THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. Answer to last wsekt Enigma Scsbcbt, Noatntm- BULAtlD CotlSTT, IA. For th Sunhtiry American. MISCFXLAREOL'B KXIVMA. - - lam tompoud of 29 Utter. My 1 9 tl it uMd by an army. My " 1 in garden mentil. My 3 IS IS ii what a peraon often rloe. My 4 S an 7 U a very cunning animal. My S 7 3 in a numeral. My 8 IS 91 ia a vestel in common nn, My 7 t 8 la a product of the Torrent My 9 3 10 hns liahteired the hcaitaof mnnyvount men. My 10 S T in a new relative. My 19 3 3 13 it a wMrtome lievereee. My 13 3 7 10 3 it much needed by nitiiiv. My 14 3 SI IS 10 i what permit for. My 1.1 0 81 it what the American Army nevel did. My 18 IS 10 10 are nntivea of Europe. My ir 5 18 it a ver.fl My 211 IS illiM celebrated Authoress. My SI 3 13 8 it where birdt renr their Tinier. My whole it an nnrmrdonahle tin in the ) ct of certain tricky politicians and office Kckert. Answer next week. April 18, 1853. ftfl. Poetry. KATT DARLING. A POPULAR BALLAD. Obi they tell me thou art dead, Kaly Dar line. That thv Mnile I mav never more behold ! Did they tell thee I was false, Katy Darling; Ur my love Tor thee has e'er giown cola ; Oh? they knew not the loving, Of the heart of Erin' son; When love like to thine, Katy Darling, Is the goal to the race thai he runs, Then hear me sweet Kaly ! For the wild flowers greet me, Katy Darling, And the love-birds aie singing on each tree; Wilt thou nevermore hear me, Kaly Darling, Behold! love, I'm wailing for ibee ! I'm kneeling by thy grave, Kaly Dailing 1 This world is all a blank world to me ! Oh ! couldst thou hear my wailing, Kaly Dar ling, Or think, love, I'm sighing for thee! Oh, methinks the stars are weeping, By their soft and lambent light ; And thy heart would be melting, Katy Dar- l'n8Ti Couldst thou see thy lone Dermot this night. Oh, listen ! Sweet Kaly ! For the wild flowers are sleeping, Katy Dar ling, And the love-birds are nestling in each tree; Wilt thou never more hear me, Kaly Dai ling, Or know, love, I'm kneeling by thee!. 'Tis useless all my weeping, Katy Darling, But I'll pray that thy spirit be my guide; And thai when my life be spent, Kaly Dai ling, They will lay me down to rest by thy side. Oh ! a huge great grief I'm bearing, Though I scarce can heave a nub; And I'll ever be dreaming, Katy Darling, Of thy love every day lill I die. Farewell then ! Sweet Kaly ! For the wild flowers will bloseom, Katy Dar ling, And the love-birds will warble on each tree ; Bui in heaven I shall meet thee, Katy Dar-ling-, For there, love, Ihou'rt wailing for me! A STRING OF ITFMS. A wager is a fool's argument. Men of principle, ought to be principal men. Thc New- York Canals are to be opened on the 20i h of April. Chester county farmers are busy planting potatoes. Belgium has recognised the independence of Liberia. Mrs. Partington is visiiing Pittsburg. She is stopping in the rhubaibs of the city. A new Lutheran congregation, with about 120 members, has been organized in Lan caster city. Breeding of rare chickens attracts the at tention of some of the beaviesr properly owers of North Penn. The committee of the Maryland Senate have reported favorably on the Susquehanna Bridge bill. An almost impenetrable barrier of ice now lies in the lake fronting Buffalo. Large fields are now moving down the river. St. John's, N. B, papers to the 30th ull, state that about 175 vessels, manned by 7,000 men, bad sailed for ihe seal fiishcry. On Thursday, nine runaway slaves, owned by George P. Curls, Esq., of Alexandria, were arrested at Richmond, Va. A correspondent of the New Yoik Mirror names the Hun. Edward Everett as a candi date for the Presidency in 1856. It is said that Julia Dean, the actress, is about to become the bride of Mr. Junes, the culptor. In Indiana there are 800 miles of railroad in operation, 1500 miles of plank roads, and 550 miles of navigable canals. Tub sma!l-pox is at present raging in Mon treal, and has already numbered many vic tims. ' Thc word London is of Sclavonic origin, and signifies town upon water. Lon is the Sclavonic for water, and Don city. Seme three hundred so-called Spiritualists of Massachusetts, met on Wednesday in Convention, at Springfield. Thc Journeymen Carpenters of Baltimore are on a strike for higher wages. Some em ployers have agreed to give Ihe advance asked. Thc Oglethrope (Ga.) Democrat still pub lishes a half sheet, Ihe small pox having frightened off nearly every printer from that office. Conecaled buds may be started by mak ing a nick immediately above them with knife. This is a good way to foim new limbs. A reward of five hundred dollars has been offered by the Sheriff of Mercer jounty, Pa., for the arrest of the murdeier of Dr. U. W. Uaskin. Thc London Morning Post contradicts the report that Lady Peel and her daughter have become Roman Catholics, as well as that of ihe expected marriage of Mint Peel to a Roman Catholic uobloraan. Both ladies attended; the English service on the. day be ft re Ihe contradiction was made. SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER, &o. TDK aiiroeribrra offer to Cons ray MaaotAHTs, TsAcit s anil School Committkm, one nf the beet assorted stocks of 8CHOOI, BOOKS and STATIONARY to be i on ml in the City, which they are able to offer at liist pricea. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find all the leading School Hooka, Writing and Wrnp- ping Papers, Curtain rrHlii I' anera, Blent ing Papers, and allordi nary Stutionary, Ulank Booka, Pent, , Ink, 4c, on the moat favorable term SCHOOL COMMITTEES, 1Acnr: asd omnia m ocastitiiw for rVhools, ore invited to cell rinti cMiniine oul tlock. We hnve had considerable espetiemc in supplying School Pit Hide, and lieing Publishers of a number of extensively naed rtohocl Uookl, our InciliUrt lor gelling aucn siuc we unsurpassed. Am .jiiirm our Publication! will le round Hie following t Conil) 't rH'lhiig ITiok, revised edition " Primer; Voung Omlor ; Gummere's Purveying. Ihc Knndreil Trentite on this Sci ence l H'liinvi'nMle's Mensuration ; Anderson's Dnvr'nnorl't History of the United Wales, need in the l'nl.lic Si nl New York and Philadelphia j tiiimmrie's lrgreteivc Spclbug Hook : C'tnilv's Omimner ; Latin lliclionary $ The Ujok of Comuicice, Ac . .Vc. Ac. t UTAH HI NT ft PON. 41 Norlli Fourth Street, Wiilwlclnhia. February SO, 1353, 3tn. DInmoIuIIoii of rnrtnerftlilp. riHE Coiiarlnrrahip heretofore existing under 1 the nnine of James H. tc Wm. B. Hart, is tliia day dissolved by the withdrawcl of William K. Hart. The business of the late firm will he settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 229, Norlli Sd street JAMES H. HART, WIU.IAM D. HART, THOMAS HAKT. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name uf James If. &. Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past lavors, they respectfully ask the at tention of llirir friends and the public to their stork of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, and which they will sell at the lowcat market rates. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HAKT, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853 J8, tt. EYRE & LAN DEL L, 4th and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for spring aalca A Fine Stock of Dry Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Fashionable Shawls, New designs of Dress Goods, British, French and India Goods, I.inen Damask and Furnishing Goods, A Full stock of Anjerican Cotton and Woolen Goods, N. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods it low pnictsrcu .'tt CASH. " February IS, 1853. 3m. NEW STORE. BEN J A MIX I1EFFN Ell T1ESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of . WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Callcoen, Gingham, Lawna, Mousscllnc Ie lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variely. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWAEE, of various slj les and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS Sl SHOES. HATS k CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, c. And a great variety of other articles such as are tuituble to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. H?" Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL CHEAP GOODS. OF FRILING 8c GRANT. ESPECTFl'LLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened thc best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variely of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcres, Sattincts, Vestings, Flannels, M'ollens, c.t And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, l)e Laines, Berages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Caps for MrN and Boys. Also a large assortment of GItOCEItlXS, SUCH A3 Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a fresh supply of DKUG8 AND MKD1C1NC8. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. nf Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change st the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 13, 16S2. Tremendous Excitessint ! ! Cash, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and all other lines out-dont by the Lightning I-lue of IRA T. CLEMENT. VVriiO, having great faith in rapid tales and ' trim II profits, has just received ana opened a Urge assortment of FALL AU WINTER GOODS. At hts Store in Mar.tet Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest pricea. His stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry floods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslin's, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages, Silk Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries;, Sugar, Tea, ColTee, Molasses, Chees, Sji- ces, tish bait, blaster. HARDWARE, Vis : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, 4c QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, I'lates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tfc M int. Brandy, Gin, Bam, Vhiskry, kt. Country produce of all kinds Uken in ex change at the highest market prices. Jan. 15, 1853. ly. f IANJ) B1LL8 neatly printed on new type - uromDtlv executed at this ollice Also 1 blanks, of all kind on superior paper. ' Sunbury, fsb. 14, 18M. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND "SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. JUST RECEIVED . AT THB " Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. W. STltOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new aesortment of Silver, IlrnM and ;t Japanned Mounting, - : Which he wilt either mnke up to' order or sell separately for onah at pricea na low if not lower than can be bail anywhere fine. - ': SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, 1 i i'uiihh, i Hiices, tarnuge ? ni, ttC, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on Ihe shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine fot hemselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, miLADEtr-HIA. IMP0RER8 of Foreiirn Fruits, Nuts, Wines, &c, keep constantly on hnnd the following articlca, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Walnuts, Prunes, Filberts, Sweet Oil, Liquorice, Port Wine, Almonds, Currants, Citron, (iround Nuts, Cream Nuts, Dales, Figs, Vanilla beans, Preserved cinder, nmnrinds, 1. Onion Syrup, Fire Crackers, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Sherry " Philadelphia, July 3, 18.VJ ly. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. .1. C. Oil E H TE LIFFE Ii , S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis above Rau PHILADELPHIA. INVITES the Ladies of Ihe City and Country to call end examine his apli'iulid Stock oi Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut most caro. Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in the business, 1o take advantage of the wholesale market, is able t sell as low 'as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con ductor of thc extensive business of Mr. J. W, Hurstinan, No. 204 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experience will bo a guaranteV of bis ability to do justice to his customers. His Stock comprises thc following.- Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do. Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, Glines, Combs, 1) rushes, Soaps, Perfumery, Ac. Woollen and Cotton Knitting, and Darning Yarn, Porlc Monnaies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1S52. Cm. GREAT EXCITEMENT. "WILLIAM A. KNOBB, RESPECTFULLY inmrns the public gener ally that he has just received and opened he best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county. His stock consists of every variely of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Caa.'imers, Snltinatts, Vestines, Dril lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter Goods. Also a splendid variety nf Luil ies Dress and Fancy gooils, Calicces, Gincluims, De Laines, Shawls, and every varieey of Goods suitable for Ladies vear. Also, an extensive assnrtm'nt of Silk, Beaver, Fur If Slouch Hats A large and well selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes of ev ery descrip ton and size. Also, a laree assortment of Groceries, Such as Sunar, Coffee Teas, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a lnrno assortment of Hardware and Quecnswarc, Fish, Salt and Liquors such as Gin Brandy, Rum and Whiskey, besides the largest and most general assortment of all kind of Goods to be had in the county. All the above mentioned goods will le sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kindt taken in exchange at the highest market pricea. Also, r or sale a two horse spring wagon and a buggv. Augfsta tw sp., Oetolicr 29, 1852. Cm. "A Penny saved is a Fenny Earned." M AllPLK S BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Fottsville, Fa. KLANK Booka bound and ruled in any and every style, in tho most durable and sub stantial manner, with or without printed Heads. i ersnn in want ot Ledgers, Dockets, Day Booka, Minute Books, Journals, Letter Books, Blotters, Receipt Books, Coal Ledgers, Ac, tec. ot any kind of lilniik Books, would do well to give me a rail as I pledge myself to give satUfac tion. Paper ruled to any pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Hooks, Bibles. Hymn JJookt, Ciodcv's Ladv Books, (Reason's Pictorial, Sheet Music, Shaksprare's works,, Life of Christ, Law Books, cVc, &c. Graham's Magazine, Sartain's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Josrphus's works, Any of the above or other books bound in fnll gilt, plain or fancy tn suit the wishes of customers. 1 would again call the attention of my fiends and customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder for tho last 18 years, and they can depend on having their work done In the very best manner, and do the work myself ; I use the best paper &. material; pleas give me a cult my charges are reasonable and fair, but there ia no dilficulty about prices where work ia done satis- lactorily. IS. B. Persona having B oca's thoy want Hound can send them by stage directed to me stating, the the style they wish them bound in: I will do them as low as they can be done anywhere,, care fully rack them up and return them; Also per soua can send orders for Blank Books by oiuil, which will be punctually altendud to. All work done at short notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder, rottsville, Nov. 6, 1S53 6in. PROCLAMATION. OTICE is hereby Court of Common given that a Special Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, to commence at ihe Court House, in llie borougttof Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday Ihe 23.1 day of May next, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tha time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my band aLSuubury, the 26ib day of February, iu the year of our Lord one thousand ei"ut hundred and filty-three and the Independence of the United States oi America ine 7 fin. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sherifl". God save the Cemmonwealtb. CMLVER WATCHES. A few double rase ts' English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 13, 1151 rr-S500 CHALLENGE. ' ril Concerns the hmlth artd htipi.lrtesa or a nensta it at aa linwa of the moat valuul.le import ance. 1 take It lorramail lani every prrprin win u nn in their power, to save Ihe lives nf their ehiklrei), and that tvery person will endeavor to promotetheir own health at all aneriticct. 