-foreign -News. V k ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA: LATER FROM EinOPE. HiUy important f.om China. The Empc- ...'or nfkiuS Aid from American War Ve - ,u'4- ,vf threatened by Napoleon against Ru,4ia T" Etr.p-ror cf Russia's Ultima- ,.iim refused by tho Torte. Tho French .... Fltet Ordered to tho Dardanelles. 1 FRANCE. The French fleet has been ordered to the DtldaiiBlles, and the fact caused a great xcitemehl in the French funds. It is belie ed that Napoleon has threatened war if Russia persists in her Eastern demand. It is rumored that the Emperor Napoleon ad assured the Russian Minister that, as much ns he desired the peace of Europe, he would not hesitate to chango his policy) if Russia forced measures hostile to Fiance and the East. The Ambassador from Fiance had ordered he French fleul to the Dardanelles, it is sup posed in order to prevent any attempt on the T'tit o Russia tq seize or pnsstho Straits, but w the !Uih the fleet was still at Satnmis. ' The British fleet remained at Malta, on the 18th, awaiting a reinforcement from England. Dup;iiches to the British Admiral Dundus slated that Mmiscliikoff remained on board he steamer, and had given the Porte ciyht days longer to reconsider his determination, threatening that, if he again resisted, ho will limilly withdraw. ROME. Tim Pope and the Professors of llu: Jesuit's College are experimenting in table moving, K SWITZERLAND. Thii Austrian Charge has been withdrawn fiorri .Switzerland, and the Swiss Envoy has ; Vienna. The brave attitude assumed by the S.viss government excites much atten tion. TL'RKEY. Tho Empsror of Russia's ultimatum has been refused by tho Poite, and the 20th of May was fixed for tho final reply. The Russian Minister, MensehikofT, on the I'm to declaring his refusal of the ultimatum, immediately embarked at Constantinople in the Russian ship of war for Odessa. Later. -A despatch received at Paris from Constantinople, dated May 19, stales tint the Russian troops weio receiving rein forcements, and the aspect of affairs was considered very critical. A Turkish vessel had been sent with very important despatch, rs to the Governor of Jerusalem and ihe French Consul there. INDIA. AiHiiis in Biirmah are represented ns un favorable to the B ri ; i-ti. CHINA. At the earnest request of the Emperor of China, the American, French and English ships of war in the Eistern waters have un dertaken to proteel Nankin, Shanghai, and the months of the canals against tho rebels. TIIK rLOGGINH OKA 1'nlNI li. The London correspondent of a North Ger man paper relates a story with regard to the way in which Prince Albert disciplines his children, which the N V. Tribune translates as follows: ''The yoiiug prince stood one day in his loom in the royal palace, at Windsor, at the willow, whose pane reached the floor Ho h id a lesson to learn by heart, but iustead) was amusing himself by looking out into tho garden and playing with his fimrers on the window. His governess, Miss Hillyurd, an tirnest and pious person, observed this, and kindly asked him to thin'i of gelling his les son. The young price said : 'I don't want to.' 'Then,' sud Miss Hillyard, 'I must put you in the corner. ' " 'I won't learn,' answered the fjite fedo.v resolutely, 'and won't stand in thee nn-.-r, for I am the piince of Wales.' And as ho si ad this, he knocked out one of Ihsuiidow panes with his foot. At this Mijs Hiil aid rcs3 from her seat and said; 'Sir, you must lean, or I mui-t put you in the corner.' 'I won't,' s i I he, knocking out a second pane. The goven.ess then rang, and tol.l the servant who entered to sty tu Piince Albert that th requested the presence of his Royal Highness immediately on a pressing matter connected with his son. The devoted father came at once, and heard the statement of Ihe whole matter, after which he turned ip his little son and said, pointing to an otto man, '.-it down there, r.nl wait till I return.' Then Prince Albert went to his room and i v,i t.il.le. 'Listen, now.' he said to Ultiuit w i ihe Piince of Wabs, 'to what the holy Ap-is it,. Paul savs to on a:id other children in vonr nnsition.' Hereupon he read Galat. iv 1 and 2 : 'Now t say that the heir, so long as he is a child, differetu nothing from a servant, thoii-h he bo loved of all : but is under tutors and Governors until the lime appointed of the 'It is true,' continued Piince Albert, 'that you are Ihe Prince of Wales, and if your con Ari be rroper you may become a man of higl action, and even after the death of your mo. ilier. may become King of E land, Bu iinU hi.v. who must ooey his now juu ine -j' - . tutors and governors. Besides, I must im press upon you another sayinf, oi me .se Salomon, in P.overb. liii. 24: 'He that ,,..b hi. rod.hatelh his son ; but be lhal lovcth him, chasteticlh him belimes.' Here nou tho father look out a rod and gave the i i.. ihe ihioue of Ihe wei-hncst empire of Chii-tendom a very palpable switching ... i ,i.