THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. Answ-aa to LAST WEEK Enioma. The Declaration of Independence. Kt to Last wires Pcml Drgln ol the centre letter ' of tch line, amf red from left to right, thus, 8 v c T, and follow the nme rule through the whole. . For the Banbury Ammrtn. OF.tMirt AI'IIICAL KNIGM.. Jam composed of. 15 letters. Mr t 4 6 II 11 Is emmtv In Orotgla. Mr 8 R IB 11 la what we must have. My 8 14 IS I" river In Europe. My 4 3 4 1 13 ia eonnty in Mississippi. My 9 8 I) t il county in Virginia. My 6 IS a 6 B 15 4 isoneof the Untied States. My 7 8 14 10 4 lee town in Spain. My 8 10 II 14 13 14 IJ la a county tn Miaa-wi-My 9 14 9 14 IS 0 14 la a town in nth Cnro ma. Mv 10 II 14 IS It 13 In a iiilf in rVnth America. My H 4 3 18 la a county In Tennessee My 19 9 It ia 10 4 l o town in New "' My 13 IS 4 17 it a Mountain In Asia. ,. tly 14 IS 14 IS la a rivet in one of Ihe a-"n Iv. IS 14 S P 11 is a cape. ,miywlanl ..fflcer In catr My whole la Ihe name of an ImpTtam national administration. Anawer next week. N. S. Bunbury, June II, 1853. . n 1 A STlUNGjHlii '75SSrl " Governor Brlgb.mV.unft of Umh, is ho father of ihiriy-l children. Ic water, ice cream nn.l mnMn arc becoming indivisible to human felicity. STRAWBKRRiE,iintl gnoil one- loo, nre Hel ling ill Philadelphia, at 6' cents pur q-.arl. Tiir. farmer, of Frederick county, MJ ,are complaining of the fly i ihe wheal. Slaycs are said to be commanding enor mously high rates throughout the Southern Slates. A few iiavs ago, twenty mock auctioneers were arrested in New Orleans, o.i various charges. The law prohibiting the salo of li.pinr in Delaware on Sunday,, went into cnVct luM Sunday. Late accounts from Madeira, where a fa mine was said to prevail, represent the citi zens to be well supplied with provisions. The two shortest words to pronounce, yes and no, are those which demand the most ex amination. Novel Slander Suit. The New York Mirror says it is rumored that the mother of th'eRev. Elenzer Williams has commenced a suit for slander against all persons who have asserted that her Eleazer is the ton of a king. - It is a singular fact, in the history of Low. ell, Massachusetts, that, in 18.18, nn engineer from Boston, employed to make n survey of that town with a reforenco to manufacturing purposes, reported that lliere was no water privilege in Lowell. There are seventy-five Roman Catholic Convents in England nnd Wales, besides one hundred Anglo-Catholic or 1'uscyito nunner ies, which contain within them three thou' sand females. Girls BewaiiC. Jean r.iul, thus cautions young girls : Tho young men fall on their knees before you ; but lemembcr, it is but he infantry, that they may conquer and kill ; or as Ihe hunter, who only on bended knees, takes aim at his victim. A wRtrrrt for the newspaper, from "away down in Old Vir'ginny," says, that since the ministers have been preaching to the slarrs about the immorality of dancing nearly the m hole of them so great is their conviction have "laid down the fiddle and the bow," and token to gambling. A Michigan IIai Storm. It is slated that a hailstorm lately passed over Macomb coun ty Mich., and that ihe stones varied from the size of a musket ball to two thirds the size of agooso egg. Men caitgltl in Ihe slnrm were so pounded by chunks of ice as to be confin ed to their houses for two or Ihred days. " Another Decision under the $300 Law, The Supreme Court, at its present session at Hartisburg, hai decided that a debtor can not waive his interest under the $300 law in favor of one creditor, in 'preference of prior lien creditors; and the assignment of his right is an abandonment of it, and that prior just creditors are entitled to tho money in the or der of their seniority. A Mas in Disgiise. Last summer, a re puted femalo was going ihe rounds, instruct ing ladies in the art of cutling dicssus, hailing from the North, wo believe. We understand that this cutter of ladieV garments was a man in disguise one who had donned the petticoats for some unexplained reason, ami passed for a female until after death. Fred tricksburg Would. A drunken fellow ran against a lwuso hich had been newly painted. Shoving himself clear by a VW effort, ho took one ghmpsa at his shoulJ 52;" n'8lU f0f ,h' W t. run A HD. of twel Vft Von ra nr .fc.Bi:. " li. MHO ... . unto v.oun oi cincintiali, and asked " committed lo the House of Refuge. When interrogated as to what had prompted him to take such a course, he replied that his father and mother did nothing but get diunk and abuse him, and that be was anxious lo bo pla ced out of their reach and influence. The Transportation of Convicts. The Eng. Juh are perplexed lo know where they shall e.tabli.h a penal colony. The people of Van Dieman'. Land will not have them, and a proposition to send them to iheCape of Good Hop. nearly caused a rebellion. The Fa!k and Island, are now .ujrgea.ed. It j, ed that the number of convict, annually transported from England exceed. 2000. and that 60,000 per.0,,. nr. now under senUnce oi transportation lor life. Petrified Man.-TIl Morris Mil.) veo. roaa state. thai not ,0g w'hil. .ome JMow.r. digging i t coal band, near the y oi a man in a perfect I petrifaction. F,m iu. . ft loth in t..k:-U . t a .T - """" ?B were encase J, ihe fined li f Wbi0h r8 P"fectly de- Via lrl-W 1 tioo Of Ihe cam.1. The limK feet, and loue. w" IIVKIIY ifsr. c? iraiuforrnea ,o Hook Agents MTflntiV. . ii.- TTnited Slates, to very County in the y.n,l" . l0 nvL or the following "";!-, whom Ih. largest commission. W"l P,,.: ,,b.r.,crt Pn fnniL History r " ' I'l.'in one. comprising gin tn Ihe pnmi-nt !'" wmmm .tally Isiuml "nh"X" ii,5Tor. fly J-hn Frost. Co"""... the rfrtl Thrlllin'a IncMcnla, f Hie MI';;iH t.'' hy V. Cr.mie -n.l olhef eminent ..ill, over StHI mi 'K' "I .;,.i t.v,, peces. ami l itnS-l.o:?.gilth,a. W . E.rUv'"f crrnia in the enrly In.linn Wara. ji well n. M l Z "lZ he rerenl Indi... H...t,hl,e. in and : !..' .. in...imtrl wilh over 30n Kiigniviits, from deaina l"v V CMtn-, ami "tler (tistiinruiihed nrtmta. It couUuia over St" r!!,-a Urtaro. oounu in iie.ria.