1 fwH 't to be my duty to aolemnlr assnrs ton that WORMS, aceoroing in in opinion oi ine mm oelebrnteri Phv.ieione, are tha primary eausM of a larra majority of di.ense to which, children and adtllta are la. ble :if ynn have an appetite continually changeable from one kind of food to another, Bad Hrealh, Fain in the fto mnch, l'iekinn at the Nose, lliirdni and Fullnes. of the li-iiv llrv (',... nh. Stlow Fever. I'ulnelrrmrular rememher Hint nil these denote WORMS, and vott ahonktat once ap ply Ihe remedy : HOBENSACK'S WOBM SYRUP. An artiM fonnded nnon ieiltiflcPrlncildea. COmpotlnd- eil wilh purely vefjetalile tulmliuices. beinn perfectly safe when tnken. and can ha vtven to llie most tenner iniani with ai.l.Nl iMmenciiil effect, where Dowel Oomplainla and Dinrrho-o hnve made them wenk and delimitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Synuj are tuch, tltnt it ttamla without an equal in me cnunofpie oi mnuiwi, f Vina- tone and treinrth to the Ptomach, which iratkea it an Imnllihle remedy for those afflicted with Dv'pensia, tha oatiaiithina cures performed hy thia yrop after Phyai clan, have failed, it the bett evidence of ita supertia- effi cacy ovei all olhcra. THE TAPE WORM 1 Thin la Hie init difficult Worm to destroy of all Hint ire fe.l the liiimnn it tfTtm'R to Rll nlmOSt I lllefillit lenirth heenniiiis: so coiled and fnstened in the Intestines sml St'imnrli illectiuir the heiilth so tndly ns to cause ft. Vitus Dunce. Fits. Ac., Hint those smiclcti seuvnn u r I suspect that it is Tupe Worm hastening them to an enrly arrive. In order to tlestroy tnis worm, a very rncisrin: treatment must Iw pursueil, it would therefore lie proper to tuke 6 to 8 of my Liver Tills sons to remove all obstruc tions, thai the Worm Syrup may net direct uponlhe Worm, which must be tnken in d iscs or 3 Tnlilespooiuuui 3 nines a ilnv Hiene directions followed hnve never been known to fnil in curing the most olntmnte case of Tape Worm. O- HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part of the system Is more liable to di.ene tlinn the I.tVl'.U, it serving ns a fillerer to purify the blood, or Hiv ing the proper secretion to the bile ; so Hint any wring ac tion of the Liver effects the other Important parts of tins tvstein, and rctitltl varlonalv, in l.iver uonipiaini. jaun dice. ls;icpKin, Ac. We should, therefore, watch every tvinpt mi Hint might indicate a wror.e action of the I .iver. These l-llls being composeu OI null 179 I'l.rt. i a Mir uislieil bv nature to heal thc sick ! Nnmelv. 1st. All EX- PKCTORANT, which nngmmiti the secretion trom ine Pulmonary mncus membrane, or promotes Ihe discharge of secreted matter, quit. An ALTKR AT1VF., which changes in some inexplicable nnd insensible manner the certain mihid action of the sj-stem. 3rd, A TONIC which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, re newing health nnd vigor to all parts of Hie body. 4th. A CATHARTIC, which ncls in perfect hnrmony with the other ingredients, nnd operating on the llowcls, nnd expel lin!T the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, nnd pu- rilymg thu JlkKxl, which destroys tuscuse ana reaiorct health. TO FKMALES. You will find lhcfi Pill nn hn-alunble medicine In miny cnnpl:iiuts to which you are subject. In olmtructiotit ei ther total oi pnrtini, they imve iteen lonurt oi inesitimnme benefit, restoring their Imictinnal rrnngcinenta to a hcnl thv action, numying the IiI'nmI and other llnida ao etTcctu ally to put to flicht all eninplainta which may arise from female irrcfmlnritic, na hendnrhc. cidiliuesff. dimneM of aignr, nntn in ine suie, ikm-k, &c. ty Price, 25 coitls ench. None ffcnuine unless untied J. N. Ilobcnsack. nil others Uiiig Utfc Imitation. 1"?" Agents wishiiitr new lit nnii en. ami Plore Keepers deftirous nt iiec mnns Agents ninat auuress the 1 Tpnelor, J. . Ildnnnrk, I'liilndcli hin. Pn. Sild hy J. W. Friliiur. futibnry; Mary McCoy, Nor thuinlcrliiii(l : Ibim-I, 'J'mbiiivillc; Hater, Milton; Ditty A Eenker. (iii'tcclown ; l.eisenring A Wolverton, Paxi- ns; Wiest. Hickory: ull dailera iu Medicine iu the Omutv nitd ffnte. August II, h.v ly. T-ILOP.I1TG. JOHN V. MAHTIN, "lYKOS leave to inform his friciuls and the pub- lie in general, that he is prepared in every respect to muke clothing after the most Fushionablc Styles, nil in llie most durahle manner, and Ins prices will he as rrasonuMe as can be had in Hunhury or elsewhere, in rash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his nek now I Ijjcil skill in cutting, he will be assisted by thc direction of the most scientific publications reln ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in the United States. An endeavor will he made ulwiys to have work completed when rcqiiiacd. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the huilding formerly occupied by Jacob Pointer ns a hatter shop, where it will lie a pleasure to him see Ins triends, and make such work for them as is within the line of his business. . Sunbury August 14, 1852. If. Fresh and Sjiiced Oysters ! . I1AVING setlled at Northumberland, I am now prepnrpcl lo furnish Fresh anil spi ced Oysleis dnrino tho wholo season nt re- luced prices. You can Jenc-nd upon them bfins fresh, as 1 shall receive ihem daily, Sundays excepted) and when landed here, hey are only 16 hours out of Ihe he!l. All persons at a distance, who are in want of the above article, can have Ihetn sent per lozen or Kini; le can tiy niklipssing W. II. VICKERY, nt Burr's Hotel. Northumberland. Oct. 16, 152. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES 1$. F1DLH11, No. 1 2 Soh,i Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. (Sold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do " Quurlier do Gold pens nnd pencil and silver holders Silver Tea nnd Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings Ac. All warranted and sold at pricea aa low as any in Ihe city. November 27. 1SS3 if. BOCKS I BOOKS! I - JCST RECEIVED nnd for sale a new edition of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books. WM. McCARTV, Bookseller. Sunbury, Dee. 4, BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices at this ollice, by whouuwle and retail RNOLU'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe-:- she and legal envelopea, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jau 10, 1S52 . EXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent article more wholesome and much cheaper than Coll'.ie itself. For sale t this ollice. April 17 1B.V EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this oflice. Piieo 25 cents. Sunbury, Ju.y 12, 1851. BLANKS. LAN1CS of every description can be had by apply ing at the ollice of the Americun. F1 EE BILLS. Justicea and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on cars' paper for tale at this ottiee. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MAS8FK. Sunhurv. Jan. 27th. 1849 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price by J- W. F .RILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1849- JATBNT BR1TTANIA STOPPERS for liar bottles lor saw oy H. I) MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 GOLD PENS with and without rases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sals by XI. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec 87, 1851. . T)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds snd blank -- Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, etc., fur sale by ii. II. MASSER. Sunbury April 16, 1851. - FRESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality, just racaivad and for sale by Jul 31, 185? II. B. MAS9EK. SOWEIt $ BAUNKS, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. iMi-aj, s in) en inns, 1 irciiimi wiu iiwtuiitai , . v. -, Travels, Novell, Jlc, he. SCHOOL BOOKS. N Every kind In ue from a primer Upward!. BLANK BOOKS. An elegant assortment from the pass book upwardti made of auperior paper, and best of btndiiif . :. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Post, and Note Topers, elegant styles and quality, anu very eneap. . STATIONERY. Fanny, phin and Adhesive Envclopce, Ink, Band, We frre, Pii-ei IYim, tMntca, Pencil. PorieM(ioiei. Wrap ping raperaoi an ainue, murrain rapera, ate, c. . Our Ittvk la all fteih, 1 sought cheap and enld acomlinely. Particular attention iwtd lo Btnkacllri, Oimntry Mer- chanta and Teachcri, however little they may buy. Sower Bumea are Puhtiihera nf PKLTONft aeiica of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS FJich map la nenrly SEVEN FEET lQUARE. nd ihnwa tlm mtmnarntive nir.r, and rclahve iw aitinu nf every country on thu clol. Thry nre Intemhil to le iiapendcd in everv jy-nnoi iiiioni. ami not nniv iuhkc m miiruuiu oi- prnranre, but are univrranllv ackivwlch7,'1 In le the 11K8T MODE VF TEACHING GKIXUIAPIIY ever bmuplit nut. They ore keya intended t he urwI hy the acholara, eontntniiip a complete epitome of Geography, nid coating lest titan ituii ine pri-e oi a ena:rnpiiy mm mnw. The iyntem it in muversai uae in I'ritmm nun uermnny am) hai alrenily hecn introduced in Uirord ColtcRe, rtiln cMnhin, the public rtinola of Hoffton, New York, riiila- dclphia. ltnllimorc, WnKhhitrMn, and thriaifrmmt ew Enirlnnd, New York, Ac., Ac. Our ileaka are londcd with r"Coinmcmliitioiia from the moat tiuVntrd and acicn tific tenchem in every qunrter, and wlicrcver the nyitctn h:t been used parent, teac-hem nun ae hours unite in prais ing it. 1. Mnpnf the Western f fern iph ere. 2. Map ttf ihe 'nstcrii Ilt-iniflphere. 3. Map of North America. 4. M:ip of the I'nitul ikntes. ' 5. M:ip nf Eiirnpi. . Map nf Anift. 7. Map of South America nnd Africa. Every uitm in brilliantly colored, vuruiahed, nuJ mount ed on muslin and roller. e rcepnctfiillv invite the earnest altcutioii o I enciiera. PurcntM, and Schno. Uircctort tn thta fsiw iintitip mode of teaching Geography. POWER A JlAHXEft, Tl itirin j iiiru ?iici Philuttelphin, Aug. 2?, 1H52. If. Cheap AVatchcs fj Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philndel- phia Watch nnd Jemelry Store," No. 06 North SecoiuIsSlrcrt, corner of tjunrry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IR carat crises, S3i.0fl Pilvcr do. fntl jeweled, 8fJ. Gold f peetaclcs, 7.(l Silver lrfipinc, jewels, 10. Kine Silver do. 1.fiii do do do. p. Gold ilracclets. 3 I'll Bnpeiinr (luartieia, 7. 