Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 18, 1853, Image 3

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' or cgu NcruD.1
1 tVcrlike movement Impending rapture be-
...v,'""4' Russia and Turkey Russian Army
h :on the f rentier Nankin taken hi the Reb
"''tlsfCommodore Perry at Jlong Kong
- . .r sA Army in Jlumah Repulsed.
MenschikolT, (ho Austrian Ambassador, lefi
, Constantinople on the 22 J, and arrived at
vnessa the next day.
The: Russian nrmy, 100.000 strong is con
centrating upon llio Turkish fronlicr.
' The Minister of France, Engtand, I'lussia
and Austria had made a joint attempt to re
concile the parties, but MenschikofT and the
Divan appeared to be equally indexible. So
the former left Constantinople and the Olio
man fleet was sent for to prepare for emer
gencies, Part of the fleet hat been sent to
Egypt for the. troops that the Abbas Pasties
has already muttered.
v The Minister of War also despatched coti-
riers to every Ottoman province to call out
the whole warlike resources of the empire.
The whereabouts of the French fleet is
not ascertained, and orders of the British
Hoot are kept with fhe most profound secrecy.
Affairs now appear to bo critical, but may
eiill all be quietly sullied.
Tim intelligence from Cliiiu is of. iho ut
most importance.
Tho latest reliable lntel'icnco from
jSlmnghae is to the 28lh f April. The cily
cf Nankin was invesle.i hy t tao rebels on the
Kith of April. " Tho Imperial Commissioner,
lor llie pitrpoap of itdieviiig the cily by walor,
hired a fl;vi of boats from the Portuguese.
. jHoffre they could reach the city, llio rebels
Captured them.
In this si rait the Cuimnissiomer besought
aid from the foreign Consuls and the French,
English and Americans agreed to assist the
Imperial Government.
Tim British Consul Kent the Salamander,
Lily, ilia llerme'se steamer; the French con
sul sent the steam frigate Cassiui. and the
American Commissioner, Mr. Marshal, un
dertook to place the Susquehanna frigate be
fore Nankin.
No accounts had been received of the re
volt, but there were many rumors of tmerial
victories in the interior, but no reliance was
placed on them.
i , Commo.loru Perry, with the steam frigate
Mississibpi, arrived ut Hung Kong on the Till
of April, and he despatched the Plymouth to
Shanghae o:i lbs !lli.
'A private letter, received at Manchester,
brings dales from Shanghai to tho 20th of
"April, one day later than the above. This
JiiUcr slates that Nankin had fallen into Iho
hands of the rebels. The commander of tho
Urilish fleet refuses to permit British mer
chantmen up the river with stores or ammu
nition for either party. It was expecled
that the American commander would adopt
the same course.
Vanderbill's steam yacht, the North Star,
arrived at Southampton on the 1st hist.
Among the pissuugers on board the Pacific
are Lewis Cass, Jr, Charge d'AfTaires at
Roni and II. J. Raymond.
Few persons have any idea of the amount
of talent, labor and expense required to con.
duct a daily newspaper establishment in our
' larue cities. No olhcr business, mercantile
mechanical or professional, ' needs anything
like tho same investment of eilhor, to bo suc
cessfully prosecuted : and yet, wilh all Ibis
vast expenditure of means, newspapcrt are
olien hazardous ventures, and rarely lucrative
lo tho extent frequently attained in oilier
pursuits. Of all the printing offices in the
I'niied Slates, from which a papei is issued
that of the New York Tribune is perhaps
lha most complete. Tho publishers have,
recently issued a Directory, giving the num-
. Iter " and tho names of its employees, from
which we make tho following recapitulation
under the expectation mat trie tacts uemora
pes will prove as curious and interesting to
our readers generally, as they certainly were
r t
to us ; .
Thu force daily employed upon the Tribune
consists of 1 Editor; 10 Assistant Editors!
13 Reporlert ; 30 Correspondents; 1 Publish.
er ; 6 Clerks; 1 Foreman of the Composing
Room; 7 Assistant Foremen; 32 Regular
Compositors ; 4 Prool Readers ; 4 Office-
' Boyt ; 1 Foreman of Press Room ; 2 Assist
ants; 10 Feeders; 2 Engineers; 3 Wrapper
writers; 6 occupied in the Mail-room, and
26 Carriers Total, 174.
Of the Assistant Editors, 1, (C.A.Dana)
is General and Foreign ; 1, (George Ripley)
Literary; J (Bayard Taylor, formerly of
Penu'a) Travelling j 1, (George M. Snow)
Commercial:. 3, (J. F. Cleaveland, Donald C.
Henderson, and Alex. W. Thayer) Djmeatio
News j. I, (William Newman) Ship News;
1, (FrauWliu J. Ollarsoii) City News. Of the
'.Reporters, 6 are of Police ; 2 of Lectures; 2
of General News; 1 of the Courts ; 1 of At,
"Mermen's proceedings; 1 of Fires; 1 of
Meetings i I of Williamsbnrg Items; 1 of
Jersey City, and 1 of Brooklyn. Of the Cor
respondents, 1 wriles from London; 1 from
.Dublin; 1 from Liverpool; 1 Irora Paris; 1
from Constantinople ; 1 from Philadelphia;
2 from Washington ; 1 fiom Albany; 1 fiom
the Plains; 1 from Mexico; 1 from Hivaua;
1 from California ; 1 from Toronto ; 10 Irreg
ular, and t Telegraphic Repo rlert . Thonus
McElrath, Esq., recently of Lancaster coun
ty, and a native of Pennsylvania, is the pub
linher. , - -
The establishment is owned by the follow-
Inn 14 person;, Horace Greely, the Chief
Editor) Thos. McElrath, Publisher) Charles
A. Dana, JatneiS. Pike, George Ripley, Bay.
ard Taylor, George M. Snow, and J. F,
Cleaveland, Aitnt Editors; Samuel Sin-
stair, Robert M. Slreibeigh (formerly of Pen.
i J and. James Ciithell, Clerkt ; Thomas N.
looker,' Foreman of I he Composing Room)
orgs) Hall, Foreman of the Press Room ;
nd Patrick Rourk, one of the Engineers in
he Pies Room. It is understood that the
.ml two own 'about two-thuds of the rsiab.
sli -Duily Reitci. '
Family Medici no s.
TN offering lo the publlo tha above invaluable nrcpara.
m. irons, tne autstcribet would atala thai in ooncultaiioii
with hia ft lend and mm of lha moat repctat.le ol lha
T. falty, li waa uVcineU advisable IooAm lo Uta
public, a few praMratima of known salubrity, balna; pre
rairctl with lha aronteat pore, ami (Hi the moat acieulilta
principlea, na suliatitutea for the nnmeroua worlliloss ar
ticles that are flooding Ilia country in the form of pnnaoeaa
)M.--iii-u uy uic iiiiw ignorant ana mercena
ry jtersous, lulciiUed to cure all Uiseaacs nnd good for none.
, ' ' ' Read and Reflect.
That Hie Medicine, Manufactured by W. M. Bar-aLtr,
lueliuliiig hia Koau Perioral lor Onitjlis.
