Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 02, 1853, Image 3

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    AK Ml'ltDER.
'flje. The case 6fAr.
cled of the murder of
in brought lo the noilce
edly on Sa urlay, by
:l for the prisoner, who
new dial, nd jn arrest
-uppoTt of the motion he
ai irregular, and the em
, jury irregular and contrary
a Clmiles McQuillan, who
,-in the case, hud never been
ed and returned asench, but
jo nnme of Barnard Corr, and
,Avorn aiid emp.muelh d as a
unknown lo the prisoner or his
fi aftei lb verdict.
i verdict cannot oo sustained, be.
.ntsnl Corr, w ho was supposed to be
je jury, did not act as such and unite
Joran stated that ho had received an
nous letter, informing him of the facts
ned and tho reasons, and he believed
A would bo ablo to sustain them by
.nee. lie thought the discovery of these
tff fatal tri tho prosecution, and euti
llirprisoner to u new trial.
Wqeii, jhe District Attorney, asked tho
Jta-fiK Monday, (this morning) lor an
Jiation of the ease. The Court com.
land further action was then suspended.
Je allegations are that Corr, beinj a man
isincas, and finding it inconvenient to
ytd asn juror, suggested that he would
ard some one to attend for him. Mc
Millan, hearing this, camo forward and vol
itecrrd his services, lie attended the first
ay of tho period, and answered lo the name
t( Corr. IIu appeared each subsequent day,
answering in the same manner, and .was fie'
quently crr.pannelled in cases, rim legality
of the convictions in thesu cases of cours-.1.
are equally cfTtctcd.
A precisely similar Male of furls probubly has
raver arisen, ccilainly not in this county,
l-nl there are legal precedents which may be
made to apply lo the present circumstances.
There is an act of Assembly in force that
covers any defect in the ventr issued lo the
Sheriff for the summoning of Jurors, or the
precept of the Contl, and a plea by the pri
soner is a waiver of nil errois and defects in
the same ; but that is not the case now.
The return of the Sheriff lo the venire con
tains the mime of Retnard Corr, and the re
cord ol the Ccmrt shows that Bernard Corr
ras pretent tit Court, tried the case and ren
leto.l a verdict of convict inn. The record
s therefore perfect and, in order lo establish
' he grounds assumed by the defendant's
c ounsct, it must be attacked and proved to
o incorrect. This is certainly a novel pro.
ceedina; but nevertheless may be allowed
by the Court, inasmuch as a contempt of nn
unusual degree of aggravation has been of
feied to that tribunal, which, in vindication
of its own dignity, may be compelled to take
cognizance of the ofler and allow the exinii
tation of w itnesses. A general feeling of in
lignation on Saturday pervaded thecomrnniii
y in reference to the two men w ho have pro
need lliid minifying difficulty. It is pinba
Is that before the question now pending is
ecided; Mr. Reed will have Spring tried tfi
le other bill charging him with l'io murder
f Mr. Shaw he having been tiied only on
le other indictment.
Since Ihe conviction of AilhnrSpiing, Sen ,
e younger Spring ban been slaying at the
'Uthwaik station house in charge of Lieut,
aik, where he has been visited by a nutn
r of persons w ho have become interested
his future welfare. He is desirous to pm
re employment at a confectioner's cstab
hment, and will probably return to his
mer employer in Washington, who has ex
ssej a willingness lo take him back
is will best suit hi views, as he wishes lo
near his sisters, who are in the orphan
lum in that city, and contribute towatds
ir suppurt. His visitois piesented him
h various sums of money, and his flist use
the funds thus placed in his possession
l to send S3 to the keeper of Ihe clothing
e in Maikct street, for the coat he ran t.fT
h when dropped on the pavement by a
belonging to the establishment. The
er of Ihe coat was not aware of the Ihefi
1 told of it.
Ir. Lynch remains at the Adelphi Street
on house, where he receives every utters
'at the hands of the officers stationed
e. He sensibly feels his loss, and ut
s is completely overpowered with grief,
as resisted every effort to induce him to
the scene of the horrible tragedy, and
las author zed tho Marshall to sell by
ion, to-morrow, the household goods be
ng to him. His unfortunate children re
in the care of Mrs. Allen and Mrs.
n, by whom they were first taken, and
ovisiou has yet been made for their fu
support. Several silk dresses belong-
his wile are missing from the toom,
a-bat has become of them is a mystery
be solved. Lynch will probably go lo
York, where Colonel Burnett, under
i he served in Mexico, has promised lo
to him employment,
hur Spring, the convicted murderer,
manifested no disposition lo make con
n of his guilt. He asseverates his in
se, accuses his son of the murder, and
to him when asked wbat has become
gold of which the trunk of Mrs. Lynch
lundered. No trace of the gold has yet
iscovered , Though Spring was search
en first placed in his cell, it is known
le very next day ho exhibited a qnan.
small change, from soma mysteiiou
place. Hi long career in prison has
uedly rendered him an adept In bid-
valuables be may have. It i known
-hen visited by bis sou in Sing Sing
he lave him a 8 18 gold piece, which
secreted in bis capt whero it had
ly remained during Ihe whole of the
tears be had served out. ,
Tvkmfikcs. Iron Will be the great
I for almost everything at Ihe proper
A company is being organized at Cm
Ohio, lo hava the turnpike from tba
Western avenue, at Bright in, to Cam
list, Spring Grove and Carthage, with
tea. The sides dT the road will be
with dirt, and ornamented with shade
New Advertisement!.
Tt AVING embarked In the Mercantile busi
1 B ncss on my own account, I take this op
portunity to thank the friends or the Into firm, and
the pulilic in general for the liberal patronage
extended to me 'heretofore, and would be most
nappy to see them aV my new business stand, in
the house formerly occupied by John I-eisenring,
opposite the Bank.
rorthumlicrland, March 80, 1853. 3m
EstatdiTNlcjnMER, deo'd.
