f. v I- foreign "News. v FRANCE. TtETiRtMKST or Mr. Rives .Arrival of a Bonaparte Princest from Florida. On May 2, Mr. Kivts, U. S. Minister nt Paris, had private audience with the Kinperor for the purpose or presenting his letters of .rocnll, putting an end to his mis-ion. . Queen Victoria hail written to the Empo for informing him tif the recent addition to her family. . ' A Paris paper says : The Princess Achilla Murat, ho has very recently arrived from Florida, had a piivate interview with the Emperor on the Uthi'nsl. She tnnnicd the Ideal snn of King Joachim July Mill, 1S2U She has been a widow since his death in April, 1846. SPAIN. Excitement .against Senator Sonic. From Madrid, on the 17lh of May, wo learn that the cabinet was not completed. Mention w made of a contemplated journey of Queen Maria Christiana, to Italyi The Madiid correspondence of the Morn ing Chronicle slates that the appointment of Mr. Soule as United Slate Minister to Spain had much annoyed the Court. Some of I lie Journals recom.nend the government Hot to receive him in that capacily, in conse quence of what they term the hostility to Spain. The correspondence adds there is no doubt that any proposition for the purchase f Cuba would be rejected. it is asset ted that Marshal Narvaes had been appointed to the Embassy in Taris. ITALY. MiZZINI AND THE FlHCATE Cl'NUKIlLASD. Lombard y. The Sequestration Committee has temporal ily suspended its opeiaiion, in consequence of some concessions in favor of the absentees which' Count Uuchbctg had obtained from Radelsky. Romb. Father Roolhan, the General of the Jesuits died at Rome on the. 8ih May. Naples. A letter in the Daily News, fioin Naples, April 29;h, says: "A few days since the U. S. fiiyale Cumberland sailed in to the Bay of Naples. The police were ex ciled beyond measure. Mazzini, said they, was on board. Marine and land spies weie placed in every direct ion'; the telegraph set towoik; the officers from the Ciinibeihuul narrow ly watched, and persons sent on boaid to identify the ayi'.alor. After all, nobody could find him. Much discussion ensued, and at length some boldly asked the enptuiu of the Cumbcitaud, lls M.izii.-i sailing under the stripes and stars V 'Certainly not.' was the reply, and tranquility was again restored. Nevertheless, orders have been sent to'ilie coast guaul to watch narrowly ni;:lil and day. So Mazzini is still good cause foi alarm." AUSTRIA. A Vienna letter of a late date says "Mr. Foote, the American char d'affaires, who has been here somo months, has not deliver ed his cicdeulials." There is a report that the Austiain Gov ernment refuses to permit the remains of Napoleon I.'s son to be removed to Franco. A considerable enlargement of the city of Vienna has been resolved on. The Emper or's sanction to the project, which was i.-b-tained on tho .4lh, had given great and gen eral satisfaction, as house rent had become positively ruinous. Tho extent of the t-nr- I'ace which is to bo enclosed within the vl'.U, is equal to 1ialf the area vovered by the present city." u GERMANY. Fioposilions have been made by Austria aud Prussia to the Gorman Diet for snpies sioa of all the "Workman's Associations" at present existing in Germany, JOAQt IK THE MEXICAN ROBBER. The Snn Francisco Herald gives a roman lio account of Joaquin, the Mexican robber. H iccently slopped on tho Salinas Plains, and the owner of the house asking him, in the course of the conversation, if he had heard of Joaquin, the person addressed, put his hand to his heart, mid wilh grave polite noss and penetrating glance, replied "Sir, I am that Joaquin, and no man takes me alive, or comes within one hundred yards of me, with these good weapons." Without nny fuilher ceremony, and per fectly iinexciled, tho robber went on to re late the reason of his con luel in his late career: he had been oppressed, robbed and persecuted by the Amoiienns in the placets; had lost $.10,000, been driven from a piece of land, which ho was working with nn Amt-r- hud been insulted ami lean companion grossly maltreated without justice ; had been (lopyed and he was determined to be rcven for his wrongs, four-fold, lie had robbed many, killed many, and more should snfTer in the same way. He appeared men to grow very serious, and became excited. Joaquin said that hearing a large rcwaw was ollert d for his head or his living body, ho rode, into Stockton, disguised, walked lei surely around, with his scrape thrown over his shoulders, reading the different hand bills posted Dp iiboul town. Corning to one of these, in a-public thorouhfare, where. $."i0()0 was offered for his captuie, ho wroto in pencil underneath : ! wiilgivu $10,000 myself Joaquin" and leisurely rode out of the town. Wiu.iuy Bhi'stv Land Claims. It ap peals l hut a large number of widows whoso second husbands having died, suppose their laims to bounty land, on account of the services of their fust hu'sbands, are still valid. This supposition, it will be seen by the fol lowing, is an error : . Veaiion Office, Washington, JIui2., '53. By a recent decision of this ottice, w i.loas are not entitled, w ho have married since the death of the husband for whose seivices she claims land bounty, except those widows w hose husbands were killed in battle. Very respectfully, S. Coi.K. For Commission. SJJN TOR Y AMERICAN AND