Crenni Camphor, for Itltcnniatisiii.
Worm Svrtin f. Worms.
TiMith W tiall. tor (lernt ml tcclli. ili:cnnl .riiiiia
Family Pilla, or hi ,, l'uril er, hare lin n inure extensive,
ly naed, nnd luivo uiven in-im aalianir'liiai, liiuu any othei
Medicines liefire the public, being prcKired with mraril
to iiieir tisriiiiness rite lully wi'illiy tliu trial m lite aimci
nl. (Jive them n tristl.
A few piiwuiliil ntaaon why llicaliore Meilieiiica ore.
dcBLTvina; of universal iwifiouriee. (In the tirst plnce.
tliey nrc prepared liy n regular I'hyaic iml, who iiiHlerslundn
tne nppiKuilion ol .Moiliciitefl, to iMntiiNea, nnu conncqnemi
are Oerfectly a:ue lo Hike, (Secondly,) lliey Iwre been
llaeil with uiiivernill ancceM. mid hiire ifiven Hto're anlialhc
lion limn nny oilier Moiiiinva olli red liulore (lie piililio.
(I'liirdly ) Ihey nre llio only imil.ciiics llmt bare pained
the Kitro1itice ol' Thraif inna, where they luive been uaed
and (Kouilhly,) Ihey are put up in lurper qnantiliea fm
the mime price, than nny other Medicines ottered to the
public of the same kind. Aa the anliacrilier ha a nuinlier
of certificates iu ha waneaaiii of the highest autlHirity,
where Ihey have liceu uaed with llie moat anlialnctiry re
aulla He will publiah a fewol Iheiu, feelinjr sntiafied that
a trial will iuaure their reroininenilnlioll. Try thcin ami
aatiefy youraelf of iheir auperioiily over all oilicra.
Head and be Convinced.
We the uiidcraieiied harinir liecn made acquainted with
the iiitfredirnte eiitehna; into the CoinpmiiHla known aa
Hickley'a Family Methcinea Dlm luring preacribed nml
known them to be naed, with nual aalialiictory rcanlls;
take ideaatire in aavinfl Miat we Wlievo tbcv fulti meet
the design for which Ihey nre recommended.
O H. t'lill'K, M. I):
V1. Mi MMION. St. T).
VI. II M Mill, I., M. I).
11 II. IIMAKHCAItT, At. i).
Ctitr ol' jt.n'it in iht Shit, ami awxh ftfwi'tl
lAOrr I uiitfitttiut.
Alra. ltoliert Ailuna. Lil.-trin-- mi.lrr rbrimte I .iver
plaint, nrcnimiiiiiifd wilh n fell irl drr c.m.jli ivOn in Hip and gi'iieral d-lnlit', loas o"f aiiprlite. alter trv-
linr nil llie uanal reuiiilim recoiiiiiii ii.leif lot comrlia m'i.1
diatltaea of the clic.t, who wilh no lienrlil. ahe waa reenm-lm-iiili.ll
to liy tin- HoKe rerioral. fr. hi wlik h, ihe li"l only
ilcriveil immeillalcliill neriuniieiil rebel'.
John Adiuia, ami of Alra. Iloberl Ailama. wna nlllicteil
with a very aereic couyh, pain iu Hie ante, nnd eorrncaa
pr.Hlueed by iiieepicint c-ililnilir ; he waa iiiduce.l tolry
llie lloau Tefloral. To one hia own lan'Fiini'e. llie firtt
doje enilil il linn lo enjov a 1101 d niclil's reH. In llie
in 'riling ho cxprulorutcd nUmt ball' pint ol" nialter. lie
eontiltlM-d lo ililiinire until lli.H conirh irnliretv lel'l liiin. :1
lilao bud llie rllrcl of Mri uulieniliiT Ilia breaat. w hu ll wna
naliutilly weak. He nlao niya he liaa leconniieinleil
It lo a inniibrr of hiaftieiida for Miuilat coiuolaiuia. and
in every cac It liaa pireu aaliMaelii'ii.
The nb tve persons resident a of the town of Daurillc,
fceliiej lliat Ihey have derived jrreal lieueliui from the uae
ol'llieltoae Pectoral; authorize tlie alwve alalnueul, lor
llie lieuclil ol' tlioae who mav be nrtlielid in n aiuiilai man
ner.' i:i nK.
Imss of Voice restored with oar Iml lie of Hose Pec
toral. Alias Susan AVhillock, of Hush township, Northumber
land co., for a number of years an ii vnbd, in the full of
I'sJll, Iohi the nee of her voice from a aerelu cold ahe nm-
tmcled ; nfter trying a numliea of rctnediea, wilh no licnc-
fit. alie was cntirelv reatored bv Inline- one laillle of Rose
Pectoral, after which, ahe loat her voice njr-.nn. from a
Ireah cild alie coulrncleil, nnd was ntrtill restored by the
use of aihilhel bottle ; she then took four bottles mote to
strengthen her breaal, from which ahe deiired tha moat
deeideil licnelii, nnd hna lieen in the enjoyment of excellent
iieaiui ironi mat time to inc preaent.
The nbue atateliieut ia obtained from Dr. Pnraell, the
rhvan-iaii wh attended her : tile t her mother who tliiuka
that she would ul be bring ut On lime if il had not been
foi the Hone Pectoral. Danville, Jan. &i, Itxii
" another Muriel Cure KffteteJ.
Alia Siiinirl Sechlcr, liciiiir of n n-ilitml weak nnd deli
cate constitution, very eiiKeepliblc to, waa nlllieletl a rely st:rcre coie;li, p-nn and aoreueSM 01 the brctut,
l'.ss of appelite ; niter Usinij n tiunlher of I lie llinial rt-lllc-die
I'r. nil which, she ileriveil no lK-iielil, ahe v is curil hy
lakinirone bollle ol llos. INvtornl nnd ia in llie enjoyment
ol bcilcr lieali Ii tlnii i-t yrm picvi -utr.
P mvillc, I'rc. 1 1SHI.
Pr. TticKi.F.v: rerniil me to inform yon that my wife,
who ia u delicate and weakly woman, kibortng inaler it
very crcrc L'oiieh with pun nml aoieueaaof breaal, was
III 're quickly oml etreelnally relieved wilh one liollle of
v-.ur Hos.: Pectoral than nny other nietlirme atie h al ever
token. JtllMilt AI'IIIIIDi:.
Jan. IS.VJ. Sainuct U.AViHitla' Furnace, lied Point.
Hrit'-NG KvinF.xcK ix F.iroii ov -riiK Itosa Ptit-roiiAt Axn
Family Pn.t.s.