JVOTICE is hereby given that letters of A
ministration have licen planted to the undo
signed upon the estate of .John Kramer, late j
Lower Augusta township, Northumberland
county, dee'd. All persons having claims or de
mands against the estate of the said deceased, arc
requested to moke the same known lo the under
signed without delay, and all persons indebted
will make immediate payment.
Upper Augusta twsp., March SO, 1853. 6L
Estate of DAVID THOMPSON, dee'd,
NOTICE is hereby given Hint letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the un
dersigned upon the estate of David Thomson, late
of Coal townphip, Northumberland county dee'd.
All persons having claims or demands against
Hie estate of snid deceased, are requested to make
the same known to the undersigned without de
lay, and all persons indebted trill make immediate
WIM.IAM FACET. Y, ) . , ..
Shamokintown, March 26, 1853. Gt.
Hotel For Sale
"V57E are authorized to offer for sale a superior
' second class Hotel, ccntcrally located in a
Business part of Ihe city of Philadelphia, com
manding, nt this time, a large trade from Penn
sylvania, Delaware and New Jersey.
Tho House contains One Hundred and ten
Rooms, and is capable of accommodating One
Hundred and rifty persons.
The Gentlemen's Parlor, Reading rooms,
Car rooms and Office, are on the first
The House lias been recently thoroughly reno
vated, end in part newly furnished, and is fitted
up in the most genteel manner. The furniture
will le sold with the Leask, which lias over two
years to run, at a vf.iit low iu;nt with tho
privilege cf renewing for five years longer at the
saino rent. The central location of this Hotel
being in the iimnrdiato vicinity of Business and
places of 'amusement, make it an opportunity
seldom to be met with. It will be sold cheap,
and on accomodating Terms. For further particu
lars apply personally or by Lkttcu Post Paiii
at the Itcal Estate and General agency ollice, ro.
8'J south lit i la street, I'luhulelulna.
Fhila., March SO, 1S53. tf.
TMIE annual meeting of the Stockholders o
the Green Rid -go Improvement Company
will be held at the (Jirard House, Philadelphia,
on Tuesday, the 1 2th of Mav next, when on
Election fur Two Directors will be held.
rhila., March 20, 1853. tin.
Lnst Notice.
I.I. persons indebted ,ov having cluims
against the estate of Abraham Bresiotis,
dee'd., late of Lower Augusta township, North
umberland county, arc hcrehy notified that the
undersigned Administrator will attend at Ihe lute
residence of said deceased, oh Wednesday, the
Olli of April, next, where those interested will call
and make settlement.
Sunbury, March 19, 1853. 3t,
To the Honorable the Jndses of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of Northum
berland :
The uiiilcrsifinetl petitioner rcsjiecl fully s -lici's llic Hon.
Cimrl to firiint loin n lironvc to ki-rpnii tim or tm'uni hi
P.iint t ivviialup, in tlie house rrtntriy kept ai stu-li by G.
V. Frieze.
We llic mid'Tigned citizen of Point t -witfhio. in
X'irlliimilHTliiml I'otinty, benn; nrqu.-iinltM with Ihe IVti
ti mer, ilo eeilil'y tlinl lie n ol' po A repule f r dimes! y urn!
temperance, ami tluit lie u weil pruvitiol with Lome ro;iti
unit other convenience I'orlhe ueconun ilntion ol' itrmurera
nnil travellers, and that nn Inn or Invent there is nqpeuury
Tor lire ru-coinmotlulioii ol' strungers anil trnveilera.
Jneoh tt'Mtenliaujrli, Georco !.enher. S;iinite) I. Johitririt,
Win. O. Itot.hiin, 'Joseph VanUirk. t-'runeirf liihMon, Kit
wnnt tin v. Gitbirt Vniiilliiiic. Duuiel Maizer, G. V. Werlifi,
Clinrli (letniell, J.C. Ilorton.
Poiril Iwup , Mnrcli 1W, l.-M at.
For ilia Cure ef
Of all the liumcroiii medicines extent, fond 'tne of
; tl:rm Viilunble) lor lite cure i( pulmonary conn Uint, no
. thing h;i vvvr been found wliiili emit I c iuiiio in iis vt
; fti'la with thi l'rcperntioii. Others cure n inrtiiii Lui
I tit ull hints and in all diseases if Innc und lliruui
1 wlteie medicine eun (live relief, this will do it. it l-
UoKJiit to ink, und pcrfeclly fc.fe in nc-Mnhinre whh the
' directions. We d. nit advert ine for the iiif- nimtum f
tlutse wli have tried it but thow who have not. I' limilie
thut luive kiiowu its vuluc wilt uot Imj wilh ut it und by
its tinit'lv ue. t!iev ure secure from the ttiiiurrrou's C MiSc-
quenres of Coti'Ttisuud Culds which iiegleeU-it, ripen into
lalHl c,'Uuui)titiii.
Tito l)i tmm of the Musncliuietts Tnntitttte wnt nwnrd
et t this iri.'Kiruiioii by the Ji-urd of Juilgei in ifcteinhor
IhIT ; til ), the Met la I a of the three grcnt iimtitules of Art,
in tins country j hum the f the Ohio ItiMitule ut
(JiiKiiin;ai( liua bueii given to thj Ciiehbv I ko tubal, ly
their G veriHiieut in comulor tli m tif its ex'r loiduuiiv
excL-llt-iire und uttcfuhiesst in cuiing uuvctlous ol the turtrs
liiid j iirout.
Head Ihe f"ll win opiiii hi founded nn tho I ms; experi
ence of Ihe eminent Vhysicun "I the Irt und City of
Dr. J. C. Aver. fT. JOHNS, Mrty 8,
l-'ive year trial of your CllKUHY TKCTOUAls in my
tmirtice. litis proven wlut 1 lore(aw tnin it comix iln
must Imi tru, thut it eradicates und cutl-s tlu cohls und
COIIpllH U WHICH WC, III Ull atVlH H, ir (WH.-HIU1S ly nui id.
1 think its equnl hits ihH yet leu discwied, lot du 1
kiuivv uow I seller remeuy cuu ue uuiue ior uic uiKeui
iieis of thu Torout und Kuns
J. J. Ul ltTOX, M. D., F. R .
rVe wlmt it hns done mi a wasted nuistiiuli 'n, not only
iu the folluwiug casus, but ft tuoLsand more :
Pi dlury, Jan. lth, IS.'Sl.
