0 H. B. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. a jramfltf iletospaper-Drtotrt to JiJoHUes, attrvnture, JWoraIa, jrortfott airt Domestic jictos, Sctrnct an the arts, ei0r(culture, itiarluts, amusements c ' .',,; SUNBURY,' NOUTIIUAinERLAND COUNTY. PA., SATUKDAY, MAY 2S. 183.1. ' ' ' ' 7 ' MKW 8 1 HI KS VOL. 0, NO. lO. OLD SERIES VOL. Ifr, NO. . .. . . , r,.,j. TEEMS OF THE AMEEICAN. w?.KAMKB,CArt publlthM every Salurday l wo DOLLAH8 per annum to b paid half yenrly in jJJJnc- No paper discontinued until all arrearages . Al1 Mmnmniratinna or lettera on bultn-s relating to Sea, to inaure attention, muat be ru.1T 1'AIU. TO CLUBS. 500 Do Do 8000 Five dollars In advance will pay fur three year's sub "option to the American. 100 a 300 ecu eno 3U0 !'" copies to one aililreaa, Er,e r rm . ... ., m . -- -.H,C nl lv lines, j iimci, uent insertion nioiiina, Tear, llnt)ti..a rv,.i. - n... );., Mmmin Mtrchanu and nthera, advertising by Hie Tr, with the privilege of inserting "liferent advertisements weekly. Isn-fet Advertisements, aa per agreement. 1000 mm m m m A 0a ATTORNEY AT LAW, f V , . OKBTXHT, PA. . attended to in the Countici of Nor. v 1, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. 5 . ,i'i - Refer to I f. A. Roroudt, Lower Sc Barron, 8omera & 8nodgras, Philad. Reynolds, McTarland & Co., Spcring, Good &, Co., HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfict opposite (lie Court House, 8unbury, Horthumbeiland County, Pa. Prompt allentioii to business in adjoining counties. GEOKGE, W ZIMEUMAN, VENITIAN BLIND lAIVUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second,-1 PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON' HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF AVliicli for style of finish and workmnnaliip cannot 1 lurpaased. M holcsale ntnl Retail at the lowctt price. Also TRANSPAHENT WJNDOW SHADES AND KEED BLINDS WHOLESALE, AT MANl'FACTCREns' PRICES. . ; C MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine. ' - . ,' Philadelphia, August 21, 1852 ly. " .... '. ! iim,j .'i . a WM. M. E0CKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW suxnuitY, PA. Dec 13, 1851 tf. M. L. SHINDEL, ATTOB.1TET AT LAV", SUNBURY, PA. December 4, 1852. tf. CLINTON WELCE VTTORNEY AT? LAW, LEWISBURG, TENXl. LXTILI. practice in the several Courts of "Union " and Nortliumlicrlaiid counties. It t FEB TO Bellefoule. do. Live and Help Live!!'. Orit Motto. S. N. TITOTVIPSON i fTJ) ESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and g tho public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, tn Sunhury, lelow Weaver's Hotel, a large, handsome end cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Caasimers Cassincts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Vesting:, Linens, Ifc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin tie Loins, Lawns, Ginghams, Beragcs, Robes, fyc GROCEKIUS, Sugar, Teas, Coflce, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c, &c, &c Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &,c. Queensware, of various styles and patterns, BOOT9 AND SHOES, A large nHsortment of Hoots and Shoos, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, ire, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine fur your selves. lW Country produce of nil Kinds taken in exhinge at the highe.t m-irkct prices. Suu'miry,4 mo. 30, 185:). Hon. James Burnside, " James T. Hale, K. C. Humes Ic Co., Hon. A. S. Wilson, " A. Jordan, 8amt. Calvin, Iwiburg, Ipril 30, 18S3,tf. do. T.ewistown. Sunhury. IIollidayslv ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the .Dry . Goods Business. J. r. 8c I. r. KLINE, Tl ESFECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have taken the Old Stand, in Upper Auqusta town ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened A New and Splendid Assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part nf Cloths, Cassimers, Sat tinctts, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of . Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of ladies Dress Goods, Culicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, I'eriigc de I, nines, Alpacnsund Shawls. Also a fresh supply of Groceries) of all kinds. Hardware and Quppnsware, Drugs and Medicines. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women mid Children. Hats and Caps, nn h as Panama, Straw, Pului-lcaf . , and other Hats. Salt. Cheese, Ac. Call and Sec. ' s ; - Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. . Upper ..Augusta, April 30, 1853. ' ' '!'1,"t'' a pjuwotoua Shctcti. 