SUNimitY AMKlUCAN ATS'D S1IAM0K1N JOURNAL. THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. Answer to Ii weeks puazle-Jamea William Washini ton i subscriber of lh Americ n: Answer lo Inst week. Lnigroa Central YViiiftekt Scott. Tor the Suiibury Americas. G toon A I'll H.'AL I-.MGM.I TO VOl'NO iTCDrSTS IN CKCUAAr'H Y. I am composed of 14 letters My MHIllji Ii.u-ii in H.rth Amrrira. My -r It 1(1 W 11 iaa town in Hiirof. My 3 t:l .9 is whit every nun must do. My 4 3 14 13 13 in a t" m in Die Initial Suites. My 5 13 111 It ia a county In Oei rgia. My 8 1 7 13 is a Viilcmm. My 1 9 0 7 ia a town in Africi. My 9 7 ia a river in K.urope. My 0 11 13 3 iaa county in Illinois. My 10 4 n 0 7 is a county in Georgia. My 11 9 13 iaa town in Asin. My III 0 7 1,1 ian river in Aain. My 13 13 II 7 13 iaa tm-n m Kumpe. My 14 13 111 ia a l-ake in Ni.nli America. My whole ia a dialinguialird SUltcaiiiail. Anawer next week. u n March S, IMS. B u- THE ROAD TO HEALTH ! HOLLO WAY'S TILLS. CURE OF A DIPORDFRT1D MVKR AND B iD DIUKSTION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. IF. Ktrlus, Chemist) 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool datid 6th June, 1851. T Profrwr Hoii.owat, Fir. Your Piils imd i.intirw.t hive rtnod the highest on our ntb lilt of 1'r iprirtry Medicinca for niie vein. A cuifoiii"(, to whinn I con refer for tiny ciitjniries, desires n.'' to let you know the pnrtieulnr nf ht?r vnt. Hie hart been troubled foi yean with a dievrdeicd liver tntd Imd diL'eiti n. On the litrt necmnnn, however, the virulence if the attic k vvim tvi olMnninr, and the iimnminnti'ti ut in an Merelv, ttouks were enlcrinind if her mt beinfj able to be:o up under it : fortunately she was induced to try your I ins, ami she luiorni. me that niter trie nral, ami etiril auTPO'Iiim IT", aiit: linn Einil -nri. rur u"iiiimini i u.k iin in. ami nil I,, urn aim mi-.i tmir ibrcc 1!"xi f. abe 1. now ill the enj ivnient m" pprt'ert brulth. I ci'i.lil buve I sent you mmiy rits-'S, bi't the waive Iti in the CF.VKF1TT or thr attack, ami the .pekhv cure, I think, apelike much in favor ol vour itstoiiuhiiiir l'illa. (Snnitil) It. V. Kir.KL'P. ax ex t r a on pi a n v nrnr. of iiiiiamatic KliVKH, I.N VAN DIKAIKN'S UMJ. Copy of a Letter inserted in Uie llubart Town Courier, of the st March, 1851, by Major J. Watch. Mare:)fct M'Ciimian. iiinete-n yeirt of wre. refilling n New Town, had been uttering frt'lH a vi 'It-nt rlitnnwiic fever for upwards of two montim, i hich had entirely d prived her uf the use ol Iter limbs ; during this p'ri'nJ sins was under the aire of he moot eminent inedical men in iloturt Town, mtd by them her ease wus contidt-red liopo lens. A (rieml prevailed upon tirr lo try Jl-ll v ccle briUfd 1'ilU. wh ith Ktie runntMit'-d tn d;, nnd in an incredi ble short space ol time they trfected a perfect cure. Cl'KIS OF A VAIN AI TKiHTXKSrt IS Till-; CIJtST AND fsTOMACil OV A I'EilSON M YEAKW OF A(iE. From Mcm Thew tf Son, Ptoprictors of the Lynn Advertiser, who can vouch for the following statement. August 2m, 1851, To Fiofessnr Hollo wav. Sir, 1 desire to bejir tcotim?ny t-j tliC gond efTt-cts of Holiowoy's Fills. For some yenrs I suflered sevciely frmn a ptitu and tightness in thestoinnoh which wtis nlo occntn pamed by it shortness of brent li Unit prevented me from walking abut. 1 um H yetirs ot iige.tind rotwithrtiinding my anv-iuced state of life, these Pu s Imvc n teiieved me, that I nut desirous tnat others should lc nmde ni'ipunnted wnh Iheir virtues. I uni now rendered, by their me.-ms, CLimptirutively active, nnd c;m tke exercise without tucoii veiilenee or poin. wlncb 1 could not do before. (digued) IIKNRV COR, North street, Lynn, Norfolk, These celebrated Pills are wonderfully effica cious in the following complaints. Ague Dropsy A st hma DyscutJiry liihou Complaints Krysipelus lil'ifi-hes oh Urn Feiunte Irregu- Skin lurities Howel Complaints Fevers of all Inflammation Jnu'idice Liver Com- pltiiuts I.uinbrigo Files HlK-uinntiMn Hctcniioii of Friue corfu!n. or King's I A'il Second!, rv t'olics kinds ConHtipriiinn of Fits the Bowels (iout Consumptiou Hcad-neha Debility Indigestion Sire Throats Stone und Grovel Tic Dniiloiircii 'I'liuinnrs Symptoms Fleers Vetierefll Affections YV'urtnsof ail kinds Weakness, fromwhuiever cause &C., Ac. Sold ot the KstaWishment of Frofessor IIollowav, 211, Strain), (near Temple Itur. lmrlon.) and liy ull respeetnble Druggists nnd Dealers in Medicines throughout the Jinlihh Empire, A th-weof the Fnitcd Unites, in D"xes at S'e., H7e., and Si 5itr. each. Wholesale by the piiueipnl Drug bouses in the Union, and byiMeers. AD. Stands, Ne" Yoik, Wm There is a eonsiderablo saving by taking tlie larger sizes N. I). Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are infixed to each Uot. October 'A lno-2,ly. FOURTH AKIUVAL OF AT THE NEW STOItE OF I. AV. TENEll & CO., ("S early opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. invite the particular attention of our y y friends and the public to our Fuunni supply of goods j list received, aduptcd to the w inter sear n. We have now a much larger asuortmcnt in fcvery department than at any time since we opened in tpril lust; all of which we ure deter mined to sell at the same low prices which have hitherto secured to us such a generous support fro.n a discerning public, and for which we beg to i rturn our best thanks. Our slock consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, (lui'cisswnrc, GKOCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Doubled Barrelled Guns, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cups, Looking Glasses, Wall Paper for Room nnd Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts und Candy, Salt, .Mackerel, Plain and Fancy Hams and Khoulders, Nails, Window Glass, I'uint Stud', Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. B. All kinds of country produce tuken in exchonge at the highest market prices. I. W. TUNER & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1S52 ly.c 1,000 Dook Agents Wanted, TO SELL PICTORIAL AND USEFUL WORKS FOR THE YEAR 1853. S 1,000 Dollars a Year. -IITANTED IX EVERY COUNTY OF THE UNITED STATES, acthe and en terprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the best Books publi.