SllAljnjfWN A NORTHUMBERLAND , Select School for Uiils. Under tho Care of Miss E. Cnl win. INSTRUCTION will be given in the ordinary EnglUh Branches, Physical, ficienre,.. Al.,. , - - -e- 2,MAGNiriCE!T Donation Baltimore, May BP, Moses Shrpnrd, a rruh bachelor of this city, of the Society of Friends, has donated 830,000 to bniid an insano asylum in the city of Baltimore. Ild is still in the enjoyment of excellent health. The New Haven Journal desciibes a new counterfeit ten dollar bill on thn New Haven City Bank, so well executed as to deceive almost every person. The plate is closely copied, nml the counterfeit falls but little shoit of the genuine in its execution. Purine the slnrm Inst week, a resident of Buffalo Valley, Union county, returning from New Berlin, hitched hi team by a barn, from which the roof was tHken ofT and catried over their heads while they were beside it. nui noAD Iron tN tiik Wkst -The Zanes villu (Ohio) Cornier states thr.l tho neeessaiy arrangements have been made for the erec tion of a rolling mill in that place for the manufacture of railroad lion. Tub Stockholders of the ConnellsviHe Railroad are to meet at Pittsburg on the 8th of June, to accept or re ject the supplementary chaiter passed by the Pennsylvania legisla ture. Snranv Cucsty, Tens , ha voted foi a subscription of 300.000 to the Memphis and Louisville Railroad. New Advertisements. bra, Ueomotrv and Lanmimrn A Session will consist of twenty two weeks, Second quarter to commence on the 13th uf June! Tkbsis. Orthography, Heading Writing Com- ' position, (JcoaMphy, Kliirlish (ir.iniiiinr and Arithmetic ,,rr quarter. . n,t)0 Withjiny additional English study, ."jil.OO Algebra, Geometry, or Lnin;nagcs, f ft.uo Music, Painting, nod Drawing, each sepcrale and st thn customary rates, ltefcrcnccs. Dr. It. U. Ml'ay, Norlhumbc mini. 1). Tapgart, Ks-., Hon.. Joseph (Vry, Nc,v llerliit. Kev. Dr. M'Kimiey, )M. Pres. li-.im,er Phil.i. H. (!. .M'tiuire, A, M... Piineipal of Central Institute, Northumberland, May's I, 18,"i:t am. S I.ATi: ARRIVAL OF tl Si CHEAP (lootls. 'TABLE MOVINU" IN PBl"SIA. Tho Berlin coriespondence of the Morning Ckronule, wiiliug on the 21st inst., makes the following exlraordinaiy statement re specting "lablo moving," which previously formed the subject of a communication from Vicuna, published in the Times ; "The pa pers continue to give long details, from divers quarters, of experiments made with the so THE llETIIUSO SENATORS. With the close of the Irtte session of the Legislature, the leims of tho following named Seuritois expiied. Names of Democrats in Unties : , 1. Philadelphia city Charles O'Neill. 2. Philadelphia county Tlwmus Forsyth. 11 Adams ami Franklin Thomas Cat son. 13. Cumberland and Perry Joseph Baity. 1.1 Blair, Caiiibiia, and Huntingdon li. A. M'Murtiie. 16. Luzerne, Columbia, and Montour C R. Buehateie. 17. Biadloid, Susquehanna, and Wyoming ' (Icorge Sanderson. 1(5. Mercer, Venango, nnd Warren J.111 Ilngc. 21. Butler, Beavei, mid Lawrence Archi bald Robertson. 22. Alleghany James Carolhets 25. Armstrong, Indiana, aud Clarion Christian Meyers. Of the above districts, the lt, llth, 15lh, 21st, a'nl 02d, are deeideilly Whig, and the 2d, 13th, lflih, 17rh, lOtli. ami 25.h,"nre de cidedly Democratic-. One of the l itter was represented by Judge Meyers, Whig, during ihelast Senatorial term ; but there is no like lihood of such a result at the next election.. Should both parties, thru-fore, carry the dis tricts next fall in which they preponderate, the next Senate will stand 10 Democrats. 1( Whigs, and 1 Native ; and should either parly lose ono of its distiicts, the supremacy in the Senate must thereby be given to the. other. STEAM OS THE St III Vl.kll.L CANAL. We find, by the Reading Gazette, that an other steam canal barge has been launched ut Heading, designed for iho coal trade be tween Pottsville aud New York, and that, in fcitate of ADAM RENN, decU TV'OTICH is hereby given, that letters testa mcntary on the estate of Adam Ki-nn, Intecf Lower Ayjfustij township, Northumberland coun ty, dce'd., have been granted ly the Hot-isicr of the above named County, to t!ic under-incd. All person- having claims a.;iuusl said estate, arc requested to prcs;-nl tl-.ein, duly niilhi-uticaled for srltli ment ; nud those knowing tlii-iusilvcs indclt cJ Ij make jnvincat. without dc!uv to - ' MM UN fcN VDK1I, Ex'tor. Lower Augusta twsp., May 28, 1S.')H. lit, JiUin!;cr Yai';l. r"ffHM suhserilnr would respectfully inform the citii in of tiinilnu v, and Northuuil eiliind and inlj lining conntii-. t'.i i! he Iiuh opcuod a in the lot frontin ' oi Ciauberrv St., a short dis tune East ol the Slrani Saw Mill, wliere he has now a lare am unt id .tunc. P.i'nul Plan.-. a!o J'ttuur lto.ird. nrd tilt oilier Ijourds and BeiLu'iMi M imiiAi, such ns will lie wanted for building p-.irp.iscs. A'.s.i a lare niiiount of Shin'e.s on band, which will be sold from It fi up to fS, accord i 1 1 1? to quality and size. Please give u u call and examine our price' nud ijuauty. N. li. Tanners who are in want of Miinglcs will please cull as v.c will sell to von low. ' .1. E. l.RIU, Sup. Smdiuiy, May SS, ISM. ly. ' SLAYMAKER & HASLEIT. c I u.m ifi a Q owsit , rtll'-tl:ilt Mn cl liel . ' f III, rilll ADSLPZIIA. Hoard tfl..')t) per day. l'!iila.,.May 28. IKjX p ii li li si lid Mimiitci TlLlltlNGr &. GllANT. UESVECTKUI.LV infonn t'.icir ruslorncM and the piihlie, that they hive just receiv ed and ojn-iii d the best and cheapest stock of Spring aud Summer Good3, nl their store in Market sipiare, Sunhury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Di'V (Jootls, vi : Clolhn, Cnsrimercs. SnHiaels, J Vsiiijs, Fluni(.ls, ll'utlens, 6.'c., And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wiji. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DI1KSS & FANC'V COOPS, Calicoes, O'iigiums, Chintzes, De Laims, Iterates, And every variety of goods suitable for La ilies wear. Also nn extensive :tsoitmoiit of Hats and Caps ton Mux and Buys. Alto a large assortment of f, ItOt'ltl 1 T.S, srcii a-j Sugar, Teas, CinTee, Mulasse?, Spiers of all l.ftuls. Also a l;ir.n nKsortiuent of IIARDV ARE and Q.UEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a iresh supply of nsrc.s ami Mi:tnriM'.f. Besides the laroesl and most ceueral nssnit meiil ol jill kinds of goods to be had in this place. t'tf Country produce of all khida taken in ex change nt the highest market price. 8nnbinv, April 3d. ISM. GH.B AT NEWS I A Ni:w CLOTHING STORE IN SUNEURY. ELSiiEKii & CO.. rest ectfiillv nnnouiiie to the ii.lud.itaiils of Norlliiiuilicihiud county GEORGE Ar- ZIMKKMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gl Arcli Street, four iloors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF LINDS, M i hi. h for style of finish nn.) workmanship rannot U siiri nssed. Wholesnle ami Rrtnil t the lowest prices. AIo-rTHANSVARENT UINDOW t'HADKS AND liKED BI.1NDH VII()I.11.1'., AT MAM FAcrt'ltKltS' PUICKS. IV MrUCHANTS mid others are invited to cull and examine. rhiladel.tiia, Anyusl 21, 182. ly. Lite itntl Help Lite!!! Ot a Motto. N. THOIVIPSON ri'.C i rt I.I.V infoniia his friends nud llin public generally, that he has jusl re ceived at his store, yi Munbury, l.elow Weaver's Hotel, a birne, h'wiiUonic uud eheup assorluielil of SPWNO ANJ) summi:r goods, coiisistiiig ill part of )rv (iotnl?, W. : Cloths, Carsimcrs Cabinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, Vest rugs, Linens, let. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dc L-iins, I.aicns, (Hnahams, Heroics, lli Us, lc ;uoc 'i:tin:s, Siiar, 'IVas, ColVee, b'iee, iMolas-ses, Cheese, Spices, I'ish, Salt, Ac., Ac., &c. tin i a re, Nails, Screws, l iles, Suws, Knives & Forks, fee. ftucensware, of vai ions slylcs and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of Hoots ntid Shoes, for men, women ami children. Hits Cats, iVr., of Various sizes and styles. Itesidcs a hirie nud general assortment of fashionable ftoods. Call and examine for your selves. t"i?" Country produce of all Kinds taken in cxlringe at the hiabest market prices. Sunburv,4 mo. 31), JS53. IK. VtWVtX & It Alt ur.Tvs Agrlcullnrnl Wnrrliotmc and Stcd Mort. A'o. 1941 Mnrlrl Rlr,.l Ihiladeiphia, pnOL-TY& MKARB' Patent Self-Htmrpei,. , 1 loutd" f nil .iies, riKl,l UJ hand ed Subsoil, M,dn H,l onj J)l,l.MouM Ac With Steel Extruding poiutm liar-Share, IJcach! and other kinds of Casing for repainnn. Tho F.niperor of liu-wia o worded for the atiiivn 1'lounhs, a massive (iold Medal, valued :i(10. Also tlie I.AI.A r Mbll.VI, at the World's Fair was awarded V. & M. lMouch, No. 40. rnlii- vators wilh Double-I'oint J-olhed t-'trel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus getting Double Wear of the Common Teeth. Also, cultivators of all kinds with Steel Teeth. ISnin's Atmospheric Corn Planters, 'hums, Turnip llrills, .-j l to SB, Corn thellers, improved lirnnl's Talent Fan kinds, - Mills, Hay and Straw Cutters, Garden Engines, Hand Corn Mills, Wheat Drills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Horse I'owers and Gedd's Improved liar- Thrashers, rows, Mowing and Reaping Square and A Harrows, Machines, Horse Rakes, Chain l'unips, Grindstones, ready hung, Cattle Ties, Dirt Scrapers, . Hull Rings. Agricultural Furnaces, Talent Iron Snaths, Ox Yokes and Hows, Grubbing Hoes, Forks for unloading hay, Transplanting Trowels, Man liny Hakes, ' Hay A Manure Forks, Bow Fins, Shovels and Spades, Apple Farers, (iarden cV Field Hoes, Ox Muzzles, Garden Hukes in variety Mole Traps, Children's Tools, 1'runing Hooks & Chis- Darling Scythes, m sels, .-Snaths, with Patent Saws and Scissors, Fastenings, Iron Well Curtis, and Potatoe Hooks, Zinc lulling foT Chain Fum ps, Also. Horticultural Tools (of every descrip tion.) Garden and Crass seeds, for sale at the lowest price, atAYholcsale and Retail. Phihi. April lfi, lS.-i3.-Sm. THE ItOAD TO IIEALTH ! HOLLO WAY'S FILLS. . cunK or a WiJonnr.HF.r) liveu asd hw 1IUK(T10N. VPp of a Letter from 71.-.. ?, fK. Kirkt. Chemist 7, Prcscot Street. 'Liverpool) dated 6' June; 195 L in, Yfflir Villu Hurl uintmenl liBCe ilfHi fcfi hffiliMl w niir fulft lint hi' rntprii t.ny Modicinus fur nni years. A euatotnei, fi wlmm I rim refr for nny eiiqmrie, itwir nictiitft vii know tlie nitu iilnr of her cntw. Hhe liaif hevn troiille fui veai wild i1iMried User mid Imv iltLeftiin. On (he fart o-caiiiH, bnvver, tht viculenitof tlic iittm k wnw n tilttrminrr, nml 0ie uifiiimmtrtin mt in to ..vcnly, thtit lUwhtii wurn ftntrnnitwl tf her ivH being able to Intff up iMttt.