1 J. E. GOULD, ' " (Successor to A. FIOT.) No. 160 Chestnut Street, Swaini's Building. PHILADELPHIA. "pXTENSIVE MU8I0 PUBLISHER, and Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallct, Davis cfc Co'a (Boston) Patest Si'srK.tsio.T Bbidge jiioliau and other PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, MelodeoiiR, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music .1 Books, &c, &C Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise with any music they may wish, at as low rotes as if purchased in person. Having one of tha largest stocks in the United States, I feel confident of satisfying all who may fevor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly. FAIRBAITKS' Platform Scales, i1 IO On account of the great mini I cr of counterfeits now selling, and the injury J sustained bv buyers of these deceptions. V. uich I For Sale. OF POTATOES by the 7MHg iHownFrvtrtly tested Always right The Acliioivlctl . . t. . i SSg5) Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Fur- t-'jsjgggjflf; mcrs SCALhh, set in any part of the country, at short notice. AGENTS. fJEO. W. COLBY, 210 Market St., Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunburv. 1 hila., .-Ipril 23, 1853. OFFICE on Broadwav, near the Episcopal Church. Sunhury. Sunhury, April H, 1853. tf. ' DOING A PHRENOLOGIST. AN INSURANCE COMPANY MULCTED. "A' dti9of some interest was Iriod last week before Hon. Alexander Jordan, in this county, which although it resulted as it should, and in accordance with common ex- You say you hae made the subject your constant stuay tonne last six years'- I'cuiauun, esiaomuea nevoriheless a prece interrogated a little gentleman Of Mr. Adol- dent which may be of future account to in phus Hrown the "man of bvmps,n who surance companies., Tha legal planlifT, we was sojourning in the quiet town of S , believe, was Abrarri Updearafl-. Esn.. while giving glorious evidence of toe irrefragible truths of the great science, by lectures and explanations, public and private. 1 may sav, sir,' replied Mr. Brown, 'lhal I have devoted more time to this pro- the pluinliflf in interest was Abraham Wine gardner; Ibo .defendant, ihe 'Siuie Mutual Insurance Company. Tlio fuels, as nearly as we can gel them, weiu briefly lliese: leision, than any other subject that ever Sorre two or three year ago Mr. Wineijatdncr engaged my attention. upon ine ngent oi tne auove named I here was a numerous assemblage of company, to gel his house insu I, and wa persons in the little office, some wailing to asked by Ihe latter, when the survey was be examined, some for the purpose of inves- taken, whether the property was in any ligation, and others from mere curiosity to manner incumbered. He was informed bv see this singular individual, who Could Mr. Winecardner. that he had articled for fathom the myster.ous depths of human lhe properly, and had paid r.pon i. five hnn- character, by gently passmg his dig. a I. dftd doar,lha, th,..,. was l0 be over their astonished cramums. The htt e it , . , . ... ... . ... paid in instalments, which were not then gentleman proceeded : , IT . . . . . . " -. 1 . - (Inn. ITnnti nun rmi. iKia I V, A..i,f .mnnan. Nothing could gratify me more, than " r " "" "-"e' r-r to see the science thoroughly tested.' 10 navo 1,18 l'roPef'y insured m Hie name of Then you have not had the pleasure of i,,r- P'cgrai wnicu was accordingly none, attending any of the lectures?' said Mr. Mne company being fully apprized of lhe Brown. I circumstances. Subsequently to tha insu- TIIE LITTLE QUAKERESS WHO WAS IN A HURRY TO GET MARRIED. An amusing matrimonial story is tuld of the olden lime in New England, ft t0 fell out that two young peoPr Became very much smitien with each other as young people sometimes do. The young woman's- father was a wealthy qtiafccr-The young man wa poor but respeclablc. The father could stand no such union, and tesolutely opposed it, and the daughter dare not disubey that is, she dare not disobey openly. Sh 'met him by moonlight,' she'preteiided never to see him and she pined and wasted in spile of her self. She was really in love a stale of sighs and tears which woman oftener in imiigkia lion than in reality. The father remained inexoriblc. Time pas.sed on. She Set no concealment, 'like a worm i' lhe bud" prey on her damask cheek, however; but when her father