-hed jn the country. To men of good uddress, potsessing a small capital of from ijua to 100, such inducements will be oliercd as to cnaMo thcui to make from $3 to $5 day profit. The Books published by us arc ull useful 111 their charucter, extremely popular, and com mend large sales wherever thev are oliered. F or furtror particulars, address, (postage paid,) ROBERT SEARS, Pus.,.,,,,,,, ll William Strcot. W Yo'k-Manh 5, 1853 lm, 40,000 SinN7iLEsT A GOOD lot of 86 inches .hit. pine HhiiiBl for sale at $10 per M. b - , ... J-B.MASSER. Sunhury, Jan l! l5a tf Estate of SAMUEL HUNTER, dee'd " PERSONS who are indebted to the estate of Samuel Hunter, lalo of Upper Aurrusta lownship, Aorthuinherland countv, dee'd., are requested to call on the subscriber, one of the ex ecutors of the said estate, and make settlement on or before the first day of May next j and hi hereby notifies those who neglect this call, that lifter that day he will place the accounts remain ing unpaid m the bands ofe Justice of the Peace, who will be authorized to collect them at one without further notice. VVM. L. DEWART, Ei'tor. Sunhury, Feb. 26, 1853 (it. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GEK, fresh aujiply just received, and for U. ii. MASWER. Sunhury, Jan. 10, 1852. "A Penny saved ia a Penny Eancd." MAHPLE S BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Pottsvillt, Ta. BLANK Hooka bound and ruled In any and everv style, in the moat durable STid sun. .lant.'ul manlier, tvilh or without printed Heads. Person in want of Ledgers, Dockets, Day DiK.ka, Minute Hooka, journala, letter r,00,k' , Ulnliera, Receipt Books, Coal Ledgers, " i or any kind of Blank Books, would do well lo give me rail aa I pledge myself to give satisfac lion. Psprr ruled to any pattern desired. Pur ticular attention paid to binding all kind of old Rooks, Bibles, Hymn Hooka, (ilcaaon'a l'ictorial, SShret Muaic, fhakaprnre'a works, Life of (Jliriat, Law Uooka, &c, Ac. Godey's I.ady Books, Graham's Magazine, Snrtain's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Joscphus a works, Anv of tl.e above or other bonka bound in full gilt, plninor (amy to suit tlio wishes of customers. I would again ntll the attention of my fiends and customers, to the fart that I have been a Practical Book Binder fur the last 18 years, and they can depend on having their work done in the very best manner, and do the work myself) I use the liest paper & material ; pleaat frive me a tail my charges are reasonable and fair, but there is no difficulty about prices where work is done satis factorily. IS". B. Persons having Boos they want Bound can send them by stase directed to me statins, the the stvle they wish them bound in: I will do t .1 11 1 them as low as tlicy can l done any wlicre, care- fully park them tip and rotuin thrin ; Also per- sona can send ori'.ers for Blank Bookn by mail. whtL-li will be punctually atU-ndad to. All work done at short notice. R. I,. MARPLE. Proctical Hook Binder. Pottsville, Nov. 0, 1852 Cm. NEW STORE. HEN J A MIX 11EFFN Ell UESPKCFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunhury and vicinity, that he has opened a new More in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He bus just re ceded a handsome assortment of WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Clotli3, Cassimcrs, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO ! C alicoes, Ginglinnt, Lawns, IHoiiMNClInc Dc I.niiica and nil kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Har!vni C. Iron ami Steel, Nails, &c. A Iso an excellent assortment of QUEEUSWAllE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Halt, Fish, ,"' And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. YlT Country produce taken m exchange at the highest pri :es. Sunhury, Slay 1, 1852 ly. A N OT 1 1 E llTC AT E A R R 1 VAL OF CHEAP GOODS. FKILXNtt 5c GRANT. TJESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods that has ever been brought to Sunhury. Their stock consists of every varic'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimercs, Satlincts, Veslingi, Flannels, ll'ullens, c., Ami all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, licrages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wetir. Also mi extensive assortment of Caps for Men and Bovs. Also a large assortment of GKOCEIUCS, srcii as Sugar, Teas, Cofll-e, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MF.DICINKS. Besides the largest and most ieneral assnit ineiil of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. IV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunhury, Nov. 13, 1852. Tremendous ExcnEarNT .' .' Cash, Steam, Electricity!! The Aerial and ull other lines out-done by the Lightning l ine of I1LV T. CLEMENT. "Vl'O, having great faith in rapid sales and small profits, has just received anu opened a large assortment of FALL AIND WINTER GOODS. At his Store in MarSet Street, Sunhury, which he oflera to the public ut the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Uncus, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, lierages. Silk Hats. A large sssortmeut of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Oroccrk'N, Sugar, Tea, Cuflee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, i un salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Vii: Iron and Steel, Kails, Files, Saws, &C. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Suueert, be LIQUORS, ' Wine. Brundr, Gin, Iinin, Whiskey, fce. liT Country produco of ull kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. J Ull. iu, looj. -ly. PllOCL AMATION. "jYOTICE is hereby given ttial a Special Court of Common Pleas, in ami lor the County of Northumberland, lo commence al tho Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday the 23d day of May next, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at Ihe time appointed agreeable to their noii;es. Given under my hand at Sunbury, thf 26lh day of February, in the year of oi r Lord one thousand eiy lit hundred and fifiy-lhree and the Independence of the United Slates of America the 77th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. God sara Ihe Ceminonwcallli. JUST RECEIVE) AT THB " Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. W. STKOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment uf Kilt er, ItrRM and Japanned Mounting, Which lie will either make up to order or sell separately for cash nt prices as low if not lower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, 15 R IDLES, HARNESS, Triniti:, Viiilrc, -carriage Whip), &C, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order, CARRIAGE TRIMMING (lone on the shortest noliee. All persons are invited to call and examine foi hemselvea. Ail kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sttnbury, May 1, 185S. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 SotifA Water Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORERS of Foreign Fruits. Nuts. Wines tic., keep constantly on hand the following article, which they will sell at very low prices lor cash. K.iisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vunilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon S rup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry ' Muscat " Sweet Mulaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1S52 ly. J. C. ODEUTEU b'FEIf , S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sts above Race PHILADELPHIA. INVITES the Ladies of the City and Country to call end examine his splendid Stock oj Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut most care. Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in the business, to take advantage of the wholesale market, is able tn sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con ductor of the extensive business of Mr. J. W, Hurstman, No. S04 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experience will be a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. His Stuc k comprises the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, TsfkcIs nnd Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do, Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, Glocs, Combs, Brushes, Soups, Perfumery, & c. Woollen and Cotton Knitting and Darning Yarn, Porte Monnaics, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1S52 Cm. GREAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KXOIS1), TJESPECTFULLY informs the public gener-'- ally that he has just received and opened he best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county. II is stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sallinetts, Vcstinss. Dril lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter Goods. Also a splendid variety of Ladies Dress and Fancy goods, Calicces, Ginghams, De Laines, Shawls, and every tariccy of Goods suitabli for Ladies irear. Also, an extensive assnrtnx'nt of Sdk, Heaver, Fur if Slouch Hals A large and well selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes of ev ery descrip inn nn( size. Also, a large assortment of Groceries, Such as Sugar, Coffee Teas, Mulasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of Hardware and Queenswure, Fish, Salt and Liquors such ns Gin Brandy, Rum and Whiskey, liesides the largest and most general assortment of all kind of Goods to be had in the countv. All the above mentioned goods will lo sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kindt taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Also, For sale a two horse spring wagon and a buggv. Augrsta tw sp., October 23, 1S52 Cm. TILCP.IITG. JOHX A'. 31AHTIX, BJI'OS leave to inform his friends and the pub lie iu generul, that he is prepared in every respect to make clothing alter the most Fushiouulle Styles, and iu the most durable manner, and his prices will be as reasonable as can be hud in Sunbury or elsewhere, inrush or approved country produce. He will always have tho advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill iu cutting, ho will lie assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums uf fashion in the United Status. An endeavor will lie made alwiys to have work completed when reqniaetl. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Suuburv, nearly opposite the Post Oliice, iu the building formerly occupied by Jaiob Painter as a hatter hnp, where it will be a pleasure to him to sec his friends, and make such work fur them as is within the line of his business. iSunbury August 14, 18.V.J. tf. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JAMES JJ. F 11) LK 11, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Wiilches full jewelled fjilver Lever do Hiker Lepino do " ljuarticr do (Jold pens and pencil and silver hsldcrs filvcr Tea and Table Spoons lJruioli ts, llreast pins Eur rings cVc. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. November 87. 