Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 14, 1853, Image 4

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    SUNBU11Y AMK111C41N ' AN 1) ;S1 1 AM0K1N 30U11NAL.
i -Answer lo lust weeks pnitzlo. A' form of
A Ntw
HI .SU ! ltd A CI)., icsj cctl'uMv announce
v totlic inhabitants nf Norlliiinil eil.inil county
and the public in general, lh;it llioy have tom-
rnt-nccd a htnv Clolhinj Store In Silnlrtirv Pa..
opposite tho Post. UHicr, adjoining Mr. Stroll's
saddler shop in Market Street. They urn just
rpcntng I spienilul assortment ol lasliionable
' Spring and Summer Clothing.
' Consisting in part of
l.lolhs, Cassimers, Sulinelt,' Linens, Checked
" - and l'ancy Cloth Punts and Coals
, - - ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Snlin ami olhrr
f cstn. .
' Of all Kinds of Hnln nnil Cup, Shirt mill
Collar and Gentlemen' furnishine;
... Goods in general.
All of which will ho Rold cheaper than cheap
Rl IIIO lOWCSl casll pllCC.
Tlie public, may rest assured nil Clothing
they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of
the firm is a practical tailor anil our whole Stock
of Clothing in made up ly ourselves. Our adhi
ring to the cash principle and our extended ac
quaintance omong New Vork niul Itiiladvlphiu
. Importer of Cloth enables us to coll very c heap.
Call ami Sec. ; .No chiirjTC lor'nt our Goods.
Our Assortment is ahvay i kept up as wo arc
constantly getting fieh supplies.
Sunbury, May 7. I. -.";.
lAst of Jurors,
OF XorlliiimbiH
1853. Spt-ci
nil ('(itiui), for
i Com I.
May T.,
Sl'nburv John I.joiin, Thomas
Henj. P. Du lil, I'. It .Massrr.
Mii.ton John Puivel, William Heinen
Timothy Miller, A brum. Sliaub.
Dklaware David Aunusl, Amos S
Tea but Joseph Polder, Unbelt Mack.
Cllti.lsQtAufE lVti-r Vuras, John Fieder
ick, John Reckley, sen., An. Hew Killer.
Point Henry Morgan, Adam Vanillins.
MlHi James Kckman, Jesse Weaver, Jus.
i- Siiamokin David Kelly, James Yortim.
Upper Avgcsta Homy Punif, Isaac
Lower Augi-sta Wallet Specce, Dennis
Volverlon, Jacob Sliipmaii, Solomon Mil
ler. Upper Mahosov Jaeob Slrasser, sen.
Little Maiionov Israel Piinkflbercr.
Coai. Alexander Caldwell, Joseph Sny
dor. Jordan Samuel Wicst.
Cameron Henj. F. Klock.
MnllE lime and pl.uc for holding appeals by
A the Commissioner ill the several townships
and borough in the County of .Northumberland
for tho year IS.'.:), to w it :
May 2, ut the House of P. Fryer, Low. Mahanoy,
May 3, " " Klias Klingcr, Jordan.
May 4, " " Geo. Smith, Jacksou.
May 5, " . ' Pi ter Hcisc), I p. Mahanov.
May 0, " " IVter Wi-ikcl, CHineroii.
May 7, " " Wid. Raker, Lit. Mahanoy.
May 9, " " Henry Weaver, Zcrhc.
May 10, " " Jacob Mmvry, Coal.
May 11, " ' C. Lriseuriiifj, b'lianioKin.
May 12, "x School House, in Hush.
May 111, " " Klias F.incrich, L. Augusta.
May 11 " Commissioners oliice Sunhiiry and
I'pper A luiusla.
May Ifi " House of If. lUas for N'orth'd and
May 17 " " U. Tordsman, Ciilisipjapie.
.May 1H " " .Mrs. Strieker, Milton.
May 10 " " Ab'm. Kis.-inger, 'I'liibul.
May i!0 " " Iiiuic Header, Lewis.
May a I " " 11. J. Keuiler, Delaware.
Com'tisrs. Oliii'P, )
Sunbury, April Hi, IS.' 3. J
('HAS. V V,. V I'.li, Com'srs.
12,000 (Jirtsibr tlie lV-oole.
Kxtiaordiiiary Inducemeiils
M'O wilitfEH the in -i Mir '!" Iln P:ml .r:o;ri ul' lli
X cul;a.n vovaou
N.iw rxliibilnl by .InslAll l'i:iilAM, Hi
I'n..nji .r
Ol tlie !cvrll lilf .M JIT' ir.
Mr. 1'KltllAM t,(.'M kavct'i priipose ilii-lriUiiliiig l IIih
ritit.tisor l'loluiJi.'ltiliiii, lt;iltiuiire, Nuw '.ak, unit Diu
Siljoijliiig plart'H. u ntinilirr nl'
t inf-lihlimrtti"
Now tlruwiaij ci.iw.l.-il li'Mift-p nt Ur
tht eshibiti'Mi of which ha. resiistnl lo ..wihts williiu
tlio last lliree years, u clrar ia i-J.ISI0. Sutita'artttry
Crnof of this cuii he i.UamcJ al the i lluc ol lh Aucuibly
IV The plan upon wlti,-)i U i prnp.,..:,! i., i.rt-iieiit
fi0OU woilh ef i-. hv Ih,- site i.
li.uu Ticia.Trt
ONT. Df'l.l.Ml KAl II
sncli lirVet u ndmit I'Ot It IN ri in. In llir !'nnor:itiin :,l
any rihihiliciu -w the h miu- in n-.t full, Hum pivui( ,,
each purrhnnr llie i.UTn iif his Munkv. l-m.lca Mllon1.
ing li ii n an opp Ttuuilj to nbuiii nug nf Hit l.ill.iwinii uiti I'Mvirama, - vuHifil ut
fuui". ....
(tnlil Wairli, li
3 tinltl Vlltc:.'S. ...
in sels Silver Trti Spunus,
ill i"l.l I'ens in S i e.i. h, - tt'Sl
(M0 (inl.1 IVm li., ul f tsteli. I. Mil
ll.H.'lt ?1.:.'l l.iipra iinTK. nt iTiiti., - ii.:VI
ACAIII) A. nalu I hv .Mr. IVrluuil. the iiii.rikl!.:
Sfl(iriwl';ilia Ih.n Hi.,-Iiriv.-e .iiHi'iiteil l i act ns a t'mn
iinileo tu teal up I-.' 'im lor tlie l'J,iK)U gifts abavc
Tiiesj nr.lcrs. v-Ikmi C ! li-il, sluitlull nr.:spnt .r.-.-ip. ty tni'
the sin.e nppeaiauct.' in rlinpi", i"l -r null Uilk. They i-!i..'l
then be sci-un ly Ft'.il-l up iu Itf im1 hull iincl -pi-i-, ull nl
the mtl p. rfi-rt nil irily, tiu-li i f w hli-h. us s i ai us tr:iU
e.1, slnll he tlejKitit . in a m-ciirr Ims, wifliu B.nk" i eu
illft, largo ea 'll'l' ..v tnuilunt kltrs The h x will 1I1.MI
be s i ailaleil us I" inutile a pi-rlYrtly uuilutuii:inlialile
mscs ul' uuv.'Inpi'S 'i'tn- ti"X i-h ill I linn lii- pri-wiilt-il hv iix
tn Mr. JA.MKS II. 1' AUI.AM), who will ml have born
present nl the ccrrui aiy.
Mr. Farraint will thru'tiw-'U op. u tlnr ln-x, nnil hnilnvb
ntely ennmeuee imliHi-rlniinHl.- il.-liv.-ry u' llu 1-2 ihio env.:
Inpes "lie envelil- l"f every cue. k baiTeuih-riil
A. S'KHi us the lt2,IXI, tiL-kru uiunli ini-.l in llu ail vei l itr
nieut ure s 'Ul, the pul'lie u ill Ik n-aificit wlicu und where
the nb ive prnjn.t will lieexii-ule.!.
iimrge V. IJi-wey, 111 Ciualnut St., Pis?. An 1 ni ai.
I'. D. II llu-haiils, i;.Whi'Miuit nl , HaKii.'1-r.'i.ivpirt.
F. A. Ilnyt, .Meiibant Tailor, c nucr Tenth unci l.'lunl
lilt sticets.
Thnnuis A. Filzcr.ilil. Piopru-I' r Cay luin. .
Villi;mi II. Sii'ki lf. I'r j ru-l"! I fully Iti iiitur.
lames S. "'. rropru tnr l:uly 11111.