asked her why she pined, she al ways told him. The old gentleman' wa widower, and loved his girl dearly ;-and at last seeing that his daughter's heait was really Ret upon the match, ho surprised her one day by breaking out thus "Mary, rather than mope to death, thee had better marry as soon as-thee chooses, and whom Ihee chco- possibility that characters of individuals may be arrived at by physiognomic or physiological observations; or by scanning the dress, manner and general appearance of the person. I have heard, that Mr. Fowler has, on dilfrrent occasions, consent ed to make public examinations while blind-folded And then what Mary? Wait till tho birds of tho nil- had told her swain of the change, or until lier father had' time to again changt? his mind ?' Not' a bit of it. She clapdod her neat plain bonnet on her head, walked direct' ly into the street, and then directly tu the house of her intended' as the street would iAVvHENCE HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. rHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and tha public generally, that he has opened "Lawrence House" and will do his best en svors to please the public- SAMUEL THOMPSON. Sunhury Feb. 26, 1853 if. Dilworth, Branson Co. Importers of & Dealers is Foreign nd Domestic A1DW ARE, CUTLERY, &C A'o. 59 Market St., 1 door below 2d St, PHILADELPHIA. have tho very worst elicct on suit'crcrs. MRS BETTS respectfv'.'.y co'ions Physicians and Lad!' j to buy v.o SUPPORTER without it has tne United States Copyright Label on each Jlox, and her Signature on each Supporter. A 11 olllers are spurious. The great reputation and success of this appa ratus', its ease, comfort, and the support it affords bv wearinir it. have combined to give it a most extensive sale in all parts of the States. Ladies will apply only to MRS. BETTS, and Merchants to JAMES BETTS, Wholesale Agent, 3SI Walnut Street, Philadelphia, or to her Agents. Phila., pril 30, 1853. 1m. Book Agents Wanted, In every County in the United States, to canvass for the lollowing works, to whom the largest commissions will be paid. Pictorial Hiitobt or Tut Would, from the earliest I ages to the present time" Thiee volumes in one, comnriiiig Parti. Ancient History. Part. Hiatnry of the MidJI" v .1... .nm hand m larae stool of Ages. Part 3. Muden, History. By Jolin FroM, L. L. aiiMj j . , " ... I L- Author of Piclorial History of the L gvery variety tn i.aiv." . Dilworth, Henry D. Landis, ajuel Bransrn, . James M. Vance. October 10, 1853. ly. JORNEUIS. I. F. IIAKER. W. C. BAKKR. Cornelius, Baker Co., MANLKATURERS OF unpt, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. tTTORE NO. 176 CHESTNUT ST Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA, KfiH 10, 1858. tf. J-tw II W Vaptr irhouse. 3TJRT01T LA1TI1TC-, MANUFACTUBEBS AND 1MPORTEHS, . 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth PHILADELPHIA. IfHERE may 1-e found the largest and beat w i.....i .i.,-V in the Cilv. 'OUNTRY PUKCHASEKS may here be omm'odateA! without the inconveniem e of look Further, and may be soured that they will re ,h.aJva..Ugeonmory.AMxG ARCH Street, abova Sixth, Philadelphia. . it.rcb, IS, 18533m. WM. TSrCAKTY, BOOKSELLIiR, Market Street, KTmBURY. PA. TST wied snd for sale, a fresh supply of F.V ANGELIC At. ML'SIC Simrimr Schools. He is alw opeuii.g at K J f large aortme,,t of Books, every ,ch of Literature, con?iting ; of rks, i.aw, I ks, Bibles ; uthor of Piclorial History uf the United Stairs, Picto rial l.il'e uf Wuahiiiffton. Ac.. Are, New Edition, with ad ditiona and corrections by the Author. Illustrated wilh over five hundred engraving,, from drawings by Cnioiiie, Pevereux, and other diitinguiihed Artists. This work contains over 11U0 e?uper Royal octavo pages, and over SOU finer illustrations liiau have ever been engraved for any History in this country f it is hatidsonely and luhtlan tiu'lly bound id emhoased inorncco, gilt back. Price, 83.75. Gbcat Events in Monxs! Hktost. By John Frost. Comprising the most remarkable Discoveries, ColHilesls, RevolutioiiK, (iteut ButlU-s, and other Tliiilling Incidents, chiefly in Kurope ami America, fnun the coiiirnencenieiit of the Sixteenth Century lotlie nresenl tune. Kinla-lliihed with over 6ti0 engravings by "V . Crime and other eminent artiita. It cmtntna over bW Ilovnl oetovo pnget, and also a Lire colored map of the World aovJ'i, Willi side inn S of Calil'oruin, Ou-K 'ii. Iluugiiry; AiiFtimn