-n siood him up in the Corner, saying .Y,,i aill stai'J here and study your lesson i...il,llv.ird nives you leave lo come out mi j a ...I ...vr fornei at-aiu that yon are now tin .... ..r. and Governors, ami that bcreafle .... will be tinder a law given by Dod.- ti.i. .,ldi Ihe cotrospoudenl, is an excellen fh.is.iart mode of education, which every citizen and peasant who nas a cunu " . t,;. heart as ttiodel. It may bo proper loadd lhat the youngstct who U represented to have received this paternal admonition, n but 11 years o.u .i.:..r r.,.7; Parsons said: "I have bee .... :, habit of hearing ciimtnalaor all oMdes refer all their miseries to intemper , -1 .h.l 1 have ceased to ask tLern Ihe cusacf their tuin." NEW CAVE lit UNION COUNTY. Some excitement was created In town yesterday afternoon by Ihe reported discove ry of a cave in the limestone hill on- the lands of Messrs. Youngman & Walter, in Dry Valley, four miles below Lewisburg. In oompany with a numerous party from this place, we repaired to the spot, and verified the report by a personal exploration. We found the entrance at the lime kilns and quarry of Mr. John C, Hess' about two hun dred yards south of Gibson's Hotel. The entrance is a small opening1, about two thirds of the way up the hill on the south side, made by recent blasting, and not large enough to admit two persons abreast. Once admitted the visitor finds himself in an arched hall, averaging twelve leet in width and some twenty-five feet high, descending westwardly at an angle of about thirty de! grees for a distance of fifty yards, when it abruptly ascends for some distance, and then winds along irregularly to a point about two hundred yards from the entrance, when it becomes qnile narrow. What lies beyond has not yet been ascertained. At the lowest depression a small body of water was en countered, and at various points there are lateral openings that have not yet been ex plored. The most striking feature of this cave is tho remarkable variety and beauty of the stalactilts and other formations peculiar to lirncstouo caves but much superior to those usually found. .Pendant from the sides and ceilinjj, are seen hollow" specimens of the diameter of pipe stems ami straws, from two to six feet in length others like huge icicles of the same length, tomo isolated and some flanked by delicately ribbed cm tains one fourth of an inch thick, presenting several square feet of surface, and hanging in waving folds as giacefully and naturally as if of cloth instead of stone some pendants termi nating in a sharp crystal point, others roum and others npain shooting out into small clus ters of rounded frost woik, liko countless sno.v-whito blossoms. From the floor spring up pillars six inches in diameter with rude ringsat tho top, which Irom ihrir height and shape have been christ ened "hitching posts." Thera have also been found exact imitations of good sized sweet potatoes, Ihe finest one, in the posses, siou of Mr. Hess, being seemingly a compro mise between a sweet potatoo and a pine apple, the lo wer side partly imbedded in Ihe rock from which it was torn. One of Ihe most beautiful specimens was a slender, symmetrical shaft, two feet in heigth, half an inch in diameter at the base and tapoiing to a point, springing perpendicularly from a pedestal on the floor in the shape of a mass oT yellow crystals, some four inches in aver age diameter. In detaching it, the needle was n ii tort (l I lately broken. Rut these produc are of such curious and fantistio shapes, that they must be seen to be appreciated. Quan tities have been already carried ofl by visi tors, but many of the finest are in Ihe hands of Mr. Hess, Mr. Gibson, and John Young man, Esq., which will confirm our statements. Many more yet remain it the cave. Mr. Hess intends lo have the opening plasted away so as lo make a roomy and sale en trance for ladies as well as gentleman : and the spot will doubtless become an attractive place of resort. Lewisbarg Chronicle. STUAWIIEItRY CULTIVATION. Those who know anything about tho mag- ificent stiawberries, and tho immense quali ties of them raised on a bed about 30 feet by 40, for several years past, in the garden formeily owned by me, in King street, may like to know Ihe process by which I cultivate them. t applied about once a week, for three mes, commencing when the green leaves first began to start, and making the last ap- l:caticn just before the plants were in full loom, the following preparation of nitrate of potash, glauber salts, and sal soda, each one iund, of muriate of ammonia, one quarter f a pound, dissolved in 30 gallons of lain or iver water. Une-thtrd v& applied at a ime, and when Ihe weather was dry, 1 ap plied clear soft water between times of