I. A. i'rejiiir, l'ri.i"i'.'il Huith I', isl liruinmcr Si-h-ml.
Of.lel. for lu-keU by luuii, U'lJic-S'il In J reiluni As
emhlv Ituil'tin, will in- pmni,-!ly ult.-inVd In.
Tu-itets fur s-ile ut Ihe Aasi'inlilv IIiiiLIiiii;'.. I'roin S A. M.
to HIP. M. Also I'm sale lit llie (iuar.1 llniuv, S'nliiup
ton ll'iuae, Jones' "tel, AuliTlran lloul.., t 'ulleil States
Hotel, t-'iniikliu H "use, Mi-ri-h inl-i' ll 'tel. I in "n II 'use,
tst other tl.iteli. nnil at ihe praiciiial .Iiu.i. Mor.s
MMi.ui at uml ; ..Vl.Kk.
Suisle Tu-kels. us 11. mil. 'i'. cents. C ililreu liulf-prire.
I'll. la , April a. l.iOa It.
Hobby Horses, Children' Propellors,
t' Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &o. ;
Manufactured wholesale and retail by
So. 61 DUCK Street,
- Orders through the mail promptly executed
Phih., April il, 135.'. ly.
Incipient Consumption
Scnrfnhti (lencnti f)dUihi, White Swtlting.
lhfmmtthsin) )i$rtm;i j the Liver and
Shint vtid t il )i8tu&tt arising from
Jntpifittm of thr liiM and the
fcflt U of AJa iunj, '
SW MM : IMNACKA In Uw bit nmre thmi Ihlrly
)r;iiM- .!.r:iUi in Utm v -utvrv uitd in IJuriMw fitr iu
fxlm-'fi'ifriirv iMirr f'ii tin; i-cithlr.ilcBnf wliHlirrlrrrnce
Ik innO'.' i-t iho ilinrtinn! tmtt (which nwiy m hnd
tn'inm) iii'i'iniiiiij inir iitv I'mutroM. bnne of which pivo
tin puiiictilins nf ciiKrri tMi I hfihll'ul I'cr ttntcnilpul'lii'uiioiif
wlrfi't !hc :itirui hnd ttfpii nltti'tftt r;itt.niip willi Scivfulu,
mto ivrrc net nictj mritrniUf uy riiviii'UniP.
In Iili?" Itct'ii nstf.l in lu.iiiul.i uml private jirurtiri', oml
Ins li;ul Oiv iiiiitril' lurtiim; n :UU rw nnnieml il li) ',e
iinwt ci-MHiitcd yh n'H inwn uml mluT eminent pru.
Aitionjr nihi-rii lv '
W. mi, M. 1., Vr tf. f Smgcry, Va. 1'iiivcrsitr.
V:i!r!i:ii.i! M Ht.iM. )., pmC. (,' rnrg.( N.Y.l'niver
Hv.. . .
V. T Di'Wi'i'C M. P . IW. v( Mnl., IV. rnivptnily.
N. MnpiLiiT. .M. PnH'. "I i'liM'ic, i'n I'liivnuiiy.
T. iVirkr. M. P., I'n s't CulUnu ( VU firuinf, 1'IiiIh.
Pr. P' l VjiII i, I'r M. iIic ihp, Il. vunt.
J st- K nmjir.- ili I, nz. r f rnri ry, IJfIm'ii.
J. rl.ii'iiiiiM. .MchiIhT It ty:tl IVllrur iirgeoii?, Iwulu:t.
i. W. I '.rv ii "jr, l:tti- Mmifin luSptiin.
Sir 'I'liniu I'i-iiik in, A I : i f . Ucn. Itri'if li Army.
(iilV'M U.'l'-il-vii, MrHisli C"iiml. Ac. Ac.
Ami nl l!n w mliTi'iil currs circcinl l-y Swniin'n Tun
iH'Cii Invi' t" -r many w-imb imultr it nn invnlu.ihle rr-uii'iU'.
i lii r.iiKn-cu l mm iiit rMi1iuit iniTiMiry in liny I'mui, nnil
I'fini.' mi mii'irmt jirroiiriitMni it muy lv. given to tlio
i in si li iuI'T inl'rmt.
'J in; n l.-iil prirr lins lrm rnltu'itt to fl .V prr Ir'ltle,
((''tllUliilliig lli: re hull pi til p) nf llmc hl!iei (or
Ill.n .ltli Ul I.MI'CM !
Pwniin'ft l';ui!ri :i is in p'tin-l l.!:Iicf Hutnl 1'im'itmli
Miilly. wild ili.- I'"ll vin h llcrc 1.1 wn n tin ul;ifs ;
'SWAIM'f--I'.WACKA rilll.AlA.'
uml li:i inij (lie iiminM-1' ,I,i Swaim Ptninpd on th!
my; v, uml wriiii-ti in tin- laln-l v iv.cnti'i I lie o rli, uml u
! ftpli'ti'lut ntrrri vijiLr t'nr ihr fitlr t'l' Ihi lMittk. r -uip wl "I
iL'r.Hiiritic l:itln' W 'i k, r niiiriii! tiint' tliflWnit tlirp,
w lurli h:i v In -fii ttirtit-it l'i ihf exclusive urn ol tin pro-prii-i-T.
hy Pni-r f., kink ii"ti- t iiltmv.t, of Tbiln-
il- Iplii i. In I he c'-ntrc i a n art ol" t)i lute Wm. SwniiR
i C p f -t hi fcciirr.l.
A Viiln;i1.!c V'tmiity Arilictnc, li. inp n hii;lil' nppTvcd
r.' I n nil ilisr:ifi-i" aiifin I'roiti il.-hility til" 1 h diirrfi
, ttif iirji itiM. sin h n Woi mi, tMtnliTii Morliiis, Uyeiiirtry'
I Vt-vi-r tin. I A'juf. Hl.'i'iliiif; l'llrn, Si-k llciulnclio, At., ftn.
Sc ihr IViinphl.'t (wliith liny be luul tfrutii) nccuuififjiiy
, in tin VtTuii'iijfi.
I' only tit SWAlM'l T.A IKU A TOR V, Tl I M
1 OMI S I'.WP, Scvi nlli lncl, Ih I.iw 'licshmt, rlnlmlel
1 pln;t, nml M ly nil I lie rcnpcluljlc PniyidU in tlio I'ni
Ui! Statin.
i r.t:Tio to Tin; rrnurr
' IVrmniB wishing ohlniii Ihc in'iuiine SWAlM'ft PAN
j ACK.V mnl SWAIM'i VKltAUFftiK. ulumkl bo iMrfiul
! to obm-i ve lliat I lie immo
' in sprll.-.l p rrrr'ly on the ImUU-k nml laU-K. or llny mny
itiiivff.l "ii liv inflimicw luiiof in iiiiiiihkm n- v.
n prison bciu'iii? a nomcwh-it imiLir n:nu
. well c:ileul:iU'it
; l,M m-:M-;RAi. agents for the i
Si liiefrelin, nrolhtTs & Co.,
lot a ml 1IM1 J oil o St.. New Vork.
l'hil.i.!H'liiii, April tl, -Jul
IHoup and Feed Store.
PB'Mll'' auliscriber respeetfully informs his
J- friends and the public generally, lluit he lias
opened n
i in Pawn street, in the buiMiiu; f.irnierlv occupied
j bj Ksi. Bower, ns his olliee, where he will con
Ktanllv keep on ham) nil kinds of (in UN. Ploi h
ami Pkkii, at the lowest market prices, for Cash
or produce.
ftinlmry, Man li 5, ISo3. Hm
' Jlolel Fop Sale.
are til'""i.fil to oiliT for sule a superior
irrond cl.iss Holrl. t'Piitrully locnlcd in a
UuBiucss part of the city of riiilmlclpliiu, coin
nnttiriing, nt llii-i tinu, n largo Initio from lYnn
fiylvaiiia. Dclawiirc nnd low Jornry.
Tlio House rotfttiiiiR One IfutnircJ nml ten
Kootns, nud in rapalilc of accommodating One
Uuiiiirrd ami Kilty jicrmjutJ,
The Gentlemen's Parlor, Rending room
Bar rooms and Office, are on Ihe first
Tho House hrts been revrittry (liorougltly reno
vated, and in part newly furnished, and in fitted
up in tho inoKt rnterl tnuniier. The fiirniture
will he sold with the I.kahi:, whitli has over two
yearn to run, at a vkhi low hknt with llie
privilege of renewing for fi" yenra longer at the
same rent. The central location of thiti Hotel
heing in tlio immediate iciuity of Dunine nnd
places of amusement, inake it nn opportunity
seldom to he met with. It w ill he sold cheap,
and on ui-couiodatiurj; Ti un. Tor Anther purlieu
lars npply personally or hy I.ettkr I'osr Paih
lit the Krai Klate and (ienrral agency olfiee, No.
