arrutia inr-ncATm in tub mviideb OK RINK. On Saturday,. development were made which iSem to fasteo the guilt of the Rink murder upon Aothnr Spring, Senior. An umbrella wa. found In ihe " .,ho 'a,a Nr. Rink, and latterly the preemption he. arisen, that .. .he day :pon h " ..nation took place was on. of the .torn, est of Ih. p.l winter, it might have been left "here by the murderer. Mr. W.mam Byrne lh. officer Ofth. Court, to whom youn Prn made the fir.t disclosure with regard io the Federal .treet tragedy, ha. forborne lime been uner the impression that Spring was al.o the perpetrator of the Rink murder. .. . :.....;, with Mr. Kalian, in US nau an """" - f whose employ Spring . at the lime of, the Rink mufder, but he wa unaWc to say with any certainly where Spring wai on that day, but inclined to the belief that he was at work in hit cellar. Mr. Byrn, not atisfied with this, induced the brother of Mr. Rink to call upon Mr. Ragan wilh the umbrella found In the .lore, and the remit h.. hni,n. that both Mr. and Mi. Rgan hire identified it, the former by a piece of wire, and the latter by three patches upon It: made bv themaelve. to repair damages. The recognition of the umbrella brought to the mind of Mr. Kagan several circumstan' r.-a that had previously escaped his recolle lion. He now declares that about the time nf lha Rink murder. Snrinc had been uidulg Ing in diink and was cross and irritable. A malt amount of mo ;ev had been missed from his desk, and though he .impeded Snrinir of the larceny, he said nothing, trom a dread of his violence. On the afternoon of the day that Rink was muidered, Spring borrowed the umbrella from Mr. Rngiin, who having a curiosity to know where he could be going, amid such a storm, followed him as far as Thirteenth and Market streets, and saw that he was going down towards Chestnut street. The above developments will doubtless confirm the impression that has for some time been gaining ground in the pubio mind that the author of the Federal street tragedy and the Rink assassination, was one and the same person. It is now supposed that Spring alluded to the Rink murder, when he spoke to his son of having killed a man, in the expectation of getting a large sum of money and being disappointed The money stolen from Mr. Ragan's desk, the latter is now convinced, was spent by Spring in the pur chase of the knife with which the bloody deed wa. accomplished, and dropped by the assassiu in his flight. If this supposition is correct, perhaps the person who sold the knife may yet be able to remember the transaction, and identify the purchaser in Spring. Tke complete development of all the fact, relating to the Rink murder, is most important, as it will release from cus-. tody Jerome Feckert, who i. waiting ttial on the charge. Th Roman Catholic School Qukstion in Baltimore Great Indignation Meet- 1NO. Baltimore, April 11. The introduction of a bill before the State Legislature, framed by Roman Catholics, with a view of procuring a division of the public school fund, for the support of schools under th? control of that denomination, has caused much excitement among our protestant citizen, and to-night an immense indignation meeting wa. held at the Maryland Institute, of those opposed to any measure calculated to destroy the pre sent Publio School System. The vast hull was so crowded that many were unable to gain an entrance. It Is estimated thai 7000 persons were present. Hon. Charles M. Keyser presided, and elo quent speeches were delivered by Rev. Dr. Johns, Fuller, Plume'r and others.- Mint of the United States, ) Philadelphia, April 9th, 1853. J The Director of the Mint, wilh the appro. Yal of the Secretary of the Treasuiy, gives notice, that the distribution of ihiee cent pieces, at the expense of the Mint for freight, is discontinued. The Diiector has also, in pursuance of the discretion vested in him by law, temporarily suspended the coin age of the three cent pieces, with a view to the more active employment of the Mint in the manufacture of other silver coins. Over 36,000,000 of three cent piece, having been put into circulation within two years, it is believed' that a suspension of their coinage will cause no publio inconvenience, especial ly as other silver coin will speedily be avail able for 'the uses to which the three cent piece, are at present applied. It is requested, therefore, that until fur . ther notice, orders and remittances for the puichase of three cent piece, be discontin ued. Geo. N. Eckert, Director. SOUTH AMERICAN III VERS. The areas of the principal river basins which is drained into seas that are accessi ble to ocean commerce, may be thus stated : In America The Amazon areas (includ ing the Oronoco) 2,048,480 square miles. In North America the Mississippi area 980,000 square miles. in outn America ine La i'lata area 886.000 square miles. In Europe The Danube area 284.000 square miles. In Africa The Nilo area 320,000 square miles . Ill Asia China The Vang-tse Keang area 547,000 square miles. In India-The Ganges-area 432,000 square mile.. Improvement. The frame work of the new rolling mill of the Montour Company, is going up: also, the frames of several new houses, on Welsh Hill. Furnaces Nos. I and 2 ate undergoing thorough repairs, and vast enlargement, with the addition- of the most extensive and per mauent hot blast fixture. The new B.klge over Ihe canal, on Mill Street, i. fiuished, except the painting, and .idedJiUn f ,0ing P,h n ,h "PI" rVnTc f' ,he MW P'"byte,i.n Church Building is graded, and ih. contr.o tor, H K. INoll, is now preparing to ,t,r, lh, foundation wall. . la all parts of our Borough I ha tpiril of improvements is abroad. ' Danville lnttlligenttr. TEE AMEEJCAIT. x -SUNBURY.-' ', APRIL IB, H3. II. n. M.IMFIt, Eilllor nnd Proprietor. To AnvSTiSR!i. -Tlie circulation of the Sunbury American unions; the different towns on the 9ua.netiaitiia is not exceeded if equalled by any taor published in North em IVimsytvaitia. Democratic Staje Nominations, FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER;' THOMAS FORSYTH, Of Philadelphia County. FOR AUDITOR GRNERAL: EPHRAIM BANKS, Of Mifflin County. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL J. PORTER BRAWLEY. Of Crawford County. editor's taiii.k. Business Notices. Goner's I.aot Il'ioa fur Miiy ia nlrentlynn oar table, and an excellent iminlicr il is. Tlie engraving "Attacking Crowned fleai!,' is excellent in design slid execution. Tlie fashions Spain are colored, nnd will continue so here after. (jKnley never deceives hy false promises, and is ono of tlie most honorable men, both as a publisher ajid a gentlemen, that the Prrss cnu boast of. Tltt FxttM Jocbxal now Duhliahcd at Wist Chester, ia filled with mattertuaeful and enteitniiiing for the Agricul tumliat. The Family Circli and Parlor Annual for Aptil, comes to us with two very pretty illmtrntions. Sy Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ot them for cash, by applying at this office. 0"The Legislature has resolved to ad journ on the 19th instant. The appropria tion bill before the House embraces, an amount exceeding $5,000,000. The fol. lowing are items in it : Forthe completion of the North Branch Canal, $350,000 ; for the Allegheny Portage railroad $4-13 000, and a further conditional appropriation of $100,000, if the money is found in the Treasury ; for the Columbia railroad, 187, 000. tEi" Legislative Visit to Harrisburc. The Legislature of Maryland accepted the invitation unanimously extended to them by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to visit Harrisburg, in connection wilh a proposed trip ol observation over the joint public works of Maryland and Pennsylva nia ; that is, the line of railroad between Baltimore and Harrisburg. Saturday, the 16th inst., is fixed upon as Ihe day on which the visit is to be made. The Balti more and Susquehanna Railroad Company volunteer a special train for the occasion. THE NEW JIDICIAL DISTRICT. We are pleased that '.he legislature has created a new Judicial district, composed of the counties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield. This relieves Judge Jordan of Centre and Clinton, in place of which Montour County has been taken from Judge Contiynghams district, and attached to this district. So that our district is now composed of Northumberland, Lycom ing and Montour Counties. The business of Lycoming alone, is almost enough for one district, and the prospects now are, that this county will soon begin to enter into rivalry with our neighbor of Schuyl kill in business. We know that the Bar and people of Centre and Clinton were re luctant in parting with Judge Jordan, who has thus far given them the most entire satisfaction, but they were also aware that his labors were entirely too much for one man. THE STEAM FERRY AND TOW-BOAT. The Steam Ferry and Tow-boat which we referred to some time ago, will be con structed at this place without delay. We examined a few days since, the model and drawings brought on from Providence, R. I., by Mr. Fisk, one of the directors of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad. The size and place of every piece ol timber, bolt and pin, is laid down with the utmost precision. The Engine, which is buildin" at Providence, is of eighty-five horse pow er, low pressure, with condensing appara tus. The length of the boat is eighty feet Its breadth, including