using he preparation as the growth of the young leaves is so rapid, that unless well supplied rtiih water the sun would scorch them. ' used a common watering pot, and made Ihe pplicalion towards evening. Managed in tliis- way, there is never any necessity of dig- i ig over Ihe bed, or telling it out anew. Beds of ten years old are not only as good, but bettor than those of two or three years Id, But yon must bo sure and keep ilio weeds out. AorfAainnfon Gazette, no;ni;ss of the chines e iieiiellios. Our previous news from Chinti, was to Ihe effect that the insurgents, having gained a firm footing in the southern province of Kuaug-sce, and reduced Ihe central districts of the south to subjection, advanced north ward till they had reached the tivcr Yang Ise Kennp. Having divided their forces into two wings, one struck the river near longi tude 1 10 degrees, encountered the imperial army, defeated it, and captured successively the populous and wealthy cities of Vs choo and Nan-yarig, whilsl the other matched di- recti) against Nankin. Advices by Ihe last mail from China confirm out' previous intelli gence of the fall of that city ; but the Herald says those who are bust qualified to form a judgment on the point seem lo think the an nouncement requires still further corrobora tion, However this be, neither the intention of Ihe rebels to march on IVkin, nor their ev ident superiority to the imperial troops in the field, can now be questioned. Nor can any reasonable doubt be enteitained of Ihe ultimate overthrow of the reigning dynasty if foreign powers do not step in to the assis tance of the Emperor. Thc Dayton (O) journal states thai the fly is maknig bad work with the growing wheat in some fluids in lhat vicinity. The Colum. bus (O) Fact says! "Wheal promises largely.1' The accounts throughout the West generally are favorable for an abuudent wheat harvest MoDtstr is a handsome dish cover, that makes us fancy Ibere must be something very good under neaih it. Tmai sac 100,000 foreign refugees in Leudon. SUNBURY AMERICAN ANDSH01ONjpURNAL. A yoono LAfir, daughter of a farmer of one of the townships of Berks county, bat contri buted her savings from childhood; amounting to furry dollar, to the Amerioan Tract Socie ty, to be expended in the support of Foreign Mission. Thc Episcopalians and Presbyterians of West Chester, have each been very succees. ful recently, in removing the debts opon their respeeiive cbnrch properties. PMorcsaoa Stowc is soon to return to A merica. Mrs. Stowe and her brother, Rev Mr. Beecher, intend travelling in Swilaerland. There's a secret drawer in every heart, as there is in every desk, if we only knew how to louoh the spring of it. EirccTS or DaiNxmo. He who lakes too many glasses will become himself a turn bier. SHALL A MAN marry his sister's daughter, and vice versa, Shall a woman marry her brother's son t These are tho agitating questions of the day, which wa cannot decide. But we know a young lady of taste, who says she will not marry .anybody's son, or any other person, unlcs he purrhnses his clothing annually at liockhill & Wilson's Clothing Store, No. Ill Chcsnul street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadel phia. Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1852. ly. cw. rr7PoisoxiNG.0 Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge com posed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, tnoy are actually laying me lounua- lions for a series of desenses, such as saliva- lion, loss ofsight, weakness of limbs, he. n another column will be lounu the adver- tisement of Mobensack's Medicines, lo which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make use of the only Genuine 'medicine, Hoben- sack's Liver Pills. VTr- "Be not deceived." but ask for Hoben- sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob- serve that each has the siirnnlure of Ihe Proprietor, J. N. IIOBENSACK, as none else are Genuine. Ill A R It 1 F. I. In Northumberland, Tuesday iiinminc, June 7th, by Rev. James Craighead, Mr. R. G. Orwig, of Philadelphia, to Miss Maria, daughter of Mr. John Shriner, of the former place. In Ilarrisburrr, on ihe 5lh of June, bv Rev. Alfred Coukman, Mr. John L. Fostaa of Lykenstown, Dauphin co.. to Miss Sorm J, Miller, formeily of Sunbury. I)C iltavkct 0. Philadelphia Market June 8, 1853, Flour and Meal. The market is dull, with some export inquiry for flour. Small sales of standard brands, at $4,90a4,56. For select and belter brands S4 634 a 5 SO. Sales for city use within the above tnpof prices, liye rlour and Corn meal are null J the lormer is hehl at 9it and the latter at S2 75. GBAIN.