John Fuhicr taken In'twecn 4'hri.stniaa nnd Xew Year
Willi u very bid cold, which ended in a dry hard iuccauiit
f'oiish. cntisiu? n great deal of iain whenever he eoiigheil,
waa ii'hcred very much ; by llie time he hnd Inkcu one
third of a hotllc, and by the liiuu it was nnohed, w.i en
tirely cured. He uto says that he haa taken several d aca
ol lite iieaiui Kesioralire or l-aimly 1'ill.t, uud lliat they
are the mildest and llioat cHectual purgatires he hni crcr
taken. Danville, Jan 1,
Db. Hu-KLnr : During a vim to mt brother, in Dan
ville. I look a veiy at-veic Cold, which ended iu a tivld
hard LVnigh. with aoreueae nnd lutn iS the brenal, for
which I uail your Itoae Peelorul, and Fftindy Pdla, uml
take ph-ai-ure in rcc mililcudiiig them, as the miklc't nial
moat elfeittual remedy 1 have uaed. Your, re-peettiillv.
Jan. '.HI, tRj'2. While Haven. I.lizeine co.
Dear riir : As a recommendation f,,r yrnir Hose Pecto
ral, ici mil uic ti auy, that I was etl'ectually cured ol' a
very severe conch with pnin iu the breaal, with leaa than
hall a botlle, and that I cmiaidut it invaluable. You aie
ut liberty to make thia mlblie if you please.
.IHIIN SI'l.ltltl.NU, (Uroccr.) Danville, Pu.
Aty aon William laboring uialer a severe cough uud iin
in hia aide, from ml injury received by a lull, wna filllcly
relieved by a bottle of Hone Peelorai tc Cream of I'lim-
rhol. I have nlao uaed your Family PilU, and iillgrlhet
c at tiller thcin Ihu beat iiledecinra I luive ever uaed.
JUAN (A KltlKUi I',
Jan. ISM. Iliiali Tp., .Norlh d co.
Dr. Jiicktey : Sir: Aa mv wife who waa troubled
Willi dry, bald Cough, ala i sour Stomach, dependent utoii
debility, similar to Diipcpsia. waa entirely relieved by
liane' irt'o iHitttes of your lloi-e Pectoral, me bi Kiy
thai 1 c-aiaidei it an excellent remedy.
Y ouia, respectfully, llev Mr. WIl.t.Ant).
Pahtor laillictan Cliureh, Dnuvdle. Pa.
Having bi?en cured of a wiiu iu my aim (similar lo i lien,
nuitisin) which deprived me ol the I'lee use ol it for alsiul
lour months. Jly using one b title of I'lcnm of I aiii'li-t
I would atitc that I c naiilcr it tlie lc?t rt-liieilr ol llie
k md 1 hare ever mnil ill my familr. audi would lively
rcc iiumend it to oihcii with fimil.-ir atlecli-ma.
Youra, napcclliilh , JOXAS WOt.F.
Ittish In.. Norlh'd co.
Aty wife beintr cmictc.1 with n verv seveie tuiin iu her
nnu and aliouliler (l!ie ell eel a of cok I) which disabled her
fi-oui u.-iag it, was cured wilh ruUang of Cream of Cam
phor .Mrs. J-.iliiu, my siatcr-in-law, wnttilao cured of a
aerero pain m Hie neiui nml lace by uamg tne creuin oi
Catuiilior . TIIU.M A8 C. i;i,I.IS. Danville. Jan. SMI. 'M
My wife having Kheuiiiatiam of the nnu for u mimlM-r
of yeura, which prevculed her fnall using il iu d- nog her
woik ; niter Having stieut a gitxil ueul ot iii niey m trying
tlnlcreut remetltea wilh no hrneht, w:ia entirely cured oy
using only one bottle of your CretKU of t'onqdlor.
II.I.1AM KVKNS, .Minor, ( I S. K. Waal, It. Point
Dr. Ilicklev : llaviiii; teceivetl a very eevere injury in
my side by fulling oil a l ad of hay, fnaii which I wua una
ble lo follow' my work, waa rccouimeudcd to try a b.-llle
ol Cream of Cnmplior, which atloriled immediate relict.
UHII r I I II l.Altlt. Kuan lp., .Norni u co.
Mv wite. aiillerina: from insatt excruciating tuoii,
throughout lief general ayslcin, which prevented her from
irciinx toeing occnsioneu uy u long hihi pioiiuciu. -u
ot aickness ;) for wdiich ahe usetl u number of rcmeilli
witlnnll bench!, waa entirely relieved by the nee. ol I. ream
i utimpnor. iinuu.i.
Puree ll Denliat, Duuville, Pn
Child cured of llowel Cumpliiint. uud Ague (of two years
staiuliiie.l bv Worm Hvruo.
Aty elnlil lieiiur altlieteil foi thu last two vears. with
Rowel Comnlaiiil uml Acue linlil il was reduced to u lucre
skeleton, i men a uumlier ol remedies with no tenuniieui
betiefil, until t gave it a tMlle of your Worm Syrup,
since wtiica liiue II liaa been well, and got qnilu lieany.
I also nave reeoimn,-ndcl it to a miinlier td my Inends,
unu in every cuse it haa given aitislnclion. I,,
At laiia Ijiic'si I Mercbant.l Danville.
I have used your Worm Hvrnn iu mv familr. uud con-
aider it not only effectual, lint the ino.l ,lcuisiml utticle I
"in iuU linltsl wilh. J AI'OII l. Slli :t.S, Danville.
Hat ine used your Worm Syrup in my laiuily, il hcla
iu, ciiiioieii in ire laan auy pieivJllon ol llie kind, and
more pleaa.un lo take. DN MOItGAN.
. . Mont-air Itow, Duuvilte.
I have had tveuai on lo uac vour Worm fyrup iu my
family, and prefer it to nny Vermifuge- I have uaiwl.
I- IW:i. HIIII, Yallcy. Aloiiloitr co
Dr. llickleyl lluviug uetsl your woim piyrup, nnd
t.nmiuiu tiinipln.r uud Family 1'illa in my family, Ihey
pare v.wul uil i.ii.eii.n. .....I I .1 i.
leolual, uul pkaonnl rctnnliee, we have had in our fumily
JiillMlTIIAN II. HIHIIKU Danville.
Dear Sir : e the underaignrd being iu the employ of
,.., m. ut wiHng store, you nave nil
Agem-y for the a-ile of your Family Mediciiiee, autle that
wa luire hud an opp-irtanlly of knowing llie opinions of
numerous individuals who have uaetl them, nud that Ihey
,nimi ...-ueiii.n. e nave e'liu a greni litany ia
your Pills, which aia universally liked. Iwing very nukl i
llieir operatlim. . I il-;i!-K.iN Kl.lj.
Jhiuville, ' Attest, W M KI.I'l.llK. I
Having Scurvy of my in nitli very laid, 1 was Induced lo
try a is it in m your i ouut tvaau. wlncli aetad like a dtariq,
iwiiinusi mi. Ku.u-t " irj n.K.T.MK pn pTsenae.
JONATHAN R. HlhlIKU Dmnvtlla
Dr. Bicltler r Hatfin what wu ettllad ulrenu-d tL
mouth, fur which, 1 tfied iiamber of reiuedic witk no
(cut bt i I waa mt lust cured by uaiiig on btstiU of your
T-wHb wnih. My wife aUo during her ctMifiiwrneiil, was
threatened wilh re lireaaU, lumpa having alrcavly I'ornwd,
for which ahe uad tlio Cream of Cainrihiir, which atstiUtsr-
c4 Uiwa, the rat 17 prevaiitUif Mr breaau fnm iralhaniig
Near I-utheraa Ch arch. DajiTilla, Pm.
