I THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. v 'Auawr o laM week Knim MoHo Doctbikb. , For the Banbury American. oronrtArincAi. eihigma. TO TOUNQ STUDENTS IN GEOUR Aril Y. lam tompostd of 20 Ulttrt. My t 19 18 11 10 ii ii town it Durum Arret. My 9 IH 1 S9 in 0 inn c iiinly In New York. My 3 9 10 SB 1' it n rlinnnel in Ihr Atlnulie deem. My 4 II) 1 1 ia a atrnit in the S.nith rnciticOceun. . My a 14 10 19 ia a river in Itnssin. My 0 10 at iaa Inks in Miu'caota. My 1 19 11 10 t is a county in New York. My 8 9 10 20 12 iaa aen i'l liml My 9 1(1 13 4 1 ia nu latnml in the Cnriubcau Pan. My 10 13 1 IS isacmwtv in liuliana. My 11 111 7 ii a I .like in sWlaisl. My 14 2 10 ia a rttv in Cliinn. My 13 11 17 18 MIS so ia a town in Holland. My 14 19 IS ill 6 iaa lake in Sweden. My 1 S3 S5 ian cape in Africa. My 10 1 3 10 111 iaa town in I'.fvpt. My 17 S3 10 80 ia a mountain in a Southern Slate. My 18 10 S 19 ia a river in Aain. My 10 8 11 V0 ia a fruit in Tuikey My SO 10 S 1 10 ia a river in the I'nitrd Stntea. My 41 19 W iaa river in S mill America. My IN 14 9 St S3 iaa Imv in tm.l h Anurica. My 83 4 10 iaa river in Ash. My St 18 14 ia a rity in nermnnv. My So S3 10 SO la iamieoTthe'IVIea. My 86 S3 S9 ia a lake in llnraia My 97 19 3 9S IS 7 ia a county in North CnnliisJ. My 9f) 10 3 10 I iaa null' in I'ntiiroiiin. My S9 10 11 19 la a town in Turkey. Mv whole miitniiiallii. Wirnirn. the nretticat GlBta tiie moat induatliuua Men, and Ilia grealeat U'lioya in the puue. Answer next week. -April g, tJ3 -a. the rmsT-uoiisi. Th first-born is a Fairy child, A wondions emanation I A lanielt'M creature, fond ami n ild A movinp e.vulliiliun I Beside the hearth, upon Ihe sfnir, lis foo'stcp laughs with lighliiras, And cradled, nil its features fair Aro touched with mystic brihglncss. First pte.lgo of their belrotheil Inve O. hnppy they that eaim 5 First pid direct fiom Heav'n above O, happy they that name it . It nines the household wilh its voice, And with quick laughter riiiuir.g, Make the inanimate room rejoice, A hidden rapture biinging- Its beauty all the beauteous things By kindred light resembles! But, evermore wilh fluttering wings. On fairy confines trembles. So much of those that pave it birth, Of Father and ot .Mother ! So much of this world built on earth ; And so much of another ! A STRING OF ITKMS. Honesty is the best policy. Avoid a slanderer, as you would a scorpion Or all flatterers, self-love is the greatest. Cai'T Si'tter, of California is not going to Europe. A silver mine has been found in Izard county, Arkansas. Thosk who lie upon roses when young are apt to lie upon '.horn when old. Why are soldiers like clicks? Because their first duty is to 'maik lime. The military expenses of 1 lie U. S. are over 820,000,000 yearly. The sum of $8000 is said to have been paid bv Mr. J. Jewell, of Boston, foi the cel ebrated trotting horse named Mac. The journeyman carpenters of Reading struck for an advance of wages, and on Thursday obtained it. The Buffalo ship carpenters have succeed ed in obtaining their advance demands; viz: Two dollars per day. The new Empress of France is less than half the aye of her husband - she being but 23 years old, and he 47. The slaiies of ihe various offices within the gill of the President of the U. Stales amount to upwards of 850,000.000 a year. Pcnnstlvanians in Ohio. Of ihe popula tion of Ohio, at Ihe taking of the last national eensu; 200,634 were natives of Pennsylvania. A Tri e Republican. Judge Riiffiti, late Chief Justice of the Stale of North Carolina, has accepted the appointment of Justice of tho Peace in Alamance county, in lhal State, and is rtbw engaged in the discharge of ihe duties of Chairman of the County there. A Sea Tiger. Mr. V. R. Sands, of Sand's Point, L. I., writes to the Journal of Com merce, that, on Monday last, a live sea tiger, weighing 145 pounds, Bm, ltlensuling 5 fee, 2 inches in ea., WM Mp,ure(, n,i0t R quarter of a mile f,in .,0 Ligh.house When d.seov.red, he howled most pi,eously ana ouSh,.1kUa,it;er.cuudinpadogse: verely. H said to be ,he only ihing of the kind ever Been in thai ..;..:... ,7,. n ..w..,j. n neru a ariiuiu ; T.I. I .1 . -. . enj, iue op.-raior on the Moise tel. graphio line at Maridec, Conn., wasismiy iuuu uy wie aoconimoilalion train from Snrinrifii.l.l nn C. 1.... r. vl, uiuiu.iy uiieriioon. na was standing on I lie platform at I he uVpot, and was in the act of handing a Juter ,0 ,ome person o the cars, while they were in moiion, hen he fell 0 the track, and the wheel, of passenger car r,...,l ...... , t - v,ci ma ueca. -.- ...-.,,., M,Devil, f man of ilia Rue,,;.,., w. ' m . . .. u f . w " Ur", ".l"Por . ,MSUIUIIle nownas"The Fever Exterminator." which h HI IlKUn. ..... a -1 a . a single instance known t iho pu.prietor , "mi iji iniiMil A ceitam person connected wilh an Exnre.. Conipanyj being aware of ihe efficacy of this medioine, bad it analyzed, and mnuufuclured (juanlilies of it himself, which he palmed oil OU Ihe public. If this ia not mean business, lien we do not know what it. Merchants Ledger. CusftLE MlTllEWS AND Ml'NDEN. Ma. lhew was always sprucely dressed and fond f a handsome umbrella. Mundeu waa mi' aerly in hit babita. He was generally meanly dressed and cariied an old cotton parachute. .. After Mundeu had left the singe, Alalbewt met him one day in Covent Gar den. '-Ah, Mundeu," said Malhews, ''1 beg you'll lei me have something of your for remembrance." - Certainly, my boy," replied Joe Munden "We'll exchange umbrellas." Malhdws was ao lukan by slorm lhal Munden walked off with a now uinbiulla! ' 'A Penny savtd is a Penny Earned.1' M Alt VLB SISLANK HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market a&ot.'e Centre Street, Pottsville, Pa. BLANK Books hound ami ruled in any and every style, in the most durable anil sub stantial maimer, with or without printed Heuds. Person in want of Ledgers, Dockets, Day Bonks, Minute Books, . journals, "Letter Books, Blotters, Receipt Books, Coid Ledgers, Vc., c, or snv kind of Blank Books, would do well to give me a rail aa I pledge myarlf to give eatirfac lion. Paper rulcj to any pattern desired. 