-r ft ; inrtunatelv h win induced la try )-ihh Fill, ntwl ntic hti-trinn mo tlml orter th fint( itd cuvh B-iw-crUiiijc J mi., ft.c fmtl grwtt rdifrf. Slir nmi mued t'i ttikr itn-in, iiih) ntilnttiitU i!io iiFtl ittly ihree Duw, li now in thu Mi? -yniPiil nf MflWt liwHh. I cnild hBT ntm you nruiy rm, I ml tli nUive tioiii the KVicmTT OF tR attack, mvt Uv. srKFitY cure, I think, tpenht muii u favor of ymir tjnhinK Till, AN ICXTll A ' r-TAR v cmt? nitKUMA TM KliVl r., ) V VAN UIKMKN'H LAiHD. m Coptf of a J.:;cr inserted in the Hobart Town Courier t nj the st March. 1351. 6w Major J Wakh. ' 9 Mar-itrt M'C imiln. niupteftn vrars t( ne. resictinf at J-l-w 'I'owii, li.nl Ihh'ii puil.'tinp ir'v'in ti vi'l.;iit rlieuinalHr l. vrr lor i..wio.ls .h iw i moullis, winch Imil eiilireljr do. pnvwl li. r i t iho ,.f h-r liiiilm , during tins period she w is iin.l. r tlic niro of the u, , rniincut nietliil men l llouut 1 .i n, and by litem Iut miie warn iinuidered hope i .' A"'1""'' I'WvuiImI u,mi ,..r w i,y ll"llowiiy's eels Urinal ',iu, whif-h he r .nrn im-d .. ilu, nud in an lucradir .,, i.in-r u, umroipy . Un lrd a (.cifert cute. II HI-. OF A l'AIN AM) TIiH I-I SH IV T1IK. CUKST AMI STOM ACH i' A PEIlON H YK.MtM OK Alii-:. Ti-om Messrs 1'hcw if Son, 1'ioprielors of tht Ljnx Advertiser, who can vouch for tht fullaicing statement. .Ixgti.il 2nd, 185 1. T.i I'nitVrs. r lti'TxowAY, 1ik. 1 (ti-..irr it. twir tf-stiimily l-i t?ie K ind etTtrtl ofr ll.ill.iway's l-illn. Tor soise yi-ios 1 iiidcivd scveicly Irom u iin and it-htiicBii in tin- lini.u-i wtiii ti w:ii iilso sccouv-IMinti-il hy n Hh.irtiK-r-ii of lirc-itll Ihul -frveotcd m fnira wiilkiut! till 'lit. 1 am H .-tn a nl' tir, toitl i.otwilliflUiiMliiiy inv uuviiiH-rtl ulntc of life, lliew- Til's Itnve so lellcTed mi. -Int I tun itc.irutis li.l others vh-uiUl ho made at-timintef wuh Ihrir cirliiM. t nin ninr rrmlen-tl, by llirir mesn ciiii-uatil rly ni-tivc. mill cini t:ikr f.Trrcisf without iucun-vi-iilrni-e or i.-iiii, winch 1 C'ulil ll-t do iK-f-irr. (Signi-il) IIKMIY COK, N-irlli stieot, Lynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are vondeifully effua cious in the following complaints. I rugs. i'ainls, (ilass. Oil, Wiiitlou f Toxs rrench zinc white. 10 tons l'uie White Lead. lOtlO Ilexes Window Gluss.all sizes, Superior rol:isli,Jop:il,t.'oach ,I.e:ith- 1 er iV Iron viirni-h. while Demur varnish for China (iloss, wilh a general assortment of fnvh and jiurc j MlUt.lS AND Mi'UK'INES. Al-:i all tl-.e P.it-it Medicines in gi-licrat use, warranted reiuiiiie. ('olimd and Kiiiinilcd Glass, Ac., fee., fir sale very low at A I.FIU-.I) V I I.T i: E P.f ' F. U'S Uriirt and Puii.t Mo:e, No. 10'J .N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Physicians and Storekeepers atipiilied (ioods sent to nnv of the Hotels or Depot -i free of charge. Philu., May 2H, ISo:!. ly. mid the piihlie in ceiier.il, th.it tin y have eom liiciiccil n new t'lotliiii Store in Sunluiry l'a., oppotiile the Po.t O.iice, adjoinin-; Mr. Slioh's saddli-r lion in Market Street. Thev lire just oj-eiiiui; a splendid assurli-.u nt of f.ishioualile Spring atiJ Siuumcr Clctliin?;. ( oiisii-liiii; in part of Cloths, Cissimers. Nit'i i'tt, Linens, Chnlad and Fancy Cluth Pants and Cvats. ALstl, A fine sujiply of Silk, Satin and other Vll3. ALSO A LAIKJR ASSOlIT.MENT t)f alT Kinds of Hats and Caps, .Shirts and I'ollurs and Genllcinen's fnrni.-hiii;; (ioou's in general. All of which will he sold cheaper than cheap nt the lowest cash prices. The pnlilie may rest assured that nil Clotliin; thev hoy of our Store is made up well. :h o ie ol the lirm is a practical tailor and our wh de .'S.i.-k of Clothing is made up l y ourselves. lur adhe ring to the cash prim iple ami our extended ac iiiuintaiice anioiiK .New York and Philadulphi. Importers of f'l-ith en.ihles us to sell very cheap. Gall and Sic ; A'o char-.-c for looking; at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kepi up us we lire constantly petting fresh supplies. Sunhuiv. Muv 7, lKoX J. E7. GOULJJ, (Succcf S ir to A. l-'ltJ T.) S'o. 6i dies mil Street, Stenim's Building. PniLADEirillA. ITtXTENSIVE Ml SIC pfUl.tSllEK, nml u - Dealer in .iin.-lcal lusli uiiieuts ol every ue seriplioti. Exclusive Ayent for the sale of llnllel, Davis CV ( lo's lost-Ill) P.1TKNT SlSI-l.XSlON IJllllltiK .ilolitiii aiiil other PIANOS, L. Giltiert's lioudoir Pianos, Melmleoiis, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, tSui;i:r Ml sic, Mi sic Ii.ious. i-., Ac. Kciidcutsof the country will ho aiftiplied hy in, 'it or otherwise with any music they may wii-h, at as low rales as if purchased in person, liming one of lha largest stocks in ihc United States, I feci confident nf satisfying all who may fevor me with n rail or order. Dealers in Music supplied ciysAe most liheral terms. Pianos lo let. recond-hniuf Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April II, 1S.V). ly. ft' this advertisement should meet the eye of the petilleman, (a justice of the Peace, I heleive) who Ik -spi ke 1 copy of Ilinu's Justice, and 1 Magistrates Docket he is informed that tho Hooks have lieen ohtained and are ready for de livery ut the Uook Store of W.M. McCAKTV. Sunluiry, May SS, 1S5:. tf. t()MK persui has pot a liinl volume, the whole consistiun ol ciiiht of the works of i William Shiikspeurc, small "4 mo. two front I plates. puli!ihcd ill 1:J0 hy Mct'arty cV Duvis i hound in red cloth. The' person having it is a liial trip made on