Pr. liukley. I lav inc an opportunity of Baaing your
Anti-Sctorbutin To th Wub uaed iu artroa very aevere c
aaa of acufvey nf tha ruina, I enttaider H ad eserlkftit rema
dy- Youra. reapectfuily, GtO. U. BIIOWN.
Thf ahova piedic mea are for aula Wholraala and Re
tail by W M. ilU'HI'bY. M. 1) , I'ropnotor, Danville
AW) For an la by the following. Ageuta in Norlhumber-
laud county. Kntuig h Grant, buuburyj W A. Knobb,
Auruita; W. Puiour. Snydcrtown : lasgarf. Furiuna
Itn r I'M 1, Pnxinof : K.iiiitme 4- Stmuee, raxinoe; John
Vanrant, Pukih a; Jluijh Vaaone, Pnxinoa Amaitmiau
Itoeaer tt tn , pniinokitr; mra. jub. i nomiia, Diiainohiu
Wm. Faaaiv. Miavavvkui : Crnnnkti Kline. AuruaU
fviinuel A. RergatreaMr. Peteralxirg; Jaeoa Laiaeuring
Riar Gnn; C urad Wanck. Northumlwriaiid : Jerenni
('ttinae. Sflluteyrove i Joatab B iker, Lewiahurg j John f
Caxl r and Jouatlian Zeiiera. Milton t
('.til on the Agent, end get a rireular containing a full
dear n ft kv the uterom cusea parlormad ay tne tliacr-
tilt 3lf1l"ir.
June 11, l3-lv
THE Venders and Itetoilars of Forsign and
Domeatic marthandizs, within the county of
Northumberland, will lake notice that tliey are
aeeeeeed end rated by the appraiser of mercantile
taxes, for the year 18S3, as follows :
Lftn's Township.
Amos T. Uiseti liquor
Ueorge P. Kamp, liquor
Knup it Havagc, liquor
' Delaware '.
Dcnllcr Sc. Piprr,
Hayes & McCorniirk,
E. I.. I'iper,
J.udivig A Rank,
Jonas Wolf, liquor
CLtae. "
13 $15 00
14 10 50
13 I .00
12 1? 50
It 1250
13 10 00
1 4 7 00
14 10 50
r 1.1 loOO
13 10 00
14 7 00
10 20 110
11 IS 75
1.1' 15 00
11 13 50
12 IS 50
13 15 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 3 50
14 3 50
14 3 50
14 3 60
14 3 50
Murray, (jootlintiu e Moodio,
frill Coilvvallaili-r tV sou,
Willinm Hciucn,
Frymire & Hlout, liquor
Charles I. Engle, liquor
A. W. Comly,
Thomas Swenk,
Isaac Drown, liquor
D. K. llaag,
fieorira (Jorrev,
Joseph Angaladt,
John V. Caslow,
Jonathan Zellers,
Khun & Chnpcna,
J. A. & W. Grny,
J. & M. Yount.'
John M. Woods
1). Krauser,
Chiltstjitatjue Township.
Adam Conrad, 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 .r0
7 00
10 50
10 50
10 50
1 0 5(1
10 50
10 50
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
15 00
15 00
15 00
13 00
7 00
10 50
7 00
7 00
10 50
10 50
10 00
James ltecd, 14
Keller &. co., 14
Point Township.
Samuel R. Wood, 13
Rush Township.
John U. Shipman, 14
Upper Mahanoy.
Daniel Ht'itn, liquor 14
Daniel Isexliurt, liquor 14
(ijtli'on W. Snyder, liquor 11
Shamokin Township.
Snyder & Zimmerman, liquor 1 1
llutjh II. saline, liquor 14
Win. Knrrow, liquor 1 4
John Vun.ant, 14
'i'aggart, Uartuii tV Co., 1 3
bergslreaser tV Hull, 13
Knmuel John, 14
W. li. Kane, 14
t Upper Augusta.
F. ec I. F. Kline, liquor 14
Northumberland Borouyh.
Marks B. Priestley, liquor 13
James Tuggart V sou, liquor 13
James 'I'angart, jr., liquor 13
v in. J . rorayth, .iquor 13
S. I). D'Eiiorinundie, 14
Win. Elliott, liquor 14
.Mary McCuy, 14
Conrad Wctik, 14
M. J. 1). Wilhincton, liquor 1 1
Jacob Eckert, liquor 1 4
Sunhury Rorough.
Friling & Grant, 13
Henry Manser, liquor only
John Uuyera V co., 1 i
7 mi
10 0(1
10 00
10 00
7 00
15 00
10 00
10 50
E. V. Bright tV co., 13
Benjainin Hellitcr, 13
John Young, liquor 14
S. N. Thomiisou. 14
W. Truer tS: co.. liquor 13
George. Bright,
Ira T. Cleinent, liquor 14
P. W. Cirav, 14
11. Fagely tV co I I
7 00 i
7 00
7 Oil
Albeit EUlicrg, H
Lower Augusta.
Jar.oh Weimer, liquor 14
Hcilner tV Knohb, liquor 14
10 50
10 50
10 50
10 50
7 00
10 50
7 00
10 50
7 00
15 00
10 50
10 50
7 00
10 50
7 00
It. Kaufman, liquor 14
Jacob Krebs, liquor 14
Wood, M'DoiiiicI y Clark, I I
Lower Maluinoy.
Andrew Ditty, liduor 14
teorce Brosioua, 14
Witmer & Dockcy, liquor 14
Elias Weiat, 14
Win. Deppin, liquor 13
Wm. Cares, liquor 14
Israel Carl, liquor 14
Little Mahanotj.
Win. Rothcrmel, 14
Jordan Township.
ohn Wert, liquor 1
Josiah iSw.irlz, '
Cameron Township.
Charles It. Weikle, H 7 ro
llcuuing & lloupl, liqtrnr 11 10 "
Con! Township.
Ainmerinan, ltosacr & co 14
Kasc, IJeed co., II
7 00
7 00
10 00
IU 00
7 00
7 00
It. Fagely & co., l:l
M'Gran & Barry, 11
Hetijamiu, tiouder tc co., 11
Eiiibtuie V Strouse, l l
Zerbe Township.
Ed. Helfenstine, 12
10 00
Isaac .tiscr: M
7 00
asstssKO as follows:
Milton Borough.
John F. Caslow, 4th class,
Jouutliau 'Zellers "
$5 00
5 00
$5 00
$5 00
Delaware Township.
Hayes & M'Cormick, 4th class,
Leicij township.
Amos T. Bisel 4 ill class,
Milton Borough.
John Kohr, 10th class,
$: oo
6 00
Sophary Deuce, " ,
IIkku Hot BEs iso OtsTt Cellars
Milton Borough,
C. Stine, liquor Bin das
$S 50
8 50
5 00
5 00
5 110
David Waldrou, liquor "
Joseph Eckbert,
Win. Strme, '
C. Maikcs, "
Northumberland Borough.
