SUNBUltY-AMKlUGANVANDrSHAlVlOKIN JOUKNAI,. PIZ7.LE. For ths SohImiv Aroerlcsit. "A ihip al M, striking upon a rock, store ft hoi iii her hull, ihut upon Irimmmg was found 10 bo just t2inohe.squBtP-coii1ai.niig of course 144 .quire inches. The only ma ferinl that could bt procured Inclose I lie breach, whs a piece of plank 10 '" leiialh, by 9 inches in vidili-M4 square Inches-Keqttired-lo cut sai.l phmk into lo pieces, in such ft manner ihnl Ihey shall fit together ami exactly fill I lm breach al " lowing liothiiiR for saw cut." ...,. Tainaqua, May 10, 1853. FRANK. An answer is requested. New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S oSALUS. B Y Virtue of ccrt-iin writs of Veil, lirp. to m directed will he sold liy public. entitle, or outcry upon the premises al 10 o cluck, A. ,M., on Friday, the 3d day nf June 1833, A Cetlaiii Lol of Ground, situate in the town of Turlmlvillr, Lewis town ship, in the county of Northumberland, hounded north hv Main street, cast hv lot of Jackson Hel ler, smith by an alloy and west by lot of Andccw Tcrwiligcr, containing uno-l'ourlli of an acr. more or lsss, whereon ore erected n one and a half story brick dwelling House and other out liiiiltlinirs. Biczcd taken in execution and lobe sold as the properly of Michael Rrohst. Jr. A LSI) : ITpon tho premises at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Saturday, the 4lli day of June, IS., the follow ing Real estate to wit: tho undivided one sev enth part m5re or loss, of and in A CERTAIN TliACT OF LA.ND, situate in Delaware township. i the county aforesaid, bounded north, cast and west by anus of Geo. Ovster, deed,, and on Ihc south by of John Oyster, dee'd., containing 90 acres more or less, whereon arc erected a frame tavern house, a tenant house, Ac., a bank barn, sl.cds, rVe. Seized, taken in rxcculion and lo be sola as the property of John Maine. r 1 ' WM. n. KIPP, Slientl. Shcrifl's Office, ? Bunhury, May U, IS-"'3- GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STOKE IN SUNBURY. GELSBEKCi & CO., rcsjwctfully announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new Clothing Store in Suubury Pa., opposite the Post Office, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street. They are just opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring; and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Satinett, Linens, Checked and Fancy Cloth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Vesta. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts and Collars and (Jentleinen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public may rest assured thai all Clothing they buy of our Store is inaib; up well as one of the firm is a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is inado up by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New Yoik and Philadelphia Importers of Cluth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbuiy, May 7, 1S53. 12,000 Gifts for the People. Extraordinary Inducements 0 witness the uviviii nf tits Pawrnmi of ths til CAMI-or.XIA. Krrw exhibited1 hyJliMAll I'I;K1UM, tlis rmpneli of ths Seven Mil" .Mirror. Mr. TKHIl A.I bees lenve In propose distributing to Mis citizens of Philadelphia. Ualtiiuore, New York, snd tiie adjouiliig places, a iuiiiiIxt nl VAI.I IXAJJLK AMI COSTLY GIFTS, im-iiiuiiiff trie MAGNlFtCLNT PANORAMA Now drawing ciowderf houses nt tins ASSKMHI.Y lit II.DINT.S- Ihs exhibitJou or which tins realised to its owners witlii Ins bat three years, a rlenr nnitil of ll! IKiO. Salirfuclorv proof of this can oe oltaiiied at the oitks ol ths Assembly Buikliiisr. iy The plan upon whirli it is prnpoaedto present somo i4uiu wurtii oi Arrifirft t. hv Hie sale ol !,0U0 TICKET!) at ONK DO!. I, An F.ACU sch ticket lo admit FOUR Persona to the Pnnorsma at any exhibition when the house is not full, thua giving lo seen purchaser the Worth of ma Mo.yey, besides srioru- ing nun an opportunity to obtain oiie ol the following arti cle, viz : Panorama, valued at Tiano, ' Gold U'avrh, " - - 3 Gold Watchi-a, " 10 acta Silver Tea 3po-ms, SO (iold Pens at 85 each, 000 Gold Pencils, at VJ eiirh, . - 11,331 Steel K.hEruviiics. nt -25 rents. e 300 100 ISO 50 aw J.MK) A CARD Aa sMteri bv Mr. IVrham, the uudeisiirneit seknowleilgo thnt thev have consented to uct na a Com mittee to seal up 12 000 orders lor tlie 1'2,(KXI gifts above named. Theae orders, when fiMed, shall nil preiient precisely the ths earns appematice in shape, color nud bulk. They ahull then be aecuiely settled up in liiXOO InitT envelopes, all of the moat ptrfect aimllurity, ench of which, na s ion as seal ed, shall be drp itu in a secure box, with a single open ing, lare enouch only tiiuilinil letters The box will theu besoaiUted us to iuxuie a perfectly undnitinguishable mass ol ruveloj ea The b is alinll then lie presented by us t'j Mr. J AMI'S H. FAX I.AM), who will not have been present at ths ceremony. Mr. Farrand will thereupon opm the box, and immedi ately coranieiit'e luiliai-iiuiiiiiitc delivery oi tlte l'2,isJ enve lope one etiveloe lor evet v cheek surrendered. Ae soon aa the la.Ofl ) tick- Is mentioned in the advertiae nient are nil, the public will Iw imtiQcd when and where the sb.ive project will be executnl. ('0"'ft W Dewey, Sin ckcstnut st , foc Art I'nion. I . D. B Riehiirda, IT6 Chetiliiut at , Ducucrreotvplal. A- llnVt, Merchant Tail .r, c.-rncr Tenth and Chest nut streets. Thormis A FitrrM, Proprietor Cilv Item. Willi.,,, Stckelt. I'ropneto, Dnilv fiegister. Jarnes . albice, Pronnetot Ilnilv Sun. y A.Cn sir, I'lincipni S.mth limmmer Pcliool Orders for tickets by mini, to J. Tellium As lernbly Buil.liug, will be promptly intended to. . in o r 'he Asaemblv Buildniss, from 8 A.M. w 10 I M. Ala) f.,r Kile at the Guard House, Wanhlng tnn linuM, Jones' Hotel, Aiii.rienu House, t inted Stales Hotel, I rankliu House, Merclmnls' Hotel, I nion House, Mi?!... a' 'he p':nclpil Milric Stores KOiV" EVKI'V AFTKRNOON I sud K, X- j anil 71 o'cl'tck. Ptiila , as usual, a, centa. Cln nren ha f.nrire .April J, lco3-t. Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &o. Manufactured wholesale and retail by BTJSH1TELL & TTJLL, No. l iOOCA: Street, ' Philadelphia. Ord. ,lougU the mail promptly executed' JbiU., April u. 1B53. Iy. miIP0 OF DISTRIBUTION. tht it, vU. nig itercuy notiueu Real Esu .!fmw",! "ri"in "I"" ttl of -j suus asm 1 , :-s.Ma.. ""I, isoi, ProthonHary.or" r,,,U'' Sunbury. V'l SO, 1853.3t. 1. ill ..... flW-AIM'S- CEIEBRATED PANACEA, ... FOR THE CUBE or " ., Incipient C'Ontnnipllon, Scorfula, General Debility, White Swelling;, liheumaltsm, Diseases of the Liver nn-J Skin, and nil Diseases arising from Impttitirt of the lllood, and the Effects of Mercury. SWAIM'f PANACKA Vis Ik-cm f..r more thsil Ihuiy veur cclcl.rul.-d ill tins u aiinry snd hi Karoos -for its rairsordmarv cr f. Hit """ I.. the direction. nHl (which may ' ralis) o.-..m,iiniin til rannrvs. in of w lti' li giv Ihe .JrticiilmJ .iI um loo rri)ibll'iil for (f.-i.oml r.iljit...n, where Mil- isillcnts hntl been almost mini up Willi Scroliila, . .! ..I i ..aLIn k.' I'll , sietllllS. ...i ... i.. ...,l ..rientn nrsctie. nsd has hull Ibe sini-uliir fortune .d U-ing rccoliunoud nt by the ..... i i..: ....I Hinlileltt tiers US.' ntim Ci'lClirUieil pilj BIVIUIIB mm ....... Ainonir others by ... ... t. V ;i i i,.,f ,,f Si,ii.crv. Ps. Vniversily. VuicolMiu Mm't, M. .," Prof, of Surg , N. Y.Lniver- ailV. .... ... j. n 1T..irt,ailV. W. T. Di'Wits, M. V., 1 r u. "i mi"., i " w N. ( iinpiunii. M. D.. Prof, nl I'll) sic. Ps 1 mver"ily. T Piirkc. M. tl , Pri-c't College nl Phi mcialts, 1 Inls. r. lel Vnll., Prol.i'f Medicine, llnvuni. i.e F-tumt.-r de I.UZ. Prof, of Sur. ry, Lisbon. .I.Chipiinit. Men,l-r Roynl C Miirgeons, Ixiliika. G. W. Ilrviml. lute Mini-lei to kiiii. Sir Tli mm I'cnr--n. M il. Ocii. Hritish ArniJ. Gilbclt Roberts si. Ilriln-h Cinsul. , , , - And Ml, .. the wonderful circs euVctcl ' J ocru hnve for y.-nr. ., It an ".vm ml r'" ' The lMu:,ci docs'nol coiilnin iiiernir: in an f in, u d being on innocent ,,re.l.illoll, II '") be W "e n'-"!t i. "" !;;tr '"ul-(- 'te'fiEuKTMimW:- . t flMiin-. Pain - i """"I,1 l"' l",'!!",",1- nr. w.lh Hi- f.illowiiw letters 'W.i ;i the ttla's : ..SIVAI.M S-PANACKA-PIIII.AIIA.' ,! hnvinc the name of Ja. sl.uupcd on Ihc scnl , w it. und wrillen n Hie l.iU I covering the Cork, mid a , I enjirnving for the Mile . f the bottle, c nnp of gconiflrir lallie work, c nipruiiir' nine iblTcrent dies, winch have been turned for the exclusive line ol the pro. I.riclor. In' Pniper A Co , bank note ciiyTiivor. of PLiln Helphin. in the centre Is u orlrail of the lato Win. Swaiui copvlllu seeureo. A valuable l-'iiiiiily Medicine, being n luylily npproved reiueily O'l nil iliM-uiies ni loing troin (l.-luluy ol the diges tive organs, such ns Worms, tholcm Morbus, Dysentery vr nu l Auiie, Itleciliuc Plies, Sick ll'ialaehs. .Vc, Ao. See the Pamphlet (which limy be had gratis) accompany ing the Vermifuge. Prepared onlv lit SWAIM'S 1. A H IR ATOR Y. THE Pl.D STAND, Seventh street, liektw Chcstniil, Philndcl phin, nnd sold bv all the rcsncctable Drucuists in the l' ai led Slulea. CAt TION TO TI1K PLttl.lC. Persons wtsliui;; obtnin the ecniline SWAIMft PAN ACKA anil SWA1M S VLR.MIFI'GH, should bo carcliil to observe that the name SWAIM is spclleil correctly on the lollies nnd labels, or they nwy be iumosed on bv lucilicities made in intilntion of them bv n peison bearing u BilucwliHt similar name, well calculated to deceive. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE U. S. SchieflVlin, Iirolhers & Co., 101 nnd ion John St., New York. Philndclphin, April 9, lt-53 2tn Flour and Feed Store. riIIE subscrilicr respectfully informs his J- friends and the public generally, that he has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, in Fawn street, in the btiidiug formerly oT'iipicd by Esq. Uower, na his office, where ho will con stantly keep on hand all kinds of Grain. Ki.ot b and r 1.1:11, at the lowest market prices, lor or produce. EMANL'EL VII.VERT. Sunbury, March 5, 3m Hotel For Sulc. ArE ore authorized to oiler for sale a superior second class Hotel, ceiitcrally located in a DusincsH pnrt of the city of l'hiladolphia, com manding, at this time, a large trade from Penn sylvania, Delaworo and New Jersey. The House contains One Hundred and ten Rooms, nnd is capable of accommodating One Hundred and Fifty persons. The Gentlemen's Parlor, Reading rooms, Bar rooms and Office, are on the first floor. The House has been recently thoroughly reno vated, nnd in part newly furnished, and is fitted up in the most genteel manlier. The furniture will be sold with tho Lease, which has over two years to run, at a vf.ut low best with the privilege of renewing for five years loncer nt the same rent. The central location of this Hotel being in the immediate vicinity of Business and places of nintiscmcnt, make it an opportunity eel. loin to be met with. It will be sold cheap, and on accomodating I crms. 1' or lurther particu lars apply personally or by Lettkii I'osr Paid at the Heal Estate and General agoncy office, No. 89 south liflh sttect, Philadelphia. YVLNDEKL It'll & ALLMOND. riiila., March 8B, 1853. tf. I It U I 'TV & II ill RETT'S Agricultural Wnrchonst nnd Seed Mar( No. 194 i Market Street, Philadelphia. "jriOUTY cV M EARS' Patent Self-Sharpcn- lnrr 1 loushs of all sizes, right and left hand ed Subsoil, 8ide Hill and Double-Mould, ir., with Steel Extending Points, IJar-Sharc, lieach, and other kinds of Castings for repairing. The Emperor of Russia awarded for tho above Ploughs, n massive Gold Medal, valued $300, Also the GiEAT MEDAL at the World's Fair was awarded P. &- M. Plouiih, Sol 40. Culti vators with Double-Point Polished Ulcel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus getting Double Wear of the Common Teeth. Also, cultivators of ail kinds with Steel Teeth. Spain's Atmospheric Corn Planters, Churns, Turnip Drills, $4 to S6, Com & hellers, improved Grant s Patent fun kinds, Mills, Hay and Straw Cutters, Garden Engines, Hand Corn Mills, Wheat Drills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Horse Powers and Gcdd'a Improved liar- Thrashers, rows, Slowing anil jtcapmg Square mid A Harrows, Machines, Horse Rakes, Chain Pumps, Grindstones, ready hung, Cattle Ties, Dirt Scrapers, Hull Rings. Agricultural I tirnsces, Patent iron rnanis, Ox Yokes and Bows, Grubbing Hoes, Forks for unloading hay, Transplanting I rowels, Man Hay Kukcs, Jlav .V Manure Forks, Bow Pius, Sliovcls anil Kpailt's, (inrdcu & FicM Hoes, Apple Parers, Ox Muz.lcs, (ianli n Rakrs in varictv Mole Traps, ( liildrcn's Tools, Darling Scytlirs, .s'nuths, with Patent Fastenings, I'otatoe Hooks, Pruning liooks ft Chis- scls, Saws and Scissors, lion Well Curbs, and 7.ine tubing for Cham Pumps, Also. Horticultural Tools (of every descrip tionA Garden and Grass seeds, lor sale at the lowest trice, ul holt-sate and Ketail. I lulu. April 16, 1853. 