fox cign Kcuj0. . . ARRIVAL OF THE E Ull OP A- Tht Turkish Qvestioii Settled. LATER FROM EUROPE. Th Cunard steamer Europa, Capl. Loll fom Liverpool, March 26ih, arrived at New Fork, oh Saturday. TURKEY. ! Via Pari, it is ttaled that the difficulty etween Russia and Turkey hai been adjun (d. - Despatches, received by the Turkish linister at Puti., and aubaequently by the J Imister at London, aay that Prince Mend phikorT made some modification in the retentions which he at first announced, and tat the Sultan accepted the modified propo tiont. tn France, it was considered that the hole aflair had terminated, and the danger ' a rupture had subsided. The demand cf Russia were : lit, the tpuTaion of all political relugces ; 3d, the -elector are of Russia over all Christians of io Greek Church in Turkey ; 3d, free pas ge for the Russian fleet through the Dar inelles ; 4ih, cession to Russia of the port Battura ; 5ib, several concessions to the (lowers of the Greek Church, especially i'h regard to the Holy Shrines. The Japan Expidition, the Washington lion says, hut not been abandoned; on the ntrary, the Administration is making eveiy lort "to give all proper nid in carrying out s important objects of the expeditions and fulfilling the public expectation in regard it." The Vermont is ready to receive her iw, but her withdrawal has become una idable, because, in addition to the force al tdy in commission, she cannot now be timed without exceeding the number of imen prescribed by law. It is probable, o, that the necessary delay in preparing the Irghany for sea may render her sci rices, available for the expidition. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. A NT A ANNA ELECTED PRESIDENT. New Orleans, April 6. By an arrival at s port; to-day, we have advices from Vera iz to the 23,1 ul. i telegraphic despatch received on that y from the city of Mexico, slates that Sun Anna has been officially announced as anient of the Republic of Mexico. )n the 21st, Judge Colliding, the American lister, and Senois Tornel, Castilo nnd uras, had signed a treaty between Mexico I the United States, guaranteeing neutral aud protection to Col. Sloo, lor transit tr the Tehuantepec route, and giving en i security for the capital invested in the Jertak'iig. The tieaty was ratified on the same day the Supreme Executive of Mexico. CCIDENT ON THE REAPING RAILROAD. Oil :urday morning, before daylight, a train of I cars came in collision with another train the Reading Railroad, near the mouth of tunntl, above Manyunk. The collision l tremendous, and a complete wreck was tie of both trains. One of the binkesmen s very badly injured. We have not heard iny other person being hurt. Thomas Co) ir, and the injured brakesman i brought down to the city and admitted i the Pennsylvania Hospital. He is very ly bruised. i meteor exploded in New London, Conn. iw evenings since, making a report like a non. It extended from the horizon to the ith, and in form resembled a half-closed the widest part being overhead. Iore or the Rapping. Ebener Pope, specthble citizens of Milton, hung him. in his barn on Thursday. He leaves a ily. Insanity, resulting from '.he rapping ision, caused the mournful act. He was of the selectmen of the town. Rome (N. Sentinel, Apri 5 .muiimf.nt, Instruction and Public stings All Eyes are turned to the As ibly Buildings; since the great offers da by Mr. Pf.rham to give away the sndid Panorama of California, this has be ia the centre of attraction to all persons a are seeking a rational and pleasing usement, and wi thing at the same time become the possessor of this magnificent k of art. Persons clubbing and buying lollar ticket, get the additional privilege participating in the distribution of the tly gifts promised. FBOM SOUTH AMERICA. 'he following letter will show that Earth kes and Civil Wars are not all lh) ca lilies they have to provide against in that ir'.er of the world. Diseases incident to own climate, also find their way there, be seen by the remedy they seek for tection. Valparaiso, Chili, S., A., July 20, 1843. Dr. J. C Ayer, lee, Dear Sir i We bave the pleasure to re- t on your shipment of Caesar Pectoral jur bouse, the whole quantity sold, and a ssing demand for more, which must awai1 i arrival of further supplies, lit success curing diseases of tht lungs, and ill const nt notoriety, has excelled any medicine ever d in this country. Most of our lemedies re are imported from England, and some them are rich and valuable ; but no pro it of medical skill from that or any other irter has ever won so fully the confidence our population as this beautiful prepara n of yours. The article has attracted particular utten, n among our most distiunuisked titizenm m the fact that General Bulnes, President the Republiet and the highest officer in State, was cured of a severe and danger i affection of the lungs, by its use. lie iws ua to send his name, and wishes to the acknowledgments of gratitude for relief. rVe bave the honor to be, air, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Carlos Alvarez t Co. Pennsylvaniams in California. In the Ca:lfornl Legislature there are eleven na tives of Pennsylvania, seven being members of the Senate, and four of the House of Rep tesentatives ; In addition to which the Gov- tiorand Secretary of