1 mlies' tiolil IVneils, l.llfl Imitation d-i. 5. , Silver Ten" spoons, set, 5. (HI Gold l'cm, with Pencil mill Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Kings, 37 J cenls to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, IHj ; Luuct, V5; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arc sold for. STALKFEli & II A RLE Y, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than thc above prices. August 28, ly. Van Loan Duifuerrcum Oullepv, 159 ClicstmU Street VT this relfliralpil enlnliliftlimrnt yon cm. nUvnys pro cure (ho iiewcsi atitl nvwl impruvtrd style of D.VOL'KKKKOTVPK k TALIIOTYPII POIITRAIT3 nt l nn ,10 to 1 00 pr ct. Lust cost tlinn tuch pictuies can c lirul fir elsewhere. Nowtlmt you enn 8tviif snrh prrfrrt portrnitii of your I'tvcil "nn ut a mure iiirmitial cost, d -n't tlcby lest' you tinnn. l-.vrry vnicty f I'm icy enscs, fnimr. A , on finnrl or fiiriiished to'onliT, ntnl every piclnri nwnUi ruimtory nnd wniruiilril t- lie in the lnsl rtyle of Uie att or so chakor Call uuil ce ui ut 150 Cheittnut ft. I. II. PURXEI.I -rhilmhllphin. July 17, 1K",2 ly. WIiuIom.iIc and ICclnil Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Comer Second and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. "IXIIERE may lie found, one of thc largest and best assortments of Clocks nnd Time pieces in the l'nited States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou- I rand Clocks: embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, I'arloia, Sleeping A pitrtinents, nnd Kitchens, Steam and Canal ttouts, and Rail Road Cars. Also ifnerol sale Agent, for Rnpp's lately pat- nlcd Scirntille Niche Gold I'cn. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver I'cn Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishiiij; to purchase, will find it lo their interest ' MlIE undersigned respectfully inform the pn'i to call before purchasing elsewhere. j A lie that they nre in full operation nt iheir JAMES BARBER, S. E. Cor. Ches luut &. 2nd Sis., Phila, April 10, 1855 ly SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 frond St., between 2d fr 3d Sts., and . - x' .1 ' no. ii ionn am oircei, ...... ' rillLADlXHUA. John Bancroft Jr. ami Son, n ESPECTFULLV inform Storekeepers. Mer chants, &c, that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, While, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Sonpa, Mould nnd Dipped Candles, all of good quality and nt reasonable prices. 1ST Cash paid for 1 allow and rough Fat, April 10 1852 ly. JOHN Ar TAVLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italia? ami Amkuican Makdi.e. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. OESPECTFULLY inform the public that all a a. work in his lino will be made up of the very best material and finished ill the latest stvle of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852 ly. AVm. McCarty, J.ookseller. TJESPECTFULLY informs hi friends and the public, that be has removed his Book Store, to Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court House, on the north aide, where keep for aale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For Sale A lurge new spring waggon fit for 2, 3 or 4 horses. Sunbury, July 24, 185?. tf. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams 5 Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., PHILADELPHIA. MOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import era, Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. I'V Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. mjKTILEY'S COVGU CMNDY. An excel. T lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this ollice. December 4, 1852. T.'tOR sale at this oflice, Superior Black Ink. - Cattle Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger.25 cents WRITING FLUID and self sealing Envs lopes, just received and for sale by April 19. 1851 H. B. MASSER. fLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption ( JJ law ot JUU, lor aale by April 26, 1851.- H. B. MASSER. JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For aale b II. B MASSER. Sunburv, 185 1. 3f BANK NOTE TABLE!. CORRECTED WEEKLY. : PENNSYLVANIA. FITV OV rillLADCLPHlA. MAPSACAI 8KTT?. . All solvent looks J dis . t. flank notes IS dia K IK IDF. H solvent hnnks pai t - COUNTRY. All solvent Imuks dit COMNKUTICUT. finiik of Chnmlierahurg 1 dis All solvent tnukl J dia Bank 01 1 neater u. po NKW YUIIH. . CITY. . All solvent InnVs ' 1 dis Bank of Del. lin. Chester pnr Bank of Oermsntown tr Bank of Hell ysliurg 1 die ilTM(k notes aiMlnr K dia Hank OI Ijewistowil Bank of Miclilletown 1 Ji alontgomery Co Hunk ptir All solvents Imuks ldis COIT-ITRT. NBW JKBBKY. Hank oi ivorthmniierrnd. put Ilclvidere Itnuk iimimrfrcinl llnnk Jcl is dis Banknf l'ittplsirc 1 dis Bank of llanville pnr Far. Hank Mont Hotly pnr f.,i,. n....i. i .1;. t' M . Mnliletown I'l. pnr Coliimliin B'k A Il'nCo nariMechaiiiea' Ilk, Newark par lloyeMtowu Hank par .Meeh. Ilk of lliirlinston pn' Mech. Man. Bk Trent pnr Morris Co Bank 1 dis Newark llk'a a: Int. Co i dit l-ji.lon llonk inr t-'.rie Itnuk 9 dis Kseliange B'kPittslinrg 1 dis F.ichauge B'k, llranch 1 dis Orange Bank 'range I 'copte'a dis Fnrmera' B'k, BuektCo par'l' Ilk Patterson J tlis pot par 3 dis pnr J dit J dis Farmers' Ilk. tjinenate. nnr'l'rineetotl Bank Farmers' Ilk, Rending pnr'Snlem Banking Co, Fnrm. Bk rVhuvlkill Co pnrlScmerret Co Bunk F D. Bk Ws'vnesli'g lldis Puite llsnk nt Csinden Franklin Bk. Wasli'u lldia Slate Ilk Klirnliclhloii llarrislnira- Bnnk 1 dia Srnte Hank Newark llmietdale Bank 1 dis.ftnte Bk, N. Bumswick par I.nuenster Bunk nnr,ui,sc Bunk. Newton 1 dis l.euonoii jinnk pnr Merch. ft Man. Bank I dis Trenton Bnuking Co pnr l:nion Bank. Dover J dit Vnrdleyv'le A 1) 1 Or Oi. I.idia si mere' irk, I'otisville per Monotignheln Bank I dis Tavlorsv'e llel ll'i Co IS dis ryllk notes under ). J dia IIIM..4 II Alll. Went Bnmeh Batik pnr'Bnnk of leliiwin;e par Wyoming Bk, Wilkcsb'e pnr Vork Bank, 1 dis L?'Ilelief notes ldis MAINE. llnuk of Sinyrnn jwir llelawnre (' Jy Itonlc par Ilk Wtlmg'u.V llnuslyw. pni Kanners Ilk Si Delaware (wir I'ltlon Bunk. Wilmington pnr L'lHlcr V j dis OHIO. All solvent Links 9 dis Bank of Whet lock Sdi. Mercantile Ilk. Bangor 10 dis Ail .oiveni tniioot r ois NKW HAMl'SHIRK All solvent Innks J ilis 17 Hk n "''t under ." 