2m. WILLIAM PERKINS' ( le.nllemcns t'ush ionuble CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 231 Chesnut, Third door bcluw Eighth st Philadelphia. MAS on hand a full slock of French and English Piece Goods, which will ha made to order at tho Shortest Notice, in ilia Latest Style, FOR CASH. Phila., April 0, 1853. 6m. A Hlakcsmith AVunted. A JOURNEYMAN Blacksmith ia wanted 2. immediately by the auhscrilier, to whom u-ady employment and good wagra will b aiven. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, March 19, 1863 If. Centre Turnpike Road. THE 5tockho!der are 'hereby notified that an Election for ofticera to serve for the ensuing year, will 1st held at the House of William Streeter in NorthunnVrland, on Wednesday, the lh day of June, between the hours of 10 . M and 3 P. M. . ' ' .' i. U. PRIE.STLEY. T firaideait 1 -4irJ 30, lj53-bt. y , SE CHERRY PECTORAL: ' For Iks Curst of ' COUGHS, O0X.SS, BOAXISCITESS, BHOW. OHZTXS, CHOUP, A3Tii ZVTA, WUOOPIMO.OOUOH AND OONSUMFTIOU. Of nil the nmnerins ineiliriitfri rxtrtit, fnm. f mie of llioin vulmihlc) Tor the cure ci ptilinttimiy compimim, nit Uiint Inift ever ivrti f'uiul which etilii c Miiimre in ltd rf- UCIH Willi llilt iTCperiHicm. inci rui c m 'iiiuiiiiicn, ihu nt nil time mitl in till flisensts t (' Hie Miiiiik hikI (hnnt wheio iiirdU'iii cun mve relivi, IIiia will d tt. It hh-fiptml t- ttiVc. and pcrfrtly rife in fifcnnluiico with the tlireutinin. We it n 't ilvurlise tT the itifMTtnntinit nf thune wh thnva trtfl it hvit tvm who hnve tint, tnmilit'i thnt h;ue k 11 vii it vnlne will mt Ij witlxMit it. and by i(n tiniflr iir, thrv nrc m-rnre I rum Ihe d;int!iriii cvim.- qui'iicci of ('Miuhuiid Clils whtcli ncglrru-d, ripen into Inl'il The I '!! 'iii.t of tli1 Miiwicliuirlls 1 imii t ute wim nwnrd- t'i thm prtNiriiiiiin hv the II urd of .lutlcif in Srptrtnlier I.HIT ; ux , iNe ,RiluifMf the tlirt-e tn nt lunlituteti H' Art, in ihiF 0'iinlrv nisi the !)t-(il aim ( tin- Oh in Iimiitntc ut rincinimti, hun been ivru to llie Ciikurv TkctohaL, hy their (iiiveriimcut in ennxiih-r.ilif'n nf its exlrnoriliniuy excellntrc und iimIuIik-u in ruling tillVclhniB nf the l.iuign und Thront. Itfinl Ihe f 'II 'win' npiniMi f trith-d on the I ntT experi ence n the eminent rhviieinn -l the rnrt mid Citv if Ur. .I.C. Aver, SI' .lns, Mity e," IkI. rive yjr tutil m yui tlll.lU.V n-;i Tl H A I in my pnifliee, Inn movrn vh:it 1 fun-wiw fr nii its eoinicmlii'ii. nmsl bn true, tli;it il rnt lifati n nin! i-nrrn tho eolilx mid cinnih lo which we, in lln erii-n, me petulmrly liiihle. I think its ((pt:d Jinn not et I -it thc ncrril, nor u-i I knuw Imw n hctt.T reinfly van he m:tte lor tlie ditltuii prrs u( the Tiimnt und I .uiiiin. J. J. 1M i: ill.N, .m. u., r. it f. le whut it h'Ji d'tin; on a w ifit-d emi"iitiiti n, n it onlv in the ftilluwing ensei, Lut u th 'i tvmd ni'ire: M'miuiiY, Jan. Jii'i. Pr. Aver : In th' m t:th of Jnlv laal I wan atincliftl lu ll vinlfiit ilinrilirru in ininci f ('fililoruin. I returned to fan lran.ii)n i in It tpe of n-Tiviii limvlit from a eluunio o elioviie ntul do-t. My diairhaa fi'.itcd, hut w;n f al lowed hy a severer 'inth mid mneh port ners. I finally slnried Pr home, hut received no h! it fit from tlie vojnci. Al y com1i e nit Mined to crow w rre, nnd when I tin ived ill New Voik, I wii nt otiee nnrktl hy my ne(uaint:itieri as n victim of coii'imiprinn. I must c alters thnt I kiw no Htifieit'iit reap n to doubt what my friend nil believed. At Ibis lime I v 'tinmlifad tnkinir ydir truly mvaluuble ineilieine with littc expeetniinn f deriving nnv Iwnefit from it a ii-e. "on wadd n H receive then- lines did 1 n t regard il my duty t'i state to the ntNided. through ynv, Hint Iny health, in tlie space of eiht m ntli, ("nllv re stnred. 1 attribute it to the line of vunr CllKUll Y I'l'.C- TOltAI, Yours truly, w. y-Mi I'll. Washinrtox, Ta , April I a, IMH. Dear mr : reeling that I have tecn spared from a pre mature prnve, through your inKtrunieiitulity by the pr vi-dt-nee of (i n1, 1 will take the libcity to expiewi to you my grnlitude. A Collin nnil the Hinrmiug symptoms nl ;oiiPUinpiion had redneeii me t'Mi low lo lenve me anything like h"pe, when mv physician brought me h bottle of vour 'litno ual." It seemed to niford initnedinte relict1, and now in lew weeks lime has restored me to sound health. If it will do for others K'lint it has done for me, you ure rcr- tainly one of the benefocters of mankind. pineerely wishing you every olessing, I am Very respeetfnllv yours, .IOIIX J. CI.ARKK. H rotor 4 St. Jeter's Church. With such usFiirmiee nud frin such men, ii" stronger privf cun he adduced unless it be from its effect upon mm. Prepared nud ,ohl hf JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, LowclL'Ma$s. Sola in Sunluirv hy H MASSEK, -und hy Drtifrcixttt prnernllv tlirotit'liout the State Miinh 10, 185:.-coow ly..ov. 1352. KRUPP'S Premium Essence of Coffee. Marjrl wnll r-i V17 H will man use that which is injurious lo nis henllli, wi en lie is Winnie to give an i liia M',.ull!, Ir. rnlo.-p it ivlien it IS lost T S'tr.ini-c ! that at least two thirds of the human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to lie injuri ous to tht it hculth. Kriiil' EsM-iicc of Collec is, beyond doubt the best nnd most wholesome preparation of t'oll'ce in the world. Every house keeper stioulil have it. 1 rv It unit tie coitvincetl it will save about CO pet cent, hesidenyour health. W nrrnutcit to rentier entire satisfaction. Manufactuicd and for sale bv ' KLI KRI'PP, 63!) North 3d slrcct Philadclpliio. N. H. All the principal Grocers and I)rusgils have it for sain throughout the I'tiited stales. For sale by the Aqent, II. H. Masser, Sunbury. January 1, 1853. Gin. Psi per I lunging. 