1 j i . ' rS"! THE PUZZLER'S C0S.NER. Answer to last weeks puzxle -Take a pei of plank 16 by 9 inches and tommen . cing four inches from one em), in the clireo lion that contain Ilia 16 inches in lonpih out 3 incties llien At a -riant angle 4 inohn more and in like manner till the wholn width it cut. Then by rapping lien down yon have tb oluiit-n. , j " ' PnMl,,. Hm.Wv Amerlean. ' R N L N 1 . 1! E T F n E E D T T. U. s' P- l .JJC K P I K A . F ' T. E S J R N A 'S F. S ,E ' T O N R An anan-er is requested. Smiboiy, May 28. 1832. ,1. Y. S New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY Virtue of cortiin writs of Yen. Txp. to me directed will be sold try public Vendue, or outcry upon the premises at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Friday, the 3d day of June IS53, ' A Certain Lot of Ground, ' situate in the town of Turhutville, T.ecjs town ship, in the county of Northumberland, hounded north by Main street, cast by lot of Jackson Hel ler, tenth by an alley and west by lot of A ndrew Terwiliger, containing one-fourth of an acrr more or lass, whereon are erected a. one und a half atory Urick dwelling House and othur out buildings. ftfezed taken in execution and to be suld as the property of Michael Brobst, Jr. ALSO: Upon the premises nt 10 o'clock, A. M., on Saturday, tho 4th day of J unc, 1653, the follow ing Real estate to wit: the undivided one sev enth part more or less, of and in A CERTAIN TRACT UF LAND, situate in Delaware townnhip, in Ibo . county aforesaid, bounded north, cast and west by In nils of Geo. Oyster, deed,, and on the south by lands of John Oyster, dee'd., containing !0 acres more or less, whereon are erected a frame tavern house, a tenant bouse, A c, a bank burn, sheds, Ac Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us the property of John Mange. . WM. 11. KIl'P, Sheriff. Sherifl a Office, . Sunbury, May 14, 1So3. GREAT NEWS ! A Nw CLOTHING STORE IN SU1JBURY. TjJ. ELSBERU & CO., re.pr?cllully unnnunce to the inhubitunts ol'.Nortliuiiilieiland county and the public in general, that tin y have t-oin-menccd a new Clothiug Store in Suubury Pa., opposite the Post Olliec, adjoining1 Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street. They aro just opening splendid assortment of fashionablo Spring and Summer Clothing. . Consisting in j.ai t of Ciofrli, Cassimers, Satinett, Linens, Checked and & ancy Ctoth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Saliu and other Vesta. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. ' Tht public may rest assured that nil Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm is practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York uud Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Gooda. Our Assortment is always kept up as wo uie constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury, May 7, 1R53 LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. rRILING Sc GRANT. wr,ori.ir tl.bJ mliinri their customers and the public, that they have Just rcceiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of - Spring and Summer Goods, t their ttort in Market square, Sunhury. Their stock consists of every vai ie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattincls, Vesting, Flannels, il'oltens, fyc, - And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FAXCV GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, aerages, -And every Tariety of gooJs biiiiable for La diea wear. Also an extensive assortment of Hati and Cap for Men anp Boys. Alto a large assortment of CItOt l-KIDS, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, CofTee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. . Also a large assortment of HAEDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Alto a Iresh supply of BRIGS AND M13IC1XE9. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to bo bud in this place. f3F Country produce of all kinds taken in ex. change at the highest market price, fiunbury, April 30, 1853. ORDER OF DISTRIBUTION. 'jlHE Judgment creditors are hereby notified that the monies arising upon the sale of Real Ests'e of Henry Wilhcliq wilt be distiibu ted according to priority of Liens, on Mosdat, neS3ddij el May, 1S53.- JAME8 UEARD, Prothy. ProthoiW tary's Ollicc. ) Stuibury, April 3u, 1853 3U CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND S't J!DVARE' Wholesale snd Retail ot No 7i N. ti l " Pimsite the Ml. Vei mm House, fi -IJ Ijjvsrs, full icvntksl, sl,tio ; ,1,-er Upiues jeweled, wi,. J V. I "u. Oh Pencils. BI.IlOj ""M Heueils ana rsn Cut with (.HJd G-id He..sns k.ws n .as. Ae. rV",iV0"uW','" '' ' m.m,l ol tne sold iSL1.' f ,,ld ,',,b ' ' Si. All '?'' ' 8,.'WrJet S.-1, wumi.ua ul to rV w.?"FU w"n,,",' 'o be wbut U,.-- u,r . .Id to,, S- n "i"" mui Jlry retired and wsrrsnteil. . taiwy alSta b" "'"'. P"e- North SECOND At reel, oVhe i,Afer!,'ou Ptula., Aaril 3, 16J3 iy. TBI CHE1P1ST, TDE NEATEST M THK BUST. Excellence and Beauty combined, BLA?L0CK3 - - ' .r vrMoTdel Spring 6tyle Hats, -J TftEQUALLED by any other in all that 3- , renJe aaUbliu iiuu to Ihe W(axei M ! "V. Tb vr Msiusis . -J.ZT" S -l'lwll article, a,pu, i All th. ar warranted. sut - . , swaim's r. .. CELEB BATED PAN A OB A, FOR THE CURB OF ' Incipient COs"'""on ? Scarpa, General PyJ , hht v uilisnt, Disease of the Ltver ant , ' Skm, and all, Disease , . . Jmvuilitt of the Miood, and the - tjiW.VIM .IM 8 PANACKA'h-is r far. more than thirty , a ck-is-ated in im. e..u.irj. nisi in Europe ft its extrnnrdina eim-a-rn in c.ntiuc.iiea in .... .. . ""- is made lo the directions aim iiks ') urnus) accuii.p.uili.f ill" l'.naoM. .iVilio f whlMl flic pnrliciili.il. of too frightful f.-i acncnil piiUicnlioti, where the imiirnts Irjd t -en aunist efiien sp wtlh Heroiala, oi.ft wt'ie ih'emrtt tncimiblobv I'hvsiituis. vr In hai.li -.