1 licular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old lloola. ' ' Bi'.ilcs. Hymn iio", G lesson's Pictorial, Bheet Music, Shakspcsre's works, Life of Christ, Law Booka, &c, Ac Ciodry'a Lady Bonks, Urulinni'a Magazine, Sartain's Mugaiina, Harper's Magazine, Joarplius's works, other books bound in fnll a .r 1 1 .lull , nr gilC .lain or fancy fa. aui. ll.e.wi.t.es of run.er I wniilil aaairi rail the .Mention of my f-""n'f o,.,er.;.o tlio fact Unit I .have Ken Book Binder for the la 18 years, a. d they can ..cnd o having the.r work i don. ta he v ry l,fst manner, and do U.e wort "". !... nn..cr & material; r'"' eT" m ' eaf mv charge, are reasonable and fa.r, but tnrre .. no dillicully about prices wl.cio work is done salis furtorily. , m. Si. U. l ersons nnvinp uuw.u'cj . I ... uinnA .tlmwtft.l tn nin ltilillir. ttin ransom inci" 'b -,', , the etvlc tliry wifh thrm bound in : I will do ihem na low as llirv can be done any where, care fully pack them up and retnin thrm j Also per aous ran aruil ordrra for Blank Books by mail, whirh will be punctually altendad to. All work done .1 short notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder. Pottsville, Nov. 6, 185S 6m. NEW STORE." HEX J A MIX HEFFX Kit TOESPECFFfLLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a iiew store in the room lately occupied by tieorge Bright, opposite lloltou a Hotel. II e lias just re ceived a handsome assortment of WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassincts. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, itloiiMSflliic I)c I.nlncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCEUIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic And a great variety of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. VST Country produc. taken iu exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. another Tate arrTval'of" cheap goods. FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casshiiertf, Sutliiicts, Vesting, Flannels, U'ollens, lfc.t And nil kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. AI?o a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY COODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, lie rages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Caps tor Men and Bovs. Also a larje assortment of GKOC Lit H--1, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spicei of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Fish, ' Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of DHI GS AND MKDICtNK. Besides Ihe largest and most general assort menl of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. CV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. bunbury, ISov. 1J, lNoa. TllEMKNDOlS ExeiTEnir.NT ! : Cash, Steam, Klectru ity ! ! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by the Jiflitnliiff 1-lne ol' 111 A T. CLEMENT. WHO, havins; great fnilli in rapid sales and W T smull profits, has just received ana opened a large assortment of FALL AD WINTER GOODS. At his Store in MarSct Street. Sunburv. which he oilers to the public at the lowest pikes. Ills stuck consists ot a general assortment Ol Dry (joods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassincts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Mustin de Luins, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. Sii.k Hats; A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children, ftrorrrlcti. Sujar. Tea. Cofiv. Mlr,cC,. n,.... Km. .-, r isn salt, J' I aster. HARDWARE, . : Iron and K,eel, N.il., Filcf Sawi ifc HutusiVARE, Tea. ' "";."?". Cvps, Saucer, tre Vliif. Brandy. Gin. Ri...i 'wi........ . nr count,, -rwi- " U1'y change ., ,,, J '.''d. ukui e ". 15, 1853 iY ' '",tcfc 1,000 lokAAivT, to sell r.cro,,'t Alant 81.000 f),'l,a ' v 11 ,85J- WANTED IN EVUUv .?.V. .,7 " V ' 1 " ,A "live and ' men of good address. iu,u;. ..",. ?a of from S lo I00, .UCU oliered as lo enable then, lo mak.f,oni 43 to s a day Profit, CT The Books published by us are all useful , V """uieiy popular, and com mend large sales wherever the ... V.. - f . . . . L . , . . J U . v. uiwsrpaiicuisrs, adilress, (postaae paid v 'willUr.8iet Ntm Turk, March 5, UM lm, sumburyIam JUST RECEIVED. AT THB Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AV STllOII. Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver. Iru mid Japanned Mounting, Which he will either make up to order or sell separately for casli at prices ns low if not lower than can be had anywhere clue. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunk. Vnllcen, Carriage Whip", Slc Constantly kept on hand or manufactured ,o or'der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on tho shortest notice. All persons sre invited to call and examine foi hemclve. , All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May I, ISfiS. tf. 1 JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 SonA Ifarcr Street, below Chestnut, rill LA DELPHI A. IMPOREKS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Vines, Ac, krrp constantly on blind the following articlrs, which they will scil at very low prices Inr casti. Raisins, Walnuts, Prunes, Almonds, Currants, Citron, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, llatrs. Figs, Vanilla beans, Preserved Ringer, amnrimls, Filberts, 8tveet Oil, Liquorice, l.emon Sirup, Fire Crackers, Port V iue, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Mirrry ' Muscat " Sweet Malaga Philadelphia, July , 18.' -I v. LADIES' DRESS TEILIMINGS. J. C. () H E IIT E U FEE Ii , S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis ubove Bait miXADELPXIIA. NVITES the Ladies of the City and Country to cell end examine his splendid Slock oj Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut most care. .Mr. O. hctng enabled, from his experience in the business, to take advantage nftlie wholesale market, isal.lt; la sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con- uuctor ol the extrusive business ot Mr. J. U . Hurstman, No. 201 Chestnut Street, ond his ex tensive experience will be a guarantee of his ability to do justice lo his customers. II is Slock comprises Ihe following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels snd Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do, Pilk, Woollen, and Cotton lloisery, Gloves, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, Vc. Woollen and Cotton Knitting nnd Darning Yarn, Porte Mommies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1R52. Cm. GREAT EXCITEMENT. AVILLTAM A. KNOn, OESPECTFl'LLY informs tlio iul,lic prncr oily that he has just received and opened lie best ami cheaest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, tlmt has ever been brought to the county. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Hoods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Saltinctts, Veslines, Dril lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter floods. Also a splendid variety of Ladies Drcssand Fancy gors, Calicccs. Uinshams, De Laines, Shawls, and every varicey of Goods suitable for Ladies wear. Also, an extensive assortment of Silk, Ileavcr, Fur If Slouch Jhils A large and well selected Assortment of Roots and Shoes of ev ery descrip ton and size. Also, a lame assortment-of Groceries, Such as Sugar, Coffee Teas, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. AIsj a Inrse assortment of Hardware and Qitecnsware, Fish, Suit nnd Liquors such ns (iin j Brandy, limn nnd WhUkcv, besides the largest and most general assortment of all kind of (-'oods . to Ins Imd in ihe count). I All the above mentioned goods will Is sold at such reduced prices as the can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of allkindi taken in exchange at the liihvM market price s. Also, Fur sale a two horse spring wagon and a bu?;v. Augfsta tw sp., October 50, 1852 Cm. TAILCPJ1TG. JOllX V. 31 A li TIN, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the pub lic in general, that he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after the most Fashionable Styles, and in the most durable manner, and his prices ill lie as reasonable as can Iks had in tSunhiiry or elsewhere, in ensh or approved country produce. Ho will always have the advantages ol tnc lutcsi fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill in cutting, he will be assisted by the lircction of the most scientific publications ren ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion iu the l.'nited Slates. An endeavor ill be made alwiys to have work completed lien reipiiaed. Ilia establishment iaoitintcd in Market Square, Sunburv, nearly opposite the Post Ollice, in the building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hallcr simp, where it will lie a pleasure 10 nun to see his friends, nnd make such work for them is within the line of his business. Sunbury August 14, 1S.VJ. tf. "WATCHES, JEVELRY, &o. JAMKS Ii. F1DLKK, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches lull jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lcpine do " Quarlier do Gold pens and pencil and silver haldcrs Silver Tea and Table Spoons Drucclcts, llreast pins Ear rings Ac. All wsrrunted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. Novemlier S7. 1853 If. BOOKS! BOOKS!! L'ST RECEIVED snd for sale a new edition of I'IKES ARITHMETIC. J ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books. VM. MeUAKTV, Booksiller. Sunbury. Dec 4, IH.Vi. If. BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of Darchinent paner. sold at the lowest prices at this ollice. by wlmlawiie and retail ,4 R.NOLD'8 WHITINU FLLID and Adhe- sive and legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jau 10. 