1 HIE tindcrsiiincd hnve just opened a fresh and complete stock of WALL PAPEKS, a in on i; wliich are COLD and VELVET, FINE S ATIN, and the LOWEST PRICED UNGLA- 7.ED PAI'lvlIS : Also, HECOKATIUNS, BOUDEUS. FIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS. &c. Are. Which they offer at Ihe lowest prices, both wholesnle and retail, Tlie best workman employed to liana; paper cither in the city or country. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, &e. Wc have also our usual assortment of WRIT ING PAPERS. WRAPPING PAPERS, Blank and Schoil Hooks, Stationary, Arc. PARRISII & HOUGH, No. 1 Noilh Fifth St., 2 doors above Market, PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid for Country rags, riiila., March IS, !H5:l 3m. A CARD. AVING embarked in the Mercantile busi ness on mv own account. I lake this op portunity to thank the ftiends of the late firm, and the public in general for the liberal patronage extended to me heretofore, and would be most happy lo see Ihem at my new business stand, in the house formerly occupied by John Leiseuring, opposite the Hank. MARKS B. PRIESTLEY. Noithuniberland, March 20, 18S3. 3in Wauled to Purchase. OUNTY LAND WAUUANTS-hiphest Cash piicu paid, money remillej ly mail or as directed. Apply or Address P. BEC1IT0LD, Jr., No. R0 North 6 h Plreel Philadelphia, riiila , April 13, IS53 ---41. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUDINCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in . Confectionary of all kinds, Ro, in Sorth Third St. brlow Race, PHILADELPHIA. milE attention of Dealers ia requested to aa J- crimination of their stock, which will be found to be t iust equal to any in tins city. FOREIG N FRUITS of all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by wail of otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, ISA3. Cm. admTnistrator's notice. TVOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- ' ministration on the estate of Isaac Minnicr, sen., late of Lower Augusta township, Norlhum berland county, dee'd, liava been granted by the Ifegister of said county to the undersigned. Therefore all peraens indol'ted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demandl will present them to - . - WM. V. SILVERWOOD, Adin'lor. Lower Augusfa twsp., April 6, 1633. At ' T7T COME ANDSEF Tht New and Splendid assortment of' SPRING AND SUMMER COOPS Juat received and for sale by siuubury Aj. 30, 'M, . L.W.TENEB eV CO. II IIKIIIMiu " rVHERE IS YOUR REMEDY! , Hollow iry's tOintmcnt. ' A MotST MrRACt'I.Ot'S CURE OP BAD LEGS, AFTf.R 43 YEARS' SUFFfcRINO. Extract of a 'Letttf frorn Mr. Wm. Galpin, oj .. 70, St.. Mary'$ Street, Weymouth, . firett May 15fi, 1851. To Professor Iloi.totvAT, ' 1 Sir, At ths age of IH my wifs (wliots now 61) cansht a violent cold, wliich sctiful 111 her legs, and nR since Infhinicit. Her niroiiivs were ilistmcting, and tor nionllis loji tlier she wna diprivcil entirely ol real awl alcep Kverv lemeily thsl mniiral men silvlsecl wss tried, hat without eflrel j her heiilth sinlcrl severely, and the ststs of her l.s win tenil.le. 1 h.i.l nfien nml your Ailver-tisi-lnenls. snd advised her to trv voni fills and Ointinentj snd. na a hist resource, alter every other rstnedy had pro. veil useless, she consented to do so. the coninn nceil sis weeks oro, nnd, slrnnpe to rilnle, is now ill (Th1 henllli. Her l;a lire pninless, willn'itt se:ini or scnr.nnd her sleep sound and undisturbed. Could von hnve witnessed ths iiiierittfrs in niywilo nilrlinr the Inst 4.1 yours, nnil Ciin- o.i.. ni.iii won uer nreseni enjovineiit o lies i. von would imlecd feel delithtfiil in linvins heen ths ithtfnl in luivim heen ths inenna nf xi greiniv Diu'viann; the sullerinpa nl lellow-crestnre. (Hipiicl,) WILLIAM UALPl.V. A I'KHSO.N 70 YKAHSOF AGK Ct'ltKD or A BAD I.KO, tip ail YKAIIS' STAM1INO Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Build er of das Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Hud- dersfidd, dated Mau'Mst, 1851. To Professor Hm.t.oWAT, Sib, I snrfercd fur n period of thirty yc:irs from a bed S3 rrs'ilt of two or ihroe ilill'crent nccitlents nt Oas VVorks) ncconipntncd hy scorlmtie tyinptoms. I hud re course to n vniiety of nieitictil nilviec, without deriving any benefit, nnd wns even told thnt the leg must he ainpu luted, y-t, in uprrisilioii to that opinion, your I'ills ond Oiiituient have effected a complete cure in so short a time, that tew who hud nut witnetsal it would credit the fact! (Pencil) WILLIAM AMIS. The triu I, nf this st.-ilenient enn Iw verified hy Mr. W. P. r.nrtland, Chemist, 13, Market Sliert Iluddersrield. Tl Tilla should lie used conj oinlly with the Ointment mosi , me inui.wii'K etiscs llnd l'ira, C'hieeo.fiMit, liiul llrensts, Chillilniiis, flurna, Cliniped li-nitla, Munious, tennis (Soft) llite of Mosclie- Cnnei'is loes fc S:inil-l''lies, Contnieled nud (Joco-liny, ttilf Joints, fist ii las, liout. (laudular Kvvsllmg, l.ninlMtgo Piles Kheiiinatlem Sculds. Sore-thronls, rtore-hesds, Wounds, tnltantiasis. !ore Nipples, U.Mirvy, 1" leers, Skiil'discusrs, Tmnouis, i mvs A PrtKAPKUL BAD ltnEAPT CI BED IN ONK MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, o Pcnhurst, Kent, dated December 13l. 1850. To Professor IIollowav, Dbar Sis, My who lied suffered fremt Bad Bisnsts for more (linn six months, nud ilnrini; llio whole period had the best inedicsl nttcndiince, Isit nil to no use. Iluving he fore healed mi awful wound ill my own lejr. hy your nil rivalled medicine. 