guards, twenty-eight feet, with a gangway running the whole length, nine feet in width, to drive on and off. She will have side wheels, eight feet in diamaler, and will draw but little more than three feet water. Her speed will be about fourteen miles per hour, making the trip from this to Norlhumberland in six or even minutes, and to the Union county side in half that time. The boat is design ed for a Tow and Ferry boat, which the coal operations of the Railroad Company render absolutely necessary. We do not believe the Bridge Company will be inju red in the least, by these operations and improvements, but on the contrary, we eel confident the Hock of the bridge, in three years hence, will be worth fifty per cent, more than at present. (7"! The Cabinet There are rumors at Washington of change, in the Cabinet, but the rumors do not appear to be confirmed. Mr. Buchanan, it i. .aid, has been confirm ed as Minister to England, and it i. said b will accept the post. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN J OURNAL. THE GAUGE LAW. The repeal of the guage Jaw by Ihe le gislature, to w hich our friend, in Erie were ao .trenously opposed, teem, to have been received by them as philosophically a. if they expected nothing else. It was, per haps, a. wise policy to far as .certain local interests were concerned, to pass such a law, but as a general principle, it was nei ther wise or liberal. The Pennsylvania guage is 4 feet 8 J inches the Ohio 4 feet 10 inches. Some of our Iriendt of the Sunbury Erie Road, think it would be a wise step to construct that road with the Ohio guage, which would gire tis a con tinuous line of the same guage from this place, through Pennsylvania, Ohio and In diana, to Chicago, HI. For comfort and convenience of passengers, the six fool guage of New York is, no doubt, the best, but perhaps not the most economical. It is now thought, by many Engineers, that a guage of 5 J feet is, taking all things into consideration, the most advisable. i IMPROVEMENTS IS THE COAL REOIOI. The improvements in .this neighborhood are progressing rapidly. The whole line of road, from this to Harrisburg is under contract. On the Philadelphia and Sunbu ry road, preparations are making to lay the rails, and about 22 miles from this place towards Pultsville, will be completed sometime in May. The different Coal companies in the Shamokin region are ac- tively engaged in preparing their mines, so as to be ready, as soon as the road is open- j '"o inclined piano upon the I'ortago Hail ed, to send to market the embowlde trea- i Toaii- sures of the mountains. Coal of the finest I The 'licnssion was further considered at quality and various grades of hardness, ! 80mo lo "S'1') a1' "S"'1' rar,0k of much adapted to the smelling of iron, for stove, j crimination and .e-crimination, nnd allega and other purposes, will be brought down j Ji; B.7.V rar,iali,'' &C'' "S',ail prepared in me best manner, tor this purpose, seven coal breakers, wilh engines of 20 horse power, are being constructed; vjw coai regions, imnerto wild and deso late, and known only to the hunters tread, will soon teem with the busy hum of an in dustrious population. The town of Shamo kin, which is situated in the coal region, has already felt the vivifying influences of these operations. Trevetton too, is begin ning lo look up. The speedy construction of the Sunbury & Erie Rail Road is no lon ger a matter of speculation. In a very few years after that is completed, more coal will be distributed from Sunbury, than from any one point in Pennsylvania. .PHILADELPHIA CO I NT Y SI ASCRIPTION. The Supreme Court at Philadelphia have decided that the County Commissioner of Philadelphia have no aulhority by law, to make the subscription of Two millions of dollars, lo the stock of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, without the authority of the County Board. This County Board is peculiar, and is perhaps not understood by many of our readers. The city & county members of the Senate and House of Re presentatives, constitute this Board, who in making appropriations and in other mat ters, are to act in conjunction with the commissioners. The Supreme Court have therefore decided, that the commissioners have no right, under the act creating the County Board, to act in such matters with out their authority and concurrence. Pro bably four filths of the people of the coun ty are in favor of the subscription, but they prefer that each of the districts shall subscribe sepeiately. (D SfNianY & Erie Rail Road. Some of the City papers statelhat a loan of Four millions of dollars ha been secured in Eu rope by the Company. We are not appri sed of the particulars in