Ti.ursd.iy las', it o,ked I retiuesic, to renin, ... or can .,o I J l C......O votnnies. wboli! ' faculty of jurists" operated, and in ciylit minutes set a not wood table on the laitl, and this so rapidly that the gifillemen of tho hat became giddy in their efforts to follow the movement. At Vienna, 'tho fluid1 communicated itself to other articles of fur- nituie, which all twisted and turned as if moved by hands. Being somewhat sceptical, t last ni"hl assisted at nn experiment nt the house of an eminent scientific, man. The party consisted of soma twelve or fuuiteen persons. Six of these, three or the oilier sex seated themselves around a sliyhtish mshoaanv table, standing npon a tripod le? with cistor. The chain was formed by the h.mls of all being placed flat on the table iH linnds beinr nJ IHO lliuo iius - crossed over those of the persons silting right and left. Those outside tho ring, having marked the bearings of tho room, as well as the original position of tho table legs, with chalk, carefully watched the operation. In less than II minutes, a jerking, oscillating movement was perceptible-then a cessation -laen a few more jetks to Hie left and right then commenced a slow rotatory nnd somewhat pr-giessive motion to the right and northwards ; .this in a few seconds was f..u-ed bv more rapid motion, which obli- Ced ,;the chain" to stand np and follow the .mflnt. until at last the table spun round . ,h same double direction, with such ve- locity as compelled the chain to relax their . .. ...i... ii. hih c. after hall a uozen ftOldi win-" - , . mained stationary. It must be oo served that the experimenters sought by ....nre lo impede tho rotatory motion, and , fn.ciblv that not only the castota in- dented groove, in the floor, but : Iho flat slab r iUn unscrewed and would havelallen from the .tern, had it tjol been supported by" ...f iha party. A second trial was made . r.u. minutes later with the wma rewlts, Ll with this difference, that the effect was ,ot prodoceJ until the expiration 01 n mu. ut." , , . ' Dcamo th last eight week, the popula. ,oof Keokuk, lows, ha. increased about 3 500, many in the .uburb, Le tn tents, "wVcb extend ' nul ,1Uttr" . . well. This boat is of 1G0 tons burthen, in iddition to the weight of the engine. She is a Loper propeller, and is 100 feet hint', . 171 feel wide, aud 8 feci depth of h dd. A pit asm e" barge, owned by the Navigation Company, is also on iho stocks at Heading, to be altered into a steamer. Theie were previously ono or two steam canal boats running on the Schuylkill Navi gation, whose 'nps have given entire satis faction, and the Gazette pronounces the ex periment of using steam poweiou this Cuiuil to have reached fueccs Wo are glad lo hear this, for the introduction of this power ful agent upon tho- Canal cannot fail In effect a great change in lh transportation of coal fioin the mines to the seaboard cities. All things have ol luto years conspiied lo prepare the way for the success of Ihis ex periment. The invention ol Itia l.oper pro peller obviates the objection, ulways deemed so forcible, that the wave caused by the paddles would act injuriously upon, tliu em bankments of the Canal. Meain must .be come generally in use oii the Schuylkill line some lime before its introduction on oilier canals, owing to the competition in Iranspoi laliou of coal. V.L McCAKTV, Uoekseller. Suubiny May " 18M. 'Kuivkii, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. VllW fir the little ones. V'hv will parents waste hours and d.iys in fruitless endeavors to cct perfect pictures l( their children and alter all pet nothing hut a poir, iniseralile caricjtuie 1 Wc would sav, come to our KCLI,S()IR UALI.KRY WW" aud we viil puariiiile to make you a perfect picture, by our l'l.MTUO ( iiimihl procu.-i, that works in from K to S seconds. We defy any Dauerrean ill Philadelphia or elsewhere, to eompete wilh us, us wo arc me invenlois, and the process is ued only in our uil fereut i stalilishmenfs in New Kni?laud and the Middle States. For picture' ol adults, tho sliver medals we have received fioin the American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, to-'ethcr with the numerous premiums from t'ountv Kairs, is B'.iHiciciit prtiof that lln-y are the A's rtiin I'llia of peifeelioii. We would cull puitieular attention to our Talliotypes Daguerreotypes lis till. D. I en i ivs v I n,, ton I iiestniii street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite sile Ilaiup- h-n 11 nue, rspriugticiil and l.ollins lluilillug, Weslfu-ld. Mass. N. H. Cur eslahlihnieiit is illiiiiiinated hy the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and hy I'lnltssar Ilur.srfuiil n hnjelij Jaaijn ly jyW. 