good demand Tor Wheat.
Sale of prime Penna. red at 120o; Penn.i.
red ia worth 111118 Sales of Rye at 85o.
Corn it dull sale of 1000 bushel ynllow at
lo. and. white at 57e. Penn. Oatt are
worth 43i. Southern sell at 41 lo.
Whiikct. Sale of bbl. al.23c, and fchda
at 22cenU. .p .., :,,,. 7
Baltimore Market ... -
;r:(V,",:i- .- , .., . jutm-so;-
i GRAIN.-.Small parcel of red Whea'
were told to day at 100 a 105 els. for par
cels in flood order. Small sales of hi!e
Whealt at 112 a 113 cts. About 10,000
bushels of Corn were ofTored to-day at the
Cora F.xchange, and told at 51 a 53 cts. for
white, and 38 cts for yellow. There was a
good demand for Corn, but yellow was rath
er scarce, and Ihrt samples offered were not
atrictly prime. ' Sales 'lo Pennsylvania Rye
at 85 a 86 cts, whirtos:a decline. We
quota Virginia and MalaHd Oats at 35a33
cts., and Pennsylvania, a't 40,a 41 cts.
WHISKKV. The stock is lijjbl and prices
are already, at 73 c!s fur bbls., and Si cts.
for hhds.
Wiut. j ; ' 100
Rva. -.'' . 76
Coax. - ' . 61
Oats. . ',. 44
Potatoes, , 25
Rottkm. -12
Kaes. . ."- 10
Piiaa. ..... 8
Flxxssxu. - - 125
Tstiow. '.... -10
Bkkswax .23
HiCKtxn Flix. - 12
Delta Arm. ... . 80
Do. Pkaciks. 100
Fiak 17
New Advertisements.
; ; ; A. Farm for Sulc.
AValusbte Farm situated in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland oounty, laying
along the Shamokin creek, about four miles and a
half Iroro the borough of Sunbury,
will be sold on the 23d day of August, by the
heirs of Samuel Colp, sen., deceased, at private
.About 120 acres of this land are cleared and
in a good state of cultivation, the whole having
bean limed once over. The improvements are
two story .
Jin A a bam, a waggon house, and two orchards
of choir fruit.
The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad pastes
directly through the centre or it, likewise the
public road leading from Sunbury to Petersburg.
Any persons desiring to purchase a good Farm,
void of hills and stone, with good water, and well
in with clov-r, will Cud this to couiport Willi
their wishes.
For full particbiarc, apply cither personally or
by letter to tbe subscribe,- at the larm.
Upper Augusta twsp., June 18, 1853. ts.
THE undersigned takes' this method of thank
ing his friends lor their liberal patrunoge,
and informs them he has taken the old stand
lately occupied by James Tsggart & Hon, where
be will be prepared at all times with a large sup
ply ol goods, consisting of
VESTINGS, (to. ";
of every description.
(roecrles, Cueenstvare,
Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Fish, 4C-
Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms,
and hopes by a strict attention to business to
merit a continuance of their patronage.
. North'dl, June 18, 1853. tf.,
V; 'Temperance Convention will be held at
i- Northumberland, on Monday, trie 4th day
of July mxI, at 10 o'clock, A M.,to into
, consideration the propriety of nominating a tem
perance candidate for the Legislature at the next
Election, s go I attendance is requested.
-i i ' JOHN MURRAY, '
i A. ROaS.
. W.G. KAJE,
. b A ML. McM A H A N
f : Standing Committee. '
. Caution, Cuution.
rflAKE NOT1CR, The public ht gnleral, bat specia:iy
tLose wlio auflerod by the swuittluix oprutiuu ui
t ek scsmps who, during tlc Coring siuTttummer uf 16.$
wsrs imtuftriinislr ciigay.'tf iu quiring op so cjitlcd
IJUHTNINU HODS. A uew pkasaor rooJ of swuid
line bits been a4ited by '.be some tang ol operators. It
is this. Tbevue traveHrfit sbout ths Dily as well as l he
Country, ssllnic what tb'T reprssaiU is ban magnetic
points, or sumetuuuj still belter. In sunie lustnira they
have saacetsdsU is gulling tke unauspetuiig bv using oil
ik Putr Huint and Diucinf one nf their v&luuuie and
kigblf improved points in it pkuw. Buk strange tu my,
on caarauiauoii the new point nret to be similar to tbuw
bkas4wa. They are mads of Peurtor, 'Lead. Copper,
fjtmL ami Wronikt Iiou. aVunauC Brass with sine bums.
There mar be many inre kinos WTcred bi the psblie, bat
fh iiiinil have beeu called oa tn examine, and I pro-
Baunea Ibess trotthleas, and worse lhaa wine at all Theis
.nhiux atrauaa about tueee (aUnava: they know iolk
ng of the f"f mcr e nauauy, utd yst ths putiiu they carry at
Visions of theMds exactly, sn1 even the thieaJ of the
M.MI uthcaaaia. 1 have conversed with Awn of these
entry within a lew stays, Slid I know them In be ths sums
men inv yui i" . ' '
im . iMVrmt aectinn. and aiuicl dittereat names. Some '4
. these gentlemen carry rds with them, and wilt sell either
soils, points or both. To prevent further fraud, I GIV E
jToTlCK tn all whom it may enuccru, that si my ag aula
enrry with thera regular printed forms of syency, duly
situed by ma, and acknowledged ky alderman Simpson at
this city. AS orders wholesale nr leuii sent to his factory
will be eUeudrd I" at ths shortest notice, and at the unreal
essa prices. wesinervanea, nune, w't
Ar . Ac . constantly on nana ana mane to oraer.
FACTORY, Vios St.,' abv. IM. PHII.ApKt.PIMA
fhlta.Jansli, IBSS.-lt.
1 nip r ore me n Is Ahetid!
- elias tihdcXotrs
itKim Inform bit friends and the public
M-M. gaaerally. thai he has just received at his
eld tafld, ia Market street, opposite Weaver's
botes, 1 1 " '
A ezulltnt mtorlmenl of '-
lEENqn CAI4F ;8.KI.NB;
And dl hinds oflininp and Shot finding,
asnlch It onto to th trad at reqhl F
)U slso informs bis cusMuors an Utert, thai
kVattll eonttnuw lb 8bomktiif bosinssa aad
U prepared la da ail kind t work, in (ood and
faJtUOMQM iyis, ana on
fjll.jrv, Jwie II; lS53-ly.
' El330LiTTI01T.