-There is a cood demand for Wheal. Red is sellinc nt 105c, and Penna. While at 112c. Last sales or Kye at 35c. Corn is in leanest : sales of 2000 bushels of yellow, afloat, at 60 rts. Penna. Oats are worth 43c. WiiiSkf.V. Sales of both hhds. and bbls. at 52e., and 20 for dmdgej. Baltimore Market June 6, 1853. GRAIN Very little Wheat at market to tlay. We quote good to piiine reds at 100 103 cts. One parcel of very choice red sold at 105 cts., and a lot of very food white a 112 cts. We onote while at 106.1 112 cts. About 23,000 bushels Corn were sold at the Cnrn F.vrhnnfTA to ,tav nt 5fi&a57 cents fur I vellow; 5Ib53 for white: anddOeenls lor . . . -n r . nn mixed. A sale ol I'ennsyivania ye at " cts. Wo quote Virginia Uats at 35a38cts; Marj land at 38a40 cents, and Pennsjlva- u ' ' nia nt 4 2 a 4 3 cents. WmsKKV. The demand is tolerably ac live. Sales of bbls, at 224a23 cents, ilhds ere worth 22 cents. SUNBTKY l'RICE CURRENT Wll K AT. Rtr.. Coax. Oats. , -potatois, UUTTln. EoGS. Poaa. Flaxskkii. Tallow. Bf.kwak -Hkckleii Flax Ukif.ii ArrLis. Do. Piachi.s. Flax 100 75 63 44 25 16 10 8 1ZS 10 55 It 80 100 17 New Advertisements- Important to Coal Dealers. fHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that A they have entered into parttiership under the firm of Knse, liccd & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at 8unbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, wel' prepa red, on contract or otherwise, at ail times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Sli.imokin by K.VKK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. 85 IIEWAIU) ! ri"HE above reward will be paid for the discov. cry and eonvicUou of every individual found auillv of trespassing or injuring any of the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Hailroad Company. UY UKUEK ur l ilt, t-t(.IUbfl I. June, 4, 1853. tf. 11 ANN'S LETfER PRESSES, with If books, ink, and all complete, just r'ceived, and for sale by li. B. MASSEK. ounoury, June 4, 1853. DR. H. II. UIOUEE'S remedy for coughs, colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and fir sate by II. B. MASSEK. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. Estat of ADAM RENN, deo'd TVTOTICE Is hereby given, that letters testa mentary Oh the estate of Adam Renn, late of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland coun ... A--' A V. . ku- ...hl..l 1.- tUm T) ; .... Ar the above named Codnty, to the undersigned. AU neraona haviDsr claims airainst said atat. ar I requested to present them, duly authenticated for settlement j and those knowing themselvea indebt ed to make payment, without delay to Bl.MU.TI 0.-llltH, El tor. Ixjwm Augusta twsp., Miy 38, 1853-t 6LATMAKER A HASLETl. Columiiiiv mount, CkMUiB Blreet Ulaw Vlk, PHjXADELFHIJL Board f Ij50 per day. Phila., May 2. 1133 KOBTHTJMBERLAND Select School for Girls. Under the Care of Miss S. CalYin. INSTRUCTION will be given In the ordlnsry English Branch, Physical, Sciences, Algt bra, Geometry end Language. A Session will consist of twenty two weeks, Second quarter to commencs on the 1 3th of J un. Trans. Orthography, Reading. Writing Com position, Geography, English Grsmmar and Arilhmctio per quarter. 3,00 With sny additional English study, $4.00 Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, $3,00 Music, Painting, and Drawing, each seperate and at the customary rates. References. Dr. R. B.MCny, Northumberland. D. Tsggart, Esq., Hon., Joseph Casey, New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. Pres. Banner Phila. II. G. M'Guire, A, M., Principal of Central Institute, Philadelphia. Northumberland, May 21, 1853. Sin. "Kureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. NOW for the little ones. Why will porenta waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after all get nothing hut a poor, miserable caricature 1 We would say, coine to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee ta make you a perfect picture, by our Kucrno Ciikmical proccsB, that works in from J to 2 seconds. V e defy any Dagucrrean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to rnninetfi with ns. as wo are the invtntois. and the process is used only in our dif- Cerent establishments in New England and the Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver medals we have received from tho American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premiums from Count? Fairs, is suflicient proof that tliey are tho JV Plus Ultra of perfection. We would rail particular attention to our Talbotypes Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. C. Colli ss & Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street,, opposite site I In in p- den House, Springfield and Collins' Building, Wcstfield, Mass. N. B. Cur establishment is illuminated by 'he brilliancy of our Pictures hy Day, and by Professor llorttford'ti daftly Lam;- ly Kighl. "Come nd sec." Phila., Mav 28, 1853. ly. THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE BEST, Excellence and Beauty combined, BLATLOCK'S Model Spring Style Hats, W TN Eti LA I.I.ED by any others in all that J can render satisfaction to the Wearer. fiivc them a trial. The Very Finest Mmllskix H ts for 3,50 ; Second Quality, very fine, 3,00 Third Quality, a capital article, 2,50. All these are warranted, Model Hat Store, No. 46 North 8th Street Philadelphia, rinla., April U, 18o3. Gin DrugS, Taints, Oil, "Window Glass, jc. 5 Tons French zinc white. 