-c , r". uui- rrieePl .i. SsaTrllK or I.1F wii.iihj. it". .y i . ......... . A., rcttiivn vii nine Ml over linipneee nnauiiiuiiy iiiueirmTO, and b mini in the heat Kngliah muslin, gilt Ixick. Price, o... .... l.inHTS mxo niinr a ir nnsii im' j i.r-. a unit Willi ftti (iitltrtniph) oiwj fmrtniit 4 the miihor. Over imiO nn-rc ortnvi. with htif tnl Piirmvitie. liounu in Hit bMt r.iiflllMl miisnn, pcui tmcs. inn, r; w. Col.tlK?! (iRMI FRnM't If AKVRT FfFI.B. Tly T. Arthur, i'i tn . it( VUI pngt-s. Hound in mnftlin. with a lirnulit'til uie.. Uint t'ligruviiig. Trice, 75 Cent. Tiik Wat to Pik.fpkh, ami oMirr TtilfH. IJy T. S Ar- tlmr Vi n . (tviT 'ittO piiges, with a mezzotint engraving. Pure, vi . rnf. The linMK mumioji. hv r. r. Arm nr. w over 201 pnfrfs. with nu rncniviiig. l'rice, 6(1 Cents. . 1 Tim:r !ciik!. rWilth without Winpi. Ily T. S. Arthur. rTvT 2tm prtpm I 'J m-. with a fine niezz itint cn- giiivnig. 1'ricr, w Cciitt. The Fintiuic Asgrl. Hy T. f. Arthur. 01 piip, r m . with nn rnqruving. Uvund ia iMtmlui, gilt edges. IV iff, 3o cents. (JtijcyrKSTs or Tim Hv Vinrent W. Milncr. C(mniitfi InipoituntKventi in the History of (Mirisi inn ity. from the lime of our Snvtoni to the present dny. 330 fnem, mo. lllustmted with numerous engiavinga. 'rice, ?l Oil. AH of the tthrtvc h-oks nrr Ixnntifiitly nml mihutnntlnlly h tinid, print nn fine white paper. oimI the lVihlisher wdiiIiI especinllv cull attention to tlic (net that ihey nro a ll -xrltiivcly by AirntT thus civuig tliem nn mlvnulue whirh cnmvM lie luid on tnont lxokn,iis each A pent h:is the s le Hiid rxchiKtvc control of the Kile in nny seetionof country he nitty ui;reu to cnuvuss. I'oi pnrtifii!nrt nddrcss post paid, J. W. Hit A 01, KY. Nrt. 4 North Fouitli Street, rhilmlelnhin. riiilu , April ;(, 1603. t. SWA I MS CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CURE OF Incipient Consumption, Scorfutat General Debility White Swelling Hheumatismt Diseases of the Liver ani Skin, and all Diseases arising from lmpuities of the Btoodf and the Effects of Mercury. SWAIM'S PAXACK has been for more than thirty years celebrated in this country nnd in Kurope for its extni' irdiuarv cures fur the cert i Scutes of wlnru refereiKe is mntle to the directions nnd books (which muv lw hud urntis) Sjri'ointuiiyiutf the Pnnacn, oiiie of which give the purtieuUiis of crises ton frightful for general pnhlietition, where the mtients h:ul heen nluiont e.'itciiup with Scrofula, ant! were deemed incnnilile hi- lMivniriiiim. In lets het-n iifcil in honitn! nnd private practice, nnd has had thr smilar fortune of hciu rec niinieiisl id by t he most celi lirntei! physicians and other eminent persons. Aiuonp ot tiers by W. (lit .n. M. D., Prof. ;f Surgery. Pn. rntvenity. Vulcntiiw Alt 41, M. 1., Prof, of Surg , N. Y. Vnivcr sitv. V. P. Dtwces. M. D , Prof, of Mul.. pa. l'niceisity. N. f'htipmnu, M. 1)., Prof, nf Physic, Pa I'niversity. T. Pnrke, M. I)., PrefV College of Physicians, Phila. Dr. Del Vnll , Iro.of Medicine. Havana. Jose lv w reuce de I,uz, lrof. of Surgery, l.iion. J.Chipman. MetmVr Roynl College burgeons, fjondo:!. G. XV. Krviue, late Miuixter to Spain. Sir Tlnm is IVnrs-ui, Maj. Gen. Hrilish Army. Oilhrrt Itolierts'tn, British Consul, Ac., Are. And als-i. the wouderfnl cures cdwted by Swuim's Pun ncen frve for nmny years made it nn iuvahiahle remedy. The T'aiuicca does not contain mercury in nuv fonn, nnd being on innocent prepuratton. it may be given to the in M tender infant. The retail price lias lcen reduced to g W per bottle, (containing thice half pinliO or three bottles for HKWAKi; OK IMPOSITION. Swaim's Ptinaea is in round hottles, fluted longitudi nally, with the following letters hl.wn on the glass; "SWAIM'SPAXACKA PfllLADA. nnd having the name of Jas Swaim slnmpeil on the seal ni'4 wax, and written on the label covering Ihe cirk, and u splendid engraving for the side f the bottle, e unposed of H-inctrie lathe work, coinpriving nine dilfereut dies, which have liecn turned for the exclusive use of the pro prietor, bv Draper V Cr , lnl; note encrnvrs. of Phila delphia. In the centre is a portrait of the late Win, Swaim c 'pyiight secured. ALSO, MYAIM'S VKIWlFtTiR. A vnluahle Family Meilicinc, being n higlilj npproved remedy foi nil diseases arising from drbility of the diges tive organs, such as Worms. Cholera Murhus, Dysentery I'ever ami Ague, receding Piles, Siik Ueiidachtt, Ve., Ao. See the Pamphlet (which may be had gratis) oecompaisy hiff the Yerniiiiige. Vrc;Mircd onlv id SWAIM'S-I-Anon ATOHY, THR OLD STAND,' Seventh street, below Chestnut, Phibdel pht.i. mid s.'ld by ull the rcspectahle Druggists in the I' til led Stutes. CAITTION TO TIIR PUIU.tO. Persons wishing obtain the genuine SW AIM'S PAN ACKA nnd SWAIM'S VRUMIFLUli, should be careful to obseive that the name SWAIM i epelled corrcctlr on tlie tvittlea and laliela, or Ihey mny he iniiKiacd on liy'meilieinea made in ilililill Kill of them liv a vi n hearing a eoincu'liat aiillilar nuiuc, well culculalttl to deceive. GEM KRAI. AGENTS FOR THE I . S. SchieflVIin, Brothers &. Co., int nnd l'Ml John St., New Vork. Vhilnilclphiu, April , le53 am Flour and Feed Store. subscriber respectfully informs . Ins friends and the public generally, that he has opened a FLOUR AND JJJSJiJJ STUKJi, in Fawn street, in tho buiding formerly occupied by Esq. Bower, as his office, where he will con stantly keep on hand all kinds of tin 11. Floi n ami r r.eii, at the lowest market prices, lor Casii or produce. EMAAUEI. VILVJJUT. Sunhury, March 5, 1853. 3m CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND WAIti:. Wholesale and Itrluil ut No. Ji.V. U SKl.'OND St.. oiinoailc the Ml. Vernon House, liikl Iver Watches, full jeweled. IH k. eases, ei-i,00; Silvci Levers, full Sli.isj ; Silver Lepiues. jewekd. 