Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 25, 1853, Image 2

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    suNBURY" American and shamokin journal:
Prtparationt far war. A British Fleet or.
dtrtd lo the Dariantlle. Wheatfrom One
! Two flhilU g$ Hiphe n.. Flour from Sit'
ptnct lo a ShilHni higher! ' v ' C ' 1 4
iff aw Tom,: June 2I.-By the Arrival at
the United States Mail Steamer Humboldt,
Captain J. D. Lines, we are in posession of
uira pi ugngon journal lo Hie Bin mat., Mi- I ;j
elusive, vena hew a of fullv four days later
dale than brought by 1 tie last steamer from
"-The Humboldt brings the uvial mails, 125
passengers, ' 850 totis merchandize, 15 fine
Merino sheep, a valuable Norman stud horse
ami 8 brood mare.
It is announced that the split in the Eng
lish Cabinet between Lord John Russell, and
the Ush Members' holding office, hat! been
healed 4ii.! -"" .' "
'The weather in England w.isvery general,
ami most favorable for the growing crops
VYheV' the " Hurnbrildl left,. Commodore
VanJerbiH's 11 atjjarfiship" 'vaeht, ', the . North
Star,' was' excltitig'gfeaY attention at .South
ampton.' 'She nail been thrown tipcii lo pub-
lid view'j admission being ob'ainrd by tickets
issued at the 'American Consulate. -Gowda
of people availed themselves of the facility.
and appeared greatly gratified by the sight
of this maitnificeiit specimen of naval Amer
ican architecture. The Daily News slates
that -"the Mayor tf Southampton had brought
befoia the Municipality of that town the
propriety of some public Manifestation to
ward Mr'1 Vanilerbilt, on account of his
having honored Southampton by selecting i
s toe rendezvous of bis ' gigantic steam
yacht." ' '' . '. '.
The Baltic reached Liverpool on the 7th
inst., after a run of a little over 10 days- '. .
The British Mediteranean fleet had sailed
from Malta for the Dardanelles, and the
English Channel fleet had been ordered to
the Mediteranean.
The French fleet had arrived in Besica
Bay. ; '
When the Humboldt sailej, the impression
had gained ground both in London and Par
is, that although the Emperor of Russia
might make some demonstrations against
Turkey by menancing, or even by crossing
the Danubean frontier, yet that actual hostil
ities would be avoided by a diplomatic set
tlement of the question. ' Telegraphic des
patches from Vienna state that the Russian
forces had already' commenced their march
towards Moldavia and Wallacha. .
The fourth army corps had also bceu or
dered from St. Petersburg," to proceed from
Warsaw by forced marches to Bressarabia
a Russian province adjoining Moldavia. The
Turks, on the other hand, were not idle, and
were preparing for a vigorous resistance,
The Egyptian fleet and an army of 30,000
men were proceeding to the support of the
Sultan, whilst . the Turcoman chiefs were
raising 100,000 men free of expense to the
Porte, for the defence of Islanism
Notwithstanding these piotetilioui signs, it
was generally thought peace would be pre
served. . The meditation of Austria and
Prussia was spoken of. Count Nesselrode
had also arrived in London with despatches.
The most recent intelligence, however, .is
that published in a third edition of the Timcs
of the 7th inst., to the effect that the Empe
ror of Russia bad despatched a courier from
St, Petersburg to Constantinople with a de
mand that Prinoe MenschikofT last propo
sal should be . accepted by the Porte within
t days,
This fact, says the Timet, is less unfavor
able pacific solution of the dispute than at
first sight appeared to be, and sending of
another courier is a fresh preof that the
symptom of temporization and hesitation
commenced by Prince MenschikofT is con
tinued by the Emperor himself. '
Although it was still fully thought on the
receipt of this new that the peace of Europe
would not be broken, yet, the further devel
opments of the utTnlr, was most anxiously
awaited, v V '' " ' -
r i'.
.... 11. B. MASSLR, Editor ma Prprl.U.
. To Aavsatiisst. The circulation of the , Sunbury
Aerirsn union th. different town on th Susqaelianiui
it uMtlrtetted ifrqaallwl tr ny fMiper (iaUiho! in North
etn lmij tviinl. , " I
'l.l-l' I-'U-IUil I
Democratic Statd Nomination!.;
0 Philadelphia County.
: Of Mifflin County, i '
1 " ! Of Crawford County. '
The New Yorker are stretching their
iron arm in every direction. They know
tnd ipprtciate the value of rail roads, and
Ao no want a years discussion, litigation and
quarrelling, before they commence. . They
ire now about constructing a third line lo ;
the lakesf while the Philadelphians art still
disputing about the construction of their
Oftlt linp, the Sunbury and Erie Road.