1S32 if. BOOKS! BOOKS!! JUST RECEIVED and for sale a new edition nf PIKES! AHirinil'Tlr' ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Uooks. WM. .McCARTV, Bookseller. Sunbury, Llec. 4, 1852 tf. LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices at this oliice, by wholesale and retail 4 UNOLD'H WIUTLNU FLL1D and Adhe aive and legal envelopes, for sale by II. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan 10, 1852 jXTRACT OK "COKF lJEZAr,exeelleiit article more wholesome and much cheaper than Cofl'io itself. Kor sale at this oliice. April 17 1R.V EXTRACT CK GINCJER. A fresh supply " just feceived and for sale at this oliice Price 23 cents. Sunbury, Ju.'y IS, 1851. AND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at thia oflicsj. Also blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Sunbury, Feb. 14, 185a. tILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, foi sale at very low pricea by II. B. MASSE R. Sunbury, April 13, 1151 (JTTS500 C1LVLLEXGE. T HATEVKR emccms the hUh and hnppine of U people is at all times of the most valuulHo iinprt- nte. 1 take it fr srunted that every irm will do sll tit their power, n mvt the lives rf their children, and that every person will endeavor to pToin-de their own health at sll sncrifire. 1 feel it to be my duty to solemnly assure yin that WOHMt. nccnrdimr lo the (minion of the most oeictirnted Physicians, are the prittmry causes of a lwrt;e nuiji rnyoi disease to wincti elniiireii nun adult are lia ble :if vni have an nnnetito roniiiiu.ttlv chniiirenble frmn one Wind of fond to another, Had Ureatfi, Tain in the Sto. nwn, 1'icKtnp at me .lose, jinnlneM runt I ulliiessni me Iteliy. Dry Coinrh.Witw Fever, TulselrreiriilHr remember that all these drimte YOKMr4, and you shontdst once ap ply the remedy : HOBENSACK S WORM SYRUP. An artitde founded upon IVieiit ifie Principles, eomponnri1 ed with purely vegetable snlstanees, beinfr perfectly safe when .nkrn, nnd can te riven to the most tender infant with decided l-eiu-neml effect, where U tvel Complaints nnd Diarrhtra have made tln-m weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Hymp are such, that it stands wilh'Uilnn equal in the catalogue if medicines, in g vmff tne and strength to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible remedy for those nfllirted with Dyspepsia, ths nstonishitiff cures performed by this Pyrnp alter Physi cian have failed, is the best evidence of' its superior effi cacy ovei all others. THE TAPE WORM! This Is the most difficult Worm to destrov "f all thnl In fest the luitrnm system, it grows to an almost Indefinite lent' tli becoming coiled and fastened iu the Intestines and St wiach tfleeting the health so sadly ns to cause tt. v i iin iJiiiK-c-, r of . n v.. mm i ihiw mini iri n.. suspect it is Tape Worm hastening them to nn early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore he proper to take 6 lo? of my Liver Pills sons tn remove nil obstruc tions, that the Worm SvTtinnmv act direct upon Ihe Wonn winch must lie titkeii in doses of a Tnblespoonfulls 3 limes n Hay these di recti hb followed have never been known to fail iu curing the must obstinate case of Iupe i orm. fC5- HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. Ni pnrt of the system Is more liable tn disease than the Ll hit, it serving ns a hiterer to purity ttie woim, or piv mtr the nroner secretion to the bile : so any wronir ac tion of the Liver effects the other imnortnut iirts"f the system, and results vuriuslv, in Liver Complaint. Jnnn dice. Dyspepsia, &r. We sfiould. therefore, wan h every svuipU-in th;tt mnrht mdiciile a wroce net ion o the Liver. Tiies-j Pills being c unp- scd of IIOUTS iV PLANTS fur niched by nature to heal the sick : Namely, 1st. An KX PECTO'UANT, which aupments the secretion from Ihe Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the ilischarpe of secreted matter. 2nd, An ALTERATIVE, which clian?' s in s nne inexplicable ami insensible nrinner the eeitnin m-.rbid nction cif lite syslem. Urd, A TONIC whieh sives tone mid s!re.ngti tn the nervous system, re ne win" health nnd vitr-'r to nil parts of the lnwly. 4lh, A CATHARTIC, whi.'h nets in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and opera) ingon the Bowels, and expcl limr the wh de inass of corrupt nnd vitiated matter, nntl pu rifving tint 111-mkI, which destroys disease and restores henUh. TO FEMALES. Vou will find tliese PiMs nn inva'ntiMe mel-eme in mrtnv c nnnlriiuts to which yon are subject. In obstruction ci ther total oi partial, they hive been found of inortimable benefit, restoring their funetiounl irrangemeiits to a heal thy action, purilyinit the bl "wl and other fluids so efl'eetil ally to put to tlitjiit till complaints whieh may arise from female irregularities, ns headache, giddiness, dimness of tight, pain in the side, luiek, ft v. 7 Price, 25 cents each. None genuine unless signed J, X. Ilobcnsack, all others liein? bar-e Imitation. Asents wishing new supplies, nnd Store Keepers desirous of bceomintT Auenis inust address the Proprietor, i. N. II bensnek, Pbiladvlpbia. Pa. Slil by J. W. rrilinv. Sunbury: Mary MeCav, Xor thuiulKTlaud; llcisel, Tuibntville; Raer. Milton ; Ditty K l.cnker, fieorirrlown ; Leiscnring V Wolverlon, Paxi nos; Wicst. Hickory; all dealers iu Medicine in the County and Suite. August It, ly. Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., OI'Aoi't!icil)ktillitn1 AT P?.I7ATS SALE. PCMIE snbseribfr. Executors of Ihe Elule -- of Ephraitn P. Shannon, lute ol I lie liur ongh of Northumberland, oder at piivnlesule, Ihe following valuable Real;, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen nnd "-oni Street, on which is elected tl twosloiy rfiicli Building, fornirily occupied by Ihe deceased as a Store nnd Dwelling, ntul now occupied ns such. Theie ure also on the lol to fiurne dwellings. &e. Lot No. 52, situated iu ALtiket Street, on w hich is erected a I wo story white Fin mo Dwellinr, &c., ndjoiniiig John Tagguit, Esq., occupied by C't.a. Knous. L'ls Nos. C9, 70, 7 1 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a two slnry whilt) Fianie lhvel lini;, ocenpiecl by James Donly, and u stable is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. Thu undivided half of Lol No. 100, situate on the comer of Duke imd 4 ill Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph MrCullisler. Lot No. INS, situate in Queen Street cm which ia erected a two story while Frame Buildiiii;, occupied by John Biirkcrt Lot No. (iO, situate nt North way ami Wa ter Stieets, on whieh nre erecletl Iwo Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow V'andlinu ant! John Vaudling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 1(56, on which is erected a twnstoiy Frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John De.-hay, on the East side of the Susquehanna, abmit three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, sitt: ated on ihe comer of Second ami Oianuu streets, numbered in tho general plan of Bor ough. Nos. 215 &. 216. Also four vacant lots on ThirJ and Oianje Streets, numbered in the penernl plan ot said Borough, Nor. 209, 210, 211 & 212. A!;-n four vacant lots fronting on Market nnd Sixth Streets, running East to nn Alley, numbered in Ihe general plan of said Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots Ironting on Orange Slreet, and numbered in lh cenernl plan of saiil Borough, Nos. 185, 1S6, 187 & 188. Tho abovu property will bo sold in parts or parcels lo suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further panienlars apply to John Cake, Esq., at Norlhumbeiland, or to ihe subscribers. ALFUED KNF.ASS. ) THOMAS ST11AWBR1D0E, ( Ex' rs. Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf Fresh and Spiced Oysters ! WAVING settled at Northtimberlatid, I am now prepared lo furnish Fresh and spi ced Oysters during the whole season at te dueed prices. Vou can depend upon them being fresh, ns 1 shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted) ami when landed here, they are only 16 hours out of Ihe shell. All persons at a distance, w ho are in want of the above article, can have them sent per dozen or sinule ran by addressing W. II. VICKE11V, at Burt'a Hotel. Northumberland. Oct. 16, 1R52. 1JLANKS. ? of every description ci TJ JLAXKS of every description can lie had by U W api applying at the office of the American. EE BILLS. Justices and CuiurtaMra Fee Bills handsomely printed on can? naiier for ale at this oliice. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MAS.SFK. Sunbury. Jan. S7th. 1843 7" NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual pric by J W. F7i!ILLNU, Munbury, July 7. 1849' LATENT BRITTAN1A STOPPERS for oar ooiucs lor sum uy ii. 11 JWAssEK. Sunhury, April, 18, 1851 GOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sala by II. D. MASSER. Sunhury, Pec. 87, 1851. BLANK Parchment Paper Deed, anil blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, cVc., for sale by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury .April 26, 1851. 'K'lRESII Vanilla Bean of a superior quality, just received and for sale by July 81, 1I5J II. 0. MASSER. SOWKIl $ DA1IXES, Publishers nnd llookscllcrs, Ko. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. IlitllpS. Prnvrtfa. ITvmn. P.uillra.l n,.tt 11 i.lni.l VVnrV.. Travels, Norela, Ac.' SCHOOL BOOKS livery kind in n from a primer iiiwan1s. BLANK BOOKS. An elrimiit naa'irtinmt frctn tttn naaa book UDWarda. made ut superior imprr, hnJ beat isT tmaling. WRITING PAPERS. Cap. Post, and Note Popera. elt eant styles and nuality. and very clieiip. MAlIO.'NKia. Fnitry, rinlll and Ailhraivc Knvelonca, Ink, Pond, Wa fers, Jtotl IVna, hltiti-a, l'ciirila, INirte-Monuins, Vrap- ping raperaol ull kuiUs, Uiirtinii rupcra, &c., Ac. fur stock is nil fresh, tonight cheap nnd sold accordingly. lanieinar attention itnm to tiookseiiers, fjoiintry nvcr chnuts ami Teochcrs. however little they may buy. Sower V Ilarnea are Publishers of HKII'ON'P series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Each map is nearly SKVEN KKKT StJl'AKE. nnd shows the comparative size and relative ivsiii n of every country on the globe. They are inteiideti to be suspended m every School Uoom, and 'trnt only nnke ft splendid np- fenrnnre, but lire univers.illv neUnowhdved to fie the IEST MODE OF TEACHING OKOGIt API1 Y ever brought out. They are kejs intended to le usetl by the scholars, coiitniniinr ft c mplete epitome of Geogrnphy, ard costing li ss than half the price of a Geography and Atlas. The system is in universal use in Prussia and Germany, nnd tins already been iutnMlueed in Girurd Colieire, Philn delphin, the public schools of Host at, New York, Phila delphia, Dnllimore, Washington, and thrmifehout New England, New York, Ac, tc. Our desks nre loaded with reeomrm ndations from the most talented nnd scien tific teachers in every quarter, nnd wherever the syslem his I een used parents, teachers nnd sch jbra unite iu prais ing it. I. Mip f the estern Hemisphere, tf. Map of ihe Eastern Hemisphere, i). Map of North America. 1. Map of the I'nited Slates. 6. Map of Europ-. 0. Map of Asia. 7. Map of South A mericn mid Africa. Every map is brilliantly colored, vuritifhcd, and mount ed on muslin and roller. We resiieetftillv invite the earnest attention of Teachers, Parents, and School Directors to this fuseitntiinff mode of tuaclimg Ueogruphy. r'OWl'.R iV MaRM.S. NortU Third Street, Philadel-.liiii. Aug. 2, 1P."tl. if. Clieiin AVatehes & Je.wclrv. itTTiini r.