-il lie-i iu hnqiitsl owl pnv' rrnf,l'''' n"d h.i hs.l l ni.iRU' ir 4' runic of Win rtv vimnriKl d by the mint r...l.r:.i..l heniclniii mid cilicr cimnent per" M- .t..,u,.r ..lli,-.k l.v' - W iiiln n. M. 1).. rrof. i-f Piugcry, Ps. l'nivcr;ty, V'.ilc!i!iiiu Mott: ulr M. T) . Tm(. of fuiif , N. Y. I nuer- V. P. Dswecs. M D , Pr ..f. of Mid . Tn. l".iiv-iitv N. ( liiM.imn, .M 1)., Pr.'f. nl IMiyrie. Pn rnivcrsity. I . I'lirK.-, HI. p , 1 p: t I .'lli'lio ul I lomcianij l mm. Dr. II. I Vi.lt, Prul.of .Mrilii'inc, llnviiin. j.'ffr lioilicncf lie l.i'Z, t'r.il. of ur.Ty, l.ihtvn. .1. Cl.iiliiiin. Meint-cr nl C..ll.'ce Surgc'ilin, lxniJ.m. . O. V. l'.r hi. !Me M iiiiMn t. Sp-iin. Sir Tlr. in n lVnr mi, iM.ij. flen. Ilriiili Army. liilbet'l Unlit.i1fi.il. ItntlHh LVinnl. c, Ac. Ami nl ., tho w.i.l.'rl'ill eiiri-s cir.'.'tr.l hy Cwnnn a Pnn-m-i-H hnvc f.ir mtiny ypiim inml.' it mi inviitiinl'te rcnicdy. 'Plie Punii.'eti it us niit cfiilnin lii.Trury in nnv f.inn, mill l.t-tiiu mi innnfut prepiirnlioii, it nmy he given l llie lll'.ft tender infinl. 'flip n-ltiil priec Iris hren rrdneed tn SI 15(1 per holtle, (eouUiiiiiitu I In re lintl' pint) or three tinlllei. for St. ' HKWARF.OK IMPOSITION. Pwaiin'p Pnnneea is in round ImIMih, HiiIimI 1 ingitudl nully, will, llie follmvine letters hi 'vn on the el:iM : 'SWAIM' PAN ACK.V I'll ll.AIJA." nnd having Ihe nnme "f Jas Swaim slm.iped on the BenW ins wnx. mid written on ttie hiliel covering the c 'rk. nnd n .pieii lid engrnviii!: for Ihe side of the liotllc. eoiiip rd of eoin.'lrie 'liul.tj work, e..niprisitiR nine different dies, wliieh have tteeii luriml for the exclusive use ol Ihe pr o prietor, liv Drnper A Co, Isink note eiiarnvors. of Pbiln iletplii:i. In the centre is a portrait of the late Win. Hwaim copyriehl s.vure.1. Al.i?0, HWAIM'B VEBMIVfCK. A valuable Fnmily Mrdieine, beinp n Wphl" approved reiiKilv fol all discioet alisinir from del.ilily of the diaef tivc nrgi'iis. such us Worms, Choi. Morbus, Dysculery fever nnd Acne. Weeding Piles, Pick llemlaehe, ice., !ec the Pnu.phlet (which limy be had gratis) ucconin.ny iiij tlio Verniiniire. . . 1'repnred only nt SW AIM'S I.AUORATOR , TUB Ol.l) STAND,' Seventh street, below Chestnut, riiilnOel phin. uud sold by ull the respectable Druggists in the I in- u'"u- ca,:tk,n to Tr. rvntM pAV. Permits w-isliing obtain the iremune AIM J ACKA uud HWA1.M-9 VKHWll l Ul., should be curtlul to observe that the nione Is snelled eorreetly on the iKittles nnd li!-!. or they may be imposed on l.v medicines irni.le ill iimtntion of ttiem by a pemin bearinga Bomtwhat ciul.lur naiue, well calculated '"'uKNEnAI. AGENTS I-'Olt T1IR V. 8. Schi lli lin, Brothers &. Co., lot nnd ton John St.. ew York. Pliilark'Vhin, April 0, K-jd Jul Flour and Feed Store. T "MIT. subscriber respectfully informs Ins friends and the public generally, thtil he has opened a FLOUR AND TEED STORE, in pawn Btrcct, in tho building formerly occupied by lis.. Bower, ns his ollicc, wheru he will con stantly keep on hand nil kinds ol'Git.viv. I'loi h anu r Ktti, at the lowest market prices, lor vaMi or produce. K MAN CRT, V 1 1, VP. HT. Stiiibtiry, March 5, 183U. Sin Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by BTJ321TELL & TTJLL, . No. 64 DUCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders through the muil promptly executed' Philu., April U, 1853. ly. ritCL'TY & UKTT'S , Agrknlturul AVartliousc ond St rd htore. No. 19 li Market Street, Philadelphia. OROUTY & MKAKS' Patent f?tII'-!Slinien. - ing Ploughs of till si.cs, right and I'' It bund ed Subsoil, bide Hill and Uotiblc-MouM, &c, with Steel Kxtendinrr Points, liai-rSbarc, Ucach, and other kinds of Castings for repairing. The Kmperor of Russia awarded for the above Ploughs, a massive Gold Medal, valued $300. Also the GKUAT MEDAL at the World Fair was awarded P. & M. Plough, No. 40. Culti vators with Double-Point Polished Steel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus qettii.g Double Wear of the Common Teeth. Also, cultivators of all kinds with Steel Teeth. Spain's Atmospheric Corn Planters, Churns, Turnip Drills, !? 1 to $6, Corn Shellcrs, improved tiranls Patent I an kinds, Mills, Hay and Straw Cutters, Garden Engines, Hnnd Corn Mills, Wheat Drills, . Com und Cob Crushers, Horse Powers and Gcdd's Improved Httr- Thrashers, rows, Mowing and Reaping Square and A Harrows, Machines, Horse Rakes, Chain Pumps, Grindstones, ready hung, Cattle Ties, Dirt Scrapers, Dull Rings. Agricultural Furnaces, Patent Iron Snath Ox Yokes' und Hows, Grubbing Hoes, Forks for unloading hay, Transplanting Trowels, Man Hay Rakes. Hay Si Manure Forks, Bow Pins, Apple raters, Ox Muzzles, Mole Traps Pruning Hooks Sl Chis scls, Saws and Scissors, Iron Well Curbs, and h-hovels and Spades, Garden A. Field lioea. Gulden Rukcs in varictv Chiltlren's Tools, Darling Scythes, SnuUis, witli Patent Fastenings, Putatoc Hooks, Zinc tubing for Chain Pumps, Also, Hotlicultural Tools, (of every descrip tion,') Garden and Grass seeds, for sale at the lowest price, at Wholesale and Retail. Tliila. April 1C, 1S53. Sin. WILLIAM PERKINS' Genthmens fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE, A'o. s51 Cltanut, Thud door btlote Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on hnnd a full block of French and . Ciu'UU Pkce iliuda. wiiwii-swilt he -made to order at thu Shortest A o I ice, in th Latest Sivle, FOR CASH. ' J - Phila., April 0, 1(S3. fim.; f A B!acicsnSl. VmitedJ JOURNEYMAN DUcksmith i wanted i fi liniucdialisly by the aubserilier, ,'to whom Ktesi.lv t.lll.1..v ment Brtd r.n.-id w.na. u.i tl ho niu.n JOHN Clntr ' - Bunhorv. M.ecr. .0 ,, , LSI ... T, .. ,. ,,, , 1 .' Centro, Turnpike lload. rf1HE Stockholder axe hereby nottlied that an I Election tr oliicers to mem (or 4h stsuiag year, will be held at the House of William &trlf in Northajuibertued, on Wednesday, ihe 6th dsy of June, between the hum of 10 A. M.. and 3 P. M. - - - - - - J. r. pRiEsTLey, ' 1 ,1,5 i : '. y. .. j ; i'retidtut ,pril 80, 1853. U , ,., - , J . iuatrsoeiTel and foe ..U hw-f Bunbury, MajT H;6i ' TENER dt CO. S U MUJUMEmoAN AffD ' SHAMOKIN, JOUllNAL. CHERRY ; PECTORAL: , For llie Care) sf . , T COUGHS, COIiDS, r noARSEiruaa, unorx T- OHITX3, CROUP, ASTfl. MA, "WHOOPINO. COUGH . AND COITSUIVIPTIOMr. Of nil Ihe Humer us inedi.'ines cxU.it, (and s uS of the. n valuable) f.