10 tons Pure White Lead. 5000 Doses Window Glass, all sixes. 8uperior Potash, Copal, Coach ,I.eath- "'"" r ' 7 T . Gloss, with a general assortment of fresh and pure DUUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all thc Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enamled Glass, Ac, dec, for sale very low at A lit It El) WIIIBERt'EK'H Prus "! P""t Htoie, No. 169 N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Phvsieiaiis and Storekeepers supplied Goods scut to any of tho Hotels or Depot free of charge, Phila., Mav 2S, 1853. ly. f P this advertisement should meet the eve of the gentleman, (a justice of the Peace, I beleive) who bespoke 1 copy of Dinn's Justice, and 1 Magistrates Docket he is informed that the Books have liecn obUiiued and are ready for de- livcrv t the Book Store of VM. McCAUTY Sunbury, May U8, 1853. tf. W'r- jc" I sv H,Knt ruii nrv nf tlit nf t lis wnrka nf ::,."""'", 6 . " ""7. . . .,.. . , . P'"'". P"""" " ' "7 ."BY,.-T 1 11.1 in rf.,1 rtntti. 'I ha nerson hsvinir it is requested to return it, or call and get the other seven volumes. WM. McCARTY, Bookeller. Sunbury May 88, 1853. Lumber Yard. rrUI E subsenlier would respectfully inform Uie citizens of Sunbury. and Nortbuinl erland and adjoining counties, thai he has opened a Lumber Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance Eaat of thc Steam Saw Mill, where he has now a larcc amount ol Seasoned vanntl l'lank also Vaituel hoards, and all other Boards and DriLuixo MsTsaisL, such as will be wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount of Shingles on hand, wlucli will De sold irom to up to (8, according to quality and size. Please give us a call and examine our prices and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want ot fthinglcs will please call as we will sell to v u low. j. r.. i.lio, sup. Sunbury, May 58, 1S53. ly. WILLI A MP E R KI NS 1 Genllemens Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSC. . No. 231 Chetnut, Third door below Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on hand a full stock of rrench and English Piece Goods, which will be made to order at the Shortest Notice, in the Latest Style, FOR CASH. Phila., April 9, 18311 Om. DOCTOR I. W. IlIJOHES, OFFICE on Broadway, near the Episcopal Church. Sunbury. Sunbury, April 14, 1853. tf. COME AND SEE The New and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale by 8unbury Apt 30, 53. I. W. TENER & CO. BURNING Fluid, Camphine, Sperm and Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and for sale by -Sunbury, May 14, 53. 1 E.-N&K St. LU. CIIOLAGOGCE An excellent remedy for the cure of Fever and Ague, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER tt CO, Sunbury, May 14, 1853. It LANK NOTES, waiviag the exemption law of $300, for sale by April J8, 1831. II. B. WAS8ER I I MBRELLA8, Parasols and Fancy Fans, just received and for sale by 8unburv. May 14, '53. TENER & CO, YirRITINO FLUID and self sealing Enve- ' v lopes, just received and for sale by April iSTlSSI. H. B. M AS8ER. lRESH VanUla Beaa of a auperior uahty - just received and for sale by Jus. i. UB4 H. B.MASSER- OIL WINDOW pHADES. t,h,r.TT.0" Valises and Carpal Bags. u7lJ for sale by i. W. TZiSZR tc CO. Sunbury, April SOj 133 ,mmt GEORGE W ZIMERMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, WHOLESALE, AT MANUFACTURERS' PIUCES. C7 MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August 21, 1852 ly. Live and Help Live!!! Ora Motto. S. N. THOMPSON KESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and the pitblio generally, that lie has just rs- waived at his store, in 8unhury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, hinusomc and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ( consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrt Cussinet), Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, ratings, Linens, eye. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de L-iins, Lau ns, Ginghams, licrages, llobrs, tyc. GROCERIES, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac, Ac, Ac. Hnrdwni'e, Nuils, Screws, Filcs,'Saws, Knives & Forks, etc. Queensware, of various styles and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of Roots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, Ac, of various sizes and styles. Ilesiues a largo ami general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. flT Country produce ol all Kinds talien in cxlr.inge at thc highest market prices. Sunbury,4 mo. 30, 1853. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNBUEY. GELSBERQ & CO., respectfully announce ' to the inhabitants of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they havo com menced a new Clothing store in Ounbury Ja., opposite the Post Odicc, adjoining Mr. Stroll's sadJIcr shop in Market Street. 1 licy are just opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring; and Sumnler Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Satinett, Linens, Checked and fancy Cloth rants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Vests, ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public mav rest assured lhat all Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the linn is a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made up l y ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among ISew Ywk and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Cull and See ; No charge for look inn at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we ara constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury. Alay 7, 1K53. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING &' GRANT. n ESPECTFL'LLY inform their customers nnil the Dulilic. that thev have iust receiv cd and opened thc best and cheapest stock of Spring1 and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Testings, Flannels, U'ollens, tjc., And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS Si FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Beragcs, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps loa Mkk and Boys Also a large assortment of GHOCEUIE8, 8LC11 AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster, Also a trcsh supply of DRUGS AND MKD1CINK9. Besides the largest and most general nSsort- ent of all kinds of goods to bo had in tiiis nlacp. tV" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest niaiket price. Sunbury, April 30, 1853. Hobby Horses, Children's Propellori, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by BTJSH1TELL & TUT.L, No. 64 DOCK Street, Philadelphia. Order through the mail promptly executed Phila., April 9. 1858. Iv. C. S. WEXSEH, M. B. nWINO located himself perniansntly III ' Sunbury, olTer. hi. professional services to the Town ana Country, oflice, corner of Deer and HUrket street, (formerly telegraph office.) where h. may k found unless professionally engaged. BunWAjmia0. 1853 m. tLUID Lamp Choice Bask.U, Flower Va- ees and Ornament. ; queensware anu uu war, iust received and for al by TENER & CO. BunDury, mj SUMMER Shawl. Ready made Mantillas, Black Bilk and Silk Lace, josl received and for sale by I. W. TENER &. CO. 6unbury, May 14, 1833 THANKS. YtAN1C5 of every description can he had by mJkw spt'trig eian vine m us aswiicu. l'ROtVTY K HARRIETT'S Agricultural Wnrrhotme and Sctd Start. No. I94 Market Sheet, Philadelphia. pitOLTY & MEAR3' Patent Self-Nharpen-, i"? P!UB" ot " iws, right and lea hand- u ouo.011, ome n,u and Uoulile-Mould, Ac., with Steel Extending Points, Bsr-Sbare, Beach, and other kinds of Castings for repairing. The emperor 01 Kussia awarded for the abovs Ploughs, a massive Gold Medal, viilneil Knnn Also the GKEAT MEDAL at the World's Fair was awarded I . & M. FIoiirIi, No. 40. Culti vators with Double-Point Polished Steel Teeth, Mil....!, aah l . .1 .1 ... T . . ... r-uivi. tun wv iccimu, iiiui gcuing uoutiie Wear ot thc lommon leeth. Also, cultivators of all Kinds Willi Steel Teeth. Sasin'a Atmospheric Corn Planters. Churns, Turnip Drills, $4 to $0, iorn duellers, improved "rants fa tent Fan kinds, Mills, Hay and Straw Cutters, Garden Engines, Hand Corn Mills, Wheat Drills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Horse Powers and Gcdd's Improved Har- Thrashers, rows, Mowing and Reaping square onu A narrows, Machines, Horse Rakes, Chain Pumps, Grindstones, ready hung, Cottle Tics, Dirt Scrapers, Bull Rings. Agricultural Furnaces, Potent Iron Snaths, Ox Yokes and Bows, Grubbing Hoes. Forks for unloading hay, Transplanting Trowels, Man Hay Rakes, Hay & Manure Forks, uow I'ins, Miovels and Spades, Apple Parers, Garden A Field Hoes, Ox Muzzles, Garden Rakes in variety nioie i raps, Children's Tools, Pruning Hooks Sc Chis- Darling Scythes, els, .Snaths, with Patent Saws and Scissors, Fastenings, Iron Well Curtis, and Potatoc Hooks, Zinc tubing for Chain Pumps, Also, Horticultural Tools (of every descrip tion.) Garden and Grass seeds, for sale at the lowest price, at Wholesale and Retail. Phila. April 16, 1853. 