1 Uetcrmiii'id utinin to use your Pills and Oiiiunieut. nnd therefiiru gave tlicui ntriul in her case, and fortunate it wns I did so, for ,n lees than s month a perfect cure was elfectetl, nnd the licuefit that vnrious oth er brunches of my family hnve derived from their use la rently astonishing 1 now alr.inglv reeimmend them to all my friends (Signed) l-'KKD'K TL ItN l'.ll. Kild at the Establishment of Professor llol.t.owsv, 211, Stniud, (near Temple Bur, Ijondon,) nnd by nil respeetnbls Druggists unit Dealt rs in Medicines tlironghoul. the Hritish Kiupire. Ac th se of the t'ntled Suites, in Boxes at ,T7Jc., 7v., nnd 51 6llc. eneh. Wholesnle hy the prjuciinl Drug houses in Ihe I'liion, and by Messrs. A.B. A D. Bands, NevYoik, C7" There is a considerable saving by taking ths larger sizes N. B Directions for the guiilaiics of patients is every disorder nre slfixeit to esrh box. Octolier 23, 1SS3, ly. CARR, OIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Coin in ision IMerchiiuts, 23 niin 25 Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE- RKFEUENCKS. John Clark, Esq., Piesident Citiiens' Hank, Halt. A. P. fiilcs, Ksq., Cashier Franklin Hank, " John Hertzler, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Hoirers, Sinnickson tV Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port .Pe posite. J. Wallower A, Son Hnrrisburg. Ool. H. C. Ever, Selinsgrove. J. II. Apii'& Co., " Nairle, W'iitpnle Ac Co., Milton. ", y. Cooke, Esr., Muney. p ID ,n fsr Scliuvlcr, Eso., C.'corco liodinc, lluirhsville. V. Weaver & Co., Montoursville. (len. William F. Packer, V illisinsport T. W. Lloyd, Usii., Cashier, ' James IL HuliiiR, " Lewis (r. Hiding. " iM'JFenry & Buhb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, Esq., Lock Haven. IS" Carr, Gicse & t'o. have the largest wharf room of any commision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick dcspntch to boats in dischirging their cargoes. March 12, 1803. 6m. C II E A P WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory or G. L. 1ILLEP & CO., S. If. comer Arch and Second Streets PHILADELPHIA . VERY VARIETY OF 8HADEK, Whole sale and Retail, such as (Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Urv Landscaiies. ' are to be hud ut the lowest prices for quiilttv of work. Orders for Gilt, i'lain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed al short notice. .Men-hunts and others arc invited to Rive us a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Brasses, Trimmiiiiis, Ac, always nn hand. Remember P. W. corner SECOND and ARCH Slreets, Philadelphia. . February 12, 18,)3. Cm. 10,(MIO SHINC.LKS A GOOD lot nf G inches white pine Shingles for sale al $10 per M. J. B. MASTER. Sunbury. Jan 1.1 1!). tf 1,000 .Men Wanted. ON Ihc li-c of Ihe Sl Syi EUANNA RAIL ROAD between Br'nlueport (opposite liar- risburg") and Sunbury, in tho Stale of Pennsylva nia. This road is fitly four miles in length' runs through a highlv improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborer for the next twelve months, A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal wages. DOUGHERTY. LAUMAN & CO, Contractors, Fehruary 19, 1853. Laborers Wanted. T11IE subscribers want immediately on the Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, I'nion county, seven miles below Selinsgrove, from 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wh.un one dollar per day will pe paid. 8AYIDGE. W JLVEKTON & CO, Chapman, I'nion County, Feb. 19,1853 tf. JOHN PHliLIPS & SON, No. 47 Sour Water Street, beloie Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. 1MPORERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, Ac, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currant, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nula, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amariuds. Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fir Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, CI wet Wine, Sherry " Muscat Sweet Malaga Philadelphia, July 3, 1853. ly. SUNBURY FERRY. nENRY W. BL'CHEK informe the public that he haa taken the Sunbury Ferry and aa he ia now well prepared with good and auffi dent cralts he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtnesa and despatch. April 10, 1852. tf. "A Penny saved is a Penny Earned". j AIAltPLE S1VL ANK 110 ()K MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Pottsville, Pa. BLANK Books bound and ruled in any and every style, in tlie most durable and sub stantial manner, with or without printed Head. Person in want of Ledgers, Dockets, Dny Douks, Minute Hooks, journals, Letter Hooks, Dlotters, Itcccipt Hooks, ' Coal Ledgers, Ate., Ac., or any kind of Hlnnk Hooks, would do well to Rive me a call as I plrtle myself to give satisf:tc lion. Paper ruled to sny pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to liindiiig all kinds of old Hooks, Uihlcs, Godey'g Lady Hooks, Urulin ill's Mngoziue, Snrtnin's Mur;a.ine, Harper's .Miipzine, Josephus'i works, Hymn TJooks, ( ilrsson's l'ictorinl, Sheet Music, Slinksiicnrc's works, Life ol C'lirist, . Luw Hooks, &c., cVc. Any of tlio nliove Cf rither liooks lintitti in fnll pill, ilnin or fniiey to suit the wishes of customers. I would again cull the attention of nty fiends and customers, to the fuel tliut I Imw heen ft Frnclical Hook Hinder for the last IS yenrs, nntl they can depend on huviiiir their work Juno in the very hest manner, nnd do the work myself; I uso the hest patter fV nmterinl ; j'teuxe give me a call my charges? arc rcusoiiahlc atnl f.tir, hut there is no difficulty about prices wlreic work ia done satis factorily. N. li. Persons having lloos they want Bound can send them by stitc ilit'cclcil to me stntintr, flic the style they vi-li tlii-m hound in : I will do them as low as they can he done nny where, care fully pack them uu and return them ; Also per sons can send orders for Dhiiik Books hy until, which will he jiunctiiully iittendiid lo. All work done ut short notice. n. L. makim.i:. rructical IJook Hinder, roltsville, Nov. fi, 1S3S Om. SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER, &c. TIIF. siileribrrs offer b t'otNjiiv M Mint nts, Tftcu tas and Smoni, CoMMn tkk. one of the best nssnrtrd Sl-K-ksof SCHOOL HOOKS nud STATIONARY to 1 found in the City, which Ihey arc able to I'fliT ui first priced. COUNTRY M KUCHA NTS Will find all Ihc leadiut? Seh'Nl tl'Hiks, AVi Mine and Wrap ping I'apers, Curtain Papers, lihstiug Papers, and all ordi nary Siationnry. Iliank lio.ks, Pen?', Ink. A ,e., on '.he mot favorable teruii. SCHOOL CO.MMITTEKS, Tkaciikrs Axn othkks rrncuiM. in iji-ntitii: f-r Schiils, arc invited to call nnil examine oui stork. AVo have had c nsuh'rable rxperieiK e in snpplx inir