THS partnership fit'retofore existing ander the
firm f Jssiss Tanirsrt &. Son. was, oa the
13th day of Jane, 1853, dissolved by mutoe
eonsanL The business of the firm will b tattled
by Jrfmet Taagart, who holds the book ,
Those indebted to the firm mra requested to
call and mske settlement of their accounts also
all person having claims sasinst the firm are
requested te send in their bills for payment.
North'd., June 18, 18.13. if. ' V '
Venders and Retailers of 1-oreigii and
Domestic merchsndixe, wiUiin ths county of
Northumberland, will take notico thst tuey are
assessed and rated by the epprsiscr of mercantde
taxes, for the year 1833, as follows i ,
irifis Toicnthip. -
ft'llSO. " , " CLASS.
Amos 1 . Miscl. liquor 13 $15 00
George P. Ksmp. liquor 1 10 60
Roup & Savsrje, liquor 13 .13 00
- Delaware Township.
Ocntlcr tt Piper, 12
Haves & McCormiek, 12
E. L. Piper, 13
13 60
10 00
7 00
10 50
Ludwig St Rank,
Jonas Wolf, liquor
Milton Borough
Xsgle, Wingate, & co., liquor
Murray, Goodman cV Moodie,
Seth Cadwalladcr & son,
William lleinen,
Frymire V Stout, liquor
Charles I. Engle, liquor
A. W. Comly, '
Thomas Swenk,
Isaac Drown, liquor i
U. K. Haag,
George Corrcy,
Joseph Angstadt, 1
John F. Caslow,
Jonathan Zellers,
1 O
15 00
10 00
7 00
20 00
18 75
15 00
13 50
15 00
7 00
7 00
, 7 00
7 00
7 00
3 SO
Rhan & Chapcns, .
A. & W. Gray,
3 0
3 50
3 SO
3 5i
7 00
7 00
7 00
13 50
7 00
10 50
10 50
10 50
J. & M. Yount,
John M. Woods .
D. Krauscr,
ChiUsquaque Tovnskip.
Adam Conrad, 14
James Reed, 14
Keller tt co., 14
Point TWnsAi'p.
Samuel R. Wood, 13
Rush Township.
John B. Shlpman, 14
Upper Mahanoy.
Daniel Hcim, liquor 11
Daniel Iscuhart, liquor 14
Gideon W. Snyder, liquor 14
ShamoLia Township.
Snyder & Zimmerman, linuor 14
10 53
10 50
10 50
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
Hugh H. Vastine, liquor
Win. Farrow, liquor
John Yanzant, i
Taggart, llarlon If co.,
Dcrgntrcsscr Si Huff,
Hnmuel John,
W. G. Kasc,
- Upper Augusta
J F. & I. F. Kline, liquor .
Northumberland Borouyh.
Marks B. Priestley, liquor 13 15 00
James Taggsrt dj- son, liquor 13 15 00
James Taggart, jr., liquor 13 15 00
Wm. T. Forsyth, .iquor 13 15 00
S. U. D'Enormandie, 14 7 00
Wm. Elliott, liquor 14 10 50
Marv McCay, 14 7 00
Conrad Wenlt, 14 7 00
M. J. D. Withingtuii, liquor 14 10 50
Jacob tciert, liquor 14 10 50
Sunbury Borough.
Friling & Grant. 13 10 00
Henry Masscr, liquor only ' 3 50
John Uuyers if co., 14 7 00
E. Y. Bright if co., 13 10 00
Benjamin Hcffner, 13 10 00
John Young, liquor 14 10 00
S. N. Thompson, 14 7 00
I. W. Tener & co.. liquor 13 15 00
George Bright, li 10 00
Ira T. Clement, liquor 14 10 50
P. W. Grav, 14 7 00
R. Fagely t, co 11 7 00
Albert EUuerg, 14 7 00
Lower Augusta.
Jacob Weiiner, liquor 14 10 30
Hcilncr o Knobb. liquor 14 10 50
J. R. Kaufman, liquor 14 10 50
Jacob Krelis, liquor 14 10 5(1
Wood, M'Donnel 4 Clark, 14 7 00
Lower MahaAoy.
Andrew Ditty, liduor 14 10 50
George Brosious, 14 7 00
Witnier & Dockev, liquor 11 10 50
Elias Weist, 14 7 00
J JacAsoft.
Wm. Deppin, liquor 13 15 00
Win. Cares, liquor 14 10 50
Israel Carl, liquor 11 10 30
Little Mahano.
Wm. Rotlievmel, 14 - 7 00
Jordan Toirnship.
John Wert, liquor 14 10 50
Josbh SiwarU, 14 7 00
Cameron Toirnship.
Charles R. Wciklc, 14 70
Helming i Houpt, liqu-r 14 10 50
Coal Township.
Amuiernian, Kosser & co 14 7 00
Kase. Reed 4-co., 14 7 00
R. Fagely & co., 13 10 00
M'Gisn & Barry, 14 1 00
Benjamin, Gondcr A. Co., 14 7 00
r.iiutiiie & Strouse, 14 7 00
Zerbe Township.
EJ. Hclroiistine, 13 10 00
Isaac ..iacr; 14 7 00
Pldsoss CKOssrnix sivno 11 rixr Midi-
ASSSkStS as sollows:
.' t: ' Milton Borough.
John F. Caslow, ' '4th class,
Jonathan Zellers "
$5 00
5 00
Dctatrur Township.
Htyes 5t M'Cormick, 4th class,
Lrifii (otfnsfci.
AinosT. Biscl 4 th class,
$5 00
85 00
Ptetoxa subacid i ancTirTiae and skLiiae
. Waisail 19 TIB COl'BTT.
Milton Boroueh.
Jobu Kobr, 10th class, $5 00
Bophary Denco, " 5 CO
Btia Horsia a Dtsia Ckllabs 1 tbb
Milton, Borough.
C. rUtne, Ibiuor eib Clsss $8 60
David Waldron, liquor 8 50
Joseph Eckbert, 5 00
Wm. Slrine, I 00
C.Msikes, " 0 00
'(?:. iv"ortiim6rJani Borough.
Henry Wenck. liquor , 8th class, , 8 0
4..i., .'.4 1 .1 . aVstMsWry Borough.