Ml is' intendedf 4hal the Vitw road, for
which survey have already been made
from the' Hudson river t6 the lakes,' shall
run about fqui-dislant between the'Erfr
and (he Central lines, and be called the
ffew'York and Western Railroad Com
pany. It will have double track, wide
(rauge line, from Hoboken, opposite New
York City, to Canandaigua, there to unite
with the Canandaigua and Niagara Falls
Company, and ultimately it is expected,
to consolidate with thnn. The road will
embrace about 235 miles within the State
of New York, and 30 miles in New Jersey,
for which a special charter has been secured
, And Jhe. citizens of Albany , are, also
about to unite the Hudson at that place,
with the Suiquehanna at Binghampton.
tub locomotive explosion on the
new york and erie railroad-
Thera have been for the past week an
The following list of the killed and woun- abundance of rumors, in relation to lh body
ded by the late casualty at Susquehanna, is of the late Arthur Spring, Senior. The re
condensed from a report in the New York mains, in accordance with the desire of
Herald of yesterday t .. - ' ' I yoong Spring, wete placed in charge of the
Walter B. Arnold, engineer, aged about 80 Rev John Street, after the execution, but the
year and a resident of Susquehanna. Mr. I son having consented to an examination of
Arnold's head was cut completely off from the brain, a partial dissection was, a before
the throat at the under jaw, leaving nothing repotted, made by Professor McCliutnck,' at
remaining but the busa of the skull near the the-Philadelphia Medical College." Subse-
cervical yertcbrm. r The face was not disfig- 1 quently, a coffin, believed lo contain the re-
rrisiopAL service '
Service will be held, by Divine Permision
in St. Malihew's Church.- lo morrow (Sun
day ) morning at 10 o'clock. ..ii ;i, !;.;
Lamd Wabrants. Persons having
Land Warrant for sale, can dispose ol
them for cash, by applying at this office..'
E7 Waum Weather." The tempera
ture of the weather in June is frequently
higher than at any other period ol the
. An . a . a , I.
year. 1 his is the case now. uunng me
past week the heat has been excessive.-
The thermometer on Tuesday last stood at
98 in the shade, and on Wednesday at 94.
Vegetation is beginning to suffer lor want
of rain.
E7" Hay Harvest. The hay makers
are now in the midst of their harvest, and
we are pleased to find that the crop prom
ises to be a good one. Last season hay
was Scarce and unsually high.
Cy The larmer in the vicinity of Jer
sey Shore are trying the experiment of
raising barley. The crops look well.
Ct7 The great demand for laborers, make
it very difficult for pur farmers, to find
hands sufficient to secure their harvest.
We hear complaints in every quarter of
the scarcity of laborers. We do not hear
so much of the fly in the wheal as former
ly, and we prerume, the damage is not so
great as was supposed.
y ScNtn'RY and Erie Railroad. The
work has been commenced on this rord at
its western terminus, the city ol Erie. The
location ot the wharves of the company
has been fixed, and they are now in process
of construction. '
The City Councils of Reading met on
Saturday to open and examine the returns
of the late election, and declared the official
result to be 1680 for the subscription and
708 against it, making a majority of 972 in
its favor, which was followed by the adop
lion of a resolution approving of the result
and declaring the subscription made. Thi
Council then, by a vote of 10 to 5, appoint
ed William Strong, Esq., Solicitor, to ap
pear for the city of Reading in the next
Supreme Court of the Commonwealth, to
be held at Sunbury, in opposition to the
application for an injunction to restrain the
city from subscribing to the capital stock
of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Company
The . Philadelphia subscription to the
Hempfield road and the West Chester
subscription to the West Chester and Phi
ladelphia road, will also be argued at thi
place during the session. The last two ca
ses were adjourned over from Harrisburg.
The Judges not contemplating these suits.
only ordered one weeks court. . If these
cases take up much time, they will have lo
prolong the session one week at least.
The Reading Pri in referring to the
proceedings, states that the 3d Monday in
July next, is assigned for the hearing of th
motion for an injunction, and that many o
the citizens of Reading will be induced to
attend the sitting ol the Court at Sunbury,
to hear the argument of the case.
cognised It, Hnd said "Hero's my father,''
t the samo moment placing his hand upon
he face, whoh, horrible to tell, the head turn
ed over, and a poriinu of the unfortunate
man's brain full out. Mr! .Arnold was an
American, and leaves a wife and six children
Michael Casey, laborer, aged about 17, was
a resident of Siismiebanna.. Ho wasanative
of Irelind arid unmarried. ' '. v. i
Patrick Keeran, laborer, resided at Summit
Hi body was dreadfully mutilated, the head,
abdomen, and limbs being fractured and torn
Catharine O'Lrniy, wife of a laborer resi
ding at Summit, had her head blown off, and
limbs broken. She wns a native of Ireland.