louiiiii-iis, ic. Uouud in cnibnsbed uioro-co; yitt hack. Pries, j3 OU. TllltlLl.INB AUVKMCllEJ AMONO TUB IsulN. By John l-'r-mt, I.. 1.. D. Cinnirninp the tnst rcnintkublc rersonal Nnrrtiliven of events in lilt' chllv lllllliin Vsrs, ss Well us f lui-iclenls ill the recent India-, HnMililiis in Mf-lico unit Ti-xiia. HUiet ruled with over 300 I 'nsriivini'K, fn in ! hy V, Croniri, and nther (istih:iiiiiln-d urlifctx. It i-'lii Jinn ver .V)t. nii-es Octavo, bmud ai im.ric yi!l back. Price SI. 7 j. Psktciik. of Lire Si D C it AH ACT KK. By T. S-Arthur. An i K-lav" volume of over tnopnge iK-aiilifully illuilrntcil, Hi-I t unlit 111 the beat bnuli.n inu.lill, gill bick. Pnei-, WOO. . . , I.IOIITS AND (uiKlU'i or Hill L.irs. iiy I . r. Annul Willi uii nutiihi'icrtirhv and imrlrait of lhe authnr. Over 600 pnges octavo, with fine tinted euemvinSK. Uiuud ill the bc.l Kngliah iiiuahu, gilt luick. Pi iee, 00. Goldss Gbis fbom Lira's II.ivr.T Fir.i.D. By T. 9, Arthur. I J mo. of !i40 puses, llounil ill liunliii, with a beuutiliil mezzotint engraving. Price, 75 Cents. Tub Wav to Pbospks. siul other Tales. By T. 8 Ar thur Pi m i. over 1MU pages, witha iiiezzoluil engraving. Phi-e, &n Cenla. The Homb Misstoa. By T. 8. Arthur. ISmo.ofovcr 401 pages, with oil engraving. Price, 50 Cents. Tbie Riches, or Wealth without Wings. By T. 8. Arthur. Over pages li mo. with s fine uiezzoiim eu giovmg. Price, 30 Cents. Tub Fbeside Anobl. By T. 8. Arthur. SI iwges, 33 mo. Willi sn engraving. Bound ill Muslin, gill edges Price, io cents. Conqcests or xna Bible. By Vincent W. Milner. Coinnrisuig Impoitaiit tvmls in lhe Hiliy of t'hrislisn- ity, from lhe lime ol our wivi - ui u ine present -. jjo Plges, lie mo. JllUSliSiea Wliu iiuiudious ciikliiiik.. rice, l on. All Of the shove books are heautifully and substantially bound, piiuted on bull while paper, and the Publisher would especially call attention to the fact that Ihey are sold exclusively hy Agents, thus giving them so advantage which cuuuot be hod on moat books, as each Agent has ths sole and exclusive control of the sale in any seclinnof irueuiars. nnuress BUSHELS subscriber. CHARLES CAWLEY Dry Valley, March 16, 1853. ' Wood $ Willow Ware. 20,0()'ancy Corn Brooms, 1,500 Dr.r. Buckets, Assorted Colors, 600 KesU Cedar Wash Tubs, 81)0 Cedar Churns. 500 Doz. Willow Baskets, 300 Doz. Wall and Scrub Brushes, &c, &c. The largest Stock ever offered in Philadel phia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly filled. M. & J. M. ROWE, No. Ill North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 12, 1853 3m. Gas Fixtures Lamps. HENDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, A'o. 221 North 2nd st. above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. " AVINGhatl many years practical xxriai- X 8. encs in the business and as all work sold by us is inanufuctured under our immediate super vision we are enabled to offer to purchasers superi or articles in every branch of our trado upon the most favorable terms. A t our store may be found in every variety and style of finish Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brockets for Halls, Churches, Ac, Tax Imfroveu Pije Oil Laxp, Also, Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Scriantlolcs, Bquer holders, Parlor, Night and Reading Lamps .on baud. Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wick Shades, &c. . All it-vrl warranted or no tale. l-'nctory No. 80 Noble street near 4th. Remember Store 'iiA 2nd street, next door to J. Stewart Depuv't Carpet store. Philu., April i, 1S53. 3in. Emporium of Fashion And. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods JOHN V. MAllTIX, 1 AS RECEIVED at his establishment, on "-si Doer street, one door north of C. J..Bruner's law-office, in Sunhury, the most Splendid and Fashionable m ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for. gentleman's wear, that has ever been offered in this place. His stock consists in a great ariety of CLOTHS, Among which are superior Black, Brown, Green, Olive Claret, Belgium Cloth, French Cloths, Russian black, &c. BLACK AND BROWN CASHMERETS, Black plain doe-shn Cassimeres, Summer and Winter Cassimeres, fyc. VESTINGS, Black Satins, (a rich article) excellent Marseilcs Bull, lute, (rigurcd and Plain.) rigured Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Tweeds, Liucns, Cravats, Hoseiry, Plain and rancv 1 runininca, Gentlemen s Collars, Suspenders, &c, Sc., &e. Call and sec his assortment of goods. He challenges inspection, and politely invites the public to test their quality by procuring the best and neatest coats, pants, vests, &c, in tho couu- R A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate situations at this establishment. Suubuiy, May 21, 1853. 