-r tt.eriirdi l putni.-n.i. y eoiui iiiuis 110 Ihnig has ever been l-amd vlneh e Slid e uil-.re In its ef-f.-cts with this I'ri'i nation. Othe.s eitrs s niietlin.-s. but ut sll linn s nnd in id! diyi-isi.s . f llie luu end throst Where lur-dirine .-nil ei. e islb f. ibis Will d it. It t.. pleasant to Mko, slid peil'ei '.ly rife in aiTiirdnncs with Ihe uirccl.us. vi e l.i ir.n nuveruue i.w me i.uoIUH,i,..n .-, those who hive ui.-d ii but thofw who have n .1. families th it hwe known lis value will not be ilh .nl it and by iis timely lire, thee am scraire from the .1 uiBerous eol.se- qneneesiif Coughs and Clils which neglected, ripen into l.ilnl consiiniplivu. I lie lleploul . ot II. e .liissneniiseiis lusiiiuie wm nw ... ed to this pn pa ration by Hie II writ ol Ju.lgi-s in Seuleniber In this country j also the Drplomu . f the tlhin Institute nt Cineiuuali, has len uiv.11 to the Cnr.kar PscroasJ., by their Govcrnuient in iwnsldeoili.ai ot its ejilriiordinniy exeelleuee nud nsefulncss in cuiing iil'uetlous t.f the Lungs nnd Throat. ' . . Kend ihe f II iwiu-r opinion f iind.-.l on the I mg experi ence of the eminent I'hvsieiir.i ol the Port nnd City ol DrJ.C. Aver, ST. .loll S, May e, lW.I . Pics yenfs trial of your ClU'.lllt Y PI'.i.'TOIl Al. in my pmetiec, has pioven wlsit I lorewiw from its coupositii n. must Im tru. that it .T0.lieal.-s mid eurea the colds nnd coughs to wliieh we. in this seetion. nre peculiarly liable. I lliink its equal has not vet l-ii ill"- vere.l. nor d . 1 know h w n better remedy ran lie in .de for the TTistem per. of the """j"'; I!TON. M. P., F. ft S. Sne what it has done on n wasted eonsliluti .il, lot only ill the following elites, tut n th-a sand more : . . finnoST, Jim. tilth. PS5t. ' pr. Aver: In the in ailh of .fdy last I was ntmek.-d by n violent diarrbaa in mines i f ( alilornin. 1 returned lo San Prani-iseo in hope of ree, Ivb.g hem-fit fr'un a elianre ofclinoite nnd ihet. My iliairli.el ei-..s.-.l, but wus M I .wl bv a sovur.-TOoimh nnd much soreness. 1 linally llnrted for home, but received no bnelit from the vol aire. Mv eouh e-nlintnd to jrroW wnrse. and when I nnn ed in New York. 1 was at .nice marked by my ncpiHintunees ... M . .. ttMni.iio... I n.iiMt i mfi-Ks that I saw 110 1MI7 1 u s .. l ie .ll.-i ; ol 1 te ii.r. c uirm . snilieiciit reiis-m to doubt l.a my frb-nds nil believe.! At this time 1 c'unnelieid ti.kinjr y nr truly invaluable medicine wiiii title rxpeemtio.i of d.-riving any benefit from its us;... 'ou w 'llM not re.-eive tbese files del 1 II t ri-snr.l it my duly I" iftale to llie iilli.et. d. t'iroi.gli yrw, tlmt my lui.'llh. in the si-Meeof tii'lit m in'l.. Ufilllv rir- storeil. I titlntiite il I" the use "l your CIllT.ltY PI'C TOP.At., Y. mis truly. Wild, I AM W. SMITH. V..-m-oln. Pa . April IJ, I ft. IVnr il : t'eeiini: Ihrtl I hnic b-rn spared fr.-m a ire nnttue p.r:. . tlirou-:!. y mr ieytnnin-iitaiily by Ihe pr-vi-ri.-nee "I I. .l. 1 will Ink..- Ihe lit-, .ly i, explevs to . u my tfn.l iteile. 1 i.jit Mm me iua..t..T.K -... r-iiin ... .111-. in. ion si r. .liic-.l in." I ' t -W I ' "e nnyll-lng hkh nope. I Wilenlil. 1 iivita-i'.ii o... ii.tui-..i j.ui tv..r- Kf.. . r i.i' .. . . . iVu- iri-i k nmr hasri.lore.1 me to snioi-l maltn. II it.: will .lot". i m!h-;h fc lit it Iris 'I .pi f -r me, vou lire cer- :.. ..--.'...... ,.r nM..L....I bllieenly wishing you even- blevMur. I am . ' s V.-rv r. .ieelfi,i;v onr. j .IOI1NJ. ft.MlKlMleel-ir.'-f S!. Peter's Church. j AVitli saeh iipsunmee imtl l'r-m su--h men, no slro'ig.-r l proot cuu be adduced miters it lw from Its eir.'et upon tilnl. .. Prepared nnd sntd by JAMES C. A I Kit, Practical Chemist, Lowell. Mass. Sold in Suiibury by H MASSEU, nnd by DruRgists generally throughout the State. March 19, 1833. ceow ly. Nov. 13, 'SO. KRUPFS Pre1 mi um Essence of Cofit-e. will mnn use thnt which is injurious to Iiis 1.cj!;.i. w! e:i be Is willing Jo give all tits wea in to restore ii wueii u is iosi : .-iir.iiigc : .t .t.:.,t, r,t,. i r. .,.;i., :n 11IUI Ul ll.lv lu ililtui ... ...w t, ... ii uso ordinary ('OPPZE knowing it lo 1 inji.ii ous to their lu-allli. Ki t:i"P,s EH'iH'Pof r!ilic is, beyond doubt the host and most wholesome preparation of Coll. e iu tin1 world. Every house keeper sbotild have it. 1 ry it am! be convinced it will save about tii) pet cent, Icsidesyonr health. airautc.l to render entire satisfaction. Manufucturcd and for sale bv ELI KKITP, 030 North 3.1 sfrect Philadelphia. N. U. All the principal Grocers and Uruggtsts have it for sule throughnut the 1'nitcd Mates. For sale by tho Agent, H. H. Masser, Snnbury. Januarv 1, 1853. G:n. I'iipcr ibiiigin's. rUIE undersigned h.ive ju-t opened a flesh -l. ami complete stock of H ALL I'APF.KS, among which ure GOLD and VELVET, FINE SATIN, and the LOWEST mR'ED I.'N4i LA ZED PAPEKS : AUo. DECOKATIONS, BORDEKS. FIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS. See., Ac. Which they oiler at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. The best workman employed to hang paper either in the city or country. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, &o. We have also our usuul assortment of WRIT ING PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, Ulank and School Hooks, Stationary, Ac. PARRIS1I & HOUGH, No. 4 North Fifth St., 2 doors above Mniket, PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid for Country rags. Phila., March 12, ltJ53 3m. AVING enibutkcd in the Mercantile busi ness on mv on n account, I lake this op portunity to thank the friends of the Idle firm, and the public in general for llie liberal p.itionnge extended to me heretofore, and would be mo-,1 happr to see them ul my new business stand, in the house formerly occupied by J.ihil Lei.