1852 liVXTRACT OF COFFEE. An ejcellent article more wholesome and much cheaper mart CotTje itself. For sale at this ollice. April IT IBS IXTRACT CF GI.NGERe A fresh eupply . jua received and for sale at this oifice. "csj xa cents. unbury, Jy IS, 1851. II B'LLa neatly printed on new type bla,.wrTrr.."cull hia ollice. Also SILVER WAHETA-ToTir: prices by ouvvr watrtiMM r . i , , ' , wm.v m .cry tV W Sunbury, April n, jg5l H. B. MA8SER. fTT-SSOO CHALLENGE. -TllATPVF.n eoneema the henlth and happiness of a V ,,nle ia at all limea ..f the moat valunlile Import- U. i i.ve it r. it:',.!i'"vr;'i!i.r;"il"!l Lvrrv nernoii will enrlvor U. prom .to llirir own hciillh nt II snrriNrni I fret ' ,0 n,'r rt,,,V to solemnly nsanre on that WORMS, aeenrrliiin to the opinion of tVia moat Jells-nlrcl I'hy.ieiana, ari; Ihe primary eniiaea of a loris nmiorily of iliiBiaes to wlncli i hihlren anil ailulta are lia ble if yon have "n appetile roiitinniilly rtnngeutile from one liiisl f'""1 ln Wher, Unrl Hnmh, lnin in the Sin nuieli, Pirkine at the None, lbinliiraa and Fnllneaaof the Hrlly, Dry Ooinjli, H 'W Fever, Tnlse Irn-milur reincmlMr Ihnt ll these ilenote WORMS, ond you alionld at once ap ply the rcmnly i HOBENSACK S WORM SYRUP. An nniele f Mlmleil upon fV-i-ntifip Prtnclptrs, eninpooiHt ed with purely vrgelnlile anlialaiieea, beinfr perfrelly an fa when iiiken, nnd enn lie given lo the moat lender inl'iint wilh decide,! heiiefieinl efleot, where llowel Conipluima ami Dinrrhren hnve mnde them wenk nisi dehilitatnl Ihe 1'iHiie properties of my Worm vrnp are aneh. that it eliindi without an erpuil in Ihe intnlngiie of medicines, in g vinir t me and alrennth to the Stoiimeh, which ninkra it an Inriillilite remedy for those ntnieteil with Ilvspenain, tho nstnnmliiiif cures perfonneil liv this Svnip after I'hvsi eiipua linvo fmleil, ia the beat evidence of its auiierior frti caey ovet all otlicra. THE TAPE WORM! Tliia Is the moat diffl:iilt Worm todeatroy of all Ihnt in fest the burn-in system, it growa to nu almost indefinite leinrlh liee anine: aoeoiled and lastrnril in Ihe Intintiuea ami Stomach . uVctimr the heiilth an sadly ns to enuse (t. Vitus Dnnee. - t. ftp. tint thou; nlllirtcd seldom if ever anseet th.it it is Tnpe Worm histeniiijr them to nil enrly frruve. In order to destroy Una Worm, a very energetic treatment must lie pursued, it would therefore he proper to infce 0 lo 8 of my l.iver Pills s ins lo removenll otmtrue tioos, thiil the Worm Syrup nmvnel dtreel nponthe Worm, which must lie taken ill doses i.f a Talilesp s-nfnlla 3 tilliea a ihy these direetions full ivvil hnve never lieen known to nil in etiruijt the nnt ntntiuiitu cuse ol Tnie Worm. CT- HOBEXSACK'S LIVER PILLS. N t pnrl nf ilir f.y1riti f tirnre liul.lr tn dirtrnup tlmn the l.l I.H, II sriTiiiff nn n lilltnr l nnnl'v the MukI, or ffiv- Miff the proper net-ret inn tlio liilo : no tlmt :tnv wrtntr nr- 1 1 m nf tlie l.iviT rfTcctit Hie nttirr iiiiirtniit pnrU m llio ttyfltrm, und n-Milts v.iri nmK, in MvrrC i)l:iiiit. Jmuii lire. l)y;M')si:t, &r. We sti'iuM. thi'rfr, wntrh rwry ttyupt 'in tint niiirltl iititic.itf n wromy nrtinit if tho liivrr. I iifni nin 1miiiji c in Ftvl of too TS 9c 1M.A-NTS fur-nifilM-'l In- tint ii r to lii-nl the sick : Ninnclv. 1st. An F.X- ri'.r.T(jtANT, which :iumcntii the wrrction frim the l'liliii'tiriry rnuriia mcinbrnni, or nrnmntPi. tlir diw-hnr-ie of K.vfclcd ttt.it.rr. ami. An AI.TEHATIVK, which rhtittci'fi iu nunc inrlic;itrle nnd ineiiilc nuinnrr thr rfrtain m-'iliil net inn of the fryirtrm. 3rd, A TONIC which gives tmie mi I flrpiipih to the tirrvons ryitcm, rr-nr-WMiT hcihh nnd vi'T'T to nil (wirts of the lmtly. 4th A CATHAUT1C, which nets in pt'rfwt hunnony with the nlhcr iucrcdicntn. nnd npi rutiit mi ih Rmels. nnd cxmI lins the whnle mnw nt e trrnpt nnd vittnteil matter, nml pn rifvtng the III rny which ilea troy a disease nml icslorea health. TO FEMALES. . You will find thrc Pills an invnlunhle medicine In many Coinplniuis to which v m nre subject. In olistrueti' iis ei ther total m ivtrtial, lliy hnve Iki-h found of ineatimnlile benefit, restoring their functional irranpements to n henl thy action, purify in? the hl.xnl nnd other fluids s eflectit nil v to nut to fliirht all f iiunluiutB which mnv nritte from f.'iimle irregularities, ns hcnthiehef giddiness, dimness of tight, pnin iu i ne sine, incit, ac, IC7" Price, 25 cents each. None freuuine unleps signed J. N. Iloheusack, all others liiMii" K-ite Iinitiiti'tn. IT Affenls wi!iinp new supplies, nnd Store Keepers itoir nis ol (we iiuiuii Airenis must afMrrss uie i'rprieu.r, J. X. lIo1,eiis:eU, rhiltidelphtn. Pa. S l l ly J. W. Prihtir. Sjnhury: Mary McPny, Xor thuiu' erliuul ; Ileisel, Tiirlmtvillej ltner. Milion; Dilly ft lA'iik'T, (jc'ircelowti ; l.eisenniifr ft oivertnn. I'nxi ivs; Vie?t, Iliekory; all dealers in .Metlicine iu the Couutv nud Si tile. Anj:'ut II, 1M.V2 ly. Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Of orl Juj::slcrlaiul AT PP.ITATS SALS. rTllE subscribers, Executors of tho Est.-Uo -- of P'nhruim 1'. Shannon, lale of the IJor- onyh of Norlhnnibei land, offer nt private suit, the following valuable lli'al Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen nut' Kroui Street, on which is erected a twostoiy rliick Huil.liu, formerly occupied by tho deceased us a Store nnd Dwelling, and now occupied us such. There are also on the lot lo fiume dwellings, tea. Lot No! 52, Mtualed in M.uket Slreet, on hieh is elected a two story while Kiame lKvelliiig fee., nljiping John Taggart, E.-itj., occupied by C'l.as. Kitous. Lois Nog tilt, 70, 71 Si 72, siltiale in Mar ket Sliret, a two story while Fiame Uwel litiL', oeettpied by James Dotily, and a stable is erected on hit's No. 69 & 70. The undivided half ol Lot No. 120, nilualo on Ihi! corner of Duke nud 4ili Street, on which is creeled it two story dwelling, occu pied by Jjseph McCallisler. Lot No. 1HS, !iitinie in Queen S'reet nu which is creeled a two story white l-'ratno Hiiildinir, occupied by John Itmkeit Lot No. HO, siltiate at Noilhwav ami Wa ter Sheets, on which nre erected two Frame Dwellinos und SlalihnL', occupied by wulow Vandlitii; nnd Juhn Vandliiiir. Also iho undivided loui'.ll part of lot Ifiti, on which is erected a tu n story Fiaine Dwel ling, occupied by Ji-hn Vandjko. Also ten uctes" of cleared land, mljoinitig lands of John Desha y, on the East sido of ihe Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, sho uted on the corner of Second ami Oinnae streets, numbered in iho general plan ot Bui oiigh. Nos. 215 S: 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Oranjre Streets, numbered in the aeiietal plan ol said Borough. Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212 Also four vacant lots fronting on Market and Sixth Streets, miming East to an Alley, numbered in thn general plan of tsaiil Bor ouuh, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. AUo four vacant lots (routing on Orange Slreet. nnd numbered hi iho ceneral plan of said Borough, Nos. 1S5, lUfi, 187 & 19. The above property will bo sold in parts or parcels lo suit piuclia-i-is, on reasonable terms. For further parliciilars'npply to John Cake, Esq., at Nonhuiiiberland, or to the subscribers. ALFUKD KXF.ASS. ) Fv,r. THOMAS STRAWBRIDGE, J ux Northumberland, May 22, 132 If. Gli '&r v5rJTl HE. !Sfi3 ! Fresh and Spiced Oysters ! TTAVING settled at Northumberland, 1 am ' now prepared to furnwh Freli and sti- ced 0)steis dining the whole season al re duced prices, toucan depend upon tlietn eiua fresh, us 1 bhall receive ihem daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed heie, lliey ate only lb muirs out ol tlio sliell. All persons at a distance, who are i i want of the above article, can have litem sent per luen or single can by addressing W. II. VICKERV, at Burt's Hotel. Northumberland. Out. 16, 1K52. BLANKS. LANlvS of every description can be had by applying at the ollice of the American. 1T7EE BILLS. Justices and Couita'iles Fee M ' Bills haud.omely printed on car' paper for sale at tuisoihce. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MAS8KR. Kunburv. Jan. 27th. 1849 TfTNOB AND SPKIXU MORTISE I. AT Xk CHE-S. An excellent article, for snle al half the usual price by J- W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 184U- fcATENT DKITTAN1A -ae . . ..i e i- 1... STOPPERS lor Uar UOIUCB IUI mu.v uj B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 13. 1851 OLD PENS with and without eases, of a 8 verv sunerior quality, iul received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sala J,y . , It. U. SlAOOIiM, Sunbury, Dec 27, 1851. ; TIT.AN'K Parchroeul Paper Deeds and blauk 13 Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, Ac, for sale by " Sunbury April 28, 1851- 17RE8H Vanilla Bean of a superior quality SOWKlt IAHNES, 5 Publishers nnd Uooksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, . riHtADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. liibles Prayera, Hymna, Poetical and HiaMrical Works, Travels, Noyela, ft e., ft e. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An elegant asaortment from the pass book upwards, made ol superior pnier, and beat of hunting. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Poat, and Note Papers, elegant styles and quality, and very ehenp. STATIONERY. Fancy, Plniii ami Adhesive Envelope. Ink, Sand, Wa fers, Steel Tens, Mitea, Pencils, Porte-Moiiaien, Wrap ping I'opers of all kind. Curtain Taiwra, Ac., Ac. Our stork ia nil fresh, Uutrht cheap and sold neeordmply. Part icu Inr nt tent Inn mid to !oksrHera, Country Mer chants nnd Teachers, however little they may buy. Sower k Humes are Publishers of PKITOX8 arrirt f MAGMFICKN T OUTLINE MAPS Knch mp Is n.rly fKVKN FKKT (lAHK, nml shows the eompnrntive sine nnd relative nositi.ai ot every country on the glnlie. They nre intendcil to lie suspciHlefl m evcrv fchnol llnotn. and not only make a tnlendtd an- penrance, (Hit are uuivcrmllv nckiKvlnel to he the IH:?T MOUK OF TKACJ'IINU (iKOt.KAPIIY ever hroucht out. They are keys intended to he utnti hy the arhoinrn, contniniiifr a complete epitome of Urography, and costiiiff less than liulf the urtce ot a (ieocrunhv mid Alias. The pyHtrm is in univerm'il use in Prussia find Gcrnirmy, nnd hns already lieen inlroduceil in Uirnrd College, Phi In delphia, the public achonlsof Bosfm, New York, Phila delphin, HnUnu tre, Wnnhitifrtou, and thriHiphimt New Kiiplaiid, New York, Ae.. Ac. Our desks nre loaded with recnutnendntiotts from the most talented and scien tific teachers in every quarter, nnd wherever thje ay stem (vis Ifccn usud parents, teuehers and scholars unite in prais ing t 1. Mnpof Ihe Western Hemisphere, tt. Mnpof the F.nstem Hemisphere. !1. Mnp of North America. 4. Mnpof the HuitcilPuUci. 5. Mnp of I'nMp-, 0. Map of A sin. 7. Map of South America and Africa. F.very map is brilliantly colored, variiished, and mount- 1 on niuplin nml roller. A e respect lull v invite the ennipst nttenti'm nt 1 eneners. Parents, nml Schisol Directors to this ftipeinnttntT mode of teaching Ueofrrnpliy. lilt ft Jv ' " I .orili J iiirti r-iiCT-i, PhilaHrliihia. Aitfr.29, 1RV2 tf. Cheap Watches Jewelry, IVIIOLKSALE ontl Rrtail, at the "Philailrl- " " idiia Wuti li ami Jpwidrv Store." No. 06 Nnrlli efcconil Blrci't, corner of (Quarry, Philadel phia. - (Jold lcver Watches, full jeweled, tH enrnt cases. (39,00 Silver d . full jewclcl, 810. Silver Iscnine, jewels, 10. do do do. 0. Snpeiior (unrticTS, 7, Imitation do. 5 Oold Ppwtneles, uai r ine Silver tin. I i oli I Hmcelets, ! ndies1 Gold Pencils, Silver Tm spun his, set, i-v ! n iui i l.tio "0 Uolil I'rai, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 (iold Finger Kings, 37$ cents to !f 