3m. . NORTHUMBERLAND Select School for Girls. . Under the Care of Miss E. Calvin. INSTRUCTION will he piven in tho ordinary English Branches, Physical, Sciences, Algc- j bra, Geometry and Lunxuugcs. j A Session will consiiit of twenty two weeks, ; Second quarter to commence on the 13th of June. I Tl-.UMS. 1.. I .1 l- ,t r r. . .... uii, yes, sir , uui you Know mere is a ranee anu Dciore ine me, Air. w megarilner, paid to Mr. Updegialf, on account of his purchase S1000, which was just the amount insured. After the properly was destroyed by fire, the insurance,' company declined paying over lo Mr. L'pdegrafl, lhe amount of the policy, on lliu giound that he had Jojf nothinp, having received of -Mr. Winegard- 'He has, sir : and the result has invaria- nor wllal ,1C haJ insured, namely S1000, and carry her She walked into the house wilh bly proved, to every honest mind, 'he in- for ,llt,m to pay him another S1000, would out knocking, for knocking was not then fash conlestible truths of this great science.' be allowing him lo receive pay for the house ionable, nud ftmnt! the family jsriTligdown At this juncture of proceedings, both twice the lot still remaining his and not lo dinner. Some little commotion was ehib the speakers and the listeners were sudden- deteriorated in value. ' But hi honor, ited at so unexpected on apparition -as the Judge Jordan, could not perceive the justice heiress in the widow's cottage, but she heed- af lhe defence, or why the payment of Mr. ed it not ' John looked np inquiringly. She Winegardner, might not be credited lo the walked directly up to him and look both his account of the lot, with as much propriety hands in hers. "John,' said she, "father say as to lhe house, especially as. lhe company I may have Ihee." And John got directly preferred lo insure the house of Mr. UpJe- up from lhe dinner table and went to the par- graff, with a full knowledge of the facts. son's. In jusl twenty-five minules they wr Besido suppose the properly insured had man and wife. ly aware of the fact thai tho door of the little office was being opened, and moreo ver, that a renl Jonathan was about to in trude his inquisitive self into the presence ol the learned disciple ol ptirzlieim. "' He was habited in a mortal "Ions-tailed blue," beneath which a pair ol rusty cow hides peeped forth in all their puritanic glory. On his head of dirt red locks, sat a most antique bell-crowned ha!, pitched risen in value S 1000 between lhe dale of the launtingly to one side, while the Jonathan, I insurance und lhe destruction of ii bv fire. KAn.noAD Law. The Legislature of Illi- wreatnea in a sunsmne oi smnei, no auoner would a payment of that amount destroy a nos 'ast winter passed a law to the effect opened the door than he bawled out at the policy ? For lhe life of us, we cannot see the ,hul railroad companies should pay S5,00f top of his voice; regardless of all prwnt equity or legality of tho attempted defence, ft,r ever- panger lost in a traiu through J.. V. , . ! l but consider it a she 'Sir!' fiercely ejaculated the thoroughly disgusted professor. 'I say yeou feel raound amongst a tel ler's squash bis cocoanut, you know,' said Jonathan, removing his venerable bat, and smiting his head with his fist, by way of elucidating Ins interrogations 'to see whether he's got any sense in him, hey V lI can manipulate the exterior surface of the capital member, to ascertain the pectt- sheer quibble, discreditable 'he carelessness of the company or ilsagenta. to the Company making it, and highly detri mental to thoir interests. Lycoming Gatette The citizens of Chieago have resolved to sea this Taw enforced to the letter. SENATOR sot'LE'S ESCAPE FROM l ltANl E A Good O.N t. We believe that one of tl i In a late number of the Memoires of Du- Money Lawyers is responsible for tha fol- mas, which have been publishing ol late in lowing the Paris Pressed a brief mention is made of lhe 'circumstances lo which wo arc indebted for Mr. Soule's emigration lo am! settlement liar characteristic qualities of the person in the United Slates. Wo translate the par under examination,' replied Mr. Adolphus agrapli : Brown, the phrenologist, wilh a great tlour- -ln the intiinacvof Mervnnd Bartholemv, ish of Words. two distinguished French nnllior. I lived at "Why nro the lawyers of lhe 8th judicial district, like the the Israelites under Moses? Do yon give it up? Because Ihey cannot get over Jcrdun. Jehu ! dit tell !' ejaculated Jonathan, starting back in astonishment. 