-u t ,.. ... , t... :i .u ,.ni.:i...ii ! n. 1 1 I. l. nun iwtiin, ui , lit; i niunivi- , , i r,a I'lllil .1 nun Hlio JVVUV eiuic, North Second Street, comer of Quarrv, Philadel- i phi,.. . Cold l,evrr Wuieliea. full jewe'nl. IN curat rites, f-.(Ki i Silver do. lull jeweled, ?!!. Silver lupine, jewel, IU do do ilo. fv Snpeiior fjunrlieis, 7 Imitation ffo. ,ri Gold Spectacles, : l.'"1!! ; r me Siiver ilo. Gold llraeelcrs. I adies Gold Pencils, Silver Tea spotais, set, SlHI l.iai ' 5.1:0 , Uold 1'iai, Willi Pencil and Silver HolJer, l,"0 (iold Finger Rings, 87 J cents to $80; Watch Glasses, plain. 12 J cents; Patent, ISj ; Ltinet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what thev are sold for. STALK FEU cc HARLEV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some (iold und Silver Levers and Lepiiics, still lower than the above prices. August "S, 1852. ly. Van Loiin Dr guerre a n ( 5 a I ! e r v, 159 Chestnut Street, VT ttiia rele'irati-d esUtilislilneul y.m c:ui nlwuya prn cure llie newest nnd moat iisprove:! an le. of uaoi r.i:iu:o rvi'F. & tai.hotvi'i: ronTii.rrs nt from .VI to 100 per ct. lkss cost tlcin aurh pictiuea can be tuid for elsewhere. Now ttutt y ul enu aeeuie aaeh petfeet portraits of your l ived ones ut a incru litnuinu! oaI, d ui'l dcluy -left you lose llieni. Kverv vmielv of fuiu-v cnaea, frnmes, Ac nu hnnd or ftirniaheit t" order, tuiil every picture nuule iiia;ory inul I wairnnled to Ite iu the Ileal style of the uit .r No cmahgk Cull und see us lit lot) I'lnsiiiut St. L. II. PVRNKLI. I Pliihddtpliin July 17, 12. ly. Vtioloa3e nnd fCclail Cluck ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Stcoml and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. 1 TSrilERE may be found, one of the largest ; ' and best assortments of Clocks and Time j pieces in the I 'nited States, in quantities to suit ! purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou- i pand Clocks: embracing every variety of style j and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Hulls, Counting Houses, Purlins, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Cunal Bouts, and Ruil 1 Road Cars. I Also general solo Agent, for Rapp's lately pat- j cntcd Scwiitilic. Niche (iold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those i wishing to purchaso will dud it to their interest to cull In lore put chasing elsewhere. JA.MES BARBER. 8. E. Cor. dies luut cV 2nd Sts., Phila. April 10, lt-52 ly' 60AP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St , between 2d le 'id Sts., and No. 17 North 6th Street, PlIll.ADKI.I'lllA. John Dancrol't Jr. and Hon, n ESPEC'J'FL'LLV inform Stfirc-kecjicrs, Mer. chants, &c, that they .Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, While, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Soups, Mould and Dipped Caudles, all of good ipinliiy und at reasonable prices. 1 V Cash paid for Tallow und rough Fat. April 10 lboi ly. JOHN i. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkkican Marblk. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all work iu his line will he made up of the very best material and finished iu the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those iu want of such articles well made and executed in the best style oud at the lowest rules, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15. 1852 ly. Win. McCarthy, TJookseller. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has removed his Book Store, to Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite Ihe Court House, on tho north side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a gooj assortment of books and stationary. For Sale A large new spring waggon fit for 8, 3 or 4 horses. Sunhury, July 24, 1852. tf. "itBATIIER. Fritz, Williams 5j Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., PHILADELPHIA. MOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import ers. Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail, X'V Manufactory 15 Margaretta Slreet. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. WTHTILEY'S COUGW GMNDY. n excel- y lent remedy for coughs, colds. For aale atjthis office. December 4, 1852 IOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, - Cattle Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Essence ot Ginger.25 ceuls WRITING FLUID and self sealing Enve loies, just received and for sale by April 19, 1851 II. B. MASSER. STLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption B W law oi a) juo, tor aaie tiy April 86, 1851 H. B. MASSER. JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For sale by II. B MASSER. Sunbury, 1861 '2P HANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CITT OS KHILADELrulA MAf?ACAlfii:TTS. All solvent Imnka tlie IMIOIIK ISLAND. All slrrnt Imnka dis CONNECTICUT. All solvent Innks J dis ,NLV YOKK. riTT. V. Ilnnk notes l.i iba All solvent Imnka ial cnwalTav. Hank of DinnilHT.Iiurg 1 di hank ofChesler Co. pari Hank of Pel. Co. C:lirter r Manknl IjerinanUiwil Hank of Gvilysliura: Hank of lr'isinwii nnri All solvent hunks I 1 dis'tT'l'lf iKtes under S5 j tin rorNTsr, Hank nf Middtalnwn 1 Ji. All S ilVfliU ImnWa 1 dll MoiilgiaimryfiiBaiik pari N'liW JKKSK.Y. Hnnk ofNurthunilicri'nd.pnilHflvidfre Hunk I d" Hank of Pitlatmrtf 1 dialt'onimficinl Hunk I dta Hank of Danville par! Far. Hunk Mont H'dlf r"' f'arlial Hunk 1 dis K. 4 Al., Miitdlctnwn l't. at Columliia H'k A Il'ge Co pnrMwImnii s' Ilk, Newark pur I)nyelst"rn Hank pnrl.Meeh. Ilk of Hurliinton r Vatnn Hunk pnrl.MiTh. A Alnn. Uk Trent par K.rir Hank 8 dis'Moiria C Hunk 1 dis Kschanee ll'kPittal.ura I diajNewark Hk'g 4 Ins. Co dia Klchnng,! H'k, HraiK-h 1 dia'onuifre Hunk