'i,. no -ill u-niT:iiiti-d lo keen (rood lime, (iold Pens and Sil ver Case, Sl.nUj Hold Pencils, 61,00; Gold Pencils und 1.. r'u... u'illi it.mhI n-ilil Pensa. low ns &J.2.1. &'C. Also. nUvavson hnml a g.Kl nssorlmenl ot' Hue enld Jewelry, tiold Curb, Ituaid and I-'oh Chains, Gold eat Chains, Unties' (.old Koh Chains nud Melt Plus. Silver Table Spoons from Sit to If 19. Dessert, 80 to P'JI.uud Tea, SI ,7.5 to Po.50 pef set, warranted equal to coin. A II (iikhIs warranted to be whnt they Bre sold tor. -b-- Watches and Jewelry repaired and warrnnusd. !? All orders aent by mail or otherwise, will be punc tually ulU-udcd 10. M. AVISE, Apent, No. 72 Xorlh SKCOXD Street, opomite the Ml. Vernon rin Li., April 01, 1C.53 1. A CARD. AVING emlinrkcd in llie Mercantile liusi ness on mv own account. I lake this on- portunity to tliuuli the friends of lite Into firm, and ie public in frcticrtil lor llio lilicral patrtyiags extciidcl tu ,no herelufore, and would bo most liiijijiy io .e ii,cm at nly )CW inuiuess sutml, in the house formerly occupied by John Leisenrins, opposilo the Uank. MARKS n. PRIESTLEY. jorl!iuniher!aiid, March 26, 1853. 3m ST A (1 E OFFICE. M'ASIIINtlTOX HOUSE, ' SUNBURY, FA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor; "I VWLD respoelfully announco that ho has tuken this well Vnown .iu,..t i,. will ho gratified to see and entertain his lricnds and the travelling, pul,ic generally. This house - irFn wuii every convenience, comforta ble, pleosantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendcrin8 it in every respect desirable stopping place. No expense haa been spared in fitting op thia house. 1 he chambera are well fumiahed and the table and bar provided with the heat the market can alTord. The atable accommodations ere extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to 1 olUville, atop at thia house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. eunbury, March SO, IsS'J, tfc CHERRY PECTORAL: For ! f'nrei ef COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BZIOIT OHXTX3, CIIOUP, ASTjtf XVXA, WIIOOPINO-COUOH AMD CONSUMPTION". Of ait the nninerorta medirinea extent, (and aime of them valmihle) fur the cure of pulmonary eoniplauita, no thing hna ever heen lnnil whii'h ffiuld c imimre in ill cf feetH with thia Treperatlon. filhere cure aoinetinna, lnt nt nil time nnd in nil diten- i'f lliu Inugt and throat where meilieina ean gira relief, Una will do It ia rl"nNiiil to take. niHt nerlecllr aiife in nuc-ordunce with the tlirceliona. We (In ii'it mi v'vr iro for the information of thoae who have tried it hut Dines who hnve ml. Kaniiliea that have known iti value wili not In) Willi nit it and by ita timely nae. thev are secure from the dmieerotil c.mae- Jneneea of ronaha and C.'ldi whit h neglected, ripen into hUiI oonaumption. The Depl'ima m" the Mnaa.irlni'ieUa tnititnte wns award cd to ihis prejiurntion hy the Uttird ot Jndee in ctctnlM-r 1H4T I also, ihe MednU of II. e three sfrnt inatilules of Art, in thia country ; nlao Ihtf IH-plotna ol the Ohio Institute nt Cincinnati, haa lieen ttiven totheCMEaitv Pri-torai., hy their Government in coiiBiiU'rnli-tn of ita extr.i'irdnitiiy excellence and iieefliliicaH in cluing ulVcctlona of the l.ungl uno l lir.Hii, Itend the full nvin? opinion rioif1ed on Ihe I np erperi ence of the eminent riivait-hm ! the Port and City ot l)r. J. C. Ayer, JT. JOHNS, Mm P, li-.-.t. Five year, trinl of your dlKII It Y I'H.C Toll Al. in my pmctice, hna piovcu wlrit I l'..ieanw fr m itRcoinv itii'ii. liini.1 bti true, that it eruilicati-a nnd enrca tho coldi and cougha to which we, in this action, nre pcculmrly liiihlc. I think its cipinl hits not yet heen dim.- ivcreil, nur do I know how n lienor remedy can le made for the distem pers of the Throut anil l.uiies. J. J. hrnTON, M. T)., F. n. ft. See wlmt it Ins d me on a wnsteil, ii"t only in the following cukcs, but a ih'Lsnnd more: Pt-nDtmr, Jnn. tilth, 1"."il. Tr. Ayer : In the in nith of July Inst I wns attucked hy a violent dinrrho-n in miin-s nf California. 1 relumed to San praiisiaco in li'pe of rcceivinp la-m-lit from a ehiuiee of climate nnd diet, My diarrhipi cesiseil, hut was f'l lowed hy a severe e menand much aorenees. I linally atnrttil for h 'ine, but rcceiveil no Ipmelil fonn the voiietc. My concli coiitiinieii to pr-iw ivw, ntifl when 1 unived in New York, I wns lit once innrked hy my ncriunintmicra ns n victim of c iiisiunpliou. I must c 'iiicss thill I saw no sutlicicnt reus m to d tuht what luy fricmlK nil believed. At Ihis time I c iliiiuehccd tnkiiif; your truly invaluable medicine Willi litto rxiertation of 'deriving any benrlit from its use. Yon w .11 1.1 not receive these line did 1 11 t reffard it my dutv to state to the nirlieled. throuch yo, that my heiillh. ill the space of eight niontli.. is fully re- storeil. l attribute it lo the use of your CIIKUUY l'KC TOHAI., Yours trulv, Wll.l.tX.M W. SMITH. AVasiiisotox, I'n , April lit, 1HIR. Pcnr sir : I'eclitig that. I have lieen spared from u pre mature prnvc, throuuh your iiistriiineululitv by the provi dence of l id, 1 will lulic Ihe libeily to expiexs to you my gmlitude. A Cough nnd Ihe alarming symptoms of Consumption hud reduced me too low 10 leave ine anything like h'tc, when mv physician brought nie a bittle of your Pecto km..' It aeeincil to nlforil immediate relief, and n 'v in a few weeks time has rrstin-ed me to sound heullh. If it will tlo for others K-h-il it has done for mc, you are ccr tninly one of the benciacters of mnnkinil. Sincerely wishing you every blessing. I nm Viry respecll'ullv vours, JOHN .1. CI.ARKK, Hector of St. Peter's Church. With such assurance nnd frm such men, 110 stronger proof can he adduced unless it be from its effect upon trial. Prepared nnd sold hi JAMES C., Practical Chemist, Lofell, Maf$. 80M in Muiilmry l.y II MAS.SER, mul liy DruijciHls gonerullv lliroushout tlic f'tnto. March l'J, 1 S. ").'