T)r. Aver: In the inMith of Julv lust 1 wus attacked by
a iolei.t riiurrhaa in mines of Culiiornia. 1 roiurned lo
Hun Kransiscu in hpe of receiving bene tit from a clianje
t( L-linuite and diit, My dmirliu u ceasrxt, but was (i
kweu try a severe c mth oimI mucii s renes. i niuiuy
started lor home, lit received no boiuilit fiom the voyaye.
Mv dHili cmmiutvl in erow w-.rie. and when 1 arrived
iu New York. 1 wus at once marked by my ar(tr)jinunces
vict.uu ui cmsuiujiMou. I musi r utcs mui i saw uo
iiiru-ietii rcuwm lo dm! wbat my friemls all belrevetl.
At this tone I e tiuuielicrd taking y nr truly mviduuble
mediriite wilh litle expectation of drivint anv beneiit
ir.nn iia use. You whiIU a't receive t he e lines did 1 not
regurd il my duly fa suite to the uluii-u d, through yon,
that my health, in the apace f eihl moutU, it (ullv re
storeil. 1 attribute il to the uh of y.nir Cll KKUV
TOHAI Yoiira truly,
Wasiiitiotom, Va , April itHH.
Pear sir i Feeling tliat 1 have Urcn iiurwi from a pre
nature Jtntvn, iiirnunis ynui intruiii!iuililiv uy me provi-
dunce of (iod, 1 will lake tlie hbcity lo expietis lo you my
A Cantffh and the alarming symiHoms flf Consamptimi
had reduced me too low to leave me anything like U'ipe,
when my physic iau brrmglit me a bottle of your "Pecto
ral." It seemed to utTorJ immediate lelier, ami ttovr in
a few weeks time baa restored me to sound boultb. If it
will do fur others fc lmt it bas dona for ne, ou ars cer
tainly one of the beuefuclers of mankind.
tHucerely wishuig you every blessing, I am m '
Verv rueciiu Iv vonra.
JOHS J. CliARKE, Hector of M. feur'a Uiurclr.
WhU such assure ace and frm such men no etrouger
nr.KaT can be adduced unless tt be from its cdevt upou
Prepared und sold by JAMES C AYER$
. Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by II MA66ER, and by
DruggieU generRlly throughout tha 6UU. 1
Mtrch 19, 1853. ceow ly. Nov 8,52, '
TaTOTtCE Is hereby given, that letters testa-
' mentary on the above named estate, have
besn granted by the Register of Norlliumlicrlsnd
County, to the undersigned. All persons having
claims against said estate, are requested to pre
sent them, duly authenticated for settlement j and
those knowing themselves indebted to make pay
ment, without delay to
Shsinokin twsp., March 18. 1853. Ot. '
A lilakcsmjtli AVunled.
JOURNEYMAN Dlacksmith Is wanted
jl immediately by the subscriler, to whom
steady employment and good wages will be given.
Sunbury, March 19, 1853. tt.
List of Jurors,
OP Northumberland County for April T A
D., 1853.
(ran (I Jurors.
PfKBi-BT. Edward Eisely.
Milton. Joseph Angstadt, Pulrick ilon
tape. Dki.a ware. William Erwin, Reuben Hil
nnl, Michael Uoiibst.
Tukbut. James Smith.
Lewis John Schuyler.
Ciin.iSQtJAQ,UK. Paul Lahr.
Upper AfnusTA. Charles Eckman.
Low Kit " . John Coldron, Jacob
Rush. Aaron Campbell, Joseph Hear,
Jesse Mensch.
Siiamokin. Fianklin A. Claik, Simeon
Ui'PRn M.mionov. Mosos L. Beissel, Gid
eon Adams, Samuel Ileim, Michael Ferster.
Lower " .Abraham Lenker, Pe
ter Ilepner.
Turbut Robert Hayes, George Dlair,
Fredetick DelJer,
Delaware. John GnlTy, Samuel Green,
John M. Kinr.ev, Daniel Nichtila.s, Elijah
Crawford, Isaac Vincent, jr., Daniel Smith,
Genrge Watsnn.
Lewis. William S.ividjro.
Milton. John Muriay. Andrew Overpeck, Hugh
Martin, Uiiuiye Troxcl, James Turk, Daniel
P. Caul.
Point. Chniles Gnlick.
Upper AuiiUsrA. Peter Ovenlorf, jr.
Lower " . Joseph Cass, Jacob
Krebs. Simeon Il.inpt, Chailes llalenbach,
Francis Lcreh, Win. Blnnm, Peter Seatfoss
Siiamokin. William Funow, II II. Kuo
bel, Samuel Gnnserl, son., Jacob Noreher,
Win. II Fry, David M'vVilhams, Michael
M. Super, Lewis Chambeilatid, Win. Price,
W.n. Roth.
IUisii Joseph Reader, John Gent hart, jr.
Cameron. Peter Weikel.
Upper Maiionoy. H.-nry Mallii-h.
Lower " . Benj. Rnbeudalil, Jo
nathan D.ickey.
Little " . Conrad Raker.
Jackson John Carl, N. S. Diumheller.
Coal. Jonas Giluer.
Jokuan. John Adams.
Tclit Jurors.
Sunbury. E. G. Marklcy, Andiew Bal
ily, J. II. Zimmeruiaii, Fiet'eiiek Lazarus
Delaware Simon Luulz, Joseph Hayes,
jr., David Wilson, Ed. Tiuckemiller, Wm.
Biooerts, Win. Beard.
Ciiii.isquao.ue. R. A. GilTuus, Siinon Rea
lly, Samuel Mulleuer
Point Georuo Lefdier, Joseph Vankirk.
Ul'l'EIl Afci'STA. Fieilerick Hans, Snlo-
inan H ul.el, Herman lvlnie, jr.
Low Ell " . Peter Ma'
-Peter Mallich, John
Uci'ER Maiionoy. Henry Haas.