'Then you ain't Mister Brown, the old fernology cuss, heyV I am Mr. Hrown, sir, tne phrenologist.' Oh, yeou be, ch Can examine a feller's head, hey for the qough, hey V this liino one of the principal editors of a journal called the Yellow Dwnif (Nain Juune.) This editor was named Sonle. He had been two months in prison for nn atliclo ou San Domingo. He did not relish his ex perience of prison life. lie happened to bear A Mayor Finld. The Mayor of New Yoik city has been fined five dollars for al lowing a servant girl in his employ lo wash the pavement in front of his residence after hours, Mann's Establishment 25 Soufi Sixth Street, ' Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of i'sitont loiter Copying I'ressrK, rateut METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, dec. Patent Parchment Par, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER. A most valuable invention for keeping in a book-like loim, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, Ac Phila., April 9, 1853 ly. rlVw MVdic ne School and Children', f b.,W! . If. .iLj. Pocket and Family, both ..'J I without Engravings.-and "V'ry ofvari. h tay agree u, canvass. .,r,.euU.r.. ddr. f Biadina. Prayer Books, of all minis. P ' No. 4 Ntth F.wUh Sueet, Philadelphia llo Must received and for sale, Purdon. Dt- PUil.., April 30, lSM.-6t. . - . -?r D....v ..inn. AllUUS ui of tha laws 01 1 buwj nlvte.OO. SfKIStiHlLUBWiltiWin. n a vols 8 vo formerly sold at 10,00, JOBS IU i Ua , on-Jred' (inrl binding) .1 the low WPORTEIM AND DEALERS m French juiinnery uoous, new T'on Ui. law. of Penn.ylv.ui. re Uo th. e.tates of Decedents, by 'lUomu. F. ?JaVS Adventure.,-..! o, S wiU beVld low, either for cash, or coun iroduee. .btnary. II. 189- . the .jjninp; Mutual Insurance Company. a 1 n. MASSER is the local agent for the .bo.. Insurance Company, In Ntar. eounty, and i. at all times read to aBert 'XScti tigain-t fire on real or personal pro- r. or renewing policies for the same. unburv, April 26, 1X51 tf. BAIN PUMPS. A .mall number of thesa .icelleM pump. beea rece.ved and ar 4iofsleby . if. B. MASSER. . tnburv. Nov. 0, 1869- No. 45 South second Street, FHlLADELPniA. HAVING received by laie arrivals ibibo uiiu well selected assurtmcnt of BFRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to offer their customers, at lowest maiket prices - Glace Silks lor Uonncts, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, all colors, ..'l i ... TV . . 1 - u,.,1 l.area. runty it -. . . Toaether with every article appertaining . tu Millinery trade. JlarcSt 1, 183 d. m NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Others rtroiigftoitf the United States, Alexander L. Ilickey & Co., THE GREAT WORLD'S FAItt PRIZE MEDAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, iVo. 148 Chtsnut Street, (Frut)t of J ones1 Hotel) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to lite Merchant and Travellers one of the largest and mos improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks vr oik red lor sale in tins city, togeltier with . gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollar. Also, . splendid assort ment of Ladloa Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels,- Yalis. Trunks, Carpet an! Leather Dags, nana Uoacruss, liiss, A.C-, ctcv, all of which we are prepared, to sell at reduced prices, we respectfully invite a call from Ilia Merchant or 1 raveller lo examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ,1 . . . ALE-V. L. II UK BY Ac UU., ' . - No. 148 Cliesuut RlrMt. -Phila., April 9, 1858. 6m. ... -- ' Orthography, Reading, Writing Com position, (jeogr.iuhy, English Gi.unrour and Arithmetic per quarter. S3. 00 With any additional English study, '4.00 Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, f5,UO Music, Painting, and Drawing, each seperate and at the customary rates. References. Dr. R. B.MCay, Northumberland. D. Taggart,Eaq., Hon., Joseph Casey, New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M'Kinncy, Ed. Pres. Banner Phila. II. G. M'Guirc, A, M., Principal of Central Institute,' . Northumberland, May 31, 1853. 