State are natives of Pennsylvania, and the Superintendent of Public fnstiuction, though not tprn here, wsa last a resident of this State. The Latest Strisc, is that ol the Bar keepers of New York, who the Mirror says, have unanimously deci led to charge a shil ling, instead of a sixpence, as at present, per glass for drinks, on and after the first of May. It would be better for the public if they were to advance the price to two shil lings. Damages in 83,500 were awarded to B. Matthews, at Pitlsbuig, on Tuesday," ngainst the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for per sonal injuries inflicted upon him, through the negligenco of an agent of the Company. ,Eriai. Navioation. Mr Porter, who hat made several exhibitions on a small scale, of his model iEroport or flying ship, at Carusi's Saloon, in Washington, intends to give it a trial in the open air in a few days. 0 Mazzini v reported by a London corres pondent of tho Tribune to have escaped from Italy, and reached that city. New Advertisements. t5Uf cttcv0 HEMAI.MNG IN THE POST OFFICE AT srxnnti, Nurch 31, 153. A Arthur Little Samuel Adams B Robcil Blniimore Geo. W. Brewer C. Bower 2 John S. Bright John Al Black rcy Jacob Buder C Mrs. Mary Campbell Joseph M Cook Henry J. Colt Joseph Libe M Geo Miller John Mutts Mis II Millay Mary Manlz P Geo Pecer Jacob Pickard R James L Kundolph Henry Renn Dr John Raker Peter Rhodes John Ruker S Josiah Shatter Simon Snyder B D Sanders Charles Harris T Teri Thompson Wm Teats C M Taylor Henry Troxel Miss Mary Ann Van zant w Adnm Wolfgang Charles Wifour John Wendt Annaniaa Wynn Miss Kate Williamson Geo Wayn Z Weiser W Ziegler Geo Conrad Sam B Conrad D Sophia Donovan jr Jacob Fegely Jacob Fox 0 Wm-Gass Jacob Golisar H Elias H.11T lanc 1 1 11 IT Dan'l Hileman J Wm. Johnson Jacob Janney X Daniel Kock Isaac Keiser Elias Kessler John Keneghen L John Lnfler Lewis Leonard R. B. PACKER, P. M. NOTICE IS hereby given that the subscrilier purchased at Constable sale, on (he 2d day of April 1853, the following articles, sold as the pro perty of Jacob Fox, by Martin E. Bucher, Con stable of the Borough of Sunbury, and that he has loaned the same to the said Jacob Fox, with the privilcdge of selling the same or until he sees fit to remove them, viz : 1 (iray Horse, 2 acres Wheat in the ground, 2 acres Rye in the ground, 2 Plows, 1 Harrow, IlcilU-r and 1 Sboat. WILLIAM HOOVER. Sunbury, April 9, 1853. 3u Notice to Contractors JJEALED PROPOSALS will be received at ' the Engineers' office in Lcwisburg until the 27th day of April next for the Grading and Ma sonry of that part of the Sosqtichanna Railroad which will be between Hie harough ol Sunbury nu l.ewisburg. a distance ol about ten miles. Profiles of the line and specifications of the man ner of extending the work will lie exhibited at the said office for three days prior to that date. 1 he line will be divided into Sections of about mile in length, and proposals may be made for each mile seperately or for the whole work. Proposals may state what pnlmirtion of the mount of payments, if anv, will be taken in stock of the company at par. A. U. WAltrOltU, Engineer. Engineers' Office, Harrishurg, April 9, 1853. tl. ) Mann's Establishment 25 SotilA Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of Patent Letter Copying Presses), Patent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, Ac. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a book-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, &c I'hila., April 9, 18S3 ly. NOTICE To Merchants, Traveller! and Others J'ArotigAout tht United States, Alexander L. llickcy 5 Co., TIIEGHF.AT WORIJ) FAIR TKIZK MFJIAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, No. 148 CAcsnuf Street, (Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchants and Travellers one of the largest and most improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunk ever olfered for sale in Ibis city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Also, splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, lionnct Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags, Hand Coaches, Gigs, &c, &c, II of which we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We resiiectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensivo assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALE.Y. L. J11CKEY 4 CO., No. 148 Chesnut Street. Phils., April 0, 1853. 6m. alDMINISTEATOB'S NOTICE. TTOTtCE la hereby .ivn that letters of Ad. ' "'"utlion nh ..ute of Isaae Minnier, sen., 1st. or Lowe Au.uata tn.v.;. i.i beil.nd eounty. tUc'd. h.v. ZZTZ'Sl ReaisUr of said eounty to the und.,.l....j Therefore all persons indchtsxl to aaid caUta still discharge Ihe same, and those having demand. will them to WM. V. 8ILVERW00D, Adm'tor. Lower Augusia Iwsjt., April 6, 6t SUNBUltY AMEiacAN-AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. i4 ' Hobby Horses, Children's Fropellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &e. Manufactured wholesale and retail liy . BTJSH1TELL pe. TTJLL, ivo. 04 uul, j. aircti, Philadelphia. Orders through tlio mail promptly executed I'hila., April 0, 1853 ly. Estate of THOMAS VASTINE, deo'd. THE suliscrilier, AdminUtrator of tlio estate of Thomas Vastinc, dee'd., hereliy informs, for the last time, all persons indebted to, or having claims against said estate, to call immediately for settlement, as he is desirous of making a fi nal settlement, and is determined to close all ac counts before August Court. AMOS VAHTINE, Adm'tor. Shamokin, April 0, 1853. 