4 dis VKHMONT. NOltTII CiKOUSA. flniile of ! Allnns 2 di AH s 'Ivcnt Innks -idit All s dvent bniiki di,tV"l'nder5,s, SJ dis "AID AND COMFORT," I o Your Own iTltctiniist s. GEOtlGE liENX. MANI OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the mott Fashionable Stylo. nIIE suliscrilier respectfully calls the atteni o( llie public to hi Inrjc ami splendid ass lion assort tiiriit of every quality and price of CAI.irr-Vw 'AUK. which cannot fail to reiommend itFclftoevcry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best slock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, nnd Ihe subscriber is determined to keep up with the liiimy improvement which nre constantly being made. His slock consisla ol Mahogany Sofas, IH van itiul Louitprcft, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFJ, LRKAKFAST ANU DINING TABLES, nnd also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia, manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of evrry pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE- STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, " In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAINS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Miiioiiaxt, Black U'alxit AMI (.'l lll.i:il .MaI'LK C'llKl IAN ; am, WlXlisnn CHAIRS, axii i-ANcr I'l ami Stools, which nre of thc latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or I. ehere. The subscriber is determined llmt there shall he no excuse fur persona to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every confidence eon be entertained about Ihe quality nnd finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed nf on ns good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvnient fur work. I!' I N'DEIITAlvlNG. Having provided j inmsell with a liamlsnmc IIkiiisk, he is now j prepared for ruderlaking, oml attending ftincr j uls, in this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis- lance from tl.U place. Vtf The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tnvcru. GEORGE RENN. Suiduirv, Jan. 10, 1SSS tf. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, 111 III' 1 I1 t a it t-t m above loitrlh, PHILADELPHIA, new foundry, nnd ready lo execute orders for stoves of every description on lite most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of .'TOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of .STOVES, all ol wmt" Br. v"u'ei .'fw' 81,1 "'' ' R ; exuense. Anions winch are the Lilierlv Air , . ., , .. .. ., , ... . . ,.,: 1 iplit I ook. 1 .oiiiiilctA f'oiih. e.ur A,r I irrlil Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Snlnmnudcrs, Can nons, Buses, Bare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, &e., etc. ABBOTT lr LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited to cnll and examine our assortment. April 10, 1852. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED 10it Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. HTMIE milacrilier begs leave respectfully to in form Pin ri:ns generally, that he has suc ceeded tn thc Business uf ninnuf icturing Print ing Jul formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Fulher, and oilers his article to the trade, without any I'l ns, but wilh the simple reliance upon the long established ehaiaeter it has borne, i leeliiig confident of lis jrivnig entire satisfaction i all who may favor him Willi a call. I i sms Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1652 tf. T1IK (.BEIT 1'flIZR Mi:i IL All- nivi:n HICKE3T & TULL, No. 148 Chcstnul St., above Siith, Front of JONES' HOTEL. "JlTi lAVE just received their True - .iieo.ii, awarned m mem lur their lest Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in Loudon, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their comietitton was with all the world, and they have taken TH E PRIZE ! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &o. To be found in this Citv, and at very low pricea Cull and see. HICKEY !t TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. ' April 10, 1852. tf. SUNBURY FERRY. T1ENRY W. BUCIIER informs the public that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and suffi cient cratts he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtness and despatch. April 10, 1852. tf. YiiluMble Hook. P IFE or Cubist, handsomely bound, D'Av. " Ileus's HisToar or mi RtronMATio, Blxkk Dat-books asi Linoras, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices hy II. B. MASSER . Sunbury, July 14, 1849 ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article lor Tetter, oc, just received and tor aale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849. riMSSUE PAPER. Yellow-Tissue paper for A. covering glasses, 4c. .for sale at the office of tSa American. 1 ARRIAGE CETIFICATE8 hamlaoinely executed rbr sals at this ofi'icrnnIa or by the down. A CALL TO HOUSEKKPTjrei At tlio C'nblnet Ware Room of SIAVN IIOUPT & CO i rvi a l-n. c - Also at the corner of Fawn street Me R,;,.j SUNBURY, PA. d keen tin with ,1. I " r",uu of the day, nnd has accordingly ..tended Thi."!,' lies, in every branch and variety. Then.,U!!