Henry Wenck, liquor Klh class,
$S 50
$ 3 50
8 50
8 50
Suubury Borough.
Simon Marti, liquor 6th class,
Philip Bry mire, liquor
Charles (Jerriugcr, liquor
' Milton.
George Baker, - 9th class, '
$8 00
An appeal will be held at tlie Commiaaioners'
Olfice, io Suuhury, on Saturday, the S5lh day of
June next, at 10 clock, A. at whicb urae
and place those interested may attend
,i .! JA8. V. BARIt,
: Mercantile Appraiser
June 11, 1H53.
A Btray llorso
CAME to the premises of the subscriber in
Little Mahanoy twsp., about three utiles be
low Trevertou, on the 2d of June inst., a dark
Bay Horse, b.ind of one eye, and about 1 5 years
old. I lie owner Is requested to come forward,
prove las poperty and take hnu away. "
June 11, l853-4f. ;
riHAIN PLMre A small number of these
excellent pumps have been leoeived and are
open d Tor salt by :.. ,.
Suuhuiv, June 4. 18o3. -
Supreme Court of PenniylTeJnlA. !
Notice '
IS hereby given thai the annual Session ot
said Conn to commence at Sunburr, nit
the second Monday of July next, will by
direction of ihe Court be Ihi'ii adjourned lo
lha third Aloiiday, at which limn il is nlao
direvleil by the Couit llmt all ruuai.-s fur
argument wi!l be tnken up nud dipptiBt'd of
without tic In y-
. l'roili'y S. C. N. i.
rrothonolary's OfnYe, )
Sunhiiry, June 11, 1853.-
1. limn, ell
S. Colbill
3. Uuiuley
I. lieclti
5. Mi-Carl y
6. Knihl
- 7, Luwry
8. Clement
VS Anson, Puller cnutily
VS Long ei WllllSlitii. 'I'lir-U
vs C'umrriouui'iilih, Cliuttut
Slilxcl. Nuilli'il, Lji'iniiiiig
lU'ii:liitrl, "
Allison Nmili'd
Weiiiirr, "
Luikawanni R. U Ce.
0. Lyons Heirs vs
vs NorihM cu , NonliM
vs fluovey, McKenn
vs Samu '
vs " Kellojij, StiS'iieli
vs Reynsloul, '
vs Flynn, "
vs Montgomery, Luz
vs Claik, "
vs Johnston, Tioua
vs Ktiperl. Columbia
Lumberman Bank, Poller
vs Deli-irk, '
vs IvDxcfuitl, Tinua
vs Bollas, NorihM
17. Chadwiulc
19. Bush
10. Robinson
'20. Carson vs
91. Partly
22. Yeoman
23. Fuuelv
, 24. Sttiillis cx'rs vs Wiigenseller el al, I'liinu
25. Siimo vs Saute, "
! 2(i llummell vs "
I 27. Cox vs Satluoll,
: 2S. f.vconiiiijl ro vs llnliip, Lji'tmiino
, S!i. WauiiM-lltr vs Siniilis ivv'ia, I uimi
I HO. Kin vs Spencor iM nl. Tinun
31. Cabel vs II it'lifiiaii el kI, Nmili'd
' 3 . Kerliii vs Bissrl, '
33 Stephens vs Dimo.-k lp., Susq
31. New Yotk Union vs Clullenileii el al,
I M. Ins Co. Siist jiifli
35. Good el al vs Selinunre. Culumbia
3li. Slali? M. linen vs UpdegriifT rl nl, Lye
37. Covenliaven vs Hail, Sullivan
Hope Msnui factory.
THE suhsciibcr respectfully informs the people
of Northumberland and Sunburr, and the
public generally, that ha has constantly on hand
nud manufactures to order, all kinds of Boa. ropes,
bed conla, wash lino, plow lines, twine and lines
of all kinds, at his establishment in Northum
berland. 1?ICHARDMUSHAI.L.
North'd., June II, 1853.-3tn.
Important to Coal Dealers.
rMIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that
Ihey have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kasc, Reed & Co., for the purpose of
mining, shipping and Billing coal, delivered ut
Hunlnirv, or al any other point along the Sui
qneliaiina. ri ;n i.. ...... i i.. ,i. t ii
ri'o, on toilliart or oiueiwiae. Ill till tlllli'M, on nil
ahorlrst notice, uud on the moot re.iaonal!e U run:.
Orders received ut Shatnokin by
Suii'iury, June 4, 1853. ly.
TIIIE ubovo reward will he pnid for the discov
JL cry and conviction of every imliviilual found
: guilty of trespassing or injiirinj any of the
! iiroiicrtv of 1'hiladclnliia and .'Suuburv Railroad
June, 4, 1853. tf.
Select School for Girls.
Under the Care of Kiss E. Calvin-
INSTRUCTION will lie given in the ordinary
English Branches, Physical, Sciences, Alge
bra, (ieometry and Languages.
A Session will consist of twenty two weeks,
Second quarter to commence on the 13th of June.
Orthography, Reading, Writing Com
position, Geography, English Grammar
and Arithmetic per quarter. S3, 00
Willi any additional English study, .$1,011
Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, $5, HI)
Music, I'uitiling, and Drawing, each ucperate
and ut the cuslom.iry rates.
Dr. li. 11. MCay, Nortbuiiibciland.
D. Taggart, Esq., "
Hon., Joaeph Casey, New Berlin.
Itev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. I'res. Banner l'hila.
II. G. M'Guirr. A, M , Principal of Central
Institute, 1'hiliiilelpliia.
iSoriliumlierl.imi, May 21, 1853. 3iu.
'Jiirekii, Kurekii."
fur ,',e littl.- ones. Why will parents
a waste lititira and duva in fruitlcsa endeavora
to get perfect pictures of their children and alter
all gel nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
e would say, come to our
and we will suarantee ts make vou a oerfect
picture, by our Electuo Chemical pioccatt,
that works In troin to a seconds. -
W e dety any Daguerrean in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, as wo are the
liiveutots, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishments in New England and the
Middle States, tot pictures of adults, thu silver
medal we have received lioui the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with the numerous premiums Iruiu
l. uuuty r airs, is sultieient proot that luey are
the As Vint I 'Ira "f perfection.
We would cull purtieulur utleiiliou to our
ralbotypes Ilagueireotvpcs in Oil.
1). C. Cm. i.i mi i Co., 1110 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site 11. nun
den HotiM', Sptiuglield uud Collins' lluildiii'j
e.llu-l.l, )Im
N. II.- Iur establishment i i illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictuiea by Day, and bv
rraestor Ihimejurd fajrlf Jmiiiij's I y JVigil
'Come and ace.
l'hila., May 88, 1S53. ly.
C o I tt m ti i a ?4 o u 0 c ,
Ckratuut klreet fcrlow TOt,
Boaiii f 1.50 per day.
Phila., May 28. 1853
IwH books, ink, and all complete, just received
and lor sale by .H. B.MA8SER
Sunbury, Jane 4, 1853. . .
lit- H. H. HIGBEE'8 remedy for coughs.