Lower " .Win Slialler, Joseph.
Jackson. Denj. Strickler, Daniel Wolf,
Wm. Cares.
Hush Samuel Swank, Joseph Campbell.
Coal. Daniel N. Lake.
Siiamokin Fuiusuoith Reed, Edward
Wilkerson, Samuel Repler. John Boughner.
Cameron. Wm. Dork.
DT virtue of sundrv writs of Ltr. 1'nriut ond
Veil. EjriHiiia, to mo directed, will !e sold
liy pulilic vendue or outcry at the Court House,
in tuo JJorotiali ol Mtiihury, nt i'nc ociock, r.
M., on tlie lirot Momljy ot A pril, tlie lollowing
real estate, to wit : A certain
Tract ol Land,
situate in Ttusli township, in the county of Nor
lliuml'crliiud, liouiulcd as follows, ISciiiiiiii'j at a
W'liilu Ouk a corner of John WiUous lu ml,
South fifty tlnce peivhcs l y luiid of I'cter Met tier
to a post, thece ly the ssmo and Iaac Kline
cist rilit perches to a post, thence liy land of
V. Mettlcr south C9 8-10 perches to a stone,
thence west Cf perches to a fallen chesiiut, thence
ioutll 55 perches to a vtone, thence hy l.ind of 1'.
Mettlcr west fit perches to a fallen White Oa,
ihencc souih 57 perches to a post, thence hy land
ofllenry llolf west 13: 1-10 perches to a post,
thence lv land of C Campbell and Jacob Depuy,
north .crches to a post, thence liy land of
Isaac Kline north eighty degrees west 87 4-10 to
a stone, thence noit'i 19 decrees west twenty four
perches 8 3-10 to a post, thence north bij de
crees east 13 perches to u post, thence soulli 19
decrees, east S f-ii) p'. relies lo a post, thence by
hind of Jacob Depuy north 87 j ilcjrees east 1 1
perches to a post, thence north 56 degrees east
liS 3-10 perches to a post, thence noitli CD per
ches lo a post, thence cast by land of John Wilson
119 4-10 to the place of beginning, containing
two hundred and fifty acres and 00 perches;
w hereon are erected on the east end of said tract
a new Frame House, Frame Barn, &c., and on
west end a large Frame House, llarn, Spring
House Apple Orchard, &c
A Ccttain Lot
or parcel of land adjoining the above mentioned,
on the west side, Ueginuing at a post, thenc hy
land of Jacob Depuy north 2 ) degrees west 45
G-10 perches to a post, thence by hind of James
Kline south 88 degrees west 80 3-10 to a post,
thence by laud of of I. Kline and C. Campbell
south Cj perches, west 40 perches to a stone,
thence by laud of C. Campliell north 88 degrees
east "5 perches to the place of beginning, con
taining sit acres and eighty six perches. .
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
lie property of John Kline.
A Certain Lol of Ground,
situate in the borough of Milton, in the county
aforesaid, Hounded north by llroa lway, east by
the Pennsylvania Canal, south by Tine alley and
w est by lot of James Covert, containing one fourth
of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a
Frame Dwelling House, two Store Houses, rla-
blllig, &C.
Bcized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Montgomery A. tSweny surviving
l'""cc oi jolm sweny tt (Sou.
Two, certain centiglou
Loll of Ground.
situate In the borouoh ami ,ni .rj t.i
bounded north by lots belom.ii,. iV.- ...... -i
Catharine Fric dee'd.. ...t by Fourth .Ueet,
south by lot of Murpheys esute and we.t by the
River Susquehanna, con'-aiiiing; one eiuhih r
acre more or less, and nown in tba general pl,n
of said borough as lou Noa, 163 and 154. whun.
on are erected a weatlierboarded Uouse 1( atories
high and a small stable.
beized, taken in execution and to be sold as
late the estate of Henry Frill, dee'd., new in
.. . j . ...
in nanaa si nia Auminmraior auu neira.
- All that Certain Tract of Land,
Unite In Augusta township, county aforesaid,
bounded and described as follows, to wit I Begin
ning at a Birch ty lot No. ft north 14 degrees
west 3 1 1 perehes to a post, thence north 79 de
grees enst 171 perches to a post, thence by Chris
tain Shinier pstt of lot No. south two hundred
and fifty one perches to a Bleat Oaf , thence south
14 degrees east 45 perches to a post, north sixty
six lurches to Ihe place of beginning, containing
two hundred and forty nine acres and a quarter,
being part of the manor of Pomlrct, whereon are
erected Two Dwelling Houses, a Ban Barn and
other outbuildings. ,
Siczed taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of J. A. Shisslcr.
TO Y Virtue of certain writs of Ler. Fa. iwtiing
out of the Court of Common Pless of North
umlierlnnd county, end to me directed will be
sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the public
House of John M. HolTin the Borough of Milton
at one o'clock, P. M., on the second day of Abril
next, the following real estate, to wit:
All that certain Lot of ground,
situate in the Borough of Milton, In the comity
aforesaid, bounded north by Broadway, east by
the Pennsylvania Canal, south by Pine alley, and
west by lot of James Covert, containing one
fourth of an aero morn or less, whereon are erec
ted a Two Story Frame Dwelling House and
Bricl Kitchen, one Frame Store Room, and two
large Ware Houses, Stabling, Ac.
Piezed, taken in execution and to lie sold as
property of John Sweny, dee'd., iu the hands of
his Administrator Joseph Beard, with notice to
Montgomery A. Swenv, terre-tenant &c.
On Saturday, at the same time and place,
A Certain other Lot of Ground, -situate
in Upper Milton, bounded north by Loeunt
street, cast by the Canal, south by lot of While
ami Merrme, anil west by r ront street, containing
i of an acre more or less, whereon arc erected a
tSleatn Grist Mill, together with Ihe Engine and
futures annexed, a tenant house, cooper shop,
stabling, &c
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Montgomery A. Sweeny.
n il, B. KIPP, Sheriff.