- unereiore inv.tea , the attention of CABINET WARE AND CHAINS SEBASTIAN H0UPT Si CO -u . Old Stand, M here In addition to their former stock of th. establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair, Larcre Spring Seat Rocking Chnirr Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tobies ' Marble Top Wash Stands, unu a vunciy oj other new style and Fnliioiiablc Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and m.d. ,, sary arrangements for the purpose, thev ' . , prepared for Undertaking in all i , branch,, i this vicinitv or ni ..... . . .. u ' " ""1 vuiivunicni instance. Y inaids and misuse,, Rd hrtml, , Here'a fnrnilare of every style and sua, From tide hoards d.nvn to kitchen tablet, From rocking cliair, to ineking cradlea Should yon n,4 hnve the ready Jniix to nay We'll wait awhile for a brighter-better day, Or take potatoes, onts, corn, wheat tn.1 r-a i nrk, hoop poles, slaves, or luinlr wet and dry, Or any thing ykl., ,, 0mtWmg From plcsand tnrkict down to little quail,. Come on then friends, corns one and all. Keep tmde a moving, so og. os on the ball." I I T"l ri I r .. . wiuer. irom a Uistunce br.nnt.tlv att..,,.t- nn.i tf.- r.r an l.;- i . i i- . Suiiburv-, March 0, 1850. tf STACK OFFICE. WASHINGTON HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor. T'OULD respectfully announce thnt he hi taken this well known stand, tthcra I will be gratified to sec and entertain his Iriem nnd the travelling public generally. This houi is now replete with every convenience, comfort; ble, 'pleasantly located, handsomely furnishe well ventilated, rendering it in every respect desirable stopping place. No cvpense has been spared in fitting up th house. The chambers nre well furnished oi thc tablo nnd bar provided with the best tl market can nllorj. The stable accommodations are extensive at well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland Pottsvillc. stop at this house, where through ai way tickets to Philadelphia can lie obtained. Sunbury, March 20, 1852. tf. ESTRE & LANDELL, 4ii and Jlrcli Street, PHILADELPHIA. 1F-WE established a Store where the be MJI- trade now resort fur Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, Dress Mlks and Shawls, Hosiery, Cloves ond Mitts, Cloths, Carsimcrs nnd Vestinjs, Muslins and Linens by the piece. Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Pa'ei.t Black Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. t.. ct l,jare constantly recening Bargains fro Ihe New York and PLiladclphia Auctions, whi. they sell wholesale nnd retail very cheap for Ni Cash. Edward E. Eyre, Washington I. Landt.i Philadelphia, July 3, 1S52. ly. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c. VIIOI.i:SAIE AXI II UTAH.. I rpiIE Philadelphia Window Glass Ya j house, and Drug, Puint, Varnish, .' il a Color Stores, j A'os. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. j East side, has the largest assortment o Windi Picture, Coach, ( ase, Hot-House, and other (1 LASS, in the city ; comprising upwards of 15,000 i ferent sizea, ranging from thc smallest site, up 38 by CO indies of Sheet, and aa large as 5 7 feet of Plate Glass, including English Crov French, German and American, both Single and Donble Thick. Also, a lurge assortment of Very Thick GI for Sky-Lights, Bulk Windows, 4e. The Subscriber having a heavy stock on ha is prepared to fill orders at tho shortest noli and on the most reasonable terms. Odd si of sny pattern cut to order. Ground While Lead : Paint, Varnish, of t cry de scription ; Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, bo ed and raw ; Paint Mills : Puttv : Bnuhr Dye Woods, &c, ckc, &c. And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGUE. Nos. 33 A- 35 North 4th St., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. IDCCrTCF. TCTIPaSELF FOR 2 CEVI'S. BY MEANS OF Tl POCKET iESCl'L riUS, or Every one '. own Physician ! Taiai sixru edition, with i wards of a hundred eng vings, showing private d ease in every shop s form, and malformations the generative system, Hy lr Win. luun The time has now sr ved, that persons suffering from secret discs need no more become the victim or tn-icssa as by the prescriptions contained in this bot any one may cure himself without hindrance businesa, or the knowledge of the most intimi friend, and wilh one-tenth the usual expense, addition to Ihe general routine of private disea: il fully explains the cause of manhood's early i cline, with observation on marriage hrsic many other derangement" which il would not proper to enumerate in the public priui.. Ltr Any person sending iWfc.M'I'-KII CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receia o copy of tills book, by mail, or five copies will sent for ona dollar. Address, Da. W. YOI N No, 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA Post paid. 1C7" Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on sny the Diseases described in his dillerent public lion, at his Office. 152 Spruoe Street, avery di lietween 0 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1852. ly. DAVID COOPER. COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE ALK OP f Fish, Provisions, tjc, Xo. 9 Xorth IVharves, PHILADELPHIA. April 10. 15. STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, t monds, P unes and Cream NuU. Planes of all kind. Salt and Plaster. Just reeeived and forss JOH.'X W.rmw.'"' funbury, Dee. S, 111. riinnkful fur the pntronspj of his frier.,!, an 1 i-ustomcra during the 17 years he ha, be io I nes. in thia place, he -Ik-its front ,h. inuance of thpir favors. Dtirini tl.i. T.:'r.n" has ctulcavorcil to