SchiH'l 1is tricts, and beiuu Puhhlirrs of a uuinber of cxtensively used S h(Hil HK"ks, our fuciluii for gelling such stek uie unsurpassttl. Atn neHt our Publications will be fnimd the following : Comly's Spelling It-ink, revised edition; Primer; Voiintr Oiator ; Gummere's Surveying, ill" t and red Tieatise oil this Sol cure ; lloiniveai-tle' Meaniuation : Anderson's llavenp irt's II it-ry ot t lie Cniteil Stntes, nsH Hi the PnUir SeJi. vils of New York ami Philadelphia ; Gummere's Pnigiewtive Spelimi lhok: ITondy's firauuner ; lstitm Dietionary; The B.Hik of Con in it; ice. tVe . Ae.. r. PUIAII II I NT SON. 41 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. February C", 1Kj3, 3m. 11nmjii1Ioii of Partnership. rilUC Cnpnrlncrsliin lierrtoloio pxistiiif? mulcr L the nninti of J.mirs 1!. cV Win. IL Hurt, is . Iliiji (lav ilihfMilveil l.v the witlulrawrl of Willinm R. Hart. The business) of the late linn will he J " ... ..... settled by either of the undersigned, ut No. 229, North 3d street. JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM II. 11 ART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. I, IK.V1. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of .luines H. & Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past lavors, they respectfully ask the at tention nf their friends ami the public to their tuck of GROCERIES, which will be full ami extensive, and which tiiey willc!lut the lowest market rates. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS II ART, Philadelphia, Jan. I, S5:i. Js, tt. NEW STO HKN.I A 31 IN J I IWVS Eli ESPECI''Fri.LY informs the. cili.ens of ! I Suiiburv and vicinity, that he h is opened a I new store in the room lately occupied by George j Blight, opposite Bolton's Hotel, lie has just re ; ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer (loods consisting ill part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C'alUorN, GliiRlianis, l.attnsi, IrloiiMNCliiic lc l.alncfi and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCEUIKS of every variety. Also an assortment of Hard tvmt'. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellciit.wssortinciit nf QUEENSWARE, of various stylrs and palli'tns. Also an assortment of IlilOT Si. SHOES. II ATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt. Fisli, tV. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold at the lowest prices. ft?" Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri -es. Suuhury, May 1, 18.2 ly. Tlti:MRNDOf3 ExClTKiftTNT ! ! Casb, Sleani, Kleetricitv ! ! 77te .fiiu miif all other liitcs out done by the I.lglilniiic Line of utA t. ci.i:aii:nt. WHO, having great faith in rapid sales ami small profits, ha just received ami oM?ned a large assortment of SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS. At his Store in Mar.-.ct Street, Sunbury, which he ofl'crs to the public at the lowest price. His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry (aoods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings! JIiistHS, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lai as, Lawns, Ginghams, Perages. Silk Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women ami Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Piaster. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, 4c. QUEEN SWA RE, Ttu Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, (fc LIQUORS, Winr, Brandy, Gin, Bum, Whiskey, &c. tjr Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at Ihe highest market prices. Jan. 15, 1853 ly. liosendale Hydraulic Cement. AN excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring bouses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by . EVI BMITH & SON, - N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad.- - Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1853. ly. ' rLHTICEs' FEE BILLS For sale by 11. B MASfcER. Pwnbury, -if- GJTS500 CHALLENGE. y T r IIATi; ER eonrrni th liealUi and hspuinew of T iwop'e nt ll timen of the inunl vnliuihle iinpir unee. 1 tnlce it for granted tint every pftMi will An nil fci their power, f'Mve the livM of thir ehiklren, lid that every person will endeavor to prim te their own health at nil Mcrifiees. I feci it to he my duty to solemnly anmrc you thnt WOII MS, accord inn to the opinion of the moat oelehratott PhyniciRim, are tho primnry ctmnca of larjfo mnjority of dinennei to which children find flriull are ha bit if you havenn appetite rontinunlly changeable fntm one kind of food to nimther, Hod IlrcHlh, Pain In the Hto innrh. Picking at the iNoe, Ilnnlnepa and Fullneaa of the llelly. Pry Cough, fl w K ver, PuIm 1 rrognlnr remem!er that all then denote WORMS, and you should at once ap ply the remedy : IIOBRNSACK'S WORM SYRUP. i An nrtiele f mndfri 11 pi mi 8rientifie Principle. mmpnniH. fi, with purely vegetable puhalfiiicet., Iwing perieelly safe when tnken, ond enn he given to the mort tendrr infnnl with derided lienefieiid eireet, whre Howl Onnf luiuta and l)irrhrrn hnvo made I hem wenk bikI debiliUiteil the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup nre such, thnt it Btitnds with mt nn eqnnl in Ihe cntnlmrne of medicines, in g ving tout! nnd strength to the Wlonmeh, which makes it nn Infiilliblc remedy for the we nlllicted with Dynpepsia, the iit( in lulling cures performed by this Syrup after Physi cinns hove fniieil, is the licit evidence of' its superior effi cacy ovet all others. THE TAPE WORM! This is tlie most Hifficiilt Worm to ilsstmy of sll (lint in fest llts. human svstrtn. it bthws to an almost liiilrtinite icimlli hcoiiiiiinr S'ictiilcu nnil tiistcnril in the Intestinrs ami St.tniarh effecting- Ihc health so satllv lis to ennse St. Vitus Dnncn. Kits. Ac . that those nllliiicrl si ltl an if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening tin-in to nn early o-rnve. Inorilcr tit ui strov litis iinii, a very cncrirctic treatment must he pursuer), It would therefore lie proper to take 0 to H ol my J.iver rills suns l.i rclllovcaii t.nsrruc ti'ins, thnt the Wot 111 Syrup may art direct upon lltfi Witiitt, which must In! taken in doses nl il TiihlcSiiiliills 3 limes n iluy Ihese ilireiitinns fitllnwwl have in-ver licen known to fail in curing the most ohstinnte case of Tnjic Worm. KT-JIOBENSAC'K'S LIVER TILLS. o part of the svslem is more liable to direafte linn the I.IVKK, il serving as a lilterer to purify the bl nhI, ur giv ing the proper secretion to the bile ; so ihnt any wnaig ae lioti of the Isiver elfeels the oilier imi.nrii nt parts of the Fvnt'-m, nnd ri'u!:s vari.msly, in I. iver CoinpUhit, Jaun dice. Dyspepsia, Ve. We ahMild. therefore, watch every sviii.t"'in that miht indicate a wrouc net ion of ihe I .iver. These Pills being eomp"seil of HOOTS k PLANTS fur uiiilied bv uattiiu Lo hc.