80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, IS cents; Patent, 1SJ ; Lunct, 35; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted lo be what tbev are sold for. STAVFFER & II A RLE Y, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepincs, still lower than the above prices. August 2 ,, IH.V2. ly. Van Loan DaiKTrcan (iallcry, 159 Chestnut Street, VT this celebrated establishment von can nlwnya pro cure tiie newest und most improved styles of D.Uil'KHHKOTYI'i: & TAl.IUlTVl'K POHTRA1T3 nt from oO to HMI per et. less cost than such pictures can be hail for e!er where. ow lliat yn can seeure sneh perfect pnrtmita of your I iveil ones nt a UK-re nominal cost, d ifl delay lest'ym lose litem. Kvery vai iety of fancy ensea, frnmea. te,nu hand or furnished lo order, nnd every picture mnde antistory nnd wai milled to he iu the liest style of the nit er so CHASGK Oi!l msl see us at IM t'Uestuiit St. l. ii. ttunf.i.l, riiila'dljiliia July U, 12. ly. JAMES 3A?3SPkS WIioIt..le and Itetail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Sicond and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. "STTIIERE may In- found, one of the lunrcst ' and bc-it ossortincnts of Clocks und Time pieces in the United St itcs, in quantities to suit i pur. iia'crs, ot Irom a snifjln I lock, lo one thou ' sand I'Imks: emliracinir every variety of style ! and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, ; Connlin Houses, l'arlois, Slcepmrr Apartments, nnd Kitchens, Mi am and Canal liouls, and bud Road Cars. Also tenor. d sale Agent, for linpp's lately pat ented Kcinililic Niche (iold Pen. Wholesale and Retail (iold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will lind it to their interest to cull before purchasing elsuwhere. JAMES BARBER. S. E. Cor. Ches luut & Snd Sis., Hula. April 10, 1852 ly SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 IW St , between 2d If 3d St., and Io. 17 JNoi'A fift atreet, 1'illLADKI.l'IIIA. .lolin .liancrol't Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Storc-kccpcrs, Mcr iTiunti, &c, that lliey Manufacture and have for Sale, Pului, While, Variegated, Yellow nnd Brown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Cundles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. I ir Cah paid lor I allow and rough fat. April 10 1S52 ly. JOHN A. TAVLOXt, Manufacturer of 3Ioiuini('nts, 'J'oiuIjs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. It ESl'ECTFL'LLY inform the public that all work in his line will be made no of the very est material anil finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those iu want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates. will do well to rail and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1H52 ly. Win. McCarty, Hookseller. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has removed his Book Slore, to Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court House, on the north side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For Sale A large new spring waggon lit for 2, 3 or 4 horses. Sunbury, July Z. lBS-i. tl. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams 15 Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., rillLADl'.LPHIA. MOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import ers, Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. Pi? Manufactory 15 Murgaretta Street. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. WTSJILEY S COVGll CA'SDY. An excel Vf lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this ollice. 'December 4, 1652. IOR sale at this ollice, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 eta. Pure Essence of Ginger.25 cenla WRITING FLUID and self sealing Env loiies, just received and for sale by April 1. 1851. H. B. MASSER. BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for sale by April 26. 1851 II. B. MASSER. J USTICES' FEE BILLS For sale by 11. B MASSEK. 2P Sunbuty, 1851 BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. riTT OS fHILADKLflllS MAMACAL'SKTTS. Alt solvent hnnka dil KIIODK ISLAND. All solvent luniks dis CONNKGTICUT. All solvent Imnka I dis NEW YORK. CITV. V. 8. Hank notes l.'i dia All solvent Imnka pm rnvsriT. Bank of Chnmliersburg 1 dis Bnuk. of Cheater Co. par Knnk of Del. Co. Cheater par nu 01 uermanlown Uank of nettrsburs; llnnk of liewiltown nnrlAII solvent laiuka I dia 1 lliai7'Uk notes under S3 ) dit COCSTBV. AH solvents Imnka ldit NKW J HUSKY. Helvidere Hank J dis Comniereinl llnnk I dis Hank nfM iiklletirw n IJia Montftmnery Co Hank par Hank of Northnmherl'nd. pai Hank of I'ltlshurc 1 dial uauk nr Danville nnrlFnr. Hnnk Mont Holly lir Carlisle Hnnk I dis F. M.jMiddlelowii 11. par Columbia Il k ft B'geCo par .llf'IIUIIII'B ,,K, ilCIVDIK l"ll oi'Ttnuiwn Hans pnr Knabm Bank pnr F.rie Bank 1 dis Kxchnnae n'krittaburg I dis F.xehaiiae Irk. Itm neh I ill.' Meeh. Hk of lliirlinirton par .Meeh. ft Man. Ilk 'i n-nt pnr Morris Co Hnnk ! dia .Newaik 1 1 kg ft Ins. Co I dia Omnpe Hnnk I dis J dia mr pnr .111 pnr Farmers' H'k, Bucks Co par' People's Ilk Putter .n r nrmera' iik, linnenater wr I rineelon uank Farmers' Hk. Rendine: wr fnlem llniikinar Co, Fnrm. Ilk rVlmvlkill Co pnrireinerret Co Hnnk F ft D. Hk Wn'vnesirg IJdis 'Stale llnnk nt Ciuinlen Fmuklin Bk. Un.h'n t)dis Stnte Ilk l'.lidietl'toii llnrrisliurff llnnk 1 dis Stnte llnnk ewiirk ma dia llonesdale Hank 1 dis Htute Ilk. . Ilriuiawlek pnr linnenstcr Hunk pnr. Sussex Hnnk. Newton l dis i.eiaiuon iiiiiik pnr Trenton litinknnr Co pnf Mereh. ft Mnn. flnuk I dia Miners' H'k, Pottsville per Moiiouanheln Hnnk 1 Hi. t'nii'ii H:ink. !ver dis Vnrdle v'left Del DrCo l.'idis t?