8'J south liflli htirct, riiiLidel))iia.
J'hila., Match 1S5:J. tf.
O'PICK is lu-ri'liy Rivrn that l. lt.'rs ..f A.l
Ininistrutioii on I lie istato ul" Miniiii-r,
son., late ul'l.uwrr Augusta tuwnshiji, Noitliiiiu
liorlaiul enmity, ili e'd, huvc laeii granteil ly tlio
Hi-ielcr of saiil county to tlie umlersiirnrtl.
Therefore all iktsdiih iiuli'l'leil to said estate will
ilisi harm- the sunic, an J those having Jfiuaiiils
will in-sent them to
WM. V. SlI.VEHWOOn, A.lurtor.
Lower Anyusta twsp., April C, 1853. fit
A rlakcsmith Wnnteil. I
JnCIINEVMAX llhuksinith is wmiled
iiuineilialely hv the suhsvliher, to whom
kleuily emphiyineiit and giwd wanes will lie
f'unhury, Manh in, lR5n. ll. j
I'ltlll TV & ISAItnUTT'S j
Agricultural Wnrtliousc and Sttd More, j
j So. l'Jli Murht Street,
I SIKOITY rVMKAKh'' l'atent f-V.r-!-liur.eii. '
, in-,' Ploughs nf ull, li-hl and left hand
ed Suksuil, 11,11 a,ul DnuI'le-.Moul I, Ae.,
j with (Steel Kxteudiinr Points, llar-JShare, Ueaeli
I and other kinds of Castinfis f,,r ie),iirii.n'. 'I'he
; l'lr.rer.-r nf Pussia awarded for the shove
j Plotmbs, a innssivu (iold ,Medal. vulmtl SJilHlO.
! Also the UA'EAT MEDA1. ut the World's Pair
, was awarded 1'. iV M. Plough, No. 40. Culti
vators Willi iliiulile-l'iiuit Pnlthhed ISteel Teeth,
whii-h can he lever, ed, thus Kettiiij? Uouhlo W ear
of the Ciuniuou '1'ielli. Also, cultivatur of all
kinds Willi Meet Teeth.
r-iain h Atinospliriic t om Planters
C liiirns, 1 uriiin Diills, SI to SR.
Cum JSheliers, improved (.rant's Putcut pan
l.l'uls, .Mills,
Hay and Straw Cutters, Ciardcu Purines,
Hand Com Mills, Wheal Drills,
Corn and Coh Crushers, Horse Powers and
(!rdd s Improved liar- Thrashers,
Mowing and Keaiiiiiii
Kniarc nnd A Harrows,
llorsc I!ake-,
Chain Pumps,
(iriiulstniu s, leadv Iiiuic. Cuttle Tics.
Dirt Ser.i eis, Hull Pings,
A ;;i ieult ui'ul PurinuTS, Pulert Iron Hnalhs,
On Voles and Hows, Gruhhiiic; Hoes,
porks for uuloudiug hay, Truuslautin Trowels,
Man Hay Kakrs, . . Hay & Mauuro D'orLav,
Dow I'iiis, Miovels nud Spades,
Apple Purer, fiardeii A; Pield Hoes,
() s, (.urilen Kukri 111 varu'lv
Mole Trnps Chihheu's Tools,
Pruning Hooks A CM- IJarlinir Peylhes,
sels, iSuaths, with Patent
ts.ivvs end Scissors, paslcnilis,
Iron ell Curbs, and Potaloe Hooks,
Zine tubing for Chain
Also, llorticutturat Tools (of every ileserip-
linn,) Garden and. (iioss seeds, for sale at the
lowest ptiie, at Wholesale and Pa-tail,
l'Uila. April 10, .1853. 8iu.
Gentlemen' Fashionable
So. 23LCAimf, TAtrtifoor below Eighth st
. '. . . Philadelphia. -
HAS on hand a full atock of French and
English Piece flood, which will be made
to order at the Shortest Notice, in the Latest
style, FIIK CASH.
Phila., piil U, IH3:1. Cm.
- For I he Cur f
COUGHS, ooi.s,v '
dniTis, CROUP, ASTH.
Of uil the innnfriMMi inetliHue cxtntit, (mid nne of
them viihiaWc) li;r tin cure i f pulinoiwuy eoiiii'lituin, n
thing liar, ever been 1'onnil which d ul l t't'inpare in il p tf
iVcin wiih this Prrpi-nitiou. tMhetn cure tncttuit', hut
at nil tiuii-ff nml m nil iliscnficN i f llm Uvn mid thr. ut
wheto tiifilifine run nivu relit-i', thia will tlo it. It i
ph uFant to t:iki, unit pi iiVdly p ile in iieeunlntici! with the
ilireeli' n. We il.i tint lulvertiw I -r Ihe inforinulion of
llioee wlinliavc trinl it but tli"fiiwhn liuve iiot. t'oiiulii
tint have km-wi) ilHV i!ut will n -l If wiih ul it tunl by
il timely iif-f, thry nn fernre I r-in tho ilatiueroun iiiie
qiii'iuK nf tiiiL'lia mnl lils hii li ucglccitti, tivu into
futal r 'csnmptt n.
The Pcpl una of llu it iniwltf" Ihf! ituti wan nwanl
nl 1 1 this prcparim:!! bv ihi; II nnt of .ludnfr' in SoplciobiT
iH47 ; tils . Hie Meilaln'i f the (hree urrjit hiwiliiti otAit,
in (bis v m nt tv ; tils i tho tr t. f i.a I the Ohio limlilillt nl
t'nu-iuimti, littn been ijivni t-i 1h" Ciikkhv l'u:roBii., by
ili ir (iuvermiifiit in iisi(lTail ii of its -irii nbiiiu v
fXci-Ileiu'L nml usefuhiii'i' in LMituijj; ..iirvlb'iii ol the l.uugs
uml i hroat.
Itwl the f- H -whej opini n f.-umb-il mi thr I -nc rxpri
cuc of the eminent .Musician "I the I'- rl nml Citv "t
pr i. tl. Ayi r, ST. .H Mavf. l-"il.
Vix yiar i f ytit ('!! KM! Y t'Ki." I tHlAP hi my
ttriiflii'i'. ban m.'Vi'ti T i.t I f iriffaw In til ilw eninn 'Fitli'li.
ninxt bH inic. thai, il eni bciti t iin.l cures the rolil. nml
v aiiib4' t' which wi in Ibis f i-ir u. are peculiarly liable
I ibink its ii:tl bap not r! I ri ii ilis-jvireil. imr tlo
kiU'W how n brltiT lemetly ran be ma le for the tliiitcui
nets of i In Tliront an. I I.iuilP.
1 . (i nif -v m i r i a
.1. .1. l'i ii i'.. .o. i'., r . i
S'-r wlnl it has il me u a wasii-.l eous'iuili 'ii, n t only
in the fulliiwing chfch, but a th"""! mon-
f-'riHU'iiv, Jan. 'Jilh, 1M)I.
Pr. Aver: In Hie m nth of .Inly last I was nttnrked by
ti violent diiirrlnra in iniucs i f t,:aliiornm. i reiiirmtl t
San l-'rmihipiM in h"pe of n ei-ivin;; bem lit fr-'in u rhaiiue
, 1 1 rlimalc niul do-t. My Uitnr)tri rtaised. but Wiis f I
, lnwetl bv u rti-vere r 'Ui-b ami iiiiutIi ( .t'lli-sp. I titially
, tnrteil r,r h -uie, but rerrivetl no Icuelit fumi the vnncp.