Caiharine Slattery, a teaident of Summit,
had her limbs broken, and portions cf them
scattered on either aide of the road. Her
head was blown off. i
The handles trnnk of the women lay but
a few rod from the encine; the shattered re
mnins of Mr. Arnold and the men were fur
ther from it. ' - ,
List of the Wounded. Mrs Ellen Collins,
aged about 28 years, wife of John Collins, a
laborer, residing at Summit, had her rixht
arm fractured, from tho shoulder to the el
bow, and sustained besides a compound frac
ture of the right ihigh, accompanied with aw
ftil laceration of the flesh and prottusion of
he bone. She was removed lo the Kirk
Honse, Susquehanna, where she lay yesler
DR. A. VALLERCIMMP, Uenli wou.u
resrectfullv annoonra to the Inhabitants of
Sunbury and the surrounding country, that he
hss taken rooms' at ln Ken uion nwi,
by Mr Catharine Boulton, where he will be hap
py to attund to all Calls In the line of his profes
sion. AW operations or Mechanical work war
raated to answer all th useful and ornamental
purposes of the art. , f , , . , , . i - j-
l Ptitibury, Jun 89, ibm.-m " r i
red 111 the least, and tho head fell upon a mains of the deceased, ws delivered to Mr.
eap of wood and stones, with the counten-1 Street, and interred under bis superintend
ance facing the dread In I scene More it sai t ence, c-y an iinciennKer empioyeu lor ine
a if he were looking at the road from behind J purpose. " The burial thus made, is how as"
concealment. Hi little son. A lad of about serted to have been a more sham affair, and
1 years of nge, who was wounded, fust re- " lonowing amuaviis snow tnat me conin
contained no body;
' ' Affidavit of Charlet R. Ferris
1, Charles H Ferris, bavins been called
upon by Richard Hill, of Francisville, sexton
of the city grontid, to examine the contents
of a oothn brought there by the Kev. Jolin
Street and otbera, said t contain the body of
Arthur bprniE. Sr . executed on rndav last,
Iho lOltk ill! . norinlirirr tti thm lnWA ff
tho Stale of Pennsylvania, the said coffin
being opened in my presence, contained a
log oi womi ana some doming, auu no pui
tion ol anv human heinn. '
-Personally appeared before me, Lhnrlea K
Ferris, who being duly sworn and subscribed
fcelora me, this Win June, inaj. -
l, IV. - r EHHIr
S Rodman IUukr
Alderman of the Third Ward, Dist, of Penn.
There is A mystery about this affair that
should be solved. It is generally supposed
that the remain were removed from the
coffin, either before or after interment, with
out the knowledgr of Mr. Street. The Pro.
fetsors of the Pennsylvania Medical College
assert that the remains were placed in the
oustody of the Rev. Mr Street, and the un
dertaker employed by him, nnd that no fui
ther dissection of the body was made than
that witnessed by so many at the College, on
the day after the execution.
To the Votert of Northumberland County.
r Fattow Crrisns.-At th olicitatlon of
many of my friends, I again announce myself to
your consideration as a candidate for the office of
at the ensuing election. Should T be so fortu
nate as to be elected, I will endeavor to discharge
the duties thereof with impartiality. ' ' k ' "
Bhsmokin, Jun 85, 1853. 07
notice. : ;:l:r:r
OTIUE is hereby (riven, that application
witt t made to th next Legislator of
Pennsylvania, for tho incorporation ot a company,
with discounting privileges, td ! located in tiie
borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum
berland, with a capital of On hundred thousand
dollars, to be called the "Susquehanna Saving?
Sunbury, Jun 25, 1&53. dm.
IVorth umbtiland, Jun S. las I
Th Diretorof the Bauk of Northumbnlaml
give notice that tbey intend to apply to th nit
Legislature ot thi Commonwealth, for a renew,
al of It charier with the same capital, and with
its present title, location and privileges. By
order of th Board.
. , . , JNO. TAOOART, Prt
. J in CJ, 1663. 6a. ' '
, ...i, ,. rEitaora killed.
.Sui-ftOEHANHA, June 17.-A most lamenta
ble ocjunud on the New York and
E'io Ruho.iJ, abjut five o'clock yesterday
ufternoin, E i'lua No. 53 exploded her builtr,
inatantly killing eleven persons and ound
ing savoral otbor . Among the number ki'
lej ua Mr. Ari.ol I, the engineer, and three
women. It is supposed that four or five pel
sons wera blown jnto th river.
The locnmmive, at the lime of the explo
sion, was pushing behind the train on the up
grade, near this villaga. Nearly all those
who were kille 1 ate reported to have been
Irish laborers on I he road.
. t m in rri; Appoiuiiucuis.
Wahh.nCION, Jun 17. ll 1 asserted, on
unquestionable authority,, that - Robeit . J.
Walker bus bcn appointed Miuister to Chi
na, and ijhat Mr. Appleton declines the post
of Secretary of Legation at Loudon, ou ao
count of domssiio aflliction.. lr. A.' suc
cessor is, not yet appointed. It is believed
that Mr.' Walker will accept.
. r r .. "i
Kcaoimo" KmaoAD. It is uted in the
Reading' Gazette, on the authority of an of
fice! of thi toad, that the Company expend
ed during tho month of May, in that city,
$23,000 for new woik, mostly i-ngmes and
cars, and over $35,000 for wsges of work
mea residing fu Reading! and employed In
the 'step and opoh ib riaj. The total
monthly paymeut' of the Company at thi
Cation Uve 'averaged within the last year,
bout $60,000.'