!. icow ly. Nov. 1352. C II K A P WINDOW SIIADK Depot and Manufactury or G. L. lXLLE?w & CO., J. it iuim:r .lllll flffu ottifiu ..tfecia PHILADELPHIA. as vt'nv v i;i K'rv nPkii df-i wu. 1 a Kalo nnd Kelail, such as Scroll, Flower, (lotl.ic, Vignette, Oil and Drv I.nndscanes, lire to be hud nt the lowest prices for qunlilv of work. Orders for tint, l lsiin Htore, Lettered and other fshailes executed nt short notice. Merchants nn.l others nre invited to cive u a trial. WE Wll.I, 'I'll Y TO PLEASE. Brasses, Tritntninps, etc., always on lmiid. Kcmciiilicr '. V. corner SECOND ar.d A KOll SlrccU Philadelphia. Fcbrunry 12, 1853. fun. Premium Essence, of Coft'ee. V.Ml Wni AM..M. li!!!' It ust nil hruiip Fssrnro of CofTi a-. ? II Y will mull uic lliat which is injurious to his lieallli, wi en he Is willinir to give all his wealth lo restore it when it is lost ! .Vtruuue ! that at lesct two thirds of the human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuii ous lo tin ir lica! ill. IsTi'tipi'' Hsm'iicc r CoIIec is, lieyond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of (..'olive in Ihe wprld. Every liouse keeper should have it. Try it and be convinced it will save about UO pel cent, besidesyour health. Warranted to render entire satisfaction. Manufactured and for sulo bv ' ELI KHUPP, 630 North 3d alreet Philadelphia. IS. 1). All the principal Cirocers and l)i -ugijiMa hnve it for sale throughout Ihe United Stales. For sale by the Agent, II. V. Masscr, ISunhury. January 1, 1S33. 6m. 1'nprr IIaninj's. riIIE uiiilersiKncil have iust opened a fresh J- and complete dock of' WALL PAPERS, among which nre OOL1) nnd VELVET, FINE SATIN, mid the LOWEST PRICED L.MiLA. ZED PAPERS : Also, HECOH ATIONS, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS, &e., Ait. hull Ihey oiler at the lowest prices, both wholeaule und retail. Tho best workman employed to hang pnper either in iho city or coun'rv. Elank Books, Stationary, &c, &o. We have also our usunl oasortmenl of WRIT. INC! PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, Blank and School Rooks, Stationary, &c. PARRIS1I & HOUf.'II, No. 4 North Fifth St., 2 doors above Market, PHILADELPHIA. ("ASH paid for Country rugs. riiila., March 13, 18S3. Hin. 1,000 Men Wanted. ON the tie of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL. ROAD between Dridueport (oppoaitc Hnr. rUliurtji and Sunburv, in tlie Slate of Pennsylva nia. This road is filly four miles in length' runs through a htghW improved country, and win furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborer for tlie next twelve momns. a. laroe uortiou of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that arc familiar w ill lliereford find cer tain employment nnd hlieral wages. DOUGHERTY, LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, lf53. Laborers Wanted. THE aubscriliera want immediately on tlie Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union county, seven miTea below Selinsgrove, from 60 TO 100 LABORERS, to wlum one dollar per day will pe paid. BAVIDGE, W JLVEBTON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb, 19,1853. tf. SUNBURY FERRY. Y1ENRY V. I1UCHEK informs the pul.lie M- thai he has' tuken. tlie Suubury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and audi cient eratu he wili be enabled to arcoinraodate the public with prmiilneaa end despatch. Auril 10, 1802. if. Ml IIIHMMt "A Penny wavtd is a rnny Earned; MA ItPLli 8 HJAnR HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market ahov Ccntr Street, PotlsviUe, Pa. BLANK Hooka bound and ruled in any and every atylo, in lha moat durable and aub aUtitinl manner, willi or without printed Heads. Person m want of . 1. ci Iff era. . Dorlscta!, Day Douka, Minute Hooka, journals, Letter Book, Blotters, Reevipt Booke, Coal ledger, Ac, or any kind of Blnnk Book, would do well lo give me a rail as I pledge myself to give aatiafne linn. Paper ruled to any pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to Binding all kind of old Hooka, Biblea, Godey'a t.ady Books, Grtiliam'a Magazine, Sarlain'a Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Joaephus's works, Hymn .Books, (ileaann's Pictoriat, fslieet Music, Hh-jksprare'a wqrks, Lire of Christ, Law Books, Ac., Ac. Any of the nbove or oilier hooks bound in fnll i;ilt, plain or fancy to suit the wishes of customers. I would again call the attention of my fiends and customers, to Ihe fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder for the lust 18 vears, and they can depend on havim; llieir wink done in the very best manner, and do Ilia work myself; 1 use the best paper A: mntcrinl; plea girt me a tall my charges ore reasonable ami lair, lint there is no diliiculty about prices where work is done satis factorily. N. M. Persons bavins Boos Ihey want Bound can send Ihein by stage directed to me stnlinir, the tlie stylo iney wish inem liounu in! 1 win uo Ihein ns low ns Ihey ean bo done any where, care fully pack Ihcm up nnd return llietn ; Also per sons ean send orders for Blank Booka by mail, which will be punctually otlendad to. All work done ut short notice. R. I.. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder. PolUville, Nov. (, 1H.")2 Gin. HEN.! A M fN 1 LEFFNEIl Bl EsPECFFKLLY informs the citizens of ' Sunhury and vicinity, that he Ins opened a new stoic in the room lately occupied by Oeorse Bright, opposite Bullou s Hotel, lie has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring smd Summer Hoods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassincts. of ull kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : - C'nllrocR, CsliiglimiiM, I.mvm, MoiiNMcllne Oc I.nlncs and nil kinds of Lmlies Dress Goods. GUOCKUIKS of every vaticly. Also an assortnieui of Hardware'. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also 11 ti excellent nssortmetit of QUEENSWARE, ol vatimis sly h mul paileins. Also an ossoitnient nf HOOTS U SHOES. J I ATS Si CAPS, a good (election. Salt, Fish, 6e. And a great variety of other articles such aa arc suitable lo the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest iiriccs. lsf Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prres. Sunhury, .May 1, 1852 ly. - i if CARE, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Coiniiiision 3Iercliants, 23 and 2 Spears Wharf, BAIiTIMOnE- KKKKREN'CKS. John Clark, Esq., Pieaident CiliciiH- Rank, Bait A. I . lilies, Esq.. ( athier rraiikhn Hank, " John Hert.!ur, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rojjcra, Siiinu-ksoit A- Co.,. " Tome, Esq., President Cecil Rank, Port )e- posite. ,1. nllower Son llurrislung. il. II. C. Ever, Sclinstjrovc J. II. App A Co., " Nnple, niputp et Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Money. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " (ieorce Rodine, Hushsville. . Veaer & Co., Montotiriiville. ('en. William F. Packer, V illiamsport. I . W. Lloyd,, Uaaluer, " James 11. Hilling, " Lewis (!. lliiline:. H M'JIcnrv fV Bulih, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling, Esq., Lock Haven. 13?" Carr, Gicse & Co. have Ihe largest wharf- room of any commision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 12, 1853. Cm. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM AND SELLERS, If'hulesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, . No. J1.1 North Third St. below Itace, rillLADELrHIA. riHE atlention of Dealers is requested to an -- examiniilion of their stotk, which will be found to be at i r. ikt equal lo any in this city. FOREIGN FRUITS ol all kinds in season. N. 1). Oidera hy mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, 1SS3. Cm. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Water Street, below Client nut, PHILADELPHIA. MPORF.RS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, Aic.f keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices lor cusli. Raisins, , Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, ('ream Nuts, Dales, Filberls, Figs, Vanilla hcuns, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry ' Muscat M Sweet Malaga" Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 P A TEXT BRITTANIA STOPrEIiS for bar bottles for sale by II. B MASSER. Sunhury, April, 12, 1851 riLEY'S COEOf CNDY. yln excel. lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this office. December 4, 1852. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, e fresh supply just received, and for tale bv U. U. MAS3UIC Sunhury, Jan. 10, 1852. kMLVER WATCHES. A few double rase English Silver Watches, fur sale at very low piiees hy H. B. MASSER. Sunhury, April 12, 151 4 RNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhc t V gjve and legal envelopes, for aale by H. B. MASSER. Bunbury, Jau 10, 1852. TJLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank XJ Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Hummone fr suleby H. B. MAS8ER. Sunhury, April 2C. 1851e-- HANP BILLS neaUy printed on new type -.mml executed at this - office. Also blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. 8unrury, Feb. 14, 8M. CtJ" 8500 CI I ALLEN G 15. WMATRVKR fvmrmn thm hmHh nn6 hnpptnrim of ft imiule in mi all limcm tlie mnii vnluttt import niwr. 1 tnlto It for ffrniiirtt tlmt every prnnn will do all hi their MVWfr( tn nvn the livaa of their children, aitd Uint every permm will eiirtpiivnr to promote their own honllh t all ru-riflrfn. t fenl it to ho my duly to Mtlermilr anmtre you Hint WOnMS, nrronltnfl to the opinion of the nvat oelehraied Physicmnt, nre the primary cauaet of a larjte nwjrhyof dineawg to which chiWrert awl mhilta are lia ble ) if yon hnve nn appetite continually rhaiifreahle frm one kiml of food to mi'ithcr. Hnd Mrcntfi. Vut in the Sto mach, Picking nt the Nw, Hnrditcm nnd Viillnma of the Ilrlly, Dry Conifli, Slow Fpver, 1'iilnc Irreffulnr renionihsf inat an mow nctiote UH irf nnd you tlionkl at once np ply the remedy HOBENSACK'S W0UM SYRUP. An article founded nnon fVtentificPrlnelnles, eomponnd- ed with purely vegetable atilutinncea. beinj perfectly safe when taken, nnd enn lie given to tlie most tender infant With decided beneficial effect, where Dowel C'implainta and Diarrfnra hare made them weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Hymn are such, that it stands without nn equal in the catnlogue of medicines, in g ring time nnd strength to the Htomach, which makes it an innuiii'ie remeny lor inose nlllictefi wun liyepcpsia lha nslonixhiuc; eurea performed hv thia Pvrup after Physi- einns hnve ftiilcit, is tlie best evidence, of its superior effi cacy ovei an oiucrs. THE TAPE WORM! This Is the most dirfivult Worm to destrov of all tlmt in. fest Ihe human svstein. it irrows to nn almost Indefinite lenflth hec ailing so coiled nad fustened in Ihe Intcstiuea anil r.nnacli clleetmg Hie health so aailly na to cause Ml. Vitus Dance. Fits. A-c. thai those nlllictuit seldom if ever aus(iect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to 1111 early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, n very energetic I renttnent must lie pursueil, it would therefore he proper to take 6 lo fl of my Liver Pills sons to remove nil obstruc tions, tlmt the Worm Syrup may net direct upon the Worm, which must lie taken iii doses iif Tuhlcsooonfiills 3 times n dny these directions foil owed have never Is-en known to full ill curing the most obstinate case of Tape Worm. O- IIOBF.NSACK'S LIVER PUXS. No p-irt of lilt Kyiitrm if more li:ih!e lo disrnpc limn the 1.1 v i-.K, 11 Bi rvniff ok a nitercr r jiurily the t.i vm. or piv nic itie hroivr Fecrrtion to ihe hih? ; so tlmt nny wnniK nr- ti'Hi of lltff Liver clfectn Ili other iinnortniit pftrti o tlie syetrai rvrtcin. mul rrFiilfii VHri'ii'mlv. in l.iver Cuiunliiint. Jatin dice, ftprmn, ten. XVts should, therefore, wntrh every tymjiMn tivit niiirnt niihcrilr n wmns nrtmti ni the l.iver, j iieti nils tjetnjr c mpiiM of iiuots v im.a. is tur- ni!iei in- n.nure to hrui Uic pick : iNamelv, let. An r.v PKOTDK ANT, whirh nunmcntii the Bervtion from the Puliniiiiry mticut memhnine, fr pronrtten the iliwhnrtre ol Mirrtftvd mutter. 2nd, An Al. Tl'.i ATIVI whirh rhmiirrt in nnie inesplienhle nnd inirnxihle in:uiner the ccrtiiin m ihid ni'tion of the nvMein. 3rd, A TONIC which tfivfii lone nun Htrenglh to tlic nervou wyteir, re newiiiir he-ilih and viff'r to nil nurtu of the Udv. 4th. A ('ATHAUTIC, whieh net in perfoet h:irniony willi tlie mner mpreoiemn, nun operutinji: on trie tiowei. and expel Ihis the wh le inaa nf r irrnnt fowl vithitoj tnntler, nnd nu rilytng the UIhxI, which UeKlroys (Iibcsivo bih) rcatortt neimn. TO TKM Af-KS. Yon will find these Pilln nn invnttnihle medreine in trwnv eoinnltiinte to whirh yn nre nuliieet. In nlmtrnrltoim ei ther totnl oi pnrtitil, tli-y h:ive Iieni found f inrstimn!Ie hencfit, rciPtorin their fi.nritonid 'irrnnpettit'iitd to n hrui- Ihv nrh'tn. nttritvimr the hl ioil nnd oilier Hmmir no enertn ally lei put to fltirht nil rotnpliiinln whirh. nitty nrine from teinnie irrouiiirtiien. nn nenntieiie gutiliness, diinnens oi tight, wiin in the (tide, Uick, Alc, fy Price, 25 cents end.. None ceniiine itnlm limned J. N. IloltciiKiek. nil others bointr Iw'pe Imilation. 