-il I he nick : Namely. lt. All EX- Pi;("FOItANT. wliich nugmenis the secret ion from the Puhuomrv mucus un uibraiie, or promotes Ihe dischnrge tf fteeieted matter. nd. An ALTKHATIVK, which eliaimcs in sane inexplicable and insensible rummer the certain m-'ihtd netioii .f the system. 3rd. A TONIC which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, re newing heihh nn l vigr to nil p:ir'"i'f the Udy. 4th, A CATUAKTIC, whu h oels in perfect Iiarmony wi!1' the other ingredient F, nutl operating on the Jl -wcls. and cxel- i iltrzine wii 'i. mnns 01 e irmpi ami vitiated tn:iti7T, nnd pu rii'vini the lil k.h', whtvli destroys diitstw and restores lienlih. TO FEMALKS. Ym will fiiul these Pills nn invnlnnble metlietne in many complaint lo which yon nre subject, lu obstructions ei ther total 01 partial, Ihey have been found of ineatimable benefit, restoring their fmietiiaial irrnugeinents to n heal thy aeti"ii. purifying the bl'Kid mid other liuids so ctTectu nl!y to put to flight nil complaints whieh may urine from female irretrularities, us lienih.ehe, tjuldiucsF, ditnncss of sight, pnm in the side, Ijaek, Ac. 7" Price, 25 cpiiIs each. None en mine unles signed J . N. Iloheusnt-k, alt others iH'in? lMife Imitation. IV" Agents wishing new supplies, and Ptoie Keepers desirous of lH;c"Uiiiii; Agents tiuit ud lrens the Prupriclor, J. N. llobensnek, Philadelphia. Pn. iMd by J. W. Friliug. Sunbury; Man- MeCny, Nor lliuinli:rlaiid ; Heitcl, Tuibntville; lliier. Millon'j Dilty V Leaker, tic TL't'tovvn j 1-eisenring V Wolverton. Paxi tis; Wiest, Iliektry; ull dealers in Medicine in tlie Count v nnd State. August II, W 1y. Van Loan Daguerrcan (lallcry, 159 Chestnut Street. A1 T this eelebnited estaiilislunrnt von enn always pro cure the newest nud most improved styles of DACil KHHKOTVPi: At TAl.UOTVPK rORTHAITS 1 !'1 ,0 lo I,MI H'r rl- LKi C(,sT such pictmcs can1 lie Ii:kI lor i sew ii'fc Now thnt vmi cun st'ciue snpli perfect portraits of vonr l.ivctl im,;s at a mt-rc ii'iiiiiiisl cost, d art cluluy lest you I'isp them. I'very vrtt icly of ftnu-v e.."cs, frames. Ac, on tintiil or ftiriiistiod to t.nliT. nnil every picture niatlc stttistory nnil wairaiitetl t-t Is? in tltc li.-sl style of the ait or no chasqe Call anil sec usnlJOU I'lu-smut st. i.. h. rrn.NKLL PliilmMMih. July IT, 1S7 ly. The sTohustoM Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED Klli If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscrilicr begs leave respectfully to in form I'u i N i generally. Unit he has suc ceeded to ihc Business of manufacturing l'ritil i'wjt In, formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to Ihe trade, without any Pt rts, but with the simple reliance i upon the I. nig established chaiacter it lias borne, feeling confident of ils giving entire sali.-f.iction In oil who inav favor him with a call. Tunis Cash. CHARLES ENEL' JOHNSTON. April 10, 1 8.12. if. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams 5 llendrv, Store, So. 20 .Yor 3 Street., rmi.APKi.riiiA. lOROC't.'0 Manufacturers, Curriers, Import crs, Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. "i?" Manufactory 15 Margnretta Street. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. EYRE & LANDELL, 4th and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for spring sales A. Fine Slock of J)rv (loods, Black nnd Colored Silks, Fashionable Shawls, New designs of Dress Goods, British, French and India Goods, Linen llainaxk and r'urniidiiug Goods, ' A Full stock of American Cotton and Woolen Goods, N. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Lry Goods at low rnit LS rta met essii. February 12, 1853. 3m. LIST OF CAUSES OI Special Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to he held on the 4th Monday of May, A. D., 153. Frederick Keener vs Wm. Ayres Peter Pursel vs Jacob Hiiiler James Graham et al vs Hugh Bellas et al Piatt oc Piatt vs Henry Masser Com'th for Wm L Hcincman vsT A Billington Louis Alex. Napoleon l)u pasquicr et. al. PuU-rr Bosquet same vs Pierre Odier et. al. E John for W Camp vs Wolverton 4 Leisenr'g Eyster for Weaver vs Eb'er Greenough ex' Joanna Peiuleville vs A E Kapp M Ineneut Co,0kin -Uam Paul Sarah L Keen vs Abraham Brosious Same va Samuel Savidga Coni'wealth for S. D. va T, A. Billington & Jordan bail Henry Dotinel et al vs Hugh Bellas Rubett Philips vs Zcrby Run and Shamokin Improvement Company JAMES BEARD, Proth'y 1 roiiiunotary s vjince, Sunbury, March 5, 1S52 I l'KOCI.AMATlON. OTICE ia hereby piven ' C'uurt of Ciimmnu Pltm: thai a Special in and fur ihe County of Noithuniberland, lo commence at the Court House, in ihe borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday Ihe 23d day of May ntM. and will continue ONE WEEK. ' Jurora are requested lo be punctual in their attendance, at Ibe time appointed agreeable to their notices. Giren under my hand at Sunbury, the 26th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiyht hundred and fifly-three and the Independence of the United Slates of America the 77th. ' WILLIAM B. KIPP, RheritT. . God save Ihe Commonwealth. . BOOKS ! BOOKS ! I i Jl'ST RECEIVED and for aale a new edition . of PIKES ARITHMETIC i ALSO, a lanr assortment of Blank Books. ; t.i .-i. WM. McCARTV, Itookeeller. ! atsmbsiry, Dec. 4, l5i.