C'oi; Bton who' Is among the ablest of
public me5li iriuch gratified at the 'proa
peotiva suten vf Jha Pacifio Railroad. He
y IHUat LrJ John. Russel told .r; AVbotl
Lawrence, is tlx latter told him, that, Hie
onsuinuiatiouuf this enterprise would have a
f7 At Ilushesville on the 8th inst.f
$3,375 were subscribed to the capital
stock of the Muncy Creek Plank Road
company. .
EThe Philadelphia Ledger appears
again in a new dress of type, a new one
being required about every three mouths.
Such extravagence, in dress, would soon
ruin a country printer.
(7The Reading Railroad Company's
books show that they have paid, during the
last five years, for wage; to their work
men at Reading, the sum of one million
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
ffT" Great Speed.-TIib Pittsburg Des
patch says 'hat on Saturday week, the fast
train on Ihe Pennsylvania railroad, when
near Greensburjj, attained the extraordina
ry speed of eighty miles per hour. A per
fectly straight stretch of ten miles was run
in seven and a half minutes. . This, we be-,
lieve, is one mile to the hour faster than
the quick t English time, j
tt" The new cve in Union county
Has attractad considerable attention. Quite
a number ol visitors have been there to
iew it. It is to be regretted, however,
that the visitor at first were allowed to
carry off the most of the natural curiosities,
such a the stalactites, stalajmiles, etc .- It
was a species of petty vandalism, altogethvr
inexcusable and destroy much ol the in
terest of the cave.
COAnother Decision under the $300
Law The Supreme Court, at its present
session at Harrisburg, has decided thai a
debtor cannot waive his interest under the
$300 law in favor ol one creditor, in pre
ference of prior lien creditors ; and the as
signment ol his tight if an abandonment of
it, and that pnor judgment creditors are
entitled tu th money in the order of their
i O Some ol the counties in Ohio have
made handsome speculation in subscribing
to the stock of railroads running through
them. One of the counties has built
handsome court house and other buildings
oul of the profits, and bai enough left to re
lieve th people from the payment ot date
tax. The following from one of our ex
changes reler to another county : ' a
i'A PaoriTAatt Rmlroap. The'1 conimla
tinners of Franklin county, Ohio, have sold
' (heir stock in the Cincinnati and Cleveland
fjT" Mr. Omit, the proprietor of the
Stale Capitol Hotel, at Harrisburg, has
been twice fined $4 for selling liquor on
Sunday ; once for selling liquor to travel
lers and sojourners at his house, and again
for selling to citizens of the town. Mr.
Omit has carried both cases to the Supreme
Court. It is expected that Ihe court will
decide upon the case this week. The act
of Assembly under which these summary
convictions were had was passed on the 22d
of April, 1794, and is as follows:
"2 Section 1. If any poison sh.ill door
porform any worldly employment or busi
ness whatsoever on the Lord's day, com
monly called Sunday,, woiks of necessity
only excepted, and shall use or practice any
unlawful game, hunting, shnoting, spoil or
diversion whatsoever, on the same dy, and
be convicted thereof, every such person, so
otlt-'ndiiig, shall for every such nlTenCo forfeit
and pay four dollars, to be levied by distress;
or in case he or sho etvill refuse or neglect
to ptiy the said sum, or goods mid chatties
cannot be found, whereof lo levy the same
by dislres, he or sha shall sulfur six day
linpiisonmciit in the house ol roircclion ol
the piopor enmity ; Provided always, That
nothing herein remained shall bo construed
to prohibit the dressing nf victuals in piivatu
families, bake-house, hulking-houses, inns,
and other houses of entertainment, for the
use of sojourners, travellers or strancern, or
to hinder watermen from landinu their pas
seniors, or ferrymen and carrying over the
water travellers, or persons removing with
thxir families ou the Lord's day, commonly
called Sunday, nor lo the delivery of milk, or
the necessaiies of life, before nine of ihe
clock in Ihe forenoon, nor after five nf ihe
dock iu the afiernoon of the same day."
ERS, &c.