Shcrifl'a OlTice,
Bunhury, March 12, 1S53. J
TV 0T1CE is hereby gien that the severa
Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter
.Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for tho county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
d ill dav of April next, and will continue
Tho coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
, requested to be then ami there in their proper per
' sons, wilh their mils, records, inquisitions, and
I other remembrances, to do those things to their
several oilices appertaining to he done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in liehalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as sbull
be just and not to depart niihout leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual iu their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 6th day
of .March, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred Rnd fifty-three and the In
dependence of tho United States of America
the 77th.
C ARRrkGTEs"F"& CO.,
Flour, Grain and Lumber
Couiniision Merchants,
23 and 23 Spear t Wharf
John Clnrk, Ksq., 1'iesident Citizens' Balik, Bait
A. I. (mIck, Km., Cushicr Fianklin Bank, "
John Herlzler, Jr., Ksq., I'hiludclphia.
Knijers, Siiinickson cc Co., "
J. Tome, Esq., l'lcnidcut Cecil Bank, Tort De-
J. Wallonvr &. Son llarrisluirg.
Col. 11. C. Ever, Seliiixgrove.
J. II. App ec Co.,
Nale, Winnute tc Co., Milton.-
W. W. ;ool;e, Es(j., Muncy.
Simon Schuyler, Usq.-, "
George Bodine, lluglisville.
W. Weaver & Co., Montoursville.
Ceil. William F. Packer, M illiamsport.
T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, "
Jnmcs II. Killing, "
t.cuis O. Ilulini;. . "
M"Henry Bubb, Jersey Shore.
J. 1'. llulinf!, Esq., Lock Haven.
Sv Corr, tiicse A Co. have the largest wliarf
rooni of any romuiUinn Imusc in Baltimore, al
ways giving quick despatch to boats ill discharging
their cargoes.
Marcb 12, 1853 Cm.
iMror.Tt:r.3 and dealers is
French -Millinery Goods,
No, 45 South Second Streett
n AVING received by Lite arrivals a large and
well selected assortment of
are now prepared to offer their customers, at the
luwest market prices -
Glace Silks lor Bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,
French and American Artificial Flowers,
Crapes, all colurs,
Fancy Nets und Laces,
Together with every article appertaining to the
Millinery truilo.
Marck 12, 1833. 3m.
Wood t$ Willow Ware.
0,000 Fancy Corn Brooms,
1,500 Dox. Buckets, Assorted Colors,
600 NesU Cedar Wash Tubs,
K00 Cedar Churns.
SOO Doz. Willow Baskets,
300 Dox. Wall and Scrub Brushes, &.C., Ac.
The lurtrest Slock ever offered in Philadel-
uhia. and the cheapest iu the world. Orders
promptly tilled.
Al. X J. Al. iv IJ W C,
No. 1 1 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
March 12, 1663 3m.
"TOR Special Court of Common Tleas of
B' Northumberland County to be held
the 4th Monday of May, A. D., 1853.
Frederick Keener va Wm. Ayros
Peter Pursel vs Jacob Hiblcr
James Graham ct al v Hugh Bellas ct al
Piatt & Piatt TS Henrv Manser
Com'th for Wm L Heiiiemau vsT A Billington
. Louis AleS. Napoleon Du
Petert Bosrjuet vs MM!or cL al.
same ' ' s Pierre Odier et. al.
E John for W Camp vs Wolverton A; Leisenr'g
Eystcr for Weaver VS Eb'xer Greenough ei'
Joanna Pendevilla vs A K Kapp
Mahonoy and Shamokin . i,ir.,m paui
Sarah L Keen
v Abraham Broiou
vs Samuel Kuvidgs
v T, A. Billington tt
bail ,
Com'wealth for 8. D.
' Jordan 1
Henry Donnet et al
ts Hugh Bella
Robert Philip ts Zerby Run and Bhamokin
Improvement Company
Prothonotarr's Office.
Bunbuiy, Maicb 6, 18i2
MOTICE Is hereby given to all igatees,
Creditors and other persons Interested in the
Estates of tlie following named persons, that Ihe
Executor, Administrator, and : Guardian of
said Batata have filed their accounts with the
Register of Nortliurbberland Covnty, and that
tho same Will lie presented to the Orphans' Court
nfsnid County on Tuesday the 5lh dny of April,
A. 1)., 1853, in the forenoon, for confirmation anil
allowance. . , . ,. ; '
Mary Welch, ttee'd., settled hy lier Adm'r
David Hull.
Tcter DtntlPr, dee'd srtlled bV hi Executors,
Thomas Watts, Margaret Dchller, and J
' cob Dontler,
Ltonnrd Reed, dee'd., settled by ' Ills Adm'r
David Dunkleberger.
Jacob liliule, dee'd., settled by his Ex'r Ssmuel
8olomo Wngncr, dee'd , settled try Iicr Adm'r
Simon T.nntz.
Delwrsh Tharp,' dec'J., settled by tier Adm'r
Jesse Campliell.
Godfrey Broxions, Jec'J settled by his AJin'r
Samiicl Brosions. ... .
John Resli, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Elias
Wollnn. ' " '
Gilbert Voris, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Wm.
T Fomyth.
George Long, dee'd., settled hy his Adm'tor
George Bayer.
Elizabeth Dentler, dee'd., settled by her Ex'rs
Geo. F. Miller and John Young.
Matilda ltuliler, settled by her Guardian,
George Carman.
Spencer Metier, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
Benj, Gearlmrt and Wilson Metier.
RhcIicI Cornel, dee'd., settled by her Adm'tor,
John Yordy.
Joseph H. Kline, dee'd., Final Acct. settled by
bin Adm'r 1). C. Caul.
Andrew Crothers, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
Alexander Colt.
William McCoy, dee'd., supplemental Acct.
settled by his Adm'r David Tagojnrt.
Anna M. Hunaickcr. dee'd., settled by her Ex
ecutor David Tttjgart
Jacob Snyder, dee'd., settled by his Executors
John A. Snyder and William Kchach.
JOHN T. PURSEL, Register.
Register s Ollice,
Sunbury, March 5, 1852.
(OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas
A. D.
George Shiley vs Ab'm Dunkelbergcr's admr'x
Aliijah Bowen vs Win II Thompson
Win M Autcn vs Thomas luiser
Tcnbrook for Appletou vs James Brass
Henry Kl7e & Eve his wife vs '
Jacob .unmans
J B Musser
William McCarty
Jacob Keller
vs Barbara Shaffer's ex'rs
vs Samuel Hunter
vs Bank of North uiiibcrland,
James T Sutton & Co
vs Samuel Kvlc
Daniel Rhodes
Samuel I. Beck
Simon Snyder
Christian Cable
vs J.uoh Wertuian
vs Jacob Stitzcl
vs Gcorprc Snyder
vs M Bachinan &FMurkle
Mnycr iV Mover's Gar-
vs Jacob Hoffman et al
Hitx for Reiner vs
William Seehler
Washinston Mutual In- v K Kaufman ct ttl
surancc Company
State Mutual Fire Insu'
ranee Company
vs Same
Jacob B. Masxer
Albin Newberry
Rebecca Swurti
Rudolph Duenger
John L Ycuger
vs Reuben Fegely
vs Thomas Rasr
v Andrew McLanuhan
vs Peter Thomas
vs Course Bright
D Hoats for M Sweny vs "JVn;;,,
Oliver B J I il liar J vs John Hartinan
John W Penl vs Joseph Diminick, ct. nl.
Christ tc McFaddcn vs Susanna Rcid
(JeorRii Brosions vs Daniel K am pie
Francis Jo.Iau vs D.ivid I. Irlund
John Beclv vs George Eciferl adm'r
sumo vs same
... .. ,.. ... A. C & T.
iv.enuenon ennui c rs. vi
M orris
same vs s.imo
Wrnrfcl L Kcffer vs John F Wolfmger
William Fursman et al vs John Pars
Frederic Wilhelm vs Henry Williclm
Juno Bogar vs George P. Buyers et al
John Bush and wife vs
Nathaniel Saxlon s
Sr A Shisslcr
vs Daniel Clinn
vs Georcc AV Bn.wer
vs '1 homas Barr
vs John Rosser & Co
vs J. Fry and J. Harman
Robert Kline
Henrietta Lewis
R Fagcly &. ('o
Jacob H. Rhoads
Daniel Gibson vs
Jacob Keinnril anu
Win Kiihler
Mary Viei-ery
vs David Lntsha
vs J C Hurt on
Ott Rockefeller
rrothonotary's Office. i
Sunbury, March fi, 1853.
nilir undersiuned have luxt onened a frcsli
JL and complete stock of WALL PAPERS
amonu which are GOLD and VELVET, FINE
&e.. .Ve. W hich they oiler ol tlio lowest prices,
Imih wholesale and retail. I he best workmun
employed to hang paper either in the city or
Blank books, stauor.ary, o., c.
We h:ivc also our usual assortment of WRIT
and School Books, Stationary, Ae.
No. 4 North Fifth St., 2 doors nlwve Market,
CASH paid for Countrv rugs.
Philu., March 12, 1853. 3m.
TOTICE is hereby Riven that the underslgmv
Auditor appointed bv tho Orphans' Com
of Northumberland County, to distribute the as
sets in the lianas of Win. Reed, Administrator
&e., of Peter VandliHg dee'd., to and among the
I "rlimr. of mid deceased, and that he will attend
ut bis office in Sunhurv. fr that purpose, on Sat
ur.lny, the 2d day day of April, 1853, when all
interested, it tliey mum proper, can iii im.
H. B. MASSER, Auditor,
Sunbury, March IS, 1853. 4t.
Premium Essence of Coffee-
I ltatyt wH pro-ii'
;i lung our urea ay
utngavrui pa I
: KsacDui r Cv-ae. '
I'ltiillll"!;- !l!! 'II'11
HY will man uelliul which is inji rious to
bis health, wi en he Is to oivo all
his wealth la restore it when it is lo4 1 Sir ge I
that at least two thirds of the human f niily will
use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to le injuri
ous to their health.
Krupp'a Essence of Codec
is, beyond doubt the bent mil most whuleaoine
preparation of Coffee iu the world. Every house
keeixr houid have iL Try it and lie couvineed
it will save about 60 pet cent, besuto your nealin.
Warranted to reuuer euiir huiiii, . -
.uJ fo, b,.
0 fluli, !t,l lrl PhllaclDhuU '
N. B. AU th prineigal Groeer nd DruggisU
have It for ale tlirouno vuiw
' Tot leby the Agent, H. B. Maeser, Sunbury,
January I, 163.eoi. ' , ,
mi CJS' iio. erevtb. '46,11 j,i, I il
' No. 01 Arch Street, four doors ahovc Second)
Which for sly Id of finish and orimanlijp cannr I e thrr !. Wholesale and Retail' '
tit the lowest iriccs. A I so T RANsl'AUENT WINDOW SHADES -AND REED BLIWD ., AT MANt"FACTI.'HErtS' PltlCKS. . .. . .
tri? MERCHANTS and iithem are Invited to call and examine; " ' '!
l'hiladelphla, August 81, 1S52. ly. J 1 , : .,
Th Commdtittertbh of
Fcnnsyleaithi, Nor
thumberland to SS.
In the Court of Cum
mnn Fl-ns ol Norih
nmbeilaiiil county of
April T. 1853
Tho rorntnnnwenllh of Pennsylvania lo
Georgo E. Gehrig, Ailministiator of George
Yonkin, lute of Chilisqiinipin township,
ilecM , ami Elizabeth Yonkin, widow-,' mid to
ihfl heirs tinil legal rpprpsentntives of the
snid Georiru Yonkin, dee.'d., viz : Wm. Yon
kin, of Michigan, Christian, intermarried
with Cook Claytcn. of Jcrse.yville county, Il
linois, George Yonkin, of Lycominu county,
Pensvlvaiiia, nnil Peter Yonkin, (who is now
ilee'if. leavinff issue threo children, F.lin-
beth, Peter and George,) nntl lo till tlin heirs
legal repioseulntives ot ino sain oeorgo
Yondiii, deceased.