3U Stop the Horse Thief I S3 0 KEWAKD! 4 HORSE was Stolen from the stable of the -subscriber, rcMiding in I'cnn township, Berks county, on Tuesday night the Slh iust. The horse is a dark Clicsnut, about 15 hands high, with long mancjiis front feet newly shod, and branded on the left hnof with an X., on the left side of his breast is the mark of the collar, one of the hind legs is a little cracked. There was also a saddle and bridle stolen at the same lime. $20, will be pnid for tho recovery of said horse, and $10 for (lie apprehension of the thief. BENNEVILLE REBER. April 9, 1S53 3t. WILLIAM PERKINS' Genllemens Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE, Xo. 231 Chtsnul, Tin ril iluor bvloir Eighth st Philadelphia. OAS on hnud a full stork of French ond English Piece Good.-, which will be made? to order at the Shortest -Notice, in the Latent Stvle. FOR CASH. I'hila., April 9, 1853. Cm. THE CHEAPEST, THE SEATE&T AND THE BEST. Excellence and Beauty cogbineJ, EL-tVZLCCH'S Model Spring Stylo Hats, PiKO.l7AI.LED by any others in all that can render satisfaction to the Wearer. (iie them a trial. The Very Finest Molkskix H its for 3,50 ; iSccond Quality, very fine, 3,00 Third Quality, a copital article, 2,50. All these are warranted. .Model Hat Store, No. 46 North 8th Street Philadelphia, I'hila., April U, 1853. Cm. SWAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, rOil THE CURE OF Incipient Consumption, Scnrfula, General Debility, Whilt Swelling, liheumalism, Diseases of the Liver an I ii'Aiii, mirl nil Diseases arising from Imjmitirs of the litooil, and the Effects of Mercury. SWAIM'S PANACKA Ima been for more than thirty yenia celebrated in thia viuntry and in Kurope for its exlniordumri cures fm the cemllcatcsof which reference ia m:idc to the directions nnd books which muv lie luid erulu) accoiiipnnv ins- the I'linncn. of which give the wrlii'iil:u. of cuaca too lrirhll'ul for (rcnerul publiculiou, mii-ic ;ne uiiueiiin nun iicen nltnoal eutcn up with iScrot ulu, Slid were decllleil ineiinible liv I'hvRiciuiia. In hua Itccn iiKed in h vpitu'la and private practice, and has had the aillpullir fortune ol Iwinc recninmend' id by llie moat celclirutiHl phyaiciiuia nud other eminent persons. Ainoni! others by W. tiilwai. M. D.. I'rof. of Siitgerr. Va. t'niveraitv. Valentine .Molt, M. D., I'tof. ol Surg , N. Y'. t'u'iver silv. V. P. Dewcca. M. D , Prof, of Mid.. Pit. t'niveiiily. N. I'hnpiiian, M. II., Prof, of I'hyaic. Pa I'liiveraity. T. Pnrke, M. i., ivs't Collige ol Phyaieiaiis, I'hila. Dr. Del Vail i, l'rol.of Mnlictue, Iliirniia. Joae Kouiciicc dc Prof, ol Surjrcry, I.iiiIniii. J. i'hipiimn. JWciulicr R-iyiil Collecc s'urgeona, IxiudiKl. It. V. l-'rving, lule .Miuiiiici to Sniiu. Sir Thoiii:ia I'mriu, Mnj. (icn. llriliah Army. (illbcrt l(olicit.ill, llritish Coufill. Ac., Ae. And nla . the wontlerful cures elfecteil by Swaiin'a Pan aei b.ire for muiiy years made it su invuliialile reroctty The PaiKiccit d tea nol coniuiit inrri-tiry in anv form, and being nu innocent prcimrutiou, it uiny be given lo the moKi lender iiifuul. The relnil price hn been reduced to (ft .W per bottle, (containing llilce hull' piutn) or three bolllcH for Si. IIKWAIIK OK IMPOSITION. Swuini'i l'uniici'a ia in round laottha, fluted longitudi nally, with the followinc lettera hi iwn on the gliias : ."SWAIM'S PANACKA PIIII.ADA.' and having the uuuieof ja Swaix stinnped ihi the seal ing wax. and written on the laliel covering Ihe cork, and a splendid engraving lor the side of the UKlle. e annoaed of kci'iiiciiic luoic wum, c.aiipriaiog nine uinerem nice, which have Ih-cii turned for the exchuive use of the pro. prietor, bv Dniner A Co . Imnk note einrrnvora. of Phila- drlphia. In Ihe centre is a portrait of the lute Wm. Swuiin copyiighl scented. A I .SO, SWAIM'S VKUM1FIOE. A rilluatile Puuiily Medicine, being n hichlv nnnroved remctly for nil disensca uiisiug from d.-bility ol' the diges tive orgnua, aucn na worms, i.inaera ntoriiiia. Dysentery Fever mid Ague, Hlerdnig Pilea, Sick lleudiiche. Ac., Ao. See Ihe Pamphlet (which may be hud gratia) accompany ing luc criiiiiuge. Preireil only at SWAIM'S LABORATORY, THE OLD STAND, Seventh aliert, below Cheatnut, Philndel. lnn, nud a ild by ull the respectable Druggiala lu the I nl tat Stales. s CAI.'TION TO TIIF. PFIIMC Persons wiahilig olitniii the genuine SWAIMH PAN- AC'I'.A and SWAIM'S VF.ii.MIFl'UK, should bs careful to obaetve that the name SWA1M ii aiiHIeil rnrrnclly on the IM-Illra aittl biM-la, fr hry mj lie iinivwetl on lv mt-difiiii'S inutle in imitntiim of them by peisWHi Ixniring a aoiuevvluit iiiiulur iwiiiC wtU cakculated to uwrivf . GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE U. 8. SchieffVlin, Rrothprs & Co., 104 and 11X1 John hi.. New York. Philadelphia, April 0, Is-.33 Sin List of Letters BEMAIMNti I THE POST OFFICE at Northumberland, March 31, 1803. B Kriuer Mies Ann E Kuous Solomon L Loubridge Abraham l.eneliaii John !,elenner Robert Lynni Miss Jane Lj mail James Brouse Simuel Barrolt John R Butler Samuel Bucklew Peter