regard to this state rv. - .... . ... .. ment, but we know that snveral offers to complete the road, and take stock to the amount of Three or Four millions, was made some time since. The project is eve' ry where received w ith favor, and will no doubt, ere long command fund to ensure it early completion 07 The New York Tribune now come to hand increased in size about one third over its former dimensions, and in an en tire new dress. It now presents a mass of reading matter, daily, that can perhaps be found in no other newspaper. The editor announce that the enlargement adds some $50,000 per annum to their expenses, and that all they receive from their subscribers will not pay for the paper they shall use. New Line of Stages. The new line of Stage that is now tunning tri weekly between this place and Millertburg proves a great convenience to the many persons who have business on the line of f railroad, and to others. The coache are comfortable and substantial and night tra vel is avoided. The proprietors, Messr. Welker & Seashollz deserve credit for their i-nterprise in this matter. DECLINATION OF MR. DICKINSON Washington, April 8. Mr. Dickinson ha. declined Ihe Collectoiship of New Yoik, and the President nominated in hi. place Hon. Greene C. Brotison, who was immediately confirmed. The Hon. Solan Borland, ol Arkansas, has been nominated and confirmed a. Governor of New Mexico. - Thi. nomination wa. unex pected, and has caused surprise in and out of the Senate. Arrival or Vice-Psesiocmt Kino at Mobile. Jvu Orisons, April 11. -Tlie United State, steamship Fulton, from Mantanzas, Cuba, arrived at Mobile, at noon to-day, with Vice-President King on board. Hi. state of health i. exceedingly low. XKXII COHGItEBS-BeeeiKl aesaloe. Washington, April 9. Senatk. On motion of Mr. Hunter,' it was resolved that a committee of two be appointed by lh. President pro tempore, to wait on the President of the U. State., and inform him that unless he ha. further com munication to make, the Senate will close it. session by adjournment, on Monday next, at one o'clock. Messrs. Hunter and Everett, were appoin ted Ihe committee, and subsequently Mr. Hunter from this committee reported that they had performed the duty assigned them, and that the President had no further com munication to make. Mr. Hunter offered a resolution which was adopted, that the President pro tern, close the session on Monday next, at I O'ClOCK. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. ' April 9, 1853. Senate. The Senate, on motion, -again resumed the considetation of the bill to pro vide for a more effectual organization of Ihe militia, which, after further debate, wa. negaiived. The bill to incorporate the University of Free Medicine, of Philadelphia, was taken up, on motion of Mr. O'Neil, considered and passed. The bill to incorporate Ihe Independent Mutual Ineuianco Company of Philadelphia was also considered nod passed. House. The House then again returned to the consideration of Ihe General Appro priation bill, the question still being upon 30. h section, making an appropriation to continue the work upon Iho railroad to avoid Without makino any progress with the bill, its further consideration was, on motion 0f Mr. Hart, postponed until Monday Tlio house then adjourned Hahhi'di-rg, April II, 1853. Afternoon Session. The House re-as sembled nt 3 o'clock, when, on motion of Mr. Henderson, the Speaker was authorized lo appoint a committee of five, to act in con junction with a similar committee from the Senate, to meet and receive the Governor and members of tho legislature of Maryland and the Mayor and City Councils of Balti more, on their proposed visit to Hairisbtirg on Saturday next. The Speaker appointed Messis. Homier- son, Williams, Gillmore, llubicam, and Eys- ler, said Committee. The House then again lesumed ihe con sideration o! thi) General Appropriation Bill, which, after being further debated at con siderable length, and variously amended, paased finally, nnd was sent to the Senate. The House then, on motion of of Mr. Itub iuam, took up tho bill for the furthei contin uance of the system of education by Common Schools, which, after passing Committee of tho Whole, was postponed. Thd House then adjourned. The Speaker laid befote the Houie a com munication from I he Legislature of Mary land, accepting the invitation of the Legis lature of Pennsylvania to visit Hairisburg, and designating the I6ih inst. therefor. Mr. Flanigen (the House having under consideration a private bill) moved a new section thereto, repealing the 22d section of tin: charier of the Pennsylvania Ruilroatl Company, ami also tlje Inst proviso of ihe first section of the act amendatory