-tl DOC TOP.. TOTIPwaEia1 .. roil sjcE.vrs. . IJY MEANS OF TTB JJ POCKET SCfBA PILS, or Every. on. hi. own Physician ! Tatari sixth edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vinga, allowing private din--ease in every shape and' form, and malformation! of the generative system, Ity lr Wni.Vounr, i he time has st ved, that persons suffering from secret diseases need no more become the victim or aotcaiaT' as by the prescriptions contained in this book' any one may euro himself without hindrance te business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routino of private disease it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not bf proper to enumerate in the public prints. t ST Any person sending TWENTY-FlYX-CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will lie sent for one dollar. Address. Da. W. YOlj'IXGv No. 1.18 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA," Post paid. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Diseases described in his different publica tions, at his Office, 152 Spruoe Street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1852. ly. E YRE t5c L A NDELL, i th nnd Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAVE established a Store where the best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, ' French Fancy Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts', Cloths, Cassimers and Vcstinpf, Muslins and Linens by the piece, Damask Table Linens and Napkins', tuU-A Black rot D's, Full Stock of Mourning Gootf E. & L. are constantly receiving Bargains from the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nott Cash. Kdu-aru E. Evue, Washington I. Landhli., Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. THE (REtT I'lllZE MEDAL. AR IlIVLI HXCXXEX1 & TULL, No. 143 Chestuul St., above Sixth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. fJSjTj TT A VE just received their Prize fetlLH Medal, awarded to thrm for Wi Villi their best Travelling Trunks ei hihited at the World's Fair in Loudon, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was madi Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISE?, BAGS, &c. ' To he found in this Citv, and at very low prices' Call and see. H ICKEY & TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 1858. tf. so wKii uTiTnes, Publishers and Uooksellers, No. Rl North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. TliMtn, PruytMs, Hymn, Poetical and Historical Work, TrnAdi, Novels, Vc, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS. Kvery kind in use from n primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An ctriraiit assortment from the pass book upwards mutle of superior MipiT. nnd best oT liliitling. WIUTIXG I'APEUiS. Cup, Pt-it, and Note Pupers, elegant styles and qnalilf, nnd very cheap. STATIONERY. Ftificy, Plain itiitl Atllicsive KnvHispi-s, Ink, Suntt, Wa fers, Steel Pens, Siulen, Prneilf, Prie-M'tnaie, Wrap nim Paprrc of nil kindi, Curtain Pit pen, Ac, Ac. i ur stuck is nil fresh, l.'MijrM ehenp nnd Bt'ld aeeoriiing y . Purtifiilnr uttentiiin tmid to. Hunksellers, CViuulry Aicr cliuuts uiitl Teuehers, liuwever liltlc they limy lnjy. S.iwcr k ll.iines ure Puhlihers of PKLTON'S sciics 'f MAGMK1CKNT OUTKINE MAPS Ka.h map is n.nrly tKVFaN TV.V.T PHjrAllE, and shows lite c'liipur.itive ftze nud relative poMtioti of c'enr country mi the fil-Ui. '1'iiry nre intended to le suspendril in every bcliotil Koom, nud not only make a splendid p-, lint nre iiuiversnllv aknowlnlerd to be the HIISP MODK OF TKACHINU .i:ot.KAriIY eve Imnirlit nut. They nre keys intended tone used hy the scholars, enntnininj: nconiplrte epitome of Genpraphy, and eostiui; csn than hit If the price of u t.eoKrnphy find Atlas The BVetrm ia in use in Pruimin und lerinan( and has ulready lxen iutroducctt in Uirard College, Phila delphia, the public schools of Hostm, New York, Phila delphin, Itnltimore, Wnisliiiigtoii, nnd throughout New Knulnnd, New Vrk, Ae, Ae. Our desks are loaded with recommendations from the most tulriitt-d and aeten title teucht-rs in every u mirier, and wlu-rever the system h:is Iscun used paicnts, tuuehers and scholar unite iuri' ing it. 1. Mnpof the Western Hrminj there. 2. Mnp of the Knsteru Ileiuiaphere. ;l. Mnp of North America. 4. Map of the Tinted Sutea, ft. Map of Iurnp?, . Mnp nf Asi.1. 7. Mup of H.uth America nnd Africa. Kvery ump ib hrilliautly colored, vrlruiihed, and moo nt ed on muslin nnd rollers. We respect fully invite the enrneal titteutioji of Teachers) Purenta, nml ScIkhiI Directors to this lasctuating nioda o. teaching Getigruphy. SOWKlt A UAKNF.S, North Third Street. Pliiliidelphiii, Aua;. 2fa, lSVi. tf. "JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF TIIE FINEST Italian and Amehican Mahbi.k. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. OESPECTFIT.LV inform the pulilic that sli work in his line will be made up of the very hest material anil finished in the latest stleo Ihe Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well mads sue executed in the best style and at the lowest rates will do well to-call anil examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1853 ly. Cheap Wutclics Jewelry, "TiniOLESAI.E and Retail, at the "Philsdel ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. tl North SecondStrect, corner of tuarn-, PhilsJel phia. Gold lver Watches, full jswelrd, IS carat eases, f JS, Silver do. full jeweled, (1! tfilver Lenine, jewels, 10 do do do. 9 ftunclior (Jiiartiera. t Onld tpeeUcles, 7.01 Fine filter do. 1.6 Ool Hrncrlets. 3.X ladies' OoM Pencils, I.e itiiitiitioa do. s. wiver rest Sooiis, sc., o.u. Gold Tesis, with Pf noil anil Silver Holder, l.1" Gold Finircr Rings, 37, cents to S0 i W'atcl Glasses, plain, 13 centa; Patent. ljt Lunet 25; other articles in proportion. AM ?! war ranted to be what thev ate lJ STAlTI EIt & HARI.EV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers ant Lepines, still lower than the above prices. August 28, 1852. ly. WATCHES, JEWELEY, &c. JAMKS . F 1 1) L K K , No. 12 Sottth Second Stree', PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watchea full jewelled Silver Ltver do fcilver I.epine do " Quartier do , . . . Gold pens and pencil and silver haWera Silver Tes and Table Ppooni i . Bracelets, Breast pins Ear ring e . All warranted shJ sold at prices as low as srj in the city. November 27. 1852. tf. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blanl Mortgages, Bonds, Elocutions, 8uuiob Ae., for aale by IL MASSfcB. unbar AM 2. 15I