My foMh eiitnnrx-d lo irritw w rtH. nml when 1 nrnvcd I
I in Mew Yoik. I wan nt ouee nirked by my ne(ti:iinli'.uees 1
i ns n victim of nmMinytHm. I immt eiiiiesthat I saw 1:0
suiiii-ifiit reus in to d iibt what in v friends' till believed. I
j At tht time I e iiniiiciict d t:il.nijj your truly iitvulualile
lfiftlicine with litle rxpeeiuiiou i f dciiviliu nnv benelit
! fiom ii use. You w 'Hid u t ret'fivc ihiftr- lines did I not
regard il my duty Malt I I lie atlli'Mi d, lliftifih ,
I that my healllr. in tin- fpnee of i:iiiht tirnlb. ir lullv n
tred. 1 atlrt'.'iili- ii t Ibe ukc uf vnf l IIFIIK Y PKC
TOlt AIj, oi,s itnle.
j WA-ltlMiloN. P.i , Apttl imj.
llear Pit : Feelbif: that I havo b-en n.imnl fr. in n pre
! in itun: ra e. lluoiiirb yotir in-tiiiineit'it'iiv by the pr" i
; deuce of (i hI, I will Ime the bbctly to e.picst to you my
1 gral ilutl .
A Coiiuh mid llic iil.tia.ius pyiiipt'-nis of C-innimpttiHi
1 bad red. .ei . I me I o I w tn leave me nn Uiintr like hope,
1 when inv phvaiciati brotijrbl me a b.ttt- of your "I'ecio-
Kl..' It sei'intd to iilbir.l Humiliate luUel. nnd n w in
11 few Weeks t itne ri ulnred me In "ontiil benllh. )l it
Will do t' f others H'h il ll has done .r me, you an? eer
, laiulv one of the bent faelers nl mankind.
: fiueiTcly win!iiny you every bleism;. 1 nm
I " ' Very resneel lullv vimrs.
I .lOII .f. CLAliKI'.. Heeiorof St. peier't Church. !
I With K'K-li aKxiirmiee and tVin filch iii-ii. no stroiijrer
pi oof can be inliUiei-d miles.- it be from its ib-ct upon
tl lal.
Prepared aud sold by J.i.VKS ( . A
Prnrticnt Ch' inist, tt. Mtts.
Sold iu Stinliury hr H MAS.SKU, nnd hy
llrnpuistH pcncrallv llinuihout th.c Mate.
March 10, IR.Vi. reow ly. Nov. ltJ, Vi2.
I'peiniiim ICssencc of CoflVc
Mary I wi.'ll pro-n
!lll;Ml :
luiiit mir iivt'i ly
iltiti2 lrii')i
iici or r oiHR.
II Y will man m-etliat whieli is injurious to
his health, wl en he Is willinir lo cive nil
his wealth to restore it when it is Inst ! ;Slr,iie!
that at least two ll.inU of the human family will
iist-iirilinaiy COl'TEK knnwing it lo he injuri
ous lo tht ir In a'llh.
Iirui2-t S'.sMiK't' f I'oftcc
is, l-evnllit 1I011I1I the hi-t lllul ln.u"t u hnlesolno
ITeparalintl ef Colli e in Ihe unlUI. Kvriy jone
liieper shonlil it. Try it mnl he enu inieil
it will save almiit I'll a-l eenl, hesiile-iyour health.
Warraiileil to reiulrr entire f.ilisfailion.
.Manul.n tun d uml for sale hy
" P.I.I Kill TP,
(;!!! North ''' sln-et Piiil.i.h !'hia.
N. II. AM llu- iritiri-'..l liroeers anil Ii 1 1 ir-j i-l 3
have it fur .ale thnuulionl the ( nilCil Slates.
Tor salel'V the Aieut, II. 11. Manser, Muuluity.
January 1, I N.V.I.
" 1 1 II iiudersiciii d have iit opi-ned a
A and enltil l.-te stoc k of W A I.I. PAPEI1S,
tniihrsicm il have
iimonu' which are (iOl.l) and VELVET. PINE
Ac., Ac. Which they nlli r ut the lowest prices,
hoth whoh-.-a'.e and retail. The hot woikiuaii
einploveil to hiiii-j paper either iu the cijy or
Blank Books, Stationary, &c, clc.
W'c It-ive nlo our usual ussnrluient of W KIT
and Selio il Ilookp, Statioiiarv, A.e.
p!;i:iii iV Honiif.
No. i Noith I'il'ih -t., 1 d.ios ahove M nl.. I,
CAslI ,.iid lor Coiiutrv ra,'.-..
Phihi., March I'.', I lim.
AVING (iiil.irked in the Mercantile husi-
lu ss 011 my own acrmnil, 1 lake this i(-
poitiinilv to thank the ftit-nds nl the late turn, and
piihln iu neueial for the lilu-ral palrnunne
cxlenile.l lo mc lu i. lofoie. and would bo iuot
happv to see llicui at inv new busiuci-s stand, in
llie Ii mac formerly occupied by John Leienrins.
upposila the llanii.
MAKKs 11. PlilEsTLEY.
Noilhuiiibrrlaild, Mar.haa, lH5:l L'iii
A aiilctl to Purcliursc.
V arh piicu i,, id. tnuiiHi- iiiiiiti.-.l hv
ni.ul or us ilineu-d. Apply or Ad. lies
.. Hl'.l II l ul.l), Ir ,
IN, o. SO Nnnh li h Strcol Philadelphia.
Htilii , Apnl 23, H'ji --41.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dtultrt i
CoidVctionapy of all kinds.
No. 113 Nurlli Third M. below Uac,
1-jMlE attention of Dealers is requested to an
examination of their stuck, which will be
found to ho at eipial to anv in this citv.
PtIKEHiN PKL ITs of all kimla" in season." '
K. 11. Orders by mail or uiherwise proinptlv at
tended t.i. . -
February 5, 1 803. Cm.
All Ajiprentieo AVanted.
J he subscriber wants an apprentice to learn
the business of a lilacksuitih. A boy 17 or 13
years old, of good moral character, Would find s
good situation by applyiuj; soon u4 tUa old stand
ol Uorjte .inuiieriuau. ,
: . . r - . SOLOMON STUOJI.
Kunbury, Feb. 12, 18..I1. -'.
An4 Appicnlico SVttutcii.:,.
fllHE Subscriber want tm Apprentice to learu
JL-the Saddlery and Harness hirsute. An
indnstrinus boy between 16 and IS year of aj;e,:
will nntl a gooii snoot mil vy ajipiyinn soon to
Sunbury, April Id, H5:l. if.
Hoi I own'yV Oi ntme nti
Extract o( a tetter from-Mr. Win. Uulpin, oj
.' 70, Si, Mary's Street, V eyniouth,
- ' . ilalcd May iblh, I85J.
T.i VrltCm,r It m t ittv a v.
Sin, At llir npnof inv wife (whms now 01) ronhl
b vMt nl ct-lil, which si tlliil in Iter lee", nml ever inre
that litne.they Imve Iwen more of lefts sore, c" rtnf
iniianifd. Jlcr noiiirfl were (liplrnrtiiip, nntl tor months
together flio was deprived rnlirrly of rust nnil slvep.-
r.vT lemr-dy (but ntcdienl men mlviped v nn trird, Imt
wilhiMit eil'eet ; her health fiillerrd pevercly, unci the Pttite
o her leirs wim (rrrilib. I had often rend your Advrr
lifteiiieuti. nml ndviw d hrr to try yi uf Villi oiirt t.iinlinrnt;
nud. n ti last rtnonrrf1, niter rvrry oiln-r rmtity Itnd pro
Veil nsokpp, olui c-onsriiteU lodu so, f!lij coininenrrd lit
wci:k nir't, nml. strnnae to relutet Ip now in (rid hetiTtli,
Ifrr iotTP ' Hm painleps, wiih'ut peain or w-ir,mn1 her sleep
son n I mid HiidisturlteiU ('miKI ym t,pve wilnrsnl ths
iifferinv" C ni v wile dining (lie bint 4 it ywir, nmt con-
trnpl them wiih her nreprmt niiovmelit of hnnlth, von
would Imteed feel ileliuhtfiil in htiviim been I he inemts of
i crcnltv nll.viutiiiu the PiiireriiiL'p of n fcllow-rretihirc.
(Si'.oird.) Wll.iaAM (iAPPlN.
a n:Rso. :o -.Aiisor Ani:ci'riKn or a
Copy of n Litter from Mr H'm. Abh$) Buitth
' cr of das ()rcns of Jitahctiffc nenr Hud
dcrufnld, tinted Uu'AXst, 1851.
To Pr.feftor Ilnl.l.oWAY.