1T Aaeulii wimiimc new utipphrit. nnd flore Keeperi desirous of lier miinp Ajrents niitt nd.hewi the Proprietor, J. N. Iloheiisnck, Philiidtiphin, Pa. f ild hy J. XV. Trilintr. S'lnlmry ; Mnrj" RTrCny, Nor thumherhiul ; H.-iscl. Turhnlville ;' Itiiwr, Millmi Dilly Jt Ienker, Ge'rrlown j leisinriiifr A Wolverton, Pnxi- ii" s: irft, lliekory: ull iieuiem in .Molicuie m lite Count v nnd ftiite. August 14. 1K53, ly. Van Loitu Diigucrrean (inllcry, 15'J Chestnut Street, l T this celehrnted cstal.ltiliirieiit you can always pro j cure tiic newest and most improved st les of DAuLKitur.oTVi'i-: it TAi.noTvrr. poiithaits at from oil t- ion per et. less cost than such pietiues can lie had for elsewhere. Now that yon can secuie such perfect portraits of your loved ones at a mere nominal cost, don't delay lest you lose them. Kvery vaticly of fancy eases, frames. A-c, on hand or furnished to order, and every picture niude sanatory nud wnirnnted to lie ill the hest style of the ail or No cilAnur. Cull and sec us nt 16!) Chestnut st. I.. If. Pi nNKI.L riiilmhllphia. July 17, 1S. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED 10th If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. riMIE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in- form 1 itivrr.RS generally, Unit lie has suc ceeded to Ihe Ruviness of miiiiuf.ictiiring rruit itiff Jul- fortnerlv carried on by his grand Father and Father, nnd otli rs his article to tho trade, without an v Prus, but with the nimple reliance upon the long established i-haiacter it has home, feeling coulidctit ot its ".mug entire Kutisfactiou lo nil who may him with a call. Tfhms ash. CHARLES KXEU JOHNSTON. April 10, I H'i'i. .u". 'liXSATXXBR.' Fritz, Williams 5 Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 'id Street., rillt.AI)i:i.l'JUA. ITOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import ' era, Con. mission and General Leather Bus- ineaa. Wholesale ami Kelail. ITS'" Manufactory 15 Murgarctta Street. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. EYRE & LANDELL, 4A nml Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for spring sales A Fine Stock of J)ry (loods, Black and Colored Silks, Fashionable Shawls, New desiirns of Dress Goods, British, French and India Goods, Linen Damask and Furnishing; Goods, A Full stock of American Cotlon and Woolen Goods, N. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods at low enn is cr.u m;t CASH. February 12, 1853. 3m. TnEMr.xnors Excitrmtnt ! '. Casli, Stenin, Electricity!! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by the i.iKiitiiiiiff i.ino r IRA T. CLlIENT. lirilO, bavin? great faith in rapid aalea and ' small profiu, has just received aim opened a large assortment or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in Mar:;et Street, Sunhury, which he oilers to the public at Ihe lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment f Dry Cioods, yiz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassincts, Jeans, Drillings Muslins, Linens, Lulicoes, Muslin tie Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Pierages. Sn.K Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Sji ces, t isii halt, rlasler. HARDWARE, Yiz I Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEENSWARE, 1'ea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, fli LIUUKS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Bum, Wlmkry, kt- (7 Country produeo of all kinds taken in ex change at Ihe highest inaiket prices. Jan. 13, 1S53 ly. liosendalc Hydraulic Cement N excellent article for lining Cistern., Vaults, Spring house, and Cellar., and for keeping dampness irom wet end expoacd walls. For sale by EVI SMITH & SON. N. E. Corner of Front end Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly JUSTICES' FEE DILLS For aale bv Cf H. B MASSER. Sunhury, Ignl 'Ifi - T-N K Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con I gree mk for sale, wholesale and retail by December 28, 1860. It. II. MASSER. BANK NOTE TABLE CORRECTED WEEKLY. rmNflYLVANIA MAWACArHRTTS. All solveti! Isinks 1 dis KIIOllK, ISLAND. All solvent hanks dis riTv nw n.imi.iiii V S. Rank notes 1.1 dis An solvent banka COUSTRY. i; r.i; i iv. ij i . RanV of rhnmlierabnrg 1 disJAtl solvent Ismka dis ,,nns ni ijnesier ;o. pari JNL.W ) uttn.. Hank of Del. Co. Chester nar city. Hank of Oermnulowii pnrlAII solvent Imnks dis Hank of Gettysburg 1 dis 7 Ilk notes under t3 ) dis llnnk of Irfiwistowll roTm-rav. Hank ofMiddletown I dis MontRomery Co Hnnk par llnnk of Northnmlierl'lid. imi All Solvents Ismks I dis WKw JKHBKY. Hclvidere Hnnk J dis Commercinl llnnk dis llnnk of Pittshura litis Bnnk of Danville pnrlFar. llnnk Mont llollv Carlisle Rank I dislT. ft M., Miildletown I'l I"' par uoinmins H'k Hgefopnr Doyelstown Uank par Kaston llnnk pnr F.rie Uank 9 dis Kxchanne 11'kPittshnrn t dis F.aehaure H'k. Itrnnch I dial Mechanics' Ilk, Newark pnr Mech. Ilk of Hiirliiicton pr Mech. ft Mnn. Ilk Trent pn' Morris Co llsnk 1 dis Newnrk Hk's ft Ins. Co I dis Orange llnnk ! dis Fnrmera' B'k, Bucks Co per'l'eople's Ilk Patterson 2 ins par par dis rnrmers- lis, iincnsrer pnril riuecron jwins Farmers' Ilk, Heading par'c'alein Hanking Co, Farm. Hk ftchuvlkill Co pnr Seinerret Co llnnk FAD. Hk WnvneshV 11 dis flute llnnk at Cmndell par Franklin Hk. Wnsh'u ijilis Slate Ilk Kliuibcililon llnrrisbura- llnnk I ill. Stale Hank Newark dis dis Ilonesdnle Hank I dis unite ilk. N. Iliunswick par fAucnstcr Hank par.Pitsscx lintik. Aewton dis iihiiioii iianK nar rreulou lliiiikinl Co pnr Mrrch. ft Mnn. Itanlc I dis Miners' ll'k, PotlsviUe per Mononaahela Hank 1 dis I'liion linnk. Dover 5 dis Vardley v'le ft Del Dr Co ISilis lllk notes mull r M j dis Df.l.AWAItK. Hnnk of Ih lnwnro far Tnylorsv'e Del