-curing, opposite the Dank. MARKS n. TRIE.STLEY. No: Ilium! erbiul, March 2(1, 1653. 3m FRUIT AND C0HFECTI0NARY. RUDI'NCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dialers in Confectionary of all kinds, Xo. lit Noi lli-l bird St', below Race, ''HUE attention of Dcalt-rs is requested lo an examination of their stock, which will b found to be it ie int c.u . I to any iu this city. FOREIGN FRUI TS ol all kinds' in season. N. U. Oidcrsby mall or otherwise promptly at tended to. Fcbrury 5, 1S53. Cai, ..... AmNiSTRATORirOTICE. " NOTICE is, hertby given, that Utter of Ad- ministration on estate 'of Isaac Minnier, sen., lale of Lom-r Augusta township, Northum berland county, dee'd, have been granted by the Register of uid. county to. the undersigned. There for o all persons iudebuid to said esut will discharge the same, and those having demands J will proaent them to 1 , :WM. V. SILVEUWOOD, Adul'l tor. I Lower Augusta twtp., April 6, 1853. 6t COME A2ID SEE . The New and Spitndtd assortment of -SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale by Bunbury Apl 30, 53. I. W. TENEK 6i CO. waiving the eiemptiuo law of 3U0. for sals by . , -April SB, 1851.,.; . , JfB. MASSER. ! IT. z ' W ' BLANKS ml every description can be had by pprying at the office of the American. HERE 13 YOUR RUMEDY! II 0 1 1 o w a y 's '.O intmcut A MOST MIRACVtOCS Ct'RE OF BAD LEGS,j . , r .AFTER 43 YEARS' BUFFER1N0. 1 1 Extract, of a X-cffer from Mr. IVm. Galpin of ' r 70, St: Martfi Street, Weymouth, j ' t;: . dated May 15lA, 1851. - i To Professor Hom.ow'at, ' ' ,' 8m, At ths age of IB my wife (who is now Ot) enuglit a violent old, which settled in her legs, and ever sinee that time thev linve been more or loss sure, ond greatly liillsmed. Her agonies were distracting, and for months together she wns deprived entirely of rest and sleep. Kvr leineily that medical men advised was tried, bat without cITcet ; her health suffered severely, and the slots of her legs wns terrible. I md often rend your Adver tisements, nnd advised her to try your Pilis ond Ointment; snd. ns a Inst resource, nfter every other rsnwdy bad pro ved useless, Mie consented to do so. Stic commenced sis weeks mo. nnd. ttmute to relate, is now in good health. Her legs nre painless, without scum or scar, nud her flee,, .mud und undisturbed. Could vo.i hnvo Witnessed tin suDiringsof my wife timing the' Inst 4fl years, nnd con trust ll.etn with Iter nresent enmvment if heallb, yon would indeed feel delilitfiil In having leen the menus of so grcntly nIL'Viuting llie suttermes 01 n lenow-crenmrsj ("EtUeuJ 1Ij1.IAUI i.. i A I'KltSON TO YF.AR9 OF AGE CURED OF A BAD M-.O, OF 30 YEARS' STANDING Copy of a Letter from Mr. Win. Abbt, Build er of Gas Ovens, of Ritshcliffe, near Hud- j (Icr.ticU, dated Mau'iist, 1851. To Professor IIoi.lowav, Pis, -I suffered for n period of thirty years from a lind leg, the result of two or three different Occidents St Ons orks ; occomnnicd by scorbutic syinpU.ms. 1 hnd re course Ion variety of niedienl ndvice, without deriving snv benefit, nnd was eren told thnt the leg must be ampu tated, yt, in opposition Ul that opinion, vour Pills nud Ointment hnve effected a complete cure in so short s time, that few who had not witnessed it wouki credit the fact. (Signed) WII.UAM AHHS. The truth of this statement can be verified by Mr. W. P. England, Chemist, 13, Mniket Sheet lluddrrsfleld. Tlw Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment most nf the following enses -. I)illrs, Ihleco-foot, . Fistulas,. Il-.d Ilrensts, ('Illiniums, Itnriis, Chapped hands, Ibllii .us. C.-l'ns (Soft) IlkUiof M.isel.e. Cnneeis toes A Snid-t'llcs. Conlraetitl nnd nk.ndlilir Swelling, Laiinbago Piles It hen mutism Scalds, Sire-thr.sits, S Te-heails, ' ' 'ountls, C'!eo-lnv. Stiff" Joint. I'li-ph intii.sis. Skin-diseases, Tlltnotus, A DUKADFUI. fi-nrvy, l't't:rii, tiwn iiAO iun:.sT ct'Rr.u in o.nh MONTH. Kxtrati of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Tttn) fi. ( l cult nr. , Aeiif, iftift'J December 13.'. 1850. I)kb Hi. My wlT heil Jtuffrl frin KtitVUrnnvtH ( more tli'iii six tumuli, himI rinrin the whole pen tl li.nl the lt-t nif.lical atti'mliiiici, but till to im nsr. Hnviitg Its-I'.-re lii-:ile! nu nwftil w.'iiihI in mv nwn Itir. In vnur imi- ; rivnlltt. tnrtdiriue. I dctrrmiitwl niti lo osn your Pilli ,i mitl Oiiintneiit. nn.1 tlnTi-l re i;:ivi tliein atnnl iu licr citr, ' intt! f irtuiiiiK it wns 1 (lid i, f r tit 1n than n ni'mtli a 1 pi'TtVft rare v;ia ftr,ti'l. iukI Hit Wm-Ht tlmt vnriounntli- i 1tnni-!ii'8 tt" tn v t:uiiilv h;m: tlt-rivctl Irotn tln ir imo in r,.i.. njloliisliinl i n )v !ri'U';lv riT mmfiiil tlifiu t i all my friends ,,.. ... ,' .... e l-..r...n- IT... . ..... . .111 ,,r i-"-..". r"'"r.'. ' " ........ . , ., r-"i'i, tnenr I'einnle liar. I.ondon.1 nnd l.v ull resneelal-ltt liruiuiMS end Dealers in Vlettieiues throi!rd.mit the ttriliill ;"l'"e. n. " ."" ' ' ""i ' f-;e , ninl 1 5(le. each holesale by the pi ineipal Drug bouses in the I'liion, und by Messrs. A. II. til). Saxbj, SV1. rLhf . ., .. , , . ,. , si.s N. It Directions for the guidaucn of patients la every dis-.r.ler ure nttixed to each Is.x. OelolieriS, ItM, ly. '.v-rT- ...linn CARR, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber ('omniision Merchant.. 23 mid 25 Sprnr'f Wharf, BALTIKOKE- ItnFERENCKS. John Clark, Ksq., Ptesident Citizens' Dank, Halt. A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Hank, " John Hertzlcr, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnickson & Co., " J. Tome, Eq., Ptesident Cecil Bank, Port I)c- : postte. I J. Wttllowcr & Son llarrlsburt'. , Col. II. C. Ever, Sclinsgrovc. J. II. A i'p ot Co., " iN'aoIt', Viugalu Co., Milton. Vi. V. ('coke, Esq., Money. V . ... inr i .n i --.. i ,t; T'l,ilu..:iin i -cri;c LoJme, I.uglieMlIe. W. Weaver & Co., Motttotirsville. j (Jen. Willitun F. Packer, M ilHanisjiort. T. Y. I.loyJ, E-rj., Cashier, " . ! .IniMts II. Hiilinjr, " ; Lewis ?. llulin?. " M'Henry & liubb, Jersry Shore. 