Yon and each of vol: nre hereby notified
lo be ninl appear in our said Court nt Sunbu
ry, on Monday, the 4lh day of April, A. D ,
1853. lo allow if anything J on have or
know lo say w hy you should not be made
pirties to a CL'ilain judgment, lately in our
County Comt of Common Pleas before our
judges nt Sunbury, to w it : in Ihe Term of
August, A. D., 1352, by the consideration of
the said Comt recovered an.iinst George E.
Jehri'', Administrator as aforesaid of Gearge
Yonkin, dee'd., rifty-lhreo 50 100 dollais,
lawful money, which lo David llohlen nod
Marv Ann his wife in our said Cnint were
adjudged for their damages which they sus
tained as well by occasion of lh non-per-foimance
of n certain promise and assump
tion by the suid George Yonkin in his life
time to the said David Holden and Mary
Ann his wife nt said Comity made, as for
his costs and charges bv them about their
suit in that behalf expended, and why the
said D.ivid Hidden and Mary Ami his wife
should not have e.eenlinti against the bonds
of the said George Yonkin, deceased, for the
debt and damages aforesaid.
Witness the Hon. Alexander Jordan, Fie-
sidenl of our said Court at Sunbury, litis 1st
lay ol February, A. D., 1853.
Sheriff's Offie )
Sunbury. Feb. 1, 18S3. J 4
Jhe Commonircalth of f In U.b Court ot Com-
(humbrrltincl co SS. umheiland counly of
April T. 1853.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvnnin, to
George E. Gehrip, Adniinistiator of Geoifje
Yonkin, laiu ot CliilisqiloqiiB lovvnsnip, ne-
ceuscil, anil to nil tne netrs ana n-cui iepre
sentatives of the said George Yonkin of said
Comity, deceased, viz : Mary Ann intermar
ried with David llublen, ot uiiiisqnnque
township, IVnnsyWniiia ; Christian intermar
ried with Cook Clayton, of Jerseyvjlle county,
Illinois; Williuni Yonkin, of.Miehignii; George
Yonkin, (who is riniv deceased leaving three
children, F.lizabelh, Peter ami Oeorpe. ) ami
o ull the heirs and K'gal ropresc'iitalivcs ol
said do sensed.
You and onch of yon are hereby notified
lo be and appear in our said Couil at Sunbury
on Monday the 4ih day ol April, A. D., 1853,
lo show if any thing yon nave or Know to
sav who vnn should not be made parties to
a certain judgment, obtained lately in our
County Conns of Common Pleas, before our
Jndfie at Sunhurv, to wit: in the term of
April A. D., 1852, by the consideration oi
the said Comt recovered against Georee h.
Gehiis, Administrator as aforesaid of George j
Yonkin, deceased 510 20 lawiui money
which lo D.ivul IMiiton in our sani t-ouri
... a n.litnlun.l frtr fiis flaimiirrA which he
siistaiiieil as well by occasion of ihn non-per
formance of a certain promise an.l assuinp-
lion bv Ihe said ueorge lonhin in ins me
lime lo the said David Holden al snid. county
made as for his costs and chaises by him
about his suit iu that behalf expended and
why the said David llulden should not have
execution ttgainst the lands of the said Geo.
Yonkin, deceased, lor the debt and damages
Witness the Hon Alexander Jordan rresi-
detit of our rai l Court at Sunbu.iy, this 1st
day of February, A D , 1S53.
Shentl's Ollxe
Sunbiiiy, Feb. 1, 1853. f 4
In the matter of the Estate cf GE0HGE
IIALI, EeceasSrl.
THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Ma
ry Hall, intermarried wilh Ccorsso Zimmerman,
Catharine H.ill widow of Daniel Zimmerman,
tho heirs ol" Peter Hall dec dij and ticorge Ho'y,
Peter Hoey, Samuel lloey, James Hoey, sou of
J-.inics.HovT, dee'd., by hi Guardian Jeremiah
M. 7.iniiueriiian. the Ileus of Pusuimah Hoey,
intermarried with William Conrad and Mary
Hoey wi.loy of A'ichord Houghton dee'd., child
ren of i:iir.abeth Hall, intermarried will! Jobh
Hoey. lineal descendant of George Hull, dee'd.,
an all other persons interested.
Nortlmmbeiland Comity, BS.
You ure hereby cited to be and oj pear before
the Judges of cur Orphans' Court lo be held at
Sunbury, on the first Monday of April next; then
and there to accept or refuse the real estate or
Gcorgo Hull, dee'd., situate iu tho borough of
Sunbury, Northumberland county, to wit I A
certain Lot of Ground bituats as ul'oresasd, front-
ins on Blackberry street, adjoinine; binds of Ja
cob Kable ou the' Kant, Edward Y. Iiri,-,ht on the
wet, by a twenty foot nliey on the north, where
on is erected a story and a half House and a Mi"p,
hich was valued si:d appraised at tho sum ol
Four hundred and Fftv dollars in the whule, lit
pursuance of a writ of Partition and v.duolion
iaxued out of said court, rettjrimMe to January
Term 1S53, or show cai'to why the same should
not be sold scci-rding ta the art ol Assembly in
cases inade and provided. And thcrrforc fail not.
L'ettilied from tbe reconts of oui caul I otnt at
Sunbury this ltitli day of Junu uy A. D. U5j.
V. UUU I'LKSblJ I'cp.
Clk. Ot Ci
February ti, lS5l
Flour and 1'eed Slope
FTSlIE subscriber, respectfully informs his
A friends and the public generally, thut he luis
npcneJ a
in Fawn street, In the building formerly occupied
by Eaq. Bower, as his office, where he will con
stantly keep oil haiid all kind of Ghai. Fi.ocr
no Fiau, at the lowest market prices, for Cash
or produce. v
' Sunbury, VarcU S, Ib53. 8m
E.tata of MARY MARSH, dee'd.'