-colda, and aulmouary diseases. A supply of vaiuame memcine just received anil for sale
Sunbury, June 4, 1S53. .
I QUENCH Cloth, Fancy Vesting, and Cassi
merea iuat rateitivai.l mnA r..a a..L. k.
Sunbury, May 14, '53. TENElt A CO.
IHESH Vanilla Bean of superior quality
inst rec ived and fur sale by '
June4, IHSj - II. B. MASTER.
WRITING FLCID and self sealing Euve
lonea. ioal rtt-Mt-,l mnA f.u. aDl. l.
April ia. I8M.-, H. U. M AKHF.R
1 MB RELLAS, Paranoia and Fancy Faus,
) ju3t recer ed and for sale bv
Sunbmy, May It, '.')3. TEN'FR A CO.
No. 6 1 Arch Street, four doors above Second,
I? L 2 N n s ,
Which for stylo or finish nnd workmnnahip ennnof ! e surpassed. M'bol.-a ila and RelaM
at the lowtsl pticci. Also THA Nsl'A RK. V WINDOW MIADIOS AND UKEV UI.LND
'ii(ii.i, v T.i :, at m vri-A(Trrn:is' I'uircs.
t.17" MERCHANTS anil ollict are invited to call and ex imine.
I'hiladelpbia, Aiinust vil, Hr'J. ly.
Iii re and Help Live ! ! !
Urn MtiTTn.
9P EPECTF'i;i.I.Y inlorr.n bis friends nnd
the public gi r.crulb , Ibal .lie liaa jtwt rt
ecived at hit store, in Simliiny. I clovv Weaver's
Hotel, a large, InncUi u-.c and cheup usso.lincnt
contistinir In pu t of
Dry Good, viz :
Cloths, Cussimers Cvfsiuetr, .Trans, Drillings,
Muslins, Vestiiifs. LiU'iu, !fc.
Calicoes, Muslin tie Liins, Laicns,
Ginghams, Berates, Rubes, rj'c."
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, Kisli, iSalt, Ac, Vc, dec
Nails, Screws, Files, tNtws, Knives & Forks, eVc.
of various styles and patterns,
A large assortment of Bonis nud Shoes, for
men, uomcii and children.
Hits Caps, Ac, of vaiious sizes nnd styles.
Besides a luri;o and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. VF Country prniluea of .ill Kinds taken ill
pxhanp at the hibost market prices.
Suuburv, 4 mo. 30, 1S53.
Lumber Yard.
r"IIIE subscrilter would respectfully inform the
A citizens of Hunhurv, and .Viithuml erland
and adjoining counties, thv li Ivis ineticd a
rmiiJev 1'
in the lot fronting on Crnn ' '
tancc East of the S'"! -
now a lartro anioun; -
uXso Vaitnel Voartis, ui..:
Hl'lLIMMI Matmiih. u. I. If -v , !,ir
huildlli; purposes. Also n m ii of
Shitiirles on baud, wlncli will be n.. J IV mi v'(i up
lo fS, according to quality nud iz. I'leafe i;ie
us a call and cxauinie our prit e- and qua lily.
N. 11. Farmers ho uio in want of .Shingles
will please call as we will acll lo you low.
J. E. l.EIB, Sup.
Suuluny. May 28, 1S53. ly.
(iaitlcmens Fashionable
No. 5'.ll Chcsnut, Third door, below Eighth st
IAS on hand a full slock of French and
A English l'iccc (Joods, which will he made
to order at tho Shortest Notice, in the Latest
Style. FOK CASH.
Fliila., April 0, 1853. 6tn.
A New
fl ELSBERG Sc CO., respectfully announce
tome iiinaiittanis ol Aorttiumiierlaml county
and tho public in general, that they have com
menced a new Clothing Store m imnliury Pa.,
opposite the Post Office, adjoining Mr. Stroll's
saddler shop in Market Street. Ihey are just
opening a splendid assortment of fashionable
Spring; and Summer Clothing.
Consisting in part of
Cloths, Ctissimers, Sulinetl, Linens, Checked
and Fancy Cloth Pants and Coats
ALSO, A Cue supply of Silk, Saint nnd other
Of all Kinds of Hals and t ':p, .'.. t and
Collars and Genl ' L'. ,;
CotltJa ill ; . Hi-: ,-).
All of which will le .,l !:ta;r txur cheap
at the lowest cah iim ,.
I'bo public may rsl u-t'-t-ri'l 'n.,i all t I t';
they buy of our stoic ! u ut: well, at e io of
tho linn is a prui iieul l.ttior ami m r tiioie ;ot 1;
of Clulhiiig is inaJi up t v ..ins, !it. tin adhe
ring to the rush ) tin- ipk' an ! i.-ur.t xu iuK- i u.v
quailitaiiee anion;; New Vi.iR ni l i'lu!atlelihii
Importeiaol Clntli enables in, lo tell vc.v cheap.
Call and Sec ; No charge tor ioouin :i onr Cioods.
Our Assortment la alvtavs k -I t.p as wo are
constantly getting fresh supplies.
Sunbury. May 7, lssa.
Drugs, Paints, Oil, Viudow
Glass, ejf.
5 Toss Freiu h in.- vhiie.
10 tons Pure V hi;c l.t a l.
5(100 Uoies Wiml'xv Class. all sizes.
Superior Potash,' 'opal.Coat'li .I.ealli- 1
er tV Iron varnish, white Dviuar vurnii-h for China
til us, wilh a Kt'lu-ral aasortiiicnt of fresh and pure
Also all tho 1'att nt Mt-JiLliics in general Use, ,
vtarraiiltal mliniin'.
Colored and Luuuilt d dlass, c, t.c., lor sale
veiy low ut
Al.t l.r.H vi ll. i o
I'm.; sntl Paint Mote, ISo. lutf IS. Stud htrtet.
I'll) it-Una and Sloiekoepeis suiplicd uoods
nt to anvof the Hotels or Uvpot. tree of charge,
l'hila., May 28, 1833.-1) .
Excellence and Beauty ccmbined,
Model Spring Style Ilata,
UNEQUALLED hy any others in all that
cau render salisl ulioii to the Wearer
tiive them a trial. The Very Kiuet Molcskki
Hats for 3,fiU ; Second Quality, very fine., 3 DO
lbird Uuality, a eapilu) article, li.&U. All these
are warranted.
Model Hat Store, N. 40 Nirt'i Slh Street
rlula., April 1, 18.'i3. Gm,
Estate of ADAM RI "
NOTICE is henhy ci en. c
niontary on the folate ol' '
Lower Augusta township, . ) i!i,
ty, dee'd., have hern giaulrd hy i
e la
.-i- -tr
1 ''Oil II
tf.-ioter of
the above named Couniv. to the iiuili'iicn-d.
All iwraona having claims against aail esiate. arte
requested to present them, duly anlheoliciled I if
aettleiaeiit ; and thuaa knnsviug themselves inJol't
ed to make pay men t. without delay to
rilaltli NJN 1, r.I lor. ;
Lower Augusta twsp., May !i lH.'i:l. Ct. .