While the people of Now York are making
such tremendous efforts to introduce Cumber
day evening, tinder the care of Dr. Field, of land Coal into the city, nnd also into the ilil
rmiattelphia. J tie Uuctor entertained some lerent Hues ot Meamers, the Lomlon limes
s'iglit hopes nf her recovery at that lime, (declaies that from ibe '-less bulk demanded,
Mis Col ins is a native of Ireland, and has I and especially its exemption from those
one clnlil. deathly brttdine fires becomtne so frequent,
Eliza Stoddard unmarriad bad her arm I Anthracite would have to be substituted in
cut off near the shoulder. Miss Stoddard is I the British Navy and commercial Marine,
from the county of Clare, Ireland, and resi- I propelled by steam, in place of Bilumin
ded with her biothers, at Summit. ou.1
Arnold, son of the deceased engineer I No leas than eighteen British Sleameis
aged about 11, was slightly scalded, nnd ap- I were burnt in two year by the spontaneous
pears to have a concussion of his brain from combustion of Bituminous Coal on board,
the shock ' Ii was thought he might recover, and that too after the greatest prrcuulion had
Besides this shocking array, it is almost been taken to piever.t such calastrophies
cettain that many persons were blown , into If the Cumberland Coal partakes of Ihe gen-
th'; river, but it was carefully searched yes- eral character of Bituminous Coal, cautious
terday, and none were lound , persons will avoid traveling in Steamers
The concussion of Ihe surrounding air cans- where it is used
ml by the explosion, was so powerful, that
three Iiii-h laborers, who were at woik near Sale or Mount Vcsnom It is stated that
the Susquchnnna river, were hurled into the a sale of the Mount Vernon Eiate has been
water by its force. . effected with parties bI New Orleans, at
A gold ring was found near the river in the about 8200.000. The present proprietor,
evening, and Mr. Egerston found a piece ol however, has generously insetted a proviso
coin lying upon the road. Mr. Arnold's gold that the property is to be offered to Congress
watch wns also found, uninjured, at a consid- at its next session at the same price, and
should they conclude to purchase it, the pre.
sent sale lo be void.
IN pursuance of sn order of the Orphans Court
ol Northurolxrland cuiinty, will be exposed to
public sale, the following real estate, to wit
A Certain onl Lot of Ground,
in the southern part of th borough of Hnnbury,
bounded on the cast by land of ueorge W eiser,
(Tanner ;) on the south hy tht heirs of Edward
Harrison, dec J., on the west by the fusqurhan
na river, and on tlie north by out lot of J. U
Youii;nian, containing
more or less. The above will be sold at the
public house of James Covert, in the borough of
Sunbury, on
Saturday, the 23d Juy of July next,
at 2 o'clock, P. M.
A Tract of Land,
in Lower Augusta township, county aforesaid,
adjoininc; lands of John I) art, John Hen.lcrshotx
heirs, David Shipmali, Peter Berlieu and others,
and mountain land, coutmninc about
msro or less. To be sold at the public house of
illism R. Jones, in Lower Augusts township,
in said county, on
Saturday, the 23d day of July next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M-. of said day. Lata the es
tate of William K. Brown, dee'd. Terms of
sale will b made known on day of sale by
of the minor children of VVm. K. Brown, dte'd.
By Order if the Court,
June 25 H53
or THC
.. ... By the Distribution of "
10.000 GIFTS.
, " ' '.' ' ANNOUNCES I '.'-'.'"'.
Second Grand Gin Distribution,.
On the same plan of bis former one, which gave
such universal satis faction.
Admitting two persons to anv Exhibition of
Ureat National Panorama of tbt Mammoth.
Cave, ,. - ' ; , '
Crystal Palace,
Niagara Falls, kc &c.
which will commence its Exhibition at th As
sembly Building, Thiladalpbia. on
' Monday Evening, 27th of June.
These tickets also entitle the bolder to receive
tn order for on of th . - -
1 Spleudid Horn, Camag. sad lUmtM,
1 " Piano,
1 " do.
5 " 0.l W.tches, at 50 m.
S " Bilvfr do. S5
Si 0ld Prm and, .1 to ta.
10 Selti Silver Spuom, at Si ea
300 Gold Pencils, at S3,
SUO " ' 1 so . 1
4(iO " Pen, (it 75 rn
1000 Silver Thimbles, at SO cis.
6154 lienutifol Engravings,
erable distance from his body.
The people infer from these faots that
many mors have been killed than tho num
ber found.
Justice Seymour empannclled a jury at an
early hour in the morning, and held iiKjuesis
upon tho bodies. A very .mall amount of
testimony was taken, and Ihe jury found the
following verdict: The deceased persons
came to their deaths by an accidental explo
sion of engino No. 58, and there is no blame
to be attached to the different persons having
charge ol her at the time.
n v. .. ua.
! Court, )
"Ik. O. C.
3. to )
EUsctR Ccvtbact.- The construe
ion of the Susquehanna Hail road between
Sunbury and Lewisburg ha been awarded
to Michael Burke, Esq. of Ilarrisburjr, who,
it is said, will commence active operations
within twenty day.
ttT- The Philadelphia Bulletin is down
on the managers of the New York Crystal
Palace. They pay more attention to the
fanciful than the usi ful.