Sin-I siifrered for u iwri'il of thirlv vear from fe Imd
lei;, the reptilt of two nr Ibrr- din' rent neridents nt Gus
VV'orks ; neeoiiipmiie I by sr 'Tbnlie pympUlTW. I hm fo
Coiiino t.i ii variety d" niediial wlvire, wilhout tluriving
nny benrbt, tmd was even t uVI tluit the hg must br niTipu
latedj yH. in opt PtIi"ii tn tbnt opinion, tout Pilts mid
Ointment have rlleelrd n roinplele enr lit bo sliort a time,
that few who bud ii-it wilncwd it wmld rredil the Infl.i
(SiKne.l) - WILLIAM AH11S.
The truth of thin Rlatrmrnt run be verifii-d by Mr. V. V.
I'.it;:Lnid, C betnist. n, .Market Miect Muildnplield.
Tlr Pills phf'tild be itvd m: jointly with the ( )ii:linent
tn 'Sl tf the toll.. wn. c rnpe: :
Had LP. Chietf M'oot,
tilaiidular SwI!u:fft
, I,iim)tft
Piles "
Uhninntism 1
S rR-iriil,
It td liretiPts, m ( hiitimtits, .
Hums, " Chapped handp,
Ibmi.'iiP. Corns (Sofi)
Hilof Srupelie.- CiMM't'i '
toes A- Saml-l lies, t ontrnrteil mul
C-fo-bae. - bull Joints.
I I'.lrphaiitirtuls, ' -n-e Nipples,
j Hkiliniiseases, Si-nrvy,
Turnouts. Lherri,
n.itraet of a Letter from Nf.Frcdeick Turn
er of Pcidittrntj Kait dated December 13A.
iSoll. . . . . '
To Pr.tfi'KSi.r lltiudWAV, .
lun Sin. My it" bed surfl red from lnl lltsasts for
in mc than fix iiiMnihn, mid tluriiia thr wholr nri-il hid
! thr- best niedifiil tilliiihiiii'e. but all to no use. Having be
! ftire he i!f.t nn tiwfnl wnnd In my own let, by yimr nti-
. rivalled medicine. I delcrillni il itijiim to iifp yonr Pills
nn I Oinnnii-tit. and ihTi ore ft.ive tliem n I rial til Iit ease,
nnd firtnimic il wart I did si. f ir .il less llmu ii mouth u
pen pet rtue was rVeted. tmd thebr-neftt that vnrious oth
er branches of my l'-niiily have derived from llo-ir ustj is
' really a4 )ni!:iit 1 it 'v siMiily ren .nnm-tid tlwm to
ali my friends (Sijiued) I'UI.UMv TI'K.;H.
SM at the I'spiblislmii'iit of Professor HoKlowat, 911,
Strand, (mrat T'-'inple liar, L iidnii.) nnrt hv nil rfspreiahle
Dmenii-ls nud lle.tlt r in Medicines throughout the Itritisli
lanpire. A- Ih ie of tin 1'iitti d Stales, in H x s at UTAf,
J S7e., and !?1 ,'(ie. euch WlioVsnle by thr piiii"iMil llnnz
: 1 1 'Uses in I he t'liiou, mid by Mi ears. A. Ii. A U. SaNIm.
! Nev ViHk,
t xT There is a e nifidernMi s:tving by taking the kirper
j. It Lirreiio'is for the aimlatiei of paticnls in every
dis inter urr ailixed to en"i U'X.
j tiriolier tfl, l-.VJ, ly.
Flour, Grain and Lumber
Conitiiision Alcpcli:iiit,
2:i and 25 Sjirar's Wharf,
John Chirk, Esi., Piesideul Ciliy.i-ns' I'.ink, ll.ill.
A. P. Giles, Es p, Ciisltier Franklin Punk, "
John llcrl.l. r. Jr., E.ip, Philadelphia.
Ponrrs, iSinnickson eV Co., "
J. Tome, Estp, President Ceril Hank, Port l)c-
.1. Wallovvcr & f-'uti Harrishin g.
Cnl. II. C. Ever, Sclinsjirove.
J. H. Ann & Co..
Nb;.i-, Wim-nlo Co., Milton. '
. W. Cooke, Esi., Muney.
Simon S'chiivli r, Esip, " I
GeorLTe llodiue, 1 1 niihsviPe.
W. Weaver A' Co., Moutoursville. j
Gen. William F. Pucker, W illinmspoi I. j
T. V. Lh.vd, Esq., Cashier, ' 1
James 11. I Inline. "
Lewis G. Iluliii!.'. '
M'llenrv o Iluhl., Jersey Shore.
J. P. lli'lliim. Esip, Lock' Haven.
( i6', Carr, Glese 1 ( 'o. have the laiiicsl wharf
roiiui of any eoiuiiiision house ill Maltiinore, nl
w ays iviuj; quick despatch to boats iu discharoinn;
their earj;oc.
.March Pi, ls.V.). lim.
C 11 RAP
Dcpot and Mauufactury
O. Tit 1CIIjLIIjP. Xt CJC.j
S. W, corurr Anh and Second Streets
j gjj ale and lielail, sui h as Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Land-capes,
! arc to he had at tlie lowest prices for qinililv of
i work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and
I oilier Shades executed at short iiutice.
I Merchants nnd ethers am iuviu-d to (,'irc us a
! Ilrasses, J'l immius, Ae., always nu hand.
lieineinher M. W. comer SECOND and
j AHCU Streets Phihul. sphi.i.
Pcl ruarv 1J, IS.'i.'l. tim.
10,00( SIILNClsKS.
GOOK lot of ill inches white pine Shingles
for sale ul II) per M.
J. 11. MASSE It.
Sunhiiry, J.m !' ') If
1.0(H) Men Vn tiled.
the line of Ihe Ut SOI EHANNA KAIL-
HAD between liiidociinit (opposite Har-
isliurL'-) and Suuhuiy, iu the Slate of Peniisy lva-
niu. 1 Ins roan i nuy lour miics 111 ifug'ir iuu
I'litoiish a hihlv improved country, and will
liirnii-h eniplovntent for stone masons, carpenter
and laborers for ihe next twelve monllis. A
lariie portion of llie line is heavy rock excavation,
laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer
tain employment ami uncial wases.
DOt'lillEli TV, LAL MAN it CO..
February ID, 1 .":).
I.ahorers Wanted.
fnili: subscribers want immediately on tlie
Kailroad and H.tsin, at Chapman, l'nion
county, seven miles below Sctiusgrovc, from
50 TO 100 LAIlOKERtl,
to whom one dollar per day will pe paid.
Chapman, I'uioii County, Feb. 19,1853. tf.
So. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut,
MPOREKS of Foreii;ii Fruits, Nuts, Wines,
Arc, keep constantly on hand the following
article, vliich they will sell at ery low price
for r.u.h. ' 1
M'ahUiU, . '.
Prune,!. :
Sweel Oil,
Port Wine,
Almonds, Currant,
Citron, Ground Nut,
Cream Not,'' 1 Dut, '' '
Fig,. n-, Vanilla bean,
Preserved jrinirer, amarind,
Lemon Syrup, Fire Crcker,
Madeira Wine, Claret Wine,
Muscat " Sweet Malaga "
Philadelphia, July 3, 1652. ly.
1IENRV W. BL'CHEK inform the public
S. ihist ha ha taken the Huiibury perry and
a be is now well prepared with good and uHi
cient era I is he will be enabled to accommodate
the public with promlnes ami despatch.
April 10, IH3-3. If.
"A Penny savtd is a Penny Earned".
And Job Book Bindery,
Market above Centre Street, Pottuville, Pa. .
LANK Hooks liouiid and ruli-d in any and
rvcry l) le, in tlio most durable ami null
ntHiitinl niminer, with or williotit printca iieims.
Person in want or
Ledgers, HiM-kcts,
JJnv IJonlis, Minnie Hooks,
j'ouriiiils, Letter Hooks,
Ulotlcrs, Keeeipt Hooks,
Coid Ledgers, Ac., fee,
br any kind ol' Hlnnk Hooks, would do Well lo
give me a cull as I pledge, myself to give sai .fuc
lion. Paper ruled to any pMlerli desired. Par
ticular attention paid tn Binding all kinds of old
Oodej's Lady Books,"
Ornhnui's Miikuz'iiic,
Sartain'a Mii;ii7.ine,
Harper's M;ig:i7.ine,
Joseplms's works,
Hynm Books,
Glcason's Pictorial,
Sheet Music, '
Shakiqicnrc's works,
Life ul Christ,
Law Books, eVe., cVc.
Any of the nhovc or other hooks houud in full
gilt, plain or fancy to suit the wishes of customer.