BLANK NOTES, waivins; iho me.nplioii
law of 300, for sale by , j
AprU 20, 1851- 11. B. MA.-ER, J
OIL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Truoks,
Valises and Carpal lit a, just rrcalvad and
Hiraalehy I. W. TENER CU.
Buiilmiv, April a1, lj
Kiuj;;i iiim ol' Fasliion
A'.;! GcT.'iaen'i rnrnishijirj Good.
i J AX RECEIVED at his rstablihm'eiif, on
" J ;.er atreet, one door north of C. J. Bruitcr's
latv-ollici-, in Snnbury, llie most
Splendid and Fashionabl
for gentlemen's wear, that has ever Wen offered
in this place. His slock consists in a great
variety of
.Imortg which are superior Mick, Brown,
Green, Olive Claret, Jichrittm Cloth,
French Clot is, Russian black, he.
Black plain dne-sk'n Cassimeres, Summer '
and Winter Cmsimerrs, ttc.
Block Sal ins, (a rich article.) excellent Marseiles
Bulf, ,hilc, (Figured and J'lain,) Figured
(j'rcinulino, superb Watered Silks, and
Tweeds, I.itiens, Cravat. Hoseirv, Plain and
rancy Trimming, Centlemen's Collars,
Snsj s'tiders, A e., (V., tVr.
Call and see hia assortment of goods. Ho
challenges inspection, nm politely invites the
public to test their quality by procuring the best
,.,, ,,amSl vests, Ke., in tlie coun
I A lew journeymen tailors can find im
mediate situations at thia establishment.
Sunbury, May 21, 1853 3in.
Spring nntl Summer Goods.
JJJESPECTFULLV inform their customera
j ""d I he public, lliat they have just receiv-
ci. uud opeiit .1 the licst and cheapest stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
nt their store in Market square, Sunbury.
Their slock consists of every varic'y of
J)rv (ioods, viz :
Cloths, Cns'imercs, Sattincts, Vestings,
Flannels, ll'ullens, Ifc.,
Anil nil kinds of Spring & iitnmi'r Wear.
Also a splunilid varii'ty of
Calicoes, Uinghnms, Chintzes, Dc l.uincs,
AnJ every vaiiely of goods suitable fur La
dies w ear.
Also mi extensive assortment of
Hats and Caps kk Mkl akO Rovs.
Also a largo assortment of GOC'EltIKS,
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a iresh supply of
Pt sides tha larnesl and most ceneral asjoil
tneiil of all kinds of (ooda lo bo had in this
t Country produce of nil kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market piice.
Sunbury, April 30. 1853.
M'jMy Horses, Children's Propellors,
iiis. Coaches, Barouches, &o.
Manufactured wholesale and retail hy
No. 64 DUCK Street,
Orders through Ilia niail piomptly executed
l'hila., Apiil l. Ib53. lv.
Gas Fixtures Lamps.
No. 221 North 2nd si. above Vine,
rilll.AlU I I'HI.l.
n. WING had many years practical r.Trini.
rsii't in the huiiieds and as all work sold
liy us is uiauuftii'Uirial under our itiiuiediale so r-
ixiou we are enahlod to oiler to purchasers superi
or unit ies in every liram h of our trade upon llie
mo:it favorable loruis. At our store may lie found
in every variety and style of linit.h Gas and
Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Side lliarkels lot
Halls, Churches, Ac, lus Immiut Kit Piss.
Oil I.Avr, Also, Fluid. I. ard and Oil Lamps
r-eriaiidoles, Uoqiter ImMvis, Pa'rlot, ISiaht and
Keadinii Lamps on hand. Lamp Classes, tilohes
Wick bhades, Vc.
At uvrl fihirrauteJ or no bate.
Factory No. 80 Noble stiect mar 4th.
ltetiieiuher Store S'i 1st 2nd street, next door to
J. Mewart Ueptiy s Carpi t stole.
Phila., April 2, 1So3. 3ui.
I F this advertisement should meet the. eye of the
gentleman, (a juslicu of the Peace, 1 bctleive)
wliu hesitoke l copy of llinn's Justice, and 1
Magistrates UtH-ket he ia informed that Iho
Hooks have lieen ol.tatne.1 and ate ready for tie
nvery at mo nook more nl W M. McC A R I'Y
Kuiiltury, May 'IS, 185J. tf.
CO'lh eioii has pot a third volume, the
.. . w. ut titsi wvrna ot
William Sliaksiaaare. smalt mo. two front
plates, puliliahed ill 18 JO y McCsrly & Uatls
- Iioun.l in red cloth. '1 he parson hafinu it is
- ,,'l"0''l''l, lo ":'urn it, or call ami get the oilier
v.t;,, vuiuiur.
WM. McCAllTY, Bookwllrr.
rSunhuiy May (8, ISft3.
The New and Splendid ussoitment of
Jul reeciveil aitd for aale by
bunbury Apl 80, '68. I. W. 'J'ENER 4 CO.
ItLK.M.NG Fluid, Camphtup, Sperm and
Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and
Turpentine just received and for sale by .
. Sunbury, May 14, '63. TENEU A CO.
CHOLAGOfaCE An excellent remedy for
tha cure of Fever and Acne, iuat lettived
and for aele It I W. IXN1H V t O.
Sunhuty, May 14, 1'S.
y ifs
cuftB or , A cisoitM-m-n uvtn and bid
Cory or a 7frr from Mr. R. If, Ktrlu,.
I hemist, 7, Prcseoi Street, Liverpool, icihd
6fA) June, 1851,
To Profcaaw IIoi.i.owaV,
Sia Vour Fills anttohilfnml We loil vha fiiL'tn-at n
our sale hat of Priajiiietory Mi.tlli-liiea lor an )waia. .
tiistorrft'i, lo I can rnr fi-r snv runiiinia. rtvail,,-
tilclolet vol, Iiimw (he pnrticuliira tS Iter c.-if. "Ve hail
been trotrlilcl f..i ymoa wilh a diaortk ictl hvef end bad
aVflatfat. On Ilia last neraaion, however. Ih vrralmre r '
lha atlaek waa so nlanmiiir, anil the iiiHairsmitiiiti sol ia a
severely, that tl"iil,la weie eiil:rlnimO If her r twlug
ulhi to laaf art maler it ; Inrlininlrlt a'e Wtta htiliiriil .r
try jTMiir I'iIIh, uml alir inionna nra llial lifter the Srat. ami
each Biicreetling il tae, alie htttf pfrelrt r'ttcf. ftlte etiititini'ij
to take them, and althoagh sha usetl onr three ftnxea,
la now in Ilia eii ivitiei nf peitit-t healtli. I e- nkt lava
seiti y.ia nisny rnsft, Ina ilnj nliov fnati llie arvaaiTT cr"
the ATr,tea, ami the ai-Kcev cure, I tliiirk, aH-sita murli in
lavtr of ynilr aaliinrarnne PrMa,
(ftiamtl) R. VT. KtRKbJl.
an i;.TiiAonpmnv rrnfr of inif.t matic
Copy of a Ietter inserted in the llolmrl Town
Courier, of the st March, 1851, by Maiur
Marwrel M'3nmiian. iituHv,! ytmvn v4 agt. rknlituf ut
rvrr Town, hud bt-tn auflertiif frin a vi ktit i iu
fever ftir upwnrria iff twi inonllia which hud ulircly 1
prived hut of th uaa ot her IihiImj Utrrhif tlna teriud h
was uiiilcr tTieciirrof tlie mit eminent tiiedio:il men in
1 1 cburt Town, and hy (limn her enw vr rtHividcratl h"rn -U'to.