Burganl Joseph R Bower Iia c Case N P Chief Engineer of Sun-Mitchell Barney bury and liarrisburg H.Uurry Jacob Road Mivicher Charles Criswell Hon Jas N F Nee Bridget Freese Geo VV 0 Fisher Adam ONailu Marks or Jae Flatter Miss EluabethOlteiley John Garnett Andrew ""rner Frederick I rice Thomas Pearson John R Russell James k 3 no Smith S Swarts John G Smith G W Sfigel Alexander fcharron John Gallanoher Bernartl Gift Mary H Harley James Harris Wyalt Higby Wm Hays Mary Hanio Even Sen Herty Isaao Harney Isaao Haggey Miss IsabellaSafeton Samuel Reefer Marparelt Vardgang Mrs Mary Kttnkleman Franklin 2 f Keater Messrs E C kWinchestor J J Co t V KirkbridgaE Young Messrs Thomas i or. bona MARGARET W'EIMER, T. M. 12,000 Gifts for the People. . Extraordinary Inducements 'PO witirtss the morlnr of Hie Psivrsma of lH X OCfiAN VOYAOK to -CALIFORNIA. Nifw unltnted t.y JOB1AH PEHIiAM, lti rrnpnslof 8f the Karen M ll Mirror. . . Mr. PKRH AM burs tears to prnpoM distrlhoihn l ' eiliifiisnf I'hilndelphis, Baltimore, New York, sun tns sdi'Miiinr ntnres, a number of M VALI?ADl,K AND COSTLY (1!FTi, inrlnilius tlie MAONIF1CKNT PANORAMA Now drawing eiowded Imum-t nt th .yurvliil V III II ntvr.a. tht exhibition of vviiich hn realised to Its owners witb'a the bun three rears, a rletir pr .fil of UW.nutl. Hcillnl.K-loi y roof of this can be obtained at the fllk-e of l" AMenili1)- tMlttv. IV The plan upon which it is proposed to present some tlll.OUO (Vuilli of Arlielea la, tir the asile of HI.IHWTIC 'ICKim , nt one not. i. aii rActl each IteVet to admit FOIJK to the PateTiiina si any eihihition whi-n the h nine ia not full, thus sinus to enuh pnrchnarr the WoRTtl or ma Monst, lienldt-a srTord ins hoa an opp irtnnilr to obum one of Hit following srti- CICH. VIS I I'anorann, vnlutxt at Pionn, . - Gold Wiueh, 3 Gold YVnldire, 10 seta Silver Ten Spoons, SO Hold Pena nt 8.1 each, 000 Gi ld Pencils, nt IM eich. S If l.f 'M .TtO loo IM 50 S.'itl I.MKI 1IJ1.1I Hlnel Kturrnvoim. at penta. - 1 ll.t.'fl To araure lite nulilte ilia, everv lliiiur will te done fuirly and li'meaily, the followtna nttttied acutlvmai lune been lelccled as a Committee, viz : George V. Dewey, 910 Chestnut t , fec. Art I nim. F. I) II Richards, ITS Chestmil at , IViKilcrreotvpiat.. F. A. Iloyt, Merchant Taihit, c irner Tenth and Chtst- nut streets. Th nnaa A. FiissMld. Proprietor Cily Item. William II. Hickela, Proprietor Unily Itcgiiter. James S. W'allnce, Proprietor l)nily Sim. P. A. C'egnr, I'rinrlpal South Kaat Gratnmer Pcli.iol. Undei w -Hose suncrvision the Gifts will be diatribnted ill the f illowii.jr manner, on the IHIh of April, or aa m aa I he Ticketa are sold, due notice of which will lie siren The Committee will aeal ap in la.WSI envelopes. preeiM ly alike, I'i.UUO orders upon one kind of note paper lor the various gifts. These sealed packages will lie thoroughly mixed together, and will be plnred under hck snd key anlil the day of presentation, when Ihe holders of the lick eta will cull at the Office of the AuciuMy Hililding, soil Mr. James II. Fnrlnnd. No SSI Chestnut atreel, will pre sent the 14,0110 nested envelopes indiscriminately. Ordeis for ticketa by mail, adillcaaed to J. Perham As aeniblv IliitUling, will be prmnplly iittendeil to. TicKels for anle at the Aaaemtilv rlullillugs, mm v n. oi. 10 III P. M. Ala i for anle nt the Giianl House, sailing Ion Home, Jones' ll.itel, Americnn House, l.'nited States 11 .tel. Franklin II e. Merchants' Hotel, t'nion Houae, and other llntela, mid at the pr jiciotl Moeie Stores F.XIUHI HONS l-.VKRY AI-TKHNOO.N snu bit' NINO, St :l ami 7 o'clock. r-incie I icheia, na iiiuni,v eeins. t.iiiiureu Haii-pi".-c. Phils , April , IS13. It. Notice IS hereby given to those who held the office o1 Overseer of Ihe Poor. Supervisors, Collector' Treasurer, &c, fur the borough of Sunbury, and who have not yet settled their accounts that they re to meet at II. Dnniiell s oil ice, on Monday, the 18th day of April next, for the purpose of having their accounts audited. liy order of the Burgess 1 M. NHINDEL, Clerk. Puiibiiry, April 5, 1853, 3t, Notice. HIE COAL RUN IMPROVEMENT AND It. It. COMPANY. a X F.leetton will lie bold bv the stockholders of Ihe Coal Hun Improvement and Railroad Company, at the Franklin House in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday, April lHtn, 185.3, be tween the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, for the Election of five Directors of said Company, I'hila. April S, 1853 31. (ins Fixtures t$ Lamps. HENLBICK, H0ENING & BROTHER, A'o. 22 1 North 2nd st. above Vint, PHILADELPHIA. HAVING had many years practical urini r.xcx in the business and as all stork sold by us is manufactured under our immediate super vision we are enabled to offer to purchasers superi or articles in every branch of our trado. upon the most favorable terms. A t our store may be found in everv varictv and stvle of finish lias and I. amp Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brackets for Halls. Churches. Ac., J ii r iMraovF.n nxa On Lamp, Also, Huid, Lard and Ull Lamps, Seriandolcs, Boquer holders, I arlor. Night ami I Reading Lamps on hand. Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wick Shades, See. All itvrt warranted or no sale. , factory No. KG Noble street near 4th. ; licmcmbcr More 3.1st vnd street, next uoor to J. Stewart Depuy'a Carpet stoie. Phila., April 2, 1R53. 