Bimon Marti, liquor 8th clsss, f 8 SO
Philip Brvmire, liquor , . M 8 60
Charles Gerrlnger, liquor ' M . 8 60
Bwas witsiH ts CscHTr, . :
Milton. ' 1
Georga Baker,, 0th class, 8 00
Aa appeal will be bald at th Commissioners
Office, In Sunbury, en Saturday, th t5lb day of
Jane Beit, at 10 'clock, A. M.. at which tits
and place those interested May Uesid 1
, , US. P. BAPR. '
Mcrcantilo Ap tatscr
June 11, 1S53
! F a m i 1 y M c d i c i h c s . '
IX oorinf to ths publle the above invaluabm prcpara.
tlone, th" subscriber would state that in e.isuiuittm
with his n lends and some of the nvjst respectable of the
medical faculty, it was deemed sdvisal.le to atvt to the
public, a few preparations of knows celebrity, beine: pre.
pared with the greatest cere, and on the most arientiBc
Drluciptee, ss subalitules for the numorous worthless sr
tides that are B.Kllng ths eoitry in ths form of tunaceas
and outs alls, prearcd by the most iguorant and mciceiut
ry persons, tulondod to cure all diseases and got d fjr none.
j Read and Reflect.
that Hie Medicine. MsmifsMored by t. M. BsciLlY,
lududuig hia Koaa Paetural for Coughs. .;. t ;
Cieain of Camphor, for Ilhcuinatisia. . (
Worm flyrup for Worms.
Tooth Wash, for decayed !, illsse.1 gums. '
family fills. nrbi)d Huiifver, haveben more esimielve
IV uaed, sud have given m ire satiafut-lion, than any other
Medicluea Wfors the public, being prepared with rrftird
to llieir usciuiiiesa aic fully wottiiy the trial vf ths aiUict
ed. Oivc them a trial. '
A few poweil'ul roaaona why the alwve MoJicinea are
deserving of uiiiv'araul fialioiisge. (In the first pLuie,
tticy are prepared by a regular Physician, who unOeralanus
the spplicntion of iMeriiciueR, to diseases, snd conseqtirnU
sre Derfrctly safe lo tukc. (Scrondlv,) ilicy have been
uaed with universal success, and tiave aivca more antisi'ac
tlon than any other Medicines ndered before ths public
(Thirdly ) they sre the iniy mcd.ciues that havs gained
ths itnttonneo of i'hrsiciuua, where they have boon used
and (Fourthly,) they sre put up in larger quantities for
lbs sams price, than any other Medicines uflered to the
public of the same kbd. As the suhicribcr ba a number
of certifioates in his possession of ths highest authority,
where they have been used with the mst satisfactory ro
nlla. Ho will publish a lew of them, lectins aatitded thut
a trial will insure their recommendation. Try tlinn and
silisfy yuurself of their supuriority over all others.
Rend and be Convinced.'
We the nndersiyned having been made nrqiminteJ with
the ingredient cntriing into the Compound knmvii as
Bickley's t'smlly Medicines also having prescribed and
known llicin to be used, with most satisfactory results;
take pleasure in saying that wc believe thvy fully meet
Ihu design for which thev are recmmeiidetl.
WKS1.KY II f!K.nHt:AKT, M B.
WM. H Matt,l.. M V.
Curt el' pain itith aiJt and rough from protetUd
Ijivtr Complaint.
Mrs. Itubert Adams, lahnrinif under Chronic Uvcr Core
pbiint, aecnmpnnied with a short dry t-fiugh p:iia tn the
aide snd hres.'t. genend drbility. Lies o'f appetite, sfler try
ing all the tmiul remedies rec.imineiidcd for couplis and
diseases of the rhent, vho with no benefit, she was recom
mended to try the Rose Pectoral, from winch, she ii't only
oerived imnieaiate rjtii wnnanem reiit-t
3rtn Adums, son of Mrs. Robert Arlnrpi, was sfflicled
with n very ae ere cmgb, pain in the side, and soreness
protlncr.-l by itict'aiit e-nilntig; he ivaa imluccd to try
(he Rose t'eiMonil. To use his own lainrunpc, the fimt
dose rn:iblt-d him to enviy a gotd nifrbl's it:'.. In Ihe
111 wiling he expectorated nboul half pint of matter. He
continued to improve until hiacMig-h entirely h-ft bini, it
also had the edectof streinihciiing hia btcast. which was
lintnrally we:lk . lteal.Ki;s that he has l ccoinruended
it to a auuilicr 01" biafiicinla for siinikir cumplaitns, and
in every cane it h.-is given aatisiiicrion.
Tbeab tvc pers ins residents of the totvu nf fVanvillc,
feeling lhat tln-y have derived great bcnelits from the. u
of the It.iBft I'ecl'iral : anlh.iiiz the flbive siitleilienl, for
the hcneiii of those vvhoin iv be nnlii-u-il in a sliniUn uuui
ncr. imi-.At cum:.
Loss of Voice reston J without lultle of Rose Tee
iortti. MisaSusnu Whiil-ick. of Uuah tiwnsliip, Northambcr
bind co., for a mnnbir ol yeara an ii valid, in the lull f
la50, lost the use of her voice from a sevete cold she con
tracted ; after trying a nnnitarr of remedies, with no bene
fit, she was entirely restored by taking one b Kile of Rose
I'ectoral, alter which, she lost her vice aeaia. from a
fresh cold she contracted, and was again tailored by the
use of sn other bottle she then took four bottles more to
strengthen her breast, from whieh site dsiived ths moat
decided benefit, and has been in the enjoy tueiit of i-xccllcnt
health from that time to the present.
The ah ae statrinmt is obtained fnm l)r Pitrsrll, the
rhysician vh 1 attended her; a!si her ni liter who thinks
that she would u t be bvuig at this turn- if it had not bceu
foe the R I'ectoral. Danville, Jan. 43. lrC4
Srt'M auothrr Marled Curt ICffeeteJ.
Mrs Sjraael rVchler, buiag of a naturrl weak and deli,
cate c iuaii:u:i ai, very sasccptible to e, was aMiicted
with a very severe cough, pant snd soreness of ths breast,
tt of sppetite ; sfler using a number of the usual reme
dies from which, she derived 110 benetit, she was cureibby
taking one butleof Hose Pectoral and is iulbc enjoyment
uf better hesllh than for years previous.
Danville, Dee. 1 IbiO. '
Du. Hicsusv : Permit me to inform you lhat my wife,
who is a delicate and weakly w man, lab ring under a
very aevere Cough with piiii aad a feoess 4 breast, was
miraquiekly and elfeeiually relieved with one bHtle of
your uose I'cct.a'ai thsn any oilier medicine ahe had ever
taken. BNKK M'HUIDK.
Jan. lBoJ. Samuel 11. Woods Furnace. Red P int.
Stbo evicincx in rvos or tea Koas I'sctosal and
r'iLT Pills.
JohnFutner taken between Christmas and New Year
with a very bad cold, which ended in a dry hard incessant
Cough, csusing a great ileal of pain whenever he coughed,
was relieved very much; by tbe time be had taken one
third of a bittle. and by the lima it was finished, was en
tirelv cared Ifc slsa s-ivt thnt he liu Liken several d s
ol trie Health ItesbKutlva or h'amilv Pills, and lhat Ihey
are the mildest and injsl tlTectual puih'alivcs he has ever
taken. Danville, Jan t, lbOS.