14TOTlCE is hereby given that letters toatanien
11 ury an the stat of M ary Marsli, dee'd., Ute
of Sbamokia township. Nor ihumberlund county,
hv been gTauled hy the Register of d county,
ta tli underigiie4. , 'I'hervlore all pessoii in
Vbted ta suj (Male will diacharg Ui aaaae,
and Ihoaa bating demaud will pruaenl tacin U
Cbamoltln Town-hlp, Mrtl5, IJ-et.
rnVK m,mrt,xn offer I,. C-rsrar MrkenRTs, Tmrltl
rtk..M fCIIUOl, HOOKS mud STATIONARY to b..
fonnrt in the Chy, which ihr- mn M. to sTw at Sis!
Will Bud sit tha Uulhjr !llin,.l H...I.S, 'Hlli sixl Wrap.'
ping I nwr, Curliiln iWrs, UlMlinir pnpara, and allunli.
favT,wl,"rS. U.MA U,K'k, rr,"i ' !,t c- sh
PcIvkHs, , are ivvilr.1 lo cull nii examine oai nock. W
have Imd e:.i,nltil,lo rxneth-nt iu si,pniyin School Pis.
2T'!"d,. "t ruWil,l'"" of anunilwr ut rxlawiTfly
used fuii-ioiiiuok., our lacilitira for gutting such stuck aia
Ainonrrt out Wlilientln n-itl t r- hiid th followinf I
Ckimly's Siiclling H.ik, rt-riiVd Million t
" l'nincri Yoim)r Orator j
Oominere's Horveylns-, Ihe sirmttM tttatlts oh Hill Sol
rnc! HoniiyenMlr'a Mrhitlinitlili ;'ii IJiivcntmri'i lliry of H,e Lfniird Suits, nswl
in the lii hlic Hehnnls nf NVvr Y.-rk and I'hiladalphla I
r.nmmere'a Pn-grrwivt- Spelling Bm-k i
r-'Siily'sCimniiiiori Ijiiiii f Jir-I ir.imry t
lh U.iok ol'Ciiliinicic, c. r.. kr
, '""h I-'minh Ekrcel, Philadelphia;
Fcbranry SO, 1.5J, 3m.
Il9oIiitlou of fnHncrsbtp.
rpiIE Copattnershlp heretofore Mistino un.W
I. the name of James H. & Win. B. Hart, is
this day dissolved by the withdrawcl of William
R. Hart. The buaincss of the late firm will be
settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 229,
North 3d street.
Philadelphia, Jnn: I, 1853;
The undersigned, have this jhy formed aciiJ
partnership and will continue Ihe business under
the name of James II. & Thomas Hart Thank-i
ful for past tavors. they respectfully ask the at
tention of their friends and the public to their
stock of GROCERIES, which will be full am)
exlcnsivo, and which they will sell at the lowest
market rutcs;
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 18S3
4th and Arch Street)
ARB now receiving for spring sales
A Fihb Stock of Jry Goods,
Black and Colored Silkst
Fashionable Shawls,
New dcaigns of Dress Goods,
British, French and India Goods,
Linen Damank and Furnishing Goods,
A Full stock of American Cotton and Wooleii
IV. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scare!
and desirable Dry Goods at low raicxsrea
February lle'iS. 3ui.
Wholesale Alanvfaituiers and Dealert in
Confectionary of all kindsj
Ko. 113 Norih Third St. below Race,
rjlHE attention of Dealers is requested to aii
A examination of their stock, which will b
found to lie at miT equal to any in this city.
FOREIGN FRUITS of all kinds in season.
N. B. Older by moil or otherwise promptly at
tended to.
February 5, IS.r3. Cm;
Depot and Mantifactnry
G. L. 1ILLEPL & CO.j
S. Jl . coi urr Arch Old Second Streets
sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, ViKiictte.Oil and Dry Landscapes;
are to be had at the lowest price for quality of
work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and
other Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants slid ethers are iuvitvd to rjive us
Brasses, Trimming, &c, ahvuvs on hand.
Remember t'. W. comer SECOX1) anil
ARCH Streets, Philadelphia.
February 12, 1853. Urn.
1,000 3Icli Wanted.
tH the li-fc of the PrsgCEHANNA RAIL'
ROAD belween BriJcreport (opposito Har
risburfc) and Sunbury, iu the State of Pennsylva
nia. 'Phis road ia fifty four miles in lengih' run
through a Ili-Klv improved country, and Will emplov ment for stone mnsons, carpenteil
nod laborer- for the next twelve months; A
largo porliort of the line Is heavy rock cxcdratlori,
laborers that are fnmiltnr wilt therefore find cer
tain employment and liberal wage.
. Contractor.
Tebruary 19, if 53
TOTICE is. hereby eiwn that letters of Ad
' ministration on the etate of George Ilanpl,
sen., late of Lower Augusta township, Northum
berland county, dee'd, have been granted by the
Register of said coutity to the undersigned.
Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will
discharge the aame, and those having; demand
will preseut them to
fSiinbiiry, Feb. 26, 1S33. 6t.
Kosendale Ilydrnnlic Ceinent
A N circllent article for lining Cisterns, YaultSj
SpriiiQ hotiws and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and espowd walls.
For sale by
N. E. Comer of Front and Willow street
Railroad. '
Philadelphia, Feb. iS, i65l ly. .
Laliorers Wanted.
ffllE suliscribers want immediately on" th
A Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union
county, seven miles below Solinsgrove, from .
80 TO 100 LABORERS, :
to wham one dollar per day will pe paid.
Chapman, Union County, Fofc. 19.1853.- tf.
An Apprentice Wanted.
' The subscriber wants an apprentice to learn
the buaincss of a Blacksmith. A 607 IT or 19 .
years olj, of good moral character, would fiud
good sttinvthih hy applying soon at tha old standi
of Oe-ua Ziuiiusrmau. .
Sunbury, Feb. IS. I53. - . ... .
TN"K IJiiiireauV celehfnted Ink, and also Con
gre luk fo aalo, whot.'salr end n-Uil bv .4
ieremti H. 1S.VI. ii U .MAfR,