I would attain call the attention uf my f.icndsnnd
customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical
Book Hinder for the last 18 years, and they can
depend on havinc their work done in Ihr ery
beat manner, nnd tlo the work myself I I row the
best iinner & material: ctisr cive me a cull my
charucs are reasonable and fair, tint there is no
dilncnlty about prices where work is done satis
N. li. Persons havin? Boosthev want Bound
Pan send them hy slaue din-itcd lo mc stiitinii. the
the stvle they wish them houud iu : I will do
thciu as low as they can he done nny where, cure
fully puck lliem up nnd return the 111 ; Aho per
sons can send orders fur Blank Books by mail,
which will he punctually tillendad to. All work
done at short notice.
li. T,. M AMPLE.
Practical Book Binder,
r.iltsville, Nov. fi, 1 S5-J Cm.
rpitK sn'in-ribi 'S c-flW to I'm-vrliv Mkhciisnts. TKAru
M. 1-T. and School ('otsviittkes. one of the best assorteil
Bl'M-ksiM Si:il(illL HOOKS mil STATIUNAKY to Is?
foiiuil in the Ci-y, whieli llu y are nl le In uilcr ut Bist
Will find :dt ll;- Se!i"i.l Rintks. AVi iliitir und Winp
jiiinr I'.ii'i-rs. t'lirtiiin I'tii-Ms. IIIiiHtiiii P:i its, tittd tilliudi
11:11 Sl;itiin:irv. lliii 11k Itin'kn, Pens. Ink, Ac, nn 'he tnoft
fiiViTlilile ti'tni.
'IV. n tir.n am otiihh n iti iumNo in liaMii n t' r
Si'hiH'lH, uie invited to cull sui I ex-imuie miii tlnrk. XV k
h:vv hnd ft- li'idi-i.t't'e -Xt'i h-ik m snp.I ii: ?ch'""l 1)i
tlieis. nnil lie 1 111; Pul'liflirTH il ti liutn'-er i extetisi vely
UNvd ili'Hl lhlfi, i.tir lm ilitit H lot iTi'ttiiig iili-li st-K-k nn:
linstirinff-d. I
Ant iint imr ptd.licali 'hs will l.i' ( nnd the lull . wing ;
Ccnnly's S;i'1'iiik It mk, revised;
' Printer; Vnnnp Ornlur :
(iiiinnnTe's SnrveytiiL'. tlie sitiinlred Tnniisn nn (his tei
pin e ; It-intni'ii.-tle's .Mi'iisurntii'ii ;
Andrrsm's l:iiti;i 'Us Mist rv ! the I "nit 11I Slides, used
in tin PnMie Sch. .- Is ul New Vnrk and Plnhnh Iphni ;
fintnniete's Pi-.tpiesuve Sin Hum llin-k :
l'nil 1 iriinnii'i' ; Kit in I Mi t iin:irv ;
Tlie It K-k nf I'l.itiiiinee. Ac . A e.. e.
I'lll H 1IPNT A SON,
41 Xurth K"urtll Sllcet, PliiUideJnltiu.
KtSnnry 2(1, li-.vt, -tin.
Bissolu(loa of Iu IsM'i ship.
FIlIK (t'iatliii'rslii ultll'lr ixic.tiiii untlrr
1 tlio tituiip uf J-iims II. V Wm. D. Iliirt, n
tins il.iv lissi)i.l ly tlio witlulmwi l of iltinin
1!. Hart. The liuincsti of llic I:itr firm will lie
prttlnl ly oillirrtjf the unJtTsitrncil, at No. 'Z-W,
."N i) i ih oil Hired.
n.iliiuVt..ii;i. J;m. 1, 1H5:I.
Tin muli'ivum-il, havo litis tiny forniotl a ro
);i thiol, i ii ml wilt roiilitMif tin I'twitn'f-! utiilrr
llu- namrnl J;itii(i II. it 'I'lmmiiH ILirt. Thank
ful for past tav..r;, thry rioflfully ask the at-U-iitiitii
of llieir fiirmU uml ihr nhe lo their
Klock of Clitlt 'KKIIIS, which will hr Ml ami
rxtriisiw :mj whieli ihrv willi!lut llu lowfnl
uiiirki't rati'ft.
JAM PS II . 1 1 A P.T,
TliD.M s HAKT,
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, is;,:. Irt, II.
I EsPECFFCt.LV informs the cili.ens of
Siinbiiry and vicinity, that he h is opened a
new store in the room lately occupied by lleorire
lli litlit, opposile linttnn's Hotel. He haB just re
ceived a handsome assortment of
and iSummcp floods
Cunsistin?. iu pail of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets.
of all Uiiuls, of linen, collon and worsted.
(alIorN, 4;lnv:iiauis, I.'.idiim,
IMoiiim'Uiu- Do l.uittt-N
und all kinils of Ladies Dress Goods.
GltOfEP.lES of evt'ty vaii.-ty.
Also an as.siittiiieut of I Jill Ml .11 '. ll'Ull
ami Steel, Nails, &c.
A No an excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, id' vmious stylus and
. palteius.
Also an assortment of HOOT & MIOICS.
j HATS ci CAPS, a (jood selection.
Salt, Fish, i-c
And a preat variety of other articles such as are
suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold al
the lowest prices.
IV Country produce taken iu exchange al
the blithest prices.
1 Huiibury, May 1, 1.V. ly.
j TuiTMr.NDoru Ext' ! .'
Cash. iSteam, Klecti icity !
! The Aerial and all other lines out done by the
I I.irTlillllllV I-lllC or
WTHO, having great faith iu rapid sales and
; 'I, small profits, bus just received ana opened
a larue assorliueiit of
At his Stove iu Market Street, Sunhury, which
he oilers to the public, at the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment o
Di v Cioods, iz :
! Co(i5. Cassimns, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, I. mens, LalicoiS, HJiislin ae
Luins, Lau-ns, Cinghams, lhrages.
SlI.K llATrr.
A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Suo-ar, Tea. ColTee, Molasses, Cheese-, Si-
ct's, Fish Salt, Plaster,
VU; Iron and Steel, Naila, Files, Saws, S.C.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, Ifc
Wine. Brandy, Gin, Bnm, Whiskey, it.
IxT Country produco of all kind taken in ex
change at the highest maikcl prices.
Jan. 15, lS53e 1)'. "
liosendiile Hydraulie Cement.
4 N excellent article for lining Cistern, Vault.,
Y Spring house and Cellars, and lor keeping
damimes. from wet and exposed wall.
E. Comer of Kfbnt and Willow ttrect
RaiUoad. ' " " ', .'
I'hiladeljdiia, Feb. tO, 1851 ty.
arilSTICES' FEE lllbl.M rorsaie oy
9J 11. U MAI
Sunbury, 1831 -al1
rII ATKVEIl eoneerns the benllh stsl ImnpinesB of
people is at all limes of the iinst hniblo
nnee. I uike It lor grnnlcil Hint eve.y person wm uo nn in
their power, to ssvo Ihe lives of their children, and Hint
s-verr person will eislenvnr to pnrtnole their own hetillh nt
nil nn-riliers. I feel it to l-o my duty to soleiinily assure
you Hint WOHMS, aeeoribuij lo Iho opinion nf tbs m.l
oelihrnled I'll) siemiis, are the primary entiscs of Inrte
nlirjoriiy Ol uisi-nses 10 w nien numini hiio oni'i'p u"
l.le: if you bsv-BBil sppolito omlinnslly elmnfenbls from
one timl of fissl to snoiher, Hnd Hrenlh, I'sin in Ihe flu-
nmi h, riekiinr nt the Nose, llanlness mm niuness.n uie
It. Ilv. Ilry (.'ouirh, Slow Fever, I'lilsclrnnulnr rememls-r
Ibnil'sll ilu-seilenule WOll.MS, unit you shunhlnt oia-e ap
ply Ihe remedy :
An nrtiele f mnileil upon rVientllle Principles, eoinpninul
ed wiih purely rsfetnblc snhstnnees, betu perfectly snls
Whetl i.iketl, mill tun he u'iven lo Ihe most tender luf.illt
with deeidiil him h i.-il clleot, where II 'V.el fnlilploilIB
nntl lliurrlin-rl have made them wenlc nnd d. titlitnted Ihe
T.siie properties of my Worm Hvrup are siien. lain
st:unls with ul an eiitnl in the entalomie of medicines, in
g vinir lone nnd slreiijttli lo the St niaeh, which makes it
an Infallible retueilv for those with Dyspepsia,
thu nsl.iuihuiR cures performed hy this Syrup after Physi
cians have failed, is tlio best evidence of its superior etfi
cuey nvcl nil others. .