Da IIk-slit : During a visit to my brother, iu Dan
ville, I took a veiy sevete Coal, which euded in a tight
hard Coush, with soreness and paiu of tbe breast, tor
which I used your Roue Pectoral, and Family Pills, and
bike pleasure in recommending them, aa the mildest and
most effectual remedy 1 have used. Yours, respectluUy.
Jail 23, 165-J. AVhilc llav-en, Luzerne co.
Dear Sir : As a recommendation for your Roae Pecto
ral, pel nut me I suy, that 1 was iiK-ciually cured of a
very severe ciaicli with pain in the breast, with lesa Ihsu
hall a bottle, and lhat 1 consider it mvaluubie. Yuu aie
at liberty lo make this public if you please.
My son William laboring under a severe cough and pain
in his side, fiom an injury received by a fall, was cnlutly
relievtd by a bottle of Rose Pectoral A; Cream of Cuin
plioi. 1 have also used your Family Pills, and nlt'igelhcr
I c insider uiem tbe best modecines i nave cer usea.
Jan. la'j. Rush Tp., North'd co.
Dr. Uieklcv : Sir: Aa my Wifu who was troubled
with dry, hod Cottgb. aisj s mr !$loniMvli, dependeut upon
debility, similar to Diepapsia. was entirely relieved by
using Ivvo bottles ol your Kosc reetorul, pcrrull rac W say
tliat 1 cousnici it un vn riiuiit rcuieity.
Yours, mepacifuliy, Rev Mr. WIl.I.ARD.
t'ast n i.uLlietan Church, Dauvillo. Pa.
Hnvinc been cured is a paiu in nivalin (similar lo Rheu
malism) which deprived lue uf the free use of it for about
four months, tiv U4iue one b -tile of Cicum of Camphor
1 w uU stale that 1 c aisider it the bet remedy of the
kind 1 have ever usud in my family, snd 1 woukl ireeiy
rcCMnmeuij u to ouiurs with slmilur aueeuoiis.
Yours, respeclluilv, JONAS W Ol.h .
Hush in., North'd co.
Mv wife being elflictrd with s very sevcie psin in her
arm sud shoulder (lao eiTcusof colli) which disabled her
Irom using il, vvss cured with ruljulnu ol cream ol caui-
pb r Mrs. F.lQin, my sistcr-iii-biw, wassisi cured of a
severe paiu in the head and face by Ubbiif the Cteain of
Camphor 'J ilUMA S C. hl.Ll.S. Danville. Jan. W, 'M.
My Mils having Ulieuiuallslu ol Ihc arm lor a number
years, which prevented In-r from using il in doing ber
woik I after having S'a-nl a gieal deal ol ui aiey in trvuig
diderent rcinclis Willi no benefit, w:is cnurcly cured by
uainr ontv one lyittie if vour irva:n ol v.ainilior.
a ' . ,i i... l - c l, t If
W 11. 1.1 1 .11 bl r.- t IIII, 1P j7. I,. IHJU, IV. IIIIIV.
Dr. Hieklev IJavniL' recetveil a very scveru iujurv iu
my side by railing oft a 1 ail of h-iy, from winch 1 was unu-
b!e to follow my woik, wns recoinuicmleJ to try a b tUc
of Cream uf CamplKK1. ivlnch all orded imiuctliate rebel.
uKir v iTH CAKlt. Rush tp., Aorlb'd CO.
My wife, suileriiie fiiuu most excruciating pain.
thriajhoot hel general ais'.em, which prevented ber from
anyini (being laxasiotied by a long and prolructcd spell
is nciitts;) itr wtiicti sue used s number ui reuicuies
without la-iicEt. was cntirclv rebeved by ttt use ul Cteuru
of Cu:ai.bor. libo. B. lllltVN.
rvjrgeon ueulist, uuuvilie, rn.
Child cured of Rowel CoinpUnii. uud Ague (of iwo years
Ktauilinci by vvormnyrup.
My child I tins uiiiaud l 'i lbs luU two years, with
II ivvel Comolaim und Aue until it wua reiluccd to a mere
skelct.ui, I liiul a uuiiibij' of remeilins with ll'l periuaneut
beiH'lit, imiil I gave it a li illla ol your Worm Hyrup,
since which tuna it bus bceu well, and girt sjuile desby.
1 also, nave rccoium, aiKa it to a number ol iny irteiats,
oud in svery case a has ven sausiaetbai. D. t.hvl.
. . ' .v iiuis vatnas aieceiiniN,! imuviiw.
t have used your Worm hnun iu my family, said m m.
sidcr it lli't ivnl crfccluul, but the moat pltauwnt aitu-ls t
am ncounniei: Willi 1 tl'OH I.SblltlA, Itaiiiville.
Having used your VVonn tvyrup in my family, it bels
my cliiUUeu more than auv pivparalion oi itie kind, and is
ru no pleuunt to lake. DAN .MtiitUA.N.
M ait air Row, Danville.
1 have hart occasbai to nse your Worm Uyrup in my
familv, and prefer it to say Vermifuge 1 bat cd.
FltKD. HUU, Frosty Valley, Montour e.
Dr. Bickley: Having used your wotui rtyrup, and
Cream of Cumphi.r and Family Pills in niy fumily, tbey
?ave goiat satisiaction, and 1 consider tbcin the most et
eclual, all plcaaniit reineitles, we have had ill our family.
Dear 8tr We ths undersigned being in ths employ of
Messrs. Groves It Comly, nt whose store, you have un
Agency for the sale of your Family Medicines, slate that
we have haJ aa opportunity of knowing tba opinions uf
numerous maivinuaia wno nave luvtn tncin, ana tuat Uicy
gtvs general aaiisiucin.n. v a nave suu a great many m
your IMU, which are uuiversally liyed. beine very mild iu
Iheir operation. w. l.i:isKHIG,
Danville. Attest. W M. KtPl.F.It.
Having ecurvy uf my miiUi very laid, I wns induced lo
tryaoKtiooi your luuin ivasii. wincna.neu nice schawl,
bardeuini my gums, and remnviue ull diseuse.
JONATHAN K. niSllKI.. Dnnville
Dl. Bickley: llsvins what wis called ulcerated sirs.
mrHith, for which, 1 tried a uu rubor m remedies with no
benefit : I was si last enrol by using ous bnttls ol your
Tooth wash. My wife elai during ncr a oilncmenl, was
threatened wilba re Urensls, lumps having alivdy tunned,
for which she used ths Cream of Camnhor, which seatbsn
so uuua, uiersuy pravanuiig ner aristsia irom saibaring.