1 J. P. lluling, Esq., Lock Haven. 1 lit Carr, Ciicse A Co. have the largest wharf I room of any commibion house in Baltimore, nl I w ays giving quick ilespatch to boats in discharging Jhcir carioe-t. j March 12, 18S.1. 6m. ! . - CHEAP i AVIDOW S1IAU15 Depot and Manufactnry G. L. ICILLEPs & S. If. comer Arch and Second Streets PHlLADELPHIfl. Em VERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole Fji j sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, - -. t : . !':.... , i . I i r I 1 Gothic, Victietle.Oil and Dry Landscapea. are to be had at the lowest price for quality of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and ethers arc invited to give us a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Urusses, Trimmings, Ac, always on hand. Remember rj. W. corner SECOND and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. February 12, 1853. 6m. 40,000 SHINGLES. I. UUD lot or "lb inches wlute pine btnuglc forsalcat fSlOper.M. J. 1). M A nor. It. Sunhurv. Jan 1.1 1h!v.1 tf 1,000 Men Wanted. ON the lic of tho SUSQUEHANNA RML. ROAD between Etiilaeport (opposite Har riabur.i) and Sunbury, in the State of Pennsylva nia. This roud is filly four miles in length' runs through a hiiihlc improved country, and will furnish employ metit for stone masons, carpenters and luborera for .the next twelve months. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that arc familiar will therefore find cer tain emplovment and liberal wages. DOUGHERTY. LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. ' February 19, 1P53 Laborers Wanted. THE subscriber want immediately on the Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union county, seven mile below Selinsgrove, from 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wlum one dollar per day will pe paid. 6AVIDGE. W JLVERTON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19.18.13 tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. 1MP0RERS of Foreign Fruits, Nut, Wine, Ac, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low jiricea for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nut, Prunes, Cream NuU, 'Date, Filbert, Figs, Vanilla bean, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amatinds. Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, , Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry - Muscat " Bweet Malaga Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. BUNBURY FERRY. HENRY W. BUCHEB informs the public that be has taken the Bunbury Ferry and aa he is now well prepared with good and sullj cient cralt be will be enabled to accommodate Ihe public with promtnes and despatch. April 10, 1852. tf. "A Penny saved it a Tsnnt Earned. MA KPLE S BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Pottsville, Pa, BLANK Books bound and ruled in tny ano every style, in the most durable tnd tub stant-a'l manner, with or without printed Heads. Person in want of I. differs, Dockets, Pay Books, Minute Dooks, 1 Journals, Letter Books, ' Blotters, Keceipt Books,' Coal Lcdtrcrs, Ac., tec, or anv kind of Blank Books, would da well to give me a call ss I pledge myself to give satisfac tion. Paper ruled to any pattern destren. ran licular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Hooka, Bibles. Hymn Books, Gleason's Pictorial, Sheet Music, bhakspeare'a works, Life of Christ, Law Books, Ac., &c. Uodey't Lady Bonks, Graham's Magazine, Snrlain'e Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Josephus t works, Any of the' above or other books bound in fnll trilt. tilain or fnnev to suit the wishes of customers. I would again call the attention of my f.iends and eustomets, to the fact thnt I have been a Practical Book Binder for the last 18 years, and they can depend on having their work dono in the very best manner, and do the work myself; I use the best paper A: material; )ilea.i give mt a call my charges are reasonable and fair, but there is no difficulty about prices where work is done satis factorily. N. Ii. Persons having Iloos they want Bound can send them by stuge directed to me stilting, tho the style they wish them bound iu : I will do them as low as they can be done nny where, care fully pack them up nnd return them; Also per sons cun send orders lor Blank Hook bv nu.il, which will be punctually uttendad lo. All work done at short notice. R. L. MA UP I.E. Praclii t l book Hinder. Pottsville, Nov. 0, 1852 Cm. SCHOOL EOOXS. PAPER, &c. t 'LkjM-i SCHOOL HOOKS nmt STATlONAflY M l fmturl in llie Ci1;, which tln-y urc sililt? to uifcr ut fit nt nrictn. COUNTKY M KUCHA NTS Will find till tltff lt-ritliuj S li sl Hhf. Wiiliiit! tii.il Winr ptitH I'.ipfrj". i 'nrt:ti:i p:ic.r. IMtif-Mii'j Pajn r, mnl nllntiii im.v Siii'iimi.ry, Hhiiik it. Pciif, Ink. A.c, en '.he iii'i-t lavt-ntble iru.i. SCHOOL COMMITTK.KS, Ti:IC1!:BS ANU OTItKUS rt-RCIt.slNO IN IJfANTfltKS f r rjeli'iois. ure invil'it to c.iil and exaniiue oni .Hk. We Imve lad e.-.nsi.U-ral.le espeitenie m snpcli intf Seh.s.l Di;.. tiiels. nnd lu-i.tir Pul-l.. -Iters nl' ii inuuU-r ol' extens.vety used S .limdU.niks, our fucilitics for ce-.tine sueli sioek aie tutsurisiFsed. Am nicst our Pul.liei.tions will he found the following : Comly'e Spelling II s.k, r.