-Jlk'not s under f5 I dis DKI.AWAUK. Tnylorav'e Del H't'Co IS dis West llrnueh Hnnk pnr Wyoming Hk, Wilkeab'e pari York Hnnk, 1 dis iyltelief notes i dia Rnnk of Di-lnwnre par llnnk ol rn!ynm pnr Delnwnrc ritv Itnuk par Hk Wilinnft Hniudyw. pni Fnnners' l!K it Detnwure pnr I'litoit Itnnk. Wilmington pnr ty Under dis HIAIM,. llnnk of hetloek 1'i. Merenntile Hk, llnngor 10 dis nn r'lTHii nnilKS (llSi t li: i. All solvent lannks 9 dis l'T 1 ii lies uud. r .Vs 4 dis NOItTI! CAllOldXA. IN r.W IIA.MI'SIIIItK All solvent Innks 1 dis VKRMtiNT. Hnnk of St Allmna 8 dis Ml s lveui Uiuks a dis Allsi.lveut bnuka dia lT 1'iidrrS s, 2J dis "AID AND COMFORT," '1 o Your Own iTlecla:iiiics. GEOl.GK ItENN. MANUFACTIT.ER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rr,HFI subscrilier respectfully culls the attention - of the public lo his larrre nud splendid assort ment of every quality and price of i: aim i:i -was: i,. which eanhot fail to reiommend itself loeverv one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the Wat stock to lie had in the rity. No elfort is tn'st stock to lie hat in the city spared in the manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly lading made, Ilia stock consists of Mahogaily SoftfM, Diva UN and jLouiiscb, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIXttG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal t Phila delphia manufacture. liLtLtr I r..v us, oi every pauern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his bnsinc(s. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities tf I CIIA1UR, Including varieties never before to be had ir Sunburv. such as Maiioi; a-vi. Ui.ack Walxi t 1 .. .. I '." m . . .. r : - . .. .f ... vl. m..i, .ii.ri.r, unKi ., .1 , A S II I iS,t CHAIRS, Asu faxct Piso Stools, which nre of the lutest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured iu the Cities or elsewhere. The subscrilier is determined Ihnt there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence cun be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will l e disposed of on as t;ood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken iu payment for wiark. "l"E?" UNDERTAKING. llaviiui provided himself with n, haiid-oine llmlisi:, he is now prepared for Undcrtiikhnr, and ntteinlins fi.ner als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. ITS' The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE I! ENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 185i tf. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, .' ItlidU'V STI!F'.'T 3--a .. . ......... ' 03 ii nn, r rn.irin i ' FTUIE ni.drrsir.ned resneetfullv inform ihe nn'.. A i ,1.,,, ,hH nrK ; roll niM-rati.iii nt tlieir ill. mm llirv lilt; in lull iiiniu n,n n. men . new foundry, and ready to execute orders for j stoves of every description on the most rcusona- ! ble terms. j They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of WTOV ES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Slur Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, .lenny Lind Im- j proved. Fire King Radiators, r-'nlunmnders. Can- j nous, Bases, Bare C) Under, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, cVc, etc. ABBOTT 4- LAWRENCE, j N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited lo cnll and examine our assortment. 1 April 10, lt'.2. ly. The Jolmsto.'i Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED Wh $ Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rrtHE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in JL form Pm vitkiis generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Print ing Inl formerly curried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to Ihe trade, without any Pt ris, but wilh the simple reliance upon the long established chaiactcr it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor hitn with a call. Tunis Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1853. if. THE (.ItKIT I'KIZi: .IJ IJII. itiTi:i! HICKEV & TULI, No. US Chestnui St., above Sirth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. fs-j j-yj I JAVE just received their Tme jpyrjr.t Medal, awarded ru them for Villi their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was wilh all tho world, ami they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To l found in this City, and at very low prices Cull and see. 11 ICKEY &. TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 1 18 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. SUNBURY FERRY. nENRY W. BUCHER informs the public that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and as he is now well prepared wilh good and sutli cicnt cralts he will 1 enabled to accommodate the public with protntness and despatch. , April 10, 1852. tf. Valuable Hook. LIFE or Chbist, handsomely bound, D'Ak a is si's Histobt or Tat Rkfobhatiox, Blabs: Dat-suoes abb I.ibusbs, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSER Suubury, July 14, 1849 ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh aupply of this excellent article for Tetter, i c., just received aud for sale by - HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 98, 1849 TII88CE PAPER-Yellow Tissue paper for 1. covering glasses, 4c. ,(or sale at th Cilice of tS American. MARRIAGE CETIF1CATE8 handsomely exeouted for sale at this office, single or by the dozen. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tho Cabinet Ware Itoom or SEtt'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, , Also at the corner of Fawn street Me Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the pntrona?e of his friends anJ customers tlurinp; the 17yers lie has been in hnsl ness in this place, he solicits from the public con tinuance of their favors. During this period lie hns endeavored lo keep up wilh the improvement of the dny, and has accordingly extended his buai ness in every branch and variety. Tho public are therefore invited lo the attention of the present stock of CAllINKT WARE AND CIIA1SS, Manufactured bt SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairi. Lnre Sprint Sent Rocking CAairat Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables; .Marble Top Wash Stand, und a variety of other new style und Fashionable Furniture. Havinrr secured a Henrse and made the neces sary arrnnccments for Ihe purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mnnls and mistresses, and huslands too, Ilere-a furniture of every style and hue, From aide Ixurda d.iwi, to kitchen tallies, rrnm reeking chnirs tn locking cradles Plimild yini not hove the ready Jy lo ptr We'll wait awhile f.ir a l.riKhter better day, Or Uike potatoes, onta, com, wheat and rya ; Hark, hoop p.,ea, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing lint y..k-a nml threading flaila, r nun purs nun inrkn-a down to little quails. Come mi then friends, eome one and all, Keep Irmle a movinp, so "g.iea nu the ball." LP" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Kunliury, March 0, 1850 tf STAUE OFFICE. WASIIINfSTOX HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, TirOU'LI) respectfully announce that he hat taken this well known stand, where he will be gratified to sec nnd entertain his Iriends and Ihe travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly lorated, handsomely furniahed, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in titling up this house. The chambers are well furnished and the table, and bar provided wilh the best the market can alTord. The stable accommodations are extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stapes running from Northumberland tc Pottsville, stop ut this house, where through and) way tickets to Philadelphia can lie obtained. ' Sunbury, March 30, 1852 If. EYRE & L A NDE LIiT" 4th and Jlrch Street, PHILADELPHIA. 1TAVE established a Slore where the best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting, Muslins nnd Linens by the piece, Daniusk Table Linens and Napkins, I Vent Black iiks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. E. fi L. nre constantly receiving llnrgains froi the New York and PI iladclphia Auctions, whic tliry rcll wholesale and rctuil very cheap for Ne Cash. F.uwAnu E. Evrf. Washington I. Linoci Philadelphia, July 3, 1853. fy. ""T--- j GLASS. DRUGS, PAINTS, &c. nilOLDSlLE AM) IlllTAII.. T1HE Philadelphia Window Glass Yai tl a ! . . htwse nnd 1,ruS. I '''. Varnish, ! 1 olor Stores, Nos. 33 nnd 35 North Fourth Strett. East side, has the largest assortment o Wind Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and other (2 LASS, in the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 i ferent siws, ranging from the smallest size, up 38 by GO inches of Sheet, and as large1 ss 5 '7 feet of Plate Glass, including English Cro French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick Gh for Sky-Lights,- Bulk Windows, &c. The Subscriber having a heavy slock on hi is prepared to fill orders at Ihe shortest not and on the most reasonable terms. Odd s of uny pattern cut to order. Ground White I.ead ; Paint, Varnish, of cry description ; Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, I ed and raw; Paint Mills; Putty ; Brush Dye Woods, it1., Ac., Ac. And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. 8PRAGI.E. Nos. 33 Sl 35 Notth 4th St., E.Sid April 10, 1S52. ly. if"5 ron as cuts. T!Y MEANS OF 'I MM P PO'JKET-KSCl" PIUS, or Every one own Physician ! Tin sixth edition, with wards of a hundred ei vings, showing private ease in every shape form, and malfurmatio the generative system, lly lr V ni. You The time has now ved, that persons sufiering from secret disi need no more become the victim of o.et as by the prescriptions contained in this any one may cure himself without hindrai business, or the knowledge of the most int. friend, and vvith one-tenth the usual expens addition lo Ihe general routine of private di it fully explains the cause of manhood's ear cline, with observations on marriage In many other derangement" which It w-.i.l.l , proiier lo enumerate iu the public pinii-. I" Any person sending TWKNTY-1 CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receiv copy of this book, by mail, or five copies w sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. YO No. 152 SPRUCE Street, P1IILADELPJ Post paid. ICT" Dr. Y'OUNG can be consulted on . the Diseases described in his dhTcrenl pi lions, at his Oifice, 153 Spruoe Street, evei between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sunday except! Philadelphia, June 5, 1852.--ly. " DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MEHCIIA! FOR THE SAlJi OP Fish, Provisions, jc. .Vb. 9 A'orth fFAarre. PHIIADBX.rmVi April 10, 1852. ly. CiTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Rais, monda, P ur.v ud Cream Nut. Planes of all kinds. Sail and Plaster. Just received and by JOHN W. TRIL. Sunbury, Dee. 29, 1849. w July 31, le- H. U. MASSER.