2m. Kmpoi'itim of Fashion And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods- JOHN V. MARTIN, HAS RECEIVED at his establishment, on 1)ppr street, nne ilnnr nnrlh nf G. J. limner's aw.oliicc, in Sunbury, the most Splendid and Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been oilcred 111 this place. His stock consists in a great variety ot CLOTHS Among u-hict are superior Black, Brou'rtt Green, Olive Claret, Belgium Cloth, l rench Cloths, Russian black, &c. BLACK AND BROWN CASHMERETS, Islack plain doe-skn Casstmercs, Summer end H rntcr Lasstmcrrs, Ift. VESTINGS, Black Satins, (a rich article,) excellent Marseiles Bull, White, (figured and 1 'lain.) figured Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Tweeds, Linens, Cravats, Hoseiry, Plain and Fancy Trimmings, Gentlemen's Collars, Suspenders, &c, &c. Cull and see his assortment of goods. He challenges inspection, and politely invites tne pul'lic to teat their quality by procuring the best and neatest coats, pants, vests, Ac, in tne coun liT A few Journeymen lailoTs can lind im mediate situations at tins cstul lismncnt. Sunbury, May Zl.853. 3m. J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) No. 161 Chestnut Street, Swaim's Building. PHILADELPHIA, EXTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, and Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription Exclusive Agent for luc sate of Jlallet, Davis &. Co s (Boston) Patpkt Srsraasiua IIbidgk -t'oiuK and other PIANOS, L. GilWrt's Voudoir Pianos, Melodcons, Martin's Guitars, Harps, v iolins, Siiket Mtsic, Mrsic Buoks, &c, ozc. Residents of the country will lie supplied by I buiiV or otherwise with any music they may wishj at as low rates as if purchased in person Having one of tlia largest stocks ill the United States, I feci eoulidcnt of satisfying all who may fovor mo with a call or order; Dealers in Music supplied cu tne Iuu5t liberal terms. Pianos to let. Sccond-hand Pianos for sale Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly; ANOTHER It k VOLUTION In tlic Drv Goods liusincss. J. F. & X. F. KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and tie public in general; that the have taken thc Old Stand, in Upper August town ship, Northumberland county, P-. formerly m cupied ly Isaac t- ampucn, - j- returned Irom riiuaoeipum, J Mw and Splendid .IssOi tmeui aj SPIIINO ANI1 St.MMElt (looi)S, Consisting in part r Cloth., Cassimers, Sat tinctta, Liiiens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Bcrago de Laines, Alpacas and Shawls. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds, Hardware and Queensware, Drugs and Medicines. Also a large assortment nf Boot and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such s Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf and other Hals. Salt, Cheese, ice. Call and See. Chespe than the Cheapest, . All ef which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest loscket price. Upper Augusta, April.30, 1853. FRENCH Cloth, Fancy Vesting, and Cassi meres just received and for sale by Sunbury, May 14, '53. TENER & CO. 17SE BILLS. Justices and CpasUMe fee Sills handsomely prinu-d on card fapar for al at this officii. jTjufivt" r y i HERE IS TOUR REMEDY I II olio way's Ointments A MOST MIRACULOUS Cl'ttK OF BAD LEGS, AFTER 43 YEARS' BUFFERING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. M'm. Galjrin, of 70, St. Mary'i Street, Wtymovtk, dated May 15th, 85l. To rmrVssor HoltoWAT, Sis, ai tht tft of 19 my wtfe (who m Bffw 61) oaueM a violent eoM, whirti settM 111 her ke, aixl evsr tinea lh urns they lisve been mors of lent t.,r, and greatly inRamed. Htr agonies were distracting, and for month r. oepnveo annreir or reti ami Bleep. Kvery lemedy thai merticnl men advised wss tried, but Z I . f ' "el,lth otrwed aevarely, and ths Mat of net lega terrible. I had often read .otw Advar. I,Vd . LJ. . V"W h" 10 "T y"r PIMs mid OmtTntnti id'nir. JL7,r,re' ,fl." v,r u,hc' nn",r had pro' ved nte leas, en eonsenled to do so. Bh. com,rt ai H; Er. Vr'. .7 """"., I nor hfnood health , tier legs ara pniuleaa, without earn m h mind and undisturbed. C,U mi.,'2?. "li1 .nlTm,i. of my wife du.ln. the lat 49 Z, Tod n.! A PKRSO?f 70 YEARS OP A OK CURF.D OF A BAD 1.F.O, OF 30 YEARS' STASD1NO Copt, of a Utter from Mr. Km. AVbt, Hvtitd tr of Gat Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Itnd' dersfield, dated Mauilst, 1851. To Profeiior Hollowat, i,..Ti.TL""lre?.f"r"lriw, nf t1,'rty V"rs rVort s M tfirk. . "lh different eei.lent a? ,? works j accompanied by scurhulie nmntoma I had co,.0 , vr.net-of medtenl arlvieT i ' thout deriv,, any benefit, .nrl was even (old that the h nfSil I," am ? c s ney?c.:,T,,;,n ,o i,r fifTTiS uintmenl have elTected a eoinp ete cure in SO alirlrt a rim. that few who hid , wlll,eSed it wouTlc'm Uieto' (Srgneil) WII.I.IAM ABBS The truth of this atnteinent enrt 1k verih'rd t,y Mr w' t KiiRland, Chemist, 13, Market Stieet HuddSrsneld'. JTJiw Vt'?.uM a,mi '""'"'"Hy wilh tht Ointment Hnd Ia-T, Chieeo.f,t llnr! Uremia, Clrrlbliiint, BuVrtt, Chapped hnnils, Itrilihm. rotiw l$eft Bite nf MosftiSv f'on-er's Fittutat, (lout. tilniKMilnr SweHing. l.irmtaigo fciesft rtaiid- Flies, Com meted ami rues