3in. lWough Ordiunnce. 1. Bo it orduincd, &c. That from and after the publication of this ordinance, no dog or bitch shall be suffered to run at large in any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the borough of Sunbury, unless he or she shall be securely inuw.lcd by a safe and substantial wire muzzle, suDicieut to prevent him or her from bitinr- anv person or an imal, tinder a penalty of TEN DOLLARS, to be sued for and recovered from the owner of the dog, as debts of like amount are' now by law re coverable; one half to the person who sues for the sumo and the other to the use of the borough, 2. Any dog or bilcb found running at large in any of Ihe street, lanes or jucj s ol said borouglt, unless niuzz.ed aa above repined, shall lie killed ; and the Chief liurcciut is hereby authorized to draw hia warrant on the Treasurer for the sum of FIFTV CENTS in favor of any person who shall make satisfactory proof that he has killed any dog or bitch so running at large unmuzzled. D. W. SHINDEL, Assist. Burgess. P. M. SHIN DEL, Clk, Sunbury, April 2, 1853. EDUCATION. MR. 1IOSEA W. ATWELL tenders his acknowledgements to Parents, for ihe llattfring encouragement bestowed on him, and would herewith announce that he will commence another term ot bis school, about the middle of April, nest. He respectfully solicits a continu ance of their patronage. Sunbury, March So, 1853. 31. FOURTH ARRIVAL OF AT THE KF.W STORE OF I. W. TKNEH & CO., (Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. E invite Ihe particular attention of our TV friend. Snd the public to our FufKTH supply of goods just received, adapted to the winter season. We have now a much larger assortment iu every department than at any time since vre opened in Anl last; all of which we are deter mined to sell al the same low prices which have hitherto secured to us such a generous support fro.n a discerning public, and for which we beg oieturn our best thanks. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quecnsware5 GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Doubled Barrelled Gins, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Looking Glassea, Wall Paper fur Room and Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint Stuff, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Lap. and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. Be All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. I. W.TENERfc CO. Sunbury, Dee. 4, 1852. ly.e T N K Boureau'e eelcbrated ink, and also Con (ree ink for sais, wholesale and retail hy Decesnber US, I860. H. B MAS5ER- 0 . It CHERRY PECTORAL: OOUOH3, COLDS HOARSENESS, BROW. OHITIS, CROUP, A??ri AWD OOMSUlVTPTlOHr. them v":,u?,e;,Tr,'h;.,:r,iriI,;,1:,l,,, ("m". uf fecta with Ihii l'repertitiUn . .! tiiiir nu where iiieibeiui Pi di U CZZ""1!" ' -ward- IW- . . " r H ""-d ' Jll'ISc in Se,Te liber . ' ) .Mnlnla of the three great liitit,u,J ,V ,. this c lunlry ; nl., the Depknna ."f U . Vlh I n.Vat t lnenniat., I wn g.vcn totheCEB, b, their Government , anandenrti. ,t. e",rdV,,v "r-rhnait"''1' "KfaU"n " ''"". lSp Rend Ihe following opinion f. nuiteit eoiiglis to w hich we, in thia aecli .ii, are eculintly liable. I Hunk its ripiul has not yet lieen dtacivernl, mar do 1 know how n lietter remedy can be made for the distem pers of the rhroat and l.uu?e. J. J. ill'RTON, M. D., F. Rf. See whnl it ha. done on B wasted eoualiliiti ai, n-rt only in llie following cases, but a lie a. amid more : Pi PBCST, Jnn. Uth, 18.11. Dr. Ayer: In the tninth of July lust I wna attacked by a violent ftmrrlitp.i in miiiea of Culilorniu. 1 returned lo Sou Frou.iseo in h .pe if rL-ceiving benefit from a change of cliiuntc uud diet, My dinrrliion censed, but was fol lowed by a aevere c niijli and much Bareness. 1 finally stnrtetl for h Hue, but received no le-uelit from Ihe voage. My cough continued to grow w rsc, and when I arrived in New ork, I was at once marked by my aequniiitnuces aa a victim of consumption. I must c iitfcaa thnt I saw no smficiciit rensn to doubt what my friend, all believed. At this time I c immchcrd Inking your truly iiivsluuble nietlicine with lilte expceimion of 'deriving' any liencfit from its use. Yisi would not n-eeive Iheae linea'did 1 not regnrd it my dutv to state to ihe uliliclci). through you, tint my henllh, in the space of eight months, is fully re. t ired. I uttrihute it lo llie use of your CHF.KK Y PF.C TOUAI, Y"'irs truly, Wl 1,1.1 AM W. SMITH. Wasiiixoton, Pa , April 14, IMS. Denr sir : Feeling that I have ben Swircd from a pre mature prnvw. through your instriimeiitnlilr by the provi denee ol (i J, I will lake Hie libcity to expiess lo you iny gratitude. A Cough nnd the nlnrming symptoms of Cnnsumptioii had reduced me I hi low to lenve me anything like hope, when my physician brought me a Ii ittle of vonr "I'gCTO aL." It seemed lo nlTonl immedinte lelief, nud now in a few weeka time hua restored me to sound hcul.h. Jf it will do Pa- others ahat it has dime for me, you are cer tainly one of the benefneters of monk mil. Sincerely wishing you every hlevsing, I am Very respect fully yonrs, JOHN J. CT.ARKK. Rector ..f St Peter'. Church. With such nwunince and frm such men. no etronrer proof can be adduced