-vised etlitiou ; Primer; N'l.ung Orutor ; ftinninere's Stirveyiuir, I h- stnu.lre.1 Tieulise on this Sci enee ; ltonuveii.lle's .Meusuriilion ; Anderson's Diiveupori s History ot the Tinted Stules, used ill llie Public Sch.iols of New York nnd riilludcl.hiu fiilnilueie's Progressive Spetluig ItiK.kl Cninly's Gnunmi-r ; litiu llietionnry ; Tho Book ol" Commelce, Ac . e.. Ac. VHIAII lll'NT A SON. 41 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. February SO, lV), tin. IlNNolutio:i of Pnrtnci-Nlilp. TI1HE Copartnership heretofore existing under .L the name of James H. & M'm. B. Ilart, is this day dissolved by the withdrawcl of Willimn R. Hart. The business of the lute firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. iiitl, North 3d street. JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM II. HART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, l.ri3. The iniilcrFiin-.l, have this i!;tv formed a co partnership and will continue the husinvss nnilcr the name ol' Jumcs H. ct 'I'lionnis Il.irt. Tiinnk. ful for past lavors. ittey rcspci '.f'.:!!y a"-k the t tciition of their friends snd the public to their slock of (iKOCEttlr'S, wlii. h will be full ami extensive, nnd which they iil si ll at the lowest market rates. .TAMES II. HART, THOMAS 1IAKT, riiil.idelphin, J 1, 1S.VI. Jd, it. NEWS TORI. BENJAMIN IIKFFN VAX , UE.SHi;CKFlI.l.Y informs the citizens of j Soiitiiirv and vieinitv. tlmt lie has onetu-d a ; new store in the room lately occupied by Gcorgo Uright, opposite Bolton s Hotel. He has just re l cened a IiuihSsoiiic assortment of J Spring ami Summer (loods consisting In part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. ' of all kinds, of linen, rotton and worsted, i ALSO: C'altcocN, C.lngliams, I.aivim, MoinsK'lliic le lvalue and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron ana ateei, KailS, C20. i Also an excellent sssortment of 1 attptihtctat a tot r ri.,., iitl ....I patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS-&. SHOES. H ATS k C A Pf, a good selection. Salt, Fish, isc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which w ill bo sold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken in exchange at , the highest prices, Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ly. Tuemcxuois ExciTi:..trM !! Cash, Steam, Klectricity ! ! l'h$ Aerial and til other lines ovt danc by the MgUlnlnt; l.Iito of IliA T. CLEMENT. THO, having great faith in rapid sales and ' small profits, has just received ana opened a large assortment of SPRING AD SUMMER GOODS. At his Store in Mar:;ct Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Carsimtrn, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Culicocs, Muslin di Lains, Laiens, Ginghams, Berages. Silk Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women ami Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster, i HARDWARE, Vix : Iron and 6teeL Nail, File, Saws, Ac. QUEENSW ARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, ' Cups,' Saucers, tc LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, CiB, Rnm, Whiskey, ke. t3T Country produce of all kind taken in x change at the higheat market price. Jan. 15. 1853. ly. Uosendale Hydraulic Cement. AN excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vault, Spring house ami Cellar, and for keeping dampne bom wet and exposed walls. . Fox sale by EVI 8MITH & SON, N. E. Corner f- Front and Willpw aUeet Railroad. , . i Philadelphia, feb. 19, 1853-ly. . . ' .1 USTICES' FEE BILLS For sal by 11. B MAeaJEK. Sunbury, I8M 'if C3- S500 CHALLENGE. , WHATEVER ermeerm the heolik and happiness of peonla is at all times of ths mots, valuubla Import ance. I take It for srsnl H that every person will do sll Bl their powor, to sovs the lives of their children, snd Ihst SVery person will endeavor lo promitetheir own health St all Menaces. I feel it lo ba my duty lo solemnly assure you that WORMS, according lo th opinion of the mast oelelirstcd Physicians, are tho pritnnry enuses of a large majority of diseases to which children and adnhs are lia ble ; if you have as appetite onntmniilly ehsnsesbls from one kind nf food to another. Hnd Hresth. l'niu in the fttn- mnch, ricking at the Ni.se, Hardness nun i-uunessoi tne Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irreiulnr remember Dial all these derail WOltMS, snd you should at once ap ply th remedy : HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An article foondsd npoa fewntific Principles, eompoand ed with purely ve aialile sousuuiees. being pi-rfceUy snl wl.tn tsken, snd cuu lie given to ihe mosl lender infant with decided lieueficial effect, where Bowel Coinplomts snd Disnlnr aav made l hem wenk nd det.ililsteil the Tonie properties of my Worm Syrup are such, (hat it stands without Sll eqnnl in the entnloue of medicines, In f ing lone snd strength lo the Stomach, which makes it sn Infallible remedy for those afflieled with Dyspepsia, In estiaiishiug cares penorrmxi ny mis cynip .ici i h.-.-cisjis have failed, is the beat evidence of its superior effi cacy over all others. THE TAPE WORM! This Is the most difficult Worm lo destroy of sll Hint in fest the human system. It grows to nn almost Indefinite length becoming ao coiled and fastened in tho Intestines ond St'imoeh effecting the health so smlly ns lo cause ft. Vitus Dance. Fits, Ac .that those nfllieisd s. Id-.in if ever snsiect that it is Tape Worm hastening; them to oil enrly ernve. In order to destroy this Worm, a vciy energetic treatment must lie pursued, it would therefore lie proper tn tnke 6 lo 8 of my I.iver Pills soaa lo reunit e oil olsi ruc tions, that the Worm ?yrupniav net ilirert upon I he Win in, which must I taken in dosesof 4 ToM.-sp " nfulls fl limes a dov these directions followed have nev.-r been known lo full in curing the mosl ol.suuote cuse of Tape Worm. K7- nonp'SAcirs liyf.r pills. No pjirt nf tii BvtMcm if in.re liab!r to tl'Mwe (linn Hie I.lVr.H, it rviiiif it- fi lillr nr to pnriiy thr M -tl, -r iv mij thr pm icr tiTri"ii t I'nr ; itt:il iitiV wr'np uc ti..ii tf thfi Isivir MI..TI th- nihcr iitipurint-.l "irla (' the FVHtt-m, aiid n-milii! VirifiiflvT in I.iver rt'i:i;liin1. Jnun (lie. Df;.''p!iii. r. W'v jifi.uil't. tlifH-f.rfS wnlrh every vm;tt-in tlmt iiii-.'lit iiiiiicnlr n wr.uijr miiim 'f the i.iver. T li-m- Pillts bcitn conip m.