Tl.;. i. (I.H m,nt .lori'.nll Worm to deslrov of ull that in
fest the huinmi ovslein, It pr-'W-s to nn nlumst luih uuite
Irmfh Imcmiiuir so coiled und fastened ill Ihe Intestines
nml Stiiiaiii h eli. etiilL' the health SO Sadly lis to I SB SI
V.lin. ll'.ii.e Fits. Ae . Ihal Ihose nlllicleil Bi'ld in if ever
ausncet th at it is Tape Worm hnsleuinn Iheni lo an early
pnive. Ju order lo ili-strov this vv ortn. n very eneiK.-ne
Ireallnenl must be piusuetl. il wyild Iheref'-re lie proper
In take (1 to H of my Liver Pills sons M reuiovenll obslnic
tions, that Ihe Worm Syrup may net ilnecl up. m Ihe Win in,
which must lie taken ill d '" "I -J Tahl. sp i "ufulls .1 limes
n day lhec dirwti ins followed have never l.-en kii'-wn lo
fail in curing the most ohslinute cuse ol Tni? Worm.
n?" iiorf-:sack s i.ivf.k pills.
No rsirt nf tin svsiem is nmro li:iltr tn diffuse tlmn the
III Vl'.lt, it servinjr ns ti lilteri-r I" purity Ihe M d, nr ifiv
iit'i the pntprr secrei inn t the hth-; s ih:d tiny wruim iie
1 1 ut ol llu Liver ell'eets Ihe nllter inin-trtiitil pnrts of llu
system, und p-sulis v;iri -nisly. in I .i er (' itiiliiiid, J.'intl
dice. Dyspepsiu. r. W'c p!. mill, theref . re. w;rtch vT'
sviiii'Ujih tint niii(lil imli' iile n wr-n-ir n"tini of the l.ivrr.
riird. Pills M-ina c im,, (((- ROOTS A PLANTS I'nr
nished hv nntiire to IimI 41k sick : iN'jitnely. 1st. An HX-
PKi'TOIt A V. which miiitneir.s the secretion f n ni the
Pnlin Mpiry rnitens ineinhntne, or promotes the diselmrue
ol se-Teted in:itler 'Jnd. Ail A I ' ATI VI'., which
tti:iituit in s Htit inexplie:ili!e iitnl itisensiMe ntmnter the
certain m thid tietion of the system. :Jnl. A TONIC
which gives tone :uid strength to ihr in-rvoils system, rr
nrwtTi? Itenlth nnd vie r to nil prirts of thr Imdy. 4th. A
CATII AH'i'lt, wliirh itets'in peri'ift Irtrnmtiy with the
oth'T ingredients, nnd opi nitiiijr on (he It wels. nntl rxpfl
liuir the vh 'Ir mnss of e irrupt nml vttiati-d tn.ttter. nnd pn
rifvinij Ihf Ul h1? which destroys disease mid teslorcs
Yon will find these. Pills nil invnhinhle inrdieini- in mnny
r.niiplnints t- which vmi nre sulijeet. In tihstruetioiip ei
ther total 01 pnrti'd. lliey h:ivn leeil found nf inr-,-tim;ili!i
hnietit. resioriiK their tunetioiml nrninKemiiMf to n he;d
Ihy netion. put iiVinn Ihe lI mhI mid otlnT llnids s t lleelii
silly tn jntt t t Hiilit rill romplnitits which nny nrise from
fetnalo iircirMliiriite, tis Invidaelie, ijiddineK', iliiimess (tf
my! it, pit i ii in the side. (Kick, Ae.
07 t it't, 23 cotil s pitch,
Non ff .'inline nidi ss stjrtml J. X. HoheiiRiek, nil other
lii-inir U'ln' Imitation.
ft Ai'iiis wisliine nt-w stipplies. nnd Ptorir Ki-evers
dH-irinis of lcc tnin- A."tits tiiint :nl tress the Proprielnr,
4. .1 . ll'tlil IIPilCK. I 11 1 l:H i'!l? III. I J .
Sitd l.y J.W. I rdiiiir. SnnLiiry: Mnry MeCnv, N'or
tliiljtil.iTl.inil : lli'is' l. Tud'titvill'' ;' ltnfT. Milt-.u"; !itty
A l,enk.r. Oi- rei-l.iwn ; I . tm nrict! A VilveitM. Pnxi
ii"s; 'iest, Iliekory; nil ih-idi-rs in Medicine in the
I'otinlV nnd Slntr.
Anmt It, l-V IV,
lfJ Chestnut Nlmf,
VT this etli'!iratrd i'fIiiiilinlitin-iil Volt run nlwavs pro
cure ihe newest and m -st iipio-d stvles of
iai;i i:ieui:ot it; a taujotypk poirntAiT-
nt fr tn .Ml to 1 (f i p-r et. leos cost than snch picttitcs can
tie hail .r eivew.nTr. j
iw that yon erin Heenie siti-h per fret portraits of your
loved ours at a ni'TC notninal cost, tl ni'l delay lest you
lisp thnn. "i
Kvery vat ii-ty of I'niey iTises, frames. Ae , mi hand or
farnifio'd to order, aiivl e,ery pictim made satisturv nml '
Wuiranle.l t- l'i? Ul trie lirst sityle n
Call ami see us at 1611 I'liestuul irt.
tlie ail or NO t-tlAliOE
i.. ii. rin.M.i.i.
Vliiliiit.ll.-liia. July
The .lolinsto'i Ink
10(i Lomhard St , PHILADELPHIA.
'pilK siil.seriber heps leave respectfully to in--"-
foiin cent-rally, that he has sue-cccdi-tl
to the I!u:i;iies of mauufactui'iiii; J'rttt
hi a Jul- formerly rarticil on by his (.rand Father,
I 11111. Aiiiiit-i, nun iiiu-ra 111s article to uie traoc,
j wilhout any Pri-rs, hut wiih the simple reliance
upon the loin; established ehaiiieter il lias borne,
i let-ling coul'ulct.t of its ;iviii- entire salisf.tction
! to all who may favor him wiih a call. Ti iims
I l,'...t 1 n' f.: . .1 ,
April 10, I8jj. tf.
FfUsZ, A 'illiatns " llendpy.
Siure, So. 09 Sorth 3d Street.,
tHIOCCO Matinf.iclurers, Curriers, Iitifiori.
' ers, ( 'on. mission nnd General Leather Iius
iness. Wlnili'sale uml Ketail.
r?" Mantifactoiy 15 Margarelta Street.
Auq. 5S, IS.' 3. ly.
4.'.' and Arch Struts,
AltE now rcceivinr; for sptiu?; salt s
A Fine Stack of )py (loods,
lllack and Colored Silks,
Fashionable Shawls,
New designs of Dress (lootls,
Ilritish, Ftench and India (ioods,
Liucu U.iniask and Kuruishint; (loods,
A Full stock of American Cotton and Woolen
N. 11. W holesale linyer supplied with scarce
and desirable Dry (ioods at low can ts i.r
12, 18.j:). Sin.
STIOI! Special Court of Common Pleas
B" .Norlliumlierlanil (.'oiintv to be held on
Iho -1lh Monday of May. A. D., IS5.1.
Frederick Keener vs Vin. Ayre
Peter Pursel vs Jaeob llibler
James Orahum ct al vs liut;h Hellas et al
Plait oi Plult v Henry Masscr
Uojii'lh for Win L Hciiienian vs'P A llillinjrton
. Louis Alex. Napoleon Du
Pcterr Pos.iuct vs pM?uU.f f
same v Pierre Oilier et. al.
P. John for W Camp vs Wolvcrton Sr Leisenr'?
Pyster for Weaver v Kh'acr (iicenough ex'i
Joanna Pendevillo vs A K Kapp
Mahonoy and Sl.a.nokin yg A1)ru,,am Pllul
ImprovemFiil Co
Sarah L Keen v Abraham Firnsiou
cSaino- vs Samuel Savidae
Com'weallh Tor S. D. v T, A. Uilliuulou &
Henry Donnel et ul v Iili-li Bellas
Robert Philips v Zerby Kuu and Shaniokiii
Iinproveinent Company
JAMKS 13EAKD, Proth'y,
rrothonotary s Othce,
Sunbury, Marrh 5, 185'
VJOTICE is hereby niven that a
i-' Court of Common Pleas, in ami fur Ihe
County of Northumberland, to commence al
tho Court House, in ihe borough of Sunbury,
ut 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday Ihe iid
day of May next, and will continue ONE
Jurors are requested to la puncluiil in
their attendance, al llie lime appointed
agreeable lo llieir notices.