unless it be from its vfl'ect upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by II MASSE It, and by Drugirista Reiierally throughout ihe Plate. .March I 9, 18.VJ. ccow ly Nov. 13, '52. ll,n ..!.! .ul Hotel For Suits. E are authorized to offer for sale a superior second class Hotel, ccntrrullv located in a w llusiness part of Ihe city of Philadelphia, com manding, nt this time, a large trade from Penn sylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. The House contains One Hundred and ten Rooms, and is capable of accommodating One Hundred and Fifty persons. The Gentlemen' Parlor, Reading rooms, Bar rooms and Office, are on the first floor. The Mouse has been recently thoroughly reno vated, and in part newly furnished, and is fitted up in the most gcutccl manner. The furniture will be sold with the I. t ut, which has over two years to run, at a veur low hknt with the privilege of renewing for five years longer at the tan)c ront, ,e CPnlral location of this Hotel being in the immediate vicinity of Business and places of amusement, make, it an opportunity seldom to lie met with. It will be sold cheap, and on accomodating Terms. I'or further particu lars apply personally or by l.tTTtit Post Paid at the lical Estate anil General agency office, No. B'J south lillll street, I'hibnlelplii.i. v LNDERL1CH & ALLMON1). Phila., March 2fi, 185:). tf. Estate of DAVID THOMPSON, dee'd, T0TI('E is hereby given lllut letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned upon the estate of David Thomson, late oft.oal townchip, Northumberland county deed. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, arc requested to make the same known to the undersigned without de lay, and all persons indebted will make immediate payment. WILLIAM FAGEI.V, . , . KIMBEK CLEAVER. ( Af'"' tors' Slnimokiiitown, March 26, 1853 CU Estate of JOHN KRAMER, deo'd. VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ' ministration have been granted lo the under signed upon the estate of John Kramer, late f Lower Augusta township, Northumberland I'onntv, dee'd. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the said deceased, are requested to make the same known to the under signed without delay, and all persons indebted will make immediate payment. WILLIAM KRAMER, Adm'tor. L'pper Augusta twsp., March 2G, 18S3. Ct. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND IlEAI.Ens IN Kiewcl. Millinery (loods, A'o. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. WAVING received by late arrivals a large and MX wri .elected assortment of STRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to oiler their customers, at the lowest market prices - Glace Silka for ilonncts. Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, all Colors, Fancy Nets and Laces, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 12, 1853. Sin. Wood Sj Willow Ware. 0,000 Fancy Corn Brooms, 1,500 Do. Buckets, Assorted Colors, COO Ncsta Cedar Wash Tubs, 800 Cedar Churns. 500 Do. Willow Basket.. 300 Do. Wall and Scrub Drusbes, Ac, &c The largest Stock ever o lie red in Philadel phia, aud Ihe cheapest iu the world. Orders prouiplly filled. M. & J. M. ROWE, No. HI North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 12, lb.")3. Oni. '10,000 SHIXISLES. 4 GOOD lot of 20 inches while pine Shingle. for sale at $10 per M Sunliurv. Jan l l"M J. B.MA8RER. tf Fo Sale Knn DU8HEL8 OF POTATOES by the 3UU ,ut-c,ib.r. CHARLE8 CAWLEV. Pry Valley. March 16. 18S3 CJMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN O GER, fre.h eupply juet reived, end "or 1, by MASHEK. tunbury, Jsn. 10, l5t. 1 airiai ,Y III Bis SI IS .1,. wh .have tried i, ih. 7,ha"r T'TZZS that hare known ita mine will not I iil,,, ,; i, , " ... lonely, they are aeenre f ' m n . " 11'" I, , !, , mum' I'ayaiciHii .., the Port and cily of Dr J. C. Ayer,- ST. Jllls, May H, IH51. Hvc ynirs trial . you, CI1KKII V PHCTllllAl. in my prncllce, has pmveti. what I foresaw from itaannnositioit. iiiuai nr. nue, mat it eradicu rs and .-nr... VEN1TIAN BLIND - MANUFACTURER. .. No. Gl 'Arch Street,- four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY" ON HAND A CEXERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, ' V' Which for alyle of finish and workmanship cannot lo surpsssfif. VhofesaI and RataH at the lowest prices. Also-TK ANsPA IJEXT U IN DOW .SHAPES AND NEED 13 I.I.N D, wiioi.i:s.i.i:, at m..m t Aci Litrits1 rnicKi. tXT ME ISC HA NTH and others aru.lm'leJ t cull and examine. Philadelphia, August "I, ItjVi ly. SSFPww on i isi.iii m fc-.i'.. jMiaysaj KRUPP'S Preinitini Essence of CdAuv. ' , lUryl wMI pri ng our um dt us. inn Wf mBn use that which is injurious to bis health, wl en he Is willing to give all hia wealth to restore it when it is lost? .Strjnpe! that at least two thirds of Ihe human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. KriipP'S Essence of Coffee is, beyond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of Coflcc in the world. Every house keeper should have it Try it and be convinced it will ssvc about 60 pet cent, besides your health. Warranted to render entire satisfaction. Manufactured and for sale bv " EM KRUPP, 039 North 3d street Philadelphia. N. II. All the principal tirocers aud Druggists have it for sale throughout the l.'nited Stales. For salabv the Agent, H. U. Masser, Sunbury. January l", 1853 Oiii. l'aper H.ingingg. THE undersigned have just opened a fresh and complete stock of WAM, PAPERS, among which are (iOI.D nitfl VELVET, FINE SATIN, and the LOWEST PRICED LNfil.A 7.ED PAPERS : Alan, DECORATIONS, HORDEUS. FIRE SCREEN'S, CI RTAINS. &c, c. Which they oiler al Ihe lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. The best workman employed to hang paper cither in the city or country. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, &c. We have also our usual assortment of WRIT ING PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, Ulank and School Hooks, Stationary, cc. PA Kit Is H & HOUGH, No. 4 North Finh St., S doors above Market, PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid for Country rags. Phila., March 12, 1853. 3m. Flour and Feed Store. THE 'subscrilier respectfully in forms his friends and the public generally, that he hus opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, in Fawn street, iti'tho building formerly occupied by Esq. Bower, as his otlice. where he will con stantly keep on hand all kinds of Gn.w, Flour ixd, at the lowest market price, for Cash or produce. EMANUEL WILVEUT. Sunbury, March 5, 1853. 3m Estate of WILLIAM PERSlNG. Sen , dee'd. JOTICE is hereby given, that letters tesla ' nientarv on the above mimed estate, have besn granted by the Register of NDrthunilaFrlaud County, to the tindci signed. All persons having claims agiiintt said el.ite, arc requested to pre sent them, duly authenticated for settlt'inent; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment, without delav t.i E.'.Zt.MMERMAX. ) F . PETER PERSlXtJ. S MmuiolLin twsp., March 18. lrjSH. 'It. CARR, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber i Coiniiiision Mercliitiits, 23 (iiitf 25 Sjtear's Wharf, BALTIMOHE- It EKER EXCI''S. John Clark, Esq., Piesiilent Citiicns' Hank, Bait. A. P. tiiles, Esq.. Cashier Franklin Hank, " John Hert7.!cr, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Roscrs, tsinnickson ot Co., '. J. Tome, Esq, President Cecil Hank, l'ort t)e posite, J. Wal lower & Son Harrisburg. Col. II. C. Ever, Seliiistrrove. J. II. A pp & " Co., Nagle, iiigate fc Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Money. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " ('eorcc Uodine, Huglisvilie. W. Weaver & Co., Montotirsville. Cell. William F. Packer, W illiamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, ' James II. Hilling, " Lewis (i. llulintr. M'llvnrv ct Dubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. lluling, Esq., Lock Haven. IV Carr, Giese A Co. have the largest wharf- room ol any eommi.ion nouw in .......u, way.givingquicaoespaicniot.oa.. in ot:i.arg,ng their cargoes. Marcli U, urn. ' ' - yr X UllVCs fllHE annual meeting of the rhoeUhnhlere 0 ; A tle (irecii Ridi;e Improvement Company ' will lie held at tho (iirard House, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 1 If lit of May next, when an ; Election for Two Directors will be held. WILLIAM WisTER. Secretary. Phila., March 6, 1853. tin. LIST OF CAUSES FOR Special Court of Common Northumberland County .to be Pleas held the 4th Monday of May, A. 1., 18.i3. Frederick Keener ts Win. Ay ree Peter Piirsel v. Jacob llilder Janie. Graham ct al vs Hugh Hellas el ttl Piatt & Plait v. Henry Master Coiu'th for Win L Hcineman v.T A Hillinglon l.oui. Ale. Napoteott Du Pcterr IJosquct vs pasquicr vs Pierre Odicr et. al. E ohn for W ramp v. Wo.verton LcUenr t E.t for Weaver t. EbVrr ough , Joanna Pendeville vs A E h.pp Mabonoy and Shstnokhi vg xbraliam Paul I m prove men i m Sarah L Keen Same Com'wealth for 8. D. . i .. t. Abraham Brosious va Samuel avidge T, A. Billinglon & hail Her; Uonnel.t.l v. Hugh Bell.. Robert Philij'S Ku" ,nJ 'n",Wl Improvement toinpaity JAMES liEAKU, rrotny. Prothonotary'. Olhce, Sunbdry, March 5, 1852, A Blakcsniith Wanted. A JOURNEYMAN Blacksmith ia wanted immediately by the subscribe, to whom steady employment and good wsgesiwill be siven. JOHN CLARK. 6unbur, Mtrch 19, lSeS -'illf , i, wwr tivvB uj .wj ,r, '.. S'l iwi-aiaMi at I nrnE is tgur eehelyi II o 1 1 a v nr's ) i n t in e n t r A MOST MinACI I.Ot S Ct.ltK OF BAD IJCOt, AKTI.1l 43 Yi:.i:S' SLFKEHINf. Extract of u Letter from Mr. Wm. Gal pin, of 70, St. Mary's Street, Wtymouth, dated Man ISfi. I851. T.I Profess,,, HoLlnwjiT, "K" I" "T wifs (wavi bow l) easslir without elTesi , lieriieai, ...ia'Vh," l her leas wa terrible. I had " read vour Adver liseiiieuts. and advised ,er to try . puil , .,l?o,.o! wees. g, ,, .tmro , re,,i 1)W m llor leg. nr. p:,,M,. witliont seam or acar.aud he, ,,B' uud and i.uli.lurberf, fould h. 'witnessed thS suffer,,,,. f ,y w,f aarutf th. Un 43 years, and eon. w .ul.1 V, ?",";'!' ''' health, y. would Indeejl feel deli.litful in having le tl,a mea.ii f ao iraally allovLtiug th. suffertiiys .Ha lellow-creatur, t1'1"1 XVII.IJAM OALPIN A KKHSON 70 YKARSOK AGK CURED OP A BAD IJJO, OF UU YKAHS' STANDING Copy of a Letter from Mr. H'm. Abbs, Buitd tr of Gat OVr iu, of Rushchffe, near Hud' tiers field, dated Maui Ijf, 1851. iou l.e(ta, Clnet;,.f,,t. Had Breasts, Chillilains, Ua'i'S. Chappe.1 hamts, ll iiii.Hia, (jnriia (Sott) Kite of Musche- Cancers toes A Siiml-Kiies, Contraplal Slid Ooco-lay. Stiff Joints, Kleplmntiiisis, Sore Nipples, Sklil-diseuses, Se.irvj-, Tilinouis, l'le.