of the charter of the said company, passed 1848 The amendment repeals the tax sections, providing that Ihe Company shall pay 920, 000 to the Treasurer of the State. A long debate ensued upon the amend ment. EXECUTIVE DOIXCS OF THE SENATE. Wasiiinuton, April II. This morning there were various rumor afluat in ihe city that a difficulty bad occur red in the Cabinet, and that the Ser.ate had been reconvened by the President. It was generally stittpd that Secielary Marcy had resigned, but it appears that all such reports woie groundless, or at least, if any such breach had occurred, it wa healed, a. no Cabinet appointment, were sent lo the Sen ate The appointment of Mr. Buchanan, as Minister to England, was the only matter of consequence sent in. flu was immediately confirmed, ami it is understood that he ac cepts, the Cabinet having been engaged un til 12 o'clock, lust night, in urging him lo do so. Tho other matters sent to the Senate to day, were merely coirectious of the orlhog raphy of two or three petty appointments. There were barely a quorum of Senator present, and this was secured by vigorous drumming up during the night and thi morning. The following is Mr. Soule'. letter of re signation sent lo the Senate to-day : Washington, April II, 1853. To the President of the Senate : Havina signified to tho President my acceptance of the high functions he wa. pleased to confer on me, I now advise you that I cease upon this day lo be a member of ihe august body over which you preside. May I lequest that you will accept for yourself and tender lo Ihe other members of the Senate Ihe ex pression of my regret at parting with such associates, and my wishes for Ihe prosperity of you all. Your very humble servant, Piersc Socle. Appointment, and Confirmations. If oiAiiigon, April 4. The Senate lo day confirmed Col. Polk a. Surveyer of Baltimoie, but a. he afterward, declined, Ihe President nominated Dr. J. C. Wharton. . Among other nominations, made to day, are ihe following: Ex-Senalor Sturgeon to be Sub-Treasurer at Philadelphia, weie Mr. Ewing, declined; Robert White to be Collector of the port of Galveston j J. W. Pomeroy and J. T. Emer ton lo be Appraisers at Baltimoie. Among the confirmation, made to-day were a number of Laud officer lor Alabama and Mississippi. Correspondence of the PuMla ledger. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. Washwotow, April 9th. The crowd of office beggar, ha. somewhat disappeared ; but new levio. are from lima lo lime pouring in, to take the place of lha killed and wounded. The slaughter hat been tremendous ; but it i. difficult to un derstand lha principle which governed lha action of the administration in regard to it. It is only certain that the out and out Union men have been overslaughed all over the country, and that Secessionist, and Free Soiler. have been richly rewarded for lhair opposition to Ihe compromise. This i. in imitation of the policy of China, where ma ny a aection wa. quelled by a general am nesty, and Ihe promotion of the chief, lo a manderinship of the blue button. It i. diffi cult to make appointment, that .hall be uni versally popular J but it it always possible to maintain a principle. The appointment, of Jefferson Davis' "Soule, Campbell, of Alabama, &c, stave provoked the Union men of the South, who are openly vowing to preserve their organ ization. If they succeed in preserving it thi. fall, they may succeed in forming a par- The friend, of Young America have re ceived a magnificent ciumb in the appoint ment of Mr. Soule to the Court of Madrid ; but it is feared that his late speech in the U. S. Senate on the subject of Cuba will pie vent his being received, or, being received, having a comfortable time of it. Be this a it may, Mr Soule is sure lo distinguish him self. Many or jour readers will undoubtedly be glad In learn that ihe Sunbury and Erie Railrod Company have succeeded in mak ing a contract for Ihe entire construction of Ihe load, and obtained a subscription of $4,000,000 lo its slock. I nndeisland that ihe whole negotiation has been accomplish ed in England, through Ihe energy of our enlerpiising townsman, Ambrose W. Thomp. son, Esq. Observe. IMPORTANT TO FOSTM ASTERS. Tie editor of the Cleveland Plamdcaler Who is now Postmaster of that city, ha. been directing an eye to Ihe pay. He give, the following a. the result of hi. research: "Just before Ihe close of the last session of Congress, when the bill establishing certain post routes, &c , was before the House, an amendment wa. adopted, which became a law, and which fixe, the commission of Post masters as follows ; On a sum not exceeding 8100. 