A Iricml prevuileJ upon licrt'i Uy Hul.nwiiy'f' cclu
hrated PilU, which ahe roiiM-iiU'd to du, aw ft. an invrwli
blc ahurt apt-ice oi lime tiicy i rTocU tl a perfect cure.
From alwr.i That t)" Noi, Pioprictors cf th
Lynn AJvertiscrj who can vouch for tk
following statement August 2nd, 1851,
To ProfcMiir Hulldu at,
8m, 1 riefftre to lenr tcatim "tiy 1" tlie fttoA fiTvcta rf
I!ulltiv:i) Killn. Ft amne yinrs I lullrrml luvriel) lrni
a pain and tightnem tit tho aMnttiHt wliicli wan avt arCiW -poiiinl
by a ihtirtnrna il brtHli thnt pi evented me fntia
wulkin ub-uit. 1 mil Kl )tui ol' ngu, hml i:til willmtHiiJii:
my atfruiit-rtl fcfnte tf hit, ill w Tills have S'i iitievvd me,
'lint 1 nut dt'xtrons Intit t'lhura ahnl4 be nuale at'tiuaiiittit
Willi their irliit-a. I nm nuw rem lend, by their in,
cotiiMHutivel)' nciive, nnd cuit dike exm-iae witltuul ilicun
veiilcnee or in in, which 1 ctuM nut d bet'ire.
(digued) IIICNHY COE.
IVortli street, Lynn, Nuil'iilk.
Thcst celebrated Pills are wmidet fully pita
cruris tu the following complaints.
Acne frrapar ' Intra mmotioA
A Killing lyictitnry J:iu'idire
liilmiii Cimphmttn Krynipeliia Liver Com
Jtl"lclifa cm tha I-Vmnle Irregn- plniitta
Skm laritifi lsUinUig9
IJiiwel Coinplaiiita Fcveiaofall Pilc
1'oli'i kinds It
CsMiatiratinii of Fin Ji tciiimii of
the Bowels Gout Trine
Consumption llcnd-acha P?rfnln or
Debility IndL-csiion King's L-vi
re Jnmata fione and Uravel RwoiMiary
Tic Djuloureux Tumours Hviuptoma
Vlcers Venereal AlTcetiunS YVormsol'ail kn,fl
Weakness, from whatever cause Ac, Ac.
Solxl at the Efttablifthineut of Professor Ilni.itwsVT. ftlt.
flfundy (near Termirc Bur, l"ndoti,) ami bv nil reypeetnl '
Druifgists oifd Jleuh'rs in MedK-ines throughout the Bntii
I'-niptfe, A th 'm of the I'nidil Slult-K, in lioxeaat rtTjc,
67c, and M Oik, eath. Wholeanle by the priiic iiMil Uh:k
Hotlnea In the Lmm,afTd Irr Mors. A. B. AD. Sands,
New York,
There is a DonsidorAble saving by taking the targef
N. B. Directions for the pniiluiicn of puficnts in every
disorder arc niUxed to each ix.
OctolwrllS, 1H53, tf;
In the Dry Goods Uuslncss.
OKrKC5Trn.liY announce to their frienJs
ami tl'e )nililie in gpnnral, that they have
taken llie Ohl WfSnd. In t'ppef Auqusla. lo'.vn
slii, Kortliuinlicrland county, Pa., formerly oc
i'UtieJ ly Isaar. (.'auitlell, & Co., and havo just
rt'ltirnctl from riiilailelhia, and opened
.1 jYeiv and Splendid Assortment of
Srttixc AXn St'MMEit Goons,
ConaialiiiR in part nf Cloths, Cassimers, Sat
tinetu, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of
Hummer Wear.
Also a splenJitl assortment of
Ladies Dress Good3,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Berage de Laities',
Alpacas and t-hawls.
Also a frcsli supply of Gl'VCei'lCR of all
Hardware snd Qiipenswarej Drugs and
Also a lartre assortment of Hoots and
.shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hals and Caps, such
as Panama, Straw, l'alm-leaf
and other Hats. Salt,
Cheese, tVct Call
and Sou.
Cheaper than the Cheapen!,
All of which n ill Ihj sold for cash, or in f x
cliauiio for country produce, at the highest market
pi ice.
I.'ppnr AuRUsIn, ApriUlO, 1853.
(Pueceaatir to At FIOT.)
No. 161 ChcsimU Street, Swain's Building.
-1 Denier in Musical Instruments of every de-
Lxclusit A clit for the sale of Hallel, llavis
& l.'o's (Uoston) IVriM SisiKsiox 11 si no a
Miiltdii and other
L, liillietl's lioudoir 1 'iaiiosj Mclotlcons, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Misic, Misic
IIoiiks, Ac, ee.
Lesidents of the country will he supplied I V
mxil or otherwise Willi any music they dii' at as low rales as if piirchascd iu permm.
navin-' one nl thn hirers! stocks in the I nt'' -i
States, I feel coiilklrr.t trf satisfyin; all who may
levor me Willi a call or order.
Healers in Momc ntipiilied c.n the most lilcral
terms. Pianos lo h i. Second-hand Pianos lor siia.
i'hiladelphia, April 11, ln:A. ly.
Mann's Kstalilishmcnt
Sa South Sixth Street .
For ihe Maiiufarlare ami sale of
I'nlciit l.ctlri' oi)lur I'icsscf,
Patent METALLIC D.VMI'E.NEKS, Bruslits,
Oil Papcis, Uloltiug Hoards, Copying Ink, tic.
Patent Parchment Parr,
Superior to alt others, and each pat; irfr.t'J.
A most taluatde Invention for keeping in a
book -like foi m, Letter received, Oiitjinal Invi i
cea, Ac
Phils., April 9, 1853. ly.
-Platform Scales,
ttug Imawn Severely Itsted
At trail rigit'li Acl4u-le
ged Standard.
' Haiti oad, Hay, Coal, an Far.
Biers' SCALtS, eel iu auy Ukit,
-r iit tvHintrv. at short botice.
UENiS EO. V. Cti.BV, .
340 Market at., 'luladt lphia,
K. V. bright, Sunbury..
fiilla., pril t3, l53. '
JC8T KECEIVED SplraJid assortmenr of
l-adies' Dieaa Uoads, conahMiitsJ of hiHt, Mut.
lin de Harare. Canton Crat, Silk J'Imi, Dot
led tis I.avVn Holts, Ac, and for aale Uy
Suiiburt, May 14, '6S. TENER A CO.'
Shawls, Keady made MaittiUt
ttlark Silk an
k La', just re eived ai
. W. Tr. ER A CO.
for aale by