'Come und see. Phila., May !JS, 153. I. v. Hobby Horsej, Cliildren's Piopeilors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Maiitif.ieturcd wholesale and retail by B"JSH1T3L-L TTTLL, A'o. Gl LOCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders throneh the mail promptly executed- Phila., April 'J, 1S33. Iv. Centre Turnpike - Uoad. IHO Mockholdersari- hereby notilicd lh.it ai. Lleclion for ulliccrs lo serve for the ensiiiinj year, will be held at tlie House ol imam X'lreeter in NurlhuinlK-rbind, on Monday, the lith day ol June, between tho hours of 11) -I. M., and 3 P.M. : J. K. Pill KM l.f., .'resident. tjiril 30, is:3. (it. WILLIAM PERKINS' (lenllemens Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE, So. 231 Clusnnt, third dour leluie Lipitlt st Philadelphia. AS on hand s full stock of French and I English Piece (ioods, which will he made to order at the Shortest Notice, in the Latest bitvle, FOll CASH. Phila., April U, 1833. run. ' Em iHwium ol' I'a!sioii And Centle;iien's i'tirnijLing: Goods- .KM IX V. M vn s ix, HAS i;i:Ci:iVI'.D at his establishment, on Deer street, one door n.irfli of C J. llruuer's law-office, in Sunluiry, the most Splendid and Faihionahle ASiSUHT.MKNT.Ol' GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been offered in this place. His stock consists us a great variety of CLOTHS, .Imang vhirk arc superior lil'irk, 11 row Cnen, Olive Clare, Belgium Cloth, French Cloths. Russian black, Scr. BLACK A,l) BROWN CASMMEKKTS, Mark plain ihe-s!;in Catsinurcs, Summer and Winter Cassimerrs, ifc. VESTINGS, I) lack Satins, (a rich article) excellent Marsciles Hull', While, (l'iured ami Plain,') Figured llreiiadiue, supeih Watered Silks, nml SUM MICll (iOOI)S OF ALL YAUIKT1F.S, Tweeds, Linens, Cravats. Hose'try, Plain and Fancy Triiniiiiniis, Cciitleineu's Collars, Suspenders, Ac, Ac. Call and sec his assoiluicnt of goods. He challenges inspection, uud politely invites the public lo lest their quality by pr.icurim the liesl and ncalest coats, pants, vests, &c, ill the coun try (V" A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate situations at tins cstulilislimenl. Suuhury, May 81, lS3:t. 3in. ANoTHF.lt liF.Vol.UTlON In the Drv (loods Isusiuess. J. F. & I. F. KLINE, Ri;sPF.CTI''l'LLY announce to their friends ami tie public in ncncrJ, that they have taken lliellld Stand, in l'p r Augusta towli- S ill iorllllllllleri.lllo l-o.uuj., I a., iwih.i-mi in copied by Isaac t.allipliell NOTICE To Merchant?, Travellers and Others Throughout the United Stales, Alexander L. lliekey Co., THKiu:r..vT woiti.irs i-.Mit I'tift: .vr.D.vt. . TRUNK MANUFACTORY, A'o. I4S Ci.m(f Street, ( Front of Jones' lintel) Philadelphia. 4 I!K now prepared locrbil.it to the Merchant - nud 'J'ravellers one otie largest and nios' improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever ollired fur sale in thiscily, together with a j;eu eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can pos.-ihly be imagined, running in price from two lo thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of 1. allies' Dress Trunks, llonnet Uoxes, Travelling Salchids, "alise Triiulis, Carpet -and Leather Hags, Hand Coaches, (iii;s, Ac, Ac, nil of which wc are prepared lo sell at reduced prices. Wc respectfully invite- a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purcliasiiii; elsewhere. ALLX. L. HlflvKY A CO., No. 14j I. iiesuut Slrect. Phila., April 9, 1S33 0m. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, lMI'or.Tr.f.S AN1 PKALKRK IN French -MillinerY (loods, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAYINO received hy late arrivals a largo and well selected assortment of SPUING MILLINEHY GOODS, arc now prepared to oiler their customers, at the lowest market prices - Glace Silks for Itonnets, Fancy Donnel and Cap KiMwins, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, all colors. Fancy Nets and Laces, Toirclher with every article appertaining lo the Millinery trade. March 12, 1853. 5m. Asm Propsy Inflammation Amliina lys.:atury Janntic llili.iiis C'mi'liiials l".i yiiii-lii l.ivrr Cora- iil telies on Uia 1'eiiialr Irrrga pluiiils l-kiu lariliff l.iiiiilci H iwel CoinpUiints Fibers ol all 1'ilcs Culies k iuits Illiuumntivm Counliintion of F'rls llutfiilioll ol' Ihc ll.iwels - Omit Vrm Conininiiili'iii Ili-ril-nclis ScorfnlS. or Deliiliiv InJiesii hi King's Kril S.re '1'iironls Si'ine mid Grave! SeroiKlarv Tio Doiil.iitrcux 'J'liinours Symptoms t'locra . Veni-rral Affections AV'unnsof all klnr1 Wealoli-ss. frian wli.ili-ver p.-iiisb A-r., Ac. P'llil nl the- Ksinlilisliinellt of I'rolcssiir irm.r.rWAV, lf, ?lrnml7 (nrur Teliil llnr, I.--lid ) nnd by aH rrslctalil OriiimuU mill Lleuli-rs in Mnlii-ittrs throughout tbe Uritisb KlilHn'. St ih nf Ihe I'liilrd Guiles, in iioxes at 07Jc, f-7c, nnd 3oc. pncli Whotesslr hy the principal Dnic; hoioti in the I jii in, and by. Messrs. A. li. & I). Sasds, ev V.. ik, IV Tilers is a e-msiikrntile saving hy taking Ilia larger s'lZrS N'. H. Direeiinns for tlii Ftiiilnncs of patients ia svery ilis-inler uri; nftixi-d to f-n-li U.Jt. Ucli.lier tfj, 1-54, ly. Hook Agents "Wanted, In every County in the United States, to canvass fur the following; works, to whom the largest commissions will be paid. VicrouiAi. IIisthht of Tns WoT.Lfl. from the earliest nues I- l hp present time Thrcr volumes in one, eomnriftne I'nrtl. Ancient History. I'art 9, llintory of the Mul.il Ai:rs. run J. .Mi ilcrn History. Ilv John Frost, 1 I Aiitli T ol Pi -l-irial History ol the i nitial Stairs, I'uHo reil l.it'c uf Wiist.iiitnii, Ac., ftr. New EUitiiai, with ad-(lili- ns unit c -rreclions hy the Antlrir. llliistiateit with nver live htinilred etiirnviiiir9. from drawina liv Crooins. lleveretix, nnd otlii-r ilisiin(i-.iihhi-il Artists. This worts c-iHttuns over 11(10 Super K":il octavo pnpes, and over "SU tiin-r illtistrutioi tli.