50 per ct. On a sum between 8100 and H00, 40 per ct. On a sum between $400 and 52,400.35 per ct. On a sum exceeding $2,400. " 15 per ct. When the mail arrive, regularly between 9 at night and 5 in the morning, 60 per cent s allowed on the first S100. Those officers whoso compensation doe. not exceed $500 a quarter, are allowed one cent for every 'free' letter delivered out of their offices, and each- Postmaster is allowed two mills for every delivery from his office to a subscriber of each newspaper not chargeable wilh postage. From Washington, April 12. The many reports in relation to a change in Iho Cabinet have died away. There is no foundation whatever for them. Many of the Seuatois left for their homes this morning. An official despatch announcing ihe arri val of Vice President King at Mobile, ha. been received. Mr. Bitchannaii has consented to accept the mission lo England. The Gardner Case. Hostingion, April 11. In the Gardner case a spirited discus sion look place this morning, in consequence of the nun arrival of Arrancois. Mexican Consul General, at New Yoik, lo give the concluding lestimouy for the prosecution. The defence wishing lo proceed with their rebutting evidense, the Court ordered thai Senor Arrangoi. mu.t be bare to-morrow, or he could not testify. The Couit then at 1 o'clock, adjonrued, and Captain Goddard wa telegraphed to bring hi in on lo-uight. Charleston, April II. The steamship Isabel arrived here to-day from Havana, hav ing sailed on the 8lh. The live, of the political prisoner, have been .pared. Thoy were taken to the .caf fold and their pardon read lo I hem. FRENCH MARRIAGE BROKERS. A lute Paris letter says I have wondered how matrimonial agents those people that advertise desirable bus pands and wiven, comfortable settlement in life, dowiies, and amiable tempers manage to make both ends meet. A commissary of police ha just arresled an extensive dealer in thi way, and the secret has leaked out. He advertised himself as corn doctor to all the crowned heads, and sold patent medi cine. He wa also an agent for marriages, and had a fine lot of young ladies, wilh dow ries, varying from 20,000f. to half a million. He had upon his book, the names of da ugh ten of members of the Academy and Senate, of a marshal! of France, and sundry German princes. Gentlemen that applied for wives paid an entrance fee, and in the course of the negotiation sundry other claims, in all a considerable sum. When it became neces sary lo bring Ihe affair lo a conclusion, a quantity of faded lovette wilh a parcel of elderly female, acting a. their mother, were introduced, and Ihe applicant wa. only too glad to make good hi. escape. He generally abstained from making the swindle publio for fear of being laughed at. The investiga tions that have been commenced will proba bly lead to the breaking up of all the matii monial office in Pari. Whiskey t Water. At a municipal election in Louisville, Ky., last week, a ma jority of 815 wa given in favor of licence, for the .ale of spiriluou. liquor., and a ma jority of 777 again! establishing city water work. The Courier .eems to think lha, thi vote establi.he. conclusively the faot that whiskey is stronger than water. Thc Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad wa opened 187 mile, west of Pitlaburg on Monday, Ibe Uih insi. The business of manufacturing shirt col lar, i. prosecuted to an extraoidinary extent at Troy, N. Y. There area large number of manufacturers, each of whom employ from 500 to 1500 female in thi. work, and there are besides half a dozen factories in whioh the article i. made by machine. One of these ha forty and another thirty machine constantly employed. The machine work i. .aid to be a. good a. that done by hand. The coal df manufacture, per dozen by ma chine, i. twenty five cent. The Boston Bee give, the following assu rance of an abundance of the cool luxury in that vicinity : Plenty or Ice There i. no fear that ice will not be plenty in thi. vicinity next sea ion. It is estimated that within an area of ten mile, of Boston there are not less than half a million Ion. of the cool article, and of superb quality. John J. IlEnsTEN, to be Deputy Postmas ter at Eastou, Northampton county, Pennsyl vania, in place of Benjamin F. Arudl. Henbt M. Reioart, to be Deputy postmas ter at Lancaster city, -Pennsylvania, in place of George W. Hummersly, resigned. Communication. Kor Itie Siiiilniry Aincrimn. Ml. Comfort, Shamokin twnp. J A pul 7, 1853. J H. B. Masser, Eq. : A few week since a communication appeared in the '-Sunbury Gazette" in which a list of interrogatories were presented for me lo answer; 1 passed them over in silent contempt, as 1 never have acknowledged that distinguished writer my Inquistor General, or