-.l ..f KOO'I'S A- IM.AN'IV fur nirOifil hv nrtTiirc tt hnl ihe sick : mt.i-lv. 11. An KX- PKCTOHANT, whi !i tiniucn's Hie nrcn-twn fnnn the Pulmnmrv mucus in,nilini1i r.r prntni'trii tho dim htirpo nl" tu'crct'ed mtitur. tf-vl, An AI.TKH ATI VK, wliirl chances in i unc iiiii!ii':i!i! and inm-iuiihlf tiinniir the cfrtnin hi thiil tictinn nf tlie. fyftfin. Uiri, A TUNIC which eivffi tif nnrl rtri-tiifih t' Un iitvuhii atcin, re nfWinff hfiltii tunl viir'T to tillpnrtnnf (hclnnly. 4th, A CATIIAUTK', whi''h :iclt in i'1'ifs-rii hitrtnony with Ihe "thtr iiHrrriht-titrt, mut oppnilinj: on the Jl )wel, mid expel lintr the wh 'l' tni!H nf e irmpi mnl vitintett mutter, nntl pu rifvinar the U!,hxI, which ilchtr..ys ihscune nnJ rtUrci be:il:h. TO FKMALl. Y'u wil! fiiit Oisc Pill nn iumhmbl' ni'-'lieinr in many ('MHplninl to which yni nre wiliiwt. In nliMrueM'ths ei ther total 01 pnrtinl. tliey b'tve hecn fouiHl of ineattiunlile Iteiirfit. rcit irins llieir liiiicii-.nnl arrnni-cments to o hnl thy neti'tti, piirii'vin tho II im1 nnl n'her fl-iid rlTectii :!y to put to Hisht all roinplnint which imiy tiriHu fmm frinttJe irreffnlnritip. i; ln-adnehr, giiUHnew1, (limnept of tight, pnui in the Ride, bark, A.c. (X!7 Pricpj 25 c;iiU rach. None genuine nnl' (tigufil J. N. llolH'Uhiek, nil nthcri lieinff Ikisc linilntinii. f? Apent wiMiiii! new itupplie. mnl Htre Kerpcn dt-sirotis of IserontiiiK Axeui nutt niUretw Ihe Proprietor, J. N. IIoletiiirk. Phihultlhiit. Pa. S-M by J. W. Vriliner. Sunlmry ; Mnn MeCoy, Nor tlmmlierliuH. ; Beiwl, Turbulville : U;ier. MiUnn ; Ditty A: t!ker, GenrKet'twu j I-fitn'iirina: A Wnlve.ton. Pnxt- noi; Wict. Ilicknry; ull ileal en in Alwiiclne in tn County ond Slate. Aupuit 14, lfvi3. ly. Tan Loan Dagucrrcan Gallery, 159 Chestnut Street, VT thi relehttilrd eirtnblifliment you can a I wnyi pro cure the newest m ul ni'mt improved atyle of DAGfKRRKOTVl'E ii TaLBOTVPF. l'OKTIIAITS at from 50 to Its) per el. lkss cost tliau such pictures cnu be hail lor elrewhcre. j Now lliat y.iu cuu seenie su.-h perfect portraits of your ; loved ones at a mere ii'.iuiiinl cost, don't deli. y lest you , l.e Oietn. i l'.vcry vniiety of f.uiey efises, fn.mes. fee, on hnnd or j furnished to order, end every picture nude sitlistory und I wairunteil to he in the hest style of ihe ait or so charge ! Cult and see us ut 100 i:li.-sin'.it st. I I.. II. ri KM'.I.l, rhilnd.'li.lM-i. July IT, 1--J. ly. The JolmstoM Ink MANUFACTORY HEVIVED 10,7t iV Lombard St . .PHILADELPHIA.- rwMIZ euWihrr 1- I cH leave respectfully to in- s geiiera'i.y, thul he hus sue -"- fol Ul I'lll .vi'l.lts reeded to the U;iincss of mainif icturing Print. i Tul: formerly tv.rrie.l on by his irrnnd Father, ami Father, nnd offers his article to the trude, i without any Pt irs, but with the .iinple reliance tipon the lotHT established chaiaclcr it Ikis borne, ' feeling contideiit of its iving entire s.iiisl'irlinii to all who inav favor hint with a c." II. '1'khmh Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOilNs I ON. April 10, lt52 tf. LEATTIER. J Fritz, Williams tS Hendry, ; Store, No. 29 North 'id Street., rwLADEi.riii.v ""iTOROCCO Mantifnctttrcrs, Curriers, Import era. Commission and General Leather lius iness. Wholesale and Retail. l-jf Manufactory 15 Margarctta Street. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. EYRE & LANDELL, 4th and Arch Strets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for spring sales A. Fine Stock of Dry Goods, Black and Colored Silk, Fashionable Shawls, New designs of Dress Goods, British, French and India Goods, Linen Damask and Furnishing Goods, A Full stock of American Cotton and Woolen Goods, N. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods st low pait is ri.n stt cash. ' February 15, 1S.'i3. 3m. LIST OF CAUSKS FOR Spcci.tt Court of Common Picas of Northumberland Coutitv to be held on the 4th Mond.iy of .May, A. , IS.V1. Frederick Keener vs Wm. Ayres Peter Put sel vs Jacob 11 ii.h r James Graham rt at vs Hugh Bella ct al PlaU it Piatt vs Henry Marr Com'th for Wm L Heiiicniaii sT A Ilillington Petcrr Bos.juct v. 1'nui A1": XHo Uu pasquier et. al. same vs Ticrre Oilier et. al. E John for W Camp vs Wulverton "r Leisenr'g Eyster for Weaver vs Eb'zer Greenough ex't Joanna Pendeville s A E Kapp Mahonoy and Sliumokiu ... n . Improvement Co v Abraham Paul Sarah L Keen v Abraham Brnsinus Same vs Samuel Savidge Com'weallh for S. D. v T, A. Billington & Jordan bail Henry Donne! et sl v Hugh Bellas' Robert Philips v Zerby Run and Shamokin Improvement Company JAMES BEARD, Prolh'y. Prothonotary a OlHce, Sunbury, March S, 1852.- PIU)CLAIxVTION. TVOTICE li hereby eiven that a Special Court of Common Plea, in ami lor the County of Northumberland, lo commence al the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M-, on Monday the 23.1 day of May next, ami will continue ONE VEEK. Juror are requested lo ba puncinal in their attendance, at lh lima appointed agreeable lo their notice. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 26th day of February, in the yeai of pur Lord one thousand eij!lit hundred ami fifiy-ihree and the Independence of the United Stale of America the 77ih. WILLIAM B. KIPP. SlienfC . , God aave Ihe Commonwealibj BOOKS! BOOKS I! JL'ST RECEIVED aud f"r sale a new edition of PIKES AKITilMETlC. ' ALSO, a Ure sortineiil of Blank Hook. " ' WM. McCARTV, n.mltsell.r. Sunbury, Dee. , 19o'itf ' -DOCTOR 70TOaEL? FOU JW CENTS. TY MEANS OF THE POCKET ASCUU. PIL.S or Every on. hi. own Physician 1 Thitt. sixth edition, with tip. wards of a hundred engra. vings, showing private dis ease in every shape and Torm, and malformations of the generative system, ly lr Wni.Youor. The time has nn. veil, that persons suffering from secret diseases, need no more become the victim or .cacsit as by Ihe prescription contained in this hook' ny one tny cure himself without hindrance tr businosa, or Ihe knowledge of Ihe most intitnatsr friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease it fully explain the caue of manhood's early de! clinc, with observations on marriage besides many other derangement which it