I dia Farmers' H k. HurkaCo nar'l'nmlr's Hk Cnttcraa 'II I dia Farmera' Hk, Irfinraaier par I'rinct-tnn Hunk Farmera' Hk, H.ndmif par Vdein Hunknnr Co, Farm. Hk S lnivlkill Co pur fi incrri-t Co Hunk F D. Hk WnVnpali'K UiHa fliilf Hank at Cainiti n Franklin Hk. Wnsh'u IJdia !lntc Ilk l'.liZjMMnn llnrrialmra; Ilnnk I ilia Stale Hunk Newnik Himradule Hank I dia Stulr Hk. N. HinnaHitk par Irfnieaalcr Hmk i,T,Suaapx linnk. Nrvl'n dis Lrlnnrni Hunk par Trenton llniikina: Co ir Mfreh. A Man. Hnnk 1 dia I'nion linnk. Hover J ilia Mlnera' H k, Pnllanllo nrr VnrihVvv'IrA Di IllrC, I.Vlis Moimngiihela Ilnnk I dia TVHk n t. a nud. r f5 j dia Tayli,rsv ItclK'tCo 15 dia MI'.I.AW.MU:. Weal Hrnuek Hnk pnr Hank of I'elnwnre pnr JVynminir Hk, Wiikeali'c parlllank ol Sinvma par York Ilnnk, 1 ,, lleluwaie I'.iy Ilnnk par tyltelief not... j dis Hk Wilinir'n A Hnmdyw. mi .MAIM. farmery' Itk Si Delaware par Hnnkrtf A'heil,M-k ndia'l'nioti Hunk. Wilmington par Mereanlile Hk. linniror lidis!f7 1'iider .Va ' J dis All solvent Imnka I t'IM ). NEW IIA.MI'PIIini.. All a .Ivent t nnka 5 dis All solvent Kink, dia I V Hk n under S'a I dia VEIIMONT. XOilTII CAI!OLIN. Hank of Si A limns 2 ttiaiAU a tvent Imnka tidia All solvent l,k, j di,l ff" LnderS's, S, dis "AID AND COMIORT," 1 o Your Own ifJcc'Ijanic-. GEOIUJK 1JENN. MANtTACTrrtER OF FURNITURE AXD CHAIRS I Of the most TashionaUe Style. THE auhs'-rilier nwitvt fully calls the nttcittion - , , , . . , . , , ,. , , ol Ihe public to his large and splendid assort . e f. , e cvor-v VmU, "ml I'r,rc vt c.i;i.ivaeu;. which cannot fail to reiommetid itselftocverv one who will eamine it, on neenuut of its durable . i.:.. t ....! i:.ii'.,:.l. ... ..i- ,i. Kliiii . J lllltl ej'n-inuu 11 H1MI, iiiaut- uji mr best stock to be had in the ci'.v. No effort is snared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined lo keep up with the many improvements which nre constantly being made. llis stock consists of .Muho;;any Solas IHtans and I.oimgrcs, Bureaus, Secretaries, Gidetoards, SOFA, BKEAKFAST AM) D1MNG TABLES, and olso VENETIAN BLINDS, c.pial lo Phila- delphin manufacture. BEDsTEAllo, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, ii short, every article in this line of his business. He also nianiit'o'tuies all kinds and qualities of CHAINS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as M .tuon a n t. Buck t a n Ci'iilkii M.irLi: (, ukci ax ; ami Wivnson. CHAIRS, ami 1AM v Piami Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or i lscvt here. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for pci'snns t purcha.-c furniture in the. cilies, as every confidence can be entertained about the ipiality and tini.-li of his ware and C'hnirs. His articles will be disposed of on ns good terms as they can be purchased ebewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavmeiit f ir work. "ti-J L'N DEI! TAKl.Mi. Hain; provided himself with a handsome Hiuiisk, be is now prepared for I'ndertaking, and nttcudiur fniu r nls, in thi. vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. t"' The W are Room is in Mark, I Streei, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. liL'IIROE RLNN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S52 tf. LIBEETY STOVE WORKS, a. ni'invv 'rn i.m."p above Fourth, riiiLADSLPinA. rgMIE undersigned lesjieetfully inform toe puV - he that they are iu full operation at tin ir new foundry, and to execute eiders lor stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their lurge. assortment of STOVES, all of which arc entirely new, and got up at great evjiense. Among which are the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lint! Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases. Bare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, A'c., Ac. ABBOTT ,V LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants arc particularly invited to call und examine our assortment. April 10, 1S52. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED Wth tf Lomhard St , PHILADELPHIA. HTMIE subscriber begs leave respectfully to iu - form I'll l tk it s generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of iniimif.icturing Print ing Inl formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and ufl'cis his article to the trade, without uny Pftrs, hut with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiactcr it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a rail. Tunis Cash. CHARLES ENEL' JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852. if. rut; lrioit imuzg nLuiL An il iv i:i ! HICKE3T & TULL, No. 1LS CAfjjin! St., above Siah, Front oj JONES' HOTEL, r-yjsj AVE just received their Prize TTCVA Medal, aw u riled ro them for n 1 J-XJj their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in Loudon, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was wiiii all the world, and they vte taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found iu this Citv, and ut very low prices Call and see. HICKEY & TI LL, Trunk Manufacturers, H8 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. SUNBURY FERRY. ENRY W. BL'CHEU informs the public that he has tuken the Sunhury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and suffi cient crafts he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtness and despatch. April 10, 1852. tf. Valuable ItuukM, I" IFE or C ii hi st, handsomely bound, D'Ae. J tiBMi's llisroar or rut 1!i huimation, Bi.ask Dai-books ami Ltni. tits, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by II. B. MASSER Suubury, July 14, 1819 OSE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this excellent articlo for Tetter, i c., jual received and for sale by HENRY MASoLK. Sunbury, July 28. 