Given under my band at Sunbury, tho 26tb
day of February, in the year of our Lord
one thousand ei-jht hundred and fifty-three
and llie Independence of the United Stales
of America nth. o1.!r
WlI.l.lxM J. Hil l. cueriu.
' God save llie Commonwealth-
- books t Hooks i t
TL'ST KF.CE1VED aud for sale a new edilioa
"ALSO a large assortment of Illank Books.
WM. McCARTV, Ucokcller.
Sunbury, Dec. 4, 185 '. If.
roil art (i:jTg,
tII i. OIULiA-
I IL or tvery on hi
own Physician I Thibti
sixth edition, with up.
wards of hundred tngra.
vinirs, showing private dis
ease in every shape and
form, and malformations or
the eencrntire system,
Uy lr Wm.Younn-.
J he tune lis, .,.i.
ed, that persons suni-rinjr from secret diseases
need no more become Ihe victim or uickirt'
as hy the prescriitions contained in this book
any one may cure himself without hindrance to
business, or the knowledge of the most intimate
friend, nml with onc-tenlh the usual expense. In
addition to the Rcncrnl routine of private disease,
tl fully explains the cause of manhood's early de
cline, with observations on inurriarre beside
many other tlornritrenicnt which it would not ba
proper to enumerate in the public prints.
I'r?" Any person seiuliriff TWK.NTY-F1VE
CErsTS, enclosed in a It-tier will receive, tor
copy of this honk, hy mail, or five copies will lar
sent fur one dollar. Address, Dn. W. VOU.N(?f
No. 152 SPKCCE Street, PIIILADEI.riUA."
Post paitl.
Dr. YOt'KO fan tie ronsulled on any of
the Diseases ilescriboil in hi different publica
tions, at his Office, 152 8pruoe Street, every day
between 9 anil 3 o'clock, (.Sundaya excepted.)
Philadelphia, June 5, 1853 iy.
Mil and Arch Street,
IT A VP established a Store where tlie Last
- trade now resort for
Household L)ry (looils,
French Fancy Goods,
Dress Silks and Shawl,
Hosiery, (J loves and Mill,
Cloths, Cassiiners and Vesting.",
Muslins and Linen by Ihe ptcer,
Damask Table Mucus and iVapliios,
I'u'ent llltiek Silks lor Dresses, ,
Full Stock of Mourning Goods.
E. & I., are constantly receiving Bargains from
the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which
they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Aett
KinvAiii) E. Evnn, Wasiiincton I. Lanbeli.,
Philadelphia, July 3, 1S52. ly.
thu (.Heir rmzi: 31 HI A I, AIl
ItlVUI) !
So. US Chestnut St., ahove Siith, Frot.t oj
rfyp) I A VE just received their Prize
iVYl'A Medal, awarded M them for
1 IT I their best 'J'ravcllin Trunka ii.
hibiteil at the World's Fair in London, 1851
licinu the only exhibitors to whom any award
was made. Their competition was with all the
world, anil tliey have taken THE PRIZE !
Po be found in this Citv. and at vcrv low prices
Lull and see. HICK KV cV'TCLI,, '
Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St.
April IU. IS52. If.
Puhli?lieps mid Jjooksellers,
So. 84 Sorth Third Street,
Il.l!'-s, Prayers. Ilvmus. Poetical and HisturtesJ Works.
Tuivcls, Xnvels, Ac, e.
livery kind in use fimn n primer upwards.
An elegant ns -tnir.nit fmni tht pasn Uw k nDWiJi.
made o super it r jtp-r. and tcit i!" bmtfujf .
Cap. 1' ft.
anil verv ei.e:
ami , te P ..ers. 1
Ltaat t Its .-uul (jtialilr,
Fancy, Plain nnd Ai'hesive Knv! . Ink, Sml. rm
feis. Steel Tens, XtU-s. lVi:ci,t. P.-rt-Monairs, Wiaj
puii.' IV ei ot iid kinds, Cartain Papers, Ac, Ac.
I nr st-e( is ircsft. I. -utrin ch-uri nntl sold accordiiifly.
Purt alar aTtn-.n. n iA to IUnki ttrrs. Unuutry M
etiantsaad Tu :!t. L-wcitr little they nuiy buy.
S sm A HiHi.'itift PiiMisheri of PKI.TON! Kiirtuf
! It.-.i mi; is n.-:tr!y SK l.S KKK.T StJirAUK. and
shows ihe c tiinar;iti e sie nnd relative posiunn uf every
c mniry .n li.e ... Tny are intended to tie tntpemlrd
in fvrr S'li'l il.-oin. nnd nt only make a nlendid p-
i-:irmre. hitt nre UliiVei sailv tieknowlrilired to he the
I r ti.'lit out. 'i'iiey tire kes intruded to he used by the
rh i n s. t'outtiiuintr iiroinpleU' rpitonte ul" Geography, and
r Millie h'M than hall the nice m n ieocr.hy and Atlas.
. The sysi- in is m universid use iu Printtau mid (ientumy,
I nud has nln-ady hecu iiitrodured iu (iirnrtl College, Phi la.
I dclphia, the imlilie selionlsof lloston, New York, Phlla.
i th'Vhia, It.iltitiiiire, WiiKliinton, uml throughout New
; Fai'laml, New Yotk, Ae., Ac. Our desks are kfedrtt
j W illi HM'.jiuiueitilaiiotis trom tiie moat tnlenttd and aeien
j tilir teaebers in every I'uarter, and wherever the system
j has U-eii utcd areuls, tuii'licra uml scholars unite iiiprata
I. .iitpot me est 0111 Hemisphere.
. Map of the F.tisteru Hemisphere.
II. Map of North Aiuerien.
4. Map of the I'nited ttate.
fi. Map of Knrop'j.
ti. Map of A?ia.
7. Map of S mill Anirr'ieri and Africa.
F.very imip is brilliantly colort-d, vurinflied, uid mount
ed oti i'hihIni and rollers.
We respieiiiiily invito the earnest nttentioti of Teaehers,
Pareiits, and S-liool llirectors to this iHscinatuijt mode of
UnchiHg lieoorui-.hy. JOW Fit & HaHNKS,
?l North Third Street,
Philitdelphm, Aug. If5.54.lf.
Manufacturer of
Monuments, Tombs,
Italian and Amkiucan Marble.
At his Old Stand in Sorthiimberland, Pa.
IF.SPFOTFrLLY inform the public that all
work iu his line will be made up of the very
best material and finished ill the latest style uf
Ihe Pastern cities.
Those iu want of .inch article well made and
executed iu the best style and at the lowest rate,
will do well to call and examine before they pur
chase elsewhere.
May 15, 152 ly.
Clienp Watches 5 Jewelry,
VI niOLKSALE and Hi tail, at the "Philadel.
" phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 98
North Second-Slieet, corner cf (juarry, Philadel
phia. liultl Lever Watches, Tall jeweled, 18 carat case, frisX
Silver .1.). full jeweled, l l
Id PpBctas-le. 7
Olivet i-nine, jewel, j...
tin d,i ll.). 0
SiijM-t ior tfaarlieis, 7
Fine Silver do. 1..V
Onld Bracelets, . ' . rj.01
! ailu-s. ti.iU IVneils. I .Of
litulalioa an.
Silv.r Tim tws, Ml,
liukt t'ens, with IVneil and rilvol ilokrsr,
Gold Finger Iting, 37J cent to ffSO ; Watct
(lasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 1SJ ; Lunet
S5; other articles in proportion. All 4hIs war
ranted to be what they are sold fin.
Successor to (). Conrad.
On hand, sonic Gold and Silver Lever ani
Lcpine, till lower than the abova price.
August 29, 18 52. ly.
No. 12 South Setond Street)
Gold Lever Watches full jewelled '
Silver Lever tlo .
Silver Lcpine ... do -,
" tjuarlier do
Gold pens and pencil and silver balder
Silver 'Pes, and Table Spoons,
bracelets, Ureast pin Ear ring Ac, ' , ,
All warranted and sold art prices a low as at
iu the ciiy. ,.
November 37. 1852 tf.
TJLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blai
- Mortgage, bonds, Execution, Summon
Ac, for sale by H. U. MASSEK.
bunbui) Ajiil 26, 1S51.