would not b proper to enumerate in the public prints. FT Any pereon sending TWENTY-FIVE OEM'S, enclosed in letter will receit 0n copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will W sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. YOl'NG So. 1.12 SrnUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA."' Post paid. 7" Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on sny of the Diseases described in his different publics, tions, at his Office, 15 fSpruoe Street, every its; between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1852. iy. EYRE & lift NbELX.7 Mil and Jlrch Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAVE established a Store wher tin best trade now resort for Household Dry fioods, French Fancy Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Milts, Cloths, Cassimers and Y eating. Muslins and Linens by the piece, Dnmask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Dlack Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. E. fi L. are constantly receiving Burrsins from the New York ond Pl.iladelphia Auctions, which j they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nell Cash. EmvAtii) E. Evuk, Washinoton I. Landi-.u., Philadelphia, July 3, 183.. ly. Till:. Ill" IT I'fllZi: MtlML, All. II IV KIM HICKE3T & TULL, No. 148 Chestnut St., above Sirth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. ILM nicuat. ananicd hi Ihem for VXi 1 their best Travellinrr Trunts n. hibitcd at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all tli world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, ke. To lie found in this City, and at vcrv low prices' Call and see. HICKEY A: TI LL, ' Trunk Manufacturers, 1 18 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. SOWKK f5 UAKXKS. Publishers and liookellerf!, No. Sl North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS b(.H)KS. Ritiles, I'myeis. Ilymni, Poetical and Hut'irical Wurti. Travels, Novcb, Ac., ,e. SCHOOL BOOKS. l-'.ver)- kind in am from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An rtrp.int utanrtnicut from th priM toxl iinwards nmlc of itMri,.? nper, mid ljc?t ol" )uiliu;. WRITING PAPERS. I Tap. p.-rt, uud Noti- raperv, elrjjaut t lt-i and .juilitj-, ; nii'l very t-hcup. 1 STATIONERY. I Fancy, P!nin ami Adlie.ive Invel..iTe., Ink. Send. IV.. I fers, Mucl Pens, SSIiilei, Peneils, P..rie-.M-'im:eii, Wr j pin Pa.eia of nil kinds, Cnrtiilii Papera. Ac , Aa. , Our st.vk ia till l'reh, I.iikIu elieiii ..ml iMaee..rdinc!r I Particular nttenli.ni pnid t-. U,.-ller, t'vliii.'rj' .il" I cl.antit nnd Teael.er, however little tl.ey may .i,. S iwer K Haines nre Pulilmliem of PF.l.TdX'S mm - MAGNIFICENT Ot'TLINE ,MA1S Knch nup la nenrly fKVK.N PKKT d t'ARK, ai ! h"wa the C'lnnurative ixe ami relulive p..ili - n nl eirr ; country on the v'l .he. Tln-y lire intenil. d to he anaprndn in ivery Pilio.il U.K.in. nnd n-.t i.nly make a ilid a), eeamn -e, hut lire univerwilly n. kn..u'lrdL'e.l .. he It lllT JtOllK OP TKAUIING HKOtill AIIIV m hrouelit out. Tl.ey are kein iiiteiideil t.. he mnl Ujr tl. I seh .Uira, eoiilliining; aeoniiilete eiiit.-me of Ueistraehv.au eoatiiift leaa Hum hall Uie priee ..(' a (inigrapliy and Atlai The ayatem ia in univeranl use in Prussia and Grrman) and hna Hlrcudy len introduced in Uirnrd l ollrf., Phi delphin, the ptil.lie seh..laof Ikntun, .New York. I'hui delphin, Baltimore, Yashui;ioii, ami threuyhetlt Nn Kiiftlanit, New York, e., Ac. Dur deski are learfe Wlta reeoinruriHlations lr.na the moat tnlenlrd and ariei lib teachers in every ipiarter, and wherever tt.e sfl hu lieen used parents, teachers and scliolars unite in prai. I. Mnpnf the Western Hemisphere. 9. Map of the Kasteni llemisphtre. 3. Map of North Ameriea. 4. Map of the t'nited Stutes. 5. Mop of Kurop?. 0. Map of Aaia. 7. Map of South America and Africa. Every man is lirillmnllv e..l.,rd. eur....l.Mt. bimI nutt l on mualiu and rollers. e reapeellnlly invite the earnest attention id" Tearhn Parenta, and Sehool lllrert'ira to this lnp.-ii.nlmr m.le . teacluug Geography. SOWI'lt A iHftK!, l North Tiiird ftreel, Phlladilplii.-i, Aug. 15J. .tf. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monument-., Touilis, AND GRAVE STONES OF THK FINES Italian and Avrr.u an Mardlt. At his Old Slan t in Nurthninherland, Pa. OESPECTFl.'LLY inform the ruMir that i work in his line will he maile up of thev hest material anil finished in tho latest style the Eastern cilies. Those in want of such articles well mad at executed in the hent style and at the lowest rsU will do well to call and examine before flier pi chase elsewhere. Mav 15, 1803 lv. Cheap Watches tS Jewelry, w WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Plnlad phia Watch and Jewelry Store, -o. North c-ccondStiect, corner of tjusrrv, Plulsd phia. ;..M l.ver Yleh.. full iew.Ied. If1 earit casfl, t Silver do. full jeweled, gli fi U ppm-tw-lea, Silver IjCpine, jewels, do do do. .ijietior (Inariieis, 111 Hiicfilver . y llraee!r:i. T.I I a-hes- tlidd Pencils. I S S.ii er Tl SINJUIIS, set, 9 U,. w ...... . f;..i.i t mA i, mr Holi er. ' uun w .... ....... Gold Finger Kinps. 37 cents to ; W at Glasses, plain, 13 cents; Patent. IS4 i l'n 25 ; other article in proj't on. All i- ' w; ranted to be what they ei ; '" f": STAl'EEEK A HAKLH. Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Lerers s Lepinea, still lower thsn the ahov prKt. August 88, 1883. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. JA3IK8 B. FIDLER, No. 13 South Second Stree'., PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lver W atches full jewelled Silver Lever do eilver Lepine do " (juartier ia Gold pens and pencil and silver hsldsr Silver Tea and Table Spoon Bracelet, Breast pin Ear ring Ac All warranted and old st price ss tow a al in the elty. November S7. IS 53. tf. TJLANK Parchment Paper Deed Dd blar -- Mortgage. Bonds. Eiecations, Summon dec, for sale by H. B. MASSE B. Bunbury , April If, 1851