Father ConfeFsor. But in said "Gazette," of the 2fi h of March last, another one nppeard dated "Rush Maich 26ih 1853," signed 'Turn," which would be treated with the same contempt a the other if the writer had not stooped to lander and falsehood, in which he says I "with many others met at John B. Packer's office previous lo tho opening of the Court House door and made arraugemenls" for ap pointing the officers disturbing the meeting, &c. &c. Now the fact of the matter is when we ar rived in Sunbury, another person and myself drove directly to Wcilzel's holl, and there put up, and we both remained there without leaving the house, until the Cmitt House bell had been rung a considerable time. I was engaged in making notes of an address which I expected to deliver (as I had been informed while on the road to Sunbury that I must represent iho Shamokin township delegation.) This said person nnd myself w.alked from the Hotel .straight to the Court House: and we had not seen or spoke to John B. Packer, or any other subscription man. All of the above 1 am well able lo prove. I am at a loss to conceive what motive the writer could have had lo induce him to mingle falsehood and slander with hi. tissue of nonsense, unless it be to raise the wind, and induce the good people of this County to elect him their Auditor. I am neither a Prophet or a son of a Prophet, but I will in form this young comet which has arisrn above the horri.on since the Sih of lasl March, that he may be used us a "cut' paw" for certain purposes, but the people of this county will elect no persons lo Ihe smallest office in Iheir gift unless he be capable and honest. I contend that any person who will belie and slander a respectable citizen, under lalse and assumed name, am! by stratagem endeavour to throw his guilt upon some inno cent person in "Ruh," should be held by the honest publio in contempt. The day of reckoning is approaching when many hidden things will come to light, and "Tom" personally will appear before the bar of hi country to answer foi hi. crimes. As to my tenets which ha. been a subject of to much trouble lo thi blazing comet, I can say it is the same it ever has been and con sonant,' I presume, with the large majority of this County, to wit : that the Commission er ought not to have taken stock in the Susquehanna Railroad, without the consen of their constituents, and then it should have been done Jackson-like, openly and fearless. ly ; and that a Phrenologist would pronounce the pate of this distinguished comet deficient of honour and veracity. I am truly, Yours &c. S. JOHN. T HE FIRE at Windsor Castle is said to have destroyed a considerable portion of I rince Allert wardrobe. I lua mut have been inconvenient to his roval highness, unless he hnd facilities for replenishing hiseihaustrd stock from such a readv made ololliing establishment lik Hockhill & Wilson's Clothing Store, No. Ill Chesnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadel phia. Philadelphia, Nov. 6. 1852. ly. cw. tCT-POlSOXING. Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that while they appear lo benefit the patient, ihey are actually laying ihe founda tion, (or a series of deseases, such a. saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, kc. lu another column will be found the adver tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, lo which we ask the attention of all directly inleresle.l in Iheir own as well as Iheir Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a biliou. type, should make use 01 me only genuine medicine, Huben sack's Liver Pills. SIT "Be not deceived," but ask for Hoben- sac', worm eyrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has the signature of th Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSACK, a none wiawj eat v wnuiutj I)C iHavkcto. Philadelphia Market April 13. 1853. Flour and Mm. Thr. 1. ,.ik.. aemand for Hpur, with sales at 5 per bbl., at which bolder, are firm. Select and fan cy brand, are held at 5 a t5. iitc t lovr I. steady at J3,87,. Coast MlAL Penna. is firm at 3 75 ner bbl. Grain. Sale, of red at 113 cents, and 120 for prime White. Kvc Sales at 81 a 82 cl. per bn.i aale. of Southern at 61. Cork Sale, of Penna. and Southern al 61 cent.. Oat.. Are dull at 3i ct. Whisket. Sale, in bbl. are making at 23,o., and hhtls. at 22icts. Baltimore Market April II, 1151. il0etA.lNrr-a,r of Wbe M,it 105. rc-s tews t.r Jte t yellow ,hB" " CU' CUl5 b6 ob''":J We -quote Maryland Oat. .ells at 37 a WHISKEY. Sale, of bbls., to-d.y at J t. We quote hhd. at it ct.. 7 1 - - l , :' . m SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT WlllT. Rtx. 100 7 e 40 S7 18 la 8 its 10 11 80 Cos a-. Osts. . potatois, Butter. En