..t f. - . - . IhfrJir SIOCK III HIV Allium
greater tiifluence up.n Lnul anairs mail , Bbof B ,big h
. kr.y event sii-jf lUa discovery of th Now j ouniy realised from 15,000 io20,000 clear
WorU l Cnhiml.ns ' Mr. Rnisei! ai'i.l Crl no monV wa evr paid nifl. ifid
h'nvm brb r-wenire.l m thi. 'omniy mmely loaned i;i ctedit.
rr Our neighbor of PotUvill are gel-
ting up a new -Brais Band." We should
like to see a well conducted Band in Sun
bury. There are but few towns of its size
that can boast of more mutical talent.
the .maims taw
Tho Senate of New York Legislature have
passed the Maine Law, with the clause sub
mitting it to the people, by a vote of seven
teen to thirteen The greatest effort wer
made ta prevent the bill from reaching th
people, Lul only nine voles could be got for
striking out the cUu.e. Th bill goo into
effect on the 1st of March, 185; but that at
tho next election in November, 1853, the
people ure ts vote ye or no, on th question
of, approval of , the , Law.,, Thera were no
party line draisn on th passage of Ibis bill,
Nina )Y'big and eight Democrat voted in
affirmative,, and ia Whig and sva Demo-
' ii'." v.
The Meufber of.ib Canadian. tegilative
Assembly an Council bava given to Sen
geant Lawson a gold watch and family
Bible, for 1i1 successful defence of Father
Oavari. azuinst th mob In Montreal.
The Torchlight Procession in Reading.
IV, on tho evening of Saturday, tho 11th
inst., is described by the newspaper of that
city sa having been a veiy fine display. It
rumihted of mechanics and vvorkingmen,
snd numbered from 1500 to S00O persons,
500 tenches, and from 20 tu 30 transparencies
The men matched six and eight abreast, and
the line 'extended in length nearly or quite
tun-thirds of a mile. The streets (warmed
with spectators, and the glare from thu bla
lint; torches made tho s if lit a truly brilliant
one. '
The various trades marched in seperate
companies, bearing transparencies and ac
companied by bauds of music. Some of tho
paintings on the transparencies were truly
laughable one represented a bull trying to
. . - I j ...... ...
stop. a locomotive; anoiner na.i Aunty
(Ami) Subscription coming out of Ihe little
end of the horn; " and another, ''Progress
and Ami-Progress," typified the former by a
ball shot from the mouth of a cannon, and
the latter by a ball pushed by insect. ' In
ihe van of the prooession was borne an illu
mined trnnsparenry, five feet high, in Ihe
shape nf a smoke stack, bearing the inscrip
tion, "The Locomotive is the Apostle of Civ.
ilization ." The workmen on the Reading
Railroad bore transparencies representing
"Reading without Railroads" and "Reading
with Railroads." They are thus described by
ihe Gazette; 'On the former, the pleasures
of stsge travelling wera duly protrayed, and
the old borough represented a it appeared
iu by-gone day ; on the latter, business of
every kind in full and active operation, the
appearance of th city denoting the higheit
prosperity in the foreground a locomotive
and car just started, and th opponent of
subscription endeavoring lo arrest its prog
ress, by tugging at a rope, and throwing
missiles on the track, ko." . ,
Gift Celebration or the Fourth ok July
in Philadelphia. It will be seen by refer
ence to our advertising columns, that Mr.
Porham, tho great caterer for the public
amusement, haa made arrangements for
another distribution of Gifts, to commence
on the Fourth of July and lo continue until
all the gifts are given out. Mr. Perham's
succe.'j in the former project, in connection
with the Panorama of California, has indu
ced him to enlarge the list of articles, and to
reduce the number and price of tickets so as
to enable a more general participation. On I
friends should send in their orders for tickets
immediately, and not wait until they visit
the city, as tho probability is lhat thev all
may bd sold befoie '.he time foi distribution
Thousands of parent who use Verinifuga
composed of C'Kstor oil, Calomol, 4c, are not
aware, ihat whilo they appear 10 benefit Ihe
patient, they are actually iuyitig the fonmla
lion for a series of deseaaus, such as saliva
tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, ke.
In another column will be found tho adver
tisement of llobensack's Medicinos, to which
we Rhk the attention of all directly interested
in thoirowr: as well as their Children's health.
In Liver Complaints and all disorder, arising
from those of it bilious type, should make
uk) of thu only genuine medicine, lloben
sack's Liver Pills.
IT!" "Be not deeeived, ' but ask for Hoben-
sack s Worm Syrup anil Liver Pills, and ob
serve that each ha the sicnature of the
Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSACK, as none
else are eenuine.
At the contemplated celebration of tha
fourth of July at Springfield, Mass , it i aid
a cavalcade of young l.tdie and gentlemen
will be formed, diesssd in .old continental
tyle, with cocked hat, broad flap, tights,
knee-buckles, ilk (lockings, short waist.,
powdered hair, pillions, to. ' ('
,l : - - ... il ' i ' : ' ' " '"'
Pittsivbo ahbi Clcvklanb Raiiboad.
Pittsburg, Jun 18. Th Grand Jury rocoin-
mends to Alleghany county a subscription of
f 150,000 to tha Pittsburg and Cleveland Rail
road, whioh, wits , tha private ubrip!on.
amouuting to $100,000, aeeuraa lb making
of the read from Pittsburg ta Bridepwt, oppo.
sit Wheeling-
91 A R It I G 1.
On iho 19. h iusl., by ihe Kev. P. Bom, Mr.