N'ksr Latkarsn rhltri. Dsuiville. Pa. . . .
Dr. Bickley ilavina an opportunity of aeaing yoor
Aalf-8hatia Tn Mb Wash used In smri very severs ea
ses of scurvev of th iraias, I s insider it an txcelhut raras-
ay t oars, rsapscUully, . GEO V. BROWN.
Ths sb-ws medicines are for sale Wholesale and Re
tail hy W M. BICKLEY, M. D , ProprisVK, Danville
Also Fes sale by the fotlowtif Asenu in Norlhaml
kunt eooutv. r riling OrsrsI, ftunburv W A. Kwibb,
AucuslSi W. Farrow, taiiyderlown : Tsieart. PanaanA
Barvw, Paaions) Einaliue A Atrnuee, Vasoviei John
Vsusaat, Faain i Moh Vaatlas, P.iia j AmssarsnM,
Koassf A Co , 8hsm okini Mrs Jas. Thosnsa, Soars kia 1
Was. Fsfely, lriamkini CampheU St Kline, Auensta)
Kaiauel A. Bersslresw, PeUrshurjj JaoeA lleWbi,
Bear Osai & Wsoelt, Nia-Uarahesiejs JresiV
Crouss. tMiast-rovsi Josi.h Bshsr, Uwubulsl Joaa F,
Caslowsnd Jouaihan Zellees. MlHoa, . i
Call oa Iks Aseoia, aad (et a circular eontnlntiuj a full
veecriiMis ui use atsouus m.ii sri.'inssa I'y to aatur-
eiu .seeiiee.
Juuslt, t:o- ly
I Snprem Cetrt of Pennylv(Uii. j ;
': Notice ' '
IS hereby glfeo that the annua! Session ot
said Court to commence at Sunbury. on
the ffcond Monday of July next, will by
direction of l ho Court be then iljmirnoJ lo
the (in d Monday, at which limn il is also
directed .by the Court thnt all causes fur
argument vi!l be taken up nud disposed ul
fcnhout dolay.
. y.. . n Piolb'y S. C. N, D,
Prothonotary's Office, . I ,,.
Sunbury, Junu 1 1, 1833.-S
1. liiiniicll ;, v Anson, roller cnunly
2. Colbitl
3. Qmuley
vs Loiisj tt Williston, 1 inyH
' ... r -..i.u r,u.......
vs Cuiiimoiiwrulih
4. Beele
5. McCarty
6. Knight
7. Lowfy .
8. Clement
9. Lyons Heirs
Stitzel, Noith'd
llufTitikn,' Lycuiniu-j
Reiharl, "
Allison Nnith'd
Wcimor, . "
Lackawanna R. U Co.
' 1 Snsquehariim
vs North'd cu , Nonh'd
vs . liouvey, McKeau
vs Same . '
vs Keilooff, . Susqueh
vs Rnyuafofd, "
vs Flynn, "
vs Montjjoincry, Luz
' v Clark. "
v Johnston, Tioca
vs Rupert. Colnmbm
Lumbermaut Bank, Putier
v , Delrick, '
vs Regcfoul, ! Tinea
v Bellas, North'd
16. Whitman
17. Chad wick
19. Buth
19. Hobinson :,
20. Carwn vs
21. Partly
22. Yeoman '
23. Fa''flv
Smith ex'i v Wngmiselltrret al, Union
Lvcomina co
Marsh, "
Saiiwoll, McKcan
Hulinjr, ; Lycoming
Smiths ex'is, Union
Ppencur ul al, Tinga
vs . Dachman ol si, IMorltt it
v Bisstl, '
Sti-pln'its vs Pimo?k tp., Nisq
New Yoik I'niuii v Chittenden et al,
M. In Co. - Siiqueh
Good rl al , V
Slalo M. liiscti vs VpdecriiiTet al, Lyc
Covfiihavcu vs Hart. Sullivan
41Kureka, Eureka,"
X'UW for the little ones. Why will parents
" waste hours and days in fruitless entlcavora
to get perfect pictures of their children and after
all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
We would say, come to our
and we will guarantee ts make you a perfect
picture, by our Eli.ctho Car.Micai procciss,
that works in from j to 2 seconds.
Wc defy any Daguorrean in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compels with us, ss we are the
j invcntois, and tbe process is used only in our dif
! fereut establishments iu New England and the
Middle States. . For pictures of adults, the silver
me Jala we have received fiom the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with the numeroua prrmiuma from
County r airs, is sulhcient proof thst tbey are
the At Pint Ultra of perfection.
We would call particular attention to our
Talbotypes Duguerreotypss in Oil.
U. C Collins ot Vo., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Ilsmp
den House, Springfield and Collins' Building,
Westdcld, Mass.
N. B. Cur establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day. and by
Professor Ilorseford't Scftty Lamps ly .Yi.l.
"Coma and see."
Phila., May 53, 1603. ly.
THE shove reward will be paid for the discov
ery and conviction of every individual found
guilty uf trespassing or injuring any of the
property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad
June, 4, 1853. tf.
Select School for Girls.
. Under the Care of Kiss E. Calvin.
INSTRUCTION will be given in the ordinary
Engliah Branches, Physical, Sciences, Alge
bra, Geometry and Languages.
A iScmion will consist of twenty two weeks,
Second quarter to commence on the 13th of June.
. Tsutts.
Orthography, Resding, Writing Com
position, (icography, English Grammar
and Arithmetic per quarter. 83.00
With any additional English atudy, $4.00
Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, ' $5,110
Musir, Painting, and Drawing, each sepcrato
and at the customary rates. (
' Dr. R. B. MCay, Northumberland.
I). Toggurt, Esq., '
Hun.. Joseph Casey, New Berlin.
Rev. Ur. M 'Kinney, Ed. Pres. Bunncr Phi! a.
11. U. M'Guire, A, M., Principal of Central
Institute, Philadelphia.
.Northumberland. May 21, 1853. 3m.
Hope Manufactory.
Till' subscriber respectfully informs the people
of "orthumberlund and Huiibury, and the
public generally, that he baa constantly on hsnd
and manufactures to order, all kinds of Boa. ropea,
bed conls, wash lines, plow lines, twine and hues
of all kiuils, at his establishment in ZSorthura
berlaud. RICHARD M YrvSHALL.
North'd., June II, 1653. 3in.
Important to Coal Dealers..
rilHE subscribers hereby inform the public, thst
they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kase, Keed iSc Co., for the uurnose of
mining, snipping anu aeuiug coal, delivered at
Sunbury. or at any other point along the (Sus
qochaiina. . , ,
They will be ready to deliver coal, well ureas.
red. on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the
snoricsl nolice, ana on tbe moot reasonable terms
Orders received at Shamokin by . -
.Sunbury, Juna 4, 1833. I v.