-in Imve ever been engraved for nny tliswiy in this cnaisry ; it is tiaudsiHoefynnd suhstsu-. tiutiy hound in euiti.i- laoriicco, gilt back. Frice, Oiikat I'.vmcTa ix Monitnx Hutort. By John Frosts Comprising tlie Hi.n-t reimnkiil'lu lliscoyeries, Conquests Kivi'iiitious. Grent Buttles, nnd other ThrHliiifr hicidente, ehii-llv in l-lurope nud Aincrn-u, fioin the connnencrmsHS of thefixti-eittli Century tolhe jireseul tune. Kmtiellisfied wilti over 5C0 eiiffruvilis by ' V . t'ruiiie and other eminent artists. It c.iutuuis over uu Royal oelnvo piiffei, sisl nl a uuue clorwl map of the W.nM -Jox-i-i, Willi side maps nf riitiloruiu, Uu-g Huug-iry. Ahstriiill Uoiniliions, Vo ll'iiuid in eiulx issi-4 moiocco. gilt stick. Price, &3.UO. TIIBU.1.IN3 AnvsNTCsn AMnxo Tiir Imiuns. Uy John Fri'SI, I j. 1.. 1. C'.Miipnsiuf; I tie in. -si re-ii-ukiible rermaial Narrulives ol events in tlie eiuly Inilnin ars. as well as i.f lui-iiti-nls in the recent luilni-. I lollitilita ill Mexico uud T.-xus. Iltio-lrnted with over :JIK) l-lucruvings, from designs by V. Croine. nnd nttier iiisliuL'tiinlied artifcls. It contains over AiK pages Oeltwe. b-.iuul 111 lliorocci gilt baclt.j- l'rireSl.?.V Sketches nr I.ifr DCiiAScTen . Arthur. l-'i.V IN thk Whkat. This destructive in sect ha. already cum.iienced its ravages in a X1IE tllEU'EST, THE MITCST AD THEBEiiT. no.liou of the county. 0 have advices from several gentlemen in the upper and low er pot- lions of our con illy, v. ho give noae.euuiils aud mako no mention of the fly. In tho middle purl ion of Iho count)-, and in Buckingham val ley,' it is particulaily destructive. Bucks County Democrat. Tn e Wit bat CnoroF Lancaster anb Dai'- fiiiN Coi-ntiej.-TIio wheat crop of Lancasler county will nol bo above one half an average yiold lhi season, owing to tho extensive rav ages Of tlie fly. oomo neius are nieiuy uc stroyed, and tery few hao entirely escaped This.appaier.lly, has all happened within iho last two week. The Ilarrisburg Reporler says there will only be a thud of a crop in that county, owing to the fly. A LUMf of gold ijuarli was found about six miles above Columa, weighing over on hun dred pounds. Al least one-thud ef it was supposed to be puis" gold. . Kxccllence and Jleauly comlilneil, BLATLCSE'S Model Spring Style Hats, D TNKOl'Al.I.KD hv anv others in all that B J can lender satUfacliitii to the Wearer. (Jive them atrial. The Very l'ine.-t Mollskin II its for 3,.r0 j .Second tu.ilily, very line, 3,1(0 Thud Quality, a (-ainlul aiinle, i.Oil. All lliese aie wurruiiuid. Model Hat Hlore, Nj. 41 North Pill fttrtel riiilaililpliia, IMiila., April y, lS.'il Cm. ''BLANK KOTEfl, waiving the rtemplion Jiff law ol $JUU, lor sale. by T April S6, 1851.- H. U. MASSER. "TMUKELLAS, Parasols and Fancy Fans, J just received and fur sale hy 0EDER OF DISTRIBUTION. 1III' Judgment crcdilois aie hereby nolilicn that ihc nionics nrisiiit; upon I lie sale ol Heal Kstu-.e of ilenrv illiclm will l-c ilistiiliu- tM sceording to priuiity uf Liens, on Moim, the i!3d d.J l Muv, lf.'3. J.1HI.S U1..1I1U, liotllj. Prolltoni tary's lllliee. I Sunbury, April 30, lsa l .11. V COME AKD SEE The Sew and Splendid nss irtiaenl of SPUING AND SUM.MKU GOODS Just received aud for sale lv Sunbury A pi 'JO, 'S3. I. V. TK .N EK li CO. HURNINCi Fluid, Caniiibine, 8iierm Slid - W hale Oil, While Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine Jusl received and for sale lv n'.i u.. II TKNKkiCO. DUIIUUIJ , ... " J . -1 " - ' Bunbury, May U, '63. TENER Sl CO. sfHOLAGOfil'E. An excellent remedy for . I J .i.. ..... nr v.v.r .nrl Aviu. iuat received YrKmxo FLUID and self sealing En- ...s for i, by - I. W. TENER cV CO. ' lopos, just roctuved siul for sals by Bunbury, M it ( 'o., tiuil have just inru.-il from riiiluilclnlii.i, and oiiened .-7 .Yew mi l SjdX'li'l . l-mort innut of -Sl'lll N(i A XI) SlMMI-lt fiOODfi, Cotisistiiij; in pail of (Mollis, ('usuimcrs, Sat liiielts, I, incus, I 'lu cks, aiul all kinds of Summer Wear. . Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, 'alicocs, (Jinunains, l.awus, ller.nje de I, allies. Alpacas and SV.awls. Also a fu-sh supply of dii u -l ti'H f all kinds, Hardware and ( Jueensware, Prttgsaiid Mi ilii iiu-K. Also a l.nce asMiiltiu ul of Hoots and siih's. suiljlile for Mtu, Woiiu'ii aud t'liililieu. M ils and C.ips, such us Panama, Straw, lil:n leaf and other II. its. .all, fhet-se, vVc. Call and See. Cheaper than the ' 'heapc.-t, All of whiih will l sold for ca,a, or in ex haiigc for euuntiy PjikIucc, al tin- liihc-4 inatket price. I pper Auguna, .-t. jin:it', iwj. UWIMi hn-alcd Unnscll pcrmaiisuu, w. Muiibttry, oilers his professional services to the Town and Country, oluce, corner ot Market streets f formerly UUCe-rapo oiii,i h0 may I found unless protessionaliy eugag- u. Kunbury, April a, I""- " Cla's -Fixtures 05 Lauips. HENDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, So. 221 Sorth '2nd st. above l ine, I llll.AUI I.Vlll V. MAVINOhad many years pructicnl ni-tni-km'K in the business and as all work sold by us is manufactured under our iuiiiir Jiatc super vision wc are enabled tooll'er to purcliuacr suicri or articles in every branch of ourtrado upon the most favorable terms. At our store may be found in every variety and style ef fiiiisli CJaa and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, side lirac;cts for Halls, Churches, &e., 'J'iib IaeunvKu Vixt Oil I. ami-, Also, Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Seriaudobs, llofjuer holders. Parlor, Ni'bt qnd Reading Lamps on hand. Lamp Ulassrs, Clobes, Wick Khadcs, &c. All ier irai r. nitrtl or no suit. Factory No. HO Noble street near 4th. Remember Store Silst 2nd slrect, next door to J. Stewart Dcpuy'a Carpet stose. Phila., April 2, IR53. 