William Dieim.,, lo Miss Cabolinc Mills,
all of this place.
tJn 1 uesday morning, tlieJili inst., at Up
land, Westmoreland county, bv Rev. Francis
Laird, D. 0-, Pete Bai.dv, jr. Eq , of Dan
ville, Pa , lo Lizzie, daughter of Rev. David
Kiikpairiuk, of I lie former place.
Un Tuesday, the 14th inst., by Ihe Kev. J.
W. Yeumans, Mr. William W. Hayes, of
Bellefonte, to Miss Elizabeth, Daughter of
Dr. William II Magill, of Danville.
In Aaronshurtr, 11th inst., aeed about 32
tear, Mr. NANCY, wif of Col. Henry S.
Grot (formerly MiiwNVsbil, of Lawisburg.)
Al bhamokin Dam, 1st inst., ol a lingering
consumption, the much esteemed wife of
Amos Stroh, aged about 50 year.
New AdTertitenenta-
BY Virtue of certiin writs of Yen. Exp. to n
directed will lie sold by public V.ndue, or
outcry upon the premises, at 10 o'clock. A. M.,
on the 18th day of July, next, the following rcsl
estate to wit :
.1 Certain Steam Griit Mill,
together with the engine and fixtures annexed,
and also the lot of ground whereon said Mill is
erected, situate in the borough of Milton, in that
part called Upper Milton, bounded north by Lo
cust street, east by Iho canal, south by lot of
W hile and Mervino and west by Front street,
containing one fourth of an acre more or less,
whereon are erected a tenant house, cooper shop,
stabling, Ac.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
property of M. A. Sweeny.
AL!- O:
Upon the premises, at S o'clock, P, M. of said
day, the interest of John Vincent in
A Certain Lot of Ground,
situate in McEwensville, bounded north bv Ap.
pie alley, east by a public road, south by lot of
imam aves and west by l'ine alley, contain
ing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon
are erected a brick dwelling house and stables,
being marked tu tho general plan of said town
as lot No. ".
The interest of said defendent in a
Certain other LolofgrounJ,
situate in said town, bounJei north by lot of E.
V. Derrickson, east by public road, south by Ap
ple alley and west by i'iua alley, containing on
iuurlh of an acre more or less, whereon are erect
od a two story log ware house and a frame shop.
The intrrest of said defendent iu a
situate in said town, bounded north by lot of K
II. Watson, cast by an alley, south by lot of H
J. Reader and west by public road, containing
ono fotirtli of an acre more or less, whereon are
erected a two story frame dwelling house, a stable
and other out buildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Vincent.
DY Virtue of certain writs of Iav. fa. issuing
oul of the Court of Common Pleas of North
umberland county, und to ine directed I will
. i pose to sale by public outcry st th Court
House in the borough of Sunbury, in said county
on Wednesday, tha twentieth day of July next
st 10 o'clock, A. M., the following
Tracts of Land,
situated in Coul townjliip in said coenty, to wit;
1st. Th 3-3ds of a tract of land surveyJ on
a warrant to John Hagvland, containing 40-J
acres more or less.
2nd. The 3-Hds of a tract of laud surveyed on
a wirrant to Mike jlogelin, containing fOe
acres more or less.
3d. The 2-3ds of a tract of land surveyed on a
warrant to Luk f'lls, containing 336 acrea mors
or less. . . "
(The aliov tract at all unimproved but are
known to contain extensive mine of coal of th
best quslity nJ the Philadelphia and Sunbury
railroad, or oh of its braiiches runs through or
vary near each of (aid tracts.
4th. The 3 3d of a tract of land surveyed on
a warrant ta Luk Fiddler, containing 450 acre
mora or less. (This tract contains very valuable
mine of th finest coal. It is extensively im
proved, having sn iron track leading into th
mines ani connecting with th said Railroad and
extonsiv coal breaker and good miner huti
oa th premises.
To be sold a the property of Bertram H.
Howell, mortgagor, with notice to Burd Patterson,
Benjamin Puttoii, Charles W. Htgin. 8h.ppsrd
Koapp, Geo. Brooks, Geo. C. Co and Wn. L.
Ilelt'ensteioi Terr Tenant. Tsrms, cash for
the sale to b on the 20th July. . .
. enerm uitic
Sunbury, Junetft, t853
10,000 urns, worin g5iooo
(7 Tickets for sale ttho Assembly Buildings,
wher all orders for ticket should sent, addressed
to J. Ptsnnr.
tW Exhibitions every Evening at 8 o'clock,-
and Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon, at 3
Py On the Fourth of July there will b 4 or
5 Exhibitions, so arranged as to suit the conve
nience of eve'y one.
otitained for that dv, making a Grand National
Jubilee on the occasion of the Distribution.
June 55, 1853. -
" proclamation!
IV O'I'ICE is hereby given tint tha sevural
; Courts of Common Picas. Genersl Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Co-irt
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delifery ,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court House, in the bonyagh ot
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Mondtty, the
1st dsv of August next, and will ontinu
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, sr.