A Stray Horse
I . t0 tne Prn'ses of the subscrilr in
Wllla AlaUanoy twsp., about three miles be
low Treverton, on tbe 2d of June iust a l.rl
Bay Horse, b.uid ol one eye, and obout 15 yeara
old. The owner is requested to com forward,
prove nis popsrry and t ike titut aay. . . t
June II. 1833. tf.
CH A1.N Ft M P8 A smell number of these
excellent pumps havsj been received and are
ollered tor sale by
. - II. D. MAS8ER.
Riinhurv. June 4. 1S3. .
VBLANK NOTES, wsivinj the exemption
p law oi juu, ior sale b'
AprU 18, USle
OIL WINDOW. SHADES, Leather Tmaka.
Valise and Carpet Bs, W reoeieed d
for sale by - - I. w, T(Mil If? yyt
Bunbtwy. April 10, 115 .
(T MBRELLA8. Parasols sad fy f sas,
1 justracoiysd snd foe sale br '
Ssurr, May U. TVXZttMQ. ,
STONE V4R&Milk pans. Bullet crocks.
Bolter jars. Jupj saen jir. t-. ft-. M
rsrrvt J and iu sl it
f-uilun. Jvn t, 13X TjaTtP A CO
, No. 01 Arch Street, four
Constantly on hasd k general assortment of ,
M hich for style of finish anil workmanship
at the West briues. Also TRANSPARENT
1:9 MERCHANTS and other ar invited to call nd examine.
Philadelphia, August 51, 1S52. ly.
. Live and Help Live!!!
Oi r Motto.
35 ERPECTFL'LLY informs his friend and
Hh the public generally, that he has just re
ceived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's
Hotel, a large, hindsome and cheap assortment
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Clothe, Cassimere CassinetM, Jeans, Drilling,
Muslins, Vesting, Linens, Ire.
Calicoes, Muslin de 'Liins, Lawns,
Ginghams, Berages, Robas, i'C
Sugar. Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, Fish, Salt, dec, Ac., Slc
II a rl ware,
Nails, Screw, FilM.Baws, Knives A Forks, etc.
of various styles and patterns,
A large assortment of Boots snd Shoes, for
: men, women and childron.
Hsts Cars, Ac, of various sixes and stylos.
Besides a large and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. tV Country produce ol all Kinds taken in
exhunga at tlio highest market prices.
tJunbwy,'! mo. 30, 1853.
Lumber Yurd.
ffHE subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Sunbury, and Nortliuml erland
and adjoining counties, tuat lie has opened a
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis
tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has
now a large amount of SraroneJ Panntl Plant;
also Panntl Boards, and all other Boards and
Bi-imiiko MATr.aiAi, such as will bewahlcd for
buildins purposes. Also a large amount of
shingles on hand, which will be sold from ?6 up
to td, according to quality and size. Please give
us a call and examine our price and quality.
N. B. Fermcre who are in want of Shingle
will please call aa we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LEIB, Sup.
Sunbury, May 58, 1S53. ly.
Gentlemen t Fashionable
So. 231 Cfcrsnttf, Third door bclav Eighth st
MAS on hand a full atock of French and
English Piece Goods, which, will be mode
to order at the Shortest Notice, iu the Latest
Stvle. FOK CASH.
Phila.,April 9. 1853. Gin.
A New
mTl ELSBERG 4 CO., respectfully announce
" to the inhabitants of Northumberland county
and the public in general, that they have coin.
menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa.,
opposite the Post Olfice, adjoining Mr. Stroll's
saddler shop iu Market Street. They are just
opening a splendid assortment of fashionable
Spring and Summer Clothing;.
Consisting in part of
Co(Aj, Cttfsimtrs, Salinett, Linens, Chtikcd
ana tancy Ltuth ranis and Lours.
ALSO, A Cue supplv of Silk, Satin and other
Of all Kinds of Hals and Cops, Shirts and
Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing
Goods in general.
All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap
at the lowest casb prices.
1 he public mav rest assured that all nothing
they buy of our Store is made uu well, as one of
the firm ia a practical tailor and our whole btocK
of Clothing is made up ry ourselves, uur sane
ring to the cash principle and our extended ac
quaintance among INew xorksnd rnnaueipma
Importers of Cloth euaUcs us to n il very cheap.
Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods.
Our Assortment is alwuys kept up as we are
constantly getting fresh supplies.
Sunbury, 5isy 7, IS5J.
Estate of ADAM EENN, deo'd-
TVTOTICK is hereby given, that loiters tests.
v rnentary on lb estate of Adam Renn, late of
Lower Augusts township, iWltiumberlsinJcoun
ty, dee'd havs been granted by the Register of
the above named County, to the undersigned.
All persona having claims against ssij estate, are
requested to present them, duly snthenticnted for
settlement; and those knowing ttwmselves indent
od to make psyment, wiihnut delsy to
6l.ilU.l p.i 1 ULH, li lor.
l-owsr Augusta twsp., May tn, 1853. 6t.
C o I u m D C a o u o t ,
t hriluut Street below Tib,
Bodid 81.80 per day.
rhilu.. May Si. 1853.
TAr Sew and Splendid assortment of
Just received and for sale by
Sunbury Apl 30, '53. I. V. TENEK A CO.
1UST RECEIVED a Splendid assortment of
jr Ij.liea' Dress Goods, consisting of Silk, .Mus
lin de llerage. Cantou Crnpe, Kilk Poplin. Dotr
led wis I.swn Robes, ic, snd for sala by
Hunbury, May H. 'OS. TENEK &. CO.
(.-SUMMER bbawla, Ready made Mantillas,
5 IlUck tfilk ud bilk Lam. just received and
forsalehy ! W. TENEK & CO,
Sunbury, Msy 14, 1853.
mm ANN'S
I.ETTEIl I'KE.-vsE. with
If 1 books, ink, and all complete, just wceived,
snd for sal by
8uuuury, June 4. lSi3.
lkK. II. H. HIGttEE'8 remedy for coughs.
Acolds, sod -suloioniry diseases. A supply of
this valuabl wilt Juet reeeiv and fcr sals
w s sm si a, ai-nii
tT - - t If. 0
i. Suubury, Jua 4. UWL .
ii. . . t 6
IREOt'CH Cloth. rwy Verting, and Css4-
nei tust leoeivM ana lor ssie oj .
8unbHry, My 14, 'M. TENER e CO.
FKE8H YaotU VA of a supsaior sjuatty
just reei4 aa)4 far by .