Rheiimatifnr .o-imy, irn Joints, Kleplisntimis, 8or Nippli-t, Skin-diwutes, ftcurvy, Turnouts, fleers, Viiivi rknlda, Snre-lhronts,. S re.hends, Woinids, A DREADFUI jAt- ftRTA?T tTRfeW fN ON MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. fredcrhk Turn er, of Pcnhurst, A'tnf,- dated December 13(i, 1850. ' To Professor ffnl.ieiAt, Pbas Si, .fy wire hed snftVrad from Rail Roasts fo more Hum six month, and durum the whole period had the liest medical nllemlam e, hut nil to no ui"e. Having Ix fnre henled an nwful wound in my own k-ir. bv vour un rivalled medicine. I determined ai;aiu Vt uo your Pills and Oinnnient, nnd therefore gnve tiiein atrial in her rnac, and fortunate it was I did so, for ,n leaa thmr a month perfect euro wns effected, and the benefit th vnrioui oth er bnmchesof my rnnvily lui-va derri'ed from their use it renlly nitouifihmd' 1 now atronirlv recommend tliem to all my friends (Signed) FRED'K TURNKR. Sold at the Eatnbliahment of Professor Homxiwat, 944, Strand, (near Temple llur, Inidon,) and by all rcapeelnlila Drnggisia and DcoIits in Meilieinea thrniighout the Britiab Umpire, ft those of ihe fnilot Slates, hi Boxes at IJ7e., and f SOc. inch. Wboleaale hy the princiiwl Urug nouses in the tmon, nnil by Messrs. A. B. & 1). Sam, NeWorlt, ' It" There ts a eji:si,fersbFe snvinir hv tnkins the larger txs N. B. Directions for tlic guidance of patients in every disorder are nlhicd lo each box. Uctolier f, ls5i,ly. Mann's Establishment 25 Son. Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sate of Pnicnt tietiet Copying PrcHctj Patent METALLIC DAMPENER9, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, Sec. Patent Parchment Pupcr, Letter copying books, Superior to all others, and each page printed' PATENT LETTER BINDER, A riiost valuable invention for keeping in a book-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, ckc. Pbila., April 0, 1853. lyi . IMH'.vii Sodoc JP,- .a. aii. ail k.ct.v o J I Long Inoxrn Srvtrelu tested Always right The Acinou-ted L ' ged Standard. Hailroad, Hrtv. Coal, and Far' lner"' SCALES, set In any part of the country, at short notice; .rtGEN -IS. GEO. W. COLBY, S40 Market St., Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbury. J'hila., pril S3, 1853 Gas Fixtures Lamps. ENDRlCS:, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 62! North 2nd st. above Tine, flllLADtXrillA. HAVING had moiiy years practical cxriar kxcf. in the business and as all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate super vision we are enabled lo otter to purchasers superi or articles in every branch of ourtrado upon the most favorable terms, A t our store may be found in every variety and style of 'finish Gas and Lamp lhanuellers, Pendants, Side Brackets for Halls, Churches, Ac, Tin IxrnovEn Pint Oil Lamp, Also, Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Scriandules, Boquer holders, Parlor, Night and Heading Lamps on hand. Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wick Shades, Ac, All iivri Warrantrd or no sale. Factory No. 88 Noble street iieuf 4lh. Remember Store 921st 2nd street, next door ti J. Stewart Dcpuy's Carpet slote. I'lltls., April 2, 1853. 3nt. NOTICK To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexander L. Ilickcy Co., f HE GREAT U r-Ul.D S FAIR PltlZE MEDAL TBUXK MANUFACTOliY, M. U8 Chesnut Street, (Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia, VI! E now prepared to exhibit td the Merchant and Travellers one of the largest and most improved solid Sold Leather Spring Trunks ever oilcred for sale in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladles' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Duxes. Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks. Carpel and Leather Bags, Hand Coaches, Uiirs, etc.. tc. all Of which we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. Y e respectlully invite a call fron Die, Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive. assortment before purchasing elsewhere. AI.E.Y. I.. IUCKEY t CO., No. 148 Chesnut Street. Phil., April 9, 1853 6m. MACKEREL, CODFISH, SALMON, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PlL.MEH & Co., Market Street Wharf l'OUh, HAMS & SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, Philadelphia. Phila-, April S3, 1853. 3m. Wood $ Willow Ware. 20,000 Fsacy Corn Broom, 1,500 Dos. Bucket, Assorted Colors. 600 NesU Cedar Wash Tubs, 600 Cedar Churn. 500 Doa. Willow Baskets, 300 Dos. Wall and Scrub Bru.he. ice., Ac. The largest Slock ever ollered in Philadel. phia, and the chespest iu the world. Orders promptly filled. M. it J. M. ROWE. No. IU North Third Street, Philadelphia. M.rch IJ, 1653. 3m. . JUST RECEIVED a Spl.odid aortm.M of " ldie DresGood.eonutingof 6ilk, Mus lin d Berage. Canton Crape. Mk Poplin, Dtv ted c-wim Uwa Itobas, ic, d far hy Sunbury, May U, 'S3. TENER 4 CO-