-rs, Fiatutas flout. Olandutar wsUin, Lumlxigo IMIea Khcumatisn Sea Ida. Sore-throats, S Te-hcada, WouiuIb, To Professor Hollowat. Sib. I suffered for period of thirty ysirs fross a 14 le, the result ot two or three ditlereut aeeldents st Gs. Works ; secoiiipnnied liy seorholle avinpioma. I had ra- , ' -i - .vi, n.ti.uuv uvriVIIHF aiiy a-nclit. nml wna even foDt tfnit Hie leg must lie oruiiu talcil, yt, in opposition to that opinion, mir Pills ond Ointment have i irrctcil n complete euro in o aliort n nine, that few who hail n ,t witnessed it would credit the fact (MiCiinl) WIl.l.UM AUHS. The triuli of this stuleinenl enr) lie verified hy Mr. W. p; Knrrlatid, C'hcitiit, n, Market Stieet llud.larifitkl. A DKKAIII VI. HAD till EAST CI' it ED IX O.NB MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr, Frederick Turn' tr, oj I'cnhurstf Kentt dated December 13(A, 1850. To Professor linLi otvAt, Drah Sis, My wife lied suffered from Bod Bisnita fo' more than six months, and during ths whole peri. l had the heat inclieal nllrniluiK e. but ull to no use. Ilnv iug tie fore hinted an awful wound iu my own leg, by your un rivnllnl medicine. I dcirrmin-d aimin to use your Pills and Oiiuinieirt. nud tnrrrlore guvs thrill atrial in her case, and forlunule it waa I did ... for ,u leas than a month pci fed cure edVcted, amf the nenetit that various oth er branches of my finiiily have derived from their usa is re dly nilomaliiiu I ihht strongly rre immend them t. all my friends (Siijucd) FRKU'K TL'HNKR. Tli Pills should be usiil conjiiutly with tli. Uintinsnt mst of the followinlt else : S.1I1I at the Kaliiblishineiit of Pnil'essor HoLr.nwaT, 211, Ptrauf). (near Temple Nur, lnalmi,) nnd bv all resoectablo llruarffista mid llenlcra in Mcilieinea Ihrolinont the liritisb Kuipire, ft th of the t'fthed States, ill Boxeaat !rr,c., 7c, and 1 fine, emli Wholesale bv the priuciMil iJrua; leiusea nrthe ( ni. and by .tl.asta.' A. Ii. All. Sands, e Vorlc, 17" Thero is a eousideralife saving bv taking ths larger sixes "y. " Directions for the ruidaiic. of patients la .vary disorder are nllixed to each box. October 83, lia, ly, FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM AND SKLLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Conl'cctionnry of all kinds, No. 11.1 North Third M below Ilacr, PHILADELPHIA, fllllfi attention uf Lltalcrs is requested to an cxamiiintion of their stock, which will li found to be at i fast ciptal to tiny in this city. FOREIGN FRl'ITS ol all kinds in season. N. B. Oidcrs by mail or otherwise promptly at tenilcd to. February S, I S.13. Gin. C II K A l WINDOW SHADE Depot and Mannfactury or L. IrCILLZ?. be CO.) i'. II'. corner Arch and Second Strtttt PHILADELPHIA, V E It Y V A Ii I ET Y OF SHADES, Whole sale and Retail, such a. Scroll, Flower, CiotSic, ViKiirttc, Oil and Dry Landscape.. are to lie had at the lowest prices for quality of work. Orders for (iill. Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notirei Merchants and others arc invited to give U 4 trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLCASE. Drasses, Trimniinqs, &c., always on hand. Remember t'l W. corner SECOND and ! ARCH Streets, Pltllsdrlph:. February 12, 1853 Om. 1,000 Men Wanted. ON the lie of the SLSyl'EH ANNA RAIL ROAD between Uridueport (opposite Har risburg) and Sunbury, in the State of Pennsylva nia. This road U fifty lout milt s in length' rune through a higlitv Improved Country, and wilt furnish employment for stone masons, carpenter. , j ,a(orer. fur 1C , ,wrlve Inonthl. A Urc of ,he ,jne healy rwll c.flon, laborers that ure familiar will therefore find cer. ,aj1 Cl,.,ll)nl(,nt a,i iwru wages. i I , . 1 1 -, 1 1 ! n ' I v i ii'ii.v a. c c UULUllUlli 1 , lAiW. .Tl t -a a I.U Contractor. February 19, 1P53 liosentliile II vdraulic Cement. 4 N exrrllent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, s- Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dainpneH. Ifoin wet and ei posed walla. For sale by EVI SMITH A SON, N. E. Corner of From and Willow slreel Railroad. Pl.ilade!pliia, Feb. 19, 1S53. ly. I.aliorers Wanted. T HI IS subscribers war.l mimeiliaiciy on in Hsilroad and Hnsin, t-"Fi iles below Selinsgrove, from county, socit m 60 TO 100 LABORERS, to wlum one dollar jn-r day w ill pe paid. ft AVI DOE. WJI.VEKTON A CO, I bspman, I'nion County, Feb. 19,1853, tf, An Apprentice Wanted. The suliscrilier wants an apprentice to I earn the business of a Blacksmith. A boy 17 or IS years old, of good moral character, would find a good situation by applying soon at the old stand of George Zimmerman. SOLOMON STROH. Sunbury, Feb. 13, 1853. - Estate of MARY MARSH, deo'd. lOTICE is hereby given that Istters testtm.a- tary on the estate of Mary Marsh, dee'd., late of Shsmokin township. Northumberland county, 1 have been granted by the Register of said eounty, to the undersigned. Therefore (II person, in debted t said estate wilt discharge the same, and those having demands will present them ft AMOS VASTINE. Et'tor. 8bwokin Towaahip, Mauh H, 1853. .. ,i,, '' """ -ineu in uer icps, aua srar sine mi!. i ' ur l,,vc bce" ,n s-irs, snd sraallr t ie .','.,H",,."t ;ii.f, snd tor t.Hmths Ki . i .B 'lrlvet eulitely of'r id sleep - e.verv letuedv t ejt me,l .n. i . K -