1849. rniSSUE PAPER"-Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, eVc. ,lor sale at the office ol tHa American. A R RIAGE "CETI riC A TES handsomely executed for sale at this office, single or by the down. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the C nblnt Ware llom of SED'X HOUPT & CO Market Square, Also at the t0gtotit Me Railroad Thankful for the patronage of his friend, an customers during Ihe 17 years he ha. fZ to Zf. . --""uinxiy extended his busi. ness in every branch and variety. Th. iif i,,vitcJ ,o ,,,e n vrpS CABIaNKT wake axd chairs, Manufacti rkd by SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, W here in addition to their former stock of th. establishment (hey now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Isirtre Spring Seat Hocking Chairs Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, ' Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und rnthiouablc l urtitttiie. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces- rreTnrrrr,.',',".r'", 'i 'J'" '" 'hT " repared or Lndertaking in all it, branches, in tins v.ctntty or nt any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistress,,, mi ,u,l,n;i ,1W Ilere-s ri.ritre of every ,tje, llie From h,rda do t kilei,ra ,,,, From rwkiug cimjr, , .kiftgcril,nr, Pliould you not huve the r.-ndy Jo,,:, to pay, c II wait whiie f a Lrif-htr l.otler day, Or luke potutoes, oata, corn, wlieat and ry.j Hnrk, hoap p .e., .laves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any tiring- ,ut ,) threshing fluils, From pits and lurkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, erne oneand all, Keep t,,te 0 milvinpi , ,ie WM Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work ,,f all kinds delivered with dispatch. cMinliiirv At.. -..1. n loan ., 1 "V '. u if, ioju. U sTXHiroTFTcK. WASHINGTON' HOUSK, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, "11TOULD resprctfully announce that he has taken Ibis well known stand, where lfls will be gratified to sec and entertain his friends and the travelling public generally. This house now replete will, every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense has brcn spared in fitting up this house. The chambers are well ...,i the table nnd bar provided with the best the market can a.Iord. The stable accommodations arc extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The states running from Northumberland to Potts, il!e. stop at this house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March ill, lei.V3. If. EYrtU & Xi A NDELL, 4.A and Jh ch Street, PHILADELPHIA. tyvE established a Store where the best Jl-'t trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves nnd Mitts, Cloths. Cassimers und Vesting, Muslins nnd Linens by the piece. Damask Table Linens ami Napkins, Patent Black Sill;,, for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. E. cV L. aie constantly receiving Bargains from the New York nnd Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nett Cash. EnwAttn E. Evuk, Wasiiinoton I. Laxdkli., Philadelphia, July 3, 1S52. ly. ECCiTCP. YCTJPwOELP " roi; 2.1 t'K.vrs. njY MEANS (IF THE A POCKET a:SCLLA. Pit's, or Every one his OWll Physician ' Tinn er. k s I X T II edition, with nn i3 wards of u hundred cngra- ings, showing private dis- lsft 111 everv Glitni. no. I Vv !" 'i7 Mi form, and malformatioiis of the generative system. l.v ' VI in. Vuuiisr. "S""- The time has now arri ved, that persons suffering from secret discuses, need no more lieeome the victim of (iuai, as by tho prescriptions contained in this book, any one may cure himself without hindrance lo business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains tho cause of manhood's earlv de dine, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. rf" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or live copies w ill be sent for one dollar. Address, l)n, W. YOUNG, No. 1 5i SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. LC7 Dr. YOUNG can he consulted on any of the Diseases described in his dillerent publica tions, tit his Oliice, 15S Spruoe Street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1B52. ly. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c. V I10Lt:M tI.K AXS IUiT.ill.. rriHE Philadelphia Window Glass Vgre-- house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, v il and Color Stores, Nos. 3:1 nnd 35 .VorfA Fourth Street. East side, has the largest assortment o Window Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and other (iLASS, in the cily ; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest site, up to 38 by 60 inches of Sheet, and as large as 5 by 7 feet of Plato Glass, including English Crown, French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a lurge assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-Lights, Bulk Windows, Ac. The Subscriber having a heavy foil; 011 hand is prepared to fill orders at the sl.i.tirst notice, end 011 the most reasonable terms. Odd sixes of any pattern rut to order. Ground While Lead ; Paint, Varnish, of tr. ery description ; Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, boil ed and raw ; Paint Mills ; Putty ; Brushes Dye Woods, &c, Ac, Ac. And also, a large aupply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGUE. Nos. 33 &. 35 North 4th St., E. Bide. April 10, 1852. ly. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE BALE OP Fish, Provisions, cc., Xo. 9 Xorth Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. April 10. 1852. ly. STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, RaUina, Al monds, P uncs and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just receive.! .nJ iXruU bX . JOHN W.FK1LINO. Sunbury, Dee. 89, 1849. ) ' ..