3m. . DENTISTRY. . DR. A. VALLERCIUMP, Dentist, would respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Sunbury and the surrounding country, that he has taken rooms at the Lawrence House, kept by Mr. Samuel Thompson, where he will be hap py to attend to all calls in the line of his profes sion. .411 operations or Mechanical work war raxted to answer all ths useful and ornamental purposes of the art. Sunbury, .April S3, 1853. I make phrenological examinations, sir,' a strong resemblance lo Bartholemy, which replied the genius of bumps. permitted his using his passport. Bartholemy 'Charge in advance, hey?' lent it to him, Soule fled lo London, and 'One dollar,' answered Brown. thence to the United Slates, where he is now And forthwith, Jonathan forked over the he flrs. hiwver in New Orleans, and makes "California," and deposited himself in the by his nracljce one hundred thousand francs prolcssor's great arm-cnair, to oe uin-raieu ft f t Such was the early history of the Hon. Pierre Soule, Ex-United States Senator, and recently appointed Minister Pleuipolenliaiy lo Spain. iNt'AiMDi.c Rr.MEnr tor Dots is Hoitsrs. A oorieponilent of the Albany Cultivator some years since, gave the following recipe, as nn effectual and immediate remedy for bots in horses : Half pint of Vinegar. 110. ito. uni. Do. do. Soft Soap. Do. do. Molasses, well shaken together, and pouicd down while foaming. California Si.ve Law. The Legislating of California have extended for another er the operation of the Fugitive Slave law, pas sed at lhe last session of lhe Legieloture. upon. During the examination, he was pur posely made as verbose and untelligible as possible, in order to appear of some magni tude in the eyes of the assembled auditors, Jonathan would occasionally exclaim : cjehuveou don't say! wall, neow I never knowed that ar afore ! mistake, doc tor, never was in all my life. Never knowed I was half so clever a teller, aiore, no heow !' &.c, &.C., always disputing the truth of the "characteristic qualifications" ascribed him by the "doctors," much to chagrin of the latter, and much to the mer riment or those present. When the elimination was nearly con cluded, Jonathan begun to work around rather uucoiniortaoie 10 ins seat, anu at length exclaimed svivivr. located himself permananlly in 11 Buubury, offers his professional servics to . no-. rur nl l,eer anu u.sanN A RITH EMETIC Nos. 1.1 .3. the ow ,frmu teleirrauh office,) wher. ...... D J.. MIC.IV Sisi-v-v -I .,. J 1 .oi Porter's stnawricmi j-- . u found unless proiwwonany oUftsaUby . WM. McCARTY. 1 sjynbury, April 80, 1848. m. IRENCH Cloth, Fancy Venting, and Cassl - meres just received and for sale by Sunbury, May 14, '53. , TENER & CO. JUST RECEIVED a Splendid assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, coiisUtiiig of Silk, Mus lin do Berage, Canton Crape, Silk Poplin, Dot ted wiss Lawn Robes, Ac, and for sale by Sunbury, May 14, '53. TENER & CO. Sardinia Coktributioh to iUr. WoRi.D's FAia.--New York, Mifr 15 A Sardinian I say yeoti doctor, ain'l it rfier warm riBatP with the articles intend for lhe Ciys- re, ust now ! uuess ni iaKe on my ,u, palace Ex RUMMER Shawls, Ready made Mantillas, Jjlack Silk and Silk Lace, just received and for saU by - - !. W. TENER 6c CO. ... Sunbury, May 14, 1859...! ; - ' ILUID Lamps, Choice Baskets, Flower V. ' sa and Oniatmiit.; Queensware andUlasa wsre, jusl eciv.d and fur sals by . . Sunbury, May 14, "53,, , TENER 4t CO. here. overcoat. And suiting the action to the word, he proceeded to rid himself of this extensive garment, exposing beneath, a suit pi well made lashionulile clothes; and then placing his hand on his head, ho removed wilh a grace that would have done honor to John Van Boren himself, hit wig ! Why, Judnt ! is it possible V exclaimed the little gentleman, springing forward and hakin? the ex-Jonathan cordially by Hie hand. ,, , , Never was man more completely qnmU founded than Mr. Adolphus Brown, the MACKEREL, ' - CODFISH, SALMON, '.. , ' . POKK, HAMS & SIDES, , SHOULDERS, 1 ADO & CHEESF.. Phila-, April S3, 1853. 3ra.' Constantly onsaand and for sale by - ; . i. Palmeb k Co., . Market Street Wharf 'if Philadelphia. - OIL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, just received anil for sal. by . w. 1 cin w. Sunbury, April 80, 1858 BURNING - Fluid, Csmphine, Sperm and Whal. Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine jusl received and for sale by , Sunbury, May 14, S3. , Tb.XMCK & LU, , CUOLAGOGUE. An excellent roinedy for ths cur. of Fever and Ague, just received and for sale by 1 I. W. TENER 4. CO. i- Sunbury, May 14, 1853. ...! :... - .v VsJTRITlNO FLUID and aelf saalinf Enve- V V dttm, just recaived and for sal. by . April 18. lS4L- II. B. MASSER. M-siKE BILL& Justicsj. and Constables Fes WF Bills handsomely printed oa cars' paper for tl. at thlsorric.. Khibition, ai l ived here this morn ing. Tho frigato exchanged Saiiiti'S with the fori, on Governor's Island. Sim is. a fine vessel, railed the San Giovanni, and has brought 82 passengers, who Uit this coun try for lhe purpose of attending iho Fair. The frigate has been 41 days on her voyage from Genoa. Anew fashioned' .umbrella has made iis appearance in 1'ans. II issn umtireiia nxeii I lo lhe shoulder by a sprinp-, and following lhe movements of the body. This covers phrenologist, as the Judge held up the lit- lhe body as lhe ancient onel and leaves the tie dirt? wiz before his astonished gaz, person who uses it at entire liberty 10 man saying, with a good humored smile, while 1 his hands as ha pleases. Wicked titter ran through the crowd ) 1 , -, - - "2""" Wall,' doctor, you've gin that ar wig a The Empress Eugeuie, according to the purty lair character, considering it used lo I French papers, has made a "jattsse course, belong to an actor, and neow I want you 1 and the hopes of France and of Louis Napo- 10 givw me nun 11 you piease oiar e0n, of a successor lo the empire, is lor ine opangieu nanner, present deslroved. The Empress is as 11 ..... 1 1 . 1 1 ... .v,,nni..i.ti Clark Mills, Esq has purchased s large I , ' . and admirable ana fur bis Amerioaq School I , Asowt COO EMiosAats, mostly from Penn- of. Design and ,Art, at the junotion of the sylvanla, bound to Illinois and Iowa, many Anaeusia and fotomi o nv.rs. There be I pf them in wagons, passed through Wheel designs to mould and cast his great aquas-1 iug last week. ' , train statue of Washington? Also, a coloaaal I ' ' '. 1 group of statuary ipresntmg two American I : CUstcoAt, it is said, placed around rose Indians, mounted 00 wild horses, hunting th. I bushes, and other Aowarinff plants, has the Buffalo. Tha animals art now in his eludio affect to add greatly lo the richness of lb and attiaet crowds of visiters. 1 flow.rs. Information Wasted. Any person hav ing any knowledge of lhe death of Mr. Hen. ry Tipple, if dead, Or his whereabouts if liv- itng, will please send the same to the editor of lhe American, Rochester, N. T. and will obtain a suitable compensation from his friends. To Dstri: Awsv StriteD Bugs -Ii is staled In lhe German Farmer, thai lo put a piece of Assufcrtiila about lhe size of a pea in each, hill of cucumbers, and they will not bo troubled wilh the Slripcd Yellow Bug. Poii'Kisss amoxo Coa. A correspond ent desires lo know whether pumpkins, beans, squashes, &c , among corn, are like'y lo injure, by affecting the crop in the un a way as weeds, &o. We answer most un doubtedly. A corntieltl should be a corn field, and nothing else. Every other si.b. stance, growing with the crop except tur nips in the fall affects the crop injuriously, by consuming the strength of the soil, by shading tho plants, and causing them to turn yellow, grow spindling, and producing smal ler nud a less number of eais. All our e porience and obscrvatiuu has satisfied us of this - -r.tf. let.. Nt:vv I'aOCESSlOR MAKING DaGCERREOTYFE I'latks. An improvement in the construc tion of these plates has been invented by Uprtrge Englfhard, of New Yoik city. Th method employed by him is this; instead cf forming the base of the plato of copper, and then coaling it wilh silver, a pure xino plate is used for lhe electrotype process, or a xino plute first coaled wilh copper and Ihen with silver, and afterwards polished in lhe jal ' .... -a I .1 m. manner. Mr. Engleharu mm. iw ...e. take impressions mora laadily, and least a finer piolura lhanlhos roada by tha e-ld pro- . ...... r ilio.n nlalea i. luasi cess. inea'"" 1 than ihose made or copper. Ina insssntor has taken measures to secure a patent . S. Amertean. Tax Earthquake recently experienced in western Pennsylvania and Virginnia, waa fait at Columbus, Onlo, also. There war ' two 01 thr.a vibrations, and I ha motion ap peared to be from north to south. -.- . Dr. UnderhiM, spirit rapper, to , has been Bised t30O for exhibiting his nonsense at Rock Island, III., without a license. tjnbury, May I,