Iw j. lae T H . MAWEW-
Wm?,''3 rilTD f -Kif h IrV
" ioye Wt ii ani fw esW by
Apu io;i U B M-t:cn
doors fcbovc Second !
cannot be surpassed. Wholesale and Retail
In the Dry Goods Business.
J. T. 8c I. F. KLINE,
Tl E8PECTFUI.LY announce lo their friends
a- and ths public In general, that they have
taken the Old Stand, in Upper Augusta town
ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc
cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just
returned from Philadelphia, and opened
A New and Splendid Assortmtut of '
SrniNO and Summer oods,
Consisting In part nf Cloths, Cassin.i rs, Sat
tinetts. Linens, Checks, and all kinds of
Summer Wear. ,
Also s splendid assortment of
- Ladies Dren Goods,
Calicoes, Gingham, l.awns, Berage de Laines,
Alpacas snd Shawls.
Also a fresh supply uf Ciroccrlce of all
kinds, .
Hardware anil Queensu are, Drug and
Also a lsrge assortment of Boots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, such
. . aa Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf
and other Hats. Salt,
Cheese, Ac. Call
nd See. "
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for cash, or ia ex
change for country produce, at the highest market
Lppcr Augusta, April JO, 1853.
Emporium of Fashion
And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods
I A3 RECEIVED at his establishment, on
llcer street, one door north of C. J. Eruncr's
law-office, in Sunbury, tl.o most
Splendid and Fashionable
for gentlemen's wear, lhat has ever been ollered
io this place. His stock consists in a groat
variety of
Among which are superior Mack, JSroun,
ureen, Ulive CVaref, Jiclgium Cloth,
French Cloths, Russian black, kc.
iJlar plain doe-skm Laxsimeres, .Summer
uiitl Winter Cassimer's, $ c.
Black Satins, (a rich article.) excellent Marseilcs
Huff, V. hue, (Figured and Plsiit.) Figured
Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and
Tweeds, Linens, Cravats, llosoiry, Plain and
r ancy irtinmlngs, uentle men's Collars,
Suspenders, Sic, &c.
Call and see his' assortment of eoods. lie
challenges inspection, and politely invites the
puiitc 19 test tlieir quality by procuring the beat
and neatest coals, pants, vests, &c, in the coua
BP A few journeymen tsilor esn Cnd im
mediate situations st this estsbhshment.
Sunbury, May 21, 1853. 3m.
Spring and Summer Goods.
RESPECTFULLY Itiferth their customers
- snd the public, that they have just receiv
ed and opened Uic best and cheapest slock of
Spring; and Summer Good,
st their store iu Msrket Squsrc, 8unbury.
Their stock consists of every vari'e'y of
Dry Goods, viz :
ClufAj, Casftmrrri, Satlinets, Vestings,
Flannels, ll'ollrns, 4'e ,
And all kinds uf Spring & Summer Wear.
Also a splendid variety tit
Pctkocs, Ginghams, Chintzes, Di Laines,
And every variety uf good suitable for La-
die wear.
Also an extensive assortment of
Hits amd Caps tor Men and Boy.
Also a largo assortment of GIlOCEItlES.
Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spice
of all kinds.
Alsj a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Pltutci
Also a tresh supply of
Bi'sidr the largest and tnoal ireneral -aisort-intuit
of all kinds of goods lo be hud in this
Ce Country produre of sll kinds taken in e
change at the highest market price.
Hunbury, April 30. IS03.
Drtlxs, Paints, Oil, Window
Glass, 05c.
6 Toss French line white.
0 tuna Pure White Lrad.
SOOO Cotes Window (ilsss, sll sizes.
Superior Potash, Cousl, Coach, Leath
er 6; Iron varnUh, whits Demsr varnish Or China
Gloss, with a general assortment of fresh and pure
Also all the Patent Medicines in gericral use.
warranted genbiife.
Colored and Lnamled UUas, die, ic, forsjle
very low at
Al.r Hill Wll. l liLKiEK a
Dm; snd Paint Stoie, No. 169 N. ind Street.
rhysicisiis snd Storekeepers supplied Goods
sent to sny of ths Hotels or UrpoU free of charge.
PhUa.,Mav 28, 1853 ly.
Excellence and Beauty tjmbinedt
Model Spripy Style Hls,
U.EQUALLUtbysry others in all that
can render salitfacttau to the Wearer.-.
(iiNO them a trial. Th Very Finest Mou sai a
Hsra for S AO i Beeorsd Quality, very IW,C,00
uau.v. a captua aitKls. x.ou. AH iUo
I mrm wtrnitliil.
Mods! Hal 8tors, U 40 Neitk tb Street
' Phila.. April . l8iX-. ' '' . ' ' ;..,
BL'RNLNO riuid, Campluae, Bpara, ad
Whale Oil. White Lead. UasassJ OA and
TurpaaWsM jus ssxssivcsl slid tn sale hy
, fcuabory, Msy 14. '33 TENCH CO. I
CUOLAGOGLC An xclUsX rmsev f.w
tbs cm of rr tad Altua, lust fecetvc !
i.l for ul by I. W. Ei K t. CO.
Sunbun., Ms- li, 18'3.
IIoHowitv's Oi ntmo nt.i
AFtElt 41 YEAIttt' flUrrexiMrj.
Xxiraet of a Lette r front Mr. tVm. Calpin, of
70, St. Mary's Street, Wiymovth,
dated May 5th, 1851. ',.,' ;, ,', ! ;-
Phrftsssor iot. ' ' '' " ' " " ' ' 1 ' 4 "
a,At Mrs spa nf I my wlfs fwhois now l) stiigkc
s viulsirt eokl, whish satiM ul tier less, and mar smkv
that Urns they bars been mors nr less sura, and fraatlr
inllsmed. Htr Sfoliies wm eislmctlrif . anrt fit aniuia.