H'c Co 13 (lis vt csl Hninrli Hnnk par Wyoming Hk, Wilkesh'e pnr Vork Hank, dis tyitelicf notes 1 dis Hank of Smyrna par Delaware Citv Bank pnr Ilk Wilmi'n llrnndyw. pnl Farmers" Ilk St Deluwnre par fnion llnnk. Wilmington wir IT" I'nder si's I dis OHIO. MAIMF.. Ilnulcof Whellock Sdis Mercantile Hk. Ilangor iOdis All s-lvent lianks 1 dis MOW tIAMI'SIIIRK All solvent Imnks S dis All solvent hanks 1 ilis'fy "k noia nuilcr R's 4 dis ' I NOHTII CAIIOI.I.NA. a dis! All solvent Imnks 2 dis VF.HMO.NT. ftnnk of !l Alk-ins All solvent Ismks j ilisT'l'mlerS's, S dis "AID AKD COMFOUT," T o Your Own .lltchniiic. GEOl'GE li MANITACTCUKR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. THE stibscrilier respectfully calls the attention -- of the public to Ins larjrc and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of cai!i.iit-w.i:b:. which enntiot fail In recommend itself loevery one wlio will examine it, on account ol its durable worknianship nnd splendid finish, made up of the best stock to ho had in the cily. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, BivaiiN nml B.ouiipes, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AXI) DINING TABLES, and ulso VENETIAN BLINDS, r-ittnl to Phila delphia nianulacture. BEDSTEADS, of evcrv pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND C: NDLE iTANDS, ttill.KT TA1H.K.S AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, evcrv atlii le in tl;in line of his business. lie nlso nianufai liires all kinds and iptalilies of CHAINS, Deluding varieties never before lo be had ir Simbiiry, such ns Mahogany, Buck Walsit Axn Ci nLF.n Mjipli: (iiif.ciax : ami Wixnson CHAIRS, ami rAXi-r Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, nnd warranted tn lie excelled by none manufactured in Ihe Cities or elsewhere. J he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about, the mialily and of his ware mid Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as rood terms as tliey can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ixr I i Dl. RTAKING. Having- provided himself willi a handsome Hkaiisk, he is now- prepared for I'liderlnkiii?, nnd attending funer als, in this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis tance from Ihis place. Iv I he urn Loom is in Market Street, j h'Iuw Thompson's Store and Weaci's Tavern, j GEORGE RE.NN Sunhury, Jan. 10, 1SS2 tf. Clicnj) W a (e 1 u' s Sj .1 o w c 1 iy, VtrilOLESALE and Retail, at Iho "Philadel- ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 1)6 North Second Sttcet, corner of Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold l.cvcr tVntehcs. full jeweleil, 1 ear.-a enses, Pi.fMI Silver iVt. full jeweled, 14. Silver l.enino, j.-wt-ls, tl lii'ld ppeetaeles, fine Sil-er ilii. Hold Uraeriets. 7.011 1.1il n.on I .(si .1.0)1 do Hi do. ! Siiivjli-ir Uuartiels, 7. nilirs' tlnlil Pencils, mitatiou no. ft. silver l ii siKmus, set. fiold IVjii, wilh Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Kinder Rings, U7J cents lo .flO; Wulch Glasses, plain, 1?J cents; Pntent. I Sj ; I. unci, 2S; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be w hat Ihey are sold for. STAUFFER & HARI.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Lever, and Lepines, still lower than Ihe above prices. Augustus, IH.V.J. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAIHKS VI ULVAl, No. 12 South Second Strce', PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Wutches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepino do " Quartier do Gold pens nnd pencil and silver hnldera Silver Ten and Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings eve. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. November 27. 1852 If. DixKolutloii of l'artncrNlilp. riHE Copartnership heretofore exiting under 1. the name of James II. cV Win. B. Dart, i. tin. day dissolved ny tlie witudrawel of William 1(. Hart. 1 lie business or the lale firm will lie settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 229, ioilli oil street, JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM B. HART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, lo3. The undersigned, have this day formed a eo. partnership and will continue the business under Ihe iiameol Jumes H. i I homasllart. Thank ful for past lavors. they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends and the public to their siocaol iiKUttKILH, winch will lie full and extensive, and which they w ill sell at the lowest market rales. JAMES II. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. J8, It. SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER, &o. rpilK subscribers offer to CoevraT Mik-iiakts, Tkacn X ess and Si-mool f om a,i ttkfs, one of the Ih-si nssiirlcd sluksol St IHIOl. ill it iKS ami STATIOXAII V to be I. .nml in the Cily, winch ihey ure able lo oiler ut fiist prica. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will 6ik1 all the l.-n,ln.f rV-hiad llKiks, Writing and Vrap ping Pnprrs, I'urtnin l'iiiers, lllaatmg Pupera, and alloiili narv iuiti.iuury, illauk books, I'viis, Ink, fce., on :he likt favoruble lerius. SCHOOL COMMITTF.ES, TACHtas AXD OTHEBa PlUCHAJlXO IN QUANTITIES fi ra.iola, are invited to call and rxiouina out slm-k. W buva had cnsultmlile exiierience in snppl) iug tS-hool Dis trieta, and being Puluialiera nf a nuinlmr it rxltaiaivaly used ,h,K,l Uooka, our fuciliiira fur grtling such stock ai. uuaurpaased. Amongst nur Pnbliealiona will aa raourt im foftuwing t Couily's Aliening B.'k, revised edition ; " Primer ; Young Orator ; Cummers rWveying, the auuidred Treatias on tii. 8ci ence 1 fAiunycastle's Meusuriitioii ; Xndersiui's Iluteiiiort's Ilistia-y of lha United Plates, used hi the PisJio tvhnole of New York and Phiuulcliihia ; Ouminaie's I'rugit-Bsive Spelling Book : ' Comly'a (Jraminer ; Laun Dictnuury i Tha Book of Couuneica, kc , c., e IRIMI HI 'NT riON. 41 North Fourth Street, I'biladclphis. I'abruAijr JA, lej3, Jiu. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS. At the Cabinet War lloom or SE1TN IIOUPT & CO Market Square, Also al the M t, the Railrexi Thankful for the pntronaire of his friends . I customer, during the 17 year, he ha. U" Ct neM ,n this p ace, he solicits from the pnbMe . con t.nuance of their favors. During tll p" ha. endeavored o keep p wilh the inipr7re h of the day, end has accordingly extended hi. boX nes. in every branch and variety. The public .?, therefore invited to the attention of the uresarat stock of " CABINET WARE AND CUAIUS Manufactured by ' SEBASTIAN H0TJPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where In addition to their former .lock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair. Lnrire Spi inr Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirble Top Wash Stands, and a vnridy of other new style und Fashionable Furniture. Havins secured a Hearse 1 mavfe the neces sary arrantrcments for Ihe purpose, they r. now prepared for Undertaking In all its branche., in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ve maiils nnd mistresses, ami htisluimls too, Here's furniture of every style and hoe, From aide boards down to kitchen tables, From rocking chair, to rocking; cradle. Should you not hnve the ready Jobs to pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter better ear, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and rya j Hark, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails, From pitra and lurkies clown to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "gnee on tit ball." tW Orders from a distance promptly attended lo and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunhury, March 9, 1850 tf JUST JIKCKIVETJ AT THE Saddlery and Harness Estallishment of U. AV. ST 11 Oil, Market Street, Sunhury, A new assortment of Silver, IlraNS find JiijinniKHl 31oun(ing, Which he will either make up to order or sell separately for en ah at prices ns low if not lower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunk, Vsilicr, Carriage Whip, &.C., Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING clone nn the sdiorle-.M notice. All persons arc invited to call and examine foi hem-.elvcs. All kinds of produce tuken in exchange. Sunburv, May 1, 18.r2. tf. SYRS& L ANDELL," Mh and Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. 1AVE established a Store where the best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cnssimcrs and Vestings, Muslins and Linens by Ihe piece, Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Black Silks for Dresses, Full Slock of Mourning Goods. E. L. are constantly receiving Buieain. from the New York nnd Pl.ilailelnhin A lll'tions. ulii.1t they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nail Cash. I'.nw ARI) h. KVRB, UASIUKr.T.INl. Lahdell. I'hiladclphia, July 3, 1832. ly. SOWKil lUJ.NKs" Publishers iind JJooksellers. No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. HiMcs. Pruveri. Hvtmn. Pufiu-n! aA lli.i.;..iif Travels, Novels, c.', Ac. ' SCHOOL BOOKS. Kvery kind in use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An elegant assortment fnun thm n i-w.i. - j- made of snpn Ur paier, nud la-st of binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cnp, Post, and Xole Pai-ers. eler.n.t .ivl.. .nj ..i.. and very elienp. ' STATIONERY. Fancy, Plain and Adhesive r.iivel..rea, Ink. hud, W,. fers, Pteel Pens, Sfiles, Pencils, Pnrle-Moiuiits, VVrsa ping Paper, of all kinds, Curtain Papers, 4e , Aa. tinr atoek is nil fresh, l.wght cheap ondfc.ldaeeonlinrlr. Particular ntteiilion laid lo II. n.k sellers, IXnmtry M.r cliauts and 1 eachcrs, however little they may buy. Sower K Humes are Publishers of PKI.TO.VS series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS. Each map is nearly SKYEX FEET ftQrARE, nal allows the conipnraiivc size and relative position of every cuumry on llm g. ,,e. 'J'lir y ure intemlid lo lie suspended in every Pclinol Itisan, mul n,t (,,lv ninke a splendid ap '.'IT.'".!;! '"" "re universiilly iK-k'nowlidued lo ve lha HU?1 iMdDi: OK lEAflllNO GKimit Al'IIY ever briiueht out. They nre kejs intended to be used br the sole ilars, cuiitaiiiiug a complete epil.,me ( Gengranhv. aiat eosling leas llinn half the price ol u Oeoerupliy un.l Atlas. .', "'ln ' '" universal use in Prussia und (ieiniany, nnd has nlreaily Iwen introduced in (iirnrd College, Pluai delplna, lliepal.lie seli s.lsof ll.,.t.,n, .New York, Phila delphia, H.iltn,i.,re, Wnshuietnn, nnd throiighoul New hiiKland, New York, c, Ae. Our disks are leadcs with rceoiiinienilatious from the nnl Inlenled und eeien tifie teachers m every quarter, und wherever the system has been used parents, u-achers Hud scholars unite in 'prais ing it. 1. Map of Ihe Western Hemisphere. !l. Mapnf tlie Eastern Hemisphere. 3. Map tif North America. 4. Map of the L'uiied Slates, ft. Map of F.iiro. C. Map of Asia. 7. Map nf South America nml Africa. Every map is brilliantly colored, varnished, and moant ed "il muslin nnd rollers. We respectfully invile the earnest attention of Teaehersf Parents, nud rMiisil Directors to this fnaeiiiaiing mods o, IcachiHg Ueography. ttUWEK IURNKS, fl Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia, Aug. BR, THE UHC IT lMtlzU MEUAIa AB RIVEI) I IIICICEY 5c TULL, No. US Chestnut St., abore Sixth, Frind ej JONES' HOTEL. 1 1 AVE just received their True - Aieual, aarocu so tnein w their best Traiellinir Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fuir in London. 1HSI being Ihe only exhibitors In whom .m; award was made. Their competiiini wi . i all 'b world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, kc. To bo found in this City, and at verv lo frwa Call and see. llCKEY A TILL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 1853. tf. B00xs Tbooks ! ! JC8T RECEIVED and for sale a new edtoo of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, e ItiTga assortment of Blank Books. WM. Met ARTY, Bookseller. Sunburv, Dec. 4, 1853. tf . AfTOLD PENS wilh and without case., of very superior quality, juat reeeiea. Also e fre nV iltin rf H." B. JnAoff.. 8unbury, Dec S7, 1851. hy MARRIAGE" CETIFICATE8 hendwm.1- executed for le et thi. office, single ot by the doien. 1OR .ale at thi. office, Superior Black Ink, Caltle Medicine et 85 ct, Pure h- Giiigei.35 tehu