3m. v An iM-tuvo volume a oret list nnpes biniultfutlv illuitrnlnd. tied b mini in the best lnglisli muslin, gilt back. Price, S-J.IHI. I.ioiits Shdov ov Rrl larr TtyT. . ArtTisi Wiihna nutiilii-ipriiplrjr and orirait of the author. Over IMsl vit?i-s oeitivo, Willi tine-tinuil errcruviiifrs. lloand in the iiest Inigtinh iiiuiiiiif gilt bacit. 1'iice, 9-i.UO. n,.i tixv tiatis rnoM Life's IIabvs.t Fiiu.0. Ily T. S. Artiitir. 1-4 inn. of 1111 rwues. Ituuist in tiiiisll'n, wtUx a Ihmuiiiu! inexieniiit eiiravtus. l rice, ia uenis. Turn Wat to Hsosrsa, ond oilier Tales. Ily T. 9 Ar thur IS in over S.i0iiii;es, wilh a inezsoliiit engravNi(. Piiee. Sil rents. Tiis Ilioia Miuinx. 1'y T. !. Artlinr. M loo. of over 40 I past itliaii enirnn ins. l'rlec, all Cciiti. Tlirs Iilcur.. nrWe.-itth williout Winrs. Hy T. fl. Arthiii. Ih er -JiSl :tj.-s lJ ill . Willi a fine mezzotint eu giaviiit. Price, jit Cents. Till! rinminK AuKr.. Ilv T. P. Arthur. 61 puges, ae nio. wilh an niisniviiiR. !3 s' in Muslin, gill edges. l'r tee, -J- cents. CoxgrssTS or THE Kon.i:. Ily Vincent W. Mltner. rouipristuK lni.iluc r.vc:.: iu llie History of t liristinn- ilv from Hie e..l. .. -ni .to to iho preicnl day. 33 piiites, l-iino. Itltisli i -J Willi iinmerous engisvings. All W Hi" "''-'C. ti . t e.rt l.-.nitilully and substniitlaBy I, iiin-1, l.ruil. cl on H-i'J " pal"'', nnd llie ri miMiei - ' ii ItiMiuft Hint thev i.r W.iulil esperim.y run ........... -jj ... , , - . Id mi lllMVl IV l.v . "".a vvhii-b eunn .1 U- liadmi 111 'Hi !. s eai-ii Alieiii ns us lennd exclusive finiir.n iw j V " . euuntry lie may l'rce lo caiva... I- .n irlic.iinrs, wiuress post run , V,,nli F. iiuh Street, 1'liiladclpliia, rhii,Airii Isiit. (ft. April IW. ls)M. If. It. MAKSF.n. IHESH Vanilla Iiean of supenof quality jubt received aud for ssls by Juns t, 18.Y.1 II. p. MASSEK. lay H. IHba. BLANKS. . . . L L .1 l. MLANKS oXsvery Uescnpuon ou no naa uy 1 Pl'V"! h'iice ,M A.neiicB.. .Manu's Kstuhlishiiicut 25 South Siuth Street, Philadelphia. For llie Manufacture and sale of l'a tint I-eUcr Cop-) Ins rrcuficii, Patent MKTALL1C DAMPKM'.K Ilrushes, Oil Papers, Wotting Hoards, Copjing Ink, iVe. Patent Parchnient Paper, LKTTF.R COPYING HOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. P.VTKNT LL'TTKH LINDEH, A mo.t valuable inveulion for keeping in book-like foi m, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, Ac. Phila., April 0, s?-.3. ly. lMiitlunii Scales, H J Lg luou-nPertrtlg tested fit Altrsyi right Tk Aft'ivwled- I $ ' i i'"'' Standard. JL-J-. lf.iilio.id, Hav, Coal, and Far- Jl'f? v inf'J ""' CA MS, set in tny part of tho i-ountrv, al slioil notice. Ai:XSl-lil.n. C'Ol.lH, 210 Market st., i'hilsdelphis, K. V. Uright, 6'unhury. hils., tpril 83, ISa3 Ci 1(T I I()Y. On account of the great num ' l.cr of eouiiferfeits now selling, and the injUrJ" sustained by buyers of these deceptions, svliicu. have tho very worst eircct on sulVcrcrs, MRS. MUTTS resprctfnllv eaulions i'hysicians and Ladies lo buy no SI J'J'tjHTKIi without it has the I'nited .States Copyright Label on each Box, and her Signature no each Supporter. All other arc spurious. The. great reputation and success of this appa ratus, its ease, comfort, and the support it affords by wearing it. have combined to give it most extensive sale in all parts of the States. Ladies will applv only to MKS. HhlJy, and Merchants to JAMES 'BUTTS, Wholesale Agent, 3? I Walnut Street, Philadelphia, or to her Agents. .Phila., -4pril 30. 18.13. 1 in. MACKEREL, CODFISH, SALMON, POHIv, HAMS & SIDES, SIIOl'l.DF.US, LAUD ei CliEESK, fVtENCH Cloth, Psncy Vestings, and Cassi. A- meres just rs-ied suJ lor sale iy Sunbuiy, may it, n TENLH A CO. -m-sseE BILLS' -Justices sod ConrtsMts Tf Hills handsomely printed on ears' paper for sals at this olhcs. : Phila-, Apiil 23. 1853 3in. CoiiGtantly on hand and for sale by J. Palmer & Co , Market Street Wharf Philadelphia. Wood Willow AVare. 0,000 Panry Com Uioonis, 1,500 Dei. Uackets, Assorted Colois, H00 Nesls Cedar Wash Tubs, K00 Cedar Churus. 500 )oz. Willow Uaskets, oOO llor. Wull nd Scrub Ilrushes, Ae., Ve. 'Phe largest Ptock ever offered in PhideL phia, and the cheapest in the world. Order promptly filled. M. & J. M. KOWE, No. 1 1 1 North Third bueet, Philadelphia. Msrth la, 1653. 3in. DOCTOIl I. W. lUKillKS, OFK'CE on Broadway, near the Episcopal Church, Vunbury, Sunluiry, April 14, 1853. tf. ILL'IU Lamps, Choice Ua.kcts, plower V. - ses and Otiiamtntk ; Qiieeuswara and liluss wsre, just reccivod and for sale by - Suuhury, May U, '53. TENER & CO. 1 1" ST KECEIYED a Splemlul assortment of Indies' Dress (ioods, con.istme of rUlk. Mus lin de Uerago, Cantou Crspe, Milk Po.lin, Dot ted Swiss Lawn Kobes. Ac, nd for sale by funbury, May 14, 'o3. TENEK c CO. CCMMEU &liuuTl.'eady made Msutillss, fcJ lllsck filk and tsilk Lsce, (us rore'vel su.l forsslr. by . . I. W.1E.NER Jt CO. Bunbury, May 14, 1S53. 7IL W'lNI'OW fl.TES. UaiVr Truuks. Vulis sjul Carpel Bsjs, iust neetveil snJ U sale by I. W. TLNEK 4t CO. I 8unbury, April 3a lsia -t ' ""