Wfctlicr sKs was deprlvad riitTly nf resi and slrrsi.
r.vcry remedy tliat snediol men adirisHl was tried, bat
without sst ; Set health sairsrnTsrvswIr, siid tb stain
ol bar leas wss tsrriMe, I had illssi rssil ynar Adrsr
tispmssls, and sdvisol her ti try yosH PlUsSHdOnilmsmi;
snd, ss s last mmre. ator avary other rsmedy had pre,
ved aselsss, shs ennscnml to du so. ihr eommeiresd six
weeks air", snd, strance to relate, is now ill fed health -Her
lefs are painless, Kttli"Ut teem or scar, awt her slcei
sntiiHl and iiwttsiurhed. Cnuhl yon hsrs Witnessed Ui
sufleriiiKS of my wile ilnrli.t the let 43 ysnrs, snd con
trsst thrra with her present cnj'ivmeiit vf fassstiis, yots
would indeed feel delis infill in hsvinc I sen the mefiis f
so greatly allovibting the sr.Seriim ol a lell"W-ereatre-
(?ICIIC4',r . W'll.UlA.IS UA1.I 111
Copy of a Letter from Mr. Sl'm. Alls, Build
er of Gat Ovens, of Rushctiffe, near Hud
ders field, dated MaifilsT,- r35l. '
To Frofessnr HottowsT, i . i
Sis, 1 suffered for a wri al of iWrty years' froca a Uf
If;, the result of two or three 'ilfer.iH acj.rjcnt at
orks ; accotnpsnicd by soiirhutic evmritiws t feed r
coarse tn a variety of medical advice, wilhoef derivinir
any benefit, and was even told Hint the leg mast I emiro-
wiita, yi. in iipTKisni'm in inrti rirrn.iu, limrei-iiiir ena
Ointnient nav effected e enmplets cars in so short ft rime ,
that few who had not witnessed it would credit the fuel
(figiml) wtl.i.rA.iT Alius.
The truih nf Ibis statement can be rerrJed-by Mr. W. P
Liiftland, Cliemist, 13, Market tStiest Hurtiiistiiid.
Tbs Pills should be used eoniiiutlr with I lie Ointment
most oi me loucwiiis: discs
una Liefts, t:incSfVi.Ni, -
fled Dicojis, Chilblains,
Uurns, Cliaiicil bands,
Runions, C'fns (Soft)
Uite of Mosche Ceuotis ' "
Oout. Glandular Swelling
R Tc-hesds,
WuuiMla, ...
toca Sand-1' lies. Cmiiracled and
Cnen-bay. RtilT Joints,
Eleplinmiiis, tare Nipples,
9kin.dieaes, Hcurvy,
Tumouis, t leers, ...
Extract of a Letter from Mr. Fredenclc Turn
er, of Fenhurst, Kent, dated December 13A,
1850. . '
To Professor HulloWay, :
DaB Sta. Mr wife had suffered from Bud Drsasts fo'
mire thsn six irienlhr, and diirlus the whole period bed
ne nest nnxtiest aiiMioaiKC. nut an iu no ass. uueing ne
ore healed Stl awful wound in inv nwu Irs, by your un
rivalled medicine. I deteririlii-l asniM to use your Pills
ind Oiiiilnient, and thcreiora s-irr lue in a trial in lirr ruse:,
ind fjrtnnsie It wss I did so. for .n l.-rt 'litiit a in -nth a
perfect cure wns ertcetit, and the benefit thnt inriuusolh-
v nrsnenes oi my iitnniy iwve nericen irtjn tccir us is
enny ssionisiiuie; i n iw sironeiv rec wiiifth inem iw
ill my friends (iigneil) FBEU'K TUUNIill. ,
Sold ot the r.suililislimcnt of professor Hollowat, S44.
4innri. (near Trmple Bar, l ndon.) end bysll rfepeinWa
eraTXlsts and JJoalcrs in Mcilicmcs llirougfiout ui itnusn
SC'S' re. ft th ws of lie I nttcrt Slntm. in Hi xesat 3,
.e, und 81 SOc. each. Wbolesale hy the prinuitiul brae;
!"-. in the Union, snd by Messrs. A. It. l. bakm,
Ti.e.c is a eonnl--t.iUu savinc ')' taking the kirjtr
si sea, .
. ll -Directions f,,r the iruiilsiics of patients in eieiy
stiaS'f.n are Affined to each bx.
Oj olieria, IS02, ly.
(.Snccctsor to A. FIOT.) ' - "
Si. 1C4 Chetmut Street, Swaim's Building.
J Dealxr in Musical Instruments of every da
scription. Exclusivs Agent for the kale of He'.tet, Dsvls
&i Co's (boston) l atx st Scsr-XKSioa Daiass
JZclian and t-tlicr
L, Gilbrt's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violiua, SnxtT Mt-sic, Mtsic
Book, dec, Ac.
Reaidouts of the country will be supplied by
mi7 or otherwise with any music Uiey may
wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of tha largest stocks in the United
Slates, I feel confident of satisfying all who may
fevor me with a call or order.
bealcrs In Music supplied on the roost liberal
terma. Pianos to let Second-hand Pianoa for sale.
Philadelphia, April 1 4. 1653. ly.
Hobby Horses, Children's Propdlors,
Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Manufactured wbolesale and retail by
So. 64 DOCK Sfnee) '
Orders through the mail promptly or.c-.uf.-i-Phila.,
April 9, 1853 ly.
Gas Fixtures 5 Lamps.
So. S21 Sorth 2nd sl obovt Ve, I
riliLArttXl-iil .
AVJNG had many yra practical
axes in the business, and as all world
by us ia inanufactund under our iuimeuUto'
viaiou we are enabiod to offer to purchaser Jl.'"
or ankles in avcry branch of our trade ur
most favorable terms. A t our store may 1
i in every variety and style of 6nish-f'
Lamp Uliandeliers, Pendants, bide lit-
Halls, Churches, Ac, T Ufaoo
Ott l.Aisr, Also, Fluid. I.ard and Cll La.
Heriondolea, Unqirer holders, ParlorNiS11'
liendnm Lsmpa en hand. Lamp Gistscs, UW
Wick Shsilcs. &e. I
All iivrt mtrronttJ tr no, talt. "' '
, Factory No. bS Nobis street near 4th.
Feiuamber Store ? ;'.t Snd street, lisnt
J. Stewart Depuy' Csrpet stoi.
Phi s.. April 9., IK53. 3in. .
riutlbrm Sc.
Long Iscifs nsr
.iusvs nA r
fid SH&Jar
nfUu) country, at short tioiica.
AGENTS f.E0. W, f
C10 Mmkct St., J'V
l:. y. Urijiht., !
i'hila AyiA 13. lUiS.
20MC peison has jot ii'; ,J
wnuie cunaiMin ui ian S)UU
William tshekapeerii. suisli Vi,
plates, publiahcd iu 1$30 Vy Mv ,4 j,
douivi in red cloth. The P(h,r
riii'td to return it, or iH ,
sstvca solsme. 1
v . WM.M--CAI "
Utiubtiry': May Ul. . '
: tf lbs,
It'tblsaJvsiUacuisnt fhoiijlr ,;f
jeniJciusn, (apisiic ofuj j
sella bespeU I VJ of k fk .
Itaftssratas rocket bt tvrf,,. 1ea ahtaiue "
h'vtysl lis Koo' Jiirira i,l ,
. frttt-lu'.. ?-e- I'.i
I ft'
i ra .
' I . rS -rr.