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, ana?
other remembrances, to do those tiling to
several olliccs appertaining to le don. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Juror ar requested to be punctual tn Uisir
attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to
their nouccs.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 23th dsy
ol June, in tlie year or our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-three and the in
dependent of tli United States of America
the 77th.
God save the Commonwealth.
List of Jurors,
Northumberland Count) , for August T.,
Grand Jurors.
14J0TICE i hereby given by th undersigned
J- citizens of th Commonwealth of PcnnsyU
vania. that application will be md to th next
Legislature of said Commonwealth for tin eree
lion ot a body corporst U k ttyled fcT
8eaaoat Savi' Isstitut," to k located in
th borough of Sunbury, NarUmmbrUnd eounty,
with discounting privileges, and with a capital of
On hundred thousand dollar. ' , ' ,
' Robert M. Awl, Geo. Bright Joha Young,
Adam fcbiMtoV, Tboma Robins, Daniel Drgek
miller, Ffedk. Latsrua, Gee.' B. Yooagmaa, P
ter B. Masaer, J. W. Friling. Ira T. Clement,
BrnJ. H.ndikks, Goo. C. Vlkr, J. W. PeaU
Sunbury, June 75, 153. u.
Milton F. W. Pollock, Joseph Egbert.
Lewis Samuel Shannon.
Tl-rbvt John M'Cormick, William P.
Delaware James H. Cathcart
Chili.iQCqcc William Derham, John
Best, Jacob Kramer, George Fredrick, Sam'l
Shamokin--Honry Leisenring, Fiederick
Mutchler, Solomon Fegely.
RfSH Henry Weaver.
Lower Auuusta William Cunrad, Martin
Ramlels, Daniel Zartman, Peter Snyder
L'rftT Maiiasot William Hnirn, Jona
than Itessler, Ureal Fenstermacher.
Lower Mahakoy John Hensyl.
Camcron Solomon Dutikelberger.
Sunrcry G. B. Youngman, George Dwihl,
Benjamen Hendrioks, Gorge Lyon, Geoige
Young, George Ilenn.
NoKTHL'MBKRi.Aiin David Uilkert.
Milton Jams Montgomery, H. D. Barr,
Henry Eebert, Robert Shaddon, Moses Cham,
b.rluin, Fiederick Fitler, John Miller, Allen
Dei.awarc Christian Ililyard, Wilson
Hutchison, John II. Giier.
Lewis John She'd, Milton Troxet, Jacob
Giltuer, 1!. C. Buckman. Adam Counul, John Shall.
Point John W. btamm, John Dal.
Lower Al'gi'sta. W, R. Jones, Jeremiah
Ronn, Cuspcr St. Clair, Peter Reilz, George
snyuer, James snipman.
SiiAsioKiy Con i ad Ye
man. tUila John.
Rush Joseph Fisher.
Coal Stillman Eaton, Stephen Eisenheart,
Jordan VVilliara Shalet.
Cameron Gidenn Kramer. Daniel Sleich.
Lower Mahanot Joseph Fenstermacher,
Michael Readel, Jacob Bingeman, Adam
LlTTI S Mahanoy Isaac l. liaxer.
Jackson Jacob Shappel. John Creasinger.
i'eager, Wm. Ammer-
YOU an hereby eommaadsd to
meet in Market Squsr, Swnbu-
ry, on
pext. al oelock, A. fully
2 equipped tor driQ. Each sncmba la
b nretr4 wilb 10 rund ot' blank
cirtridge. By order of tb tpiain(
A a election will be. bcM for Luutsuant,
Colonel aud tsjor. - . ; . .
Puubuiy, June "5, 1S53.
,.) u
List of Causes.
trt .:.! t r.Mirt nf Common Fleas
4 of NorthumberUnd County, at August T.,
A. D., 1658.
George Kbiley vs Ab'm I)nil('ler r . anmr x
Abiistt Bowert mii
1 -.V .rlmatl
Htnry Klsx & E v but w if v wj1illi-r,tor
J B Mosser v Barbara onsiier e r
William McCsrty Ksmu.1 Munwr
Daniel hod Jc Wrtman
Use Hoffa dc Wif Hnrv LaUh
Simon Snyder Georg 8nyd
... ; Moyer Mo)r Gr-
Hits for Reiner vs x , irtsbM
Washington Mutual In- J jc,ufmM t si
surcne Company
Stot Mutual Fire Inan v 6mt
ranc Company - ;
Albin Nwbrry v. Thorns JUssr
. - SJokwith ntic
D Hmu fee M 8wny v to lerraUMat
Oliver D Hilluud Jh Harttn h . (
John W Pl v Jspll DinomieAi, t-
Christ tX Mrdd.o . v. cJuscBT
Kendrtoo Smith' "r. '. Morns " ;
WendW L K.flW - - v Job T WWinpr -WUUaai
Foramaa at Joa rk - 1 -
. JAMBS BEARD, Frotb'y.
rrothonMary'a OAc. i , . '
Suubury, Jun 5, 1S5A J