lis. Pork. Flaxseed. Tnuw, Beeswax Heckled Flax. Dried Arn.ES. New Advertisement. SELECT SCHOOL. raHE undersigned informs the citizen of Sua bury and vicinity, that he has opened a 8 lect School in this place, for the instruction of both sexes, in the various branches of learning , vtx: tnglun t. rammer, Ueography, Arithinati, Astronomy, Philosophy, &c. Also tht Latin id l.rei-lt languages. His i crms are ; For Common English branches $3. " Higher ' 94. " Languages, Latin and Greek $5. Exercises in Composition and Declamation every werk. LBVI SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, April 16, 1853 3t. Aii Apprentice Wanted. riHE Subscriber wants an Apprentice to !rn JL the Saddlery and Harness business. Aa industrious boy between 16 and 18 years of age, win unu a guou situation iy applying soon to A. J. STKUH. Sunbury, April 16, 1853. tf. APPEALS. FXMIE time and place for holding appeals by the Commissioners in the several township. anil borough in the County of Northumberland lor ne year IB03, to wit : ay X at Ihe House of F. Fryer, Low. Mahanoy, May 3, &lias K linger, Jordan. " Geo. Smith, Jackson. " Peter llciscl, Up. Mahanoy. " Petrr Weikel, Cameron. " M id. Raker, Liu Mahanoy. " Henry Weaver, Zerbe. " Jucob Mowry, Coal. " C. Leisenring, Shamokin. School House, in Rush. " Elias Einerich, L. Augusta. Commissioners office Sunbury and I'pper A ugusto. House of H. Haas for Morth'd and Point. " B. Fordsman, Chilisquaque. " Mrs. Strieker, Milton. ' " Ab'm. Kissinger, Turbut. " Isaac Krader, Lewis. " H. J. Reader. Dataware. May 4, May 5, May 6, May 7, May 3, May 10, May 1 1, May 12, May lit, May 14 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 Mny 80 Mnv 21 Com'ssrs. Office, ) Sunbury, April 16, 1853. j CHKIST. ALBERT, ; CHA8. WEAVER, Com'.rs. JOS. NICELY. FRUITY & IltRRETT'S ' Agricultural Warehouse and Sctd SUrt. No. 194 4 Market Street, Philadelphia. pROUTY & MEARS' Patent Self Sharpen ing Ploughs of all sizes, right and left hand ed Subsoil, Side Hill and Double-Mould, Ac., with Steel Extending Points, Bar-Share, Beach, and other kinds of Castings for repairing. The r.mpcror ol llussta awarded tor the abora Ploughs, a massive Gold Medal, valued $300. Also Ihe U it EAT MEDAL at the World's Fair was awarded P. &. M. Plough, No. 40. Culti vators wilh Double-Point Polished Steel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus getting Double Wear of the Common Teeth. Also, cultivators of all kinds with Steel Teeth. Spain's Atmospheric ' Corn Planters, t-'hurna, Turnip Drills, $4 to It, Corn Shelters, improved tJrsnl's Patent Fan kinds, Mills, Hay and Straw Cutters, Garden Engines, Hand Corn Mills, Wheal Drills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Hora Powers and Gedd's Improved Har- Thrashers, rows, Mowing and Reaping Square and A Harrows, Machines, Horse Rakes, Chain Pumps, Grindstones, ready hung, Cattle Ties, , Dirt Scrapers, Bull Rings. Agricultural Furnaces, Patent Iron Snaths, Ox Yokes and Bows, Grubbing Hoes, Forks for unloading hny, Transplanting Trowsls, Man Hay Rakes, Hay &. Manure Forks, Bow Pins, Shovels and Spado, Apple Parers, . Garden At Field Hoe, Ui M utiles, Garden Rakes in variety Mule Traps, Children's Tools, Pruning Hook & Chis- Darling Scythes, sels, .Snaths, wilh Patent Saws and Scissors, Fastenings, Iron Well Curbs, and 1'otutoe Hooks, Zinc tubing lor Chain Pumps, Also, Horticultural Tools (of every descrip tion,) Garden and Grass seeds, for sal at lb lowest price, at Wholesale and Retail. Phila. April 16, 1853. 2m. A CARD. HAVING embarked in Ihe Mercantile busi ness on Diy own account, I take this op portunity to thank the friends of Ihe late firm, and the public in geueral for the liberal patronage extended to me heretofore, and would be most happy to see them at my new business stand, in Ihe house formerly occupied by John Leisenring, opposite Ihe Bank. MARKS B. PRIESTLEY. Northumberland, March 26, 1853. 3m List of Jurors. OF Northumberland County, foi IJ T. 1853. Special Court. TRAVERSE JTRORS. Sunrurv John Lyons, Thomas Robin( Benj. K. Diehl, P, B Master. Milton John Deivel, William Hino, Timothy Miller, A brain. Slraub. Delawars David Aungst, Amo S. An derson. . Turbut Joseph Deshler, ftobeit Msek. Peter Voraa, John Freder ick, John Beckley, mo., Andrew Killer. Point Henry Morgan, Adam Vaodling. Rum Jame Eckman, Jess Weaver, Jo. Kenady. Shamokin David Kelly, Jarae Yecjin. Urrta AvgV.TA Henrv Horns. Ikaaa Fisher. ' ' Lowca Augusta Walter Smsm.. Dannie Wolverion, Jacob Shipman, Solomon Mil Uppta Maiiorot Jacob Slraseer, aen. Littlb Mahonot Israel Duekelberger. COAL Alexander Cahlarall. Jnanh Sin. der. ' r ' Jordan Samuel Wit. Cameron Benj. F. Klock.